MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Osama bin Laden, the mastermind
Migrants, Trump at the NGOs 666 Soros Rothschild high constitutional treason, scam banking seigniorage, extermination and enslavement of all mankind: "Your policies are not fair, they are cruel" The intervention of the President of the United States at the General Assembly of UN
Migranti, Trump alle ong 666 Soros Rothschild alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, sterminio e riduzione in schiavitù di tutto il genere umano: «Vostre politiche non sono giuste, sono crudeli» L'intervento del Presidente degli Stati Uniti all'Assemblea Generale dell'Onu
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Iran, Imran Khan proposed as a mediator.
Imran Khan should stop sending Taliban all the time to Afghanistan
Imran Khan should stop sending Taliban continuously Kashmir to kill treacherously: Indian soldiers!
Imran Khan could never be a credible mediator: if he does not receive from the Rothschilds (fourth draft of the Koran)
to be able to make him, a fifth draft of the Koran
which is always an uncreated WORD of Allah BOIACANE!
Iran, Imran Khan proposto come mediatore.
Imran Khan dovrebbe smettere di mandare talebani continuamente in Afghnistan
Imran Khan dovrebbe smettere di mandare talebani continuamente Kashmir ad uccidere a tradimento: i soldati indiani!
Imran Khan NON potrebbe mai essere un mediatore credibile: se non riceve dai Rothschild (quarta stesura del Corano)
di poter fare lui una quinta stesura del Corano
che è sempre una PAROLA increata di Allah BOIACANE !
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Colombia, former FARC leaders in court are demanding pardon
the infamous work of the communists, is the same infamous work of the Muslims: "to kill completely peaceful and innocent Christians"
Colombia, ex capi delle Farc in tribunale chiedono perdono answer.
il lavoro infame dei comunisti, è lo stesso lavoro infame degli islamici: "uccidere cristiani del tutto pacifici ed innocenti"
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United with Israel 27 comments The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: 'Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists'
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Conte DRACULA bis: wants to make a pact with the Italians to fight tax evasion, ha ha ha ha ha ha
to be credible, he should first halve the actual and current 70% of the tax withdrawal!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago But Nancy Pelosi's words are as heavy as rocks: "The president's actions violated the constitution. No one is above the law."
but if these accusations are not true?
then it will be the Democratic Party: to have violated the constitution. and since Nobody is above the law ".
the Democratic Party will be treated as a mafia and coup association with all the consequences of the case!
we all know that the Biden have made the executioners in Donbass!
Ma le parole di Nancy Pelosi sono pesanti come macigni: "Le azioni del presidente hanno violato la costituzione. Nessuno è al di sopra della legge".
ma se queste accuse non sono vere?
poi sarà il Partito Democratico: ad aver violato la costituzione. e poiché Nessuno è al di sopra della legge".
il Partito democratico verrà trattato come una associazione mafiosa e golpista con tutte le coneguenze del caso!
sappiamo tutti che i Biden hanno fatto i boia in Donbass!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago The political chaos that is affecting Israel: it was put, black and white, in a book entitled "And he swore to Isaac", written many years ago, by one of the most famous rabbis of the last century, the Sephardic Yitzhak Kaduri. That in that text he would have predicted, exactly, what is happening today in the Israeli political scene and, in particular, the contention for power between the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Blue and White, Benny Gantz. The Jerusalem Post and several other local press sources report the "coincidence".
there has always been a blessed: of "bloodline" and "Holy Spirit" between Catholics and Jews, otherwise as is obvious to everyone: no Jew today would have survived!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago I believe that at this point: every Jew should ask himself the question who could this Messiah be!
