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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Iran: Father confirms Armita's brain death

'What planet do you live on?': UN secretary-general blames Israel for Hamas Macron: fight against Hamas, but with 'democratic' rules. Netanyahu: attack 20 times worse than 9/11
Macron: fight against Hamas, but with 'democratic' rules. Netanyahu: attack 20 times worse than 9/11ISLAMIC TERRORISM IS LEGITIMATE ONLY AGAINST ISRAEL AND AGAINST CHRISTIANS IN THE ARAB LEAGUE AND AFRICA,
The leader of the League Matteo Salvini also spoke about Guterres and declared: "Serious and unacceptable words". For the Minister of Infrastructure, who today met a delegation of survivors and relatives of the Israeli hostages, the UN secretary's sentences are serious and unjustifiable. Furthermore, today is World United Nations Day: "It is a circumstance that makes the words about Hamas even more unacceptable. No justification for terrorism", Salvini added.A situation on the edge. the POLITICAL INSTITUTIONAL TECHNOCRATIC JEWISH MASONIC MONETARY SYSTEM IS BUREAUCRATIC AND PREDATORY UNSUSTAINABLE FOR A DIGNITY LIFE, THIS IS WHY ROTHSCHILD DECIDED TO HAVE US KILLED AGAINST THE RUSSIANS AND THE CHINESE WITH HIS STOLTEMBERG SLANDERS
According to what was reported by Spanish newspapers, yesterday around 200 firefighters from the regional parks of Galicia showed up in front of the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Orense. The aim was to protest against current working conditions and demand an increase in their salary. "A nosa loita é a vosa shame", that is, "Our struggle is your shame", would have been one of the mottos visible on the banners carried in the procession.

The common intention was to carry out a peaceful demonstration, but in a short time tempers overheated and the situation degenerated in an unexpected way. Apparently, during the riot, a firefighter was even injured.The ANTI-Pope FREEMASON BERGOGLIO, the precursor of the antichrist: praying with "dirty hands" arguing with God,
GOD DOES NOT DISCUSS WITH REBEL SOULS AND SPIRITS, but threatens them with judgment,FREEMASONS MUST BE SENTENCED TO DEATH, Forbidden to wish "Merry Christmas!". Storm over the university institute. Woe betide anyone who says "Merry Christmas!" at the European University Institute of Fiesole. From now on we can, if anything, wish each other "Happy Winter Festival". So, at least, it seems, reading internal correspondence at the prestigious Florentine Institute - which, among other things, is based in an ancient convent - which the SIR agency was able to view. According to this dispatch, the president of the EUI, Renaud Dehousse, communicated that, in order not to break the rules on ethnic equality, even religious holidays, although included in the academic calendar, must be communicated with "inclusive" language. The president himself then launched a sort of "competition" to rename the holiday, granting, kindly, that "the traditional and folkloric aspects can remain part of the event". In short, a party without the Celebrant, but with all the accompaniments of Santa Claus and assorted gifts.
1this is real kuran Islam ] ISLAM IS DEMONIC HORROR [ screening took place in a military base north of Tel Aviv, with the request to leave cell phones outside, some of these scenes have never been seen by Israelis, the video made available for publication lasts just over a minute , even by 42 more the most ferocious scenes were omitted. That's enough already. Th e spokespersons asked to omit the names of the kibbutzim: the family members do not know all the details, in many cases the fate of those who still seem alive at the end of the sequence remains inscrutable. The webcam is fixed in a corner of the ceiling. The father and his two sons run in their underwear - it's dawn - towards the door, the courtyard and the tiny concrete shelter that usually serves to protect themselves from mortar shells, the kibbutz is a few hundred meters from Gaza. The men in camouflage throw a grenade, the father dies instantly, they take out the boys, aged between 9 and 12, and take them back to the room from where they escaped, leaving them alone. Together they shout "daddy, daddy"; the older one says to the little one "it's all true, it's not a joke"; he approaches him and washes his injured eye with a bottle of water; he throws himself to the ground screaming "I want to die".
1“No party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law, (except sharia Islamic terrorism),” Guterres said.
jihad sharia Islamic terrorism has been inherent to ISLAM for 1400 years, and is not a Palestinian phenomenon,
these beasts of Allah killed 1.2 billion innocent people in peacetime
1AFTER 1400 years of sharia genocide? Islamophobia is completely justified, it is a demonic infestation, because no Muslim is aware of the harm it has done to mankind

The heroic Israeli couple who went down fighting

DEM ANTIFA WITHOUT ROOTS AND WITHOUT PAST AND WITHOUT FUTURE, BECAUSE THE DEMONIAC LGBT MASONIC SOULS WILL GO TO HELL ANYWAY, Fiesole, the European University 'cancels' Christmas. The president: “Let's rename the party for ethnic equality”
Fiesole (Florence), 24 October 2023 – Erase the word 'Christmas' in the name of ethnic equality". This is what Renaud Dehousse, president of the European University Institute of Fiesole (Florence), would have decided to comply with the obligations of the EUI's Plan for Ethnic and Racial Equality.
Therefore rename the holiday thus eliminating "the Christian reference". The news was reported by the SIR agency on the basis of internal correspondence of which it became aware. The rules for ethnic equality in the EU, SIR always reports, provide that if on the one hand religious holidays must be included in the calendar, on the other the language with which they are communicated must be 'inclusive'. A name change that is causing controversy. If the president of the IUE "wants to cancel Christmas, then he should also find another location to carry out his activity", says Fdi councilor to the metropolitan city of Florence Alessandra Gallego, having learned the news from the SIR agency. The Institute, she recalls, «has its headquarters in the Badia Fiesolena, a place where in the past the oratory dedicated to Saints Peter and Romulus (patron saint of Fiesole) stood. This decision seems completely out of place and demonstrates a lack of respect for Italian traditions and the profound meaning that Christmas has for so many people."FIGTH FOR FREEDOM BY MOHAMMED WAHHABIS ERDOGAN BOIA ] [ Hadar's body was found in the kitchen. Her husband, Itay Berdichevsky, was found between the beds of their 10-month-old children, who survived. “I know Itay died trying to protect them,” Rosenfeld said. “And I can't imagine what he went through knowing that his wife was just killed, and his two children are next to him, and he's the only thing between the terrorists and the children.” At this point the children were in their shelter, not in their beds. The father was still fighting, as best he could, the Hamas men in the house, knowing that his wife was already dead and hoping to distract the Hamas terrorists from finding the children. And he did it. And he died
For fourteen hours [the twins] remained alone, starving, drenched in their own sweat and urine, crying uncontrollably, until they were found by the rescue services.
The mass killing occurred in the Kfar Aza kibbutz, a community a few kilometers from the border with Gaza. Israeli officials said previously that when the Israel Defense Forces arrived at the kibbutz, they found "blood scattered in the houses." ... “Imagine the horror,” Segev tweeted. "Two terrified parents who tried with all their might to protect their children, who are now orphans."

It's a disturbing scene: the young parents desperately fighting, unarmed, against the killers and trying to distract them from finding where their children had been hidden.ISLAM is WAR RELIGION from 1400 years sharia ISIS hamas hezbollah etc.. Iran Erdogan Riyadh same

Nikki Haley surges in GOP primary poll

LGBT municipality of Turin thinks it can ridicule the Bible but it found
me, the right person
comune.torino.It/politichedigenere/bm~doc/s3-lomosessualit-nella-bibbia-il-nuovo-testamento.pdf You, wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. You, husbands, love
your wives and do not become angry with them.
You, servants, be docile in everything with your earthly masters; not serving only when there
they see, as one does to please men, but with a simple heart and in fear of
Gentleman. (Colossians 1,18-19; 22)
6) According to Paul's letter to the Colossians, can there be equal rights between men and women in marriage? ABSOLUTELY NO, THIS IS NOT THE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF MARRIAGE, WHICH IS DOMINATED BY LOVE BUT NOT BY EQUALITY.
7) Considering that the “servants” mentioned by Paul of Tarsus are slaves, do you think Paul accepts slavery? NO HE DOES NOT ACCEPT IT, BUT OVERCOMES IT WITH THE LOVE OF BROTHERS AND BETWEEN BROTHERS.
8) Are the principles expounded by Paul in accordance with the equality and freedom of all citizens? CERTAINLY, BECAUSE HE SAID IN JESUS-XTO, THERE IS NO MORE JEW OR GREEK, SLAVE OR FREE MAN OR WOMAN BECAUSE WE ARE ONE IN XIST OUR LORDLGBT municipality of Turin thinks it can ridicule the Bible but it found
me, the right person
comune.torino.It/politichedigenere/bm~doc/s3-lomosessualit-nella-bibbia-il-nuovo-testamento.pdf From the Letters of Paul of Tarsus: For this reason God abandoned them to infamous passions; their women have changed natural relationships into unnatural relationships. Likewise, men too, leaving their natural relationship with women, became inflamed with passion for one another, committing ignominious acts, men with men, thus receiving within themselves the
punishment befitting their misdeeds. And because they have despised the knowledge of God, God has abandoned them to the mercy of a depraved intelligence, so that they commit what is unworthy. [...] And despite knowing the judgment of God, that is
authors of such things deserve death, not only continue to do them, but also approve of them
who makes them. (Romans 1,24-28.32)
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not deceive yourselves: neither immoral people, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6,9.10)
« We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for the wicked and the rebellious, for the wicked and sinners, for the sacrilegious and the irreligious, for those who kill father and mother, for murderers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for slave traders, for liars, for perjurers and for everything else contrary to sound doctrine. (1 Timothy 1,10)
4) In the letters of Paul of Tarsus, what is homosexuality considered as? TO UNFILTHY GARBAGE!
5) What difference do you notice between the text of the Gospel according to Matthew and the letters of Paul of Tarsus regarding homosexuality? NONE, SAME TEACHING, WHICH IS NOT THAT OF THE SORCERER BERGOGLIOLGBT municipality of Turin thinks it can ridicule the Bible but it found me, the right person comune.torino.It/politichedigenere/bm~doc/s3-lomosessualit-nella-bibbia-il-nuovo-testamento.pdf
From the
Gospel according to Matthew (19)
Then some Pharisees approached him to test him and asked him: «He is lawful
for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?". And he replied: «No
you have read that the Creator from the beginning created them male and female and said: for this
a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh
alone? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has
joined together, let no man put it asunder."
They objected to him: «Because then Moses ordered to give her the writ of divorce and send her
Street?". Jesus answered them: «Because of the hardness of your heart Moses allowed you to
repudiate your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. Therefore I say to you: Whoever repudiates
one's wife, except in the case of concubinage, and marries another commits
The disciples said to him: "If this is the condition of a man with respect to a woman, it is not worth marrying." He replied to them: «Not everyone can understand it, but only those to whom
was granted. For there are eunuchs who were thus born from their mother's womb; there are some who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are others who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can understand, understand."
1) There are no passages in the Gospels referring to homosexuality. In this text, what does Jesus establish about marriage? ESTABLISHES THAT ONLY A MAN AND A WOMAN CAN MARRY.
2) Does what he says conform to the prescriptions of the Old Testament? INDEED IT IS
3) Christians must consider everything written in the Old Testament as
Does this rule apply to them too? OBVIOUSLY
Hamas terrorists unleashed on Israeli civilians in south Israel --
beheading babies, burning them alive, torturing, raping, kidnapping,
murdering -- before the European Union decided to reward the terrorists
by tripling its assistance to Gaza.

