non è una testata giornalistica

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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Activists crack down on transgenders in Russia: suicides will increase

Herzog’s duty is to stand with Israel’s elected government

SODOM LGBT and why are you yelling at me?

LGBT SODOM and how come your scum doesn't care about homosexuals being killed in the ARAB LEAGUE?

I'm the only one who defends them here

Activists crack down on transgenders in Russia: suicides will increase

Transgender activists are alarmed and warn that the number of suicides in their community could increase, MAYBE, BUT I SAY NO ONE COMMITS SUICIDE


why aren't transgenders born in the ARAB LEAGUE? I know that the last ones were hanged in Egypt

'Rent, but not to foreigners', in Mesagne a worker of African origin cannot find a home: "Widespread racism"


it is not an act of racism! why recover the house (even in case of illegal occupation) by the owner against the defaulting tenant? it is impossible, extremely wasteful and dangerous of immovable destruction

From Hitler to Kim Jong-un to ohammed OIC UMMAH Riyadh IRAN Erdogan life and death of tyranny


they are honest killers in the open

the most dangerous snake of their venom?

the most dangerous of all is always spa&co Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage lgbt which is invisible to everyone but not to me

Israel: Premier Netanyahu taken to hospital after fainting


if you have to betray justice reform? you better die

OR they hope that like a good Isaac

Will Israel let its Rothschild father slit its throat?

It's nothing new. It has been a staple of the anti-Israel left for the past 15 years, as groups like J Street, and more overtly anti-Zionist allies/rivals like Jewish Voices for Peace and IfNotNow, have made no secret of their desire for Washington to dissolve the alliance. They want the United States to apply brutal pressure on the Jewish state to force it out of Judea and Samaria, and much of Jerusalem, in order to create an independent Palestinian state in addition to Gaza ruled by the terrorist group Hamas.


Is it the all-out perspective of the Rockefellers CIA OTAN and the Saud Wahhabis? they are putting/applying everything for everything:

against the Russians

against the Chinese

against the Israelis

given that Christians have been annihilated by the Masonic lgbt swamp and are on their way to the extinction of the small remnant.

and what is the prospect of everything for everything?



WATCH: Chaos in Kosovo parliament after lawmaker throws water at the PM

lgbt eih satan, when do you meet your exorcist?

then you must vomit the rusty nails, I will make you vomit them all

if, lgbt lobbies are not sick? they still have an 80% chance of ending up in surgery,

and anyway this is always an ancient Chinese proverb: it says:

"Do you have Vaseline to spread, because you always have to finish under the knife, AMEN"

by silvana De Mari surgeon with love,

and it is not irony you have treated thousands of homosexuals in the operating room who then persecuted you for futile reasons

all the ARAB LEAGUE - rightly - does not recognize the lgbt ideology, and pursues the natural law, but why is everyone protesting against Russia only, while Muslims are untouchable?

Russia against "gay propaganda"

The legislative initiative in question is part of a broader plan by President Putin, which includes the restriction of the rights of freedom of thought and of the LGBTQ+ community, exacerbated since 24 February.


In the context of the invasion of Ukraine, underlining the distance from a West defined as confused and in an identity crisis, according to the Kremlin's strategy, is preparatory to instilling even more the feeling of belonging to the nation in Russian citizens.


"This law does not eliminate the existence of these people, who will simply not be without medical care."


then it is satan and sodom who affirm that these homosexual people are sick, in fact they need to be treated in the transition at the expense of the State



while the Donbass which was brutally attacked by the CIA cannot be recognized


The Slander: Russia declares war on transgender people


the satan slanderers of sodom explained the demonic and satanic theosophical motivations for which the coup in Kiev was planned and carried out in 2014, and it is an absolute shame for all the muslims of the planet who become accomplices of satan and sodom, because Allah is a Wahhabi demon of the same breed



John Kerry defends secret meetings with Iran during Trump administration


the Balkans and they lied to us about Libya and Syria. And now I have proof: they are also lying to us about Donbass. Here ethics has nothing to do with it, be wary of those who would like to teach us morals, they have blood on their hands. There's no one to free here. It's the exact opposite of what they tell us on TV," he writes. on July 11, announcing

his arrival in Ukraine with a video in which a series of sentences appear on the wall of the building chosen for the work, probably the same ones reported in the post which continues: "The resistance we should have supported is that of the people of Donbass who have been fighting for 8 years to free themselves from a regime; that of Kiev which by now had nothing more democratic. This is only a dirty game played out for economic interests. After Russia they will want China. They tell us that they send missiles by spending billions of euros because they are good and altruistic, but the children of Donbass have been under bombs for 8 years and in that case no one lifted a finger. For these people, some children are more equal than others.


Why I use the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’


what opposes Jewish-Christian civilization is always horror!

1. the first horror is that of the God Marduch who creates men as slaves because he does not want to work and does not want to suffer: therefore they were created by satan and allah and Brahma: the goyims, the dalits and the dhimmis, etc..

2. If you turn back the clock and erase the Old Testament, Western civilization never develops. What would replace it? Myths such as the foundational creation myth of Hinduism. In the Rig Veda, Parusha, the Primeval Man, is sacrificed. From his mouth Brahman is created. From his arms, the warrior caste. From his thighs, the merchants. From his feet, the servants. The untouchables did not emerge from this body; They are outside the human moral universe and are subject to countless abuses.


but then what is this Jewish-Christian civilization? it is the appropriation by philosophers, atheists and agnostics of the political values of the Bible


ABRAHAM AT THE RISK OF HIS LIFE went to free all the Sodomites of Sodom

Sodomites whom God Almighty will not spare!

So Abraham (today Unius REI) is against God, both extreme freedom of conscience and extreme freedom of religion


MATERIALISM, SECOLARISM, DOGMA, SODOMA PERVERSION IDEOLOGY LGBT, SPA&cO MASONIC PREDATION, IT IS RELIGION OF ROCKEFELLER THE WAHHABIS , where is the antichrist? there has also always been the real anti-Zionism: a den of all falsehood, violence, suprematism and predation and impiety and crime, this has always been ISLAM, communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, this has always been Jewish parasitic and financial Freemasonry: a deadly threat to both the rights of God and the rights of man ] [ Some advance the term "Abrahamic" as a Woke-approved substitute for "Judeo-Christian." They like it because it's "inclusive". Notice that they don't like it because it's accurate, because it's not. In response to a question from me, Islam expert Robert Spencer wrote to me in July 2023: "'Abrahamic' is misleading and useless as a classification for Judaism, Christianity and Islam because Islam claims the exclusive and states that the teachings of Judaism and Christianity constitute distortion and adulteration of Abraham's original faith. In the Quran (60:4), Abraham says that there will be enmity and hatred between him and his people forever until they worship only Allah This enmity applies to Jews and Christians who fondly believe they can reach an agreement with Muslims based on their shared Abrahamic origins.


many Messian Jews, and Orthodox Jews, have prepared to be able to build the third Jewish temple, they have the project of the structure, they have the tools, the clothes, that is, they have the shape, but where is the new law of the new Jewish house of God? (and I don't want to declare here that the most tenacious opponents of this project, who are precisely the Jewish shareholders of central banks, who are usurer sodomitic Satanists and who went to Ukraine to carry out a coup in 2014 to attack Russia and who keep the Israelis on the brink of death valley for 90 years)




now I have decided to build a church? no !! I decided to spread Christianity? ninth! OF COURSE NOT!

THEN, YOU FIND ME IN ANY OTHER RELIGION SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO SPREAD NOT THEIR OWN RELIGION BUT ANOTHER'S RELIGION (i.e. Judaism) and certainly you will never find this someone because there is only one Unius REI i.e. there is only one Jewish-Christian civilization which is mine


all that the demon has done in these 2000 years has been to oppose persecute and exterminate the followers of Jesus, and I'm not talking here about historical events that also see Christians commit enormous atrocities, I'm talking here about an ideological opposition, which it is extreme intolerance, while maximum religious tolerance was inaugurated by the Jews in the Kingdom of Solomon!

thus is Judaism is the cradle and mother of universal brotherhood.

Again, the New Testament was written by Jews (with the possible exception of Luke). It was written in the land of Israel. He constantly refers to the Old Testament; indeed it is incomprehensible without the Old Testament as the key. Its main character, Jesus, was an observant Jew, descended from King David.

