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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Iran moves to foil Israeli-Arab ties

Iran moves to foil Israeli-Arab ties, sabotage Biden's visit to Mideast


a minority of Satanists and perverts supported by the Spa & Co, synagogues of the diaspora: they try to corrupt the soul of mankind!

New Baymax animation series: Disney continues to foist the radical LGBT agenda on children

by Robert Siedlecki

Disney just does not seem to get. Despite its stock losing half its value since it decided to enter the culture wars on the side

of the radical LGBT agenda (including by publicly supporting the grooming of students as young as 5 in LGBT ideology),

Disney continues to push that agenda on young children. For [...]

Continue reading..

Corporations pay for abortion expenses by Nicole King

Corporate America is no friend to the family. But corporate America also does itself a huge disservice, because research

is beginning to come to light demonstrating the advantages that motherhood is to working women.

Continue reading.. "

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hi lorenzo, And save lives! Just one week ago, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Alliance Defending Freedom was honored to serve on the legal team that helped overturn Roe in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.

Roe is gone, thanks be to God. But the fight for life remains.

There is so much work to do in rebuilding a culture of life in America—one that strengthens families, empowers women, and cherishes children.

The reaction to Roe's overturning has been swift and severe from those who are pro-abortion. Politicians have said things like:

"To h*ll with the Supreme Court. We will defy them."

"American women today have less freedom than their mothers."

"People will die because of this decision."

Meanwhile, many corporations announced they'll be offering "abortion stipends and travel reimbursement."

But the pro-life movement has responded with joy and a radical hope for the future.

There's a steep hill left yet to climb to secure legal protections for the unborn and a culture of life. And that future is only possible with God’s blessing and the help of you and other Americans who believe in the sanctity of human life.

The next stage in the fight for life has begun—and your help is needed. In many states, babies and their moms are still at risk.

Will you give? Your gift right now will be the first step you can take to help fuel the work to:

Stand up for life-affirming laws across the country.

Prevent state courts from issuing their own “Roe” decisions under state law.

Defend the unborn and our most vulnerable.

Protect the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers and other organizations to serve women and children.

And save lives!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the US is only weak when it comes to defending Israel,

and evidently, the Sudairi Wahhabi Saudis like this.

When to the Iranian presence in Syria?

that I have authorized to fight Erdogan and his ISIS:

but, evidently the Iranians have illegally gone beyond my intentions,

in fact Erdogan did not kick him out

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


if these are the saints, then, the Islamists sharia jihad: their tormentors must be downgraded!

Who I am? Where they come from? They are those who "come from the great tribulation" and show the glory of the cross of Jesus Xsto.

Faced with a vision of Revelation: "immense multitude" of men and women singing hymns dressed in white, a bewildered John the Apostle the Evangelist asks the old man who accompanies him: "Who are they? Where they come from?". These words from the Apocalypse came to mind today, in the Paul VI hall, in front of a pipinara of children who solemnly received together with their parents the cross of martyrdom that accompanies the missionaries.

Who I am? Where they come from?

In a nation like Italy that has elected sodomy as a virtue,

has chosen as its own destiny of self-destruction: divorce, abortion and euthanasia: collective suicide and which has just celebrated the event of the first medically assisted death (the first of a supposedly crowded series), one wonders.

Who I am? Where they come from? They come from the trust that their parents gave to the preaching of Kiko and Carmen, the initiators of the Neocatechumenal Way, regarding the will of God on married life: just as Paul VI recalls in Humanae Vitae, it is agreed that: every sexual act is open to life. If you want to live fully, if you want to become saints, if you seek happiness founded on the rock of truth, it is convenient to live like this. Of course, this involves the acceptance of the cross: renunciation, sacrifice, mortification.

That is, of the fatigue, of the personal ascetic and collective suffering of the LGBTQIA DEMs, the true Nazis of today, who with their magistrates have occupied the institutions: and have suffocated democracy to death.

So we have a minority of Darwin monkeys Satanists Masonic sodomitic cult, it is rich and proterva that with the strength of the institutions and the media, tries to brainwash a majority: now become invisible.

But on the other hand, are we really sure that trying to avoid suffering, trying to escape from the cross, the results are so brilliant?

From December 28, 1988 to today, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and now Francis have blessed and sent about 2000 families.

Who I am? Where they come from? They are the ones who "come from the great tribulation and have washed their garments in the blood of the lamb" and show the glory of the cross of Jesus Xsto.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


in my poverty: I am making my small monthly contribution to help the suffering people of Ukraine (God damn NATO and its accomplices).

With You, We Can is your monthly appointment with Progetto Arca. It is a time to meet the people you are helping, to read the stories you are changing, to know what goals you help us achieve. It is designed for you, it is written thanks to you. Because we bring first aid where it is needed, but only with you can we.

until a few months ago, Černivci was a Ukrainian town of over 200,000 inhabitants. Today the people it welcomes are many more.

Since the beginning of the war, thousands of displaced people have poured in here. Elderly people who do not want to leave their land, poor people who have nothing or anyone to start over in another country, families who are waiting for the end of hostilities to embrace loved ones still at the front.

All these people are facing the other dramatic face of war, poverty. Not only have they lost everything and don't even have a place to sleep. But there is no food, there is also a lack of basic necessities and the price of the few foods available has skyrocketed.

We promised it, Lorenzo, as long as there is a need we will be the first help. And thanks to you, our commitment has never stopped: we are in Ukraine, in Černivci and Mostyska, and we let the voices of the people we meet to tell you what we carry out every day, with you..


Arca Project Foundation onlus

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hyena terrorist Iran mother and her wild dogs-sharia delegates are concerned about the idea of an Arab-Israeli military alliance built along NATO lines.


I share all their concerns, as opposing Zionism (of my Kingdom of Israel)

they are spreading NATO Satanism all over the planet, to threaten the very survival of the ISLAM of that Executioner Erdogan, who the last time I saw him was dragging his feet like a zombie,

so much so as to scare even that Satanist of Boris.

that then from the explosion of the port of Beirut, to all the corpses of friendly fire,

they have become notorious all over the world

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

Bezos slams Biden for passing the buck over high cost of gas


@ DiegoFusaro

«The greatest democracy in the world» closes ASSANGE's mouth

that is USA the greatest satanism in the world

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


our corrupt politicians, transnational institution: Deep State, EU CIA UK secret services; leaders are a herd of jabulOn-Rothschild Masonic buffalo running towards Bin ISIS Salman's ravine.

