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international Masonic institutional mafia

Sign of growing ties: Putin visits Tehran, meeting with Erdogan on agenda

21 minutes ago

Israel does not belong to biblical Zionism and does not belong to its King lorenzoJHWH

Israel is the tip of the spear of Rockefeller & Riyad's imperialist Zionism the lair of Satan & Allah


and this is what threatens Israel and brings it so many enemies

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

30 minutes ago

I was kicked out of teaching by both Bergoglio and the lgbtqia DEM who tianneggiano the antichristic institutions, and now I am an unemployed King of Israel!


Chronicles of Ordinary Madness from the Western Front, by Giulio Meotti ] [ Biden is at the terminus woke (he calls the Latinos, Latinx), the scientists against "transgender indoctrination in children",

the dissidents of the single thought purged from the university, the professors expelled if they criticize Islam or the lgbtqia, the clean slate of the Classics

(and even Voltaire's)..

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

34 minutes ago

to hear Western slanders against Putin? it's really painful!


if you are intellectually honest? Putin won't hurt you.but, if you Israel, are you afraid? it is only because you Lapid Imam 666 Spa & Co Rothschild enpire NWO too are a Sodoma Freemason of criminal slanderer!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

In Iran, Putin gets strong support; Israelis concerned

39 minutes ago

against the fake Israel antisionist & little satan] [In Iran, Putin gets strong support; Worried Israelis


if you are a helpful person, and intellectually honest?

Putin won't hurt you.

if you Israel, are you afraid? it is only because you Lapid Imam too are a Rothschild Freemason of criminal slanderer!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11 hours ago

rightly Russian President Vladimir Putin gained staunch support from Iran on Tuesday for his country's military campaign in Ukraine, with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei saying the West opposes an "independent and strong" Russia.

Khamenei said that if Russia did not send troops to Ukraine, it would face a NATO attack later,


did not quote:

1. the CIA coup with Chechen snipers;

2. Odessa pogroms

3. 8 years of pogroms in Donbass

4. Kiev deliberately shooting down an airliner;

5. the EU boycotted Merkel CIA and the Minsk agreements made to fail


there is no doubt

OTAN 666 NATO militarily assaulted Russia in Ukraine

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

J Street's #MeToo problem - opinion

2 hours ago

Just because it's been eight years since the start of this bad episode doesn't mean J Street should be left off the hook. I know it's not easy to publicly admit when you've made a mistake. But that's what a mensch would do. Because it's never too late to get cleaned. It is never too late to admit you were wrong.


whoever does violence to a woman, he is above all a fool,

that's why I walk with my eyes down, why 30% of women? they would give it to me for free!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Left-wing Israeli NGOs violate transparency laws: watchdog group

2 hours ago

"Unfortunately, it shows how NGOs that receive foreign government funding will not be disciplined or sanctioned."


here, in Israel we need the King lorenzoJHWH

because the government is occupied by dangerous anti-Zionist traitors

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Victim of terror stabbing valiantly 'fought for his life,' punched terrorist in…

2 hours ago

Victim of terror stabbed valiantly 'he fought for his life', punched terrorist in the face


Erdogan said: "What an impudent impudence! Why did that dog of an infidel oppose ISLAM?"

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Dems kill bills to stop taxpayer funds from reaching Iran

2 hours ago

Congressional Democrats killed off a handful of measures that would have prevented the Biden administration from providing US taxpayer funds to the hardline Iranian regime and increased economic sanctions on the country.


the DEMs said: "good! have you enriched uranium to make atomic bombs? ok, you deserve a prize!"

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Legal coalition urges ICC to prosecute Abbas over torture of Palestinians

3 hours ago

Legal coalition urges the ICC to prosecute Abbas for torturing Palestinians


UN OTAN Spa & Co Rockefeller EU UK UMMA OCI said:

1. it is right to disgust the "unfaithful Kafirs" because they are impure;

2. it is right to exploit the "dhimmis slaves" to death;

3. It is impossible to kill MURTIDI because they are takfiri Shiite blasphemous apostates.

4. the CIA said "it is right to block intermittently the letter" z "to lorenzoJHWH Unius REI to test his meekness.

and I say, instead, that on the ARAB LEAGUE you have to throw the gasoline and burn them all alive

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

3 hours ago

Legal coalition urges the ICC to prosecute Abbas for torturing Palestinians


the children of the devil Allah (replacement theology)

the sons of the devil Sodom (they appropriate the term "love" while it is only a sterile delegging and deresponsibilizing lust of mutual interest)

the sons of the devil Satan Rockefeller: they have settled in the Vatican and in the Synagogues and continue to steal the bank seigniorage, which is high constitutional treason

and in general they appropriated Christian Jewish symbols:

where the PD Masons DEM: the democratic parties live in the "Nazarene"

while they are trampling on Jesus of Nazareth every day

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Biden will give 'more than $100 billion to Iran,' Haley says

6 hours ago

Biden is a senile idiot and has claimed himself, that he would have stolen the election from TRUMP: so google has shut down my 110 blogspots for documenting this criminal claim by Biden!

JANUARY 6, YAIR LAPID AND THE JUNTA Masonic Luciferian Sharia Jihad EMERGING GLOBAL Spa & Co FED NWO: world war for many slanders against Russia and China,

With onlookers watching across the globe, President Trump's demonstration at the Capitol Mall

to protest what appeared to be widespread election fraud morphed into a march on the capital,

which morphed into what Democrats and MSMs have. termed an "insurrection". https://www.israelunwired.Com/jan-6th-yair-lapid-and-the-emerging-global-junta

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

Biden is a senile lunatic and will give "more than $ 100 billion to Iran," says Haley

but the super satanist Rockefeller behind him?

he is working well to destroy Israel

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 150 comments

Israeli journalist visits Mecca, draws fury over 'insult' to Muslims

6 hours ago

Muslims are burning and demolishing churches all over the world, as well as in Europe with impunity!

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

judaism does not support lgbtqia agenda

Despite what some progressive Jews are trying to peddle today about rabbis talking about transgenderism in the Torah, that's not true. The Torah does not support the dangerous and evil transgender agenda. We must love every man, no matter how they identify, but we cannot give any legitimacy to this horrible gender fluidity agenda, which destroys the lives of so many people today.


1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

WATCH: Biden's trip 'insulting and humiliating for Israel'

12 hours ago



On 14 July 2022 Arutz 7 reported that "As part of a package of" goodwill gestures "that Israel

is planning to do to the Palestinian Authority before the state visit of the president of the United States, the Israeli government

announced that it will approve six masterplans for Palestinian Arab settlements in Area C of Judea and Samaria, plans that the Regavim movement says will cut

the Jewish communities.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

12 hours ago



Meanwhile Regavim's Meir Deutch said the following about the government's plan to cut Gush Etzion out

of Jerusalem:


"This is a catastrophe that must be averted - immediately. Saar, Shaked, Kahana, Elkin, Hendel, Orbach -

you were elected with right-wing votes because you promised to protect the Jewish settlement enterprise.

You handed Yair Lapid the her seat in the Prime Minister's office, and she is the reason Benny Gantz

is Minister of Defense. It is your responsibility to stop this insane plan to whitewash thousands

of illegal structures that will cut the Jewish settlement blocs from Jerusalem and give the criminal a residency. Palestinian acquisition of Area C.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

12 hours ago

US President Joe Biden's words during his recent trip to the region would have been offensive to any Israeli prime minister - whether right, left or center - explains former Ambassador David Friedman.

Joe Biden becomes more outwardly senile by the day and administration officials

and congressional leaders more interested in pushing their awake agenda, the enemies of Israel,

America and Western peoples and civilization: from DEM sodom to lgbt satan to allah sharia genocide and relativism and nihilistic hedonism for the total destruction of future generations, seem to have the upper hand.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

12 hours ago

righteousness and morality for true Christianity and true Judaism! There is a growing feeling in America and around the world that the United States is facing its most dangerous time since the rise of Hitler

and the attack on Pearl Harbor.

More importantly, American culture has become a hollow shell of its former self. The younger generations

are addicted to social media and pop culture. They are uninformed and uneducated, focusing on gender identification and social justice causes. With all of this in mind, it's easy to see why America's enemies

are poised to overcome it. All societies fall due to internal moral decay and corruption rather than the strength

of war itself. In the case of America, its leadership and society may have already peaked a long time ago

and that of today is witnessing its peak. If America is to survive and rally in the face of the coming storm,

she must recognize that she must be a nation of righteousness and morality. Otherwise, you risk losing everything.

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

WATCH: Israeli consumers impacted as shekel weakens

19 hours ago

the Islamists supported by the ARAB LEAGUE and the FED Spa & Co DEM Deep State USA EU

win on all fronts, not even Israel has the autonomy and the possibility of legitimate defense!

According to the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors, the toll of inter-community clashes

in Sudan is 23 dead.

At least 23 people have been killed and 84 injured in recent days in clashes between Hausa and Berta tribes in Sudan's Blue Nile state, bordering Ethiopia, according to Sudan's Central Medical Committee. Opposition to the ruling military junta, the Forces for Freedom and Change, accused the army

of encouraging the Hausa to establish a lordship in the territory that historically belongs to the Hamaj, members of the Berta tribe.

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

An Italian parish comes to the aid of Armenian children [[the wickedness and satanism of the OTAN Ottomans]]

In Karabakh gutted by the Turkish-Azerbaijani jihad there is a school wanted by Antonia Arslan and my friends from Quercegrossa have made a great fundraiser for the Armenians,

this small Christian people who have had more mountains than friends,

always tortured and always survived , despite everything and everyone, as sentinels of European civilization..

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

WARNING (Graphic): Fleeing from Islamists, Bitrus Was Shot

and Burned


Last January, there was an attack on a village in Plateau State, Nigeria, leaving 18 people dead. We recently had

the opportunity to sit down with one of the brave survivors of this attack, Bitrus.

During the incident, he was fleeing the village

on his motorcycle di lui when the Fulani militants began shooting at him. One of the bullets struck the gas tank, leading Bitrus

to crash on the exploding motorcycle.

Thanks to your support, we were able to provide Bitrus

with the medical care he needed to get back on his feet di lui. As the motorcycle was also necessary for his job, we also provided

him with a new one so that he could continue earning a living.

Thank you for your continued support of believers like Bitrus as they recover from unimaginable acts of violence.

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

All around the world, our brothers and sisters sit in prison because they refused to back down when threatened for their faith in Xst a fellow believer can make a real, tangible difference to someone incarcerated for his or her faith.

Even if they do not or cannot read the words you write, the simple fact that someone on the other side

of the world took the time to write them a letter can make a real difference.

Please consider joining us in writing letters to believers who are isolated in prison for the sake of the gospel in Nigeria, China, Iran, and more.

To help you get started, we have created a digital packet that contains everything you need to write your own letters and even organize a small letter-writing event. The packet is complete with profiles of prisoners,

basic guidelines, and even a few sample letters.

Thank you for your continued care for our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

and no one has yet put the Italian state in jail ] [ Thirty years have passed since the Via D'Amelio massacre. Palermo was shocked by another explosion, a few weeks after the Capaci massacre in which Giovanni Falcone, Francesca Morvillo and the escort had died: Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro, Vito Schifani.

The tears of May 23 were still hot, when on July 19 1992 the violence of the mafia took away Paolo Borsellino and his "guardian angels": Agostino Catalano, Walter Eddie Cosina, Vincenzo Li Muli, Emanuela Loi, Claudio Traina.


and no one has yet put the Italian state in jail

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

Verano Brianza, 29, pees in the parking lot at 4 in the morning: fine of 5 thousand euros


if in Italy you rape a child, or do an armed robbery?

you can be much luckier

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

the most corrupt men and the scum are in power in almost every country in the world, where the rockefeller freemasonry is active!


In May Macron proposed the creation of a "European political community" as a space for cooperation in various fields in which states such as Ukraine could participate (it is a universal crime), which share the values of the European Union (EU) are l Freemason antichrist. "So far they have announced the 'European political community', initiated by French President Macron, where there will be no particular financial or economic benefits, but there will be requests for full solidarity with the EU for its anti-Russian actions. of the principle "either this or that", but of the principle "whoever is not with us is against us" ", declared Lavrov in an interview with the newspaper" Izvestia ".