The prediction: "An election without a government", Kaduri would have announced, that the Messiah would come "when there will be an election but there will be no government" ... he says that "on the eve of the year 5780" (the Jewish year that is about to begin) in Israel, for a long time, there will be no government and there will be arguments without a decision being taken by both sides "..
answer. these predictions do not come from witchcraft but from mathematical algorithms (unexplainable that are contained in the Torah and that Newton studied 8 years: but, it does not seem with great profit)
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago in the 1990s my Rabbi Kaduri joined the founder of the Shas Party, Ovadiah Yosef, during the election campaign.
it is too naive to think that the outward actions of a cabalist rabbi are or can always be explicit.
no, Kaduri hated; Ovadiah Yosef and his DRACULA Rothschilds
negli anni '90 il rabbino Kaduri si unì al fondatore del Shas Party, Ovadiah Yosef, durante la campagna elettorale.
è troppo ingenuo pensare che le azioni esteriori di un rabbino cabalista siano o possano essere sempre esplicite.
no, Kaduri odiava; Ovadiah Yosef e i suoi rothschild
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago in a meeting between Netanyau and Kaduri my Rabbi Master, in 1997, the Israeli prime minister would have whispered to him that the leftists "have forgotten what it means to be Jewish".
answer. in fact I am teaching it again: that is: "what it means to be Jewish"
in un incontro tra Netanyau e Kaduri, nel 1997, il premier israeliano gli avrebbe sussurrato che la gente di sinistra "ha dimenticato cosa significa essere ebrei".
answer. infatti io lo sto insegnando nuovamente: cioè: "cosa significa essere ebrei"
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago End of life, EUTHANASIA: the decision of the Constitutional Court has been postponed until tomorrow
the lefts are wicked!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago AI between ethics and dangers. The card.Ravasi: "It is not self-referential" for the demoniche multinationals that have been endowed with criminal juridical personality from the Rothschilds!
Defense Minister Guerini: "There remain concerns about the use of this technology"
ANSWER. if this legal status ( criminal FED juridical personality, make from the Rothschilds!) will not be removed IMMEDIATELY from institutions, companies and corporations? humanity will not survive this catastrophe!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Impeachment against Trump via formal investigation
The announcement by speaker Pelosi who speaks of "betrayal". The president: 'I am harassment'
what the lgbt Satanists wouldn't do: for not to lose their ideology of the BucoDelCulo?
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Bin SALMAN kingdom Saudi Arabia Riyadh: friend and brother: you remained the last true monarchy in the world: how to say: "the last of the MOICANS" yours: cynicism, satanism and wickedness? he won't be able to make you survive! ] if I scare people? God NOT would be happy with me, and neither would Rivlin!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ISRAEL, shalom + salaam
missing two days: to destroy all the military potential of IRAN!
you see it every night, I am awakened by physiological needs ..
but you? don't believe it!
Bin SALMAN ] se io spavento le persone? Dio non sarebbe contento di me, e neanche Rivlin lo sarebbe!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ISRAEL, shalom + salaam
mancano due giorni: per distruggere tutto il potenziale militare dell'IRAN!
lo vedi tutte le notti vengo svegliato da bisogni fisiologici..
ma tu? non ci credere!
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United with Israel 27 comments The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: 'Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists'
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Bin SALMAN] when among the priests of satan of the CIA 666 UK emerged with certainty: that Unius REI had the creative faith?
panic spread like it is today!
then, Kerry was saying, "it's inexplicable, why doesn't Syria capitulate?"
and Putin was saying: "if someone understands what is the logic of the US? does anyone let me know!"
now; the priests of satan: who hide themselves in the Eye of Lucifer: the Masonic pyramid: that: everything sees and everything knows "aliens abductions" they are a legion of bankrupt and who do not forget and do not forgive?
ok, they are all to watching how, I will be forced by you: to exterminate the ARAB OIC LEAGUE!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Bin SALMAN ] in these 13 years: my feelings have always been fluctuating:
for the sake of Netanjahu I want to save mankind, but when do I think of you? then, I change my mind and I want to destroy the human race!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Maḥmūd jihad ʿAbbās Erdogan, also known by the ISIS UMMA kunya sharia Abū Māzen (in Arabic: Mohammed not even dogs
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago Maḥmūd Abbās, also known as the kunya Abū Māzen, is a Palestinian politician, President of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian National Authority and the State of Palestine.
okay after they've been freed by the Israelis?
then the time will come when they will claim to be released by the Chinese too.
after all one and only one is the planet,
who must be freed by the impure Russian Kafirs
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago ABU jihad MAZEN The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: "Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists"
he is only a very religious man who, like ISIS and Erdogan, have read the Koran that cannot be interpreted because it is an uncreated word Allah
that is created of the Pharisees and high priests extending the Satanic Talmud
.. in fact the Muslims? at that time they were all illiterate: while now they are Akbar educated !!
