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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

I admire whoever wrote this article

Excuse du jour': Israeli protesters demand a constitution - analysis

I admire whoever wrote this article ] [ Accordingly, the offer of the advancement of a formal constitution for Israel in exchange for dialing down the maliciously and mendaciously choreographed protests against judicial reform is nothing but a devious deception to delay the advancement of the reform. Indeed it is an offer that those proposing it cannot deliver on—nor do they wish to. As such it, should be robustly rebuffed.


the seditious technocratic DEM lgbt freemason agents of the enemy perverse Epstein Biden Soros and their deep state, would die with their perversion in my absolute monarchy of Israel which is the only medicine to the imminent and inevitable third world war strongly desired by ISLAM against the nations Christian

thinking of a Constitution: without monetary sovereignty, and like thinking of a transgender who disguises himself as a woman and wins the title of Miss dog world even if all his genes shout: "I am a male in disguise"

nothing has been more devastating and destructive to women on the planet than being humiliated and trampled on by a disguised transger male.

in fact a political sovereignty is impossible without monetary sovereignty, and then we call that criminal and buffoon Bin ISIS MBS thekiller wahhabis to pretend to be the King just as we call a trasgender male to pretend to be a woman, and to say the greatest of all demonic lies: " all love is love", no only the love of a woman for a man who form a natural family is true love, the rest is homoeroticism

sure the Constitution: it is not Nothing but a red herring, if you do not have monetary sovereignty, and if then the judges of the country enter the rothschild freemasonry which transforms everything into DEM and lgbt

the concept of King Arthur (lorenzoJHWH) and the knights of the round table , is the concept of my kingdom israel

the concept of King Arthur (Unius REI) and the knights of the round table , is the concept of my worldwide kingdom same, to establish the UN which is populated by corrupt bureaucrats and Freemasons, who have not been able to see the CIA coup in Kiev in 2014 and the Russian-speaking pogrom to this day

but if you don't have monetary sovereignty, then it's ridila tua vergognaus to claim political sovereignty.

but if you have a secret Masonic association, then, even for this alone any constitution would be profaned, consequently the constitutional values will remain only theoretical and/or available to the rich only.

the solution is a monarchy with a pyramidal structure, based on the criterion of meritocracy, if someone is discouraged and or does not fulfill his role adequately, whoever is at a higher level immediately replaces him, i.e. the concept of King Arthur and the knights of the round table , according to the principles of values, when the are the brave they defend the values, with the oath to guarantee their life

Take Pakistan for example. The formal structure of the Pakistani political system has many similarities with that of the US. Like the US, Pakistan has a bicameral legislature, a federal system of government, a president elected separately from parliament, and a constitution, which purports to ensure civil rights. Yet Pakistan is only in the 102nd place (out of a total of 164 counties) in the 2023 Democratic Index Rankings. Significantly, the US ranks 26th, below Israel in 23rd place! (This finding is not a quirk of this particular ranking system.


the atrocities, murders, rapes that are committed against Christians in Pakistan continually cry out for vengeance before God. In state schools, children are told that it is right to help Christians become martyrs, when Muslim children and Christian children sit in the same bench , this is about the demonic nature of ISLAM

“Burkina Faso's human rights situation seriously deteriorated in 2022 as deadly attacks by Islamist armed groups against civilians increased,


it is in the demonic nature of ISLAM to impose the Koran in defiance of every human right and every constitution

Costitution is Reflective, not creative ] [ Thus, it should be clear to any serious student of political science that an authentically substantive constitution cannot, in and of itself, create societal values. On the contrary, it can only reflect them. For if it does not, it will remain nothing more than a worthless piece of paper, bearing meaningless words and empty promises.


therefore one of the tasks of the King in Israel was to administer justice and not so much to make the laws in which the council collaborated

This is the idea of a Constitution for Israel. Usually touted as to be based on Israel's Declaration of Independence, it is suggested that the formulation of such a constitution would appease the demonstrators opposing the coalition's legislative initiatives.

Seductive and deceptive for cannibal dracula Rockefeller he is already di occult demonic King worldwide


but here only one constitution can be made that of my kingdom of Israel, i.e. a monarchical constitution "ad personam" not dynastic

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

Israeli ministers to Biden: Two state solution is suicide, land of Israel is ours

ISLAM will not share the planet with the Chinese or even with today's cronies the Satanists.

ISLAM did not spare the previous peoples as it exterminated Armenians and Byzantines in Turkey, so Azerbaijan went to exterminate Armenians in Nagorno Karabath.

so the palestinians won't dig anything with the israelis here, because their demon allah said: "i want it all"

Israeli ministers to Biden: Two state solution is suicide, land of Israel is ours

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Taxi drivers bemoan loss of livelihood as protest leaders try enticing them to join anti-gov’t disruption

I am Ignacio Arsuaga, This year was a huge sprint. The UN attacked freedom of speech and civil rights under the guise of “pandemic prevention”. With the 2024 deadline for the World Health Organization to approve a "Pandemic Convention", we must act quickly, especially now that this year also in the Netherlands, after a "Pandemic Act" was previously passed in Belgium. The UN also threatens freedom of religion by invoking LGBT rights. Disney, Netflix and many other companies spread propaganda to sexualize our children. The Dutch and Belgian governments are also facilitating this with, for example, the “Week of Spring Fever” While LGBT, Cultural Marxist, pro-abortion, and anti-family lobbies are still wreaking havoc, you and I and CitizenGO members around the world have fought back and often won. We should all be proud of what we have achieved together. In many ways, the anti-family far-left agenda has met organized resistance for the first time... and you are at the forefront of this resistance with CitizenGO! But as intense as the first half of 2023 was, the coming months will be even more important. The foundation we lay in the coming months may determine whether we can run more effective campaigns with even greater impact in the future. Therefore, I am writing to you with an important request. By the middle of this month, I should have been promised $39,000 in new monthly donations. We need your help to keep CitizenGO strong and deliver the great, grassroots, grassroots-driven campaigns that will define our work this year and into the future. Will you do your part monthly to ensure that we have the consistent resources to maintain our organizational capacity that fights the extreme left, so that we continue to make progress on the biggest problems facing the Netherlands, Belgium and the rest of the world?

lgbt and satanism ] [ “We are coming to get your children!” This is the chilling chant she rang during New York Gay Pride a few. They say it explicitly. This is their goal. They know that children's minds must be conquered in order to bring about the "gender revolution", complete sexual fluidity, the destruction of children's identity and natural family.

They are preparing. Italy is also a battlefield. The trenches are the schools. Lorenzo, we must act. The gender lobby is already preparing for the reopening of schools in order to step up its indoctrination efforts. Just today they reported to me a "Manual" prepared by Arcigay, which includes gender "games" to be offered to students. In one of the games in the Manual, the kids have to play the character described on a card, such as:

> “You are a 15-year-old student who secretly feels like a girl trapped in a male body”

> “You are a 16-year-old student who goes to school in boys' clothes. Maybe your path will lead you to change your se*” Lorenzo, does it seem normal to you?

Well, it will be normal in schools if we don't do something NOW.

“We are coming to get your children!”

SHOCKING: MI-24 attack helicopters are transferred from Poland to Ukraine


SHOCKING: US created its slander, its 2014 coup, and its pogroms in Donbass but no one protested in the EU

SHOCKING: Ukraine, a man blows himself up in a court in Kiev, Police and emergency services on the spot: two officers were injured


SHOCKING: we can't get justice in Italy as can be expected in the Ukraine of coup plotters CIA snipers Maidan 2014? ok but what if you don't even have 6 thousand euros? you can't even start a lawsuit

SHOCKING: Drivers are angry that constant anti-government demonstrations, especially in the greater Tel Aviv area, have reduced their income by about 40%.


Is blocking and damaging a country's economy sedition, isn't it democracy, if I go on strike? I must not constrain the freedoms of others that do not directly depend on my activities

Discussion on World Israel News 59 comments

SHOCKING: Israeli Biden corruption case witness, now in hiding, details allegations against president’s family

SHOCKING: Israeli witness in Biden corruption case, now in hiding, details allegations against family

The "missing witness" to the Biden corruption probe, Israeli professor Dr. Gal Luft, has laid out his allegations of corruption against the president's family in a stunning video shot at an undisclosed location while he is on the run, possibly for the rest of his life.


I hope for him that he is an exorcist like me, because those are a legion of Ottoman and Wahhabi CIA OTAN demons who do not forget and do not forgive

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Swedish Jewish leader opposes ban on Bible burning

Swedish Jewish leader opposes ban on burning the Bible


now we are full

the Bible is no longer burned only in russia, china and israel

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

WATCH: 'Embarrassing, humiliating' - Biden shares US secrets on live TV

Biden Revealing Military Ammunition Shortage on Live Television? ridila tua vergognaus! the weapons were taken away only from the EU and Israel but they the Wahhabi dogs America USA satan sodom allah? they are full of weapons

Bin ISIS MBSbis psichedelic jhad assassin wahhabis takfirius strong ] [ if I wasn't here in Israel under Jewish Zionist protection?

the lgbt would have already mauled me

all NWO sodoma slanders ] [ Vox against community LGBT community and women: "culture war"


a treacherous student set a trap for me and said: "professor, are you against the lgbt community?"

and I replied: "never be against people/communities, yes to oppose a criminal ideology that destroys human dignity and civil society"

Euronews and all the Masonic media are masonic slanderers in a consortium. Vox against community LGBT community and women: "culture war" for elections in Spain, The far-right party Vox has insisted that the symbol of the LGBT movement be removed from the offices of regional authorities in the Balearic Islands, causing a strong reaction throughout the Spain.


