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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

satan and world director of youtube Synnek1

if you love Israel so much, as you say:
because, you did not prevent the Rothschilds from plunging them into Islamic terrorism: the OCI; Arab League: for 70 years?

se tu ami così tanto Israele, come tu dici:
perché, tu non hai impedito ai Rothschild di farlo immergere nel terrorismo islamico: della OCI; lega araba: per 70 anni?

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN] [when I told my students yesterday: "" all those who say: I don't agree with you? I put to them: 10 "vote"
their eyes lit up their eyes and everyone wanted to intervene!
ok those don't know about Unius REI and are naive.
ok, try arguing against Unius REI:
because this is not something that can be successful!

Bin SALMAN ] [ quando io ieri ho detto ai miei alunni: "" tutti quelli che dicono: io non sono d'accordo con te? io metto a loro: il voto 10 ""
ai miei alunni si sono illuminati i loro occhi e tutti volevano intervenire!
ok quelli non sanno di Unius REI e sono ingenui.
ok, prova tu ad argomentare contro Unius REI:
perché questo non è qualcosa che può avere successo! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Success! Palestinians’ Pro-Terror Facebook Page Shut Down

page of Fatah-Facebook the usual Islamic terrorist lgbt antifa and democratic party

pagina di Fatah-Facebook il solito terrorista islamico lgbt antifa e partito democratico Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 41 comments
Roger Waters Defends Iran, Blames Israel and the US for World’s Problems

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

hatred against God, against his universal and natural laws,
it always dresses in absurd and irrational form!
but in their hearts all the anti-Zionists are Satanists, starting with Rothschild!
l'odio contro Dio, contro le sue leggi universali e naturali,
si riveste sempre di forma assurde e irrazionali!
ma nel loro cuore tutti gli antisionisti sono satanisti, ad iniziare da Rothschild!
Roger Waters Defends Iran, Blames Israel and the US for World’s Problems Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments
WATCH: IDF intelligence – Iran likely to launch cruise missiles at Israel from Iraq

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Mickey Oberman 4 days ago

my authority is sufficient in every part of the world, because I prove to be absolute political justice: to protect all peoples: this is Unius REI: a universal governor for universal brotherhood!

la mia autorità è sufficiente in ogni parte del mondo, perché io dimostro di essere la giustizia politica in assoluto: a tutela di tutti i popoli: questo è Unius REI: un governatore universale per la fratellanza universale! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

we were all moved when we saw the heroic resistance of the Kurds of Kobane against ISIS ..
but when Erdogan (new Ottoman empire and jihad genocide) he went to exterminate the Kurds of Cobane?
all the b i t c h e s have been silent!
WATCH: IDF intelligence - Iran likely to launch cruise missiles at Israel from Iraq
there can be no deaf Iranians in Syria and Iraq.
I order the immediate invasion of the army of ISRAEL!

ci siamo tutti commossi quando abbiamo visto la resistenza eroica dei Curdi di Kobane contro ISIS..
ma quando Erdogan (nuovo impero ottomano e genocidio jihad) lui è andato a sterminare i Curdi di Cobane?
tutte le c a g n e hanno taciuto!
WATCH: IDF intelligence - Iran likely to launch cruise missiles at Israel from Iraq
non ci possono essere sordati irani in Siria e Iraq.
io ordino l'immediata invasione dell'esercito di ISRAELE! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 74 comments
Anti-Zionism is glue that holds together differing parties of Arab Joint List

