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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Qatar pushing Hamas to free captives, says breakthrough is near

Qatar pushing Hamas to free captives, says breakthrough is nearin the Egyptian desert
Eritreans Ethiopians Copts Muslims hung them like lambs upside down, decapitated them to see their organs in the Egyptian desert: and where was the responsibility of Egypt and the Saudis?
ISRAEL ] [ ALREADY I VALUED 1400 NUCLEAR WARHEADShomosexual pedophile priests are the males they were looking for above all. it can well be hypothesized that the mission to which Joseph Ratzinger has been called since 28 February 2013 is precisely that of "holding back" the manifestation of impiety in the Church. This is what makes Benedict XVI - at least this is the thesis of the writer - the "katechon" of our times. And perhaps also the last of the katechon. Meanwhile, the fact that the Church is going through a frightening crisis, and not just today, is a clear fact. A crisis that has its roots in dynamics both internal and external to it, and in relation to which the rampant homosexuality among the ranks of the clergy and more generally the homo-heresy carried out by specific lobbies - two sides of the same coin which is the real cause of sexual abuse, most of which improperly classified under pedophilia – are just the tip of the iceberg. The real problem is another, and it consists of the apostasy taking place in the Church. Apostasy that two giants such as the future saint John Henry Newman and St. John Paul II (but many others could be mentioned), had denounced in no uncertain terms, speaking of "apostasy of our times" the first and of "silent apostasy" the second , where the instrument, the vehicle was seen by Newman in individualist liberalism and by Wojtyla in relativism, that is, in both cases in that attitude masterfully described by the then cardinal and future pontiff Joseph Ratzinger in the homily of the Missa pro eligendo romano pontiff of 18 April 2005 speaking of a "dictatorship of relativism which recognizes nothing as definitive and which leaves the self and its desires as the ultimate measure of all things".
Cardinals Raymond Burke and Walter Brandmüller also took Pope Benedict's line and, on the eve of the summit, signed an open letter in which they denounced the "homosexual agenda" widespread in the Church and "promoted by organized networks and protected by a climate of complicity and silence". The same concept was also expressed for the occasion by Cardinal Müller; not surprisingly given that all reports published so far on abuse, from the United States to France, tell us that over 80% of abuse involving clergy is the result of homosexual behavior.


However, the topic was rigorously kept away from the Vatican leadership, wanting to demonstrate that sexual abuse by the clergy and homosexuality are not related. So it has happened that in these three years, while on the one hand proclamations have been made against abuse, on the other we have seen various conquests in the Church by LGBT groups, up to the events of the last few weeks already mentioned at the beginning.THE LGBT PESECUTION AGAINST SONS OF GOD ] [ Add to all this the fact that today in Cologne the trial of a Polish priest, Don Dariusz Oko, who is also a professor at the Catholic University of Krakow, begins, accused of "incitement to hatred" for an article which appeared in the magazine Thelogisches entitled “On the need to resist homosexual lobbies in the Church”. Don Oko has for many years been committed to denouncing homoheresy in the Church and the lobby that supports it, and has recently published the book "The Lavender Mafia", (the lavender mafia is precisely the LGBT one).
The complaint against him was presented by a priest of the diocese of Cologne who appears as a living manifesto of the homosexual clergy, Don Wolfgang Rothe, a well-known LGBT militant, who last November 4 was the protagonist of a blessing of homosexual couples in a sauna for gays in Munich. Of Don Rothe, who is not suspended from the ministry, there are also public photos in which he kisses a seminarian under a branch of mistletoe.
https://lanuovabq.It/it/dietro-gli-attacchi-a-benedetto-la-lobby-lgbtBehind the attacks on Benedict XVI THERE IS THE DEMON LGBT lobby
The imprints of the active presence of the LGBT lobby are now clearly distinguishable (see here), not only for the blatant promotion of the blessings of homosexual couples, the change of Catholic doctrine on this issue, or the openness to homosexual clergy, but also for the frenzied push towards the abolition of celibacy and the diaconate ordination of women. It is good to keep in mind that, in these last two warhorses, the real issue at stake is the spousal relationship between Xist and the Church, which is clearly rooted in the male identity of the priest, who, conformed to Xist, dedicates himself entirely to Church (this is the deepest reason for celibacy), and the feminine one of the Church. Upsetting male and female identities means demolishing the banks, to allow the raging river to overwhelm everything. Let's go back to the attack on Benedict XVI. In the eleventh chapter of the book of Revelation, John introduces the mysterious two witnesses. In the first two verses, the beloved Disciple receives a reed to measure "the temple of God, the altar and those who worship in it" (11, 1). On the contrary, "the courtyard outside the temple, throw it outside and do not measure it since it was given to the Gentiles and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months" (11, 2). What is measured belongs to God, it is under the protection of the Most High, because it is known by Him. The courtyard is instead given to the pagans, who will put the holy city, the holy people, under their feet.

https://lanuovabq.It/it/giovanni-paolo-ii-benedetto-xvi-e-gli-attacchi-della-bestia The strategy of the vile attack by BERGOGLIO and his Talmudic Freemason Luciferian cardinals on Benedict XVI appears increasingly evident: the planning of the new Church, built not on the foundation of the Apostles, on the word of God, but built on the word of Darwin the monkey of Sodom and on the word of the petrodollar momettans of the World, it cannot reach its desired objective without first removing those who might oppose it.
And the Pope Emeritus is certainly the most well-known and dangerous obstacle: THE KATECON. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and the attacks of the Beast MbS from RIYADH SPA&CO FED ECB SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE ONE ONLY SATANISM DEEP STATE DEEP CHURCH, DEEP SYNAGOGUE AND DEEP MOSQUE

