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Palestinians Join Israel's Top Trade Union

IDF Lauds Twitter Crackdown on Hamas and Hezbollah Terror Groups

3 years ago

dear my President RIVLIN Trump, Putin Xi-Jinping ] [ I don't want to kill an Islamic nation at a time: with slander, as was done in the past.

all the OCI ARAB LEAGUE must be legally exterminated for the universal crime of sharia genocide!

dear my President RIVLIN Putin Xi-Jinping ] [ non mi va di uccidere una nazione islamica alla volta: con calunnie, come è stato fatto in Passato..

tutta la LEGA ARABA deve essere sterminata legalmente per il delitto universale di genocidio della sharia!

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

dear my President RIVLIN ] [ Obama was formally perfect: because: Biden 322, and Satan's priests were his guide!

but TRUMP DONALD is a man, genuine sincere:

he will never make war if Israel is not attacked..

and this can make the CIA and the MOSSAD very dangerous!

Obama era perfetto formalmente: perché: Biden e i sacerdoti di Satana erano la sua guida!

ma TRUMP DONALD è un uomo, genuino sincero:

lui non farà mai la guerra se Israele non verrà attaccato...

ed è questo può rendere la CIA e il MOSSAD molto pericolosi!

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

dear President RIVLIN ] [ Elizabeth Warren appears to be a very serious woman, and she is certainly very capable:

she hates TRUMP because she is similar in a patriotic sense of belonging, yet she is a corrupt person: because she sees the judicial persecution of the Rothschild empire against TRUMP and is silent..

in fact, Elizabeth Warren, she had the wrong political line up, she also had to be a Republican.

however, Elizabeth Warren must be a skilled chameleon and must also have a well-corrupted liver, to be Hillary Clinton's favorite collaborator: with all the satanism that revolves around her

Elizabeth Warren sembra una donna molto seria, ed è sicuramente molto capace:

lei odia TRUMP perché gli è simile nel senso patriottico e di appartenenza, tuttavia è una persona corrotta: perché vede la persecuzione giudiziaria dell'impero Rothschild contro TRUMP e tace...

infatti, Elizabeth Warren, ha sbagliato schieramento politico, doveva fare la repubblicana.

tuttavia, Elizabeth Warren deve essere un abile camaleonte e deve anche avere un fegato ben corrotto, per essere la collaboratrice prilegiata di Hillary Clinton: e di tutto il satanismo che le gira intorno

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

DEAR my President RIVLIN ] [ Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States?

yes, even if he graduated with full marks from Satan's University?

anyway he is an unlucky boy:

because, Joe Biden is at the wrong time, and in the wrong place. I have already eclipsed his reign of Satan, and this is my Kingdom of ISRAEL!

Joe Biden, Ex Vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti?

si, anche se, lui si è laureato a pieni voti nella Università di Satana?

comunque lui è un ragazzo sfortunato:

perché, Joe Biden si trova nel momento sbagliato al posto sbagliato.. io ho già fatto eclissare il suo regno di Satana, e questo è il mio Regno di ISRAELE!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

WASHINGTON, NOVEMBER 3 - Exactly one year after the US presidential election of November 3, 2020, three polls: Sodoma dracula (Washington Post 322 / Abc lgbtq, Wall Street Jornal 187 / NBC 666 Fox News) confirm that the hierarchy has not changed among the Democratic presidential candidates. Former Vice President Joe Biden confirms himself frontrunner, despite recent difficulties, ahead of Senator Elizabeth Warren (on the rise) and Senator Bernie Sanders.


Satan's problem is what he is a liar: unleashed, unrepentant and total,

what value could your exit polls have?

do you think it goes around saying that it was he who created the Universe, however, because of senile dementia? he doesn't remember, not even where he lost his angelic body the last time

WASHINGTON, 3 NOV - A un anno esatto dalle presidenziali americane del 3 novembre 2020 tre sondaggi (Washington Post/Abc, Wall Street Jornal/Nbc e Fox News) confermano come tra i candidati democratici alla presidenza la gerarchia non è cambiata. L'ex vicepresidente Joe Biden si conferma frontrunner, nonostante le recenti difficoltà, davanti alla senatrice Elizabeth Warren (in ascesa) e il senatore Bernie Sanders.


il problema di Satana è quello che lui è un bugiardo: scatenato, impenitente e totale,

quale valore potrebbero avere i suoi exit poll?

tu pensa che va dicendo in giro che è stato lui a creare l'Universo, però, a motivo della demenza senile? lui non si ricorda, neanche dove ha perso il suo corpo angelico l'ultima volta

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Ciaramella and Pelosi

it is true that they are two Italian surnames

but, these surnames? they have no honorable meanings!

Ciaramella and Pelosi

è vero che sono due cognomi italiani

ma, questi cognomi? non hanno dei significati onorevoli!

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Trump, not credible mole on Ucrainagate


if registration with the Ukrainian President has been revealed:

this is a threat to national security

now no one can trust the US president

I demand the death penalty for Nancy Pelosi and for all his accomplices: because of the crime of high treason

Trump,non credibile talpa su #Ucrainagate


se è stata rivelata la registrazione con il #Presidente #Ucraino:

questa è una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale

adesso più nessuno si potrà fidare del Presidente USA

io pretendo la pena di morte per #Nancy #Pelosi e per tutti i suoi complici: a motivo del delitto di alto tradimento

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments

Leading Reform Rabbi Warns Against Anti-Israel 'Corbynization' of Democratic Party

3 years ago

my dear President RIVLIN] are you a witness, the priests of CIA satan in google? they are pushing me to violence !! [[Import and backup: Verification failed. Try again after next 100 years.]]

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my dear President RIVLIN ] tu sei testimone, i sacerdoti di satana della CIA in google? loro mi stanno spingendo alla violenza!!

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MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

President RIVLIN

the cursed souls of hom0sezxuals lgbtq, Merkel and Macron

they told me: "what does it matter to us, of what comes after us? we have no children!"

President RIVLIN

le anime maledette degli omosezsuali, Merkel e Macron

mi hanno detto: "che importa a noi, di quello che viene dopo di noi? noi non abbiamo figli! "

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

similarly, the demonic spirit of sodom and gomorra: 666 lgbt,

who wants to condemn the biblical patriarchy.

is pushing all the homosexuals in the world:

in the death penalty for: 1. sharia law abomination, and 2. jihad blasphemy, and UMMAH Islamic apostasy!

in conclusion: outside of the biblical model?

there are no human rights or even the concept of the sacredness of life:

that, in truth, Darwin's evolved beasts do not need:

because they are big mice happy to pay the seigniorage of banking, in scam seigniorage to king Rothschild!

similmente, lo spirito demoniaco di sodoma e gomorra: 666 lgbt,

che vuole condannare il patriarcato biblico..

sta spingendo tutti gli omosessuali del mondo:

nella pena di morte per: 1. sharia law abominio, e 2. jihad blasfemia, e UMMAH apostasia islamica!

in conclusione: al di fuori del modello biblico?

non esistono diritti umani e neanche il concetto della sacralità della vita:

che, in verità le bestie evolute di Darwin non hanno bisogno:

perché sono dei topoloni felici di pagare come schiavi il signoraggio bancario a Rothschild!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

the feminists of the democratic party: haunted by the spirit of gezabele,

they try to condemn the patriarchy of the Bible.

but, the biblical patriarchy does not diminish women, indeed!

the feminists of the democratic party: haunted by the spirit of gezabele, who claim to condemn the patriarchy of the Bible.

actually they are pushing all the women of the world into Islamic misogyny!

le femministe del partito democratico: infestate dalla spirito di gezabele,

cercano di condannare il patriarcato della Bibbia.

ma, il patriarcato biblico non sminuisce le donne, anzi!

le femministe del partito democratico: infestate dalla spirito di gezabele, che pretendono di condannare il patriarcato della Bibbia.

in realtà stanno spingendo tutte le donne del mondo nella misoginia islamica!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Leading Reform Rabbi Warns Against: USA and Anti-Israel "Corbynization" of Sharia Law: Nazi Genocide Democratic Party


every president represents all the American people.

therefore, insulting, appreciating, boycotting the President (in his collective representation, in his presidential functions) is equivalent to carrying out a crime of lese majeste against all the American people,

is equivalent to endangering national security.

that's why, everyone in the Democratic Party must be indicted.

the democratic party is a coup party: subversive from a constitutional point of view!

the actors, and the sportsmen, etc. who lack respect to the president?

they threaten national security must be: incarcerated, purged, indicted and fired!


ogni Presidente rappresenta tutto il popolo americano.

quindi, insultare, diprezzare, boicottare il Presidente (nella sua rappresentanza collettiva, nelle sue funzioni presidenziali) equivale a compiere un delitto di lesa maestà contro tutti il popolo americano,

equivale a mette in pericolo la sicurezza nazionale..

ecco perché, tutti nel Partito democratico devono essere incriminati..

il partito democratico è un partito golpista: eversivo dal punto di vista costituzionale!

gli attori, e i sportivi, ecc.. che mancano di rispetto al presidente?

loro minacciano la sicurezza nazionale devono essere: incercerati, epurati, incriminati e licenziati!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

of course. è stato dimostrato: "se tu non sei un sacerdote di Satana come: Bush Biden o Obama? poi, nessuno può fare il Presidente USA se è un patriota!"

it has been shown: "if you are not a priest of Satan like Bush Biden or Obama? then, no one can make the US President if he is a patriot!"

Leading Reform Rabbi Warns Against Anti-Israel "Corbynization" of Democratic Party

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

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someone should apply the death penalty to the Democratic party for high treason

The PD wants to restore humanitarian protection to the killers of Pamela and Desirée

November 3, 2019

Salvini dismisses the deadly embrace: "no approach Lega a Ppe"

November 3, 2019

Balotelli script for Hellas fans whistles: he stops and wants to go out

November 3, 2019

Here are the invasion troops landed in Taranto from the German NGO - PHOTO - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

Meloni mentions Gandhi, shocked radical chic

November 3, 2019

In the city of Luigi Di Maio they all take the income of citizenship: it is a vote of exchange

November 3, 2019

Nigerian chocks the car because he doesn't give him money

November 3, 2019

180,000 illegal immigrants arrive without an agreement with Libya

November 3, 2019

Renzi confesses: "the theme is to prevent Salvini from losing"

November 3, 2019

Cardinal Ruini wand Bergoglio: "Church dialogues with Salvini"

November 3, 2019

Emilia Romagna, panic in the Democratic Party: League coalition exceeds 50 percent

November 3, 2019

Private ship unload 200 illegal immigrants in Pozzallo - DIRETTA VIDEO

November 3, 2019

Bergoglio claims: he is behind the fictitious residence of illegal immigrants

November 3, 2019

Assault on Italian ports: 300 illegal immigrants dumped in Pozzallo and Taranto - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

Tripoli, hundreds of African males want to embark for Italy - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

It is an invasion: in Italy 1,219 mosques - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

Nigerians: "You have to give us your vacant houses" - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

The PD "forgets" to ask the Roma for money: citizens lose 1.6 million

November 3, 2019

Unsatisfied African customer devastates fast-food - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

"I say no to the Segre commission" - VIDEO

November 3, 2019

Police in revolt: "Infected ask for asylum in Italy because other countries drive them out"

November 2, 2019

"Allah Akbar, Italians die in you!", Crowd surrounds him to lynch him

November 2, 2019

In Pozzallo private ship with 200 illegal immigrants taken in Libya on order smugglers

November 2, 2019

Traffickers require 200 illegal immigrants to land in Italy

November 2, 2019

PD seeks repeal Salvini decrees: they want to return to forage COOP

November 2, 2019

Macron sends trucks full of illegal immigrants to Italy

November 2, 2019

Emilia Romagna: "PD threatens red coop workers to get voted"

November 2, 2019

Police alert, 2 Albanians wanted to attack in Italy "Bataclan style" - VIDEO November 2, 2019

Parish priest organizes Islam lessons: faithful in revolt

November 2, 2019

In Tunisia there are no more laborers, they prefer to sell in Italy

November 2, 2019

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Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments

WATCH: Future Soldiers and Disabled Israelis Unite in Pre-IDF Program

3 years ago

BIN SALMAN RIYAD your ISIS and your jihadist galaxy would never have arisen, and the Palestinian question could have had a happy political outcome: if you had condemned the sharia law. but, you did not do it!

you have devastated the human race with the satanism of your religion

ISIS e la galassia jihadista non sarebbe mai sorta, e la questione palestine avrebbe potuto avere un esito felice politico: se tu avessi condannato la sharia law.. ma, tu non lo hai fatto!

tu hai devastato il genere umano con il satanismo della tua religione

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

jihad Erdogan is NAZI sharia law crazy and genocide UMMAH !! Hamas justified the arrest of Qatoush by accusing him of "leaking security details." It is not clear how a complaint about economic hardship has turned into a security-related case. In the eyes of Hamas, however, it seems that any Palestinian who dares to complain about the bad economy in the Gaza Strip is a "traitor" and a "security threat."