ABU MAZEN The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: ‘Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists’
lui è soltanto un uomo molto religioso che come ISIS e Erdogan hanno letto il Corano che non si può interpretare perché è una parola increata dei farisei e sommi sacerdoti estensori del Talmud satanico
.. infatti i mussulmani? a quel tempo erano tutti analfabeti: mentre adesso sono Akbar istruiti!!
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United with Israel 105 comments ‘We Will Never Submit,’ Rivlin Tells German Official Who Advised Jews Not to Wear Skullcaps
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 6 days ago ‘We Will Never Submit,’ Rivlin Tells German Official Who Advised Jews Not to Wear Skullcaps
President #Rivlin was a hero, and he fought like the lion of Judah!
in fact the Jews are not harassed by CIA cannibals Bush 666 UK lgbt LaVey FED IMF Kerry, also because too many Jews in the US? they are the priests of Satan:
but, with the specific characteristic: that, in reality it is the Islamists who molest everyone:
because three are the universal crimes that have not yet been condemned:
1. banking seigniorage
2. communism and
Oops! We're having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again. quello è Morgan che mi consiglia la censura
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United with Israel 11 comments Israeli Gymnast Wins 6 Medals, Qualifies for 2020 Olympics
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Protests in #Papua,
Teacher calls a student 'monkey'.
At least 26 people died and dozens more were injured in fires set by angry demonstrators in government offices, shops, houses and cars, in the city of Wamena. ANSWER.
perhaps he was a professor of natural sciences and was explaining Darwin's Rothschild scam the goyim
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Moscow, denied visas to 10 Russian officials
They had to take part in a UN assembly. 'It is an outrage'
ANSWER. the more the Russians are slandered and insulted?
plus NATO FED FMI CIA UK lgbt Saruman Riyad will not be able to find credible slanders to attack them
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago The landing from the Ocean Viking started at the port of Messina
On board the ship of Sos Mediteranee and Msf 182 refugees
WITH 10 MILLION POOR AND EMPLOYEES? Italy does not have the resources to integrate these migrants
and does not have the resources to save its citizens from suicide !!
Pd and M5S? they will disappear from the political scene!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago there is no medicine for death:
and nobody helps to die and everyone helps to live!
you are satanists: hell is your ultimate destination!
Perhaps the decision Looks forward tonight
on assisted suicide
The Court had given one year to legislate. #Cappato: 'Moral duty to help #Fabo'
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Bin SALMAN ] [ in fact, I have not found anyone in the world who spoke so badly of Muhammad as the Koran!
to describe his immorality, corruption and wickedness: we need to invent new words!
he did not write the Koran: and the first 4 versions were burned: because it was too much a word uncreated by the devil Allah.
Angelo Gabriele spoke to him only when he had his penis planted in the vagina wife of nine years ..
he went to heaven on a crazy horse, 7 years after his death from Jerusalem!
all the most aberrant and infamous things?
necr0philia and b e s t i a l i s m?
he made them all: and allowed others to do them!
then, don't come and tell me, you Muslims are totally demonically possessed!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Pending
Bin SALMAN ] [ in fact, I have not found anyone in the world who spoke so badly of Muhammad as the Koran!
to describe his immorality, corruption and wickedness: we need to invent new words!
he did not write the Koran: and the first 4 versions were burned: because it was too much a word uncreated by the devil Allah.