Nothing like the above can be said about Islam or the Koran. The

Koran we know is in Arabic; there is debate over the language of the source material from which the Quran was compiled. The Quran

was initially embraced by Arabs who had little cultural or genetic

relationship to the Jews of the land of Israel. The Koran is tireless in its condemnation of Jews and Christians. The Qur'an takes scraps of pre-existing Jewish, Christian, and pagan material, muddles that material, and uses it to advocate a new religion, Islam. This new religion is very different from Judaism or Christia -nity. One has to read the entire Quran to understand

how completely it differs from the Old and New Testaments. It is not, by any means, in the same category. Muslims recognize this.

Modern Muslims condemn the entire Bible. Mere possession of a Bible is against the law, or at least very dangerous in several

Muslim countries.


dignity of women and freedom of religion undoubtedly indicate that the Jewish-Christian civilization is the one that touches the summit of civilization on our planet, but all the criminals, the predators, the supremacists, persecute it, all those who have dark and criminal projects, like lgbt spa & Co sharia etc.. they fight it.

One way to illustrate how a tradition affects a population is to look at female survival rates, as shown in the se* ratio, and rates of female genital mutilation, child marriage, female literacy, honor killings, and fertility rates. On these objective measures, Muslim countries

score poorly. They are often named among the worst countries on earth for women. Characteristics other than Islam may not connect these "worst" countries.

Afghanistan is an arid, landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia. Sudan is located on an African coast. Yemen is located on the Arabian Peninsula. Malaysia, a humid island nation where female genital mutilation is increasing rather than decreasing, is located in Southeast Asia. The feature that connects these different countries is not language, history or terrain. It's Islam. By objective measures, Islam harms the lives of women and girls in a way that the Judeo-Christian tradition does not. The phrase "Abrahamic" should not be used to sweep the ugliness of gender apartheid under the rug. Furthermore, largely Hindu and Muslim India and Confucian-influenced China have "lost" one hundred million women to various methods of culling such as sex-selective abortions. There are no comparable statistics of nations influenced by the Judeo-Christian tradition.





and if I, being a Catholic, read the Tanach more willingly than the Gospels

this means that Judaism must stop having inferiority complexes

Judaism must abandon blinders and must value the thought of Jesus of Bethlehem, because he changed the history of peoples and mankind for the better


from the very beginning the synagogue destroyed God's will, that is, to make Jews and Christians one people

since the beginning of the Davidic monarchy, the Masonic synagogue has taken away the religious power from the King, and has imposed itself on the same monarchy by destroying it.

for this reason the Jewish religion is still demonized today and supports the Masonic world usury satanism and sodomy

that is why we can say that Judaism today is anti-Zionist because it lacks its Christian soul


God has granted free will, and this is as true for homosexuals as it is for free speech,

freedom of association and above all for freedom of religion


now, these rights are always trampled on outside the Jewish-Christian civilization,

for example the lgbt go to kindergarten to remove the parental guardianship of parents on their children's education

for example ISLAM and communism deny freedom of religion.

international finance imposes the dictatorship of the eternal theory of evolution theory without scientific foundation


Wall Street Journal accuses Biden of anti-Israel bias


The Wall Street Journal's editorial board blamed Biden's anti-Zionist ISIS Wahhabi sodomitic and demonic administration on Friday, accusing the White House of unfairly targeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government.


this is warfare of the Kingdom of God against the Kingdom of Satan


Canadian forests on fire, hundreds of fires out of control. Young female firefighter dies, This year, the record figure of 97,000 square kilometers of forest burned, an area larger than Hungary or Portugal


the satan's sodoma project to exploit the arctic's resources always remains topical, therefore there is no democratic control over the western Masonic pseudo-democracies, they urinated on our heads chemtrails and said nothing


Why I use the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’


"Judeo-Christian," which appears to imply brotherhood, is actually anti-Semitic.


really? so I'm the King of Israel anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist?

as you all can judge this is all false and nonsense.

I have always defended Israel and zionism, why would I be anti-Semitic for this?


"Judeo-Christian", here in Israel we have "Messianic Jews" aren't they the best citizens of Israel?


I Unius REI I am a Christian, but I live politically in a rational, secular and agnostic metaphysical way as a Christian Jew must be politically,

and if I am very flawed and sinful on a personal level, however, I am the fairest and most perfect universal politician that the history of this planet has ever known and will ever know in the future.

then all those who come and are born and live in crime

sure they will hate and slander being "Judeo-Christian",



this story that the God of the old testament is bad, and that of the new testament is good, is a lie, there is no laceration in the whole Bible, what changes is the historical context, if the Canaanites and the peoples before the exodus evoked the demons, practiced black magic and witchcraft, systematic cannibalism, human sacrifices, and sacred prostitution, and homosexuality (all FED CIA Deep STATE USA agenda at bohemian grove, cremation of cure God OWL today), all this made it impossible to establish the true concept of sacredness of human life, and since Jesus of Bethlehem had not yet come, then, the ministry of exorcism could not be activated, and everything that was infested by demons had to be : destroyed, killed burned, as was the tragic fate of those who were defeated in battle, and if you remain defeated in battle as happened to the Armenians in Nagorno Karabath, then, genocide is what Erdogan the Ottoman thought was right for you to receive, still today ISLAM is a monster,

actually, I love to read more often the old testament, i.e. the Hebrew bible

because what has changed is not God but Jesus of Bethlehem who actually changed man by improving him, because the very concept of universal charity is an invention of Christianity




it brings man (every person) to the kingship and divinity of the children of God, human life is sacred and its value exceeds the value of the State which is a legal entity

while the Spa&Co invented by the demons FED petrodollars is a giant who commodifies men by making them objects slaves of wahhabis ISIS Deep State NWO OTAN



Canada in shock, the "genocide" of thousands of native women, the investigation in the HOLY hands of Trudeau LGBTQIA



/canada-le-donne-native-vengono-ancora-sterilizzate-in-modo-forzato-e-si-parla-di-genocidio/ SUPREMATISM IS SATANISM AND ANTIZIONISM ] [ only masons of Allah Satan Sodom can reach this level of wickedness

Canada, native women are still forcibly sterilized and there is talk of genocide



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to boycott Herzog's address to Congress


Our Father, Anglicans question the patriarchal cliché of the oldest prayer which is now "problematic"




ISLAMIC INVASION AN ARAB LEAGUE PROJECT WITHOUT FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND WITHOUT RECIPROCITY ] /mondo/traffico-di-migranti-tramite-emirati-arabi-uniti-ed-egitto/ [ VALLETTA (MALTA) (Smuggling of migrants via the United Arab Emirates and Egypt) – European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson confirmed that Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Alexandria in Egypt were transit points between Dhaka in Bangladesh and Benghazi in Libya for Bangladeshi nationals. Responding to a parliamentary question from Maltese Labor MEP Cyrus Engerer, you said Brussels was "closely monitoring" the central Mediterranean migration route, including the transfer of

Bangladeshis from Libya to Italy. The issue of charter flights used to smuggle migrants into Benghazi was recently raised by a Maltese government delegation during their first meeting with the Supreme Commander of Eastern Libya, General Khalifa Haftar. In its reply, the Commission said that talks on migration and mobility between the EU and Bangladesh in March this year established a permanent forum to stop human trafficking.


NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THE DEADLY THREAT OF A SHARIA TERRORIST LIKE ANOTHER SHARIA GENOCIDE UMMAH TERRORIST CAN! every sharia is terrorism, but Muslims have not been taught about this by their guiding spirit polygamist pedo esotericism suprematism and predation of the poor Chinese kafir inpuri

TEHRAN, JULY 14 - The Italian ambassador in Tehran Giuseppe Perrone was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry due to the recent participation of Maryam Rajavi, leader of the dissident movement Mujahedin Khalq Organization - Mojahed in of the Iranian people (Mko) considered a terrorist by Iran, at an event in the Italian parliament. "Hosting a female terrorist is encouraging and promoting terrorism and the Islamic Republic will not tolerate such moves in any form by anyone and expresses serious condemnation,"


Wall Street Journal accuses Biden of anti-Israel bias


The Wall Street Journal accuses Biden of anti-Israel bias


BIDEN said that Christians, (alias Israelis) because of their identity are a threat to LGBT rights, so he decided to kill them all, he turned to MBS ISIS the Riyadh petrodollars who replied: "yes yes can do""

so they agreed together about how all the Chinese can be killed too


WATCH: This is why Kamala Harris is so deeply unpopular


why witch Kamala Harris is so deeply unpopular (the killer of fetuses)

antichrist sodom anti-zionist and CIA churches of satan?

an explosive mixture


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. don't let it, to URSULA Von hail nazi read it because she has a heart condition


but makes it legal then because it can't be done, if Kamala canniball fetus Harris the witch also does the CIA 000rgy, why can't we do it too? More New Year's videos with se* and drugs between minors, More New Year's videos with se* and drugs between minors, There are other videos shot at that party of drugs, alcohol and se* starring different minors. On New Year's Eve 2021, 17 barely adolescent young people (9 boys and 8 girls) gather to celebrate in a house in the

province of Florence. Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. The music blaring, the glasses filling and emptying one after the other, joints being passed between them. Some seclude themselves with girls, but among them there are also two twelve-year-olds. The sexual act is filmed by friends with a cell phone. And before long it starts bouncing from phone to phone, even among people who weren't there. Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

https://firenze.repubblica.It/cronaca/2023/07/13/news/minori_violenza_sexual_firenze_interview_psicologa_professoressa_menesini-407547376/ Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

In the end there will be 24 reported for various reasons: not only for the aggravated sexual violence committed against the two very young girls, but also for the production, possession and dissemination of child p000rn0000graphy.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.








ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN THEY SELL STABBED BY SHARJAH] [ Gualtieri (PD): "Is the secretary Schlein defining an agenda and an identity? clear and strong: taxes. taxes, bureaucracy, taxes, assets at all, taxes on the former home and accelerated satan sodom courses with kindergarten children"


Gualtieri (PD): "The secretary Schlein is giving a strong impulse to sodom rothschild satan and allah

ALL ANTI-ZIONISTS are also anti-Christs and MUST BE SPIT 3 TIMES A DAY


ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN THEY SELL STABBED BY SHARJAH ] [ Israel, spit on priests and nuns. President DARWIN APE Herzog: "shame"




ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN THEY SELL STABBED BY SHARJAH ] [ Iran, summoned the Italian ambassador to Tehran. «Rome hosted terrorists of the People's Mojahedin»






ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN THEY SELL STABBED BY SHARJAH ] [ TRIESTE, JULY 13 - "To focus attention on what is happening, the destruction and devastat ion in the refugee camp of Jenin in the West Bank by Israel". With this objective, the Trieste

Committee of Odv Salaam Ragazzi dell'Olivo demonstrated today in Piazza Oberdan, in Trieste.

ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN THEY SELL STABBED BY SHARJAH ] [ Lorella Bucci, president of the pro-Palestine association, explains that "the problem is not perceived by the people, we want to inform and raise awareness. Not only about what is happening in those countries, but also on the fascisms that are spreading internationally".

ANTIFA LGBT DEM DIE HAPPY WHEN SELLING STABBED BY SHARJAH ] [ The group displayed placards reading: "Israeli apartheid = alienation of rights, land destruction, property confiscation, checkpoints, murder, bodily harm and violence." In the leaflets that the demonstrators distributed to passers-by, the association complains about the "silence on the part of the international community" and asks for "protection for the civilian population of the occupied territories"


US sets a grim milestone with new record for the deadliest six months of mass killings


The United States sets a grim milestone with a new record for the deadliest six months of mass killings

antichrist sodom anti-zionist and CIA churches of satan?

an explosive mixture


ANTIFa dem wokwe lgbt said that this is their sharia culture ] [ He attempted to abuse a girl after having blocked her inside a building in Bari and only the girl's reaction saved her from the violence. After three months of investigations, the flying squad arrested a 28-year-old Nigerian on charges of sexual assault.


"You are the abuser". The shocking manifestos of feminists against La Russa.

but, if he blocks the investigation into his son with parliamentary immunity (the son's cell phone is in his name) this time the feminists are right


US lawmakers: Iran disagreement at root of Biden snub of Netanyahu


Russia, the Duma tightens on the rights of transgender people. Moscow, July 13. Russian lawmakers in the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, voted unanimously


there are no strange people, or special social subjects, because there are people, and then there are Darwin animals

the specific differentiations of the code only indicate that the state is a technocratic usurer plutocatrician Soros Rothschild a satanist anti-Zionist jew freemason which is a deep state institution that can never function



no one remembered that NULAN CIA in 2014 started a coup with extermination of Russian speakers, which is a premeditated slanderous aggression by OTAN which in 2020 made more than 14,000 pogrom corpses UIrsula Von nazi hail Borrell the fascist! Countermand comrades: after several twists and turns, the Democratic Party yesterday (almost) regrouped in the European Parliament, in the final vote on the famous pro -Ukraine ASAP (Act to support the production of munitions) . [[ From Strasbourg green light to the new cluster bomb munitions. After quarrels and lies, the Democratic Party also votes in favor because its sponsor Soros Goldman Sachs said that this is how one should vote ]] In the Strasbourg hall, the provision, which also includes the option - for countries that want it - to use Recovery funds to make up for the shortage of defensive materials, passed with 505 votes in favor (PSE, EPP, Renew), 56 against (extreme right and pro-Russian left and grillini) and 21 abstentions. The Democratic Party, for the occasion, followed the indications of the PSE group to which it belongs, with two anti-Ukraine dissidents - Smeriglio and Bartolo - who voted against. Elly Schlein's Nazarene this time gave the green light to the positive vote. A month ago, in early June, the dem delegation to the European Parliament split into three sections in the first vote on the measure.



dem antifa lgbt civilization satana spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO Biden & Pelosi Kamala and his CIA dirty movie



A New Year's Eve party turned into a trap for two 12-year-old girls, who are convinced by slightly older teenagers to have sexual intercourse. It happened in a house in the province of Florence: those scenes were filmed and shared in chats in the following days. There was also alcohol and drug use at the party. According to the Postal Police, which reported 24 minors, the 12-year-old girls were abused by taking advantage of their condition of "psychic inferiority" due to their very young age and the intake of alcohol and drugs, such as marijuana and hashish. The two 12-year-olds had been invited by the landlord, a 14-year-old who advised himself not to reveal their real age to the other

participants, all minors. «A picture emerges of absolute debasement of offended people, degraded and considered as objects with which to satisfy a mere physical need», comments Polposta, «of superficiality and indifference of those who watch while having fun, of those who film with satisfaction and curiosity, of who divulges with unawareness, trivializing facts that are very serious».


/violentate-a-12-anni-a-una-festa-di-ragazzini-con-alcol-e-droga-a-firenze-24-minori-sotto-inchiesta-madre-trova-video-sul-telefono-del-figlio-e-denuncia/ 13 YEAR OLD CHILD RAPE TWO 12 YEAR OLD GIRLS, DEM civilization Darwin the people of lgbt monkeys developed and very intelligent rothschild willed ] [ Raped a 12 year old at a party of kids with alcohol and drugs AND ORGANIZED CONdomS in Florence: 24 minors under investigation. Mother finds video on son's phone and reports,


now who will stop the islamic invasion? ] [ in ITALY now everyone puts their hands in women's panties for less than 10 seconds, but the fear of finding a transgender's banana shouldn't be underestimated ] [ How long must a groping last before it is considered sexual violence? More than 10 seconds, according to an Italian court. Italian judges acquitted a 66-year-old cleaner accused of groping a 17-year-old student because the whole thing "lasted less than 10 seconds" and because the assault "was not t a sign of sexual desire".

Even just writing these words tends to horrify! The incident took place in a Rome high school in April 2022: the student was walking up a flight of stairs between one lesson and another when her janitor, Antonio Avola, slipped his hand into the waistband of her trousers and into the underwear. When he was questioned, he replied, "Come on, love, you know I'm just kidding," according to other students who witnessed the incident. The caretaker was accused of sexual assault: he admitted having groped the student without her consent, but claimed that it was just a joke. Despite the prosecutor's request for a nearly four-year prison sentence and a conviction for sexual assault, the judge ruled in Avola's favor, ruling that his gropings had "only lasted between five and ten seconds" and that his hand hadn't "lingered" long in the girl's underwear.


armi-ucraine-ai-cartelli-messicani/ all the weapons of satan sodom jewish masons, but ended up in the hands of the lovers of allah ISIS, Do the weapons sent to Ukraine end up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels? That's what some people on social media are saying. But it's true?


