non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

murderer is a foreign homeless


WATCH: Majority of Israelis prefer Trump, i24NEWS poll shows


Do you think Democrats will try and overthrow the Presidential election with voter fraud? James Woods


Twitter will start banning tweets that expose the perils of MAIL-IN VOTE FRAUD...

Cita Tweet

ABC 13 News - WSET


New Jersey postal employee accused of dumping 1,800 pieces of mail. The mail included 99 ballots for the upcoming election.

READ MORE: https://bit ly/3iFrAyU


Do you think Democrats will try and overthrow the Presidential election with voter fraud? James Woods


Twitter will start banning tweets that expose the perils of MAIL-IN VOTE FRAUD...

Cita Tweet

ABC 13 News - WSET


New Jersey postal employee accused of dumping 1,800 pieces of mail. The mail included 99 ballots for the upcoming election.



FLORIDA! Send in your absentee ballot if you have requested one. In-person Early Voting begins next week—so get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and GET OUT AND VOTE! Need more information? Go to http://Vote DonaldJTrump com! #MAGA

I did more in 47 months than Biden did in 47 years. Now, he is pushing the most far-left agenda ever put forward by a presidential nominee...

Biden refuses to answer questions on packing the Supreme Court. He says voters “don’t deserve” to know. If they win, Dems will pack the #SCOTUS w/ radical left justices who will shred the #2A, empower violent mobs, and shield deadly criminals & terrorists.

Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)

Donald J. Trump


Joe Biden’s agenda would be a catastrophe for Florida Seniors. For years, Biden tried to cut Social Security and Medicare. Now Biden is pledging mass amnesty and federal healthcare for illegal aliens—decimating Medicare and destroying Social Security...

It was great to be back in my home state of FLORIDA to make my official return to the campaign trail. I am energized by your prayers, humbled by your support, and absolutely determined to finish what we started and Make America Greater than Ever Before!


There are still those who want to believe that the criminal Lamorgese is "incompetent" and the government "incapable" or even "embarrassed". 100 illegal immigrants who land on a beach are a coincidence, 10 million entries and foreign born from 1994 to today are a project, which continues under all governments PD UE Bilderberg Kalergi

C'è ancora chi vuole far credere che la criminale Lamorgese sia "incompetente" e il governo "incapace" o addirittura "imbarazzato". 100 clandestini che sbarcano su una spiaggia sono un caso, 10 milioni di ingressi e di nati stranieri dal 1994 a oggi sono un progetto, che prosegue sotto tutti i governi PD UE Bilderberg Kalergi


Election 2020: Is it too late for Trump to turn it around?

Edgarfletcher Fletcher


Trump farà quello che deve fare per proteggere il Paese.

Biden ci venderà alla Cina, come ha fatto con l'Ucraina


TRUMP PATRIOT MAGA will never declare war on anyone.

but the DEMs will declare war on China and Russia

to put all the M.O in the mincer,

which is perhaps a good idea!

TRUMP PATRIOT MAGA non dichiarerà mai guerra a nessuno.

ma i DEM dichiareranno guerra a CINA e Russia

per mettere nel tritacarne tutto il M.O,

che forse è una buona idea!


Opinion: Italian politician stripped of immunity, put on trial for defending country against illegal tsunami


only Messia lorenzoJHWH it can bring peace


alto tradimento e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale!! SICILY AT RISK OF LOCKDOWN AFTER WAVE LANDINGS: THE REGION MOST AFFECTED Among the 57 migrants who landed in the night between Saturday and Sunday in Roccella Jonica (Rc), 21 tested positive for Covid19. According to Lamorgese, "it is not migrants who carry the coronavirus"

infected illegal immigrants have nothing to lose: they do not comply with convid measures, some are infected and if they want to commit crime and rape they can do it

SICILIA A RISCHIO LOCKDOWN DOPO ONDATA SBARCHI: LA REGIONE PIU’ COLPITA Fra i 57 migranti sbarcati nella notte fra sabato e domenica a Roccella Jonica (Rc), 21 sono risultati positivi al Covid19. Secondo Lamorgese, "non sono i migranti a portare il coronavirus"

i clandestini infetti non hanno nulla da perdere: non rispettano le misure convid, alcuni sono infetti e se vogliono delinquere e stuprare lo possono fare


Here to support Trump & annoy Liberals so NO, I don’t want to get to know u better. WWG1WGA NRA III FB

Here we go again, the best way to start your week. Dancing to this all American tune everyday will lift your spirits and make your soul sing! God Bless America! #TRUMP2020Landside


has had a government career that spanned over 47 years. The only thing he did was look out for himself and his own interests. Joe knows nothing about hard work. He has lied and cheated his whole adult life. Like Hillary he feels entitled and disdains American workers.

#AmyComeyBarrett, an already vetted Judge shouldn’t have to go through this abuse, especially by #Feinstein the Chinese spy.

#SCOTUShearingsFarce #DemocratsAreADisgrace



Today is the 1st day of the confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett, a respected judge who is supremely qualified to serve on #SCOTUS. Unfortunately, Democrats have been working to attack her integrity and smear her reputation. I am fearful we will see more of the same today.


I maschi che leccano la figa verranno catalogati come negazionisti (non lo traduco perché il Presidente Rivlin è scapolo)


Felice Negazionista...


Costo tampone per la sanità pubblica? 90 euro. 100.000 tamponi al giorno 9 milioni. in un mese 250/300 milioni. In un anno 3 miliardi. Tutto per sapere che ci sono migliaia di contagiati asintomatici sani.


US House candidate, CA-43

Do you know where I am?

Maxine Waters’ $6 Million Mansion.

Do you know where I’m NOT?

Her District.

Mansion Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her District — I do.