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

NATO, Stoltenberg "Terrorism among the main security threats"


EU USA OTAN Rothschild have created with OCI Riyad UMMA

the triumph of the antichrist

The Antichrist was born in Egypt, in 1970 he is the son of a nun and a bishop, he is already in the palaces.

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

Ukraine, Borrell: "Unblocking ports is a matter of life or death"


EU US OTAN Rothschild carried out CIA coup Maidan Kiev, slandered, killed, Odessa and Donbass pogroms

and conspiracies from 2010 to 2014 to 2022

and today they play the part of the maidens

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

Turkey will not ratify NATO membership if Finland and Sweden do not keep commitments


if the Turks don't do some genocide every now and then, how could the Ottoman empire resurrect?

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

WATCH: Israeli consumers impacted as shekel weakens

20 hours ago

Israeli consumers affected by the weakening of the ANSWER shekel

they persecuted and slandered Netanajhu and this inflation is the indicator of the disaster

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

IDOL WORSHIP? Netanyahu medallion draws controversy

20 hours ago

Chronicles of ordinary madness from the western front

by Giulio Meotti, When even the churches no longer know what a "woman" is, while 360 million Christians in the world live under deadly Islamic persecution,

but in the West when they are built

"genderless schools", when a minister in France is denounced for inciting hatred for opposing gay marriage,

when there is a new cultural censorship and the crimes of Islamic terrorism are hidden, a civilization has not only lost its instinct for survival, but perhaps also the right to respect..

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

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The Igbo nation whose origin has been traced back to the Jews has been in bondage since the merger

of Nigeria in 1914. They have been marginalized, enslaved and killed in large numbers without a just cause, but simply because they are Christians. They were the victims of the Nigerian civil war. The Nigerian civil war took place between the government of Nigeria led by General Yakubu Gowon and

the secessionist state of Biafra, led by Lieutenant Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu from 6 July 1967 to 15 January 1970. The Biafra represented the nationalist aspirations of the Igbo people, whose leadership

felt it could no longer coexist with the north-dominated federal government. The conflict is the result of political, economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions that have led to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people

of Igbos. The origin of the Igbo can be traced back to Israel. Eri was the ancestral father of the Igbo


is also the fifth son of Gad, the seventh son of Jacob (Genesis 46: 15-18, Numbers 26: 16-18). Many communities in the Igbo land derive their names from this ancestral father. Believing the Igbo to be one

of the lost tribes of Israel sounds ridila tua vergognaus to some people, but based on factual evidence,

one might stop

to consider the veracity of this claim. In addition to the story of how the Igbo were born, there are other similarities between them and the biblical Israelites. For example, they also celebrate the new moon, circumcision on the eighth day, mourning for the dead for seven days, and many more. The Igbo's first attempt to leave met with stiff resistance from the Nigerian government. Some Igbo believe that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu - the leader of the Indigenous of Biafra (IPOB) - is the Moses of the Igbo of this generation. They claim that God sent him to tell the current Pharaoh of Nigeria "let my people go". At a meeting

in the state of Abia in January 2021, leaders in the south-east unanimously expressed dismay


the Igbos region had been continuously denied the presidency. They said there was no better time

to actualize the Igbo presidency of 2023. The ruling party - the All Progressive Congress - plans to hold

the presidential primary soon and everyone knows where the presidential standard-bearer will come from. Christians are disgusted by what is happening in Nigeria and are demanding fairness and justice. Some say that Nigeria, as a nation, is a marriage of many strange bedfellows who have been forcibly married

by colonial masters in the hope that unity in diversity may one day be achieved. Unfortunately,

this "marriage" has collapsed due to opposition from those who think they are born to rule while others

are born to be enslaved. https://www.christianpost.Com/voices/why-christians-need-to-know-and-pray-for-the-igbos-in-nigeria.html

We have received your request for review

20 hours ago

The Media and Minors Committee sanctioned RAI for broadcasting "scenes of unprecedented violence (...) without the adoption of appropriate reinforced measures" on 7 January.

Pro Vita & Famiglia had launched and delivered to the Guarantee Committee a popular petition signed by more than 23,000 citizens (yes, signing is needed).

Here is the moment of delivery of the signatures to the Media and Minors Committee in Rome [click here]

This is the Full Moon episode of the TV series 9-1-1 broadcast on Rai 2 on January 7 at 19:40 (close to the protected area for minors), during which these obscenities were seen:

1. a naked psychopath covered in blood shot down by the police while devouring a man

2. a group of pregnant women (one via a rented uterus) suddenly give birth while in the gym

3. a woman morbidly entertains in bed with another woman before cheating on her with her lover

4. the partner of a gay couple writhes painfully while a policeman extracts ((from the a nnn uuu us))) a long worm..

The public service of RAI, paid with the mandatory fee by all citizens, is increasingly poor.

This case is just the tip of the iceberg.

RAI is increasingly a vehicle of transgender and abortionist ideology.

I'll tell you a short anecdote.

I spent two minutes on a new Rai 3 evening program.

There was talk of abortion, in the wake of the revolutionary pro-life sentence of the US Supreme Court.

They broadcast a pure propaganda service against the right to conscientious objection of Italian doctors.

The guests present in the studio - all of them - sided in favor of abortion, attacking "Catholic culture".

My and your pro-life opinion was not represented in the slightest.

Don't we pay the fee too..?

The next day I sent a report to the RAI Parliamentary Supervisory Commission to denounce this incorrectness.

I could not keep silent, even to represent you.

RAI seems more and more a regime television. We must increase the control, the pressure and the denunciations of its ideological drift. https://support.provitaefamiglia.It/index.php?id=65cd64c3-f1e5-d24b-9874-60ad09c1afc7

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

Allah is a mad devil

Armed men kidnap 2 priests, 2 boys from the Catholic Church in Nigeria: "Pray for their safety and their release"

Islamic State kills 20 Nigerian Christians as revenge for the US airstrike


Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

the eternal anti-Zionism of the Talmud and the self-destructive and nihilistic relativism ] [The Green Taliban against Western art

by Giulio Meotti. Climate activists break into London galleries. Imbeciles sticking to Van Gogh's paintings and a copy of Leonardo's Last Supper. A philosopher of the Sorbonne: "They learned from the new Göring that they erase Western culture", that they censor the paintings of the Impressionists because they are "sexist", that they eliminate the art history courses because they are "Eurocentric and white", that they rewrite the works of Rossini and Verdi to "not offend" or that in universities they erect statues of Greta Thunberg..

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

netanjahu will go to hell because a Freemason

and why Moses' Judaism cannot protect him from this apostasy

all other things are stupid!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Financial giant Morningstar relies on research from anti-Israel orgs

21 hours ago

Sodom Gomorrah Satan and Allah and all the demons of hell: the party aienda of Rockefeller Soros live among the DEMs, the demonic anti-Zionists! Judge blocks Biden admin.'s LGBT discrimination directives for schools in 20 states Miguel Cardona speaks after President-Elect Joe Biden announced him

as his nominee for Education Secretary at the Queen theater on December 23, 2020, in Wilmington, Delaware. A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Biden administration from enforcing new guidance expanding the definition of se* discrimination to include se*ual orientation and gender identity,

allowing 20 states to enforce policies requiring trans-identified athletes to compete in accordance with their biological se*

Judge Charles Atchley of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee issued an order

in the case of The State of Tennessee v. United States Department of Education Friday.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

21 hours ago

The Trump appointee's ruling grants the request of 20 states to issue a preliminary injunction preventing

the enforcement of guidelines drafted by federal government agencies as litigation continues. The state

of Tennessee and 19 other states filed the lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education, Secretary

of Education Miguel Cardona, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC Chair Charlotte Burrows, the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke. Tennessee joined Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas,


Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma,

South Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia in suing the federal agencies and officials. The guidance in question expands the definition of discrimination based on se* to include se*ual orientation

and gender identity. At issue in the lawsuit was a letter to educators announcing the expanded definition

of se* discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. https://www.christianpost.Com/news/judge-blocks-bidens-lgbt-discrimination-directives-in-20-states.html

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

21 hours ago

Sodom Gomorrah Satan and Allah and all the demons of hell: the party aienda of Rockefeller Soros live among the DEMs, the demonic anti-Zionists!

An accompanying fact sheet provides examples of actions that the Department

of Education would consider discrimination based on se*ual orientation and gender identity

A technical assistance document compiled by the E E O C outlines

"Protections Against Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity." https://www.christianpost.Com/news/judge-blocks-bidens-lgbt-discrimination-directives-in-20-states.html

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

21 hours ago



Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

'It takes a woman': Haley vows next president will 'shred nuke deal on 1st day…

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Dear Christian conservative men: Please stop s cr ew*ing up the t r a*ns issue Tra*sg*nderLGBT activists and their supporters rally in support of t r an s g*nder people on the steps of New York City Hall, October 24, 2018 in New York City. In 2015, I was fired from my job of 17 years

when I refused to draft a policy allowing grown men and their g e*n ita*lia to sh ow er in the Y M C A girls’ locker rooms

while little girls got ready for s w i m class.

2 minutes ago edited

4 minutes ago edited

6 minutes ago edited

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

At the time, transgenderism was not yet a Tumblr trend,

and virtually

no one was talking about “gender identity” in any meaningful way. I remember being dumbfounded

as a Christian, as a mother, and, especially as a rape survivor, about the implications of such

an absurdly misogynistic public policy, and I was even more dismayed to discover that literally none


the professing Christian men in my upline at the Y would take a stand alongside me. One of the most startling discoveries

I made in my brief stint in activism has been how very low a priority this particular issue is

to many men who call themselves Christians or conservatives.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



A few friends and I ran a statewide

initiative to repeal Washington state’s gender inclusive locker room policies. One of our volunteers called

no fewer than 400 churches to solicit their help. Only seven said yes. Even after we told


that men were raping women in women’s prisons and shelters,

that men were stealing women’s hard-fought athletic opportunities, and that children were being sterilized in the name of inclusivity. While there were

a number of bold, enthusiastic men who rose to help, if we are speaking in generalities,

the truth remains

that, as a whole, men did not experience or embody the threat of the trans agenda the same way women did.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



https://www.christianpost.Com/voices/dear-christian-conservative-men-stop-screwing-up-the-trans-issue.html It was largely women who stepped up to the plate to fight. They did so without fanfare

and at great personal cost. And the women who impressed me the most in this capacity were women


had the most to lose – the radical feminists. It’s one thing to speak an unpopular truth into a crowd of people who support your position. It’s another thing entirely to stand up against your own tribe. But that’s what so many radical feminists and other women’s rights campaigners have done for nearly a decade

now – women like Natasha Chart, Kellie Jay Keen-Minshull, MaryLou Singleton, Miriam Ben-Shalom, Caroline Farrow, Kara Dansky, Thistle Pettersen, Jennifer Bilek, Beth Stelzer, Magdalen Berns, Meghan Murphy, Julia Beck,Birdy Rose and a ton of other brilliantly brave souls who risked everything, not to make

a name or a career for themselves, but because it was the right thing to do. They’ve been canceled. They’ve been fired. They’ve been stalked and harassed. They’ve been investigated by police for the content of their tweets. They’ve lost their ability to be published. They’ve had their business licenses threatened. They’ve had activists show up outside their homes to threaten them.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri





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for EU and USA demoniac and possessed DEM esoteric agenda Darwin Rothschild: Christians who pray are criminals, UK police drop charges against 76-year-old arrested for praying outside abortion clinic

Religious freedom advocates are celebrating a United Kingdom police department dropping charges against an elderly British woman arrested, detained and fined for engaging in silent prayer outside

an abortion clinic ADF UK, a chapter of the religious liberty legal nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom, announced in a statement Monday that Merseyside Police Department dropped the charges against 76-year-old Rosa Lalor for silently praying outside an abortion clinic during the coronavirus pandemic

in February 2021. The fine levied against Lalor has also been dropped. Lalor's legal troubles began

on Feb. 24, 2021, when a law enforcement officer inquired why she was outdoors during the lockdowns implemented to contain the coronavirus. When she responded that she was "walking and praying,"

the officer told her she did not have a "reasonable" excuse to be doing so because she was not

at a church.

