non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

mi avete tradito


3 years ago

Rothschild honors/waters all the evil seeds of anti-Semitism and above all anti-Zionism, and you are his accomplice!

in fact, becouse of you and yours? this is not yet my Kingdom of Israel

Rothschild innaffia tutti i semi malvagi dell'antisemitismo e soprattutto dell'antisionismo, e tu sei il suo complice!

infatti questo non è ancora il mio Regno di Israele

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

the Rothschilds do not control the properties:

this is a work of traitorous Trudeau Macron lgbt Masons Biden Obama Micron Merkel and all political actors: who pretend a political sovereignty that does not exist!

in fact, on all the properties of our planet, the Rothschild taxes are burdened

and they Luciferian enlightened, they can't pay taxes to themselves!

i Rothschild non controllano le proprietà:

questo è un lavoro dei massoni traditori Biden Obama Macron Merkel e tutti i politici attori: che fingono una sovranità politica che non esiste!

infatti, su tutte le proprietà del nostro pianeta gravano le tasse dei Rothschild..

e loro non possono pagare le tasse a loro stessi!

3 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

generally block the stupid villains: evil person stupid CIA agent.

but, I like talking to bad, hypocritical, lying but intelligent people like you!

Rothschild and his Masonic MAFIA clique of fake Jewish satanists? they create all the money on the planet out of nothing: yet their name? does not exist in any public group!

you must be a naive and conceited boy, everyone knows it in the Churches of Satan: that

say bad bad words to Unius REI: it's very dangerous!

tu devi essere un ragazzo ingenuo e presuntuoso, lo sanno tutti nelle Chiese di Satana: che

dire parole cattive cattive a Unius REI: è molto pericoloso!

in genere blocco gli stupidi cattivi: evil person stupid CIA agent.

ma, mi piace parlare con persone cattive, ipocrite, bugiarde ma, intelligenti come te!

Rothschild e la sua cricca massonica di satanisti finti ebrei? loro creano dal nulla tutto il denaro del pianeta: eppure il loro nome? non esiste in nessuna cordata!

1 3 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Dean Blake

3 years ago

friend you said something very powerful, and it is a secret that few know!

I learned to be a Christian: only when I appropriated my Jewish identity!

Even a Pope could not be a Christian if he does not live Jewishness (not as a religious ritual: but as an identity of belonging)

that identity that was, and that is still today in Jesus of Bethlehem: his Jewish identity!

we have a duty to break that distinction/curse: that divides us and that the Rothschilds created 2000 years ago!

amico tu hai detto qualcosa di molto potente, ed è un segreto che pochi conoscono!

io ho imparato ad essere cristiano: soltanto quando io mi sono appropriato della mia identità ebraica!

Anche un Papa non potrebbe essere cristiano se non vive la ebraicità (non come rituale religioso: ma come identità di appartenenza)

quella identità che fu, e che è ancora oggi in Gesù di Betlemme: la sua ebraica identità!

noi abbiamo il dovere di spezzare quella madezione che ci divide e che i Rothschild hanno creato 2000 anni fa!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Mike Solomons

3 years ago

if I kill my enemies? any whatever enemy?

this would be a defeat for me!

and the fact that the Jewish super bankers are slaves of Satan Ja-Bull-On Biden Bush ex-President? this is a good reason to go and release them

se io uccidessi i miei nemici? qualsiasi enemy?

questo per me sarebbe una sconfitta!

e il fatto che i super banchieri ebrei sono schiavi di Satana e di Biden Bush ex-President? questo è un buon motivo per andare a liberarli

5 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Thailand: king hunts guards 'evil'. Two days ago he also hunted a royal consort, 'ambiva a Regina'.


this is an egocentric Islamic and adolescent modality: to conceive power and people as a personal object


I apologized: Erdogan is ready to die to achieve the goals of ISIS: I am sure of this!

chieso scusa: Erdogan è pronto a morire per conseguire gli scopi di ISIS: di questo ne sono sicuro!

Thailandia: re caccia guardie 'malvagie'. Due giorni fa cacciata anche consorte reale, 'ambiva a Regina'.


questa è una modalità islamica e adolescenziale egocentrica: di concepire il potere e le persone come un oggetto personale

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Dean Blake

3 years ago

but, who decided to Islamize Belgium

they were your friends: lgbt Soros Bilderberg and the Democratic Party

ma, chi ha deciso di islamizzare il Belgio

sono stati i tuoi amici: lgbt Soros Bilderberg e il Partito Democratico

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

so the Jewish bankers parasites and Masons are the saints and all the others are bad?

quindi gli ebrei banchieri parassiti e massoni sono i santi e tutti gli altri sono cattivi?

4 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments

Opinion: What German Catholics Can do for Their Jewish Countrymen

3 years ago

the Jewish narrative of blaming the Catholic Church for the Shoah? it's a dishonest story!

[[Opinion: What German Catholics Can do for their Jewish Countrymen]]

Even that abusive crazy idiot of Mussolini would never have harmed the Jews had he not been forced by Hitler ...

what autonomy could the Catholic Church have in the era of totalitarianism?

today there is sharia Islamic totalitarianism CIA 666 NWO Riyad Londistan: Imam Obama Muezzin Merkel:

jihad Erdogan, executioner iran Riyadh: that precisely because of the most powerful Jews in the world in FED FMI BM NWO: precisely because of them: the demon Allah has become invisible!

then, Muslims kill Jews and Israelis, kill hundreds of Christians every day: ... but, there is no one in the UN, who denounces the sharia of the UMMAH genocide, or, which denounces the murderous satanism of bank seigniorage ...

so this time too it's the fault of the Catholics? so that's true; you are corrupt and you are pathetic!

la narrazione ebraica di incolpare la Chiesa cattolica per la shoah? è una disonesta narrazione!