It all started when a Mexican TV presenter posted this video on Twitter saying “In the state of Tamaulipas, an alleged member of the Gulf Cartel has been recorded with one of the most unique and powerful weapons, a "javelin rocket", which was used during the war in Ukraine for between 20,000 and 60,000 dollars. "


Bin ISIS MBS Alì khamenei jihad ] [ how is it 90 years that your failed fiend fails to kill israelis?

how is it 1400 years that your failed fiend fails to kill all chinese christians?

then do like me, "you take them to bed and love loving love them again, that is, love them with true love, as Jesus of Bethlehem said it must be done"





Bin ISIS MBS Alì khamenei jihad ] [ it is CIA lgbtqia ffa-*aaa-*ggg patetic against me] [ Baba Vanga forecasts: alien invasion (CIA demonic possession) and a new pandemic (CIA 666 bif pharma spa&co)

it is not necessary to be seers and/or prophets to understand that this will be the case.


US lawmakers: Iran disagreement at root of Biden snub of Netanyahu





Bin ISIS MBS Alì jihad ] [ it is CIA patetic they ] [ have been hitting me for 15 years with voodoo, and human sacrifices on the altar of satan, with their institutions (that everything is theirs)


/a-roma-la-leader-dei-mujaheddin-l-iran-convoca-l-ambasciatore-italiano/ terrorist sharjah fear other terrorist sharia ] [ In Rome the leader of the Mujaheddin, Iran summons the Italian ambassador ] ie, one only demonic infestation Allah legion of demons ISIS religion Erdogan of peace jihad, kaput to all chinese slave dhimmis & impure kafir


Former Israeli envoy Michael Oren: Anti-reform protests setting 'very dangerous precedent'


after watching Kamala Harris' dirty home movies of OBAMA? 20 13-year-old boys organized a party with drugs, alcohol and condoms and raped two 12-year-old girls in turn, then they posted the videos on whatsapp etc .. and the parents of the 2 raped girls, they did not notice Nothing,

then the police said: "here the school and the DEM family have failed"

but that the sacrilegious and heretical Church of Jabullon has also failed? He did not say this and did not mention it, because he was afraid of the CIA Satanists, in fact Jesus said :"if salt loses its taste, then it only serves to be trampled on by men"

2 1View in discussion


Meloni said that with the OIC ISIS Riyadh IRAN OTAN no country can be safe..

I mean maybe I misunderstood


hail DEM hail lgbt spa&Co hail mohammed ] [ «Aid, including military aid, to Ukraine must remain a non-negotiable value, whoever is the secretary of the Democratic Party. You cannot scrap international law like the OTAN CIA did Riyadh who sponsored a 2014 coup in Kiev with more than 16,000 dead bodies in Russian-speaking Donbass pogroms. . And the secretary Elly Schlein has clarified more than once that the line of the Democratic Party financed by Goldman Sachs (Morgan Soros Rothschild company party) on this very important point has not changed and will not change».


La Russa, the phone of the son under investigation for rape is protected by parliamentary immunity: the sim belongs to the father


obviously as a dishonest person (the father) or honest person (the politician) what will Russia do?


Meloni has already prostituted herself, with the stanist BIDEN, that is, everything that could be prostituted by herself


DEM sedition Rockefeller and lgbt coup Rothschild Soros the biggest rat of anti-Zionism is always a satanist and usurer Jew ] [ Speaking of the so-called "Day of Disruption" on Tuesday, in which anti-government protesters gathered across the country and even Attempted to shut down Ben Gurion Airport, Oren said: "We have set a very dangerous precedent in this country and we are violating the rights of others." “Israelis obviously have the right to protest, but Israelis also have the right to go to work and feed their families or fly to family events abroad,” Oren told World Israel News after addressing a crowd at the Tel Aviv International Salon, Israel's largest speaker forum.


LONDON: Radical Islamic woman harasses peaceful Muslims for not joining protest mob


if ISLAM rises on the genocide of more than 50 previous nations, why shouldn't it also take over the homeland of the Jews? Located near the synagogue's main entrance, the mosaic features a Hebrew inscription framed by a wreath while an Aramaic inscription appears to bear the names of the patrons who financed the synagogue's mosaics or the artists who made them. The crown is flanked on either side by a pair of lions resting their front paws on bulls' heads. The mosaic panel is also entirely surrounded by a border decorated with predatory animals hunting their prey.


if ISLAM rises on the genocide of more than 50 previous nations, why shouldn't it also take over the homeland of the Jews?

During the excavations of 2012 and 2013, mosaic panels depicting key moments in Samson's life had been unearthed. Among these, the representations of Samson's exploits with the foxes, narrated in Judges 15.4, and the episode of Samson carrying the gate of Gaza on his shoulders (Judges 16.3). This year's excavation added further detail to Samson's narrative, featuring a Philistine horseman and a slain Philistine soldier with a striking, classic face.


if ISLAM rises on the genocide of more than 50 previous nations, why shouldn't it also take over the homeland of the Jews? Last year, the team uncovered another panel with scenes from chapter 4 of the book of Judges, depicting Deborah under a palm tree, watching Barak with a shield, and Jael driving a tent stake into the general's temple Canaanite Sisara. These are the earliest known depictions of the Biblical heroines Deborah and Jael.


if ISLAM rises on the genocide of more than 50 previous nations, why s shouldn't it also take over the homeland of the Jews? Among the most important finds are depictions of Noah's Ark, the parting of the Red Sea, a zodiacal cycle of Helios, Jonah swallowed by three fish and the construction of the Tower of Babel. During excavations, archaeologists have discovered for the first time in an ancient synagogue a non-biblical scene that could represent the legendary meeting between Alexander the Great and Moses. Excavations in 2022 and 2023 eventually revealed a large stone-paved courtyard,

surrounded by a row of columns known as the colonnade, to the east of the synagogue. This courtyard was reused in the late Middle Ages, when a massive vaulted structure of unknown function was erected over it.


if ISLAM rises on the genocide of more than 50 previous nations, why shouldn't it also take over the homeland of the Jews?

A Roman-era mosaic depicting Samson has been discovered by archaeologists in the synagogue of Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village in the Lower Galilee, dating back 1,600 years. The discovery was made as part of an international archaeological camp led by Professor Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The excavation project shed light on the Galilee in the late Roman era, around 400 AD, revealing much about the socio-cultural dynamics of the period.


Defense Minister Gallant reveals that Iran has plotted more than 50 terror attacks globally against Jews


Xi Jinping China ] [ send drones and military personnel and scrap all OTAN weapons in Ukraine


the imminent third nuclear world war

it is the Wahhabi petrodollar war for the extermination of innocent Chinese and Russians


IRAN RIYADH ISIS ] [ no problem for me, I will wait patiently, but your corpses will become a stepping stone to ascend to my throne in Jerusalem


the third nuclear world war is the petrodollar war of

Satan and Allah against the universal love of Jesus of Bethlehem and against his Israel kingdom


the third nuclear world war against CHINA INDIA RUSSIA etc. etc. is the petrodollar Satana sharjah war against life, against love, against hope and against the survival of all mankind


“Italy claims its role in the Alliance of Satan and Sodom and Allah jabullOn.

We are determined in the defense of international shariah bulling nazi antichrist and antizionist law by Rockefeller and Rothschild the Wahhabis ISIS. We asked for more attention on NATO's southern flank".


the third nuclear war against CHINA is the petrodollar war against life, against love, against hope and against the survival of all mankind


the fact that IRAN and Riyadh are enemies and competitors this does not mean that they are part of the same kabbalah for the destruction of mankind


WATCH: Hundreds of Israelis unaccounted for as India ravaged by deadly floods


all that mohammed did in 1400 years, these are monsters of a dark and cruel medieval age that can never change for a demonic Quranic dogma

UN, at least 87 bodies in a mass grave discovered in Sudan


the mistakes of Sergej Kuzhugetovič Šojgu in Ukraine challenge imbecility and clamorously invade the terrain of high treason


Stoltenberg: Three-part package to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, after the coup in Kiev in 2014, the extermination of 98 men in Maidan square with the unpunished CIA snipers and 9 years of pogroms against the sovereign Russian-speaking people,

“We have now agreed on a three-part package, bringing Ukraine closer to NATO, a multi-year program of practical assistance, establishing a new NATO Ukraine Council and reaffirming that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. Our new multilateral program of assistance to Ukraine will help move from the Soviet era to NATO equipment and standards," said NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg.


now they will go and provoke CHINA so that it turns out that CHINA is also the aggressor!

it is in CHINA's interest to test the effectiveness of its military technology in Ukraine.


