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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

all those who oppose Unius REI remain shamed

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL   all those who oppose Unius REI remain shamed

Now is the time: URGENT: in the UK and USA to get martial law and to deactivate the Freemasons' Parliament!
1. there is an Occultist and Occult State that controls the legal state!
2. there are judges (bureaucratic officials, employees) who offend the sovereignty: both of the ppoèpolo and of the parliament!
3. There are military sites in the US and underground cities populated by alien monster monsters that are under the control of the Bushes and not the Government!
4. the Government does not have control of the monetary power: and of the Masonic power: and therefore the Government is delegitimized: because in these conditions there can be no exercise of political power!
I order the army to go down the streets and take control of the institutions in the name of: US President, UK Queen and Prime Minister!

Now is the time: URGENT: in UK e USA to get martial law and to deactivate the Freemasons' Parliament!
1. esiste una Stato Occultista e Occulto che controlla lo Stato legale!
2. esistono giudici (funzionari burocrati, impiegati) che offendono la sovranità: sia del ppoèpolo che del parlamento!
3. esistono siti militari in USA e Città sotterrannee popolati da mostri idribi alieni che sono sotto il controllo dei Bush e non del Governo!
4. il Governo non ha il controllo del potere monetario: e del potere massonico: e quindi il Governo è delegittimato: perché in queste condizioni non può esistere esercizio del potere politico!
io ordino all'esercito di scendere per le strate e di prendere il controllo delle istituzioni in nome del: Presidente USA, UK Regina e Primo Ministro! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 3 days ago

One plant out of 4 has disappeared in the countryside.
Coldiretti, goodbye also to 2 million cows, sheep and goats
this is another of the effects of Soros speculative finance, and Riothschild parasitic (high treason the bank seigniorage):
1. oppress the PRIMARY,
2. and the middle class of the bourgeoisie:
3. destroy social justice, eradicate the certainties of the peasant world
4. and obtain: a single pack of: "fluid slaves: goyim dalit dhimmis worldwide"
Now is the time to get martial law and to deactivate the Freemasons' Parliament!

Scomparsa una pianta su 4 nelle campagne.
Coldiretti, addio anche a 2 mln di mucche, pecore e capre
questo è un altro degli effetti della finanza speculatica Soros, e parassitaria Riothschild (alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario):
1. opprimere il PRIMARIO,
2. e la classe media della borghesia:
3. distruggere la giustizia sociale, sradicare le certezze del mondo contadino
4. e ottenere: un unico branco di: " schiavi fluidi: goyim dalit dhimmis a livello mondiale "
Adesso è il momento di ottenere la legge marziale e di disattivare il Parlamento dei Massoni! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 39 comments
UN First! Report Blasts BDS as 'Fundamentally Anti-Semitic'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 3 days ago

impeachment to Trump, it is the demonstration of a GOLPE in progress, a deviated occult Masonic association rises dishonestly: and in a criminal way: against democratic and elective institutions !!
Nooooo! don't tell me the mole is a CIA agent !!
why if the mole was a CIA agent? then, the circle lifts and closes!
also because: USA go to punish abroad: Assange and those who spread secret news, but only if, these are news that offend the Rothschilds!
Therefore, there is no longer a reference to legislation or to the protection of national security in the UK and the USA.
in the UK there was a useless referendum for the Parliament which shows that it has no respect for the people or even for its own laws.
and if the CIA publishes confidential news, national security is certainly endangered!
now the closure of the Parliament and martial law is necessary!
For the US president, this is an attempt to destroy the Republican party. "The Democrats are trying to destroy the Republican party and what it represents. They unite, play their game and fight hard against the Republicans. The country is at risk," Trump said in a Twitter post yesterday. Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Ernst Goldman 3 days ago

the truly serious thing of the UN which has become the receptacle of all anti-Zionist haters,
the denial of all human rights
which is the purpose for which the UN was founded!
so we have the Muslim nazis: denial of:
1. freedom of religion e
2. almost-absolute human rights, which haunt the UN and which would have no right to enter! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL ProclaimLiberty 3 days ago