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Creation☦️Real King Messia Howard Fox

all ISIS prisoners must be given to Assad to kill them!

immediate death penalty: to the CIA and to the ARAB LEAGUE that ISIS are the principals

pena di morte immediata: alla CIA e alla LEGA ARABA che di ISIS sono i mandanti

tutti i prigionieri dell'ISIS devono essere dati ad Assad affinché li uccida!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 2 comments

Billionaire Donates $1 Million to Plant Trees, Will You Do Your Part for Israel?

3 years ago

China Russia India USA UN OCI ] [ I'm not Rothschild so I don't ask for taxes..

but, you will all have to sign a common base for universal human rights!

non sono Rothschild e quindi io non chiedo tasse..

ma, tutti dovrete firmare una base comune per i diritti umani universali!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

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i am King of Kings becouse all peoples are mine

i am king Israel lorenzoJHWH

i am king Unius REI all over World

universal brotherhood

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Discussion on United with Israel 6 comments

Terror-linked Anti-Israel Group Turns Campuses into 'Hotbeds for Hate'

3 years ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ there has never been ignorance in the Supreme Sanhedrin: about reality: of Jesus of Bethlehem: the heir to the throne of David, because they are the priests of Satan!

and why, are Jews around the world about to panic?..

because those to whom they have relied, in these 2000 years: their supreme world authority

they were their tormentors. they fattened them well: just like you do with pigs.

in fact, I have shown you and them that Jesus of Bethlehem is true, he is risen, he lives and he is well!

.. and this is strategically important news on a political level, since I don't belong to any religion!

non è mai esistita ignoranza nel Sommo Sinedrio: circa la realtà: di Gesù di Betlemme: l'erede al trono di Davide, perché proprio loro sono i sacerdoti di Satana!

e perché, gli ebrei di tutto il mondo stanno per essere presi dal panico?..

perché coloro a cui si sono affidati, in questi 2000 anni: la loro suprema autorità mondiale

proprio loro sono stati i loro aguzzini. si li hanno ingrassati bene: proprio come si fa con i maiali.

infatti, io ho dimostrato a te e a loro che Gesù di Betlemme è vero, è risorto, vive e sta bene!

.. e questo è una notizia strategimente importante sul piano politico, dato che io non appartengo a qualche religione!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

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PELOSI and his Rothschild principals persecute President Donald Trump for the case: Russiagate first, but for #Ucrainagate later: which established the timetable for impeachment (being able to use the almost absolute monopolistic lobby of the Masonic judges).

but, as a universal legal rule: no schizophrenia jurisprudence can be effective if it is an insult to the common sense!

The American Constitution provides for the removal of the president (but also of the deputy or other public officials, including judges) in the case of "treason, corruption and other serious crimes and crimes"... also indicates the abuse of power by a public official, and must necessarily constitute a serious violation of some criminal law, and not subjective interpretations of partisan bias: to overturn the electoral outcome in a judicial manner.

Even in the abuse of power FED-NWO: PELOSI and its principals have even activated: "six parliamentary committees" and will continue to investigate (the fur in man, and linguistic quibbles) against President Trump, for his journalistic inquiry, because everyone can know, but he cannot and must not know.

and if the results are considered sufficient: for the schizophrenia of the democratic party, the 'ball' will be voted by the House of Representatives.


the Rothschild-Bilderberg Democratic Party already has sharia NAZI genocide: and Masonic seigniorage bank consociativismo: shadow government of esoteric agenda:

has already betrayed the Constitution, in many respects lobbying and monopolistic: and now in its madness it no longer has the ability to stop!

but all the democrats?

it is they who must be arrested: for high treason and coup: against the constitution and against the security of the state

PELOSI e i suoi mandanti Rothschild perseguitano il Presidente Donald Trump per il caso: russiagate prima, ma è per #Ucrainagate dopo: che ha stabilito la tabella di marcia per l'impeachment (potendo utilizzare la quasi assoluta e monopolistica lobby dei giudici massoni).

ma, come norma universale giuridica: nessuna giurisprudenza schizofrenità può essere efficace se è un insulto al comune buonsenso!

La Costituzione americana prevede la rimozione del presidente (ma anche del vice o di altri pubblici ufficiali, giudici compresi) nel caso di "tradimento, corruzione e altri crimini gravi e delitti"... anche indica l'abuso di potere da parte di un pubblico ufficiale, e necessariamente deve costituisce una violazione grave di una qualche norma penale, e non interpretazioni soggettive di tipo fazioso partitico: per ribaltare in maniera giudiziaria l'esito elettorale.

Addirittura nell'abuso di potere FED -NWO: la PELOSI e i suoi mandanti hanno attivato addirittura: "sei commissioni parlamentari" è continueranno a indagare (il pelo nell'uomo, e i cavilli linguistici) contro il presidente Trump, per la sua inchiesta giornalistica, perché tutti possono sapere, ma lui non può e non deve sapere.

e se i risultati saranno considerati sufficienti: per la schizofrenia del partito democratico, la 'palla' passerà al voto della Camera dei Rappresentanti.


il Partito Democratico-Rothschild-Bilderberg ha già sharia NAZI genocidio: e signoraggio bancario massonico consociativismo: governo ombra di esoteric agenda:

ha già tradito la Costituzione, sotto molti aspetti lobbistici e monopolistici: ed ora nella sua follia non ha più la capacità di potersi fermare!

ma tutti i democratici?

sono loro che devono essere arrestati: per alto tradimento e golpe: contro la costituzione e contro la sicurezza dello Stato

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3 years ago

my Savior and my King!

thanks! glory to God JHWH holy holy holy: God bless you: in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem! Yeshua Ha Maschiach of Nazareth, scion (Notzri) of David, in whose Name resides every authority and power, in the heavens and on earth

lorenzoJHWH UNIUS REI King of Kings

grazie! gloria a Dio JHWH holy holy holy: Dio ti benedica: nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme! Yeshua Ha Maschiach di Nazaret, rampollo (Notzri) di David, nel cui Nome risiede ogni autorità e potenza, nei cieli e sulla terra

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Yeshua Ha Maschiach di Nazaret, rampollo (Notzri) di David, nel cui Nome risiede ogni autorità e potenza, nei cieli e sulla terra

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

President RIVLIN ] [ today there are the funerals of a 65-year-old colleague who retired 5 months ago!

but, in Italy of these young pensioners, who make the flu vaccine: to nano particles of steel and aluminum by gmos Monsanto 666 Bayer? there is a death that I do not tell you!

oggi ci sono i funerali di una collega di 65 anni andata in pensione 5 mesi fa!

ma, in Italia di questi giovani pensionati, che fanno il vaccino influenzale: alle nano particelle di acciaio e alluminio? c'é una moria che non ti dico!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Likud chief negotiator: Blue and White fakes talks, wants government with Arabs

3 years ago


youtube 666 google] eih you two the jackal and the hyena: everybody knows that I'm a good boy if you don't make me angry.

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youtube 666 google ] eih voi due lo sciacallo e la iena: lo sanno tutti che io sono un bravo ragazzo se voi non mi fate arrabbiare.

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3 years ago


my President RIVLIN ] I do not know why there is not a single Muslim in the world who is looking for Merkel Dorotea

but, when President Mattarella learned that Erdogan is looking for his Nancy PELOSI?

immediately he went to a junk dealer to buy a crusader dress..

and this is to be admired: after Soros lgbt?

still: there is someone in the West who still has a glimmer of dignity, I say!

President RIVLIN ] non so perché non esiste un solo islamico nel mondo che vada a cercare la Merkel Dorotea

ma, quando il Presidente Mattarella ha saputo che Erdogan va cercando la sua Nancy PELOSI?

è subito andato da un rigattiere a comprare un vestito da crociato...

e questo è da ammirare: dopo Soros lgbt?

ancora: esiste qualcuno in Occidente che ha ancora un barlume di dignità, dico io!

3 years ago


*** Migrants: 2 nuns become pregnant in Messina and Ragusa (to Erdogan jihad: demographic bomb? Her girls are no longer sufficient) and he is looking for Christine Lagarde and Nancy PELOSI

November 1, 2019

*** 700 immigrant crimes a day, racist crimes 93 a year: on what do the commission do? November 2, 2019

*** The Democratic Party wants to put the 80,000 fake refugees driven out of Salvini back into the hotel

November 2, 2019

*** To host 'them' in the hotel, this little girl died of hunger

November 2, 2019

*** Imam to Italians: "You will all become Muslims or you will die" - VIDEO

November 2, 2019

*** The government finances Casarini's NGO which supplies it with immigrants

November 2, 2019

*** The government launches the patrimonial property on the first house: it is typical of the anti-sinister ones: cracking the bourgeoisie with taxes and destroying the society definitively

November 2, 2019

*** Anti-Islamist politician attacked in the immigrant neighborhood - VIDEO

November 1, 2019

*** Immigrant requires registry entry: splits a policeman's finger

November 1, 2019

*** German NGO disembarks 88 illegal immigrants in Italy: Alan Kurdi in Taranto

November 1, 2019

*** Meluzzi: "Segre Commission is a psychopolitical regime" - VIDEO

November 1, 2019

*** Africans pound driver and smash umbrella in the face of carabiniere: free

November 1, 2019

*** Suspended license to McDonald's Florence frequented by "they"

November 1, 2019

*** It will be forbidden to ask for the expulsion of immigrants, here is the Segre Commission

November 1, 2019

*** Lamorgese does not know that landings doubled in October

3 years ago


there is never a limit to the worst of what: Soros Mogherini, the Democratic Party and Rothschild Bilderberg, M5S lgbt, dracula FED FMI BCE Sodoma jihad Erdogan sharia: what they could do!

A gang of African drug dealers from Tanzania and Burundi has been smashed: an immigrant drug dealer gang has been vanquished: 150 arrests

There were 150 arrests. Everything started with the arrest of a tanzani..

al-Capone MAfia?

he wasn't as bad as Merkel and Macron.

also Because Erdogan is eager to go and punish Pope FRANCIS and Christine Lagarde:

Ottoman Turkey Erdogan: "" all Isis prisoners? must return to their countries ""

anche Perché Erdogan è impaziente di andare a punire Papa FRANCESCO e Christine Lagarde:

Turchia ottomani Erdogan: "" tutti i prigionieri Isis? devono ritornare ai loro Paesi""

non c'é mai limite al peggio di quello che: Soros Mogherini, il partito democratico e Rothschild Bilderberg, M5S lgbt, dracula FED FMI BCE Sodoma jihad Erdogan sharia: che loro potrebbero fare!

