
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre 2, 2022

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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Putin had no choice but to do this special operation

anti-Semitism is: 1. ignorance and: 2. malice anti-Zionism is 3. Satanism and Muslims have all three of these curses. but the most dangerous: plutocratic usurers Rothschild cannibals of the world and of history: they desperately need their own homeland in my kingdom of israel where are my previous comments here? why do you redirect the article, and "clean" the comments you don't share? Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments Guardian writer hurls baseless smear of 'pro-Israel voices' there are those who are Anglo-American and want to destroy sovereign Argentina! Argentine vice president de Kirchner was shot dead outside his home The former president of Argentina, the country's current vice president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, was tried to be killed near her home, President Alberto Fernandez said. The attacker was arrested. According to Fernandez, around 21.00 (03.00 Moscow time), the man attempted to de Kirchner. According to the president, this is ...

perverts and all the Masonic and mafia scum of societies will always prosper

Donald Trump says he will 'fully pardon' Capitol rioters if elected UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia  without monetary sovereignty, there will never be political sovereignty and corrupt DEMs and satanists and perverts and all the Masonic and mafia scum of societies will always prosper Make sure Iran never has nuclear bomb, Gantz tells US Army UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia   MarlaMarleen love you   Bin ISIS Salman MBS from Riyad i am the dictator lorenzoJHWH king Israel only, Unius REI is only the universal supreme judge attorney for universal brotherhood and perfect justice between peoples and nations. in heavenly places UniusREi in King of Kings because if every man is not a king then he is a slave   UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Darya Dugina love you 6 days ago Bais Hamikdash in 3D בית המקדש in this house of mine there is the presence of God, and I am his supreme steward Unius REI, this is his architecture, because it was dictated by God JHWH himself, the Jewish t...

it is impossible to save goat (FED Spa & Co IM ECB BN NWO) and cabbage (the Israelis)

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Ravil Maganov, Lukoil's vice president, died after falling out of a hospital window but, coincidentally, Lukoil had criticized the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. ANSWER if you make an ally of satan allah riyad sodom? you will not be able to survive as a traitor! Fred 1369 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri At least eight prominent Russian businessmen have reportedly died by suicide or in as yet unexplained accidents since late January, with six of them associated with Russia’s two largest energy companies. Four of those six were linked to the Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom or one of its subsidiaries, while the other two were associated with Lukoil, Russia’s largest privately owned oil and gas company. im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri  Fred 1369   or are you with me, and my Kingdom of Israel? or you with Rockefeller and Rothschild and MBS, you have already decided to sacrifice the Israelis, in a new Jewish shoah   Fred 1369  im משיח b...

parasitic masonic Jewish plutocracy the traitors of the Fatherland

Death to Israel’ article in university paper prompts fear among Jewish students a few seconds ago yes the monkeys Darwin and the servants of the parasitic masonic Jewish plutocracy the traitors of the Fatherland sing the national anthem! / the-third-pole-opens-the-electoral-campaign-calenda-and-renzi-sing-the-anthem-of-italy the third pole opens the electoral campaign Calenda and Renzi sing the anthem of Italy 1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri an hour ago The article "actively calls for and encourages the destruction of the world's only Jewish state," the AUJS said in a statement. (in what sense is Israel the only Jewish state if the Jewish plutocrats of DEM Sodom tyrannize all nations?) https://worldisraelnews.Com/death-to-israel-article-in-university-paper-prompts-fear-among-jewish-students/ “Most Jewish students identify with Zionism. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_KK1imyQipf/? answer what...

programma di italexit

EUROPA, ECONOMIA E GLOBALIZZAZIONE Uscita dai trattati europei e ripresa della sovranità monetaria ITALEXIT chiede l'immediata uscita dell'Italia dall'Unione Europea e dall'Euro, moneta di distruzione di massa che come dimostrato da tutti i grafici e da tutti i dati a disposizione ha creato danni gravissimi alla nostra economia, ai cittadini e alle imprese. E' necessario recuperare la sovranità monetaria e poi, come ci ha insegnato Keynes, una volta liberi dai vincoli Ue sarà anche possibile ricominciare una politica intelligente di investimenti che restituiscano linfa alla nostra economia. La sovranità monetaria dello Stato è un volano irrinunciabile per la crescita e per il futuro del nostro Paese. Le dinamiche di uscita da Euro e Ue sono studiate da tempo dai nostri esperti: economisti, avvocati, giuristi. E' un lavoro complesso, sappiamo che subiremo attacchi dall'esterno e abbiamo studiato nei minimi particolari la maniera di non farci trovare imprepara...

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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

when is a religion called positive

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