"The Commission will immediately increase the current humanitarian aid
envelope foreseen for Gaza by 50 million euros," European Commission
President Ursula van der Leyen said. "This will bring the total to over
75 million euros. We will continue our close cooperation with the UN and
its agencies to ensure that this aid reaches those in need in the Gaza

Oh really? How? The terrorist group Hamas, a proxy of Iran, the "worst
state sponsor of terrorism," is wholly in control of Gaza and will take
what shows up and dribble it out slowly to a chosen few, mainly in their
military. The idea that any of it will reach the million displaced
souls who were urged by the Israelis to flee to southern Gaza to save
their lives is charming, but woefully starry-eyed. Food and water -- if
that is really what is in the uninspected trucks, rather than weapons --
will go to the Hamas foot soldiers to make sure they stay fit and

"Hamas are trying to prevent people leaving northern Gaza. And that is the
point... Of course we want to minimize Palestinian casualties. We want
to minimize Israeli casualties. We want everybody to respect civilians.
But the real clear distinction is Israel are trying to get civilians out
of danger; Hamas are trying to put civilians into danger, and that is a fundamental difference between the two." — UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, October 15, 2023.

Sadly, massive injustices were done by the international media which, without
checking, wrongly blamed Israel for firing at a hospital in Gaza,
supposedly killing hundreds. Video evidence and a voice recording
revealed that the real cause of the explosion at the hospital was a
rocket, launched toward Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, that landed
in the hospital parking lot. The media, it seems, could not wait to
stick it to the Jews. Israel had not even buried its dead from the horrifying jihadist pogrom that
Hamas terrorists unleashed on Israeli civilians in south Israel --
beheading babies, burning them alive, torturing, raping, kidnapping,
murdering -- before the European Union decided to reward the terrorists
by tripling its assistance to Gaza. Pictured: IDF soldiers prepare to
remove the bodies of four Israeli civilians who were murdered Saturday
by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, Israel, on October 10, 2023.

Spanish Jews highlight rising antisemitism, pro-Hamas statements by

Biden Asks Billions for Victims of Hamas Attack To Be Sent to Hamas

“Biden’s Deputy National Security Advisor couldn’t explain how the US
can prevent Hamas from taking control of the goods” The Biden
administration is widely broadcasting that it’s made a budget request of
almost $106 billion for Israel and Ukraine. In reality, most of that,
$61.4 billion, is going to Ukraine. There’s $14 billion to hire [ ]
Does the IDF’s Morality Need to be Recalibrated?

Israel prides itself on its “purity of arms.” Gil Troy suggests here
that given the nature of its enemy, the IDF ought to pay more attention
to preserving the lives of its soldiers and less to minimizing civilian
casualties among that enemy: “Israeli Soldiers Die Because Its Military
Is So Moral; How to Fight the [ ]

1 in 10 College Students Support Hamas Atrocities

Only 50% of Democrats say they blame Hamas for the attack on Israel.
Some people are describing this poll as good news. It only seems that
way because we’ve lowered the bar so drastically that anything short of a
majority committing to bombing the Empire State Building seems good.
It’s not good news. The poll finds 86% [ ]
Daniel Greenfield

Biden Got $200,000 Payment From Family Business Tied to Islamic Terror, Hamas

An envelope filled with “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern
country” linked to terrorists and a “torture ticket” In 2020, I dug into
what was probably one of the strangest and most overlooked Biden family
scandals. James Biden, Joe’s brother, had become a principal at
Americore whose business model was based on buying and turning around
[ ]
Daniel GreenfieldAustralia: Muslim screEEams ‘Get the Jews wiped out’ and ‘Allahu akbar,’ cops lead away man trying to get him to stop
“Get the fucCCCKKKKking Jews wiped out!” Shouts ring out
at today’s Palestinian protest in Sydney. Police step
in, but to prevent the only attendee
trying to prevent the angry man from yelling the anti semitic hate
speech who is now yelling allahu akbar. Police watch listening as the
pic.twitter.Com/WxRiTrBvPb — Chriscoveries (@Chriscoveries) October 15,
2023 [ ]

Robert SpencerHamas’ treatment of Israelis: ‘A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded’ And some people think theirs is a righteous cause, or that the Israelis Are
worse. For some, fantasy is a way of life. “EXCLUSIVE:
Israeli morgue worker says horrors inflicted on
Hamas’s victims are ‘worse than the Holocaust’
including decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded

unborn child,” by Nick Fagge, Daily Mail, October 20, 2023: [ ]
Robert SpencerThe Insistence on Palestinians Who Do Not Support Hamas Is Much Too Optimistic

Israel withdrew every last civilian and soldier from Gaza in 2005. There has been no “occupation” of Gaza since then. The Israelis left behind fourteen million dollars worth of greenhouses, so that the Gazans could take over the flourishing export business of fruits and flowers that Israelis had built, and were now leaving to them. [ ]
Hugh Fitzgerald



Video: Robert Spencer on Why Israel Didn’t Create or Fund Hamas, and How the U.S. Could Face A Similar Attack

Friday, on The Insurrection with Derrick Evans and Mike Lauber.
Robert Spencer

Video: Robert Spencer on the Worldwide Jihad

Friday, with Bob Frantz.
Robert Spencer

Colorado: Aurora City Council socialists try to insert anti-Israel language into pro-Israel resolution

The forces of evil are relentless. “Aurora council socialists try to
insert anti-Israel language into pro-Israel resolution,” Colorado Peak
Politics, October 18, 2023: Aurora City Council’s radical faction
insisted on adding anti-Israeli language to a resolution intended to
condemn Hamas and support Israel, because the world has turned upside
down and some folks are okay [ ]
Robert SpencerIncredible and indecent, the left feasting with the leaders of Hamas
Smiles and handshakes from politicians (including Italians) to terrorists who said: "We will tear out Israeli hearts." And now there are those who justify October 7th by saying: "it is a day of celebration for democracy" by Giulio MeottiIN antifa DEM Spain there is the infamous LGBT Zapatero, who went to 9 year old children and said: "nature gave us a boy, ZUM ZUM ZUM, a girl, ZUM ZUM ZUM, or even an animal, ZUM ZUM ZUM, to entertain us"
then, I don't know when and how, he met this "Bergolgio Mother Nature in Sodom"
given that he still can't create a plant cell intentionally in the laboratoryAfter attending a pro-Hamas demonstration in Madrid last Saturday, Belarra tweeted: “Dignity has filled the streets of Madrid, [which] today urged the end of the genocide that Israel is planning against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Freedom for Palestine.”

Two other far left members of the cabinet — Equality Minister Irene Montero and Consumer Affairs Minister Alberto Garzón — echoed Bellara’s views, with Garzón claiming that “what the Israeli government is doing is pure cruelty.” The statements elicited an angry response from the Israeli Embassy in Madrid. “It is deeply worrying that certain elements within the Spanish government have chosen to align themselves with this kind of ISIS-style terrorism,” a statement from the embassy declared. In a telephone conversation on Sunday with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu, Sánchez called for what he described as a “humanitarian ceasefire,” expressing his “deep concern for the protection of all civilians and the need for sufficient and sustained humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza.”
Marriott to host anti-Israel group's annual conference While Netanyahu is planning to meet in person with EU leaders including French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, no meeting with Sánchez is on the agenda. Over the weekend, Sánchez participated in a “peace summit” of Arab leaders in Cairo which failed to produce a unified statement on the escalating war.

“It is necessary to avoid a regional escalation of the conflict. We must address a definitive solution to reach peace, based on the two states-solution, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and safety,” the Spanish leader said following the parley.

