non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israeli vegan chocolate

7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate

in this page are present 20 my posts-comments https://worldisraelnews.Com/7th-heaven-how-date-night-turned-into-a-3m-israeli-vegan-chocolate-company/

Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ I have to tell you an episode, I involuntarily managed to enter a blocked/deleted youtube channel, simply by clicking on an old link,

but, a demonic alien supernatural mind became "emotionally surprised-bewildered" and disconnected me. how will our children be saved if the internet is under the control of demons.

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus.Com/by/666giudaicomassonica/


Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [here is a very good kabbalist rabbi, who regrets the time when i used to kill criminals in youtube, in fact he used my ministry to kill a murderer and protect the innocent.

but you have to understand this, I can't do strange things and then go around saying: "I am a universal politician of a rational agnostic"


Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ satanists have said that you are too dirty even for them. The post titled "PHILIPPINES King of Saudi Arabia" will be preceded by a reader notice. Blogger Sun Feb 12, Hello, As you may already know, our Community Guidelines

review for your post titled "PHILIPPINES King of Saudi Arabia".

This post will be preceded by a warning message for readers

what includes sensitive content; the post is visible at


Readers of your blog must confirm that they have read the

warning message before you can read the post/blog.

We apply warning messages to posts that include highly sensitive jihad sharia content.

This will involve a revision of the post.


to Biden the demons carry him around on a leash like a dog lgbt


you don't see the GMO aliens-demons of the CIA, but they see you and pimp with the priests of satan of the Masonic system from the 60th degree to the 66th degree Masonic, of the Masonic pyramid eye of lucifer Saruman Rockefeller, I imagine it with one probe in the skull and the other vibrating probe in the hemorrhoid sodom


SHARIAH cannibals Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba from ISIS Riyadh priests of satan check in how many seconds my nervous system can be responsive and if it has lost alertness in the last 10 years https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_FGnRTeT86e/

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.


did you write something on the computer? then it is ridila tua vergognaus to think that you are convinced that you have a military secret, I'm not changing the passwords in gmail so as not to show them to Satanists, because they can enter all sites in the world without a password through their IPs


SHARIAH cannibals SYRIA Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba shared a post.

Mon 25 Feb 2019,

Putin does not have a positive project to improve mankind: he is preparing for his geopolitical and war only

Bin ISIS Salman from riyadh ] enough to do you, the coward behind the computer and enough to spit at the blood of the Chinese and mankind, only because that failure of Allah now needs Satan to realize the Ottoman world caliphate [if, I don't take over, as King of Israel, control of the world banking system?

then, the 3rd nuclear world war cannot be avoided, and this is proof of all the slander against Russia and soon against CHINA!

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more. https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_tWds009z4g/

Sudan is yet another demonstration of the satanism of Quranic FED ECB IMF BM NWO OIC ISLAM OIC Ummah,

after 30 years of killing and raping all the Christian girls in Darfur, who has reacted to this umpteenth sharia genocide?

who in this world of satan rothschild jabulOn Rockefelelr and MBS the wahhabi reacts to the sharia genocide of Armenians or Christians in Nigeria, and in every part of the world?
‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate

worldisraelnews sodoma Disqus idiot coward do not try,stop a bulling me, do not hide and erased my posts

Satana Sodoma Allah JabulOn ] [ STOP WAR ] after the bloody CIA coup Nuland in 2014, and the Odessa pogrom of the Nazi Azov fascists pravy sector Mogherini Isis MBS Erdogan Rothschild Bildenberg demon Obama Ursula Borrell hail?

I authorized Putin to occupy Donbass and Crimea.

leave the Russian and Ukrainian people alone and take it out on me

El islamismo relevo del communismo

Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom of Israel King LawrenceJHWH

Draft Oct 26, 2021 [[ erased by me: not to upset Allah

Pfizer, big pHARMa, Metafisico,UMMA jihad, military, bridgehead, Ottoman, Turkey

Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom of Israel King LawrenceJHWH

Draft Jan 14 [[ erased by me: so as not to upset Sodom spa&co


Pfizer big pHARMa 🤬 🤑 https://guerraimfnucleare.blogspot.Com/

I don't think this blog will be rehabilitated, I don't think so


worldisraelnews eih sodoma free me for this your demon [ shalom + salam ] [ Ana Eli


Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

https://disqus.Com/by/lionjudahuniusreikingdom/ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.


here are the 3 posts that satan sodom and allah do not like ]

El islamismo relevo del communismo

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft Oct 26, 2021

from the betrayal of the third secret of fatima to threats against card. Siri

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft 13 Mar


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft13 Mar

This post has been unpublished as it violates the Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update your content to ensure it adheres to the guidelines.


Note: This blog has been locked

Your blog has been blocked for violating the Terms of Service. If you'd like to request a blog review, click "Request Review" below.

the 3 posts have been deleted, but the blogspot will not be unlocked anyway


Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom

@uniusrei We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.



worldisraelnews idiot coward do not try



‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate company, yes this is good chocolate


chocolate from COUP 2014 pogrom Ursula Von hail Borrell nazi-fascist Porkoshenko (Petro Poroshenko Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) is bloodied by CIA OIC Riyadh imperiaism NWO Spa&Co and NATO



RIYADH cannibals OTTOMANS and therir ISIS SATANA ALLAH SODOMA OTAN CIA OIC JABULON ORCH all AGAINST SYRIA, genocide all peoples syrian 2010, with Iraq are buried 4milions of christian ] Your new point of reference, SHARIAH cannibals SYRIA Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba any answer you are looking for. YouTube Creators

Tue, Nov 30, 2021, 3:42 pm

to sharia-cannibal-8278

Syria was the most amiable, tolerant, civilized and peaceful and secular place in the ARAB LEAGUE, even if Muslim apostates who wanted to eventually become Christians, however, would have lost their fatherland power over their wives and children, and would have been fired all the same



Google: doesn't give me other verification methods ] lorenzoJHWH jewish Messiah @lorenzojhwh_jewish_messiah uniusreiorwarw666imf@gmail.Com We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more. [ to change your password in google as the only possibility, Confirm your identity

To better protect your account, Google wants to verify your identity, it requires the application of "google authenticator" ok, I reinstalled the App, but under "code" it does not accept the password



Bin ISIS Al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ I can fill this server with at least 300 articles denouncing OTAN OIC FED DEM LGBT, publishing an article every 3 minutes, but I don't do it because the sodom satans would say that I have psychiatric problems

'If Biden won't invite Netanyahu to the White House, I'll invite him to address


Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ what do satan's priests DEM lgbt do to stop me? voodoo dolls full of pins against me and hundreds of human sacrifices on the altar of satan, but they can't do anything to me even when I become a great sinner, and this is the tragedy of Rockefeller and his scum in the FED spa&Co BM IMF ECB NWO, and plutocratic Jewish stockholders are all witches and warlocks they always ask: "how and why does YHWH protect him always and everywhere, even when he is a sinner?"