My name is Joe Collins and I’m running for Congress against Maxine Waters.


guerra ibrida sharia ottomana ] [ 8 VELIERI CARICHI DI ISLAMICI IN 8 GIORNI: IL PIANO DI ERDOGAN CONTRO L’ITALIA Partono tutti dalla Turchia. E’ parte del piano di islamizzazione dell’Europa portato avanti da Erdogan.

il delitto del PD UE Bilderberg

di alto tradimento non andrà mai in prescrizione!

https://voxnews info/2020/10/12/8-velieri-carichi-di-islamici-in-8-giorni-il-piano-di-erdogan-contro-litalia/


5 Milioni di disoccupati ma il governo fa entrare altri 30.850 immigrati

dobbiamo sradicare la feccia ebraico-massonica neoliberista antisionista e anticristica dal nostro Paese!

https://voxnews info/2020/10/12/milioni-di-disoccupati-ma-il-governo-fa-entrare-altri-30-850-immigrati/

Un governo golpista e omicida con politiche folli e criminali. Abbiamo milioni di disoccupati, qualche giorno fa il presidente di Confindustria ha avvisato:


5 Milioni di disoccupati ma il governo fa entrare altri 30.850 immigrati




WATCH: Israel tests out new ‘Eitan’ armored personnel carrier


Complaint Filed With Police After Church in India Set on Fire: ‘Ten Years of Hard Labor … Engulfed With Flames’ http://disq us/t/3pmoix9 Bro. Nick Nicholas

ignorant idiot fool!

you are the greatest ally of satan and Rockefeller Erdogan

in this world!

to the next negative vote on me?

sure i'll shut down your channel


Street Preacher Assaulted in Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone,’ Dragged Through Street

https://shar es/abFncd

Bro. Nick Nicholas

another idiot like you, in South Africa

he said to me: "if you don't have holes in your hands, how can you say you are the messiah of the Jews?"

and blocked me ..

therefore, you condemn all Jews and all Muslims to hell, just because they are born in a religion, which does not recognize Jesus !!

therefore, you have no strategy to bring them to salvation and to prevent them from continuing to kill innocent Christians all over the world!

so then, you no longer defend Christian martyrs ..

because Saudis and Rockefeller they control the NWO and they will certainly kill all Israelis too.


because, it is you who are condemning them to receive martyrdom (all Christians and all Israelis) ..

but, if you like to receive martyrdom, so much?


you can go preach the gospel to Bin Salman, for example!


https://disqus com/home/settings/blocking/

NON riesco a sbloccare Fra. Nick Nicholas https://disqus com/by/bronicknicholas/

disqus NON me lo permette


Four Iranians face trial for plotting attack on Trump officials in Paris


🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Dear lorenzoJHWH jewish Messia,

Last October, a 14-year-old Christian girl named Huma was abducted by a Muslim man in Pakistan. Days later, Huma’s parents were informed that she had “converted” to Islam, and “married” her abductor. Since then, Younas and Nagina have waged an uphill battle against her captor and Pakistan’s biased legal system to recover their missing daughter.

I recently sat down with Huma’s mother and ICC’s Regional Manager for South Asia to discuss the latest updates on her case. Although we learned about some positive developments in her case, Huma remains in captivity while her abductor remains at large.

The Pakistani government knows that the world is watching, so it’s our responsibility to increase the pressure surrounding this case. Help us call out on Huma’s behalf by signing the petition calling for her release today. Be Blessed,

Jeff King


🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 "A Christian 6 year old girl was beaten and raped after being forcibly taken to the home of a Muslim rapist in broad daylight.... the local Muslim community are threatening the Christian parents with violence, the rape of their other daughters and financial ruin if they proceed with a legal case against paedophile Muhammad Waqas (18 yrs)...." — Report; British Pakistani Christian Association, September 16, 2020.

"Another Christian girl aged 14 was recently abducted and gang-raped by some Muslim youths... The victim is a student of grade nine and was abducted by four or five boys on her way to a local tuition center on Jan. 16, 2020. The abductors not only raped her but also obtained her signatures and thumb impressions on some papers." — Morningstar News, February 12, 2020.

"Christian girls are only meant for the pleasure of Muslim men" — to quote a group of Muslim men, seconds before they rammed their car into three young Christian girls, who had ignored their sexual advances while walking home from work; one died. — British Pakistani Christian Association, January 20, 2016.


Christian girls are being abducted, sexually abused, and forced into Islam with increasing frequency all throughout Pakistan Egypt Sudan Afraica Asia M.O.

becouse Allah is Satana himself

Ragazze cristiane vengono rapite, abusate sessualmente e costrette all'Islam con sempre maggiore frequenza in tutto il Pakistan Egitto Sudan Afraica Asia M.O.

perché Allah è Satana stesso


UAE rings alarm over Turkish base in Qatar



Meanwhile, Yerevan has filed new claims of foreign involvement in the conflict. A representative of the Armenian Defense Ministry accused Israel and Turkey of "sending drones to Azerbaijan disguised as humanitarian cargo", without providing further details.


everyone is aware that the time will come when I will take revenge on all of Erdogan's accomplices!

Nel frattempo, Yerevan ha presentato nuove affermazioni di coinvolgimento straniero nel conflitto. Un rappresentante del ministero della Difesa armeno ha accusato Israele e la Turchia di "inviare droni in Azerbaigian travestiti da carico umanitario", senza fornire ulteriori dettagli.


tutti sono consapevoli che arriverà il momento in cui mi vendicherò di tutti i complici di Erdogan!


Anwar Gargash, Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates

I supported ASSAD for 4 years (and I forced Netanjahu to follow me)

but it was all wasted time .. I will never waste more: my time to save the life of some sharia demonic jiahd possessed paranoid killer UMMA Islamic suprematist like you, ISIS Al-Nusra Fulani all over the world!

Anwar Gargash, Ministro di Stato degli Emirati Arabi Uniti

io ho sostenuto ASSAD per 4 anni (ed io ho costretto Netanjahu a seguirmi)

ma è stato tutto tempo perso.. non perderò più il mio tempo per salvare la vita di qualche sharia indemoniato assassino paranoico suprematista islamico UMMA come te in tutto il mondo!


Meghan Markle, 'I am the biggest troll victim in the world'



I've always blessed this wedding with antichrist Harry,

even that demon Mason of Her Majesty Elizabeth Jezebel was scandalized


that's why I can't be a TROLL

Meghan Markle, 'io la più grande vittima di troll al mondo'



io ho sempre benedetto queste nozze con l'anticristo Harry,

anche quel demonio massone di Sua Maestà Elisabetta Gezabele si è scandalizzata


ecco perché io non posso essere un TROLL


Lapid: Netanyahu can be replaced without elections


i maledetti giudei massoni anticristi islamici antisionisti lgbtq

attraverso la lor DEM PD magistratura corrotta continuano a minacciare la vita di tutti i popoli!


Durbin: Republicans Have Been Packing the Court for the Past Three-and-a-Half Years -- ‘They Brag About It‘ https://breitbart com/clips/2020/10/11/durbin-republicans-have-been-packing-the-court-for-the-past-three-and-a-half-years-they-brag-about-it/

the accursed jewish masons anti-Christian Islamic anti-Zionist lgbtq

through their DEM PD corrupt judiciary continue to threaten the lives of all peoples!

via @BreitbartNews


Durbin: I repubblicani hanno riempito la corte negli ultimi tre anni e mezzo -- 'Se ne vantano'


President RIVLIN] [now return the favor: and answer my questions!

