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I want to see them all die

Morningstar commits to addressing anti-Israel bias in bid to avoid blacklist


Born, Russia: "Sweden and Finland? Destabilizing"

June 29, 2022, The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: "It absolutely does not bring more security"

after the bloody CIA coup, the Odessa pogroms and the 8-year genocide of Russian sovereigns in the Donbass?

there was no Russian invasion!

but how was Ukraine supposed to join NATO? this destroyed Russia's national security.

then, to these prostitutes from Sweden and Finland, but who ever threatened them?

Now you all see / understand that it is the Masonic system Rothschild Spa & Co, pushing for its world war in order to regenerate a new monetary cycle, as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has shown!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5

Disgraced ZAKA founder dies a year after suicide attempt


the CIA but never made a mistake with doctors without borders, to make an ivore at ISIS, and killed dozens of them, because they knew where they were

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


who accused this worthy social volunteer?

he had to prove his allegations!

Yehuda Meshi Zahav, founder of the Zaka organization

what if this has not been done?

now the judges and the media have to answer criminally

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Born, that's why Erdogan's Turkey the BOIA says yes to Sweden and Finland

June 28, 2022

Green light for Finland and Sweden to join NATO.

Helsinki and Stockholm agreed to take concrete steps on the extradition to Turkey of "terrorists"

(partisans who gave their blood to fight CIA-funded ISIS and Riyadh) who are on their territory.

This is a decisive step for Recep Tayyip Erodgan's yes, the Freemasons have agreed to cooperate

"in the fight against the PKK and its extensions" and

to "prevent terrorist propaganda against Turkey". They also agreed not to "impose an embargo

on the Turkish defense industry and to increase cooperation".


now we will have another Ottoman genocide: of innocent people,

and we will witness the terror of all the countries on which Erdogan has set his gaze!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6

Israel poised to earn $50B in gas sales to Europe


Born, Madrid Summit at the start. Stoltenberg: "From China challenges to our values of Allah akba ISIS Satan & Sodom in JaBulOn Bildenberg"


even the wrong people like Stoltenberg

sometimes they can tell the truth

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11

2,000 North American Jews expected to make aliyah this summer


Ukraine, Johnson is a warmongering criminal and Satanist:

G20, Draghi: "Putin will not come".

Russia replies: "He doesn't decide"


when the mafia system Spa & Co, Western Masonic demonic Jewish: technocrat and sodomitic neoliberal, 14 years ago, began to slander Russia?

then, all popolitics must be in a roped party to hell,

therefore we do not have: in the US EU UK an alternative opinion on the vaccine-covid and on Putin in the West,

where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,

precisely because we are the most criminal dictatorial terrorist regime in history, a nightmare for those who do not align themselves with the dominant DEM thinking,

ie, esoteric supernatural power

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine, Johnson is a criminal and warmongering Satanist: "If Putin had been a woman he would not have made this war".

but his worst flaw than him is that he is an idiot

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Doctor no-vax Barbara Balanzoni, champion of home care against Covid-19, was removed from the Order of Doctors of Venice. To give the news of the radiation is the same Balanzoni,


if a doctor has more deaths from covid, why instead of following the hippocratic oath, he follows the big pharma aionists?

he must be banned, not those doctors who go against the WHO protocol and save thousands of people from death

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


From Austria to Cellino for an autograph by Al Bano on the Vespas. Then the theft. The singer's appeal to thieves: "Return them"


this is the right presentation of our PD DEM country system maia jabulon abroad

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Stoltenberg: "Even European countries pay a cost for sanctions: and this is the price of freedom for our one Mason God Rockefeller master Bildenberg 666 Rothschild Spa & Co,"

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Stoltemberg said that CHINA is also an enemy that must come forward,

and indeed, Stoltemberg is right when he indirectly says that the interests of OTAN and OCI UMMA coincide in the NWO,

and that unfortunately the interests against CHINA do not coincide


but how do the desired values of Satan-Sodom coincide

with the sharjah rights genocide of Allah?

this he did not explain

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hostilities in Ukraine could end "by today if only Kiev ordered nationalists to lay down their arms," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.


for those who have been transformed into an international criminal because of the Mario Draghi Spa NWO coup of the CIA-UK in 2014? this is also an opportunity to be legitimized!

an opportunity that must be taken on the fly, before even losing ODESSA

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel 20 years ago the disputed barrier with the Palestinians.

this is yet another lie, I asked for this barrier about 30 years ago


Unfortunately, there is no moderate Islam, Erdogan said.

and talmud and quran authorize to lie to the memic / prey, until he is killed / robbed masonically in treason

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


NATO accepts Erdogan's requests and Turkey removes the veto: green light to Sweden and Finland


in exchange for what new Ottoman genocide?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


welcome] 2,000 North American Jews should do aliyah this summer [welcome

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 33

German Jews, politicians up in arms over failure to prosecute synagogue arsonist


you must immediately find the Spa & Co Rothschild cult mandates!

Five days later, Serkan P. fled to Turkey. A year later, a JNS investigation found that German federal and state governments failed to take concrete action to arrest and prosecute him.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


you must immediately find the Spa & Co Rothschild cult mandates! LODI, 28 JUN-Pierangelo Repanati, 57, journalist and former mayor of Corte Palasio (Lodi), was watering his garden when, last night after 10 pm, he was attacked and killed.

It is a detail that emerges from the first reconstruction of what happened.

Killed him while he waters the garden

The man's screams attracted the attention of the neighbors who alerted the rescue services.

The first hypotheses of the investigators do not exclude that the journalist may have been pleased after discovering thieves in his home. "He was a good person,

Recently he had insisted that the celebration of Mass in Latin return to the abbey of Abbadia Cerreto, a few kilometers from where he lived.

He was a very believer, a practicing Catholic ".

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5

WATCH: Suspect in attempted stabbing captured, arrested


Being Pope, Vicar of Xrist, the one who can bind and untie is a position of enormous weight, so to be valid it must be reached at the end of an obstacle course that must be clear, without even a shadow. Since the Pope's affirmations bind my faith, I must have no doubts. According to canon law, a single suspicion of irregularity is sufficient for him not to be Pope. In the election of Bergoglio there are four very serious irregularities, so he is dealing with an anti-pope like Boniface VIII. 1. The Pope is the Vicar of Xist. Do you understand that Xrist had a twin brother? No. So there must be one of Papa at a time. A Pope can abdicate (a Pope does not resign, he abdicates) only if he has brain metastases or is hostage to someone. Xsto did not stop on Golgotha asking for the change. If a Pope has been pushed to abdication by blackmail as happened for Celestine V and as happened (by now the affirmations leave no doubt) for Benedict XVI, the abdication is invalid. 2. At the time of taking vows a Jesuit accepts the Jesuit rule which prohibits Jesuits from becoming both a cardinal and a Pope. A papal dispensation was made for Cardinal Martini which cannot be made for someone who becomes Pope. 3. According to the Canon law reiterated for the last time by Benedict XVI in February 2013, 15 days must necessarily pass between the moment in which the see is vacant and the election of the new Pope, so that the assembled cardinals have time to consult and listen to the spirit Holy. Ratzinger abdicated on February 28 and Bergoglio was elected on March 13. 4. The election must be flawless, while in Bergoglio's there was one more vote than the voters.

Even more tragic is to analyze the content of Bergoglio's preaching. (Continued)


like all women, Silvana is also very religious. . Magdi Cristiano Allam 24 May 2016 SILVANA DE MARI - It has been written about Bergoglio that he is the prophet who led Christianity to open up, making it flexible, portionable, questionable, questionable, sympathetic, vegetarian, vegan and why not gay friendly. These operations are actually much more. Bergoglio did not "open" Christianity, but he founded a new religion that is absolutely opposite. ((Many start from a syllogism. The Pope is the Vicar of Xrist. Bergoglio is the Pope.

Bergoglio is the Vicar of Xrist, therefore whoever obeys him is obeying Xrist, whoever insults him is insulting rist.

Wrong. )))

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Magdi Cristiano Allam 29 May 2019 Pope Francis wants to eliminate nation states and is complicit in the strategy of a New World Order subjected to the great globalized speculative finance. We love and defend Italy

Dear friends, in an interview broadcast yesterday by the Mexican broadcaster Televisa, Pope Francis condemning for the umpteenth time the construction of the walls that delimit the borders between states, has in fact clarified his opposition to the national state, to the borders, to safeguarding of the territory

and of the national heritage. In parallel he argued that men who build walls are worse than animals.

These are his words: “I don't know what happens when this new culture of defending territories

by building walls enters. We have already met one, that of Berlin, which has brought us so many headaches and so much suffering. But it seems that what man does is what animals do not do. Man is the only animal that falls twice into the same hole. Let's do the same things again. Raising walls as if this were the defense.

When the defense is dialogue, growth, hospitality and education, integration, or the healthy limit of "you can't do more", but human.. (...) To defend what ? The territory, or the economy of the country or go to know that ".

Well, the elimination of nation states to impose a New World Order that submits a uniform and homologated humanity is the strategy promoted by the great globalized speculative finance that, in the same interview, Pope Francis criticizes.

As for conceiving men worse than animals, Pope Francis clashes with the Christian truth contained


the Bible and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which affirm that man was created in the image

and likeness of God and that animals were created to be dominated by man. A Pope who affirms not only that man is an animal, but that he is worse than animals, in fact offends the Lord.

In Genesis 1, 26-28, we read: Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, conforming to our likeness, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, over all the earth

and on all

the reptiles that crawl on the earth ». God created man in his image; he created it in the image of God;

he created them male and female. God blessed them; and God said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply;

fill the earth, make it subject to it, dominate over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over every animal that moves on the earth ».

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at point 2417, we read: «God gave animals to him whom

he created in his image. It is therefore legitimate to use animals to provide food or to make clothes. They can be tamed, so that they help man in his work and also to recreate himself in leisure. Medical

and scientific experiments on animals are morally acceptable practices, if they remain within reasonable limits and help to cure or save lives. "

In the same interview, Pope Francis lies about the reality of today's situation of so-called migrants

in the Mediterranean, arguing that "it is becoming more and more a cemetery", while the number

of victims has significantly reduced since Italy closed its ports, departures from the Libyan coast

and consequently there are fewer and fewer deaths. These are instead the words of Pope Francis:

«It is a priority in the world, the migratory world has reached such a point today that I have taken the migrants section of the Integral Human Development Department into my hands to give it meaning. Every day we learn that the Mediterranean is becoming more and more a cemetery, just to give an example ».

