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Anti-Israel 'Human Rights Watch' links to BDS are overwhelming

Anti-Israel 'Human Rights Watch' links to BDS are overwhelming
September 28, 2019
Amicus briefs filed by Israeli watchdog groups (including NGO Monitor), includes overwhelming evidence of Shakir’s BDS activity.

Both ostensibly and legally, the Omar Shakir case that came before the Israeli High Court on September 24 is not about Human Rights Watch (HRW) per se.

The formal question is whether Shakir, the “Israel and Palestine Director” at HRW, violated both the terms of his visa and the law that mandates the exclusion from Israel of leaders of the BDS movement.

The government’s case, reinforced by amicus briefs filed by Israeli watchdog groups (including NGO Monitor), includes overwhelming evidence of Shakir’s BDS activity. HRW’s legal team argues that the case is political, asserting that Israel is targeting HRW for alleged human rights work that is critical of Israel.

The organization claims that Shakir’s BDS work ended when he arrived in Israel in 2016.

The Jerusalem District Court was unimpressed by the HRW spin, and its ruling accepted the government’s position. Shakir was nevertheless allowed to stay in the country pending the High Court appeal.

Although its language is narrowly legal and technical, this case reflects major issues not only for Israel but in the wider realms of lawfare, soft power, and public diplomacy.

The arguments on human rights and nebulous aspects of international law are proxies for a multi-front war that has been escalating for 20 years around soft power de-legitimacy.

This 21st-century political, legal, and economic war seeks to demonize and thereby destroy Israel, much as the wars fought by armies and missiles attempted to defeat the Jewish state on the battlefield.
Leader in attacks on Israel

From its opening shots almost 20 years ago, HRW has been a leader in the attacks against Israel, and the Shakir case is an important milestone in this history. HRW brings an annual budget of $92 million ($641 million over the past decade) to the battlefront and provides a vast array of skilled social and mainstream media warriors.

The image of a small group of volunteers sacrificing their spare time to promote universal human rights values is a façade. These are highly paid mercenaries waging propaganda wars with all the weapons money can buy.

HRW is a leader in antisemitic campaigns to demonize and single out Israel, with a particular emphasis on BDS. The organization’s leadership is obsessed with Israel, and their resources badly outmatch the budget-starved Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Far from the claim that Shakir was not doing BDS during his almost three years in Israel, the evidence clearly shows that this agenda constitutes the vast majority of his and HRW’s activities on Israel – from the failed attempt to pressure Airbnb to join in the demonization to the international soccer federation campaign (another failure).

Detailed analysis indicates that notwithstanding a few token reports criticizing Hamas that were designed to deflect criticism, HRW’s target is unequivocally Israel.

All these factors, and the wider demonization, are at the core of the Shakir case. Politically, this case is about HRW and BDS warfare, and whether, after numerous defeats, the Israeli government has a viable counter-strategy.

(Had the various officials and ministries involved had a coherent strategy in place in 2016, Shakir and HRW would never have received a work visa in the first place, and the court sessions, media focus, and accompanying human rights theater would have been avoided.)
Win-win for HRW

The importance of this case and the worldwide stage it provides for HRW’s anti-Israel campaign was highlighted in July, when Shakir’s hearing was initially scheduled. The top five officials of HRW, led by Executive Director Kenneth Roth, arrived in Israel for a full-scale diplomatic and media blitz (though at the last minute, the court postponed the hearing, short-circuiting their plans.)

For them, the case is a win-win: if the judges overrule the lower court, this will be presented as a great victory for HRW over the hated and anti-democratic Israeli government. And if Shakir loses and is deported, HRW will declare a great victory in showing the world how “Israel oppresses brave human rights defenders.”

Shakir and HRW’s leaders have already waged a very successful campaign in the international media. They project an invented image of a politically neutral organization promoting the moral principles of human rights, and overcoming intense opposition by the “far right” Israeli government.

Shakir has published opinion pieces in the mainstream media, including the Washington Post (“Israel wants to deport me for my human rights work,” April 18, 2019), in addition to numerous interviews (see for example, The New York Times, “Israel Invokes Anti-Boycott Law to Order Human Rights Worker Deported”, April 16, 2019). Ken Roth and ot

I collegamenti anti-israeliani "Human Rights Watch" al BDS sono travolgenti
28 settembre 2019
I brief di Amicus presentati dai gruppi di cani da guardia israeliani (incluso il monitoraggio delle ONG), includono prove schiaccianti dell'attività BDS di Shakir.

