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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Nobel Prize laureate explains why Israel needs legal reforms

  Nobel Prize laureate explains why Israel needs legal reforms

Satan Allah sharia Salman and Rockefeller spa&co said: "all peoples? a single herd of crazy sheep"

/indirizzate-la-rabbia-contro-il-centrodestra-l-invito-choc-della-dem "Direct anger against the center-right". The shock-invitation of the dem [[ the Dems have demonized themselves with occultism and the secret institutions of the technocratic NWO, have occupied the Masonic institutions and have become an alternative human race, because they are a maximalist institutional judicial regime that no longer responds to the constitutional territorial political authorities

The centre-right has also accused the Democratic

Party of having expressed that thought also in an electoral key, exploiting what happened and attacking those who administer only to get votes.

"If this is the Democratic Party of Forlì and the people it prides itsel f on representing, we distance ourselves from it and condemn both its wo


and its actions - the note continues - there is a time for everything, even

for doing electoral campaign. Let's leave it to the PD to do it now,

on the skin of a wounded and aching community ". The PD replied by defending its representative, pilloried according to the dem only for expressing their thoughts. And the controversies , on these bases, they promise to continue further.

After the veil, the abaya: in France the Arab tunic worn by female students at school causes discussion "They reproach us for letting girls in with bare bellies - continues the vice principal - while we refuse the abaya. It is a well-constructed logic that it didn't exist before."

In the country of secularism, where professor Samuel Paty was killed three years ago because he had shown caricatures of Mohammed, attention is high on any problem linked to religious symbols. "The dress that challenges the République" headlined Le Parisien on the front page. Strictly speaking, the abaya is not one of the garments banned by the legislation in force in French schools.


Erdogan told Macron "eih stupid, turn your ears down I'm already the real French president" and he is right in fact ISLAM has become the first religion in France Belgium etc ... while sharia of Ummah arab league octopus jihad threatens worldwide mankid with genocide sharia

this is no longer an EU US proxy war against Russia it is already a direct compromise

Ukraine, Russian ambassador: "Ready for talks, but without giving up our conditions" - Russia is ready for peace talks with Ukraine but will not give up its terms. This was stated by the Russian ambassador to Great Britain Andrey Kelin in an interview with the BBC. "We want peace, but under certain conditions, of course - the diplomat specified - For us, two things are important. The first is that there is no threat from Ukraine to Russia. And the second, that the Russians in Ukraine will be treated like any other foreign citizen. Like the French are treated in Belgium, or like the Italians and Germans are treated in Switzerland, not differently. Otherwise it would be a serious violation of the Declaration of Human Rights". According to Kelin, Russia's current military aim is to liberate Donbass from occupation. He also rejected the hypothesis that Ukraine could prevail, calling it "a big idealistic mistake. We can make peace tomorrow, if the Ukrainian side is willing to negotiate, but at the moment there are no preconditions for this, I'm afraid, because the President of Ukraine has prohibited any negotiation", he added, stating that Moscow excludes the use of nuclear weapons in the war against Kiev, although apprehensions remain for an escalation due to Western arms supplies to Ukraine.


this war was born with a CIA coup in 2014 and was engineered by OTAN because IMF ECB BM IMF NWO has to hide its false accounting in nuclear world war 3

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WATCH: IDF soldiers train in Arab-Muslim country for 1st time ever

Mauro Mazza: «Gay Pride? Review of vulgarity and blasphemy, do it with Islam» The words of the journalist, former director of Rai1, on «diMartedì» on La7: «It offends the faith of millions of Italians and Europeans»


when it is too much and too much the DEMs have become a demonized nature, an anti civil society, they are absolutely violators of natural and constitutional values, they trample the parental homeland of the parents on the children they take possession of at school with the Jewish Masonic technocratic state,

they trample on the right to the homeland

the right to God

the right to the family

therefore they threaten national security

Close encounter between a Chinese fighter and a US plane, The episode occurred on May 26 in the South China Sea


the USA are advised not to raise tension with their slander, Chinese planes and ships are at a safe distance

EU Commissioner Johansson: Meloni's trip to Tunisia is crucial "I know that Prime Minister Meloni is in Tunisia today and I think this is absolutely crucial. Italy plays an extremely important and constructive role here as regards the relationship and the importance of work closely with Tunisia. I therefore welcome the fact that the Commission and Italy are close allies in stepping up cooperation with Tunisia", the words of the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, in a press point on the EU action plan for the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes.


when will the priests of satan Rockefeller and Rothschild change their minds? then, even these words will be forgotten, because there is only one ISIS sharia in the whole ARAB LEAGUE jihad pyramid. just as there is only one Anglo-American Jewish mafia in the USA EU,

and both OIC Spa&Co petrodollars are linked in common: by Masonic blackmail and by the predation of bank seigniorage.