You can read the full text of Pope Francis' interview in which he dwells on the scandal

of pedophilia within the Church, he says that "the world does not work without women, not because it is women

who have children, let's put aside procreation », But because the woman embodies tenderness,

and finally announces a constitutional reform of the Vatican State because she cannot continue to be

« the last European court of an absolute monarchy ».


Dear friends, it is now clear that Pope Francis is an integral part of the pro-European and globalist strategy that wants to eliminate nation states, unhinge local identities, promote a New World Order in the name

of a universal hybridization, drastically leveling the standard of living as imagined. from communism,

in which each of us will be reduced to being an instrument of production and consumption of materiality

at the lowest possible cost. In doing so, Pope Francis poses himself as a political antagonist and must be treated as such. We will continue to love our Italy and defend our borders, our territory, our heritage and, above all, to safeguard our civilization, to be fully ourselves in our home.

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By Magdi Cristiano Allam editorial 10

Abortion and euthanasia are ideologies of death. We promote the culture of life and a strategy for the growth of the Italian birth rate

Dear friends good morning. We touch firsthand that we are a fallen civilization when we acknowledge that, despite being a population destined to become extinct because they do not have children

in an adequate percentage to safeguard the "replacement level" (two children on average per fertile woman who replace the two parents ), instead of conceiving the demographic collapse as our greatest national emergency

and promoting the culture of life by implementing a strategy for the growth of the birth rate of Italians, we conceive the ideology of death and the right to take or have one's life taken away as the pinnacle of our civilization. Just as it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the single case of a girl raped

to sentence the death sentence of the human creature born in her womb, legitimizing the criminal ideology of abortion which in the vast majority of cases translates into the practice of 'termination of pregnancy

due to the arbitrary decision of the mother without there being any risk for one's life and for the life of one's newborn, well it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the case of individuals who are undoubtedly in difficult health conditions for legitimize the criminal ideology of "assisted suicide" and euthanasia. In the case of abortion, focusing attention on individual cases, in Italy the genocide of 6,040,946 human creatures was legitimized from 1978 to 2019, according to the data of the Ministry of Health on the so-called "voluntary interruptions of pregnancy", reported by the site of the «Help Center

for Life». In 1978, after the victory of the Referendum promoted by the Radical Party, Law 194 was promulgated which allows the mother to have an abortion in a public facility in the first 90 days of gestation for health, economic, social or family reasons, on the basis of a declaration of the mother in which

she claims that the continuation of the pregnancy may represent a danger to her physical or mental health; between the fourth and fifth month it is still possible to have an abortion for therapeutic reasons,

if there is

a serious risk to the mother's health or if the mother chooses not to give birth to a child affected by serious pathologies or malformations. This morning I read the news on the Agi Agency website entitled "After

a deep and continuous sedation, Fabio Ridolfi died. The 46-year-old from Fermignano had been immobilized in bed for 18 years due to a tetraparesis ». The published photo shows a serene face

that hints at a smile, a composed gaze, two lively and attentive eyes. The Luca Coscioni Association,

linked to the Radicals, makes it known that the Ridolfi family "announces the death of Fabio, the 46-year-old from Fermignano (Pesaro-Urbino), who has chosen to withdraw his consent to artificial nutrition and hydration. In the afternoon he had started the deep sedation ». It means that he voluntarily chose to die of hunger and thirst, apparently without suffering. Fabio Ridolfi had said: «For two months my suffering has been recognized as unbearable. I have all the conditions to be helped to die. But the state ignores me ». We learn that access to "assisted suicide" is possible in Italy for people in her condition on the basis

of a ruling by the Constitutional Court. On 19 May a so-called "Ethics Committee" had given its approval to assisted suicide, but had not indicated the modalities or the drug that Fabio could self-administer. "So - reads

the statement from the Coscioni Association - in recent days Fabio communicated his choice,

a fallback choice, to resort to the solution that he could have taken without waiting for the opinion

he never received: deep and continuous sedation. Fabio Ridolfi died without suffering, after hours of sedation

and not immediately as he would have liked ». Filomena Gallo and Marco Cappato of the Luca Coscioni Association, conclude by writing: "From tomorrow we will continue to fight so that similar obstructions

and violations of the will of the sick are not repeated. In any case, we will continue to provide direct help

to the people who turn to us to assert their right to decide on their own life ». For the Luca Coscioni Association, there would be the right to take or have one's life taken, corresponding to the "right to decide one's own life", a sort of personal self-determination. Well, in the states where euthanasia has already been legitimized, this right has been granted even to minors who are convinced that life is no longer worth living, even on the basis of an inner malaise. This is why it is wrong to exploit individual cases that they attest

to a real gravity to transform an individual desire into a collective right. We have already experienced


in the case of abortion and it is also happening in the case of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Dear friends,

in the tragic context that sees Italians destined to become extinct because we have the lowest birth rate

and we are the oldest population in the world after Japan, we must mobilize to counter the ideology of death inherent in abortion and in ' euthanasia, and on the contrary we must promote the culture of life and create

a strategy for the growth of the native Italian population. Only in this way will we be able to save the Italians, revive our civilization and redeem Italy. Let us go forward with our heads held high and with our backs straight, strong in truth and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it. Magdi Cristiano Allam Tuesday 14 June 2022

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BIN ISIS Salman ] if we want to save mankind? all the jewish masonic democracies must be overthrown immediately! [ Magdi Cristiano Allam, Justice is dead and the judiciary is rotten,

I will not go to vote in a misleading referendum, Dear friends, good morning and good weekend.

The lawyer Sergio Carlino reminded us that for two years of authoritarian, oppressive

and repressive political management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, the Judiciary was totally silent and, when it intervened, it did so to endorse the choices of the Government to impose

the imprisonment of Italians in their homes, to impose substantially mandatory inoculation

of experimental gene therapy sera fraudulently passed off as anti Covid-19 vaccines,

with rare exceptions which occurred in recent months in which the TAR (Regional Administrative Tribunals), which are organs of administrative jurisdiction, have ruled the reintegration

of individual employees of the health sector, law enforcement and armed forces in their respective workplaces even

if not vaccinated, stating that their salaries are essential for the survival of their families

All the lawyers in the Casa della Civiltà have agreed that there cannot be a "judicial solution"

to the arbitrariness with which the Government has operated and continues to operate in the management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, precisely because of the total alignment

and flattening

of the judiciary with government policy.

Justice is dead and the Judiciary is marched because the judiciary has substantially gone beyond its constitutional spheres, replacing the legislative power by issuing sentences that automatically assume the value of laws, and replacing the executive power with real coups d'etat judiciary such as that of "Clean Hands", starting from 1992, which literally wiped out the so-called "First Republic".

The judiciary is not credible due to the mixture and interpenetration of the legislative,


and judicial powers that undermine the foundations of the rule of law. The manifest politicization and division into political currents is present in the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which is the

highest constitutional organ of the government of the Judiciary, and in the National Association of Magistrates, to which 90 percent of the judges adhere.

The judiciary has fallen into the general discredit of Italians because, on the one hand, it is the caste that receives the highest salary levels in the administration of the state and which are paid automatically for seniority regardless of merit and, on the other, because it is the caste that is above the law it holds for all except for those who administer it, with rare exceptions

when it becomes impossible to conceal the flagrant nature of crimes that have become public knowledge.

Considering the whole reality of dead justice and rotten judiciary, exercising the right to vote


a referendum abrogating specific rules concerning the work of magistrates corresponds

to wanting to patch an irrecoverable structure that will not produce any results. positive,

but which will result in the legitimacy of a Republic that has caused the collapse of the state,

the decline of our civilization,

the condemnation of the Italian population to extinction.

Dear friends, precisely because I am aware of the reality of dead Justice and the rotten Judiciary, but at the same time I am firmly determined to redeem the State to safeguard the supreme interest of Italy and the primary good of Italians, I choose not to participate in the Referendum on technical questions, deceptive and not conclusive, I choose not to legitimize the financial, political,

health and media dictatorship to which we are subjected and of which the Magistocracy is

the most serious manifestation. The commitment of the Casa della Civiltà must continue

to elaborate a proposal

for the re-foundation of the area of Justice and the draft of a new Constitution

that represents

the whole of the new Italy to which we aspire to guarantee the life, dignity and freedom of our children and grandchildren.

Let us go forward with our heads held high and with our backs straight, strong in truth

and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it.

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BIN ISIS Salman ] if we want to save mankind? all the jewish masonic democracies must be

overthrown immediately! [ Magdi Cristiano Allam, Justice is dead and the judiciary is rotten, I will not go to vote

in a misleading referendum, Dear friends, good morning and good weekend.

Tomorrow, Sunday 12 June, I will not go to vote in the abrogative Referendum divided into five questions concerning the work of the Judiciary, presented by the Radicals and the League, because

I am firmly convinced that in Italy the Justice is dead and that the Judiciary, like the other institutions

of the state,

is inherently rotten, what has matured in me the conclusion that it is not possible to reform these institutions from within.

There is a need for coherence on a logical level between what we claim to be the correct representation

of reality, our critical evaluation and the concrete action we take. It is completely illogical

to acknowledge

that Justice is dead, that the Judiciary is intrinsically march even beyond the goodness of the work

of individual judges, and then behave as if this were not the reality, imagining that the outcome

of a referendum abrogative can revive justice and heal the judiciary.

The lawyer Sergio Carlino, Coordinator of the Justice Commission within the Casa della Civiltà Community, explained to us in a videoconference meeting that, first of all, the institution of the abrogative referendum does not guarantee the solution desired by the citizens. The abrogation of a norm creates

a legislative vacuum, but it will be the legislator, inevitably conditioned by the indications of the politicized Superior Council of the Judiciary, chaired by the President of the Republic, to promulgate

the new norm. Allowing citizens to repeal a rule without telling them what the replacement rule will be is

in fact

a futile exercise of popular sovereignty.

In the end, as we read in the Leopard by Tomasi di Lampedusa "If we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change", that is, everything changes so that nothing changes.

If we add to this that the abrogative referendum in any case cannot concern financial matters

and international treaties, which are the issues that fundamentally limit national sovereignty,

the emptiness

of the abrogative referendum is tangible. It is quite evident that Italians do not benefit from authentic national sovereignty if they cannot even express themselves in an abrogative sense on the euro, on European financial laws, on accession to the European Union and NATO.