Sia apparentemente che legalmente, il caso Omar Shakir che è stato presentato all'Alta Corte israeliana il 24 settembre non riguarda di per sé Human Rights Watch (HRW).

La domanda formale è se Shakir, il "Direttore di Israele e Palestina" presso HRW, abbia violato sia i termini del suo visto sia la legge che impone l'esclusione da Israele dei leader del movimento BDS.

Il caso del governo, rafforzato dai riassunti di amicus depositati dai gruppi di cani da guardia israeliani (incluso il monitoraggio delle ONG), include prove schiaccianti dell'attività BDS di Shakir. Il team legale di HRW sostiene che il caso è politico, affermando che Israele sta prendendo di mira HRW per presunti lavori sui diritti umani che sono critici nei confronti di Israele.

L'organizzazione afferma che il lavoro BDS di Shakir è terminato quando è arrivato in Israele nel 2016.

Il tribunale distrettuale di Gerusalemme non è stato impressionato dalla rotazione di HRW e la sua sentenza ha accettato la posizione del governo. A Shakir fu tuttavia permesso di rimanere nel paese in attesa dell'appello dell'Alta Corte.

Sebbene la sua lingua sia strettamente legale e tecnica, questo caso riflette importanti problemi non solo per Israele ma nei più ampi regni della legge, del soft power e della diplomazia pubblica.

Gli argomenti sui diritti umani e gli aspetti nebulosi del diritto internazionale sono procuratori di una guerra multi-fronte che si è intensificata per 20 anni attorno alla delegittimità del soft power.

Questa guerra politica, legale ed economica del 21 ° secolo cerca di demonizzare e quindi distruggere Israele, così come le guerre combattute da eserciti e missili hanno tentato di sconfiggere lo stato ebraico sul campo di battaglia.
Leader negli attacchi a Israele

Dai suoi scatti di apertura quasi 20 anni fa, HRW è stata un leader negli attacchi contro Israele e il caso Shakir è una pietra miliare importante in questa storia. HRW porta un budget annuale di $ 92 milioni ($ 641 milioni negli ultimi dieci anni) sul fronte di battaglia e fornisce una vasta gamma di abili guerrieri sociali e dei media mainstream.

L'immagine di un piccolo gruppo di volontari che sacrifica il loro tempo libero per promuovere i valori universali dei diritti umani è una facciata. Questi sono mercenari altamente pagati che conducono guerre di propaganda con tutte le armi che il denaro può comprare.

HRW è leader nelle campagne antisemite per demonizzare e individuare Israele, con particolare enfasi sul BDS. La leadership dell'organizzazione è ossessionata da Israele e le sue risorse superano fortemente il ministero degli Esteri israeliano affamato di budget.

Lontano dall'affermazione che Shakir non stava facendo BDS durante i suoi quasi tre anni in Israele, l'evidenza mostra chiaramente che questa agenda costituisce la stragrande maggioranza delle sue attività e di HRW su Israele - dal fallito tentativo di fare pressione su Airbnb per partecipare alla demonizzazione a la campagna della federazione internazionale di calcio (un altro fallimento).

Analisi dettagliate indicano che, nonostante alcune segnalazioni simboliche che criticano Hamas e che sono state progettate per deviare le critiche, l'obiettivo di HRW è inequivocabilmente Israele.

Tutti questi fattori e la più ampia demonizzazione sono al centro del caso Shakir. Dal punto di vista politico, questo caso riguarda la guerra di HRW e BDS e se, dopo numerose sconfitte, il governo israeliano abbia una valida contromisure.

(Se i vari funzionari e ministeri coinvolti avessero adottato una strategia coerente nel 2016, Shakir e HRW non avrebbero mai ricevuto un visto di lavoro in primo luogo e le sessioni giudiziarie, l'attenzione dei media e il teatro dei diritti umani di accompagnamento sarebbero stati evitati. )
Win-win per HRW

L'importanza di questo caso e della scena mondiale che prevede la campagna anti-israeliana di HRW è stata evidenziata a luglio, quando l'udienza di Shakir era inizialmente prevista. I primi cinque funzionari di HRW, guidati dal direttore esecutivo Kenneth Roth, sono arrivati in Israele per un blitz diplomatico e mediatico su vasta scala (sebbene all'ultimo minuto la corte abbia rinviato l'udienza, cortocircuitando i loro piani).