Christian Muslims and people? they have lost the sanctity of their lives and have become pawns in the hands of their utterly corrupt leaders

Meloni on a lightning mission to Tunisia, Meloni's mission to Tunisia for a compromise between the country and the International Monetary Fund in exchange for institutional reforms and migration control. A quick but fundamental visit, that of the prime minister, welcomed by prime minister Ramadan and president Saied.


if Italians had a dignity, monetary and political sovereignty and political independence? they would not have given Libya to be torn to pieces by France

War trials in Taiwan against the Chinese invasion

Five days of computerized war games started


all this US OTAN effort on Taiwan is meaningless because, Taiwan and Japan and South Korea won't be taken until world war breaks out first

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Protesters vandalize memorial for Netanyahu's father; PM files police complaint

In January, a leftist activist DARWIN MONKEY DEM ANTIFA DEMON-POSED MAD SODOMITIC CULT LGBT GOMORRA CITIZEN left a letter at the grave of Netanyahu's father calling the prime minister "demented and weak" and accusing him of "allowing a group of racists, fascists, homophobes and serial criminals to drag the State of Israel into a failed kleptocracy in a bad case, or an isolated dictatorship in a worst case".


what is this homophobic symptomatic bad word of problematic islamistic dogma imbalance?

what does the Bible say about them?

why are they anti nature perverts, if, they then say that monkeys are all the inhabitants of the jungle? but the gorillas and chimpanzees said: "they are not worthy of us"

normally the ROCKEFELLER ROTHSCHILD MORGAN MARDUCH SARUMAN ENLIGHTENED SPA&CO master of the goyim slaves without paternal genealogies makes his subject-slaves die much earlier to steal their pension and save on health care

Netanjahu they told me that the holy father died at the age of 102, wish he too was a holy Zionist rabbi you too

Protesters vandalize memorial for Netanyahu's father;


an ancient Chinese proverb says: "bad men strike the saddle (Netanjahu) to strike the horse (lorenzoJHWH)"

After all, this is the price that the servants of God have to pay for the fault of bad people and without fear of God

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

US Navy says Iran Revolutionary Guard fast-attack boats ‘harassed’ ship

US Navy says Iranian Revolutionary Guard fast attack vessels 'harassed' vessel


what's strange even their prophet was a misogynist rapist and molester of little girls and big women, of all sizes and all tons & tonnage

1. Defense Minister: China, Li Shangfu: "Alliances like NATO in Asia-Pacific would cause conflicts", "Clash with the US would be an unbearable pain for the world"

2. Moscow: "Ammonia pipeline attack, hard blow to the fight against hunger and famine"


everyone knows that sharjah is a religion of peace and genocide (except the UN which doesn't know it)

and everyone knows that OTAN is an imperialistic defensive coup structure: Ursula the octopus

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments

Activists petition NY Supreme Court to block antisemitic CUNY Law grad from working as an attorney

Bin ISIS Salman Erdogan ottoman Dog ] [ if you weren't a son of the devil? you would have already called me king ISRAEL: "you repent"

passive demonstration of the existence of God (i.e. through satan sodom and allah)

active proof of the existence of God

if, in the whole world, someone asks me a question? and reading my 1 million articles written by me, then he'll find the answer he's looking for, (by chance, even if the case doesn't exist) then, if he has a little patience I'll answer his question, but, it's not because I am aware of something, no I am only a rational agnostic, but the Holy Spito without my knowledge will answer him through me

4 View in discussion

Bin ISIS boia Salman Erdogan ottoman Dog ] slaughterer of absolutely innocent and holy people [ In the right lobe of my brain, I feel that my articles are being appreciated more and more, but I'm not the one who is combined, maybe you have taken the Holy Spirit?