The story of the two popes seems to be described in the Book of the Apocalypse, in the eleventh chapter where John introduces the mysterious two witnesses, great disruptors of the new secularized order. Benedict XVI had foreseen the advent of an anti-Christian belief and called for resistance in prayer. For this Benedetto is hitThe ONLY medicine to heal mentally ill Muslims? is to achieve the total nuclear destruction of the ARAB LEAGUE

I'll do it. and I am very close to this realization

Qatar Iran Riyadh Erdogan Hamas a single demonic infestation

IDF kills 10 terrorists attempting to invade Israel by sea
Hypotheses about Jesus Paperback – 1 January 1979
by Vittorio Messori (Author) When I happen to tell a little about my life to others, I always have to mention how there was a book that represented an important turning point for me in my adolescence spent in post-conciliar Christianity, nourished by catechisms with a lot of sociology but not too much theology. .
https://lanuovabq.It/it/gli-80-anni-di-mettori-e-l hypothesis-che-ci-interroga
This turning point coincided with the book Ipotesi su Gesù, published in 1976 (45 years ago, also an anniversary) by the writer Vittorio Messori, a convert coming from secularist circles and from a certainly non-religious background. Yet, for me, that book, as for hundreds of thousands of other people around the world (it was a resounding editorial success), was an opportunity to explore the reasonableness of faith, a faith that is very demanding but which we often wear with great indifference.

Vittorio Messori, on the other hand, was looking for answers to the many questions we all ask ourselvesCatechism and death penalty, the way to clear homosexuality
John Paul II's desire to declare the death penalty always illicit. This assertion appears highly unlikely given that John Paul II expressed himself thus in Evangelium vitae: «The measure and quality of the punishment must be carefully evaluated and decided, and must not reach the extreme measure of the suppression of the criminal except in cases of absolute necessity, that is, when the defense of society was not possible otherwise" (56). As can be seen, the Pontiff did not exclude it in an absolute sense. Furthermore, it was John Paul II who promulgated that Catechism in which the death penalty is declared lawful (see n. 2267).

while the perverted Jewish Masons try to completely eradicate the holy inheritance that Abraham Moses and Jesus of Bethlehem deserved for us from the Holy Cross which is the compendium of the Holy Scriptures, that is, the wisdom of divine logicTHE PSYCHO-HEALTH DICTATORSHIP follows the CiA's 2004 plan to stop CHINA with a virus in 2020 (written document in the public domain) But unexpected help has also arrived. In May 2020, when the first lockdown, which had literally paralyzed the entire world, was about to end, the biography Benedikt XVI was published in Germany. Ein Leben, also translated into Italian in October. In the last chapter of the book, shortly after the steps reported above, there is a decisive statement: «Modern society intends to formulate an anti-Christian belief: anyone who contests it is punished with social excommunication. Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural and the prayers of entire dioceses and the world Church really need to come to the rescue to resist it." Precisely in the year 2020, the year in which the world began to experience its own fragility and the deception of false freedom, Benedict XVI points out to the whole world the identity of the Antichrist, describing its two fundamental characteristics: false humanism and the social exclusion of those who do not submit to it. The latter will be the characteristic that will allow us to recognize anti-Christ humanism; everyone, absolutely everyone, regardless of race, religion and social class will be pushed to enter the wedding of the Antichrist; a better brotherhood than Xist himself was able to achieve. But those who oppose it, those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast on their hand and forehead (cf. Rev. 13, 16-17), will be unable to buy or sell. Intelligent pauca. https://lanuovabq.It/it/lultima-profezia-di-bxvi-lumanesimo-dellanticristohttps://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/abbandonate-lidea-di-atti-intrinsecamente-malvagi-a-vostro-rischio-e-pericolo/ Abandon the idea of intrinsically evil acts at your peril. The brutal massacre of Israeli women and children by Hamas terrorists on October 7 momentarily shocked the world. What seemed to shock people even more were the almost immediate displays of “ solidarity” with Hamas killers on American college campuses. I wonder why these "spontaneous" demonstrations. The next day I was on a bus going through Georgetown with a young woman who had apparently just arrived from the pro-Palestinian rally at the White House. I found it curious that, one day after the attacks and on a federal holiday weekend, she managed to have a sign professionally printed and neatly attached to an appropriately long stick to express her "spontaneous" sympathies. The American reaction to these demonstrations was one of at least momentary disbelief. Writing in the New York Times on October 17, Penn bioethics professor Ezekiel Emanuel commented: “We have failed.” When college students, typically “educated” people, demonstrate in favor of murderers, “we have failed.”THEY CIA GOOGLE HAVE DESTROYED ME AND OR BLOCKED 110 BLOGSPOTS
How can I still trust a server in USA EU UK Canada area?Detected as spam