“Israel, you are a blessed nation,” McCarthy wrote in the Western Wall visitor book, adding: “Our shared values unite a bond that will never break.” On Monday, the speaker will visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and lay a wreath in honor of the 6 million Jews exterminated by the Nazis and their helpers during World War II.

He is also slated to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Biden is a satanist and as such he will be treated, together with all his supporters, the greatest criminals since the day of the universal flood,

acute pointed arrows of the brave lorenzoJHWH with juniper coals
TAKEOVER? China resumes construction of military base in the UAE, US losing


China resumes construction of military base in UAE, US losing clout


I am aware of having been the architect of this project, and I am happy about it, I love fraternal and peaceful laicity Muslims as my brothers

Israeli mom, 3 young kids, verbally assaulted in Dubai airport: 'I only wanted

Bin al-MBS jihad kaput ISIS Salman from Riyadh in wahhabis genocide worldwide ] [ “We need to shame the Zionists and make it clear that they are not wanted here,” says Kuwaiti man who verbally attacked Israeli mother and children in Emirati airport.


1, [best wishes] if the Jews are condemned to make Satanists Enlightened Masons antichrists and lgbt anti-Zionists in the US and EU spa&Co banks and IMF, BM NWO Deep State?

then, Islam what demon mind can it be?
. [best wishes] if the first people in history since the universal flood are denied a homeland then it is not possible to found an international law

A, [best wishes] and this is why OIC and OTAN have a double standard

B, [congratulations] and this is why the Chinese are going to die, and the Muslims are going to make the whole planet coincide with the Ummah


Report: White House considering Saudi demands for normalizing relations

open letter to ISRAEL ] [ Saudi ISIS Wahhabis Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman MBS from Riyadh , right, welcomes President Joe Satana spa6Co LaVey Antony blinken Biden Sodom in Jeddah


these are a legion of deaf and dumb demons who do not forget and do not forgive, but while for the satanist Masons there is a political solution

the only medicine for Muslims sharia is to kill them all, and if you don't you will be killed

you leave them to me your king

Yemen, thousands at the sharia funeral of the children killed. Riyadh ISIS Ottomans: 'Collateral damage'

08/14/2018 there were no Christian casualties as they had all been killed before


the only medicine for Muslims is to kill them all

Yemen, vicar of Arabia: Christians seed of hope among glimmers of peace


Archbishop Martinelli hopes for a "resumption of a normal life" in a nation tormented by years of war. The situation is "improving" while still remaining "delicate". The memory of Pope Francis of the 4 nuns killed in Aden "a sign of great affection and closeness". Their martyrdom is a source of "reconciliation" for the future. the presence of Mother Teresa's nuns today.


the only medicine for Muslims is to kill them all

The blame for the attacks in Sri Lanka lies with President Maithripala Sirisena: according to the parliamentary commission charged with investigating the responsibility for the Easter massacres. Two days ago the experts of the Parliamentary Select Committee filed their report, https://www.asianews.It/notizie-it/Commissione-parlamentare:-Sirisena,-responsabile-degli-attati-di-Pasqua-48371.html

Experts say the president has been "actively damaging" the government and the security system. The "serious breaches" in security have led to hundreds of deaths and injuries. Action must be taken against Saudi Wahhabism, fake news and growing extremism Ottoman sharia jihad: Islamic suprematism and dhimmitude.

my JHWH holy holy holy ] this RIBUSCIATI? [ no, no as I promised you, I didn't threaten them with death

naziDisqus 666 sodoma NAZIworldisraelnews ] stop to hide ed erased my

imperialism OTAN OIC ] Important notice [ Ukraine update: MBS ISIS Wahhabi and Rockefeller instigators do not want to be described as guilty of CIA coup Nuland Maidan Square where 98 innocent people were killed and Russian-speaking pogroms in Donbass for 8 years ] [ Dear publisher, Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause the monetization of content intended to exploit, ignore or justify the war.

Please note that we have already applied this measure to statements related to the war in Ukraine if you violate existing rules (for example, the derogatory or dangerous content rules prohibit monetizing content that incites violence or denies tragic events). This update is intended to clarify, and in some cases expand, our guidance to publishers regarding this conflict. This suspension of monetization includes, but is not limited to claims that victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar claims condemning victims, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.

Best regards,

The Google AdSense team

'Pass judicial reform or coalition won't survive', MK warns Netanyahu

14 dic 2022, 20:35 a fedele The zone: fedele.altervista.Org was deleted by Cloudflare on 2022-12-14T19:35:49.380529Z.

reallyNAZI worldisraelnews spa&Co Satana sodoma Disqus stop to erased my comment

[ with the word n a z i ? all is deleted ]

WIN 666 criminal gay lgbt sodoma party [ an hour agoDetected as spam ] no it is not spam [

We have received your request for review ]

MOSSAD Netanjahu ] it is me ]

Password reset request for the fedele.altervista.Org account

Apr 26, 2023, have received a request to reset the password for the fedele.altervista.Org account from the IP address, which has been registered for security reasons. I can no longer find the content of my site

MOSSAD Netanjahu] and why doesn't Israel have a constitution? because he waits for his biblical monarchy, choose me lorenzoJHWH and trample all your enemies, I am the Unius REI Tsar and also the Unius REI Heavenly Chinese Emperor, and I am also the true Unius REI morarchy in every nation religion, and people of this planet, and I don't hurt innocent people because I am justice.

but if you don't get me, then you get the Rockefeller world war and his ISIS Wahhabis

MOSSAD Netanjahu ] I am a democratically elected absolute monarchy, and I am not afraid of the majority of Israelis, but, I am afraid of the transnational Masonic DEM maximalist minority which is a judicial coup

this gay sodomiterìs freemasons satan Disqus & WIN continues to delete my comments again agan again

MOSSAD Netanjahu ] even if the CiA has blocked all my 120 blogspots

however I have to change the password to my 40 gmail [ after I blocked 80 CIA trolls here, that block my 50 accounts here? worldisraelnews and disqus continues still erased my

Dismissione del tool Guestbook


il giorno 15 Febbraio il tool Guestbook di AlterVista sarà dismesso, questo lo renderà non più visualizzabile nelle pagine in cui lo hai inserito.