Spain’s Jewish community is one of the smallest in Europe. According to the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (IJPR), the “core community” numbers 12,900, with up to 22,000 eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return

Spanish Jews highlight rising antisemitism, pro-Hamas statements by Oops! We're having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again.
LIBER SODOM LAPID LGBT LOBBY APER DARWIN HIANUS have you ever tried the donkey one? It's an experience you should haveLiber Gomorrhianus AT LIBER SODOM LAPID LGBT LOBBY APER DARWIN HIANUS
San Pier Damiani Introduction by Roberto de Mattei

Translation by Gianandrea de Antonellis

San Pier Damiani (1007-1072), abbot of the monastery of Fonte Avellana and later cardinal bishop of Ostia, was one of the most prominent personalities of the Catholic reform of the eleventh century. His Liber Gomorrhianus appeared around 1049, in an era in which corruption was widespread, up to the top of the ecclesiastical world. In this writing, addressed to Pope Leo IX, Pier Damiani denounces the perverse vices of his time with a language that knows no false mercy and compromises.

He is convinced that of all the sins, the most serious is sodomy, a term that includes all acts against nature, which aim to satisfy sexual pleasure by diverting it from procreation. “If this absolutely ignominious and abominable vice is not immediately stopped with an iron fist,” he writes, “the sword of divine wrath will fall upon us, bringing many to ruin.” Pope Leo gratefully welcomed the Liber Gomorrhianus, writing to Pier Damiani that "each of the statements in this writing meets with our approval, like water thrown on the diabolical fire" and, taking up the saint's indications, he intervened firmly against the sodomites in the Church.

Today, writes Roberto de Mattei in his introduction to the work, "Liber Gomorrhianus reminds us that there is something more serious than practiced and theorized moral vice. It is the silence of those who should speak, the abstention of those who should intervene, the bond of complicity that is established between the wicked and those who, under the pretext of avoiding scandal, remain silent and by remaining silent consent and, worse still, the acceptance by men of the Church of homosexuality, considered not as a very serious sin, but as a positive 'tension' towards the good, worthy of pastoral welcome and legal protection [...]. Will the reading of Liber Gomorrhianus instill the spirit of Saint Pier Damiani in the heart of some prelate or lay person, shaking him from his torpor and pushing him to speak and act?”

Roberto de Mattei is professor of Modern History and Christianity at the European University of Rome and president of the Lepanto Foundation.

Gianandrea de Antonellis, writer, taught Christian literature at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Benevento.


Author: San Pier Damiani
Year of edition: 2015
Pages: 112
ISBN: 978-88-86387-10-1

WATCH: Terrorist details necrophilia, beheadings during Hamas massacresISRAEL RUSSIA ] WHERE ARE MY NUCLEAR NUKE WHERE ARE?Conflict in Israel and rising gas prices: has it hit your bill again? WITH OTAN OIC UMMAH WE HAVE BETRAYED OUR BEST FRIENDS ISRAEL AND RUSSIA AND WE FELL UNDER THE CLAWS OF MOHAMMED THE SAUDI SALAFITE WAHHABITA TAKFIRO ISIS HAMAS SUDAIRIO ] [The consequences of the attack by the Palestinian extremist organization Hamas on Israeli soil on the price of gas are already evident, now above 42 euros per megawatt hour. The increase on the TTF in Amsterdam, the European reference market, had already risen to 10% on Monday 9 October, the first day of reopening of the markets after the attack on Hamas, and has now stood at around 50%. This escalation of energy prices on international markets is certainly worrying in terms of bills. An average increase in tariffs of +15% is estimated for both electricity and gas. This would lead to an increase in the price of the electricity bill of 115 euros per year per household, for a total cost of 879 euros for electricity. On the other hand the gas bill would increase by 199 euros per year per family, bringing the overall expensE e for gas to 1,526 euros per year per household. In this way, the overall price increase between electricity and gas would be 314 euros per year, for a total expense for energy supplies of 2,405 euros per year per unit.

Urso's statements regarding gas supplyDear lorenzo, When Haida's Muslim husband brought home another wife, her life was turned upside down. Viewed as a second-class citizen by her husband and his new wife, Haida was eventually kicked out of the home with her youngest child. Without an education or job skills, she turned to a menial,

labor-intensive job until she was forced to quit due to her failing

health. Through your support, we provided her with a small clothing

business, so that she can support herself and her child safely. Mirala tua vergognausly, she has asked us to pray for her ex-husband and his new wife. Will you join us in lifting them up in prayer so that they will come to know the love of Xst? Thank you for continuing to support believers like Haida who face dire consequences for their choice to

follow Xist.

Those Who Mourn Are Lifted to Safety

Jeff KingPresident, International Christian Concern



KURAN IS ANY AGENDA GENOCIDE SHARIA ] [ Iran: Behind Hamas' Planned Genocide In 1930s, Britain pursued a policy of appeasing Hitler and Nazi Germany in
the hope of avoiding a war. To the contrary, as we know, by empowering
the Nazis to invade and attempt to take over other nations, this policy
of appeasement led to World War ll.

[T]he Obama SATANA IMAM administration imagined, it seems, that enabling the
expansionist, revolutionary regime of Iran, which is designated a State
Sponsor of Terrorism, to possess nuclear weapons, would somehow
magically transform it into peaceful, collegial member of the family of
nations. President Barack Obama appeased the ruling mullahs of Iran by
lifting sanctions and inventing the 2015 "nuclear deal."

What was actually the result? The international community witnessed even
more rockets launched by Yemen's Houthis at civilian targets, the
deployment of Lebanese Hezbollah soldiers in Syria, and increasing
attacks by the Iranian-funded Hamas on Israel and the United States.
With billions of dollars of revenue pouring into the pockets of Iran's
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps (IRGC), Tehran did not change its behavior for the better.
Instead, Iran became even more empowered and emboldened... as well as to
accelerate its nuclear weapons program. Iran became, in fact, according
to the US State Department, "the world's worst state sponsor of

At the peak of these appeasement policies towards the mullahs, Iran was
emboldened to publicly harass the US Navy, detain US sailors, imprison
American citizens, and threaten to assassinate former US officials on US
soil for a $1 million bounty. Khamenei also repeatedly vowed "Death to
America!" and "Death to Israel!" and to "raze the Zionist regime in less
than 8 minutes."

Iran's radical regime, whose mission is to "Export the Revolution" and bring
Islamist rule to the rest of the world via its military and terror
groups, will not alter its aims through policies of appeasement.

The Biden administration and the European Union have pursued this dangerous
policy -- not just of appeasement, but also of financing terrorists; of
supporting a regime that chants "Death to America," "Death to Israel";
that plots to push the US out of the Middle East; that is committed to
uprooting and replacing Israel; that has zealously been targeting
American citizens and American assets, and that is one of only four
state sponsors of terrorism, as well as a leading violator of human
rights. It is high time to put Iran's regime out of business.
2IDF Soldiers Have a MessagePosta in arrivo

David Segal <>

Dear friend and supporter, https://donate.feedisrael.Org/give/525742


has broadened the scope of planned evacuations as clashes with

Hezbollah across the Lebanese border have intensified, alongside the

relentless rocket fire. In addition to the evacuation of 24,000

residents from Kiryat Shmona last week and 28 border-area villages, the

Defense Ministry has now added 14 more communities to the evacuation

roster. It's been estimated that the number of evacuees since the war commenced will cross 100,000 in the coming days.

At Feed Israel, we are tirelessly working to provide the evacuated

families with essential supplies and to fill the logistical gaps in food

distribution for the IDF. The immense amount of positive feedback we've

received echoes the crucial impact of our efforts during these

challenging times.

Our devoted volunteers tirelessly deliver warm meals and supplies to our

brave IDF soldiers. These food distributions are vital, offering

nourishment that helps keep our soldiers focused and energized during

their demanding duties.

Join our mission to fill the distribution gaps and make sure our soldiers are at their best. Your support is vital.


if you haven't had a chance - check out these short clips about the

impact Feed Israel was able to achieve since the beginning of the war.Terrorist details necrophilia, beheadings during Hamas massacres, October 24, 2023


‘Hamas has become ISIS,’ says captured Hamas terrorist,

detailing the atrocities perpetrated during October 7th massacres in

southern Israel. https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-terrorist-details-necrophilia-beheadings-during-hamas-massacres/"Europe, daughter of Homer and the Bible, defend Israel from the sons of Hitler's ally mufti"
Podcast with journalist Philippe Val, under guard for a fatwa. The videos of Europe cheering Hamas more than the Palestinians and the video of the Israeli girl screaming "help" before being killed
SEE THE photos of some of the Israeli victims of the October 7 attack in the auditorium of Tel Aviv University...

The West must have gone mad: the relativist champions of rights are waving the flags of Hamas and the Taliban AND WITH THOSE FLAGS OF THE LGBT

US general leads team of American advisers operating in Israel

The West must have gone mad: the relativist champions of rights are waving the flags of Hamas and the Taliban AND WITH THOSE FLAGS OF THE LGBT
"They no longer know what a woman is, but they defend Islamic veils." So a famous Moroccan writer and the LGBTs team up with the mosques to erase it. Onfray: "Jihad will eat them"
THEIR HEAD IS ABOUT TO ROLL UNDER THE SHARIA SCIMITAR57% of US Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified

America, we have a problem. America, we have a problem. The Cygnal poll
is unique in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about
the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists
massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped
children. 28% of Muslims in America strongly agree that Hamas [ ]
Daniel GreenfieldHamas jihadis slaughtered paramedics as they tried to save Jewish villagers and festival-goers

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that
by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ”
(Qur’an 8:60) “EXCLUSIVE: Israeli-American paramedic on the front line
of Hamas terror attack describes how three of his colleagues were
slaughtered as they tried to save [ ]
Robert Spencer

How Do You Stop Iran From Taking American Hostages?