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 4 days ago

yes, of course! sharia e FED IMF are both genocide and slavery Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 4 days ago

brave muslims! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 4 days ago

this is apostasy and satanism! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 5 days ago

very true! but this does not mean that: Islam and Communism have been able to collaborate together, in the past as it is today, to assassinate Jews and Christians as it is even today!
in fact it is the democratic party, Bilderberg FED FMI NWO Soros Rothschild OCI which is imposing an African-Islamic invasion without us in Italy having solved the problem of desperation of 10 million Italian citizens: unemployed and below the poverty line ...
it is clear that those of the Democratic Party must be sentenced to death, for high treason, sooner or later! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 5 days ago

the principle of the laicity state is a fundamental principle, in every part of the world: if we do not want to see resurrection: maximalisms secular materialism, political dogmatisms: indu and islamist, religious war and ideological geopolitics: all the mistakes that the sharia of the ARAB OCI LEAGUE is making today:
and his evil jihad Erdogan-Iran that imposes itself on peaceful and pacified nations: devastating them!
by now the sharia have set up a genocide of Christians on a global level
because the EU of Mogherini is the antichrist in person!

il principio della laicità dello Stato è un principio fondamentale, in ogni parte del mondo: se non vogliamo vedere risorgere: massimalismi, dogmatismi politici, le guerra di religione e le geopolitiche ideologiche: tutti gli errori che la sharia della LEGA ARABA sta facendo oggi:
e la sua malvagità jihad Erdogan-Iran che si impone su nazioni pacifiche e pacificate: devastandole!
ormai gli sharia hanno impostato un genocidio di cristiani a livello globale
perché la UE di Mogherini è l'anticristo in persona! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 5 days ago

why? Neturei Karta have betraied.
sure it is serious that "charedi MKs"
DON'T want to defend the homeland,
indeed they should set an example!
King David? would not approve their behavior

certo è grave che "charedi MKs"
NON vogliano difendere la Patria,
anzi loro dovrebbero dare l'esempio!
il Re Davide? non approverebbe il loro comportamento Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Charlie Hall 5 days ago

fascism is born as socialism, and it is not born at all as an anti-Zionist or anti-Semitic,
it was Hitler who incorporated fascism in his ideology on a racist basis, and unfortunately: Mussolini was ignorant, narrow-minded, stupid, and turned to imperialist and colonial policies,
too inexperienced and careless to be able to keep up with technology!
so now we have nothing left but to give a historically negative judgment of fascism!

il fascismo nasce come socialismo, e non nasce affatto come anti-sionista o anti-semita,
fu Hitler che inglobò il fascismo nella sua ideologia su base razzista, e purtroppo: Mussolini era ignorante, gretto, stupido, e si diede a politiche di tipo imperialista e coloniale,
in modo troppo sprovveduto ed incurante di poter stare al passo con la tecnologia!
così adesso a noi rimane altro che dare un giudizio storicamente negativo del fascismo! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 61 comments
UK Labour Party Doubles Down on Anti-Israel Bias

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Benjamin Netanyahu dear rabbit. Benny Gantz dear rabbit bis.
to my two vice PM
when are the premonitions of the advent of the Messiah UniusREI to today?
you are trampling them all!
quando sono ad oggi, le premonizioni dell'avvento del messia UniusREI?
voi le state calpestando tutte! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Benjamin Netanyahu dear. Benny Gantz dear.
to my two vice PM
//informarexresistere fr/serpente-muro-del-pianto/
The Zohar (the basis of Jewish mysticism) explains that the inclination to evil, personified by the serpent in Eden, will appear in the days before the return of the Messiah. Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Benjamin Netanyahu dear. Benny Gantz dear.
to my two vice PM
no nation in the world could preserve Palestinian terrorism.
even Erdogan has invaded Syria and Iraq to go and strike to death, only possible political opponents!
so you are threatening all mankind with Islamic terrorism!
your position with the Palestinians? it's a Rothschild world conspiracy!

nessuna Nazione al mondo potrebbe conservare il terrorismo palestinese.
addirittura Erdogan ha invaso la Siria e Irak per andare a colpire a morte, soltanto eventuali oppositori politici!
quindi, voi state minacciando di terrorismo islamico tutto il genere umano!
la vostra posizione con i palestinesi? è una congiura mondiale Rothschild! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

President RIVLIN] [the 30-day countdown has expired, you have to destroy the Iranian military and nuclear power tomorrow! ] you are not in a position to receive a first nuclear strike! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Bennett chides Netanyahu for not rejecting two-state solution