[[ Opinion: What German Catholics Can do for Their Jewish Countrymen ]]

Anche quell'abietto di Mussolini non avrebbe mai fatto del male agli ebrei, se non fosse stato costretto da Hitler...

quale autonomia poteva avere la Chiesa Cattolica nell'epoca del totalitarismo?..

oggi esiste il totalitarismo islamico sharia CIA 666 NWO Riyad Londistan: Imam Obama Muezzin Merkel:

jihad Erdogan, boia iran Riyad: che proprio per colpa degli ebrei più potenti del mondo in FED FMI BM NWO: proprio per colpa loro: il demonio Allah è diventato invisibile!

poi, islamici uccidono ebrei e israeliani, uccidono centinaia di cristiani, ogni giorno:... ma, non c'é nessuno in ONU, che denuncia la sharia del genocidio UMMAH, o, che denuncia il satanismo omicida del signoraggio bancario...

quindi, anche questa volta è colpa dei cattolici? allora, è vero; voi siete corrotti e voi siete patetici!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments

WATCH: Three Reasons Why Anti-Zionism IS Anti-Semitism

3 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] to Erdogan? still burns the battle of LEPANTO! think that from that moment all the bells ring at 12.00: for the prayer of the ANGELUS.

if we had lost that battle? today the whole planet would have fallen into the satanism of your curse!

Can you imagine Xi-Jinping to banging his head crazy, in madness jihad Erdogan sharia: on the carpet like a rabbit, so he too?

ti immagini Xi-Jinping a sbattere la testa sul tappeto come un coniglio anche lui?

Bin SALMAN ] ad Erdogan? brucia ancora la battaglia di LEPANTO! pensa che da quel momento tutte le campane suonano alle 12,00: per la preghiera dell'ANGELUS.

se noi avessimo perso quella battaglia? oggi tutto il pianeta sarebbe caduto nel satanismo della tua maledizione!

1 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

who is anti-Zionism:

it is against human justice, and it is also against divine justice!

Zionism is the most powerful threat to the New World Order: against comunism, against genocide sharia that is esoric agenda: FED IMF Rothschilds and to all the imperialist ideologies and religions.

Zionism is not only the home of the Jews but also the home of all peoples: Unius REI and its universal brotherhood.

and this is why I am the King of ISRAEL, lorenzoJHWH

chi è antisionismo:

è contro la giustizia umana, ed è anche contro la giustizia divina!

il sionismo è la più potente minaccia al Nuovo Ordine mondiale dei Rotschild e a tutte le ideologie e religioni imperialistiche.

il sionismo non è soltanto la casa degli ebrei ma è anche la casa dei popoli tutti: Unius REI e la sua fratellanza universale.

ed ecco perché io sono il Re di ISRAELE, lorenzoJHWH

1 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 7 comments

Good News Israel! Israeli Tech Turns Curses Into Blessings, Growing Diamonds From Methane, and More!

3 years ago

to ALL the beasts of: Ja-Bull-On freemasons: Allah satan and communists worship lgbt Darwin NWO Bilderberg FED IMF ECB OIC: imperialism and religions within the sharia system and monetary seigniorage banking.

there is a real person, that you are NOT in really, taht exist: in the project and in the thought of God

and then, there is that character of jester that you have become because of the Satana-Allah virtue way!

that is why, you will be destroyed: in fact you have no hope of being able to rejoin that image of you, that God has in his mind, without me!

a TUTTE le bestie di: Ja-Bull-On massoni: Allah satana e comunisti culto Darwin NWO: imperialismo e religioni all'interno del sistema sharia e monetario il signoraggio bancario.

esiste una persona vera, che tu sei: nel progetto e nel pensiero di Dio

e poi, esiste quel buffone di personaggio che tu sei diventato per colpa della via viltà!

ecco perché, tu andrai distrutto: infatti tu non hai nessuna speranza di poterti ricongiungere a quell'immagine di te, che Dio ha nella sua mente, senza di me!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Merkel, FED, lgbt, IMF NWO, OCI A CIA 666 UK regime Bilderberg Soros: George W. Bush.


if you destroy the history of this planet now? you make me a pleasure!

1000 years of metastorical time are always waiting for you to live in hell, before my mercy disintegrates you with saudi your islamic curse!


se distruggete la storia di questo pianeta, ora? voi mi fate un piacere!

vi aspettano sempre 1000 anni di tempo metastorico da vivere all'inferno, prima che la mia misericordia venga a disintegrarvi!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

#Oslo: today interrogations of the 2 arrested


these boys have no escape: both the judge and the police are priests of Satan too: this is the Masonic consociativism therefore even the peoples of Europe cannot escape their EVIL fate!

Four years in hell, Book of Lukas,

4 years in hell where: "Evil replaces good, hatred takes the place of love." According to this crazy ideology of FED FMI BM BCE NWO WW3nucelar NATO CIA 666 UK gender darwin Sodom lgbt: and democratic party, the author, who is hidden for obvious reasons under the pseudonym of Lukas, lives four years of his life. At the age of 15, a schoolmate involved him in one of the most dangerous satanic European sects of the CIA Merkel and George W. Bush.

Oslo: oggi interrogatori dei 2 arrestati


questi ragazzi non hanno scampo: perché sono sacerdoti di satana sia il giudice che la polizia: questo è il consociativismo massonico: quindi anche i popoli europei non possono sfuggire al loro destino!

Quattro anni all'inferno, Libro di Lukas,

4 anni all'inferno dove: "Il male sostituisce il bene, l'odio prende il posto dell'amore." Secondo questa folle ideologia di FED FMI BM BCE NWO WW3nucelar NATO CIA 666 UK gender darwin Sodoma lgbt: e partito democratico, l'autore, che si cela per ovvi motivi sotto lo pseudonimo di Lukas, vive quattro anni della sua vita. A soli 15 anni un compagno di scuola lo coinvolge in una delle più pericolose sette sataniche europee della CIA Merkel e di George W. Bush.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

very very Good News! God JHWH Bless Israel!

God curses: China Russia Riyad Erdogan Rothschild who curses you, and blesses lorenzoJHWH and who blesses you!

