Guatemala enforces ban on Hezbollah
Russian fighter jet spooks Israeli commercial flight
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Putin's planes are big scrap
: they seem close, but in reality they are very far!
Putin's planes are big bucks: they seem close, but in reality they are very far!
BiDEN 666 satan Biden: “Trump has repeatedly violated the perverted sodomitic rights of transgender people.
I am at their side (the abomination), for me a child at the age of 8 can change seee xxxxx if he wants to ”. the step into BEAUTY has been taken, now all hell will be represented by the DEMs
@JoeBiden, That's why it's imperative that @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot wins
BiDEN 666 satan Biden: “Trump has repeatedly violated the perverted sodomitic rights of transgender people.
I am at their side (the abomination), for me a child at the age of 8 can change see e xxxxx if he wants to ”. the step into BEAUTY has been taken, now all hell will be represented by the DEMs
@JoeBiden, That's why it's imperative that @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot wins
BiDEN 666 satana Biden: “Trump ha ripetutamente violato i diritti sodomitici pervertiti delle persone transgender.
Io sono al loro fianco (la abominazione), per me un bambino già ad 8 anni, se vuole, può cambiare sesso”. il passo nella BESTIALITÀ è stato fatto, ora tutto l'inferno verrà rappresentato dai DEM
@JoeBiden, Ecco perché è fondamentale che vinca @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot
BiDEN 666 satan Biden: “Trump has repeatedly violated the perverted sodomitic rights of transgender people.
I am at their side (the abomination), for me a child at the age of 8 can change sexxxx if he wants to ”. the step into BEAUTY has been taken, now all hell will be represented by the DEMs
@JoeBiden, That's why it's imperative that @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot wins
BiDEN 666 satana Biden: “Trump ha ripetutamente violato i diritti sodomitici pervertiti delle persone transgender.
Io sono al loro fianco (la abominazione), per me un bambino già ad 8 anni, se vuole, può cambiare sxexsxsxo”. il passo nella BESTIALITÀ è stato fatto, ora tutto l'inferno verrà rappresentato dai DEM
@JoeBiden, Ecco perché è fondamentale che vinca @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot
BiDEN 666 satan Biden: “Trump has repeatedly violated the perverted sodomitic rights of transgender people.
I am at their side (the abomination), for me a child at the age of 8 can change sex if he wants to ”. the step into BEAUTY has been taken, now all hell will be represented by the DEMs
@JoeBiden, That's why it's imperative that @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot wins
BiDEN 666 satana Biden: “Trump ha ripetutamente violato i diritti sodomitici pervertiti delle persone transgender.
Io sono al loro fianco (la abominazione), per me un bambino già ad 8 anni, se vuole, può cambiare sesso”. il passo nella BESTIALITÀ è stato fatto, ora tutto l'inferno verrà rappresentato dai DEM
@JoeBiden, Ecco perché è fondamentale che vinca @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Patriot
PRESIDENT Rivlin] it is impossible for an antifa, DEM coward, PD traitor, Freemason sucker, impostor Bilderberg can be nice. it is really impossible then for Pope FRANCIS to be able to become sympathetic. he would do well to resign and give way to Pope Benedict XVI
è impossibile per un antifa, vigliacco DEM, traditore PD, succhiatore massone, impostore Bilderberg possa essere simpatico.. è proprio impossibile allora per Papa FRANCESCO poter diventare simpatico.. farebbe bene a dimettersi e lasciare il posto a Papa Benedetto XVI
Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
‘Giant steps’: Netanyahu hails 7 agreements signed in Bahrain
Netanjahu is reaping the benefits of 30 years of loyal and honest diplomacy
and those who want to remove Netanjahu
to call them Satanists is to identify them correctly!
Netanjahu sta raccogliendo i frutti di 30 anni di leale e onesta diplomazia
e quelli che vogliono rimuovere Netanjahu
chiamarli satanisti è identificarli in modo giusto!
Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Report: Twitter locked out NY Post until Hunter Biden posts removed
BIN SALMAN ] [ all European politicians are all Rothschild dogs
and it is normal that they have everyone against Israel,
their crime of high treason against the peoples of Europe deserves the death penalty!
tutti i politici europei sono tutti i cani di Rothschild
ed è normale che loro abbiano tutti contro Israele,
il loro delitto di alto tradimento contro i popoli europei merita la pena di morte!
