non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know



CINA RUSSIA INDIA OCI ONU USA UE ] [ you have to try to WORK IN my coordination

of "kingdom of ISRAEL" which is initially, and territorially delimited only by the "mount of olives",

my law is the foundation of universal brotherhood!

therefore, it is a political and cultural laboratory: to set up a new level of collaboration between peoples FINANCIAL, DIPLOMACY, and between states all of good will

dovete provare a realizzare un mio coordinamento

di "regno di ISRAELE" che è inizialmente, e territorialmente delimitato soltanto dal "monte degli ulivi",

la mia legge fonda la fratellanza universale!

quindi, è un laboratorio politico e culturale: per impostare un nuovo livello di collaborazione tra i popoli e tra gli Stati

Matthew Lathum

2 years ago


idiot like you caant see his jewish messia lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

WATCH: Netanyahu praises Trump, ‘I can only hope current US policy will continue’

Doc Stevens

2 years ago


all Democrapt are idiologically corrupt people

2 years ago


Netanyahu praises Trump:

YES VOTE PATRIOT MAGA Trump2020 Pence2020

if you want to see Israel win

Netanyahu elogia Trump:


2 years ago


https://youtu be/B4cbA0xSgZY] CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US UN OCI] this is my project: "me with my KINGDOM of ISRAEL

I print the money (world legal tender) and give it to the states free gratis "

so we RESET the IMF, our way!


Donald Trump has understood and is determined to fight this system and this is why they want to kill him like JFKennedy!

This economist is really very competent and very clear in explaining things.

Compliments!!! What an intelligent person, finally a person who, despite coming from the world of economics, opens the mind to many, on the true values, principles, ideas and things that really matter in life.

Beautiful analysis but the speech is so clear I do not know how the population does not realize the great deception.

This truth is frightening and thrilling. It should be shown in cinemas ... on all possible channels !!! Thanks Guido Grossi.

Usually Rockefeller the Satanist Jewish Freemason creates evil,

and he also produces the cure.

https://youtu be/B4cbA0xSgZY ] CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU OCI ] questo è il mio progetto : "io con il mio REGNO di ISRAELE

io stampo il denaro (a corso legale mondiale) e lo regalo agli stati"

quindi facciamo noi il RESET del FMI, a modo nostro!


Donald Trump ha capito ed è deciso a combattere questo sistema e questo è il motivo per cui lo vogliono uccidere come JFKennedy!

Questo economista è veramente molto competente è molto chiaro nello spiegare le cose.

Complimenti!!! Che persona intelligente , finalmente una persona che pur provenendo dal mondo del economia apre la mente a molti ,sui veri valori, principi ,idee e cose che contano veramente nella vita.

Bellissima analisi ma è così limpido il discorso non so come la popolazione non si rende conto del grande inganno.

Da paura e brividi questa verita`. La si dovrebbe proiettare in sale tutti i canali possibili !!! Grazie Guido Grossi.

Di solito Rockefeller l'ebreo massone satanista crea il male,

e lui ne produce anche la cura.

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

David Friedman: Mideast is ‘exploding with good opportunities’ under Trump

2 years ago


only Donad Trump is a real MAGA PATRIOTs] vote Trump2020 Pence2020 [“We have done more for the cause of peace in this region than any other administration in the United States. And I think those who oppose it are not seeing the situation clearly, "the US ambassador to Israel told JNS in a wide-ranging interview.

my God JHWH bless you all

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan and Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa

only Donad Trump is a real MAGA PATRIOTs ] vote Trump2020 Pence2020 [ “Abbiamo fatto di più per la causa della pace in questa regione di qualsiasi altra amministrazione negli Stati Uniti. E penso che coloro che ci si oppongono non stiano vedendo chiaramente la situazione ", ha detto l'ambasciatore americano in Israele a JNS in un'intervista ad ampio raggio.

Il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, a sinistra, il ministro degli Esteri degli Emirati Arabi Uniti Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan e il ministro degli Esteri del Bahrein Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Strong Aegean Sea earthquake topples buildings in Turkey

2 years ago


Barry Brumfield 5 hours ago

Oh, your loving brothers the anti-Semite fake Israelites that go by the cult name of "Black Hebrew Israelites"


if you are ashamed of yourself, who will respect you?

se ti vergogni di te stesso, chi avrà rispetto per te?

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


the only thing black black soul that I see here?

is your cursed soul!

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


ethiopians? oh my loving brother ethiopians

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Israel-Lebanon maritime border talks may be in trouble

2 years ago


Monsignor # Viganò writes to #Trump: "#Bergoglio is at the head of an evil global plan"

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aimed at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises to ensure a universal income and to cancel the debt of individuals. The price of these #Fund #Monetary #International concessions should be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a #Covid-19 and #Covid-21 vaccination program promoted by #Bill #Gates with the collaboration of the major #pharmaceutical #groups, . Beyond the huge economic interests that move the promoters of #Great #Reset, the imposition of vaccination will be accompanied by the obligation of a health passport and a digital #ID, with the consequent tracking of the contacts of the entire world population. Those who do not agree to undergo these measures will be confined to detention camps or under house arrest, and all assets will be confiscated.

Monsignor #Viganò scrive a #Trump: “ #Bergoglio è a capo di un piano globale malefico”

Scopo del Great Reset è l’imposizione di una dittatura sanitaria finalizzata all’imposizione di misure liberticide, nascoste dietro allettanti promesse di assicurare un reddito universale e di cancellare il debito dei singoli. Prezzo di queste concessioni del #Fondo #Monetario #Internazionale dovrebbe essere la rinuncia alla proprietà privata e l’adesione ad un programma di vaccinazione #Covid-19 e #Covid-21 promosso da #Bill #Gates con la collaborazione dei principali gruppi farmaceutici. Aldilà degli enormi interessi economici che muovono i promotori del #Great #Reset, l’imposizione della vaccinazione si accompagnerà all’obbligo di un passaporto sanitario e di un #ID #digitale, con il conseguente tracciamento dei contatti di tutta la popolazione mondiale. Chi non accetterà di sottoporsi a queste misure verrà confinato in campi di detenzione o agli arresti domiciliari, e gli verranno confiscati tutti i beni.

https://voxnews info/2020/10/30/monsignor-vigano-scrive-a-trump-bergoglio-a-capo-di-un-piano-globale-malefico/

2 years ago


Israel-Lebanon maritime border talks may be in trouble

these terrorists who can't even protect journalists?

they deserve no mercy

bomb them!

questi maomettani terroristi criminali che non riescono neanche a proteggere, neanche i giornalisti?

non meritano nessuna pietà


2 years ago


I do not recognize any right to the ARAB LEAGUE, until the sharia law is condemned worldwide

and the secular state will not be created, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of Nations will be accepted. United on 10 December 1948:

until that moment? even the lives of Muslims must be taken!

Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that jihad Erdogan terrorist members of Lebanese Hezbollah on Wednesday attacked reporters, who covered the talks, asking reporters to leave the area.

"While we were covering the negotiation session in Naqoura and after obtaining permission from the Lebanese army, three Iranian Mujahideen expelled us from the area",

Lebanese TV correspondent Nayla Shahwan said on Facebook, adding that when she tried to contact her TV station, the men confiscated the phone and equipment and "gave us 3 minutes to leave."

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group controls the southern part of Lebanon where the talks took place, in violation of UN resolution 1701 passed in 2006 in an attempt to disarm Hezbollah and give the Lebanese central government control of the area . Hezbollah refuses to obey and continually threatens to attack Israel.

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

China Collusion: The Bidens got in bed with clandestine Chinese agents

2 years ago


Hunter Biden went to CHINA and asked Xi-Jinping for a villa and 3 good prostitutes: then, he made a hot video on youtube!

"There is no doubt that millions of dollars have been exchanged, going to the Biden family by shady Chinese characters," wrote Andrew C. McCarthy of the National Review.

Hunter Biden è andato in CINA ed ha chiesto a Xi-Jinping una villa e 3 prostitute brave: poi, ha fatto un vidio hot su youtube!

"Non c'è dubbio che milioni di dollari siano stati scambiati, andando alla famiglia Biden da loschi caratteri cinesi", ha scritto Andrew C. McCarthy della National Review.

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Israeli launches human trials of home-grown coronavirus vaccine

2 years ago


Monsignor Viganò writes to Trump: "Bergoglio at the head of an evil global plan"

Mr. President, allow me to address you, at this hour when the fate of the whole world is threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I am writing to you as Archbishop, as Successor of the Apostles, as former Apostolic Nuncio in the United States of America. I am writing to you in the silence of the civil and religious authorities: may you accept these words of mine as the "voice of one crying in the desert" (Jn 1, 23).

Monsignor Viganò scrive a Trump: “Bergoglio a capo di un piano globale malefico”

Signor Presidente, mi consenta di rivolgermi a Lei, in quest’ora in cui le sorti del mondo intero sono minacciate da una cospirazione globale contro Dio e contro l’umanità. Le scrivo come Arcivescovo, come Successore degli Apostoli, come ex-Nunzio apostolico negli Stati Uniti d’America. Le scrivo nel silenzio delle autorità civili e religiose: voglia accogliere queste mie parole come la «voce di uno che grida nel deserto» (Gv 1, 23).

https://voxnews info/2020/10/30/monsignor-vigano-scrive-a-trump-bergoglio-a-capo-di-un-piano-globale-malefico/

Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments

Obama gets personal in Trump attacks

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO 666 owl at bohemian grove Epstein scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller masonic jewish dictatorship worldwide +++ The Tweet was anything but partisan or political. It was a girl's organization dedicated to educating young women about their unlimited possibilities in life. The Tweet itself was innocuous. Here is what it said: "Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789." When the Girl Scouts can't even congratulate a woman for helping to break a longstanding glass ceiling, we know that we are in trouble. The reason I am so angry at the Girl Scouts' decision to withdraw their original Tweet is that it is a reflection of the divisive nature of our nation and the growing intolerance, particularly by the hard left, of dissenting speech that is seen as supporting the other side.

2 years ago


vote maga patriot ] [ In a harsh speech, #Obama mocked and belittled #Trump.

yes, the priests of satan synagogue FED IMF ECB NWO Bilderberg CIA 666 UK NATO of Obama Bush and Rochefeller

this bullying they do against me too, every day

but these are all slanders that cannot be proved!

In un discorso aspro, Obama ha deriso e sminuito Trump.

si, i sacerdoti di satana sinagoga FED IMF ECB NWO Bilderberg CIA 666 UK NATO di Obama Bush e Rochefeller

questo bullismo lo fanno anche contro di me, tutti i giorni

ma sono tutte calunnie che non possono essere dimostrate!

Discussion on World Israel News

70-year-old pulled out alive in Turkey as quake toll hits 53

2 years ago


ERDOGAN ] [ by JHWH holy holy holy

i am jewish messia and king Israel ] [ you can ask Bin Salman kings Riyad for information about me

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Quebec rampage: At least 2 dead, 5 injured as man in medieval armor goes berserk

2 years ago


The confession of the Tunisian who has just landed: “We are all ex-prisoners” - VIDEO

But who are these Tunisians who embark for Italy? Islamic terrorists, as we learned in Nice, but also 'simple' common criminals such as drug dealers.

terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ Bilderberg Macron Merkel, Jewish Freemasons, Soros, neoliberals, technocrats want to exterminate the Italian people with a kalergy agenda, and want to replace them with Erdogan's Islamic jihad sharia law: #Migrants

La confessione del tunisino appena sbarcato: “Siamo tutti ex detenuti” – VIDEO

Ma chi sono questi tunisini che si imbarcano per l’Italia? Terroristi islamici, come abbiamo imparato a Nizza, ma anche ‘semplici’ delinquenti comuni come spacciatori.

https://voxnews info/2020/11/01/la-confessione-del-tunisino-appena-sbarcato-siamo-tutti-ex-detenuti-video/

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ Bilderberg Macron Merkel, Jewish Freemasons, Soros, neoliberals, technocrats want to exterminate the Italian people with a kalergy agenda, and want to replace them with Erdogan's Islamic jihad sharia law: #Migrants: women must be shot to death if she refuses arranged marriage

Woman surrounded and robbed by three North Africans in Milan

From Lithuania to rob in Italy thanks to Schengen

Serial train attacker arrested: he is a Nigerian guilty of dozens of assaults

Closed Italian bars, Bengali minimarket no

Split at the Negrini Store in Lecco, two Moroccans sentenced

She gives a migrant a sandwich: he follows her and rapes her

Modena, two Tunisian minors rob an 81-year-old elderly woman

Surprised at night stealing from a shop, Tunisian arrested

Brahim colleagues in revolt on the luxury ship

Defends girl from rape, Tunisian attacks him with a machete

First they mount it and then they massacre it: gay orgy with migrants

"The Nigerian bosses are getting stronger, we risk other cases like that of Pamela"

Railroad gang: a 41-year-old Albanian arrested

Albanian surprised in the treasure farm

Fabriano: the Carabinieri arrest 40 years old for drugs, he also had fake banknotes