Zionism is martyrdom (witness to altruism and inner honesty holiness), it is the right of a people to live in their own land in peace,

anti-Zionists are also predators suprematism and satanism so is ISLAM ISIS which in 1400 years has an uninterrupted history of sharia genocide as it still is today

exegetical On May 12, 2023, at the CUNY Law School graduation ceremony, Mohammed delivered an incendiary speech in which he used his platform to repeatedly vilify "Zionists", "Zionism" and the State of Israel. Expressions of hatred and prejudice against "Zionists" are widely understood to be directed towards Jews.


we must absolutely distinguish the non-Zionist Jews DEM lgbt from the Zionist Israelis worldwide, then, there are the innocent Zionist Jews who live in the diaspora because the Wahhabis while planning the shoah for the Israelis pushed the Jews all over the world to stay in Satanism and Freemasonry. obviously every true Christian is also a Zionist Jew, and I tell you that there are 3 of me who cannot find a suitable impartial, non-corrupt lawyer who wants to defend me in court, and whom I can trust

Darwinism and LGBT gender fluid are pseudo-scientific dogma with no scientific or rational explanation like Kuran and Talmud: racism and suprematism predation, evil evil,

quite the opposite of the Christian and Jewish dogma: the Tanach and Gospel which have a rational demonstration because they are theological and anthropolytic, and exegetical and philosophical and historical-geographical and ethical-moral documented and included in the historical-critical analytical scientific method

Bin ISIS Salman Erdogan ottoman Dog ] [ so Satan that coward who plays the strong with the weak, and the weak with the strong, he has transferred his terror of me, to all his agents, and if any of them hear my name they are terrified too, because they they are a demonic collective symbiotic entity sharia, whose name is evil entity Wahhabi Ottoman sodomite DEM and the dogmatic Talmudic and Koranic darwin monkeys spa&Co the Masonic petrodollars

Bin ISIS Salman Erdogan ottoman Dog ] [ if you take my articles lorenzoJHWH and my arguments from 15 years ago, and you compare them with those written by me today: UniusREI? you will find no change or variation, and so it will be until the end of the world because I am the universal political rational agnostic metaphysical man

Discussion on World Israel News 56 comments

Defense Minister: We will bomb Hezbollah into the stone age if they make a mistake

Satanists know that they must not vote against me without discussion, and that by doing so they will be blocked,

but it's been 8 years since Rockefeller ordered the entire NWO not to talk to me except to insult

while Obama thought he was dealing with a specialized escort

and instead that satanist found himself facing a daughter of God

OBAMA tickled and played with the 11-year-old Asian girl when he went to Epstein's, but when did he put his hands where he shouldn't? the little girl told him: "you are a pig and I don't play with you anymore"

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Slovak President Zuzana Caputová fears that populism is dragging her country to become a new Hungary in Europe. In an interview with Politico you said you were worried about the grip that Russian disinformation is having on citizens.


the only disinformation is that of OTAN who deliberately assaulted Russia with a CIA coup in Ukraine in 2014, sorry to say, but all western leaders deserve the sentence of deat for high treason

4 View in discussion

BIN ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ now the priests of satan of the CIA have put these photos on the internet, to intimidate everyone and to say: "we kidnap, we kill whoever we want and we are untouchable, and nobody can do anything to us, except lorenzoJHWH UniusREI"

which is why they are forced to protect me.


I know, that you want to tell me all your crimes and all your horrible secrets to be forgiven, but it's only your fault if you can't do it, because you are a coward and because you have no faith in God

OBAMA raped an Asian girl, who was dragged with hundreds of other key children to the USA, under the eyes of the Egyptians (transiting the Suez Canal), and when a large container ship ran aground? and he stayed there for 15 days, nobody said let's go and see what's inside, because the CIA arrived and said, here is a US secret, this ship cannot be inspected, and because, this Asian girl told OBAMA: "go via pig" then she was killed (the whole internet is full of these photos, but no western leader pretended to see), but Obama is a satanist that the CIA protects and cannot be touched

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Prince Andrew ] [ the cursed witch in your mother's hell: Elizabeth Jezebel second queen did not lift a finger against the priests of satan, to make this world better and to free it from the rothschilds