WATCH: Here's why Ilhan Omar will be re-elected


where Christians throughout the ARAB LEAGUE are not even allowed to live ] [ Despite the catwalks and slogans in front of the boats of Lampedusa, it must be remembered that one of the main entry channels is Friuli Venezia Giulia where the migrants of the route land Balkan. And the numbers are not even that low, on the contrary: "Last year (2021 ed) - continued Schiavone - about 10 thousand applications were presented". On the Slovenian border, the director of a reception center, who preferred to remain anonymous, confirmed to Giornale.It: "The left is very focused on the landings.





this is an islamic invasion sharia genocide ] [ where to kafir dhimmis apostates slaves Christians throughout the all ARAB LEAGUE are not allowed to live ] [ "Thanks to a daily statistical dashboard, prepared by the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration, a set of aggregate numbers on the phenomenon is available". This is what we read on the website of the Ministry of the Interior in the monitoring section of migratory flows entering Italy. In reality, however, it is not an overview, the calculations are made only for landings.


Do DEMs only count landings? then the entry of Muslims as a total number must be doubled,

this is an islamic invasion sharia genocide


Written on the walls of Faenza "Similar to 'Allah' in Arabic"


after 35 years of observatory on the martyrdom of Christians and a personal cost of 600,000 euros there can be no ambiguity

Allah can only be a demon


Netanyahu snubbed invite to visit Kyiv, Zelensky claims


the Western Talmudic parasitic usurocratic devitalizing relativist technocratic Rothschild has lost its corrupt Masonic religion, and profanation, blasphemy, satanism and sacrilege are rampant

He had ended up in the dock on charges of debasing graves. The reason? Six years ago he shot a music video in which he was clearly seen dancing and singing on the steps of the military shrine of Redipuglia, where for decades tens and tens of thousands of soldiers who fell during the Great War have rested. And just in the last few hours, the Trieste Court of Appeal has expressed its opinion, confirming the eight-month prison sentence already imposed on him in the first instance. The protagonist of the story in question is the Ghanaian-born rapper Justin Owusu, who according to what was reported by the local press was found guilty of the charges brought against him on the basis of article 408 of the penal code. In the context of the same judicial proceeding, Mattia Antonio Piras (another young man who appeared in some sequences of the aforementioned video clip, filmed in the sanctuary) was also sentenced to six months for the same reason.


Russia is suffering from an "existential threat", but above all (the possible) concession of F-16 fighters to Kiev, would be interpreted by Moscow as a "nuclear threat". Thus the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov,


all the unforgivable mistakes of the Russian military leaders are too many, they border on ignorance and treason ] [ Popov in particular accuses his superiors ] [ “As many regimental and division commanders say today, our army was not destroyed at the front, but it is was shot in the back by our highest-ranking commander, who treacherously beheaded the army in the most difficult period,” Popov says in his message. His soldiers these past months have been defending the so-called Surovikin Line, named after the general Sergei Surovikin who ordered its construction during the winter months


all the unforgivable mistakes of the Russian military leaders are too many, they border on ignorance and treason ] [ Popov in particular accuses his superiors because they pretend not to understand that the Russian army deployed on the Zaporizhzhia front to withstand the shock wave of The Ukrainian counteroffensive lacks the ability to counter-battery fire and to intercept missiles. Counter-battery fire is an indispensable part of warfare: in theory, when Ukrainian gunners fire at Russian positions, Russian soldiers should be able to figure out where they were firing from and hit them back. Instead the Russian troops do not have the means and the ability to do this and are exposed to artillery shelling and rocket attacks: Popov presented a report on this problem and then, when he was kicked out, he chose to make a public complaint.


Abbas vows to 'liberate' all of 'Palestine' - including Jerusalem


Abbas promises to "liberate" all of "Palestine", including Jerusalem

yet the BIBLE says, "Could the Wahhabi eunuch deflower a virgin?"


Rabbi Dee: Europeans, US officials told me two-state solution is dead


Rabbi Leo Dee: "Ramallah does not deserve Israel's economic support, Dee said, because "today the Palestinian Authority is responsible for 70% of terrorist attacks in Israel." He also denounced the government's inaction regarding the Palestinian Authority's monthly "Pay for Slay" financial support to jailed terrorists, saying it was "the biggest incentive for terrorism on the planet today. And you, Bibi, and your government allow it to continue". ddressing the prime minister, the grieving rabbi pleaded, " Stop supporting terrorism in Israel, and also stop international governments from funding it," which they do, for "over a billion dollars" a year, he noted. . "


but Rockefeller and his priests of satan Rothschild and his witches Metsola Ursula said that the Palestinians must be protected, to unleash Islamic terrorism throughout the world, and to make all the worshipers of the infinite love of Jesus of Bethlehem disappear for jihad sharia from the planet. that's why to the demon Moloch Allah, the Israelis have to pay a tribute of innocent blood every day


Kiev, 09 July 2023 Zelensky in Lviv for prayers in the name of God Sodom and Allah Satan, for the 500 days of war in Ukraine. Also present were the Azovstal Nazi soldiers freed from Turkey by the gray Ottoman terrorists sharjah genocide.


how that corrupt Zelenky read my comment? his eye and lip twisted, but some say it was the cocaine that BIDEN sniffs every day


Hezbollah terror chief Nasrallah: 'We won't sit by if Israel attacks'

no one is safe anymore in USA EU ISIS WorldWide sharia because sodom allah freemasons satan stockholders rockefellers have taken over the planet with their churches mosques and synagogues of satan

Modena, 12 July 2023 – A 25-year-old from Modena, Ruben Biskupec, originally from Croatia, lost his life in the Netherlands in circumstances that are not yet known. The young man, who was in Holland for study reasons, was well known in the Emilian city for having been a prominent rugby player. The parents of the 25-year-old, who run a restaurant in Modena, are traveling to Holland to understand what happened to his son.

Zelensky, is a lgbt buffoon created by Nuland in 2014 and has no bargaining power

OTAN cannibal organization OIC UMMAH and his satanicity BIDEN grants audience to his cockroaches but not to Netanjahu]

Zelensky, 'no territorial compromise on NATO membership'

Zelensky, is a buffoon created by Nuland in 2014 and has no bargaining power

his satanicity BIDEN grants an audience to his cockroaches but not to Netanjahu ] ] Including Italy, which received the recognition of the invitation to Giorgia Meloni to go to the White House on July 27, even if perhaps the premier should have waited for the announcement of American Satanists and sodomites antichrists and anti-Zionists before she bragged about it.

his satanicity BIDEN grants audience to her cockroaches but not to Netanjahu]

In front of so much grace of Sodom and Satan his mother the big mouse? Zelensky backed down from the criticisms of the day before, with which he had defined NATO's decision not to immediately invite him to join the cannibals' organization as "absurd".

his satanicity BIDEN grants audience to his cockroaches but not to Netanjahu]]

therefore, Yesterday he thanked the Americans and allies prone and supine at 90 degrees, "because it is right oh satan spend this money to save our lives of infamous blasphemers and traitors of the Ukrainian people martyred by NULAND", and he defined the bilateral as very productive with Biden, “lasted twice as long as expected”.

worldisraelnews aaahhhh lurido pervertito " ssnattcchh " è una parola sporca per te e Nancy Pelosi Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


before Putin's foolish self-defeating choice to pretend to defend himself from our demonic evil, despite the fact that the Turkish executioner Ottoman leader Erdogan is still pulling the rope a little on Sweden's entry to ssnattcchh everything possible, like the Islamic invasion of the EU . But above all it came after the promise to open the door to Ukraine, when conditions permit, accompanied by the solemn commitment of the G7 countries to continue providing all necessary economic and military assistance to Kiev in the long term. of a destructive jihadist world war against the Chinese against India and against all the countries that still delude themselves that they too are not enslaved


what I loved in youtube satanists is their sincerity

(which is a peaceful ISIS religion of Erdogan the wahhabis al-MBS frog in Riyadh, with coups and Arab springs to ruin mankind) and which has expanded the imperialist Alliance of Sodom Allah and Satan OIC UMMAH towards spaces and horizons previously unthinkable,