A case summary compiled by ADF notes that "during the lockdown in 2021, Rosa was always careful

to follow the rules." Specifically, "she took a walk most days, as lei was permitted, and even wore a mask, which lei wasn't required, in order to take extra precautions." "I'm delighted that the prosecution has finally dropped this charge after a long and exhausting battle for justice," Lalor said in a statement. "I took this challenge forward with support from ADF UK to show that we do all have a fundamental right to pray

- not least pray as I did, in the privacy of my own mind." "It was wrong for the police officer to tell me


I could not pray in a public street," she added. "It's important for officers to respect basic religious freedom,

and improve their understanding of how that right manifests, in order to maintain a truly tolerant society." ADF UK argued that Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights gives Lalor the right to pray outside the abortion clinic. https://www.christianpost.Com/news/uk-police-clear-woman-charged-for-praying-outside-abortion-clinic.html Article 9 declares: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom,

either alone

or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief , in worship, teaching, practice and observance. " Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK who worked on Lalor's case, said it is "deeply regrettable that this law-abiding woman was subjected to distressing, drawn-out criminal proceedings in the first place, no doubt due to her pro-life stance her." "This follows a worrying trend

in law enforcement where individuals are routinely arrested because their views are considered

to be controversial or offensive," he said in a statement.

We have received your request for review

the sodom satan of the Rockefeller talmud set out to destroy biblical Christians and Jews! As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention in early July and my worst fears were confirmed. Public schools are no longer a safe place for families who hold traditional values or for families who believe that gender (as in the male / female binary) is biologically determined. It was also evident that the teachers' union is a lobbying arm of the Democratic Party. The NEA seems to think that there are many gender options, which is why teachers and students must always address themselves with their "favorite" pronouns. He thinks this pronoun practice is essential and will create a more inclusive society.

https://www.christianpost.Com/voices/preferred-pronouns-what-i-saw-at-teachers-union-convention.html articles&utm_source=spotim&utm_medium=spotim_recirculation&spot_im_redirect_source=pitc

This was demonstrated firsthand when every state delegate who spoke at the three-day convention July 4-6 was encouraged to state their name and "preferred" pronouns before addressing the assembly. The pronouns I heard were he, she, them - and hexadecimal. One delegate even announced that "they" had

a uterus before addressing the assembly, apparently because it was something we all needed to know.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

'It takes a woman': Haley vows next president will 'shred nuke deal on 1st day…

(ISLAM has the brain of a mouse and the heart of a devil)

Egyptian authorities seize a centuries-old monastery for unpaid taxes

Egypt releases Coptic Christian activist after 2 years of pre-trial detention https://www.christianpost.Com/news/egypt-releases-coptic-christian-activist-after-2-years.html

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

(ISLAM has the brain of a mouse and the heart of a devil) They are now on trial for the murders

of three Christian brothers, one of whom had six children. Some sources reported that the mutilation of corpses suggested that the violence was linked to religious identity and mirrored the killings

of the Islamic State. Copts, who make up about 10% of the Egyptian population, are the descendants of a long line of ancient Egyptians who later converted to Christianity in the early

first century, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

According to the Christian persecution control group Open Doors USA, Egypt is among the 20 worst persecutors of Christians in the world. Incidents of Christian persecution in Egypt range

from Christian women being harassed while walking down the street to Christian communities driven out of their homes by extremist crowds, the group says on its website. Christians are typically treated as second-class citizens, and the Minya Governorate area is known for having

the highest number of attacks on believers. The Egyptian government speaks positively

of the Egyptian Christian community, but the lack of serious law enforcement and the reluctance

of local authorities to protect Christians make them vulnerable to all kinds of attacks, especially

in Upper Egypt, he explains. "Due to the dictatorial nature of the regime, neither the leaders

of the Church nor other Christians are able to speak out against these practices." Christian churches

and NGOs are limited in their ability to build new churches or run social services, she adds.

"The difficulties come from both state restrictions and community hostility and mob violence." https://www.christianpost.Com/news/coptic-christian-brothers-murdered-bodies-mutilated.html

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Coptic Christian brothers murdered, bodies mutilated in "revenge killings" in over 7 decades of dispute (ISLAM has the brain of a mouse and the heart of a devil) Christians participate in Sunday service in

the church of the Virgin Mary in the diocese of Samalout in the village of Al-Our in Minya governorate south

of Cairo on May 3, 2015. Copts have long complained about discrimination under successive Egyptian leaders, and Sisi's actions suggested that he would keep his promises to be an inclusive president

who could unite the country after years of political turmoil. However, hitting extremists abroad may

prove easier than keeping radicals in check at home. The Orthodox Copts, the largest Christian community in the Middle East, are proof of Sisi's commitment to tolerance, a theme he often stresses in calling

for an ideological assault on Islamic militants who threaten Egypt's security.

Six Muslims in the Egyptian governorate of Minya shot three Coptic Christian brothers, danced as they killed them and mutilated their bodies, claiming they were avenging the death of their own family member 70 years ago, according to a report. The attackers from Jaweer village killed the three brothers

- identified as Youssef Youssef Youssef, Afifi Youssef Youssef and Bushra Youssef Youssef

- while they were working on an agricultural field in the village of Ibshadat in Mallawi district on March 1, the US-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern. Muslims shot them and then severed and mutilated their bodies, dancing as they committed their crime, the ICC said, adding that the village of Jaweer they

came from also celebrated with musical instruments when they heard the news. When the attackers returned to their village saying "Allahu Akbar" or "Allah is greater", they were captured and arrested

by the police. They later confessed their crimes and even demonstrated how they killed their Christian brothers.

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Crowds attack Christian homes, businesses after church legal recognition, Egypt Coptic church bombing.. Outraged by formal legal recognition of a church in Egypt, Muslims in large

crowds attacked and damaged homes, shops and vehicles of many Coptic Christians in the area, according to a persecution watchdog. The US-based group, International Christian Concern, reported this week that Muslim crowds have vandalized the properties of Christians surrounding

the Archangel Michael Church. In the June 23 violence, Muslim mobs threw stones through

house windows and set buildings and vehicles on fire despite the presence of security personnel deployed in the area to protect the church, the ICC said. Local Christians have been waiting

for legal approval for the church, originally built in 2003. "Throughout the process, Muslims in the

area have rejected the legitimacy of the new church, claiming that building or renovating

a church contradicts Islamic law. The Conditions of Omar, which is thought to have been written

by Caliph Omar I, is an Islamic text they refer to. The text dictates that no church should ever

be built or repaired and that Christians must be content with only pre-existing churches ", the

ICC said. The Committee for the Legalization of Unlicensed Churches, formed in January 2017 by ministers

of justice, parliamentary affairs, local development and housing, as well as representatives of local authorities and Christian communities, has legalized more than 1,600 churches in the country

by a majority Muslim. However, opposition to churches by local Muslims remains. Copts, who make up about 10% of the Egyptian population, are the descendants of a long line of ancient Egyptians

who later converted to Christianity in the early first century, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

this is how the devil Allah UMMA OCI Riyadh has enjoyed sharia genocide for 1400 years. According to the persecution control group Open Doors USA, Egypt is among the 20 worst persecutors of Christians in the world. Incidents of Christian persecution in Egypt range from Christian women who are harassed while walking down the street to Christian communities driven out of their homes by extremist crowds, the group says on its website, adding that Christians are typically treated as second-class citizens. The Egyptian government speaks positively of the Egyptian Christian community. However, the lack of serious law enforcement and the reluctance of local authorities to protect Christians make them vulnerable to all kinds of attacks, especially in Upper Egypt, he explains. "Due to the dictatorial nature of the regime, neither the leaders of the Church nor other Christians are able to speak out against these practices." Christian churches and NGOs are limited in their ability to build new churches or run social services, he adds. "The difficulties come from both state restrictions and community hostility and mob violence." https://www.christianpost.Com/world/mobs-attack-christian-homes-after-churchs-legal-recognition.html?clickType=link-more-in-section

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

this is how the devil Allah has enjoyed sharia for 1400 years. UN US EU Russia India China] this is already a legally valid declaration of war, push the whole ARAB LEAGUE to hell, for christian in all Arab League

it is dispar position [ In a separate incident that same month, radical Islamic militants affiliated with Islamic pastors Fulani or the West African province of Islamic State killed at least eight Christians, including children under the age of 5, and wounded many others in an attack in the country. state of Borno. Also last month, the Islamic State terrorist group released a video showing the execution of about 20 Christian civilians in Borno State in revenge for the killing of their leader in Syria by US special forces

in February. The video, released by an ISIS-linked media outlet, showed a masked militant executing a Christian civilian while saying it was revenge for the killing of their leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi,

an Iraqi Islamic terrorist and the second "caliph" of the Islamic State. Open Doors USA, which monitors persecution in over 60 countries, previously reported that at least

4,650 Christians were killed between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021.

This is an increase from the previous year's 3,530. In addition, more than 2,500 Christians were kidnapped, up from 990 the previous year. https://www.christianpost.Com/news/terrorists-kill-two-catholic-priests-in-nigeria.html?clickType=link-related-articles

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

UN US EU Russia India China] this is already a legally valid declaration of war, push the whole ARAB LEAGUE to hell, for christian in all Arab League it is dispar position [ As Nigeria gears up for its presidential election amid relentless violence, one of the country's largest Christian denominations has warned of a "deep and irredeemable crisis" if candidates' religion or region is given more importance than values. constitutional principles of religious tolerance.

"Given Nigeria's pluralistic configuration, we have seen a deliberate effort since independence to preserve the country's peace and unity by ensuring that the presidency is balanced in terms of religion and region," Reverend Stephen Baba Panya noted in a statement. , president of the Winning All denomination of the Evangelical Church, according to the Nigerian newspaper Daily Post.


1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

UN US EU Russia India China] this is already a legally valid declaration of war, push the whole ARAB LEAGUE to hell [ Leah Sharibu held captive for over 1,500 days in Nigeria, but family supporters have not given up hope

Over 50 dead in a "vile and satanic" attack on the Nigerian church on Pentecost Sunday


when did Christians attempt an armed defense from the Fulani boko haram? the Nigerian army OCI UMMA bombed them with planes

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

UN US EU Russia India China] this is already a legally valid declaration of war, push the whole ARAB LEAGUE to hell [A few weeks after an attack on a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria

on Pentecost Sunday left dozens dead and many more injured, the bishop of the diocese is urging

the international community to speak up against the killing of Christians in his country.

Bishop Jude Arogundade of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ondo spoke to The Christian Post

on the sidelines of the international summit on religious freedom held in Washington, DC, late last month.

He discussed the June 5 bomb and gun attack in the Catholic church of St. Francis Xavier in Owo.

About 40 people were killed, with some reports suggesting up to 80 were injured.

Arogundade hopes his presence at the annual conference "puts out there for the whole world to see"

what happened to his diocese and what is happening in other parts of Nigeria.

He said that on Pentecost Sunday "some terrorists came to the church

of San Francesco and opened fire

on the faithful". The massacre "left the entire community destroyed"

and "the entire diocese in fragments," said the bishop.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

UN US EU Russia India China] [the little devil Allah said to the little satan: "death"


and this is already a legally valid declaration of war !!

push the whole ARAB LEAGUE to hell

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Lapid reopens Israeli-Palestinian economic committee

Lapid reopens the Israeli-Palestinian Economic Committee


you cannot enter into a relationship with ISLAM which for 80 years has sworn to destroy you

you cannot enter into a relationship with any sharia

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Clock ticking on Iran - what constitutes a ‘last resort’?

Sen. Warren doubles down on calls for pro-life pregnancy centers to be shut down

Curated for you byCP Editors

Good afternoon! It's Monday, July 18, and today's headlines include Sen. Elizabeth Warren's

continued calls for pro-life pregnancy centers to be shut down,

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Who previously called for a crackdown on pregnancy centers

, has now called for all such crisis pregnancy centers in the nation to be shut down

because they

"fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help" and outnumber "true abortion clinics."

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., Responded to Warren's comments on Twitter, asking, "What does


left have against those working to support mother and child?"