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Magdi Cristiano Allam is with Antonio Dalla Torre. December 27th 2014, Good morning friends! It is shocking to see churches transformed into mosques, by the will of Catholic Christian priests, welcoming Muslims who inside of the church disavow Christianity by claiming

"there is no other god but Allah" and who disown Jesus Xrist by claiming that "Mohammed is the last Messenger of Allah ".

It means that the Church of Rome has chosen the suicide of Christianity as a religion and as a civilization.

Watch the two videos attached.

Dei muezzin, those who sing the appeal to Islamic prayer, performed in two churches in Italy,

surrounded by priests and Christian faithful, in spiritual recollection as if they shared the Islamic faith.

In one of the videos, the faithful warmly applaud the singing of the Islamic prayer.

Yet Christians cannot share a religion which, in the appeal to prayer, claims to be the fulfillment

of revelation, thus condemning Judaism and Christianity as heresies, and considers Muhammad

the seal

of the prophecy, denying the divinity of Jesus and downgrading all the prophets.

These contents are summarized in the Islamic call to prayer, in Arabic called the adhan

(which is also pronounced azan), spread through the loudspeakers placed on the top of the minarets, which reads:

"Allah is the Great

I testify that there is no other god but Allah

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Hurry to prayer

Hurry to wellness

Allah is the Great

There is no other god but Allah ".

The Muslims who transform churches into mosques

by will

of Christian priests is tangible proof of failure

of this Catholic Church subjugated by the "dictatorship of relativism", as Benedict XVI defined and condemned it.

In the heart of the stronghold of Christianity and the cradle of Catholicism we are allowing the consensual penetration of a ferocious ideology that in front of our home

it is perpetrating the genocide of Christians.

The Church knows it, denounces it in words, but in fact it allows the oppression of Islam by continuing

to be afraid to face the truth, repeating that

Islam is a religion of peace and Islamic terrorists are enemies of Islam. As if moderates and terrorists didn't pray

Allah himself, did not refer to the same Qur'an

and did not emulate the deeds of Muhammad himself.

Well, it is time to say enough of religious relativism.

Enough of the legitimacy of Islam. Enough of Islamic penetration into our home. Enough of churches transformed into mosques.

Enough of the Church which puts Christianity and Islam, Jesus and Mohammed on the same level. Enough of the genocide of Christians.

Enough of Islamic terrorism. That's enough!

Let us go forward with the truth and with the courage of freedom. Together we will do it!

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Discussion on World Israel News 5

WATCH: Suspect in attempted stabbing captured, arrested





Magdi Cristiano Allam was live.

September 30, 2021, Tunisia confirms that Muslims as people can be moderate if they live in a secular context, while Afghanistan confirms that Islam as a religion

it is not moderate because the Koran and Mohammed are incompatible with secularism and democracy. We welcome

the appointment of Professor Najla Bouden Romdhane

as new head of government in Tunisia, the first woman

to hold this post in the Arab world.

On the other hand, even Qatar denounces that the Taliban regime

in Afghanistan it applies an Islamic punitive system against women.

(Magdi Cristiano Allam, Cultural half hour

with the Friends of MCA, Thursday 30 September 2021)


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15

‘HEINOUS ACT’: Hamas releases video of Israeli hostage allegedly ill in hospital


Personally I have remained firm to Giuseppe Verdi and the maximum of musical transgression comes

to Lucio Battisti. Everything else causes me tachycardia. But musical tastes must be respected.

On the other hand, what is absolutely unacceptable is that in the Palace, symbol of the state

and of the institutions

that substantiate French civilization, the President of the Republic himself promoted a display

of militants

of homosexualist ideology and pederasty. Kiddy Smile, a disc jockey or more simply a DJ,

an entertainment professional who selects the music, performed with a T-shirt that reads «Son of immigrants, black and pederast». In the vocabulary of the Italian language, "pederasty" indicates

the sexual intercourse

of an adult with an adolescent and is sanctioned by law. I don't know what "pederasty" means

for the French,

but Macron certainly cleared it yesterday, allowing it to be advertised inside the Presidential Palace.

Dear friends, this is the real "leprosy" of which Macron speaks scornfully at the "populists"

advancing in Europe, and he is the "repulsive" being, as he defined the behavior of the Italian government in the affair of the ship. Aquarius with 629 so-called "migrants" on board.

Yesterday the Elysée Palace staged the spectacle of the decadence of European civilization,

under the banner of the excessive power of the great globalized speculative finance of which Macron

is an illustrious representative, and of the dictatorship of relativism that has undermined the very foundations of our humanity to the point that we have lost the certainty of who we are in terms of our roots, faith, identity, values, rules and laws.


democracy is the complete opposite of what it claims to be


3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Magdi Cristiano Allam 22 June 2018 Homosexualism and pederasty at the Elysée: Macron promotes the decay of our civilization. This is the real "leprosy" of which he speaks and he is the "vomiting" being to guard against

Dear friends, as soon as I saw the photograph of French President Emmanuel Macron, 41,

and his wife Brigitte Trogneux, his 65-year-old former teacher, surrounded by transvestite homosexuals

in a room

of the Elysée, the Palace of the Presidency of the Republic, I thought it was a photomontage.

In my heart I hoped it was a falsehood, more commonly referred to as "fake news".

But after having viewed a dozen French news sites that tell of the "Music Festival" that took place last night at the Elysée, spreading the same photographs, I had to acknowledge that it is a tragic reality.

Forget the so-called "electronic music" which for me is anything but music.

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The FBI last week seized the phone of John Eastman, Donald Trump's former lawyer who filed allegations of electoral fraud, backed by the former president. Six agents waited for him outside a restaurant, and forced him to unlock his smartphone to access the data. The lawyer filed an appeal in a federal court in New Mexico, calling the seizure illegitimate and asking the judge to "destroy all documents" taken from the cellphone.


Biden's laptops must be confiscated and (Pelosi accomplice)

because Biden publicly claimed they would be electoral fraud

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The truth June 13 at 2:41 pm. The journalist and writer: "Muslims fill a void that exists regardless of them, the European populations will become extinct".. however, due to Talmudic ideologies Spa & Co, DEM lgbtqia, Masonic coup and high constitutional betrayal scam seigniorage banking, of the Satanist plutocratic Jew

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


We are witnessing the paradox in which the one who apparently represents the secular Muslim is the one who behaves in the most extremist and most violent way, probably because he must dispel any doubts about the genuineness of his Islamic faith in relation to the Westernized way in which he presents himself

in public. We must resign ourselves to the fact that there is only one Islam,

because there is only one Allah, one Koran and one Muhammad who are identical for all Muslims. Muslims may be different, they may manifest different modalities of the same Islam, but in the end they all converge on what Allah prescribes literally and in full in the Qur'an and on usOr what Muhammad said and did did.

Above all, we must be clear that, within our home,

dialogue and coexistence with Muslims as persons are possible only if we know how to make ourselves respected, demanding, I stress demanding,

that they behave no more and no less as they are required to behave. all Italian citizens,

or respecting

the same secular laws of the State, complying with the same rules on which civil coexistence is based,

sharing the same values that substantiate our civilization, including the freedom of the Muslim himself

to abandon Islam without being condemned of apostasy, a crime sanctioned with the death penalty in Islam.

In this regard, we hope that the young Egyptian atheist Mohammad Hashem will not suffer retaliation

for having courageously manifested his thoughts on god and religion.

Today more than ever it is evident that in Italy and in Europe we will be able to redeem our decadent civilization only when we have the intellectual honesty and the human courage to speak

the truth freely about Islam, to say that Islam as a religion is incompatible with our secular laws,

with the rules on

which civil coexistence is based, with the values that substantiate our civilization: the sacredness

of everyone's life, equal dignity between people, freedom of individual choice including religious freedom and included the freedom not to believe in any god.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Magdi Cristiano Allam March 15, 2018, A brave young Egyptian was thrown off a television for saying he didn't believe in God and religion: “Go immediately and be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Atheism is a psychiatric disease ". We must acknowledge that there is no "moderate Islam" and put an end to the Islamization of Italy and Europe

Good morning friends. This video is dedicated to all those who in Italy and in Europe, within the Church

and the State, are doing their utmost for the legitimacy of Islam as a religion, for the construction of more

and more mosques, for the codification of the criminal offense of " islamophobia ”,

for the teaching

of the Koran in public schools, for the inclusion of Islamic holidays in the civil calendar,

for the demographic and urban Islamization of our society blinded by the myth of multiculturalism.

It shows us an event that took place last February 11 in the studio of the Egyptian television Alhadath Alyoum Tv (Il Fatto del Giorno). Mohammad Hashem, a young Egyptian atheist, was invited

to participate

in a debate with the Sheikh (Sheikh) Mahmoud Ashour, deputy to the Grand Imam of the Islamic Mosque-University of Al Azhar, the most prestigious theological and legal center of Sunni majority Islam. , conceivable as the "Vatican"

of Islam. It is no coincidence that Pope Francis has identified in the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Scheikh Ahmad Al Tayyeb, his privileged interlocutor in Islam, inviting him to the Vatican and going to visit him

in Cairo, despite being an apologist for Palestinian suicidal Islamic terrorism which legitimizes the massacre of Jews and Israelis.

The conductor Mahmoud Abd Al Halim, was dressed in a jacket, tie and handkerchief in the pocket in a uniform blue color, a classic white shirt with a starched collar and cufflinks, with an absolutely secular

and moderate look, apparently inspired by Western modernity and compatible with our civilization.

At first, the young Mohammad Hashem said: “I am an atheist. I don't believe in the existence of God,

I don't believe in religion. This is atheism. I don't need religion to have moral values or to be a useful subject in society ”. Sheikh Ashour's reaction was one of disbelief: “How did you say? Can you repeat?".

The young man repeated what he had just said.

And it is at this point that the conductor Abd Al Halim breaks in with a growing and irrepressible anger:

"Who created you?", "You are subject to mental confusion, you suffer from a lack of self-esteem,

you deny Allah, you deny religion, you deny the pillars of faith, but who do you believe in? ".

Faced with the young man's question “Did I say something reprehensible?”, The conductor Abd Al Halim always unleashed

a furious and uncontrollable reaction: “Obviously it is reprehensible! You speak without knowing!

You are an atheist! You are a heretic! I apologize to the Egyptian viewers for having a young Egyptian with these characteristics in the studio. I can't continue hosting you on this show. Your ideas are not appropriate.

We cannot propagate destructive ideas ”.

At this point Sheikh Ashour intervenes with a paternalistic tone: “Listen to me my dear. You need to be treated by a psychiatrist. Atheism is a psychiatric disease that affects many young people due to family problems related to the material or moral situation ". Here again the apparently secular

and moderate conductor bursts in: “It is as Sheikh Ashour is telling you. Have you, Mohammad,

been to a psychiatrist?

