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Discussion on Christian News Network 12 comments

House Poised to Vote on Sweeping 'LGBT' Bill Expected to Endanger Religious Liberty

Kandy ♥ I hope you dance :)

a year ago

i am jewish messia youtube com/channel/UC-Um-4ftZ-07OcWPnXpTNKQ/discussion and King ISRAEL

lion Judas kingdomFollow


fedele250660 gmail com


Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments

Lebanon PM's Brother: Make Peace With Israel

2 years ago

1. è doppiamente illegale votare durante la campagna elettorale

2. è illegale fare campagna elettorale durante il voto;

3. DEM e Chiese di Satana (agenzie segrete CIA NSA FBI controllano in profondità le istituzioni), quando intercettano una lettera elettorale? gli possono fare qualsiasi cosa, e la possono trasformare in qualsiasi cosa!

4 2

2 years ago

l'ultimo aggiornamento di tutto il sistema operativo pianificato da windows10? a me non è riuscito, è fallito!!

3 2

2 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ INDIA CINA RUSSIA? non hanno armi contro il mio amore per loro ❤

loro non sanno come potrebbero difendersi da me!

3 2

2 years ago

Presidente RIVLIN

IRAN è soltanto il 🗡 pugnale,

ma la mano che lo usa è sempre la UMMA sharia dei wahhabiti:

loro sono i poteri invisibili soprannaturali ed esoterici della Kabbalah islamica

3 2

2 years ago

INDIA + RUSSIA + CINA ] ma India non ha capito che wahhabiti e Deep State sono una unica e comune minaccia mortale

3 2

2 years ago

Trump 2020 Pence ] [ il problema vero non è quello delle schede che sono state contate male...

il problema è che queste elezioni devono essere ripetute per vari errori formali e sostanziali.


3 2

Discussion on United with Israel 26 comments

Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science Ranked 8th in World for Research Quality

2 years ago

BERGOGLIO Pachamama AND HUMAN SACRIFICES] Sacrifices to Pachamama: llama fetuses and ten-year-old children ... www sabinopaciolla com ›sacrifices-to-pachamama-fet ...

22 Oct 2019 - An example are the sacrifices to Pachamama: fetuses of llamas and children of

... such idols were thirsty for blood, animal or human; that men, ...

Pachamama? No thanks. - Article by Silvana De Mari - UnaVox www unavox it ›ArtDiversi› DIV3306_De-Mari_Pach ...

Dec 31 2019 - Human sacrifices were called Capacocha. Type in google the words Pachamama and Capacocha and you will have all the information on the sacrifices ...

The five deceptions of #Pachamama - Catholic Culture

www culturacattolica it ›...› Latest news ›2019

Nov 14, 2019 - The chronicles of recent times have made the term "Pachamama" ... to the cessation of immoral conduct (such as human sacrifice) and ...


www marcotosatti com ›2019/10/30› pachamama-ci-s ...

30 oct 2019 - ... the tradition of pachamama, but it was always considered a pagan rite, porque in the época del incas they made human sacrifices to fill ...

Pope Francis, the gesture during Pachamama's visit ...

www liberoquotidiano it ›news› characters ›papa-fr ...

5 Aug 2020 - According to some sources, in ancient times human sacrifices were also offered to Pachamama, today replaced with the offer of a llama fetus.

Human sacrifices and rituals in the ancient Americas - Peru ...

www peruparadisetravel com ›human-sacrifices

... the mother of us all, the planet earth; in the local language called "Pachamama".

... Many centuries after the Moche and Nazca we find human sacrifices also among ...

Bolivia, blood and sacrificed animals Here is the shock ritual for ... en insideoveR com ›religions›

bolivia-miners-sacrifice ...

10 Feb 2018 - The sacrifices with the blood of the lamas arise from an ancestral belief that the Pachamama needs blood to be ...

Meanwhile, Christians are dying - The Opinion of Freedom

Oct 28, 2019 - Shortly after the Pachamama statues, intact, were found ... corrupted in demonic cults involving human sacrifices, in short they were ...

Pachamama - The Circle of the Moon

www ilcerchiodellaluna it ›central_Gaia_Pachamama

Pachamama or Mama Pacha, is the Earth Goddess of the Andean peoples of South America, ... or to dedicate imposing temples in his honor, but human sacrifices were due to him.

2 2

2 years ago

“Randomly killed by an immigrant because he was a happy Italian” - VIDEO

Rocco, an earthquake victim, lives under a bridge while 90,000 immigrants live in a hotel

grullini and gretini on Prodi: Covid crisis will overwhelm Government and State


Welcomed in Italy organizes massacre of Italians: "Treat migrants badly" - VIDEO

Werner on The rapes of migrants are a sexual jihad

Usa2020, Archbishop Viganò: "Biden's colossal electoral scam"

2 2


2 years ago

to People on Usa 2020: the so-called Satanist full of hatred and poison, a woman worthy of the DEM Deep State for how bad she is "Ivana Trump": she said: "Donald must accept defeat. He has a lot of money: enjoy the life"

but, the tycoon's ex-wife? It does NOT have the surname TRUMP, this Satanists should know!

MAGA is PATRIOT and will defend the Constitution and its people!

DEMs must be indicted for threatening national security!

2 2

2 years ago

USA2020, THOUSANDS OF 'ERRORS' and electoral fraud have already been DISCOVERED: WHICH ARE REVERSING THE VOTE in favor of TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT

USA2020, sono stati SCOPERTI già MIGLIAIA DI ‘ERRORI’ e brogli elettorali: CHE STANNO RIBALTANDO IL VOTO in favore di TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT

https://voxnews info/2020/11/10/usa2020-scoperti-migliaia-di-errori-che-stanno-ribaltando-il-voto-verso-trump/

2 2

2 years ago

to discuss ERDOGAN TERRORISM? on the other side of the screen there were only: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, as well as the President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. Nobody else. Not even that infamous Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte was invited, Rome excluded, tieh!

Italy was therefore left on the sidelines in this round.


they the Bilderberg Rothschild kalergi DEM lgbtq, they cut off Matteo Salvini's legs (to destroy Christianity in Italy and in the EU) through the Islamization of our territory, but we cannot be attacked because anti-Pope FRANCIS is gay friendly, that if Hasn't SALVINi gone to jail like NETANJAHu yet? this is not yet clear why!