1. Why did CHINA collaborate with the CIA in the creation and spread of Covid19?

2. if #BIGFARMA 666 SpA #NWO #BillGates, every 10000 swabs: puts an infected swab and 1000 positive swabs:

3. How can we get out of the trap alive?

of Bill GATES #RNA vaccines and heavy metal nano particles?

Presidente RIVLIN ] [ adesso restituiscimi il favore: e rispondi tu alle mie domande!

1. perché la CINA ha collaborato con la CIA nella creazione e nella diffuzione del Covid19?

2. se #BIGFARMA 666 SpA #NWO #BillGates, ogni 10000 tamponi: mette un tampone infetto e 1000 tamponi positivi:

3. noi come possiamo uscire vivi dalla trappola

dei vaccini di Bill GATES #RNA e alle nano particelle con metalli pesanti?


dear President RIVLIN] 🕎 i am israeli Mahdi Messiah 🕎

an investigation found appropriate terms for:

1. Donald Trump #MAGA #PATRiOT: "strong"

2. for the Priest of Satan BiDEN: "sincere and loyal"

#biden: I will promote abortion. papal anathema is expected… .www marcotosatti com ›2020/06/18

Jun 18, 2020 - Joe Biden, running for Democrats at the White House, #Biden thinks abortions should be funded in every state

caro Presidente RIVLIN ] 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎

una indagine ha trovato i termini appropriati per:

1. Donald Trump #MAGA #PATRiOT : "forte"

2. per il Sacerdote di Satana BiDEN : "sincero e leale"

#biden: promuoverò l'aborto. si attende anatema pontificio….www marcotosatti com › 2020/06/18

18 giu 2020 — Joe Biden, in corsa per i Democratici alla Casa Bianca, #Biden pensa che gli aborti dovrebbero essere finanziati in ogni Stato


#Clinton #DEM #Pd #UE #Merkel Bush Obama Epstein Soros #Rochefeller

azionisti banche centrali lgbtq?

sono una sola dominazione dei demoni dell'inferno nella nostra dimensione spazio temporale


Innanzitutto il passo di Paolo è questo: (2 Ts 2, 3-12).

“[3] Nessuno vi inganni in alcun modo! Prima infatti dovrà avvenire l’apostasia (EBRAICO ISLAMICO MASSONICA: l'Ordine del B'nai B'rith, Rothschild SpA FED IMF ECB hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, e hanno spinto tutti nel satanismo e hanno creato i DEM ANTIFA; e tutti i massoni lgbtq sono complici: del regime Bilderberg, Deep State sono i loro complici..) e dovrà esser rivelato l’uomo iniquo SOROS, il figlio della perdizione OBAMA BIDEN, [4] colui che si contrappone e s’innalza sopra ogni essere che viene detto Dio: TALMUD CORANO o è oggetto di culto, fino a sedere nel tempio di Dio (il MASSONE ROCKEFELLER), additando se stesso come Dio (SPA FED IMF ECB NWO LGBTQ BILDERBERG, DEEP STATE).

[5] Non ricordate che, quando ancora ero tra voi, venivo dicendo queste cose? [6] E ora sapete ciò che impedisce la sua manifestazione (SAN MICHELE ARCANGELO PROTETTORE DI ISRAELE E DALLA CHIESA), che avverrà nella sua ora (PROGETTO GOLEM 1200 d.C. DARE UN CORPO OGM AI DEMONI PER REALIZZARE ALIENS ABDUCTION, QUINDI INSTAURA IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE MASSONICO TECNOCRATICO NEOLIBERISTA ISLAMICO). [7] Il mistero dell’iniquità è già in atto (presidente del Congresso ebraico di Word Ronald S. Lauder), ma, è necessario che sia tolto di mezzo chi finora lo trattiene: ( I DEMONI INCARNATI SONO ENTRATI NELLE ISTITUZIONI MASSONICHE: ed hanno rotto la protezione angelica a protezione del genere umano). [8] Solo allora sarà rivelato l’empio e il Signore Gesù lo distruggerà con il soffio della sua bocca e lo annienterà all’apparire della sua venuta, l’iniquo OBAMA lgbtq UE l'anticristo antisionista, [9] la cui venuta avverrà nella potenza di satana (OMS ONU NATO Esoteric agenda), con ogni specie di portenti, di segni e prodigi menzogneri, [10] e con ogni sorta di empio inganno per quelli che vanno in rovina perché non hanno accolto l’amore della verità per essere salvi. [11]

E per questo Dio invia loro (darwinisti relativisti materialisti eugenetica) una potenza d’inganno perché essi credano alla menzogna darwiniana e siano trasformati in bestie goyims [12] e così siano condannati tutti quelli che non hanno creduto alla verità, ma hanno acconsentito all’iniquità”

amen amen amen(2 Ts 2, 3-12).


dear President RIVLIN] about, the question you asked me, that is, how was it possible that our Jewish holy people was totally buried, and totally sunk in Satan (as the prophet says

Ezekiel 37): since he was born well: not like the Muslims who, they were born cursed from the beginning!

that's what you need to know!

caro Presidente RIVLIN ] circa, la domanda che, tu mi hai fatto, cioè come è stato possibile che il nostro popolo santo ebraico sia stato sepolto totalmente, e totalmente sprofondato in Satana (come dice il profeta

Ezechiele 37 ): dato che è nato bene: non come i mussulmani che, loro sono nati maledetti fin dal principio!

è questo è quello che tu devi sapere!


Trump, ‘feeling great,’ holds ‘protest’ rally on White House lawn


with 5 million unemployed. this Afro-Islamic jiad Erdogan sharia invasion is all gasoline on the fire. we must denounce the EU PD Soros Bilderberg M5S for the crime of massacre

and threat to national security

con 5 milioni di disoccupati. questa invasione afro-islamica è tutta benzina sul fuoco. noi dobbiamo denunciare il PD UE Soros Bilderberg M5S per il reato di strage

e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale


Presidente Rivlin ] ma, come fai tu a sentire le tette, in questo ballo da COVIDIOTA idiota?

https://twitter com/i/status/1315178699570982919

But, how do you feel your boobs, in this idiot COVIDIOT dance?


Tomorrow join me when i speak to #MAGA #Patriot

@POTUS @realDonaldTrump Why won’t Biden answer the simple question about whether or not he will pack the Supreme Court?

#LIVE @SundayFutures @FoxNews

10am et #breakingnews #POTUS45 #WhiteHouse #2020Election

FDR’s own party told him you cannot PACK the United States Supreme Court, it would permanently destroy the Court.