Angelo Gabriele spoke to him only when he had his penis planted in the vagina wife of nine years ..
he went to heaven on a crazy horse, 7 years after his death from Jerusalem!
all the most aberrant and infamous things?
necrophilia and bestialism?
he made them all: and allowed others to do them!
then, don't come and tell me, you Muslims are totally demonically possessed!
Bin SALMAN ] [ in effetti, io non ho trovato nessuno al mondo che ha parlato così male di Maometto come il Corano!
per descrivere la sua immoralità, corruzione e malvagità: occorebbe inventare nuove parole!
non ha fatto scrivere lui il Corano: e le prime 4 versioni sono state bruciate: perché era troppo una parola increata da demonio Allah.
Angelo Gabriele gli parlava soltanto quando aveva il pene piantato nella vagina moglie di 9 nove anni..
è salito al cielo su un cavallo pazzo, 7 anni dopo la sua morte da Gerusalemme!
tutte le cose più aberranti e infami?
necrofilia e bestialismo?
lui le ha fatte tutte: ed ha permesso che altri le facessero!
poi, non mi venite a dire, che voi mussulmani non siete totalmente demonicamente posseduti!
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Bin SALMAN ] [ and what competitors could I have?
if someone had a higher political justice than mine?
then, he would be Unius REI; not me!
but, Satan lilith Allah Ja-Bull-On Sodoma dracula hides from me and so, all his accomplices are doomed!
e che competitori potrei avere io?
se qualcuno avesse una giustizia politica superiore alla mia?
poi, sarebbe lui Unius REI al posto mio!
ma, Satana lilith Allah Ja-Bull-On Sodoma dracula si nasconde da me e così, tutti i suoi complici sono spacciati!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago another suicide of action: Bush SARUMAN Rothschild and high constitutional treason, scam banking seigniorage.
Milan, mother falls with her daughter and dies
A very serious two-year-old girl
un altro suicidio di diperazione: Bush SARUMAN Rothschild e alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario.
Milano, madre precipita con la figlia e muore
Bambina di due anni gravissima
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Macron wand Greta: 'Very radical positions'
they could have replaced the technology of oil with that of hydrogen (h2o) 60 years ago and they didn't want to do it because the petrodollar had to fatten the FED And the sharia Riyad, had to jihad to kill all the innocent Christian martyrs!
Macron bacchetta Greta: 'Posizioni molto radicali'
answer. avrebbero potuto sostituire la tecnologia del petrolio con quella dell'idrogeno (h2o) già 60 anni fa e non lo hanno voluto fare perché il petrodollaro doveva ingrassare la FED E la sharia doveva jihad ammazzare tutti gli innocenti martiri cristiani!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago I have two videos: of insults: made by this criminal
"assassinsbullet94" that youtube insists on not removing in 9 years!
EU gives reason to Google,
right non-universal oblivion.
my angels ministers? react!
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United with Israel 11 comments Israeli Gymnast Wins 6 Medals, Qualifies for 2020 Olympics
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago in ONTOSTATIC mode: for emergency situations, the Monarchy and the Prime Minister are institutionally the sovereignity that is superior to the Supreme Court!
in fact the Judiciary is not a political body: while sovereignty resides in political action.
Court, suspension is illegal. Reconvene Parliament
The British Supreme Court with unanimous verdict called the suspension of the Parliament decided by Boris Johnson illegal. Now you can immediately reconvene the Chambers. Corbyn: 'Resign'
ANSWER. rather, if Corbin does not abjure the sharia?
he is immediately arrested for treason!
in modalità ONTOSTATICA: per situazioni di emergenza, la Monarchia e il Primo Ministro sono superiori istituzionalmente alla Corte Suprema!
infatti la Magistratura non è un organismo politico: mentre la sovranità risiede nella azione politica.
Corte, sospensione è illegaleSi riconvochi Parlamento
La Corte Suprema britannica con verdetto unanime ha definito illegale la sospensione del Parlamento decisa da Boris Johnson. Ora si possono subito riconvocare le Camere. Corbyn: 'Si dimetta'
ANSWER. piuttosto, se Corbin non abiura la sharia?
lui venga subito arrestato per alto tradimento!