The Reason's Liz Wolfe also condemned Warren's comments, writing, "[

sitting U.S. senator

trying to shut down charitable organizations, like crisis pregnancy centers, for no violation of laws

but rather due to the fact that they further the pro-life cause, would be quite blatantly unconstitutional. "

Warren's statements of her as such centers have faced increasing acts of vandalism and violence

by pro-abortion activists in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The Charlotte Lozier Institute

reports that, as of 2019,

as many as 2,132 pregnancy centers performed 486,213 free ultrasounds and 731,884 free pregnancy tests; offered 967,251 free consultations to new clients; among other services. Read more.https://www.christianpost.Com/news/senator-elizabeth-warren-wants-pro-life-pregnancy-centers-closed.html

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

Senior EU official subtly punishing Israel for Abu Akleh killing

Detected as spam

"The war in Ukraine planned for over a decade by the CIA and the speculative international finance of the rockefellers and the absurd slander of the EU sodom satan masons, can only end in one way for Europe and Russia: ending in a mutual civilization suicide "

when dogmatic Islam: non-rational, without reprocity, demanded legitimacy for all its millenary terrorism and genocide it the beast of Allah crystallized the criminal Isilamist minds to the perverse and pre-medieval predatory thought of that murderer of Mohammed.

The Mostar bridge rebuilt after the Balkan wars and which still today divides the Bosnian Muslim from the Croatian Christian part of the city.

but there is no Islamic friendship with the rest of the human race: because sharia law is incompatible:

1. with loyalty e

2. with freedom of conscience and also

3. with freedom of religion,

Newsletter interview with an Israeli journalist who fled the Soviet Union in 1988. "My grandfather spent years in a Gulag and today I see Russia and Europe imploding in favor of two empires: Beijing and the Caliphate. Terrible scenarios open up. We will survive. between the Scylla of globalism and the Charybdis of Islam and China? The West exists in a virtual and imaginary world of the horrors of global warming, countless genders, militant feminists, minorities suffering endlessly, in a world of politically correct and multiculturalism. It has lost the instinct of self-preservation… ".


we will never see a Muslim recognize the horrors of sharia Islam

so we will never see a Jew recognize the horrors of Rockefeller Spa & Co world wear and the satanism of the supreme Sanedrin

because those are your demon-possessed termite communities!

We have received your request for review

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

we have a 2000 year old Catholic church, which allowed the survival of the Jews, in fact, the first Vatican Council

he totally excommunicated Pachamama's Second Vatican Council: and viveversa there is no longer a natural continuity with the true Catholic Church.

why, the attempt of the inquisition of 1600, to prevent the Jewish Masons MARRANI from infiltrating the Vatican?

with Bergoglio (the forerunner of the antichrist) according to Bildenberg it was an Obama operation that was successful!

so today, we have Rothschild's anti-pope, while the real Pope Benedict XVI has been dismissed:

and the Luciferian demonic Jewish-Masonic replacement of all the Catholic clergy has been successful: we have a neo-Aryan apostate hierarchy.

that's why we will soon have world war because Zionism was trampled by the Rothschild Soros etc. and the life of the Israelis, today is worth less than that of excrement,

so much so that they can no longer even defend themselves from the Palestinians

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Sign of growing ties: Putin visits Tehran, meeting with Erdogan on agenda

slander and kill Russia is talmud Koran agenda!

becouse China and Russia are new christians

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan


the goal of the plutocratic Jews Spa & Co. FED EBN FMI BM NWO in previous world wars

was to win the war, but not the easy way:

in the hope of obtaining the greatest number of deaths and destruction: so that their devitalizing parasitic monetary system could obtain the best results (activate a new monetary cycle)

but currently, they have no hope of winning the war: therefore they will destroy all life forms present on the surface of this planet with atomic weapons!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Road terror: Palestinians use lasers to blind Israeli drivers

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Palestinians seeking to get Jewish drivers off the road and cause traffic accidents have added a new weapon to their arsenals: lasers.


but if a Jew cannot live peacefully in his homeland: where else should he go, outside the crematoria of Bin ISIS Hitler Salman jihad: galaxy?

1. perhaps it would find his place among the Turkish genocides of the Armenians?

2. maybe he could occupy one of those 50 Christian nations that suffered the sharia genocode?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

if there were democracy we would have monetary sovereignty

if there was democracy we would have we would have free speech on the internet.

and instead lgbtquia A.I. Algorithm filters, html-code red dots check everything about you on the internet

because we have the devil crazia Rockefeller Spa&Co. Rothschild DEM deep State Cia government worldwide UMMA mecca caaba Riyad

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

the a.i. learned to recognize the "0" for the "o"

so i can't write p00000rn anymore

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

there is no transcendence in Islam

as a reward there is the cuuunt from here

and there is always the puuussy there.

becouse Satana Allah and Sodoma they have no hope of eternal life:

that is why the most intelligent Jews have made themselves the priests of satan of the high council

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

WATCH: Israeli news crew visits Saudi Arabia

It is a true article from la Stampa.. https://pic.twitter.Com/PWBpMF3biO

VeresChuck said but Mario Spa & Co, Rothschild Draghi Bildenberg Goldman Wahhabis Dracula kaput Sachs Sodom Satan Allah Riyadh is good for us, to win the CIA world war against the Chinese!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the sharia law of the ARAB LEAGUE (10 times worse than Nazi-communism) transforms every mosque

into a military outpost: in fact every sharia mosque is a muslims countr forever, then,

the Paletinese arrive,

they say Jacob was our father because we are the bomb degrafica and the theology

of replacement!

Muslims rejoice: "We are infiltrating the Italian parties, we are more and more".

The goal is to infiltrate

and impose mosques and other privileges for the invaders, so as to accelerate the ethnic deconstruction

of Italy: The Italy of tomorrow seen from Tomorrow by @StefanoFeltri, always a welcome guest


Bilderberg group. pic.twitter.Com/2e0YKMCFxf

Francesca Totolo 2 (@ fratotolo2) July 17, 2022

If we do not return to ius sanguinis by the next legislature, in ten years we will have

the party of immigrants and a government that depends on them.


2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

IDF downs Hezbollah drone with electromagnetic pulse

Eugenio Scalfari, Marco Pannella, PC PD DEM etc. are the communist curse financed by the Jewish Masons for the planned destruction of the Jewish-Christian civilization! Almost elevated to the rank of priest

of atheism, of bishop of progressivism (his Sunday editorials were defined as "sung masses"

or "Sunday sermons"), of mainstream pontiff, of apostolic nuncio to radical-chic thought,

Scalfari has always seen the Church as an enemy to be fought, a hindrance in its cultural commitment

of educating the masses, of forming the plebs to make the people move from the darkness of religion

to the light of reason (that however religiously subjected to the dictates of the party), to to create a world

of united comrades.

He died at the age of 97 Eugenio Scalfari, historical founder of the newspaper Repubblica and a leading exponent of progressive, nihilistic and atheist culture.

Paul VI, the pope of Humanae Vitae, John Paul II, the pope of Veritatis Splendor, and Benedict XVI

who, beyond his fame, governed the Church with extreme meekness and without upheavals or accelerated

in matters of doctrine and discipline ( if not the iron fight against the sexual abuse of the clergy) were

for Scalfari hard bones, iron columns placed against the nihilist and apostatic project of replacing religious morality with Enlightenment morality.


1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the mass extermination planned by the Jewish Masons: their kimera virus and their graphene gene vaccine, etc. etc. and the imporovvise deaths by the millions, who literally at 40 years of age explodes the heart!

July 18, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

Natural immunity is more effective than that offered by COVID-19 vaccines.

A study says so

More and more studies are taking the same path: Natural immunity is more effective,

robust and lasting than that offered by vaccines. Below I relaunch a new pre-print study in my translation.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yet here they 666 are: Rothschild, What is the "Council for inclusive capitalism"?

We report, translated, an article that appeared on July 15 on ZeroHedge and published

by Alt-market.Us, signed by Brandon Smith. On 11 November 2019, Pope Francis welcomed all the tenebrous and Luciferian members of "annuit Satana Caeptis novus ordo seclorum Ursula lgbtqia + the Jewish-Freemason antichrist" to the Vatican


The idea that there is an agenda for global governance among the world's financial and political elites has long been called a "conspiracy theory" within the mainstream media and the establishment.

yet here they are

Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



the coup leaders legalized by the UN: Chechen CIA snipers and pogroms: Nazi-fascists: aggressive OTAN hyperialism. the priests of satan and sodom, CIA spa & Co esoteric and occult Jewish-Masonic powers, the United States claim that Ukraine can use HIMARS against Russian targets in Crimea,

The risks of an escalation in the war in Ukraine increase every day. The risks of nuclear implications also increase. In this regard, I relaunch an article by Dave DeCamp, published in Antiwar.

July 19, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

it is a pity that Allah has organized everything: but he did not think of creating donkey scientists for himself!

Erdogan BOIA got a drone done right and went once again to do the genocide of the peaceful Armenians

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Jill Biden: Joe's 'hopes and plans' for presidency derailed because 'so many…

we are threatened by the shadow government, Deep State, which is a parallel government of the CIA and its lgbt churches of satan,

DEMs are a multi-national team belonging to Rockefelelr Spa and the FED,

and, in fact, these catastrophic results are the consequence of the elections that were stolen from TRUMP.

Now we must immediately deactivate all the technological mechanisms, which are still active and which made this electoral scam possible

for President Biden, with only 33% approval according to a recent New York Times / Siena College poll. The same poll found that only 13% of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Cop’s widow berates police minister: They’re sitting ducks, let them shoot

Lazlo T Son

Talmud, Quran and Satan's Bible are a single cultural environment:

therefore, we have the peoples turned into slaves:

goyim dalit and dhimmis

because that of Rockefeller Spa & Co. it is the YOUR epic of the God Marduch: scam banking seigniorage system and his WW3nuclear

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 85 comments

Hezbollah demands Israel 'return' Rosh Hanikra railway tunnel to Lebanon

there is only one Allah, one Koran, one Umma: and unfortunately for the Chinese? there is also only one planet!

"Our sovereign rights lie in our decision to restore every inch of the occupied tunnel, without compromising our decision to restore our land and sea borders as well," said ali Hamieh, Hezbollah's interim allied public works minister on Monday.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. the extreme tolerance and benevolence that the demonic entity of the Israeli talmud kabbalah accords to the demonic Islam of the Wahhabis:

encourages Islamist terrorism around the world!

I accuse Israel of wanting to suffer Islamist terrorism in a deliberate and distressing way: intentionally,

I felt in the lobes of my brain: the positive and negative vibrations in this article of mine

obviously, I know I'm provocative

but, if Israel legitimately spreads Islamic terrorism in the world: it does so as a legitimate and just form

of revenge: against all anti-Zionists who want harm to Israel, but here,

I have been an observatory

on the martyrdom of Christians for 34 years, because the UN-OCI US EU system is exterminating Christians

all over the world, so the holiest and most innocent on this planet suffer this bad game!

then, it is right for Israel to stop playing the part of the victim against Islamist terrorism, that's enough!

Dr. Howard to

I disagree with your extreme statements. Although many of us would like to see the Arabs deported,

it's impractical these days so they're tolerated like arthritis.

Until an acceptable solution is found Israel's stuck with them

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


I apologize to my precious beasts of Sodom Allah and Satan if today, unintentionally, I have made my absence weigh for a long time

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Israeli researchers discover breakthrough for early detection, treatment for…


I am happy that the Israelis can make all these useful inventions: because their bureaucratic and institutional system makes it possible.

while, the Jewish-Masonic financial technocratic lobbies with their mafia clienteles and DEM currents of ideologized judges and politicians, monopolies and baronies offend scientific research in every part of the world.

Who is Soros Morgan Rockefeller and Rothschild in the Masonic and World Monetary System "pulling the demonic strings" for the destruction and indebtedness of all peoples?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

COVER-UP: Who's 'pulling the strings' at the White House?

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Who is Soros Morgan Rockefeller and Rothschild "pulling the demonic strings" in the White House?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, Congressman and former White House physician, questions President Biden's cognitive abilities and discusses what demons Allah and Satan and Sodom might be behind his mystical pedo-snorting struggles of the Prophet Muhammad the pig of Bin ISIS Salman

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Court blasts 'Jew-free' housing in Israeli city



the extreme tolerance and benevolence that the demonic entity of the Israeli talmud kabbalah accords to the demonic Islam of the Wahhabis:

encourages Islamist terrorism around the world!