Per loro, il caso è vantaggioso per tutti: se i giudici prevalgono sul tribunale inferiore, questo sarà presentato come una grande vittoria di HRW sull'odiato e antidemocratico governo israeliano. E se Shakir perde e viene espulso, HRW dichiarerà una grande vittoria nel mostrare al mondo come "Israele opprime i coraggiosi difensori dei diritti umani".

Shakir e i leader di HRW hanno già condotto una campagna di grande successo sui media internazionali. Proiettano un'immagine inventata di un'organizzazione politicamente neutra che promuove i principi morali dei diritti umani e supera l'intensa opposizione del governo israeliano di "estrema destra".
Shakir ha pubblicato articoli di opinione sui media mainstream, tra cui il Washington Post ("Israele vuole deportarmi per il mio lavoro sui diritti umani", 18 aprile 2019), oltre a numerose interviste (vedi ad esempio il New York Times, " Israele invoca la legge anti-boicottaggio per ordinare la deportazione dei lavoratori dei diritti umani ”, 16 aprile 2019). Ken Roth e ot

the world condemnation of communism: a web of demons complicit in ISLAM!

Jacques Maritain Philosopher says: "I see in Nazism the last stage of an implacable reaction against the democratic and Christian principle", but I also see in communism (democratic party and Masonic consocialtivism and speculative finance) the last stage of the internal destruction of the principle democratic, proper, due to the denial of the Christian principle! "
la condanna mondiale del comunismo: un intreccio di demoni complici dell'ISLAM!
Jacques Maritain Filosofo dice: "vedo nel nazismo l'ultima tappa di una reazione implacabile contro il principio democratico e cristiano" ma, altresì io vedo nel comunismo (partito democratico e consociativismo massonico e finanza speculativa) l'ultima tappa della distruzione interna del principio democratico, proprio, dovuta al rinnegamento del principio cristiano!"

the 200 million innocent victims of the COMMUNISM.
the Russian-Chinese threat and the communist problem!
the doctrine of communism cannot be reformed, it must be demolished because: intrinsically: dogmatic, a demonic mysticism: which idolizes Kim Jong-un, a dictatorial logic, an atheist imperialism, a maximalist and violent terrorist ideology.
communism is a deviated religion: dogmatically and dramatically linked: to the principle of the coherent and absolute denial of divine transcendence
i 200milioni di vittime innocenti del COMUNISMO.
la minaccia russo-cinese e il problema comunista!
la dottrina del comunismo non è riformabile essa deve essere abbattuta, perché: intrinsecamente: dogmatica, una mistica demonica: che idolatra Kim Jong-un, logica dittatoriale, imperiliasmo ateo, ideologia terroristica massimalista e violenta.
il comunismo è una religione deviata: legata dogmaticamente e drammaticamente: al principio della negazione coerente e assoluta della trascendenza divina

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 minutes ago

the 200 million innocent victims of the COMMUNISM.
the Russian-Chinese threat and the communist problem!
the doctrine of communism cannot be reformed, it must be demolished because: intrinsically: dogmatic, a demonic mysticism: which idolizes Kim Jong-un, a dictatorial logic, an atheist imperialism, a maximalist and violent terrorist ideology.
communism is a deviated religion: dogmatically and dramatically linked: to the principle of the coherent and absolute denial of divine transcendence

i 200milioni di vittime innocenti del COMUNISMO.
la minaccia russo-cinese e il problema comunista!
la dottrina del comunismo non è riformabile essa deve essere abbattuta, perché: intrinsecamente: dogmatica, una mistica demonica: che idolatra Kim Jong-un, logica dittatoriale, imperiliasmo ateo, ideologia terroristica massimalista e violenta.
il comunismo è una religione deviata: legata dogmaticamente e drammaticamente: al principio della negazione coerente e assoluta della trascendenza divina



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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 13 minutes ago edited

the world condemnation of communism: a web of demons complicit in ISLAM!