I advise you, live, to get out of here and immediately go to a psychiatric hospital.

You can't keep staying here on the broadcast. Please get up. Unfortunately, your ideas are destructive and lead to ruin for young Egyptians. You are a bad example for young Egyptians ”.

Dear friends, what really happened in this TV show makes us feel that there is no such thing as a "moderate Islam".

When Allah, the Koran, Mohammed, Sharia law, Islamic law are placed at the center of life, all Muslims reason and behave substantially in the same way, whether they are wearing the Sheikh's caftan or sporting an elegant Western suit.

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Magdi Cristiano Allam 9 August 2021, In Marotta we witnessed the death of the rule of law. Or we put the police in a position to defend life and protect assets

of citizens using the service weapon, shooting, wounding if necessary and killing if the enemy of the rule of law is forced, or we will be overwhelmed and defeated by arbitrariness

and from the violence of our enemies

Dear friends, good morning and good start to the week.

Last Friday on the coast of Marotta, a seaside resort

of 12,525 inhabitants in the Province of Pesaro-Urbino,

dozens of young people of Albanian, Colombian, Senegalese and Nigerian nationalities who had spent the night dancing and getting drunk in the Miù Disco nightclub,

gave birth

to a violent and bloody fight that resulted in stabbing

of a young Senegalese hospitalized

in a reserved prognosis, in addition to the wounding of two hospitalized carabinieri

in the hospital.

In a press release, the Carabinieri union UNARMA Marche argues: "The Marches need more personnel in uniform which, as in these cases and as the national news tells us,

interventions in situations of gathering in the vicinity

of night clubs have increasingly bloody results

where safety

of the Military is severely tested both from a physical point of view

that from the conditions in which they are forced to operate with a relationship of two against several dozen young people,

where for the vast majority of situations they are under the effects

of drugs and alcohol. The military found themselves confronted

not only

the ferocity of foreign citizens, but also of many young people

who, in a state of intoxication, threw bottles, as a matter of course

in favor of one faction or the other and where the costs were paid by the police officers who, in order to guarantee safety in an exemplary way, reported wounds that could be healed in 20 and 15 days.

It should be noted that the ferocity of the dozens of foreigners

it even went so far as to enter the service car where the perpetrator of the stabbing was guarded

by the soldiers who promptly intervened and for this purpose of lynching

the car itself was rendered unusable ".

Dear friends, the attached video shows firsthand the impotence of the two young carabinieri to operate on a field of battle where dozens of drunk and armed young people ran around

of knives, bars, iron chains, stones.

The only ones not to challenge

the weapons were the carabinieri. They have a weapon, but a gun at the waist it is as if it were not there. They have never touched it, never held it, never used it. Because they are afraid to do so in the knowledge that they would automatically find themselves indicted, suspended from service and salary,

forced to pay the lawyer until the outcome of the trial.

In Marotta there is a young Senegalese who is in danger of being stabbed

life and two carabinieri wounded and hospitalized.

The carabinieri car was devastated.

In Marotta we have experienced first hand the impotence of the state, which in our house allows itself

to be overwhelmed by arbitrariness

and from the violence of those who deliberately violate the laws

and attacks

the guardians of the rule of law, certain that the police will not react and that they will either go unpunished or the sanction will be laughable.

Well, dear friends, or let's put the police in a position to use the order weapon to affirm

the primacy of the state in our home, of being able to shoot enemies of the rule of law when it is appropriate, of being able to injure when

it is necessary to be able to kill when it is right

to safeguard their own lives and the lives of citizens,

or we will witness inert and helpless in death

of the rule of law

and to the victory of arbitrariness and violence

enemies of the rule of law.

On the battlefield the wounded

and the dead are still there. We have to decide whether to give up

to our life, dignity, justice and freedom in our home,

or if we want to safeguard the rule of law that protects all citizens who respect the law, comply with the rules of civil coexistence, share the values that substantiate

our civilization.

Dear friends, we are on the side of the police

and we want a rule of law capable of defending life

and protect citizens' assets. We ask that the police are put in a position to be able to adequately comply with their institutional mission,

guaranteeing their prerogative on a legal, juridical and professional level

to use the service weapon, to be able to shoot, injure and kill

according to the situation that arises on the field

of battle against the enemies of the rule of law,

against those who do not love Italy

and does not want the good of the Italians.

Magdi Cristiano Allam

Monday 9th August 2021 https://www.facebook.Com/search/top?q=magdi%20cristiano%20allam

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Magdi Cristiano Allam was live.

June 10, 2021, I made the decision not to pay Muslims anymore. For twenty years I have been subjected to judicial persecution of Muslims to force myself not to criticize Islam

to the sound of trials and heavy fines.

It is the "Jihad by Court",

the Islamic Holy War through the courts.

In Italy, Islam

it is not a state recognized religion

but the state behaves as if it were.

Well I will continue to tell the truth freely about Islam whatever the cost.

(Cultural half hour with the friends of Magdi Cristiano Allam, Thursday 10 June 2021)



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2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Rockefeller loves you a lot and stings you often! Magdi Cristiano Allam 26 September 2021 Admiration and gratitude to Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò, Deputy Commissioner of the State Police in Rome, who intervened against the Green Pass at yesterday's demonstration in Piazza San Giovanni.

It took a policewoman with balls to break through the wall

of fear among the police.

Thanks to his intellectual honesty, moral rectitude

and human courage the repressive and dictatorial strategy of the Government

she took a hard hit. Now it is up to us to promote the civil mobilization of the Italian people starting from 15 October

to force the irresponsible government to withdraw

the unconstitutional instrument and the stigma

of a pass that threatens to ignite an internal war that we must avert

Dear friends, I express my sincere admiration and immense gratitude to Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò,

Deputy Commissioner of the State Police in Rome, who yesterday, Saturday 25 September,

she spoke at the demonstration "Against the Green Pass,

for Freedom and the Future “, in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.

Her intervention was not officially planned. Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò spoke off the cuff

and moving the 100,000 participants in the demonstration. "When I told a friend of mine that I was coming here today,

she told me not to. Think about your career, so bad

has already won. Look what happened to Falcone and Borsellino.

I replied that the evil in history has never won.

If evil had won, we wouldn't be here today ”.

Addressing the police, she said:

"We policemen have sworn on the Constitution,

this is why it is my duty to be here ".

"The Italian Green Pass is illegitimate". "The most important thing

what I want to tell you is that unity is needed: we must combine our energies

and our strength to show everyone a better way “.

Dear friends, we needed a policewoman with balls

to break

the wall of fear among the police.

Thanks to his intellectual honesty, moral rectitude

and human courage the repressive and dictatorial strategy

of the Government has suffered a severe blow.

Now it's up to us to promote the civil mobilization of the Italian people starting from 15 October to force the irresponsible government to withdraw the unconstitutional instrument

and the stigma

of a pass that threatens to ignite an internal war that we must avert.

We love Italy. We go forward with the truth

and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it.

Magdi Cristiano Allam

Sunday 26th September 2021

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Discussion on World Israel News 17

Watch: Mother of terrorist praises son for transporting would-be suicide bomber

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


all Islamic terrorists must be immediately granted the death penalty!

The terrorist's mother praises her son for transporting the would-be suicide bomber

all Islamic terrorists must be immediately granted the death penalty!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 31

Ex-mayor de Blasio slams AIPAC, no longer backs pro-Israel lobby


If Ukraine loses, all democracies lose - Draghi at the G7


so called democracies are the greatest injustice, mafia lobbying, and delusion and scam in the history of mankind

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri








2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


De Blasio said he supports the two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as "the only road to peace in the region for the Israeli and Palestinian people to have their own states".


even 50 Christian nations had their own state before suffering the Islamist genocide!

the Copts in Egypt in 1970 were 30%, and today they are less than 5%.

there is no one who is as Satanist and anti-Zionist as the DEMs

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4

Jordan vows inquiry into deadly gas release at Red Sea port


condolences ] King Abdullah II [ condolences

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6

German antisemitism monitor: 2021 saw over seven incidents per day


Germany saw a 40% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2021.A total of 2,738 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded last year - an average of more than seven incidents per day,


and what are we waiting for, a new night of sharjah crystals?

that this is the shortcoming of this article worthy of the Rothschild Masonic society,

that is, to conceal the crimes of Muslims in the West

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Germany saw a 40% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2021 year-over-year, with more cases of violent outrage led by:

1. conspiracy theories related to the pandemic,


does not exist in Israel, a% of deaths from covid Kimera CIA UK EU NWO Rockefeller, and of deaths and injured by vaccines, which is lower, than any other part of the world, and this is what is so disturbing, that should shoah make us think ,

2. anti-Israeli sentiments after last year's Gaza war.


the NWO Vatican Bildenberg system hides what Muslims do to Christians in the whole ARAB LEAGUE of torture, rape and genocide.

besides, it is normal that the Israelis are not believed

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9

Student sues Yeshiva University after accusing basketball player of rape


Student sues Yeshiva University after accusing basketball player of rape.


of course, we would not be in this depravity, if the Dem Pelosi Ursula Biden Mogherini Merkel Trudeau and Sodoma hadn't made so many dirty movies to buy the Fed's shares

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


"War and pandemic have distracted us from Islamization".

I want to see them all die

satan sodom masonic regime, occult esoteric agenda Kalergi, Talmud Big genocide pharma, neoliberalist technocratic kabbalah spa & Co. power NWO ECB 322 FED

allied with the demons Allah Quran UMMA Sunni, from Riyadh

always work together to slander and attack:

Russia, China India.

because this is a war of the Donkey sukkers monkeys to Sodoms Ape Darwin DEM Allah & Lucifer kingdom Ursula lgbtqia Rothschild


Unius REI Governor, lorenzo JHWH Kingdom Israel, Buddha, JHWH Brahmā Viṣṇu and Śiva, of the supreme triad,

and my enemies?

I want to see them all die

and people dont forget the deadly prima threat sharjah threat (religious maniacs, serial killers, no reciprocity, no freedom of religion)

"War and pandemic have distracted us from Islamization".