Dio maledice: Cina Russia Riyad Erdogan Rothschild chi ti maledice, e benedice lorenzoJHWH e chi ti benedice!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 160 comments

Vicious Anti-Semitic Images Used to Promote Belgian Parade

3 years ago

Vicious Anti-Semitic Images Used to Promote Belgian Parade


evidently the Great Puppeteer treats Jews and goyims alike!

his goal is to spread hatred:

because there is nothing in EUROPE that can escape Masonic consociativism: Bilderberg Rothschild; as George W. Bush says: 43rd President of the United States: the priest of Satan: "so much worse is for everyone, so the better it is for us"


evidentemente il Grande Burattinaio tratta ebrei e goyims allo stesso modo!

il suo obiettivo è diffondere odio:

perché non c'é nulla in EUROPA che può sfuggire al consociativismo massonico; come dice George W. Bush

43º presidente degli Stati Uniti: il sacerdote di Satana: "tanto peggio è per tutti tanto meglio è per noi"

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Software and App lgbt. 168 new #emojis arriving on phones.

Of these 138 are the versions: "gender neutral" of the doodles of the people: all morenite: "afro-Islamic lgbt".


Satan Synagogue: Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild, I ordered you to stop bribing my country! You are the first who must set a good example, into my kingdom between the Nations

Software e App lgbt. In arrivo sui telefoni 168 nuove #emoji.

Di queste 138 sono le versioni: "gender neutral" dei disegnini delle persone: tutte morenite: "afro-islamiche lgbt".


Sinagoga di Satana: Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild, vi ho ordinato di smettere di continuare a corrompere la mia società! Voi siete i primi che dovete dare il buon esempio alle Nazioni

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 42 comments

Palestinian Convert to Judaism Tortured by Palestinian Authority

3 years ago

Rivlin instructs Gantz GONZO for a new government

Middle East jihad.

President, Blue-White leader will have 28 days time


eih Gantz GONZO that sharia peace be on you too!

Rivlin incarica Gantz GONZO per nuovo governo

Medio Oriente jihad.

Presidente, leader Blu-Bianco avrà 28 giorni di tempo


eih Gantz GONZO che la pace sharia sia anche su di te!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

China Russia Riyadh Iran ] i sorry for you [ I dispose for you:


Jewish priests of Satan: NWO FED FMI BCE AIPAC? they have an alibi that is valid for me? you will die!

Cina Russia Riyad Iran ] [ mi dispiace per voi:

i sacerdoti di satana ebrei: NWO FED FMI BCE AIPAC? loro hanno un alibi che è valido per me!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Palestinian Convert to Judaism Tortured by Palestinian Authority

LA SHARIA IS A MEDIOEVAL HORROR: a dogmatic, hopeless mindset, all Muslims, are a fraudulent contract without rights and reciprocity: they can only be executed!

UMMAH is a logic of cannibalistic genocide, even against: the other Islamic killers like them, and who do not belong to their abomination Erdogan Fulani Boko Haram, who sharia law? it WILL HAVE NO PIETRE OF THE HUMAN KIND!

LA SHARIA è UN ORRORE MEDIOEVALE: una dogmatica impostazione mentale senza speranza, tutti i mussulmani, sono un contratto fraudolento senza diritti e reciprocità: loro possono soltanto essere eseguiti!

UMMAH è una logica di genocidio cannibalico, anche contro: gli altri islamici assassini come loro, e che non appartengono alla loro abominazione Erdogan Fulani Boko Haram, che sharia law? essa NON AVRà PIETà DEL GENERE UMANO!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

I have been the Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years:

and I got tired of counting sharia murders!

stop enough with this massacre

io sono Osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani da 30 anni:

e mi sono stancato di contare gli omicidi della sharia!

stop basta con questo massacro

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 2 comments

New Israeli Technology Combats Oil Pollution

3 years ago

BEIRUT, OCTOBER 23 - As the first official reaction of the Lebanese religious leaders, the Greek Orthodox bishop of Beirut Elias Aude, expressed today in favor of the popular protests that have been going on for days throughout Lebanon.


until it is Rothschild: with its international Masonic satanism and consociativism (the lgbt esoteric agenda, democratic party) that has the monopoly of money: scam 666 banking seigniorage: all over the world?

they want to die of people!

BEIRUT, 23 OTT - Come prima reazione ufficiale dei vertici religiosi libanesi, il vescovo greco-ortodosso di Beirut Elias Aude, si è espresso oggi a favore delle proteste popolari in corso da giorni in tutto il Libano.


finché è Rothschild: con il suo satanismo e consociativismo massonico internazionale (il partito democratico lgbt) che ha il monopolio dei soldi in tutto il mondo?

ne vogliono morire di persone!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

no not i said this! i am Universal and political project ONLY, not a prophet!

Kaduri wrote "On the eve of the year 5780 (the upcoming Hebrew year), the year of corrections,

there will not be a government in Israel for an extended period and the various camps will be quarrel much without a decision on either side, and then,

on Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year) itself, they will fight in heaven, the holy side against the side of evil, and G-d and His entourage will decide between them.

Kaduri ha scritto "Alla vigilia dell'anno 5780 (il prossimo anno ebraico), l'anno delle correzioni,

non ci sarà un governo in Israele per un lungo periodo e i vari campi saranno in lite molto senza una decisione da entrambe le parti, e poi,

su Rosh Hashana (il capodanno ebraico) stesso, combatteranno in cielo, la parte santa contro la parte del male, e Dio e il suo entourage decideranno tra di loro.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL 112 comments

Netanyahu gives up on forming new coalition

3 years ago


IDF ‘Bibi Team’ Holds 50-Year Reunion, Celebrates Netanyahu’s 70th Birthday

unitedwithisrael org/idf-bibi-team-holds-50-year-reunion-celebrates-netanyahus-70th-birthday

CreationReal jewish Messia

algorithms and filters even begin to enter Israeli sites 2/2

/noah-ararat.blogspot com/2019/10/algorithms-even-begin-to-enter-israeli_22

algorithms even begin to enter Israeli sites 2/2

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH


algorithms even begin to enter Israeli sites 1/2

3 years ago


worldisraelnews ]what's up? how the Democratic Party (blue and white) won

do algorithms even begin to enter Israeli sites?

my channel does not see the answers I gave to "Solving Politics"

but with another channel? yes I see them: they are there!

che c'é? come ha vinto il partito democratico (blu e bianco)

incominciano ad entrare gli algoritmi anche nei siti israeliani?

il mio canale non vede le risposte che ho dato a "Solving Politics"

ma con un altro canale? si le vedo: esse ci sono!