In May 2020, when the first lockdown, which had literally paralyzed the entire world, was about to end, the biography Benedikt XVI was published in Germany. Ein Leben, also translated into Italian in October. In the last chapter of the book, shortly after the steps reported above, there is a decisive statement: «Modern society intends to formulate an anti-Christian belief: anyone who contests it is punished with social excommunication. Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural and the prayers of entire dioceses and the world Church really need to come to the rescue to resist it." Precisely in the year 2020, the year in which the world began to experience its own fragility and the deception of false freedom, Benedict XVI points out to the whole world the identity of the Antichrist, describing its two fundamental characteristics: false humanism and the social exclusion of those who do not submit to it. The latter will be the characteristic that will allow us to recognize anti-Christ humanism; everyone, absolutely everyone, regardless of race, religion and social class will be pushed to enter the wedding of the Antichrist; a better brotherhood than Xist himself was able to achieve. But those who oppose it, those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast on their hand and forehead (cf. Rev. 13, 16-17), will be unable to buy or sell. Intelligent pauca.
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https://lanuovabq.It/it/lultima-profezia-di-bxvi-lumanesimo-dellanticristo MY UNIVERSAL KINGDOM OF UNIUS REI IS THE ONLY SOLUTION TO THE TOTAL CATASTROPHE
given that Edgar Morin, whom Conte defined as «a refined thinker very dear to me», in his “must” Beyond the Abyss, wrote clearly that «it would take a sudden and terrible increase in dangers, the advent of a catastrophe to constitute the electroshock necessary for awareness and decision-making". Objective? The birth of an Earth-Homeland, «an amplification of the United Nations, which does not replace homelands, but includes them». Morin realized that the greatest obstacle to this change would be people and nations, who however could become particularly docile when they understand the "magnitude of the challenge. Although almost no one is still aware of it, there has never been a cause so great, noble, necessary, as the cause of humanity, to, together and inseparably, survive, live and humanize itself." An adequate ideal framework for the "ethical responsibility" of certain exotic practices to contain the contagion of this last year.

The evil spirit is therefore at work full time, to destroy and disturb men; and it does so by hiding behind a "universal dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies, contradicting which entails exclusion from the basic consensus of society". Word of Benedict. It is with a humanistic justification that the greatest abominations have been carried out in the recent past, as in our time. And it is always in the name of the new humanism without God - it is good to remember this - that we are locked up in our homes, we are deprived of the possibility of working in a dignified way, and we are increasingly forced to be the guinea pigs of the largest vaccination trial in history. Yes, because Giuseppe Conte, on 29 August 2019, after receiving the Government mandate, indicated the new humanism as the horizon towards which to orient the country. New humanism relaunched a few days later, on 12 September, by Pope Francis, in his message in support of the Global Compact on Education.

A few months later, here is the pandemic. Strange coincidence,
FATHER Gabriele AMORTH TELLS: "Padre Pio once told me, see Gabriele, Satan will soon lead a false Church"
this is the triumph of the Jewish synagogue of Satan, a usury which already in the time of King Solomon was heresy and Talmudic apostasy

IDF kills 10 terrorists attempting to invade Israel by seaIn the second letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul clearly says, rebuking his disciples who believed the return of Xto to be imminent, that before the Parousia, that is, before the second and final coming of the "wicked man", the "son of perdition", the one who will then be identified with the Antichrist, will have to manifest himself. Numbers 675-677 of the Catechism clarify the picture by speaking of a final test that "will shake the faith of many believers", and that the persecution that the Church will have to suffer: "will reveal the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious imposture which offers men an apparent solution to their problems, at the price of apostasy from the truth. The greatest religious imposture is that of the Anti-Christ, that is, a pseudo-messianism in which man glorifies himself in the place of God and his Messiah who came in the flesh." https://www.tempi.It/benedetto-xvi-il-katechon-dei-nostri-tempi-e-forse-lultimo/a single universal metaphysics planetary law Unius Rei ] [“The identity of the Antichrist will have two fundamental characteristics:
Holy Father JOSEPH RATZINGERFor over 13 years, every day or almost, I have made my proposal for the kingdom of Israel-Palestine (fifty % fifty, everything to everyone, a single planetary law Unius Rei)
For over 13 years, every day or almost, I have made my proposal for the kingdom of Israel-Palestine in front of the cannibals of the 66th Masonic demonic and they told me: "of course we want to return to serving the Almighty Creator YHWH holy , but it is the Wahhabbis who prevent us", in fact for this operation I need at least 8000 kmq in the Saudi Arabian desert MADIANA and another part of 4000 kmq in the Egyptian desert. BUT WHAT DO ALLAH'S BEASTS DO WITH THE USELESS DESERT?