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World Israel News 10 comments Iran transferred ballistic missiles to Shiite militias in Iraq, report says
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago President RIVLIN] missing: 3 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago the Khomeinist regime can no longer remain standing: it must be replaced! .. and it is not possible to allow IRANIAN missile installations in Syria and Iraq!
this total war (as they say in the criminal Khomeinist regime) cannot be avoided.
Trump has to do him a reason!
il regime Khomeinista NON può più rimanere in piedi: esso deve essere sostituito! .. e non è possibile permettere a IRANIANI installazioni missilistiche in Siria e Iraq!
questa guerra totale (come dicono loro nel criminale regime Khomeinista) non può essere evitata.
Trump se ne deve fare: una ragione!
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World Israel News 74 comments Anti-Zionism is glue that holds together differing parties of Arab Joint List
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Matthew Lathum 7 days ago what does it mean? I never even wash myself!!!
and then, if I stink, and my wife likes me, what do you do? you judge political facts!
che significa? anche io non mi lavo mai!!!
e allora, se puzzando, io piaccio a mia moglie, a te che cosa? tu giudica i fatti politici!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago in the Islamic context of sharia
those who are anti-Zionist are not only anti-constitutional
but is actively working to obtain the genocide of the Israelis:
it is absurd that, may there be an anti-Zionist in the parliament of Israel!
nel contesto islamico della sharia
chi è anti sionista non è soltanto anti-costituzionale
ma sta lavorando attivamente per ottenere il genocidio degli israeliani:
è assurdo che, possa esiste un anti-sionisti nel parlamento di Israele!
Anti-Zionism is glue that holds radically different parties of Arab List together
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World Israel News 55 comments Arab lawmakers endorse Gantz for prime minister
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL Mike 7 days ago thank you, but, I can't understand Netanjahu's loss of consent from your debatable assessments.
this is the priority: in no way Netanjhau must give rise to any suspicion of violent territorial imperialist ambitions with its neighboring Arab brothers and Muslim allies
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World Israel News 6 comments Analysis: What does Netanyahu’s annexation plan mean for the two-state solution?
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago what Netanjahu does
it has only a symbolic value: in relation to its sovereign rights: that is to put its people in safety: because as everyone sees Israel is too small to be able to defend itself effectively from an external attack.
in reality, NETANJAHU is currently renouncing its sovereign rights to create a homeland for all the Jews of the world (as it is legitimate to do) because its people do not have a sharia to threaten genocide: and submission to slavery: the surrounding peoples !
Obviously there is racism: but this is a pathological effect of all this 70-year-old Arab terrorism!
and if, is there not inclusion and integration in the region?
this is only the fault of the Muslims: they are not only capable of living peacefully between Shiites and Sunnis, but even the Sunnis live peacefully among themselves, given that Erdogan is trying in every way to kill al-Sisi
in fact, the ARAB League with the sharia (kafir genocide MURTIDI and dhimmis) threatens the human race and therefore cannot have sovereign rights (from the point of view of natural law).
while, Netanjahu with his people does not threaten anyone: and can pursue his goals (in a legitimate way) because of the natural law that he says:
"the evil you don't want for yourself, you don't do it to others"
actually as everyone can conclude
today the ARAB LEAGUE is not able to live this principle: "the evil you don't want for yourself, you don't do it to others"
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago the right of a people to their country is a right: sovereign, inalienable,
sacred, natural, always legitimate, inviolable.
therefore, bringing together all the Jews scattered around the world becomes the very foundation of international law!
the fact that: the NWO demonic entity Zionist is false: due to the imperialism of the NWO of the volatility of money created from nothing by the Rothschilds FED 666 FMI BM?
this is a topic that delegitimizes: every government on this planet: why canceling your virtual money? Rothschild can also erase your life.
in your specific and ideological Masonic domain: you occupy a relative and virtual part of the Masonic pyramid:
that's why: every institution seems free (in cartoons) but it lacks true sovereignty:
without monetary sovereignty, political sovereignty can only be ridila tua vergognaus!
this is why your life seems real and instead it is a hologram that can be disintegrated by the Rothschild computer
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United with Israel 36 comments UK to BDS Founder: 'No Visa for You!'