2 2

2 years ago


https://voxnews info/2020/11/10/usa2020-scoperti-migliaia-di-errori-che-stanno-ribaltando-il-voto-verso-trump/

2 2

2 years ago

https://www middleeastmonitor com/20201104-trump-the-worst-criminal-in-human-history-says-chomsky/

Erdogan akbar

2 2

2 years ago

Kings Salman Bin sulfuric hell from Riyadh ] [ if the Anglo-American Jews: S.P.A. FED IMF NWO ECB UE and their Wahhabi Satanists were Zionists?

certainly, they would not have organized this coup against Donald Trump, that's why the Israelis have no hope of being able to escape the Holocaust Shoah of the Iranians hajatollah!

3 2


2 years ago

for ERDOGAN HOWEVER insignificant who wins:

because he will still be executed!

2 2

2 years ago

this is Italy that: MAcron technocrats Merkel BCE FED IMF NWO Soros Bilderberg UE Rothschild DEM Pd M5S lgbtq, the antichrist have realized (the antechamber of despair) because they are the monsters demons!

#Monza. Apparently he had already attempted suicide one more time in the past months, perhaps due to loneliness due to the death of his wife. After dousing himself with gasoline on the street, he dropped a lighter and let himself be engulfed in flames. The firefighters and the 118 rescuers intervened on the spot, who could not do anything to save his life.

2 2

Discussion on United with Israel 26 comments

Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science Ranked 8th in World for Research Quality

2 years ago

Allah Erdogan said, which Chomsky NWO Satan said

that Trump is 'the worst criminal in human history,' says Chomsky

2 2

2 years ago

lilit Allah 666 Ankara Armenian Genocide empire ottoman and Washington 666 Satana lgbtq abomination have work to do to maintain their relationship

2 2

2 years ago

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell

Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/

Rosa Percell Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI

Yea Biden probably did. There are more people needing protection in this country than just lgbt. And religion is already in the Comstition. We who are paying attention know Dems care nothing for the Constition!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell

yes, sister, clerical ecclesiastical modernists, relativists, technocrats, neoliberals: they are the demonic-sodomitic society.

DEMs are aware that they have destroyed the concept

of: God, Country and Family,

hence they criminalized the concept of people or populism.

DEMs are aware that they have sold their souls to Satan and Rothschild Allah to realize the New World Order of Wahhabis OCI FED IMF ECB scam banking seigniorage;

they know they belong to the lgbtq Islamic society which is a society of parasitic predation,

they have abandoned the human and live in the monstrous;

therefore DEMs are the master parasites

and the peoples are the goyims slaves Dalit Dhimmis

2 2

2 years ago

from this coup the Saudi Wahhabi DEM Bilderbergs? they will never rise again! @realDonaldTrump

We told you about the 'DOMINION' vote-counting software, which collaborated with the Clinton Foundation and employs former employees of the Clinton foundations. As is known, two days ago, a 'miscalculation' was discovered that had taken away 6,000 votes from Trump in the decisive state of Michigan by moving them to Biden.

They used old people in nursing homes and voted for them:

Good. The same software was used in 29 other states, including the decisive ones on the thread of votes. New 'errors' would have been discovered between yesterday and today:

Currently, the gap between the two in Pennsylvania is lower than the miscalculation that stole votes from Trump. And we are only at the beginning.

USA2020, thousands of 'errors' discovered that are reversing the vote towards Trump

Same thing in Wisconsin:


WATCH: Lindsey Graham says: "We're now finding potentially that 25,000 nursing home residents in different nursing homes requested mail-in ballots at the exact same time ... Somebody is up to no good in these nursing homes"


https://voxnews info/2020/11/10/usa2020-scoperti-migliaia-di-errori-che-stanno-ribaltando-il-voto-verso-trump/

3 2

Discussion on United with Israel 15 comments

WATCH: Israelis Ring the Alarm Over Biden's Iran Policy

2 years ago


The @US_FDA and the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later - As I’ve said all along!

Donald J. Trump


If Joe Biden were President, you wouldn’t have the Vaccine for another four years, nor would the @US_FDA

have ever approved it so quickly. The bureaucracy would have destroyed millions of lives!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

As I have long said, @Pfizer

and the others would only announce a Vaccine after the Election, because they didn’t have the courage to do it before. Likewise, the @US_FDA

should have announced it earlier, not for political purposes, but for saving lives!

Donald J. Trump


. @ FoxNews

, @QuinnipiacPoll

, ABC / WaPo, NBC / WSJ were so inaccurate with their polls on me, that it really is tampering with an Election. They were so far off in their polling, and in their attempt to suppress - that they should be called out for Election Interference ...

Donald J. Trump


... ABC / WaPo had me down 17 points in Wisconsin, the day before the election, and I WON! In Iowa, the polls had us 4 points down, and I won by 8.2%! Fox News and Quinnipiac were wrong on everything ...

Donald J. Trump


... The worst polling ever, and then they’ll be back in four years to do it again. This is much more then voter and campaign finance suppression

Mark R. Levin


1. Phony Joe Biden. Nothing! Joe Biden is truly an ambulance chaser. He had nothing to do with the vaccine that is about to be made available to the public, he had nothing to do with the manufacturing process that is already underway,

2 1

2 years ago

BIDEN SATANA ] [ GOLPE Deep State, election fraud, Jewish Masonic Rockefeller conspiracy

to exterminate all Israelis in the Shoah

Republicans say they sent Whistleblower complaint to DOJ to accuse Detroit election fraud

Election officials count absentee ballots in Milwaukee, Wis., On November 4, 2020.

Gloating neocons proposing ideological genocide hint at what’s really on the menu when Biden ‘builds back better’

https://www theepochtimes com/statistical-anomalies-in-biden-votes-analyses-indicate_3570518.html

2 1

2 years ago

Detected as spam

they only razed and disintegrated 3000 Serbian cemeteries, Serbian churches and monasteries, (now they no longer exist), they changed the names of countries and streets according to Ottoman ideology, with jihadists sent by Erdogan, they attacked and exterminated NATO soldiers, they killed many unarmed Serbian civilians and forced them to flee: carrying out ethnic cleansing (in the style of the UMMA) and were also rewarded with secession from SERBIA !!! On Monday he told the judge, "Your Honor, the indictment is completely baseless and I plead not guilty."

Thaci was the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a group of ethnically Albanian guerrillas, who fought Serbian control and tried to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia and Serbia.

The politician was accused along with three other former KLA members - former leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veseli, Opposition Party member Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

The four men are indicted on 10 counts and are accused of having "shared the common purpose of obtaining and exercising control over all of Kosovo by means including illegitimately intimidating, mistreating, committing violence against, and removing those deemed opponents. "

The prosecution also alleges that the men were jointly involved in "inhuman acts", including "cruel treatment, torture, murder and forced disappearance of people".