Interview with "La Verità" of June 13, 20222022

https://www.casadellacivilta.Com/2022/06/13/guerra-and-pandemic- we- have-distracted-dallislamizzazione-intervista-a-magdi-cristiano-allam-su-la-verita-13-06- 22 /

by yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Morningstar commits to addressing anti-Israel bias in bid to avoid blacklist


Born, Russia: "Sweden and Finland? Destabilizing"

June 29, 2022, The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: "It absolutely does not bring more security"

after the bloody CIA coup, the Odessa pogroms and the 8-year genocide of Russian sovereigns in the Donbass?

there was no Russian invasion!

but how was Ukraine supposed to join NATO? this destroyed Russia's national security.

then, to these prostitutes from Sweden and Finland, but who ever threatened them?

Now you all see / understand that it is the Masonic system Rothschild Spa & Co, pushing for its world war in order to regenerate a new monetary cycle, as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has shown!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5

Disgraced ZAKA founder dies a year after suicide attempt


the CIA but never made a mistake with doctors without borders, to make an ivore at ISIS, and killed dozens of them, because they knew where they were

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


who accused this worthy social volunteer?

he had to prove his allegations!

Yehuda Meshi Zahav, founder of the Zaka organization

what if this has not been done?

now the judges and the media have to answer criminally

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Born, that's why Erdogan's Turkey the BOIA says yes to Sweden and Finland

June 28, 2022

Green light for Finland and Sweden to join NATO.

Helsinki and Stockholm agreed to take concrete steps on the extradition to Turkey of "terrorists"

(partisans who gave their blood to fight CIA-funded ISIS and Riyadh) who are on their territory.

This is a decisive step for Recep Tayyip Erodgan's yes, the Freemasons have agreed to cooperate

"in the fight against the PKK and its extensions" and

to "prevent terrorist propaganda against Turkey". They also agreed not to "impose an embargo

on the Turkish defense industry and to increase cooperation".


now we will have another Ottoman genocide: of innocent people,

and we will witness the terror of all the countries on which Erdogan has set his gaze!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6

Israel poised to earn $50B in gas sales to Europe


Born, Madrid Summit at the start. Stoltenberg: "From China challenges to our values of Allah akba ISIS Satan & Sodom in JaBulOn Bildenberg"


even the wrong people like Stoltenberg

sometimes they can tell the truth

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11

2,000 North American Jews expected to make aliyah this summer


Ukraine, Johnson is a warmongering criminal and Satanist:

G20, Draghi: "Putin will not come".

Russia replies: "He doesn't decide"


when the mafia system Spa & Co, Western Masonic demonic Jewish: technocrat and sodomitic neoliberal, 14 years ago, began to slander Russia?

then, all popolitics must be in a roped party to hell,

therefore we do not have: in the US EU UK an alternative opinion on the vaccine-covid and on Putin in the West,

where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,

precisely because we are the most criminal dictatorial terrorist regime in history, a nightmare for those who do not align themselves with the dominant DEM thinking,

ie, esoteric supernatural power

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine, Johnson is a criminal and warmongering Satanist: "If Putin had been a woman he would not have made this war".

but his worst flaw than him is that he is an idiot

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Doctor no-vax Barbara Balanzoni, champion of home care against Covid-19, was removed from the Order of Doctors of Venice. To give the news of the radiation is the same Balanzoni,


if a doctor has more deaths from covid, why instead of following the hippocratic oath, he follows the big pharma aionists?

he must be banned, not those doctors who go against the WHO protocol and save thousands of people from death

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


From Austria to Cellino for an autograph by Al Bano on the Vespas. Then the theft. The singer's appeal to thieves: "Return them"


this is the right presentation of our PD DEM country system maia jabulon abroad

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Stoltenberg: "Even European countries pay a cost for sanctions: and this is the price of freedom for our one Mason God Rockefeller master Bildenberg 666 Rothschild Spa & Co,"

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Stoltemberg said that CHINA is also an enemy that must come forward,

and indeed, Stoltemberg is right when he indirectly says that the interests of OTAN and OCI UMMA coincide in the NWO,

and that unfortunately the interests against CHINA do not coincide


but how do the desired values of Satan-Sodom coincide

with the sharjah rights genocide of Allah?

this he did not explain

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hostilities in Ukraine could end "by today if only Kiev ordered nationalists to lay down their arms," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.


for those who have been transformed into an international criminal because of the Mario Draghi Spa NWO coup of the CIA-UK in 2014? this is also an opportunity to be legitimized!

an opportunity that must be taken on the fly, before even losing ODESSA

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel 20 years ago the disputed barrier with the Palestinians.

this is yet another lie, I asked for this barrier about 30 years ago


Unfortunately, there is no moderate Islam, Erdogan said.

and talmud and quran authorize to lie to the memic / prey, until he is killed / robbed masonically in treason

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


NATO accepts Erdogan's requests and Turkey removes the veto: green light to Sweden and Finland


in exchange for what new Ottoman genocide?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


welcome] 2,000 North American Jews should do aliyah this summer [welcome

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 33

German Jews, politicians up in arms over failure to prosecute synagogue arsonist


you must immediately find the Spa & Co Rothschild cult mandates!

Five days later, Serkan P. fled to Turkey. A year later, a JNS investigation found that German federal and state governments failed to take concrete action to arrest and prosecute him.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


you must immediately find the Spa & Co Rothschild cult mandates! LODI, 28 JUN-Pierangelo Repanati, 57, journalist and former mayor of Corte Palasio (Lodi), was watering his garden when, last night after 10 pm, he was attacked and killed.

It is a detail that emerges from the first reconstruction of what happened.

Killed him while he waters the garden

The man's screams attracted the attention of the neighbors who alerted the rescue services.

The first hypotheses of the investigators do not exclude that the journalist may have been pleased after discovering thieves in his home. "He was a good person,

Recently he had insisted that the celebration of Mass in Latin return to the abbey of Abbadia Cerreto, a few kilometers from where he lived.

He was a very believer, a practicing Catholic ".

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5

WATCH: Suspect in attempted stabbing captured, arrested


Being Pope, Vicar of Xrist, the one who can bind and untie is a position of enormous weight, so to be valid it must be reached at the end of an obstacle course that must be clear, without even a shadow. Since the Pope's affirmations bind my faith, I must have no doubts. According to canon law, a single suspicion of irregularity is sufficient for him not to be Pope. In the election of Bergoglio there are four very serious irregularities, so he is dealing with an anti-pope like Boniface VIII. 1. The Pope is the Vicar of Xist. Do you understand that Xrist had a twin brother? No. So there must be one of Papa at a time. A Pope can abdicate (a Pope does not resign, he abdicates) only if he has brain metastases or is hostage to someone. Xsto did not stop on Golgotha asking for the change. If a Pope has been pushed to abdication by blackmail as happened for Celestine V and as happened (by now the affirmations leave no doubt) for Benedict XVI, the abdication is invalid. 2. At the time of taking vows a Jesuit accepts the Jesuit rule which prohibits Jesuits from becoming both a cardinal and a Pope. A papal dispensation was made for Cardinal Martini which cannot be made for someone who becomes Pope. 3. According to the Canon law reiterated for the last time by Benedict XVI in February 2013, 15 days must necessarily pass between the moment in which the see is vacant and the election of the new Pope, so that the assembled cardinals have time to consult and listen to the spirit Holy. Ratzinger abdicated on February 28 and Bergoglio was elected on March 13. 4. The election must be flawless, while in Bergoglio's there was one more vote than the voters.

Even more tragic is to analyze the content of Bergoglio's preaching. (Continued)


like all women, Silvana is also very religious.. Magdi Cristiano Allam 24 May 2016 SILVANA DE MARI - It has been written about Bergoglio that he is the prophet who led Christianity to open up, making it flexible, portionable, questionable, questionable, sympathetic, vegetarian, vegan and why not gay friendly. These operations are actually much more. Bergoglio did not "open" Christianity, but he founded a new religion that is absolutely opposite. ((Many start from a syllogism. The Pope is the Vicar of Xrist. Bergoglio is the Pope.

Bergoglio is the Vicar of Xrist, therefore whoever obeys him is obeying Xrist, whoever insults him is insulting rist.

Wrong. )))

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Magdi Cristiano Allam 29 May 2019 Pope Francis wants to eliminate nation states and is complicit in the strategy of a New World Order subjected to the great globalized speculative finance. We love and defend Italy

Dear friends, in an interview broadcast yesterday by the Mexican broadcaster Televisa, Pope Francis condemning for the umpteenth time the construction of the walls that delimit the borders between states, has in fact clarified his opposition to the national state, to the borders, to safeguarding of the territory

and of the national heritage. In parallel he argued that men who build walls are worse than animals.

These are his words: “I don't know what happens when this new culture of defending territories

by building walls enters. We have already met one, that of Berlin, which has brought us so many headaches and so much suffering. But it seems that what man does is what animals do not do. Man is the only animal that falls twice into the same hole. Let's do the same things again. Raising walls as if this were the defense.

When the defense is dialogue, growth, hospitality and education, integration, or the healthy limit of "you can't do more", but human.. (...) To defend what ? The territory, or the economy of the country or go to know that ".

Well, the elimination of nation states to impose a New World Order that submits a uniform and homologated humanity is the strategy promoted by the great globalized speculative finance that, in the same interview, Pope Francis criticizes.

As for conceiving men worse than animals, Pope Francis clashes with the Christian truth contained


the Bible and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which affirm that man was created in the image

and likeness of God and that animals were created to be dominated by man. A Pope who affirms not only that man is an animal, but that he is worse than animals, in fact offends the Lord.

In Genesis 1, 26-28, we read: Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, conforming to our likeness, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, over all the earth

and on all

the reptiles that crawl on the earth ». God created man in his image; he created it in the image of God;

he created them male and female. God blessed them; and God said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply;

fill the earth, make it subject to it, dominate over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over every animal that moves on the earth ».

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at point 2417, we read: «God gave animals to him whom

he created in his image. It is therefore legitimate to use animals to provide food or to make clothes. They can be tamed, so that they help man in his work and also to recreate himself in leisure. Medical

and scientific experiments on animals are morally acceptable practices, if they remain within reasonable limits and help to cure or save lives. "

In the same interview, Pope Francis lies about the reality of today's situation of so-called migrants

in the Mediterranean, arguing that "it is becoming more and more a cemetery", while the number

of victims has significantly reduced since Italy closed its ports, departures from the Libyan coast

and consequently there are fewer and fewer deaths. These are instead the words of Pope Francis:

«It is a priority in the world, the migratory world has reached such a point today that I have taken the migrants section of the Integral Human Development Department into my hands to give it meaning. Every day we learn that the Mediterranean is becoming more and more a cemetery, just to give an example ».