so if I come to Israel this universal crime of ISLAM? it will end quickly and tragicallyeveryone says that we need a political solution to the Palestinian Zionist question.
but sharia kabbalah is supremacist predation and universal genocide and will not spare the Chinese either
but spa&co kabbakah is supremacist predation and universal genocide and won't spare the Chinese either.
and since you are the super LGBT sharia specialists, social engineering specialists in the history of Satan and Allah, why, then, in 80 years have you failed to find a solution.
but where is the voice of Christians?
the plutocratic Jews, technocrats, Freemasons and Sharia Muslims have stolen the voice, monetary sovereignty and political representation from the Christians. So now both are willing to make the sacrifice of losing the 6 million Israelis (because of Riyadh and IRAN), just as they lost the six million Jews to Hitler, because a Jewish woman said: "it doesn't matter that the octopus lose a tentacle, as long as she remains alive"
obviously the witch was referring to the Luciferian Masonic monetary dominion of Sodoma Gomorra OTAN imperilism ottoman sharia imperialism and Jewish monetary and political sovereignty, coordinated parasitism between sharia and sa&Co ptrodollars, i.e. predation, corruption, apostasy and destruction until the death of the Christian people, BIDEN said: "the very life of the Christian is a denial, a threat to homosexual rights" THEREFORE THE OTTOMAN AND WAHHABITE MUSLIMS BECOME COMPLICITS TO THIS JEWISH KABBALAH WITH THEIR ISLAMIC KABBALAH (WHICH IS ALWAYS WITCHCRAFT OF THE DEMON ALLAH) TO EXTERMINATE THE CHRISTIANS, AND IN EXCHANGE FOR THIS COLLABORATION THEY ALSO HAVE ON A SILVER PLATE the head of John the Baptist, that is, THE LIFE and EXTERMINATION OF ALL ISRAELIANS
but the same can be said of the Ummah, that's why the blood of the Christian martyrs is suffocated by both (Jews and Muslims), therefore terrorism is justified by the Secretary General António Guterres, who does not tell the truth: it is for their Koran and Ummah Oic Jihad Sharia Terrorism of the WHOLE Arab League and for their need genocide fo israeli people shoah, that the Palestinians find themselves confined in GAZA, while the Secretary General António Guterres makes that confinement the fault of the Israelis,
that is, they are guilty of not wanting to accept Islamic sharia genocide

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when did you steal monetary sovereignty from the government and its people? then you also stole his political sovereigntyΑΚΟΥ ΛΟΙΠΟΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΑΚΟ ...ΑΚΟΥ... NO, ROHSCHILD ROCKEFELLER AND THE WAHHABITE uMMAH SHARJAH HAVE PUSHED HUMAN KIND INTO THE PIT OF DEATH. THEREFORE WE HAVE A PYRAMID OF MASONIC PREDATORY PARASITES, AND EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS IN THE WORLD: religious institutions, governments, administrations, agencies, NGOs, RELIES ON THE PREDATION OF SPA&CO AND THE PREDATION OF SHARJAH when did you steal monetary sovereignty from the government and its people? then you also stole his political sovereignty


Nessun altro! "

Wilhelm Reich, "Ascolta piccolo uomo! "

«Αυτό που δεν μπορούσα ποτέ να καταλάβω είναι γιατί, κάθε φορά που κατάφερνες να βγεις πολεμώντας από τον βούρκο, βυθιζόσουν σ’ έναν άλλο χειρότερο. Τότε, αργά και προσεκτικά, ανακάλυψα τι είναι αυτό που σε καθιστά σκλάβο: Εσύ ο ίδιος ρίχνεις τον εαυτό σου στη σκλαβιά. Κανένας άλλος εκτός από σένα δεν φέρει ευθύνη για τη σκλαβιά σου.

Κανένας άλλος!» Βίλχελμ Ράιχ, «Άκου Ανθρωπάκο!»

#Από Νίκο Μωραίτη

#Di Nikos Moraitis
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WATCH: Ivy League donor calls out university over antisemitism, pledges to