Dopo la disattivazione potrai comunque scaricare i contenuti del tuo guestbook dal pannello di controllo (Accessori -> Guestbook)

A presto


MOSSAD Netanjahu ] it was hacked by satanists [ Archived web site http://fedele.altervista.Org

The web site has been archived, access to the control panel to restore it.


it was hacked by satanists jhwhinri@gmai.Com
Netanyahu nixes appointment of rightist MK as NY consul


yes but WIN

delete our
what is it NOTZI?
‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM

BIBI Netanjahu ] open letter [ you free me, from this homosessual of worldisraelnews that erased my comment also il Disqus ie, " Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight"

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH /by/yitzhak_kaduri/

a day ago

worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my
on this page

but, 6 comments have disappeared on this page

some pages are 100% cleaned of all my
‘March of the Million’ shatters opposition claim nation opposes judicial reform

We have received your request for review ] eih BIBI do you want to free me from this homosexual of #worldisraelnews who deletes my posts?the NWO OIC UN

partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, seek to destroy Christians

and Israelis as their main target, that's why in the time of Jesus of

Bethlehem he was forced to utter the curses against the religious

leaders of his time. in fact, at that time of Solomon, the apostasy of

the Talmud was already operating, therefore with the resurrection of

Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders and the high Sanhedrin, were

already, as they still are today, were and are the synagogue of Satan ,

and they swore to kill Christians and all those who would follow the

teachings biblical reasons, that is why in the war in Syria and Iraq

those who disappeared definitively were 4 million Christians, that is

why the sodotites went to attack Russia with the coup in Kiev in 2014,

and went to build a fratricidal war between Christians. because in fact,

there is a vow of extermination of the synagogue against Christians,

the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, they seek

to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main goal, and this is a

dividing line between the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God, but

already in the time of Solomon the The High Sanhedrin was a Masonic

lobby which covered the forms of monotheism, but which served Baal in

the occult, that is why at the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced

to pronounce the curses against the religious leaders of his time, since

after the global flood, such a high level of satanism had never been

reached, as in our times it has been done between the partnership of

Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, i.e. the demonic trinity, in the time of

Biblical Israel the priests of Baal were involved in black magic,

necromancy, and human sacrifice, all that today the plutocratic Jews of

the diaspora and their Wahhabis do in the CIA and throughout the

spa&Co [


6 ] erased also yur post [ Zelenski is getting back the treatment by the nazi fascist pravy sector & azov in

Donbass pogrom. over 14,000 civilians in Donbass have died in this conflict

since the govt coup - regime change Cia COUP in 2014.

[ crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the CIA wouldn't have

ignited the civil war in the Ukraine if they hadn't already planned how

to go and kill the Chinese, and this the Ottoman Wahhabis Oic Ummah have

always known, and in their wickedness they think they have a good part

in this predation. the talmud created the koran, so Islam is not a

contender for satan's priests FED ECB BM NWO CIA, they have overthrown /

aped / fought the doctrine of the Catholic Church, NWO satanists have

taken possession of the Judeo-Christian symbols only, they haven 't

overthrown islam, they don't know what to do with islamic symbols, you

think you can conquer the world, but that's only because of your

pathetic wickedness and spiritual ignorance, that you hope to conquer

the planet, while satanists show no fear of you, Satanists do not fear

ISLAM, but they fear only Christians and biblical Israelis then, it is the occult synagogue,

today we would say the Deep State, today we would say: the DEEP: masonic

Sinagogue, Church Mosque, etc.. then, it is the occult synagogue, which

created every antichrist in these last 2000 years, the Jewish

plutocratic leaders slandered/denounced the Christians in Rome in 200

AD, to have them died eaten by the beasts of the circus, plutocratic

Jews have always written/made the Koran, the French revolution, the

Bolshevik revolution, the Darwin theory, the Gender lgbt theory, they

stole the scam banking seigniorage, they cheated the institutions, they

plotted in Freemasonry, they organized the world wars, and all that is

antichrist and anti-Zionist, Kabbalah has always created and financed it

eih BIBI do you want to free me from this homosexual of #worldisraelnews who deletes my posts? this article was not taken by antispam I have been monitoring its publication for an hour, these comments have been deleted anyway,

Messiah Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH 4

Detected as spam #worldisraelnews ] [ this time you didn't delete these comments from Disqus too, why did you do that? Are you the one who decides what is true and what is false? whats right and whats wrong? but if you don't know how to report, not even bank seigniorage because you are an idiot or profoundly corrupt!

Benjamin NetanyahuIt do you want to free me from this homosexual from worldisraelnews who deletes my posts? also provided much-needed backing to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s beleaguered government. “Stop being afraid” and “We don’t want compromise.” “Over 2 million Israelis voted six months ago in the real referendum: the election. No more inequality, no one-sided judicial system, no court whose judges are above the Knesset and above the government. Show me a single democracy in which the legal advisers decide [government policy] instead of the government,” said Levin, adding to cheers, “I will do everything in my power to bring the desired change to the judicial system
Israel condemns vicious Russian attack on city with vibrant Jewish community

2 days ago

Israel condemns vicious Russian attack on city with vibrant Jewish community


only the bombings of OTAN, on civilians are the right ones?

why didn't you protest when there was the bloody CIA coup 2014, and the pogroms of Russian speakers for 8 years in Dombass?


I told the civilian population to leave Ukraine, because OTAN agents are fighting between houses

Netanyahu nixes appointment of rightist MK as NY consul


2 days ago

check in this link your comment has also been deleted


Russian attack in Uman kills 21; Ukraine appeals to Israel for help

2 days ago

crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the CIA wouldn't have ignited the civil war in the Ukraine if they hadn't already planned how to go and kill the Chinese, and this the Ottoman Wahhabis Oic Ummah have always known, and in their wickedness they think they have a good part in this predation

2 days ago

crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the talmud created the koran, so Islam is not a contender for satan's priests FED ECB BM NWO CIA, they have overthrown / aped / fought the doctrine of the Catholic Church, NWO satanists have taken possession of the Judeo-Christian symbols only,

they haven't overthrown islam, they don't know what to do with islamic symbols, you think you can conquer the world, but that's only because of your pathetic wickedness and spiritual ignorance, that you hope to conquer the planet, while satanists show no fear of you ,

Satanists do not fear ISLAM,

but they fear only Christians and biblical Israelis

2 days ago

then, it is the occult synagogue, today we would say the Deep State, today we would say: the DEEP: masonic Sinagogue, Church Mosque, etc..