#Cremlin, stop the West with its aggressive rhetoric,

#Cremlin expressed the hope that "political will and reason of some kind" will prevail in the West, which is imposing more and more restrictions on Russia.

Kremlin, the West stop with its aggressive rhetoric

I have no doubt that our country has fully maintained this reason, "said Dmitri Peskov, commenting on the" aggressive rhetoric "of Western leaders in relation to Russia last week.

The Kremlin spokesman then urged "not to fight for the apocalypse".

"Let's talk about something more constructive," he said.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Born in a shaccck with no plumbing and no father, the judge was raised by a grandfather who couldn't read and who signed with an X. "But he taught us that if you don't work, you don't eat.

that freedom comes from responsibility and that you must love your country ".

Black liberal colleagues called him "the wrong neeeegro",

the wrong niggggga, just because he's against racial quotas ("You don't have to sit next to a white man to learn to read and write "). He refused to become theirs

"intellectual slave".

"Unless you bend over this is what will happen to you: you will be lynched, destroyed, ridiculed."

Story of a great free hitter..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the time of satan and his allah has expired, these are his last gaggings! "Be proud of your ideas in this crazed world of politically correct" He comes from a family of slaves and is the only black judge on the Supreme Court, but he is a Catholic and right-wing so he has become the most hated man in America (reporters wish him a heart attack).

If he wasn't conservative,

Clarence Thomas would become an American hero.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri





"And Africa jihad will inundate Europe" while Sharia Christians will be killed during the course,

It is not written by a right-wing man, but by the great left-wing scholar who inspires Macron, published and ignored in Italy.

"The hierophants in power lie to you. A century ago there were 2,580 Sub-Saharanians in France. Today 2 million. In the future? Quadruple them." "Hospitality", "open ports", "ius scholae", "multiculturalism"

and other slogans are like Aesop's mice coming out

from the mountain of the greatest population change,

of culture, religion and society never lived in history by a continent..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Christian Europe needs our help, but the EU and NATO are with the jihad of the executioner Sultan Erdogan,

A church in Cyprus converted by the Turks into a mosque

As we fantasize about Ukraine's entry,

Turkey threatens two EU member states (Greece and Cyprus) and the cradle of Christianity (Armenia).

Is the West perhaps Erdogan's employee?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


for orcs DEM PD: "If an unborn child can be killed, why not kill an already born child?"

by Giulio Meotti,

From Vonnegut to Diccc*, it was the masters of American science fiction, icons of the counterculture, who were the first to be alarmed by the elevated utilitarianism of a society in moral bankruptcy..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri





our Western politicians, warmongers: slanderers of Russian, Israeli and Chinese

they are only criminals executing orders, of the third level:

the second level is that of the Masonic pyramid:

the first level is that of the pyramid of satan's priests

and in the invisible eye of lucifer-Saruman Morgan there is Riyad Salman, Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild

my antagonists!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Israel to produce real cows' milk without cows


Israel will produce real cow's milk without cows


together with vegetable meat, this too is too important an invention,

because they make the cows make milk all year round

but that milk has a cholesterol that kills people, and in fact with that milk they do not breastfeed the calves

while animal husbandry

it is the largest source of pollution on the planet

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

'No alternative to elimination of Iran's nuclear force,' says Henry Kissinger


Lysychansk, Moscow: "Luhansk city and region conquered"


the sodoms allah satan retreat!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


"In principle I could imagine negotiating with the current regime if its attitudes change, but they don't seem to find it possible to give up this combination of Islamist imperialism and threat," Kissinger said.


Kissinger is right: "kill them now"

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


peoples know nothing of the ENTITY (universal collective symbiotic) of talmud kabbalah genocide scam banking seigniorage, that is, the institutional technocratic masonic empire satan, occult power, esoteric agenda. They know nothing of his contender, now an ally, Wahhabis, sharjah genocide imperialism jihad: the reign of the devil Allah.

while Christians put money to help everyone in mankind they put money to make Christians die!

this is a supernatural demonic system: called the New World Order.

But after they kill: Israeli Christians, Russian and Chinese Indians, ec.: how do the Allah demons of the takfiri sadairi think to prevail over the demons Satan?

are thinking of having / celebrating a same-sex wedding to Mecca Caaba in Riyadh or what else?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Germans warned to prepare for possible gas shortage


peoples know nothing about talmud kabbalah, occult power and esoteric agenda, but why have they allowed themselves to be de-Christianized?

why did the DEMs vote?

Russian gas, Germany fears total stop of supply from Nord Stream

[stop to this criminal experience DEM Spa & Co, PD Bildenberg, technocratic OTAN UE Draghi Merkel STOP]

[Russian gas, Germany fears total stop of supply from Nord Stream

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Negev Forum participants to meet regularly on regional security


stop to this criminal experience DEM PD Bildenberg OTAN UE Draghi STOP] [This was stated by Senator Gianluigi Paragone, leader of Italexit,

"We will collect the protest - underlines Paragone - we will be in the streets and we will collect signatures to send Draghi home and to present ourselves in the next elections.

We will animate the phases of dissent and we will give a political connotation to the demonstrations by bringing many people to the streets.

Italy in the European Union has only to lose and a banker like Draghi cannot serve our interests.

The government does a lot of rhetoric, it just talks, but we Italians pay the price of sanctions against Russia ".

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


out of the dogs american-dogs! ] welcome [Israel, Egypt, Bahrain, Morocco and United Arab Emirates]

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 144 comments

Mexican president blasted for comparing prominent Jewish analyst to Hitler


Hitler's greatest representative today is Erdogan

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


msn with western media networks is a perverted satanist who enjoys destroying the morality of mankind!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

Zelensky’s antisemitic battle won’t win his war – opinion

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ that's why I'm Unius REI,

to be able to impose myself, through my creative faith: as a rational agnostic metaphysical Theocrat lay monarchist; to figt

1. against Holy JHWH only one God;

2. against aliens and demons e

3. against men!