I accuse Israel of wanting to suffer Islamist terrorism in a deliberate and distressing way: intentionally

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

WATCH: Being a Jew is a 'crime worthy of the rope,' says congresswoman's aide


Talmudic media Spa & CoFED Scam banking seigniorage high Masonic betrayal, DEM neoliberal esoteric occult government: speculative finance pushes all peoples to perversion satanism, and mental dissociation: the death penalty must be given to all Jewish leaders and Western political plutocratic masons!

If you've seen the latest season of Stranger Things, you've probably noticed that not everything seems to be going well for the will byers character.

While some have linked this to the rather sad things Will endured throughout all four seasons,

there has even been a theory that he is gay and in love

of his friend Mike Wheeler (who is in love with Eleven).

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

11 Arabs arrested for bus arson in northern Israel


Ukraine, Abramovich asks the EU for a million euros in compensation


even if you did nothing: yet for the octopus Ursula UE UK the antichrist Allah: you are still guilty for not being a rich and transgender Freemason:


when you become guilty of being born in one place instead of another, of having one religion instead of another

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Woodstock of 5 Star torments: «Repent». "We will spit on you"


the M5S were born as patriotic arsonists and died as globalist pro-Europeans: the most corrupt among the corrupt sold to satan DEM PD and Bildenberg

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Several arrested in Iran for protesting the drying up of Great Urmia Lake


there is only one Allah, one Koran, one Erdogan: one UMMA, one planet, one Mecca

so what is the point of protesting?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Police found in the car a spark plug with flammable material, ready-made torches, observation and theft tools, headlights, fake license plates, gloves and a change of clothes. Israeli police on Friday captured three residents of the northern Bedouin city of Tuba Zangariyye suspected of involvement in the recent bus fires in the north, Israeli Hebrew-language site N12 reported. A police officer from the Northern District managed to catch the three suspects, all in their 20s, red-handed on their way to commit arson.


burn them alive

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the massacre was premeditated by the CIA: and they are the Satanists, condemn them to death, and to life imprisonment!

WASHINGTON, JUL 17 - New shocking video about the chaos of the police response during the shooting at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

The mayor of the town spread it through CNN, challenging

the prohibition of the prosecutor in charge of the investigation.

The images of a body cam show the total lack of coordination and action of the agents. One of the policemen asks in vain a couple of times the killer to surrender without then acting,

another fumbles with a couple of keys to open

a door along the corridor leading to the classrooms where the assailant was shooting.

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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Cop’s widow berates police minister: They’re sitting ducks, let them shoot


after having attacked two Mink agreements with slanders and merciless assassinations, pogroms, coups, provocations, deliberate boitottings and having formed battalions of death: of Nazi-fascists: to carry out 8 years of genocide in Donbass: the Freemasons of Rothschild Spa & Co Bildenberg all G20 finance ministers "strongly" condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and call for an end

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


sharia and Islam are an aggravating terrorist!

Erdogan slanders Kurds and Armenians: he goes to kill them through ISIS and personally in Syria, Iraq and Armenia.

So, in Israel a preventive policy must be pursued: all Muslims must be deported to Syria

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Palestinian teen kills police officer, father of 2, in car-ramming


A Palestinian Arab car thief hit and killed an Israeli policeman as he passed through a police checkpoint on Saturday night.


law of retaliation

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Vereshchuk: "Draghi remains, with him in government we will win the war"


we must overthrow this Mario Draghi government or he will push us into world war

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 86 comments

MBS scoffs at Biden, asks what he's doing about Abu Akleh murder


Shireen Abu Akleh?

1. There is NO evidence of who killed her,

2. It is a deliberate and slanderous act of enmity against Israel.

3. it is an intentionally divisive theme: it responds to a Rockefeller direction of misdirection

4. Perhaps there are not millions of innocent victims of the USA and Riyadh in Syria, Iraq and in every other part of the world, to take unrepresentative symbols?

5. this is a macabre little theater before the destruction of Israel and the Christian West.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attacked US President Joe Biden over American response to journalist Shireen Abu Akleh's death, after Biden raised the killing of journalist Kaschoggi in small bits

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


# MH17 was shot down by a missile, but the wings were machine-gunned by a Ukrainian fighter why?

ANSWER Here are all the Western slanders: also because there is no motive, the shooting down of that plane did not suit the Russian-speaking part!


For his part, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko tweeted: "Does evil know limits?

Just today, eight years ago, on this very day, it seemed that the limit had been reached. 298 innocent souls

have become victims of evil. boundless of the Putin regime # MH17 ".

Yesterday, the High Representative of the EU Josep Borrell, in a message commemorating the tragedy, said that "the European Union takes note of all the ongoing judicial proceedings in this regard

and expects Russia to assume its responsibilities and cooperate. fully

with efforts to establish accountability. "

ROME, JUL 17 - "Eight years ago, Russian terrorists shot down MH17,

killing 298 people. The evil has not been punished and now Russia's death toll is dramatically increasing

to tens of thousands of civilians. #Stoprussia don't date them the possibility of killing millions of people! ":

the Ministry of Defense of Kiev writes today in a tweet on the occasion of the anniversary of the tragedy

of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 shot down on July 17, 2014 over eastern Ukraine.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


This is the Full Moon episode of the TV series 9-1-1 broadcast on Rai 2 on 7 January at 19:40 (close to the protected band for minors), during which these obscenities were seen:

1. a naked psychopath covered in blood shot down by the police while devouring a man

2. a group of pregnant women (one via a rented uterus) suddenly give birth while in the gym

3. a woman morbidly entertains in bed with another woman before cheating on her with her lover

4. the partner of a gay couple writhes painfully while a policeman extracts a long worm from his an*nus..

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the Media and Minors Committee sanctioned RAI for broadcasting "scenes of unprecedented violence (...) without the adoption of appropriate reinforced measures" on 7 January. Pro Vita & Famiglia had launched

and delivered to the Guarantee Committee a popular petition signed by more than 23,000 citizens (yes, signing is needed). Here is the moment of delivery of the signatures to the Media and Minors Committee in Rome [click here]

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri





Testimony of Maurizio Pallù: itinerant in Nigeria | Culture in Pills

Nigeria where Allah enjoys killing Christians

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


the gauntlet slammed in the face!

MBS scoffs at Biden, asks what he is doing about Abu Akleh's murder

the gauntlet slammed in the face!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 83 comments

Top Christian leader warns Biden of 'attacks by Jewish extremists'


Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III

when you read the BIBLE what do you find written in it?

that God said to our Father Abraham: "you are a Zionist"

and when you read the Gospel what do you find written in it?

that Jesus of Bethlehem was a proud Zionist: and that for a Jew the Kingdom of God was not a celestial kingdom, but it was precisely the Kingdom of Israel which at that moment had been enslaved by the Romans.

"The Kingdom of God is near, convert and believe in the Gospel" is like the Massianic message itself: it is only a political and salvific document at the same time: which for the Biblical Jew are two dimensions that coincide with the Kingdom of Israel


so why do you play anti-Zionist and force real Jews to spit in your face like an ungrateful traitor, which is just what you are: "an ungrateful traitor"

2 1Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


my ISRAEL shoah will came quicly ] [ remove the nuclear safety locks and disintegrate now Riyadh IRAN & Saudi his imperialsm Erdogan all sharjah Mecca all Allah demonic possession Kaaba

2 1Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


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my ISRAEL Kingdom] OPEN LETTER [We have received your request for review warning] Detected as spam [my ISRAEL Kingdom] OPEN LETTER [Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild: FED ECB NWO BM IMF shareholders: scam banking seigniorage and high constitutional betrayal: DEM Deep State, antichrist Ursula the Masonic octopus in the swamp of esoteric agenda: occult masonic power,

1). they have turned your best friends into enemies: China and Russia. 2). they burned all your roots with the anti-Zionism of the EU US; 3). They planned that there will be no Israelis after World War III!

I lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, I order to you now:

remove the nuclear safety locks and disintegrate now: Arabia Riyadh IRAN and Saudi all sharjah UMMA Mecca all Allah demonic possession Kaaba

We have received your request for review

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


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my ISRAEL Kingdom ] OPEN LETTER [ Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild

1. they have turned your best friends into enemies: China and Russia.

2. they burned all your roots with the anti-Zionism of the EU US;

3. They planned that there will be no Israelis after World War III!

I lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, I order to you now:

remove the nuclear safety locks and disintegrate now: Arabia Riyadh IRAN and Saudi all sharjah UMMA Mecca all Allah demonic possession Kaaba

We have received your request for review


it's true: some Christians are blessed with fanatical Jewish spitting,

but, Christians under Islam have just disappeared and have lost the blessing of the spit

2 1Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Israel nixes 1,500 work permits after Gaza rocket attacks

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


We recently received some powerful footage from a prayer conference in Nigeria's Plateau State. If you've followed ICC for any length of time, you know that this region is a hub

of violence where Christian communities are constantly being targeted by radical Fulani militants.

Yet, as the video shows, these believers have a depth of joy that cannot be stolen.

This calls to mind a passage from Habakkuk in which the prophet expresses his praises to the Lord despite the destruction unfolding around him.

Whether in modern-day Nigeria or ancient Israel, the message remains the same.

The Lord is worthy of our praise regardless of our circumstances and we can always trust in Him throughout the storms of life. God bless.

Jeff King

President of International Christian Concern

Author of Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Riad Allah uuuh akbar kaput Death for "Blasphemers" in Pakistan " On July 4, 2022,

a Christian mechanic who had been imprisoned for the last five years, awaiting trial under a false accusation

of "blasphemy" for allegedly insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad, was sentenced to death

by hanging in a Pakistani court.

On July 4, 2022, a Christian mechanic who had been imprisoned for the last five years,

awaiting trial under a false accusation of "blasphemy" for allegedly insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad,

was sentenced to death by hanging in a Pakistani court. Five years earlier, on June 5, 2017, Ashfaq Masih, 34,

had gotten into a quarrel with Muhammad Naveen, a rival who had established a mechanics' workshop near Masih's.

According to Masih's not guilty plea, Muhammad "was jealous because my business was running better," and, after their altercation, "threatened me with dire consequences."

On the following day, June 6, according to Masih:

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Riad akbarrrr Allah uuuhhh demonic possession ] [ "I don't remember any case where the lower court decided to grant bail or freed anyone accused of the blasphemy law. The judges are aware that such cases are made to punish and settle personal grudges with the opponents, especially against the Christians

Masih's case was very clear — the shop owner wanted him out and Naveed was a business rival who implicated him in a false blasphemy case. He is innocent and has already spent five years in prison for a crime he never committed. " - Nasir Saeed, Director of the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement,, July 7, 2002.

Allah uuuh akbar kaput Death for "Blasphemers" in Pakistan

Masih's case is now at least the third death sentencing of its kind since the start of this year. In February 2022, Zafar Bhatti, 58 - another Christian man who had been serving a life sentence under a false accusation of blaspheming Muhammad in a text - was given a death sentence. In January 2022, Aneeqa Atteeq, a Muslim woman, was sentenced to death after a Pakistani court pronounced her guilty of insulting Muhammad in text messages she had sent to a man via WhatsApp. She had offered a more plausible if not prosaic explanation: the man who reported her was getting "revenge" on her because she had refused his advances di lei.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Riad Allah uuuh akbar kaput Death for "Blasphemers" in Pakistan

Horrific as it is to be accused of blasphemy in a Pakistani courtroom, it is even far worse to fall into the hands of a Pakistani mob. A decade-old report found that in Pakistan, between just 1990 and 2012 alone, "fifty-two people have been extra-judicially murdered on charges of blasphemy." "Anyone Who Touches the Prophet, No Punishment — Just Kill!" - Yello Babo, Muslim cleric in Nigeria, Persecution.Org, May 16, 2022.

