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Yair Lapid denies promising

Yair Lapid denies promising 'right of return' to 2 Arab villages

lapaid is a big sneak & a liar.. he would sell his soul to keep his his job.. the right to return would allowany.. arab from any country.. jordan.. syria.. lebanon egypt the right to return..

many countries would give billions of $$ for free housing, medical care, free electricity, free water, roads, schools to allow the right of return..

nuland pressured lapaid to join the ukranian war & there you have the results in Israel.. you have a civil war.. the knesset should not have arab political parties within.. they are trojan horses.. no arab countries would allow jewish political parties..

don't trust the 3 stooges bennett , lapaid, gantz..


Discussion on World Israel News 18 punch_corona_news_wire_service

WATCH: Pro-choice activists swarm Kavanaugh's home after alleged murder…

if the protesters were making noise at the house of (( a0c )) they would have the national guard & tanks protecting her house..



Discussion on World Israel News 43 punch_corona_news_wire_service

EXCLUSIVE: 'Iran not scared of US,' Biden is to Blame, says former…

ukraine has more nuclear material than iran + china.. & no mention at all about this problem in the media a/p, reuters..blinken has pointed the finger to trump.. the funding of the ayatollahs program was done by his former boss.. obozo.. $150 billion in funding.. results.. the seeds of caos sown in the middle east..



Discussion on World Israel News 3 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Israel unveils ‘Negba’ combat vehicle project for special forces

hopefully this vehicle does not use titanium or rare metals


Discussion on World Israel News 11 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Israeli justice minister: Partnership with Islamist party may have ‘exhausted…

Samaria / Judea thrown under the bus with the deal of the century an oil pipeline..


Discussion on World Israel News 8 punch_corona_news_wire_service

EXCLUSIVE: Iran not scared of US and that’s a very dangerous thing, says…

don't blame trump on this one.. this nuclear beast was created by his predecessor $150 billion funding in 2015..

btw.. ukraine has more nuclear material than iran or china..

Discussion on World Israel News 65 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Moscow chief rabbi fled country, in de facto exile due to opposition to war

Grace Joy

the rabbis are playing the spook game.. in india when the police track the spooks they 1st head to the chabad synagogues.. same in russia.. just track the rabbis , like the dude mentioned in this article they will track with the spooks..

after kolimoiski, elenski, soros, bojo.. all nazis & said to be jews.. who will trust them ? that warm feeling will turn to cold feet..


remember these names for this ukranian war :














(( where is kolimoiski )) ? the khazar jew who created the azov nazi battalion with a house in tel avivi & an Israeli passport? too many jews are supporting the nazis in ukraine & the nazi clown elenski..





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Einstein letter urging free world to attack Nazi Germany revealed

Charles Martell III

bolus is a paid troll for the nazi clown


Jesse Myers

where is kolimoiski..?



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Russia deploys more troops, claims progress in east Ukraine

more news about this war.. Russia told the nazi clown to stop snorting so much cocaine..






Discussion on World Israel News 61 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Ukraine demands Iron Dome, blasts Israel for lack of military support

Israel has already fallen into this trap by the azov nazi hoodlums Israel should have kept neutral.. but nuland pressured lapaid & he gave in to the ukranian blackmail.. lapaid even voted to throw out Russia from the human rights at the UN.. Israel has enough problems to add more problems with the ukraine war.. the ukranians can't even manage the NLAW missiles & have used the NLAW canisters as portable showers..

ukraine want Israel to shoot down Russian planes are they crazy or wicked..?

NLAW canister as a portable shower ?





Discussion on World Israel News 20 punch_corona_news_wire_service

'No trip to announce': Biden visit to Middle East 'delayed' or just not happening?

about gun control & brandon jr..


where is kolimoiski..?