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Yidith 5 days ago

I don't think you should overcome your ignorance with this bullying medicine! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Bin Laden son calls for attacks against 'Jewish interests everywhere'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Jose Manuel Martins Simoes 5 days ago

why do you think ISLAM is civilized?
they are: paranoid, serial murderers, dogmatics without reciprocity and serial assasins: with the syndrome of self-victimization.
and not to suffer yet another genocide? you will have to fight! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
Gaza field hospital toward completion as part of Hamas-Israel understandings

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Gaza field hospital for completion of part of Hamas-Israel understandings

in fact, even the Hebrew Temple at the beginning was a tent: it was going around and around: here and there, until the Palestinian hospital stopped in Syria definitively under Assad's amour slum:
also because, all the turcomanni cannibali al-Nusra (who have done the genocide to everyone) they will always vote for Erdogan
and if the Palestinians do not vote for Assad?
then, Assad the Russians? they risk being all expelled and driven out to the next elections!
in effetti, anche il Tempio Ebraico all'inizio era una tenda: che andava girando e girando: di qua e di la, finché l'ospedale dei palestinesi si fermò in Siria definitivamente sotto la sguargo amoroso di Assad:
anche perché, tutti i tucomanni (che hanno fatto il genocidio a tutti) loro voteranno sempre per Erdogan
e se i Palestinesi non votano per Assad?
poi, Assad i russi? loro rischiano di essere tutti espulsi e cacciati alle prossime elezioni! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller told me: "but, as you can bring us, go to grow potatoes in the Saudi desert of the Madiana: if the Wahhabis are dangerous barbarians?"
and I answered them:
"no, you are wrong, they are all people: honest, sincere. loyal, loving, caring, friendly, kindly evolved, of noble soul and civilized, much more than you!"

Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller mi hanno detto: "ma, come tu puoi portare noi, a coltivare patate nel deserto saudita della Madiana: se i wahhabiti sono dei barbari pericolosi?"
ed io ho risposto loro:
"no, vi sbagliate, sono tutte persone: oneste, sincere. leali affettuose, premurose, amichevoli, brave gentili evolute, di nobile animo e civilizzate, molto più di voi!" Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Analysis: Human Rights Watch case before Israel's supreme court bigger than people realize

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

I went to the site of:
[[hrw org / it]] is this is totally an Islamic genocide islamoNazi ideology and lgbt Sodomitica, Erdogan jihad, of Dracula Rothschild: scam banking seigniorage: and traitors Soros of the Democratic party to destroy the identity and sovereignty of the peoples!
this is all gallows and jail scum!
of this I am sure:
they are all cowardly Jews that I am about to bring everyone into the Saudi desert of the Madiana to grow potatoes!

di questo io sono sicuro:
sono tutti ebrei vigliacchi che io sto per portare tutti nel deserto saudita della Madiana a coltivare le patate!
io sono andato sul sito di:
[[ hrw org/it ]] è questa è totalmente una ideologia islamica e Sodomitica Erdogan, di Dracula Rothschild e di traditori Soros del partito democratico per distruggere la identità e la sovranità dei popoli!
questa è gentaglia da forca e da galera! 1 Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 47 comments
Netanyahu chosen by Rivlin to form new government

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dear.
Benny Gantz dear.
Erdogan called me today and said: "Send them all to Turkey all my dear Palestinians"
and I answered him: "but don't you think you are rather greedy and selfish?"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dear.
Benny Gantz dear.
oggi mi ha telefonato Erdogan e mi ha detto: "mandali tutti in Turchia tutti i miei cari palestinesi"
ed io gli ho risposto: "ma non ti sembra di essere alquanto ingordo ed egoista?" Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago

Gongo Ghanz e Orso Joghi Bibi! listen
a third election in less than a year? a third election in less than a year?
you can't want to hurt our president RIVLIN up to this point, you can't give him this displeasure!
ok i do the Prime Minister: do you know what fun? !!

una terza elezione in meno di un anno? una terza elezione in meno di un anno?
non potete voler fare del male fino a questo punto al nostro presidente RIVLIN, non potete dargli questo dispiacere!
ok lo faccio io il Primo ministro: sai che divertimento?!! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Netanyahu: 'Iran Did It, from A to Z!"