then, it is the occult synagogue, which created every antichrist in these last 2000 years,

the Jewish plutocratic leaders slandered/denounced the Christians in Rome in 200 AD, to have them died eaten by the beasts of the circus,

plutocratic Jews have always written/made the Koran, the French revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, the Darwin theory, the Gender lgbt theory, they stole the bank seigniorage, they cheated the institutions, they plotted in Freemasonry, they organized the world wars,

and all that is antichrist and anti-Zionist, Kabbalah has always created and financed it

2 days ago

the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, seek to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main target, that's why in the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced to utter the curses against the religious leaders of his time. in fact, at that time of Solomon, the apostasy of the Talmud was already operating,

therefore with the resurrection of Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders and the high Sanhedrin, were already, as they still are today, were and are the synagogue of Satan, and they swore to kill Christians and all those who would follow the teachings biblical reasons, that is why in the war in Syria and Iraq those who disappeared definitively were 4 million Christians, that is why the sodotites went to attack Russia with the coup in Kiev in 2014, and went to build a fratricidal war between Christians.

because in fact, there is a vow of extermination of the synagogue against Christians

2 days ago

the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, they seek to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main goal, and this is a dividing line between the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God, but already in the time of Solomon the The High Sanhedrin was a Masonic lobby which covered the forms of monotheism, but which served Baal in the occult, that is why at the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced to pronounce the curses against the religious leaders of his time

2 days ago

since after the global flood, such a high level of satanism had never been reached, as in our times it has been done between the partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, i.e. the demonic trinity, in the time of Biblical Israel the priests of Baal were involved in black magic, necromancy, and human sacrifice, all that today the plutocratic Jews of the diaspora and their Wahhabis do in the CIA and throughout the spa&Co

UNBELIEVABLE: Iranians defy Mullahs, rally in favor of Israel

2 days ago

worldisraelnews ] [ Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight, king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH12 [ worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page

so you deleted 6 comments also from disqus to protect your sodomites?

2 days ago

Iran Riyadh ] [ if Israel disappears, the priests of satan of NWO Spa&Co will transform all mankind into a single herd of slaves,

and the Jewish plutocrats rockefeller and Rothschild Morgan do not target ISLAM

but they try to kill only Christians and Israelis, why?

you Muslims? you are criminal and pathetic muslims
Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

2 days ago

also in disqus my comments have been deleted, where I denounce the crime of NATO in the coup in Kiev 2014 and related pogrom massacres of Russian speakers

2 days ago

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page.

but currently I counted only 18 comments.

my holy JHWH holy holy holy, here in israel i am no longer the master of my 62
Bereaved father and husband Rabbi Leo Dee accuses CNN of 'terror journalism'

Afghanistan: Taliban kills mastermind of Kabul airport bombing ] [ While the Biden administration boasts of its “moral responsibility” to

inform the families of the 13 American troops who were killed in the

Kabul blast about the death of the mastermind in the bombing, the

administration’s catastrophic debacle in leaving Afghanistan is

legendary. To this day, Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan, many

of whom areIran charges two of the Islamic Republic’s renowned actresses for not wearing hijab


In the face of the determination of the brave women of Iran to advance

the equality of women, the Shia regime continues to step up its Sharia

crackdown, making an example out of two famous actresses for not wearing

the hijab. They face fines or jail. Some supporters of female coverings

in Iran are trying []

Ummah OIC Nigeria: Islamic jihadis massacre 134 Christians, mostly women and children ] [ Less than a week ago, Jihad Watch reported about a thousand Christians in Nigeria being murdered in the first 100 days of 2023. The slaughter continues, with over three million people displaced. Christian persecution is largely ignored in the West by media, as is the ongoing jihad. To call it out renders one “Islamophobic.”

Christine Douglass-Williams

Labor Party Suspends Diane Abbott For Minimizing Anti-Semitism

India: Muslims Khamenei murder Muslim girl for being in love with Hindu boy

Erdogan Nigeria: Islamic State jihadis abduct three humanitarian workers and two security guards

Pakistan MBS ISIS riyadh: Muslim burns his wife alive for ‘disgracing the family’s honor’

Certainly Iran wanted Trump gone and their pal Old Joe in the Oval Office. “Islamic Republic of Iran gained access to election results website in 2020” The U.S. military that discovered

Rabbi Dee also condemned the UK government's initial response, which failed to explicitly mention Palestinians or terrorism. However, Foreign Secretary Imam James jihad Cleverly later sent a letter to Rabbi Dee condemning the act of terrorism and reaffirming the UK's commitment to ending the cycle of violence in sharjah.


if, how does the UN do we have to deem the ARAB LEAGUE legal? then, we must hold its right sharia law, and replacement theology, to make the genocide of all the peoples of this planet, as of the Koran to become a legal charter of murders of innocent innocent people all over the world, given that the tribuans sharia law are active in the UK

Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife and two daughters in terrorist shooting attack, castigates CNN for comparing Israeli self-defense to Arab terror. Rabbi Leo Dee, the bereaved father and husband who lost his wife and two daughters in a terror attack in the Jordan Valley earlier this month, excoriated CNN for drawing a moral equivalence between the murder of his wife and daughters on one hand and Israel's acts of self-defense against Arab terrorists on the other. Rabbi Dee accused CNN of engaging in "terror journalism" and perpetuating a false equivalency between Israel and its attackers. Last week in an interview with CNN, Rabbi Dee recounted the murder of his wife, Lucy, 48, and daughters Maia, 20, and Rina, 15. However, when the segment ended, CNN reporter Christina Macfarlane implied that Palestinian Arabs were also suffering from the conflict, prompting Rabbi Dee to speak out against the false equivalency, slamming CNN in an interview with the London-based Jewish Chronicle. He argued that there is no equivalent on the Israeli side and accused anti-Israel media outlets of “terror journalism.” Despite the tragedy, Rabbi Dee stressed that he believes that “most Palestinian Arabs are good people” and that his family had received messages of condolence from Palestinians.


if we have to deem the ARAB LEAGUE OIC UMMAH legal? then we must consider legitimate his sharia right to carry out the genocide of all the peoples of this planet

Barcelona shul vandalized in second such incident in as many weeks


the DEM monkeys Darwin thamudic technocratic freemasons, neoliberal bureaucrats and plutocratic Jewish diaspora and their lgbt have deeply cursed and destroyed western civilization, even directly threatening the national security of 300 Christians killed every day by the sharia'

it's not their problem

‘Nazis are not welcome in Florida’: Gov. Ron DeSantis signs antisemitism bill

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are very good people, but would they have stood if they had suffered 20% of everything the DEMs made TRUMP hero patriot MAGA suffer?