Kicks and punches to escape the controls, the PolFer arrested non-EU citizens

Raped for weeks by a Senegalese drug dealer

The crossing on the boat together with hundreds of other Tunisians up to Lampedusa, the die for identification and the swab, two weeks on board the Rhapsody, one of the ships rented by the Ministry of the Interior for the quarantine of migrants

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ Massive hacker attack on Twitter. To admit it is the social network itself. The Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, Kanye West and many other 'verified' accounts, including those of financial companies, have been hacked to promote a bitcoin scam. According to what was reported by the American media,… Continue reading Hacker compromise Twitter accounts of VIPs and scam millions of followers →

Telecom excludes Chinese Huawei from bidding for 5G

Telecom excludes Huawei from tender for 5G Telecom Italia has not invited Huawei to participate in the tender for the supply of 5G equipment for its network it is preparing to build in Italy and Brazil. The Reuters reports, citing some sources, according to which among the invited suppliers there would be, instead, Cisco, ... Continue reading Telecom excludes Chinese Huawei from tender for 5G →


2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ "Why, for God's sake, don't we teach history in school?" Democratic presidential candidate Joe Hiden said, referring to the invention of the light bulb, during a bizarre meeting with residents of Kenosha, Wisconsin. where its 'inventors' ravaged half the city until Trump sent troops. Biden yes ... Continue reading Senile Joe Biden: "A black not Edison invented a light bulb" →

Vox unreachable in the afternoon due to server problems

In the early afternoon of today, between 2pm and 4pm, Vox was unreachable at times. We could, like others, boast hacker attacks - which have occurred in the past - but the reality is more prosaic: the upstream service of our servers abroad has had problems routing traffic. The problem should be… Continue reading Vox unreachable in the afternoon due to server problems →

Facebook and Twitter censor Trump and he hits TikTok

Brilliant. Usa: ByteDance will have to sell TikTok The US president, Trump, has signed the decree that obliges the Chinese ByteDance to sell the stake in the operations of TikTok in the USA. Companies that continue to work with TikTok will be sanctioned within 45 days. The restrictions also affect the other Chinese app WeChat, and invoke the defense ... Continue reading Facebook and Twitter censor Trump and he hits TikTok →

TikTok, Trump blocks Microsoft-Chinese agreement: banned in the US

Trump: no to divestment of TikTok to Microsoft Trump is strongly opposed to an agreement for the sale of TikTok involving Microsoft. The president himself said so, announcing a decree for the next few hours to ban the popular app based in the US, but owned by China. "TikTok is a source of concern for ... Continue reading TikTok, Trump blocks Microsoft-Chinese agreement: banned in the US →

Problems sharing links on Facebook: social malfunction

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ US, Department of Justice dismantles Google: "Illegal monopoly"

The US Department of Justice will accuse Google of protecting an illegal monopoly. This was reported by Justice officials, quoted by the New York Times. This is the largest legal case brought by the US administration against a technology giant in recent decades. The proceedings will be filed today, after both Republicans and Democrats asked… Continue reading US, Department of Justice dismantles Google: "Illegal monopoly" →

Google as AppImmuni, will spy on your position for your 'good'

They give a damn about your good. With the excuse of the epidemic, they begin to study where you go to resell your data for commercial purposes. Don't be fooled. In times of coronavirus, Google improves and expands the system that allows you to estimate how crowded shops and public places are, so you can avoid the hours of ... Continue reading Google as AppImmuni, it will spy on your location for your 'good' →

Trump bans TikTok and WeChat: blacked out in the US

Trump bans Chinese apps Tiktok-WeChat Trump will ban the download of Chinese apps WeChat and TikTok, starting 9/20. “At the direction of the President, we have decided for meaningful action to combat China's malicious collection of personal data from Americans, while promoting our values and norms of… Continue reading Trump bans TikTok and WeChat: blacked out in the USA →

Senile Joe Biden: "A non-Edison black invented a light bulb"

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller dictatorship [ YouTube defends videos with terrorist Zahran Hashim responsible for the attacks in Sri Lanka, despite the fact that they can influence more extremists to carry out terrorist attacks. Those who criticize Islam instead ban them.

https: // t co / nEaG2fKOWP - ⎛⎝ James the Bond ⎠⎞ (@IAmJamesTheBond) April 24, 2019

Trump against Twitter: no more censorship against the right

Twitter is “very discriminatory. Congress wants to act and must do it. We need more societies, more just to spread freedom of speech ”. President Donald Trump tweets this, returning to attack Twitter and social media that blatantly discriminate against non-left politicians and users, indirectly inviting Congress to action. … ..

But should be much… Continue reading Trump against Twitter: enough censorship against the right →

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down, we live in a monopoly

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have been malfunctioning for several hours in Europe. On Twitter, posts on the down of other social networks multiply, with some users reporting slowdowns. According to the DownDetector website, which monitors the reports of users around the world, the fault was initially located between the United States and Europe and then concentrated ...

Continue reading Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Down, we live in a monopoly →

Hundreds of Italian mobile phones spied (by mistake) by the previous government

Hundreds of Italians infected with spyware - software that collects information - developed by an Italian company on behalf of the (former) Italian government, distributed on Android devices and capable of bypassing Google security filters. Although with different variations, all identified copies of this spyware share a similar camouflage. In the majority ... Continue reading Hundreds of Italian mobile phones spied (by mistake) by the previous government

2 years ago


terrorism FED IMF ECB UE NWO ] scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller [ Word, Microsoft will tell you what to write

Orwel is more and more current. And technology, instead of making us freer, risks making us more slaves to a suffocating ideology that multinationals want to impose on us. Prohibited books. Pages deleted from facebook. And now the 'corrector of dangerous thoughts'.

The 'pre-crime' arrives on Facebook: you will be banned before posting

New qualitative leap for facebook, now a digital dystopia that has become a reality, the pre-crime: Pre-Crime is here. From TechCrunch

pic twitter com / beAIPDjIiz - Mark Dice (@MarkDice) May 3, 2019 He will basically close pages and profiles before they violate the infamous 'terms of service'. It actually always did, but now it makes it official.

SriLanka, Twitter does not remove accounts of leading Islamic terrorist group

The leader of Jamat Tawhid, the group of attacks in Sri Lanka, with Yusuf Qaradawi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. @AlQaradawy promotes Jiahd on social media but has a verified account, I fight and they suspend me. 🤔 Video:

https: // t co / j1H2mPrTgT

https: // t co / j1H2mPrTgT

pic twitter com/11jzB7QiTb - ⎛⎝ James the Bond ⎠⎞ (

@IAmJamesTheBond) April 24, 2019

SriLanka, YouTube does not remove terrorist preacher videos, it removes 'Islamophobic' ones

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

Analysis: George Soros’s negative interactions with the Jewish world

2 years ago


we think that: it is right for Rockefeller Rothschild (central bank shareholders) to steal the banking seigniorage from the peoples: and push them to Satanism, and that then, a criminal of financial speculator could have stolen billions from the peoples without working:

Soros and the neoliberals are Satanists who will have no mercy on Israel. and then we say anti-Semitism is not right?

but, this is all ridila tua vergognaus!

he and they are typical Jewish Freemasons who need to be stopped, he added that he himself bears some responsibility for the new anti-Semitism.

To reinforce this point, he quoted Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Muhammad, who said: "Jews rule the world by proxy." Soros said: "As an unintended consequence of my actions, I also contribute to that image."

Soros' foundations fund a variety of bodies, including many Jewish and anti-Israel organizations. NGO-Monitor has written a report on these donations, which vary greatly. According to the report, the Simon Wiesenthal Center received $ 450 from Soros while the anti-Israeli Human Rights Watch received $ 100 million.

noi pensiamo che: sia una cosa giusta per Rockefeller Rothschild (azionisti banche centrali)rubare il signoraggio bancario ai popoli: e spingerli al satanismo, e che poi, un criminale di speculatore finanziario possa avere rubato miliardi ai popoli senza lavorare:

Soros e i neoliberisti sono dei satanisti che non avranno nessuna pietà per israele. e poi diciamo l'antisemitismo non è giusto?

ma, tutto questo è ridicolo!

lui e loro sono tipico massoni ebreo che devono essere fermati, ha aggiunto che lui stesso ha una certa responsabilità per il nuovo antisemitismo.

Per rafforzare questo punto, ha citato il premier malese Mahathir bin Muhammad, che ha detto: "Gli ebrei governano il mondo per procura". Soros ha detto: "Come conseguenza non intenzionale delle mie azioni, contribuisco anche a quell'immagine".

Le fondazioni di Soros finanziano una varietà di organismi, comprese molte organizzazioni ebraiche e anti-israeliane. NGO-Monitor ha scritto un rapporto su queste donazioni, che variano notevolmente. Secondo il rapporto, il Simon Wiesenthal Center ha ricevuto $ 450 da Soros mentre l'anti-israeliano Human Rights Watch ha ricevuto $ 100 milioni.

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

WATCH: Historian who called every election win since 1984 makes his prediction

2 years ago


President RIVLIN yesterday [ * ] Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 hours ago

2 Pending a same: Pending

the mighty Devil Monster FED IMF ECB NWO: the new Jewish-Masonic world order: they are the following groups of organizations, societies and fronts:

1 - Communism. Communism is just one of the monster's arms.

It is but an appendix, subject to the head,

nourished by the body.

It serves as a front b e h i n d

which the head can operate without being detected.

It was created from the monster's head to serve that purpose.

For those who think that atheist communism is our main enemy,

let me remind you that although its complete destruction would be painful to the Monster Rockefeller,

just like the loss of one of your arms,

it would not be fatal. Many of those who belong to the body of the Monster MORGAN,

and even those of the head Soros Bilderberg Rothschild, add greatly to the confusion of many by professing to be active enemies and strong fighters

against their own creation of JHWH holy.

Call it shadow boxing or whatever you want, but no one gets hurt, and when all the fights are

over and the fighters retreat from sight, they fall into each other's arms and laugh with glee at the way people have been fooled .

Communism belongs to the Zionists 666 NWO

(for kill shoah against israeli people).

They own it, they control it, they support it, they use it for their own purposes.

It is their tool,

their arm.

He served them very well, and that's why they love him. They love him,

but at the same time

they would like to make him a: evil criminal political finction to by denying him paternity.

The relationship, however,

and family similarity are too great for their rejection to be effective.

Too many Communists are Jews and too many Communist Jews.

Yes, communism is our enemy.

There is no doubt, but whoever thinks that communism is our main enemy is fighting the horse and not the rider.


Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.


Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 hours ago

Pending 2 same Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 hours ago

Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.

Among the three hundred (today 400) there are leaders in every field of activity., without me?

Israel could not survive - certainly!

1— The money changers, the international bankers

who control world finances,

who control gold, who maintain absolute control over the finances of every nation, including ours.

They can prosper in business,

they can create depression and panic with all the associated human horrors and suffering.

They can create wars, revolutions, bloodshed and horrors of all kinds.

They can build nations, they can tear them down and destroy them according to their whims.

They have. They make up the single most powerful arm of that huge satanic monster.

2 - The great industrialists of the world includes another of the arms of the Monster.

They control the materials of the world. They produce the weapons of destruction, the weapons,

the ammunition, the supplies. They produce and control the means of distribution and communication, airlines, ships, railways, cars and trucks, radio, telephone, telegraph, television, newspapers,

publishing houses.

They control the advertising by which they can enforce their requests for approval of their policies.

3 - Among them there are also the greatest doctors, lawyers, politicians of their race.

Thanks to them and their influence and cooperatively supported by other weapons,

they have maintained a death grip on many professions, such as medicine and the associated business that controls medical research products, all drugs and medicines.










4 - Among the 300, also sit some of the religious leaders of the Judaists, the rabbis

. They use their positions as religious leaders to exert pressure

and influence on the body of Jews

, to direct

the thinking of the common Jew to conform to the wishes of the Zionist leaders.

Their power and influence over their people is, as one would expect, very great.

Through the power and influence of these globalist anti-Israel Zionist leaders,

Jews and

their agents have invaded every field of activity, and have been elevated to positions of power

and responsibility,

positions of great influence in every field.

This is true in our country, the United States of America.

It is equally true in every

other major nation in the world.

Under the absolute control of the aforementioned Hierarchy

of Satan and also serving as weapons

of the most powerful Devil Monster, are the following groups of organizations,

societies and fronts:

2 years ago


President RIVLIN] [yesterday I fell asleep (fall asleep) and they put on the browser (in graphic mode identical to the page I was following (rosesfromheaven com /) several cards with simple drawing) one said: "hot video", because I was asleep, I clicked to finish work automatically before going to sleep!

Presidente RIVLIN ] [ ieri mi sono addormentato (colpo di sonno) e hanno messo sul browser (in modalità grafica identica alla pagina che stavo seguendo ( rosesfromheaven com/) diverse schede a disegno semplice) una diceva: "video hot", perché che ero adormentato, io cliccando finissi il lavoro in modo automatico prima di andare a dormire!