Turkey has problems with #Cyprus Bandiera di Cipro
Turkey has problems with #Greece Bandiera della Grecia
Turkey has problems with #SyriaBandiera della Siria
Turkey has problems with #Iraq Bandiera dell'Iraq
Turkey has problems with #LibyaBandiera della Libia
Turkey has problems with #EgyptBandiera dell'Egitto
Turkey has problems with #Armenia Bandiera dell'Armenia
Report: Twitter locked out NY Post until Hunter Biden posts removed
this crime alone is sufficient to invalidate the elections in case of DEM victory
soltanto questo delitto è sufficiente ad invalidare le elezioni in caso di vittoria DEM
Report: Twitter locked out NY Post until Hunter Biden posts removed
then #DEM, twitter and Joe Biden, Hunter, all three will go to jail:
this is a criminal association
quindi #DEM, twitter e Joe Biden, Hunter, andranno tutti e tre in galera:
questa è una associazione a delinquere
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
DAILY RECAP: Israelis Depart for Bahrain; Arabs Want Gadot as Cleopatra; Twitter Locks Out NY Post; More Top News
i am jewish messia for kingdom israel and my jewish temple III
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
WATCH: ‘Bipartisan’ rapper Ice Cube defends collaboration with Trump
Pastor, Wife Working to Build Church, Orphanage in Haiti Killed in Home Invasion
https://shar es/abBkyL
Pastore, moglie che lavora per costruire una chiesa, orfanotrofio ad Haiti ucciso durante l'invasione domestica ladri locali
Almost 11 thousand infected in 24 hours, thousands hospitalized: 705 in intensive care
the EU government Bilderber Soros in fact intentionally attacked Italy
Quasi 11mila contagiati in 24 ore, migliaia ricoverati: 705 in terapia intensiva
il Governo UE Bilderber Soros ha infatto l'Italia intenzionalmente
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA AN OCI USA EU] that of the Armenians is a desperate defense (impossible) because they do not have the high-altitude Turkish fighters supplied by NATO to Erdogan
Kazanchetsots Cathedral, in the main city of Shushi, was hit with a deliberate bombardment by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces inevitably Islamic, as the Quran says to do!
The post was accompanied by some photographs that account for the destruction caused by the artillery bombing.
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UN OCI USA EU ] quello degli Armeni è una difesa disperata (impossibile) perché non possiedono i caccia turchi di alta quota forniti dalla NATO a Erdogan
La cattedrale Kazanchetsots, nella principale della città di Shushi, è stata colpita con un bombardamento delle forze armate dell'Azerbaigian inevitabilmente islamico deliberato, come il Corano dice di fare!
Il post è stato accompagnato da alcune fotografie che rendono conto della distruzione causata dai bombardamenti di artiglieria.
there is no crime that can be justified,
and in addition to the anti-Zionism Jewish-Masonic #DEM parasitism, in the USA the institutions are under the control of the Churches of Satan: "deep state" and this complicates any sociological analysis
non esiste un crimine che può essere giustificato,
e oltre al parassitismo #DEM ebraico-massonico dell'antisionismo, in USA le istituzioni sono sotto il controllo delle Chiese di Satana: "deep State" e questo complica ogni analisi sociologica
Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments
Turkey arrests UAE ‘spy’ after threats over Arab normalization with Israel
After the news of the french teacher beheading, his Muslim pupils gathered around , justifying the beheading, saying ,he had ,,the reputation of racist ,is an offense against Mohammad, which is crazy to die because of this, he insulted our prophet, we talked about this''they
@gabirobfrance @AgagBoudjahlat @alexiscorbiere
were joking, looking at pictures of their teacher's bloody head, they are the moderate Muslims. Nobody condemned the killing, they were not socked or enraged, nobody protested, at best were somewhat embarrassed, between the two worlds, but really owing allegiance to the Muslims.
"slanders stalker, in lorenzoJHWH not exist "but if""
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH http://disq us/p/2cl7i3d 🕎
Bro. Nick Nicholas
Jews and Muslims too must be led to salvation
and no one must force them to become Christians!
I am their messiah
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Bro. Nick Nicholas a minute ago
slanders stalker, in lorenzoJHWH not exist "but if ---"
there is nothing heretical in what I say
in regards to all the religions of the world!
rather you are threatening the hope of all peoples
Discussion on World Israel News 71 comments
NY Jewish leaders blast governor's 'blatantly anti-Semitic' corona rules
the supreme leaders Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan. the great Sanhedrin
they have transformed the whole West into a place where Jews and Christians can no longer live!
Jewish leaders in New York denounce the rules of the governor's "patently anti-Semitic"
leder supremi Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan. il grande sinedrio
hanno trasformato tutto l'occidente in un posto dove ne ebrei e ne cristiani possono più vivere!
leader ebrei di New York denunciano le regole della corona "palesemente antisemite" del governatore
Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Palestinians fire rocket into southern Israel
the Turkish Islamic-Ottoman-Palestinian paranoid narrative
it's like Rivlin's raunchy Troll fiction bullying me here
there is nothing rational, to be expected!
Palestinians fire rockets in southern Israel
la narrativa paranoica islamica- ottomana-palestinese turca
è come la narrativa volgare dei Troll di Rivlin che mi bullismo quì
non c'é niente di razionale, da poter pretendere!
I palestinesi lanciano razzi nel sud di Israele
President Rivlin ] scam fake Israel [ you brought me here to be slaughtered by your squad bullying.
Discussion on World Israel News 62 comments
Biden campaign manager: Race 'far closer' than what people think
yes, Too little, too late, some of they will be convicted ,but the larvar civil war will continue, the mujaheddin are ready to die ,they belive that they will go to heaven, will be other terror attacks, only the massive re emigration will save the West.