You can read the full text of Pope Francis' interview in which he dwells on the scandal

of pedophilia within the Church, he says that "the world does not work without women, not because it is women

who have children, let's put aside procreation », But because the woman embodies tenderness,

and finally announces a constitutional reform of the Vatican State because she cannot continue to be

« the last European court of an absolute monarchy ».


Dear friends, it is now clear that Pope Francis is an integral part of the pro-European and globalist strategy that wants to eliminate nation states, unhinge local identities, promote a New World Order in the name

of a universal hybridization, drastically leveling the standard of living as imagined. from communism,

in which each of us will be reduced to being an instrument of production and consumption of materiality

at the lowest possible cost. In doing so, Pope Francis poses himself as a political antagonist and must be treated as such. We will continue to love our Italy and defend our borders, our territory, our heritage and, above all, to safeguard our civilization, to be fully ourselves in our home.

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By Magdi Cristiano Allam editorial 10

Abortion and euthanasia are ideologies of death. We promote the culture of life and a strategy for the growth of the Italian birth rate

Dear friends good morning. We touch firsthand that we are a fallen civilization when we acknowledge that, despite being a population destined to become extinct because they do not have children

in an adequate percentage to safeguard the "replacement level" (two children on average per fertile woman who replace the two parents ), instead of conceiving the demographic collapse as our greatest national emergency

and promoting the culture of life by implementing a strategy for the growth of the birth rate of Italians, we conceive the ideology of death and the right to take or have one's life taken away as the pinnacle of our civilization. Just as it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the single case of a girl raped

to sentence the death sentence of the human creature born in her womb, legitimizing the criminal ideology of abortion which in the vast majority of cases translates into the practice of 'termination of pregnancy

due to the arbitrary decision of the mother without there being any risk for one's life and for the life of one's newborn, well it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the case of individuals who are undoubtedly in difficult health conditions for legitimize the criminal ideology of "assisted suicide" and euthanasia. In the case of abortion, focusing attention on individual cases, in Italy the genocide of 6,040,946 human creatures was legitimized from 1978 to 2019, according to the data of the Ministry of Health on the so-called "voluntary interruptions of pregnancy", reported by the site of the «Help Center

for Life». In 1978, after the victory of the Referendum promoted by the Radical Party, Law 194 was promulgated which allows the mother to have an abortion in a public facility in the first 90 days of gestation for health, economic, social or family reasons, on the basis of a declaration of the mother in which

she claims that the continuation of the pregnancy may represent a danger to her physical or mental health; between the fourth and fifth month it is still possible to have an abortion for therapeutic reasons,

if there is

a serious risk to the mother's health or if the mother chooses not to give birth to a child affected by serious pathologies or malformations. This morning I read the news on the Agi Agency website entitled "After

a deep and continuous sedation, Fabio Ridolfi died. The 46-year-old from Fermignano had been immobilized in bed for 18 years due to a tetraparesis ». The published photo shows a serene face

that hints at a smile, a composed gaze, two lively and attentive eyes. The Luca Coscioni Association,

linked to the Radicals, makes it known that the Ridolfi family "announces the death of Fabio, the 46-year-old from Fermignano (Pesaro-Urbino), who has chosen to withdraw his consent to artificial nutrition and hydration. In the afternoon he had started the deep sedation ». It means that he voluntarily chose to die of hunger and thirst, apparently without suffering. Fabio Ridolfi had said: «For two months my suffering has been recognized as unbearable. I have all the conditions to be helped to die. But the state ignores me ». We learn that access to "assisted suicide" is possible in Italy for people in her condition on the basis

of a ruling by the Constitutional Court. On 19 May a so-called "Ethics Committee" had given its approval to assisted suicide, but had not indicated the modalities or the drug that Fabio could self-administer. "So - reads

the statement from the Coscioni Association - in recent days Fabio communicated his choice,

a fallback choice, to resort to the solution that he could have taken without waiting for the opinion

he never received: deep and continuous sedation. Fabio Ridolfi died without suffering, after hours of sedation

and not immediately as he would have liked ». Filomena Gallo and Marco Cappato of the Luca Coscioni Association, conclude by writing: "From tomorrow we will continue to fight so that similar obstructions

and violations of the will of the sick are not repeated. In any case, we will continue to provide direct help

to the people who turn to us to assert their right to decide on their own life ». For the Luca Coscioni Association, there would be the right to take or have one's life taken, corresponding to the "right to decide one's own life", a sort of personal self-determination. Well, in the states where euthanasia has already been legitimized, this right has been granted even to minors who are convinced that life is no longer worth living, even on the basis of an inner malaise. This is why it is wrong to exploit individual cases that they attest

to a real gravity to transform an individual desire into a collective right. We have already experienced


in the case of abortion and it is also happening in the case of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Dear friends,

in the tragic context that sees Italians destined to become extinct because we have the lowest birth rate

and we are the oldest population in the world after Japan, we must mobilize to counter the ideology of death inherent in abortion and in ' euthanasia, and on the contrary we must promote the culture of life and create

a strategy for the growth of the native Italian population. Only in this way will we be able to save the Italians, revive our civilization and redeem Italy. Let us go forward with our heads held high and with our backs straight, strong in truth and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it. Magdi Cristiano Allam Tuesday 14 June 2022

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BIN ISIS Salman ] if we want to save mankind? all the jewish masonic democracies must be overthrown immediately! [ Magdi Cristiano Allam, Justice is dead and the judiciary is rotten,

I will not go to vote in a misleading referendum, Dear friends, good morning and good weekend.

The lawyer Sergio Carlino reminded us that for two years of authoritarian, oppressive

and repressive political management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, the Judiciary was totally silent and, when it intervened, it did so to endorse the choices of the Government to impose

the imprisonment of Italians in their homes, to impose substantially mandatory inoculation

of experimental gene therapy sera fraudulently passed off as anti Covid-19 vaccines,

with rare exceptions which occurred in recent months in which the TAR (Regional Administrative Tribunals), which are organs of administrative jurisdiction, have ruled the reintegration

of individual employees of the health sector, law enforcement and armed forces in their respective workplaces even

if not vaccinated, stating that their salaries are essential for the survival of their families

All the lawyers in the Casa della Civiltà have agreed that there cannot be a "judicial solution"

to the arbitrariness with which the Government has operated and continues to operate in the management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, precisely because of the total alignment

and flattening

of the judiciary with government policy.

Justice is dead and the Judiciary is marched because the judiciary has substantially gone beyond its constitutional spheres, replacing the legislative power by issuing sentences that automatically assume the value of laws, and replacing the executive power with real coups d'etat judiciary such as that of "Clean Hands", starting from 1992, which literally wiped out the so-called "First Republic".

The judiciary is not credible due to the mixture and interpenetration of the legislative,


and judicial powers that undermine the foundations of the rule of law. The manifest politicization and division into political currents is present in the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which is the

highest constitutional organ of the government of the Judiciary, and in the National Association of Magistrates, to which 90 percent of the judges adhere.

The judiciary has fallen into the general discredit of Italians because, on the one hand, it is the caste that receives the highest salary levels in the administration of the state and which are paid automatically for seniority regardless of merit and, on the other, because it is the caste that is above the law it holds for all except for those who administer it, with rare exceptions

when it becomes impossible to conceal the flagrant nature of crimes that have become public knowledge.

Considering the whole reality of dead justice and rotten judiciary, exercising the right to vote


a referendum abrogating specific rules concerning the work of magistrates corresponds

to wanting to patch an irrecoverable structure that will not produce any results. positive,

but which will result in the legitimacy of a Republic that has caused the collapse of the state,

the decline of our civilization,

the condemnation of the Italian population to extinction.

Dear friends, precisely because I am aware of the reality of dead Justice and the rotten Judiciary, but at the same time I am firmly determined to redeem the State to safeguard the supreme interest of Italy and the primary good of Italians, I choose not to participate in the Referendum on technical questions, deceptive and not conclusive, I choose not to legitimize the financial, political,

health and media dictatorship to which we are subjected and of which the Magistocracy is

the most serious manifestation. The commitment of the Casa della Civiltà must continue

to elaborate a proposal

for the re-foundation of the area of Justice and the draft of a new Constitution

that represents

the whole of the new Italy to which we aspire to guarantee the life, dignity and freedom of our children and grandchildren.

Let us go forward with our heads held high and with our backs straight, strong in truth

and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it.

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BIN ISIS Salman ] if we want to save mankind? all the jewish masonic democracies must be

overthrown immediately! [ Magdi Cristiano Allam, Justice is dead and the judiciary is rotten, I will not go to vote

in a misleading referendum, Dear friends, good morning and good weekend.

Tomorrow, Sunday 12 June, I will not go to vote in the abrogative Referendum divided into five questions concerning the work of the Judiciary, presented by the Radicals and the League, because

I am firmly convinced that in Italy the Justice is dead and that the Judiciary, like the other institutions

of the state,

is inherently rotten, what has matured in me the conclusion that it is not possible to reform these institutions from within.

There is a need for coherence on a logical level between what we claim to be the correct representation

of reality, our critical evaluation and the concrete action we take. It is completely illogical

to acknowledge

that Justice is dead, that the Judiciary is intrinsically march even beyond the goodness of the work

of individual judges, and then behave as if this were not the reality, imagining that the outcome

of a referendum abrogative can revive justice and heal the judiciary.

The lawyer Sergio Carlino, Coordinator of the Justice Commission within the Casa della Civiltà Community, explained to us in a videoconference meeting that, first of all, the institution of the abrogative referendum does not guarantee the solution desired by the citizens. The abrogation of a norm creates

a legislative vacuum, but it will be the legislator, inevitably conditioned by the indications of the politicized Superior Council of the Judiciary, chaired by the President of the Republic, to promulgate

the new norm. Allowing citizens to repeal a rule without telling them what the replacement rule will be is

in fact

a futile exercise of popular sovereignty.

In the end, as we read in the Leopard by Tomasi di Lampedusa "If we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change", that is, everything changes so that nothing changes.

If we add to this that the abrogative referendum in any case cannot concern financial matters

and international treaties, which are the issues that fundamentally limit national sovereignty,

the emptiness

of the abrogative referendum is tangible. It is quite evident that Italians do not benefit from authentic national sovereignty if they cannot even express themselves in an abrogative sense on the euro, on European financial laws, on accession to the European Union and NATO.

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Magdi Cristiano Allam is with Antonio Dalla Torre. December 27th 2014, Good morning friends! It is shocking to see churches transformed into mosques, by the will of Catholic Christian priests, welcoming Muslims who inside of the church disavow Christianity by claiming

"there is no other god but Allah" and who disown Jesus Xrist by claiming that "Mohammed is the last Messenger of Allah ".