Krasniqi, 69, arrested last week, also denied the allegations during his first appearance in The Hague on Monday, calling them "injustices".

hanno soltanto raso al suole e disintegrato 3000 cimiteri serbi, chiese e monasteri serbi, (ora non esistono più) hanno cambiato i nomi di paesi e strade secondo la ideologia ottomana, con jihadisti mandati da Erdogan hanno assalito e sterminato i soldati della NATO, hanno ucciso molti civili serbi disarmati e li hanno costretti alla fuga: realizzando una pulizia etnica (secondo lo stile della UMMA) e sono stati anche premiati con la secessione dalla SERBIA!!! Lunedi ha detto al giudice: "Vostro onore, l'atto d'accusa è completamente senza base e mi dichiaro non colpevole".

Thaci era l'ex leader dell'Esercito di Liberazione del Kosovo (KLA), un gruppo di guerriglieri etnicamente albanesi, che combatté il controllo serbo e cercò di separare il Kosovo dalla Jugoslavia e dalla Serbia.

Il politico è stato accusato insieme ad altri tre ex membri dell'UCK - l'ex leader del Partito Democratico del Kosovo Kadri Veseli, il membro del Partito dell'opposizione Rexhep Selimi e Jakup Krasniqi.

I quattro uomini sono incriminati per 10 capi d'accusa e sono accusati di aver "condiviso lo scopo comune di ottenere ed esercitare il controllo su tutto il Kosovo con mezzi tra cui illegittimamente intimidatorio, maltrattamento, commettere violenza contro, e la rimozione di quelli ritenuti avversari."

L'accusa sostiene anche che gli uomini sono stati coinvolti congiuntamente in "atti disumani", tra cui "trattamento crudele, tortura, omicidio e scomparsa forzata di persone".

Krasniqi, 69 anni, arrestato la scorsa settimana, ha anche negato le accuse durante la sua prima apparizione all'Aia lunedì, definendole "ingiustizie".

https://www rt com/news/506209-thaci-notguilty-plea-hague-kosovo/

We have received your request for review

Discussion on United with Israel 14 comments

'An Exit from Corona Crisis': Israel Hails Successful Pfizer Vaccine

2 years ago

without TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT ] [ the USA will turn into a perversion of deadly threat to all peoples of the world!

an extreme threat: there is no one on this planet whose life will not be threatened by the fraudulent BIDEN administration


gli USA si trasformeranno in perversione di minaccia mortale per tutti i popoli del mondo!

una estrema minaccia: non c'é nessuno in questo pianeta la cui vita non sarà minacciata dalla fraudolenta amministrazione BIDEN

1 2

2 years ago

Satanism and the perversion of the DEM lgbtq, Deep State: Jewish Masonic mafia and pedophilia, Satanic ritual murders, this criminal reality has descended too deep into a corrupt people who, now can only be destroyed by the fire that descends from heaven!

Last week Angelo Carusone of the guardian of liberal news Media Matters literally declared war on Fox News and other conservative news organizations,

Gloomy neocons who propose ideological genocide hint at what's really on the menu when Biden `` reconstructs better ''

https://www rt com/op-ed/506230-trump-accountability-attack-dissent-neoliberals/

il satanismo e la perversione del DEM lgbtq, Deep State: mafia massonica ebraica e pedofilia, omicidi rituali satanici, questa realtà criminale è scesa troppo in profondità in un popolo corrotto che, ora può soltanto essere distrutto dal fuoco che scende dal cielo!

La scorsa settimana Angelo Carusone del guardiano delle notizie liberali Media Matters ha letteralmente dichiarato guerra a Fox News e ad altre organizzazioni giornalistiche conservatrici,

I neocon gongolanti che propongono un genocidio ideologico accennano a cosa c'è davvero nel menu quando Biden `` ricostruisce meglio ''

2 2

Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments

UAE Official: Palestinian Leaders are 'Small-time Hucksters,' Iran to Blame for Regional Ills

2 years ago

Bro. Nick Nicholas a month ago

cristiano scemo pazzo che fa il lavoro del NWO FED IMF contro di me!


Bro. Nick Nicholas


- AND YOU continue be the person who gives your own comments 'Thumbs UP'


But - YOU - and the vast majority of other 'Religious Christian People' all around the world care absolutely NOTHING about my Persecuted "brethren" in "Xrist Jesus our Lord" in the 'OTHER COUNTRY' of INDIA


--- However --- They are the subjects of THIS ARTICLE


Unless you ever become a Biblically "saved" and "born again" "believeth" follower of "the Lord and Saviour Jesus xrist"

- You will personally know the "eternal" Biblical meaning of "the words of truth" that are written in Proverbs 21:13 [AV]~[KJV] :

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,

he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.


Bro. Nick Nicholas

Bro. Nick Nicholas https://disqus com/by/bronicknicholas/

you are a slanderer and provocateur: a CIA malicious agent, a troll satanist pretending to be a Christian

1. I no longer put on my comments 'thumbs UP'

I did it, in the past because of you putting thumbs down on all my comments on all my comments in favor of Israel and Christian martyrs

2. I, who have been are an Observatory on the martyrdom of the Criastians for 33 years!

3. you are the infamous one who deletes your comments, so as not to make yourself responsible for my answers

2 1

2 years ago


Bro. Nick Nicholas a month ago

cristiano scemo pazzo che fa il lavoro del NWO FED IMF contro di me!


Bro. Nick Nicholas


- AND YOU continue be the person who gives your own comments 'Thumbs UP'


But - YOU - and the vast majority of other 'Religious Christian People' all around the world care absolutely NOTHING about my Persecuted "brethren" in "Xrist Jesus our Lord" in the 'OTHER COUNTRY' of INDIA


--- However --- They are the subjects of THIS ARTICLE


Unless you ever become a Biblically "saved" and "born again" "believeth" follower of "the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ"

- You will personally know the "eternal" Biblical meaning of "the words of truth" that are written in Proverbs 21:13 [AV]~[KJV] :

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,

he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.


Bro. Nick Nicholas

Bro. Nick Nicholas https://disqus com/by/bronicknicholas/

you are a slanderer and provocateur: a CIA malicious agent, a troll satanist pretending to be a Christian

1. I no longer put on my comments 'thumbs UP'

I did it, in the past because of you putting thumbs down on all my comments on all my comments in favor of Israel and Christian martyrs

2. I, who have been are an Observatory on the martyrdom of the Criastians for 33 years!

3. you are the infamous one who deletes your comments, so as not to make yourself responsible for my answers

2 years ago

CHINA USA RUSSIA EU Pakistan] the HOLY SPIRIT scolds you

that you fund these international terrorists: Erdogan and IRAN!

1 1

2 years ago

no offense to the kangaroos who are much smarter than Erdogan and IRAN!

1 1

2 years ago

Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi rejecting criticism from Iran and Turkey and raising his criticisms against the Islamic Republic.