The fight of Jacob from L'Osservatore Romano: it is as a fighter and winner that God wants man, his creature (and allows himself to be overcome by his thirst for justice). Love his strength, which he himself has given him, so that he can fight against God and against men and bring victory. Then he grants him that he becomes "one" before his creator, one appointed by God and that as such he possesses God.

Why did our father Jacob Israel fight against God and win, and why can't we, too?

We have the right to know him personally, and unfortunately only by fighting against HIM can we have this direct knowledge.

As for the fight against men, it will be a peaceful fight of a moral and cultural nature!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman] [the Talmudic Satanists, of the Tribe of DAN imposed the religious dogma of Darwin on the goyims monkeys (Goy or goj (גוי; גוים, goyim or gojim), but they did not impose it on themselves, then, from the Plain of Nuweiba al Sinai of Saudi Arabia: they concealed all the scientific evidence of God, with the complicity of the Wahhabis


Human fossils found in South Africa: they are 3.6 million years old. The discovery of US researchers (but these are only extinct apes)

the genome shows that everything was created at the same time

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I am Unius REI

and to oppose me is a high betrayal to the Kingdom of God!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ Although Zelensky himself is an anti-Zionist Rothschild Jew, by hit Israel, he continues the anti-Semitic tradition that has ruined Jewish life in Ukraine for generations.

the Great Sanhedrin of the tribe of DAN: he always ruined everyone, so he pitted the Jews against everyone else and vice versa


but we can break this curse,

and think: what would you have to lose if I fail?

You will have told everyone that you believe in universal brotherhood, natural law and free will, in the lay theocratic metaphysical state-kingdom.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman] [Ukraine has threatened the Israelis (that if they do not send weapons) then, the Israelis will not be able to visit Ukraine? The double standard and anti-Semitic undertone are profound.


meanwhile, the neo-Nazis control the Ukrainian army and government,

and from making the pogroms of the Jews, today, they have passed to making the pogroms of the Russian speakers

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ since the beasts of satan of the High Sanhedrin have made all Muslims Islamists ISIS Wahhabites,

Yes, Rockefeller created Wahhabis through Kabbalah black magic,

then it is normal that they are now afraid, to come and live with you in the Madiana desert!

At least, they told me they're afraid,

but I know they are wrong, because there is no more lovable and affectionate people than Wahhabis with their friends

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman] [under the super predators: talmud Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild: deprivation of identity and religion, relativism, immorality, perversions:

then, there are other predators:

Italy's predators are: UK Germany, France,

then, the Muslims arrive and even take your life, and they join the UMMA, which is why you spend a lot of money inside your jhadist galaxy: precisely to make all the Christians of Africa disappear.

thus the legion of the demons Allah is in association with the legion of the demons sodom and satan

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ Although Zelensky himself is Jewish, doing so continues the anti-Semitic tradition that has ruined Jewish life in Ukraine for generations.


in 322: the pitati Bush & Kerry said: "the worse it is for everyone, the better it is for us!"

1. Italians have lost 40% of their purchasing power (stolen from Germany) with the changeover to the euro.

2. with this criminal CIA war against Russia, Italian families will spend 3,000 more (every year): and the gain is all in favor of the USA!

3. that without this Jewish-Masonic crime they had no hope of being able to sell their gas to the EU.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 84 comments

‘Jews stood in the way’ of overturning Roe v. Wade, says far-right activist


1. who made the Minsk rushes fail? the CIA!

2. who broke the INF agreements? the CIA!

so the CIA wants nuclear vitrification of the EU!

Putin: "Russian sanctions are penalizing Europe"

there is no autonomy of thought in Western politicians,

with us it is like with the ARAB LEAGUE: an absurd homicidal regime

and criminal: the beast entity is made up of US EU OCI:

it is they who must kill the Russians and the Chinese with slander!

June 30 - "Russia is open to dialogue on world strategic stability, disarmament and trade".

This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding, according to TASS,

that Moscow "will try to make the world more democratic".

Putin then denounced "the countries that, by defending their exclusivity, violate the rights within them"

and the "attempts to replace the law with diktats", claiming to be "

disagree with the view that existing international laws should be canceled. "

"The multipolar world order is evolving

in a global sense - he added - and the process cannot be reversed ".

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments

Trump 'disappointed' with Netanyahu but may endorse him in Israeli election


Volodymyr Zelensky was well paid by the CIA to push mankind into world war,

to make the Minsk agreements fail, to carry out an agenda that is written in the churches

of satan [[Russia-Ukraine war]], the former patron of F1 Bernie Ecclestone, defends Putin: "Ready to die for him, Kiev could have avoided the conflict", defends

the Russian president with the sword from the accusations about the war in Ukraine,

out of scale compared to the slanderous ideological British imperialist media context and today's OTAN : calling him "a first-class person, a man who always respects his word" and going so far as to say that he is ready to "take a bullet for him",

he declares himself convinced that he has ordered military action in Ukraine, deeming to do

"the right for Russia "and its people. At the same time, he jokes about the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, referring to him as "that former comedian",

accusing him of not having sought in time an agreement that could have said

that he had avoided war. Finally, Ecclestone criticizes the cancellation of the Russian Grand Prix from the F1 calendar; and above all the boycott in motoring

as in other sports of various pilots and athletes punished for political reasons

just for having a Russian passport: «I - cut short - I would never have done it».

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Xrist has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again. - Galatians 5:1 Freedom comes at a cost to someone. For our country, it was Revolutionary soldiers. For our souls, it was the King of Kings!

This weekend as we celebrate freedom let us take action to love and serve someone.