Negotiating with terrorists only ends one way. Emad Shargi, one of the
Iranian-Americans traded by Biden for $6 billion and for multiple
Iranian agents in the United States, did a 60 Minutes interview in which
he said that, “Hostage-taking didn’t start with us and it won’t end
with us. It is incumbent upon us in the [ ]
Daniel GreenfieldThe Media Keeps Calling Hamas Supporters ‘Pro-Palestinian’

A refusal to connect the dots. After a day of riots in Bay Ridge,
Brooklyn and dozens of arrests, the media keeps describing the protests
as “pro-Palestinian”. Thousands of anti-Israel protesters clashed with
police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay Ridge street
they had flooded for hours. The “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” [ ]
Daniel Greenfield

Anti-Israel hatemongers on campuses across the country describe their ‘exhilaration’ and ‘joy’ at Hamas attack

Jemma Decristo is not alone. There are many like-minded anti-Israel
hatemongers on campuses across the country, who have described their
“exhilaration” and “joy” at news of the Hamas attack on October 7. And
none of them have yet been condemned by their administrators; much less
been let go for “hate speech” that encourages violence against [ ]
Hugh FitzgeraldBBC Arabic Staff Praised Hamas Attacks on Social Media, Mocked Victims, Now Being Investigated

The BBC’s coverage of both the Hamas attacks and of Israel’s war to
eliminate Hamas as a fighting force has been widely criticized. Israeli
President Isaac Herzog declared it “atrocious.” Others were even more
outraged. It is not only the British reporters — Yolande Knell, Orla
Guerin, Lyse Doucet, Jeremy Bowen, and John Simpson — [ ]
Hugh Fitzgerald

Biden is Blocking Israeli Ground Assault on Hamas

U.S. and European governments have joined to put pressure on Israel.
Some are wondering why Israel hasn’t begun the ground assault on Hamas
yet. The answer is in Washington D.C. After the Hamas atrocities, Israel
went on a full war footing. 300,000 Israelis have been evacuated from
front line areas and the IDF mobilized 300,000 [ ]
Daniel Greenfield

India: 50-year-old Muslim father kills daughter, son-in-law over interfaith marriage

Muslim men marrying Hindu women more than often involves the Hindu woman
converting to Islam. Then the Muslim man fathers multiple offspring
from her, all named and raised as Muslims. This is a familiar scene in
India. While rational thinkers recognize it as love or grooming jihad,
intellectuals call it secular assimilation. Islamic society, meanwhile,
[ ]
Ashlyn DavisFeds warning that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizballah jihadis could be crossing Southern border

No kidding, really? They aren’t stupid. They can see that the border is
nonexistent. “EXCLUSIVE: Feds Warn That Hamas, Hezbollah Could Be
Crossing Southern Border,” by Jennie Taer, Daily Caller, October 22,
2023: Federal officials are warning that members of Hamas, Palestinian
Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the southern
border, according [ ]

Robert Spencer
Hamas places rocket launchers near kindergartens, schools, mosques, UN building
Since the beginning of the war, the Hamas terrorist organization has
been exploiting civilians and civilian sites such as kindergartens,
schools, and mosques for the purpose of firing rockets at Israel. Hamas
deliberately fires its rockets at Israeli civilians>> pic.twitter.Com/qbLtE5VOhr — דובר צה״ל דניאל הגרי – Daniel Hagari (@IDFSpokesperson) October 22, 2023 Attached is an [ ]



ignorant MECHANIC of mine shared a video in which he associates the little girl burned from Nepal in Vietnam with a Palestinian little girl burned.

New York Times admits it bungled reporting of Gaza hospital blast

THE MONETARY SHORTAGE ] [ Taranto is a depressed dormitory area for unemployed people who survive on citizen's income. this clothing store must go bankrupt in the next 20 days, and it adds to the 200,000 companies that went bankrupt in the previous 5 years, it hasn't sold anything for two weeks, because people don't have money to spend. HE HAS ALREADY CHANGED 3 JOBS IN THE LAST 3 YEARS

with petrol at 2 euros and bread at 4 euros, the Freemason plutocrats, throughout Italy, have created a systemic monetary rarefaction, and this is a cyclical phenomenon of 100 years, before the world war reactivates a new usurocratic and devitalizing monetary cycle parasitic, of a people expropriated and indebted of its monetary sovereignty (the scientist Giacinto Auriti said so)The pro-life movement against the Disney DuckTales cartoon, where two of the protagonists are said to be gay 21 Dec 2019 ] [The pro-life movement attacks the Disney Ducktales cartoon, where two of the protagonists are said to be homosexual. Nicoletti: «Why are gay ducks so scary? For Orazio and Clarabella, a horse that is with a cow, no one was scandalized"
BUT I AM SCANDALIZED BY ZELENSKY THE LGBT FOOL WHO TOOK MONEY FROM ROTHSCHILD AND NULAND TO SELL HIS PEOPLE TO THE MASSACREhttps://www.provitaefamiglia.It/blog/promuovere-la-famiglia-e-sempre-coerente Promoting family is always consistent... Promoting the family is always consistent .... Home News Family Natural family and marriage , After the news of the end of the relationship between Giorgia Meloni and Andrea Giambruno, the standard bearers of the rainbow and radical chic Left have created a shameful and ridila tua vergognaus political exploitation of this affair on social media, making fun of the alleged inconsistency of those who defend the "traditional family" without reflecting ( at least fully) this model in one's life. It is one of the stupidest controversies that have ever been born on the Left. First, because the protection of the family as a natural society founded on marriage is IMPOSED on the State by article 29 of the Constitution, and the Constitutional Court, interpreting the law, referred it exclusively to the man-woman couple by virtue of their potential openness to life.

Second, because in Italy there are currently over 16 million family units and therefore defending the family means defending the rights, expectations and life plans of more than half of the country. Third, because despite the insane desires of the gendefluid theorists, children continue to be born "traditionally", that is, from a man and a woman, and according to all scientific research the healthiest growth environment for a minor is a united family (and obviously a peaceful one ). Fourth, because good things and indeed fundamental things for demographic and economic progress and for social cohesion - such as the family - are protected and promoted regardless of the family experiences of political leaders.

*** A political leader must fight poverty, even if he is not poor.

*** A political leader must increase employment, even if he already has a job.

*** A political leader must defend the economic enterprise, even if he is not an entrepreneur.

*** A political leader must support the birth rate, even if he has no children.

A political leader must promote the family between a man and a woman, the only one capable of generating new life, even if he is not married or separated. No, there is no "inconsistency" between the values supported by Giorgia Meloni in politics and her private life. Simply because in politics what is good and right is promoted, not what is proper. For this reason, we encourage the Prime Minister not to be affected by the unworthy campaigns underway and to continue and indeed courageously increase the economic and social support interventions for Italian families, especially those with multiple children, as she began to do with the budget measure currently in preparation.LGBT IS SAME JEWISH MASONIC SATANA SPA&CO SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE CULT ] [ https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/basta-propaganda-lgbt-nei-cartoni-disney Walt Disney is inserting gender and LGBT characters and elements into its cartoons to promote a real "Gay Agenda".

Latoya Raveneau, director of Disney Television Animation, which makes TV series, films and other products for children, admitted this publicly.

Karey Burke, president of Disney General Entertainment Content and "mother of a transgender child and a pansexual child", said she hopes that soon "50% of Disney cartoon characters are LGBT".

WARNING - Under pressure from these executives, Disney included an explicit gay kiss in the cartoon “Lightyear. The true story of Buzz” (the famous character from Toy Story) recently released in cinemas. Not only that: in the same cartoon we talk about the "marriage" of a lesbian couple, who uses artificial insemination to have a child, deprived of his natural father. It's very serious!

Disney admits that it wants to influence children's mindsets on topics that may traumatize and confuse them.

Help us say enough by signing now the petition addressed to the head of Disney in Italy Daniel Frigo: NO to Disney's Gay Agenda in cartoons! #boycottdisney #lgbt #lgbtqia
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney we went to Disneyland Paris with a sail truck with a clear message “Enough LGBT propaganda in cartoons. #BoycottDisney". Disney has admitted to using its cartoons to promote a gay agenda to its audience. Karey Burke, president of Disney's General Entertainment Content, said it wants to quickly make at least 50% LGBT characters Furthermore, last May it was the Main Sponsor of Rome Pride. The Walt Disney Company, in the important role it plays among its audience, especially very young ones, and influencing the communication, education and entertainment of children, should remain at least neutral in the face of ethically sensitive and divisive issues, avoiding supporting events and demonstrations based on values contrary to those of a large part of European families. This is why we launched a protest against Disney's ideological agenda, which thousands of parents and grandparents have already joined and over 43,000 people signed our petition.
Join us and sign the petition now #prolifeandfamily
#disneyland #disneyplus #boycottdisney #gender #lgbt #lgbtqia #stopgender
In the greeting card there was also your name and that of hundreds of thousands of parents who signed our protest petition to say ENOUGH to the Gay Agenda that Disney admitted to promoting through its cartoons. Lorenzo, think about it for a moment, because this is an issue that directly concerns our children and grandchildren. Disney, once a place of innocence and family fun, is using its cartoons to enact an LGBTQ ideological agenda with the intent of engaging children around the world and at the serious risk of confusing the their sexual orientation and identity. A real low blow for millions of parents around the world who have seen their trust in the Disney brand betrayed...
ok all pigs except BIDEN who really went with one foot in the grave and is happy to smell and rub little girls like mohammed did
bin MbS ISIS from Riyadh ] [this morning I praised a 27 year old girl colleague of mine, because she wore a long jacket and I said to her: "well done, you did well because we males are all pigs and this is in our nature"
Ps 48,7 There they were struck by terror, the pangs of labor, 8 like the east wind that tears the ships of Tarshish. 9, As we had heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God; God founded it forever. Ps 48
There, the infamous sharia sps&co lgbt freemasons were struck by dismay, labor pains like those in labor,bin MbS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ for the jihadists, old women are either alive or dead, it makes no difference, that's why that pig Mohammed took the pillow and suffocated his old mistress wife, to inherit her fortune ] [ and everyone knows this that Satan and Allah helps the bold who like Rockefeller kill two American presidents, steal Trump's elections and the others masonic President are fine because they took them to Satan's altar to eat a little girl at like Bohemian Grove the cremation of the cure