“The [Iranian-Ottoman] Qods [Jerusalem] Force would be expected to march towards Jerusalem. But where does it go instead? In Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. All the tragedies [in those places] are due to the Qods Force, which has lost its way to Jerusalem, and has turned away and started to hurt us.


that of ERDOGAN and IRAN? it's called the famous deadly move / strategy of the dumb and bad kangaroo!

1 1

2 years ago

as you see, even Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi said: "" It should be noted that our only success was achieved by the late [Egyptian] president Anwar Sadat. He went to war, that's right. But what did he get from these wars? Ten square kilometers?

On the other hand, through negotiations and peace, he reconquered Sinai in its entirety, including Taba. Sinai is 2.5 times the size of Palestine, "he said."


1. [Egyptian] Anwar Sadat "assembled an immense army with the declared aim of carrying out a Quranic Sharia Shoah genocide of all Israelis a Holocaust!

2. It is clear that it was Rothschild Morgan and Rockefeller who made the Israelis lose the Egyptian desert (even if they had won the 6 day war) because they are Talmudic anti-Zionists and Satanists!

2 1

2 years ago

"As for the mercenaries and those who profit from the Palestinian cause", it was time for them to "step aside and let the word to a younger and more peaceful generation that wants to live in peace after 70 years of wars, disasters and pain. ".


as you see, even Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi in his best common sense and in the utmost honesty of this, but, then, no Muslim is able to see the potential sharia law demonic criminal universal genocide that is present in the Koran, therefore, we are very far from being able to put all mankind in safety!

"Per quanto riguarda i mercenari e coloro che traggono profitto dalla causa palestinese", era tempo per loro di "farsi da parte e lasciare la parola a una generazione più giovane e pacifica che vuole vivere in pace dopo 70 anni di guerre, disastri e dolore ".


come vedete, anche nel migliore buon senso e nella massima onestà di questo

ma, poi, nessun mussulmano è in grado di vedere il potenziale sharia law demoniaco criminale genocidio universale che è presente nel Corano, quindi, noi siamo molto lontani dal poter mettere tutto il genere umano in sicurezza!

1 1

2 years ago

Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi said: "They meddle in the Palestinian cause" and that "they don't care about the Palestinians at all."


that the Wahhabi Fulani Boko Haram Ottoman jackals of the OCI have been tearing apart for 90 years: the Palestinian people for their vulgar projects of genocide and sharia jihad imperialism? we have always said this too!

Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi ha affermato: "si immischiano nella causa palestinese" e che "non si preoccupano affatto dei palestinesi."


che gli sciacalli ottomani wahhabiti della OCI dilaniano da 90 anni: il popolo dei palestinesi per i loro volgari progetti di genocidio e imperialismo sharia jihad? questo anche noi lo abbiamo sempre detto!

2 1

Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments

Iranian Journalist: Regime 'Needs to Come to Its Senses'

Martin Kaustena

2 years ago

https://yerushalayim8jerusalem blogspot com/2020/11/martin-kaustena-martinkaustena.html

fedele250660 gmail com

2 1

Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments

Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'

2 years ago

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UE OCI RIYAD IRAN USA UN ] [ you can't lose [[ Hitler Danzica - Nagorno-Karabakh Erdogan ]]

and then, to think that your problems will be over!

your big ottoman problem are start: coward

tu non puoi perdere Hitler Danzica _ Nagorno-Karabakh Erdogan

e poi, pensare che i tuoi problemi saranno finiti!

3 2


2 years ago

Presidente RivliN ] quante volte nella vita tu ti sei messo alla pecorina?

2 2

Discussion on United with Israel 35 comments

TISHA B'AV: Still Crying After 2000 years?

David Crawford

2 years ago

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US OCI UN] reject the jihad monsters of the sharia genocide, and their demographic bomb and replacement theology,

Azerbaijan liberates the second city of Karabakh occupied by Armenia


only the sovereignty of the Muslim peoples is respected on this planet!

3 1


2 years ago

and prophecy Daniel and Revelation as is for you?

3 1

Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments

Israel Bans Palestinian Sheikh Who Praised Beheading of Teacher

2 years ago

kings of Riyad Bin Salman, and #Egyptians Gov ]

no, Netanjahu did not betray Donald TRUMP him like Putin

he's just a first-rate diplomat!

no, Netanjahu non ha tradito Donald TRUMP lui come Putin

lui è soltanto un diplomatico di primo pelo!

1 1

2 years ago

MAGA PATRIOT WINS Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump is realistic 46th President of the United States of America Since when does the Lamestream Media call who our next president will be? We have all learned a lot in the last two weeks!

“We believe these people are thieves. The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election. Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states.

This claim about election fraud is disputed

....Where it mattered, they stole what they had to steal.

“We should look at the votes. We’re just beginning the tabulation stage. We should look at these allegations. We’re seeing a number of affidavits that there has been voter fraud. We have a history in this country of election problems. In Pennsylvania you had an order by a...

This claim about election fraud is disputed these ballots were authenticated, because if there’s a problem in the system about authentication, that would seriously affect the ENTIRE ELECTION - And what concerns me is that we had over a hundred million mail-in ballot in cites like Philladelphia...

Learn how voting by mail is safe and secure... and Detroit with a long series of election problems (to put it mildly).”

2 1

2 years ago

CINA USA INDIA RUSSIA ONU OCI UE ] voi siete caduti sotto la mia giurisdizione [ e questa non è una brutta notizia per il vostro corpo carcassa di maiale!

1 1

2 years ago


and why BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS VIOLATE LGBTQ RIGHTS BY SIMPLY EXISTING .. that's why they must be exterminated all over the world.

According to Joe Biden, the American Christian Bible believer who takes the Bible literally, is violating the "rights" of LGBT people by trusting in the word of God. Which is why antiquated preaching will soon be classified as a "hate crime." ". Because the liberals can't stand it. Biden also claims that the rights of the Christian are inferior to the rights of the LGBT individual.

https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/

1 1

Discussion on United with Israel 35 comments

TISHA B'AV: Still Crying After 2000 years?