To assist you, be sure to visit our special Independence Day special section where you will find inspirational blogs, uplifting videos, inspirational books, and edifying podcasts, all devoted to honoring the freedom and liberty

God has bestowed on our great nation. Here is a sampling of what you will find there:

4 Simple but Bold Ways to Keep our Freedoms – Connecting Truth to Life

July 4 is Independence Day in the United States of America. Along with picnics

and ball games, we fly the American Flag and celebrate with fireworks. This is the... Read More

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the plots of NATO Nuland in Ukraine!


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



Direct From Vittorio Veneto

Lorena Nicotti

Dear Francesco, I follow you and thank you for your consistency and professionalism. With a lot of respect, I want to add a thought to yours. The universe.. The energy.. There is only one force acting in the universe, and it is God who will win. This is what he will not let the evil he is doing win, he has already won in the risen Xrist, against whom these elite satanists are fighting. They have been doing this for centuries. And their time is running out.

Thank you for your fight for the Truth. Which is Jesus himself

God bless you

Sebastiano Todesco

One of the few investigative journalists worthy of being followed and helped, as far as possible, by each of us.

Manila Visintin

Great Francesco, but you better get an escort !!

Vincenzo Manginelli

They will fail because the Italians are not stupid.

We are good but not stupid !!

Sebastiano Todesco

If they had written that writing to me, it would have been a source of pride.

Giletti is an Atlanticist pro-European heurist, pro Ukrainian Nazis and pro US / NATO terrorists.


Socialist governments bring HUNGER MISERY yes I tell Amodeo since he has spoken. (Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Cuba) This narrative and the only one is wrong in his speech.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri






Is 'woke culture' the greatest threat to religious freedom?

Curated for you byCP Editors

Good afternoon! It's Thursday, June 30, and today's headlines include an interview with Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris, research

on the number of U.S. consumers living paycheck to paycheck,

and an interview with "Full House" actor Dave Coulier.

The "dominance of woke culture that thinks

it's OK to silence people who disagree "is the greatest threat

to religious freedom in the United States and around the world, says Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris.

In an interview with The Christian Post ahead of his moderation of a panel

at the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, D.C., Thursday, Farris explained

that many people — especially Christians — find themselves


the receiving end of efforts to silence them, to cause them to lose their careers "and" not have the ability to even get their opinions out in public society.

"The CEO cautioned against woke culture, warning it is" very dangerous.

for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, "noting that Christians who hold

a biblical worldview are not tolerated in public spheres such as university campuses and public schools.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the friendship of Italy is not reciprocated by France

Dear truffles of the French left, you really like our terrorists, don't you? by Giulio Meotti

Jun 30 Cesare Battisti in a Paris café with socialist, communist and green politicians

"They are more talented at spilling ink than blood," the Paris weeklies wrote of them. The politicians got us coffee. The senators of the Republic called them "seductive".

University professors and intellectuals marrying wealthy heiresses protested their extradition. Prime ministers and presidents defended them: "We protect them all, whatever they have done". Publishers compared them to Victor Hugo. Noble historians and sociologists have written:

"Whether or not they are guilty of the reprimanded facts does not concern us." And new appeals in their defense signed by novelists nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature.

A shameful stain that must not be washed..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Trump is right to be "disappointed" by Netanyahu.

but as for Salvini, if you do not do the infamous?

then, the judges of the democratic judiciary?

they don't let go of you.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


OTAN aggression and imperialism have become the greatest threat to geopolitical stability.

This nitpicking in the Russians has the purpose of diverting attention from the sharjah genecide crimes of the ARAB LEAGUE, and the Masonic-Wahhabi pyramid: and its jihadist galaxy in the world

MOSCOW, June 30 - Russia has summoned the British ambassador to Moscow following Prime Minister Boris Johnson's words about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

against "the openly rude comments of the British authorities towards Russia,

its leader, its officials, as well as the Russian people",

specifies the statement.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



#worldisraelnews] here you erased this my comment? why? [ 17 hours ago Nazi-fascist coup Mario clarissa pogrom ODESSA Draghi warmonger Rothschild Salman: "there is no risk of escalation but we must be ready"


NATO is as holy as the Wahhabis ISIS, they are always dogmatically right

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme 17 hours agoNATO warns Moscow, 300 thousand soldiers in the rapid force


they sing it, and invent it, make pogroms, constitutional coups, Arab springs Shariah genocide against blasphemous polygamous apostates CHRISTIANS,

steal banking seigniorage from all enslaved peoples

and they dance, like Erdogan the turkey, and the blue homeland,

OTAN & RIYAD too they are a self-referential TALMUD kURAN agenda -company that invents his enemy at any moment

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Officially confirmed: Israel thwarted Iranian cyber attack on water supply


Ny, woman killed in the street while pushing son stroller

with the Churches of Satan that have taken control of civil society?

the USA and Canada can only be annihilated by God's wrath! and I'm preparing for this moment! June 30-A 20-year-old woman pushing a stroller with her three-month-old son on a New York street was shot in the head and killed.

The Guardian reports it citing the New York Police Department.

The victim was taken to the Metropolitan Hospital Center where she died of her injuries. Her baby was unharmed.

Ny, woman killed in the street while pushing son stroller

At a press conference near the scene on Manhattan's Upper East Side, New York City Mayor Eric Adams appealed to find the killer.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


666 Blinken to jhad Erdogan Riyad Iran Abu Mazen, USA committed to a two-state solution

i Satan Allah Sodoma are a legion of graphene in the veins: that does not forget and does not forgive!


there is nothing that terrifies the beasts of Satan and Allah and lucifer and JabulOn, that do Israelis can succeed with their legitimate nationalism,

because the incarnate demons of rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschild would be forced to lose the NWO, and would be forced to return to Israel, and the real problem is that they are afraid of ISIS Wahhabi, who themselves Enlightened have led all Muslims to become Islamists

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Satan Allah Sodoma are a legion of graphene in the veins: that does not forget and does not forgive!

that's why Stoltemberg said: "that the Russian and Chinese enemy are extending south, threatening the Alliance"

while when they reach them from all patios they bring Allah's democracy uuh akbar!

and this is the truth:

the slanderous aggression against China and Russia is a misdirection to hide the immense Sharia murders of the Arab League

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Iran secretly arrests high-level general for spying for Israel


sodom satanists Biden congratulates Lapid on premiership,

praises Bennett ANSWER

these comic buffoons actors without monetary sovereignty, without political sovereignty: Rockefeller's slaves are one conspiracy of the world Islamic Masonic government: they betrayer, I don't know if, as Xi-Jinping says:

"he brought democracy to Hong King for the first time"

but one thing is certain and very certain,

in the West there is no democracy, and nowhere in the world

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 110 comments

‘COWARDLY’: Cuny chancellor skips hearing on antisemitism on campus


the predator Darwin Jewish-Freemason DEM deactivated the metaphysical and spiritual contents of our society to lead us to extinction

There is nothing more dangerous than a society that has nothing to live for, by Giulio Meottiv

The progressive vulgate cancels the great scandal of the massacres: the collapse of the family and the descent into nihilism. An American commentator is right,

"let's read more Dostoevsky and less New York Times.."