ProclaimLiberty Lorne
unfortunately: for some demonic your esoteric and hidden motivation: you have chosen to be mine: "bad enemy": yet, I do not remember that you challenged some of my statements: to have the right to criticize: and not to be identified as troll!
it is clear, your proclamation of freedom: "does not involve freedom of speech" Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 62 comments
'It's All Israel's Fault': BDS Accuses Israel of 'Climate Apartheid'

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Nart 3 days ago

obviously, it is a nonsense for Rothschilds and Bushes who want to destroy the national identities of all peoples!

ovviamente, è un non senso per Rothschild e Bush che vogliono distruggere le identità nazionali di tutti i popoli! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Ukraine case, pressing dem for Trump's impeachment, but I believe we will all fall into a court-martial regime for high treason from UK to USA!
because TRUMP should never have investigated the crimes of BIDEN family
Tycoon chasing spies who helped the mole, 'we are at war'. Biden attacks: "He tried to steal the elections from Hillary and Obama."
in fact, Giuliani met five Ukrainian prosecutors: to look for the truth about the Biden family's corruption and murder maneuvers!
that is: it must be ascertained, if, and what offenses have been committed by the tycoon (that all journalists can investigate but the US President cannot do) in the phone call to the Ukrainian president to urge investigations against Joe Biden, his potential challenger in the race for White House, and in actions to 'cover' the interview.
"We are at war. These people are sick." So Donald Trump rails against the mole of the phone call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

Caso Ucraina, pressing dem per l'impeachment di Trump, ma io credo che cadremo tutti in regime di corte marziale per alto tradimento da UK a USA!
perché TRUMP non avrebbe mai dovuto indagare circa i delitti di BIDEN family
Tycoon a caccia delle spie che hanno aiutato la talpa, 'siamo in guerra'. Biden attacca: 'Ha cercato di rubare le elezioni a Hillary e Obama'.

infatti, Giuliani incontrò cinque procuratori ucraini: per cercare la verità su manovre di corruzione e omicidi della famiglia Biden!
cioè: bisogna accertare, se, e quali reati siano stati commessi dal tycoon (che tutti i giornalisti possono fare indagini ma il Presidente degli USA non può farlo) nella telefonata al presidente ucraino per sollecitare indagini contro Joe Biden, suo potenziale sfidante nella corsa alla Casa Bianca, e nelle azioni per 'coprire' il colloquio.
"Siamo in guerra. Queste persone sono malate". Così Donald Trump si scaglia contro la talpa della telefonata con il leader ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky.

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

then, all the investigations know, the Democratic Party never loves that they are turned against him!
impeachment of Donald Trump? democratic criminals are afraid of inquiries: and since we are not in IRAN or Turkey? then, the investigations and the investigations are all legitimate !!!
In his role as President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani has met five prosecutors and former Ukrainian prosecutors since last year. and obtained information (and serious indications of crimes and murders) on Hunter Biden - the son of the former vice president, now presidential candidate dem, who was a member of the board of a Ukrainian energy company (and who wanted to exterminate the Russian speakers to steal their coal ) - and on what Giuliani defines the collusion between the dem and the Ukraine in the 2016 elections.
but Biden was not a candidate for those elections:
there was only Clinton Epstein and Murdoch Marduch

impeachment di Donald Trump? i criminali democratici hanno paura delle inchieste: e poiché, noi non Siamo in IRAN o Turchia? poi, le indagini e le inchieste sono tutte legittime!!!
Nel suo ruolo di avvocato personale del presidente Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani incontrò cinque procuratori ed ex procuratori ucraini sin dallo scorso anno. e ottenne informazioni (e gravi indizi di delitti e omicidi) su Hunter Biden - il figlio dell'ex vicepresidente, ora candidato presidenziale dem, che era membro del cda di una società energetica ucraina (e che volevano sterminare i russofoni per rubare il loro carbone) - e su quella che Giuliani definisce la collusione tra i dem e l'Ucraina nelle elezioni del 2016.
ma Biden non era candidato a quelle elezioni:
vi era soltanto Clinton Epstein e Murdoch Marduch
then, all the investigations know, the Democratic Party never loves that they are turned against him! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