2 years ago


this is what happens every day in Lampedusa Tunisians and Algerians are all moving to Italy!


ecco quello che ogni giorno avviene a Lampedusa Tunisini e algerini si stanno tutti trasferendo in Italia!

https://voxnews info/2020/11/06/lampedusa-al-collasso-sbarchi-continui-piu-clandestini-che-abitanti/

3 1


2 years ago

mafia criminals, Islamic sharia terrorists, all illegal immigrants take refuge in Italy without any hindrance: "Here we are safe" - VIDEO [[Kalergi Bilderberg Macron Merkel EU technocracy neoliberalism have decided to exterminate the Italian people]]

All the illegal Nigerians who land in Italy want to go to Castel Volturno, in the area occupied by the Nigerian Mafia. It was one of them who confessed it to the microphones of the Fourth Republic: "I thought I was going to Turin or Milan, but they suggested that I stay here since I am without documents".

facebook com/levaobbligatoria/videos/2504530099637999/

In short, a real occupied area, the municipality in the province of Caserta, an enclave of the Nigerian mafia, where the Italian authorities cannot enter. And where so the illegal immigrants can take refuge without being traced.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/07/clandestini-si-rifugiano-in-italia-qui-siamo-al-sicuro-video/

3 1

2 years ago

for a release decree the judiciary needed 30 days, so there were those who got 30 more days in prison,

because court ushers and employees cannot work from home in smart working!

MATTARELLA must be arrested: here in Italy? nothing works anymore! the judiciary is completely blocked!

The crisis is very serious and the instruments are insufficient

From Interris, online magazine, November 6, 2020 Following a difficult week, the Government intervenes with a new d.P.C.M., the fifth in less than a month. It is the most classic case of the mountain giving birth to the mouse: the decree once again contains inadequate measures by excess and by defect. Rationality escapes [...]

3 1

Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments

Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

2 years ago

ieah Guest Bro. Nick Nicholas Guest

1 1

2 years ago

President Trump Donald "Declares martial law",] [One could also glimpse, in this, the media as accomplices in a coup attempt. Declare martial law, Donald. He calls legally armed citizens to rally to defend democracy from the fraud of the brown horde led by those who vote HARD TRUMP AFTER 'BIDEN PRESIDENT' OF THE MEDIA: "USURPATOR"

Democracy belongs to the people, not to CNN.

Trump reacts harshly to the media's decision to indicate his opponent as the 'winner', before any official status from the states. Very serious decision, deaths and illegal immigrants.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/07/durissimo-trump-dopo-biden-presidente-dei-media-usurpatore/

2 1

2 years ago

What's next genocide europeans people? Erdoğan's Jihad on "Infidel Europe"

by Burak Bekdil November 7, 2020

Middle Eastern politics is always a trap for radical ideologues. In BOIA Erdoğan's mindset the "infidel West" is militarily helping Armenia (the evil) and #Turkey is militarily helping #Azerbaijan (the righteous). new ottoman genocide; Koranic theology of replacement UMMA Sharia supremacy

Although #Ankara #ottoman empire and #Baku categorically deny accusations, press reports and independent human rights observers have confirmed the arrival of hundreds of jihadists in #Azerbaijan to fight #Armenia.

After the #Turkish military's direct armed engagement on Iraqi and Syrian territories, proxy wars in #Syria, #Libya and #Yemen, military tensions on the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Erdoğan's new jihadist adventurism has found a new theater of war in the Caucasus. What's next?

2 1

2 years ago

Clandestines take refuge in Italy: “Here we are safe” - VIDEO

BUT, without a registry if they are killed? besides, they never existed!

They recount that when an "ovulator" fails to expel the drug he has ingested, he is stabbed to death (to avoid the sound of a gunshot), then the same knife is used to extract the drga eggs from the bowels. Immediately afterwards the body is torn to shreds and fed to the animals, to "erase" it.

It is the Nigerian mafia that we imported on the boats.

And that Castel Volturno has its European base, in the villas that the Neapolitan bourgeoisie built at the time of the dream of the Romagna Riviera in Campania and which today it has abandoned because the dream has become a nightmare.

Clandestini si rifugiano in Italia: “Qui siamo al sicuro” – VIDEO

MA, senza anagrafe se vengono uccisi? poi, non sono mai esistiti!

Raccoontano che quando un «ovulatore» non riesce ad espellere la droga che ha ingerito, viene ucciso a coltellate (per evitare rumore di arma da fuoco), poi lo stesso coltello viene utilizzato per estrarre gli ovuli di drga dalle viscere. Subito dopo il corpo viene ridotto a brandelli e dato in pasto agli animali, per «cancellarlo».

E’ la mafia nigeriana che abbiamo importato sui barconi.

E che a Castel Volturno ha la sua base europea, nelle ville che la borghesia napoletana costruì ai tempi del sogno della riviera romagnola in Campania e che oggi ha abbandonato perché il sogno è diventato un incubo.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/07/clandestini-si-rifugiano-in-italia-qui-siamo-al-sicuro-video/

2 1


2 years ago

Obama anti pope francis is all that is said

when a #Pachamama religion (5 crimes of faith) is created by man

papa francesco è tutto quello che si dice

quando una religione viene creata dall'uomo

2 1

2 years ago

also in Nagorno-Karabakh Allah is uh akbar] [#Erdogan said that there is only one planet and one Allah also because there is only one true word of God which is the dogmatic and uncreated divine will of the Koran!

and he wants to eradicate another Armenian people from his land, with Ottoman legal quibbles and imperialism motivation, because CIA NATO USA EU CHINA RUSSIA they are the satanists!

On Tuesday, Lavrov warned that he was "concerned about the internationalization of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the involvement of militants from the Middle East". He pointed to evidence that Syrian militants have been recruited to fight for Azerbaijan and stressed the need to "stop the transfer of militants, the number of which approaches 2,000".

2 1

2 years ago

UK CRIMINAL DEEP STATE secret agency [] while Muslims and pedophiles of all kinds could rape thousands of British children with impunity! [] mentre gli islamici e i pedofili di ogni tipo poteva stuprare migliaia di bambini inglesi impunemente! [] the corrupt and decaying Jewish demonic Masonic Western civilization! The 'real world' wives of the British 'spycops' seek justice, for the lives destroyed by the undercover police operation, fake romantic relationships to control peaceful and democratic organizations,

They were a vital part of the modus operandi, a way to try to keep the officers on the ground, to make sure they remember which side they were on, a link to 'normal' life, "McCullough said," this cost each of them. their marriage and had a profound ongoing psychological impact. They were left to rebuild their lives and those of their children, forever tainted by their bond with men who behaved so frighteningly. What once made them proud now brings them shame and fear. "

la corrotta e marciscente civiltà ebraico demonico massonica occidentale! Le mogli del 'mondo reale' degli 'spycops' britannici cercano giustizia, per le vite distrutte dall'operazione di polizia sotto copertura, fingere relazioni sentimentali per controllare organizzazioni pacifiche e democratiche,