3 1View in discussion

CIA cannibal priest lgbt of satana troll agency ] [ if you allow me to use firefox, maybe we'll take stock thanks

it is more likely that the Ukrainians bombed the dam, because they don't have so many corpses to waste for the counter-offensive, Donbass is Russia for historical, anthropological and legal reasons, in fact the CIA coup nullified the Constitution and the territorial legitimacy of Ukraine, there was Ucriana but it was Viktor Yanukovych's,

4 1View in discussion

Ukraine, Scholz: "With a dam attack, war has a new dimension"


he himself has thrown fuel on the fire, since 2014, that is, since the CIA coup and the 8-year civil war to suppress the Russian-speaking people and he has led to escalations,

the EU UK OTAN is the largest criminal organization on the planet, they have trampled international law, they have made the double standard that now exists only the use of force

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Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments

VP Harris jabs at judicial reform, praises Israel's 'independent judiciary'

ignorant and evil satanists have an emotional and Masonic mafia approach,

because they want to control the judiciary to blackmail the representatives of the people

satanists have an emotional and Masonic mafia approach, because they want to control the judiciary to blackmail the representatives of the people

“Under President Joe Biden and our administration, America will continue to stand for the values that have been the bedrock of the U.S.-Israel relationship, which include continuing to strengthen our democracies, which are both built on strong institutions, checks and balances — and I’ll add an independent judiciary,” Harris said to a crowd of thousands in Washington, D.C. on Monday evening.

Biden told media that he was “very concerned” about the reforms and insinuated that he was refusing to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House due to the ongoing legislation.

The U.S. government has also reportedly funded numerous protest groups involved in organizing the ongoing demonstrations aimed at stopping the reforms and bringing down the current ruling coalition.

satanists have an emotional and Masonic mafia approach, because they want to control the judiciary to blackmail the representatives of the people

I have seen 50 witches who all get naked on doggy style and who say to their satanist males: "we are here"

but it is not an easy operation because they have competition from the lgbthwbltcz+++ farm Lapid Ape Darwin

Bin ISIS Salman ] satanists and their witches US Vice-President Kamala Harris, have thought in all these 400 years, who have the financial political spa&co institutional Masonic control, have thought of reicare Catholic religious institutions in demonic mode and to appropriate the Jewish Christian symbols (which they fear because they have exorcistic properties enhanced by the true word of God which is the Torah),

and they certainly have no fear of ISLAM.

so above all their terrors there is the very me that they have never been able to defeat

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

A NEW ERA: Netanyahu hails new dawn of Artificial Intelligence

Bin ISIS Salman ] your satan friends did they put the micro chip-very chip in your dirty sodom puzza? [ 3 months ago, I told you that I was forced to halve the dose of the hypertensive, ok, bad today my blood pressure is 100 max 60 min, so I have to take 1/4 from tomorrow onwards, the satanists have put/hid 10 doses of hypertensive to make me die, yet they know that, if or die? I can turn into a killer ghost

Bin ISIS Salman ] your satana friends did they put the micro chip-very chip in your sodom? [ A NEW satan ERA: idiot Netanyahu (these politicians are pathetic) hails new dawn of Artificial Intelligence (aliens abduction) after speaking with innovator-entrepreneur slave bolean Elon Musk programma monarch.


in fact if the alien demon was really smart? of course he wouldn't have asked me like "ask me anything"


but who the caxxo (but google has learned to decode my dirty words) knows you? who are you? it's like sleeping with a stranger who gives you syphilis and HIV at once Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. Salam



A NEW satan ERA: Netanyahu hails new dawn of Artificial Intelligence (aliens abduction) after speaking with innovator-entrepreneur Elon Musk.


my cell phone asked me "ask me what temp it will be"

and I looked in the RAM but no programs were open, I looked for some program to uninstall but I didn't find it

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Blinken in Saudi Arabia with Israel normalization on the agenda

https://lorenzoallah.blogspot.Com/ google mohammed imam ? he got very angry Quranically, this blog has been blocked

We received your review request on Jun 6, 2023. Blogger will re-evaluate the blog to verify that it does not violate the Policy of jihad galaxy wahhabis ISIS