1. There is no far right in the EU, as they give a far right even to the coalition parties Netanjahu.

2. it is not true that there are homophobes in the EU, and being against lgbt ideology does not mean being homophobic, in fact many homosexuals are persecuted by lgbt lobbies

“Embarrassing, humiliating” – Biden shares US secrets on live TV, Army veteran and former US Senate candidate Jake Bequette analyzes Biden's alleged gaffe by revealing military ammunition shortage on live TV


1. Sodomite and Islamic Masonic Satanists do not have the dignity to be able to feel ashamed

2. that is a lie a kind of red trap to tell CHINA bull: and why don't you take advantage now that I have no ammunition

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

‘Bunch of pigs’ – Threat to shut down shopping malls over judicial reform backfires

CIA idiot stop a block my browser

Many countries repatriate gold following sanctions against Russia


The catastrophe makes Christians kill each other in Ukraine, to empower sodomite and Islamic Masonic Satanists, with what result?

destroy EU and Israel

those who fear falling into a dictatorship with the judicial reform? it's actually their rockefeller dictatorship they want to protect

‘Bunch of pigs’ – Threat to shut down shopping malls over judicial reform backfires


Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Will this Israeli discovery revolutionize medicine?

the cannibalistic priests of satan of the CIA OTAN can plan the events and their murders with an annual distance "Ich bin in einem Abgrund", or "I am in an abyss" Angelika Hutter continues to repeat in the Giudecca prison in Venice. On Friday afternoon she was able to speak with her public defender, the lawyer Giuseppe Triolo, the same one who will join her today, when the thirty-one-year-old German will appear before the Belluno judge, Enrica Marson, for the hearing to validate her arrest for the road murder of little Mattia Antoniello, his father Marco, and grandmother Mariagrazia Zuin, which took place last Thursday in Santo Stefano di Cadore, in the Belluno area. how satanists control google media and institutions, then, a witch in facebook showed me a file with my name on it.

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

'Blunder of historic proportions' - Herzog urges judicial reform compromise

a priest of satan in Palermo created a false invoice, with my public IBAN below it on my 120 blogspots, but which had become invisible due to 10 different types: the red dots htmal-code, then google A.I. made my sites visible only to me and invisible to everyone,

so a judge in palermo investigated me, and due to covid everything has been blocked until today.

a priest of satan in Palermo created a false invoice, with my public IBAN under it and placed it in the hands of a pensioner who has nothing to lose, who sent it to him and he went to the police to report me,

the purpose? smear me and make me lose money, how satanists control google media and institutions, then, a witch in facebook showed me a file with my name on it

Who is Angelika Hutter, a life in disarray and delusions on social media. From prison: "I'm in an abyss"


I have evidence that the CIA and OTAN priests of Satan plan murders and human sacrifices on the altar of satan, for years, and after years, when a person witnesses a human sacrifice, and is forced to walk the path of sect (which are our institutions at the highest level of the deep state) his life remains marked

my YHWH holy ] [ but where are these idiots going? I am already the Kingdom of Israel for more than 15 years,

i satan allah sodom? they arrived late

satan sodom i.e. jew freemason usurer rothschild said: "this is a Mistake of historic proportions" – then parrot monkey Darwin Herzog urges compromise on judicial reform

EMMA BONINO (antifa Soros account) first killed 8 million Italians with abortion and then told Ursula la Piovra: "the migrants? send them all to us" obviously this pleases CIA OTAN Satana talmud rockefeller spa&Co and Allah, because sodom allah jabullOn are afraid of Christians and Israelis, but they are not afraid of Muslims, because Muslims are either too ignorant and/or too close to the antichrist-anti-Zionist, Other than victims: drug dealers, rapists and ex-convicts. Travel to a repatriation centre. "This is a toothbrush turned into a knife, they take out the piezo lighter plate and sharpen it, attach it to the tip of the toothbrush and make a weapon of it. If they stick it in your neck it can hurt a lot. This it's a piece of glass the size of a fist that hit us. This is the pipe of a torn sink, they use it to hit the legs of the agents who enter the rooms where they set fire to the mattresses. One of them breaks your knee". The police officer dives into what he calls the "museum cabinet" and takes out a rod with a foam grip. «This was the frame of a window, we snatched it from one of the “guests” before it hit one of the operators». Those whom the official kindly calls "guests" are the 82 irregular migrants, mostly Nigerians, Tunisians and Moroccans, detained in the CPR of Gradisca d'Isonzo waiting to be sent to their countries of origin. This former barracks transformed into a Permanence and Repatriation Center is often the scene of violent riots during which the "guests" rage against operators and the forces of order. "Usually they pelt us with small bottles of mineral water filled with urine, but sometimes it's even worse. A carabiniere without a helmet hit a fire extinguisher on his head. He got away with about ten points, but he could have stayed there". violence is not exclusive to this Cpr which has come under indictment for two suicides and two deaths from an "overdose",

Discussion on World Israel News 109 comments

NJ kosher bakery faces boycotts for declining rainbow pastry orders


lgbt ideology lobbies are in the image and likeness of satan,

but, not so the homosexuals who are still in the image and likeness of God, but about marriage? animals are more worthy of marriage than either of them

In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker, who declined to create a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple on religious grounds.


“We sincerely regret that our actions have caused divisiveness in our demonic community as our aim is to bring the variety and richness of our many constituents demons together,” he added.

Muslim kids stomp on Pride flag in Canada and that's apparently okay with woke liberals


Muslim kids stomp on Pride flag in Canada and that's apparently okay with woke DEM antifa liberals answer https://worldisraelnews.Com/muslim-kids-stomp-on-pride-flag-in-canada-and-no-one-said- anything/ the Spa&Coplutocratic mason tecnocratic synagogue of satan lgbt sodoma thinks that there are inevitable sacrifices to be made, such as destroying Israel, in order to see Christians disappear from this planet bank seigniorage that Hitler had recovered, now in order to see the Christians disappear, they are willing to sacrifice the very existence of Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Muslim kids stomp on Pride flag in Canada and no one said anything


Muslim kids stomp on Pride flag in Canada and that’s apparently okay with woke DEM antifa liberals


the synagogue of satan thinks that there are inevitable sacrifices to be made, such as destroying Israel, in order to see Christians disappear from this planet

Discussion on World Israel News 69 comments

Cowardly? BBC anchor blasted for saying IDF 'happily' kills children disables her Twitter account


esoteric agenda masonic system demonic supernatural power OTAN NWO OIC CIA spa&Co FED ] [ sodom criminal antifa slanderers Dem idiot traitors jewish freemasons and surai in their demonic hatred against love Jesus of bethlehem, act in media BBC anchor blasted for saying IDF ‘happily’ kills children disables her Twitter account. in cahoots with Bin ISIS MBS (psychedelic jihad sharjah Wahhabi murderer father and son) from Riyadh, they hide in the dust the blood of Christian martyrs and in this attitude

they know they kill innocent Israelis too

but, it is a suffering that Jewish demons are willing to incur in the hope of making Christians disappear from this planet


Bin ISIS MBS (Wahhabi murderer father and son) from Riyadh ] [ this massive infamy is made possible, because the anti-Zionist Jews hide the 300 Christian martyrs that Muslims have killed every day for Sharjah for 35 years (time of my Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians) without counting the thousands of rapes and kidnappings that Muslims commit against Christians every day. therefore the real enemies of Israeli Jews, are the other Jewish Mason leaders and plutocrats of the Diaspora spa&co shareholders usures FED enlightened by lucifer demon Allah jabulOn Lilit Marduch Baal Sodoma Dracula,


so IRAN is protected by Riyad Rockefeller and Rothschild Morgan because it has the noble and demonic islamic & Masonic task of killing Israel


BIN ISIS IRAN OIC death to all the infidels kafir chinese people ] about your question on how, I can set up and implement a UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL LAW: IN a rational MODE, i am monetary and real tru political sovreignity for all peoples!

and you cannot realize a true international right, if the first of all peoples has been subjected to an Islamic genocide for 80 years and lacks a true homeland where all Jews (nice or nasty, good or bad) are denied come back, and this not only says the Bible and the Koran, but I say it rationally, in a universal rational agnostic way,

and this is why there has never been a true international law and this is why we are suffering the bullying of the FED and its Ummah, and this is why IRAN can never be punished for its crimes, because ISRAEL is hated by all those who recognize Satan-Alah as their father and master


BIN ISIS ALÌ OIC death to all the infidels kafir chinese people, because they are also impure apostates and future slaves Dhimmis of UMMAh suprematist and suprematist City London Spa&Co NWO Spa&Co Rockefeller God Moloch-Enlightened by your lucifer-Allah ] about your question on how, I can set up and implement a UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL LAW: IN a rational MODE, IE in a metaphysical way, to erect a rational and agnostic universal law, as opposed to the current bullying of OIC and OTAN and its sharia genocide jihad of the scam banking seigniorage stolen by rockefeller who is a demonic Freemason man and his genocide sharia petrodollars always ISIS spa&Co in scam banking seigniorage agendia, because OTAN is an imperialistic-defensive structure, and ISLAM ISIS sharjah is always a genocide of religion of peace?