Erano una parte vitale del modus operandi, un modo per cercare di mantenere gli ufficiali a terra, per assicurarsi che ricordassero da che parte stavano, un legame con la vita 'normale'" , ha detto McCullough, "questo è costato a ciascuno di loro il loro matrimonio e ha avuto un profondo impatto psicologico in corso. Sono stati lasciati a ricostruire le loro vite e quelle dei loro figli, contaminati per sempre dal loro legame con uomini che si sono comportati in modo così spaventoso. Ciò che una volta li rendeva orgogliosi, ora li porta vergogna e paura ".

rt com/op-ed/505910-uk-spycops-undercover-police/

2 1

2 years ago

Masonic coup Satanist Islamic lgbtq Deep State NWO FED IMF ECB Oci riayad against the legitimate President MAGA PATRIOT

Pennsylvania postal clerk goes PUBLIC with allegations in Project Veritas report that post office director ordered ballots backdated

US Supreme Court orders late Pennsylvania postal ballots to be sidelined and counted separately from the overall vote count

Democrats, Never-Trumpers who compile 'lists' of Trump supporters in case they 'try to deny complicity' in the future

Trump: Biden "shouldn't unfairly claim" the presidency

'Happy day': Pelosi greets 'president-elect Joe Biden' with 'tremendous mandate', but votes still being counted in several states

2 1

2 years ago

Two people injured after a shooter fired a shotgun from a car during pro-Trump rally in #Florida


when Deep STate FED IMF ECB, masonic system, bilderberg regime, the churches of satan, the lgbtq churches, and the mosques: they take control of society, as happens in germany and france

then, you can have crazy things, out of logic and out of control

Due persone ferite dopo che un tiratore ha sparato con una pistola a pallini da un'auto durante il rally pro-Trump in Florida


quando le chiese di satana, le chiese lgbtq, e le moschee: prendono il controllo della società, come avviene in germania e francia

poi, possono si avere cose pazze, fuori logica e fuori ogni controllo

1 1


2 years ago


In Lampedusa there were two other landings, which rise to 6 overall, which led to the landing of 206 CLANDESINTI. The new arrivals were taken to the hotspot where a record number of guests was reached: 1,361. The transfer operations of POTENTIAL TERRORISTS from the hotspot to the CRUISE ship have been underway since dawn. And then in our cities. Maybe they will go to Nice, or instead decide to rape, deal or behead Italians.


A Lampedusa sono avvenuti altri due sbarchi, che salgono nel complesso a 6, che hanno portato all’approdo di 206 CLANDESINTI. I nuovi arrivati sono stati portati all’hotspot dove si è arrivati ad un numero record di ospiti: 1.361. Sono in corso, dall’alba, le operazioni di trasferimento dei POTENZIALI TERRORISTI dall’hotspot alla nave DA CROCIERA. E poi nelle nostre città. Magari andranno a Nizza, o decideranno, invece, di stuprare, spacciare o decapitare italiani.

1 1

Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments

Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

2 years ago

the very existence of the Deep State, bank seigniorage, transnational Masonic system, and the churches of satan integrated into the Masonic pyramid system of multinationals:

this makes the very concept of freedom of speech among journalists and the media ridila tua vergognaus, so much so that a social network like Twitter allows itself to trample the President of the USA,

this Deep STATE renders the candidacy of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, illegal and unlawful

this regime: Wahhabi, Jewish Masonic Bilderberg, Deeop State regime is an ideological mafia octopus that, you cannot humanly overcome:

all my allies now: they must rescue Donal TRUMP and free him from the lynching of the Wahhabi system NWO FED iMF ECB.

la stessa esistenza del Deep State, signoraggio bancario, sistema massonico trasnazionale, e le chiese di satana integrate nel sistema piramidale massonico delle multinazionali:

questo rende ridicololo stesso concetto di libertà di parola tra i giornalisti e tra i media, tanto che un social come Twitter si permette di calpestare il Presidente degli USA,

questo Deep STATE

rende invalito e illecito la candidatura di

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden.

questo regime: wahhabita, massonico ebraico Bilderberg, regime Deeop State è una piovra mafioso ideologico che, tu non puoi superare umanamente:

tutti i miei alleati ora: devono soccorrere Donal TRUMP e devono liberalo dal linciaggio del sistema wahhabita NWO FED iMF ECB.

1 1

2 years ago

China condemns the United States for having `` whitewashed '' its Islamic terrorist organizations, in Syria and around the world, (as well as Russia and China have done, which with the US, they too are one pack of depraved criminals and murderous instigators of innocent and peaceful Christian martyrs) after abandoning the designation of the Islamic extremist group -

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that "China deplores and strongly opposes the US decision" to eliminate the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) from its list of designated terrorist groups. .

Asking the United States to revoke its decision, he strongly affirmed that "terrorism is terrorism" and urged America to "refrain from" disguising "terrorist organizations or go back to international cooperation against terrorism."

rt com/news/505909-china-us-east-turkestan-terrorist/


2 years ago

BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad] God said that men must: only pay tithing to God,


you brought the curse of paying taxes to Rothschild on our planet, you made slaves (of the Satanist Jew) all the peoples of the world

BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad ] Dio ha detto che gli uomini devono: soltanto pagare la decima a Dio,


tu hai portato la maledizione di pagare le tasse a Rothschild nel nostro pianeta, tu hai trasformato in schiavi (dell'ebreo satanista) tutti i popoli del mondo


2 years ago

it was explained: why Azerbaijan and Armenia are fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh

Erdogan the killer fomented a new massacre of Armenians,

after all, for NATO OCI Riyadh sovereignty in Kosovo was not certain!

è stato spiegato: perché l'Azerbaigian e l'Armenia si stanno scontrando per il Nagorno-Karabakh

Erdogan l'assassino ha fomentato un nuovo massacro di armeni,

dopotutto per la NATO OCI Riyadh la sovranità in Cossovo non era certa!


2 years ago

Christopher Wray being sworn in as director of the FBI


if there is bank seigniorage S.p.A. FED IMF ECB NWO Rothshild Rockefeller then, there is no longer a religion or a constitution on this planet, because

they all swear by Satan

in this technocratic financial Masonic consociativist scenario it is impossible to think of free and democratic elections

in questo scenario massonico consociativistico tecnocratico finanziario è impossibile pensare ad elezioni libere e democratiche

Christopher Wray mentre presta giuramento come direttore dell'FBI


se esiste il signoraggio bancario S.p.A. FED IMF ECB NWO Rothshild Rockefeller allora, non esiste più una religione o una costituzione in questo pianeta, perché

tutti loro giurano per Satana



2 years ago

BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad ] [ in questo canale il tuo maledetto ebreo massone mi ha cancellato tutti i commenti degli ultimi 25 giorni

25 days ago Removed

5 Milioni di disoccupati ma il governo fa entrare altri 30.850 immigrati

gli infami ebrei si sono già venduti ai DEM

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.