France arrested 4 people in the case of the brutal beheading of a teacher: French President Emmanuel Macron described the brutal assassination as a terrorist attack.
every genocide arises from sharia law, and only sharia law is genocide on our planet e
Prof decapitato, ringraziamo il padre di jihad sharia intifada Husseini
@BarackObama e
@lauraboldrini che disse:"Lo stile di vita dei migranti sia il nostro".
JOE BIDEN was the protagonist of all the murders that the US has done around the world in the last 40 years
JOE BIDEN è stato il protagonista di tutti gli omicidi che gli USA hanno compiuto nel mondo negli ultimi 40 anni
judge investigating BIDEN's son killed (5:20) (burisma $ 50,000 a month to Biden son)
Tons of manure arriving on the dem. And not only..
#Biden is a criminal association
Roberto Vivaldelli: "Even social networks censor the scandal involving Hunter and Joe Biden"
Roberto Vivaldelli, a great expert in the Russiagate counter-investigation, denounces the scandalous conduct of social media that hides the Ukrainian scandal that affects the democratic candidate for president of the United States of America Joe Biden
Biden denounces himself, in an interview he said that he would not have given Ukraine the money if they had not removed the prosecutor who was investigating his son
How dare Joe Biden to run for president? He is involved in so many crimes with Obama and Clinton. The truth is out now.
They're censoring everything connected to TRUMP, they're blacking out all Q ANON channels. This is the grand landing of the WORLD DEEP STATE
Great President Trump ❤ #MAGA #Patriot
https: // youtu be / c9hPEOAuzVE
Discussion on World Israel News 78 comments
Newly arrived ‘Bishop of Israel,’ confronted for missionizing Ethiopian Jews, denies accusations
#Rothschild] surrender, any resistance is futile [I'm Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH one day ago suspended
🕎 i am Yitzchak Kaduri's MESSIAH
#Rothschild ] arrenditi, ogni resistenza è futile [ sono Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH un giorno fa in sospeso
PURTROPPO, PER LA VOSTRA AGENZIA CIA 666 NWO, IL VOSTRO SLANDERs CONTRO ME NON possono provare nulla di cattivo da 13 anni
🕎 i am Yitzchak Kaduri's MESSIAH
BIN SALMAN fron Riyad i cant answer to Tom Boye 3 days ago
============= se hai questo link vedi, soltanto questo commento, ma diventa invisibile l'altro
https://www the8bitsamurai ninja/2020/10/daily-article-links-and-discussion_13.html#comment-5109507610
e viceversa, questo internet di Rothschild è una truffa!
https://www the8bitsamurai ninja/2020/10/daily-article-links-and-discussion_13.html#comment-5109708294 con questo link non vedi il primo commento!
The Popes have asked the world for forgiveness for all the abuses of the Catholic Church,
but neither the Synagogue or the Mosque of Satan have ever done it!
what do you want to believe about your religious abomination or other abominations? this is your problem, because I am a rational agnostic.
about your slander against me? one day you will have to prove them in court!
I Papi hanno chiesto perdono al mondo per tutti gli abusi della Chiesa Cattolica,
ma ne la Sinagoga o la Moschea di Satana lo hanno fatto mai!
cosa tu vuoi credere circa la tua abominazione religiosa o altre abominazioni? questo è un tuo problema, perché io sono un agnostico razionale.
circa le tue calunnie contro di me? un giorno tu le dovrai dimostrare in tribunale!
Turkish militias cut off Christian heads in Armenia: it is an Islamic religious war against mankind
and Sharia war of extermination
they are sent by Erdogan to the disputed Christian region between Christian Armenians and Muslim Azeri in Nagorno
they the Ottoman Turks behead the prisoners.
They are the same ones who did the same in Syria:
Milizie turche tagliano teste cristiani in Armenia: è guerra islamica di religione contro il genere umano
e guerra di sterminio sharia
sono inviati da Erdogan nella regione cristiana contesa tra armeni cristiani e azeri musulmani del Nagorno
loro i turchi ottomani decapitano i prigionieri.
Sono gli stessi che facevano lo stesso in Siria:
@WhiteHouse #MAGA #PATRIOT fail lizadars
is in Florida to talk with seniors about his plan to keep healthcare affordable, protect Social Security, and defend vulnerable Americans against the Coronavirus!
DETAILS: President Trump's visit to Fort Myers - NBC2 News
President Trump will visit Fort Myers Friday afternoon.
US government account
The Trump Administration stands with Florida small businesses, who have received $32.2 BILLION in
loans to keep their doors open and employees on payroll!
Donald J. Trump
There is a nasty rumor out there that
of Maine will not be supporting our great United States Supreme Court Nominee. Well, she didn’t support Healthcare or my opening up 5000 square miles of Ocean to Maine, so why should this be any different. Not worth the work!
you prophesied !!!
in fact all Christians are also Jews of the tribe of Judah:
more precisely: "the Jews from Judah born in Betleem like me!
tu hai profetizzato!!!
Dean Blake
Drs. Glen and Ruth Pauline Plummer love Israel
much more than a troll CIA satanist like you could do!