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


v You can read the full text of Pope Francis' interview in which he dwells on the scandalof pedophilia within the Church, he says that "the world does not work without women, not because it is womenwho have children, let's put aside procreation", But because the woman embodies tenderness, and finally announces a constitutional reform of the Vatican State because she cannot continue to be "the last European court of an absolute monarchy". https://www.vaticannews.Va/it/papa/news/2019-05/papa-televisa-violenza-contro-donne-migrazioni.html Dear friends, it is nowclear that Pope Francis is an integral part of the pro-European and globalist strategy that wants to eliminate nation states, unhinge local identities, promote a New World Order in the nameof a universal hybridization, drastically leveling the standard

of living as imagined. from communism,in which each of us will be reduced to being an instrumentof production and consumption of materiality

at the lowest possible cost. In doing so, Pope Francis poses himself as a political antagonist and must be treated as such. We will continue to love our Italy and defend our borders, our territory, our heritage and, above all, to safeguard our civilization, to be fully ourselves in our home. https://www.facebook.Com/search/top?q=magdi cristiano allam

We have received your request for review

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme2Detected as spamBin ISIS Salman] stop jihad on me, We have received your request for review [yes you are dumb, all knows it! stop bulling me, all know that i am goog guy! ]In Genesis 1, 26-28, we read: Then God said: "Let us make manin our image, conforming to our likeness, and have dominion overthe fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, over all the earthand on allthe reptiles that crawl on the earth ". God created man in his image of him; he created it in the image of God;he created them male and female. God blessed them; and God said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply;fill the earth, make it subject to it, dominate over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over every animal that moveson the earth ".In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at point 2417,we read: "God gave animals to him whomhe created in his image of him. It is therefore legitimateto use animalsto provide food or to make clothes. They can be tamed,so that they help man in his work di lui and also to recreate himself

in leisure. Medicaland scientific experiments on animals are morally acceptable practices, if they remain within reasonable limits and helpto cure or save lives. "In the same interview, Pope Francis lies about the reality of today's situation of so-called migrantsin the Mediterranean, arguing that" it is becoming more and morea cemetery ", while the numberof victims has significantly reduced since Italy closed its ports, departures from the Libyan coast and consequently there are fewer and fewer deaths. These are instead the words of Pope Francis:" It is a priority in the world, the migratory world has reached sucha point today that I have taken the migrants section of the Integral Human Development Department into my hands to give it meaning. Every day we learn that the Mediterranean is becoming more and more a cemetery, just to give an example ".

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


But the state ignores me ". We learn that access to "assisted suicide" is possible in Italy for people in her condition on the basisof a ruling by the Constitutional Court. On 19 May a so-called "Ethics Committee" had given its approval to assisted suicide,but had not indicated the modalities or the drug that Fabio could self-administer. "So-readsthe statement from the Coscioni Associationin recent days Fabio communicated his choice of him,a fallback choice, to resort to the solution that he could havetaken without waiting for the opinion he never received: deep and continuous sedation. Fabio Ridolfidied without suffering, after hours of sedation and not immediately as he would have liked ». We have received your request for review

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


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the alliance between Bergoglio's modernist DEMs and Jihad] [

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme2Detected as spamBin ISIS Salman] stop jihad on me, We have received your request for review [yes you are dumb, all knows it! stop bulling me, all know that i am goog guy! ] 2 hours agoDetected as spam https://www.casadellacivilta.Com/2022/06/14/laborto-e-leutanasia-sono-ideologia-di-morte-promuoviamo-la-cultura-della-vita- and-a-strategy-for-the-growth-of-the-birth-of-Italians / By Magdi Cristiano Allam editorial 10 Comments

Abortion and euthanasia are ideologies of death. We promote

the culture of life and a strategy for the growth of the Italian birth

rateDear friends good morning. We touch firsthand that we are

a fallen civilization when we acknowledge that, despite being

a population destined to become extinct because

they do not have childrenin an adequate percentage to safeguard the "replacement level" (two children on average per fertile woman who replace the two parents), instead of conceiving the demographic collapse as our greatest national emergency

and promoting the culture of life by implementing a strategy

for the growth of the birth rate of Italians, we conceive the ideology of death and the right to take or have one's life taken away as the pinnacle of our civilization. Just as it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the single case ofa girl rapedto sentence the death sentence of the human creature born in her womb, legitimizing the criminal ideology of abortion which in the vast majority of cases translates into the practice of ' termination of pregnancydue to the arbitrary decision of the mother without there being any risk for one's life and for the life of one's newborn, well it is wrong and misleading to focus the spotlight on the case of individuals who are undoubtedly in difficult health conditions for legitimizethe criminal ideology of "assisted suicide" and euthanasia. In the case of abortion, focusing attention on individual cases, in Italy the genocide of 6,040,946 human creatures was legitimized from 1978 to 2019, according to the data of the Ministry of Health on the so-called "voluntary interruptions of pregnancy", reported by the siteof the «Help Center for Life». In 1978, after the victory of the Referendum promoted by the Radical Party, Law 194 was promulgated which allow the mother to have an abortion in a public facility in the first 90 days of gestation for health, economic, social or family reasons, on the basis of a declaration of the mother in which she claims that the continuation of the pregnancy may represent a danger to her physical or mental health; between the fourth and fifth month it is still possible to have an abortion for therapeutic reasons, if there isa serious risk to the mother's health or if the mother choosesnot to give birth to a child affected by serious pathologies ormalformations. This morning I read the news on the Agi Agency website entitled "Aftera deep and continuous sedation, Fabio Ridolfi died. The 46-year-old from Fermignano had been immobilized in bed for 18 years dueto a tetraparesis". The published photo shows a serene facethat hints at a smile, a composed gaze, two lively and attentive eyes. The Luca Coscioni Association, linked to the Radicals, makes it known that the Ridolfi family "announces the death of Fabio, the 46-year-old from Fermignano (Pesaro -Urbino), who has chosen to withdraw his consentto artificial nutrition and hydration. In the afternoon he had started the deep sedation ". It means that he voluntarily chose to dieof hunger and thirst, apparently without suffering. Fabio Ridolfihad said: «For two months my suffering has been recognizedas unbearable. I have all the conditions to be helped to die.