2 years ago

‘Giovane immigrato afro-islamico’ violenta due anziane in ospedale: una trascinata da letto in bagno

La donna ha subito violenza ma non è stata stuprata solo per l’arrivo provvidenziale di un’infermiera.

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/05/giovane-violenta-due-anziane-in-ospedale-una-trascinata-da-letto-in-bagno/


Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Opinion: Biden’s (ignored) hostility to Israel

2 years ago


in London Jewish Freemasons have allowed Muslims all the fun of rape!

Terrible, African takes away little girl in broad daylight - VIDEO

London. White girl saved from rape. Man is sought after. Our cities have become the hunting ground of the black man.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/04/terribile-africano-si-porta-via-bambina-in-pieno-giorno-video/

a Londra i massoni ebrei hanno permesso agli islamici ogni divertimento di stupro!

Terribile, africano si porta via bambina in pieno giorno – VIDEO

Londra. Bambina bianca salvata dallo stupro. L’uomo è ricercato. Le nostre città sono diventate riserva di caccia dell’uomo nero.

2 years ago


Nichus Block http://disq us/p/2czdcxv

a commission of inquiry on the postal vote must be established, the postal vote must be canceled: and all those who voted by mail must be forced to vote physically, so then, I know who will end up in jail: for coup and a threat to national security

Nichus Block ] said [ Putting DeJoy in charge of mishandling the mail didn't work out so well, what else can he do to cheat?


how many of his collaborators did Trump have to fire? You're a CIA 666 troll too!

the Churches of Satan in the USA are an octopus that have occupied all the institutions and to find patriots ready to die to thwart the Rothschild empire? it's impossible! What if, I hadn't defended Netanjahu and Trump (with my rabbis)?

you wouldn't have found them alive and standing today!

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

‘We’ll be going to the US Supreme Court’: Trump comes out swinging, accuses Democrats of trying to steal election

Nichus Block

2 years ago


how many of his collaborators did Trump have to fire?

You're a CIA 666 troll too!

the Churches of Satan in the USA are an octopus that have occupied all the institutions and

to find patriots ready to die to thwart the Rothschild empire? it's impossible!

What if, I hadn't defended Netanjahu and Trump (with my rabbis)?

you wouldn't have found them alive and standing today!

quanti suoi collaboratori Trump a dovuto licenziare?

anche tu sei un troll della CIA!

le Chiese di Satana in USA sono una piovra che hanno occupato tutte le istituzioni e

trovare patrioti pronti a morire per contrastare l'impero dei Rothschild? è impossibile!

se, io non avessi difeso Netanjahu e Trump (con i miei rabbini)?

tu oggi non li avresti trovati vivi e in piedi!

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

WATCH: Giuliani says 'Democrat crooked machine of Philadelphia' blocked Republican observers

2 years ago


What joy when they said to me: "We will go to the house of the Lord." 2 And now our feet stop at your gates, Jerusalem! 3 Jerusalem is built as a solid and compact city. 4 There the tribes go up together, the tribes of the Lord, according to the law of Israel, to praise the name of the Lord. 5 There are the seats of judgment,


the Throne of World Judgment lorenzoJHWH Unius REI worldwide governor!

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Trump sues for Michigan ballot access


2 years ago


Something went wrong, but don't worry. Let's try again. Your twitter account has been suspended and you are not allowed to perform this action.

FEDELE #italexit I Follow Back All, @giovann58134961 #MAGA #NOEURO (here personal opinions, as a simple citizen: art.21 of the Cost #We want to VOTE #suBibbianoiononmollo #letUsVote #AuthoritarianGovernment monetary sovereignty NOW jewcivilization blogspot com

but the worst thing is that, on the profile the Masons have obscured my dear Dear Pope Benedict XVI

because for me Pope FRANCIS is a heretic!

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Trump demands recount in Wisconsin after media calls state for Biden

2 years ago


when in twitter, I tried to violate / overcome the his trap of "filters and algorithms" which: blocked me at 2% the visibility of my same followers:

I made 4 channels, and how did I put the same comment (spam) on two channels for the first time?

lgbtq DEM banned me from twitter permanently.

then, after 2 years, I opened an account in my son's name:

and twitter (again) with 12 hours a day of my work: it made my comments visible to only 2% of my subscribers.

so, I took a small voodoo coffin (40 cm) among all those that the advertisement Rothschild shows me on worldisraelnews:

and I said in twitter: "Did you have a funeral for your pustule fetus?"

now twitter says that i am too bad for him, that he will never give me back my twitter account: because i am not homosexual DEM like him!

quando in twitter io ho cercato di violare/superare la trappola degli "filtri e gli algoritmi" che: mi bloccavano al 2% la visibilità dei miei followers, i gestori lgbtq hanno messo contro di me:

io ho realizzato 4 canali, e come io ho messo lo stesso commento(spam) su due canali, per la prima volta?

lgbtq DEM mi hanno espulso da twitter in modo permanente.

quindi, dopo 2 anni, io ho aperto un account a nome di mio figlio:

e il twitter (ancora) con 12 ore al giorno di mio lavoro: rendeva visibile i miei commenti soltanto al 2% dei miei iscritti.

allora, io ho preso una piccola bara (di 40 cm) tra tutte quelle che la pubblicità mi mostra su worldisraelnews:

ed io ho detto: "hai fatto il funerale al tuo feto pustola?"

ora twitter dice che io sono troppo cattivo per lui, che non mi restituirà più il mio account twitter: perché io non sono omosessuale come lui!

2 years ago


if I write with my 4 facebook channels on

https: // en sputniknews com / archive /?

no one will be able to read what I write: "then how could voting be legal anywhere in the world?"

since that scum of a Bolshevik PUTIN shut me down 10 channels in https: // en sputniknews com /

because to my questions about Zionism and Christian martyrs

they didn't know how to answer me!

se io scrivo con i miei 4 canali facebook su

https://it sputniknews com/archive/ ?

nessuno potrà leggere quello che scrivo: "allora come potrebbero essere legali le votazioni in qualsiasi parte del mondo?"

dato che quella feccia di un bolscevico PUTIN mi ha chiuso 10 canali in https://it sputniknews com/

perché alle mie domande sul sionismo e sui martiri cristiani

loro non sapevano come rispondermi!