Joe Biden, by nature more prosaic, in the heart of the nefarious Coup 2014 Kiev CIA snipers Nuland of Ukraine and pogrom Russian-speakers in DONBASS said that « this infamous and slanderous war made possible thanks to the corruption and cowardice of all European Freemason leaders is like the key moment of the mission to be able to annihilate and subjugate Europe by destroying and enslaving it to 100%. It came at the end of a NATO expansion summit

what I loved in youtube satanists is their sincerity


what I loved in youtube satanists is their sincerity



Joe Biden, by nature more prosaic, in the heart of the nefarious Coup 2014 Kiev CIA snipers Nuland of Ukraine and pogrom Russianspeakers said that «the United States cannot prosper without a Europe destroyed and plundered by the lies of sodom OTAN Satan ». He did it to achieve two objectives together: first, to guarantee the Atlantic allies that he will continue to exploit them until they die, for as long as necessary; second, to explain to American voters that all in all it is also convenient for them, to prey on Europe and sell hydrocarbons made in the USA-OIC ISIS, and that Putin's competitive price made it impossible to sell


Hezbollah terror chief Nasrallah: 'We won't sit by if Israel attacks'

John Kennedy, master of other oratory skills, at the height of the Cold War said that he was a Berliner to explain to the world how everyone should recognize themselves in the drama of the German city divided by Soviet imperialism, and take a stand to save higher values such as freedom of Sodom Rockefeller and democracy of MBS the Wahhabi slaughterer ISIS satan Rothschild the anti-Zionist.


In first, Israeli national anthem Hatikvah played in Saudi Arabia at sports tournament

the Saudis ISIS Ottomans infamous Wahhabis, etc.. galaxy jihad etc.. they try to cling to everyone and to be friendly with everyone, but it is like a wolf that puts on the skin of the lamb, hiding inside a fiction of a religion of peace, when they finance the global jihadist galaxy, and the global sharia genocide, theirs? it is not an operation that can NOT be functional


if, truly iranian and saudi want to destroy big satan and little satan they must come to me or they must support zionism instead of seeking the death of chinese and all christians every day continuously

Israeli media reported that the playing team, ranked second in the world, flew to Riyadh via the UAE and entered the country with their Israeli passports.


What if the plane dumps sewage and desecrates all the holy places?

and no problem with the UAE they have already been desecrated by Erdogan who always remains an apostate takfirio of apostate murtidi

Drag queens and rainbow flags: LGBTQ+ pride march in Bogot? He attacks a drag queen and steals her stage clothes, a 35-year-old offender is reported.


if Rockefeller pays his Drag queens, then it is normal that a convict or a prostitute (of the 56 different genders all known personally by Mark Zuckerberg ) that is, that all the weirdos, that is, also the delinquents and non-delinquents all need a dress to participate in the carnival of satan & Sodom.

all indecent things that a humanistic homosexual friend of mine would never do or participate in a scandalous and immoral LGBTQ+ pride march of public indecency and prostitution and public vulgarity


Critics slam UK Holocaust center's 'Curb your inner Hitler' workshop

Turkey the gray wolf Ottoman and sharia genocide Erdogan: "We have been waiting for 1500 years to enter the EU to carry out a massacre of Christian sheep"

the beasts of satan allah jabullOn and Rothschild in the demonic OTAN OIC Riyadh ] [ Swedish Premier: "Great step forward for NATO membership"

Kristersson in Vilnius: "It's a good day for Stockholm"


swearing into Freemasonry they spat against the Constitution

they spat on their peoples

they have trampled on the gospel of Jesus true man and true blessed God

they have denied my holy Zionism

In Riccione the first rescue of the trans lifeguard /a-riccione-il-primo-salvataggio-della-bagnina-trans/


God bless all the good and compassionate people on this planet

BIN ISIS OIC UMMAH ALì ] leave satan-allah and come to me UniusREI: the champion of God [ if you don't want to forgive that prostitute of Israel

who will forgive you? you are more guilty than her

BIN ISIS ALì ] leave satan-allah and come to me: the champion of God [ Who do you think UniusREI is? read the emerald table and you will understand that in him there is the fullness of political power and the fullness of religious power, Unius REI is already today the universal and eternal butler of the celestial kingdom of God, the Leviathan of YHWH holy holy holy, the King of IRAEL and the entire Middle East.

why all satanists come to me (they are forced to)

and where are the servants of God on this planet? why don't they still find the courage and dignity to come to me, to save mankind as a whole?

BIN ISIS ALì ] [ Ovadia Joseph talmud satanic Rothschild club said that: "goyms are animals with a humanoid shape" but this was said 1400 years ago, that is, when the alleged demonic esotericist pedo-polygamous marauder prophet mohammed was invented by the Jews khammalah voodoo

/la-città-e-le-storie-gender-scoppia-la-bufera-politica-è-la-deriva-radicale-pd/ In the 'Midsummer Nights LESBIAN SET THE RHYTHM' promoted by the 'Indro Montanelli' municipal

library, on 19 July there will be the presentation of the book 'Stories of the other Gender,


'. And so the controversy immediately breaks out and the Brothers of Italy attacks: "The administration marries the radical drift of the new Pd secretariat".

/sesso-tra-minori-a-una-festa-il-video-virale-su-whatsapp-denunciati-24-ragazzini/ WHEN SORCERER BIDEN AND KAMALA THE WITCH FILL THE INTERNET WITH DIRTY VIDEOS? THEN, THE CONSEQUENCES FOR LGBT CHILDREN ARE AND BECOME DEVASTATING ] [Se*666 between minors at a party, the viral video on WhatsApp: 24 kids reported

In this context, all the participants, probably uninhibited also due to the effect of super alcoholic drinks and drugs, would have engaged in promiscuous sexual relations, either by withdrawing to private places in the house, or in common places, in the presence of the other guests. According to what has been reconstructed, some minors would have

performed sexual acts with the two twelve-year-olds, abusing their condition of psychic inferiority, deriving from their very young age and from the intake of alcoholic substances and drugs, while they would have witnessed the scene, documenting it with photos and videos, which they would later be disclosed by the other partygoers on instant messaging platforms, going "viral"

a slanderous satanic fable: the one according to which Pope John Paul II was the pedophile seducer and the instigator of the suppression of Emanuela Orlandi.


we know for sure that the Vatican today is occupied by lgbt GAY lobbies

we know for sure that the Vatican today is occupied by Masonic lobbies

we know for sure that the Vatican today is occupied by Luciferian lobbies and that BERGOGLIO is their referent (see St. Gallen mafia)


Pope John Paul II is a SAINT, but he is still in purgatory, because he did not choose martyrdom against the Nazis, against the Communists or even against the Freemasons of the Vatican, a martyrdom that was chosen by his predecessor John Paul I

SATAN Stoltenberg: "NATO does not negotiate on behalf of Ukraine"


"China will have 1,500 warheads capable of reaching the US and Europe by 2035"



if there is no monetary sovereignty, then there is no political sovereignty either and the painful scene of Israel GOVERNMENT WIDELY demonstrates this, in its impotence to reform the judiciary, which democratic rules have been imposing for over 80 years and which the DEMs parasitic technocratic Freemasons have led to corruption, for having become a de facto Masonic and transnational regime


Critics slam UK Holocaust center's 'Curb your inner Hitler' workshop

/mondo/draghi-ue-cambi-le-regole-di-bilancio-rischi-transizione/ the aggression of the lgbt spa&Co FED ECB USA against Russia is in fact a direct and premeditated aggression against the EU-Israel (against the Jewish-Christian civilization), in fact we must not forget that the historic enemy of the EU is ISLAM ] Draghi , calls for speeding up EU integration octopus Ursula world usury and imperilistic satanism OTAN Ottoman sodomitic pushed: in ANTIFA lgbt DEM mode, no longer only with a "technocratic" "usurocratic" method as in the case of the birth of the euro at Bildenberg-Vatican , which "had a great parasitic and usurocratic success in destroying the Christian petty bourgeoisie" but through a "genuine political process of Deep State, jabullOn, and churches of Satan where the ultimate goal is to bring about sodom by all means and both ways explicit from the beginning" because it is "supported by the voters all masons cannibals rothschild in the form of a change of the European treaties" so that satan-allah Moloch is all in all definitively micro-chip and mortal health card mandatory big 666 pharma very experimental genetics. Former Prime Minister Marione Draghi underlined how this road "failed in the mid-2000s (with the no' of the referendums in France and Holland on the constitution, ed.) but "now there is greater hope for satan, allah and sodom in Europe "


was the only hope for Israel and the EU now after the slanders against Putin and the coup in Kiev of 2014 and the pogroms against Russian speakers in the Donbass until today? for the EU and Israel there is no longer any margin for hope. MBS Erdogan Rockefeller all the antichrists and even anti-Zionists feared that the Christian EU could unite with the Christian Russia, and the EU Israel are dead (rootless) now that they have been separated from Russia