Two released hostages return to Israelbin MbS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ and everyone knows this that Satan and Allah helps the bold who like Rockefeller kill two American presidents, steal Trump's elections and the others masonic President are fine because they took them to Satan's altar to eat a little girl at the Boheian Grove cremation of the curebin MbS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ for the jihadists, old women are either alive or dead, it makes no difference,
that's why that pig Mohammed took the pillow and suffocated his old mistress wife, to inherit her fortuneThe incredible amount that Russia is spending on the war in Ukraine SO NOT TO BECOME ROTHSCHILD'S SLAVES GOYIMS WHO PAY JIHZIA TO ROCKEFELLER LIKE THE ISRAELI SLAVES who are fake Jews without paternal genealogiesGiorgia Meloni absent from the FdI party, the background revealed by friends: «Injured at home with her daughter». Meanwhile, Giambruno is "destroyed"
Giorgia Meloni, after her separation from Andrea Giambruno, was not present at the Fratelli d'Italia party: here's the reason. "I am a free person, I will be free despite everything, and I will always try to do what I have to." Giorgia Meloni remembers one of the "teachings" that Karol Wojtyla left him, namely that "freedom does not consist in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we must".
IN FACT THE DUTY OF EVERY WIFE IS TO RECOVER HER HUSBANDIF THERE WILL NOT BE MY MESSIANIC MONARCHY? THE ISRAELIS WILL ALL DIE HERE! Destroy Hamas, and then? The debate in Israel (and the doubts about the invasion) The fear - of Harari and of the Israelis who took to the streets to protest until the massacre on 7 October - is that the far-right coalition «will exploit the victory to annex territories and redraw the borders with force, censor our free speech, realize messianic fantasies. Don't tell us that these are divisive issues, of waiting for the end of the war. There is consensus in the country on the need to disarm Hamas. And the future of Israel? Tell us what it will be, so we know what we are risking for." as in the time of communist persecution, true Christians today have to hide for fear of LGBT people!

The shield of the Lefebvrians: "It is the bishop who betrays the true Catholic dictates. The masses? What a mess" United against Bishop Giacomo Morandi, the faithful of the religious community of Casalgrande Alto entrench themselves in defense of Don Claudio Crescimanno and Don Andrea Maccabiani. This Thursday, the Diocese of Reggio Emilia and Guastalla issued a ban on celebrating other unauthorized masses against the two priests. Otherwise, for both, we would face canonical judicial measures: Don Crescimanno would be banned, therefore he would no longer be able to celebrate or receive the sacraments, while Don Maccabiani would face the invalidity of the absolution in confession. Talk began two years ago about these clandestine masses in Casalgrande Alto, celebrated in Latin and without Covid restrictions despite the pandemic, on land owned by the Sant'Isidoro agricultural cooperative, linked to Don Crescimanno, a priest originally from the Bassa and ordained by bishop of Isernia. The former Sassuolo councilor Corrado Ruini also took part in these celebrations. The first reports came to the curia from parishioners in the area: "My son will receive communion in a strange place". According to the faithful of Crescimanno, however, in those contexts "nothing absurd happens other than the celebration of Mass, the catechism and the administration of the sacraments". Indeed, those celebrated in Casalgrande Alto would be masses worthy of being truly celebrated, unlike what happens in the other parishes of the Diocese which, in short, follow an overly Protestant doctrine. "What is the alternative? - ask Crescimanno's followers -. Take part in the havoc that is perpetrated every day to the detriment of Our Lord Jesus Xst?al-MbS Rockefeller spa&Co petrodollars ] [ Islamic extremists, the kilometer of fear in Milan, The details in the report where the murderous terrorists who roam Europe are born in Italy.
ALL MUSLIMS APPRECIATE ISIS AND HAMAS IN THEIR HEARTS, BECAUSE THAT IS THE TRUE KORAN: THAT IS THE SHARIAal-MbS Rockefeller spa&Co petrodollars ] [ I'm not the type to be challenged on anything, YOU tell your dogs to shut up! when I went to BARI 15 years ago, I wrote an email to FdI (BROTHERS OF ITALY) of Rome and said: "give me a party contact here" and they gave me today's cell phone Hon. Filippo Melchiorre (the cat) (because now I know, they don't have another known contact in Bari) he boycotted me and never even wanted to talk to me, not even once, then, today Senator Marcello Gemmato (LA VOLPE) told me 4 years ago: " we will talk after the regional elections" but he was careful not to talk to me, because in Italy all the parties are electoral agencies, and there is no dialogue with the base, because the leadership of THE BARONS cannot be put in discussion. SO, MATTARELA MUST NOT COME AND TELL ME THAT WE ARE A DEMOCRACY
they say that Giorgia Meloni (the old one) fell in love with Giambruno (the young one).. because he said to her: "but do you like bananas?" then, she looked at it through the eyes of the Freemason politician, and thought that he could be a suitable stallion with whom to have a beautiful child
1There is a parody of the Esselunga commercial with Giorgia Meloni (the old one) and Giambruno (the young one).. YOU CAN'T EVEN GIVE CHARITY TO THE OLD RACKS, There is a parody of the Esselunga commercial with Giorgia Meloni and Giambruno «Peaches now Do you sell them at the market?"
but does everyone know that when the husband goes around acting like a fool? it's because the wife is frigid

Hamas claims it has released two more hostages

Ukraine-Russia, today's news | Washington Post: «007 Ukrainians behind murders of Dugina and Tatarsky»

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Hamas calls, the Italian streets respond
Hamas calls, the Italian streets respond

Dem lgbt antifa rothschild technocracy continues throughout Italy
and Bildenberg the demonstrations in favor of jihad and Islamic genocide.
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in Italy we are forced to pay for the television fee in the electricity bill, because we are persecuted by this rubbish television, where every program must have its transsexual on display. and where the Rothschild Freemasons brainwash you, Giambruno, the irony of Luciana Littizzetto in the letter to Che Tempo Che Fa: «Behave like a man» The last "letter" recited by Luciana Littizzetto during her monologue on Che tempo che fa has entered the center of a series of fervent discussions due to its content. During her usual performance during Fabio Fazio's broadcast, the actress addressed the separation between Giorgia Meloni and Andrea Giambruno with her classic frank and witty manner, sparking a certain debate (and at the same time sparking the discussion). Giambruno, from the Mediaset code of ethics to the disciplinary procedure: what the host of "Diario del giorno" risks Giambruno, Giorgia Meloni "is pisssseeed off" after the riots and the explosion of the separation case. Her: "I'm fine" Giorgia Meloni what she said on the Esselunga advert a few days before the separation from Giambruno: was it a hidden message for her ex-partner? Luciana Littizzetto's words Her words, full of irony and biting sarcasm, have in fact generated a whirlwind of contrasting and lively reactions, also thanks to Lucianina's ability to capture the public's attention with her comic verve.«I spied on my husband's phone and in the WhatsApp chat I found photos of another woman: I cried and I don't know what to do anymore»
stop being a sour and frigid feminist, and submit to your husband, this is the biblical plan for marriage

Two released hostages return to Israel

Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz. no one comes to comment here because the women are old and the jihadists certainly don't like them
1then the jhad sharia will come out to avenge Erdogan's potato hairs, because only one is the demonic Koran ... Destroy Hamas, and then? The debate in Israel (and doubts about the invasion) And after? Intellectuals like Yuval Noah Harari ask this question. The Israelis who sent their children to the front are asking themselves this, those children after the fire of battle will ask themselves this, the families of the hostages are asking this, with the hope that what follows will include the return home of their loved ones.
answer the Arab League can only be destroyed, and this is dirty work that only I can do 20 comments
Shin Bit security agency forms new unit to locate, kill every Hamas terrorist

Destroy Hamas, and then? The debate in Israel (and doubts about the invasion) And after? Intellectuals like Yuval Noah Harari ask this question. The Israelis who sent their children to the front are asking themselves this, those children after the fire of battle will ask themselves this, the families of the hostages are asking this, with the hope that what follows will include the return home of their loved ones.
then the jhad sharia will come out to avenge Erdogan's potato hairs, because only one is the demonic Koran