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL jgarbuz 5 days ago

any sharia Riyad, OCI, Erdogan, Iran etc.. is genocide slavery and islamoFascist: then all jihad sharia UMMA mohammeddans is demonic possessed: totally crazy criminals about:
1. Kafir impure
2. dhimmis slaves
3. and MURTIDI apostates sentenced to death Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

if you are still alive
it means that God has not tired of working against your hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty!
so your sentence was postponed Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

I don't like you, just because: I asked you: "why do you think Netanjahu is not "integrity"?"
so people must be afraid to ask you a few questions! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

It is unfortunate for you that I am your judge! in fact I am Unius REI

è una sfortuna per te che io sono il tuo giudice! infatti io sono Unius REI Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

don't give me a reason to destroy the human race: "you tell me you have to do better!" Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

yes, it happened in a moment, and I don't know what happened!
maybe it was my involuntary mistake in 13 years I never canceled anything!
but, I remember the meaning of the previous sentence:
I said, "you can go wherever you want, but you haven't shown why Netanjahu would lack integrity: compared to other politicians" Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

you tell this "
People with greater integrity than Netanyahu have felt compelled to lie Before.
" Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

you said: "People with greater integrity than Netanyahu have felt compelled to lie Before. " Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

you: "Netanyahu avoids specific Words and he didn't give any proof of anything".
answer ME ===> there is no need for proof to kill an Islamist: for sharia? all deserve death!
and in this passage? you slandered him!
you: " People with greater integrity than Netanyahu, have felt compelled to lie Before."
answer ME ===> integrity than Netanyahu? no one has an integrity superior to him!
only my Unius REI integrity is superior to him and to all! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
DAILY RECAP: Rivlin Set to Tap Netanyahu; Likud, Blue And White Wrestle In Negotiations; IDF Appoints First Female S…

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Russian military exercises in Damascus
Iranian and Russian Turks
they are preparing: uselessly; to repel the army of ISRAEL!
they will all become corpses! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Trump, nobody treated badly like me 'From the democrats hate and fear'
if TRUMP lifts the sewer rotting corpse cover Zombies Biden Obama Clinton: and all the skeletons in the closets: of: BCE OCI FED FMI NWO?
we'll all die from the smell!

Trump, nessuno trattato male come me 'Dai democratici odio e paura'
se TRUMP solleva il coperchio della fogna cadavere putrefatto Zombies Biden Obama Clinton: e tutti gli scheletri negli armadi: di: BCE OCI FED FMI NWO?
moriremo tutti per la puzza! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Executioner Maduro from Putin PIMPINO at the #Cremlin
The tsar, 'we support all the legitimate authorities of Venezuela'
then, the ZAR? it's me! the heavenly emperor? always me!
but for Putin's open scum-sewer scum? all the carrion: executioner and murderer Islamic jiahd genocide sharia UMMA NAZI: communists Kim Jong-Un exterminators, of this planet? they are all legitimate!

Boia Maduro da Putin PIMPINO al #Cremlino
Lo zar, 'sosteniamo tutte le legittime autorità del Venezuela'
allora, lo ZAR? sono io! il celeste imperatore? sempre io!
ma per quella feccia-fogna di Putin a cielo aperto? tutte le carogne: boia e assassini genocidio islamico: comunisti Kim Jong-Un sterminatori, di questo pianeta? sono tutti legittimi! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

An ovation of the "pimp lgbt Masons corrupt Dracula Sodoma: technocracy and Satanism Rothschild Bilderberg" greeted the formal reopening of the British Parliament after the suspension started two weeks ago at the behest of Johnson's Tory government for which now the FT is calling for his resignation or 'distrust' on the part of Parliament Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