Drs. Glen e Ruth Pauline Plummer amano Israele
molto di più di come un satanista della CIA troll come te potrebbe fare!
you put the lock on your comments so as not to show everyone how criminal you can be
but unfortunately for you, even one of your comments destroys your possibility of being able to enter the Kingdom of God!
tu metti il lucchetto ai tuoi commenti per non fare vedere a tutti quanto tu puoi essere criminale
ma purtroppo per te, anche uno solo dei tuoi commenti ti distrugge la possibilità di poter entrare nel Regno di Dio!
Tell them Soros Bilderberg Deep State: #BillGates killer vaccines
if they hadn't understood it yet,
Donald Trump has been impeached (impeachment)
for something Joe Biden did
and was under investigation for 3 years for something Hillary Clinton did.
Diteglielo a Soros Bilderberg Deep State: #BillGates vaccini assassini
se non lo avessero ancora capito,
Donald Trump è stato messo sotto accusa (impeachment)
per qualcosa che ha fatto Joe Biden
ed è stato indagato per 3 anni per qualcosa che ha fatto Hillary Clinton.
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
70% of Arabs say recognition of Israel likely, regardless of Palestinians
Prof beheaded in France: moderate Imams threatened him - VIDEO
Council of Imams of France - the official organ of 'French' Islam - had called for the teacher to be punished. One of them took them seriously:
the immense dogmatic power of IMAMs:
Governments will soon submit to the power of the IMAMs
l'immenso potere dogmatico degli IMAM:
presto i Governi si sottometteranno al potere degli IMAM
Prof decapitato in Francia: Imam moderati lo avevano minacciato – VIDEO
Consiglio degli Imam di Francia – organo ufficiale dell’islam ‘francese’ – aveva invitato a punire l’insegnante. Uno di loro li ha presi sul serio:
https://voxnews info/2020/10/16/prof-decapitato-in-francia-imam-moderati-lo-avevano-minacciato-video/ Il
Discussion on World Israel News 78 comments
Newly arrived ‘Bishop of Israel,’ confronted for missionizing Ethiopian Jews, denies accusations
Grace Joy
per ulteriori indagini, "tavistock" sarebbe una buona scelta.
Aggiungi "john coleman" a una ricerca.
Hadassah Miriam Gold
idiot! yes, i am our Messiah, and i only comes 1 time: to establish peace in the world, and this hasn't happen yet... becouse of you
si, sono il nostro Messia, e vengo solo 1 volta: per stabilire la pace nel mondo, e questo non è ancora successo.. a causa tua
PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ it is very serious that DISQuS continues to show my comments to CIA criminals that I blocked: and that I had to block for their impropriety, bullying and stolking
because this will multiply their personality murders against me, unbeknownst to me,
if then, you think my answers to
https: // disqus com / by / bronicknicholas / and many users of this server
are automatically deleted from Disqus,
then, all his slanders against me remain which cannot be refuted!
but if for you the world war of the Saudis against China and Russia is a positive event. then, it is not necessary for you to intervene to protect my constitutional rights
è molto grave che DISQuS continui a fare vedere, i miei commenti a criminali della CIA che io ho bloccato: e che io ho dovuto bloccare per la loro scorrettezza, bullismo e stolking
perché questo farà moltiplicare i loro omicidi di personalità nei miei confronti, a mia insaputa,
se poi, tu pensi che le mie risposte a
https://disqus com/by/bronicknicholas/ e a molti utenti di questo server
vengono cancellate da Disqus in automatico,
poi, rimangono tutte le sue calunnie contro di me che non possono essere confutate!
ma se per voi la guerra mondiale dei sauditi contro Cina e Russia è un evento positivo.. poi, non è necessario che voi facciate un intervento a tutela dei miei diritti costituzionali
Biden and Harris will tax Americans to death. And they are proud of it.
Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022
Joe Biden says he will raise taxes immediately, even if the economy is struggling https://washingtonexaminer com/news/biden-says-he-will-raise-taxes-immediately-even-if-the-economy-is-struggling #BidenTownHall
Cursed for ever and ever be those who welcome Erdogan after his expulsion from NATO !!!
==================> Pashinyan: "We have evidence of sending Turkish fighters from Syria to Nagorno Karabakh"
The Armenian prime minister told Sputnik that he has evidence of the dispatch of Turkish fighters from Syria to Nagorno Karabakh.
#Aliyev: "In the future of #Nagorno-Karabakh #Armenians and Azerbaijanis must coexist in peace"
#Baku assumes that in the future the Armenian and #Azerbaijani communities will have to coexist peacefully in the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, #Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev told #Sputnik.
ANSWER ==========> pity that in #Turkey 200,000 terrified #Christians (the rest of the sword) have to live in hiding!
The EU of the satanist anxiety-free technocratic neoliberal masons antichrist imposes new sanctions on Russia for the Navalny case, The Kremlin expressed its regret: "To our chagrin, this is a deliberate act of enmity towards Russia. The Council of Europe has thereby deteriorated relations with our country.