3 years ago


this is esoteric agenda

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL 3 comments

DAILY RECAP: Gantz Gets His Shot; Netanyahu Asks Putin For Pardon; Route 6 Crash Claims 3rd Victim; More Top News

3 years ago


CreationReal jewish Messia vs stevealevine

Why do Israeli sites keep someone as bad as you? this is a mystery .. maybe they hope someone can improve you!

1. I am outside the Masonic FED IMF BM ECB NWO, which delegitimizes every religion and institution, so there is no one who can find an institution for me: since I alone can legitimize all of them!

2. and since there is no alternative to the world war, outside of my Kingdom of ISRAEL:

then, it's normal for you to be angry since you're about to die!

3. yet your death is guilty because you have known my justice and despised it!

3 years ago


I also saw Erdogan as the map of Palestine showed:

1. to defend: international Islamic terrorism and

2. to defend a ghost Palestinian nation that has never existed.


when will he take the map of all the ARAB LEAGUE to show the genocide of 50 Christian nations?

When will you take the map of Nigeria to show how all Christians are exterminated in Nigeria with his OCI LEGA ARABA?

When will Erdogan admit the genocide of the Armenians?

that as then, Erdogan ended up in NATO?

of this the satanic priests in the USA will answer me!

io ho anche visto Erdogan come ha mostrato la piantina di Palestina:

1. per difendere: il terrorismo islamico internazionale e 2. difendere una Nazione Palestinese fantasma che non è mai esistita.


quando lui prenderà la piantina di tutta la LEGA ARABA per mostrare il genocidio di 50 Nazioni cristiane?

Quando prenderà la piantina della Nigeria per mostrare come proprio con OCI LEGA ARABA stanno sterminado in Nigeria tutti i cristiani?

Quando Erdogan ammetterà il genocidio degli Armeni?

che poi, Erdogan sia finito nella NATO?

di questo i sacedoti di satana in USA ne risponderanno!

3 years ago


Netanyahu Asks Putin For Pardon for an Israeli tourist sentenced in Russia to 7.5 years in prison for 9 grams of cannabis


this news speaks for itself .. given that Putin wants to be the protector of Hezbollah and Iran to kill Israel.

Netanyahu Asks Putin For Pardon per una turista israeliana condannata in Russia a 7,5 anni di carcere per 9grammi di marjuana


questa notizia si commenta da sola.. dato che Putin si vuol fare il protettore di Hezbollah e Iran per uccidere Israele.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL 2 comments

Kurdish fighters flee northern Syria in victory for Turkey

3 years ago


Siena October 22, 2019 - Ottavia Fabbrizzi's daughter will be heard in probationary accident, the woman who at 37 was raped and killed in June 1944 in Radicofani (Siena) by a French soldier and two 'goumiers', the Moroccan soldiers framed in the French scams during the Second World War. The Siena investigating judge Alberto Lippini accepted the request made by the prosecutor Valentina Magnini.


to get troops to defeat Nazi-fascism:

the Anglo-Americans not only redeemed themselves accomplices of Tito in the genocide of the Dalmatian triestini people (the karst foibes)

but, they also promised rape and looting to the Moroccans in the hours of free exit!

3 years ago


Erdogan is "a thief," Assad told troops during a visit to the northwestern province of Idlib. "He stole the factories, grain and oil in collaboration with Daesh ISIS al-Nusra Turcomanni (the Islamic State group) and is now stealing the land."

Idlib is adjacent to a border enclave that Turkey captured several years ago in another raid.


unfortunate that Assad has forgotten to mention that Erdogan is the instigator of all genocides and of all the communes(mass graves) of Syria and Iraq!

Erdogan è "un ladro", ha detto Assad alle truppe durante una visita nella provincia nord-occidentale di Idlib. "Ha rubato le fabbriche, il grano e il petrolio in collaborazione con Daesh ISIS al-Nusra Turcomanni (il gruppo dello Stato islamico) e ora sta rubando la terra".

Idlib è adiacente a un'enclave di confine che la Turchia ha catturato diversi anni fa in un'altra incursione.


peccato che Assad si è dimenticato di dire che Erdogan è il mandante di tutti i genocidi e di tutte le fosse comuni della Siria e Iraq!

3 years ago


"Annihilate Israel," Leader of Chechnya Tells Arab Nations


to say that Israel is a threat to ISLAM this is too reductive:

Israel is also a threat to Rothschild and to every Masonic lgbt Satanism of the Democratic party ... in fact

I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL

3 years ago


Parents Pd (democratic party) Matteo Renzi, attorney closes investigation for bankruptcy and false invoices

ANSWER. there is nothing else to say about the charlatans!

Genitori Pd (partito democratico) Matteo Renzi, procura chiude inchiesta per bancarotta e fatturazioni false

ANSWER. non c'é altro da dire sui ciarlatani!

3 years ago


this is a "dad" in quotes!

Teenagers notice the girl with the "dad" who behaves strangely, they follow her because they knew that something was wrong. Easyvoyage

this story of shameful allusions must end on the internet and on social media

President RIVLIN scolds you the Holy Spirit!

questo è un "papà" tra le virgolette!

Gli adolescenti notano la ragazza con il "papà" che si comporta in modo strano, la seguono perché sapevano che c’era qualcosa che non andava Easyviaggio

questa storia di vergognose allusioni deve finire in internet e sui social

President RIVLIN ti rimprovera lo Spirito Santo!

Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments

'You are Great!': Trump Sends Birthday Greeting to Netanyahu

3 years ago

Trump approves 4.5 million dollars in aid for "white helmets" in Syria:

it sputniknews com/mondo/201910228213103-trump-approve-45-milioni-of- dollars-to-help-for-i- casinos- white-in-syria /

the Russian Foundation for the Study of Democracy presented evidence of their investigations in Syria, demonstrating that the group is committed to staging false chemical and other attacks, collecting the organs of the people they claimed to save, and plundering the bodies of the fallen, among other things.


obviously only TRUMP does NOT know that white helmets are al-Nusra Ottoman genocide Erdogan .. but then, everybody knows this: actually!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago


Trump approves 4.5 million dollars in aid for "white helmets" in Syria: it dollars-to-help-for-i- casinos- white-in-syria /

the Russian Foundation for the Study of Democracy presented evidence of their investigations in Syria, demonstrating that the group is committed to staging false chemical and other attacks, collecting the organs of the people they claimed to save, and plundering the bodies of the fallen, among other things.


obviously only TRUMP does NOT know that white helmets are al-Nusra Ottoman genocide Erdogan .. but then, everybody knows this: actually!

3 years ago

Air Force Renzi. Buy 1 pay 26, a bargain!

Leased with a secret contract for 168 million when it would have been enough to buy it 7, ANSWER.

the Rothschild megalomania of the Democratic party ... which obviously the Masonic judges will NEVER watch!

Air Force Renzi. Compri 1 paghi 26, un affarone!

Preso in leasing con un contratto secretato per 168 milioni quando a comprarlo ne sarebbe bastati 7, ANSWER.

la megalomania Rothschild del partito democratico.. che ovviamente i giudici massoni NON andranno mai a guardare!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Ginevra Pisani molested in the street from "black man" to / voxnews info / 2019/10/22 / geneva-pisani-molested-for-road-by-man-black-a-milano /

The girl was harassed in the street in Milan by the usual 'black man': “While I was crossing, .... " Welcome to the jungle.

"No one should be allowed to touch a person without his will. Our body is too important to be molested and raped for free ". "Despite this I will continue to wear the m i n i s k i rt, I will walk with my head held high." We would tell you that you do well, but in the jungle it is dangerous, Italy is no longer Italy.


I believe that both attitudes: both the mi n i s k i rt and the e y e l i n e r are both abusive attitudes!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago


Ginevra Pisani molested in the street from "black man" to / voxnews info / 2019/10/22 / geneva-pisani-molested-for-road-by-man-black-a-milano /

The girl was harassed in the street in Milan by the usual 'black man': “While I was crossing, other people were coming towards me to cross towards the place side and between them a black guy comes out, who decides to touch my ass . But don't touch it like this ... it just gave me a nice slap, as if to say ‘good’. Such a thing had never happened to me. " Welcome to the jungle.

"No one should be allowed to touch a person without his will. Our body is too important to be molested and raped for free ". "Despite this I will continue to wear the miniskirt, I will walk with my head held high." We would tell you that you do well, but in the jungle it is dangerous, Italy is no longer Italy.


I believe that both attitudes: both the miniskirt and the eyeliner are both abusive attitudes!

3 years ago

"You are Great!": Trump & Netanyahu

I have been carrying out a political project for universal brotherhood for 14 years ... but, it seems that nobody cares!

sono 14 anni che io porto avanti un progetto politico per la fratellanza universale.. ma, sembra che non interessi a nessuno!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Migrants: 100 arrests for Malta revolt


this African-Islamic invasion of parasites: Erdogan Rothschild Soros and the Democratic Party, Bilderberg?

it is too disturbing a story: for the definitive genocide of the European peoples !!

Migranti: 100 arresti per rivolta Malta


questa invasione afro-islamica di parassiti: Erdogan Rothschild Soros e Partito Democratico, Bilderberg?

è una storia troppo inquietante: per il definitivo genocidio dei popoli europei!!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Use: '50% in favor of Trump impeachment


all the Rothschild Democratic Party polls?

leave the time they find!

Usa: '50% a favore impeachment Trump'


tutti i sondaggi del partito democratico Rothschild?

lasciano il tempo che trovano!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

22 OCT - The woman suspected of being involved in the Oslo attack was also arrested.

This was announced by the Norwegian police at a press conference.

A rifle and a machine gun were found in the ambulance.


it is an anomalous crime without motive and without objective: typical of the Churches of Satan of the CIA, that they want to raise the attention on the Nazism that doesn't exist to hide: all the social crimes of the democratic Party: and the Islamic terrorism that exists instead !!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Yemen: Oxfam, over 15 mln without water ..


Satan jihad created them and Allah sharia took care of them!

this Koranic Islam is an excessive burden for the human race!

Yemen: Oxfam, oltre 15 mln senz'acqua..


Satana jihad li ha creati e Allah sharia si è preso cura di loro!

questo Islam coranico è un peso eccessivo per il genere umano!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments

'You are Great!': Trump Sends Birthday Greeting to Netanyahu

3 years ago

when does Rothschild steal too much for too long?

then he turns into a murderer!

Chile, the protests do not stop

Fifteen dead and 2,600 arrests

Piñera: 'We are at war against a powerful and implacable enemy'. Amnesty denounces violations of rights and arbitrary restrictive measures

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

‘You are Great!’: Trump Sends 70th Birthday Greeting to Netanyahu


bless too 2 patriots

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 28 comments

Democratic Presidential Candidates, Anti-Israel Groups to Share Views at J Street Conference

3 years ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

DiaminSilberAnd CIATroll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fa (erased my comment)

all SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild scam banking seigniorage

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this s h i t of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

DiaminSilberAnd CIATroll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fa (erased my comment)

all SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild scam banking seigniorage

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this shit of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

3 years ago


DiaminSilber and CIA Troll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fa (erased my comment)

all SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild scam banking seigniorage supporting documentation:

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this shit of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

3 years ago


Solving Politics vs CreationReal jewish Messia

Wow! Give me the name of the Rothschild involved & attach your supporting documentation!