'Paris is dirty', and Parisians admit
'Paris is dirty', because Macron is a dirty traitor to technocrat Merkel Ja-Bull-On Bilderberg Rothschild:
scam banking seigniorage Dracula Sodoma
as are all those of the lgbt Democratic Party

'Parigi è sporca', e parigini ammettono
'Parigi è sporca', perché Macron è un lurido traditore di tecnocrate Merkel Ja-Bull-On Bilderberg Rothschild:
come sono tutti quelli del partito democratico lgbt Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

#Mossad ] chi ora mi sta attaccando la ADSL fibra ottica?
è youtube che fa lo scemo! youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
Unexpected end of JSON input ] ok adesso è youtube Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Iran: Merkel says no to lifting sanctions
ok. correct, fair and legitimate stance!
but, now you have the right missile system: to stop Iranian intercontinental nuclear missiles?
Iran: Merkel dice no a revoca sanzioni
ok. corretta, giusta e legittima: presa di posizione!
ma, ora lei ha il sistema missilistico adatto: per fermare i missili nucelari intercontinentali iraniani? Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: 'Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Uzi Kattan 6 days ago

what you say is true as polluting:
it seems that it is a price of innocent blood that Israelis and Christians must pay to the devil Allah Satan Jabull-On
how to pay a spell sorcery SARUMAN Rothschild

quello che tu dici è vero come inquitante:
sembra che sia un prezzo di sangue innocente che Israeliani e cristiani devono pagare al demonio Allah Satana Jabull-On
come si paga una stregoneria di sortilegio SARUMAN Rothschild Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 19 comments
Israel Blasts Turkish President for Libeling Jewish State at UN

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

when I say that Iran and Erdogan are more dangerous than Hitler ... who believes me?
the Islamic sharia genocide, replacing the jihad peoples, all this is the Koran, and for them it is normal (indeed it is an act of religious virtue) and Islamic terrorism? for them it is legitimate: all justified!
the Christian martyrs? they do not exist!
the genocide of the Armenians? it was been the Chinese killers! etc. etc..
so Erdogan gave reason to Netanjahu, when he said: "the Imams are all allies of Hitler to finish well: their common dirty work!"

quando io dico che Iran e Erdogan sono più pericolosi di Hitler? chi mi crede?
il genocidio islamico sharia, sostituire i popoli jihad, tutto questo è il Corano, e per loro è normale (anzi è un atto di virtù religiosa) e il terrorismo islamico? per loro è legittimo: tutto giustificato!
i martiri cristiani? non esistono!
il genocidio degli armeni? sono stati i cinesi! ecc.. ecc..
quindi Erdogan ha dato ragione a Netanjahu, quando lui ha detto: "gli Imam? tutti alleati di Hitler per finire bene: il loro comune lavoro simmorale!" Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 39 comments
UN First! Report Blasts BDS as 'Fundamentally Anti-Semitic'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

I believe that:

the real problem is not anti-Semitism (racist or Nazi) or BDS (of hating the Jewish house, and denying its fundamental and foundational right: as in reality the ARAB LEAGUE is doing in various ways, differentiated forms and modalities):

but, all this hides the anguish that the peoples have in wanting to get rid of the vampire Rothschil of FED FMI BM BCE NWO: the lgbt satanists Masons: goverment transnazional shadow and esoteric Agenda, antichrist Mognerini EU 666 UK NATO!

this truth all the cowardly Jews are obscuring it,

or at least in 13 years, all over the world, I have not found a single honest Jew who could say it!

in fact Yitzchak Kaduri, also written Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", a renowned haredi kabbalist, he said it, through a kabbalistic way to protect himself from his enemy Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

io credo che:

il vero problema non è l'antisemitismo (razzista o nazista) o il BDS (di odiare la casa ebraica, e negare il suo diritto fondamentale e fondativo: come in Realtà la LEGA ARABA sta facendo in vari modi, forme e modalilità differenziate):

ma, il tutto nasconde l'angoscia che i popoli hanno nel volersi liberare del vampiro Rothschil d FED FMI BM BCE NWO: i satanisti lgbt massoni: governo ombra ed esoteric Agenda Mognerini UE 666 UK NATO!

questa verità tutti gli ebrei vigliacchi la noascondono,

o almeno in 13 anni, in tutto il mondo, io non ho trovato un solo ebreo onesto che poteva dirlo!

infatti Yitzchak Kaduri, scritto anche Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi, lui lo ha detto attraverso una modalità cabalistica per proteggere se stesso dal suo nemico il rabbino Ovadia Yosef Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Netanyahu: 'Iran Did It, from A to Z!"