'impeachment di Trump? ah ah ah ah !!! Rupert Murdoch: "to Hillary DO NOT bite any more he fools people no more!"
to Hillary NON abboccare: più nessuno egli allocchi
impeachment of Trump? [Marduch 666 Rupert Murdoch: "Hillary doesn't bite anyone anymore!" Those of the Democratic Party, are criminals for the electric chair! ] "There is no one in my family who has done anything wrong" (1. with the exception of the Golpe: 2. the CIA snipers in Maidan, 3. the attempted extermination of the Donbass Russian speakers, 4. and who knows how many other sinister intrigues). Joe Biden thus defends himself from accusations and insinuations about the Ukrainian scandal. Biden and his son Hunter were indeed sued by Trump in the phone call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, on which the tycoon pressured to investigate the former vice president and his son.

[ Marduch 666 Rupert Murdoch: "ad Hillary non abbocca più nessuno! " quelli del partito democratico, sono criminali per la sedia elettrica! ] "Non c'è nessuno nella mia famiglia che abbia fatto qualcosa di sbagliato" (1. ad eccezione del Golpe: 2. dei cecchini della CIA a Maidan, 3. del tentato sterminio dei russofoni del Donbass, 4. e di chissà quanti altri loschi intrighi ). Joe Biden si difende così dalle accuse e dalle insinuazioni sullo scandalo Ucraina. Biden e suo figlio Hunter sono stati infatti chiamati in causa da Trump nella telefonata con il leader ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky, sul quale il tycoon ha fatto pressione per indagare l'ex vice presidente e suo figlio. Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Presidenti Rivlin ] [ and what to say: of Hussein born in Amman on 28 June 1994 Abd Allah II of Jordan,
that he himself went to harass the Pope, about 2 years ago so he could hurt me?
now? the Iranians also went to threaten the Pope: so that I may be damaged!
This is the truth: "all the ARAB LEAGUE OCI has a pending account with Israel" and are just waiting for the moment to settle the deadly blow!

e che dire di: Hussein nato ad Amman il 28 giugno 1994 Abd Allah II di Giordania,
che proprio lui andò a molestare il Papa 2 anni fa affinché mi facesse del male?
adesso? sono andati a minacciare il Papa anche gli iraniani: affinché io possa essere danneggiato!
Questa è la verità: "tutta la LEGA ARABA ha un conto in sospeso con Israele" ed aspettano soltanto il momento di poter assestare il colpo mortale! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

‘It’s All Israel’s Fault’: BDS Accuses Israel of ‘Climate Apartheid’

and what to say about the poor Palestinians: where: Iran Isis OIC Erdogan Hamas, Abu Mazen OLP completely destroyed the economy and social life:
to condemn them to work and die of terrorism?
e cosa dire dei poveri palestinesi: dove: Iran Isis OIC Erdogan Hamas, Abu Mazen OLP hanno completamente distrutto l'economia e la vita sociale :
per condannarli a lavorare e morire di terrorismo? Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

‘It’s All Israel’s Fault’: BDS Accuses Israel of ‘Climate Apartheid’

is there a curse in ISLAM, the sheep? they have destroyed all the olive groves in Libya, etc. .. etc., and then, they have desertified the whole Middle East!
these are impenitent killers of the sharia genocide

c'é una maledizione nell'ISLAM, le pecore? hanno distrutto tutti gli uliveti della Libia, ecc.. ecc.. , e poi, hanno desertificato tutto il Medio Oriente!
questi sono assassini impenitenti del genocidio sharia Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 187 comments
Report: Poland’s president blames Israel for rise in anti-Semitic attacks