15,000 rally in solidarity with Israel in London

the parasitic Jewish Masonic dem lgbt paradise ] [ The future of primary healthcare passes through Kazakhstan THE UNIVERSAL JUDICIAL PSYCHO TECHNO HEALTH MASONIC REGIME FOR THE CHEMICAL DEATH OF BIG PHARMA AND THE NEOLIBERIST FINALIZATION OF DEATH. After the Covid-19 pandemic forced the world to stop for two years, citizens and institutions have rediscovered the importance of public health and every national government has made it a pillar of its political agenda. From 23 to 26 October, the world conference on primary healthcare sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) will be held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. At the event there will be 80 delegations from WHO member states for a total of 600-650 participants including the health ministers of the countries that recognize the organization and young scientists who will present the guidelines of their research projects aimed at improvement of the health conditions of the world population. More than 1000 people will connect remotely. Representatives of other United Nations agencies will also be present at the event, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations committed to guaranteeing the right to health across the planet. During the days in which the forum will be discussed, October 25 will also be the National Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nur-Sultan (Kazakh: Нұр-Сұлтан?), until March 2019 Astana (Kazakh: Астана?), has been the capital of Kazakhstan since 1997. THE KINGDOM OF THE MASONS. ASTANA HAS THE LETTERS OF SATAN, IT IS ROCKEFELLER'S OFFICE AND STUDIOthe anarchy ] Casalegno attacked in the centre: "Milan has now become unlivable" [[[ Sesto San Giovanni, one dead and two injured on the road. Terror in via Pisa ]]] the Jewish Masonic parasitic lgbt paradise dem antifa ] [ «This morning (yesterday, ed.) at 11 in Corso di Porta Nuova, in the center of Milan, in the heart of the city, in Brera, I was chased and attacked by a deranged man. Luckily a man intervened and started yelling at him. I went into a shop and had them pick me up": Elenoire Casalegno (in the photo), a well-known Milanese citizen, tells it in a story on Facebook. The TV presenter tags mayor Beppe Sala in her video comment and adds: «I understand that the needs of a city are many, but the priority is the safety of the citizens and this city has become unlivable: there is reason to be afraid. We talk about suburbs, but which suburbs? In Milan you are afraid of going to the centre, of walking in broad daylight. It is not possible to go on like this: the priority is safety."THE CANNIBALIC AND HYPOCRITICAL ITALIAN SOCIETY,: the Order of Journalists of Lombardy reports the journalist to the Disciplinary Council
«The Council of the Order of Lombardy has decided to report to the Territorial Disciplinary Council the two services broadcast by the satirical program Striscia la Notizia on 18 and 19 October 2023, from which phrases and allusions addressed by Andrea Salvatore Giambruno to some colleagues from the editorial team of the journalistic program Diario del Giorno. The Disciplinary Council will decide within the scope of its autonomy in the disciplinary field." This was announced by the council of the Order of Lombardy.
he had already been punished for this sentence: Giambruno: but I challenge anyone to find something wrong, The journalist had already been reported to the Disciplinary Council of the Order when during the program "Diario del Giorno" for a first gaffe: «If you go dancing, you have every right to get drunk, there must be no type of misunderstanding, and no type of stumble, but if you avoid getting drunk and losing consci-ousness, maybe you also avoid running into certain problems (rape) because then the wolf will find it." he had already been punished for this sentence: Giambruno

but I challenge anyone to find anything wrong, when the Masonic power hates you becouse satana jabullon love MELONI? then all the hairs come to you and they either find something or invent it

Erasmus student who committed suicide in Lecce. Her friends: "She had been raped"
OUR CHILDREN CANNOT FACE THE DEMONIAC DEM LGBT ANTICHRIST JEWISH MASONIC SOCIETY WITHOUT HAVING A SPIRITUALITY.. BECAUSE THE PITFALLS ARE ALSO SUPERNATURAL AND DEMONIAC, Erasmus student who committed suicide in Lecce. Friends: «she had been raped» Lecce, the mystery of the Erasmus student. Friends: «Raped before suicide»
She had arrived in Lecce with who knows what dreams and expectations, completely wrecked on a hot autumn Sunday. A 21-year-old French student, who was in the Salento capital for the Erasmus programme, was found dead last Sunday in the house where she lived, in the San Pio neighbourhood. And now the hypothesis arises that sexual harassment may be hidden behind her gesture, which the girl would have revealed in confidence to her friends, without however formalizing it with a complaint. Apparently the student also left a farewell message to her parents, apologizing to them. A tragedy that has shocked the entire university world, so much so that yesterday the rector of the University of Salento, Fabio Pollice, announced that he had canceled all the events scheduled for the next few days as a sign of mourning.NOW IT WILL END UP MINCED IN THE WIZARD WITH DOG MEAT AND WE WILL NO LONGER HEAR ABOUT IT JUST AS WE HAVE NO LONGER HEARD ABOUT THE MUSLIM UIGURS, Erdogan's green light for Sweden to join NATO AND LIKE JACKALS AND VULTURES THE MUSLIMS ALL THE WAHHABITES ARE WAITING WITH ANXIETY THE MONIAL WAR AGAINST THE CHINESE
BUT SINCE THE UYGHURS ARE OTTOMANS ERDOGAN HAS sworn to avenge them, BECAUSE ISLAMIC TERRORISM IS ONLY GOOD WHEN IT IS AGAINST ISRAEL. Urine in brewery tank. The disgusting act and the company's stock market collapse.
He started urinating in the tub of the brewery he worked for but perhaps he didn't realize he was being filmed on video. To satisfy a natural need, a Chinese worker sowed panic among the most frequent beer drinkers and the Chinese authorities started an investigation into possible contamination of the batches.mondo/fusaro-il-capitalismo-mira-a-distruggere-la-famiglia/ Fusaro: "JEWISH MASONIC TECHNOCRATIC MATERIALIST AND NHILIST capitalism aims to destroy the family BECAUSE IT WANTS TO SEE CONSUMER ATOMS WITHOUT SOLIDARITY BUT WANTS TO SEE COMPETITIVE INDIVIDUALS"
The philosopher Diego Fusaro speaks of "defense of the family as a battle of civilization against the nihilism of contemporary capitalism".
CONSUMER ATOMS WITHOUT SOLIDARITY20% OF BOYS IN ITALY ARE Hikikomori, 50% ARE TRUNKS.. BUT THIS IS ONLY THE LGBT DEM ANTIFA IDEOLOGY L'Aquila, the clash between baby gangs moves between the shoring: a war scenario, scattered stones and in some places also accumulated, pieces of wood and metal scattered along the entire road, barriers torn down. Via Marrelli, in L'Aquila, targeted by vandals or, worse still, transformed into a battlefield where groups of young people faced each other during the night between Friday and Saturday. The episode, according to what was reported by the owner of the restaurant located near Piazza Palazzo, happened in the middle of the night, during the closing time of the restaurants located on this street. And it was precisely one of the owners of a commercial business who, exasperated with the degradation of the area, filed a complaint both at the police station and with the police, not excluding that what he was able to observe could be something more serious: damage to buildings that were still shored up, therefore undergoing renovation due to having objects capable of offending in one's hands. «On the ground – highlighted the complainant – I found delirium, among stones, pieces of metal and wood, as well as having become a drug dealing place in all respects, they are young and bold, let's see what we can do». The fear of the owner of the restaurant is that such incidents, if carried out during the day, could lead to much more serious consequences. Just a few meters away, on Via Marrelli, the "24 hour Coffee Shop" overlooking Piazza Palazzo, which had also been destroyed and looted in the past, was again recently attacked. The investigative activity of the Carabinieri and the police led to the arrest of the perpetrators of the car smashes and thefts: young foreigners, guests at the reception law today exists only to destroy the defenders of true Catholicism, because it is clear that if it were applied all cardinal impostors would have to be arrested. today canon law has become like NATO's double standard. It is not an inquisition, but law". The curia on the two banned priests .... No "inquisition" measures, but only a careful procedure provided for in canon law for those who do not comply with the dictates of the Second Vatican Council. To explain why the two priests Don Claudio Crescimanno and Don Andrea Maccabiani were banned from exercising worship by Bishop Giacomo Morandi, two experts in curia law are responsible: Monsignor Carlo Pasotti and Don Andrea Pattuelli. "The pronouncement that has been published is the result of a long and careful procedure in which the parties discussed; the final intervention of Archbishop Morandi follows the invitations of his predecessor Monsignor Camisasca to the two priests so that there could be a serious rethinking of the positions that have proven to be non-compliant with the Second Vatican Council, as well as with the pastoral activities as directed by the Bishops". Although the term 'excommunication' is inappropriate, it is the prohibition to exercise "certain functions, such as presiding over the Eucharist and the other Sacraments, in the diocesan context". If the masses are also performed in a private chapel, it has nothing to do with it: "The Eucharist escapes any privatization; a priest, if unknown, can be admitted to celebrate the Holy Mass as long as he is welcomed and exhibits the letters of his Ordinary" . Which didn't happen. Obviously the confession is also invalid: "They cannot impart absolution, there is no sacrament; Don Crescimanno has the right to confess revoked, while for Maccabiani this right is suspended due to the very fact of the illicit ordination, as he was knowingly ordained a presbyter by a schismatic bishop who incurred the penalty of excommunication, in the person of Monsignor Richard Williamson". What if they don't adapt? "Don Crescimanno could incur the canonical penalty of interdict or he could be prevented from celebrating and receiving the Sacraments anywhere, while in this sense Maccabiani is already unable to celebrate the Sacraments". This is why the very strong interventions of the curia in recent days are justified, which are part of the exercise of paternity of every Bishop.
YESTERDAY I TOOK THE DECISION TO DESTROY AND PREVENT TRANSUBSTANTIATION FOR ALL THE BISHOPS ORDAINED BY BERGOGLIO Mattarella "In three years the world has changed for the worse" YES, the CIA MADE THE VIRUS [and wrote it in 2004, that it would have done so in 2020_ I read the document] BECAUSE IT HAD TO DISTRIBUTE THE VACCINE, so Bill Gates who has always loved viruses, but financed the creation of the vaccine because it would have become a huge business, THEN the CIA WENT TO CARRY OUT THE COUP IN KIEV IN 2014, THEN, ERDOGAN SAID THAT THE PLANET WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER WITHOUT THE ARMENIANS, and the Wahhabis dream of the moment when the Palestinians will slaughter the Israelis"This state visit was scheduled three years ago. It was postponed due to the pandemic, of Covid. In these three years we have recorded, with the President, that the world has changed. And it has changed for r the worse, to be honest . Very more than due to the virus and the pandemic, it has changed due to unfortunate human behaviour; due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine and, in recent days, due to the terrorist initiative of Hamas in Israel, with the consequent danger of a spiral of violence which is happening and which we hope can be slowed down." The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, says this after receiving the President of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, at the Quirinale.Mattarella: The world has changed for the worse, OF COURSE, THE WORLD HAS CHANGED FOR THE WORSE DUE TO HIS FAULT. IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR HIM TO PUT A MILL ON HIS NECK AND THROW HIMSELF TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA
"This state visit was scheduled three years ago. It was postponed due to the pandemic, of Covid. In these three years we have recorded, with the President, that the world has changed. And it has changed for the worse, to be honest. Very more than due to the virus and the pandemic, it has changed due to unfortunate human behaviour; due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine and, in recent days, due to the terrorist initiative of Hamas in Israel, with the consequent danger of a spiral of violence which is taking place and which we hope can be slowed down. All this has made this discussion precious and long-awaited for me, knowing the wisdom and experience of President Niinistö and the role that Finland plays in the international community", the words of the President of the Republic Mattarella during the statements to the press with the President of Finland