2 years ago


the worldwide OCI jihad Erdogan Chinese-Wahhabi Masonic UE Bilderberg octopus UMMA petrodollars saudi occupied that fake Merkel Macron democracy scam, who without monetary sovereignty was born dead! and Israel worldisraelnews remains the only place in the world, where I can write something and where everyone can read it, because I'm not harassed / neutered by algorithms and A.I.


i am jewish MESSIA and any resistence is futile! DeepState, Bilderberg Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild #DEM and their CIA agents lgbtq priests of satan: neoliberalists have filled the world internet with algorithms and filters, and they control everything with the A.I. (artificial intelligence) and this makes the USA2020 elections legally invalid

by Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI

https://uniusreiorwarw666imf blogspot com/2020/10/bronicknicholas.html

algoritm A.I. filter google NWO FED IMF erased and make invisible my comment, yes attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots

by attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots, and I can prove it; if I go to Christian sites (anywhere in the world) to say something priests of satan and their lgbtq erase or make it invisible, they can do it and they have done it: make what I write invisible to all!

I gave this documentation to my lawyer!

Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments

WATCH: How would a Biden administration impact Israel?


2 years ago


https://uniusreiorwarw666imf blogspot com/2020/10/bronicknicholas.html

algoritm A.I. filter google NWO FED IMF erased and make invisible my comment

yes attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots


2 years ago


attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots

and I can prove it; if I go to Christian sites (anywhere in the world) to say something

priests of satan and their lgbtq erase or make it invisible, they can do it and they have done it: make what I write invisible to all!

I gave this documentation to my lawyer!

screenshot allegato" IO HO FATTO GLI screenshot

ed io posso dimostralo; se vado sui siti cristiani (in qualsiasi parte del mondo) a dire qualcosa

sacerdoti di satana e loro lgbtq cancellano o rendono invisibile, possono farlo e lo hanno fatto: rendere invisibile a tutti quello che io scrivo!

questa documentazione io la ho data all'avvocato mio!

2 years ago


666 Jews SpA FED IMF ECB NWO Owl ja-Bull-On lgbtq who voted DEM

they did so intentionally with the aim of wiping (shoah) Israel off the map

gli ebrei che hanno votato DEM

lo hanno fatto intenzionalmente con lo scopo di cancellare Israele dalle cartine geografiche

Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments

WATCH: Israelis and Palestinians at Odds Over 2020 US Election

Edgarfletcher Fletcher

2 years ago

Jews who voted DEM

they did so intentionally with the aim of wiping Israel off the map


Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

WATCH: Knesset bill proposes direct elections for half of parliament

2 years ago



BREAKING: Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien:

"There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”

2 years ago


Satan said: "my COMPANY is the Post Office, let the votes come to me!"


Thorough breakdown, we believe @ realDonaldTrump's win margin in AZ will be closer to 30K votes, probably just under that.


Thorough breakdown, we believe


’S win margin in AZ will be closer to 30K votes, probably just under that.

Keep in mind we're now counting Election Day voters.

Chris Buskirk



AZ early am update. Maricopa County overnight was a pickup of ~ 50,000 votes for Trump. Biden lead is now ~ 90k with ~ 520k ballots out there. A 60-40 Trump split of those ballots would put Trump ahead by ~ 10k. Trump has been winning the count 60-40 or better since late last night.

Keep in mind we're now counting Election Day voters.

Note: the governor of Arizona is a Republican, so the data is pretty credible and first-hand. And a campaign manager is unlikely to be so clearly exposed if he doesn't have a solid foundation. We'll see

Chris Buskirk


AZ early am update. Maricopa County overnight was a pickup of ~ 50,000 votes for Trump. Biden lead is now ~ 90k with ~ 520k ballots out there. A 60-40 Trump split of those ballots would put Trump ahead by ~ 10k. Trump has been winning the count 60-40 or better since late last night.

2 years ago


After Team Trump also Team lizards Biden announces victory

November 4, 2020 .. but their shame? it will be an eternal shame!

Team Trump: "Our data gives us victory in Arizona and Pennsylvania: WE WILL WIN"

#prediction #DeepState Madoch Murdoch #Tilt,

#MAGA Trump towards victory in Arizona: if Pennsylvania wins, he is President

Over 30 thousand new jihad infections but illegal islamists akbar landings continue invasion erdogan

November 4, 2020

2 years ago


Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin: Russia is doing everything possible to end the conflict.

Erdogan said "no, and where is my new Ottoman genocide of Armenians"

The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh could be resolved peacefully, without resorting to weapons, Russia is doing everything possible to end the conflict as soon as possible, is in contact with Armenia and Azerbaijan and expects to achieve results acceptable to all, he said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Discussion on World Israel News 100 comments

Election nailbiter: Trump needs 4 states to win

2 years ago


repubblican David Andahl was elected to serve as one of North Dakota's state representatives

was killed by Deep State Covid19 BillGates satana BigFarma

Matthew Lathum

2 years ago


your Hashem is your Soros Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild?

2 years ago


How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!

2 years ago


Don't call them #ElectionsAmerican. Tonight the battle is between GOOD TRUMP and MALE BIDEN.

[[[Incredible! 666 Twitter removes tweets in which @realDonaldTrump

he said he would not allow others to "steal the election"]]].

I ASK TO THE CIALTRONS OF THE MEDIA network monopoly satan rockefeller and spa ITALIAN TG

if the postal votes to be counted in a state are lower in number than the votes of advantage that Trump currently has, what the hell is the problem in your brain to assign the victory?

..... and have the courage to call themselves <<democrats>> !? If they lose, they should accept, as the president will be elected in a DEMOCRATIC way.

...... it seems to me that you share them a lot with <<nostrani>>, not accepting "you loose".

2 years ago


[[[Incredible! Twitter removes tweets in which


he said he would not allow others to "steal the election"]]].

Dear piddini, if the right to health prevails over all others, why have you pulverized the health system in recent years?

According to Fusani, if there are violent demonstrations by the American Left, it is not the fault of the violent, it is not the ideology of hatred that they profess. No, the fault lies with the one the violent hate: Trump.

[[[Incredible! 666 Twitter removes tweets in which @realDonaldTrump said they would not allow others to “steal the election”]]].

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Tel Aviv man arrested for threatening Netanyahu and his family

2 years ago



NOVEMBER 4, 2020

Islamic sharia jihad INVASION, PUGLIA






MASSACRE: 1 MILLION ITALIANS WILL LOSE WORK (becoming 5 million unemployed), BUT Merkel Macron Bilderberg continue to IMPORT IMMIGRANTS


2 years ago


Tel Aviv man arrested for threatening Netanyahu and his family

the antifa DEM violent arm: 'Trump supporters' stabbed after election night clash near White House - DC police

Charlie Hebdo jihad sharia beheaded by the Jewish Bilderberg Masons

this is Merkel jihad!

publishes a provocative cover of cancan dancers beheaded in response to the recent terrorist attacks in France

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Omar, Tlaib and rest of 'Squad' breeze to victory


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