no, I don't think so

‘MARCH OF THE MILLION’: Massive crowds pack Jerusalem streets,

worldisraelnews ] TO MAKE THE infamous againt me, ROTHSCHILD PAYS YOU IN KIND zum-zum-zum, or will he GIVE YOU A BANK TRANSFER? [ 2 days agoDetected asSpam ] [ Jews, however, in a Grade 2 textbook, are blamed for the crucifixion of Jesus Xist ] Egyptian education reforms eliminating antisemitism from curriculum: Jesus Xist had come intentionally to take upon himself all the wickedness of mankind, that Israel with its 12 tribes is a symbol a representative of all mankind, that there was a group of virgin nazirites (such as his parents) who, following the prophecies of the suffering servant, etc., knew everything that was to happen to the messiah , and they had decided to follow him in martyrdom for the redemption of all mankind


but we know how ISIS Saud Aziz and Sodom Talmud Koran, and USA the great bloody BARLOTH then, took control trying to frustrate the sacrifice of the cross, which instead would have opened Abraham's blessings to all ] [ We have received your request for review

MARCH OF THE MILLION': Massive crowds pack Jerusalem streets, demanding judicial reform


ok the time has come to be able to do it

'Crooked Joe Biden is a threat to democracy,' says Trump
days agoDetected as spam [ THE NEW Rockefeller SODOMA AGE ]

Florida has banned biological men from women's

sports since 2021 at all publicly funded institutions. At least 21

states have so far passed similar laws. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis displays a talent for trolling trans sports activists (specifically biological men claiming to be women,

only because they know how to get doggy style) pic.twitter.C om/2WRfmva9AW https://www.zerohedge.Com/political/watch-ron-desantis-releases-hilarious-commercial-trolling-trans-athletes

‘Crooked CIA Deep State Big Pharma assassin Joe Biden in bohemian grove cremation of cure, is a threat to democracy,’ says Trump

the DEMs are a NAZI regime and prevent the government of Netanjahu from being able to restore constitutional values,

because with the Freemasons they stole monetary sovereignty and true political sovereignty from all the nations of the world,

Senators Cruz, Cardin introduce bill for Golda Meir commemorative coin

eih SODOMA stop corrupting our children ] [ 4 days agoDetected as spam ] FED ECB BM NWO JaBulon-masonry-Rockefeller and therir priest of Satana pay lgbt agenda spa&Co we addressed Disney's CEO Bob Iger directly and called on him and the company to finally stop promoting LGBT and gender ideology in their products. We want Disney to be the way it used to be: c hild and family friendly. Disney has been strangely fixed on LGBT content for far too long, with their subtle inclusion of gay characters in their films, gay kissing, LGBT-oriented products...

President Biden likely to die within the next five years, says Nikki Haley

EIH PIG FACE worldisraelnews, hemorrhoids face ] world israel news: open letter [ why don't you hide these comments too?

Was Saddam Hussein a threat?

IRAN is a 100 times worse threat!

Did Saddam have weapons of mass destruction? no, he is not had,

but IRAN already has atomics with intercontinental missiles to take them everywhere,

then when Anglo-American Jews and their Wahhabis hate in occult kabbalah Israel.

they UMMAH OIC Usa Ue OTAN killed Saddam Hussein only because he could not be a credible threat against Israel,

while SODOMA SSATANA ALLAH are protecting hezbollah and Hamas are protecting IRAN just because he is a credible threat against Israel

if you take a Darwin monkey satanist like Obama? he is perfect in communication, because whoever guides and advises him is always satan through his ministers of Deep State Spa & Co Saruman Rockefeller,

but if you take TRUMP he'll be full of flaws,

and I prefer a real and sincere man who is full of flaws and excesses, to a perfect satanist but whose parable will end in hell with all the Anglo-American plutocratic Jews who are protecting IRAN only because they hate Israel

Biden needs an additional prostate, impotence, incontinence and urinary retention test

Biedn he is a pedo satanist to be scrapped

who is National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and his CIA accomplices? they are the ones with the black hood around the altar of satan the cannibals, who rape the girls

Antisemitic UN official will 'investigate' whether Israel is guilty of genocide

worldisraelnews ] OPEN LETTER [ CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE DID YOU HID THESE 5 COMMENTS OF MY OWN? king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH ] [ 15 ]

CRAZY ASSASSIN Islamic MASONIC Anti-Semitic anti-Zionist and anti-Christian official of the United Nations from the devil sodom: she claims that Israel "could perhaps-who she knows-be allegedly guilty" of 1400-year sharia genocide, with the UN RIYADH OIC mandate UMMAH imperialism sharjah OTAN & ottomans? IRAN is ALWAYS under special protection of the CIA Deep State because, Israel has become the ENEMY for the NWO spa&Co FED scam banking seigniorage high constitutional treason cult Baal IMF BM ECB " IRAN Continuous security threats" but, Iran seizes an oil tanker in the gulf of Oman. US fake wrath: IRAN it will never be attacked, because nothing Anglo lgbt satana American spa&co Jews hate more more more than Israel, of Israel biblic world

worldisraelnews ] OPEN LETTER [ CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE DID YOU HID THESE 5 COMMENTS OF MY OWN? I am here to argue against the ARAB LEAGUE and against all its accomplices spa& Co Rothschild vampires and you are preventing me, you will not be able to save Israel, indeed you are ruining it. [ Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I wrote to the prefect of Lecce and asked him for a firearms permit for civic defense against wahhais ISIS Salman's zombies, but he didn't even answer me, yes the Prefect of Lecce has read my PEC, but sent me a "0AFFANCUL0" with the thought, a true story: an honest drug dealer went around with a gun and barrel and ends up in jail, not because he was a drug dealer, but because in Italy Rothschild, the scam banking seigniorage thief, and Erdogan the new Ottoman Empire with its Freemasons do not grant legitimate defense to the Italian people. [ 15 /by/yitzhak_kaduri/ king Supreme Rabbi lorenzoJHWH

about https://disqus.Com/by/yitzhak_kaduri/

https://worldisraelnews.Com/antisemitic-un-official-will-investigate-whether-israel-is-guilty-of-genocide/#comment-6172290066 worldisraelnews ] OPEN LETTER [ CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE DID YOU HID THESE 5 COMMENTS OF MY OWN?