ANSWER =============> I am witness, in these 13 years, of my geopolitical observatory: of the repeated slander crimes that the: Deep State, CIA EU UK NATO FED IMF ECB NWO are doing against Russia, on the occult indication of the Saudis!
it is natural (sadly) for a Jew to become a Christian, because Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, but the globalist NWO satanists of the synagogue of satan, that is, the Jews of the Rothschild World Jewish Council #Bilderberg show a huge cultural inferiority complex and spiritual towards Christianity,
and this fear turns into rage, murder, mass extermination:
"This is why they are having Christians killed all over the world by us", a Saudi prince told me on youtube, therefore, the Supreme Sanhedrin FED IMF ECB NWO SpA in the West: he is devitalizing, expropriating by debt: Christians through predation Masonic neo-liberal technocratic-financial
and through hedonism l # gbtq, and with the spread of every form of satanism and antichrist, with every form of political and institutional corruption!
to obtain the identity deconstruction of the European peoples
è naturale (purtroppo ) per per un ebreo diventare cristiano, perché il cristianesimo è il compimento dell'ebraismo, ma i satanisti NWO globalisti della sinagoga di satana, cioè, gli ebrei del consiglio ebraico mondiale Rothschild #Bilderberg mostrano un enorme complesso di inferiorità culturale e spirituale nei confronti del cristianesimo,
e questa paura si trasforma in rabbia omicidio, sterminio di massa:
"ecco perché stanno facendo uccidere i cristiani, in tutto il mondo, da noi" mi ha detto un Principe saudita in youtube, quindi, il sommo sinedrio FED IMF ECB NWO SpA in occidente: sta devitalizzando, espropriando indebitando: i cristiani attraverso la predazione tecnocratico-finanziaria neoliberista massonica
e attraverso l'edonismo l#gbtq, e con la diffusione di ogni forma di satanismo e anticristo, con ogni forma di corruzione politica e istituzionale!
per ottenere la destrutturazione identitaria dei popoli europei
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
70% of Arabs say recognition of Israel likely, regardless of Palestinians
ACT NOW! Tell BBC to Apologize for Hiding the Truth About Palestinian Child Murderer
yes, for Erdogan OCI Riyadh Iran Amman and King Abdullah II, all martyrs are those of ISIS sharia Taliban, jihad fulani boko haram UMMA!
Discussion on World Israel News
Israeli parliament approves Israel-UAE peace deal
i am political project for kingdom israel
Discussion on World Israel News 78 comments
Bari Weiss: Jews shut out by new totalitarian ‘liberalism’
i am kingdom Israel
Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments
Heavy-handed Israeli police response at haredi wedding draws outcry
the police are surely right (according the law of men),
but, (according to God's law) every bride represents Israel before God,
therefore the sacrilege and the profanation were celebrated on the altar of satan Rockefeller: anyway!
the police were to intervene educationally,
check the mask the spacing, issue the administrative sanctions:
but he didn't have to do violence
la polizia ha sicuramente ragione (sendo la legge degli uomini),
ma, (secondo la legge di Dio)ogni sposa rappresenta Israele di fronte a Dio,
quindi il sacrilegio e la profanazione sono state celebrate sull'altare di satana Rockefeller: comunque!
la polizia doveva intervenire educativamente,
controllare la mascherina il distanziamento, emettere le sanzioni amministrative:
ma non doveva fare violenza
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Boomerang: TikTok Teens try sabotaging Trump rally, mistakenly donate $16,000 to GOP
PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ The 8-Bit Samurai 396 comments Pending
the8bitsamurai ninja] it is very serious that all the answers I publish to stalkers and bullying slanderers slanderers, here on this server, are all deleted!
Daily article links and discussion - Tuesday, October 13th 2020
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎
the8bitsamurai ninja ] è molto grave che tutte le risposte che io pubblico a dei stalker e bullismo calunniatori calunniatori, quì in questo server, vengano tutte cancellate!
Discussion on World Israel News
Iran’s coronavirus deaths surpass 29,000, records highest single-day death toll
Exceptional speech by Dr. Taper, to listen to! RT, thanks. We support doctors who courageously risk everything to defend the truth.
https://twitter com/i/status/1316332909440241669 Eccezionale intervento del Dr.Tapper, da ascoltare!
RT, grazie. Sosteniamo i medici che coraggiosamente rischiano tutto per difendere la verità.
Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
DAILY RECAP: Knesset To Learn UAE Deal’s Secrets Only After Vote; IDF Soldiers Wounded; More Top News
PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ oggi è la seconda volta che i satanisti CIA UK mi tolgono la ADSL fibra ottica!
Coronavirus, Putin annuncia la registrazione del vaccino del Centro Vector contro il nuovo coronavirus di origine cinese Covid-19.
e chi si fida del vaccino assassino di #BillGates Big Farma?
io non me lo prenderei neanche se mi pagano per farlo!
i am political project of kingdom Israel
Trump, safe and effective vaccine within the year
but: #DEM Regime Bilderberg, scam banking seigniorage masonic system NWO FED IMF ECB: Deep State, Rockefeller BillGates 322: "skull and bones" BIG 666 Satana Farma SpA,
they said there were problems, with finding the fetuses of children and uranium nanoparticles!
Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
British magazine fires 'diversity champion' for anti-Semitic tweets
ISIS BIN SALMAN Al-Nusra Boko Haram jihad sharia law ] [I have been to the MADIANA desert
40 years and a day, that is my Kingdom of ISRAEL give it back to me!
BIN SALMAN ISIS jihad Erdogan sharia law UMMA genocide christians ] I programmed the Chinese ARMY and they won't disappoint me: "don't doubt it!"
BIN SALMAN] I programmed the Chinese ARMY and they won't disappoint me: "don't doubt it!"
Erdogan: 'We will give Greece and Cyprus the answer they deserve'
his condition of Islamic Koranic sharia jihad degradation and mental equilibrium is more dangerous than what I had foreseen!
Erdogan: 'Daremo alla Grecia e Cipro la risposta che meritano'
la sua condizione di degradazione islamica coranica sharia jihad e di equilibrio mentale è più pericolosa di quello che io avevo preventivato!
they represent all the peoples of the world
and if OCI Lega ARABA want to kill Jews
then, there is no one safe in this world of demons Spa FED IMF ECB NWO Rockefeller ed allah Erdogan Bin Salman Iran
LE 12 TRIBù DI Israele
rappresentano tutti i popoli del mondo
e se OCI Lega ARABA vogliono uccidere gli ebrei
poi, non c'é nessuno che sia al sicuro in questo mondo di demoni Spa FED IMF ECB NWO Rockefeller ed allah Erdogan Bin Salman Iran
Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments
Setting the Record Straight: Israel's Legal Rights to Judea and Samaria
BIN SALMAN] no puedes abrazar al Papa FRANCISCO como un hermano
y luego, para guardar la ley Sharia que condena a toda la raza humana al genocidio.
BIN SALMAN] you cannot embrace Pope FRANCIS as a brother
and then, to keep the Sharia law which condemns the whole human race to genocide!
2 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Discussion on United with Israel 5 comments
Israel Ranked One of Top Nations Fighting Foreign Bribery
'I, an Armenian, will explain the reasons for the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan (and Nagorno-Karabakh, Russia, Turkey)' http://a msn com/01/it-it/BB19ZQWa?ocid=st2
the conflict is not about a territory, but about the freedom and independence of a people who lived in a particular area of the world for thousands of years before Stalin's fatal decision to put the Nagorno-Karabakh region under the control of the Azerbaijan.
3 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Guatemala enforces ban on Hezbollah with anti-terrorism financing law
any sharia is terrorism
"We have declared Hezbollah a terrorist group, but we need more than this designation to apply to this organization, which already has a presence in Latin America",
any sharia is terrorism
any sharia is terrorism
"Abbiamo dichiarato Hezbollah un gruppo terroristico, ma abbiamo bisogno di qualcosa di più di questa designazione da applicare a questa organizzazione, che ha già una presenza in America Latina",
any sharia is terrorism
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Communist totalitarian states win seats on UN rights council, Saudis lose
STIMULUS! Go big or go home!!!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
“The Radical Left is trying hard to undermine the Christopher Columbus legacy. A great Italian opened new chapter in history of humanity by discovering the Americas”.
Actually, Tony’s pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications. “No problem, no masks”. WHO no longer likes Lockdowns - just came out against. Trump was right. We saved 2,000,000 USA lives!!!
"Fauci's quote is from an interview with Fox News in March... Fauci praised the White House coronavirus task force's round-the-clock effort to respond to the pandemic, which he says included numerous White House meetings and late-night phone calls."
https://cnn com/2020/10/11/politics/fauci-trump-campaign-ad-out-of-context/index.html
We love the people of Lake Charles, Louisiana. You’ve been hit hard , and often, but your Federal Government is there to help. It will all work out, and FAST!!!
Republicans will be providing far better Healthcare than the Democrats, at a far lower cost...And will always protect people with Pre-existing conditions!!!
GOP raises over 1 Billion Dollars through
since recent founding. November 3rd. The most important Election in the History of our Country!!!
California hired a pure Sleepy Joe Democrat firm to count and “harvest” votes. No way Republicans get a fair shake. Lawyers, get started!!!
California is in big trouble. Vote Trump and watch the greatest comeback of them all!!! Also, New York and Illinois - go for it!
Congratulations Dan. You, Breitbart and others have decimated the business at Drudge. It’s gone the way of the
ratings down 70%. People want the TRUTH! Drudge Report sold out, suffered a massive “nervous breakdown”. Happening
Dump Drudge, it’s a non-stop hysteria machine.
Use http://BonginoReport com
for your news, and the leave the hysteria for the panic merchants.
For years you had a President who apologized for America – now you have a President who is standing up for America, and standing up for Pennsylvania. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and GET OUT AND VOTE!
http://Vote DonaldJTrump com
Donald J. Trump
Proud citizens like you helped build this Country—and together, we are taking back our Country. We are returning power to YOU, the American People! #MAGA
For years you had a President who apologized for America – now you have a President who is standing up for America, and standing up for Pennsylvania. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and GET OUT AND VOTE!