It means that the Church of Rome has chosen the suicide of Christianity as a religion and as a civilization.

Watch the two videos attached.

Dei muezzin, those who sing the appeal to Islamic prayer, performed in two churches in Italy,

surrounded by priests and Christian faithful, in spiritual recollection as if they shared the Islamic faith.

In one of the videos, the faithful warmly applaud the singing of the Islamic prayer.

Yet Christians cannot share a religion which, in the appeal to prayer, claims to be the fulfillment

of revelation, thus condemning Judaism and Christianity as heresies, and considers Muhammad

the seal

of the prophecy, denying the divinity of Jesus and downgrading all the prophets.

These contents are summarized in the Islamic call to prayer, in Arabic called the adhan

(which is also pronounced azan), spread through the loudspeakers placed on the top of the minarets, which reads:

"Allah is the Great

I testify that there is no other god but Allah

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Hurry to prayer

Hurry to wellness

Allah is the Great

There is no other god but Allah ".

The Muslims who transform churches into mosques

by will

of Christian priests is tangible proof of failure

of this Catholic Church subjugated by the "dictatorship of relativism", as Benedict XVI defined and condemned it.

In the heart of the stronghold of Christianity and the cradle of Catholicism we are allowing the consensual penetration of a ferocious ideology that in front of our home

it is perpetrating the genocide of Christians.

The Church knows it, denounces it in words, but in fact it allows the oppression of Islam by continuing

to be afraid to face the truth, repeating that

Islam is a religion of peace and Islamic terrorists are enemies of Islam. As if moderates and terrorists didn't pray

Allah himself, did not refer to the same Qur'an

and did not emulate the deeds of Muhammad himself.

Well, it is time to say enough of religious relativism.

Enough of the legitimacy of Islam. Enough of Islamic penetration into our home. Enough of churches transformed into mosques.

Enough of the Church which puts Christianity and Islam, Jesus and Mohammed on the same level. Enough of the genocide of Christians.

Enough of Islamic terrorism. That's enough!

Let us go forward with the truth and with the courage of freedom. Together we will do it!

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Discussion on World Israel News 5

WATCH: Suspect in attempted stabbing captured, arrested





Magdi Cristiano Allam was live.

September 30, 2021, Tunisia confirms that Muslims as people can be moderate if they live in a secular context, while Afghanistan confirms that Islam as a religion

it is not moderate because the Koran and Mohammed are incompatible with secularism and democracy. We welcome

the appointment of Professor Najla Bouden Romdhane

as new head of government in Tunisia, the first woman

to hold this post in the Arab world.

On the other hand, even Qatar denounces that the Taliban regime

in Afghanistan it applies an Islamic punitive system against women.

(Magdi Cristiano Allam, Cultural half hour

with the Friends of MCA, Thursday 30 September 2021)


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15

‘HEINOUS ACT’: Hamas releases video of Israeli hostage allegedly ill in hospital


Personally I have remained firm to Giuseppe Verdi and the maximum of musical transgression comes

to Lucio Battisti. Everything else causes me tachycardia. But musical tastes must be respected.

On the other hand, what is absolutely unacceptable is that in the Palace, symbol of the state

and of the institutions

that substantiate French civilization, the President of the Republic himself promoted a display

of militants

of homosexualist ideology and pederasty. Kiddy Smile, a disc jockey or more simply a DJ,

an entertainment professional who selects the music, performed with a T-shirt that reads «Son of immigrants, black and pederast». In the vocabulary of the Italian language, "pederasty" indicates

the sexual intercourse

of an adult with an adolescent and is sanctioned by law. I don't know what "pederasty" means

for the French,

but Macron certainly cleared it yesterday, allowing it to be advertised inside the Presidential Palace.

Dear friends, this is the real "leprosy" of which Macron speaks scornfully at the "populists"

advancing in Europe, and he is the "repulsive" being, as he defined the behavior of the Italian government in the affair of the ship. Aquarius with 629 so-called "migrants" on board.

Yesterday the Elysée Palace staged the spectacle of the decadence of European civilization,

under the banner of the excessive power of the great globalized speculative finance of which Macron

is an illustrious representative, and of the dictatorship of relativism that has undermined the very foundations of our humanity to the point that we have lost the certainty of who we are in terms of our roots, faith, identity, values, rules and laws.


democracy is the complete opposite of what it claims to be


3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Magdi Cristiano Allam 22 June 2018 Homosexualism and pederasty at the Elysée: Macron promotes the decay of our civilization. This is the real "leprosy" of which he speaks and he is the "vomiting" being to guard against

Dear friends, as soon as I saw the photograph of French President Emmanuel Macron, 41,

and his wife Brigitte Trogneux, his 65-year-old former teacher, surrounded by transvestite homosexuals

in a room

of the Elysée, the Palace of the Presidency of the Republic, I thought it was a photomontage.

In my heart I hoped it was a falsehood, more commonly referred to as "fake news".

But after having viewed a dozen French news sites that tell of the "Music Festival" that took place last night at the Elysée, spreading the same photographs, I had to acknowledge that it is a tragic reality.

Forget the so-called "electronic music" which for me is anything but music.

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The FBI last week seized the phone of John Eastman, Donald Trump's former lawyer who filed allegations of electoral fraud, backed by the former president. Six agents waited for him outside a restaurant, and forced him to unlock his smartphone to access the data. The lawyer filed an appeal in a federal court in New Mexico, calling the seizure illegitimate and asking the judge to "destroy all documents" taken from the cellphone.


Biden's laptops must be confiscated and (Pelosi accomplice)

because Biden publicly claimed they would be electoral fraud

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The truth June 13 at 2:41 pm. The journalist and writer: "Muslims fill a void that exists regardless of them, the European populations will become extinct".. however, due to Talmudic ideologies Spa & Co, DEM lgbtqia, Masonic coup and high constitutional betrayal scam seigniorage banking, of the Satanist plutocratic Jew

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


We are witnessing the paradox in which the one who apparently represents the secular Muslim is the one who behaves in the most extremist and most violent way, probably because he must dispel any doubts about the genuineness of his Islamic faith in relation to the Westernized way in which he presents himself

in public. We must resign ourselves to the fact that there is only one Islam,

because there is only one Allah, one Koran and one Muhammad who are identical for all Muslims. Muslims may be different, they may manifest different modalities of the same Islam, but in the end they all converge on what Allah prescribes literally and in full in the Qur'an and on usOr what Muhammad said and did did.

Above all, we must be clear that, within our home,

dialogue and coexistence with Muslims as persons are possible only if we know how to make ourselves respected, demanding, I stress demanding,

that they behave no more and no less as they are required to behave. all Italian citizens,

or respecting

the same secular laws of the State, complying with the same rules on which civil coexistence is based,

sharing the same values that substantiate our civilization, including the freedom of the Muslim himself

to abandon Islam without being condemned of apostasy, a crime sanctioned with the death penalty in Islam.

In this regard, we hope that the young Egyptian atheist Mohammad Hashem will not suffer retaliation

for having courageously manifested his thoughts on god and religion.

Today more than ever it is evident that in Italy and in Europe we will be able to redeem our decadent civilization only when we have the intellectual honesty and the human courage to speak

the truth freely about Islam, to say that Islam as a religion is incompatible with our secular laws,

with the rules on

which civil coexistence is based, with the values that substantiate our civilization: the sacredness

of everyone's life, equal dignity between people, freedom of individual choice including religious freedom and included the freedom not to believe in any god.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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Magdi Cristiano Allam March 15, 2018, A brave young Egyptian was thrown off a television for saying he didn't believe in God and religion: “Go immediately and be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Atheism is a psychiatric disease ". We must acknowledge that there is no "moderate Islam" and put an end to the Islamization of Italy and Europe

Good morning friends. This video is dedicated to all those who in Italy and in Europe, within the Church

and the State, are doing their utmost for the legitimacy of Islam as a religion, for the construction of more

and more mosques, for the codification of the criminal offense of " islamophobia ”,

for the teaching

of the Koran in public schools, for the inclusion of Islamic holidays in the civil calendar,

for the demographic and urban Islamization of our society blinded by the myth of multiculturalism.

It shows us an event that took place last February 11 in the studio of the Egyptian television Alhadath Alyoum Tv (Il Fatto del Giorno). Mohammad Hashem, a young Egyptian atheist, was invited

to participate

in a debate with the Sheikh (Sheikh) Mahmoud Ashour, deputy to the Grand Imam of the Islamic Mosque-University of Al Azhar, the most prestigious theological and legal center of Sunni majority Islam. , conceivable as the "Vatican"

of Islam. It is no coincidence that Pope Francis has identified in the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Scheikh Ahmad Al Tayyeb, his privileged interlocutor in Islam, inviting him to the Vatican and going to visit him

in Cairo, despite being an apologist for Palestinian suicidal Islamic terrorism which legitimizes the massacre of Jews and Israelis.

The conductor Mahmoud Abd Al Halim, was dressed in a jacket, tie and handkerchief in the pocket in a uniform blue color, a classic white shirt with a starched collar and cufflinks, with an absolutely secular

and moderate look, apparently inspired by Western modernity and compatible with our civilization.

At first, the young Mohammad Hashem said: “I am an atheist. I don't believe in the existence of God,

I don't believe in religion. This is atheism. I don't need religion to have moral values or to be a useful subject in society ”. Sheikh Ashour's reaction was one of disbelief: “How did you say? Can you repeat?".

The young man repeated what he had just said.

And it is at this point that the conductor Abd Al Halim breaks in with a growing and irrepressible anger:

"Who created you?", "You are subject to mental confusion, you suffer from a lack of self-esteem,

you deny Allah, you deny religion, you deny the pillars of faith, but who do you believe in? ".

Faced with the young man's question “Did I say something reprehensible?”, The conductor Abd Al Halim always unleashed

a furious and uncontrollable reaction: “Obviously it is reprehensible! You speak without knowing!

You are an atheist! You are a heretic! I apologize to the Egyptian viewers for having a young Egyptian with these characteristics in the studio. I can't continue hosting you on this show. Your ideas are not appropriate.

We cannot propagate destructive ideas ”.

At this point Sheikh Ashour intervenes with a paternalistic tone: “Listen to me my dear. You need to be treated by a psychiatrist. Atheism is a psychiatric disease that affects many young people due to family problems related to the material or moral situation ". Here again the apparently secular

and moderate conductor bursts in: “It is as Sheikh Ashour is telling you. Have you, Mohammad,

been to a psychiatrist?