Sgominata una gang di spacciatori africani di Tanzania e Burundi: Sgominata gang di spacciatori immigrati: 150 arresti

Ci sono stati 150 arresti. Tutto è partito dall’arresto di un tanzani..

al-Capone MAfia?

non era così cattivo come Merkel e Macron

3 years ago


the ARAB LEAGUE OCI sharia law, genocide and replacement theology, said its jihadist galaxy: Fulani and Boko Haram: they are all under control Erdogan jihad Umma Stalin Hitler lilit NAZI Allah Imam Putin's Muezzin communists the bolscevichi:

in fact, Ruhollah Khomeyni said that those at the tomb of the Patriarchs: Jacob and Rachel? those are his parents!

NOV 2 - At least 35 Malian soldiers were killed yesterday in an attack on a military post in Indelimane, in the northeastern region of Menaka, Mali: the army reported it, according to local media reports, explaining that the situation is now "under control".

The attack, which has not yet been claimed, follows two attacks by jihadists last month near the border with Burkina Faso where 40 soldiers died.

la LEGA ARABA sharia genocidio e teologia della sostituzione, ha detto che la sua Galassia jihadista: Fulani e Boko Haram: sono tutti sotto controllo Erdogan jihad Umma Stalin Hitler NAZI i comunisti di Putin:

infatti Ruhollah Khomeyni ha detto che quelli alla tomba dei Patriarchi: Giacobbe e Rachele? quelli sono i suoi genitori!

2 NOV - Almeno 35 soldati maliani sono stati uccisi ieri in un attacco contro una postazione militare a Indelimane, nella regione nordorientale di Menaka del Mali: lo ha reso noto l'esercito, secondo quanto riportano i media locali, spiegando che la situazione è adesso "sotto controllo".

L'attacco, che non è stato per ora rivendicato, segue i due attentati da parte di jihadisti il mese scorso vicino al confine con il Burkina Faso in cui morirono 40 soldati.

3 years ago


for me that female 666 of Nacy PELOSI, started this tragicomedy of: impeachment procedure against Trump Donald

just because he wants a "quickie" from him.

but, this is the truth: for to normal men? it is horrible suck the satanists.

in fact the Satanists are monsters (impregnated with demons) like the Wahhabi Muslims: they are not human beings

per me quella femmina 666 di Nacy PELOSI, ha iniziato questa tragicommedia di: procedura d'impeachment contro Trump Donald

soltanto perché vuole una "sveltina" da lui.

ma, è questa la verità: agli uomini normali fanno schifo le sataniste..

infatti i satanisti sono mostri (impregnati di demoni) come gli islamici wahhabiti: non sono esseri umani

3 years ago


It doesn't matter when they can be: cunning, dissimulation, hypocritical or skilled diplomats killers:

Muslims if they do not condemn the "sharia law"

they always remain monsters of the medieval Islamic genocide NAZI Ummah Stalin.

that's why, all the members of the Democratic Party (Masonic Rothschild conspiracy: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE ROCHEFELLER MORGAN EPSTEIN CLINTON BUSH KERRY BELFAGOR SODOMA LGBT DRACULA FED IMF NWO BILDERBERG) must all be put on the wall for high constitutional treason!

Likud chief negotiator: Blue and White fakes talks, wants government with Arabs


Non ha importanza quando possano essere: scaltri, ipocriti o abili diplomatici:

gli islamici se non condannano la "sharia law"

rimangono sempre dei mostri del genocidio islamico medioevale..

ecco perché, tutti i tesserati del Partito Democratico (congiura massonica Rothschild) devono tutti essere messi al muro per alto tradimento costituzionale!

Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments

Israel and US Vow to Fight Lies of Palestinian UN Agency

3 years ago

Bin SALAMAN ] [ has it ever happened to you to give birth to calves?

if you can ever defeat me?

it is the experience that your male child will do!

Bin SALAMAN ] [ ti è mai successo di partorire vitellini?

se mai potrai sconfiggermi?

è proprio l'esperienza che farà tuo figlio!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

giveitlove com/un-golden-retriever-adottato-d-alla-luce-dei-piccoli-vitellini/

A adopted Golden Retriever gives birth to small calves


poor innocent creature:

first raped by the priests of CIA Bush satan,

and then,

genetically manipulated by Biden: GMOs Monsanto 666 Bayer

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

of course, you wanted to fight Nazism (noble action), but you did it only to save the Satanism of the Rothschilds (worldwide scam tief wear, which as everyone knows is a genocide that is 1000 times worse than Nazism).

Hitler and Mussolini had no idea any of killing Jews..

it was all your fault: you forced them to do this!

you have abandoned your people and fled to the USA.

and why, don't you have dual citizenship and you don't already have the ticket in your pocket to escape from Israel you too?

certo, voi volevate combattere il nazismo(nobile azione), ma, voi lo avete fatto soltanto per salvare il satanismo dei Rothschild (usura mondiale, che come tutti sanno è un genocidio che è 1000 volte peggio del nazismo)..

Hitler e Mussolini non avevano nessuna idea di uccidere gli ebrei..

è stata tutta colpa vostra: voi li avete costretti a questo!

voi avete abbandonato la vostra gente e siete fuggiti in USA..

e perché, tu non hai la doppia cittadinanza e non hai già il biglietto in tasca per fuggire da Israele?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

and of course, as you can make friends with me

if you are Rothschild's killer?

e certo, come tu puoi fare l'amico con me

se tu sei l'assassino di Rothschild?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Assad: Trump is 'best' president, 'what's better than a transparent enemy?'

worldisraelnews com/assad-trump-is-best-president-whats-better-than-a-transparent-enemy

the sharia system had decided to kill ASSAD. therefore the OCI ARAB LEAGUE had also expelled him (which amounts to a death sentence)

and this CIOLA of Assad: it failed to protect any minority from the genocide of Erdogan and his jihadist galaxy..

and this CIOLA of Assad: he is alive only because, Netanjhau and I in the first 4 years of this conflict saved his life.

yet, with the complicity of Russians and Chinese, he persists in keeping on his feet

the demonic system of sharia: OCI ARAB LEAGUE

only because the genocide of the Israelis and the genocide of the whole human race:

they are an ideological goal of superior Sharia: which must be achieved at all costs!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Israel and US Vow to Fight Lies of Palestinian UN Agency


my dear President RIVLIN [[[sorry]]] I am sorry, but this article does not clearly express the gravity of the situation.

1. Who more than me want to destroy ISRAEL?

2. Who more than me hates that alien demonic entity which is the Masonic State scam banking seigniorage Ja-Bull-On Rothshild of ISRAEL?

However, nobody came to me:

that everyone knows that I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL.

and this is because their goal: it is only to achieve the genocide New Shoah of the people of the Israelis


President RIVLIN [[[ mi dispiace ]]] mi dispiace, ma questo articolo non esprime chiaramente la gravità della situazione.

1. Chi più di me desidere distruggere ISRAELE?

2. Chi più di me, odia quella aliena entità demoniaca che è lo Stato Massonico scam banking seigniorage Ja-Bull-On Rothshild di ISRAELE?

Tuttavia, nessuno è venuto da me:

che lo sanno tutti, che io sono il Regno di ISRAELE.

e questo è perché il loro obiettivo: è soltanto quello di ottenere il genocidio del popolo degli israeliani

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Assad: Trump is 'best' president, 'what's better than a transparent enemy?'

/worldisraelnews com/assad-trump-is-best-president-whats-better-than-a-transparent-enemy/

the NAZI-Communist sharia of all the ARAB LEAGUE: of the Islamic genocide UMMAH (theology of substitution) not give ability any Islamic nation to manage the oil reserves,

and not give ability to all Muslim anywhere in the world: to be able to use political rights:

because it would be like giving political rights to Hitler and Stalin!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Netanyahu hints criticism of Trump on inaction against Iran

3 years ago


President RIVLIN ] [ Netanyahu hints criticism of trump inaction against Iran

What would Erdogan have done for us, even considering the Haman rockets from Gaza against ISRAEL?

certain Erdogan would have already deported all the citizens of GAZA to Syria !!!

so not doing it is high treason!

cosa avrebbe fatto Erdogan al posto nostro, anche in considerazione dei razzi di Haman da Gaza contro ISRAELE?

certo Erdogan avrebbe già deportato il Siria tutti i cittadini di GAZA!!!

quindi non farlo è alto tradimento!

3 years ago


It will be forbidden to ask for the expulsion of immigrants, here is the Nazi Communist Commission of the Senator Segre

It is written in black and white on the motion of the abusive senator Segre supported by PD and M5s, which establishes the homonymous and infamous commission:

Sarà vietato chiedere l’espulsione degli immigrati, ecco la Commissione Nazi Comunista della Senatrice Segre

voxnews info/2019/11/01/sara-vietato-chiedere-lespulsione-degli-immigrati-ecco-la-commissione-segre/

E’ scritto nero su bianco sulla mozione del senatore a vita abusivo Segre sostenuta da PD e M5s, che istituisce l’omonima e famigerata commissione:

3 years ago


Moreover, it is written in black and white on the motion of the senator for life Segre, supported by PD and M5s which establishes the homonymous commission: Meluzzi: "Segre commission is a psychopoly regime" - VIDEO

Meluzzi: "Segre commission is a psychopolitical regime" - VIDEO

Del resto, è scritto nero su bianco sulla mozione del senatore a vita Segre, sostenuta da PD e M5s che istituisce l’omonima commissione: Meluzzi: “Commissione Segre è regime di psicopolizia” – VIDEO /voxnews info/2019/11/01/meluzzi-commissione-segre-e-regime-di-psicopolizia-video/

Meluzzi: “Commissione Segre è regime di psicopolizia” – VIDEO

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments

IDF Soldiers Save Arab Woman Injured in Car Accident

3 years ago

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dear president RIVLIN ] you have to explain something to me, I just can't understand it, because to us too: "that by now: what's done is done.. we don't look at women anymore" because: aliens abductions: A.I. Satan's artificial intelligence: the "big lucifer eye" big Satana Allah Brother: google algorithms: they also show us "dating sites" poses ambiguous, women of ill repute, even to us, who by now, I say: we have the sexOfAngels?

dear president RIVLIN ] tu mi devi spiegare una cosa che, io non riesco proprio a capire, perché anche a noi: "che ormai: cio che è fatto è fatto... noi non guardiamo più le donne" perché: aliens abductions: A.I. intelligenza artificiale di Satana: "occhio di lucifero" il grande Fratello: algoritmi di google: loro fanno vedere anche noi "siti di incontri" pose equivoche, donne di malaffare, anche a noi, che ormai, io dico: noi abbiamo il sessoDegliAngeli?

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3 years ago

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dear president RIVLIN] is THEN THERE ARE BAD BOYS like ERDOGAN SOROS Satan Salman Allah Azis Ja-Bull-On, Juncker, Bilderberg lgbt Dracula, Sodoma; etc..

that go around saying: that the bad boy is me, when, I get angry!

dear president RIVLIN ] è POI CI SONO DEI CATTIVI RAGAZZI come ERDOGAN SOROS Satana Salman Allah Azis Ja-Bull-On, Juncker, Bilderberg lgbt

che vanno in giro a dire: che il cattivo ragazzo sono io, quando, io mi arrabbio!

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3 years ago

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dear president RIVLIN ] the whole school

all institutions, all ministries, all Media, everything is in the hands of the Democratic Party:

because there is only one Rothschild monopoly of the creator of monetary mafia, the Masonic consociativism!

! here in the West there is a regime octopus: and of democracy, there is almost nothing left!

dear president RIVLIN ] tutta la scuola

tutte le istituzioni, tutti i ministeri, tutto è nelle mani del partito democratico:

perché esiste un solo monopolio Rothschild del creatore potere mafioso monetario, il consocialitvismo massonico!

quì in occidente c'é una piovra di regime: e di democrazia, non esiste quasi più niente!

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3 years ago

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dear president RIVLIN] I had imposed NOT: the book of Religion on my pupils, but only copybook and to do a job of half a page (at week, only once a week) as children in the first grade, even if this work: it differed from the indications offered by me? this would have been accepted anyway.

the Headmaster another infamous ANTIFA of the Democratic Party: he canceled my copybook of religion, because he said: the students of LICEO Scientifico, they already have too many homework. but, he didn't tell me anything about the other topics covered by dispute and slander: because behind me: he thinks of accumulating a series of complaints and slander to be able to drive me out of school, with slander like, also other everyone else did!