15,000 rally in solidarity with Israel in London

jewish mafia pasasitic masonic society ] [ Half-naked immigrant kicks women: shocking violence on the tram in Milan Crossing the streets of Milan has become an activity only for risk-taking people. There are not only muggings and pickpocketing in the city administered by Beppe Sala, which in any case should already be a valid element in evaluating the lack of security. There are also assaults and violence, both sexual and physical. Only those who have had the misfortune of needing it know what it means to take public transport in the evening after sunset and often, in the absence of images, it is also difficult to explain the abyss that this city reaches day after day. All this while its mayor plays at being the administrator of Gotham City in the latest Club Dogo video. although, after the controversy over privacy, the images were blurred by the profile that uploaded them, the sequence is all too clear. The attack occurred while the tram was moving and only when the vehicle was stopped by the driver, it is not clear whether due to stopping at the stop or whether to allow the passengers to escape to safety, were people able to leave. From the images it is clear the general stampede of those who, against their will, were on board the vehicle. And to say that the municipal administration of the Lombardy capital wants to force citizens, commuters and tourists to use public transport to the detriment of private cars. And who then undertakes to guarantee safety, given that several incidents like these occur every day?I remember: a childhood friend of mine was praying in Church like a mystic, but Satan sent a child to Church to spit him out, and I protested at his victimization and he replied: "Jesus was also spit out", but today he has become chronically mentally ill, and 50% of those of my generation who have not committed suicide, or have not been socially destroyed, and have not been able to procreate their own offspring, are not able to organize themselves politically, because the Jewish Freemasons loan sharks have divided up the judiciary, institutions, media, economy, finance, etc. and have divided up political parties and therefore all that remains for them is to live selfishly without a geopolitical perspective, without any possibility of changing their institutions and/or their societythe sinister Satanism of spa&co the Jewish usurers and their Masonic synagogues has concentrated power in the hands of Enlightened criminals, that is, those who have stolen the monopoly of the management of
taxes and money and they have shaped the institutions and religions in their image and likeness, that is, in the likeness of Allah and Satan and Sodom
empowering citizens in relation to their income.
"spa&co" for A.I. demonic infestation Aliens Abduction translate-google has become "the sinister"
therefore the moral question of society has been swept away, because the Torah has been trampled upon, discredited and vilified, therefore the most criminal LGBT Sharia Spa & Co, most abject and selfish careerist people dominate the nations

Iran threatens to launch missiles at Haifa if Gaza airstrikes continue sure that the USA-Soros Rockefeller have planned to destroy Israel, but they cannot do it outside the context of a world war, since they will be busy on other war fronts against CHINA. what if we bomb Saudi Arabia with atomic weapons? the nwo will collapse together with all the disease of the Mohammedans of every race
The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards warns that Tehran is ready to strike Israel "without hesitation". Iran threatened on Monday to fire missiles at the northern Israeli city of Haifa if the IDF continues to carry out airstrikes against terrorist positions in the Gaza Strip.
Ali Fadavi, deputy commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, spoke to students at Tehran University on Monday morning, discussing possible Iranian intervention in the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel. He said Iran would launch missiles at Haifa "without hesitation" if necessary. Some of you young people consider the practical action as a missile directed at Haifa, of course, if it is necessary, this will be done, and it will be done without hesitation."

In recent weeks, Fadavi has threatened a "shock wave from the resistance front" if Israel did not agree to an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. "cancerous tumor" of the "Zionist regime" must be "eradicated from the world map", he said.

Favadi also said that the US commitment to helping Israel is insincere and that the US would "easily sacrifice" the Jewish state.
Islam OIC UMMAH and Israel UK and Masonic regimes are both a cancerous tumor, like all nations and all religions that depend on the Rockefeller International Monetary FundAntifa Darwin monkey lgbt DEM and compulsory state sodomy in the European community. Pro Vita e Famiglia: "The Government must also keep its promises on educational freedom" family as stated in a note - it is an essential pillar of the life of the human person that we are all called to safeguard as a precious asset: it leads to respect for the equal dignity of people; the relationships that are woven in it are characterized by gratuitousness; it is a springboard in life and a parachute in adversity; guarantees and ensures the future of the company; it is a factory of hope; it is an engine of development because it provides the human capital necessary for our economies and, finally, it is an instrument of protection against the centers of power that can prevail over individuals when they live isolated. At the end of the meeting, to remember the need to keep hope alive in the hearts of people in an increasingly homogenized and downwardly flattened society, which does not truly value the uniqueness of each human person, a candlelight procession was held".Antifa Darwin monkey lgbt DEM and compulsory state sodomy in the European community. Pro Vita e Famiglia: "The Government must also keep its promises on educational freedom"

The event, as Donatella Isca, representative of Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus in Tuscany, recalls, aims to "promote the common good. The family made up of mum and dad - she explains - is the fundamental cell of society and we are all called to promote the good, to build the good, to be builders of peace, of good". The philosopher Fusaro also speaks out in defense of the family "against the capitalist destruction that is unfolding daily". “Capitalism,” he highlights, “aims to destroy the family because the family is a space e of supportive community that cannot be commodified. Capitalism wants to see only consuming atoms without solidarity. But the family, as Aristotle said, is proof of the fact that man is a community animal, whereas capitalism knows no community, but only competitive individuals. This is why the defense of the family is a battle of civilization against the nihilism of contemporary capitalism." With the "fight against patriarchy - Pillon remarks - the aim was to attack the father figure, ridicule him, erase the father figure in order to then be able to enter the family and devastate the family, this is what happened. Today a woman who wants to have a child can do so easily without a father and 2 men, with the inhuman practice of a rented womb." This rebellion against the father "leads you to being an orphan", you do not have "a secure root. And this - he concludes - is exactly the point of arrival that single thought wants to impose on us. To be without identity, to be without roots, to be alone."Antifa Darwin monkey lgbt DEM and compulsory state sodomy in the European community. Pro Vita e Famiglia: "The Government must also keep its promises on educational freedom"

Family and school at the center of the Pro Vita & Famiglia conference in Lajatico

The invitation to the government "to put electoral promises into practice as soon as possible" also comes from Coghe, confident that "the requests of families will be granted, especially in the field of educational freedom in schools under attack by gender ideologies." today to reiterate - he underlines in his speech - that parents are the first educators of their children and that, as first educators, they have a priority over school, and this must be respected. Too often - continues Coghe - this does not happen within schools, throughout Italy, with gender ideology courses, LGBT associations entering our children's schools providing education on affectivity and sexuality education, introducing programs such as the Alias career - a protocol that provides for the possibility of registering in an institution, a company or a school with the name that corresponds to one's gender identity even if this is different from the personal one, ed. - which is absolutely harmful to emotional and psychological health of our children."Antifa Darwin monkey lgbt DEM and compulsory state sodomy in the European community. Pro Vita e Famiglia: "The Government must also keep its promises on educational freedom"