CreationReal jewish Messia Solving Politics

DiaminSilber and Guest Troll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fa (erased my comment)

all SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild are involved &

this is scam banking seigniorage supporting documentation:

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this shit of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

3 years ago


/worldisraelnews com/netanyahu-gives-up-on-forming-new-coalition

CreationReal jewish Messia

the democratic party: it is not a coalition:

is the satanist enemy rothschild parasite

il partito democratico: non è una coalizione:

è il nemico parassita satanista rothschild

Solving Politics vs CreationReal jewish Messia

Wow! Give me the name of the Rothschild involved & attach your supporting documentation!

CreationReal jewish Messia Solving Politics

DiaminSilber and Guest Troll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fall SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild are involved &

this is scam banking seigniorage supporting documentation:

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this shit of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

CreationReal jewish Messia vs Solving Politics

1 Guest Vote ]] ah ah ah ah all scrum of hell is with you

3 years ago


/worldisraelnews com/netanyahu-gives-up-on-forming-new-coalition

CreationReal jewish Messia

the democratic party: it is not a coalition:

is the satanist enemy rothschild parasite

il partito democratico: non è una coalizione:

è il nemico parassita satanista rothschild

Solving Politics vs CreationReal jewish Messia

Wow! Give me the name of the Rothschild involved & attach your supporting documentation!

CreationReal jewish Messia Solving Politics

DiaminSilber and Guest Troll they erased my post against rothschild!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fall SpA 322 FED 666 IMF cult Rothschild are involved &

this is scam banking seigniorage supporting documentation:

search google "SIMEC" "GiacintoAuriti" "monetary sovereignty"

we have this shit of Satan for 400 years and haven't you noticed?

CreationReal jewish Messia vs Solving Politics

1 Guest Vote ]] ah ah ah ah all scrum of hell is with you

3 years ago

my President RIVLIN] [where did Bush and Putin fail? Nancy Patricia Pelosi, born D'Alesandro, that she is a third-class US policy: certainly with Erdogan she will be successful .. because even the unfortunate Erdogan is a poor old man who he failed and collapsed (who he waned and stunned senses too)

... and this is the hidden truth of Erdogan:

its main objective is the Riyadh agenda: that is, to do end with the martyr Christians: to end the dirty work that ISIS has left unfinished, and it is precisely this consideration, which it made: to TG24 Antonio Tajani: just a short time ago!

my President RIVLIN ] [ dove hanno fallito Bush e Putin? Nancy Patricia Pelosi, nata D'Alesandro, che lei è una politica statunitense di terza classe: certo con Erdogan lei avrà successo.. perché anche il disgraziato Erdogan è un povero vecchietto fallito e collassato (who he have waned and stunned senses too)

... ed è questa la verità occulta di Erdogan:

il suo obiettivo principale è la agenda di Riyad: cioè quello di finire con i cristiani martiri: il lavoro simmorale che ISIS ha lasciato incompiuto, ed è proprio questa considerazione, che ha fatto: al TG24 Antonio Tajani: proprio poco tempo fa!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

my President RIVLIN but, do you want to get rich?

(I tell you, there are NO intelligent priests of satan of the past)

alphasetz com / make-money-fast /

SPECIAL REPORT: "the rich 666 lgbt have become furious" Jоvаnоtti's latest investment has left the experts speechless and scared the banks

Italian citizens are already earning millions of euros, working from home, thanks to this "loophole of wealth", but is it all true? can turn anyone into a millionaire within 3-4 months.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 19 comments

Shemini Atzeret: This Holiday is Just for Me and My People!

3 years ago

unitedwithisrael tu sei un ragazzo pericoloso!!!

tu vuoi far morire dal ridere i tuoi nemici?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

you love idol Lilit Allah Pachamama!!! no, no, nooooo, how will the prayers Pope FRANCIS now without his idol: the black stone: Mecca 666 Kaaba?

Indigenous statues stolen from a church and thrown into the Tiber

The action is immortalized in a video on Youtube

Some indigenous statues, exhibited on the occasion of the Synod for the Amazon, were stolen last night from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, a stone's throw from the Vatican, and were launched in the Tiber. The action was filmed entirely with a video camera and published on Youtube.

In the four minutes of the video a man is seen entering the church and subtracting Pachamama idols displayed in one in the aisles. Then he starts towards Ponte Sant'Angelo where he throws the statues into the water. The video is without comment or claims of any kind.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

love is pig love Mogherini UE l'antichrist Merkel Von Ursula!!

On smartphones, one boy out of three has questionable material Hillary Clinton Epstein Obama lgbt Biden (love has no age for Mohammed) !!

Skuola net: interviewed four thousand young people between 11 and 25 years old

Sugli smartphone, un ragazzo su tre ha materiale discutibile Hillary Clinton Epstein Obama lgbt Biden (l'amore non ha età per maometto)!!

Skuola net: ha intervistato quattromila giovani tra 11 e 25 anni

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Who is Pachamama 666? Viva Cristo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!

IN THE SPIRIT of BONIFACE: Pachamama Thrown into the Tiber

/remnantnewspaper com/web/index php/fetzen-fliegen/item/4639-in-the-spirit-of-boniface-pachamama-thrown-into-the-tiber

we don't know if now Pope FRANCIS is also praying at Pachamama 666 ja-Bull-On the Great Freemason Rothschild!

non sappiamo se adesso Papa FRANCESCO fa anche le preghiere a Pachamama 666 ja-Bull-On il Grande Massone Rothschild!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Shemini Atzeret: This Holiday is for My People!

ANSWER. thank you, many grace my Rabbi!

this is a theologically and politically perfect article:

because it speaks of the role of ISRAEL within the universal brotherhood: but the idiological systems: Democratic Party: Freemasonry, lgbt FED FMI NWO CIA 666 CHINA Russia NWO: and those theocratic Islamists sharia genocide against infidels: they have decided for the world war !