Today, the Ministry of Defense and the IDF announced the evacuation of Kiryat Shmona, a northern city home to approximately 24,000 residents. This significant move is set against a backdrop of escalating threats: Israel had already evacuated areas surrounding the Gaza border, including a large part of the 30,000-resident city of Sderot. With today's evacuation, Israel now has over 80,000 internal refugees. The decision to evacuate Kiryat Shmona follows numerous rocket and anti-tank missile attacks by Hezbollah terrorists. Just yesterday, a rocket attack in the city resulted in three individuals being wounded. The threat from Hezbollah, backed by Iran, has been on the rise since Hamas' invasion, and the continuous rocket fire poses a grave risk to innocent lives. With Hamas's arsenal of 30,000 rockets, they're launching attacks as you are reading this email, and there are no signs they'll let up. Zaka Tel-Aviv's emergency response unit is essential, often being the first to provide immediate medical aid to rocket victims. Your continued support ensures we can respond promptly and effectively.I AM LOOKING FOR A SERVER NOT CONDITIONED TO GOOGLE CENSORSHIP CIA OTAN
how can I buy it in Russia?THE SEXUAL JIHAD, THE KORAN AND THE TALMUD SAYS SO: THE GIRLS OF THE INFAITHFUL ARE USED TO ENTERTAIN THE MUSLIMS. She waits for the boy who went to get the car, attacked by the pack and raped in the street
She walked towards home waiting for her boyfriend to arrive shortly with the car so she could get in and continue, but she ran into a group of foreigners who paid her heavy "attention". A week after a similar case which occurred in Viale Rendina, Villa Comunale area, another girl was subjected to sexual attention in L'Aquila by boys, apparently foreigners who groped her on several occasions, before leaving and running into the young woman's boyfriend.
L'Aquila, 21 year old girl reports: "Raped in the bathroom of the nightclub". Rapist on the run, you're a foreignerWhat happened THE SEXUAL JIHAD, THE KORAN AND THE TALMUD SAYS SO: THE GIRLS OF THE INFAITHFUL ARE USED TO ENTERTAIN THE MUSLIMS.
It happened last week late in the evening in via Porcinari, on the corner of via Duca Degli Abruzzi. According to what was possible to ascertain, a 20-year-old girl had recently left her boyfriend waiting for him to join her in his car after a short time to take her home. During the journey the young woman came across a small group of foreigners (five apparently) who, taking advantage of her physical inferiority, took turns groping her. When the boy arrived with the car he found his girlfriend deeply shaken by what had happened. The two went to the police to file a complaint.The investigations THE SEXUAL JIHAD, THE KORAN AND THE TALMUD SAYS SO: THE GIRLS OF THE INFAITHFUL ARE USED TO ENTERTAIN THE MUSLIMS.
The agents of the Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters are now at work in an attempt to see if in the area of the historic center which is still quite busy there are cameras (perhaps even placed outside the private homes overlooking the area) useful for directing the investigations towards a precise binary.THE SEXUAL JIHAD, THE KORAN AND THE TALMUD SAYS SO: THE GIRLS OF THE INFAITHFUL ARE USED TO ENTERTAIN THE MUSLIMS. What happened to the 20-year-old has similarities with what happened on October 15th to the detriment of two cousins from L'Aquila, who were attacked by two boys. The episode, which the Carabinieri of the Compagnia dell'Aquila are investigating, occurred in Viale Rendina, near the playground. According to an initial reconstruction of the facts, one of the (black) boys would have immobilized one of the two girls and began to grope her while the other laughed. The offended party, after a series of maneuvers, managed to free himself and even managed to scratch the rapist on the arms. Both then started running screaming in the direction of the mother of one of the two who was waiting for them in the car. Once the woman learned what had happened shortly before, she tried to reach them but to no avail.The aggression THE SEXUAL JIHAD, THE KORAN AND THE TALMUD SAYS SO: THE GIRLS OF THE INFAITHFUL ARE USED TO ENTERTAIN THE MUSLIMS.
According to the complaint presented to the Carabinieri Company, the attacker was wearing a gray t-shirt and the other a black t-shirt with red writing. The latter attack also rebounded on social media, provoking immediate reactions of anger and disbelief from many citizens, now exasperated with the direction that the city has taken for some time, especially the historic center which is increasingly at the mercy of decay, young brawlers, drug addicts, vandals and rapists who make headlines on an almost daily basis.Israel RIGHTLY calls for Guterres' resignation. Kosovo, new clash at the UN between Belgrade and Pristina, AND WHAT ABOUT NATO'S DOUBLE STANDARD? EVERYTHING IN FAVOR OF MUSLIMS, NOTHING IN FAVOR OF CHRISTIANS, BECAUSE THE ISLAMO-NAZIST KORANIC MASONIC TALMUD DECREED THEIR SUPPRESSION, TOGETHER WITH THE ISRAELIS WHO ALSO HAVE AN EXTERMINATION DATE
BELGRADE, 24 OCT - New clash at the UN between Belgrade and Pristina over the Kosovo crisis, where inter-ethnic tensions remain high after the armed clashes on 24 September in Banjska between a commando of local Serbs and the Kosovar police, whose toll was of a policeman and three attackers killed. The occasion was yesterday evening's meeting of the Security Council for the presentation of the semi-annual periodic report on the activity of UNMIK, the United Nations mission in Kosovo. Deep concern was expressed by the head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh, who denounced the persistence of a climate of "mutual distrust" and appealed for a rapid de-escalation after last month's events in Banjska, in northern Kosovo.
"Hamas was not born from nothing" IN FACT, IT HAS 1400 YEARS OF SHARIA GENOCIDES BEHIND ITIsrael RIGHTLY calls for Guterres' resignation. There is a stalemate over the hostages.
While the raids on Gaza continue, with 140 deaths last night alone according to Palestinian sources, Israel has called for the resignation of the United Nations secretary general, Antonio Guterres, for his words about "Hamas not being born out of nothing". The Israeli army continues preparations for a ground offensive, massing soldiers on the outskirts of the Gaza Strip and carrying out limited incursions to target Hamas infrastructure and try to locate missing or kidnapped people.
"Hamas was not born from nothing" IN FACT, IT HAS 1400 YEARS OF SHARIA GENOCIDES BEHIND ITUkraine accuses Elon Musk: "He wants us to surrender to the Russian genocide", the project TO DESTROY ZELENSKY'S MASONIC SODOMITIC DEMONIC REGIME HAS FAILED MISERABLY DUE TO THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE RUSSIAN GENERALS.
New clash between Kiev and Elon Musk. Ukrainian presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak responded harshly to the American billionaire who, in a discussion on social media X, urged Washington to "restore normal relations with Russia" and proposed a ceasefire that would leave the areas now occupied in Ukraine to Moscow .