@judgejeanine @tedcruz

But now the Radical Left Democrats are pushing Biden to do this. He has zero chance against them!

proud supporter of the America First Agenda. Retweeted by President Trump.

Conservative / Proudly Retweeted by




HELP #ARMENIA in her time of trouble!

#Armenia #Azerbaijan war

WEEK 1: Armenians tweet in perfect English, Azeris in broken English. Armenians tweet 10x as much.

AFTER CEASEFIRE: Azeris tweet in perfect English, 40x as much.

Its amazing how the Azeris learned to speak English in just 2 weeks.

Our Order asks your help to establish a Mission in Armenia to offer whatever assistance we can legally give the Christians who are being attacked by Muslim Turkey and Azerbaijan. #Nagornokarabach #ChristianPersecution

#Azerbaijan Minister: the truce with #Armenia was only meant to be temporary...


i am jewish messia

OMS must answer for all those people who have died and whom he did not want to treat so that they died!

l'OMS deve rispondere di tutte quelle persone che sono morte e che lui non ha voluto curare affinché morissero!


3 medical workers in Tel Aviv infected by coronavirus ward ventilator


i am jewish messia

io non mi fido del Vaccino di Bill GATES

perché lui ha detto che (tra il covid19 della CIA) e il suo vaccino lui deve uccidere un miliardo di persone!


why should we NOT believe the CIA that wrote in 2004 that she would do it in 2020?

IS COVID ARTIFICIAL? / "It was built in a laboratory in Wuhan: here are the 3 tests"

Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan is preparing to produce new tests on Sars-Cov-2 released from the Wuhan laboratory. Thesis span in the air? No, and here's why

perché NON dovremmo credere alla CIA che nel 2004 ha scritto che lo avrebbe fatto lei nel 2020?

IL COVID È ARTIFICIALE?/ “È stato costruito in laboratorio a Wuhan: ecco le 3 prove”

La virologa cinese Li-Meng Yan si prepara a produrre nuove prove sul Sars-Cov-2 uscito dal laboratorio di Wuhan. Tesi campata per aria? No, ed ecco perché


IAEA: Iran short of bomb-making materials but 'amount is growing by the month'


Businesses: 11 Ministries do not pay

yes, the Italian government does not pay its debts with companies, so it can no longer demand taxes from anyone!

=============> ADSL connections: CIA UK are blocking me

https: // translate google it/?hl=it is no longer a trusted site

Contact the website manager to inform them of the problem.

Imprese: 11 Ministeri non pagano

si il Governo Italiano non paga i suoi debiti con le imprese, quindi non può più pretendere tasse da nessuno!

=============> mi stanno bloccando le connessioni adsl

https://translate google it/?hl=it non è più un sito attendibile

Contattare il responsabile del sito web per informarlo del problema.


Businesses: 11 Ministries do not pay

yes, the Italian government does not pay its debts with companies, so it can no longer demand taxes from anyone!

=============> ADSL connections: CIA UK are blocking me

https: // translate is no longer a trusted site

Contact the website manager to inform them of the problem.

Imprese: 11 Ministeri non pagano

si il Governo Italiano non paga i suoi debiti con le imprese, quindi non può più pretendere tasse da nessuno!

=============> mi stanno bloccando le connessioni adsl

https://translate non è più un sito attendibile

Contattare il responsabile del sito web per informarlo del problema.


Coronavirus: a test gives reliable results in 5 minutes

currently, there is a major reliability problem. Tests that are currently on the market have up to 30% inaccuracy.

the nasal swab is too invasive and dangerous

#stopNasalSwab #NOnasalSwab

Coronavirus: un test dà risultati attendibili in 5 minuti

http://asianews it/notizie-it/Coronavirus:-un-test-dà-risultati-attendibili-in-5-minuti-51269.html

attualmente, c'é un grosso problema di attendibilità. I test che sono in commercio al presente hanno fino al 30% di non accuratezza.

il tampone nasale è troppo invasivo e pericoloso

#NOtamponeNasale #STOPtamponeNASALE


The contract has been torn and they now hold the candle?

Germany France Russia who are guarantors of this contract with IRAN what are they doing?

Iran says its nuclear program is purely peaceful, but Iranians have a long history of lying to the IAEA and refusing to cooperate.

il contratto è stato strappato e loro, ora, mantengono la candela?

Germania Francia Russia che sono garanti di questo contratto con l'IRAN cosa stanno facendo?

L'Iran afferma che il suo programma nucleare è puramente pacifico, ma gli iraniani hanno una lunga storia di mentire all'AIEA e di rifiutarsi di cooperare.


INDIA. Indian Catholics are calling for the immediate release of Fr. Stan Swamy [by Bishop Felix Machado]

Appeal by the Indian Bishops' Conference for the liberation of the Jesuit, arrested for alleged links with the Maoist rebels. Swamy has been committed for decades to defend the rights of tribals in Jharkhand. Concern about your health. The Indian Catholic community has always contributed to the building of the nation.

INDIA. I cattolici indiani chiedono l’immediato rilascio di p. Stan Swamy [ di Mons. Felix Machado ]

Appello della Conferenza episcopale indiana per la liberazione del gesuita, arrestato per presunti legami con i ribelli maoisti. P. Swamy è impegnato da decenni a difendere i diritti dei tribali nel Jharkhand. Preoccupazione per il suo stato di salute. La comunità cattolica indiana ha sempre contribuito alla costruzione della nazione.


As Election Day draws nearer, Jewish groups prepare for the worst


i am jewish messia


"As conspiracy theories become more urgent, many of them may be directed against Jews."

Rothschild SpA FED IMF ECB president of the Jewish Word Congress Ronald S. Lauder stole the bank seigniorage, and drove everyone into Satanism and created the ANTIFA DEMs; and all lgbtq freemasons are accomplices: of the Bilderberg regime, Deep State are their accomplices ..

but, to say that all Jews are corporately responsible for this?

Hitler and Mohammed said it!

"Man mano che le teorie del complotto diventano più urgenti, molte di esse potrebbero essere dirette contro gli ebrei."

Rothschild SpA FED IMF ECB presidente del Congresso ebraico di Word Ronald S. Lauder hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, e hanno spinto tutti nel satanismo e hanno creato i DEM ANTIFA; e tutti i massoni lgbtq sono complici: del regime Bilderberg, Deep State sono i loro complici..

ma, dire che tutti gli ebrei corporativamente sono responsabili per questo?

Hitler e Mohammed lo hanno detto!