2 years ago


RIVLIN President] [my post? I was deleted a comment

19 (mine) + 1 of Marsing83639 = 20 (yesterday)


18 (mine) + 1, Evolution is a hoax + 3 Marsing83639 = 22 (today)

my post? mi è stato cancellato un commento

19(miei) + 1 of Marsing83639 = 20 (ieri)


18 (mine) + 1, Evolution is a hoax + 3 Marsing83639 = 22 (oggi)


2 years ago


the mighty Devil Monster FED IMF ECB NWO: the new Jewish-Masonic world order: they are the following groups of organizations, societies and fronts:

1 - Communism. Communism is just one of the monster's arms. It is but an appendix, subject to the head, nourished by the body. It serves as a front behind which the head can operate without being detected. It was created from the monster's head to serve that purpose.

For those who think that atheist communism is our main enemy, let me remind you that although its complete destruction would be painful to the Monster, just like the loss of one of your arms, it would not be fatal. Many of those who belong to the body of the Monster, and even those of the head, add greatly to the confusion of many by professing to be active enemies and strong fighters against their own creation.

Call it shadow boxing or whatever you want, but no one gets hurt, and when all the fights are over and the fighters retreat from sight, they fall into each other's arms and laugh with glee at the way people have been fooled .

Communism belongs to the Zionists 666 NWO (for kill shaoah israeli and all christian, people, ie also russian people). They own it, they control it, they support it, they use it for their own purposes. It is their tool, their arm.

He served them very well, and that's why they love him. They love him, but at the same time they would like to make him a: b: a s t: a r d: by denying him paternity. The relationship, however, and family similarity are too great for their rejection to be effective. Too many Communists are Jews and too many Communist Jews. Yes, communism is our enemy. There is no doubt, but whoever thinks that communism is our main enemy is fighting the horse and not the rider.

2 years ago


George W. Bush the great Satanist who greets with the devil's horns:

1 - Satan himself is the Supreme Head of all the forces of evil. He is an intriguing, conniving, liar and planner. It is he who would control or destroy the world. It is he as the enemy of God and Jesus Xsto who would destroy the Christian religion, would destroy Christians. It is the Serpent whose head Our Lady will eventually crush with her heel.

2 - The Supreme Grand Master of the World Ja-Bull-On Rockefeller, the Head of the NWO Talmudic demonic Zionism (opposing JHWH's Israeli Zionism), whose mention is and has always been punishable by death. The first Supreme Grand Master of world Zionism was King Solomon (and he was a good and good Israeli) Since the time of Solomon, there has always been a Supreme Grand Master of the so-called Elders of Zion in constant succession: but they became demons after Solomon's death: as it is today.

3 - Under the Supreme Grand Master are the other Grand Masters, one in each major country in the world and others who may be on a section that includes several minor countries. All are under the absolute dominion of the Supreme Grand Master, subject to the pain of death by disobedience.

4 - Under these Great Masters are the Elders of Zion, comprised in the number of 400 hours, each of whom is known to the rest of the body, but which is not generally known even to the Jews or the Yids, their own people and on which they maintain absolute control, the absolute power of life and death.

2 years ago


George W. Bush again greets the devil with his "horned hand" during the presidential campaign.

on 11-07 skyscraper 7 fell with an internal controlled demolition without being hit,

CIA and Mossad were: the Saudis collaborated!

Bayside believers have not read their messages carefully, as they continue to believe what the mass media (which according to the Madonna in Bayside are totally controlled by the One Worlders) say about who is responsible for the World Trade Center disaster. There is no credible evidence that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the 9/11 terrorist attack, but rather all the points that, at the very least, the US government was complicit in this plot.

We ourselves believe that the September 11, 2001 murderous and cold-blooded attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was planned, plotted and executed by various intelligence agencies within the United States government as a covert operation against the American people. in order to subjugate the population. to a complete state of servitude (see the article The Demolition of the World Trade Center and the So-called War on Terror for details on the mass deception imposed on the American people by American government officials).

2 years ago


FED IMF ECB the synagogue of satan and anti-Zionist shoah / holocaust agenda of God's Jewish people: the Israeli Anawim]

George W. Bush the great Satanist who greets with the devil's horns: “The 'horned hand' is the sign of recognition among those who are in the occult. . . "(Satanism in America, p.42)

"Satan's Chain of Command" by Henry Swan - From Volume 4, Chapter 24

Satan Owl and Bush ja-Bull-On Baal Marduch

This symbol also represents the horned god of witches.

As further proof of Necedah's authenticity, we have noted that both apparitions use the same terminology to describe the Forces of Evil plot. The terms "Synagogue of Satan", "Octopus of Evil", "Grand Masters", "Illuminati", "Money Changers", etc. They are used by both of them as behind-the-scenes agents who control all the governments of the world. However, Necedah goes above and beyond Bayside in providing the details of the evil conspiracy, including naming many of the sinister figures working to create a world government under the UN.

2 years ago


yes, 13 years ago: the order of Rockefeller to NATO was to slander Russia in every way: that then, all Freemasons are the scoundrels who have occupied our institutions and the Catholic Church with a coup!

'Disconcerting': Moscow ridicules bizarre Spanish claim that Russia was ready to send 10,000 troops in support of Catalan separatists

Russia mocked a Spanish judge's accusation that Moscow offered military support to Catalonia's independence during the 2017 political crisis, calling the will to believe history "out of scale in its absurdity."

si, 13 anni fa: l'ordine di Rockefeller alla NATO era quello di calunniare la Russia in tutti i modi: che poi, tutti massoni sono i farabutti che hanno con un golpe occupato le nostre istituzioni e la Chiesa cattolica!

'Sconcertante': Mosca ridicolizza la bizzarra affermazione spagnola secondo cui la Russia era pronta a inviare 10.000 soldati a sostegno dei separatisti catalani

La Russia ha deriso l'accusa di un giudice spagnolo secondo cui Mosca ha offerto sostegno militare all'indipendenza della Catalogna durante la crisi politica del 2017, definendo la volontà di credere alla storia "fuori scala nella sua assurdità".

2 years ago


this is the satanism of the talmud for goyims slaves, to be able to steal bank seigniorage


it is not democracy!

Kazakh bodybuilder Yuri Tolochko has revealed that his planned nuptials to s e xxxx doll girlfriend Margo were victims of the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, you read that correctly.

Muscleman Tolochko recently sent social media havoc when he announced his plans to marry plastic lover Margo, having first shared the news of their relationship in May of 2019.

2 years ago


Drone footage offers a bird's-eye view of the massive protest in Warsaw against abortion ban (VIDEO)

Protesters against the new abortion restrictions flooded the streets of Warsaw in what has been described as one of the largest protests in decades to shake the Polish capital.


Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild: SpA FED IMF ECB, churches of satan lgbtq by Kerry Bush, with heretic Pope Francis and Vatican Council II?

they stabbed Christian civilization to death

after all they have always been satan's synagogue!

Le riprese di un drone offrono una vista dall'alto della massiccia protesta a Varsavia contro il divieto di aborto (VIDEO)

Manifestanti contro le nuove restrizioni all'aborto hanno inondato le strade di Varsavia, in quella che è stata descritta come una delle più grandi proteste degli ultimi decenni per scuotere la capitale polacca.


Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild: SpA FED IMF ECB, chiese di satana lgbtq di Kerry Bush, con eretico Papa Francesco e il Concilio Vaticano II?

loro hanno pugnalato a morte la civiltà cristiana

dopotutto loro sono sempre stati la sinagoga di satana!

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

WATCH: 'We sacrifice our blood for Muhammad,' shout Palestinians at Jerusalem cartoon protest

2 years ago


Austrian Kurz vows to fight "Wahhabi Ottoman political Islam" after Turkish teenagers sacrilegiously unleashed in Vienna church

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said his government will not tolerate religious extremism after dozens of young Turks raid a church in Vienna.

Il Kurz austriaco giura di combattere l '"Islam politico ottomano wahhabita" dopo che gli adolescenti turchi si sono scatenati in modo sacrilego nella chiesa di Vienna

Il cancelliere austriaco Sebastian Kurz ha affermato che il suo governo non tollererà l'estremismo religioso dopo che dozzine di giovani turchi avrebbero fatto irruzione in una chiesa a Vienna.

2 years ago


all the sins that are described in the Torah of Moses and Abraham?

Mohammed made them all: in fact the Koran said so!

Muslims can only be exterminated!

i mussulmani possono soltanto essere sterminati!

tutti i peccati che sono descritti nella Torà di Mosé e Abramo?

tutti Maometto li ha fatti: infatti il corano lo ha detto!

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

WATCH: Historian who called every election win since 1984 makes his prediction

2 years ago


Here's the result if the polls are as wrong in 2020 as they were in 2016

Trump wins with 279 of the 538 electoral votes, while Biden would get 259.


the time has come to ask yourself:

"Who Rockefeller: FED shareholders has corrupted all our media and all our institutions, and pushed the Jewish-Christian society into Bush satanism?"

Ecco il risultato se i sondaggi sono sbagliati nel 2020 come lo erano nel 2016

Trump vince con 279 dei 538 voti elettorali, mentre Biden ne otterrebbe 259.


è arrivato il momento di chiedersi:

"chi Rockefeller: azionisti FED ha corrotto tutti i nostri media e tutte le nostre istituzioni, e ha spinto la società ebraico-cristiana nel satanismo dei Bush?"

2 years ago


CNN claims Hunter Biden's "Burisma Deal" sucks; The ABC news story facing Hunter Biden resurfaces

ABC News Tom Llamas questions Joe Biden about Hunter Biden, only to be immediately dismissed.

all Western society and morally rotting Masonic lobbying

but DEMs are at the height of any depraved lgbtq action!

La CNN sostiene che il "Burisma Deal" di Hunter Biden fa schifo; La storia sulle notizie di ABC che affronta Hunter Biden riemerge

ABC News Tom Llamas interroga Joe Biden su Hunter Biden, solo per essere immediatamente respinto.

tutta la società occidentale e moralmente marciscente massonica lobbistica

ma i DEM sono all'apice di ogni depravata azione lgbtq!

2 years ago


MAGA PATRIOT wins of course!

Trump2020 Pence2020

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Priest shot at church in France; attacker at large

2 years ago


this is only the ISLAM that the Wahhabis have brought to the world!

Islam through sharia: it is a religion under cover of an imperialist genocide!

questo è soltanto l'ISLAM che i wahhabiti hanno portato nel mondo!

Islam attraverso la sharia: è una religione sotto copertura di un genocidio imperialista!

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

US agrees to allow funding cutting-edge companies in Judea and Samaria


2 years ago


Erdogan is such a beast that he needs many corpses to understand the speech!

Erdogan è così bestia che ha bisogno di molti cadaveri per capire il discorso!

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Israeli wine from Golan Heights to be sold in UAE

2 years ago


*** Man will not find any strength in the House of God until he returns to the customs which constituted his strength in the past.

*** You will be judged by your fruits and many of your fruits are rotten.

*** It is Satan's plan to close the doors of the House of our God.

*** He will not reach his goal, but in this fight many souls will be lost to Heaven, victims of Satan! "


In this regard, St. Michael added:

«Open the doors of the Church and allow me to enter it! Take me back as keeper of the House of God. Your tolerance of everything opens the doors to demons!


And St. Joseph (son of David and of the house of Jesse: adoptive father of the Child Jesus) continued:

«I feel a great pain in seeing the fate of man on earth and the fate of the family.

*** The family that does not pray together will not stay together.

*** Prayer drives out the demons from the dwelling. Why did man choose not to bless his home with sacramentals and holy water anymore?

*** I want fathers to be destined to fulfill their duty.

*** Let them use the cane and not allow their children to stray.

*** The world needs firmness and there is nothing but relaxation, tolerance of everything and degradation.

*** Man has strayed far from the path of the Kingdom. He doesn't have much time left to get back on track.

*** Gather his family around him, because he is "pater", father.

*** your children have been misled by a large number of teachers who will have to answer to the Father. So you, parents, it is necessary that you succeed in your task. "


Immediately afterwards Jesus, showing in his hand a large globe with a Cross on it, wrote in Heaven with one finger: "FINAL WARNING! SOON!". Then he said:

“Sins and abominations abound. A scourge will come upon you. You have been warned.

*** From now on you will listen to my Mother, letting yourselves be guided by Her. *** What you will accomplish now, before the devastation, will be recorded in the Book of Life.

*** Don't speculate on dates, but know that the TIME is NEAR "

2 years ago


"Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to criminal slanders DEM Golpe Joe Biden's 2020 campaign: NWO SpA Satana agenda Deep State and WW3nuclear gainst China e Russia.

"Self-destructive behavior that has become acceptable, particularly that in predominantly Black schools, is nothing less than a gross betrayal of a struggle, paid with blood, sweat and tears by previous generations, to make possible today's educational opportunities that are being routinely squandered." — Walter E. Williams, Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University.

"The unthinkable — such as defunding major police departments — has become accepted as 'reform.' Judging people based on their skin color has once again become accepted in the highest echelons of American society." — Ward Connerly, political activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent.

"Critical Race Theory holds that anytime there is disparity between blacks and whites, then it has to be systemic. Therefore, the response has to be to change and alter the standards, because to say to black Americans, or anyone they consider marginalized, that they must alter their behavior to meet the standards is racist. This is just a logical extension of that." — Robert L. Woodson, founder and president of the Woodson Center, community development leader, author.