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 3 days ago

The Israeli minister threatens to kill Putin
"If Putin wants to survive he must keep his armed forces out of Syria", this was declared a few days ago by Ayelet Shaked, Israel's Minister of Justice,
in fact in the concept of geopolitics invented by the Rothschilds and UN OCI, all the motivations can be used to obtain a world war. but, if you can believe in my universal brotherhood, you could survive!
/it sputniknews com/punti_di_vista/201710035096847-ministro-israeliano-minaccia-di-morte-putin/
ministro israeliano minaccia di morte Putin
“Se Putin vuole sopravvivere deve mantenere le sue forze armate fuori dalla Siria”, questo ha dichiarato pochi giorni fa Ayelet Shaked, il ministro della Giustizia di Israele,
in effetti nel concetto di geopolitica inventato dai Rothschild ed ONU OCI, tutte le motivazioni sono utilizzabili per ottenere una guerra mondiale. ma, se saprete credere alla mia fratellanza universale, voi potreste sopravvivere! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 3 days ago

all the large capital stolen from production can be confiscated!
The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States would be increasing and, according to official data, last year would have recorded the highest level for half a century. But the problem does not only concern the USA. Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
Cousins Mirala tua vergognausly Reunited in Israel 75 Years After Surviving the Holocaust

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN] [I never wanted to explain my magic formula to the priests of Satan of the CIA: be careful: it's a secret, I'll tell you, but don't let it be known in IRAN!
I, since I was 22 years old, I often repeat: "holy holy, Holy Holy Holy, holy holy, Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy, Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy, Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy, Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy, Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy holy, holy Santo Santo .. and so on "
but you do not turn to Allah, because everyone knows that your demons assassin could never be saints!

Bin SALMAN ] [ non ho mai voluto spiegare ai sacerdoti di Satana della CIA la mia formula magica: attento: è un segreto, io la dico a te, ma tu non farla sapere in IRAN!
io da quando avevo 22 anni, io ripeto spesso: " santo santo, Santo Santo Santo, santo santo, Santo Santo Santo santo santo, Santo Santo Santo santo santo, Santo Santo Santo santo santo, Santo Santo Santo santo santo, Santo Santo Santo santo santo, Santo Santo Santo .. e così via"
ma non ti rivolgere ad Allah, perché lo sanno tutti che i demoni non potrebbero mai essere santi! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ every day, they bother me with
phone calls about, proposals: to learn how to do trading online: actually they are bullying!
I say that I will never do this wickedness, and if they want to know why: at the Satanist Rothschild, he can ask for , because he Rochefeller knows me well, and Morgan SARUMAN can explain it!

Bin SALMAN ] [ ogni giorno, mi disturbano con
telefonate circa, proposte: per imparare a Fare Trading Online: in realtà sono un bullismo!
io dico che non farò mai questa malvagità, e se loro vogliono sapere il motivo: possono chiederlo a Rothschild il satanista, perché lui mi conosce bene e può spiegarlo! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

#Biden: "Trump tried to snatchElections"
and who better than the rothschild satanists and priests of Satan OBAMABiden Bush:
can know how EpsteinDracula lgbt Sod0m Pd Bilderberg, Marduch666 talmudMurdoch NetWork internet Satellite TV: masonic tecnocratic GOLPE: Deep State,
that the people's skin is their shoe sole?
them theSkin of the people? they have alwaysSnatched it!
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a few seconds ago
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a minute ago
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 2 minutes ago Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

#Biden: "Trump tried to snatch elections"


and who better than the rothschild satanists and priests of Satan OBAMA Biden Bush:

can know how Epstein and Dracula lgbt Sodom Pd Bilderberg, Marduch 666 talmud Murdoch Net Work internet Satellite TV: masonic GOLPE: Deep State,

that the people's s k i n is their s h o e sole?

them the s k i n of the people? they have always snatched it!