Discussion on World Israel News 16 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Israeli forces fire warning shots after Lebanese troops cross Blue Line

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

btw.. the nazi flag is used in Finland..




im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

I have seen these so called borders.. Golan Heights these so called blue lines.. there are no fences, or walls.. they are open fields.. the only way to protect these regions are with boots.. now.. if you send the boots to cyprus then these northern borders remain un protected.. these border are quite extensive.. israel is quite small.. they are picking sides - greece , ukraine anti region : turkey.. syria russia neutrality gonewar conflicts assured for Israel.. erratic political planning poor quality political leaders.. a disaster..

https://warnews247-Gr.Translate.Goog/i-metafora-ton-israilinon-komantos-pou-exorgise-tin-agkyra-sto-stochastro-ta-oplismena-israilina-ucav-heron/?_x_tr_sl=el&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en.. Israel is a small army.. get them IDF soldiers out of cyprus & bring the IDF back Israel.. enough with these cyprus war games nonsense.. these soldiers are needed to protect Israel.. not cyprus..



Discussion on World Israel News 11 punch_corona_news_wire_service

NATO holds Baltic Sea naval exercises with Finland, Sweden

seems like (( Finland )) also uses the nazi flag for their military.. many countries in the EU use the nazi symbols.. they help each other.. ukraine finland ?? poland ?? germany ?? france ?? belgium..

Am I missing something here ?



Russia told the nazi clown to stop snorting so much cocaine.. to surrender..




sailing a beast of a ship through a small little river..? an NLAW anti tank missile would sink this ship.. smart move..



Discussion on World Israel News 56 punch_corona_news_wire_service

From Washington to Jerusalem, the conspiracies are unraveling

both legal systems are failing badly the US global ranking - World Justice Project - Rule of Law in 2018 was 20.. in 2021 it is 27.. a substantial change in rankings. Israel is not in this study, however an approximate ranking is not that difficult to estimate. most of the results fall within a regional ranking so

Israel would be ranked at an average with other countries in the middle east.


Discussion on World Israel News 1 punch_corona_news_wire_service

WATCH: International food crisis stemming from Ukraine war has no quick fix

did anyone in the state department analyze the energy / food factors before they pushed this nato war..? it seems like suddenly they are surprised by these events which had to be considered.. Consider this.. ukraine is at war now through the next several months.. Is there a food crop out of ukraine ? is it lost by war ? could take 1 - 3 years for a return to normality..


Discussion on World Israel News 32 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Vote on bill giving basic rights to Jews in Judea, Samaria could bring govt down

Trump, kushner, Netanyahu completely threw Samaria / Judea under the bus with the so called deal of the century.. (( an oil pipeline deal )) Israel completely forgot they had Jews living in Samaria / Judea should have been labeled the "rotten deal of the century "..



Discussion on World Israel News 18 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Lebanon warns against Israeli ‘aggression’ in disputed waters

fascinating table used by Putin for visitors.. will (( bennett )) get the [. long table] or the small cocktail table ?




Discussion on World Israel News 11 punch_corona_news_wire_service

WATCH: Biden expected to cancel $6 billion in student loan debt

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

i got a call today from someone who became aware of a notice by the national guard to stock up on food.. i gave him a list of important items to have in stock..

at least for 1 month..+.. a red line has been crossed with these himar missiles.. the EU wanted nato.. they got nato.. there are now 5 points of caos on the globe..

ukraine/russia/eu.. middle east Israel/iran.. turkey/syria turkey/greece.. taiwan / china..


biden just gave away (( $ 60 billion )) to ukraine the past 6 months (( 10x )) more than these student loans.. big changes are needed on this program.. not band aids..


Discussion on World Israel News 13 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Israeli defense officials visit elite army units simulating multi-front war in Cyprus

would soldiers really huddle this closely under attack.. or is this a photo op..? I do hope it is a photo op..



Discussion on World Israel News 40 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Here's why Biden is no friend of Israel - opinion

brandon sr.. brandon jr.. a big embarrassment



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Bennett urges public to support fragile gov't, decries 'incitement, fake news'…

The Queens Jubilee > BOJO - whistles by the UK crowd..



Discussion on World Israel News 48 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Report: Putin has cancer, survived assasination attempt

read the fine print.. source : ap ~assoc press.. take with a grain of salt..