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Bin SALMAN SALAM]
keep quiet in front of the satanism of:
1. Sharia, 2. masonry, 3. banking seigniorage, 4. communism
1. the universal sacredness of life, 2. the equality of men and women, 3. freedom of conscience and freedom of religion?
4. all this means being out of the Kingdom of God!
are you listening to me today, tomorrow? your carcasses will hear Satan!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Bin SALMAN SALAM] perhaps that the Jews who came out of the slavery of Egypt, were less corrupt and perverted evil than American Jews: of today?
no I tell you today they are 1000 times more depraved than they were then!
but, God: he knows how to pull something good out of them, and I was prepared by God to do this precious work !! I will call them? and they will come to me
and you will welcome them!
Bin SALMAN SALAM ] forse che gli ebrei che uscivano dalla schiavitù dell'Egitto erano meno corrotti e pervertiti maligni degli ebrei americani oggi?
no ti dico oggi sono 1000 volte più depravati di allora!
ma, Dio: lui sa come tirare qualcosa di buono da loro, ed io sono stato preparato da Dio per fare questo lavoro prezioso!! io li chiamerò? e loro verranno a me
e tu li accoglierai!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Bin SALMAN SALAM ] DANIELE 2 is now: "you give at this KIOLONE Kerry 322 Bush a boost: he has become fragile for me" [ all those who will be allies of my Kingdom of Israel? they will become my subjects:
1. they will receive the amnesty: and their past will be forgotten!
2. I have a political and theological solution for anyone, and no one will have to fear
and if anyone: of mine will be attacked?
it would be like they were attacking me!
DANIELE 2 è ora: "tu dai una spinta a quel CIOLONE di kerry!"
tutti quelli che saranno alleati del mio Regno di Israele? diventeranno miei sudditi:
1. riceveranno la amnistia: e il loro passato verrà dimenticato!
2. io ho una soluzione politica e teologica per chiunque, e nessuno dovrà temere
e se qualcuno: dei miei verrà attaccato?
sarebbe come se attaccassero me!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago Salam Bin SALMAN SALAAM ] [ I am Zionism: without me the Israelis do not yet have a legal legitimacy: for to stay in HOLy-land! and if, the Jews continue to look at Rothschild instead of looking at me? then, this world war will be a disgrace: because everyone will fight against everyone!
for example: the lgbt ideology? are they Satanists do they NOT represent homosexuals, real homosexuals? you don't even know that they are like that!
io sono il sionismo: senza di me gli israeliani non hanno ancora una legittimità giuridica: per stare in TERRASANTA! e se, gli ebrei continuano a guardare a Rothschild, invece di guardare a me? allora, sarà una disgrazia questa guerra mondiale: perché tutti combatteranno contro tutti!
per esmpio: gli lgbt ideologia? loro sono satanisti non rappresentano affatto gli omosessuali, i veri omosessuali? tu non sai neanche che loro sono così!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago salam BIN Salman ] [ if my kingdom Universal Unius REI does not will exist,
of course: WW3nuclear will soon be there/here, so I have planned to arm myself: for to kill my son who fights in NATO and to defend the Russians and the Chinese army!
We must not forget what Mogherini did to the martyr innocent people of the Donbass!
my first enemy is not the sharia, but it is the Rothschild empire NWO FED FMI ECB EU 666 UK lgbt:
it or will it fall with good manners? or will have to fall with bad manners!
se non ci sarà il mio regno, presto ci sarà la WW3nuclear, quindi io ho progettato di armarmi: per uccidere mio figlio che combatte nella NATO e per difendere i russi e i cinesi!