Christian conscript dies

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


Jun 30, 2016







LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


15 Oct 2015













Muslim ban

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


15 Oct 2015






SAUDI CaABA meecca bloody idol sharjah

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


12 Dec 2014


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


12 Dec 2014


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


12 Dec 2014

Rockefeller spa& co if the trillions you spent on your trolls in internet to destry phirst emendament, you gave them to me? I would have already built my third Jewish temple

justme CIA troll fear with his accomplice here

lorenzoALLAH is Mahdì leviathan Mohammed Messiah

lorenzoallah@gmail.Com We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. becouse wahhabis fear

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Palestinian Authority interrogates prominent anti-corruption activists for ‘defaming’ Mahmoud Abbs

Palestinian Authority interrogates prominent anti-corruption activists for ‘defaming’ Mahmoud Abbs, Two leading anti-corruption activists in the Palestinian Authority called in for questioning by PA security forces, sparking backlash among human rights groups and NGOs. the two senior AMAN activists were called in for questioning for allegedly “defaming” Palestinian leadership. “The Network considers the summons process as an infringement on the freedom of opinion and expression.”


THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY in Islam And therefore there is no freedom of expression, when did rockefeller spa & co rothschild steal the scam banking seigniorage from enslaved peoples? then, you can't stop injustice and corruption anywhere, because the mother of all iniquity is the banks, if, then some peoples are paid to live off terrorism like the Ukrainians and the Plestinians? then, the corruption increases, in fact Zelensky got too rich and should prove his income, because I don't know them

Palestinian Authority interrogates prominent anti-corruption activists for ‘defaming’ Mahmoud Abbs


an ideologist of international terrorism acclaimed by DEM UK UE OTAN and lgbt Masons who will be killed by his sharia law

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

'Deterrent power has been formed': Iran unveils what it says is a 'hypersonic missile'

Iran says its new missile has a range of 1,400km and can travel at 15 times the speed of sound, bypassing U.S. and Israeli defense systems.


they only made a bomb that falls by inertia range of 50 km

BIDEN IS a ALIENS zombies ] [ in fact, only he sees ghosts

the BIGLIONO new aliens religion ] [ "We Are Not Alone": US Has Retrieved Craft Of 'Non-Human Origin' Says Whistleblower From Govt. Task Force On UFOs. "The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles..."


BIDEN IS a ALIENS zombies ] [ Russia Says It Put Down Major Ukrainian Offensive Hours After It Began, Did Ukraine forces just attempt to kick off their much anticipated major counteroffensive, only to have it immediately thwarted

GOP Donor's Family Killed In Private Jet Crash After Military Scrambled F16s, He said if the plane lost pressurization, "they all just would have gone to sleep and never woke up." https://www.zerohedge.Com/markets/sonic-boom-over-dc-norad-scrambles-f-16s-intercept-unresponsive-private-jet-crashed

refined and perverse and demonic minds have begun to gradually clear the taboo of incest in the USA and UK and the EU, with this Masonic cabal jew plutocratic enlightened lgbt they must eradicate all the rights of God to arive demonic society and stupidity

Jihad sharjah Watch ] the last and greatest of the prophets, a hellish prodigy [ a woman for 3 goats ] 'In Pakistan, there is no difference between meat and women' The Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “ captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur'an says: "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their [...]

Jihad sharjah Watch ] the last and greatest of the prophets, a hellish prodigy [ Remember the 'Nakba'? No, Remember the 'Miracle', The miracle took place 75 years ago, on a sliver of dusty and desolate land, just beginning to show the regreenment created by its Zionist pioneers. The miracle was the birth, against all odds, of the State of Israel. It was a

Jihad sharjah Watch ] [ UK: Teen converts to Islam, writes ‘Kill non-Muslims, wherever you see them,’ now says he’s ‘not extreme anymore’ [ Jihad sharjah Watch ] [ Where did Matthew King get the idea that he and other Muslims should kill non-Muslims wherever they see them? British authorities, as determinedly clueless as ever, claim he was “radicalized” on the Internet, but as always, they don’t explain how exactly this happens. What did King see on the Kuran that supposedly made him a terrorist

Jihad sharjah Watch ] [ Dutch Try to Keep Muslim Migrants From Stealing Bikes by Offering Them $20 Bikes, Cheap bikes are nice, but free is even cheaper than cheap. Residents of the asylum seekers’ center in Dronten will soon be able to purchase a cheap bicycle. A workshop for bicycle maintenance will also be available. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) hopes that this will reduce the number of furti coranici