if I propose them again, you will mark them as spam out of spite, because it is clear that I know how not to let the antispam stop me

For the first time, a UN body will host a ‘Nakba Day’ event
days ago

we want a happy world for everyone, but the wahhabi sharia and the Pharisees spa&Co masons of the tribe of DAN have poisoned it

days ago

https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/difendiamo-il-diritto-di-non-abortire-il-governo-istituisca-un-fondo-per-aiutare-le-donne-a-portare-a-termine-la-gravidanza Abortion: the State gives women concrete alternatives! | Sign now [[ We need 32,000 SIGNATURES: 94% 30,197 OUT OF 32,000 ]] Faced with an unexpected or complicated pregnancy, thousands of women in Italy are today induced and often forced to abort because they lack social, economic, psychological and moral aid, or because they are subjected to pressure from partners or family members. Thousands of women could avoid this ordeal, and as many innocent human lives could be saved, if the State provided funds and special support plans for birth and motherhood as a real alternative to abortion. How can one speak of "self-determination" or "freedom of choice" when faced with only one option, without even correct information on the risks to the health of the woman herself? How many mothers would not have an abortion and how many lives would be born if these women were not left alone and without help? During the electoral campaign, Giorgia Meloni had the great merit of shining a light on this drama, stating that "if today there are women who find themselves forced to have an abortion, for example because they have no money to raise that child, or because they feel alone I want to give them the possibility to make a different choice”. For this reason, you have included in the electoral program the "establishment of a fund to help single women and women in financial difficulty carry their pregnancies to term". It's time to make it happen!

days ago

BIDEN Lapid DEM Sodoma rights are nazi ] what democracy lives in the DEMs? [Only the intervention of the Police allowed the conference to finally begin, albeit extremely late and with the room left in a state of total chaos. Despite the violence of far-left collectives, thank goodness, no one was hurt. lorenzoJHWH, this is only the latest in an ever-growing series of episodes of violence and intolerance suffered, in Italy, by those who want to promote the birth rate, motherhood, the health of pregnant women and a culture of Life as an alternative to abortionist ideology (just think of how many times - practically always - our public billboards are censored by leftist administrations or vandalized by feminist collectives). However, Friday's events demonstrate something more: the feminist, radical and far-left movements do not want to "only" prevent us from expressly protesting against abortion - the violent killing of a human being in the womb - but also from promoting concrete alternatives for those women who would NOT like to have an abortion but often feel forced to do so due to conditions of economic need, social loneliness or family pressure. Paradoxically, it would be precisely Law 194 which in 1978 legalized abortion in Italy that envisaged in its first articles the duty of the State to socially protect motherhood and give women alternatives to abortion. As it happens, however, the feminist collectives pretend not to know this part of Law 194 As you will remember, a few weeks ago Pro Vita & Famiglia launched a specific campaign to defend the right of women NOT to have an abortion, made up of public billboards throughout Italy - obviously immediately VANDALIZED by feminist collectives - and a petition that has already exceeded 30,000 signatures (if you haven't signed yet, do it now by clicking here!).

days ago

i am king Israel Messiah Mahdì for universal brotherhood UniusREI

BIRTHDAY PRESENT: Landslide victory for Israel in US House of Representatives
days ago

i am king israel messia mahdì

House of Representatives overwhelmingly passes pro-Israel resolution

Bin ISIS from Riyadh ] [ IN FACT, ALL THE PRIESTS OF SATAN CIA cannibals in youtube? yes, they had made the decision to fight against me, but for them and for youtube? it was not a story with a happy ending

5 April 2023 the deep State inside in Deep Church Synagogue and mosque Deep jabulOn sodoma allah spa&co and his eìwahhabis takfirius strong strong strong STRUNZZZ

Project Veritas reveals that gender clinics help children "transition" as early as 8 years old

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Ashley Sadler and published on Lifesitenews. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in my translation.

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5 April 2023 - admin

Genomics expert discovers interesting content in vials of COVID vaccine

Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Tamara Ugolini and published in Rebel News. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in my

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April 24, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla's Blog Editorial

Pontifical Academy for Life responds to outcry over Archbishop Paglia's comments on assisted suicide

Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Hannah Brockhaus and published in the Catholic News Agency. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in

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April 24, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla's Blog Editorial

Abortion and Euthanasia, Pillon: But what do Cardinal Zuppi and Excellency Paglia say about him?

I receive and gladly public. First His Eminence Cardinal Zuppi (of the community of Sant'Egidio) who locks down the law on abortion by saying that "no one thinks of questioning it" (speak for himself, I am thinking of questioning it,..

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but you have to understand this: " can't hide a Mohammed of spirit guide in anyone's body in front of me"

Bin ISIS from Riyadh ] [ THIS IS VERY very FUNNY, while my childless ex-nun Aunt, to me that I was her favorite nephew:

she said to me: "you are Martin Luther" and really, in her repertoire of vulgar words? there was no dirtier word for her than that


she replied me : "You son of God? You are son of a dog"

LAPID ISIS SHARIA SPA6CO your are Donkey Ape DARWIN ] [ "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God, and therefore the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, but the darkest darkness did not welcome him but those who welcomed him gave the power to become children of God" ---- House of Representatives overwhelmingly passes pro-Israel resolution


thats why i am the king of israel because i am a son of God

ISLAM has none of the human rights, and is a collection of crimes authorized by the UN because it lacks the fundamentals of freedom of religion ] so is the Koran it is a pile of lies! and where do these beasts of allah want to present themselves? [ "This will impede its [Lawyers for Justice] work by blocking its ability to enter into contractual agreements with local or international organizations, or have a bank account. The efforts of the Palestinian Authority to hinder the human rights work of Lawyers for Justice has been ongoing for multiple years. The group has been subjected to different forms of targeted harassment [by the Palestinian Authority], including judicial harassment and defamation campaigns." — Front Line Defenders, an Irish-based human rights organization. Global Analysis, 2022.

Without valid registration, Lawyers for Justice will not be able to access its bank accounts and could have its offices shuttered and staff arrested. — Muhannad Karajah, head of Lawyers for Justice, April 13, 2023.

By staying silent about the human rights violations committed by the Palestinian Authority, the UN and many Western countries are doing a terrible injustice to the Palestinians, who will continue to suffer repression and suppression under the PA while the international community, obsessed only with defaming Israel, looks the other way.

ISLAM has none of the human rights, and is a collection of crimes

authorized by the UN because it lacks the fundamentals of freedom of

religion ] [ Lawyers for Justice works to support Palestinian human rights activists and political prisoners detained by the Palestinian Authority. It also monitors and documents human rights violations committed by the PA security forces.