World Jewish Congress leader meets with Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah


presidente del Congresso ebraico di Word Ronald S. Lauder


President RiVLIN NON è la prima volta che le mie risposte diventano invisibili anche a me !

https://disqus com/by/itasara/ quando ti rispondo?

poi, le mie risposte vengono cancellate automaticamente!


l'ebreo massone Bilderberg Soros ha messo l'ITALIA sul baratro della catastrofe sociale!

Pensioni a immigrati: 64mila la riscuotono senza avere mai lavorato https://voxnews info/2020/10/11/pensioni-a-immigrati-64mila-la-riscuotono-senza-avere-mai-lavorato/ n Italia ci sono addirittura 5.579 stranieri titolari di pensioni sia di invalidità, e altri 1.003 Ovvero immigrati che cumulano due o tre diverse pensioni!


purges begin! Under new ‘independent’ oversight board, Facebook & Instagram ban QAnon & ‘Militarized Social Movements’ — RT Op-ed https://www rt com/op-ed/503077-qanon-facebook-instagram-banned/

Facebook, Twitter e Google sostengono la sinistra e vogliono abbattere TRUMP MAGA

poi, ci sono i brogli elettorali per corrispondenza


The purges begin! Under new ‘independent’ oversight board, Facebook & Instagram ban QAnon & ‘Militarized Social Movements’ — RT Op-ed

https://www rt com/op-ed/503077-qanon-facebook-instagram-banned/ la maggior parte di Internet è ora di proprietà e controllata da "autoritari di sinistra". Gli aspiranti monopolisti aziendali come Facebook, Twitter e Google sostengono la sinistra perché serve a collettivizzare e ingraziarsi i soliti sospetti che si suppone si oppongano all'egemonia capitalista aziendale globale.


in all the capitals of the world there are protests to stop a new Ottoman genocide of Armenians !!!

This united movement of #Armenians across the globe should attract other nations who pursue justice, freedom and love & who are against violence, corruption, terrorism.

in tutte le capitali del mondo ci sono proteste per fermare un nuovo genocidio ottomano di armeni!!!



cannibals for church synagogue satana pedo #BIDEN

Omg who did this horror abortion Deep State

regime lgbtq Bilderberg

https://pic twitter com/59Qd5AiioJ

@InfidelAngela e @Amgirl28


Dopo la delusione in Rai, Lorella Cuccarini torna a Mediaset come ospite

regime criminale Pd Bilderberg lgbtq

tecnocrazia demoniaca dell'anticristo antisionista


Nagorno-Karabakh, l'ambasciatore dell'Azerbaigian in Italia: "Vogliamo giustizia”: e chiediamo il ripristino dell’integrità territoriale della SERBIA.

per i criminali? i popoli sono un dettaglio insignificante!

Nagorno-Karabakh, the Azerbaijani ambassador to Italy: "We want justice": and we ask for the restoration of the territorial integrity of SERBIA.

for criminals? peoples are an insignificant detail!


The 'ethical homicide' contraceptive is emergency abortion for minors, post sexual intercourse

The 'ethical' contraceptive drug for minors arrives, to be used as an emergency contraceptive after unprotected sexual intercourse. A leaflet will cover their sexXXXeducation.

Arriva contraccettivo ‘etico omicidio aborto’ d’emergenza per le minorenni, post rapporto sessuale

Arriva il farmaco contraccettivo 'etico' per le minorenni, da usare come contraccettivo di emergenza post rapporto sessuale non protetto. Un foglietto si occuperà della loro educazione sessuale.


World Jewish Congress leader meets with Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah


#Aifa does not grant authorization to Chinese and Russian flu vaccine (because unfortunately it has not killed anyone yet)

The Life On company should have sold 100,000 doses to the Lombardy Region as part of a tender for a total of 500,000 vaccines. The purchasing center of the Aria region has guaranteed that they will no longer be bought.

#Aifa non concede autorizzazione a vaccino antinfluenzale cinese e russo (perché purtroppo non ha ancora ucciso nessuno)

La società Life On ne avrebbe dovute vendere 100 mila dosi alla Regione Lombardia nell'ambito di una gara riguardante un totale di 500 mila vaccini. La centrale acquisti della regione Aria ha garantito che non saranno più comprati.


SHARIA OCI JIHAD ERDOGAN IRRAN Riyad ] [ Father Pier Luigi Maccalli and Nicola Chiacchio told the magistrates of the Rome prosecutor's office the details of their imprisonment. And on the day of their return home came the news of the killing, a month ago, of the Swiss missionary, Beatrice Stoeckli, a prisoner of the same jihadist group.

Padre Pier Luigi Maccalli e Nicola Chiacchio hanno raccontato ai magistrati della procura di Roma i particolari della loro prigionia. E nel giorno del loro ritorno a casa è arrivata la notizia dell'uccisione, un mese fa, della missionaria svizzera, Beatrice Stoeckli, prigioniera dello stesso gruppo jihadista.


ERDOGAN the Ottoman executioner paws] [In the capital of # Nagorno-Karabakh 2 explosions despite the ceasefire

#Stepanakert was hit by rockets again, despite the truce that entered into force today between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

ERDOGAN boia ottomano scalpita ] [ Nella capitale del #Nagorno-Karabakh 2 esplosioni nonostante il cessate il fuoco

#Stepanakert è stata nuovamente colpita dai razzi, nonostante la tregua entrata in vigore oggi tra l'Armenia e l'Azerbaigian.


for my russian brother Putin my President!!! Aggressive anti-Russian policy is harmful to US foreign policy - The American Conservative

Supporting the most hostile and paranoid anti-Russian policy is inadmissible stupidity for the United States, writes The American Conservative magazine.

for my russian brother Putin my President!!!

Politica antirussa aggressiva è dannosa per la politica estera Usa - The American Conservative

Sostenere la politica anti-russa più ostile e paranoica è una stupidità inammissibile per gli Stati Uniti, scrive la rivista The American Conservative.


new anarchists demon-crazy ANTIFA DEM PD Bilderberg terrorism BLM ] [ Vetri rotti e auto incendiate: i manifestanti si scatenano a Berlino dopo lo sfratto di uno squat 'anarchico-queer-femminista' (FOTO, VIDEO)

I manifestanti a Berlino hanno attaccato la polizia con bottiglie e vandalizzato negozi e automobili venerdì notte dopo lo sgombero forzato di quasi 60 residenti dello squat anarco-queer-femminista “Liebig 34”.