Donald J. Trump
Proud citizens like you helped build this Country—and together, we are taking back our Country. We are returning power to YOU, the American People! #MAGA
Hungary’s Prime Minister Urges Homosexuals to ‘Leave Our Children Alone’ https://shar es/abFFGQ
#hrw, #UN Watch, #Human #Rights #Watch is itself a criminal and terrorist organization:
true human rights you can only know from World Watch Monitor - Reporting the story of Christians..
#hrw è a sua volta una organizzazione criminale e terroristica:
i veri diritti umani tu puoi saperli soltanto da World Watch Monitor - Reporting the story of Christians..
Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments
Biden forgets Mitt Romney's name, says he's running for Senate
TRUMP MAGA about BIDEN's mental health said, "He forgot Mitt Romney's name. He didn't know what state he was in. And today he said he was a proud Democrat running for the US Senate," he said. Trump.
"We have someone running that isn't 100%, isn't 80%, isn't 60%," Trump said.
The Democratic candidate's mental acuity has been challenged in the past as has other faux pas. At one point, he referred to the "Harris-Biden" ticket, putting his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Ahead of him. Biden also made confusing statements that are hard to analyze, like this one during a campaign in Tampa, Florida in late September: "Because if you could be careful, if you were a quartermaster, you can definitely be careful running a, you know, A department store, uh, what, you know, where, on the second floor of the women's department or whatever, you know what I mean? "
President RIVLIN] you see that the priests of satan of the CIA will say that it was I who ruined BIDEN's mind?
do not snag.. they will tell!
32 minutes ago Detected as spam ] [ in NIGERIA an entire REGION AS ISRAEL was freed (from the impure kafir infidel Christians who suffered the UMMA genocide)
thanks to jihad UMMA Riyad Sharia funding Erdogan OCI Boko Haram their jiha sharia Fulanibe
becouse plan in the ARAB LEAGUE
that is the principal: and islamic sharia NIGERiA government is their accomplice, of course!
CHINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI] [the Armenian people of the nagorno karabakh must be guaranteed survival, and certain coffins, because the Turks are notorious in their 800 years of serial genocide!
and because until Sharia law is condemned, the ARAB LEAGUE will never cease to be a threat to the survival of all peoples!
CINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI ] [ al popolo armeno del nagorno karabakh deve essere garantita la sopravvivenza, e dei cofini certi, perché i turchi sono famigerati nei loro 800 anni di genocidi seriali!
e perché finché non sarà condannata la sharia la LEGA ARABA non smetterà mai di essere una minaccia per la sopravvivenza di tutti i popoli!
@MFAofArmenia ] During the meeting w/ @OSCE [ new Erdogan genocide ottoman Empire story ]
#MGCC & Personal Rep of Chairperson-in-Office, FM
@ZMnatsakanyan stressed that #Azerbaijan neglects its commitment of cessation of hostilities & continues large-scale military attacks, deliberately targeting #civilian population & infrastructure.
@ZMnatsakanyan @bbcworldservice: "We shouldn’t deny any chance for this ceasefire to hold. We have to carry on w/ #verification mechanism, which helps us to bring back #ceasefire, to bring back peace, so that we go back to peaceful settlement."
was freed (from the impure kafir infidel Christians who suffered the UMMA genocide) thanks to Sharia funding Erdogan Boko Haram and the Fulani
because the ARAB LEAGUE is the principal: and the NIGERiA government is the accomplice!
è stata liberata ( dai cristiani impuri infedeli kafir che hanno subito il genocidio UMMA ) grazie ai finanziamenti sharia Erdogan Boko Haram e dai Fulani
perché la LEGA ARABA è il mandante: e il governo della NIGERiA è il complice!
Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
WATCH: Vitamin D fights off Covid-19? Israel’s Coronavirus Task Force says it just might
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
they are telling me that you are enjoying killing innocent christians.
ok, what did they do wrong that you decided to kill them?
Narendra Modi, Primo ministro dell'India
mi stanno dicendo che ti stai divertendo ad uccidere i cristiani innocenti..
ok, cosa ti hanno fatto di male che tu hai deciso di ucciderli?
Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments
World Jewish Congress leader meets with Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah
you don't have to despair for your sodomitic Islamic-Satanist friends,
because I, in 13 years I have written about 1423500 articles / comments,
What if you prove that in only one of them, something was written wrong?
I will definitely get off the internet!
tu non devi disperare per i tuoi amici sodomitici islamico-satanisti,
perché io, in 13 anni io ho scritto 1423500 articoli/commenti circa,
e se tu dimostrerai che in uno solo di essi, è stato scritto qualcosa di sbagliato?
io uscirò da internet definitivamente!
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Boomerang: TikTok Teens try sabotaging Trump rally, mistakenly donate $16,000 to GOP
My POTUS lorenzojhwh Unius REI IS kingdom for ISRAEL
@realDonaldTrump CRIMINAL dem ATTACH ACB: Wow just like that we are back in high school. I guess when you have nothing to belittle a person you are reduced to attacking how they dress. ACB is an inspiration to all. What have you ever done? ACB will look great in her black robe.