ANSWER. grazie, molte grazia rabbino!

questo è un articolo teologicamente e politicamente perfetto:

perché parla del ruolo di ISRAELE all'interno della fratellanza universale: ma i sistemi idiologici: Partito democratico: massonerie, lgbt FED FMI NWO CIA 666 CINA Russia NWO: e quelli teocratici islamici sharia genocidio contro gli infedeli: loro hanno deciso per la guerra mondiale!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

The Remnant Newspaper - IN THE SPIRIT of BONIFACE: Pachamama Thrown into the Tiber remnantnewspaper com/web/index php/fetzen-fliegen/item/4639-in-the-spirit-of-boniface-pachamama-thrown-into-the-tiber


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Remnant Newspaper.

the Lord have mercy on us and on the Catholic Church:

more "meretrix" than "Casta"

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

CHINA RUSSIA Riyadh] [if you think I'm not the King of ISRAEL?

you must die!

CINA RUSSIA Riyad ] [ se voi pensate che io non sono il Re di ISRAELE?

voi dovete morire!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Never so low. For the polls, only 3 out of 10 Italians trust the Conte DRCULA bis Government.


this has always been the 30% government of: Merkel Mattarella Rothschild and Soros

Mai così in basso. Per i sondaggi solo 3 italiani su 10 hanno fiducia nel Governo Conte DRCULA bis.


questo è sempre stato il governo del 30% di: Merkel Mattarella Rothschild e Soros

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

'If needed, Trump will act against Turkey'

Pompey, 'but we prefer peace to war'


why these threats are credible?

we must immediately dismantle the air base of Incirlik is a military air base of İncirlik, a city 12 km from Adana, Turkey. The base is managed by both the United States Air Force and the Türk Hava Kuvvetleri.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

eih #worldisraelnews

my answers to "Micha'el S Bloch"

they disappeared again!

CreationReal jewish Messia

eih #worldisraelnews

my answers to "Micha'el S Bloch"

they disappeared again!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on Remnant Newspaper 75 comments

IN THE SPIRIT of BONIFACE: Pachamama Thrown into the Tiber

3 years ago

il Signore abbia pietà di noi e della Chiesa Cattolica:

più "meretrix" che "Casta"

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments

US Army Chooses Israeli System to Protect Lives of Tank Crews

3 years ago

*** Mad welcome: over half of the refugees have mental problems

*** Paris: found 27 other Islamic police linked to terrorism

*** Ong: migrants drown because Italian soldiers do not know Arabic

*** Policemen: "In Rome all sorts of things happen", attacked twice by the same criminal

*** ONG thanks government: "Now faster landings, we can return immediately to Libya" - VIDEO

*** Islamic INVASION Erdogan Riyad sharia jihad

Boom of landings: and all remain in Italy, the betrayal of Conte

October 21, 2019


Migrant masturbates in front of the military: free because obscene acts decriminalized by Renzi


Italian robbery refugee with barbs

October 21, 2019


Scabies in 3 schools, furious mothers: "They must be checked first"

October 21, 2019


4 thousand immigrants driven out by Salvini lodge an appeal: they don't want to leave

October 21, 2019

*** Clandestini take control of reception center: they burn police station and police car - VIDEO

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Chile, the death toll rises to 11. Almost 1500 arrests


the vampire Rothschild FED FMI sucked too greedily:

and the Masons: Merkel Macron Zingaretti: M5S Pd lgbt: they stole without restraint .. so the people are desperate in every part of the world!

Cile, sale a 11 il bilancio delle vittime. Quasi 1500 gli arresti


il vampiro Rothschild FED FMI ha succhiato con troppa avidità:

e i massoni: Merkel Macron Zingaretti: M5S Pd lgbt: hanno rubato senza ritegno.. quindi il popolo è disperato in ogni parte del mondo!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 19 comments

Shemini Atzeret: This Holiday is Just for Me and My People!

3 years ago

Detected as spam

let alone the sacrilegious and painful and blasphemous condition of the Church,

but these are the Masons: of: lgbt Bilderberg-Rothschild, and of the Democratic Party, all over the world, who would like to trample the sovereignty of the peoples and trample Netanjahu e TRUMP!!

Funeral for a Mason Grand Master in the Cathedral of Perugia

16 October 2019 - 12:16

(Fabio Cancelli) On 8 October Senator Giorgio Casoli (1928-2019), mayor of Perugia from 1980 to 1987, militant of the Italian Socialist Party, undersecretary of the Amato Government, died at 91 years of age. The funeral took place at 10 am in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo in Perugi. Catholic funeral in the Duomo to a socialist of the old PSI? Nothing strange. We are in the "red" Perugia and our Church for decades, so as not to be accused of fascism and fundamentalism, takes delight in the political and cultural company of the center-left. But Senator Casoli was not only the former socialist mayor of Perugia, he was also a declared Freemason, a free mason master, or third and final rank of the Grand Orient of Italy at Palazzo Giustiniani. To the journalist Alvaro Fiorucci, on La Repubblica of 15 November 1992, Casoli declared himself to be "a Mason by family tradition", he did not keep it hidden, he often talked about it in public. Casoli also had (Fiorucci's words) a "dazzling career in the judiciary": magistrate in Assisi, Instructor Judge in Perugia, President of the Court of Appeal in Milan, Magistrate of Cassation on leave. As recalled a few days ago by the Grand Orient of Italy (GOI), Giorgio Casoli belonged to the Loggia "Ver Sacrum" No. 961 of Perugia.

A few more details we have from the newspaper of Umbria, on-line, of 10 October: "In the cathedral crowded also a large number of exponents of the Perugian Freemasonry. The Perugian "Ver Sacrum" lodge has had an obituary posted all over the city

Bennett: If Israeli justice system topples Netanyahu over cigars, it will be mortal blow to right-wing camp worldisraelnews com/bennett-if-israeli-justice-system-topples-netanyahu-over-cigars-it-will-be-mortal-blow-to-right-wing-camp

lasciamo stare la sacrilega e penosa e blasfema condizione della Chiesa ,

ma questi sono i massoni: di: lgbt Bilderberg-Rothschild, e del partito democratico, in tutto il mondo, che vorrebbero calpestare la sovranità dei popoli!