Read more

Daniel Greenfield

Jihad sharjah Watch ] [ Somalia: Islamic jihadis murder 54 African Union ‘peacekeepers’ from Uganda, The “peacekeepers” are clearly no match for the warriors of jihad. “Al-Shabab killed 54 Ugandan soldiers in Somalia, says Museveni,” Al-Jazeera, June 4, 2023: Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has announced

Jihad sharjah Watch ] [ Germany: 17th-century painting of Jesus slashed across the throat with a knife, “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks ” (Qur’an 47:4) “Hamburg city church laments Jesus with a cut throat,” translated from: “Hamburger Stadtkirche beklagt Jesus mit durchschnittener Kehle,” URSULA SAID: "BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO"

Journalisten Watch, June 2, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Erdogan Unknown persons have cut up and scratched centuries-old paintings in Hamburg’s main churches of St. Peter and St. James by Robert Spencer

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Collapse of major dam in southern Ukraine triggers emergency as Moscow and Kyiv blame each other

the ukrainians have made death into a spectacle in hollywood, because with their finger on their mouth they make the same gesture as the priests of satan of the CIA when they want to hide their homicidal crimes and human sacrifices on the altar of satan

and they can do this because all the Masonic institutions, the Masonic media, the Masonic magistrates, the Western leaders such as Salman Isis, Ursula Biden and Rothschild are always their institutions, their agencies

“The question we should pose is why the Ukrainians would do this to themselves, given this is Ukrainian territory,” she said.

yes, for Satan Rockefelelr and Erdogan Allah, and for sodoma ursula octopus slaves goyims have no value when they vote by universal plebiscite


but, there the Russian-speaking pogrom war of extermination existed since the 2014 Maidan coup made by the CIA and Nuland and Mogherini and they caused 14,000 deaths up to 2022, MATTARELLA doesn't know it and someone should tell him

CHRISTIAN AND ISRAELI NAKBA & SHOAH IN 1400 YEARS [ IN Iran people aren’t attending ] [ After living under Islamic law for over forty years, huge numbers of Iranians have had enough not just of the Islamic regime, but of Islam itself. “Senior Cleric Claims Religion In Iran Weak, 50,000 Mosques Closed,” IN Iran

CHRISTIAN AND ISRAELI NAKBA & SHOAH IN 1400 YEARS [ It is maddening that “Nakba Day” was observed at the UN, during which Mahmoud Abbas invited the world to share his grief, and that of all Palestinians, at the failure of the Arabs to destroy the nascent state of Israel. That, of course, is not how he put it. But it’s what he meant. BY Hugh Fitzgerald

ISLAM IS ISIS SHARJAH ] THE PREDATION [ France: Mosques approve of theft from non-Muslims if they get 20% of the goods, It’s in the Qur’an: “And know that whatever you take as spoils of war, indeed, a fifth of it is for Allah, and for the messenger and for the relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveler, if you believe in Allah and what we revealed to our slave on the day of furqan

ISLAM IS ISIS SHARJAH ] KILLING [ Muslim who murdered three Israeli border guards was carrying a Qur’an, The Jerusalem Post headline here is “Egyptian border terrorist was carrying Koran, likely motivated by extremism.” Yet the Qur’an is the holy book of Islam. All Muslims regard it as holy. So how is this jihadi’s possession of it “extremism”?

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ISLAMIC SUPREMATISM ED SHARIA GENOCIDE ] [ their poor are starving to be forced to emigrate, but there is no shortage of money to finance the jihadist galaxy and mosques in the West, while they do not have freedom of religion and with slander they kill Christians and rape/kidnap Christian girls

"Erdogan's Trojan horse". So Islam wants to conquer Europe from within

Not only do we give millions of euros to Turkish mosques that want sharia law, MEPs now also become Erdogan's ministers. Gullible and masochistic civilizations are doomed to disappear

Giulio Meotti

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Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Palestinian journalists acknowledge 'top priority'

ok, with 2 banks after 4 hours I managed to pay this bill

and that BBVA complains about a disservice on Kena Mobile's SMS

while Unicredit does not respond and no longer recognizes its own unicredit pass code.

but from the carabinieri to health Rockefeller told MATTARELLA

"eih slave goyim Zarathustra, you cost me too much"