"Nothing is more injurious to a people than to convey the notion that they are exempt from personal responsibility." — Robert L. Woodson, founder and president of the Woodson Center, community development leader, author.

"Do you care about black lives? The people that run Baltimore don't. I can prove it. Walk with me. They don't want you to see this. This is Baltimore. The real Baltimore. This is the reality for black people every day: crumbling infrastructure, abandoned homes, poverty and crime." — Kim Klacik, businesswoman and congressional candidate for Maryland.

"If America is merely apartheid-era South Africa with four time zones, why did President Donald J. Trump bother to establish 8,760 Opportunity Zones to revitalize economically distressed communities, many of them black? How did America's institutionalized racism let Trump provide school-choice options for black kids in K-12 schools, and long-term federal funding and other benefits for Historically Black Colleges and Universities?" — Deroy Murdock, political commentator, author.

"The worst thing that can happen to this country to give Black Lives Matter legitimacy. It's just communism being presented in blackface." — Nick Fad, investigative journalist.

"Black Lives Matters supporters taking to the streets, screaming in the faces of white diners attempting to enjoy a meal outside, breaking into stores, looting, setting fires and engaging in other acts of physical violence aren't movement members. They're criminals. BLM is their cult. It is their religion. It is what gives them purpose." — Rob Smith, U.S. Army veteran.

"I personally don't dare speak out against the BLM narrative, and with this barrage of alleged unity being mass-produced by the administration, tenured professoriate.... I am certain that if my name were attached to this email, I would lose my job and all future jobs, even though I believe in and can justify every word I type." — Anonymous, black professor of history at the University of California, Berkeley, in an open letter to colleagues.

"Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades; the 'systemic racism' there was built by successive Democrat administrations." — Anonymous, black professor of history at the University of California, Berkeley, in an open letter to colleagues.

"The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating. No other group in America is systematically demoralized in this way by its alleged allies." — Anonymous, black professor of history at the University of California, Berkeley, in an open letter to colleagues.

2 years ago


Dear lorenzo JHWH (france and germany want to destroy Italy with the Islamic invasion: but they will be affected)

yesterday news of the attack inside the basilica of Nice, with three faithful brutally killed by an irregular Tunisian named Brahim Aoussaoui who, captured by the police, speaks only Arabic and continues to shout "Allah Akbar".

If French President Emmanuel Macron recognizes "this is an Islamic terrorist attack" ...

... if for the mayor of Nice "there is no doubt that he was an Islamic-fascist militant" ...

... for Christians it is yet another confirmation of the strong wind of Christianophobia.

At the cry of Allah Akbar, Aoussaoui first stabbed a 70-year-old girl in a church. He hit her so hard that it almost knocked her head off. The woman was found on the ground next to the holy water stoup.

Then, the Islamist slaughtered the sacristan, a fifty-year-old father of a family.

The third victim, a forty-year-old mother, tried to take refuge in a bar, struggling to drag herself out of the basilica. Shortly before dying from throat injuries, he whispered the last thought for the family: "Tell my children I love them!"

We are in Europe. In civilized France. Along the beautiful French Riviera. You die beheaded. It is not a movie. It is a real horror.

According to the “Bussola Quotidiana”, yesterday's tragedy was predictable, the French Minister of the Interior had just denounced 8,000 radicalized ready to attack with a knife: “In four years, 61 thwarted and 34 successful attacks in the last two years. These are the figures of a war, but the European institutions react with contradictions, weaknesses and the ridila tua vergognausness of double speech in order not to offend anyone ”.

If, however, it is terrible to learn such ferocious news about neighboring countries, we must not forget that other terrible abominations are being committed in other parts of the world. Everyday.

In almost total indifference.

Below, in pills, I will try to draw a picture, which makes the persecution that affects Christians more visible.

*** France. Double attack in Nice and Jeddah. Triple murder in a Catholic basilica. The sun 24 hours

*** North Korea. Prisoners for their faith, they are beaten, tortured, forced to starve and to undergo abortions, if not even shot. Daily mail

*** Laos. Four Christians have been in prison since July, guilty of having buried the dead, thus contravening local Buddhist rules. UCA news

*** China. Repressed Christians, despite the renewal of the agreement with the Vatican on 22 October. It is forbidden to sell and distribute religious texts, even if only photocopied. CNA, Catholic News Agency

*** India. In just three months, 157 cases of hate crime against Christians, including 43 false reports, 20 attacks in the church and 21 arrests for judicial errors. Sabrang India

*** Nigeria. Local police attack peaceful protesters gathered in prayer and arrest local church representatives. CSW

*** Also in Nigeria. In the northern region, Christians were still killed with machetes by Muslims. Eight were brutally murdered in October alone. Morning Star news

*** Chile. They hit and burn churches, even the oldest in the country. Future

These news report the suffering of Christians, not only in persecuting countries, but also in the West such as France and Chile.

Yet only a part of the many dramatic episodes of suffering experienced by Christians remain.

In many countries, the law not only fails to protect minimum rights, but legitimizes practices of total abuse.

This is the case in Pakistan, where 21% of minors get married, certainly not for the sake of their kidnapper. The parliamentary commission, which is studying the scourge of "forced religious conversions" in the country, said that Pakistan has not fulfilled its responsibility to protect religious minorities.

The NGO "Human Rights Commission of Pakistan", in a note sent to Agenzia Fides, launches an atrocious number: at least 1,000 women are kidnapped every year, forced to convert and marry their attacker. Many families do not report the crime or withdraw complaints in the face of threats against other family members.

How can you stand still in the face of such atrocities!

For this, it is essential to monitor the acts of Christianophobia in the world and disseminate the right information, without exploiting it.

I also inform you that a meeting was held this week at the Spanish embassy at the Holy See, during which the association Stand together presented a report on the persecutions suffered by Christians, exacerbated by the pandemic.

2 years ago


South Korea Flu Vaccine Death Count Now at 59.

BillGates said there are too many parasites on his planet Rothschild: and that a billion people must die with his vaccine!

South Korean doctors are now calling for the flu vaccine program to be stopped after 59 people die from the vaccination.

If a man plies a bus against a group of people it's called a terrorist attack, if someone plants a bomb in Trafalgar Square and kills more people, it's a terrorist attack. But delivering a mixture of toxic chemicals and a virus inside a needle and injecting into the arms of millions and killing a whole bunch of them, well, that's just bad luck.

Your twitter account is suspended and you are not allowed to post Tweets.

https: // oye news / news / health / south-korea-flu-vaccine-death-count-now-at-25 /

2 years ago


*** the hope of redemption is initially directed against the sun (asteroid made incandescents from the orbit of the sun) and will return against our planet

it will revolve for three days around the earth's orbit: consuming oxygen and releasing a highly acidic and poisonous ash (a few moments of agony, before death they will be on anyone who finds themselves in the street) the corpses will be consumed by the ash,

*** A great darkness will come to earth. The air will be stagnant, without oxygen. There will be no light. The candles will light up in small numbers. Then the heat will become intense. You will be warned of the approach of doom a little earlier. Then penance will come, but it will be too late for many!

The Father has already launched the Sphere (1) on its trajectory towards you!

(1) Mirala tua vergognaus photos of the comet were taken in the place of the apparitions (the sphere of redemption: it will disintegrate the USA and Canada (that's why the throne of satan will be brought to the EU Merkel Macron Bilderberg) and will selectively kill 1/3 of the human race: all people in mortal sin will die all over the planet


*** la spera della redenzione si dirige inizialmente contro il sole (asteroide reso incandescende dall'orbita del sole) e tornerà contro il nostro pianeta

esso girerà per tre giorni intorno all'orbita terrestre: consumando ossigeno e rilasciando una cenere altamente acida e velenosa (pochi istanti di agonia , prima della morte saranno su chiunque si troverà per la strada) i cadaveri verranno consumati dalla cenere,

*** Verrà sulla terra una grande oscurità. L'aria sarà stagnante, senza ossigeno. Non vi sarà luce. Le candele si accenderanno in piccolo numero. Poi il calore diventerà intenso. Sarete avvertiti dell'avvicinarsi del castigo un po' prima. Allora verrà la penitenza, ma sarà troppo tardi, per molti!

Il Padre ha già lanciato la Sfera (1) sulla sua traiettoria verso di voi!

(1) Nel luogo delle apparizioni sono state scattate foto miracolose della cometa (la sfera della redenzione: disintegrerà USA e Canada (ecco perché il trono di satana sarà portato in UE Merkel Macron Bilderberg) e ucciderà selettivamente 1/3 del genere umano: tutte persone in peccato mortale moriranno su tutto il pianeta

2 years ago


President RIVLIN idiot "s n a t c h" is to bad word for you


2 years ago



*** All those who are of good spirit must welcome the coming days with great hope.

*** but, the true and definitive liberation will come with the final coming of my s o n J e s u s of B et l e m m e !

*** A great s c o u r g e will b e f a l l the world!

*** Many children will die: in this purification, young souls thus saved from the co n t a m i n a t i o n; of; a world that has given itself, o v e r, to, S a t a n.

*** You have the grace of knowing the truth,

which will guide you to s n a t c h your brothers from Satan.


2 years ago



*** All those who are of good spirit must welcome the coming days with great hope.

*** but, the true and definitive liberation will come with the final coming of my s o n J e s u s of B et l e m m e !

*** A great s c o u r g e will befall the world!

*** Many children will die in this purification, young souls thus saved from the co n t a m i n a t i o n of a world that has given itself over to Satan.

*** You have the grace of knowing the truth, which will guide you to snatch your brothers from Satan.


2 years ago



*** Your example must be constructive.

*** In the world, sin has become a way of life.

*** Young people, not fearing the sad consequences of sin,

*** have become accustomed to their world of illicit entertainment.

*** Nothing religious in their direction,

*** nothing religious in their schools.

*** The responsibility for the perdition of these souls will fall on their parents!

*** Many of our clergy have allowed themselves to be blinded by the love of the riches and pleasures of the world.


2 years ago



*** All those who are of good spirit must welcome the coming days with great hope.

*** but, the true and definitive liberation will come with the final coming of my son Jesus of Betlemme!

*** A great scourge will befall the world!

*** Many children will die in this purification, young souls thus saved from the contamination of a world that has given itself over to Satan.

*** You have the grace of knowing the truth, which will guide you to snatch your brothers from Satan.

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Israeli wine from Golan Heights to be sold in UAE


2 years ago



*** All those who are of good spirit must welcome the coming days with great hope.

*** but, the true and definitive liberation will come with the final coming of my Son!

*** A great scourge will befall the world!

*** Many children will die in this purification, young souls thus saved from the contamination of a world that has given itself over to Satan.

*** You have the grace of knowing the truth, which will guide you to snatch your brothers from Satan.

*** Your example must be constructive.

*** In the world, sin has become a way of life.

*** Young people, not fearing the sad consequences of sin, have become accustomed to their world of illicit entertainment.

*** Nothing religious in their direction,

*** nothing religious in their schools.

*** The responsibility for the perdition of these souls will fall on their parents!

*** Many of our clergy have allowed themselves to be blinded by the love of the riches and pleasures of the world.


2 years ago



*** The heart of the House of God is My Son's descent to the altars through the ministry of priests.

*** You cannot deny the validity of the Consecration.

*** When did a man give himself to God? when was he chosen out of the world to be the priest of his God? he will remain a priest for life!

*** You must prepare for the purification, which is very close!

*** I have traveled from one end of the world to the other, shedding tears in many places: tears of pain as I see the world move further and further into darkness.

*** my tears are needed, yes, but not all those with which the Father decided to purify the world: and he chose Noah to make mankind begin again.


2 years ago



*** It is man's way of accomplishing this mystery that afflicts us. *** In the House of God we observe abominations and entertainment!

*** Do not doubt it, it is a certain fact: when the priest of God (every simple priest) makes the Son of God descend for you, it is no longer he who acts, but the Holy Spirit who makes the Son of God descend in body and spirit, really and definitely!

*** My Son has placed His representatives on earth. They will guide the faithful into the truth or answer the Father for their deceptive inventions, for the lgbtq abominations of Bergoglio the false Pope, for the semi-realities of heretical Masonic modernism and for having fallen into the deceptive fashions of modernism and humanism: all the errors theologians of the Second Vatican Council.

2 years ago


President Rivlin my the best rival] the only one who would be right to be angry at me: it is only the "youtube world Masonic government" where I created my "Kingdom of ISRAEL domain"

youtube spent billions of dollars to stop me;

the damage, the destruction, the massacres of witches and satanists, which I brought against youtube (with the furious fury of my exorcisms) sure, no human being could survive,

but, so those are all beasts of satan and lgbtq and what does it matter to us?

youtube has gone into a huge loss of men and means, that the damages for the NWO FED (which paid all the expenses) are not quantifiable.

*** they changed the layout 3 times because of me

and because of me the whole internet on the planet has been filled with blocks, filters, algorithms: A.I.,

that the first amendment is now impossible to do: all over the world

and that, of course: you will never meet the people that the devil said you must not meet!