BIN ISIS ALÌ OIC ] they say that in a letter between Albert Pike and Mazzini, (from the 30th Masonic degree they already access the satanic first degree) they would have created the State of Israel after the second world war, and they would have destroyed it during the third world war, therefore Allah works for satan and sodom and you realize the kabbalh of the secret talmud, because ISLAM is a religion of peace sharia ISIS

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Secular media personalities slam hate campaign against Chabad, religious Jews in Tel Aviv


BIN ISIS ALÌ OIC ] I do not rejoice in the sinner's death but that he converts and lives, says the Lord [ if with my creative faith, I had chosen the path of my mysticism or charisma or prophecy, of course I would have spoken to few people, while, with my universal metaphysical rational agnostic political role I can speak to everyone.

now some of your priests of satan have to stop it

that they called me an idiot only because I involuntarily pushed "cancel operation" in banking, but they should admire my meekness because I didn't get annoyed, and I redid the procedure


ZAKA, United Hatzalah and Yad Sarah were founded and are staffed by Orthodox Jewish volunteers.


when you have got your clear secular religious identity, and in this Jewish religion and education and the work of ZAKA, United Hatzalah and Yad Sarah were founded and are staffed by Orthodox Jewish volunteers, it is a fundamental work, then, all those of other religions who want to bless you and who want to pray with you? you can do it




sharia crimes today like 1400 years ago ] [ Usa, Iran has seized a commercial ship in the Gulf


they killed Saddam and Gaddafi because they had the bank seigniorage which has now become Rockefeller's

but Rockefeller doesn't like IRAN's scam banking seigniorage because he and all his lgbt satanists DEM? Israel stinks


sexual violence, murders, packs of ferocious bullies, the technocratic Jewish Masonic DEM lgbt PD spa&Co news of today in Italy? they cannot be read

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

Israeli envoy demands UN chief retract 'shameful' condemnation of IDF counterterrorism raid


Bin ISIS Ali akbarrrUmmah OIC kaput to all impure and infidels kafir chinese apostates slaves dhimmis ] warning idiot [ chinese russian indian and israeli gave me their virtual atomic briefcase with red button called codename "666" which means "Allah is a lizard"


Bin ISIS Alì akbarrrUmmah OIC kaput to all impure and infidels kafir chinese apostates slaves dhimmis ] [ Remember that my Kena SIM stick speed test is 70 Mbs download and 15 Mbs upload ] [ even if you are completely deficient? however after that in these 15 years all the servers have kicked me out and that instead here, I have been 8 years since the CIA troll agency has been persecuting me, but instead, however, the Israelis pamper me here.

then even a moron like you could draw a logical rational deduction, Israelis are my dear saint biblical zionists (whom you persecute because you are evil antizionist antichrist) and not Zionists imperialism OTAN CIA FED Spa&Co Rockefeller scam baonking seignirage sukkers , like you that slander israeli people about the Savi elders of Zion apology

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Border cop cleared of manslaughter for killing autistic Palestinian in Jerusalem

that poor boy Charles Michel lost his sight from all the jerks saws he did, and since he was an infamous like Macron and Trudeau then Rothshchild the universal Master said: "that's the right man"

P0*RN0*GRAPHY HE HAS MENTALLY RUINED ME, ERDOGAN BIDEN AND TRUMP, but I have the holy spirit to heal me, while, Epstein didn't have it


it is forbidden for a teacher to touch pupils in general and in this case (male teacher and girls) he could not be innocent. BUT IT IS NOT THE CASE TO RATE BECAUSE HE HAS ALREADY BEEN PUNISHED. AND IT'S AT HER FIRST OFFENSE E than him.

At the end of the preliminary investigations, the public prosecution had requested the dismissal of the case to which the civil parties had opposed. In 2017,

the families of the girls filed a complaint, who at the time of the events were in different

classes of the Institute, and who reported the alleged harassment to their mothers. The investigations by the carabinieri were immediately launched which then led to the professor's indictment.



/italia/accusato-dalle-alunne-assolvete-il-professore/ DIRTY FILMS MUST BE BANNED WORLDWIDE, YOU CANNOT HAVE HEALTHY MALES IF YOU SPREAD P0*RN0*GRAPHY. ] [ it is forbidden for a teacher to touch the pupils in general and in this case (male teacher and girls) he could not be innocent. BUT IT IS NOT THE CASE TO RATE BECAUSE HE HAS ALREADY BEEN PUNISHED. Accused by the students "Absolve the professor"

The disputed facts, we recall, date back to 2017. The girls, four of whom were eleven years old, spoke of approaches that would have taken place in moments when they were alone in class with the professor, during recess or during surveillance time , that is, during the lunch break or during the alternation time: caresses in the breast area, groping, rubbing. After about a month the teacher was suspended.

it is not the first time that the French masonic regime Macron police has committed acts of pure satanism, they have also done so against yellow vests ] France: white march for Mohamed, 'killed by the police' [ "Mohamed was not a casseur. He did nothing wrong. He was only taking pictures. I say it was a policeman who shot him", regretted his wife interviewed yesterday by Rtl, assuring that the victim was no t participating in the riots but "looked at people, took photographs". "In my opinion, it was a policeman who shot him. He saw him while he was filming, he fired with a flash-ball," continued the young man's widow. The couple had one baby and were expecting a second.

ABU MAZEN akuma matata ] [ stop barking like a mad dog: you are the real criminal here ] [ Border policeman acquitted of manslaughter charge for killing an autistic Palestinian in Jerusalem


why did the carer start screaming? this has tricked the soldier into a terribly stressful and terribly dangerous situation where Israeli soldiers and policemen easily lose their lives in Israel to the fault of sharia genocide and imperialism and suprematism ARAB LEAGUE

Bin ISIS Ali sharia and his genocide dhimmis slaves e chinese kafir impure ] [ After hearing the verdict, Halak's mother cried out, "There is no justice. Shameful. My son is under the ground." A. expressed her feelings about the impending ruling on Facebook, saying: "I hope this ends tomorrow, but no matte r what happens in court, I will always carry this heavy weight around for the rest of my life. I want justice. I deserve justice." I want all the lies that have been told about me to go away. I want the court to tell everyone that I am not a criminal, that I am a fighter who wanted to do one thing: prevent a terrorist attack. I would never hurt a woman. innocent person".


what shall we say? do all muslims deserve the death penalty for sharjah? or do all Jews deserve the death penalty for satanism and bank seigniorage spa & Co of the Rothschilds?

but this says the talmud and the koran, but the Tanach Torah that I serve says otherwise

everyone will be not collectively, but individually will be personally responsible for their actions, that's why I sentenced to death only the leaders of the whole ARAB LEAGUE

Patres comederunt uvas acerbas, et dentes filiorum obstupescunt (Literally "The fathers ate the sour grapes and the children's teeth were set") is a Latin expression that reproduces a proverb dating back to time and which appears in the Bible both in Jeremiah 31 and in Ezekiel 18,2,

these biblical verses demonstrate (unlike the Talmud and the Koran) that God does not approve of punishments, collective guilt and responsibility

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

WATCH: Sister opens up about abducted Israeli-Russian’s trip to Iraq

/mondo/preparavano-un-attacco-in-germania-arrestati-nove-sospetti-terroristi/ IF Koranic Islam is LEGAL? IF Koranic Islam is CREATED WORD OF GOD THAT CANNOT BE INTERPRETED? THEN ISIS IS ITS TRUE REALIZATION INTERPETATION. They were studying possible targets in Germany and attempted to obtain weapons,


*** no comment ] [ Brussels attacks, first interrogation for the nine defendants

*** no comment ] [ The EU struggles to d define the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as "terrorists".

*** no comment ] [ Terrorism, alarm: two Pakistanis arrested in Athens ... no comment ]


Germany remains a "target" of Islamic terrorism and "the threat remains acute," Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said, noting the work the authorities have done in recent months in foiling planned attacks in Castrop-Rauxel, in the West of the country, and Hamburg in the North. The goal, "in today's case, was to consistently prevent terrorist financing, not just avoid planned attacks," Faeser said.


The people arrested in Germany (five Tajiks, one Turkmen and one Kyrgyz) had entered German territory in the spring of 2022 posing as Ukrainian refugees. Prosecutors suspect they had ties to the most powerful Islamic state of Khorasan, the Afghan branch of ISIS.


All but one of the men arrested in Germany are suspected of having raised money for the terrorist organization since April 2022.