Jacques Maritain Philosopher says: "I see in Nazism the last stage of an implacable reaction against the democratic and Christian principle", but I also see in communism (democratic party and Masonic consociativism and speculative finance) the last stage of the internal destruction of the principle democratic, proper, due to the denial of the Christian principle! "
la condanna mondiale del comunismo: un intreccio di demoni complici dell'ISLAM!
Jacques Maritain Filosofo dice: "vedo nel nazismo l'ultima tappa di una reazione implacabile contro il principio democratico e cristiano" ma, altresì io vedo nel comunismo (partito democratico e consocialtivismo massonico e finanza speculativa) l'ultima tappa della distruzione interna del principio democratico, proprio, dovuta al rinnegamento del principio cristiano!"



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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 23 minutes ago

China Russia, India USA EU UN (of the ex-human rights of the magic pipe, so only ISRAEL is guilty for him, because everyone has the right to his Homelad - country but he is not!) I demand:
1. remove the juridical personalities from the multinationals .. the torturer Rothschild executioner? there must put his face of donkey!
2. the condemnation of the sharia,
3. the condemnation of banking seigniorage,
4. the condemnation of communism
OR, we must say that you prefer to make the world war!

Cina Russia, India USA UE ONU ( dei ex-diritti umani del piffero magico, tanto soltanto ISRAELE è colpevole per lui, perché tutti hanno diritto ad una Patria ma lui no! ) io pretendo di:
1. rimuovere le personalità giuridichea alle multinazionali.. il boia aguzzino Rothschild? ci deve mettere la faccia!
2. la condanna della sharia,
3. la condanna del signoraggio bancario,
4. la condanna del comunismo
OPPURE, dobbiamo dire che preferite fare la guerra mondiale!

OCI Riyadh, China Russia USA EU India, UN.
don't you want to get off your criminal pedestal to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL?
good good good! now, you will have to make this useless massacre, of World War III, where ISLAM will definitely disappear from this planet!

OCI Riyad, Cina Russia USA UE India.
voi non volete scendere dal vostro piedistallo criminale per entrare nel mio Regno di ISRAELE?
bene bene bene! adesso, voi vi dovrete fare questo massacro inutile, di terza guerra mondiale, dove ISLAM sparirà definitivamente da questo pianeta!

mikeatkron 24 minutes ago

A few years ago, the Knesset enacted the anti-BDS law and created the Strategic Affairs Ministry to bar entry into Israel of BDS supporters, not just leaders. Most other countries have similar laws, such as the U.S. which bars entry by Communists and others who advocate the violent overthrow of the government. In addition to deporting Omar Shakir, Israel should also deport Kenneth Roth and especially Omar Barghouti, one of the original founders of the BDS movement. Neither Israel, nor the U.S. needs subversives and fifth columnist within their borders!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 30 minutes ago

Erdogan the turkish tacchino ]
Erdogan the turkish turkey]
we say that if there will be world war you have good Hitler chances to conquer the world!
but unfortunately without world war?
you will end your days in jail like an international criminal and supporter of Islamic terrorism, any ISIS!
diciamo che se ci sarà la guerra mondiale tu hai buone Hitler possibilità di conquistare il mondo!
ma, purtroppo senza guerra mondiale?
tu finirai i tuoi giorni in galera come un criminale internazionale e sostenitore del terrorismo islamico qualsias ISIS!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 33 minutes ago

Erdogan the turkish] you pay attention that for translate google? you are a troublesome and ambiguous turkey!

Erdogan il turco ] tu fai attenzione che per translate google? tu sei un tacchino molesto e ambiguo!

VTS a day ago

No coming to Israel, if you are with BDS. I hope this wonderful law extends to BDS Jews also.

punch_corona 5 days ago

interesting article.. follow the money.. the donors of soros would be the same as those of this human watch with roth.. these are parallel ngo's .. tree branches of the same soros tree ,, what you have here is a trojan horse.. this so called human rights group does not appear to have selected arab countries in their criticism.. nor has soros ever criticized arab countries.. the reports will clearly show who their targets are.. one common element they have is their negative focus upon Israel.. this dude shakir .. soros .. roth.. bargoutti all share the same hostility towards Israel..

.. shakir should be sent to gaza , set up office over there , and start writing human rights reports about gaza.. his human rights works is badly needed in gaza..