US Navy Veteran Native Texan Proud Trump Supporter. Conservative Christian 2A Deplorable #AmericaFirst #Trump2020
Boomerang: TikTok Teens try sabotaging Trump rally, mistakenly donate $16,000 to GOP https://worldisraelnews com/boomerang-tiktok-teens-try-sabotaging-trump-rally-mistakenly-donate-16000-to-gop/#.X4W1FJtpx_g.twitter [ #RUSSIA #INDIA #CHINA #EU #US ] [Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., thanked the teenagers for sabotaging the Tulsa demonstration.
ISLAM SHARIA is a deadly historical threat
in our Western societies:
either we will have to expel the Muslims or we will have to declare war on the ARAB LEAGUE SHARIA UMMA
NATO Obama Biden CIA is truly responsible for all the genocides that Erdogan was able to obtain in Syria and Iraq, Erdogan has long studied with his Azerbaijani allies this Ottoman aggression against the peoples: Nagorno Karabakh (in great detail); so the ambush of his military strategy was surgical: used NATO planes to destroy anti-missile systems and so with the Turkish drones he had fun hitting the tanks that were without aerial protection!
Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Opinion: Slouching towards the socialist states of America
NATO Obama Biden CIA is truly responsible for all the genocides that Erdogan was able to obtain in Syria and Iraq! Erdogan has long studied with his Azerbaijani allies this Ottoman aggression against the peoples: of Nagorno Karabakh (in great detail);
so the ambush of his military strategy was surgical:
used NATO planes to destroy anti-missile systems
and so with the Turkish drones he had fun hitting the tanks that were without aerial protection!
la NATO è la vera responsabile di tutti i genocidi che Erdogan ha potuto ottenere in Siria e Iraq!
there is no one who can win
the palm of disgrace, like the criminal Masonic mafia administration of justice in Italy,
that's why, the first degree of judgment must be entrusted to mayors and police districts in every part of the world!
non c'é nessuno che può vincere
la palma del disonore, come la criminale massonica amministrazione mafiosa della giustizia in Italia,
ecco perché, il primo grado di giudizio deve essere affidato ai sindaci e ai distretti di polizia in ogni parte del mondo!
Discussion on World Israel News 81 comments
Palestinian Authority rooting for Biden: 'God help us if there are four more years of Trump'
after 77 years of terrorism
there is no longer anyone who can honestly believe in the Palestinians' will to agree!
dopo 77 anni di terrorismo
non c'é più nessuno che onestamente può più credere ad una volontà di accordo dei palestinesi!
I will deactivate the Masonic lgbtq islamic tecnocratic neoliberalism Satanism of the EU
however everyone knows that the final antichrist will rise from the EU in about 320 years
given that the US will already have been disintegrated by a giant meteorite:
only the destruction of the USA can stop the Churches of Satan hiding in its underground!
disattiverò il satanismo massonico della UE
tuttavia tutti sanno che l'anticristo finale sorgerà dalla UE tra 320 anni circa
dato che gli USA saranno già stati disintegrati da un meteorite gigante:
solo la distruzione degli USA può fermare le Chiese di Satana che si nascondono nel suo sottosuolo!
islamic terrorism hamas and church of satana Owl is with Satana-allah ] [ the feet of the satanists Biden Obama Clinton Erdogan has always been to shed the innocent blood of Christian martyrs around the world
the Qatari channel Al Jazeera has been used as a spokesperson for the propaganda that supports radical and terrorist Islamic political organizations and encourages chaos in Arab countries.
the CIA Erdogan and the Saudis supported all the color revolutions:
to transform all secular Muslims into ruthless and dangerous Islamic terrorists. if Sharia law is not condemned all over the world
Islamic terrorism cannot be stopped and will make all our streets bloodied..
but Erdogan's secret task is to attack Russia
Emails indicate Clinton met with Al Jazeera bosses at the Four Seasons Hotel in Doha, Qatar,
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
'I feel powerful,' says Trump back on campaign trail, adding he'd like to give supporters 'a big fat kiss'
the ocean crowds that TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT gathers with him?
they are by no means comparable to the supporters of BIDEN
what if BIDEN wins this election?
everyone will think: "these elections have been scam
le folle oceaniche che TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT raccoglie con lui?
non sono per niente paragonabili ai sostenitori di BIDEN
e se BIDEN vincesse queste elezioni?
tutti penseranno: "queste elezioni sono state truccate"
Discussion on United with Israel 14 comments
Lebanese Journalist: Peace with Israel Is Coming No Matter What
I have only one identity:
i am political project for kingdom israel
the different names of my channels always uniquely represent a single ministry!
2 1 i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Detected as spam
i am political project for kingdom israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments
‘Release Temple Mount agreements,’ demands Israeli lawmaker ahead of vote on UAE accord
#BLM is #DEM terroristic movement ] [ The Plot Against America
It seems that this election is not just about which candidate gets elected -- it is ultimately about America's commitment to empirical facts, its extraordinary Constitution and its determination to maintain its leadership role in the world by refusing to allow cheating and corruption, in either its elections or its governmental institutions. One can only hope that the ideals of the Founding Founders will prevail.
Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments
Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing opens
the election of Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed by the Supreme Court
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