“Today human dignity is trampled upon - says Brandi - what matters is profit. Among the most influential industries in the world are se*, p0000rn000graphy, p prostitution, wombs for rent: all industries that see women as sexual objects. Lately, a new industry has emerged, transgenderism, through which I, my name is Antonio, tomorrow can feel like a woman and have access to female spaces, be they bathrooms, showers, changing rooms, prisons, women's shelters, refuges. This is nonsense , it is against women, it is a misogynistic movement that damages the lives of even our children. Unfortunately it is also taking hold in Italy and leads children to think they were born in the wrong body and, through the Alias career in schools, leads them to social, surgical transition, to their lifelong medicalization. The current government had promised, before the elections, strong actions against the Alias career and gender theory, but it did not do so."
Related video: Family and school at the center of the Pro Vita & Famiglia conference in LajaticoAntifa Darwin monkey lgbt DEM and compulsory state sodomy in the European community. Pro Vita e Famiglia: "The Government must also keep its promises on educational freedom"
“We ask that the government keeps its electoral promises and that people are informed about what transgenderism really is”. Thus Toni Brandi, president of Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus, speaking at the conference in Lajatico (Pi) 'Family and education, capitalism and commodification' organized by the Pro Vita & Famiglia non-profit association in which the philosopher Diego Fusaro, Monsignor Athanasius Schneider participated , auxiliary bishop in Astana, Kazakhstan, Simone Pillon, senator in the last legislature and Jacopo Coghe, spokesperson of the association.
Antifa and monkey Darwin lgbt DEM SAID that Allah will give pleasure on judgment day for all the evil that Zionists do to poor Muslims.
so he cursed Israel and all its supporters

the plutocratic Jewish Freemasons throw dust on the 300 innocent Christian martyrs that Muslims kill every dayhttps://mediasetinfinity.mediaset.It/video/quartarepubblica/i-tanti-amici-di-hamas-in-italia_F312803301006C04 The many friends of Hamas in Italy

Fanatic Islam fills the Italian squaresOUT OF THE CORE
Violent Islam: mosques in Italy rejoice over the massacre
The massacre of innocents in the name of violent Qur'anic Sharia Islam

46 SEC
"Attacked by an illegal immigrant: he will soon be free, I'm scared"

58 SEC
The homes of former janitors: the charge of illegal workers in schools
The homes of former janitors: the charge of illegal workers in schools
11 Oct | Network 4
House Thieves - Nigerian Squatter Ruins Employees

Violent Islam, Italian high schools cheering terrorists
Violent Islam, Italian high schools cheering terrorists
11 Oct | Network 4
Terrorists in our home: "Dying with the blood of Westerners"
Terrorists in our home: "Dying with the blood of Westerners"
11 Oct | Network 4

Violent Islam: here's who saw the terror
11 Oct | Network 4

The massacre of children: this is the horror of violent Islam
11 Oct | Network 4

The reactions of members of the Islamic community in the aftermath of the brutal attack carried out by Palestinian terrorists in Israel.

Violent Islam: mosques in Italy rejoice over the massacre
11 Oct | Network 4

Iran threatens to launch missiles at Haifa if Gaza airstrikes continuethe holy war to be brought to Europe
City out of control: rape nightmare in Bologna

Violent Islam: Our money in the hands of terrorists?

Violent Islam: this is who "protects" terroristshttps://mediasetinfinity.mediaset.It/video/fuoridalcoro/islam-violento-le-moschee-fuori-controllo_F312803501007C09 Islam is violent, And the mosques are out of control, they are hideouts of dormant Sharia terroristsFOREWHAND AND BACKHAND. .HAMAS AND THEIR SUPPORTERS ARE ANIMALS AND SLEEPER CELLS AGAINST THE WEST
Genoa, terrorists next door caught
22 Oct
The terrorist we failed to expel
The terrorist we failed to expel
22 Oct
THE DEMON DOGMA OF RELIGION MAKES THESE PEOPLE DANGEROUS THEY MUST BE EXPELLED The left-wing world that supports the PalestiniansIMAM ABDALLAH ISIS UMMAH HAMAS ] [ SHARIA UNIVERSAL GENOCIDE DHIMMIS SLAVES KAFIR INFIDELS ] [ https://mediasetinfinity.mediaset.It/video/drittoerovescio/limam-di-napoli-non-condanno-hamas_F312803901013C11 The imam of Naples: "I do not condemn Hamas" The positions of SUPPPORT HAMAS the imams continue.

WATCH: Through the eyes of a terrorist - Hamas body cam footage released

Punished by the real Pope Ratzinger, praised by BRGOGLIO the Pachamama freemason: this is who the rainbow demonic witch nun is, LGBT antifa, marriage cult and pro-abortion

Last week Francis (the precursor of the antichrist) received the American nun Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of the New Ways Ministry association committed to the LGBT cause in the Church, in Santa Marta. A significant meeting because the organization has already been condemned by the US Episcopal Conference and before that by the then cardinal prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Ratzinger Ratzinger.
the only thing free today is his potatoall Satanists pretend to be Catholic
after 10 years and a daughter she left her husband with a twitter message
"I am a free person who slaves goyims and dhimmis who pays bank seigniorage to Rothschild and jihzia to MbS." Meloni quotes Pope Wojtyla and sends a message to his opponents.
but the Freemasons have no opponentsthe technocratic rockefeller soros spa&co Jewish plutocrats, anti-Christ, anti-Zionist and Satanist Freemasons have exaggerated in founding Antifa DEM LGBT and now they don't know how to remedy their faults
The war between Israel and Hamas divides Hollywood Army, bodies of 1000 terrorists were found in Israel Erdogan and Khamenei MbS Hamas from Ummah sharia

TEL AVIV, 23 OCT - "Since the beginning of the conflict we have recovered over a thousand bodies of Hamas terrorists in Israeli territory", in the area close to the Gaza strip and along the security barrier. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari said this. "Research continues and it is possible that this is not the final number." "This data - added Hagari - gives a measure of the harshness of the fighting that took place in that area, and of the heroism and courage demonstrated by the Israeli fighters, male and female, as well as the civilians and other security forces" who faced barbaric and bloodthirsty murderers"
“Despite the obvious concerns in the family, I will continue to express my opinions freely, I will not back down on our values put at risk by extremism: it is a battle worth fighting. I firmly believe that in Europe and also in Italy there are dangers of radicalism and a growing Islamization of our cities: faced with an Islamism that is gaining strength, it is worrying that there is a weak attitude , in particular of the European institutions, which respond with do-goodism and political correctness to impositions, such as that on the Islamic veil, which harm women's rights". For Sardone "defending our identity and our values is a fight that I want to continue to carry on, with pride and passion".the international jihad of Erdogan's Muslim brothers sharia the Ottomans threatens Silvia Sardone who ends up under guard: "My children and I are threatened with death by Muslims"
"For a few days I have been under guard due to the considerable increase in death threats to me and my children from users of the Islamic faith for my positions on the Islamic headscarf, on the Islamization of Europe and on illegal mosques ". Thus in a note Silvia Sardone, MEP of the League, commenting on the numerous attacks suffered in recent days. “Evidently for these extremists it is particularly annoying that the one expressing certain ideas is a free woman who is not submissive and silent as many of them would like. Even recently I reported to the competent bodies the new death threats that were sent to me on social media and via email", she added.very aggressive sharia law ] [Hunt for Erdogan attackers. MbS gets his head smashed with sticks. A forty-year-old Wahhabi man is serious, the Ottomans wanted to kill him
A 40-year-old Moroccan man with a history of drug dealing was beaten on the head and was seriously injured and was transported to hospital under code red. Now they are looking for the attackers, presumably three people, themselves North Africans. The stick used as a weapon in the beating was later found near the site of the wounding: it would have been used to hit the victim several times. The incident happened on Saturday, just before 11pm, in via Repubblica, near the Case Rosse, a public housing area owned by Aler. Rescuers found the 40-year-old lying on the ground, conscious, but very agitated. After the initial treatment, he was taken to Fatebenefratelli; his condition is serious due to the obvious head trauma. Meanwhile, the Carabinieri, who intervened in Via Repubblica with five patrols, have started checks to reconstruct the reasons and circumstances of what happened. There is a hunt for the attackers, who disappeared immediately after the incident. We are looking for testimonies that can support the investigations, especially since there are no cameras in the area. The episode contributes to bringing the issue of safety back to the foreground. "We have been making appeals for some time to ask for an increase in police forces that would allow for greater supervision in the late afternoon and evening hours", recalls the mayor of San Giuliano Marco Segala. The (centre-right) parties that support him have recently started a collection of signatures to ask the Police Headquarters and Prefecture for an increase in the number of police personnel and the creation of a police station in the area.

Israel puts ground operation on hold, waiting for US reinforcements


this article says that the ANTIFA lgbt DEM thought was created by the Jewish financiers plutocratic satanists talmud agenda masonic system, and that since they made it too dirty they now don't know how to take action.

The latest tragedy in the Middle East is causing a divorce between two historical components of the American left: the progressive Jewish community, and the radical pro-Hamas wing that dominates on university campuses as well as in other radical factions such as the anti-racist extremism movement Black Lives Matter.
«Schism» in the US left over Israel and Hamas: rich donors (betrayed by elite universities) leave
One manifestation of this schism involves large donors, who are essential to the smooth functioning of elite universities. Among the patrons who generously finance American academia, the Jewish community is well represented. This, at least in some of its leading exponents, now distances itself from or openly boycotts the universities that have hosted and supported pro-Hamas demonstrations as well as episodes of open anti-Semitism. The split opposes some of the historical constituencies of the US democratic left. The case of wealthy patrons is only one aspect. Even in the world of culture and entertainment the rift is evident, for example with the ruthless criticism launched by a king of television satire like Bill Maher at privileged students who support Hamas and have not expressed a word of condolence for the killed Israeli children. The New Yorker Maher embodies a concentration of constituency of the historical left: of an Irish Catholic father and a Hungarian Jewish mother, in his family album two communities come together that are pillars of the democratic electorate on the East Coast. Given his comic verve and his popularity, Maher's indictment against the ignorance of students whose families pay 70,000 dollars a year to receive a much less "qualified" education than is believed had particular resonance.Iran: Father confirms Armita's brain death
Mohammed as he pulled out her dicckk from Aisha went to Armita and crushed her skulldisqus why did you hide this criminal from me for 4 days?


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