WATCH: Israel sees major drop in corona infection rate


Che ha indicato una linea più morbida, soprattutto nei confronti delle Ong, i taxi del mare che, portando i migranti in Italia, fanno attivare la macchina dell'accoglienza, quella che riempie le tasche di chi ha la fortuna di farne parte. ilgiornale it/news/politica/decreti-sicurezza-smantellati-dalle-ong-ai-permessi-novit-1883863.html

via @ilGiornale


Minister Speranza has issued new directives for taking the RU486 abortion pill: it is now possible to have an abortion at home and up to the ninth week. Following the presentation of the Samaritanus bonus, by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which reaffirms the condemnation of abortion and the need for support for the family, Pope Francis returns to the theme of the protection of life on the occasion of the presentation of the La Voce bell. of the Unborn. "It will accompany events aimed at remembering the value of human life from conception to natural death", the Pope affirmed. It is not the first time that Francis has expressed himself firmly against abortion. However, natural reason is enough to understand that the right to life is the first of human rights, since without life there can be no rights; just as there can be no one who has the right to decide on the life of another human being. On the other hand, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child recognizes that adequate legal protection of the child is necessary both before and after birth. But, regardless of the right to life, has anyone ever worried about the effects of RU486 on the mental and physical health of women? The risks of complications with RU486 are tenfold compared to surgical abortion. In America alone 24 women died from RU486. And again in the US, more than 4,600 complications have been recorded (severe and prolonged pain, severe bleeding, extra uterine pregnancies, infections and more). Not to mention emotional pain, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, self-harming behaviors, suicide and other abortion-related mental health problems. It should be noted that to ascertain that the death was caused by the abortion pill, an autopsy is required: these in the US are paid and are performed only in the case of a criminal complaint. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that these figures represent only the tip of the iceberg. Furthermore, taking RU486 at home opens up to "do it yourself" abortion. It is not greater freedom for women: it is abandonment, it is loneliness, waiting for the expulsion of the child, which, as reported by the British Medical Journal, in 56% of cases is identified by mothers, in the toilet or on the sanitary napkin. . It is very serious that mothers who ask to use RU486 to abort are not informed of all this. Only the "choice" of an easy abortion is presented to them: society takes away all responsibility, the woman will find herself the mother of a dead child, with the same economic and social problems that had pushed her to the tragic act. Is it possible that feminists accept all this complacently?


After the disappointment in # Bilderberg-Rai, Lorella Cuccarini returns to Mediaset as a guest (the political dictatorship of #lgbtq #DEM #Pd)

Alfonso Signorini stated that it was not appropriate for the presenter to express her opinion and take a position on political issues. In conclusion he states: "Lorella Cuccarini, a very talented showwoman, should pay more attention to what she says, especially on TV."


the swab that comes from the nose under the brain?

must be abolished!

il tampone che dal naso arriva sotto il cervello?

deve essere abolito!


Wildfires set off landmines on Israel-Lebanon border


Wildfires set off landmines on Israel-Lebanon border our prayer for you "Philippians 4:6-7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,

which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Xrist Jesus."


#Rockefeller #UN

Rockefeller at the UN - The world population must be halved

https://youtu be/OKwOXJ9RbHE

ok, we can always declare war on the ARAB LEAGUE

those make overpopulation with the aim of exterminating mankind!

#Rockefeller #ONU

Rockefeller all’ONU — Bisogna dimezzare la popolazione mondiale

ok, possiamo sempre dichiarare guerra alla LEGA ARABA

quelli fanno la sovrappopolazione con lo scopo di sterminare il genere umano!


#Rockefeller #UN

Rockefeller at the UN - The world population must be halved

https://www youtube com/watch?v=OKwOXJ9RbHE&

ok, we can always declare war on the ARAB LEAGUE

those make overpopulation with the aim of exterminating mankind!

#Rockefeller #ONU

Rockefeller all’ONU — Bisogna dimezzare la popolazione mondiale

ok, possiamo sempre dichiarare guerra alla LEGA ARABA

quelli fanno la sovrappopolazione con lo scopo di sterminare il genere umano!


Opinion: Palestinians’ most dangerous enemy is … archaeology


Antonio Ingroia: "Palamara should name his accomplices" that is, transnational masonic octopus magistracy: the whole new world order, lgbtq bilderberg regime of the Jewish neoliberal globalist masons

Antonio Ingroia: "Palamara faccia i nomi dei suoi complici" cioè, #magistratura piovra massonica trasnazionale: tutto il nuovo ordine mondiale, lgbtq regime bilderberg degli ebrei massoni mondialisti neoliberisti


now even the multinationals of Soros Rockefeller make demonic laws in Italy,

once they limited themselves to suggesting them to the Democratic Party

5 days later pill, even for minors without prescription

It will no longer be necessary to have a medical prescription to dispense ulipistral acetate (EllaOne), the drug used for emergency contraception up to five days after intercourse, even to minors. This was established by the Italian Medicines Agency with Resolution no. 998 of last 8 October.

adesso anche le multinazionali di Soros Rockefeller fanno le leggi demoniche in Italia,

una volta si limitavano a suggerirle al Pd

Pillola dei 5 giorni dopo, anche per le minorenni senza ricetta

Non sarà più necessario l’obbligo della prescrizione medica per dispensare anche alle minorenni ulipistral acetato (EllaOne), il farmaco utilizzato per la contraccezione di emergenza fino a cinque giorni dopo il rapporto. Lo ha stabilito l’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco con la Determina n. 998 dello scorso 8 ottobre.


storiainrete com/3316/rinascimento/martirio-marcantonio-bragadin/ 17 August 1571: the martyrdom of Marc’Antonio Bragadin.

in 1400 years: on the battlefield, Muslims have never been loyal: their demonic Talmudic and Koranic nature does not allow it.

they promised Putin a humanitarian truce, but they didn't keep it!

Bombings and ultimatums in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijani president in Armenia: "Troop withdrawal and apology"