2 years ago


these are several Catholic saints who send messages from heaven to Veronica Lueken

These words were followed by those of:

6. [Then St. Benedict appeared who, pointing to a large book he carried in his left hand, warned:

“The rule must be followed without changes. Here is what Heavenly Holy Father has prepared for those who have hardened their hearts. "

Veronica then saw a great black spot extenders: on the world and a large Sphere (another asteroride like the sphere of redemption?) That proceeded

(resembling a sun, but small due to the distance)

coming down through space.


2 years ago


*** W e a r them, don't let the demons take over you.

*** We fight to s n a t c h the souls from Lucifer! "


crazy 10 time spam: Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


2 years ago


It always lasts!

Don't you see that you have been given false

examples to lead you into darkness?

Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit!

*** Accept the S a c r a m e n t a l s that have been given to you by the Lord God JHWH holy


2 years ago


It always lasts!

Don't you see that you have been given false

examples to lead you into darkness?

Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit!

*** Accept the S a c r a m e n t a l s that have been given to you by the Lord God JHWH holy

*** W e a r them, don't let the demons take over you.

*** We fight to snatch the souls from Lucifer! "


crazy 10 time spam: Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

2 years ago


BIN SALMAN KINGS from Riyad ] [ you Muslims are totally evil ] [ your higher and higher Quranic morality (compared to the rest of mankind)

it does not come from God, it is demonic

therefore you will never be accredited in the Kingdom of God without me, because of your higher morality!

la vostra superiore e più alta coranica moralità (rispetto al resto del genere umano)

non viene da Dio, è demoniaca

quindi non sarete mai accreditati nel Regno di Dio senza di me, a motivo della vostra più alta moralità!

2 years ago


10 FEBRUARY 1973 ANNOUNCEMENT OF A "GREAT HOT" global warming and melting of glaciers,

THE WARNING: Saint Michael announced the visit of the Mother of God with these words:

«Listen carefully to the words of the Great Queen of Heaven. Follow his instructions, otherwise you will suffer the punishment that this ungrateful generation of yours deserves. "

Then the Holy Virgin, appeared with a big bleeding Heart in her hand, said:

«Behold the Heart of my Son torn by the offenses of men! My hand is tired of holding back the darkness (technocratic socialism, neo-liberal Jewish Islamic Masonic LGBT DEM, multinational shareholders).

*** I have traveled the whole world begging for Penance, reparation, sacrifice.

but, My calls have fallen into ears that do not want to hear, because many have allowed themselves to be blinded by pleasures and by the search for earthly riches.

Penance, reparation, sacrifice I asked and I cried ...

I have chosen to remain on earth as a Mediatrix between God and man.

Our tears are for the young, victims of the bad example of the older ones.

Mistakes and lies are on earth!

*** Many are lost because society is based on humanism, modernism (the errors of the Second Vatican Council) and the neoliberal satanism of Rothschild speculative finance.

*** Blindness of heart and pride of intelligence have placed many priests on the path of damnation. Their example will lead many towards evil. But they too can save themselves if they turn away from worldly habits and return to prayer, casting out the demons who have entered it from their bodies.

*** Man must stop reasoning to excuse his sins, because sin means damnation, and There will be no excuse for anyone.

*** How crazy are those who choose the "easy path", the path that leads to darkness.

*** How sad to see exchanging a life of beauty in the Kingdom for the torment of damnation in hell with Lucifer.

Are you still wondering why we admonish you, my children? To prepare you for what awaits you. The world will be cleansed of trial!

*** 1. There will be numerous warnings before the punishment.

*** 2. The chastisement and purification will be extended to two parts of the world. "

Saying this, the Virgin showed Veronica a large terrestrial globe and, pointing with a finger:

1. 'ASIA (Indo-Chinese War) e

2.' AFRICA (Egypt) Egyptian Turkish War,

said, "There will be a terrible war. Many nations will perish. Many unprepared souls will be lost."

*** the sphere of redemption:

Then the Holy Virgin pointed beyond the terrestrial globe: there was a large asteroid SPHERE (with a tail similar to a strip of fire) that quickly crossed the sky, heading towards the earth and producing a great HEAT. There were cities on fire, people running and falling. The air was heavy and thick and lacked oxygen. The Sphere was spinning and spinning quickly in the sky, spilling large particles of dust (Veronica choked). The waves of the sea rose very high, falling back to the mainland, to New York. The Holy Virgin said:

«Man will be subjected to an unprecedented purification. All those who are of good spirit will not have to fear because all this is in the Father's plan. Man made come faster what was supposed to come later. "

rosesfromheaven com/

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Israeli wine from Golan Heights to be sold in UAE

2 years ago


how Abel took them from the world of (Jewish Islamic Mason Cain) and brought them to Heaven so that the world would not corrupt them!

[prophecies of veronika lueken]

On January 29, 1974, Veronica was shaken by immense pain. His son Raimondo, aged 16, the darling, and his mother's help in the apostolate, was killed by a boy with a gun. The editors of "Vers Demain", upon hearing the sad news the next day, Wednesday 30 January, were amazed to hear that, despite her unspeakable pain, this poor Veronica, who was always very physically exhausted, would have been present at the prayer vigil announced for Friday, February 1st. So on the appointed evening, the eve of the feast of the Purification of Our Lady, which, as she had promised, would appear that day (as on all the eves of the Sanctuary's feasts), at 10:15 pm, Veronica bravely went to the place.

There were about three thousand people who prayed with great fervor in the open, despite the cold of the night. Veronica was struggling to stand up, exhausted as she was by physical and moral pain. It was extremely moving to see her, according to the testimony of numerous pilgrims, who came from both Canada and the United States with numerous buses.

Veronica, having arrived in the Holy Place, expressed the torment of her maternal heart with these words: "I lost my son ..."

Immediately afterward he fell into ecstasy and began to describe what he saw and to repeat the words of Heaven, the words of Our Lady:

«My daughter, I know your great pain. You cannot fully understand the ways of the Father, who loves you and watches over you. If you remember correctly. I told you some time ago that many children would be withdrawn from the world for the sanctification of their souls. I know your anguish, my daughter. But you will be consoled WHEN YOU SEE YOUR SON ENTERING THE KINGDOM. I have a secret for you that you can now reveal to my favorite children: tonight I have collected 1242 precious children of God and brought them into the Kingdom. "

how Abel took them from the world of (Jewish Islamic Mason Cain) and brought them to Heaven so that the world would not corrupt them!

[prophecies of veronika lueken]

https://medjprocontro blogspot com/2016/05/le-profezie-di-veronika-lueken.html

2 years ago


kings BIN SALMAN from RIYAD ] [ and then since I was born

I've never lied once and I've never cheated on anyone,

and if by chance unintentionally, I have disappointed someone?

what a pain never disappears from me inside the soul!

e poi da quando io sono nato

io non ho mai mentito una sola volta e non ho mai tradito nessuno,

e se per caso involontariamente, io ho deluso qualcuno?

quello che un dolore non non mi scompare mai da dentro l'anima!

2 years ago


kings BIN SALMAN from RIYAD] [why, we can't betray each other?

because the whole planet would be enveloped in a nuclear storm: if the two of us fail the alliance!

our alliance is the only alternative to the third world war

kings BIN SALMAN from RIYAD ] [ perché, noi non ci possiamo tradire reciprocamente?

perché tutto l'ntero pianeta sarebbe avvolto da una tempesta nucleare: se noi due falliamo l'alleanza!

la nostra alleanza è l'unica alternativa alla terza guerra mondiale

2 years ago



Asks an insanely rotten spamtroll which does nothing in his wrecked life than spamming, spamming, and spamming a Jewish website. You disgusting self-obsessed vermin scum.

Nascitur infelix, vixit infelicior, obiit infelicissime.


"Nascitur infelix, vixit infelicior, obiit unhappy"


but, we have never found a single minister of God in the whole Bible who enjoyed himself, with the exception of the false prophet and pig Mohammed of Revelation 29.10. And the devil who had seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also (three frogs come out of Muhammad's mouth); and they will be tormented day and night, forever and ever.

14. And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, that is, the lake of fire.

15. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.

"Nascitur infelix, vixit infelicior, obiit infelicissime"


noi non abbiamo mai trovato un solo ministro di Dio, in tutta la Bibbia che si sia divertito, ad eccezione del falso profeta e maiale Maometto di apocalisse 29,10. E il diavolo che le aveva sedotte fu gettato nello stagno di fuoco e di zolfo, dove sono anche la bestia e il falso profeta (a Maometto escono tre rane dalla bocca); e saran tormentati giorno e notte, nei secoli dei secoli.

14. E la morte e l’Ades furon gettati nello stagno di fuoco. Questa è la morte seconda, cioè, lo stagno di fuoco.

15. E se qualcuno non fu trovato scritto nel libro della vita, fu gettato nello stagno di fuoco.

Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments

Ayelet Shaked: Netanyahu himself is to blame for no annexation

Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto

2 years ago


my God holy JHWH holy holy holy

love Bibi Netanjahu

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Strong Aegean Sea earthquake topples buildings in Turkey

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


in your civilized nation Sodoma ja-Bull-On Marduch Owl at bohemian grove?


of couse!

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


Craigers1946 ] [ my dear, you don't say: "I'm too old to come and plant potatoes and onions: together with you; in the Saudi desert of Madiana:

where our fathers lived 40 years and one day:

because nothing is difficult for God!

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


then your devil

decided to teach me about God's Word:

very funny

ok, let's get started ...

on which passage of the Bible: do you want to clash with me?

Barry Brumfield

2 years ago


Not you again, to me?

I have never left: from here: Satan

I've always been here;

you are the coward you abandoned and did not defend your Kingdom!

2 years ago


i am jewish messia

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Israel’s Ministry of Health OKs reopening of synagogues

2 years ago


Monsignor Viganò writes to Trump: "Bergoglio at the head of an evil global plan"

Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò writes a letter that is a desperate appeal to the President of the United States of America Donald Trump, in which he denounces a global conspiracy in which the forces of Evil want to take power. In this fight, Bergoglio is Sauron.

https://voxnews info/2020/10/30/monsignor-vigano-scrive-a-trump-bergoglio-a-capo-di-un-piano-globale-malefico/

Monsignor Viganò scrive a Trump: “Bergoglio a capo di un piano globale malefico”

Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò scrive una lettera che è un disperato appello al presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America Donald Trump, in cui denuncia una cospirazione globale in cui le forze del Male vogliono prendere il potere. In questo scontro, Bergoglio è Sauron.

2 years ago


grazie Putin

Il magnate russo Alisher Usmanov ha effettuato una donazione di 500mila euro alla Regione Sardegna per contrastare l'emergenza Covid. Il bonifico ha già raggiunto le casse della Regione.

grazie Putin

2 years ago



OCTOBER 30, 2020 The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aimed at imposing liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises to ensure a universal income and to cancel the debt of individuals. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund should be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a Covid-19 and Covid-21 vaccination program promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that move the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of vaccination will be accompanied by the obligation of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent tracking of the contacts of the entire world population. Those who do not agree to undergo these measures will be MONSIGNOR VIGANÒ WRITES TO TRUMP: "BERGOGLIO Sauron LEADS A BAD GLOBAL PLAN"

OCTOBER 30, 2020 confined to detention camps or under house arrest, and all assets will be confiscated.

Mr. President, I imagine that this news is already known to you: in some countries the Great Reset should be activated between the end of this year and the first quarter of 2021. To this end, further lockdowns are planned, officially justified by an alleged second and third wave of the pandemic. She knows well what means have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations of individual freedoms, artfully causing a world economic crisis. This crisis serves to make irreversible, in the intentions of its architects, the recourse of the States to the Great Reset, giving the final blow to a world whose existence and memory itself is to be completely erased. But this world, Mr. President, brings with it people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, that do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are linked together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, as at the beginning of time Lucifer did with his "non serviam".

Many - we know this well - are annoyed with this call to the clash between Good and Evil, the use of "apocalyptic" tones, which according to them exasperate the spirits and sharpen divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy feels discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel to be conquered undisturbed. It is surprising, however, that there is no one to sound the alarm. The deep state reaction to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had managed to make the transition to

2 years ago


in him who gives me strength "(Phil 4, 13). Being an instrument of divine Providence is a great responsibility, to which the necessary graces of state will certainly correspond, ardently implored by the many who support it with their prayers.

With this heavenly wish and the assurance of my prayers for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, my Blessing comes to you with all my heart.

God bless the United States of America!

by Carlo Maria Viganò

Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana

former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

2 years ago


New World Order, deceptions, scandals and crimes come to light.

Up until a few months ago, it was easy to demean as "conspiracy theorists" those who denounced those terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, until last February, would have ever thought that, in all our cities, citizens would be arrested for the mere fact of wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their shop open, to go to Mass. Sunday. Yet it happens all over the world, even in that postcard Italy that many Americans consider as a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its enchanting cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded in their palaces to promulgate decrees like Persian satraps, the businesses fail, the shops close, the population is prevented from living, moving, working, praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, starting with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs, and our children, segregated from friends and companions to follow lessons in front of a computer.

In Sacred Scripture, St. Paul speaks to us of "the one who opposes" the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2Tess 2, 6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle is the Church and in particular the Papacy; in the political sphere, it is the one who prevents the establishment of the New World Order.