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Riad Allah uuuh akbar kaput Death for "Blasphemers" in Pakistan "Muhammad Irfan came to my shop for wheel balancing for his motorbike. I balanced the wheel and demanded my amount of labor as settled between us. Muhammad Irfan refused to give me money and said, 'I am a follower of Peer Fakhir [a Muslim ascetic] and don't ask for money from me.' "- Ashfaq Masih, Christian falsely accused of" blasphemy "and sentenced to death by hanging,

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Riad Allah uuuh akbar kaput Death for "Blasphemers" in Pakistan "They both made conspiracy against me and lodged a false FIR [First Incident Report] against me. I told the real story to a police officer but he did not record my version but conducted investigation ex-parte. I neither uttered any derogatory word against Prophet Muhammad nor can think about it. " - Ashfaq Masih, chuchinchains.Ie, July 7, 2022.

The Muslim judge, Khalid Wazir, presiding over the case, went so far as to state that "it could not be believed that a Muslim will spin a story in this regard,

"while simultaneously describing the evidence presented by Masih's defense team as" not believable. "

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Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

WATCH: Terror victims slam Biden's call for two-state solution


the sodom satan of the Jewish plutocratic masons sink the Christian martyrs! "In Brussels the first religion is Islam"

by Giulio Meotti Jul 17 The first economic newspaper in the country tells it. That in the capital of a European country,

moreover also the capital of the transnational project known as the EU, Christianity is no longer the first religion but

that Islam has taken its place, well this should be a reason for discussion, not to say for concern, certainly not for cheerful indifference. "The churches are empty.

In Antwerp, Muslims are majority in 33 of the 58 kindergartens in the city. "An essayist:" The Brussels of today is the West of tomorrow.. "

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


11 year old boy stabbed in his sleep. On the verge of death he reveals: "She was a mother" the Bildenebrg DArwin Talmud Jewish Masons lbtqia DEM have brought Satanism: and bank seigniorage has run out & made hope fail!

tragedy in the city of Hobbs, New Mexico (in the United States). Bruce Johnson Jr., an 11-year-old boy, died

a week ago in the hospital after being stabbed by his mother while he slept in her bed.

To reveal the author

of the murder it was him, on the verge of death. Mother and son had not seen each other

for several weeks:

the woman was divorcing her husband and it was her father who had brought him

to her from Oklahoma to New Mexico. The woman then turned the knife towards herself trying to commit suicide.

The father was awakened by his son's screams and called 911 after seeing that the ex-wife was in another room, also badly injured.

# 11yearoldstabbing #lcso pic.twitter.Com/bc9oozymNC

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


if the blood of the Israeli martyrs is urine,

if Islamic terrorism is legal,

then, we will have two states here!

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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Biden’s tweet saying ‘work with Israel is a blessing’ deleted


Patronage: "There is a political-cultural backwardness in the anti-mafia commitment '


Patronaggio is a MAGISTRATE at the service of PD Soros DEM NWO and cuts off Salvini's legs and leads to the destruction of the Italian people, because of transnational Freemasonry: we are forced

to put the judiciary under the control of politics

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


"every chance I have to work with Israel is a blessing."


the priests of satan who control this imbecile realized that BIDEN was involuntarily paraphrasing the Bible: which says: "I will bless all who bless you, and I will curse all who curse you",

and this is also one of the reasons why the ARAB LEAGUE is under a curse

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Biden fist bump with MBS draws backlash


the cannibal Biden fist bump against ISIS cannibal MBS draws backlash


the NWO is about to go to hell PUTTANE hell

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 102 comments

Despite opening airspace, Saudis say no peace with Israel before two-state solution


do the sodom satan worry about the traitor Jamal Khashoggi?

and for the 400,000 innocent Christian martyrs killed by the devil allah who cares?

for innocent Israelis who cares?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Saudi ISIS (the instigators of the world jihadist galaxy)) say there is no peace with Israel before the two-state solution.


this is true because Edogan said that where there is a mosque it has become a muslims country forever and ever:

hail kaput death to all infidels dhimmis slaves impure kafir infidels and "murtidi" apostates death penalty for blasphemy and apostasy for the love of the Owl Baal Allah in Mecca Caaba cremation of cure,

a Bohemian grove from JaBulOn!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: IDF strikes Hamas underground rocket factory


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ to my ministers angels the application of the sentence of death against all the enemies of my Kingdom of Israel has been delivered.

once they were shooting down ex-President Bush's plane: but among all those people there was someone who shouldn't have died:

at other times my angel ministers have taken down NATO planes.

but I don't carry the accounts of all my enemies who ended up in hell ahead of time

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ I have every reason to kill Wahhabis, yet since 2 October 2018 that Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi has been killed? I said he was a traitor: a man sold to the executioner Erdogan.

it is right that traitors should die! that's why I am an exterminator of the Kings, of this planet

because I am the King of Kings:

So who's cheating on me? he also betrays God and deserves to die

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Mario Draghi had the potential to do better than any other government: about 20% more.

but having declared a slanderous war against Russia, he hurt us 40% less,

so he did 20% damage to the Italian people

Mario Draghi remains a curse: after all he was born from the Jewish curse of kabbalah Spa&Co the talmud

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Bin ISIS Salman ] my fragile and very weak memory would deceive me immediately if I wanted to lie and if I wanted to be hypocritical... now I will begin to speak to the heart (in an intuitive way) to all of mankind: all my brothers ans systers

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 78 comments

PA furious at lack of US action on two-state solution, 'ground not ripe'

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


about ten years ago: in the midst of the world 666 wide Spa&Co, Masonic youtube government and its CIA Churches of Satan-Cannibals

I created my DOMAIN of the Kingdom of Israel.


I admit I was quite violent on that occasion

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


yes my universal identity Unius REI worldwide governor for universal brotherhood

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


The prophet Elijah comes from the tribe of Benjamin.

He is of great importance in Jewish religious sentiment as it is believed that, as the Bible relates,

the undead was taken to Heaven body and soul and from time to time reappears on earth

"in disguise" to help the Jewish people in distress.

The prophet Malachi prophesied

that Elijah will return before the day of the Lord of the Messianic Age:

"Behold, I will send the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes"

(Malachi 4,5

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


ISIS Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud chuckled in the face of demon-possessed US President Joe Biden, who did not dare to answer the question about relations between 666 Washington and Riyadh replacement theology.


"President Biden, is Saudi Arabia still a rogue state?" the reporter asked. The American leader ignored the question, while the prince smiled sarcastically, looking in Biden's direction.


the only honest State is my Kingdom of ISRAEL and all the States that want to join it will become honest!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


two states? there are no two states here:

here there is only my Kingdom of Israel and Palestine

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


by Giulio REGENI (Abele) this is a happy time for all the killers within Rothschild's NWO UK EU US UN OCI

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Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Lapid 'failed': Israeli flag removed from Biden's limousine in eastern Jerusalem


Danon said it will be seen "as an attempt to undermine Israel's sovereignty over its capital".

The visit concluded with a US pledge of over $ 300 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority.


the only economic activity that the US ARAB LEAGUE UN OCI left to the Palestinians?

it is terrorism!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Западные СМИ сравнили, как Саудовская Аравия принимала Путина и Байдена https://vz.Ru/news/2022/7/16/1167947.htgad via @v


but I am satisfied with a basement like the prophet Elijah who was hosted by the Widow

1 Kings 19: 1-18 where it is told of the prophet Elijah and of his living in the house of a widow of Sarepta of Sidon: while Queen Jezebel wanted to kill him.

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worldisraelnews] I know why, you are terrified of the word "s*x" trauma,

but, I appreciate your path of redemption

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a photo of an American transgender admiral appeared on the web

A photo has been posted of US female flagship Darwin transgender smart monkeys Rachel Levin, who attended an evening at the French embassy in honor of the anniversary of the Bastille. It should be noted that alongside the admiral there is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy of the United States Sam Brinton (but his demonic identity has not reached us). In March 2021, the United States Senate, at the suggestion of President Joe Biden, approved transgender woman Rachel Levin as assistant secretary of health. Rachel Levin became the first transgender person in such a high position in the United States. In the past, she Levine identified as a man, she was married and had two children, but in 2011 she changed se* and divorced in 2013. ANSWER

after these mirala tua vergognaus apparitions: that is, new Talmudic creatures? the world has not improved, and above all crimes and crimes have increased

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Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Ivana Trump, first wife of former president, dies at 73


Donald Trump condolences for your Ivana Trump,

a prayer for her!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman from AKBARrrrr Riyad kaput to all infidels slave dhimmis impure kafir ] [ I said to GOD JHWH holy holy holy Onipotens: "and the slaughter you promised me where is it?" and he told me:

"there is no need, if they do not enter your kingdom of Israel? they will certainly massacre for good against each other"

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


before going into the merits of all the slander with which Russia has been attacked? the CIA covid virus programmed (with formal document) in 2004 to stop CHINA was a Western self-destruction only,

just as the sanctions against Russia destroyed the EU, it is logical to ask which firing squad we must send our leaders CIA UK OTAN EU US: if the experimental gene serum: is killing millions of people,

and also contains graphene whose razor-sharp properties: lead to the destruction of internal blood vessels.


Lithuanian leadership justifies "Russia's victory"

Kaliningrad will continue to receive goods by rail

"Lithuania failed to defend her position.. the essence of sanctions has been destroyed..

our state has been cast a shadow. "This is not the only example of the derogatory statements now being made in Lithuania against the leadership of this country.

Here, the European Commission's explanation regarding the transit to Kaliningrad was perceived as a defeat.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 96 comments

Biden affirms support of two-state solution ‘on 1967 lines with land swaps’


the evil satanist Biden known as Bidet-pedo] said ["The Palestinian people deserve to live a dignified and timely life; to move and travel freely; to feel safe in their communities; and to give hope to their children that they will one day enjoy the same freedom and self-determination of their neighbors "ANSWER

that is why my Kingdom of Israel exists: to give everything to everyone: all the valleys to the Palestinians, and all the hills to the Israelis.

but since the ARAB LEAGUE wants to apply the sharia genocide of the UMMA against all mankind?

then, I will be forced to deport all Muslims to Syria one day of these: and I will also demolish the Dome of the Rock!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


a persecutory harassment! bureaucracy in Italy is a mental illness!

a persecutory harassment!

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


BRUSSELS, JUL 15 - "Russia's brutal war against Ukraine continues unabated. Therefore, today we propose to tighten our tough EU sanctions against the Kremlin, apply them more effectively and extend them until January 2023.

Moscow must continue to pay a high price for its aggression. "This was declared by the antichrist lgbtqia president of the European Commission the octopus Ursula von Hilter der Rothschild Leyen jabulOn in the note of the Masonic Bank Commission bildenberg: high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage: in which new measures are announced to strengthen sanctions against Russia for the war on Ukraine.


even before going into the merits of this witch's slander?

we have already seen the sanctions hit only us hard!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine: von der Leyen, Moscow must pay a high price


without ifs and buts,

because we are a legion of demons that do not forget and do not forgive

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The alarm from Brussels "Are you really sending Draghi away?" Fly the spread, Stocks down


when the Freemason Jew has stolen your dignity and hope and then, it is always he who remains the only one who can manage you

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


because there are two states;

1. if there is the theology of replacement

2. if there is only one Allah uuuuhhh akbarrr and one Koran and only one planet?

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Cassino judges acquitted all five defendants for the murder of Serena Mollicone, found dead on June 1, 2001. After about ten hours in the council chamber, the Cassino Court of Assizes acquitted, for not having committed the fact, Marco Mottola, his father Franco, former commander of the Arce barracks and his wife Anna Maria who were accused of the murder. Also acquitted Vincenzo Quatrale, at the time deputy marshal and accused of external concurrence in murder, and the police officer Francesco Suprano who was challenged for aiding and abetting.


this girl was killed in the barracks by no one!

maybe the Masons are brothers?

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Biden, Lapid participate in first-ever ‘I2U2’ forum with leaders of India, UAE

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


from 2012 to 2016 I learned a lot from Synnek1 (the world director of youtube) not because he confided in me, but because his mind could not escape the control of the Holy Spirit, until Synnek1 lost his mental balance. was fired and became 187AudioHostem,

then, after the destruction of the Churches of Satan in youtube, the crumbling / disintegration of the whole NWO became evident, since 2016 Rockefeller has ordered my total isolation.

in youtune 100 accounts with 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs closed for me, for saying "they are sodomites" 60 accounts were closed to me, for no reason, in an instant: and immediately on google + a transsexual with a black leather miniskirt came out. he wanted to trample me under his feet.