Biden: "Trump ha tentato scippo elezioni"
e chi meglio dei satanisti rothschild e sacerdoti di Satana OBAMA Biden Bush:
sa come Epstein and Dracula Sodoma Pd Bilderberg, Marduch Murdoch NetWorkSatellite TV: che la pelle del popolo è la loro suola delle scarpe?
loro la pelle del popolo? loro la hanno sempre scippata!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

#Biden: "Trump tried to snatch elections"
and who better than the rothschild satanists and priests of Satan OBAMA Biden Bush:
can know how Epstein and Dracula lgbt Sodom Pd Bilderberg, Marduch 666 talmud Murdoch NetWork internet Satellite TV: masonic GOLPE: Deep State,
that the people's skin is their shoe sole?
them the skin of the people? they have always snatched it!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

#Biden: "Trump tried to snatch elections"
and who better than the rothschild satanists and priests of Satan OBAMA Biden Bush:
can know how Epstein and Dracula lgbt Sodom Pd Bilderberg, Marduch 666 talmud Murdoch NetWork internet Satellite TV: masonic GOLPE: Deep State,
that the people's skin is their shoe sole?
them the skin of the people? they have always snatched it!

Biden: "Trump ha tentato scippo elezioni"
e chi meglio dei satanisti rothschild e sacerdoti di Satana OBAMA Biden Bush:
sa come Epstein and Dracula Sodoma Pd Bilderberg, Marduch Murdoch NetWorkSatellite TV: che la pelle del popolo è la loro suola delle scarpe?
loro la pelle del popolo? loro la hanno sempre scippata!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

China Russia] most of the Italian soldiers who had been reported dead and missing? almost all of them had been interned in the lager gulag laogai of Stalin and Lenin,
and this the Italian communist party (today the Rothschild betrayers of the democratic party, Bilderberg) this has always been known by the PD PC!
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin] [if you do not distance yourself from the ideological crimes of communism? .. of course you will be the one to pay for all their crimes: crimes that still call for revenge from God!

China Russia ] la maggior parte dei soldati italiani che erano stati dati per morti e dispersi? erano stati quasi tutti internati nei lager gulag laogai di Stalin e Lenin,
e questo il partito comunista italiano (oggi i traditori Rothschild del partito democratico) questo il PC PD lo ha sempre saputo!
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin ] [ se, tu non ti allontani dai delitti ideologici del comunismo? .. certo sarai tu a pagare per tutti i loro delitti: delitti che invocano ancora la vendetta da Dio! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

China Russia ] in these 12 months: how many times have I asked you to move your embassy to Jerusalem?
to my loyalty, justice, holiness, friendship, protection for you, a political project of universal brotherhood for all.
you answered with your wickedness!
perhaps the invisible army of the Bushes: of its demons-aliens in flying saucers, maybe you can see it .. but, my army? it not even for the demons aliens, it is visible!

Cina Russia ] in questi 12 mesi: quante volte io vi ho chiesto di spostare la vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme?
alla mia lealtà, giustizia, santità, amicizia, protezione, progetto politico di fratellanza universale.
voi avete risposto con la vostra cattiveria!
forse l'esercito invisibile dei Bush: dei suoi demoni-alieni nei dischi volanti, forse lo potete vedere.. ma, il mio esercito? quello neanche per gli alieni demoni è visibile! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Abu Mazen threatens to break agreements
but after 70 years of terrorism .. how dare this Erdogan jihad sharia NAZI genocide UMMA sewer speak again?
we see that Allah does not know the sense of shame!

Abu Mazen minaccia rottura accordi
ma dopo 70 anni di terrorismo.. come osa questa fogna di Erdogan parlare ancora?
si vede che Allah non conosce il senso del pudore! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

unitedwithisrael] eih cugino [ I asked the Saudis and Egyptians: 8000 square kilometers, and if you block me another time? you will make this world nuclear!

unitedwithisrael ] io ho chiesto ai sauditi ed Egiziani: 8000 kmq, e se tu mi blocchi un altra volta? tu ti farai questa questa mondiale nucleare! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
Cousins Mirala tua vergognausly Reunited in Israel 75 Years After Surviving the Holocaust

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

#Hillary has no problem, given that even the Saudis in addition to all the democratic parties in the world: give him money for free, just for liking: and her? she doesn't need to ask for the money: her Rothschild mafia is so great: OCI A Sharia, FED FMI BM NWO!
NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 26 - Donald Trump is a "clear danger", a "threat" to the United States ", said Hillary Clinton,
The former secretary of state calls Trump a "corrupt human tornado .. and uses his position to try to extort something from a foreign government for his political reasons," explains Clinton Epstein Antony La Vey Saruman at Bohemian Grove cremation of care, etc .. etc .. Bush skull and 322 bones of Kerry. Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Success! Palestinians' Pro-Terror Facebook Page Shut Down