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italyYYYYYyyyyyyy? where are you ? yiiuuuuu uuuuhhhh

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https://www.enel.It/it/recupera-password THIS IS MATTERELLA ITALY ] [ these criminals don't answer the phone, OPS! There was a problem. We are sorry but at the moment it is not possible to proceed with your request due to a momentary disruption. Please try again later.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

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pay bills in Italy? it's too painful ] [ Why was my transfer canceled? A transfer may be canceled if: https://help.xoom.Com/s/article/why-was-my-transfer-canceled?language=en_US

It would violate our User Agreement or any applicable laws

We requested information for internal reviews but didn’t hear back from you

Your payment method had insufficient funds to cover the transaction

You tried to send funds in a currency not supported by your recipient’s bank account

Your recipient would receive more money than allowed, from you or other senders

Your account was suspended or terminated

The funds were seized to comply with a court order, warrant, or other legal processes.

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They want me to shut down the electricity due to arrears.

for 36kw they charge me 87.84 euros

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Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] CIA BULLING ME [ BBVA: Bank transfers and account transfers

Enter the code you will receive in a few moments via SMS on your smartphone ******54 to confirm the operation. ZZZZZ zzzzzzzzz [ CIA BULLING ME

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today I was studying chapter 12 of the book of 1 Samuel, i.e. the relationship between the King and his people, at the time the prophet was called a seer. obviously, only God can know the future and only he can guide his King in a mechanical way, that is with precise orders, from which unfortunately the first King of Israel Saul will deviate from the orders received from Samuel, falling into a sin of presumption, pride and rebellion

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Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] SO YOU HAVE DECIDED TO REBEL TO MY ORDERS [ from the CIA they prevent me from accessing unicredit, they prevent me from paying a bill, the voice is shrill in an incomprehensible way, the operators are not available, the identification codes do not work becauunicredit and BBVAse they are not recognized.

PagoPa does not work with two banks Unicredit and BBVA

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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Iran appointed as vice president of UN General Assembly

ISRAEL NETANJAHU ] CALL ME [ dumbo We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News https://disqus.Com/by/kingisraeluniusreileviathan/

When you have razed the entire ARAB LEAGUE to the ground, where will you find a single enemy? you can do it and you will also have saved mankind from the world war, but if you don't? God will condemn you and hold you guilty for all the blood of Russians, Ukrainians, Christians and Israelis themselves



Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments

Blinken to AIPAC: Israel faces 'no greater danger' than Iran but diplomacy is the way to go

Iran Riyadh ] [ everyone is to blame, sure, but since you didn't ask me for forgiveness, you won't be forgiven

European leadres Freemason politicians lie on Ucraine-Russia and therefore their peoples are by themselves threatened with extermination

Blinken said, however, that the Biden administration still believes a diplomatic solution would be the best way to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.




is that this Rockefeller world system is about to implode on itself

New Russian raids on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, a 2-year-old girl dies. Since the beginning of the war, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at least 500 children have died.


but he killed about 200 in Donbass in 8 years, could he have done it after the CIA coup and the pogroms against peaceful Russian speakers?


Bin Alì MBS al-Mecca al-Kaaba ] [ I didn't say that the way of Torah is easy, but it is the only possible, do penance, kill lust, power predation or lust will kill you

Sodom said "allah uuuh akbarrr" I'm going to kill the christians Russians

these beasts killed SADDAM for a single vial of ashes ( it was proof of chemical weapons ) however in the midst of satans and allahs legion of demons there is no future for israel

«shhhh» is the sign of the priests of satan when they bring a human victim to the altar of satan (there are between 300,000 and 400,000 human sacrifices in the OTAN area every year)

Ukrainian soldiers and the call for silence: the video with the soldiers making "shhhh" The images with the request for 'operational silence' before the counter-offensive against the Russian forces

Blinken to AIPAC: Israel faces 'no greater danger' than Iran but diplomacy is the way to go


all are Freemasons in FMI BM ECB FED OTAN Spa&Co

all are sharjah ISIS Genocide ummah OIC in the ARAB LEAGUE one and only SODALIZE (one only kabbalah) for the kingdom of satan, so will Israel beg on its knees from satan for the possibility of being able to survive?