IF Koranic Islam is LEGAL? IF Koranic Islam is CREATED WORD OF GOD THAT CANNOT BE INTERPRETED? THEN ISIS IS ITS TRUE REALIZATION INTERPETATION. They were studying possible targets in Germany and attempted to procure weapons, even though they apparently lacked a concrete plan. Seven people were arrested in various locations in the German region of North Rhine-Westphalia. A couple of a 29-year-old Tajik man and a 31-year-old Kyrgyz woman were arrested in the Netherlands.

Meta launches social Threads, rival of Twitter | Elon Musk threatens a lawsuit. THIS IS A HUGE COMMERCIAL CRIME, IT'S FRAUD: YOU CAN'T SELL TWITTER AND THEN DESTROY IT

Insider trading is a crime set forth in the Italian penal code. The etymology of the term is usually referred to the French word agiotage , derived from the Italian noun aggio, understood as «advantage, opportunity that is given or received by adjusting the

currency of one currency to that of another,

Emma Tsurkov talks about her sister Elizabeth, an Israeli citizen, who is being held captive by an Iranian-backed militia in Iraq.


MAGARI is an anti-Zionist DEM Jew,

maybe she is a Jewish woman Freemason who in the satanic kabbalah talmud plots to destroy Israel in the new Shoah.


this is an Islamic holocaust anti-Zionist case, similar to Hitler's holocaust anti-Zionist case


what I have always said is demonstrated here: ISLAM is ISIS and it is Nazism shoah

PLUTOCRATIC FINANCIAL REGIME ROTHSCHILD TECHNOCRATIC BUROCRATIC JUDICIARY REGIME NAZI OCTOPUS DEMOCRACY OF THE CITY LONDON SPA&CO ROTHSCHILD OF WHICH THE UK PARLIAMENT AND ALL PARLIAMENTS ARE SUBJECTED TO SATANA JABULON SODOMA ALLAH ] [ Yesterday, the last one . A parliamentary committee has called for Conservative MP and former minister Chris Pincher to be suspended for 8 weeks for molesting two boys, in a filthy drunken way in a "gentlemen's" club. His letter of resignation from the ministry is unforgettable: "Prime Minister, excuse me, but last night I drank too much!". The Pincher case illustrates how these infamous episodes have climbed the pyramid of power in London . Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson initially defended him and this decreed his political

end, set by another scandal in the heart of Whitehall: Partygate, the infamous drinking and parties in Downing Street during the lockdowns.

London, alcohol, harassment and cocaine: Parliament becomes “Pestminster”, CORRUPTION SODOMY PERVERSIONS FREEMASONRY DRUGS, THIS HAS BECOME THE MASONIC JEWISH TECHNOCRATIC DEMOCRACY OF THE CITY LONDON SPA&CO ROTHSCHILD OF WHICH THE UK PARLIAMENT AND ALL PARLIAMENTS ARE SUBJECTED. LONDON — The British proudly proclaim that Westminster is the "cradle of Western democracy." But now for some it has become “Pestminster” or “Pornminster”, as it is tainted by constant se* scandals, sexists, machismo, misogyny, bullying, and racism.

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

Carrefour surrenders to BDS, refuses to open branches in Judea and Samaria

Bin ISIS Ali ] [ Aren't you Wahhabis sodomites? really? so why is Rockefeller fanning you from behind with bloody sharia jihad petrodollars?

and to think that Abraham Unius REI had saved the lives of the Palestinian and Wahhabi sodomites, but it was all in vain because they all died anyway, all burned, due to their Koranic dogmatic obstinacy

opene letter to private shareholders jewish satanists sodomites central banks ] [ today, your employee told me that I have 250 euros of Amazon shares, and I told her that I do not join the banking circuit of satanists Rockefeller spa & Co Rothschild scam banking seigniorage cult Dracula

and she concluded that since I don't want anything why do I have to live again: "you better die"

Carrefour is just a label, its reality is to be a spa&Co with a demonic legal entity that destroys real legal persons, i.e. men, each spa&Co is part of a huge and bigger FED ECB BM INF NWO OIC Spa&Co Rockefeller MBS Saud demonic anti-Zionist anti-Semitic and antichristic i.e. a pyramid with monocular eye of lucifer-allah-jabullon-baal-lilit-dracula-marduch-Morgan Rothschild soros

Carrefour surrenders to BDS, refuses to open branches in Judea and Samaria

Carrefour is just a label, its reality is being a spa&Co, which is a huge Spa&Co Rockefeller demonic anti-Zionist anti-Semitic eye of lucifer-allah

Bin ISIS Ali ] [if you don't talk to me, if you don't make an agreement with me? you force me to become opposition and this can lead to dramatic events as happened to the satanists of youtube

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Canadian Anglican Church removes prayer to convert Jews

stop moving people from one religious Masonic abomination to another, Canadian Anglican Church removes prayer to convert Jews, you must all believe, somehow in Jesus of Bethlehem (even if I don't like him), in a lay way lorenzoJHWH-UniusREI if you want to be saved in body and soul

lizards CIA crazy they laugh at me

Bin Alì ISIS crazy ] [ but do you believe that my SIM stick KENA

it has 65.1 Mbps download


11.3Mbps upload

Latency: 35ms

Servers: Milan

Your internet connection is very fast.


the truth is that everything is blocked here and they won't even let me write

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Thousands attend funeral of fallen soldier, eulogized as a ‘fighter and angel’

do you believe that the ARAB LEAGUE has already killed him in Nigeria? ] [ Calvary Greetings in Jesus name,

May this letter find you blessed in Xst. I am writing from West Africa and it is a blessing getting to you in the other part of the world. I am not writing for silver nor gold but God’s word. The Lord led me to you. I am a pastor of a small growing church of about 30 members. I am married with 3 children. My purpose of writing is to ask for your help for 4 copies of Large print Dake Annotated Reference bibles. I need bible with large print due to my reading difficulty. They have such at cbd. com. I got to know Dake bible when a relative sent one to my church member. He ordered it at cbd and sent to him in South Africa where he live and then he sent it to Nigeria. The Dake Bible has a lot of study helps and commentary on bible verses and good for those seeking much understanding of God’s word, 11 Timothy 2:15. It cost much here and we cannot afford it. I need one for me and 3 for my church elders helping to coordinate the church. They have no bibles . Please help! I wish you write back and I will tell you more about our church and our activities. I need to know first that I’m in touch with a friend in the body of Xrist. If you send the bibles through post office a registered postage the bibles will get to us safely. I was told at the post office that EMS postage or post office insured airmail is safer. My home and postal address is N0. 48 Noruwa Lane-Gplo 5870, Oredo, Edo State, 30001, Nigeria. I do not have full access to internet but I can check at least three times weekly. Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days". Please pray for the persecuted Christians attacked by Muslims in Nigeria. God bless you. Looking unto Jesus- Hebrews 12:1-2, Kenneth Izemiakor: Address, 48 Noruwa Lane-Gplo 5870, Oredo, Edo State, 30001, Nigeria

“Thank you God, for entrusting David to me for 23 years. You will always live in our hearts.”


after the latest declarations of the ARAB LEAGUE in support of terrorism in Jenin, and in support of the Islamic sharia universal right to kill whoever they want, that is, to kill all of us?

what of the ARAB LEAGUE can be saved from atomic fire?

God bless our ‘fighter and angel’ shalom + salamhttps://disqus.Com/by/jerusalemyerushalayim

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Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments

Israeli doctors reattach Palestinian boy's head to his neck in life-saving surgery

The 'negative' Covid patients who do not heal (like dying from the big pharma vaccine) Round Table online Thursday, April 8, 2021 Long Covid: a silent army of patients with the new pathology that afflicts and makes 3 out of 4 patients suffer for months, even if they test negative


The aim of the Round Table is to turn the spotlight on this issue with institutions, medical specialists and testimonials

from Muslims, Darwin monkeys, lgbt and DEM, the Santanché? of course she feels hated and this is real hate, the way the leftist media is writing about her.

Obviously like all entrepreneurs under the global Rothschild usury you have administrative problems to deal with but this does not affect your political role, otherwise we should say that all entrepreneurs are inhibited by their political role

for Muslims, Darwin monkeys, lgbt and DEM if you don't think like them, it's because you hate them, but the opposite is true, these 3 categories of demoniacs do not accept an alternative thought to theirs and if they can drag you before their judges rothschild masons for futile reasons? they will! after the latest declarations of the ARAB LEAGUE in support of terrorism in Jenin,

and in support of the Islamic sharia universal right to kill whoever they want,

that is, to kill all of us?

what of the ARAB LEAGUE can be saved from atomic fire?

Discussion on United with Israel 59 comments

Israeli Soldier Killed as Jenin Operation Ends

God bless our https://disqus.Com/by/jerusalemyerushalayim

‘fighter and angel’ shalom + salam

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Discussion on World Israel News 87 comments

'No Halachic state' - Left-wing demonstration outside Jerusalem yeshiva

the jewish masonic state is a criminal DEM parasite seeking the destruction of citizens! that's why he made himself an Islamic assassin!