Discussion on World Israel News 27 punch_corona_news_wire_service

WATCH: Arab MKs nearly attack right-wing MK during death penalty vote

the knesset has become a community of happy families.. good job bennet.. lapaid.. gantz



Discussion on World Israel News 10 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Jewish American Heritage Month passes without enough fanfare, says former…

Hal Turner Radio Show

missiles flew inside this tunnel in ukraine & got rid of this tunnel..




.. here is a nice nazi restaurant in kiev.. looks quite cozy.. warning : the dude speaking is not wearing a long sleeve shirt..


hot meals for the ukranians in tattoos seen in this crowd..




.. the trident symbol for the menorah ? my.. oh.. my !Discussion on World Israel News 8 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Vancouver police allows Jewish officers to wear skullcaps

.. soon will have the mounties on horses wearing burkhas ! one WIN always opens up another for an eventual WIN..


Discussion on World Israel News 28 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Abbas pressuring for concrete US gesture during Biden visit

..bennett arrived at wash dc to meet with biden.. bought a big paper brown.. left with a big brown empty bag.. the meeting was a total success according to Israel media.. great job bennett , lapaid, gantz..



here are the conditions : biden.. don't arrive in cheap.. abbas wants (( big )) money..

- $100 billion for housing

- the law of return

- the golan heights

- the temple mount & jerusalem

- a separate new embassy in Jerusalem

- relocate the US embassy back to Tel Aviv

- whatever is left in ukraine for a new Israel state for relocation


Discussion on World Israel News 2 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Biden says US sending medium-range rocket systems to Ukraine

here is another racket.. war is a racket..

old german tanks ,, rusted out & in poor condition will be sent to ukraine.. this picture was taken in 1992.. imagine today.. 30 years later..




ukranian have no idea how to use these simple weapons.. the NLAW is a million $ system & the nazi azov use the canister as portable showers.. Will the ukranians be trained in the use of these sophisticated weapons? or will they make it to the weapons black markets..

NLAW canister as a portable shower ?


weapons captured brand new.. never boxes..


same weapons making their way to the middle east.. black market.. sold for $ 15,000

$15k NLAW in the black market




Discussion on World Israel News 5 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Leonardo DiCaprio visits Israel for wedding of close friend

is this news? WIN needs a separate site for the celebrities..


Discussion on World Israel News 13 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Israeli defense officials visit elite army units simulating multi-front war in Cyprus

.. there is more to this story than meets the eye..




Discussion on World Israel News 37 punch_corona_news_wire_service

Russians, Ukrainians fight block by block in eastern city

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

2nd thoughts about stealing money ? the meeting with powell & yellen today must have caused some results..

the arabs not impressed.. they no longer trust western banks..

Intel Slava Z

🇺🇸❗Biden administration opposes Russian asset confiscation, - The New York Times

The White House is afraid that the confiscation of Russia's assets

frozen due to sanctions could undermine the US's reputation as an

investment haven, the White House told the NYT.

The US is trying to see if the confiscation of Russian funds might encourage other

countries to convert their reserves into other currencies and keep them

out of American hands


ukraine army refusing to fight.. tired of being treated like cannon fodder by elenski & nato.. btw.. over 5 million refugee ukranian citizens with little chance of return.. homes destroyed , country destroyed.. elenski has (( $850,000,000 )) in the bank.. elenski can buy homes for the refugees..




nazi clown has destroyed ukraine & lost this war..

Nazi symbols


gen. milli just told the nazi clown to get moving on..

Intel Slava Z


🇺🇸 The Pentagon believes that negotiations should be a logical solution to the situation in Ukraine.

"I think resolving [the situation] through negotiations would be the

logical choice," General Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Army Chiefs

of Staff, told Fox News, adding that "both sides must come to that

conclusion on their own."

Milli believes that other outcomes of

events in Ukraine could be either a decisive victory for one of the

parties, or a stalemate.



Discussion on World Israel News 10 punch_corona_news_wire_service

WATCH: Will Pelosi’s husband get a ‘liberal privilege pass’ for DUI?

not a good month [ may 2022 ] for madame pelosi.. 1st excommunicated by the bishop,,, & now the drunk driving charges..


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

when is a religion called positive

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