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Pompeo in Rome at the beginning of October. 'We will discuss issues and challenges with Italy and the USA at the center'
ANSWER. NATO CIA 666 UK Rothschild the slave trade: for to intentionally slaughter its army: it is doing intentionally: the same strategic mistake that that ignorant Mussolini made!
a military aircraft only apparently more effective,
all other areas of defense: all with unforgivable shortcomings!

Pompeo a Roma a inizio ottobre. 'Discuteremo temi e sfide con Italia e Usa al centro'
ANSWER. la NATO CIA 666 UK Rothschild il commerciate di schiavi: per far massacrare il suo esercito intenzionalmente: sta facendo intenzionalmente: lo stesso errore strategico che quell'ignorante di Mussolini ha fatto!
una aereonautica militare solo in apparenza più efficace,
tutti gli altri settori della difesa: tutti con carenze imperdonabili! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

China, US sanctions arbitrary to Iran
I don't know how China could erase the words "death to Israel" from Iranian missiles
also because I know that a criminal communist is as vulgar as CHINA? no matter the tragic fate of innocent Christians in the world and in the ARAB LEAGUE!
you have deserved the fire of hell and it will come upon you!

Cina, sanzioni Usa a Iran arbitrarie
answer. io non so come la Cina potrebbe cancellare dai missili iranini la scritta: "morte a Israele"
anche perché lo so che a un comunista criminale e becero come la CINA? non importa nulla del destino tragico dei cristiani innocenti nel mondo e nella LEGA ARABA!
voi avete meritato il fuoco dell'inferno ed esso scenderà su di voi! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

lgbt 666 FED Pelosi, Trump violated the Constitution
antifa Rothschild-Bilderberg have occupied and parceled out all that was possible to occupy, judiciary, institutions, government offices.
have suppressed democratic dissent: in fact they have become an octopus!
Soros Democratic Party Can't Speak That Way:
they have become a conspiracy: a regime of Satanists!

Pelosi, Trump ha violato la Costituzione
antifa Rothschild-Bilderberg hanno occupato e lottizzato tutto quello che era possibile occupare, magistratura, isituzioni, uffici governativi.
hanno soffocato il dissenso democratico: di fatto sono diventati una piovra!
partito democratico Soros non possono parlare così:
loro sono diventati una congiura: un regime di satanisti! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Benjamin #Netanyahu. Benny #Gantz dear. Iran cannot make missile bases in Syria and Iran .. raise the CHIAPPE from the chair:
1. build anti-missile bases in Syria and Iraq:
2. occupy a strip of 50 km along the entire border to IRAN!
3. Aiea, Iran violates nuclear agreement. UN agency, with more modern and numerous centrifuges? answer. time is end!
this bad story? must end! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Earthquake in Istanbul, a minaret falls. schools closed in the city, prudential measure of the authorities after a shock of 5.8
it is necessary to activate NOW: an urgent investigation: to see if the Imam has done the right prayers! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Rohani: "With Italy there is friendship "" Due to the sanctions US economic relations have diminished, but the commercial ties between our two countries, as well as political, social, cultural ones, continue "
ok Rohani, I'm coming to build a Church for apostate Muslims!

Rohani all'ansa: "Con l'Italia
c'è amicizia" "A causa delle sanzioni Usa le nostre relazioni economiche sono diminuite, ma i legami commerciali tra i nostri due paesi, cosi' come quelli politici, sociali, culturali, continuano"
ok Rohani, io sto venendo a costruire una Chiesa per i mussulmani apostati! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Gianfranco Bastianello, 63 years old and sick with ALS since he was 14, sent to the Holy Father. Bastianello, del Cavallino (Ve), a practicing Catholic, is a sufferer of ALS, addresses himself in a letter directly to the Pope:
"When the physical pain makes you scream, but you can't because you have no voice and the pain remains making you go crazy. Dear Pope Francis then you understand that there is only one way out, go away: to the hell of: hate, rebellion , oppression, destruction, obsession, guilt, remorse, despair, with hail and burning coals of juniper ". Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Pope: I besieged the Pope, it is important to pray for me -
"It is important that people pray for the Pope and for his intentions. The Pope is tempted, he is very besieged: only the prayer of his people can free him".
answer. in my opinion, he would get by alone, rid of himself if he stopped going to bilderbergs!