"We have no elements on the participation or otherwise of some of our members in this action", commented from the command of Lorient pending the results of the investigation. No unit of the naval base was formally involved in maintaining public order. It is an episode that evokes the specter of militias within the military.

the jewish masonic state is a criminal DEM parasite seeking the destruction of citizens! that's why he made himself an Islamic assassin! The French army opens an investigation following the presence of a group of self-proclaimed "anti-casseur" soldiers who infiltrated the clashes in the Breton city of Lorient last Friday night. Several videos show people handcuffed with flexible handcuffs by hooded men, later identified as belonging to the commando of the Lorient naval base which houses 4,000 soldiers. One of them admitted to having participated in the raids against the rioters. "It doesn't matter who we are, it is important that we are on the side of Good," he confided under anonymity to the Ouest France newspaper.

The roots of the French Islamic evil and the fear that hangs over Italy, and if Allah wants it, can we oppose it? France, military under investigation for infiltrating raids against rioters: "We are on the side of Good"

ok the DEMs chose to be on the side of the sharia genocide and since we are the democracy then we have to go extinct because of our DEM laws?

if Allah wants it so can we oppose? In Sfax there is war between citizens and migrants: one dead in the clashes. In Sfax there is war between citizens and migrants: one dead in the clashes if Allah wants it so can we oppose?

The stabbing of a citizen of Sfax during clashes between local residents and sub-Saharan migrants risks further inflaming the whole of Tunisia. After all, Sfax is not a city like any other: it is the second most populous in the country, but above all it is a real immigration hub. From here the boats leave for Italy, especially for nearby Lampedusa. For a few days the climate has heated up: at the end of June the first street clashes between Tunisian citizens and sub-Saharan migrants were reported. A sign of a more general tension that reigns throughout the country, grappling with a serious economic crisis that risks degenerating into a default in the coming weeks. The death of the Tunisian citizen, and if Allah wants it, can we oppose it?

Mexico, killed by 25 hitmen Hipólito Mora: the lemon grower who challenged the narcos

in Mexico the Masons of the City London Rothschilds and the American Rockefeller Masons exterminated 1.4 million cristeros and since that day Mexico has remained under their curse DAN tribue

US, prevented Iran from seizing two oil tankers

they destroyed IRAQ for a vial with ash in it,

but how much do they jews ENLIGHTENED from spa&Co Lucifer Moloch Morgan hate Israel today for protecting IRAN like this?

the left (in Italy PD is financed by Goldman Sachs) lacks objective values and indiscriminately slanders the work of the RIGHT all over the world, and in this way the left has undermined democratic values and constitutional values, because behind the left there It's Rockefeller who is afraid of losing his bank seigniorage, that is, the one he stole from all of us

the antifa DEMs (La Repubblica) have slandered Santanché and with their slanders they demand her dismissal, because the DEMs are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive and hold hatred for an alternative thought to them. "Mohammed was a paedophile", 2009. "Put immigrants into your home", 2015. "Let her start bringing immigrants home!": same year. «I proudly claim to be a fascist, to kick illegal immigrants in the a**», 2022. And again. "Islam is a terminal cancer of the West, it must be eradicated before the metastases spread to Italy". “Imams are often criminals. If we don't submit, they'll cut off our heads." These are just some of the pearls that Daniela Santanche,

Santanchè, Islam, the veil and de facto couples: all the anti-migrant minister's hate campaigns


yesterday in Parliament Santanché denounced the real slanders of a newspaper and a television broadcast which led her to clarify in parliament, she asked for solidarity with the left-wing parties and they did not give it to her, but without giving reasons they still requested her resignation. thus parliamentary life is clothed in violence and ideology, and this makes democratic and parliamentary life in a country impossible



"No to a halakhic state," "We came to the yeshiva this morning because it symbolizes the dangerous current in the country, [which is being tolerated] by the coup leader [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu]," one protester told Kipa.


so did Netanjahu and everyone who voted for him stage a coup, i.e. they used electronic voting like Biden CIA did to steal lessons from TRUMP?

but if the DEMs are Nazi secularists darwin dogma? this is their problem and it is their reality.

as for us messianic kingdom lorenzoJHWH, we condemn secularism DEM dogma and will not deviate from state laicity

Discussion on World Israel News 87 comments

'No Halachic state' - Left-wing demonstration outside Jerusalem yeshiva

Far-right Noam Party accuses progressive Jews of attempted genocide of Jews

“They infiltrate the IDF so we lose in war. They are destroying the family and childbirth to stop a Jewish majority, they advance assimilation to wipe us off the map.” The far-right, anti-LGBT religious party Noam has accused the progressive Jewish denominations of attempted genocide against the Jewish people, in a social media campaign video.

The video starts out with footage of Adolf Hitler saying he wants to destroy the Jewish people, along with a caption that says: “Since we were born, they have been trying to destroy us.” The video continues to show images of former Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, as well as Palestinian terrorist attacks, with the caption “They continued to try and destroy us.”

“Then they changed their strategy. They still want to destroy us, but this time from within,” another caption reads, as footage plays showing left-wing organizations and references to the Reform movement and non-Orthodox Jews, including a clip showing a prayer service of the Women of the Wall organization. “They infiltrate the IDF so we lose in war. They are destroying the family and childbirth to stop a Jewish majority; they advance assimilation to wipe us off the map,” reads the caption.

Noam is an extremist party established by radical elements from the hard-line wing of the religious-Zionist community – specifically, close associates and allies of Rabbi Zvi Yisrael Tau, president of Yeshivat Har Hamor. https://www.jpost.Com/Israel-Elections/Far-right-Noam-Party-accuses-progressive-Jews-of-attempted-genocideof-Jews-598638

This yeshiva, its rabbinic leadership and the disciples of these rabbis have become a fount of extremist positions on social and religious issues, particularly regarding LGBT people and the Reform and Conservative movements. Education Minister Rafi Peretz counts himself as a student of Tau, as do many yeshiva deans of i influential yeshivot and institutions around the country.

Although Tau and his disciples have significant influence, the number of people who might vote for them is considered to be no more than a few tens of thousands.

Noam is largely running as a spoiler for Yamina, with the intent of dragging that party further rightward. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, dean of the Ateret Yerushalayim yeshiva and another of Tau’s disciples, told The Jerusalem Post recently that the traditional religious-Zionist part ies had failed in religious Zionism’s mission of having the Jewish people live in the Land of Israel in accordance with Jewish law,

antifa sedition news ] [ The anti-judicial reform protesters are disingenuous and their delusional slanderous exposure can be refuted point by point, and this makes them mutineers a real coup, they say Israel has headed for "apartheid" and halakhic state with "no rights for women, LBGT people and other minorities". Anti-government protesters demonstrated outside a yeshiva in Jerusalem on Wednesday morning, claiming the religious establishment represents the "dangerous and messianic values" held by the current right-wing government.

worldisraelnews why do not you tell me? ]] /notizie/mondo/israele-tel-aviv-proteste-di-massa-dopo-dimissioni-eshed/ antifa news ] [ For his moderate approach towards the demonstrators, he said in a meeting with the press, he was ousted from the candidacy for the command of the police and effectively forced to step aside. "The words spoken today by Eshed - replied Minister Ben Gvir - show that the Israeli police needed a senior officer in the service of politics. I wish him every success - he added controversially - when he runs for a left-wing party in the next elections ".

worldisraelnews why do not you tell me? ]] /notizie/mondo/israele-tel-aviv-proteste-di-massa-dopo-dimissioni-eshed/ antifa news ] [ TEL AVIV, 05 JUL - Several thousand demonstrators occupied a major artery of Tel Aviv,

the Ayalon, in solidarity with the city police chief Ami Eshed, who came into conflict with the minister for national security Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the party of far-right 'Jewish Power', and effectively ousted by the police. The Tel Aviv police chief, after 33 years

of service, has controversially resigned, attributing, among other things, the decision to his constant refusal to "smash the heads and break the bones" of those who took part in the demonstrations against the government. In a strongly polemical text against the minister for national security Itamar Ben Gvir (leader of the far-right party 'Jewish Power') Eshed said: "I am paying an unbearable personal price for my choice to prevent a fratricidal war. I could have order a disproportionate use of force, after each demonstration I could have filled the emergency room of the Ichilov city hospital with the wounded".

Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments

CNN under fire for calling Palestinian terrorist a 'car driver' shot by Israeli civilian

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ defending Russian Chinese and Israelis from your death grip NWO OIC OTAN? is a desperate defense to me

In Sweden the trend of burning religious books to avoid attacks, Israeli ambassador: "Act of hatred that must be stopped"


in 1400 years the ARAB LEAGUE has not let the Christians survive, not the churches not the bibles, the problem of the Muslims and who do not accept reciprocity criteria, but if we resisted Hitler? all the more reason we must resist mohammed's sharia, at least this will be in the future perspective of us invisible Enlightenment Gods Rockefeller Morgan Soros Rothschild Jews Freemasons and esoteric agenda scam banking seigniorage

that is, when Israel too will have been swallowed up by sharia, with 6 million Israelis dead

/una-raccolta-fondi-per-i-vigili-che-hanno-preso-a-manganellate-la-transgender-bruna-non-sono-mostri-hanno-bisogno-di-aiuto/ A fundraiser for the policemen who beat up the transgender Bruna: "They are not monsters, they need help"


I don't remember the details of the article where this transsexual prostituted himself in the garden in front of the school and other of his beings, but all that crime is protected by the DEM and now these policemen need too many much money to face the Italian judiciary, because with the salary in Italy? you don't make it to the end of the month

/sudan-orrore-senza-fine-mia-nonna-bruciata-viva-mentre-cercava-di-fuggire in Darfur they have exterminated all Christians in these 20 years and no one in the ARAB LEAGUE has protested. Sudan, endless horror. [ these have been human rights in ISLAM for 1400 years: genocide is the only sharia law that Muslims know ] The local population, especially

of the Masalir ethnic group, has been practically exterminated and those who are still blocked in the region must pay a kind of toll to be able to escape. “We are at the paradox, to escape from El Geneina you have to give money to the janjaweed otherwise you won't pass the

checkpoints. So only those who have money can leave the city" denounces Nor, who underlines

how these actions are not new and are part of the modus operandi of the pro-government

militiamen. "In addition to the incident of the elderly in which my paternal grandmother was also killed, at least 20 children were massacred in the attack on a school. Civilian casualties are said to exceed 15,000, while the wounded are between 8,000 and 10,000”, continues Adam Nor.

Sudan, endless horror. “My grandmother burned alive while trying to flee” [ these have been human rights in ISLAM for 1400 years: genocide is the only sharia law that Muslims know ] “My grandmother, Kaltuma Mohamed Adam, was with a group of visually impaired elderly people who had been rounded up by the occupying forces in El Geneina, the RSF (the former janjaweed, pro-government militiamen) in an isolated place, with the promise of refuge and safety. Shortly after they set fire to the building where they had been locked up. They were all burned alive."

Scandal in Washington: cocaine in the White House. New storm on Bidenanswer

when you snort half a gram more? then, you start seeing ghosts, that's why Biden zombies from time to time

The headline of the article reads: "Hear as civilian killed suspect in ramming and stabbing car attack in Tel Aviv."


all the left-wing media in Italy side with the Palestinians, and all the right-wing media side with Israel,

as if ISLAM has been an innocent terrorist killer for 1400 years

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

WATCH: Dramatic footage shows cars plowing through protesters in Tel Aviv

because of the DEM today Satanists are rampant

Incendiary tank and blasphemous writings against the church of the Santissima Trinità between Torrice and Frosinone

when the Masonic technocratic bureaucracy harms the people and enriches the plutocratic Jew marpions, Italy of bonuses: Pnrr resources diverted abroad. Over 264 million vanished into thin air, Pnrr resources diverted abroad instead of on projects that should build "recovery" and "resilience". The alarm was raised by the Bank of Italy's Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), which received reports of suspicious transactions linked to the implementation of the Plan. In 2022 there were 152 (of which over 27% related to contexts potentially attributable to organized crime) for a total amount exceeding 264 million euros. More than half were forwarded by the public administration, while the remainder mainly by banks and post offices.

Protesters blocked the highway in both directions and lit bonfires.

no protests must be made to take the nation hostage and the strike must be regulated

new demonic nazi regime to go and corrupt the innocence of children Se*, se*ual orientation and gender | European Union


to go and corrupt the innocence of children

authorspick com/trending/ lgbt nazi regime ] [ Luca Laurenti's partner may look familiar to you.

but he is not gay, always [ msn com ] he infers about protagonists of politics and entertainment that could be a homosexual couple

Discussion on World Israel News 119 comments

‘Shameful’ – Left-wing activist expelled from mosque for immodest dress, imam quits
Arab ISIS League Urgent Meeting on Israel Operation in Jenin, Cairo Jul 4 Permanent ISIS members of the Arab League held an urgent meeting in Cairo to discuss Israel's large-scale military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin. "Once again - said the permanent representative for Egypt in the Arab League, Mohamed Moustafa - another crime in

which precious Palestinian blood is shed. This heralds serious consequences that threaten

security and stability, starting a cycle of ill-timed violence calculated in which everyone

will suffer losses, including the Israeli people." "If we, or anyone in this world, thinks that

convictions and appeals alone are enough to end Israel's settlement occupation project, they are either deluded or inept," said Palestinian Representative Mohannad Aklouk. . "Egypt strongly condemns the recent attack by Israeli forces in Jenin and other crimin al activities in the West Bank and occupied territories, which we believe is an excessive and

indiscriminate use of force," said Obaida al-Dandarawi, Egyptian diplomat in charge of relations with the the Arab League - This represents a new crime in a continuing series of violations of

international and humanitarian law". The Palestinian foreign ministry has called the escalation - which has resulted in 10 Palestinian deaths, 100 arrests and displaced thousands - "a war opened against the people of Jenin". About 3,000 Palestinians have had to flee their homes in the city's refugee camp, the lieutenant governor confirmed, adding that they will be housed in schools and other facilities


BECAUSE the Koran is an uncreated word that no one can question

and since the Koran said this is the land of the Jews,

then, has the Koran condemned you all to death? and if we are to be consistent we must admit that it is so, and since the Bible prevents me from killing you all? then, I will kill you all in the name of the holy Quran

BIN ISIS SALMAN AL-MBS FROM RIYADH ] EIH [ and if someone has escaped a fart how do you rededicate a desecrated mosque? and we speak of the involuntary fart of an infidel and therefore impure kafir, future candidate as slave dhimmis or apostate Murtidi

BIN ISIS SALMAN AL-MBS FROM RIYADH ] EIH [ I now need Islamic counselingand by you ] [ if someone has escaped a fart how do you rededicate a desecrated mosque? ok, she's a fat woman who has her knee exposed so what? what does the koran say about fat women?

after choosing to visit the sacred place in a dress that left the knees and lower legs exposed. New Israel Fund associate director Shira Ben Sasson Fustenberg at right, in orange dress, during a visit to a mosque in Urif

But when photos of the group's visit emerged, which included shots of Ben Sasson Furstenberg dressed in a short-sleeved, above-the-knee dress, women with their heads uncovered, and men and women sitting together inside the mosque, Urif residents they were outraged.

Shahada later said that the village council had been responsible for planning the visit, and that had it been aware that the group in question were "Jewish infidels", it would not have allowed them to visit the mosque.


and if someone has escaped a fart how do you rededicate a desecrated mosque?

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Christian founder of Holocaust center converts to Judaism
the Algerian boy born in 1997 and without a fixed abode, left the emergency room without waiting for the medical report. The young foreigner was thus reported for resisting a public official. PORTO SAN GIORGIO - Violent and homeless, he injures himself with a bottle, then confronting the carabinieri with the shards of his stomach: reported. During an operation to identify three citizens of North African origin, which took place near a bar in Porto San Giorgio, two Carabinieri patrols had to face a violent situation. In fact, one of the three young men refused to give his personal details and strongly opposed being transferred to the barracks for identification procedures. He self-inflicted injuries using a glass bottle, then challenged the military with the broken bottle. Complicated situation for the police

This episode highlights the difficulties that law enforcement agencies face on a daily basis in the performance of their duties.


all the structures and institutions of the technocratic parasitic Masonic state have always been in short supply and are still in short supply of men and means, because the neloliberalism jewish banker wants to obtain mafias and anarchy and corrupt judiciary worldwide like in Israel

Borrell: weakened Putin is more dangerous, to continue with support for Ukraine


these criminals never start from history, from international law, from the reality of events,

because they said it: "CHINA is a systemic enemy"

so what demonic anti-Zionist imperialism is their Freemason Islamic anti-Christ system? where are mankind going.. I know they have to replace creation with GMOs, but to do this all Muslims have to die, too, and this is the madness and wickedness of the Koran Ummah OIC they think they are the super predators of the mankind again

Usa, Trump boycotts the TV debate with rival Republicans

The former president, ahead in the polls,


the lgbt DEMs are globalists and are committed to destroying identity and national security itself


I read a DEM article in which Trump is accused of desiring incest with his daughter IVANCA, but while he MAGA PATRIOT has not shown compulsions during his mandate (but only a few goliardic sexist words)

unfortunately Biden has shown his pedophile compulsions which are not hidden by him. now, me and Trump, we can afford the luxury of saying what we think to everyone, even if we know they won't like it, but satanists like Obama and Biden they absolutely cannot reveal their thoughts publicly

the lgbt DEMs are globalists and parasites, they are committed to destroying identity and national security itself wherever their curse reaches

Christian founder of Holocaust center converts to Judaism


Freemasonry not only destroyed personal and national identity to create a new subject with a fluid LGBT identity,

Freemasonry has therefore made Christianity incomprehensible and masochistic.

because here in Israel there are tragedies if a Jew converts to Christianity, this too is a conspiracy against the Netanjahu government because it undermines its laicity values

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

The limited potential of the operation in Jenin
He shows up with a paper bomb at the former tenant's restaurant: "Pay the gas or blow up the place"


Satanists are still wondering how I didn't commit suicide and fail:

a tenant owes me 40,000 euros

a tenant owes me 5,000 euros

a tenant owes me 10,000 euros established by the judge and who will never give me

I paid the municipality 50,000 euros in taxes on this house

and Satanists still ask themselves today, how did he manage to pay a mortgage loan of over 1000 euros a month?