Then the headmaster awaits the students and the professors in to the BAR and asks them publicly: "Is everything all right with prof. LorenzoJHWH?"

how to say to encourage, the worst ones, to invent any slander against me!

dear president RIVLIN ] io avevo imposto ai miei alunni il quaderno di Religione, e di fare una lavoro a piacere di una mezza pagina (a settimana, una sola volta a settimana) qualcosa da bambini della prima elementare, anche se questo lavoro: si discostava dalle indicazioni offerte da me? questo sarebbe stato accettato ugualmente.

il Dirigente Scolastico un altro infame ANTIFA del Partito Democratico: mi ha annullato il quaderno, perché a suo dire: gli alunni del LICEO Scientifico, loro hanno già troppi compiti a casa.. ma, non mi ha detto nulla circa gli altri argomenti oggetto di contestazione: perché alle miei spalle: lui pensa di accumulare una serie di denunce e calunnie per potermi cacciare dalla scuola, con calunnie come hanno fatto anche tutti gli altri!

Quindi il Dirigente Scolastico aspetta gli alunni e i professori nel BAR e chiede loro pubblicamente: "va tutto bene con il prof. lorenzoJHWH?"

come a dire a incoraggiare, i più cattivi, a inventare qualsiasi calunnia contro di me!

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3 years ago

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dear president RIVLIN] as you yourself can see:

1. I defend homosexuals from the persecution of lgbt Satanists

2. but from 8/18/19? I have 220 articles, in this site of mine, to date, which never had a single view

**** he is gay, in Africa he risks jail 18/08/19

**** Israeli soldiers were killed since 18/08/19

**** child lesbian torture to make her invent abuses 8/18/19

caro presidente RIVLIN ] come tu stesso puoi osservare:

1. io difendo gli omosessuali dalla persecuzione dei satanisti lgbt

2. ma dal 18/08/19? io ho 220 articoli, in questo mio sito, a tutt'oggi, che non mai avuto una sola visualizzazione

è gay, in Africa rischia la galera 18/08/19

Israeli soldiers were killed since 18/08/19

sevizie lesbica a bimba per farle inventare abusi 18/08/19

//noah-ararat blogspot com/2019/08/sevizie-lesbica-bimba-per-farle html

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3 years ago

"The greatest witch hunt in American history!": He tweeted Trump a few minutes after the House vote.

The House of Representatives of the American Congress approved the resolution that sets the rules to start the second phase of the investigation into the possible impeachment for Donald Trump.


in fact Satan Staff and Allah Staff did not give him the vote

"La più grande caccia alle streghe della storia americana!": ha twittato Trump pochi minuti dopo il voto alla Camera.

La Camera dei rappresentanti del Congresso americano ha approvato la risoluzione che fissa le regole per avviare la seconda fase dell'indagine sul possibile impeachment per Donald Trump.


in effetti Satana Staff e Allah Staff non gli hanno dato il voto

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

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Italy "would be much better" outside the EU.. and outside the antichrist of the Democratic Party.. Word of Donald Trump, who also mentioned the peninsula en passant in his conversation tonight with Nigel Farage during the radio program conducted by the British Brexit Party leader on Lbc. Commenting on the latest postponement of divorce from Brussels, the US president deplored that London is still "held in the European Union". Then he added: "Even other countries, Italy and others, would be much better off without the EU, frankly.

L'Italia "starebbe molto meglio" fuori dell'Ue.... e fuori dall'anticristo del partito democratico..... Parola di Donald Trump, che ha citato en passant anche la Penisola nella conversazione avuta stasera con Nigel Farage durante il programma radiofonico condotto dal leader del Brexit Party britannico su Lbc. Commentando l'ultimo rinvio del divorzio da Bruxelles, il presidente Usa ha deplorato che Londra sia ancora "trattenuta nell'Unione Europea". Poi ha aggiunto: "Anche altri Paesi, l'Italia e altri, starebbero molto meglio senza l'Ue, francamente.

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Discussion on United with Israel 196 comments

VILE: Pro-Palestinian US Students Call for 'Slaughter of Jews' and 'Bloodshed'

3 years ago

VILE: Pro-Palestinian US Students Call for 'Slaughter of Jews' and 'Bloodshed' | United with Israel

VILE: Pro-Palestinian? any sharia is vile!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on World Israel News 74 comments

Opinion: Senators Sanders and Warren offer ‘The Squad’ squalid Middle East peace plans

3 years ago


Someone shouts "Zionist" in FIANO, and Fiano (Pd) is offended - VIDEO. voxnews info/2019/10/31/scontro-pd-fdi-a-colpi-di-sionista-e-mummie/

Zionist? Fiano took him for personal insult, because he is a globalist rothschild, or the antithesis of Zionism.


to my dear satanic trinity: Rochefeller the werewolf, Rothschild the vampire, Morgan the jackal: Soros la Zoccola.. so what? I am a Zionist and to you who?

Qualcuno urla «sionista» a FIANO, e Fiano (Pd) si offende – VIDEO.

Sionista? Fiano l’ha preso per insulto personale, perché lui è un globalista rothschild, ovvero l’antitesi del sionismo.


alla mia cara trinità satanica: Rochefeller il lupo mannaro, Rothschild il vampiro, Morgan lo sciacallo: Soros la Zoccola... e allora? io sono sionista e a voi che?

3 years ago


US House Representatives approve motion on impeachment procedures.

indeed, this is true: the president TRUMP DONALD did not ask permission from the high priest of Satan Rothschild who is the boss of the democratic party,

to be able to make an inquiry into the satanist Biden,

that's why he got into trouble, and was punished!

I know everyone can do a journalistic investigation:

but, it is the President of the USA:

the most powerful man in the world: that he can't do it!

Camera Rappresentanti Usa approva mozione su procedure di impeachment.

in effetti, questo è vero: il presidente TRUMP DONALD lui non ha chiesto il permesso al sommo sacerdote di Satana Rothschild che è il padrone del partito democratico,

di poter fare una inchiesta sul satanista Biden,

ecco perché è finito nei guai, ed è stato punito!

so che tutti possono fare una inchiesta giornalistica:

ma, è il Presidente degli USA:

l'umo più potente del mondo: che non lo può fare!

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

IDF denies Israeli drone was shot down in Lebanon

3 years ago


Council of Europe, Aegean migrants

Situation at the limit catastrophe.Greece better life conditions


Erdogan wants to avenge himself and now wants to do to us what he has already done to the Armenians

all the Mohammedans of all ARAB LEAGUE smell the blood and have all entered into a great demonic compulsive frenzy!

tutti i maomettani della LEGA ARABA sentono l'odore del sangue e sono entrati tutti in una grande demoniaca frenesia compulsiva!

Consiglio d'Europa, sos migranti Egeo

Situazionea al limite catastrofe.Grecia migliori condizioni vita


Erdogan si vuole vendicare e ora vuole fare a noi quello che ha già fatto agli armeni

3 years ago


Ben Shapiro Calls for Synagogue to Be Built on Temple Mount

unitedwithisrael org/ben-shapiro-calls-for-synagogue-to-be-built-on-temple-mount/

CreationReal jewish Messia Christophe Szabo

then you are really stubborn: everyone knows that you have an exegesis completely corrupt and failed!

Who taught you Erdogan theology?

it is true that Jesus kept hidden:

1. his messianic secret: and

2. that he was born in Bethlehem;

to be able to operate for three years. before turning himself into the innocent lamb.

but this does not mean that his disciples did not know who and what he was:

or that he did say: "I am the way, the truth and the life" etc. etc..

or that he did not admit it, before the interrogation to the high priest Synedrin 666 Talmud Rothschild: his identity,

for being sentenced to death as blasphemous and heretic!

I don't want to talk to the stupid like you: why don't you go to evangelize to Ovadia Yosef?

he told me that he put aside/donkey in human form: for you: a donkey that he has to let you know!

Discussion on United with Israel 1 comments

Israeli First: Ben-Gurion University Backing Israeli Student Entrepreneurs

3 years ago

about Nancy Pelosi and Gina Cheri Haspel?

zombies attack: demonic possessed


I knew, I had deeply damaged the priests of Satan in the US so much:

but I didn't think they were so desperate enough to revive two bodies


sapevo di avere danneggiato profondamente i sacerdoti di satana negli USA:

ma non pensavo che erano così disperati tanto da rianimare due cadaveri

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Analysis: Sikh leader quits BBC after being prevented from talking about Muslim oppression

3 years ago


Pelosi-Gezabele says: "Trump betrayed the oath" (but, it is not specified which journalistic inquiry he made without Biden's authorization)

Speaker of the US Chamber: 'The Constitution must be defended by: pirates "skull and bones, conspire 322 the Satanist Masons"'

added Pelosi. "At stake - he continued - there is our democracy".


that's what I've always said: this is the democracy of the Enlightened Baal Ja-Bull-On is not the democracy of the people!

in fact, how did the constitution say to give bank seigniorage to rothschild? when?

the crime of the democratic party is from death penalty: for treason and coup!

Pelosi-Gezabele dice:" Trump ha tradito il giuramento" (ma, non si specifica quale inchiesta giornalistica abbia fatto senza Biden autorizzazione)

Speaker della Camera Usa: 'La Costituzione va difesa dai: pirati "teschio e ossa, congiura 322 i massoni satanisti"'

ha aggiunto Pelosi. "In gioco - ha proseguito - c'è la nostra democrazia".


è proprio quello che io ho sempre detto: questa è la democrazia degli Enlightened Baal Ja-Bull-On non è la democrazia del popolo!

infatti, come la costituziona ha detto di dare il signoraggio bancario a rothschild? quando?

il delitto del partito democratico è da pena di morte: per tradimento e golpe!

3 years ago


Middle jihad sharia East. Iraq: President Salih opens for new elections, to respond to protests, after the death of 250 protesters.


yes the political parties are 2:

1. Erdogan jihad ISIS

2. it is always Erdogan sharia hamas.

the elections in the ARAB LEAGUE? I'm always a cockInTheAss

Medio jihad sharia Oriente. Iraq: presidente Salih apre a nuove elezioni, per rispondere alle proteste, dopo la morte di 250 manifestanti.


si i partiti politici sono 2:

1. Erdogan jihad ISIS

2. è sempre Erdogan sharia hamas..

le elezioni nella LEGA ARABA? sono sempre un caxxo nel cuula tua vergogna

3 years ago


the government of the traitors rothschild Masonic consociativismo Pd and M5S? it's a real betrayal!

Unemployment dates back, in 3 months lost 60 thousand seats

Youth unemployment increases, at 28.7%.

but in the South it is 40%

we are a people that is headed towards the genocide of public and private debt.. a debt that rothschild's traitorous and complicit politicians have always made!

il governo dei traditori rothschild consociativismo massonico Pd e M5S ? è un vero tradimento!

Risale la disoccupazione, In 3 mesi persi 60mila posti

La disoccupazione giovanile aumenta, al 28,7%.

ma al Sud è del 40%

siamo un popolo che è avviato al genocidio del debito pubblico e privato... debito che sempre i politici traditori e complici di rothschild hanno fatto!

3 years ago


all that is not esoteric agenda monsanto 666 bayer gmos:

1. lgbt sodoma, self-destruction of our Patria the Soros pig Democratic Party: usury,

2. FED Rochefeller Mordan Murdoch NetWork satelite tv, shadow bilderberg government NWO,

3. ISLAM nazi genocide sharia jihad?

answer. then, everything else was condemned by the Satanism of the Rothschild Central Banks,

why around ISRAEL Christians and Jews? you must do scorched earth!

tutto quello che non è esoteric agenda:

1. sodoma lgbt, autodistruzione della patria partito democratico-Soros

2. FED Rochefeller Mordan Murdoch NetWork satelite tv, governo ombra bilderberg NWO,

3. ISLAM nazi genocidio sharia jihad?

answer. poi, tutto il resto è stato condannato dal satanismo delle Banche Centrali Rothschild,

perché intorno a ISRAELE cristiani ed ebrei? si deve fare terra bruciata!