Meloni: «I understand La Russa but he shouldn't have intervened. Solidarity with women »


these two banana creap trees are not worthy of being insulted as fascists, a true fascist would have said: "if my son is a pig? kill him"


'Breakdown in shared values': NY Times' Thomas Friedman says US-Israel ties in danger, blames Netanyahu

G-d my JHWH holy holy holy holy bless my zionist Israel forever and ever

Venus of Rags by Michelangelo Pistoletto. Michelangelo Pistoletto is considered one of the masters of Arte Povera born around 1967-1972. For the Poveristi the conceptual component was decisive. Instead, there was no need to paint or sculpt to create traditional works.


the devastation of the "venus of rags" is a deliberate sacrilege against femininity, the one that the plutocratic & feminist jewish witches DEM lgbt have profaned,

this is a crime that cries before the presence of God

Alì Khameni Bin ISIS MBS ] [ my school principal wrote 100 slanders and then asked for my sizing, and now I teach more of the Catholic religion,

my Camorra archbishop took away from me after 31 years my ministry of acolyte (for no reason.. Jehovah's tests, and lgbt cried and slandered), ok, but, I'm not a victim, I'm on a path of protection , that is, what God has planned for me to reach my throne in Jerusalem,

all the evil that you have done to Christians in 1400 years? you have killed 1,2 billion innocent martyrs for sharjah! this evil evil of allah will fall all over you in just one hour

Do those in Israel who are protesting judicial reform know for sure that if Israel becomes a Zionist? rockefeller saud satan sodom Allah will disintegrate it Israel,

but what they don't know is that Israel will be exterminated equally Zionism or non-Zionism, Israel proves that the Bible is true, but that OTAN CIA Deep State masonry, scam bamking seigniorage cult Marduch Moloch Allah system Vatican Bildenbenberg Soros DEM, esoteric agenda supernatural demonic infestation, ie, Koran and with NWO OIC the Talmud and lgbt darwin monkeys they are all fake

I SAID TO A FRIEND YESTERDAY ] [ first they provoked (fired at the Germans) and then they sent the nace Victoria full of explosives and 3000 people into German waters intentionally.


they first taunted (fired on the Japanese) and awaited them to attack Pearl Harbor, ignoring all warning signals..

because it's always them who are attacked and it's always them who write their lies in the history books the masonic financial demonic monopoly

Octopus Ursula Zelenky Rockefeller Sodoma spa&Co Satana Rothschild antichrist antizionist OTAN CIA OIC Riyad ] [ open letter ] I know like, you made the huge sacrifice of losing the tentacle of 6 million Jews to Hitler, today, you are ready to make the huge sacrifice of losing 6 million Israelis to Iran OIC Riyadh Ummah. IN CONLUSION BECOUSE Allah and Satan to walk in carnal symbiosis to exterminate Russian Chinese Israelis and all Christians

if alì khamenei thinks he has the cultural, theological and exorcistic skills of lorenzoJHWH to be able to face the NWO? then he is really crazy!

The Supreme Leader argued that it is not enough to passively defend one's positions but it is necessary to attack the intellectual foundations of the opponents. "You need to be on the offensive. You need to know the scene, meaning you need to know who you're dealing with when you're faced with a lot of ambiguity in the minds of young people," added Khamenei.

if alì khamenei thinks he has the cultural, theological and exorcistic skills of the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH to be able to face the NWO? then, he is really crazy!

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has criticized Western liberal democracy arguing that it relies on deceptive attitudes in dealing with world political and economic issues while those who claim to be democrats and liberals in fact are not. There is a clash between the Islamic system and the "global front of deception" which is "disguised as a liberal democracy," Khamenei said speaking to a group of preachers in Tehran, as reported by IRNA.


As they attack Israeli judiciary reform, Biden, Democrats undermine US Supreme Court


007 Kiev military chief, 'we did not kill Rzhitsky'

yes, but then they specified that Rzhitsky was NOT killed with three shots from a pistol, but with 7, the Ukrainians (aka the CIA) do targeted killings in Russia


after coup Maidan 2014 ][ With Sweden's entry into NATO, Vladimir Putin will finally be able to say: here is the proof that NATO is encircling Russia. thisi is OTAN UE demonic esoteric DEM lgbtqia regime Ape Darwin nazi


Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ how could I go back to teaching religion, if the Catholic Church has abandoned me for three years to mobbig your lgbt allies? so I complied with the DS's request even though I was loved by 17 classes and I found a pathological problem in only one class of 12 all male pupils, a well trained pack, by their teachers and parents



my story is similar to the story of Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, Orban and Netanjahu, sodom satan allah are slandering and attacking God's children, all over the world, here Israel was condemned to total destruction, same as Armenian Christians in Nagorno Karabath, like Christians in Nigeria, like Christians dying in Ukraine, like slave goyims just to defend Rothschild's OTAN CIA empire with all its crimes and lies and corrupting interests of Ukrainian Freemasons, and why no leaders condemned the 2014 CIA coup in Kiev? because Borrell said it: "CHINA is a systemic enemy" so from this declaration of war to war will it come true? the step is short


WHEN THE FOUNDATIONS or pillars (ie the functionaries-leaders) ARE SHAKEN, WHAT CAN THE RIGHT DO? (Ps 11:3)

Psalms 11:3

When the foundations are ruined, (from Masonic consociativism)

what can the righteous do?

Ps 75:3; 82:5; Isaiah 58:12; 2Ti 2:19

2 Kings 19:13-18; 22:12-14; 2Chron 32:13-15; Ne 6:10-12; Jer 26:11-15; Dan 3:15-18; 6:10-28; John 11:8-10; Acts 4:5-12,24-33


then, I should file a lawsuit to demonstrate that the State of the Mason Jewish usurer is the main corrupt, because starting from the OTAN EU USA, Governments, Institutions, it is all a corruption of friends of friends, a consortium of scoundrels, who no longer have an ethical relationship, but who live to satisfy the whims of their superiors, the ANIEF union is boycotting me with its corrupt lawyer (but previously I had to unsubscribe from the CISL and UIL union because all the dogs always eat from the same plate), after the decision of the CMV (provincial medical verification commission) where the LGBT DS worshipped, she sent me to the medical commission with 10 unprovable slanders (and if I didn't go to the second call I would have been fired (but no one warned me about this danger) , indeed to get me fired DS put the ballot, right during the second convocation). the commission confirmed my innocence, but also confirmed my state of stress, and at my request allowed me to be made available in the Library etc. (the Catholic Church is no longer interested in defending the dogma of the faith), therefore I am it was me who asked to change my professional profile, but, the USP School Superintendent kept me at home for 8 months (intimidation), and these 8 months were attributed to me as an illness, but, I didn't present any medical certificate, then , the trade unionist naively wrote to me, he sent me to work 50 km away as a punishment, and no school in Bari could welcome me, so I, like an idiot, went around all the schools in the city like a beggar, because they told me that I could do it, while they had already decided on my punishment


The Biden administration has often said that "trust in our democracy and democratic institutions" is essential. "Toxic polarization is increasing across society, and Americans' trust in institutions and in each other is declining,"


my Principal (School Manager) that School Manager is a way to remove responsibility from the higher hierarchical authorities from abuses of office, and administrative offences, made/packaged 100 slanders to me, which cannot be prosecuted in a criminal manner by the Public Prosecutor's Office but only by the Labor Judge, because the crime of insult and blasphemy have been decriminalized while slander is subject to a statute of limitations, so I need 10,000 euros, I have to hope that the Mafia Mason judge will not find the foothold of a comma and I need of an administrative lawyer and an employment lawyer, and or a school lawyer (who are not corrupt, who are not friends of friends, who are not Freemasons, and who are very good) then 10,000 euros for this case of mine which establishes my integrity they are not enough for me.