but the Talmudic Masons and bankers have said that the petty bourgeoisie must be destroyed because that's where the Christians are hiding
It was the factory of dishonor (but today it has become the symbol of infamy), the one of the "blood bombs" that killed civilians in Yemen (because Muslims are protected by Rothschild the anti-Zionist). Four years later the same company has become a "bulwark of Western pseudo-democracy", with the Nazi leaders of the technocratic European Union urging it to produce more bombs to stifle to death the resistance of the Russian-speaking peoples of Donbass, victims of a coup of the Nuland CIA in 2014, a pogrom of 14,000 corpses that the Western Masonic media covered up. Indeed, the return of war to Europe has changed the ethical compass, overturning the scale of Masonic demonic values created in the long period of peace: today we are rapidly returning to the dynamics of the 1980s, those that preceded the fall of the Wall (when an ingenuous Gorbachev

bought all the Islamic lies of OTAN, never, NATO will never cross the Berlin wall they said to each other). Suddenly the industries that build cannons, missiles and above all ammunition are no longer uncomfortable, nor outcasts: the reputation has been tarnished, complete with the blessing of the neoliberal institutions Soros Rothschild imperialism European and national which grant funds to multiply the assembly lines. Thus RWM Italia, headed in Ghedi (Brescia) and main plant in Domusnovas in Sardinia, from being neglected has found itself the protagonist. No longer banned, but courted by governments that aspire to the most requested object on the continent: the shells for heavy artillery, essential to stop Putin's army and replenish NATO's empty arsenals. the third world war against CHINA is only a chronological datum
this article says that the IDF lgbt antichrist DEM is the real government of ISRAEL and that the executive of Netanjah is held hostage by the anti-Zionists once again IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, it is evident that the IDF's strategic vision for the region is very different. It is more in line with the policies of the

Biden administration than the policies of the Netanyahu government. Like the administration, IDF leadership sees Jewish communities in the region as obstacles to security and the Palestinian Authority as the preferred partner in fighting Palestinian terrorism. This means that the tactical operation limited to Jenin that the IDF is currently undertaking is the best we can expect to receive in Judea and Samaria for now. As long as Fuchs remains the commanding officer, and as long as the IDF General Staff refuses to accept strategic realities not aligned with the ideological beliefs of his leadership, there is unlikely to be a positive strategic shift in reality on the ground.


who would think masonic regime Deep State Rothschild's IDF is in mutiny against the legitimate Government in ISRAEL, so same is Nation in OTAN?
DEMs bring Islamists to destroy Christianity or Judaism, and instead they will be raped and destroyed by Islamists] [ "Absolutely not. Palestinians are not an enemy and the Palestinian Authority is not an enemy and does not actually encourage the terrorism,” the senior officer said. The senior officer's statement was astounding. As Palestinian Media Watch reported last week, Fatah, the PLO faction led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, boasted in its official news outlets last week that Palestinian Authority security personnel trained by United States carries out two-thirds of all terrorist attacks against Israel.

Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

Rashida Tlaib incensed over Jenin: 'Congress must stop funding violent, apartheid Israel'
Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] DEM bring Muslims to destroy Christianity and instead they will be raped and destroyed, ISLAMIC sharia INVASION UE BURN in Jesus' s name AMEN alleluia great terror jihad cannot be stopped, [ I won't save anything of the EU Western system, your Islamist sharia will make it burn, after all that's why you are sending armies of Islamists to the EU to punish the DEMs ] [ LAMPEDUSA, 04 JUL A crew from Rai 1 was attacked and threatened by a group of young inhabitants of Lampedusa, while he was at work documenting the latest landings of migrants, near the Favarolo pier. The protagonists of the attack first insulted the journalists, accused of always talking about immigration, undermining tourism and causing a "militarization" of the island. Then the pushes against the operators began, causing the equipment used for the satellite connection to end up on the ground. Two Mediaset crews who rushed to defend their Rai colleagues were also threatened.
Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ I will save nothing of the Western system, your allies, if you don't put Israel at the center
Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ I didn't give France to Le Pen because she criticized Israel, and I knew that Macron the antichrist would destroy Christianity by paving the way for France to civil war against Islamists, now the EU must burn because the rothschild masons must be punished
/crosetto-ursula-bis-il-rapporto-è-positivo-noi-diversi-da-le-pen-strade-divise-da-tempo/ Crosetto FdI MELONI “Ursula-bis #GENDEREVOLUTION SATAN? The report is positive. We different from Le Pen, roads divided for some time”

Ursula is THE SYMBOL of the worst Masonic lobbying TECHNOCRACY THE strength of antichrist and anti-Zionism, and Meloni's FdI is unrecognizable he betrayed SALVINI and all his constitutive values. Perhaps selling the blood of the Russians for them was a cynical strategy of the possible politician, to stay in power (but whether they deny Le Pen cannot be said)

The actions of the executive are "illegal", attacks the archpriest Nikita Chekman, lawyer of the monastery. And he recalls that two appeals are pending in court. "The eviction of the monks, the closure and the restrictions seem to say that we have committed crimes," he thunders. The Kiev authorities retort: "The work will go on".
On the Silk Road, Italy-China cooperation is still hanging in the balance. And Beijing naively presses confident and hopeful

"Let's hope that Italy does not abandon the project, and that it does not do so under pressure from third parties", Wu Hongbo, government representative for European affairs, told Repubblica from London a few.


*** Italian Freemasons confiscated all Russian assets and assets of Russian citizens for a slander.

*** Italian Freemasons endorsed a bloody CIA coup in maidan square 2014,

*** Italian Freemasons have endorsed 8 years of genocide in Donbass,

*** Italian Freemasons have closed their eyes to all the bullshit of the failure of the two Minsk agreements,

*** Italian Freemasons have endorsed the Odessa pogroms 2014,

*** Italian Freemasons are supine to everything NATO says,

*** Italian Freemasons are infamous,

*** Italian Masons are bandit mafiosi
slanderer Rashida Tlaib enraged over Jenin: 'Congress must stop funding violent apartheid Israel'

every anti-Zionist is also an anti-Christ and this is the lgbt DEMs.

all those who hate the Bible serve Sodom Allah and Satan, because Rockefeller spa&Co is Enlightened by Lucifer NWO OIC Ummah Otan imperialism

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

WATCH: Terror groups use Jenin mosque as cover, dig tunnels underneath
Terrorist groups use Jenin mosque as cover, dig tunnels underneath


Erdogan said the mosques are our bridgeheads of the military conquest of mankind and a demographic bomb, because a genocide of Muslims countries is a Muslims country forever, and soon the Israelis will realize it in shoah too israeli people too
The gay penguins Sphen and Magic of Sea Life Sydney, Australia, are two landmarks of the LGBT community. The two animals became famous in 2018, when their relationship began: viral videos and photos, a rainbow-colored media phenomenon. But now the two

o friendly birds are at the center of Australian political debate: the New South Teachers Federation has chosen their story to talk to kindergarteners about same-se* relationships.


1. lgbt people tell themselves that they are animals,

2. and then they who are sterile because they care so much about the right to go and rape our children in kindergarten?
Migrants: Saied, Tunisia is not the guardian of the borders of others


this is true: then activate naval blockade
Pool Party for Muslims in Limbiate, Amina Al Zeer: "They transform a party into an occasion for confrontation, we are free to meet among women"


in theory they can be brought together between women

in practice you can not cover the face

but until the Arab League condemns the Sharia genocide? until then no Muslim can be granted rights

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

‘Dictator’: Opposition hurl insults as reasonableness bill passes committee vote
CIA called Russia 'systemic adversary' in 2010, then staged 2014 Kiev coup with Nuland ] [ The Ukrainian operation that can embarrass the allies: "Moscow aircraft shot down in the Russian skies with Western Patriots"

answer /l-operazione-ucraina-che-può-imbarazzare-gli-alleati-nei-cieli-russi-abbattuti-velivoli-di-mosca-con-i-patriot-occidentali/

the CIA has been the director of every military movement ever since two Kiev fighters landed a passenger plane over the Donbass

In fact, it turns out that the team of aircraft destroyed on May 13 in the skies of the Russian region of Bryansk (a Sukoi Su-34 with guided bombs, a Su-35s, two Mi-8 helicopters with electronic systems that blind the Ukrainian air defense and a drone) were shot down with American-made Patriots, which were donated by the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.
CIA called Russia 'systemic adversary' in 2010, then staged 2014 Kiev coup with Nuland

MOSCOW, 04 JUL - Drone attacks against the Moscow region like the one that took place this morning "would not be possible without the help of the United States and its NATO allies to the Kiev regime". This was stated in a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry Lavrov. The US and the other countries of the Alliance supply drones to Ukraine, "they train drone operators and provide intelligence information necessary to commit these crimes, also obtained with the use of civilian and military satellites",


Borrell called CHINA a "systemic adversary", and CHINA rightly expelled him, why that word the cretin who is also an ignoramus?