I advise you, live, to get out of here and immediately go to a psychiatric hospital.

You can't keep staying here on the broadcast. Please get up. Unfortunately, your ideas are destructive and lead to ruin for young Egyptians. You are a bad example for young Egyptians ”.

Dear friends, what really happened in this TV show makes us feel that there is no such thing as a "moderate Islam".

When Allah, the Koran, Mohammed, Sharia law, Islamic law are placed at the center of life, all Muslims reason and behave substantially in the same way, whether they are wearing the Sheikh's caftan or sporting an elegant Western suit.

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Magdi Cristiano Allam 9 August 2021, In Marotta we witnessed the death of the rule of law. Or we put the police in a position to defend life and protect assets

of citizens using the service weapon, shooting, wounding if necessary and killing if the enemy of the rule of law is forced, or we will be overwhelmed and defeated by arbitrariness

and from the violence of our enemies

Dear friends, good morning and good start to the week.

Last Friday on the coast of Marotta, a seaside resort

of 12,525 inhabitants in the Province of Pesaro-Urbino,

dozens of young people of Albanian, Colombian, Senegalese and Nigerian nationalities who had spent the night dancing and getting drunk in the Miù Disco nightclub,

gave birth

to a violent and bloody fight that resulted in stabbing

of a young Senegalese hospitalized

in a reserved prognosis, in addition to the wounding of two hospitalized carabinieri

in the hospital.

In a press release, the Carabinieri union UNARMA Marche argues: "The Marches need more personnel in uniform which, as in these cases and as the national news tells us,

interventions in situations of gathering in the vicinity

of night clubs have increasingly bloody results

where safety

of the Military is severely tested both from a physical point of view

that from the conditions in which they are forced to operate with a relationship of two against several dozen young people,

where for the vast majority of situations they are under the effects

of drugs and alcohol. The military found themselves confronted

not only

the ferocity of foreign citizens, but also of many young people

who, in a state of intoxication, threw bottles, as a matter of course

in favor of one faction or the other and where the costs were paid by the police officers who, in order to guarantee safety in an exemplary way, reported wounds that could be healed in 20 and 15 days.

It should be noted that the ferocity of the dozens of foreigners

it even went so far as to enter the service car where the perpetrator of the stabbing was guarded

by the soldiers who promptly intervened and for this purpose of lynching

the car itself was rendered unusable ".

Dear friends, the attached video shows firsthand the impotence of the two young carabinieri to operate on a field of battle where dozens of drunk and armed young people ran around

of knives, bars, iron chains, stones.

The only ones not to challenge

the weapons were the carabinieri. They have a weapon, but a gun at the waist it is as if it were not there. They have never touched it, never held it, never used it. Because they are afraid to do so in the knowledge that they would automatically find themselves indicted, suspended from service and salary,

forced to pay the lawyer until the outcome of the trial.

In Marotta there is a young Senegalese who is in danger of being stabbed

life and two carabinieri wounded and hospitalized.

The carabinieri car was devastated.

In Marotta we have experienced first hand the impotence of the state, which in our house allows itself

to be overwhelmed by arbitrariness

and from the violence of those who deliberately violate the laws

and attacks

the guardians of the rule of law, certain that the police will not react and that they will either go unpunished or the sanction will be laughable.

Well, dear friends, or let's put the police in a position to use the order weapon to affirm

the primacy of the state in our home, of being able to shoot enemies of the rule of law when it is appropriate, of being able to injure when

it is necessary to be able to kill when it is right

to safeguard their own lives and the lives of citizens,

or we will witness inert and helpless in death

of the rule of law

and to the victory of arbitrariness and violence

enemies of the rule of law.

On the battlefield the wounded

and the dead are still there. We have to decide whether to give up

to our life, dignity, justice and freedom in our home,

or if we want to safeguard the rule of law that protects all citizens who respect the law, comply with the rules of civil coexistence, share the values that substantiate

our civilization.

Dear friends, we are on the side of the police

and we want a rule of law capable of defending life

and protect citizens' assets. We ask that the police are put in a position to be able to adequately comply with their institutional mission,

guaranteeing their prerogative on a legal, juridical and professional level

to use the service weapon, to be able to shoot, injure and kill

according to the situation that arises on the field

of battle against the enemies of the rule of law,

against those who do not love Italy

and does not want the good of the Italians.

Magdi Cristiano Allam

Monday 9th August 2021 https://www.facebook.Com/search/top?q=magdi%20cristiano%20allam

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Magdi Cristiano Allam was live.

June 10, 2021, I made the decision not to pay Muslims anymore. For twenty years I have been subjected to judicial persecution of Muslims to force myself not to criticize Islam

to the sound of trials and heavy fines.

It is the "Jihad by Court",

the Islamic Holy War through the courts.

In Italy, Islam

it is not a state recognized religion

but the state behaves as if it were.

Well I will continue to tell the truth freely about Islam whatever the cost.

(Cultural half hour with the friends of Magdi Cristiano Allam, Thursday 10 June 2021)



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Rockefeller loves you a lot and stings you often! Magdi Cristiano Allam 26 September 2021 Admiration and gratitude to Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò, Deputy Commissioner of the State Police in Rome, who intervened against the Green Pass at yesterday's demonstration in Piazza San Giovanni.

It took a policewoman with balls to break through the wall

of fear among the police.

Thanks to his intellectual honesty, moral rectitude

and human courage the repressive and dictatorial strategy of the Government

she took a hard hit. Now it is up to us to promote the civil mobilization of the Italian people starting from 15 October

to force the irresponsible government to withdraw

the unconstitutional instrument and the stigma

of a pass that threatens to ignite an internal war that we must avert

Dear friends, I express my sincere admiration and immense gratitude to Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò,

Deputy Commissioner of the State Police in Rome, who yesterday, Saturday 25 September,

she spoke at the demonstration "Against the Green Pass,

for Freedom and the Future “, in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.

Her intervention was not officially planned. Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò spoke off the cuff

and moving the 100,000 participants in the demonstration. "When I told a friend of mine that I was coming here today,

she told me not to. Think about your career, so bad

has already won. Look what happened to Falcone and Borsellino.

I replied that the evil in history has never won.

If evil had won, we wouldn't be here today ”.

Addressing the police, she said:

"We policemen have sworn on the Constitution,

this is why it is my duty to be here ".

"The Italian Green Pass is illegitimate". "The most important thing

what I want to tell you is that unity is needed: we must combine our energies

and our strength to show everyone a better way “.

Dear friends, we needed a policewoman with balls

to break

the wall of fear among the police.

Thanks to his intellectual honesty, moral rectitude

and human courage the repressive and dictatorial strategy

of the Government has suffered a severe blow.

Now it's up to us to promote the civil mobilization of the Italian people starting from 15 October to force the irresponsible government to withdraw the unconstitutional instrument

and the stigma

of a pass that threatens to ignite an internal war that we must avert.

We love Italy. We go forward with the truth

and with the courage of freedom. With the help of the Lord together we will make it.

Magdi Cristiano Allam

Sunday 26th September 2021

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Discussion on World Israel News 17

Watch: Mother of terrorist praises son for transporting would-be suicide bomber

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


all Islamic terrorists must be immediately granted the death penalty!

The terrorist's mother praises her son for transporting the would-be suicide bomber

all Islamic terrorists must be immediately granted the death penalty!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 31

Ex-mayor de Blasio slams AIPAC, no longer backs pro-Israel lobby


If Ukraine loses, all democracies lose - Draghi at the G7


so called democracies are the greatest injustice, mafia lobbying, and delusion and scam in the history of mankind

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri








2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


De Blasio said he supports the two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as "the only road to peace in the region for the Israeli and Palestinian people to have their own states".


even 50 Christian nations had their own state before suffering the Islamist genocide!

the Copts in Egypt in 1970 were 30%, and today they are less than 5%.

there is no one who is as Satanist and anti-Zionist as the DEMs

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4

Jordan vows inquiry into deadly gas release at Red Sea port


condolences ] King Abdullah II [ condolences

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6

German antisemitism monitor: 2021 saw over seven incidents per day


Germany saw a 40% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2021.A total of 2,738 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded last year - an average of more than seven incidents per day,


and what are we waiting for, a new night of sharjah crystals?

that this is the shortcoming of this article worthy of the Rothschild Masonic society,

that is, to conceal the crimes of Muslims in the West

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Germany saw a 40% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2021 year-over-year, with more cases of violent outrage led by:

1. conspiracy theories related to the pandemic,


does not exist in Israel, a% of deaths from covid Kimera CIA UK EU NWO Rockefeller, and of deaths and injured by vaccines, which is lower, than any other part of the world, and this is what is so disturbing, that should shoah make us think ,

2. anti-Israeli sentiments after last year's Gaza war.


the NWO Vatican Bildenberg system hides what Muslims do to Christians in the whole ARAB LEAGUE of torture, rape and genocide.

besides, it is normal that the Israelis are not believed

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9

Student sues Yeshiva University after accusing basketball player of rape


Student sues Yeshiva University after accusing basketball player of rape.


of course, we would not be in this depravity, if the Dem Pelosi Ursula Biden Mogherini Merkel Trudeau and Sodoma hadn't made so many dirty movies to buy the Fed's shares

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


"War and pandemic have distracted us from Islamization".

I want to see them all die

satan sodom masonic regime, occult esoteric agenda Kalergi, Talmud Big genocide pharma, neoliberalist technocratic kabbalah spa & Co. power NWO ECB 322 FED

allied with the demons Allah Quran UMMA Sunni, from Riyadh

always work together to slander and attack:

Russia, China India.

because this is a war of the Donkey sukkers monkeys to Sodoms Ape Darwin DEM Allah & Lucifer kingdom Ursula lgbtqia Rothschild


Unius REI Governor, lorenzo JHWH Kingdom Israel, Buddha, JHWH Brahmā Viṣṇu and Śiva, of the supreme triad,

and my enemies?

I want to see them all die

and people dont forget the deadly prima threat sharjah threat (religious maniacs, serial killers, no reciprocity, no freedom of religion)

"War and pandemic have distracted us from Islamization".

Interview with "La Verità" of June 13, 20222022

https://www.casadellacivilta.Com/2022/06/13/guerra-and-pandemic- we- have-distracted-dallislamizzazione-intervista-a-magdi-cristiano-allam-su-la-verita-13-06- 22 /

by yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


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