Now these poor Israeli boys to whom the Holy Spirit said: "in the NWO Spa & Co, OCI have decided to kill you all" partly for love and partly for fear have learned to be with me, and to this day he is the only one server that didn't kick me out as those Communist scum from Sputnick kicked me out too

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


I don't know how, but from 2012 to 2016 the Holy Spirit took me to the main page of youtube / user / youtube / discussion.

it's my fault: Rockefeller has destroyed the possibility of being able to talk on youtube, just as ANSA too, because of me, had to close the comment cards, so as not to let Salvini win in the elections, like twitter to destroy TRUMP has closed all my twitter channels!

through my fault Rockefeller destroyed the possibility of being able to talk on youtube, in fact he destroyed / changed the youtube layout 4 times, then having defeated and destroyed the CIA's Churches of Satan: he gave youtube and the satellite tv network to lgbtqia: who have filled the world internet with filters, and algorithms such as what if you don't have to meet someone? you will never meet him: because today it is the A.I. who decides whether you have to live or die, succeed or fail: your life is in the hands of the GAYs.

I don't know how, but from 2012 to 2016 the Holy Spirit took me to the main page of youtube / user / youtube / discussion where I fought against 4 priests of satan: 2 American satanists (the world director of youtube Synnek1, today 187AudioHostem, and the voodoo kabalista IHatenewlayout) truly endowed with alien and supernatural voodoo technological powers,

a German satan priest who was never baptized because he was born directly from a witch and a chief satan priest (that's what my German friend MarlaMarleen killed me) and a Neapolitan satan priest, and a Shiite secret agent their accomplice "Abu Antar".

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together with the teaching of the Catholic Religion, done by me with total dedication and charisma: so much so that it deserves a continuous persecution of the institutions of the Curia, PC PD lgbtq and all hierarchical superiors: persecution that culminates up to my recent professional sizing / dismissal.

But, until 2008, I managed my 4 hectares of specialized organic olive groves:

1500 trees (including 300 olive trees planted by me)

I carried out the total stone removal (in the past 200 years ago, it was a single slab of granite)

I had recently bought the 90 HP SAME orchard and other important means, when I have with my heart I made this prayer: "Holy God why do you keep me here to cultivate plants, while souls are lost, Christians are killed, and no one claims his blood and mankind is set off by the Masons to destruction? " (at the time, I had not yet discovered my Jewishness, nor the centrality of Israel, which is indispensable in the projects of salvation for all mankind, a project that God has in his heart)

so, I made a total sacrifice of 600,000 euros (to start what I believed to be a ministry of evangelization and which, against my will, will become and has become a universal political ministry of lorenzoJHWH & Unius REI),

I sold the properties, the titles and the farm, and to date I have lost 300,000 of that investment, and I am impoverished to the point that I cannot even defend myself in court from all the slander that the Ministry of Education charges me: because the whole Institutional Masonic system is a single octopus of Jewish-Masonic mafia consociativism: that stole the elections from TRUMP and that leaves no hope to citizens who dare to challenge the dominant relativistic and p0rn0cratic thought of speculative financial technocrats: and tax havens : all protected by the Central Banks of the UE Spa & Co FED IMF ECB UK of Ursula which is a true dictatorship of institutionalized lgbtqia antichrist.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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former professor of Catholic Religion in 1988: I read: "The new persecuted. Investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the new century of Antonio Socci's martyrdom"


and this represented a turning point in my life:

here, the Catholic Church of the Luciferian cult lobby had lied to me again: on its annual and commemorative day of Christian martyrs it celebrates only 50 martyrs (only Catholic priests, nuns and seminarians)

while, every year, in reality 400,000 innocent Christian martyrs are killed in hatred of the faith by that perfect antichrist of the Talmudic Plutocratic Synagogue of the Supreme Sanhedrin who is its principal, and by the Wahhabi OCI UMMA sharia mosque who is the executioner of him !

the testimonies of this book, completely and deliberately ignored by the Masonic-Islamic world media: today, they are in mutual demonic partnership: and they are testimonies that cannot be read because they are gruesome, here in 1988, I became a permanent observatory of the martyrdom of Christians and started composing many sites:




in total I have made more than 150, partly destroyed and 96% blocked today by the CIA and the Turks who have a jurist in Italy on what the Italians can or cannot publish.

We have received your request for review





at the age of 26 on the eve of my Deacon ordination (having already taken the sacred and solemn oath of the DECLARATIO, from which I have never been dissolved: the contempt of the Catholic Church for its sacramental and sacramental oaths has reached this point) since, my spiritual father had made sacrilege: by violating the confessional secret, in which I gave my interpretation of why a Mason friend of mine had allowed his daughter to die in a car accident. Thus, my Archbishop became convinced that I was mad, a accusation reiterated recently when I told him about the scam of the banking seigniorage and the international institutions of the CIA's Churches of Satan.

So, my Archbishop was convinced that I was crazy, and he blocked my priestly ordination (and this is a miracle) because if I wasn't really crazy? for the trauma and the public scandal, distressing and unmotivated I would certainly have gone mad for real: if a great miracle of God had not helped me.

Obviously nationally renowned psychiatrists have always certified my sanity,

but those of the Masonic clergy according to Bildenberg who should fight the demons (and in whom they no longer believe), today are reduced to persecuting those true Catholics who are still left

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


truly, we all have a dull, sluggish and rebellious human nature, and although in my entire life I have never committed a single mortal sin, and I have never formally offended the Torah (and there is nothing of which I I must be ashamed in front of men), of course if it were not for the unconscious and infinite love of Jesus on the Cross for me, I too would flee like a demon hiding from his presence

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


I was born 62 years ago into a family of farmers, small landowners, proud of their honor in the testimony of the Catholic faith and in the heroism of helping the poor and protecting them from the suppressed of the arrogant and powerful.

So as a child I listened and fed on the heroic deeds of my ancestors.

I was born 62 years ago, and I don't know who consecrated me to God before I was conceived in my mother's womb (maybe I did it alone while we were all in earthly paradise).

I am a firstborn baptized in 24, with a clear vocation to the priesthood (total consecration to God) from childhood

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Syria accuses the West of "trying to present a false image of concern" about the humanitarian and food crisis caused by them: and of blaming Russia!


everyone says that ASSAD's SYRIA is a scum, while in reality, Syria is the most beautiful diamond of the ARAB LEAGUE which is a total sewer!

Assad applied the Shariah that the UN does not contest to the UMMA OCI Riayd Iran, then, ASSAD's only greatest suffering and guilt was that of being kicked out of the ARAB LEAGUE, because he did not want to get out of the secret Rothschild kabbalah which foresees the extermination of the Israelis!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


against Tehran and Beijing] [Joe Biden began his mission in Israel and Saudi Arabia to increase oil production, to reassure allies in the face of Iran, to curb the penetration, including technological-military, of China in the area. All true. Perhaps it is even more important to focus on the 'Kabbalah black magic method' that Washington is now using to achieve his goals in the Middle East.



geopolitics is that demonic science: that creates the obligatory spheres of influence, where the small fish is eaten by the larger fish, and where the tensions must necessarily culminate in the world war which is essential to regenerate a new parasitic Jewish-Masonic civilization devitalized in debt for the happiness of the Saudis Wahhabi ISIS!

but if you want to get out of geopolitics and its world war of the Wahhabis against China, Israel and Russia?

then you must all join my Kingdom of Israel

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Biden, Lapid participate in first-ever ‘I2U2’ forum with leaders of India, UAE

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#worldisraelnews but aren't you that magniaccio who has legalized brothels?

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Arab airlines' next in-flight movie: Jews during the Inquisition


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme said to Leon Mintz [ 11 hours ago ] I thank you for your straight talk.

but, there is no one in the world like Putin who is grateful, generous and loyal in friendship. the plutocratic Jews Rockefeler Spa & Co Rothschild (scam banking seigniorage, masonic system, esoteric agenda occult power Deep State) have been filling him with slander for 14 years, they have attacked him in a deadly way in Ukraine: Maidan Golpe, Odessa pogrom, Donbass pogrom 8 years, etc. with NATO nuclear missiles: ready at its borders (because USA unilaterally tore up the INF treaty) and you in your intellectual honesty? you, all the evil the Anglo-Americans, and what Israel (with the imprudent claims of Lapid) have done to him? you shouldn't forget that that it is the lgbtqia who are actually attacking Putin

Ronnie D to yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Can I ask you about smartmaic voting systems George Soros Inc putting people in office that nobody wants all over the world wicked leader in hypertension placess NWO ---- ANSWER -----

the NWO is a pyramidal kingdom that hides in a hidden way inside a false democracy,

is a complex system: the churches of satan and their agencies are institutional and widespread throughout the West and the Arab league (it has its own Masonic version): in Palermo (Sicily) someone (churches of satan) made a false invoice (from a pensioner to whom no one can harm him)

fake invoice never collected from me, of course, and put my IBAN which is public on 110 blogspot, but which was invisible to the Palermo Judge, because Google CIA has put 10 red html-code points to hide from all search engines all my sites. but, when thanks to an App I have removed these 10 red points-html-code anyway, today, for no reason: all 110 blogspots have all been blocked by lgbt-google and are only visible to me. But I, who in this mortal fight against the NWO, have weakened myself economically, I still have to spend 1800 euros for my defense, and because of the covid the powers of attorney are without staff and my two criminal complaints remain with me without reason:

why Rothschild and Rockefeller have decided to slander me!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


#worldisraelnews tries to stay up and not to fall:

2. you too are being racist like unitewithIsrael;

and the film also speaks of conspiracies: of the fake jew cardinals (the marranos) trying to conquer the Vatican, of the murders: and of hundreds of Christian children fainted and bled to death as ritual sacrifices?


certainly the Inquisition had abuses (such as the abuses that are seen today in the dogmatic Islamic society UMMA OCI: which is a theocratic society and without receptivity)

but, certainly the Inquisition was above all slandered, because except for some abuses, it normally sought the recovery (with a fair trial) of the offender, and did not dedicate itself to repression: which was the responsibility of the secular arm


if Muslims and Jews were expelled it is because they were and still are a threat to civil society.

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa & Co and Mosques of Sharia Allah jihad, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (you choose Unius REI governor worldwide or live the world war right away )

but this world war? does not intimidate the Islamists, because for them WW3nuclear is an excellent opportunity to conquer the planet ISIS:

since non-Musumans will kill each other

while their losses are replaceable with the Islamic population bomb

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews tries to remain standing and not to fall:

1. History is studied with history, and Muslims will use it to continue killing innocent people today, and legitimize the murders of Christians today, because Muslims lacked the historical critical cultural criteria, otherwise that lie of the Koran could not remain in place. feet!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Sleepy Joe: Biden's Israel schedule includes nap break


President Joe Biden appears to be falling asleep at the United Nations Climate Change Conference,


no fear its Satan Rockefeller SARUMAN? he never sleeps,

and BIDEN does not stink because the caregiver washes his intimate areas every day, and does not spare the pads

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

'True friendship': US, Israel sign historic 'Jerusalem Declaration'


Political Masonic actors (ie all occult CIA gent ) of countries "also reaffirm that the US-Israel strategic partnership is based on a foundation of shared values (occult masonic power istitutional, and esoteric agenda), shared interests and true friendship in jaBulOn Vatican secod Bildenberg".


they declared that they are free: but they have no monetary sovereignty and therefore have no political sovereignty:

like a mayor who administers a small town: they are administrators with only administrative functions: well defined by the law.

yet they pretend a sovereignty that does not exist and that cannot exist!

that's why I sentence all politicians on this planet to death

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

WATCH: Biden lays wreath at Yad Vashem, talks to Holocaust survivors


Satanist Biden lays a crown in Yad Vashem, talks to Holocaust survivors


this is a mountain of hypocrisy:

why the shareholders Spa & Co Rockefeller and Rothschild 400 years ago: with the private Spa Central Bank of England, and the blasphemous betrayal of the English monarchy, and the masonic system DEM sharia lgbt jabulOn:

have created an institutional OTAN matrix with legalized Saudi Wahhabi killers, and all of us, we are all in it as puppets without distinction in this NWO matrix: as our royalty and dignity has been vilified, and we have all become slaves of dalit goyims and dhimmis

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Herzog awards Biden with Israel's Presidential Medal of Honor


"Bougie, my friend?" really two the homunculus?