Funerale a un Gran Maestro massone nella Cattedrale di Perugia

16 Ottobre 2019 - 12:16

(Fabio Cancelli) L’8 ottobre è morto a 91 anni di età il senatore Giorgio Casoli (1928-2019), sindaco di Perugia dal 1980 al 1987, militante del Partito Socialista Italiano, sottosegretario del Governo Amato. L’indomani alle 10 si è svolto il funerale nella Cattedrale di San Lorenzo a Perugi. Funerale cattolico in Duomo a un socialista del vecchio PSI ? Nulla di strano. Siamo nella “rossa” Perugia e la nostra Chiesa da decenni, pur di non essere tacciata di fascismo e integralismo, si diletta della compagnìa politica e culturale del centro-sinistra. Ma il senatore Casoli non era solo l’ex sindaco socialista di Perugia, era anche un massone dichiarato, un maestro libero muratore, ossia terzo e ultimo grado del Grande Oriente d’Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani. Al giornalista Alvaro Fiorucci, su La Repubblica del 15 novembre 1992, Casoli dichiarava di essere «massone per tradizione di famiglia», non lo teneva nascosto, ne parlava spesso in pubblico. Casoli ha avuto anche (parole di Fiorucci) una «folgorante carriera in magistratura»: pretore ad Assisi, Giudice Istruttore a Perugia, Presidente di Corte d’Assise d’Appello a Milano, Magistrato di Cassazione in aspettativa. Come ha ricordato pochi giorni fa il Grande Oriente d’Italia (GOI), Giorgio Casoli apparteneva alla Loggia “Ver Sacrum” n° 961 di Perugia.

Qualche dettaglio in più lo abbiamo dal Quotidiano dell’Umbria, on-line, del 10 ottobre: «Nella cattedrale gremita anche un gran numero di esponenti della massoneria perugina. La loggia perugina “Ver sacrum” ha fatto affiggere un necrologio per tutta la città

We have received your request for review

3 years ago

Grande Oriente d 'Italia reiterated that the Honorary Grand Master Giorgio Casoli was "a proud member of Freemasonry and a convinced Europeanist".

on the one hand we see Bishops (apparently few and mostly "emeritus" or marginal), priests and laity who with prudent parresia fight rampant heresies and apostasy risking every day to be struck by "friendly fire", unjust censorship or further marginalization . On the other hand, men of politics, culture, economics, entertainment, notoriously secularists, and even high dignitaries of Freemasonry, who can easily find honor among the Catholic hierarchy with a funeral in churches or cathedrals. This happens in the corrupt and sacrilegious Church today.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Funeral for a Grand Master Mason in the Cathedral of Perugia:


this is sacrilege apostasy and heresy!

Funerale a un Gran Maestro massone nella Cattedrale di Perugia:


questo è apostasia sacrilegio ed eresia!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

OCT 21 - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is 70 today


best wishes my brother!

21 OTT - Il premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu oggi ha compiuto 70 anni


auguri fratello mio!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Russia China and CIA ] why have you abandoned me too? [ the only ones who cannot move towards me: they are the Israelis and their alibi is valid ]

because you too have abandoned me and you have betrayed me?

] perché anche voi mi avete abbandonato? [ gli unici che non possono muoversi verso di me: sono gli israeliani e il loro alibi è valido ] perché anche voi mi avete abbandonato e mi avete tradito?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

#Erdogan: ' #EU stands with terrorists', Kurds, Ras al Ayn evacuated. Kurdish commander Kino Gabriel: 'We have no more fighters in the city of Ras al Ayn'. Ankara defense sources said: "If the withdrawal of Kurdish militias from the Turkish security zone in the north-east of Syria is not completed by tomorrow evening, there will be no extension of the truce."

ANSWER. there is something that an Islamic: OCI Riyad Iran ISIS Erdogan cannot see and cannot understand .. their sharia inability to solve their problems peacefully.

this is part of their demonic infestation: because UMMAH is Satanism!

Erdogan: 'Ue sta con terroristi', Curdi, evacuata Ras al Ayn. Il comandante curdo Kino Gabriel: 'Non abbiamo più combattenti nella città di Ras al Ayn'. Fonti della Difesa di Ankara avevano detto: 'Se non si completerà entro domani sera il ritiro delle milizie curde dalla zona di sicurezza turca nel nord-est della Siria, non ci sarà alcuna estensione della tregua'.

ANSWER. c'é qualcosa che un islamico: OCI Riyad Iran ISIS Erdogan non può vedere e non può capire.. la loro sharia incapacità a risolvere i loro problemi pacificamente.

questo è parte della loro infestazione demoniaca: perché UMMAH è satanismo!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL 10 comments

IDF stations battalion near settlement following attack by ‘hilltop youth’

3 years ago


Arnold Schwarzenegger hates politics


all the infamous as: the actors who want to make an easy career and get rich:

they enter the democratic party to make Rothschild's accomplices and steal banking scam seigniorage from the peoples of the world: until their destruction!

Arnold Schwarzenegger odia la politica


tutti gli infami come: gli attori che vogliono fare una facile carriera ed arricchirsi:

entrano nel partito democratico per fare i complici di Rothschild e rubare il signoraggio bancario ai popoli del mondo: fino alla loro distruzione!

3 years ago


all criminal lgbt and Rothschid Satan cult of Democratic Party

they know it very well: but they pretend not to know:

that all Islamic problems sharia be resolved with the army and with the systematic death penalty!

... yet:

Trudeau Macron Merkel Soros and Bilderberg push to make european peoples: invasion Islamize and do abandon to despair of sharia genocide: the Christian martyrs all over the world!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL 4 comments

WATCH: IDF observes Hezbollah, Iran-backed militias reinforcing Syrians along Golan border

3 years ago


in fact, the monsters of Allah DON'T seem worried about their brother: UMMAH 666, the thug jihad sharia Erdogan: the orcs of ISIS Al-Nusra hamas, Fulani, Talebans, Boko Haram, etc.. etc... etc.. all Mecca idol Kaaba jihad the cannibal Turcomans genocide and chimical nuclear army!

and this is true because everyone says it:

"Islam is a religion of peace!"

then taht peace sharia be on mohammed and on all their and giordan king VAFFANCULO


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