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Israeli captured by Russian troops in Ukraine


the alliance between Bergoglio's modernist DEMs and Jihad] [

2 hours agoDetected as spam


BIN ISIS Salman] if we want to save mankind? all the jewish masonic democracies must be overthrown immediately! [Magdi Cristiano Allam, Justice is dead and the judiciary is rotten,

I will not go to vote in a misleading referendum, Dear friends, good morning and good weekend. The lawyer Sergio Carlino reminded us that for two years of authoritarian, oppressive

and repressive political management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, the Judiciary was totally silent and, when it intervened, it did so to endorse the choices of the Government to imposethe imprisonment of Italians in their homes, to impose substantially mandatory inoculationof experimental gene therapy sera fraudulently passed off as anti Covid-19 vaccines,

with rare exceptions which occurred in recent months in which the TAR (Regional Administrative Tribunals), which are organs of administrative jurisdiction, have ruled the reintegration

of individual employees of the health sector, law enforcement and armed forces in their respective workplaces even if not vaccinated, stating that their salaries are essential for the survival of their families All the lawyers in the Casa della Civiltà have agreed that there cannot be a "judicial solution "

to the arbitrariness with which the Government has operated and continues to operate in the management of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, precisely because of the total alignment

and flattening of the judiciary with government policy.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the alliance between Bergoglio's modernist DEMs and the Jihad] [The cheerful suicide of European Christianity. Giulio Meotti

The rainbow flag flutters this week from Vienna's oldest church, 800 years old,

and where Islam is overtaking Catholicism. Impressive numbers (and a future).

The Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna said:

"Take a look at the schools and you will observe that Muslim students are more than Catholics.

There is no shortage of voices saying

that Europe is a ripe fruit for Islam ".

Our sweet relativism will not resist a stronger Islamist theocratic civilization..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the alliance between the DEM and the Jihad] [Can you find the differences between Europe and Eurabia? by Giulio Meotti

The left in France triumphs with immigration (soon in Italy?).

A party leader confides: "We have made a pact with the Islamists for the votes."

History of a change of civilization, in which demography is a powerful, visceral, ungovernable force, even if we pretend not to hear it.

"Here half of the population was Breton and today up to 70 per cent of young people are non-Europeans, in some cities 45 per cent of the population is Muslim,

80 percent of the Jews have left the department and in the list of the first ten names given to children are all Muslims (Mohamed).. "

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Elon Musk has declared war on the Good

by Giulio Meotti Vota DeSantis ("the republican avalanche is coming")

and the pro-family Latinos, criticism of gender and Pride and environmentalists, attack Biden "puppet with wet socks" and the "huge idiots jumping on every social cause

of the day". Imagine someone who has followers of Obama or a rock star and says things like Trump, not the prototype of the wealthy liberal from Silicon Valley or New York

that Vivek Ramaswamy in the Wall Street Journal said that

"as a young capitalist the thing that I had to do was shut up and play along: wear hipster clothes, applaud diversity and inclusion, and reflect on how to make the world

a better place at conferences in luxurious ski resorts, where people who praise diversity and inclusion, name female and minority directors, raving about the racial impact

of climate change ". The new joker has arrived in town and is destroying the crystal ceiling of the utopia in power. They'll make him pay very dearly for ruining

his party..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the slaughter of Wahhabi neocons in Nigeria and around the world!

the slanderous aggression against Russia is a way to divert attention from the ARAB LEAGUE of sharjah genocide and replacement theology

Nigeria: violence and persecution of Christians - Live Thursday 7 July at 9 pm | Nicola Speranza

Nigeria: violence and persecution of Christians - Live Thursday 7 July at 9pm.


- Irmina Nockiewicz, Aid to the Church in Need Foundation, from Milan

- Maurizio Pallù, missionary priest in Nigeria, from Abuja


- Nicola Speranza, from Brussels

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the whole truth about the war in Ukraine



€ 19.00

Shipping from the end of May

What was the role of the US apparatuses and Ukrainian neo-Nazi movements in the fall of the government in Kiev in 2014?

What role did Victoria Nuland of the US State Department play in Ukraine? US speculator George Soros; and the Bidens, father and son, starting with Euromaidan in 2014?

Why is the US Department of Defense involved in the management of bio-laboratories in Ukraine?

Is Ukraine really a free democracy or is it the pawn of the US and NATO to be used in a proxy war against their historical enemy?

What happened in the Donbass from 2014 until Putin's intervention?

Is President Zelensky a victim or an accomplice?

War could have been avoided or had been extensively


Why was the conflict NATO?


TAG: francesco amodeo, cold war, NATO, Russia, United States, Ukraine


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizen said he was prevented from leaving the country, forcibly enlisted in the army and sent into battle without proper training.


Western media is criminal and hid how the first Ukrainian government had:

4 neo-Nazi ministers

and three American ministers

furthermore the neo-Nazis (death squads) were given control of the army and the government

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

Half of Americans believe Trump should be charged for Capitol Hill riot


Half of Americans believe Trump should be blamed for the Capitol Hill uprising


then another half holds Pelosi and Biden the culprits

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



the plots of NATO Nuland in Ukraine!