The commander of the Turks, the Arab Erdogan Lala Mustafà, made known to #Bragadin extremely advantageous terms of surrender: save the lives and property of all, evacuation to Candia of those who wished and freedom of worship for those who remained. Bragadin is hesitant: he would like to reject the offer, but the delegations of desperate citizens implore him to accept. He would also like to attempt a last sortie (on foot, since the horses have all already been slaughtered to feed soldiers and civilians) and die fighting, but the citizens point out that this would make Turkish Erdogan furious, who would then vent on unarmed civilians. Bragadin knows what fate has befallen Nicosia after the surrender: 20,000 people exterminated in the most horrendous methods, women throwing themselves from the roofs to avoid falling into the hands of the victors, two thousand children and girls sent to the prostitution slave market in # Constantinople. But, reluctantly, he accepts. With great pomp, the delegation of Italian captains comes out of the ruined walls and goes to the Pasha's tent to deliver the keys to the city. Lala Erdogan Mustafà feigns courtesy for three days, then under a pretext he has the entire Christian garrison arrested. The Turkish commander is in fact furious: it took over 11 months to break the resistance, he lost 52,000 men, including his eldest son. When he realizes the smallness of the defenders, fury, frustration and a sense of inferiority blind him. He hangs Astorre Baglioni and the other Italian captains, Lorenzo Tiepolo, Gianantonio Querini, and Alvise Martinengo (the latter hanged three times to prolong his agony) and the Greek-Cypriot captain Manoli Spilioti, exposing their heads stuck on pikes, while for the superb Bragadin he contemplates an even more chilling end: he has his ears and nose cut off, and then he is locked up in a cage under the sun: for thirteen days the Italian captain is squeezed in agony between the red-hot bars while his wounds become infected. On August 17, a Friday, Lala Erdogan Mustafà makes him go out, beaten and whipped, forces him to walk twice around the perimeter of the city loaded with panniers, full of stones and garbage on the wounded shoulders, making him press his mouth on the ground by the soldiers. every step before his throne. He then hangs it for hours on an antenna in the port, so that all the Christian slaves at the oars and the prisoners can see the horrible fate of their commander.

But the Pasha Erdogan is not yet sated with revenge. Bragadin is tied to a column, more dead than alive. The executioner approaches him with razor sharp blades. Lala Erdogan Mustafà urges him to renounce the Cross and embrace Islam. But Bragadin refuses indignantly, with what little strength he has left. The pasha then orders the horrible torture: the executioner begins to skin him alive, starting from the nape and back, slowly and methodically, repeating to him "Convert and the torture will end! »But Bragadin does not yield. In the end, the pitiful death caught him only when the executioner's knife reached his navel. The stuffed leather will be hung as a macabre trophy on the flagship of Lala Erdogan Mustafà's fleet and taken to Constantinople. Years later Venetian merchants with the complicity of a Christian slave managed to steal it, and today it is kept in the Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, and venerated as a relic, although the Church has never raised the martyr #Bragadin to the glory of the altars . Lala Erdogan Mustafà's infingardia was such that he had to justify himself before his superior Pertev BIN SALMAN Pasha, who felt dishonored by his general's behavior. In the West, the martyrdom of Bragadin inflamed the hearts and was among the reasons that led the Christian fleets to fight like lions until victory, in Lepanto, two months later.


Regionali, voti comprati per 30 0 50 euro: si indaga in Puglia

si mi dicono che lo hanno fatto anche a GRUMOappula


Matteo 19:16-22

16 Ed ecco un tale gli si avvicinò e gli disse: «Maestro, che cosa devo fare di buono per ottenere la vita eterna?». 17 Egli rispose: «Perché mi interroghi su ciò che è buono? Uno solo è buono. Se vuoi entrare nella vita, osserva i comandamenti». 18 Ed egli chiese: «Quali?». Gesù rispose: «Non uccidere, non commettere adulterio, non rubare, non testimoniare il falso, 19 onora il padre e la madre, ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso». 20 Il giovane gli disse: «Ho sempre osservato tutte queste cose; che mi manca ancora?». 21 Gli disse Gesù: «Se vuoi essere perfetto, va', vendi quello che possiedi, dallo ai poveri e avrai un tesoro nel cielo; poi vieni e seguimi». 22 Udito questo, il giovane se ne andò triste; poiché aveva molte ricchezze.


Jordan joins Gulf Arab states to allow overflights to and from Israel


Emirati FM says ‘Never Again’ at Holocaust Memorial with Israeli FM

in Germany

https://unitedwithisrael org/emirati-fm-says-never-again-at-holocaust-memorial-with-israeli-fm-in-germany/#.X4FlmWjCvKs.twitter

im Yitzchak Kaduri

MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King all children are innocents (sure they will go

to heaven regardless of their religion or race) and all people who

struggle / suffer and are persecuted as victims

of ideology (sure they will go to heaven regardless of their religion or race):

but clericalism, camunism, relativism, technocracy, freemasonry, neoliberalism, darwinism lgbtq sharia SpA FED NWO.

but those who forced me with their silence, to do the "observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years"

how could they get into heaven? they chose Satan

they have become the anti-Zionist antichrist and must go to their master

which is Satan in hell

im yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King if it hadn't been for the

Masonic-Jewish regime of the Bank of England (the Masonic banking seigniorage scam)?

no anti-Semitism would ever be tailored

the anti-Zionism and the anti-Christ Soros Bilderberg regime would never have arisen; technocracy and neoliberalism and above all, the demons of:

Communism, fascism and Nazism:

that the cursed Satanists, deep state Jewish-Freemasons who tyrannize us have been a pathological and criminal reaction

im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King

IF Judaism had not become a form of Satanism (already at the time of King Solomon) as it still is in the Talmud.


would not have driven them twice from the promised land to our Father

Abraham, nor would they have killed a totally just and holy man like

Jesus of Bethlehem, so

the synagogues or are of satan

or they can do nothing (or very little) against Satan, who has rightfully entered our Jewish-Masonic LGBTQ institutions,

because the Rothschild bank seigniorage has opened the abyss of hell under the feet of all the peoples of this planet


Emirati FM says ‘Never Again’ at Holocaust Memorial with Israeli FM in Germany https://unitedwithisrael.or...

im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King all children are innocents (sure they will go to heaven regardless of their religion or race) and all people who struggle / suffer and are persecuted as victims

of ideology (sure they will go to heaven regardless of their religion or race):

but clericalism, camunism, relativism, technocracy, freemasonry, neoliberalism, darwinism lgbtq sharia SpA FED NWO.

but those who forced me with their silence, to do the "observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years"

how could they get into heaven?

they chose Satan

they have become the anti-Zionist antichrist and must go to their master

which is Satan in hell

im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King if it hadn't been for the Masonic-Jewish regime of the Bank of England (the Masonic bank seigniorage scam)?

no anti-Semitism would ever be tailored

the anti-Zionism and the anti-Christ Soros Bilderberg regime would never have arisen; technocracy and neoliberalism

and above all, the demons of:

Communism, fascism and Nazism:

that the cursed Satanists, deep state Jewish-Freemasons who tyrannize us have been a pathological and criminal reaction

im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Rachel King

IF Judaism had not become a form of Satanism (already at the time of King Solomon) as it still is in the Talmud.