Discussion on World Israel News 51 comments

Germany’s Siemens facing scrutiny in U.S. for agreeing to Turkish demands to boycott Israel

First bites and headbutts to the agents then smashes the steering wheel: arrested

the foreigner Erdogan, This is what a 32-year-old of foreign origins was the protagonist of on Saturday night, arrested by the police agents for damage, resistance and public official and possession of drugs for the purpose of drug dealing jihad akbarrr.

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Killed for the rent in black



therefore MATTARELLA said that the house is a company that produces income, and must be fiercely bureaucratized and taxed, obviously to pay the taxes you need:

to pay the accountant.

to pay the lawyer e

to pay the surveyor.

and despite this the tenant is always right and the owner is without protection

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The agreement, which includes a signature and seal from Siemens, has a provision that "suppliers of goods and works, and their associates and subcontractors, shall be in strict compliance with the boycott regulations of the Conference Organization Islamic State, the League of Arab States and the Organization of the African Union". The Organization of the Islamic Conference enforces boycott of Israel and sharia murder of Christians worldwide OIC UMMAH ISIS JIHAD SHARJAH

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The German conglomerate Hitler Siemens

agreed to boycott Israeli products

because the alliance between the Nazis and the Muslims is atavistic and historic

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records show Siemens agreed to boycott Israeli goods to secure a $360 million deal with Turkey.

While Turkey has a $360 million deal with Israel

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the puppet Freemason Zelensky refused the pontiff's mediation, arguing that there can be no equality between victim and aggressor. then he flew to the Mason in Berlin, after having had all the support from the Mason meloni. A "very important package" of weapons for the spring counter-offensive is ready from Germany.

all sharjah in ARAB LEAGUE

all Freemasons in OTAN one family for hell

Italy sends dozens of self-propelled howitzers to Kiev The vehicles filmed while they are in transit in Slovenia


if he didn't MELONI? the DEMs would have done it and as required by the law URSULA, then, the lgbt would have taught 5-year-olds masturbation

Mattarella like: SO SPOKE Zarathustra: "For Ukraine, seek a just peace", and at which school did he learn justice?


so the Mason is the priest of justice?

but, if the constitution forbids secret associations,

but, if swearing by jabulOn he spat and trampled: both God and the constitution

in fact where is our constitutional monetary sovereignty

The EU condemns Warsaw: "The justice reform violates European law"


politicians have the right not to live constantly under the blackmail of the Rothschild Freemason judges, and then they also deserve a little autonomy, given that as infamous slanderers they went to attack and kill the Russians

Erdoğan resists Stoltenberg. Born still far away for Sweden


the force of reason, or the reason of FORCE, after all isn't it the USA that taught the double standard / criterion of inequity between Kosovo and Donbass?

Discussion on World Israel News 51 comments

Germany’s Siemens facing scrutiny in U.S. for agreeing to Turkish demands to boycott Israel

Afghanistan, schoolgirls poisoned like in Iran, it's the first time since the Taliban

Sunnis and Shiites? one only demon sharjah law ISIS

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Saudi Arabia welcomes Venezuelan leader Maduro, reaching out to yet another US foe and ally of Iran

Netanjahu ] we can no longer live in a planet spa&Co petrodollars FED ECB OIC BM NWO IMF spa&Co scam banking seigniorage which is high constitutional treason (of which one cannot even speak) and where Rockefeller and ISLAM realize all that is hidden, and all that it's Masonic, witchcraft, demonic, esoteric, supernatural manages structures and institutions


but, I am divine, and the time to judge mankind is coming,

and why didn't the Wahhabis want to join my political project which is a dream of love and universal brotherhood in my third Jewish temple?

now, the Rockefellers who wanted to hand over world power to me, now, will lock themselves in their super technological bunkers and are forced to destroy the planet, to kill all life forms

Netanjahu ] Rockefeller and ISLAM are allies they are the champions of Satan

and I am the champion of God, choose which side to die on

Netanjahu] don't you realize that I am sending everyone to China? unfortunately Saudi Arabia is pretending to betray USA [ Saudi Arabia welcomes Venezuelan leader Maduro, catching up with another US enemy and Iran ally ]


here in USA UK OTAN OIC EU Japan Korea Taiwan, etc. etc. we have only one administration and only one government and only one hidden master "rockefeller" and he knows his hours are numbered


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