Analysis: Sikh leader quits BBC after being prevented from talking about Muslim oppression

3 years ago


North America. every judicial procedure foresees the juridical concept of reciprocity!

Trump impeachment, procedures approved

The US Chamber approves the procedures, set the rules to open the public phase of the investigation. The wrath of the US president: "The greatest witch hunt in history". The White House: 'Shame to destroy Trump'

ANSWER. so if TRUMP will be innocent: all those who voted for Impeachment?

they will end up in jail for high treason!

ogni procedimento giudiziario prevede il conceto giuridico della reciprocità!

Impeachment di Trump, approvate le procedure

La Camera Usa approva le procedure, fissate le regole per aprire la fase pubblica dell'indagine. L'ira del presidente Usa: 'La più grande caccia alle streghe della storia'. La Casa Bianca: 'Vergogna per distruggere Trump'

ANSWER. quindi se TRUMP risulterà innocente: tutti quelli che hanno votato per Impeachment?

loro finiranno in galera per alto tradimento!

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Pro-Netanyahu activist chastises Israel's 'spoiled, ungrateful' leftist elites who've 'messed up' country

3 years ago


aaaaaahhhh ] [ The rally at which he spoke, attended by thousands of demonstrators, centered around the argument of how the establishment ESOTERIC JA-BULL-ON AGENDA FED 666 IMF NWO WW3nucelar deep State Bilderberg masonic system and scam banking seigniorage jihad erdogan sharia nazi genocide ummah , unable to bring down Netanyahu through the democratic process, resorted to “fabricating” fake criminal cases against the prime minister in order to remove him from office.

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Likud chief negotiator: Blue and White fakes talks, wants government with Arabs

3 years ago


#Pakistan: train on fire, 73 dead. There are 42 wounded. The fire was caused by the explosion of a gas cooker that some passengers were using improperly to prepare breakfast on board(Koran said it), on the convoy that went from Karachi to Rawalpindi.


but on the train there was no emergency brake:

why is ISLAM an avalanche towards hell, which since Bin SALMAN betrayed me?

now, nobody can stop!

Pakistan: treno in fiamme, 73 morti

I feriti sono 42.

Il rogo è stato causato dall'esplosione di un cucinino a gas che alcuni passeggeri stavano usando impropriamente per prepararsi la colazione a bordo, sul convoglio che andava da Karachi a Rawalpindi.


ma sul treno non c'era il freno di Emergenza:

perché ISLAM è una valanga verso l'inferno, che poiché Bin SALMAN mi ha tradito?

ora, nessuno può più fermare!

3 years ago


the situation is much simpler than it might seem: "you cannot vote for Hitler to prove that you are a democracy of self-defeating suicide"

therefore you cannot give the right to vote: to no Muslim in the whole world: as long as the sharia of the ARAB LEAGUE transforms into a military outpost every mosque on this planet: an enemy enclave in France Germani etc. occupation and genocide enclave: which is a kabbalah settlement or UMMAH kabbalah FED IMF NWO agenda, since there are no human rights or the presence of the secular state in the UMMAH!

Likud chief negotiator: Blue and White fakes talks, wants government with Arabs

la situazione è molto più semplice di quella che potrebbe sembrare: "tu non puoi dare il voto ad Hitler per dimostrare di essere una democrazia del suicidio autolesionista"

quindi tu non puoi dare il diritto di voto: a nessun mussulmano in tutto il mondo: finché la sharia della LEGA ARABA trsforma in un avamposto militare ogni moschea di questo pianeta: una enclave nemica in Francia Germani ecc.. enclave di occupazione e genocidio: che è una ipostazione o agenda kabbalah UMMAH, dato che non ci sono diritti umani o la presenza dello stato laico nella UMMAH!

Likud chief negotiator: Blue and White fakes talks, wants government with Arabs

3 years ago


President RIVLIN ] [ someone tries to manipulate my connection! 400. That’s an error.

qualcuno cerca di manipolare la mia connessione! 400. That’s an error.

Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.

Discussion on United with Israel 24 comments

Oslo City Council Considers Boycott of Israeli Communities in Judea and Samaria

3 years ago

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Capital of Norway Bans Israeli answer... this truth cannot be concealed:

What happened to Jamal Khashoggi?

and what happens to political opponents in Turkey?

how are they killed and slandered by Erdogan?

what right to genocide the democratic party lgbt verdi antifa RottiDIla tua vergogna lgbt cult GENDER APE Darwin: do they want to defend akbar jihad of the ARAB LEAGUE among the Muslims?

therefore, as a Palestinian: he can say to Hamas: "No, are you wrong?"

so, what genocide did the Shiites and Sunnis in Syria and Iraq mutually give each other?

certainly in the Democratic Party all deserve the death penalty for high treason and Islamic terrorism:

also, if the heads of imputation in the FED FMI NWO of the Freemasons Bilderberg cosonociativismo Ogm Monsanto 666 Bayer: and nano particles of aluminum and steel in vaccines?

those are accusations of treason and massacre: even bigger and more serious!

questa verità non può essere occultata:

che fine ha fatto Jamal Khashoggi?

e che fine fanno gli oppositori politici in turchia?

in che modo, loro vengono uccisi e calunniati da Erdogan?

quale diritto al genocidio il partito democratico lgbt verdi antifa RottiDIla tua vergogna lgbt culto GENDER APE Darwin: vogliono difendere tra i musulmani akbar jihad della LEGA ARABA?

quindi, quale palestinese: può dire ad Hamas: "no, tu ti sbagli?"

così, quale genocidio si sono reciprocamente regalati gli sciiti e i sunniti in Siria e Iraq?

certo nel partito democratico meritano tutti la pena di morte per alto tradimento strage e terrorismo islamico:

anche, se i capi di imputazione nel FED FMI NWO dei massoni Bilderberg cosonociativismo Ogm Monsanto 666 Bayer: e nano particelle di alluminio e acciaio nei vaccini?

quelli sono capi di accusa di tradimento e strage: ancora più grandi e gravi!

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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Ayatollahs nervous Iraq, Lebanon protests could spread to Iran, accuse US, Israel of supporting uprisings

3 years ago


Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the United States and its allies are spreading "insecurity and turmoil" in Iraq and Lebanon


this is proof that they will never be able to keep their promises on the denial to make of nuclear bombs!

in fact the protests are made by the Sunnis, who sing "ciao bella"

and the snipers are the Shiites who are precisely the Iranian agents.. and it is true that in the CIA they are Satanists.

but even the Satanists, it are not right that they should be slandered in this way!

Il leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha affermato che gli Stati Uniti ei suoi alleati stanno diffondendo "insicurezza e tumulto" in Iraq e in Libano


questa è la dimostrazione che non potranno mai mantenere le loro promesse sulla negazione delle bombe nucleari!

infatti le proteste sono fatte dai sunniti, che cantano "bella ciao"

e i cecchini sono gli sciiti che sono proprio gli agenti iraniani.. ed è vero che nella CIA sono satanisti.

ma, anche i satanisti non è giusto che debbano venire calunniati in questo modo!

3 years ago


Middle jihad NAZI East: OCI UMMAH. #Iran, secret ceremonies Baha'i group, illegal sect Baha'i group, Blitz of the Pasdaran against 'spying' of the Baha'i group.

ANSWER. if they are not Kurds, they are crusaders, and if not: they will be spies of Israel, or they are apostate Saudi takfiris.

Islam Sharia is the mads factory!

Medio jihad NAZI Oriente: OCI UMMAH. #Iran, cerimonie segrete, setta illegale, Blitz dei Pasdaran contro 'spionaggio' del gruppo Baha'i.

ANSWER. se non sono curdi sono crociati, e se no: saranno spie di Israele, oppure sono apostati takfiri sauditi..

Islam sharia è la fabbrica dei pazzi!

Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments

Opinion: Holocaust Survivor Hands Israel's Enemies a Victory on a Silver Platter

3 years ago

Italy usurocratic and bureaucratic technocratic Italy, a society that is sinking: the failure of the European dream!

a Censis survey: "every year in Italy there are 11 million people who renounce to medical visits because they cannot access it, both due to economic unavailability and to long waiting times."

Italia tecnocrocratica usurocratica e burocratica europeista, una società che cala a picco: il fallimento del sogno europeo!

un'indagine del Censis: "ogni anno in Italia ci sono 11 milioni di persone che rinunciano alle visite mediche in quanto non possono accedervi, sia per indisponibilità economica, sia per lunghi tempi di attesa. "

1MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

it is absurd but it isassumed that we must continually explain the obvious against the bad faith of the antichrists: lgbt Biden Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Mogherini Rothschild and Bilderberg Putin Stalin Xi-Jinping Mao-maramao..

the Palestinians are persecuted and powerfully cursed: only by the sharia of Hamas and the sharia of the UN OCI UMMAH NAZI jihad Erdogan ARAB LEAGUE.

so much so that one day of this to save them from their Islamic satanism we will be forced to take them to Assad (that Sharia peace is always with him)

è assundo che si debba continuamente spiegare l'ovvio contro la malafede degli anticristi: lgbt Biden Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Mogherini Rothschild e Bilderberg Putin Stalin Xi-Jinping..

i palestinesi sono perseguitati e potentemente maledetti: soltanto, dalla sharia di Hamas e dalla sharia della LEGA ARABA.

tanto che un giorno di questo per salvarli dal loro satanismo islamico saremo costretti a portarli da Assad (che la pace sharia? è sempre con lui)

1MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments

She's Beauty, She's Grace, She's 'Little Miss Israel' from the Philippines!

3 years ago

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we must be careful that this pedophile does not come from: the pig bin Salman & Ruhollah Khomeyni to take her away!

dobbiamo vigilare che non viene quel pedofilo, di: bin Salman & Ruhollah Khomeyni a portarsela via!

She’s Beauty, She’s Grace, She’s ‘Little Miss Israel’ from the Philippines!

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Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments

WATCH: Future Soldiers and Disabled Israelis Unite in Pre-IDF Program

3 years ago

ISTANBUL, OCTOBER 30 - The resolution approved yesterday by the US House of Representatives that recognizes the "Armenian genocide" by the Ottoman Empire during the First World War "has no value" for Turkey. Its president said: Recep boia Tayyip jihad Erdogan BOIA.


how many Armenians have advanced to his Mohammedan scum, if 200,000 Christians throughout Turkey are still hiding today?

ISTANBUL, 30 OTT - La risoluzione approvata ieri dalla Camera dei Rappresentanti Usa che riconosce il "genocidio armeno" da parte dell'impero Ottomano durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale "non ha nessun valore" per la Turchia. Lo ha detto il suo presidente: Recep boia Tayyip jihad Erdogan BOIA.


quanti armeni sono avanzati alla sua feccia maomettana, se 200000 cristiani in tutta la Turchia si devono nascondere ancora oggi?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

France: Macron polls, Only 39% of the French convinced that him would re-elected.

if Le Pen stops talking ill of Israel, this is the right time that I will elect: Le Pen.

she paid Ansa to put my comments in the foreground: but, I did not make myself moved by this!

then, Bilderberg ordered that Mason of Ansa to close all the comment cards:

because the Italian people are very angry and the Democratic party would not have survived!

Francia: sondaggi Macron, Solo 39% dei francesi convinto che sarebbe rieletto.

se la smette di parlare male di Israele questa è la volta buona che faccio eleggere: la Le Pen.

pagò Ansa per mettere in primo piano i miei commenti: ma, io non mi feci commuove per questo!

poi, Bilderberg ordinò a quel massone di Ansa di chiudere tutte le schede dei commenti:

perché il popolo italiano è molto arrabbiato e il partito democratico non sarebbe sopravvissuto!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

ok, since you're there? also give him a kick in the balls from me!