JHWH would not have driven them twice from the promised land to our Father Abraham, nor would they have killed a totally just and holy man like Jesus of Bethlehem, so

the synagogues or are of satan

or they can do nothing (or very little) against Satan, who has rightfully entered our Jewish-Masonic LGBTQ institutions,

because the Rothschild bank seigniorage has opened the abyss of hell under the feet of all the peoples of this planet


CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA OCI ONU ] [ BIN SALMAN mi impedisce da 13 anni di realizzare il mio sionistico Regno di ISRAELE, per abbattere il NWO...

ecco perché siete costretti a fare la guerra mondiale del NWO che lui si ostina a proteggere


Tourism minister resignation may be first step to elections

Trump MAGA Patriot from USA God JHWH bless you!! ] un medico italiano ha curato Boris Johnson


tu fallo venire in USA perché lui è esperto!

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

unitedwithisrael worldisraelnews Disqus ] [ voi siete i satanisti, nel cimitero di Satana Rockdefeller che quì i fantasmi "guest vote" che io ho bloccato, loro mi possono votare negativamente?

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


Hamas nabs explosives from sunken WWI warship


Navalny case: Kremlin warns the West against the politicization of Nord Stream 2


by Merkel LGBTQ Muslims, Neoliberals Rockefeller SARUMAN CIA Satanists and Freemasons?

from them?

all the infamy by them, you can wait!

Caso Navalny: Cremlino mette in guardia Occidente contro politicizzazione del Nord Stream 2


da islamici lgbtq, neoliberisti Rockefeller SARUMAN satanisti CIA e massoni?

da loro?

tutte le infamie, tu ti puoi aspettare!



#Biden you for #TRUMP? you are wasted ..

leave that frocio of Obama Muhammad's little girls alone,


you come to fight against me, that I give you strong emotions!

#Biden tu per #TRUMP? tu sei sprecato..

lascia stare le bambine piccole di Maometto,


tu vieni a combattere contro di me, che io ti regalo forti emozioni!


WATCH: Historic Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony

BIN SALMAN from Riyad ] [ I saw your kamikaze agent from Al-Nusra in Syria, preparing his car bomb and saying:

"I know, that you are envying me, because tomorrow I will be in Heaven, bathing in a river like this"

(but, to me that looked like the sewer drain)

and besides, Mohammed is already in hell and DEMONIC POSSESSED SHARIA his friends, they all are called, like you!

it's not that I saw Mohammed in hell: NO, I didn't see him ..

also why accursed souls to me? they make me garbage!

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

BIN SALMAN ] [ io ho visto un tuo agente kamikaze di Al-Nusra in Siria, che preparava la sua auto-bomba e diceva:

"lo lo so, che tu mi stai invidiando, perché, io domani sarò in Paradiso, a fare il bagno in un fiume come questo"

(ma ,a me quello sembrava il canale di scolo della fogna)

e poi, Maometto è già all'inferno e si chiama tutti i suoi amici, come te!

non è che io ho visto Maometto all'inferno: NO, io non lo ho visto..

anche perché a me le anime maledette? mi fanno schifo!

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


DAILY RECAP: Trump Warns Iran; Signs Of A Warm Peace; More Top News

🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

DAILY RECAP: Trump Warns Iran; Signs Of A Warm Peace;

yes TRUMP is a pacifist: it's true!

but even the saints can run out of patience ...

hey MAGA kill them all the assassin sharia law!

5 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


Gantz, uninvited to ceremony: 'I don't have to sit as an extra and applaud'

ilgiornale it/news/cronache/como-prete-ucciso-coltellate-immigrato-1890163.html Prete ucciso in strada a #Como: è stato accoltellato da un #tunisino

Don Roberto Malgesini, 51 anni, è stato ucciso stamattina a Como in piazza San Rocco. omicida, un immigrato con problemi psichici sharia Erdogan LEGA ARABA Allah Akbar uuuhhhhhh UUUUH

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

Muslim attacked a woman with shards of glass (because she did not want to be robbed). But, the judge acquits the illegal immigrant and frees him also because he is just another mentally ill Erdogan (he has already obtained a knife)

5 million Italian unemployed all followers of the Democratic Party? already dead!

ilgiornale .it/news/milano/milano-aggred-woman-shard-glass-clandestine-returns-free-1889985.html

Italy is a reservoir of migrants:

tens of thousands are ready to arrive at mum Merkel and dad Macron.

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


Muslim attacked a woman with shards of glass (because she did not want to be robbed). But, the judge acquits the illegal immigrant and frees him also because he is just another mentally ill Erdogan (he has already obtained a knife)

5 million Italian unemployed all followers of the Democratic Party? already dead!

Italy is a reservoir of migrants:

tens of thousands are ready to arrive at mum Merkel and dad Macron.

Don #Roberto #Malgesini, 51, from Valtellina, was known for his commitment in favor of migrants. The murderer is a foreign homeless man with mental ill Erdogan problems (everyone in #Pd #DEM must die like this)

#Como: don Roberto Malgesini, 51 anni, valtellinese, era noto per il suo impegno a favore dei migranti. L'omicida è un senzatetto straniero con problemi psichici Erdogan (devono morire così tutti quelli del #Pd)

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


WATCH: Covid-19 offers opportunity for return of Israelis held by Hamas

MOSSAD PRESIDENT FAILED Rivlin (the rival of the caxxo cheTifotte)

you wanna stop this satanist bro. Nick Nicholas

@bronicknicholas from the CIA (whom I blocked) and, that he pretends to be a Christian: and that he votes my comments like a ghost?

or should I put you in diarrhea?

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH


WATCH: Netanyahu rival slams corona lockdown as ‘blow to small businesses’


vow of extermination!


voto di sterminio!

4 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

Trump Putin China India UN threatens Iran with a plan of attack against the US ISRAEL:

says "Our answer will be a thousand times more powerful"

https://www. ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/trump-minaccia-iran-presunto-attacco-usa-167818/

the sharia OCI UMMA jihad do facts and you only say words? ... kill them all!

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

#disqus #MOSSAD #CIA #Rivlin [ help me ]

this CIA segret agent is satanist

https://disqus com/by/bronicknicholas/also, if I block this satanist that he pretends to be a Christian?

he continues to rate all my comments negatively

anche, se io blocco questo satanista che lui finge di essere un cristiano?

lui continua a votare negativamente tutti i miei commenti

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

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DAILY RECAP: Oman Next For Peace? Israeli Hospitals Split Over Lockdown; More Top News

the 2004 CIA document was released, which they would make the virus in 2020 to stop CHINA ..

that, then, the CIA seeks the pretext of slandering China and Russia to unleash nuclear WW3?

this can be documented in these 10 years, without interruption

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

I have so many channels just because I lose my passwords

3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH

BIN SALMAN from Riyad ] [ questo internet è un luogo pazzo! io non lo capirò mai!


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

Your account is suspended

when is a religion called positive