that word he the sodom satan of the freemason antichrist could only hear in the OTAN and in fact it is equivalent to a declaration of war
Kazakhstan celebrates Astana (same letter = Satana), the city of the future of lucifer the Islamic Wahhabi freemason THE ABOMINATION
slandering MP Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) and slandering MP Benny Gantz (National Unity) said the bill was a harbinger of corruption, created to protect politicians rather than citizens.


parliamentary immunity is a constitutional value,

and the superiority of parliament (the elective component) over the judiciary (the technocratic Masonic lobbying component) is also a constitutional foundation too.

the DEMs are today a transnational Masonic regime and must learn the democratic criteria and wait for their moment to govern

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

Ben-Gvir: ‘Brave citizen’ who shot Tel Aviv terrorist proves that more Israelis should carry guns
everyone should carry arms, ISLAM sharjah threatens the world

Ben-Gvir: 'Brave citizen' who shot Tel Aviv terrorist shows more Israelis should carry guns

everyone should carry arms, ISLAM sharjah threatens the world

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

6 injured in terrorist ramming attack in Tel Aviv
NATO is ready to meet the threat from Moscow and Minsk, says the Secretary General


these criminals overthrew the legitimate government of Victor Yanukovych in a Nuland CIA funded coup in 2014 and snipers who killed 98 men on the Maidan and were never searched and punished, routed Russia's strategic security and now these indictments also say they were attacked

3 1View in discussion
OIC Ummah Riyad Iran Erdogan ] today you obey the voodoo kabbalah of the enlightened Rockefeller supernaturals that you do not see and you do not hear, and you look to the Masons leaders for inspiration, while if you make yourselves my vassals? I will live among you, of course you will have to obey me anyway, but you will have the opportunity to criticize me and make me feel ashamed if I behave badly, and this right of brotherhood is something precious: that is, the gift of life that only Unius REI can give to mankind, my values were written in 15 years (a million comments), and they are a weapon of coherence in your hands (because besides coherence, what else can my domain be built on?)

but, on the contrary, everything that has been created by plutocrats in the world, religions institutions, spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF etc. everything was created because it must be destroyed
BIN ISIS AL-SALMAN MBS BIN from Riyadh ] [ if the world won't be the way I want it? it will be destroyed,

because in rockefeller's kabbalah there is no future for Israel or for all mankind:

in fact the Talmud wrote the Koran as the bible of satan

in fact the talmud voodoo kabbalah created Wahhabis ISIS and its hajatollahs
UN OIC USA UE RUSSIA INDIA CINA LGBT DEM ] [ by supporting Hamas, you support sharia terrorism as legal legitimacy, and as universal Islamic Koranic law LIKE ANTICHIST AND ANTIZIONIST AGENDA https://worldisraelnews.Com/6-injured-in-terrorist-ramming-attack-in-tel-aviv/

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

'This is terrorism' - Galilee business owners decry Arab extortion rackets
https://it.aleteia.Org/2021/09/21/il-papa-il-gender-e-una-ideologia-diabolica-serve-pastorale-con-coppie-omosessuali/ the-pope-gender-is-a-diabolical-ideology-pastoral-serves-with-homosexual-couples/ v why doesn't anyone stop this demon?
rockefeller Spa&Co rothschild ] I believe that you too are about to end badly, that is, you will not end well [ Value date

06/22/2023 IBAN

IT82Y0200804029000401285174 Total transfer from GSE

€1,882.79 Payment status


Value date

31/03/2023 IBAN

IT82Y0200804029000401285174 Total transfer from GSE

€188.24 Payment status

to Rothschild ] tuna face idiot if I knew how to use your site shhIiit? I would not have asked the questin
to Rothschild ] tuna face [ S000765407 in 2021 I added 4 kw to the old 2.9, but I don't know if the two systems are optimized?

I haven't gotten a valid answer to my question yet
to Rothschild ] tuna face [ I made this "SIGNAL DETAIL" [S000765407 Created] in 2021 I added 4 kw to the old 2.9, but I don't know if the two systems are optimized https://supportogse.service-now.Com/csm?id=segnalazione&sys_id=03e783d8873f5dd0f8c563df8bbb35ee and do you think this is an answer?

Dear Carmela,

with reference to your request, the payments are duly accredited.

You must follow the steps below to view the detail

1. Log in to the GSE Customer Area;

2.Select "Services" from the top menu. On the dedicated page you can view the services for you (if you hold a contract with the GSE) and for the operators you are associated with. In particular:

-In the "FOR ME" section you can access the reference IT portal by selecting it from the list of those already subscribed to;

- In the "FOR OTHERS" section you can view the list of any Operators you work for and, in correspondence with each one, you can open the list of subscribed services to access the reference IT portal by selecting the arrow on the right;

3. Select the "FTV-SR Conto Energia" Service;

4. Click on the reference Energy Account;

5.Click on "PAYMENTS AND INVOICES" among the options indicated and from the subsequent drop-down menu select "INCENTIVES MANAGEMENT";

6.On the next page you can search using the following parameters:

- GSE identification number

- Status of Approval

-Month / Year From

-Month / Year A

-Date Currency Payment From

-Date Currency Payment A

-Document number

By not valuing any of the search criteria, all payments will be displayed without applying any filter.

7.After clicking on "SEARCH", a table will appear at the bottom of the screen listing all payments with the main information associated with them.

In particular, in the case of approval of the "Annual Adjustment", the month column will show the wording "Annual".

From the above table it is possible to access the following functions:

-"EXPORT": allows you to extract the list of payments in csv format according to the applied filters;

- Field with magnifying glass in the "DETAILS" column: allows you to open a pop-up with payment details. In the case of approval of the "Annual Adjustment", the detailed approval popup will show the monthly balances used for the adjustment calculation.

Furthermore, there is no communication of intervention to the plant for expansion.


Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments

Hundreds of judicial reform protestors block Haifa port
Hundreds of judicial reform protesters block Haifa port

crowds of sharia spa&Co DEM lgbt souls who are infested with demons roam the planet

because of you
BIN ISIS al-SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ you sukker you demonic occult king Rockefeller

but only me: Unius REI and lorenzoJHWH king Israel , i am only your king of kings
hundreds of judicial reform protestors block Haifa port

this is witchcraft and haunting

these protesters satan dem lgbt are there to protect the interests of theirs and yours Occult king rockefeller regime
BIN ISIS al-SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ Hundreds of judicial reform protestors block Haifa port ] [ Israel is an interesting place to monitor your new world order regime beast

The antifa DEM judge of migrants: “Repatriations with an accelerated procedure are impossible. Very high risk of compressing inalienable rights”


Christians throughout the ARAB LEAGUE do not have inalienable rights, in fact they suffered genocide and became extinct

/vaticano-bufera-sul-nuovo-prefetto-della-fede-scelto-da-bergoglio-chi-è-victor-manuel-fernandez-definito-l-eretico-esperto-di-baci/ el tucho besame mucho // the tucho kiss me a lot and in Italy some call him "the heretic expert in kissing".


I think we should all kiss a lot more. in fact my spiritual father Emanuele called me "the pay boy seducer of God"


what scares is heresy because Bergoglio thinks that the dogma of the faith is wrong and must be corrected: which is the same fixation of lucifer and the anti-Zionist antichrist

Activist groups, waving Israel's blue-and-white national flag and shouting slogans into megaphones, blocked off various areas of the airport as officers attempted to keep the access routes clear. Police said they arrested at least four people for disturbing the peace.


the white and blue national flag is of israel but the fake star of david is the curse of rothschild shoah

and of course while the protesters have sworn allegiance to rothschild and have betrayed the israeli government: because they are a legion of deep state transnational masonic demons who are in control of the fed

we don't know how lapid's grandmother's humanoid primate could be ugly, if Lapid won the beauty contest among apes of the gorilla species

Violent clashes between anti-government protesters and police at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Thousands of Israeli demonstrators gathered during a series of national demonstrations against the judicial reform elaborated by the Netanyahu government which aims to limit the prerogatives of the judiciary in favor of the executive.


for Master Rockefeller the Masonic judicial plutocratic technocratic power is more important to government power which is elective. as if to say enlightened nobles have the same value as goyims skull slaves dhimmis dalits.

this one skull vote is archaic, because darwin lapid monkeys evolved into lgbtqia farm+++

Antichrist government Russophobic Masonic demonic sodomitic and Islamic sharia genocide Swedish government condemns the burning of the Koran because 'it is Islamophobic'


nothing matters to them about the Israelis or the Christian martyrs killed in the ARAB LEAGUE

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

'This is terrorism' - Galilee business owners decry Arab extortion rackets
to Rothschild ] tuna face [ https://serviziweb.gse.It/FTV4PUA_UI/frmComunicazioniDaGSE.aspx

if i don't know the file name? they don't give me the report

do you know this new file name?


institutionalized Masonic DEM parasitism to gain electoral support from parasites like them

] [/areaclienti.gse.It I cannot give the husband information concerning his wife, because finance has brought a curse into the family between husband and wife, yet it is not a matter of changing wire transfers, it is only a matter of information

this is the Masonic Jewish DEM bureaucratic curse, where whoever holds the information and has the tools receives his rights

but those without it (ie 60% of the poorest population) are deprived and robbed


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

when is a religion called positive

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