Double slap in the US House in Ankara, two weeks after the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House: the deputies have approved in a bipartisan manner almost unanimously a resolution that recognizes the Armenian genocide and another that asks President Donald Trump to impose sanctions and other restrictions on Turkey and the leaders of that country for the offensive in northern Syria.

ok, dato che ci siete? dategli anche un calcio nelle palle!

Doppio schiaffo della Camera Usa ad Ankara, a due settimane dalla visita del presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan alla Casa Bianca: i deputati hanno approvato in modo bipartisan quasi all'unanimità una risoluzione che riconosce il genocidio armeno e un'altra che chiede al presidente Donald Trump di imporre sanzioni e altre restrizioni alla Turchia e ai dirigenti di quel Paese per l'offensiva nella Siria settentrionale.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 23 comments

Palestinian Media Portrays Killer of Israeli Teen as Jesus

3 years ago

«Woe to you» Obama, Epstein Clinton Bush Kerry OWL at bohemian grove cremation of cure, «Woe to you», «Woe to you», the curse of Jesus of Bethlehem against the demonic race of the Pharisees hypocrites scribes: Priests of Satan of the Supreme synedrium «Woe to you», AIPAC, and Order deminaco of: B'nai B'rith. "Woe to you",

invectives of Jesus against the Pharisees: Anna Kaifa Belzebuul, jaBullOn Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild: "come out flat". "Woe to you", echoing other strong and terrible texts that have accompanied crucial moments in the history of the Jewish people, leads us to focus our eyes on the recipients: the Pharisees, hypocrites, blind guides, fools, whitewashed sepulchers, snakes, a breed of vipers «Woe to you», «Woe to you», «Woe to you»,

«Guai a voi», «Guai a voi», «Guai a voi», la maledizione di Gesù di Betlemme contro la razza demiaca dei farisei scribi ipocriti: Sacerdoti di Satana del Sommo sinedrio«Guai a voi», AIPAC, e Ordine deminaco del: B'nai B'rith. «Guai a voi»,

invettive di Gesù contro i farisei: Anna Kaifa Belzebuul, jaBullOn Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild: "venite fuori piattole". «Guai a voi», riecheggianti altri testi forti e terribili che hanno accompagnato momenti cruciali della storia del popolo ebraico, ci porta a puntare gli occhi sui destinatari: i farisei, ipocriti, guide cieche, stolti, sepolcri imbiancati, serpenti, razza di vipere. «Guai a voi», «Guai a voi», «Guai a voi»,

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

"come out flat ECB BCE 322 FED IMF NWO come out flat ". the curse of Jesus of Bethlehem against the demonic Talmud infested race of the Pharisees, hypocritical scribes: Priests of Satan of the Supreme Sanhedrin AIPAC, and Order deminaco of: B'nai B'rith. ie, all invectives of Jesus against the Pharisees: Anna Kaifa Belzebuul, jaBullOn Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild: "come out flat". Mt 23, 1-12 ] [ Then Jesus turned to the crowd and to his disciples saying: "On the chair of Moses sat the scribes and the Pharisees. Practice and observe all that they tell you, but do not act according to their works, because they say and do not do.

They tie heavy, hard-to-bear burdens, and place them on people's shoulders, but they don't want to move them even with a finger. All their works are made to be admired by the people: they widen their filaments and lengthen the fringes; they are delighted with places of honor at banquets, the first seats in the synagogues, greetings in the squares, as well as being called "rabbi" by the people.

But don't be called "rabbi", because only one is your Master and you are all brothers.

And don't call any of you on earth "father", because one is your Father, the heavenly one. And do not be called "guides", because one is your Guide, the C h r i s t lorenzoJHWH. Who among you is greater will be your servant; those who exalt themselves will be humiliated and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago


the curse of Jesus of Bethlehem against the infested race of the Pharisees, hypocritical scribes: Priests of Satan of the Supreme Sanhedrin AIPAC, and Order deminaco of: B'nai B'rith.

invectives of Jesus against the Pharisees: Anna Kaifa Belzebuul, jaBullOn Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild: "come out flat".

Mt 23, 1-12] [Then Jesus turned to the crowd and to his disciples saying: "On the chair of Moses sat the scribes and the Pharisees. Practice and observe all that they tell you, but do not act according to their works, because they say and do not do. They tie heavy, hard-to-bear burdens, and place them on people's shoulders, but they don't want to move them even with a finger. All their works are made to be admired by the people: they widen their filaments and lengthen the fringes; they are delighted with places of honor at banquets, the first seats in the synagogues, greetings in the squares, as well as being called "rabbi" by the people. But don't be called "rabbi", because only one is your Master and you are all brothers. And don't call any of you on earth "father", because one is your Father, the heavenly one. And do not be called "guides", because one is your Guide, the Christ. Who among you is greater will be your servant; those who exalt themselves will be humiliated and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

3 years ago

Antonio Padova vs usurers: BIDEN FED IMF BM BCE Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Christine Lagarde Dracula Demo Pluto Giudaico Freemason, HIGH BETRAYING CONSTITUTION: scam BANKING seigniorage for death penalty: "Thorns are the riches, which sting and

bring out blood ; ferocious beasts are the perfidious usurers, who rob and devour.. Broad is the way that leads to damnation. Wide not for the poor of C h r i s t, who enter through the narrow door, but for the

usurers who have already taken over the world with rapacious hands.Cursed race, they grew strong and innumerable on earth, and they have dandelions. The usurer respects neither the Lord nor men; his teeth are

always in motion, intent on robbing, crushing and swallowing up the goods of the poor, orphans, and widows (..) And look at what hands dare to give alms, hands dripping with the blood of the poor. There are

usurers who practice their profession secretly; others openly, but not

in style, to seem merciful; others, finally, perfidious, desperate, are

very open and do their job in the light of the sun. » Even on the source of their earnings, the Saint had clear ideas: "From there come so many possessions? From robberies and fraud. The beetle gathers a lot of

dung and with great labor rolls it up, but suddenly a donkey that puts

the hoof on the beetle and its filthy booty, crushing both in an

instant. In the same way the miser and the fraudster accumulate wealth,

but the devil happens to treason and strangles them. meat to worms,

substances to relatives ". He continues: "There is worse, it is not enough for the loan sharks to reject and suffocate the good inspiration

of God, they want to banish it even from the heart of their wife and

children. live honestly, and the father learns it, with all his powers

he tries to reject this grace. How many evils perpetrate these murders!

They kill repentance in themselves and in others

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago


Antonio Padova vs usurers: BIDEN FED IMF BM BCE Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Christine Lagarde Dracula Demo Pluto Giudaico Freemason, HIGH BETRAYING CONSTITUTION: scam BANKING SeIGNORAGE for death penalty: "Thorns are the riches, which sting and bring out blood ; ferocious beasts are the perfidious usurers, who rob and devour.. Broad is the way that leads to damnation. Wide not for the poor of Christ, who enter through the narrow door, but for the usurers who have already taken over the world with rapacious hands. Cursed race, they grew strong and innumerable on earth, and they have dandelions. The usurer respects neither the Lord nor men; his teeth are always in motion, intent on robbing, crushing and swallowing up the goods of the poor, orphans, and widows (..) And look at what hands dare to give alms, hands dripping with the blood of the poor. There are usurers who practice their profession secretly; others openly, but not in style, to seem merciful; others, finally, perfidious, desperate, are very open and do their job in the light of the sun. »

Even on the source of their earnings, the Saint had clear ideas: "From there come so many possessions? From robberies and fraud. The beetle gathers a lot of dung and with great labor rolls it up, but suddenly a donkey that puts the hoof on the beetle and its filthy booty, crushing both in an instant. In the same way the miser and the fraudster accumulate wealth, but the devil happens to treason and strangles them. meat to worms, substances to relatives ". He continues: "There is worse, it is not enough for the loan sharks to reject and suffocate the good inspiration of God, they want to banish it even from the heart of their wife and children. live honestly, and the father learns it, with all his powers he tries to reject this grace. How many evils perpetrate these murders! They kill repentance in themselves and in others

3 years ago


Antonio Padova vs the usurers Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Christine Lagarde Dracula Demo Pluto Judas Freemason: "the usurers are numerous and the more they have and the more they want, rapacious, usurers, when they will find themselves before the court of God they will tremble: because they have destroyed families , they have exterminated peoples, etc.. etc..!

Antonio Padova vs gli usurai Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Macron Merkel Trudeau Juncker Christine Lagarde Dracula Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone: "gli usurai sono numerosi e più hanno e più vogliono, rapaci, usurai, quando si troveranno davanti al tribunale di Dio tremeranno: perché hanno distrutto famiglie, hanno sterminato i popoli, ecc.. ecc.. !

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

we do not have the money to secure the territory and not even to rebuild the cities that were hit by the earthquake: all the artistic-historical and cultural heritage was in the earthquake-stricken cities is dead!

at least in monetary sovereignty we should have the money to make these urgent interventions.

this is the truth the EU is a genocide of the Mediterranean peoples.

non abbiamo i soldi per mettere in sicurezza il territorio e neanche per ricostruire le città atterrate dal terremoto: anninetato è stato tutto il patrimonio artistico-storico e culturale: nelle città terremotate!

almeno in sovranità monetaria dovremmo avere i soldi per fare questi interventi urgenti..

questa è la verità la UE è un genocidio dei popoli del mediterraneo.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

the Masons Pd DC FED FMI ECB have realized the genocide and ethnic substitution of the Italian people: of indebted and dispossessed of their own monetary power and: now: humiliated sold and devitalized by the EU: it doesn't remain that the death penalty for high treason!

every 3 years one million Italian citizens disappear!

*** Milan, at school, is taught in Arabic because immigrant children do not understand Italian October 30, 2019

Di Maio praises Conte, the audience bursts out - VIDEO

October 30, 2019

*** "WE KILL YOU", North African parents threaten asylum teachers

October 30, 2019

*** Conte-Vaticano agreement: 1,100 immigrants in Italy with airlift from Africa October 30, 2019

Lombardy, money for 250 schools for the Crib

October 30, 2019

*** They pay 10 thousand euros to land: don't call them desperate

October 30, 2019

*** Maneuver, 24 million to Radio Radicale: thus the Democratic Party wants to finance Soros radio

October 30, 2019

*** Lega says no to Segre's trap: "è censura"

October 30, 2019

*** Conte yields, flights from Germany bring thousands of illegal immigrants back to Italy

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

China India Russia USA ] [ because the Koran is a whole dogmatic word that cannot be interpreted:

here is Islam: it turns into a Hitler-Stalin octopus of UMMAH: of genocide with over 700 million deaths (already in the past) and with the genocide of: 50 previous Christian nations,

ISLAM has always been and always will be: the greatest genocide and crime: of the whole history of the human race!

therefore, this story must end in tragedy immediately, every expectation is against us!

Cina India Russia USA ] [ poiché il Corano è tutta una parola dogmatica che non può essere interpretata:

ecco che Islam: si trasforma in una piovra Hitler-Stalin di UMMAH: di genocidio con oltre 700milioni di morti e con il genocidio di: 50 nazioni cristiane precedenti,

ISLAM è sempre stato e sempre sarà così: il più grande genocidio e delitto: di tutta la storia del genere umano!

quindi, questa storia deve finire nella tragedia immediatamente, ogni attesa è contro di noi!

1 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

I swear I show all the Mohammedans quickly how Allah and Mohammed laugh in hell, to malignant sneer snickering in hell!!

giuro che faccio vedere a tutti i maomettani rapisamente come Allah e Maometto ghigno maligno sghignazzando all'inferno!