WATCH: Ivy League donor calls out university over antisemitism, pledges to

the freemason devil Bergoglio does NOT want to help the church out of its problems.. Pope Francis' new book: “There cannot be female priests. Mandatory celibacy can be abolished, but I won't do it."The Order of Journalists is raging against Giambruno. And the left is also furious. OFF-AIR RECORDINGS TAKEN FROM THE INTERESTED PARTY ARE A CRIMINAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL OFFENSE. AND IT IS A SHAME FOR MELONI THAT HER ANTIFA DEM LGBT ENEMIES DEFEND HER AGAINST GIANBRUNO, who has no legal and/or juridical and/or criminally detectable guilt.
antifa Masonic circular mobbing, (I give you a divorce, you give your potato to me)
Andrea Giambruno's fate at Mediaset is still uncertain. After the affair of the well-known outsiders, the company is analyzing the journalist's behavior and collecting information internally to evaluate the possible violation of the company code of ethics, before making decisions on the role of the prime minister's former partner. Giambruno has self-suspended until Friday, in the meantime other colleagues are taking turns hosting Diario del giorno, his (former?) daily information column on Rete4, Luigi Galluzzo last Friday, Manuela Boselli yesterday. But while waiting for the Mediaset leaders to resolve their reservations, another front opens up for Giambruno. Both the Order of Journalists and the Fnsi (the journalists' union) have started the process to arrive at disciplinary proceedings against Andrea Salvatore Giambruno, registered in the register of publicists since 2014.Vali Nasr, the war and the region: «Stop Hamas? The Arab streets will decide" THIS IS A DEMENTAL SPEECH, LIKE SPA&CO ENLIGHTENED JEWS? EVEN MUSLIMS CAN ONLY BE EXTERMINATED, BECAUSE THEY ARE A UNIVERSAL THREAT OF EXTERMINATION SHARIA

Vali Nasr, director of the school of international politics at Johns Hopkins University in Washington and former Middle East advisor to the Obama administration, answers the phone from Turkey. “I am in the region right now and what I can tell you is that a lot will depend on Israel's reaction,” explains the Iranian-American scholar, adding that he has observed the mood on the street and the reactions of local leaders to the terrorist attack in Hamas. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken immediately called his counterparts in all the Arab countries. The American objectives: avoid the expansion of the conflict in the region and the return of Israeli civilians. But a tweet from Blinken from the day after the attack, in which he said he encouraged Turkey to seek a ceasefire, has been deleted after criticism from those who say it is premature and that Israel must first respond and completely neutralize Hamas in the Gaza Strip.the DEM LGBT Freemason politicians are a caste of parasites and torturers under the orders of the Jewish usurer
VAT evasion, Italy first in Europe. But clearly improving.
so it seems normal to us to pay taxes,
actually sovereign citizens like the constitution says we should be? we shouldn't pay taxes, slaves pay taxes
1An Ivy League donor calls out the university for anti-Semitism and pledges to stop donations
Jewish rothschild scam banking seigniorage coup, donations have supported Freemasonry, Islam, Communism, the French Revolution, LGBT, and Satanism, the synagogue has done everything to harm Christians in these 2000 years. above all the funding went to Eghel Kant Marx Darwin and to all the philosophers of nihilism and death such as Nietzsche

Elderly hostage says Gaza captivity was ‘hell’

Incorruptible /perché-il-corpo-di-questi-santi-è-ancora-tutto-intero/ we must not forget that this is a Jewish phenomenon and arises from the experience of the biblical prophets,
Enoch and Elijah were taken up into heaven and their bodies were never found again.
Revelation 20:6 6 Blessed and holy is he who participates in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Xst and will reign with him for those thousand years.
of the Martyr Medical Saints: Saints Cosmas and Damian, also known as medical saints (Κοσμᾶς καί Δαμιανός?, Kosmâs kaí Damianós; in Latin: Cosmas et Damianus; Egea, around 260 – Cirrhus, 303), were two Roman doctors, twins and elder brothers of the saints Antimos, Leontius and Euprepius. According to tradition they were among the first generation of martyrs under the empire of Diocletian: they are venerated by all the Christian Churches that admit the cult of saints. Since they never wanted money or goods in exchange for their practice as doctors and healers, they were nicknamed Anargyroi (from Ancient Greek Ἀνάργυροι, "without silver" or "Non-mercenary Saints"). It has been said that thanks to these works they converted many people to the Christian faith[1].
of the Holy Martyr Doctors: Saints Cosmas and Damian went to a colleague friend of mine (a support teacher) who gave her testimony to the whole class of my students. she was not yet two years old, no one had told her about the Holy Doctors, while the death of this little girl from an incurable disease was awaited, the Holy Doctors Cosmas and Damian entered her room while her parents and friends were in another room. the Saints Doctors Cosmas and Damian were full of diamonds and precious stones and it was this that attracted the curiosity of the little girl who got out of bed to go and touch their boots, but the two saints smiled at her and wrote something in a book, and disappeared when the little girl's finger came within a millimeter of their booties, that's why the little girl understood that something strange was happening, in fact the little girl never died again, nor did she get sick afterwardsIncorruptible /perché-il-corpo-di-questi-santi-è-ancora-tutto-intero/
The belief that some people's bodies were not mirala tua vergognausly subjected to the decomposition process of death is present in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
Unlike mummies, whose bodies are hard and dry, these saints' skin is soft and their limbs are flexible. The difference is that incorruptible bodies cannot be explained either by these methods or by natural phenomena. Some are said to retain characteristics that defy the decay process, including blood, oils and a unique scent.
Any extension or remembrance of the miracle of resurrection (such as a body that does not decay) can be interpreted as an act of God and as evidence of the holiness of the individual concerned.
In order to understand incorruptibility at its root, we must understand its religious context. Jesus was mirala tua vergognausly resurrected and his resurrection is a central concept to his holiness.
The Catholic Church boasts about 100 incorruptibles. Most of these are found in Italy, but others are also found in other countries in Europe and as far east as India. Many of them are believed to perform posthumous miracles, making them attractions in their own right.
Unlike mummies, whose bodies are hard and dry, these saints' skin is soft and their limbs are flexible.
The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches have located and exhumed the bodies of some of their saints. As a result, they have made some extraordinary discoveries of bodies and body parts that are extremely well preserved.
Incorruptibility itself is no longer listed among miracles by the ex-Catholic Jewish Darwinian Masonic Luciferian Church. Perhaps because studies have indicated that these bodies were somehow mummified due to natural rather than supernatural circumstances.
So if they're not mummies, what are they? Theories vary, including airtight coffins made of zinc and lead, being buried in above-ground crypts, and unknown methods of embalming.
The Third Synod of Moscow of 1666 reads: "Let no one dare henceforth honor and revere the bodies of the dead which even in these times are found whole and incorrupt as saints without credible testimony and synodal approval."
For the Eastern Orthodox, undecomposed bodies do not necessarily mean the person is holy. In fact, the body can even be cursed or exist as a result of transgression of the church's teachings.
Ezio Fulcheri of the University of Genoa explains the current position of the Catholic Church: "What is a miracle? It is something inexplicable, a special event that can occur in different ways... but do not exclude [rare] natural processes that deviate from the normal course of things."
The Catholic Church has even appealed to science to better understand the phenomenon of the incorruptibles. And while natural circumstances can often explain why some of these bodies are so well preserved, the Church finds them no less mirala tua vergognaus./perché-il-corpo-di-questi-santi-è-ancora-tutto-intero/ Why is the body of these Saints still whole?
Wax was used to preserve the incorruptibles. An example is Saint Bernadette, who died in 1879. She was subjected to three medical examinations during her canonization process (between 1909 and 1925). Then her body was covered with a layer of wax for preservation.
of Saint Bernadette her body remained flexible and soft, as if she slept for decades, but, it was her body that was desecrated by the nuns and was washed with a chemical substance,