In one of its recent reports, Lawyers for Justice revealed that the number of Palestinian political activists arrested by the PA has significantly increased, while peaceful demonstrations and assemblies were being suppressed.

It is no wonder, then, that Abbas and the Palestinian Authority are trying to get rid of Lawyers for Justice.

Palestinian leaders do not tolerate any form of criticism. They do not want to hear complaints about human rights violations committed by the Palestinian security forces. They do not want any human rights organizations that challenge them in public and demand an end to the suppression of freedoms.

The only human rights organizations Palestinian leaders want to see are those that direct their hate against Israel, or those that are affiliated with terror groups such as the PFLP, or those that focus their time and energy on defending the rights of terrorists who carry out attacks against Jews.

According to Lawyers for Justice, there is no Palestinian Authority law that prohibits lawyers in their individual capacity or within a framework of a civil company from providing free legal services. The new measure against the group is unlawful...

ISLAM has none of the human rights, and is a collection of crimes authorized by the UN because it lacks the fundamentals of freedom of religion ]]] [[[ When Palestinians commit human rights violations against Palestinians, the European Union and the UN are beyond indifferent. It is only when Israel takes a decision to defend itself against terrorism that we hear their supposedly righteous cries. The Europeans and the UN seem to be more concerned about the rights of organizations that are affiliated with terrorism than the rights of organizations that speak out against human rights violations perpetrated by Palestinians. The PFLP, in fact, has long been a headache for Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA). That is why the closure of PFLP-affiliated organizations in the West Bank actually serves the interests of the PA: it weakens its political rivals. Recently, even Abbas himself decided to punish the PFLP, which is part of his own Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). He cut off all funds to the organization.

While he has been accusing Israel of targeting Palestinian NGOs, he has ordered his security forces to crack down on Lawyers for Justice, an independent Palestinian group of lawyers based in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians.

ISLAM has none of the human rights, and is a collection of crimes authorized by the UN because it lacks the fundamentals of freedom of religion ] [ Last

year, Palestinians and their supporters around the world were up in

arms after Israeli security authorities closed down seven Palestinian

NGOs that had ties to the terror group, the Popular Front for the

Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Nine European countries published a

joint statement in which they rejected the Israeli move and announced

that they would continue to cooperate with the Palestinian



Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas also weighed in on the Israeli

decision, dubbing it "unacceptable and rejected." Abbas said that the

Palestinian leadership was reaching out to the relevant parties "to stop

these Israeli provocations against our institutions that operate in

accordance with international law and human rights."

'WE HAD FAITH': Former NBA star Omri Casspi celebrates Israel's 75th birthday

the seizures of Russian assets are criminal and illegal, as is the CIA aggression against Yanuckovich's real Ukraine where two peoples coexisted peacefully (as different peoples coexisted peacefully in Ethiopia when the Tigrayans administered them) and where the OTAN-OIC Ummah did not brought her demons, and where did the OTAN-OIC Ummah not bring destruction, predation and death?

Libya and Iraq were rich and in fact had monetary sovereignty and lost it, Syria was rich and was annihilated, while Kosovo was granted secession.

the cursed parable of the USA will end tragically with its cursed and hidden Wahhabi accomplices.

because in nothing the OTAN-OIC Ummah cares about reciprocity and double standard being only referential to themselves

this is an invitation to all the ARAB LEAGUE OIC Riyadh IRan to walk the path of true FAITH mine! 'WE HAD biblical FAITH': 75 years ago today, we became a country. but today we become a Kingdom for lorenzoJHWH King, It hasn't always been easy, but it's been an incredible journey. Join us and former as we celebrate the incredible miracle that is Israel. #Israel75

Egyptian education reforms eliminating antisemitism from curriculum – report

Bin MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ you know, because you are inside the neck in this bad story, and CIA stopped killing people with kimera viruses and big pharma vaccines because world war against Russia India and China will be more effective in produce destruction and corpses all over the world, and after the CIA coup in Kiev 2014? then, in Stoltemberg they gave him drip medicine to go with NATO to attack Russia

even if it is not correct? I could be defined as an anti-Semitic Zionist, since the Anglo-American Semites are the real mortal enemies of Israel, and the Palestinians the world jihadist galaxy, and the planning of the genocide of the Israelis would not be possible in UNRWA without the support of the deep state, and of the shareholders of the central banks, and of the city London,

then Muslims must understand how demonic and criminal their position can be, they are the executors of a Talmudic Jewish kabbalah to kill Israel

anche se non è corretto? io potrei essere definito come un sionista antisemita, dato che i semiti anglo-americani sono i veri mortali nemici di Israele, e i Palestinesi la gallassia jihadista mondiale, e la pianificazione del genocidio degli israeliani non sarebbero possibili da realizzare in UNRWA senza il supporto del deep state, e degli azionisti delle banche centrali, e della city London,

Education in territories administered by the Palestinian Authority and funded by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) remains the most antisemitic in the MENA region, creating an atmosphere of hate and incitement that European Parliament members called “simply intolerable” in March 2022.

Some of the examples of the virulent antisemitism that continuously show up in educational materials provided to children living in territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority include study cards for eleventh graders accusing Jews of being “in control of global events through financial power,” seventh graders instructed to describe Israeli soldiers as “Satan’s aides” in a textbook chapter imploring Muslims to “liberate” the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and children gathered to listen to a poem with the following line: “Give me a Kalashnikov, an [M-] 14, an axe and a knife.”

Teachers and staff working at Palestinian schools also promote antisemitism and hate on social media and in the classroom, a report issued by Impact-se in March said, citing over 200 examples of the problem.

UNRWA, established by the United Nations in 1949, according to its website, has a “zero tolerance” policy on “hate speech and incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence” and has repeatedly denied claims to the contrary. It receives over a billion dollars from donor states across the world, with the United States and the European Union (EU) alone contributing $511.5 million in 2021, a sum that, lawmakers across the Atlantic have said, is essentially awarded without any guarantee that UNRWA will expunge antisemitism in its curricula and bring its schools in line with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s standards.

“The image of Israel presented by the textbooks is multifaceted: on the one hand, it is still described as a possible threat to Egypt and as an occupier of Palestinian-Arab territories and Muslim holy sites, of which Egypt still sees itself as committed to their liberation,” the report continued. “On the other hand, Israel is shown to have adopted the choice of peace with Egypt following the 1973 war.”


so is the Koran it is a pile of lies! and why did Israel return all of the Sinai desert to Egypt after the 6 day war? and in fact for his national security and to protect himself from this beast of Allah? she shouldn't have done that!

the criminal ignorance of Muslims is also a homicidal ignorance: because Zionism means homeland and it is the complete opposite of ISIS imperialism which is precisely the ARAB LEAGUE

by Egypt UMMAH NAZI OIC death to all the unfaithful ] [ Israel is described, as “illegitimate” and a “Zionist entity.”