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 442rocketdave 6 days ago

it is not our fault if the Rothschild satanists have designed: and realized: a bad, unjust, criminal and dangerous planet, and now, we are forced to fight against the criminal forces to survive! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

I doubt that you will find in this planet a single man political, and a policy with an "integrity" and honesty superior to Netanjahu
he has killed Israeli soldiers to defend Palestinian civilians, and this is the real problem for me.
how your problem is to have slandered him! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

ok well Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

eih eh eh eh Imam, you go to tell your Ayatollahs that I am coming to pick you up!
there is no need for any integrity to kill an Islamic assassin's jihad koran:
because sharia is intrinsically: "kill or be killed!"
Imam, tu vai a dire ai tuoi Ayatollah che io sto venendo a prendervi! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Roger Mikael Klang 6 days ago

and of the message written on Iranian missiles (now also nuclear missiles: soon nuclear) of these 30 years: with written: "death to Israel" of those you trust?

e del messaggio scritto sui missili iraniani (ora anche missili nucleari: prossimamente nucleari ) di questi 30 anni: con su scritto: "morte ad Israele" di quelli ti fidi? Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

UN to governments, stop hatred on the net: internet social network scam democracy. filter algorit and A.I. .
ok, good idea. you begin to denounce the satanism of: genocide NAZI sharia and scam banking seigniorage for the destruction and enslavement of the whole human race!
ok, but if the UN no longer knows human rights what kind of beast Allah Erdogan, Macron Ja-Bull-On, Merkel Von sodom: lgbt dracula: shadow government: UK City FED IMF ECB Mogherini: the antichrist has become

ok, ma se ONU non conosce più i diritti umani che tipo di bestia Allah Erdogan, Macron Ja-Bull-On, Merkel Von sodoma: lgbt dracula: governo ombra Mogherini: l'anticristo è diventato Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: 'Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

professor chased away by #Luiss for his tweets:
immediately remove any funding from the #LUISS !!!
It all started with a critical tweet on illegal immigration and the Sea Watch case. The historian Marco Gervasoni uses the social media with no hair on his tongue, and his language was not welcomed by the Luiss university which revoked his contract. Now, that a private university can freely decide which professors to hire and which ones are not normal, but here we are faced with something else

professore cacciato dalla #Luiss per i suoi tweet:
rimuovere subito ogni finanziamento dalla #LUISS!!!
Tutto è cominciato con un tweet critico sull’immigrazione illegale e sul caso Sea Watch. Lo storico Marco Gervasoni usa i social senza peli sulla lingua, e il suo linguaggio non è stato gradito dall’università Luiss che gli ha revocato il contratto. Ora, che un’università privata possa decidere liberamente quali professori assumere e quali no è normalissimo, ma qui si è di fronte ad altro Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Trump: the future belongs to the patriots, not to the globalists
September 24, 2019
Macron against "sexist" toys
indeed the NWO of Rothschild 666 Epstein Soros Morgan Rochefeller Clinton Bush
seeks to destroy physically and psychologically (GMOs and cyborgs): suppress sexuality in the human race.
that bad cow: of: India, Narendra Modi removes the uterus from women working on sugarcane plantations: so as not to miss a day of work a month from her slaves

quella vacca cattiva: di: India, Narendra Modi fa togliere l'utero dalle donne che lavorano nelle piantagioni di canna da zucchero: per non perdere una giornata di lavoro al mese dai suoi schiavi Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Pd: democratic Party: #Fico (the traitor of the people: M5S and Beppe GRILLO: sacrilego blasphemer) deny direct democracy: "Parliaments have a central role .. for Rothschild"