As is now evident, the one who occupies the See of Peter from the beginning betrayed his role, to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, which chose him from its ranks.

Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the Nation, One Nation under God, the fundamental freedoms, the non-negotiable values denied and fought today. It is you, Dear President, "the one who opposes" the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.

For this it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the upcoming elections: not so much for this or that point of the political program, but rather because it is the general inspiration of your action that best embodies - in this particular context. historical - that world, that world of ours, which one would like to cancel with a lockdown. His adversary is also ours: he is the Enemy of the human race, he who is "a murderer from the beginning" (Jn 8:44).

Those who consider you the last garrison against the world dictatorship gather around her with confidence and courage. The alternative is to vote for a character manipulated by the deep state, seriously compromised in scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, the Prime Minister Conte to Italy, the President Macron to France, the Prime Minister. Minister Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmail of Joe Biden - like that of the Prelates of the Vatican "magic circle" - will allow him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in domestic politics and international balances. It is clear that whoever maneuvers him already has someone worse than him ready to replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.

And yet, in this bleak picture, in this apparently inexorable advance of the "invisible enemy", an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and does not understand that it is not enough to ensure a universal income or cancel mortgages to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded as cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that they have a soul; he is understanding that he is not willing to trade his freedom with the homologation and cancellation of his identity; he is beginning to understand the value of family and social ties, the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people willing to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give their children a future. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on his side, who does not know what to hate. We have on our side the Almighty Lord, the God of armies lined up in battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. "If God is for us, who will be against us?" (Rom 8:31).

Mr. President, you are well aware of how much the United States of America, in this crucial hour, is considered the antecedent against which the war declared by the supporters of globalism has been unleashed. Put your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the Apostle's words: "I can all

2 years ago



OCTOBER 30, 2020

Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò writes a letter that is a desperate appeal to the President of the United States of America Donald Trump, in which he denounces a global conspiracy in which the forces of Evil want to take power. In this fight, Bergoglio is Sauron.

Mr. President, allow me to address you, at this hour when the fate of the whole world is threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I am writing to you as Archbishop, as Successor of the Apostles, as former Apostolic Nuncio in the United States of America. I am writing to you in the silence of the civil and religious authorities: may you accept these words of mine as the "voice of one crying in the desert" (Jn 1, 23).

As I had the opportunity to write to you in my Letter of last June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil deployed in a merciless battle against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that seem powerful and organized before the children of the Light, disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.

We hear the attacks of those who want to demolish the very foundations of society multiply: the natural family, respect for human life, love for the homeland, freedom of education and business. We see the leaders of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while citizens and believers are denied fundamental rights, in the name of a health emergency that increasingly reveals itself as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.

A global plan, called Great Reset, is underway. The author is an elite that wants to subdue the whole of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit the freedoms of individuals and peoples. In some countries this project has already been approved and funded; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders, accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.

Discussion on World Israel News 104 comments

French Jewish leader: ‘Islamist barbarians are waging war on us’


2 years ago


BIN SALMAN from Riyad ] JHWH holy Abram God wouldn't want me to hurt a single blade of grass on this planet, and only you can give me that chance

Dio non vorrebbe che io faccia del male ad un solo filo d'erba in questo pianeta, e tu soltanto puoi darmi questa possibilità

2 years ago


2. with women with open, l e g s, and p r o v o c a t i v e [[ b o 0 0 o b s ]]

3. little girls for [[ pe ee d 0 phi iil e ee s ]] and [[ h 0 m 0 see xxxx u a l s]] who kiss each other

4. that it is very convenient to have a funeral in a town near mine, with many large and small coffins ... after

2 years ago


President rivlin stop filter against me

1. voodoo with the ,p i n, that p r i c k s the, ba N na N n a , which in black magic want to hit my heart

2 years ago


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

dear President Rivilin (the rival) on your Israeli sites I see an advertisement:

2 years ago


dear President Rivilin (the rival) on your Israeli sites I see an advertisement:

1. voodoo with the ,p i n, that pricks the, baNnaNna, which in black magic want to hit my heart

2. with women with open, l e g s, and provocative [[b o 0 0 o bs ]]

3. little girls for [[ peeed0 phiiileees ]] and [[ h 0 m 0 see xxxx u a l s]] who kiss each other

4. that it is very convenient to have a funeral in a town near mine, with many large and small coffins ... after

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

Fox slams CNN coverage of Trump, comparing president’s supporters to drug addicts

2 years ago


dove il demonio lo chiamano Allah: nella LEGA ARABA ] [ Pastore in Nigeria fa appello per la liberazione da terroristi islamici

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) - Un pastore della chiesa in Nigeria scomparso il 19 ottobre è stato catturato insieme a due donne cristiane da militanti della provincia dello Stato islamico dell'Africa occidentale (ISWAP), secondo un video diffuso dal terrorista gruppo.…

30 ottobre 20200 commenti

Fulani Herdsmen Kill, cristiani feriti in agguati in Nigeria

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) - I pastori fulani hanno ferito due cristiani nella Nigeria centro-settentrionale domenica, poco più di una settimana dopo che i pastori nel nord-est del paese hanno ucciso un altro membro della chiesa mentre una donna cristiana e un pastore erano stati rapiti, dicono le fonti. Pastori ...

2 years ago


#Trump #Maga #Patriots # Pence2020 # Trump2020


The historical moment is serious. The world has not yet freed itself from CoViD-19, indeed many countries are retreating, and what is worse is that several governments, supranational organizations and other hostile moneyed forces are extensively taking advantage of it to take away fundamental freedoms and to promote in an unfortunate way and shameless culture of death.

In this scenario, some of perhaps the most hard-fought elections in American history will take place on Tuesday, November 3. On the one hand, there is a president who has made himself available to the good fight for life and family, and who seeks reconfirmation; on the other hand there is a former vice president who tries to beat him to have a free field against everything that is dear to you and me.

Neither you nor I are American citizens, so neither you nor I will vote on Tuesday. But there is no doubt that, whether we like the United States or not, what happens there inevitably affects the rest of the world. That is why I hope with all my heart and with all reason that Trump wins the election, and has another four years to support the things that matter most to me. I'm sure you wish it too. The world is not over.

2 years ago


Insulting Muslims is an abuse of free speech, says Iranian Zarif

because Allah said: that with sharia law the impure kafir and dhimmis slaves must not rebel against their Islamic genocide

Insultare i musulmani è un abuso della libertà di parola, dice Zarif iraniano

perché Allah ha detto: che con la sharia gli impuri kafir e gli schiavi dhimmis non si devono ribellare al loro genocidio islamico

2 years ago


these EU criminals must be tried! but, we have in the West a Masonic class of judges and generals who only obey Rothschild

The Great Voyeur also inside the house

In Scotland they want to eavesdrop through walls. And in the Italy of Hon. Zan?

lucifer The all-seeing eyes

Humza Yousaf is the Scottish Minister of Justice. It doesn't seem like it, but it is. Now he had a brilliant idea. Spying on people inside their homes to find even the smallest trace of hate speech. Now, hate speech is that thing that no one knows what it is except that for everyone it is the club with which to silence others. Basically it is what one dislikes others say with the power of gagging. Example: racism, from vocabulary, is a very specific (hateful) thing, but today "racist" is anyone who discriminates against others on the basis of some of their characteristics, except those who abort a child still in his mother's womb since he is affected by trisomy 21.

Humza Yousaf is so convinced that he will apply the new Scottish crime law to place Big Brother's ear in private homes.

Now, you don't have to be a professional historian to understand how espionage of this kind is the primary characteristic of any totalitarian regime. The Jacobins lived on gratuitous denunciations without the burden of proof and the court of Paris was an earthly deity that no one dared to stop. In Adolf Hitler's Germany, Jews ended up in concentration camps by means of tips. In the Soviet Union, SMERSH, an acronym for SMERt ’SHpionam," death to spies ", was established to slander" others "and continue snooping. In neo-post-national-communist China, long languages are paid for with a state tariff. Look at The Lives of Others (2006), by German Academy Award winner Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, and you'll get the chills because it's all real stuff.

Now, if Humza Yousaf ended up winning, what would happen if, inside the house, a mother told one of her children that abortion is filthy, and marriage is between a man and a woman, while the lesbian neighbor, who aborted two years ago, called the dedicated number of taxpayer-maintained Scottish voyeur cops? But would the same thing happen if I called that magic number to denounce the tenant on the third floor who the other day cursed like a demon and swore it to those "possessed" pro lifers? Apart from the fact that I would never call, hate speech is the knife held on the side of the handle by those in power.

But there is more. Humza Yousaf's absurd desire is not just to put each and everyone under interception: it is above all the idea that no one can and should escape the controller and educate their children. It is the Robespierrian idea of the Public Health Committee which always knows, and in advance, what is good for citizens, who are only entitled to pay that unsolicited service with taxes and with their lives, if they are hard of hearing. It is the Jacobin idea of a "public virtue" established at the table and repeated at regular intervals by the voice of the master who chants from the minaret of undisputed power the civic catechism of the perfect citizen, the prone one. It is the homologation always sought by the power to better tyrannize people, making them thank them. It goes without saying that Maximilien Robespierre and his infamous Committee were just a clique of murderous villains.

The future that boils in the pot of the various Humza Yousaf is in short the dystopian Los Angeles of 2032 of Demolition Man, a film signed in 1993 by the Milanese Marco Brambilla, where the sterilized and neo-puritan society fines even those who say a swear word on the street through a sophisticated system of ubiquitous control. The sad thing, however, is that Minister Humza Yousaf is by no means a science fiction monster. It is real, and it rules. This is why we must guarantee the freedom of everyone to say what they want, even if it were crazy or obscene, as long as the words do not go beyond the facts, where the ordinary law intervenes without the need for spies, voyeurs and ducets with special handcuffs. Both in Scotland and in Italy, where the bills of the Hon. Alessandro Zan.

Discussion on World Israel News

WATCH: Lebanon’s solution to economic crisis? Demand Israel’s gas fields

2 years ago


happylly Ursula Merkel Von Dracula Conte Hitler


Raped for weeks by a Senegalese drug dealer

The crossing on the boat together with hundreds of other Tunisians up to Lampedusa, the die for identification and the swab, two weeks on board the Rhapsody, one of the ships rented by the Ministry of the Interior for the quarantine of migrants

Ferrara, the head of the Nigerian mafia was a well-known Afro-beat music DJ

Nigerian with the hobby of harassing Italian students

Egyptian smashes dozens of cars with barriers - VIDEO

Nigerian cannibal bites off policeman's ear

So the children of immigrants have devastated Turin: "A competition to see who makes more noise"

Nigerian strips naked in a supermarket parking lot

On the boats the slaves of the [[see xxxx sso]] "imported" by the Nigerian mafia

Nigerian mafia, 69 precautionary measures between Turin and Ferrara.

Viking clan vanquished

"Me, the casseur son of immigrants and the competition to see who made more noise"

Prostitution and drug dealing, two Albanians arrested

Ferentino, maxi drug operation. Dismantled gang of Albanians

Tobacconist killed, confirmed 8 years to Nigerian

Nigerian with 77 heroin pessaries in his stomach

Migrants kill each other in Borgo Mezzanone

2 years ago


#Nice, Lamorgese has lost track of 11,195 Tunisians as the terrorist

#Nice, Lamorgese: “We without responsibility” - VIDEO

Another 1,000 illegal immigrants landed with Brahim that day in September.

Mostly Tunisians like him. 11,195 Tunisians have landed since the beginning of the year. At least by counting only those identified.

#Nice, Lamorgese: “We without responsibility” - VIDEO

He disembarks in Lampedusa, they put him on cruises for two weeks, then they unload him in Bari with a 'street slip'.

But it's not his fault: "We have no responsibility for what happened in Nice." Lamorgese, with his usual broken Italian, washes his hands.

He does not define him as an Islamic sharia criminal, Erdogan delinquent or terrorist, he calls him by name ...

"Minister Lamorgese responds". Matteo Salvini still points his finger at the Viminale, for the case of the Tunisian author of the Islamic massacre in Nice in which three people died on Wednesday morning in the cathedral of the French town.

"On 8 October last - recalls the leader of the League - the quarantine ship #Rhapsody brought 805 illegal immigrants to Bari. How many have landed besides the Islamic killer of Nice, the #tunisian #Brahim #Aoussaoui?

How many of these are still in Italy, and where? How many have disappeared? Lamorgese answer! ”.

In the morning, the interior minister limited herself to saying that there were no reports of Brahim either from Tunisia or from intelligence, but glossed over why after the landing in Lampedusa and the consequent rejection, the killer was able to move freely in France.

https: // voxnews info / 2020/10/30 / nice-lamorgese-has-lost-track-of-11-195-Tunisians-as-the-terrorist /

2 years ago


Nice, Lamorgese has lost track of 11,195 Tunisians as the terrorist

https://voxnews info/2020/10/30/nizza-lamorgese-ha-perso-le-tracce-di-11-195-tunisini-come-il-terrorista/

Another 1,000 illegal immigrants landed with Brahim that day in September. Mostly Tunisians like him. 11,195 Tunisians have landed since the beginning of the year. At least by counting only those identified.