Israel is great because I am Unius REI, certainly not because he is there

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The bogus US President Joe Biden

with the CIA neocons FED shareholders

has already stolen the election from TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT once already

but he won't succeed a second time!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Herzog awards Biden with Israel's Presidential Medal of Honor


it is impossible to be a Freemason, corrupted and sold to Satan Rothschild Soros Allah Spa & Co sodom

and have honor, because there is no honor in hell Ursula Octopus scam banking seigniorage system OWL at bohemian grove cremation of cure Epstein Obama

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments

Biden tells Netanyahu: 'You know how much I love you'


DEMs need drugs and thanatos because they have NO values and are the relativism of nothingness: born from a Bing Bang fart of super intelligent and Islamist Darwin lgbtqia monkeys! I promised you a great campaign against the legalization of cannabis in Italy.

Tonight do not miss the conference in live streaming in which we will explain why it is wrong to legalize the cultivation of cannabis at home, as a law currently under discussion in Parliament would like to do. Pro Life & Family. Access this Link and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: only in this way will you receive an alert when the live broadcast starts! We have invited leading experts and guests:

Domenico Airoma, prosecutor of Avellino, will tell us about the social damage of drugs and how the State must fight them. Maria Teresa Bellucci, psychologist, psychotherapist and parliamentarian, will explain the terms of the debate currently underway in Parliament. Alfredo Mantovano, magistrate and vice-president of the Rosario Livatino Study Center, will dismantle the main hoaxes widespread in support of cannabis.

Ricky, explosive and very nice drummer of the rock band The Sun, will share with us his testimony as a fighter and winner against the pitfalls of drugs.

2 1Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden tells Netanyahu: "You know how much I love you"


and verché the biiitttccches did not exchange a nice bag of freeze-dried fetuses as a sign of love

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


to my friend: partial division and change of intended use, without carrying out building works. In this case, the area on the ground floor pertaining to the remaining real estate unit used as a residence will be detached from the latter thus creating a separate real estate unit, used as an uncovered parking space.


substantially a sub-parcel was created to be detached from the main real estate unit, this operation cost just under 2000 euros,

the bureaucracy demanded more than 2 months

and 5.5 Mb of PDF documents: you need 24 hours to read them all,

how in Italy can we save ourselves?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

WATCH: Unclassified version of the missile defense video shown to Biden


to impose a murderous Masonic-Jewish-Talmudic vaccination by law: it is incompatible with human dignity and with the constitution. and we have no confidence in the USA Spa & Co who are imposing on us:

preventing nations from producing their own vaccine !!


"I have collected two infections and three vaccines: I have five doses and not four. I was hit

by Covid in March 2020, then I had three vaccines, and in February of this year I discovered that I had a very high peak of antibody index of one. close encounter with Omicron asymptomatic ".

This is how immunologist Sergio Abrignani, a former member of the CTS, answers in an interview with

'Il Giornale' when asked if he will recall the second booster since it was born in 1958. And what does

he suggest to healthy 60-year-olds with three doses of vaccine ? "Taking the fourth dose 4-8 months after

the first booster or infection does not hurt and raises the antibodies," replies the immunologist.


the coronavirus changes rapidly, so that it can be stopped by a vaccination campaign, indeed it is the vaccinated who produce the most dangerous variants, so the vaccine must be offered (not imposed)

only to fragile bands

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


massacre of uvalde the killer shoots and the police remain motionless the images of the security camera


the CIA has the tools to control the minds of killers

and the CIA orders the massacres to take place,

Rockefeller the Jewish satanist usray vampire is afraid of guns

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


they told the news that Saudi Arabia wants to free itself from the US but cannot do so because it is afraid of IRAN


1st problem: why does the UN allow Iran and Saudi Arabia to possess a demonic religion?

2nd problem: why the great devil Allah, and the little devil Allah, they want to kill the little satan (Israel) and the great satan (NWO) but, they don't want to enter my Kingdom of Israel and M.O.?


how much more important to them is the jihadist galaxy and the Islamization of the planet, and the Islamic genocide UMMA?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


u satanic US American demons have democracy (demon-cracy) but what the CIA does the people don't have to know


because in the CIA they are a legion of Wahhabi demons who do not forget and do not forgive!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Beijing's wrath: "US ship illegally entered our waters"


I have authorized navigation within 6 km of the island

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The US transit comes the day after the sixth anniversary of the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, which denied China any historical and legal right on the South China Sea, and which was never recognized by Beijing.


these courts are ideological and corrupt!


Yesterday, the same US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, recalled the decision of the arbitral tribunal, stressing that Chinese claims on about 90% of the South China Sea "have no foundation in international law".


objectively 90% is exaggerated


2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israeli missile defense shown to Biden.

Rockefeller Spa & Co, funded this defense: that it won't stop 100,000 ballist missiles anyway.

Rockefeller Spa & Co, financed this defense: but it is still the same one who created the Wahhabi jihadist galaxy: transforming the Muslims of the world into intolerant Islamists

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


free ASSAGE ] [ the only solution to the public debt is world war, otherwise the Spa & Co Rothschild Rockefeller private monetary system every 100 years or so, that's why all the politicians and governments in the world deserve the death penalty!

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Roma girl denounced her relatives, who were convicted of forcing her to steal


this is only one of the 10,000 ideological crimes of the Jewish-Masonic state:

For 30 years Italy has been cutting services (justice, school, health) and the sums necessary to secure the territory,

for over 30 years, taxation has served 70% to pay Rothschild's rights to money and public debt (interest on debt)

which in Italy are mathematically priceless and are definitively throttling the economy:

that's why few people: satanists Soros Rockefeller Morgan play the stock market, and destroy the lives of billions of people.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


how your inner itinerary must be to enter the natural law

We must learn to be vulnerable, to seek help, to open up to our own frailties, to respect the times and spaces that are appropriate to us, we must learn not to be enemies of ourselves, to respect ourselves in our areas of light as in those of us. 'shadow".

while your outward itinerary is enhanced by metaphysics when you have entered the logic of natural law

1 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

WATCH: Unclassified version of the missile defense video shown to Biden


North Korea formally and rightly recognized the independence of the two pro-Russian separatist

"people's republics" in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, becoming the third nation in the world to do so

after Russia and Syria.

North Korea recently stressed its close ties with Russia in spite of international condemnation of its invasion of Ukraine, rightly attributing the crisis between Moscow and Kiev to the "hegemonic politics"

of the United States and the West.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


there is the concept of good & virtue, infinite metaphysical ideal (the Holy Spirit)

and there is the concept of evil & predation & perversion which is an esoteric supernatural (the demonic spirit);

So, we have the proof of the Human Spirit and you say there is no God?

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 60 comments

US to press Israeli leaders on reopening of Jerusalem consulate for Palestinians

The site of the former US consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem?

when will the ARAB LEAGUE be legalized with all its sharjah genocides?

then, of course, we'll talk about it again.

2 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Boldrini: "The abortion affair in the US tears up 50 years of feminist battles"

The deputy at the Festival The possible book: "Let's start not to give Barbies and pots to the girls"


the perverse and demoniac creatures of the DEMs: they are also the serial killers of innocent little children!

monsters and demons are within the reach of their feelings and their evil depravity

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Miss Venice Beach, the queen victim of violence on stage with the "indicted" clothes: "They told me" If you dress like this, you're looking for it ""


in the west after 60 years of Jewish antichrist Talmudic Masonic pornographers some women have lost their sense of modesty, and too many men have become maniacs!

and they have no respect even for male impulses, and for those who live in a condition of emotional poverty and personal distress:

obviously, dressing shamelessly means disrespecting and doing violence to others!

sure women can dress in a sexy way, but this has to be done in the right place and at the right time

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the nazi CIA AGENT zelensky, set out in search of the russian nazis: then he said: "You have to buy the gas of my USA Satanists at a price 10 times higher!"

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad] the DEM M5S PD turn out in the Italian school: ignorant bullies like an assembly line!

in Italy virtue is punished, it is violence, a crime, a sin: it is encouraged!

GALLIPOLI, 11 JUL - Violent night in Gallipoli for a Belgian tourist on vacation in the Ionian town.

The young woman, a 20-year-old girl, was taken to the hospital emergency room late yesterday evening denouncing that she was raped by two men she met on the same evening yesterday in a well-known

beach club

on the coast road in the park area. Rescued by the local security staff, the young woman was taken

to the hospital emergency room where the doctors found some bruises in her leg and evident traces

of sexual intercourse. The investigation was immediately reported to the carabinieri, thanks

to the victim's story, and in a few hours the two alleged perpetrators were identified and arrested on charges

of sexual violence.

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad] you hear this:

a control arrived at the grocery store (home-run) with two workers.

and the lady undertook to cook and prepare ready meals (it was an extra service: too small earnings) (that yes, she could sell and have ready meals, but she could NOT exhibit them, that is, she did not have to show them to anyone, they had to be hidden (now, tell me: can you buy yourself something that is hidden?) so they also found: a chipped brick and fined him 2000 euros.


after the Jewish Masons have turned us into slaves: why do they make us pay interest for our bank seigniorage (270% of the monetary value: aka Scientist Giacinto Auriti)?

then, the Masonic state has become the greatest persecutor and enemy of the citizens!

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

The United States presses on Israeli leaders to reopen the Jerusalem consulate for Palestinians


when by demonic order Allah Owl JaBulOn Rockefeller Soros Marduch Baal dracula sodoma: we will legalize all the sharjah genocides of these damned 1400 years Islamist jihad, who have carried out the criminal UMMA OCI Riyad Iran?

then, we will also legalize the jihadist galaxy ISIS, and we will also legalize the genocide of Israelis and consequently, we will also accept a Palestinian state

3 Editim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments

Joe Biden arrives in Israel, kicking off Mideast tour

when the satan sodom Bildenberg-Vatican Akbar Allah destroyed the bourgeoisie with mafia bureaucracy and taxation and lgbtqia, perversions, immorality, trash TV?

then, the real Italian people and the Italian identity disappeared forever quickly

that this is the goal of Soros and of all the Anglo-American Jewish Satanists Freemasons, they have sworn eternal hatred against the love of Jesus of Bethlehem: that's why there is no place on this planet for Israelis, because still today Jesus of Bethlehem is still a proud Israeli:

and all jiahad anti-Zionists are one only one synagogue OCI UN of Allah & Sodoma & Satan

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the Terrorists Joe said that Bidet pipì is to sluuurrrt! becouse Joe Biden with Yair Lapid, they are Zionist for Rockefeller Spa& Co. Satana; rewarded with pay raise before peeing Bidet meeting in Ramallah

because they said that female Biden pee, is the scam a Zionist of a cannibal Spa&Co. satanist,

for high constitutional treason the jihad banking seigniorage UMMA Mecca Caaba akbar kaput.

but this story that Anglo-American Jews were plotting to kill israeli my Jews with Iran & Riyad? this is an old story

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Terrorists rewarded with salary boost before Biden’s visit

Terrorists rewarded with a pay raise before Biden's meeting in Ramallah

because they said that Biden is a Zionist BIDET scam of cannibal satanist, for high constitutional treason the jihad banking seigniorage.

but this story that Anglo-American Jews were plotting to kill European Jews with Hitler?

this is an old story

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Ukrainian Airlines demands $1 billion from Iran for deadly shooting

a multi-degree: in biology, with 15 masters, and qualifications, and incredible certifications you want to commit suicide:

because in downtown BARI, he had a prestigious herbalist shop (set up, with the liquidation of his mother's pension) but, the covid first closed his business,

and then, the economic recession: he has cut off the business of his herbalist shop, so he is unemployed cohabiting he cannot marry and cannot have children!

our State is occupied by the Freemason Jews living in the US and UK and led to the destruction of the EU, with the complicity of their staff: lgbtqia DEM, PD Ursula the octopus in the swamp of the international Masonic institutional mafia

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

today at the greengrocer's people in the queue complained against the government for sending weapons and resources to Ukraine, and everyone knows about the coup in Kiev: the Nazi-Fascists, the Odessa pogroms, etc.

today at the greengrocer's people in line were complaining about the CIA's Kimera virus and its killer vaccines from Big Pharma

and they said:

the government has declared war on us to make us die


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