1 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 23 comments

Palestinian Media Portrays Killer of Israeli Teen as Jesus


3 years ago

I don't know what power you would have to give me Israeli atomics!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

yes, terrorist Erdogan puts genocide Armenian women people on cross

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments

Belgium’s First Female Prime Minister a Jewish Mother of 4


3 years ago

Sanders only is the scum?

all in the lgbt antifa democratic party, scam banking seigniorage FED 666 IMF 322 ECB: they are the Masonic antichrists and perverted scum, they are cult freaks, a herd of sodomic pigs: authentic traitors to the homeland to obtain a comfortable sharia Islamic genocide all over the world,

if it wasn't for TRUMP and me? today we would be already in world war against China and Russia!

Sanders soltanto è la feccia?

tutti nel partito democratico lgbt antifa: sono la feccia massonica e pervertita, sono dei maniaci culto, un branco di maiali a sodoma: degli autentici traditori della Patria per ottenere in tutto il mondo un comodo genocidio islamico sharia,

se non fosse stato per TRUMP e me? oggi saremmo già in guerra mondiale contro Cina e Russia!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL


3 years ago

I never talk about us or them.. there is no separation in my mind soul and spirit.

I followed justice (through my Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians: and to stop the monsters of Bhrama Allah and Satan, now I find myself

by chance to be the King of ISRAEL

that's why I found myself here.

I don't have a privileged view for Jews!

io non parlo mai di noi o loro.. nella mia mente non esiste una qualche separazione.

io ho seguito la giustizia (attraverso il mio Osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani: e per fermare i mostri di Bhrama Allah e Satana, ora mi trovo

per caso ad essere il Re di ISRAELE

ecco perché io mi sono trovato quì.

io non ho per gli ebrei una visione privilegiata!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 7 comments

WATCH: UK Stands with Israel in Fight Against Iran, Says British Ambassador

3 years ago

Jesus of Bethlehem gave all his blood for us,

and we will give all our blood for his Kingdom of ISRAEL...

death to traitors Putin Xi-Jinping IRAN: death!

Gesù di Betlemme ha dato tutto il suo sangue per noi,

e noi daremo tutto il nostro sangue per il suo Regno di ISRAELE....

morte ai traditori Putin Xi-Jinping IRAN: morte!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 55 comments

Presidential Hopefuls Push Pro-Palestinian Platform at J Street Conference

3 years ago

there are two ways to solve the Jewish question:

that of Hitler Erdogan and Iran, or

that of lorenzoJHWH Unius REI.

when will all Jews have a homeland and return to their God? they will stop being satanist Freemasons for the world: that is be outside of their hypocrisy: they are actually trying to find the first solution, that of: Hitler Erdogan and Iran.

in fact, if Israel remains an unfinished project: as a Kingdom of GOD JHWH?

then, it is certainly destined to be destroyed.

that's why after 1400 Islamic genocides that saw the emergence of an absolute crime of OCI UN ARAB LEAGUE sharia genocide NAZI horror?

I don't understand why Putin enjoys his homeland and denies it to the Jews..

and the fact that the Jewish parasites and coup plotters: Demo Pluto Giudaico Masone do not want to have a homeland: this is not a good reason not to impose it on them.

therefore: it is grotesque that islamists accept the weaves of Nazism Shoah, but then, they deny the evidence of sharia shoah genocide against alla peoples: despite having trampled all human rights under the aegis of the UN, with impunity: with the complicity of their new Rothschild World Order Riyad!

ci sono due modi per risolvere la questione ebraica:

quello di Hitler Erdogan e Iran

quello di lorenzoJHWH Unius REI.

quando tutti gli ebrei avranno una Patria e torneranno al loro Dio? smetteranno di fare i massoni satanisti per il mondo: che al di fuori della loro ipocrisia: stanno cercando di fatto la prima soluzione, quella di: Hitler Erdogan e Iran.

infatti, se Israele rimane un progetto incompiuto: come Regno di DIO JHWH?

poi, è destinato ad essere distrutto certamente.

ecco perché dopo 1400 genocidi islamici che hanno visto sorgere una LEGA ARABA sharia genocidio?

io non capisco perché Putin si gode la sua patria e la nega agli ebrei..

ed il fatto che gli ebrei parassiti e golpisti: Demo Pluto Giudaico Masone non vogliono avere una patria: questo non è un buon motivo per non imporla a loro.

pertanto: è grottesco che gli islamici accolgano le tessi del Nazismo ma poi, negano l'evidenza del genocidio sharia: pur avendo calpestato tutti i diritti umani sotto egida dell'ONU!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 14 comments

German Youth Demand Hezbollah Designated a Terror Organization

3 years ago

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's administration is only one of many puppets in the hands of Saruman Rothschild FED IMF ECB NWO Regime Bilderberg, etc.. etc... corporations, multinationals, etc.. etc.. network satellite Tv

because it exists:

1. the Masonic consociativism:

2. and there is a monetary monopoly(ie, you have been betrayed: the banking seigniorage scam), then, there can be no sovereignty among peoples: unfortunately.

so when we have a patriot like Salvini Netanjahu and TRUMP he must be stopped.

while with the traitors of the democratic party? everything will always be easier!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration è soltanto uno dei tanti burattini nelle mani di Saruman Rothschild

perché esiste:

1. il consociativismo massonico:

2. ed esiste il monopolio monetario, poi, non può esistere nessuna sovranità nei popoli: purtroppo.

così quando abbiamo un patriota come Salvini Netanjahu e TRUMP deve essere fermato.

mentre con i traditori del partito democratico? sarà sempre tutto più facile!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

any sharia is brutal dogmatic NAZI-Comunistic terroristic organizzation

any sharia in genocide

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments

French Organization Supports Terrorism and BDS Under Guise of ‘Agricultural Work’

3 years ago

in Iraq and Lebanon the Shiites drown in the blood the popular protests of the Sunnis. and then, they play to make victims: when the Sunnis are shooting at them..

this Allah Koran frankestein is really crazy:

Shiites and Sunnis are throwing mud at each other in the face and are not aware of being a single sewer an extreme threat against mankind!

in Iraq e Libano gli sciiti affogano nel sangue le proteste popolari dei sunniti.. e poi, giocano a fare le vittime: quando sono i sunniti a sparare contro di loro...

è proprio pazzo questo Allah Corano frankestein:

sciiti e sunniti si gettano fango in faccia l'uno contro l'altro e non si accorgono di essere una sola fognatura una estrema minaccia contro il genere umano!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Imola Mayor: the m5s is dead.

Pd (democratic party) lgbt M5S (max 30% of the consent) they lose one elettoral campaign after another to the regional ones, and they are surprised, they come down from the clouds, as if it was not Merkel Juncker to trample the Italian people and to create a Government without popular consent!

these accomplices of Bilderberg-Rothschild do welfarism, but do not think of economic development that can only bring new jobs!

Sindaca Imola: il m5s è morto.

Pd (partito democratico) lgbt M5S (max 30% del consenso) loro perdono una campagna elettorale dopo l'altra alle regionali, e si meravigliano, scendono dalle nuvole, come se non è stata la Merkel a calpestare il popolo italiano e a creare un Governo senza consenso popolare!

questi complici di Bilderberg-Rothschild fanno assistenzialismo, ma non pensano allo sviluppo economico che solo può portare nuovi posti di lavoro!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ obviously I cannot build my third Jewish temple on the blood of my enemies: for it is a most holy place!

that's why all the scum of this planet because of you is still raising its head!

ovviamente io non posso erigere il mio terzo tempio ebraico sul sangue dei miei nemici: perché è un luogo santissimo!

ecco perché tutta la feccia di questo pianeta per colpa tua va ancora alzando la testa!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] nobody should expect revenge or violence from me: because I am the universal brotherhood..

however, I have not tied my hands to my heavenly hosts of holy angels: the army of the Lord Almighty!

Bin SALMAN ] nessuno dovrebbe attendersi da me la vendetta o la violenza: perché io sono la fratellanza universale...

comunque, io non ho legato le mani alle mie schiere celesti di angeli santi: l'esercito del signore Onnipotente!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments

First Medical School in Samaria Opens Following Overcoming Legal Hurdles

3 years ago

Hong Kong: Lam, China does not want to replace me

Governor on Ft hypothesis, 'Beijing trust on our ability'

Hong Kong, Joshua Wong banished from the vote

'Positions against the Basic Law, it is for self-determination'

ANSWER. therefore to respect the "Basic Law" Governatrice Lam must resign, and the CHINA must demonstrate to know how to respect the "Basic Law" that it is committed to respect!

so this riot will end!

Hong Kong: Lam, Cina non vuole sostituirmi

Governatrice su ipotesi Ft, 'fiducia Pechino su nostra capacità'

Hong Kong, Joshua Wong bandito dal voto

'Posizioni contrarie alla Basic Law, è per l'autodeterminazione'

ANSWER. quindi per rispettare la " Basic Law" Governatrice Lam si deve dimettere, e la CINA deve dimostrare di saper rispettare la " Basic Law" che si è impeganta a rispettare!

quindi questa sommossa finirà!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

In Iraq they shoot at demonstrators,

18 dead only today! Mad Islamic world.

Masked men shot at protesters south of Baghdad.


Mohammed did not leave written in the Koran how to deal with dissent and Erdogan falls into mental confusion, that's why the brain of an Islamic: dogmatically he is not predisposed for creativity

In Iraq sparano sui dimostranti,

18 morti soltanto oggi! Mondo islamico pazzo.

Uomini mascherati hanno sparato sui manifestanti a sud di Baghdad.


Maometto non ha lasciato scritto nel corano come affrontare il dissenso e Erdogan cade in confusione mentale, ecco perché il cervello di un islamico: dogmaticamente non è predisposto per la creatività

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments

Watchdog Launches Petition to Keep CAIR Off US College Campuses

3 years ago

Lombardy: 740 thousand euros for beekeeping

Councilor, -75% production due to pesticides, asked for state of disaster.


everyone must save the bees or we will die with them

Lombardia: 740 mila euro per apicoltura

Assessore, -75% produzione causa pesticidi, chiesto stato calamità.


tutti devono salvare le api o noi moriremo con loro

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

OCT 28 - He is also accused of torture for having hit with "kicks and punches", provoked "at least three burns with the end of lit cigarettes" and for having burned "with a naked flame" the little feet of his son of little more than 2 years, Alija Hrusic, the 25 year old of Croatian origins in the cell for the murder of the child that took place last May 22 in Milan. This can be read at the close of the investigation in which the wife was exonerated and is, with the other two children, an offended party because she was abused by her husband. In the notice of conclusion of the investigation notified today by prosecutor Giovanna Cavalleri, the man appears to be under investigation for aggravated voluntary homicide, aggravated torture and aggravated maltreatment. In particular, the prosecutor objected to the murder aggravated by having used "torture" and by having acted "with cruelty towards the child, for trivial reasons consisting in the fact that the child, left without a diaper, had got dirty".


it seems that in the Koran Mohammed does not take this story well:

of 2-year-old little baby: who have not learned to handle diapers

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

California, flames also threaten the Getty Center


all 90% fires are not a natural disaster

but they are the consequence of human idiocy!

California, fiamme minacciano anche il Getty Center


tutti gli incendi al 90% non sono una calamità naturale

ma sono la conseguenza della idiozia umana!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

these Mohammedans are crazy Erdogan

the speculations of genocide..

what then, when a sharia genocide fails?

then, they say you are the bad one!

According to the Anti-Defamation League, CAIR has "a long history of anti-Israeli activities.

"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an ISIS group jihad Erdogan Iran Putin the American Bolshevik of front (it is here the real russiagate) for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood,

sono pazzi questi maomettani Erdogan

gli speciliasti del genocidio...

che poi, quando un genocidio sharia non gli riesce?

poi, dicono che sei tu quello cattivo!

Secondo la Anti-Defamation League, il CAIR ha "una lunga storia di attività anti-israeliane.

"Il Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), un gruppo ISIS jihad Erdogan Iran Putin il bolscevico di facciata americano (è quì il vero russiagate) per le organizzazioni terroristiche come Hamas e Muslim Brotherhood,

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments

Israel Welcomes Ukraine's Plan to Open Diplomatic Mission in Jerusalem

3 years ago

Thank You President Trump - and Magnificent Team!