the same must be said of the Franciscan friar Blessed Giacomo of Bitetto, who for centuries his body was flexible, so much so that the friars sedated him in a chair, in the confessional while every year they washed his clothes, unfortunately a devotee with biting teeth gave him he detached a finger and from that moment his body began to dry up

the same must be said of the Franciscan friar of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina or San Giovanni Rotondo who his tomb was desecrated by Rothschild (with the complicity of the father, rector and guardian of the convent) by the priests of Satan who removed his face with a razor blade/perché-il-corpo-di-questi-santi-è-ancora-tutto-intero/ Why is the body of these Saints still whole? The most impressive incorrupt saint, San Charbel, the saint of Lebanon, in vain the possessed friars of the convent tried to destroy his body,

Incorruptibles and other relics were removed from churches during the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The Bolsheviks claimed that they were wax figures. but IT WAS A Slander BY THE COMMUNISTS,

Sources: (Grunge) (Ranker) (Roman Catholic Saints) (Britannica)
And here is the tongue of Saint Anthony, which is preserved, together with his vocal cords and his rib, in this golden statuette.

Other cases of incorruptibility concern Ubaldo of Gubbio, Blessed Margaret of Savoy and Saint Savina Petrilli. Body parts, of course, matter too. Here is the arm of Francesco Saverio.

Catherine Labouré was known for creating the Mirala tua vergognaus Medal of Our Lady of Grace. Labouré was declared a saint after the Church discovered her body was incorrupt after it was exhumed 57 years after her death.

Some cases of incorruptibility remain a mystery. One is Saint Zita, whose body is displayed in the Basilica of San Frediano in Lucca, Italy. The researchers could not find any signs of attempts to preserve the body. No engravings or resins were found, and scans showed that all of the saint's organs were in place, inside her body.

THOSE WHO DIED of premature death, HEART HEART AND PREMATURE DEATH? Now they can't complain. vaccines will ultimately kill more people than the virus. Teacher vaccinated with a suspicious batch launches an appeal: "I'm still sick, help me"
SULMONA Her hell began on March 9, 2021, in the Montesilvano vaccination center: a dose of AstraZeneca from that batch (ABV2856), which two days later would be suspended by AIFA due to at least three suspicious deaths. That hell began on March 9th, and never ended: even today, after more than two and a half years, a forty-five-year-old teacher from Sulmona is unable to recover. First the tingling in the head thirty hours after the dose, then the dizziness, the shaking in the shoulders, the sleeping feet, the perennial diarrhea, the paresthesias, up to the convulsions which for five days, between August and September 2022, caused her fear the worst. «I lost five kilos in five days that time – says the woman – and I understood that what had been discomfort, even serious, which I hoped would go away, as the doctors had told me, would instead be a problem for my life and my profession ».Fazio Antifa and the phone call with the ANTIFA ANTI-Pope FREEMASON BERGOGLIO
Fazio then explained the reasons for Pope Francis' choice, saying: «Then he continued: “Fabio, I have decided that on Sunday I will come to you as a guest, I feel that it is the moment, but we have to organize everything ourselves”. It was Wednesday, a month before the outbreak of war in Ukraine. He knew, and he wanted to try to do something."