Albert Reingewirtz a day ago

First of all get rid of the disgusting Shoa commercial to make money out of my suffering!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 5 days ago edited

I went to the site of:
[[hrw org / it]] is this is totally an Islamic genocide islamoNazi ideology and lgbt Sodomitica, Erdogan jihad, of Dracula Rothschild: scam banking seigniorage: and traitors Soros of the Democratic party to destroy the identity and sovereignty of the peoples!
this is all gallows and jail scum!
of this I am sure:
they are all cowardly Jews that I am about to bring everyone into the Saudi desert of the Madiana to grow potatoes!

di questo io sono sicuro:
sono tutti ebrei vigliacchi che io sto per portare tutti nel deserto saudita della Madiana a coltivare le patate!
io sono andato sul sito di:
[[ hrw org/it ]] è questa è totalmente una ideologia islamica e Sodomitica Erdogan, di Dracula Rothschild e di traditori Soros del partito democratico per distruggere la identità e la sovranità dei popoli!
questa è gentaglia da forca e da galera!

alpcns . 11 hours ago

BDS is nothing more or less than fascism. Old wine in new bottles. Or in this case, old vinegar.

stephanie wilson 13 hours ago

i knew they were left wing, but this i didn't know. sure explains their constant attacks on israel. #jewhatred is evil #standbyisrael

stevenL 16 hours ago

Roth, the Jewish Eichmann!

mikeatkron stevenL 33 minutes ago

A genuine Kapo, who survived the Shoah!

katbird_27 a day ago

PLEASE say what the acronyms stand for. I am an American. I do not know what BDS stands for.

bev katbird_27 a day ago

it means--boycott, divestment, sanction. Basically the BDS movement is attempting to bankrupt Israel and the ultimate is for Israel to disappear and the palestinians to take over the country. Now-if you know anything about Israel you will know that it is a teeny weeny country that has given the world many wonderful things--in medicine, in engineering, in pharmaceuticals, in water purification, in vegetable and fruit growing methods, in computer technology and I could go on and on. They are the 3rd in the world in start up companies and in spite of having enemies on all sides they manage to do all of this. Contrast this with what the palestinians have done---built terror tunnels, built rockets to hit Israelis, kill innocent people with knives, cars, any weapons. They have built their refugee base from about 700,000 in 1948 to 2nd, 3rd,4th generation and today it stands at five million. and expect to be supported by the world. In contract, jews were thrown out of arab count middle east countries with only the clothes on their back-about 850,000 of them and not even one became a refugee. wonder why that is.Because they were accepted into Israel and other countries and immediately began to work and support their families. As a result there were NO jewish refugees.So thats what it is all about. sad isnt it

Nichus Block bev 17 hours ago

Good summary.

katbird_27 bev 17 hours ago

sad if you are a palestinian. amazing if you are anyone else.

stephanie wilson katbird_27 13 hours ago

wow. i'm shocked you didn't know about them!

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𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒘𝑹1 - 𝜠𝝀𝜶 𝝂𝜶 𝝉𝜶 𝝅ά𝒑𝜺𝜾ς 2 days ago

It would seem that someone with any common sense, knowing that Trump ordered attacks after the 2 other supposed uses of chlorine by Assad, why he would order it again when he is winning?

If you are willing to strap a bomb to your body or fill a car with explosives to drive into enemy territory to blow yourself up, why would you show any pause to use chemical weapons you have produced on people you claim to represent in an attempt to invite more attacks against your enemy that you will help blame those chemical weapons attacks on? Chlorine is not that difficult to obtain & it wouldn't be beyond Turkey's ability to supply it to the remaining rebels since they are also against Assad. They were the ones buying all the stolen oil helping to fund the rebels after all.

Turkey is a major player in the area & have proven they were even willing to lay a trap for Russian fighter-bombers which nearly invited retaliation from Russia. There was a reason why the US & other NATO allies removed their aircraft operating out of Incirlik against ISIS after Turkey laid that trap for those Russian aircraft that momentarily violated Turkish airspace because Russia was attacking their Turkmen allies in Northern Syria. They were only able to accomplish that because of the previous agreements to avoid possible incidents by warning NATO in advance of strikes allowing Turkey to already have F-16s in an ambush position for those momentary airspace violations. There is no ability to scramble interceptors from Turkey to get there quickly enough to attack those Russian aircraft unless they were already waiting on them. That is why Russia placed the S-400 systems in the area which can reach Turkish aircraft all the way to Incirlik airbase & why NATO moved their aircraft out of that line of fire since it was Turkey that had caused it in spite of publicly having to "support" the actions of Turkey as they did at the time. Nobody, including NATO, believed the story Turkey was trying to sell.