Fico (il traditore del popolo M5S e Beppe GRILLO: sacrilego bestemminatore) rinnegano la democrazia diretta: “Parlamenti hanno ruolo centrale .. per Rothschild” Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Spit as a Northern League adviser, antifà repents: "I made a bullshit" ANSWER.

they must stop saying that the right is a threat to democracy:
because this attitude is a coup by Maidain Kiev cray cult Mogherini NAZI, Pravy Von Merkel Sector, and CIA snipers, Soros lgbr Rothschild Bilderberg empire NATO Riyad OCI: to exterminate the Russian speakers:
they are guilty only of having a Christian religion!
Sputi a consigliere leghista, antifà si pente: “Ho fatto una cavolata”
la devono smettere di dire che la destra è una minaccia per la democrazia:
perhé questo atteggimento è un golpe di Maidai e cecchini della CIA, Soros lgbr Rothschild Bilderberg impero Otan Riyad OCI: per sterminare i russofoni:
colpevoli loro solo di avere una religione cristiana! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Bishop of Lampedusa: "God's favorite migrants"
there is someone Soros Bilderberg
who took the bishops to a restaurant and first made them intoxicated, then drugged them and then abused them all!
making sacrilege in a mess of both Vatican I and Vatican II:
in fact they are called the heresy of the Masonic modernism FED 666 FMI NWO: with 640 excommunications on their shoulders: UE UK City London and high constitutional treason the scam banking seigniorage: Baal Ja-Bull-On!
It is true that they have no choice
and this is a fulfillment for them with mitigating circumstance!

Vescovo a Lampedusa: “Migranti prediletti di Dio”
c'é qulcuno Soros Bilderberg
che ha portto i vescovi in una trattoria e prima li ha fatti ubriacare, poi, li ha drogati e poi ha abusato di tutti loro!
facendo sacrilego scempio sia del Vaticano I che del Vaticano secondo:
infatti loro si chiamano la eresia del modernismo massonico FED 666 FMI NWO: con 640 scomuniche sulle spalle: UE UK City London e alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario!
e vero che non hanno possibilità di scelta
e questa è una attenuante per loro! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

Bin SALMAN, Bolsonaro Salvini Trump Putin, Xi-Jinping, Modi, Orban, Rivlin etc ..] the priest of satan and world director of youtube Synnek1 (now 187AudioHostem) he pretended to be a person good and kind: from a high civil profile: and instead he was a cannibal. once I told him: "you are a monster, a hypocrite, and you will never find a girl who could really love you" and at that moment on the youtube page: a girl came out to insult me! but this is the truth: in the Church of Satan the supreme priest George W. Bush: 43rd president of the United States, the one with the supernatural voodoo and aliens abductions demonic powers?
he is the one who makes pairings between lgbt animals: all the Darwin monkeys.
this NWO of the Rothschilds is all a joke! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago

#CINA] the big brother: lucifer eye: "we are a legion, we do not forget, and we do not forgive? You did it"
the promises of sovereignty and democracy autonomy in:
taiwan & hong kong? you try to step on them continuously!
you do not want to fight the NWO of US Satanists (as it would be legitimate to expect from you)
you only want to get: a NWO satanism, in their place!
if as an infamous you fail to fulfill the promises made on hong kong?
the damage you can suffer is not quantifiable: today!

#CINA ] il grande fratello: occhio di lucifero: "noi siamo una legione, noi non dimentichiamo, e noi non perdoniamo? tu lo hai fatto"
le promesse di autonomia sovranità e democrazia in:
taiwan & hong kong? tu cerchi di calpestarle continuamente!
tu non vuoi combattere il NWO dei satanisti USA (come sarebbe legittimo attendersi da te)
tu vuoi ottenere soltanto: un satanismo di NWO, al posto loro!
se come un infame tu vieni meno alle promesse fatte su hong kong?
il danno che ne potrai subire non è quantificabile: oggi!


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