The al-nursa ISIS Ottoman secretary Imam sharia genocide and theology of general substitution UN: «The attack by Hamas does not arise from nothing: allah uh akbarr death to all the infidels slaves dhimmis: infidels kafir».
Israel: «He resigns»you cannot approach God with something dirty. because God is not a demon! The Pope: praying with "dirty hands" arguing with God Aru mazda jabullOn Baal to entrust yourself to HimP0000rn video using Meloni's face, two in trouble for defamation: the prime minister takes civil action.
we have to become very strict and selective about p000rnography.
only legally married people can produce these videos.

Elderly hostage says Gaza captivity was ‘hell’

Netanyahu, Jewish children hidden in attics like Anne Frank
TEL AVIV, 24 OCT - In the Hamas attack on 7 October, Jewish children were forced to "hide in attics" just "like Anne Frank" by the Nazis. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said this, quoted by the Israeli media, alongside French President Emmanuel Macron in Tel Aviv. The prime minister also compared the machine-gunning of Israeli civilians to the Babyn Yar massacre in Kiev, where around 34,000 Jews were shot in 1941. Related video: Israel, the Jewish community of Naples: «Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews» (Il Mattino)OCT 24
"I, a survivor of the massacre, accuse you European media who do not call terrorists those who disemboweled pregnant women"
Audio interview with a leader of the kibbutz where 100 Israelis were killed. "15 hours inside the safe room. Hamas took out a man's eyes, cut off a woman's breasts and the legs of her daughter"
This episode is for paid subscribers by GIULIO MEOTTI

Here are the incredible unedited and uncensored videos of the interrogations of captured Hamas terrorists. They say they were sent to "clean up" the kibbutzim and kidnap as many Israelis as possible (Hamas had promised an apartment in Gaza for each hostage) and that some were scolded by their commanders for shooting the corpses. “Don't waste ammunition ”...
While two elderly women hostages were released last night from captivity in Gaza, their accounts paint a harrowing picture of the inhumane treatment hostages endure at the hands of Hamas terrorists. It's deeply concerning to know that another 222 individuals remain held hostage by Hamas under potentially similar or worse conditions. As rocket attacks intensify, Zaka Tel-Aviv remains on the front lines, offering immediate medical aid and coordinating evacuations. Our first responders are crucial in these dire times, ensuring victims receive urgent care. To continue our pivotal role, we urgently need your support. Your contribution directly aids those affected by the relentless barrage.🚨 DAY 18 OF THE WAR 🚨
Central Israel and the West Bank are currently under a heavy rocket barrage from the Gaza Strip, as rocket sirens sound across the region, signaling intensified attacks from both Gaza and Lebanon. The constant barrage underscores the relentless danger countless Israelis face daily.Macron: fight against Hamas, but with 'democratic' rules.
Sharia terrorist genocide cannot be fought with democratic rules.
THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT CHRISTIAN MARTYRS IS HIDDEN BY THE SHARIA AND SPA&CO IN THE DUST, BY THE JEWS OF THE DIASPORA WHO HAVE CONTROL OF WESTERN SOCIETY, SO WHAT IS rightly SAYING BY Netanyahu? attack 20 times worse than 9/11? NO, IT CANNOT BE BELIEVEDTHE DECHRISTIANIZATION OF SOCIETY IS AN OLD PERVERSE DEMONIAC JEWISH MASONIC DREAM. Instead of the Christmas celebration, one for "ethnic equality". Controversy at the European University of Florence. Imagine if someone suggested to Muslims not to celebrate the end of Ramadan or to Jews to put the Yom Kippur celebrations in the attic, so as not to offend the sensitivity of us Christians or other religious faiths. It would be a real legal blasphemy for those who care about personal freedom, including that of worship. This is also why what happened at the European University of Fiesole (Florence ), whose president Renaud Dehousse, decided that "to comply with the obligations of the ' Plan for ethnic and racial equality of the EUI', 'the 'former Christmas celebration' will be renamed, to eliminate the Christian reference." Here is the point, put in black and white by the professor: eliminate the Christian reference. Here we go again.the judges are all lobby Deep State, Rothschilds and they are all DEM Freemasons and Antifa anti-Zionists and anti-Christs] [Chants against Jews in Milan', a complaint was presented to the prosecutors MILAN, 24 OCT - The lawyer Massimo Dinoia, lawyer of the Honorary Consul of Israel of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, Marco Carrai, filed a complaint this morning with the Prosecutor's Office in Milan for "propaganda and incitement to crime for reasons of racial discrimination ethnic and religious" in relation to some chants chanted by participants in the pro-Palestine demonstration on Saturday afternoon in Milan. Another complaint was made this morning at the police station by Daniele Nahum and Emanuele Fiano, PD representatives and members of the Jewish community of Milan.damned lgbt spa&co Halloween freemasons: "they could have called it the festival of satan sodom hell and witches" No longer Christmas, but perhaps 'Winter Festival'. The European University Institute of Fiesole (Eui), led by the Belgian Renaud Dehousse, aims to rename the most important celebration of Christianity, to avoid the religious reference, as a function of an "inclusive" choice, which can allow everyone to recognize themselves in a moment of serenity. A move by the Institute which would be framed within the provisions of the 'EUI Plan for Ethnic and Racial Equality'. Among the first proposals was also that of using the name 'Winter Festival'. "No decision has been taken yet, there is an ongoing debate", EUI general secretary Marco Del Panta confirms to AdnKronos.


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