Nice, Lamorgese: “We without responsibility” - VIDEO

He disembarks in Lampedusa, they put him on cruises for two weeks, then they unload him in Bari with a 'street slip'. But it's not his fault: "We have no responsibility for what happened in Nice." Lamorgese, with his usual broken Italian, washes his hands. He doesn't call him a bastard, a thug or a terrorist, he calls him by name

"Minister Lamorgese responds". Matteo Salvini still points his finger at the Viminale, for the case of the Tunisian author of the Islamic massacre in Nice in which three people died on Wednesday morning in the cathedral of the French town. "On 8 October last - recalls the leader of the League - the quarantine ship Rhapsody brought 805 illegal immigrants to Bari. How many have landed besides the Islamic killer from Nice, the Tunisian Brahim Aoussaoui? How many of these are still in Italy, and where? How many have disappeared? Lamorgese answer! ”. In the morning, the interior minister limited herself to saying that there were no reports of Brahim either from Tunisia or from intelligence, but glossed over why after the landing in Lampedusa and the consequent rejection, the killer was able to move freely in France.

2 years ago


sataanic trinity ] ROCKEFELLER ROTHSCHILD MORGAN [ China: Existential Threat to America?

you cannot divert my attention from my prey: the ARAB jihad LEAGUE sharia law genocide,

to attack China and Russia with slander

I would not allow it even and especially as a dead man!

russia e cina will wins this war!!

China: Existential Threat to America ?

voi non potete distogliere la mia attenzione dalla mia preda: la LEGA ARABA

per aggredire la CiNA e la Russia con calunnie

non ve lo permetterei neanche e soprattutto da morto ammazzato!

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Trump advisor: sovereignty ‘is not off the table, just pushed off for now’

2 years ago


hydroxychloroquine TOXIC DOSE NOTE: and criminal intentional destruction of the efficacy of the drug itself:

The high-dose regimen used in these studies has no medical justification. The study design, with its limited collection of safety data, makes it difficult or impossible to identify the effects of toxic drugs, compared to a standard drug study. This is completely immoral.

Excessive dosage makes it impossible to assess the possible therapeutic benefit of HCQ. Additionally, as there are over 400 trial sites and relatively few subjects in each, unexpectedly high trends in mortality are likely not to be detected at individual trial sites.

https://oye news/news/world-news/gates-funded-hydroxychloroquine-studies-are-designed-to-kill-people/

hydroxychloroquine TOXIC DOSE NOTE: and criminal intentional destruction of the efficacy of the drug itself:

regime ad alto dosaggio utilizzato in questi studi non ha alcuna giustificazione medica. Il disegno dello studio, con la sua raccolta limitata di dati sulla sicurezza, rende difficile o impossibile identificare gli effetti dei farmaci tossici, rispetto a uno studio farmacologico standard. Questo è completamente immorale.

Un dosaggio eccessivo rende impossibile valutare l'eventuale beneficio terapeutico dell'HCQ. Inoltre, poiché ci sono oltre 400 siti di sperimentazione e relativamente pochi soggetti in ciascuno, è probabile che tendenze inaspettatamente elevate di mortalità non vengano rilevate nei singoli siti di prova.

2 years ago


hydroxychloroquine TOXIC DOSE NOTE: and intentional destruction of the efficacy of the drug itself:

So what do we know about HCQ toxicity from previous studies and research, well, a lot turns out.

Goldfrank's toxicological emergencies stated "... chloroquine has a small therapeutic margin from toxicity". When used correctly with the correct dosage it is exceptionally effective, however a slightly higher dosage than the correct one can result in death. [10]

In 1979 the WHO explored the toxicity of chloroquine, the consultant hired to perform this task, H. Weniger examined 335 episodes of poisoning in adults from chloroquine-based drugs and found that 1500-2000 mg in a single dose can be fatal [11]

By Meryl Nass, MD Excellent blog on this scandal [12]:

idrossiclorochina DOSE TOSSICA NOTA: e intenzionale distruzione della efficacia del farmaco stesso:

Quindi cosa sappiamo della tossicità dell'HCQ da precedenti studi e ricerche, beh, molto si scopre.

Le emergenze tossicologiche di Goldfrank affermavano "... la clorochina ha un piccolo margine terapeutico da tossicità ". Se usato correttamente con il dosaggio corretto è eccezionalmente efficace, tuttavia un dosaggio leggermente superiore al corretto può provocare la morte. [10]

Nel 1979 l'OMS ha esplorato la tossicità della clorochina, il consulente assunto per svolgere questo compito, H. Weniger ha esaminato 335 episodi di avvelenamento negli adulti da farmaci a base di clorochina e ha scoperto che 1500-2000 mg in una singola dose possono essere fatali [11]

Da Meryl Nass, MD eccellente blog su questo scandalo [12] :

https://www blogger com/profile/07001997291638442225

https://oye news/news/world-news/gates-funded-hydroxychloroquine-studies-are-designed-to-kill-people/

2 years ago


Aristobulus 6 hours ago

are 3 years

that, you persecute me (with slander) and without a demonstrable reason

Is it Rothschild who paid you?

sono 3 anni

che, tu mi perseguiti (con calunnie) e senza un motivo dimostrabile

è Rothschild che ti ha pagato?


Asks an insanely rotten spamtroll which does nothing in his wrecked life than spamming, spamming, and spamming a Jewish website. You disgusting self-obsessed vermin scum.

Nascitur infelix, vixit infelicior, obiit infelicissime.


this is your civil reasoning

and some demonstration of your slander or what?

questo è un tuo ragionamento civile

e una qualche dimostrazione delle tue calunnie o cosa?

https://worldisraelnews com/muslims-have-a-right-to-kill-millions-says-ex-malaysian-leader-after-french-attacks/#comment-5130560386

2 years ago


Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson 9 giu

Where are you UK media? Are you under a gag order? No news on #RecoveryGate official UK Recovery treatment trial. Silence...

Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson · 9 giu

@BorisJohnson @CMO_England @GillianKeegan @BBC @MailOnline @Telegraph @guardian @MartinLandray

We want answers now. Online community please retweet. This is scandalous. 2400mg mega toxic dose in first 24 hours. Enough to put a healthy person in hospital.

twitter com/LukeMor1952931…

Mark A Cherry


WooHoo! #Science proves #ZelenkoProtocol works!

Dr. Zev Zelenko


With profound gratitude to G-d, and my colleagues-I would like to share the link to our new paper/study- please read carefully-it clearly maps out the way out of this global disaster. https://sciencedirect com/science/article

https://prn to/2Tx70Xd

2 years ago


Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson 9 giu

Where are you UK media? Are you under a gag order? No news on #RecoveryGate official UK Recovery treatment trial. Silence...

Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson · 9 giu

@BorisJohnson @CMO_England @GillianKeegan @BBC @MailOnline @Telegraph @guardian @MartinLandray

We want answers now. Online community please retweet. This is scandalous. 2400mg mega toxic dose in first 24 hours. Enough to put a healthy person in hospital.

twitter com/LukeMor1952931…

Mark A Cherry


WooHoo! #Science proves #ZelenkoProtocol works!

Dr. Zev Zelenko


With profound gratitude to G-d, and my colleagues-I would like to share the link to our new paper/study- please read carefully-it clearly maps out the way out of this global disaster. https://sciencedirect com/science/article

2 years ago


Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson 9 giu

Where are you UK media? Are you under a gag order? No news on #RecoveryGate official UK Recovery treatment trial. Silence...

Hydroxychloroquine Works #HCQworks

@_JulietJohnson · 9 giu

@BorisJohnson @CMO_England @GillianKeegan @BBC @MailOnline @Telegraph @guardian @MartinLandray

We want answers now. Online community please retweet. This is scandalous. 2400mg mega toxic dose in first 24 hours. Enough to put a healthy person in hospital.…

Mark A Cherry


WooHoo! #Science proves #ZelenkoProtocol works!

Dr. Zev Zelenko


With profound gratitude to G-d, and my colleagues-I would like to share the link to our new paper/study- please read carefully-it clearly maps out the way out of this global disaster. https://sciencedirect com/science/article

2 years ago


about slanders hydroxychloroquine studies ] [ the criminal and sprawling Masonic anomalies in the management of the WHO,

Internationally in the solidarity study, COVID-19 patients are administered with criminal loading doses, which is: four times higher than the dose we are giving to our patients. [4]

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus discontinued Solidarity's hydroxychloroquine studies on May 25, but restarted them on June 3 [2], and then discontinued them again on June 17.

The studies were stopped due to the release of the Lancet publication which stated that patients treated with the drug had a 35% higher mortality rate. However, this study was only withdrawn 13 days after its publication after being exposed for circus science [3].

Something that was not clear in any of the data from these studies, however, was the administered dosages of hydroxychloroquine, but it has now become clear that the doses are significantly higher than what is considered safe use of the drug.

The ICMR, which is India's official medical research agency, expressed concern about the dosages used in the studies in a letter to WHO [4]:

https://oye news/news/world-news/gates-funded-hydroxychloroquine-studies-are-designed-to-kill-people/

le anomalie criminali e tentacolari massoniche nella gestione dell'OMS,

A livello internazionale nello studio di solidarietà, i pazienti COVID-19 vengono somministrati con dosi di carico criminali, che è: quattro volte superiore alla dose che stiamo somministrando ai nostri pazienti. [4]

Il direttore generale dell'OMS Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ha interrotto gli studi sull'idrossiclorochina di Solidarity il 25 maggio, ma li ha riavviati il 3 giugno [2], per poi interromperli nuovamente il 17 giugno.

Gli studi sono stati interrotti a causa del rilascio della pubblicazione Lancet che affermava che i pazienti trattati con il farmaco avevano un tasso di mortalità superiore del 35%. Tuttavia, questo studio è stato ritirato solo 13 giorni dopo la sua pubblicazione dopo essere stato esposto per la scienza del circo [3] .

Qualcosa che non era chiaro in nessuno dei dati emersi da questi studi, tuttavia, erano i dosaggi somministrati di idrossiclorochina, ma ora è diventato chiaro che le dosi sono significativamente più alte di quello che viene considerato un uso sicuro del farmaco.

L'ICMR, che è l'agenzia di ricerca medica ufficiale dell'India, ha espresso preoccupazione per i dosaggi utilizzati negli studi in una lettera all'OMS [4] :

2 years ago


Bill Gates appears to be keeping an interesting company, four years after Epstein's initial conviction of soliciting underage girls for "see xxxx", Bill Gates went on the Lolita Express in 2013 with the serial pedophile. Bill Gates refuses to discuss the matter.

Epstein claimed to be Bill Gates' financial advisor, We would love to hear your thoughts on Bill Gates and the work he does, do you think he is a well-meaning and kindhearted soul trying to save humanity or do you think he is a malevolent creature with a nefarious program to feed his own need for divine almighty satanic power?

you decide.

https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/

Bill Gates sembra tenere una compagnia interessante, quattro anni dopo la condanna iniziale di Epstein di sollecitare ragazze minorenni per "see xxxx", Bill Gates è andato sul Lolita Express nel 2013 con il pedofilo seriale. Bill Gates si rifiuta di discutere l'argomento.

Epstein ha affermato di essere il consulente finanziario di Bill Gates, Ci piacerebbe sentire i tuoi pensieri su Bill Gates e sul lavoro che fa, pensi che sia un'anima ben intenzionata e di buon cuore che cerca di salvare l'umanità o pensi che sia una creatura malevola con un programma nefasto per nutrire il suo proprio bisogno di potere satanico divino onnipotente?

decidi tu.

2 years ago


the new "divine verb" of the God #Bill #Gates the satanist of multinationals #BigFarma (that he creates the disease for you, and he finds the remedy for you)

The scary thing in all of this is that governments and the media look to Gates as an omniscient savior, his statements are not discussed, they are accepted as a kind of sacred proclamation.

il nuovo "verbo divino" del Dio #Bill #Gates il satanista delle multinazionali #BigFarma (che lui ti crea la malattia, e lui ti trova il rimedio)

La cosa spaventosa in tutto questo è che i governi ei media guardano a Gates come a un salvatore onnisciente, le sue dichiarazioni non vengono discusse, sono accettate come una sorta di sacro proclama.

2 years ago


the power of the master shareholders of the central banks, to be able to kill the human race: it is a Jewish masonic power satanisk lgbtq sharia, a power of unlimited death and destruction in the Western Masonic society of Soros Rockefeller and EU technocracies Macron Merkel Ursula: Lagarde speculative neoliberalism financial: which is the scam Coup of the bank seigniorage stolen from the sovereignty of the peoples: enslaved and betrayed by politicians!

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates In November 2019, just a couple of months before the coronavirus pandemic broke out around the world, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted event 201.

Event 201 was a global pandemic simulation exercise to see how the world would cope if a deadly virus wiped out chaos around the world.

The scenario ended after 18 months with 65 million deaths. Event 201's website summarizes the simulation by saying:

The pandemic is starting to slow due to the decrease in the number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at a certain pace until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90% of the world's population has been exposed. From then on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease. [10]

https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/

il potere dei padroni azionisti delle Banche centrali, di poter uccidere il genere umano: è un potere massonico ebraico satanisco lgbtq sharia, un potere di morte e distruzione illimitato nella società occidentale massonica di Soros Rockefeller e Tecnocrazie UE Macron Merkel Ursula: Lagarde il neoliberismo speculativo finanziario: che è la truffa Golpe del signoraggio bancario rubato alla sovranità dei popoli: schiavizzati e traditi dai politici!