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

WATCH: US ambassador meddles in Israeli politics, pleads with right-wing lawmakers


worldisraelnews ] here you erased this my comment? why? [ 17 hours agoNazi-fascist coup Mario clarissa pogrom Draghi warmonger Rothschild Salman:"there is no risk of escalation but we must be ready"


NATO is as holy as the Wahhabis ISIS, they are always dogmatically right


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme 17 hours agoNATO warns Moscow, 300 thousand soldiers in the rapid force

ANSWERthey sing it, and invent it, make pogroms, constitutional coups, Arab springs Shariah genocide against blasphemous polygamous apostates, steal banking seigniorage from all enslaved peoples

and they dance, like Erdogan the turkey, and the blue homeland, too they are a self-referential agenda -company that invents the enemy of the moment

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

WATCH: US ambassador makes rare plea to Jerusalem lawmakers


Nazi-fascist coup Mario clarissa pogrom Draghi warmonger Rothschild Salman:

"there is no risk of escalation but we must be ready"


NATO is as holy as the Wahhabis ISIS, they are always dogmatically right

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

UN agency suspends just 6 of 120 employees accused of calling to murder Jews


France: "Right to abortion to be included in the Constitution", Le Pen:

"No need, we are not in the US" Even the interim president of the party, Jordan Bardella, remarked that "no serious political force questions the law on right to abortion ".


so if you are not a killer of children you cannot be a serious person among the French Freemasons, tears and blood! these murderers and criminal marauders must be punished

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


NATO is changing its skin, more resources and more flexibility to face the Russian threat


there has never been a threat to Russia

but there has always been a threat Riyad OTAN NWO

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Vatican, the murderer of children Nancy Pelosi makes the communion of Satan Bergoglio and the antichrist in St. Peter, despite the his bishop's ban

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Turkey becomes Türkiye ottoman empire.

why Rdogan because BOIA OTAN Riyad to Cyprus and the blue homeland?

he does not want to become a turkey in the hands of the Greeks

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the Freemasons of France and the UK have taken over the sovereignty of the Italian people since the Second World War, they rob and tyrannize us systematically! the Chambre de l 'Instruction of the Court of Appeal of Paris rejected

the extradition of the ten Italian refugees in France convicted of crimes related to subversion

and the communist killings in the 70s and 80s and for which Italy requested extradition.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Syria recognizes Russian-backed ‘people’s republics’ in Ukraine


the specious search / intent of Bin ISIS Salman sharjah and rockefeller Spa & Co, to get their world war!

The echo of the war arrives in the Arctic: Oslo blocks supplies for Russian miners, Spitsbergen Island in the Svalbard Archipelago.

It arrives in the Arctic, the region of strategic importance where the conflicts of the future are foreseen, the echo of the war in Ukraine.

Russia reported that Norway blocked cargo ships with supplies bound for Spitsbergen,

the largest island in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, the northernmost islands where Moscow has interests in the mining sector.

The supplies are in fact directed to a mining village.

The President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, denounced, in a message on Telegram, that the Norwegian authorities justified the block by citing the sanctions introduced against

Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.

Kosachev then accused Norway of violating

the terms of the 1920 Svalbard (or Spitzberg) Treaty, a treaty that recognizes Norway's sovereignty over the archipelago, but imposes demilitarization and grants everyone

the signatory countries, now 46, to start commercial activities.

Russia has mines in the Barentsburg area, where there is also a Russian consulate.


1. NATO actually behaves like a belligerent,

2. tear off the signed agreements;

3. just like Kiev did with the 2014 CIA coup and Chechen snipers

4. he declared himself to be belligerent against Russia

with Nuland's evil intention of making a total and intentional failure of the Misk1 and Minsk2 agreements

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


A statement reported by SANA, Syria's official news agency, confirmed that the regime had "decided to recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic".


if you don't want to recognize Luhansk and Donetsk?

then, you will be forced to recognize:

1. the planned CIA coup: and the Chechen snipers;

2. the Nazi-Fascist death squads;

3. the Odessa pogroms;

4. you will be forced to trample: the violation of international law.

5. you will suffocate the self-determination of the Donbass peoples

6. and you will find your hands stained with innocent blood, for the love of the Ursula Dragons empire, and their masters Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild


is your position of Dracula JabulOn Satan Sodom Allah: may you go to perdition together with NATO 666 OTAN

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Iran’s plan to foil Israeli-Arab normalization and keep expanding the revolution


Bergoglio anti-Pope: "it is the time of welcome, in the Church there is room for everyone"

this is why his goats came in and hunted the sheep (those of Benedict XVI)!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Senator of the League Simone Pillon, among the parliamentarians who most of all welcomed

the decision of the American Supreme Court.

"I specify that the following are my personal considerations - he says today to AdnKronos -.

On the subject of abortion we must consider that 50 years ago,

when the ruling Roe vs Wade was delivered,

we did not have the ultrasound technology available today,

and in Italy there were no social safety nets on which we can count today ".

"Today we know that that is not a lump of cells,

but a child, perfect, complete - says the Northern League, who is vice president of the parliamentary commission for children and adolescents in the Senate -.

A human being with a beating heart, little hands, little feet, little head, capable of listening to music

and smiling at the mother's voice.

I hear obsessively about women's rights: even half of the unborn are women.

Don't their rights matter? ".

For Pillon "our social network could meet the needs of those experiencing difficult pregnancies,

both from an economic point of view and for other reasons.

From maternity allowance to the most advanced forms of subsidy, without forgetting adoption

and foster care: everything could contribute to the service of life. It would be enough to want it ",

is the warning of the senator from Brescia.

Pillon then gives the numbers on pregnancy loss in Italy:

"Since 1978 we have lost about 6 million compatriots due to abortion, to which must be added

the children who were born to them, which according to recent and highly authoritative calculations

amount to about 100 thousand every year.

If we consider that immigration affects only 59 thousand new born, we can only agree with Feltri

when he says that

the denatality is also the fault of law 194 ".