Marym 2 days ago

There is little the US can do when Syria is supported by Russia, China and North Korea, and Russia's puppet Iran.

MarsingID83639 Marym 16 hours ago edited

Yes and any conflict we decide to engage in, we must consider them.

Marym MarsingID83639 16 hours ago

Syria is lost to the people who have been dispossessed/imprisoned and to their families. The butcher Assad has allies that would be happy to go nuclear, or other WMD. The only one who can change what is happening is God.

MarsingID83639 Marym 15 hours ago

Quote: "The only one who can change what is happening is God."
He is ALWAYS in control. May his will be done. But no one goes into battle without 1st considering all possibilities.

Will-BWL 2 days ago

US can do noting with Syria alone. The UN has no say because Russia, and China both have veto. Russia is responsible for the Chemical Weapon still there. The Promised the world would destroy them. Well Russia did not. At this time Russia and Syria are looking at Israel with Iran. If I were you Putin you should load up and head for Russia, of Face the Lord God and his hosts. Prophecy is very clear ask you church leaders.

Nichus Block Will-BWL a day ago

Putin doesn't give a rat's posterior about your prophecy and he will probably be around longer than you.

Will-BWL Nichus Block a day ago

I do not care whether he does or not.

daniel wright Nichus Block a day ago

That's a stupid position.

MarsingID83639 Nichus Block 16 hours ago

Maybe. But he was Babtized by his parents when very young. Perhaps he knows about Psalm 83?

MarsingID83639 Will-BWL 16 hours ago

Psalm 83

leonore35 a day ago

I just witnessed on TV the Syrian foreign minister's address to the UN. A load of sanctimonious garbage blaming everybody for the war in Syria (including Israel of course) and claiming all of the territory won by Israel during Syria's unprovoked and undeclared attack on Israel. The Assad regime is of course completely blameless for murdering many thousands of its citizens over 8 years! Of course this is what FOs do, but to lie with such effrontery before the UN assembly when everybody knows the truth is offensive and insulting to say the least.

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a day ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ sure, I have exterminated almost all the aliens in the solar system, and I have exterminated an entire generatione of CIA satanists ... and yet, I have been "observatory on the Martyrdom of the Christians" for 30 years, but, I have never hurt to a single Mason, or to a single Muslim!
I don't want to be dragged into violence against human beings because of your wickedness and cowardice!
because I too will fight my world war: if you will force me!

certo, io ho sterminato quasi tutti gli alieni nel sistema solare, ed ho sterminato una intera generazzione di satanisti della CIA... eppure, io sono "osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani" da 30 anni, ma, io non ho mai fatto del male ad un solo massone, o a un solo mussulmano!
io non voglio essere trascinato nella violenza contro gli esseri umani per colpa della tua malvagità e codardia!
perché anche io combatterò la mia guerra mondiale: se tu mi costringerai!

daniel wright MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL

Say What???

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL daniel wright a day ago

I am the supreme leader of the heavenly army, of our sovereign JHWH holy God the Almighty Creator!

io sono il supremo condottiero dell'esercito celeste, nostro sovrano JHWH holy Dio Creatore Onnipotente!

daniel wright MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 20 hours ago

Say What???

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL daniel wright 20 hours ago

you are not obliged to believe in me, I am not your religion!
I am only the King of ISRAEL

tu non sei obbligato a credere in me, io non sono la tua religione!
io sono soltanto il Re di ISRAELE

daniel wright MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 14 hours ago

And I am Norton; Emperor of the United states and protector of Mexico.

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL daniel wright 10 hours ago

auguri! do you believe that Mexico should be protected by coorporations the Rothschild Masons of the antichrist?
tu credi che il Messico vada protetto dai Massoni di Rothschild l'anticristo?

daniel wright MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 10 hours ago

When did I say that?