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates Nel novembre 2019, solo un paio di mesi prima che la pandemia del coronavirus scoppiasse in tutto il mondo, il Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in collaborazione con il World Economic Forum e la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ha ospitato l'evento 201.

L'evento 201 è stato un esercizio di simulazione della pandemia globale per vedere come il mondo avrebbe affrontato se un virus mortale avesse spazzato via il caos in tutto il mondo.

Lo scenario si è concluso dopo 18 mesi con 65 milioni di morti. Il sito web di Event 201 riassume la simulazione dicendo:

La pandemia sta iniziando a rallentare a causa della diminuzione del numero di persone suscettibili. La pandemia continuerà a un certo ritmo fino a quando non ci sarà un vaccino efficace o fino a quando l'80-90% della popolazione mondiale non sarà stata esposta. Da quel momento in poi, è probabile che sia una malattia infantile endemica. [10]

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Trump advisor: sovereignty ‘is not off the table, just pushed off for now’

2 years ago


INCONTRA DICTATOR GATES +39 06 86357474 ( #BillGates 666 volevi dirmi qualcosa?)

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates and his murderous Jewish central bank shareholders

Bill Gates TED talk stating that "through vaccines we can reduce the population"


As you can see, Bill has fingers (and toes) in practically everything as long as it involves the entire population of the world. Many would say that Bill Gates is just a man who pays off, using his immense wealth and influence to do great things around the world. However, this claim is based on, well, nothing really.

INCONTRA DICTATOR GATES +39 06 86357474 ( #BillGates 666 volevi dirmi qualcosa?)

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates e i suoi assassini azionisti ebrei delle banche centrali

Bill Gates TED talk affermando che "attraverso i vaccini possiamo ridurre la popolazione"


Come puoi vedere, Bill ha le dita delle mani (e dei piedi) praticamente in tutto, purché coinvolga l'intera popolazione del mondo. Molti direbbero che Bill Gates è solo un uomo che ripaga, usando la sua immensa ricchezza e influenza per fare grandi cose in tutto il mondo. Tuttavia, questa affermazione si basa su, beh, niente in realtà.

https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/

2 years ago


The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates and #BigFarma #satanists SpA #tecnocracy #multinazionali from shareholders rothschild Soros Morgan Rockefeller FED IMF NWO neoliberalism.

publicly admits that through mass vaccination we can depopulate the world, we know that the WHO has introduced an infertility hormone in the tetanus vaccine [7] in more African nations; Is this a human effort to cleanse the world of poverty, pollution by reducing human beings in a way that it deems more humane? - I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates and #BigFarma #satanists SpA #tecnocracy #multinazionali from azionisti rothschild Soros Morgan Rockefeller FED IMF NWO neoliberalism.

ammette pubblicamente che attraverso la vaccinazione di massa possiamo spopolare il mondo, sappiamo che l'OMS ha introdotto un ormone dell'infertilità nel vaccino contro il tetano [7] in più nazioni africane; è questo uno sforzo umano per ripulire il mondo dalla povertà, dall'inquinamento attraverso la riduzione degli esseri umani in un modo che ritiene più umano? - Ti lascio trarre le tue conclusioni.

https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/

2 years ago


The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates (he is the killer of nano metal particles in vaccines) https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/ via @oyeglobal Uno Gates-funded study of the GSK malaria vaccine in Africa resulted in the deaths of 151 infants and severe side effects for over 1,000 of the 5,000 involved in the study. [5]

In 2002 the gates foundation financed the MenAfriVac campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, thousands of African children were forcibly vaccinated against meningitis. Many of the vaccinated children developed paralysis. There was a protest in the South African media: "We are guinea pigs for drug producers". [6]. Below is the article published in La Voix that initially reported the incident.

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates (lui è l'assasino delle nano particelle metaliche nei vaccini) @oyeglobal Uno studio finanziato da Gates sul vaccino contro la malaria GSK in Africa ha provocato la morte di 151 neonati e gravi effetti collaterali per oltre 1000 dei 5000 coinvolti nello studio. [5]

Nel 2002 la fondazione gates ha finanziato la campagna MenAfriVac nell'Africa subsahariana, migliaia di bambini africani sono stati vaccinati con la forza contro la meningite. Molti dei bambini vaccinati hanno sviluppato una paralisi. C'è stata una protesta nei media sudafricani: "Siamo cavie per i produttori di droga". [6]. Di seguito l'articolo pubblicato su La Voix che inizialmente ha segnalato l'incidente.

2 years ago


The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates (he is the killer of nano metal particles in vaccines) https://oye news/news/tyranny/corruption/the-life-crimes-of-bill-gates/ via @oyeglobal Uno Gates-funded study of the GSK malaria vaccine in Africa resulted in the deaths of 151 infants and severe side effects for over 1,000 of the 5,000 involved in the study. [5]

In 2002 the gates foundation financed the MenAfriVac campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, thousands of African children were forcibly vaccinated against meningitis. Many of the vaccinated children developed paralysis. There was a protest in the South African media: "We are guinea pigs for drug producers". [6]. Below is the article published in La Voix that initially reported the incident.

The Life & Crimes Of Bill Gates (lui è l'assasino delle nano particelle metaliche nei vaccini) via @oyeglobal Uno studio finanziato da Gates sul vaccino contro la malaria GSK in Africa ha provocato la morte di 151 neonati e gravi effetti collaterali per oltre 1000 dei 5000 coinvolti nello studio. [5]

Nel 2002 la fondazione gates ha finanziato la campagna MenAfriVac nell'Africa subsahariana, migliaia di bambini africani sono stati vaccinati con la forza contro la meningite. Molti dei bambini vaccinati hanno sviluppato una paralisi. C'è stata una protesta nei media sudafricani: "Siamo cavie per i produttori di droga". [6]. Di seguito l'articolo pubblicato su La Voix che inizialmente ha segnalato l'incidente.

2 years ago


Bergoglio blesses (Erdogan Gesù) the landings and they behead the Christians in the church

Three faithful beheaded in church, he never mentions Islam. At least Peter waited for the rooster to start crowing.

Bergoglio benedice gli sbarchi e loro decapitano i cristiani in chiesa

Gli decapitano tre fedeli in chiesa, lui non cita mai l’islam. Almeno Pietro aspettò che il gallo iniziasse a cantare.

https://voxnews info/2020/10/29/bergoglio-benedice-gli-sbarchi-e-loro-decapitano-i-cristiani-in-chiesa/

2 years ago






https://voxnews info/2020/10/29/terrorista-nizza-sbarcato-a-lampedusa-e-liberato-a-bari-insieme-a-loro-con-foglio-di-via/

2 years ago


"The Metz Agreement" between the Kremlin and the Jewish Masonic heretical Vatican Council II, where they said nature was good, nullified original sin, ridiculed Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross, and nullified the 1900-year dogmas, and opened the way to the heretic Pope Francis] [In 1962 a secret agreement between the Vatican and the Kremlin was included in the French town of Metz, to prevent the Council, which would open its work in a few months thereafter, from talking about communism. The failure to condemn communism weighed for a long time on the political and cultural life of the peoples of the West and East until the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Jean Madiran was the first to bring to light this secret pact which constitutes a key to understanding what is happening in the Second Vatican Council and in the post-Council period.

"L'accordo di Metz" tra Cremlino e l'ereticale ebraico massonico Concilio VaticanoII, dove dissero che la natura era buona, annullarono il peccato originale, ridicolizzarono il sacrificio di Gesù sulla Croce, e annullarono i dogmi di 1900anni, e aprirono la strada all'eretico Papa Francesco ] [ Nel 1962 fu incluso nella cittadina francese di Metz, un accordo segreto tra il Vaticano e il Cremlino, per evitare che il Concilio, che avrebbe di lì a pochi mesi aperto i suoi lavoro, parlasse del comunismo. La mancata condanna del comunismo pesò a lungo sulla vita politica e culturale dei popoli di Occidente e Oriente fino al crollo del Muro di Berlino, nel 1989. Jean Madiran fu il primo a portare alla luce questo patto segreto che costituisce una chiave per comprendere quanto accade nel Concilio Vaticano II e nell'epoca del post-Concilio.

2 years ago


President RIVLIN ONu CINA ruSSIA INDiA ] [ I'm at home with covid19, but everything is fine! you have to choose whether to destroy the sharia law of the ARAB LEAGUE

or whether to destroy mankind, I have been an Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 33 years,

that the technocratic neo-liberal Jews EU DEM PD Anglo-American lgbtq have trampled on.

Attack on #Nice and the French consulate in #Gedda

An attack on the knife in the church of Notre-Dame, in Nice. At the cry of "Allah akbar", the bomber killed three people: two women and a man. In the church the bodies of an elderly woman and the sacristan, a lay salaried by the diocese and father of two children, were found. The third victim, a 40-year-old woman, took refuge in a bar near the church, where she died shortly after from the consequences of her injuries. "Tell my children I love them", the last sentence before dying. The assailant is a 21-year-old Tunisian named Aouissaoui Bahrain. He had landed in Lampedusa in the last few weeks. Then he was taken to Puglia for identification procedures. In his pocket they would have found a sheet issued by the Italian Red Cross that allowed him to be identified, but it is not yet clear how he got to the French Riviera. "There is no doubt about the nature of the attack: Islamofascist terrorism," said the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi. In Lyon an Afghan armed with a knife was arrested, the man did not resist. The French consulate in Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia, was also attacked: a guard was injured by a Saudi assailant. Thus, France reactivated the state of emergency attacks. While the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, asked the prefects to "strengthen the surveillance of places of worship". The prime minister, Jean Castex, announced that the "Vigipirate" counter-terrorism alert plan will be launched at its "highest level".

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments

US To Finally Allow 'Israel' on Passports of Americans Born in Jerusalem

2 years ago


https://twitter com/giovann58134961 [my account (which works under the algorithm filters of DEM at 1%) has been suspended, because I sent 20 spam messages against abortion!

3 1View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments

At Senate hearing, Twitter CEO says Holocaust denial not under misinformation

Maria Darvell

2 years ago



to reproach me? we could talk about it!


2 years ago




2 years ago


why you Satana Lucifer xxxx 69 xxxx, dhirty sodom hate Armenian people?

you are with satana

i am are with god, so we will kill all antizionist becous it!

then deserve all mankind to will burn!

now you go a kill Rockefeller Morgan Soros Biden Obama Rothschild #BillGates, #BigFARMA #lgbtq #DEM go satana


2 years ago


everyone who was anti-Zionist deserves the death penalty (sure), so will we kill 60% of the Jews for it too?

to speak ill of Israel is easy for cowards .. because Israel does not take revenge!

but a Pope who would be guilty of an Islamic massacre against Christians (all over the world) if he defends Israel, therefore, he is justified!

tutti quelli che sono stati antisionisti meritano la pena di morte (certo), quindi uccideremo anche il 60% degli ebrei per questo?

parlare male di Israele è facile per i codardi.. perché Israele non si vendica!

ma un Papa che si renderebbe colpevole di strage islamica contro i cristiani (in tutto il mondo) nel caso che lui difendesse Israele, quindi, lui è giustificato!


2 years ago


why Satana Lucifer p0rn 69 hate Armenian people?

Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq.

2 years ago


their only precision and vulgarity

here the criminals?

they have no reasons to say against me!

l'unica precisione loro e nella volgarità

quì i criminali?

non hanno motivazioni da dire contro di me!


2 years ago


the Armenians Nagorno-Karabakh?

who recognized them?

who helped them?

to whom did they have to say thanks?

2 years ago


"Zuckerberg claims that the FBI 666 satanists: it warned them some time ago, in the weeks leading up to the election, that there would be attempts to interfere with the elections with documents violated by the universal power of demons DEM Rockefeller Jewish-Freemasons NWO Deep State FED coup the mafia!

Wicker, who initiated the interrogation, said earlier, "Mr. Dorsey, the committee has compiled dozens and dozen examples of conservative content that has been censored and suppressed from your platform over the past four years."

Cruz criticized Dorsey for preventing the New York Post from publishing the story on Hunter Biden.

Twitter froze the Post account, as well as the official Trump campaign Twitter account and White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany when they attempted to share the Post story.

Cruz said of the three Big Tech companies, Twitter's conduct was the "most striking".


2 years ago


in any case we have the handwritten diaries of the mystic CATERINA EMMERICK

we Catholics have the most powerful saints and the most powerful prophets

noi cattolici abbiamo i più potenti santi e i più potenti profeti

ad ogni buon conto noi abbiamo i diari manoscritti della mistica CATERINA EMMERICK


2 years ago


before this imposter of invalid Pope FRANCIS arrived?

the Catholic Church was serious and never lied!

prima che arrivasse questo impostore di invalido Papa FRANCESCO?

la Chiesa Cattolica era una cosa seria e non mentiva mai!


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