Papa: io Pontefice assediato, è importante pregare per me -
"È importante che la gente preghi per il Papa e per le sue intenzioni. Il Papa è tentato, è molto assediato: solo la preghiera del suo popolo può liberarlo".
answer. secondo me , lui si libererebbe da solo se la smettesse di frequentare i bilderberg! Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

the claims of Di Maio? they are all: criminals and unconstitutional and this speaks volumes about the subversive and corporate: Monsanto Gmos agenda: esoteric Bilderberg: corporations SpA, NWO "eye lucifer" Aziendal attitude of the M5S: of corrupt Crime blasphemous and blasphemer and Gender #sess0Fluido Sodoma #besstialism0 and 55 anti-Facebook perversions Facebook!
Luigi Di Maio says from New York that he wants to end the "change of shirts" in Parliament. "It is time to introduce the mandate constraint: if you pass to another political force you will go home", he declares, adding that in the meantime he will start the procedure provided for by the bylaws of the Movement and that he will ask for compensation of 100 thousand euro for pentastellized refugees. "In my opinion - he explains - the time has come in Italy to introduce the mandate.
le pretese di Di Maio? esse sono tutte: criminali e anticostituzionali e questo la dice lunga sulla attitudine eversiva e aziendale del M5S: di corrotto Grillo bestemmiatore sacrilego blasfemo e Gender #sessoFluido Sodoma beesstialism0 e 55 perversioni antifa Facebook!
Luigi Di Maio dice da New York che vuole mettere fine al "cambio di casacche" in Parlamento. "E' il momento di introdurre il vincolo di mandato: se passi ad un'altra forza politica te ne vai a casa", dichiara, aggiungendo che intanto avviera' la procedura prevista dallo statuto del Movimento e che chiedera' il risarcimento di 100 mila euro per i transfughi pentastellati. "Secondo me - spiega - e' arrivato il momento in Italia per introdurre il vincolo di mandato. Edit View in discussion

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ yesterday, I blocked a user who said: "is this your new plume name?"
but only God knows the political potentialities which this universal political ministry it are possesses: it has inexhaustible potential!
this ministry has been studied and equipped by God JHWH to offer every good answer at any people in this planet!
when you, Erdogan: you have emptied the prisons of all the ARAB OCI jihad sharia genocide LEAGUE to create ISIS together with the CIA and go like this: go and exterminate all the Christians of Syria and IRAQ?
For to prevent that you came to hurting my: best Muslim friend of Kuwait?
I interrupted my relationship with him!
and he is absolutely my best friend, all over the world!
and when he did me: a question about religion?
I didn't respond to him, just to avoid proselytizing!
so that all those who oppose Unius REI remain shamed! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Success! Palestinians' Pro-Terror Facebook Page Shut Down

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ I did not plan to hurt Erdogan Allah Lilit or Bush Owl Ja-Bull-ON: indeed I do not inquire about crimes that are appened outside my Kingdom Israel, then, because someone is so stupid and self-defeating as to oppose justice: universal metaphysics, agnostic and rational politics that Unius REI represents?
this is obstinacy against the good
it is a challenge of the lie against the truth known universal and objective!

Bin SALMAN ] [ io non ho progettato di fare del male a Erdogan o a Bush: io non inquisisco delitti avvenuti fuori del mio Regno, allora, perché qualcuno è così stupido ed autolesionista da opporsi alla giustizia: universale metafisica, politica agnostica e razionale che Unius REI rappresenta?
questa è ostinazione contro il bene
è una impugnazione della menzogna contro la verità conosciuta universale ed oggettiva!


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