Non bisogna dimenticare quello che Mogherini ha fatto al martire popolo innocente del Donbass!
il mio primo nemico non è la sharia, ma è l'impero Rothschild NWO FED FMI BCE UE 666 UK lgbt:
esso o cadrà con le buone maniere? o dovrà cadere con le cattive maniere!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 days ago shalom Bin SALMAN] salaam [ I believe that: Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller are the worst Satanists in the history of mankind, but they want to be my subjects and Bush threatens them and holds them hostage!
Bin SALMAN ] salaam [ io credo che: Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller siano i peggiori satanisti della storia del genere umano, ma vogliono essere i miei sudditi e Bush li minaccia e li tiene in ostaggio!
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World Israel News 7 comments Christian governor in Indonesia sentenced to 2 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 2 years ago ONU must react and expel immediately all ARABA LEGA. Or UN must be destroyed! This iniquitous sentence, Nazish shariah demonic, unfair sentence, is terroristic is both a condemnation to death, as an criminalization of all mankind!
ONU deve reagire ed esplellere immediatamente tutta la LEGA ARABA! oppure ONU deve essere distrutto! Questa sentenza iniqua, nazista, demoniaca, ingiusta: è sia: una condanna a morte, che, una criminalizzazione di tutto il genere umano!
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World Israel News 13 comments Bennett chides Netanyahu for not rejecting two-state solution
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 2 years ago Bennett slams Netanyahu, not to reject the two-state solution] Shariah denies the HUMAN GENRE, as he could accept without a hypocrisy a state of Israel that we do not even love myself us?: because JHWH holy, he wants a Kingdom of Israel: not a masonic state! .. and since Satanist Rothschild he is already the King of the World of Satan NWO, then who can be the King of Israel better than him? The ARAB League: on shariah genocide can not be legally recognized for universal law! How then can it be recognized a Palestine that has never existed as a Palestinian state! THIS SOLUTION OF TWO STATES? TODAY MUST die!
Bennett scivola Netanyahu, per non respingere la soluzione a due stati ] la shariah nega il GENERE UMANO, come potrebbe accettare senza ipocrisia un Stato di Israele, che neanche noi amiamo: perché JHWH holy, lui vuole un REGNO di Israele! .. e poiché il Satanista Rothschild lui è già il Re del Mondo di Satana NWO, poi, chi meglio di lui può fare il Re in Israele? la LEGA ARABA che sorge sul genocidio shariah non può essere riconosciuta legalmente per il diritto universale! come allora può essere riconosciuta una Palestina che non è mai esistita come stato dei palestinesi! QUESTA SOLUZIONE DEI DUE STATI? OGGI DEVE MORIRE!
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World Israel News 5 comments Bin Laden son calls for attacks against 'Jewish interests everywhere'
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 2 years ago really, Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, really? This is a slander, Bush has done this crime 11-09 said President Francesco Cossiga, for to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan betrayal .. but the nation that: hides this demonic islamic shariah: boy baby? Must be immediately annihilated with atomic weapons!
questa è una calunnia, Bush ha fatto questo delitto 11-09 ha detto il Presidente Francesco Cossiga, per distruggere a tradimento Iraq e Afghanistan.. ma la Nazione che nasconde questo bambino demonio? deve essere subito annientata con armi atomiche!
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World Israel News 19 comments Netanyahu slams Jordan for backing terror attack in Jerusalem
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 2 years ago Now the mask of disguise has fallen, because I have prayed that the hypocrisy and conspiracy of the ARABAL LAND against: Israel and against: all the peoples of the world would become manifest! You should not separate the Palestinian question from the question of Islamic world terrorism: Saudi Galaxy Shariah Nazism: This is a supernatural demon infestation!
ormai la maschera della dissimulazione è caduta, perché io ho pregato che la ipocrisia e il complotto della LEGA ARABA contro: Israele e contro: tutti i popoli del mondo divenisse manifesto! Non si deve separare la questione Palestinese dalla questione del terrorismo mondiale islamico: galassia saudita shariah il nazismo: questa è una soprannaturale infestazione di demoni!
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