President ero patriot Donald Trump address the media on October 27, 2019.

Gatestone Institute thanks President Donald J. Trump, his Administration, America's great allies and outstanding Special Operations Forces for a triumph for humanity and the Free World.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Phenomenology of the unjust and criminal law of abortion:

and indeed, there are intelligent prostitutes and stupid prostitutes!

Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. This truth can be told in many ways and with many different intentions: for the somewhat ferocious taste of hurting and humiliating the woman who has aborted; or because of a sincere and loving desire to save an innocent from a terrible end, and a mother with a dark remorse as palpable. But then, in the end, the facts count.

And the fact always remains that: with abortion one kills.

by Mario Palmaro

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

satanist Joe Biden, Former Vice-President of the States 666 sharia: FED lgbt Uniti] you should not be surprised if Satan and Allah are no longer effective:

this is my Kingdom of ISRAEL!

satanist Joe Biden, Ex Vicepresidente degli Stati: lgbt Uniti ] non ti devi meravigliare se Satana e Allah non sono più efficaci:

questo è il mio Regno di ISRAELE!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

everybody knows that the priests of Satan as BIDEN: they are the ones who have the rothschild control morgan rochefeller of the BIG occult esoteric agenda power: and therefore, they can also prevent the President TRUMP a journalistic investigation against him, but then, Epstein could do what he wanted: of course to the bohemian Grove OWL Bush's cremation of cure !!

White House, unauthorized impeachment "We will not be able to comment until we have seen the text, but speaker Nancy Pelosi finally admits what America already knew, or that the Democrats are conducting an unauthorized impeachment process. Their secret and obscure depositions behind closed doors are completely illegitimate and they are irreversible. " The White House affirms this by commenting on the Democrats' next vote for the procedures for the next phase of the impeachment investigation.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Bce, Draghi deliver bell to Lagarde

During the ceremony for the end of the mandate in Frankfurt


bell? this is a euphemism: but everyone sees it as a three-pound CAMPANACCIO: for Rothschild mountain cows

Bce, Draghi consegna campanella a Lagarde

Durante la cerimonia per la fine del mandato a Francoforte


campanella? questo è un eufemismo: ma lo vedono tutti che è un CAMPANACCIO da tre chili: per le vacche di montagna Rothschild

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

my Rivlin President] France: gunfire against a sharia UMMAH mosque in Bayonne (but everyone knows it is an enclave Erdogan already taken away from the French people), two wounded: Already the alleged perpetrator stopped. A petrol can is also launched.

ANSWER: there is no awareness of the genocide of Christians no even in the ARAB LEAGUE: just because Rothschild FED FMI ECB Merkel Macron and the Democratic Party prevented it from being known!

The Internet is 50 years old and I have unnecessarily made 40 of these: because of the control that the CIA satanists have control on the internet!

furthermore: they presented an "Emma Mannequin" and then say: "Employee of the future will be obese,

with red eyes and a curved back: with swollen legs and a curved back, for too much computer work.

ANSWER, yet I am a perfect and beautiful man: with my 12 hours of internet per day, and for the hope of Israel? I don't have time to do gymnastics: but maybe this is God's omnipotence in my body!

my Rivlin President ] Francia: spari contro una sharia UMMAH moschea di Bayonne (ma tutti sanno che è una enclave Erdogan già sottratta al popolo francese), due feriti: Già fermato il presunto responsabile. Lanciata anche una tanica di benzina.

ANSWER: non c'é consapevolezza del genocidio dei Cristiani neanche nella LEGA ARABA: soltanto perché Rothschild FED FMI BCE Merkel Macron e il Partito Democratico hanno impedito che si sapesse!

Internet compie 50 anni e di questi io ne ho fatto inutilmente 40: a motivo del controllo che i satanisti della CIA hanno su internet!

inoltre: hanno presentato un "Manichino Emma" e poi dicono: "Impiegato del futuro sarà obeso,

con occhi rossi e schiena curva: con le gambe gonfie e la schiena curva, per il troppo lavoro al computer.

ANSWER, eppure io sono un uomo perfetto e bellissimo: con le mie 12 ore di internet al giono, e per la speranza di israele? io non ho il tempo di fare ginnastica: ma forse questa è la onnipotenza di Dio nel mio corpo!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

dear my President Volodymyr Zelensky]

obviously, before the Russian army dangles from the gallows: that satanist of the MERKEL?

of course: you will have already been crushed by the tracks of Russian tanks: "puppet" "Chrysanthemum" and "jasmine" and "tulip"

therefore I advise you to go and apologize to that scum of an infamous Bolshevik Putin-Stalin!

dear my President Volodymyr Zelensky ]

ovviamente, prima che l'esercito russo faccia penzolare dalla forca: quel satanista della MERKEL?

certo: voi sarete già stati stritolati dai cingoli dei carri armati russi: "burattino" "Crisantemo" e "gelsomino" e "tulipano"

pertanto io ti consiglio di andare a chiedere scusa a quella feccia di un infame bolscevico Putin!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

dear my President Volodymyr Zelensky]

this is an objective fact: after the attempted Merkel NATO Bilderberg: "Victoria 666 Nuland" genocide of the Russian speakers in Donbass: carried out by the CIA snipers and (foiled just by me)? this is the third day that, this comment card remained empty, if I didn't come here!

questo è un dato di fatto oggettivo: dopo il tentato Merkel NATO Bilderberg: "Victoria 666 Nuland" genocidio dei russofoni: realizzato dai cecchini della CIA e (sventato proprio da me)? questo è il terzo giorno che, questa scheda dei commenti rimaneva vuota, se non venivo io!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Draghi: 'Now more Europe lilit, allah jhad Erdogan genocide UMMAH NAZI, and death to all the infidels kafir Papa Bergoglio!

I leave the ECB in good hands Dracula Merkel lgbt Macron and best wishes: so much Sodom to all '


ok Draghi leaves a penal colony to another rothschild lick,

since it has never been defined:

1. what it means to be a European people

2. why: we have all been united by the democratic party: in the name of our God Rothschild

Draghi: 'Adesso più Europa lilit,allah jhad Erdogan genocidio UMMAH NAZI, e morte a tutti gli infedeli kafir Papa Bergoglio!

lascio la Bce in buone mani Dracula Merkel lgbt Macron e auguri auguri: tanta Sodoma a tutti'


ok Draghi lascia una colonia penale a un lecchino rothschild,

dato che non è mai stato definito:

1. cosa sisgnifica essere un popolo europeo

2. perché: noi siamo stati uniti tutti, dal partito democratico: nel nome del nostro Dio Rothschild

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks at the House of Commons in London, Britain, October 28, 2019,

Parliament once again compromises the plans of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Another slap in the face of Johnson: no early elections. But the premier has a plan B

ANSWER. the P.M. premier when Parliament hurts people, and in an emergency?

Parliament can be suspended: and no judge is in a constitutional way superior to the action of the Government!

ANSWER. il P.M. premier quando il Parlamento danneggia in popolo, e in caso di emergenza?

il Parlamento può essere sospeso: e nessun giudice è in modo costituzionale superiore alla azione del Governo!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments

Israel Welcomes Ukraine's Plan to Open Diplomatic Mission in Jerusalem

3 years ago

Eurozone, Draghi: "We need an adequate budgetary capacity, it is time to have more" certain Europe.. more technocracy, usury: speculative finance: more: Allah Satan Ja-Bull-On, Bilderberg Rothschild "

first of all in the constitution we still have to define what it means to be "the lgbt sodom European people"

because we do NOT like the US Masons who wrote them: "we believe in God: Arumazda tutankamon"

Eurozona, Draghi: "Serve un'adeguata capacità di bilancio, è il momento di avere più Europa" certo... "più tecnocrazia, usura: finanza speculativa: più: Allah Satana Ja-Bull-On, Bilderberg Rothschild"

innanzi tutto nella costituzione noi dobbiamo ancora definire che cosa significa essere "il popolo lgbt sodoma europeo"

perché NON facciamo come i massoni USA che loro hanno scritto: "noi crediamo in Dio: Arumazda tutankamon"

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

Israel Welcomes Ukraine’s Plan

ok bless

Welcomes Ukraine’s People in ISRAEL

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 10 comments

WATCH: Remembering the Victims of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

3 years ago

Iran: We can destroy Israel in less than half an hour

CHINA USA RUSSIA IRAN Riyad OCI] the Russians have protected the Iranians in Syria and Iraq, and this will start the world war, also against them!

CHINA USA RUSSIA IRAN Riyad OCI ] i russi hanno protetto gli iraniani in Siria e Iraq, e questo farà partire la guerra mondiale contro di loro! the fact that nobody saw him? however this can be easily perceived, sensed and processed rationally.

the fact that nobody saw him? this does not mean that God JHWH has not already consecrated me King of Israel: equally!

this your rebellion against me: it is also a rebellion against the Kingdom of God: his punishment is death: a condemnation already expressed against every guilty man on this planet!

Israel 322 Mason 666 Rothschild? he yes, he may not be universally recognized

but I can't be!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 76 comments

Israel Congratulates U.S. on Taking Out Brutal ISIS Leader

3 years ago

Netanyahu Congratulates Trump on Taking Out Brutal ISIS Leader

IRAN RIYAD ERDOGAN OCI ARAB LEAGUE] [Trump: 'Al Baghdadi is dead like a coward crying'

if they can't go to heaven? then you will NOT be able to go either you too,

in fact, WHEN AL-SISI sent the heads of quaki to Libya to punish ISIS who had slaughtered his Coptic Christians?

all of you said, "we are serious people"

therefore, he was forced to withdraw the soldiers

you have with ISIS, only one sharia in common!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

IRAN RIYAD ERDOGAN OCI ARAB LEAGUE ] [ Trump: 'Al Baghdadi is dead

like a coward crying '

The Kurds: 'Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, his right hand' is also killed


if they can't go to heaven? then you will NOT be able to go either you too,

in fact you have only one sharia in common!


Trump: 'Al Baghdadi è morto

da codardo piangendo'

I curdi: 'Ucciso anche Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, il suo braccio destro'


se non possono andare loro in paradiso? allora NON ci potrete andare neanche voi,

infatti avete una sola sharia in comune!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

ALL what ISIS does without hypocrisy?

all the ARAB LEAGUE OCI has been doing this for 1400 years with hypocrisy

in fact both have the same sharia law

TUTTO quello che ISIS fa senza ipocrisia?

tutta la LEGA ARABA lo fa da 1400 anni con ipocrisia

infatti entrambi hanno la stessa sharia law

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 years ago

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 hours ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


that of Mai Golan might seem a ridila tua vergognaus and pathetic tragicomedy, that is, if we did not know what we all know by now..


Democratic Party is not a political party, but it is a conspiracy of

Rothschild Masonic traitors who must all be executed in front of the


if, Netanjahu could not do adequately to protect his people? it

is because Obama Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Soros Biden etc. they

stopped him and blackmailed him!

quella di Mai Golan potrebbe

sembrare una tragicommedia ridicola e patetica, cioè se noi non

sapessimo quello che, tutti noi ormai sappiamo.. il partito

democratico non è un partito politico,

ma è una congiura di traditori

massoni Rothschild che devono tutti essere eseguiti di fronte al muro!


Netanjahu non ha potuto fare adeguatamente per proteggere il suo

popolo? è perché Obama Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Soros Biden ecc.

glielo hanno impedito e lo hanno ricattato!

2 MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Discussion on United with Israel 2 comments

Over 7,000 Palestinians Join Israel's Top Trade Union

3 years ago

Predappio, in 3,000 to the crypt of Mussolini. L'Anpi: 'It is illegal' Emilia-Romagna. The demonstration for the anniversary of the march on Rome of 28 October 1922.

It is true that they are illagal, but who convinced the Communists of the LGBT Democratic Party Antifa Soros: the enemies of the people and of the Fatherland that are legal for them? Putin?


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