"But slowly the mentality is changing. It will take time,

but I'm sure that in a few years the state abortion will be just a bad memory ",

concludes the exponent of Matteo Salvini's party.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


call all your friends:

(you must become much much more numerous) Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita and United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

(you have to become much more numerous)


only by pushing Zionism and erecting an embassy in Jerusalem: by all the nations of this planet,

only in this way can you avert the slanderous world war against China, India and Russia!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Presbyterian Church mulls antisemitic resolution that would ‘fuel hate’

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] when the Jews landed here in Palestine in 1948, they knew that the Wahhabis and the cursed tribe of DAN Rockefeller:

they had condemned them to the Shoah Holocaust (during the third world war),

but, they came here only trusting in God's mercy,

and since, God sent me: King lorenzoJHWH, attorney worldwide Unius REI, then, their FAITH will receive the reward!

That's why I ordered the Chinese not to enter Israel

after exterminating all the Wahhabis!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

'Palestinian Guantanamo Bay' charged with illegally torturing detainees, report says


Satan and Sodom and Allah work together in Riyadh to kill all Chinese! (Synnek1 the world director of youtube told me: "those from al-Qaeda walk via Mexico and Via Canada")

"My newspaper punished me for writing that only women can have children" by Giulio Meotti Jun 28

Lenin reads Pravda

The incredible story of the chief reporter of the views of the

America's most widely read and sold newspaper. "A purge in progress

of conservative colleagues, fired those who criticize abortion or neutral pronouns ". A great French intellectual wrote it in 1978:" When you buy Pravda, you know that before being written

articles are subject to censorship. But when a French

or an Italian read their newspapers they don't imagine that,

behind certain articles there is a censorship made by the editors, the director,

from conformity, from political fashion. And he falls into the trap set for him. This is the 'new censorship', the gravest danger

that meets freedom in the West ". Leninist or woke, progressivism remains intolerant and liberticidal..

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


open letter UN US EU CHINA RUSSIA INDIA SCO] [when it comes to crimes and murders and cruelties committed by the ARAB LEAGUE?

Rockefeller 666 UN 322 OTAN UE turn their heads not to see!


Elie was a construction worker who lived with his wife and children in Cairo, Egypt.

Due to his Christian faith di lui, he was regularly harassed

by Muslim extremists in his community of him.

At one point, he was abducted and forced to forfeit his family's savings in exchange for his freedom di lui.

Elie and his family of him were financially devastated.. until

you came along.

Through your generosity, we were able to provide his family

with a cow for him to start up his own livestock business.

This simple gift was transformative for Elie and

his ability

to provide for his family of him and restored their hope

for the future. Thank you for coming alongside us

in supporting families like Elie's around the world.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Support for PA President Mahmoud Abbas nosedives as Palestinian support shifts to Hamas


open letter UN US EU CHINA RUSSIA INDIA SCO] [neither Hamas nor Fatah deserved a leadership role


these are ridila tua vergognaus arguments:

only one is the Koran

only one is the devil Allah

only one is the genodio of the slaves dhimmis and kafir unfaithful innocent martyrs, victims of the wickedness of the one and only sharjah OCI UMMA


we will do to Muslims what they have always done to us for 1400 years, and they want to do to us, because I am the law of retaliation!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Israel reportedly refusing Hamas offer for limited prisoner exchange

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


my holy jhwh holy holy holy Spirit holy ] [ you are always with us, your eternal love is faithful, and we bear your name, and then, you do not abandon us because of our unworthiness

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Disney is a perverted priest of satan who has taken over our children's minds! has no qualms violating

the Civil Rights Act to promote wokeness. We all know that Disney is one of the most radical organizations

in the world. It has strongly opposed a new Florida law that prohibits public schools from indoctrinating students in the radical LGBT agenda. Its senior executives loudly and proudly tout the

"not-so-secret gay agenda"

they are foisting on unsuspecting children and that they [...]

Continue reading.. "


the mother orc DEM said of her baby: "it's excrement" and then, she aborted him! Roe overturned, Constitution confirmed, opportunity offered — just in time for July 4th by E. Douglas Clark

The pro-life movement is made up of ordinary people doing extraordinary things with God's help. We can make a difference.

Continue reading.. "

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the bodies of dead terrorists must no longer be returned

and must be buried together with a Mohammet pig head

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 97 comments

Ben & Jerry's ends anti-Israel boycott in hit to BDS


Mario Draghi ] warmonger [ world jew-freemason born dog: dragons said: "the kurds? ask sweden and finland"

then, the executioner wolf OTAN 322 CIA, with his cuff wiped the blood from his mouth!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


A Visit To The Most Ancient Place In Jerusalem, The best proof that the Jewish people are the indigenous people in the Land

of Israel is right under the streets of the Old City

of Jerusalem and the City of David next door


yes, but Mazen ISIS Erdogan Salman said his father is Jacob, and his mother is Sara,

because he has UN protected genocide-replacement theology egida

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


University DEM lgbtqia regime Satana CIA OTAN NWO Spa &Co FED Rockefeller cannibals Censors Christian Student STAND WITH HER Dear brothers and sisters in Xrist, "I disapprove of what you say,

but I will defend to the death your right to say it," goes a famous expression about free speech.

But today, our nation’s public universities have a different mantra: "I not only disapprove of what you say,

but I will keep you from saying it." https://adflegal.Org/

That’s exactly what officials at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) did to one of their recent master’s program graduates, Maggie DeJong. They censored Maggie because of her religious

and political views, violating her free speech and due process rights.

We filed a lawsuit against SIUE officials on Maggie’s behalf to correct the violation of her constitutional rights. We also asked a federal court to declare unconstitutional portions of the university's policy wielded

to punish Maggie. We don’t charge clients like Maggie a dime to represent them in court. But that’s

only possible because you and other faithful partners give to supply our every need. https://adflegal.Org/

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Death sentence for Israeli in UAE overturned


when individuals, of all mankind, will receive from me their monetary sovereignty that Rothschild stole from them to enforce the extermination and Darwin animalization of the talmud?

then, for some offenses from the law of retaliation, against the death penalty, there will be no excuse on the whole planet!


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