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL daniel wright 9 hours ago

at this point of your statement .. I believe that you should leave immediately for MEXICO
to eradicate all the esoteric evil, and Masonic evil, present in it!

a questo punto.. io credo che tu dovresti partire subito per il MESSICO
per estirpare tutto il male massonico malefico, in esso presente!

daniel wright MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 4 hours ago

Good Idea. I have it on good authority that an invasion force from Altair 4 is gathering on Mars. I suggest you have your forces intercept them before it's too late.

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL daniel wright 2 minutes ago edited

you shouldn't be arrogant, presumptuous, and without respect against a stranger like me!
not always what you can't understand is crazy!
all our thoughts and actions? it are always under judgment!
I read 13 years ago, on the CIA website, that 100,000 human sacrifices were committed on satan's altar, every year in the US, then where you find a rationale for this information, in your Democratic Party and Rothschild SpA FED SpA FMI SpA Bayer Monsanto SpA NWO!
the evil evil: sharia, and bank seigniorage, and communism, thrives in the world thanks to eteist like you!

tu non dovresti cinico arrogante, presuntuoso, e senza rispetto nei confronti di uno sconosciuto come me!
non sempre quello che non riesci a comprendere è folle!
ogni nostro pensiero e ogni nostra azione? è sempre sotto giudizio!
io ho letto 13 anni fa, sul sito della CIA, che sono commessi 100.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, ogni anno, in USA, allora tu trova una logica per questa informazione, nel tuo partito democratico rothschild FED FMI NWO!
il male malefico: sharia, e signoraggio bancario, e comunismo, prospera nel mondo proprio grazie ad etei come te!

Nichus Block a day ago

Take this guy out and let the chips fall where they may, anything less is condoning mass murder.

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a day ago

1. "The Republic rejects hatred and the will to power," says Mattarella
2. Pope: "With migrants, humanity returns, we must not exclude anyone"
ANSWER. nonsense racism, nonsense desire for power sharia Erdogan !!!

but from which planet are they from? we have: only 10 million desperate Italians all created by his Democratic Party, his Mason master Rothschild Soros Bilderberg !!
ANSWER. assurdità razzismo, assurdità desiderio di potenza sharia Erdogan!!! ma da quale pianeta vengono? noi abbiamo: soltanto, 10 milioni di italiani disperati creati tutti dal suo Partito Democratico, il suo massone padrone Rothschild Soros Bilderberg!!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a day ago

Sergej Viktorovič Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation] I do not know what bad could have happened to PUTIN [ but, the roots of the Russian people: they can be established, firmly: only on the foundation of HOLY MOTHER RUSSIA!
I demand: 1. a trial against all the crimes of communism,
and predicting: 2. a public condemnation of communism,
otherwise, we will completely lose our democratic party and fall into fascism, and then, you will fall into the world war!

#Sergej #Viktorovič #Lavrov, #Ministro degli Affari Esteri della #Federazione #Russa ] non so cosa di cattivo sia potuto accadere a PUTIN [ ma, le radici del popolo russo: possono essere costituite, saldamente: soltanto sul fondamento della SANTA MADRE RUSSIA!
io pretendo: 1. un processo contro tutti i delitti del comunismo,
e predendo: 2. una pubblica condanna del comunismo,
altrimenti, noi perderemo completamente il nostro partito democratico e cadremo nel fascismo, e poi, tu cadrai nella guerra mondiale!



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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL a day ago

Bin SALMAN Iran OCI Arab League UN ] [ with your satanism, you killed the saints of God (all the Christian martyrs) in these 1400 years of: jihad 666 sharia, but, now?
now you have reached the end of the line!
that is why Jesus of Bethlehem said: "Pharisees FED FMI NWO BCE CIA 666 UK and Islamic sharia, they will kill you believing they offer a cult to me"

Bin SALMAN Iran OCI Arab League ] [ con il vostro satanismo, voi avete ucciso i santi di Dio (tutti i martiri cristiani) in questi 1400 anni di: jihad 666 sharia, ma, ora?
ora, voi siete giunti al capolinea!
ecco perché Gesù di Betlemme disse: "farisei FED FMI NWO BCE CIA 666 UK e islamici sharia, vi uccideranno credendo di offrire un culto a me"

alpcns . 10 hours ago

Disgusting mess.


MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 9 hours ago

Gb: 'Flirt between Boris and entrepreneur'
Times evokes new suspicions. Johnson, 'no favoritism'
what is this bad story in: 666 online trading, scam banking seigniorage: 322 UK where the Masonic satanists lgbt, only they can make judges and kill children in the hospital: that only they are allowed by the City London?
"God save the queen with burka sharia"

Gb: 'Flirt tra Boris e imprenditrice'
Times evoca nuovi sospetti. Johnson, 'nessun favoritismo'
cosa è questa brutta storia in: 666 trading online, scam banking seignorage: 322 UK dove gli lgbt satanisti massonici, soltnto loro possono fare i giudici e uccidere i bambini in ospedale: che soltanto a loro tutto è permesso dalla City London?
"God save the queen with burka"

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 9 hours ago

Migrants set fire to Lesbos, the dead and all the bodies of Erdogan jihad sharia galxy ISIS Riyad.
these are a barbarics invasions Saruman Soros Democratic Party: the slave trade!

Migranti appiccano fuoco a Lesbos, morti e tutti gli stramorti di Erdogan jihad sharia.
questi sono una invasione barbarica Saruman Soros Partito democratico: il commercio degli schiavi!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 9 hours ago

Use, it is feared, NOT ONLY: for the safety of the mole
indeed, for high treason of: SARUMAN Epstein Bush Clinton and the Democratic Party?
all of them should get on a gallows

Usa, si teme, NON SOLO: per incolumità della talpa
infatti, per alto tradimento dei: SARUMAN Epstein Bush Clinton e Partito democratico?
tutti loro dovrebbero salire su una forca

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 9 hours ago

indeed, every interpretation is legitimate for us,
since our Bible
it is not a Word of the Koran uncreated by the rothschilds: it is copied worse by the talmud!
in reality, the only true word of God is the 10 directions/commandments that he GOD JHWH has written persistently and personally
talmud and Koran are idolatrous works

How Praying for Others Invites Blessings into Our Lives

in effetti, ogni interpretazione per noi è legittima,
dato che la nostra Bibbia
non è un Parola di Corano increata dai rothschild: e copiata peggio dal talmud!
in realtà , l'unica vera parola di Dio sono i 10 comandamenti che lui ha scritto persolamente
talmud e corano delle opere idolatriche

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 10 hours ago

USA, is under protection of SARUMAN, the traitor 322 CIA mole 666 UK FED 187 FMI NWO: and of all the traitors of the democratio party that have control of the shadow government.
where is the satanist of Trump's phone call?
so the traitor instead of being in jail is a good person, while US President Donald TRUMP is the traitor?
here we need the imposition of martial law, in all the false Masonic democracies of scam banking seigniorage!

Usa, è sotto protezione di SARUMAN, il traditore 322 talpa CIA 666 UK FED 187 FMI NWO: e di tutti i traditori del partito democratio che hanno il controllo del governo ombra.
dove è il satanista della telefonata di Trump?
quindi, il traditore invece di stare in galera è una brava persona, mentre il Presidente Usa Donald TRUMP è il traditore?
quì ci vuole la imposizione della legge marziale, in tutte le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario!

MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 10 hours ago

we are crazy !!! the celebration of rothschild Riyad OCI corruption at home, in fact nobody has to be forced to emigrate! also because we Italians have not imposed our presence where we went!
The Pope: 'With migrants, humanity returns, enough indifference'
'We must pay particular attention to the foreigners and all the discarded of our days': this is how the Pope visited St. Peter's Square in the Mass for the Day of the Migrant. 'Solidarity to migrants, no to injustices,' said Cardinal Bassetti, president of the CEI. Francesco inaugurated a bronze statue depicting a raft of migrants, by the Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz

VoiceInDesert 3 days ago

One cannot forget about righteous Job, when he lost everything. God allowed evil beyond measure to befall him. And Job's three "friends" did little to comfort him; they accused him of sin and other things that which allegedly brought on the mishaps. Then God appeared to him in a whirlwind, and answered Job's questions by asking him questions. After Job repented, God rebuked his three "friends",

and had Job pray for them.

Then God vindicated Job, and doubled the blessings he had lost.

Prayer can cover a multitude of sins.

Casper van Cleeveld VoiceInDesert 2 days ago

Also amen.

YACIE. VoiceInDesert 3 days ago

Amen and amen


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