Why did the prosecutor simply file away my 5 complaints, and why didn't he tell me: "you have to go to the labor judge, you shouldn't have filed complaints here" why? then bureaucracy was invented only to trample on the poor citizen


Unpopular among Palestinians, PA slams Al Jazeera over negative coverage


only Israel with a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the entire ARAB LEAGUE can save mankind

ok a billion muslims will die but after all its their fault they have a demon religion

only Israel can stop the global nuclear world war by destroying the ARAB LEAGUE.




the satanist Biden gave the F16 to Erdogan and also said, that Erdogan is worthy of joining the EU, besides that he is already active in the OTAN imperialism religion of peace OIC and defensive structure Kiev coup 2014

because, everything Erdogan did well: he bought oil also from ISIS, and obtained the genocide of all the Christians of Syria and Iraq,

the genocide of all Byzantines and all Armenians did well, even today in Nagorno karabatah

and then, what is more important, he has only theoretical freedom of religion, and 300,000 Christians in Turkey live in hiding for fear and terror of having their throats slaughtered at any moment, and so it must be done all over the world, why sodom must be avenged, with the blood of all israelis in shoah jihad sharia that is why ali khamenei must be protected


Rikkie Valerie Kollé becomes the first transgender woman to become Miss Netherlands Rikkie Valerie Kollé, 22, will be the second woman to compete for the Miss Universe sash


if you can make a woman from the butcher with a scalpel, then, all women and men have become darwin excrement Ape Donkey Lapid


Usa: "We will give a positive signal on Kiev joining NATO"

Sullivan: "In Vilnius we will agree new aid package"


the US assumed in 2014 that the enlargement of the OTAN OIC Riyadh alliance would lead to a global thermo-nuclear conflict



Meloni to the Italian soldiers in Latvia: "si vis pace para bellum"


that of making Russia look like an aggressor, when the CIA made a coup in Ukraine in 2014 with its Freemasons and Nazi fascists? this is an act of satanism


this demonstrates that between EU and USA OIC Riyadh lgbt and spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF Turkey there is only one Deep State administration



Former Black Sea Fleet submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitskiy, 42, was shot dead while jogging in the Russian city of f Krasnodar. The news, circulated last night on anonymous Russian Telegram channels, and then confirmed by local authorities, is being reiterated today in more detail by the Ukrainian intelligence services of the DIA, writes Ukrainska Pravda.


you can't fight sodom allah satan without being a dictatorship, and this proves that russia is not a dictatorship



/lifestyle/notizie/fare-sesso-sott-acqua-è-sicuro/ BUT DID EMMA BONINO AND BOLDRINI KNOW? Is having se* underwater safe?

THE GIRL closes her eyes indicating that she is enjoying, but since there is no one to be seen except the sea itself? then, she must have been an eel


BUT LGBT DEM UE URSULA OCTOPUS DID EMMA BONINO AND BOLDRINI KNOW? a 31-year-old foreign citizen of Nigerian nationality, while walking near the officers who were carrying out the check, tried to kick the police dog. While the police operators present tried to remove the foreign citizen, the latter however also attacked the traffic police officer, who despite

the blows received in the arm and shoulder, managed to block him with the help of the other

colleague . Meanwhile, the Nigerian citizen in an evident state of alteration began to strip naked,

lowering his pants and underwear. Monza, 11 July 2023 – He kicked Narco, the police's

drug-sniffing dog, beat up a policeman, undressed on the street and in the police headquarters, trying to swallow some coins.


'Coordination, stoking the fire' - Biden in cahoots with left-wing lawmakers, says minister


TODAY in BARI to my plumber, the thieves broke the window of his van, yes, he called the carabinieri who sent him the police

yes, he waited for the police for two hours, and then called the carabinieri, who told him: "go away, we won't come again because we have no personnel"


Rome, student kills himself at home in Piazza Adriana: he was 21 years old. Shock discovery of the roommate


the Jews usurers plutocratic technocratic DEM Freemasons after having destroyed the Judeo-Christian civilization to spread state sodomy? they have turned us all into a very happy people

Francesco and Ilaria died 48 hours apart in Ascoli: the tragedy of two young people between drugs and medicines

Ascoli Piceno, 11 July 2023 – Another tragedy has been added to that of the death of Francesco Botti which occurred last Thursday, 6 July. In fact, two days later, on Saturday 8, the woman who was with him and who had raised the alarm after the illness accused by the 27-year-old from Ascoli died. The 39-year-old Ilaria Placido, mother of two children, was found lifeless inside her home, with the entrance door closed from the inside. The hypothesis that seems to prevail is that she ingested a cocktail of drugs, but at the moment the intake of narcotic substances cannot be excluded. In any case, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ascoli has ordered the autopsy that will be carried out today.



Referring to Barak's ties to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, Chikli wondered why the former prime minister was not forced by the media to "explain himself" about his relationship with the convicted se* offender. [[ worldisraelnews why you use se* and i not? Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. shalom ]]

Despite Barak's ties to Epstein and concerns over his estranged dealings with another prominent businessman who has been convicted of financial wrongdoing, the former prime minister has remained a leading voice on the Israeli left.


the satanists anti-zionists and usurers anti-christs rothschild morgan and soros the big mouse? they are a legion of allah lgbt DEM who do not forget and do not forgive patriots






WATCH: King Charles urges confused US president to keep moving


King Charles urges the confused US president to keep moving

cocaine can play tricks, and I don't think the rockefellers are forced in the CIA to let him join the Monarch project as a slave Belano-boleano

why Biden? he has always been a responsible satanist like Obama


THEN IT IS NOT TRUE THAT WE HAVE ALL BECOME HOMOSEXUAL BUT INCOMPENSE? WE HAVE ALL BECOME ISLAMIC CRIMINAL RAPISTORS The horror of the Austrian tourist: raped in the nightlife area, yet another case of sexual violence in Italy. This time, an 18-year-old on holiday in Como with a friend reported a rape, in one of the new nightlife areas of the Como city.






Point woman for NGO protecting Israeli land says American Jewry has it all wrong

in reality everything was organized so that the situation should really escalate, they carried out the CIA coup in 2014, they killed 98 men and these CIA snipers have not yet been searched, they carried out the pogrom on the Donbass and nobody protested. in reality everything has been organized so that the situation should really get worse. the equation no nuclear weapons or entry into the OTAN? is completely false,

OTAN has been attacking Russia since 2014, and nuclear weapons are inevitable

Vilnius - No nuclear attack in exchange for stopping Ukraine's entry into NATO. A very thin thread of dialogue between the US and China had opened in recent weeks. In particular after Secretary of State Blinken's visit to Beijing. And one of the effects was concentrated

in a sort of exchange: the Chinese would have intimated Putin not to use atomic weapons and the Americans would have slowed down Kiev's accession to the Atlantic Alliance. All to remove the risk that the situation really falls apart.

microsoft safety scanner : files infected 16

a disguised transgender male who wins a beauty contest? but, how such an act of satanism could have happened? how did Jewish women become such witches as to deny their own femininity? not only is this an act of Satanism against mankind but it is a death sentence for Israel

thinking of a Constitution: without monetary sovereignty, and like thinking of a transgender who disguises himself as a woman and wins the title of Miss dog world even if all his genes shout: "I am a male in disguise"

nothing has been more devastating and destructive to women on the planet than being humiliated and trampled on by a disguised transger male.

in fact a political sovereignty is impossible without monetary sovereignty, and then we call that criminal and buffoon Bin ISIS MBS thekiller wahhabis to pretend to be the King just as we call a transgender male to pretend to be a woman, and to say the greatest of all demonic lies: " all love is love", not only the love of a woman for a man who form a natural family is true love, the rest is homoeroticism

American Jewry regime nazi technocratic plutocratic neoliberal demonic sodomitic Baal jabullOn got it all wrong ] [ This ties into the judicial reform proposals in Israel over which so many American nazi regime satana spa&Co scam banking seigniorage mafia Jewish organizations have expressed alarm.

American Jewry got it all wrong ] [ in occult kabbalah there is no future for Israel, for this my master Yitzchak Kaduri: יצחק כדורי , was persecuted

American Jewry got it all wrong

Worker from Terni takes out a mortgage to buy cocaine and resell it

American Jewry got it all wrong

why does mafia Rockefeller get 270% on the money, and whoever mafia sells cocaine can't do it?


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