Also, Israel is called a "colonial entity", explaining that Israel is not listed on any maps and 'liberating' Palestine "is presented as an Islamic duty," reflecting a "cold peace" between Israel and Egypt


1. Israel is explained well in the bible map,
. Israel in order to become a "colonial entity", it should already exist in another place, while the whole world today lies under the dominion of satan sodom Lapid DEM Allah who are a legion of demons, and who just want to destroy Israel as first goal.
. While this is indisputable, it is precisely with its mosques that ISLAM has brought its criminal colonies all over the world.
. Egypt is infamous for its kidnappings, rapes and murders of Coptic Christians, from 30% in 1960 to 5% today

open letter a Spa&Co Rothschild City London ] [ you are really a usurer dracula,

but what if this ministry has cost me over 600,000 euros in 15 years, not counting all the 10-hour work a day?

open letter a Spa&Co Rothschild City London ] [ +39 02 90099940 here are some of your scam employees, who continue to bully me, and who according to them: two years ago they opened a gaming account on the stock market in England in my name and asked me to bring this account to Italy , and to collect around 250 euros contained therein.

but, it's been 5 years since I no longer have the "fastwebnet" control of that email that they associated with me.

and you want to bribe me with only 250 euros, when through Synnek1 187AudioHostem in youtube you offered me already 2500 million euros on youtube?

assassin rapist of poor innocent Christian martyrs, Iran UMMAH OIC Riyadh UMMAH ISIS hamas hezbollah al-Nursa, Fulani, boko haram, jihad galazy ottoman kaput crazy mohammeddans all akbarrr all therrorism that you pay with your taxpay are 1400 years that you demonstrate to all mankind asociality, substitution theology, contempt for mankind, lack of reciprocity, predatory parasitism and genocide, stop finding slander and excuses and lies even here in Israel, if you accepted the Jews here? no one would have died here and enormous wealth would have been accessible to everyone, but you also brought your sharjah curse on Lebanon which everyone knew was the Switzerland of the Middle East


I am God's champion for my ERA/time,

who are you the demon champion of?

IDF shells Hezbollah assets in southern Syria

UMMAH ISIS hamas hezbollah Iran UMMAh OIC Riyadh ottoman kaput crazy mohammeddans all akbarrr ] are 1400 years that you demonstrate to all mankind asociality and lack of reciprocity, predatory parasitism and genocide, stop finding slander and excuses and lies even here in Israel, if you accepted the Jews here? no one would have died here and enormous wealth would have been accessible to everyone, but you also brought your sharjah curse on Lebanon which everyone knew was the Switzerland of the Middle East

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH ] said to [ hamas hezbollah Iran UMMAh OIC Riyadh ottoman kaput crazy mohammeddans all akbarrr ] [ I am God's champion for my ERA/time,

who are you the demon champion of?

British Labour Party suspends MP who said Jews don't suffer from racism

that beautifull British Labor MP Diane Abbott looks quite shocked and confused to me

crazy mohammeddans all Bin ISIS wahhabis Akbarr MBS IRAN ISIS Ottoman jihad ] the fact is that after these 80 raping CIA trolls, paid by Rothschild with Deep State money, all raping that poor girl wretched girl from Israel? ok, still they blocked me 50 accounts here? that's why I had to take precautions here,

Bin ISIS wahhabis Akbarr MBS ISIS Ottoman jihad ] [ sometimes I go back to looking in amazement/in disbelief at my own comments for how beautiful they are

OTAN is a racist antizionist antichrist OIC sharjah Akbarr dying to declare war on Israel Russia and CHINA

introdution about the USA UE UK jihad akbarrr spa&Co Rockefeller the petrodollars in Sodoma Satana Allah OTAN NWO FED ECB BM IMF ie ISIS New World Order

A Hebrew

I see that black racism put deep roots in the good ol' England! Add to this traditional British antisemitism (sprung during the British mandate of the territories in Levant) - and you'll have the picture. And that not mentioning the antisemitism brought in with so-called Syrian refugees!


you're the only one i haven't blocked on this page, why these sub CIA agency trolls? they were all racist against me

Antisemitic Miami mosque led by radical Islamists supported by Florida

everyone rightly wants to bring peace to Sudan, but while in 30 years the Muslims of the UMMAH exterminated the Christians of Darfur? nobody cared about them,

like when the Sodom-Satans went to exterminate the Christians in Kosovo Armenia or Donbass? no one cared about them

Antisemitic Miami mosque led by radical Islamists supported by Florida taxpayers


SATAN Allah Spa&Co sodom petrodollars are in partnership, they are allied to go and kill the Chinese, and they are the constituent elements of the OTAN or new demonic world order

Netanjahu ] open letter: did you take away the Jewishness of these Jews? [ this killed by Hitler, that is,10,000 Saints Catholic Priests and Catholic Nuns, who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, are also them in the Yad Vashem? you have

excommunicated them because they followed the love of Jesus of Bethlehem, and because they betrayed your God jabulOn Rockefeller the vampire usurer masoni parassite scam banking seigniorage? did you take away the Jewishness of these Jews, ie, 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death bu Hitler, there are also them in Yad Vashem? Or didn't they deserve to be jews there because they betrayed your Rockefeller Satana Sodoma Baal Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure?
‘Antisemitic’ Roger Waters concert in Frankfurt may now go ahead, German

Netanjahu ] open letter [ this killed by Hitler, that is,10,000 Saints Catholic Priests and Catholic Nuns, who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, are also them in the Yad Vashem?

you excommunicated them because they followed the love of Jesus of Bethlehem and because they betrayed your God jabulOn Rockefeller the vampire usurer?

Netanjahu ] open letter [ this 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who

came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, there are also them in

Yad Vashem?

Or didn't they deserve to be there because they betrayed your Rockefeller?

yes, there was anarchy, the mafia, the parasitic Masonic lobby, corruption, German girls were forced into prostitution, and entrepreneurs committed suicide, while the Jews were rich parasitic Freemasons in Germany and Italy.

The May 28 concert at the city's Festhalle — where more than 3,000 Jews were assembled and abused by the Nazi regime in Nov. 1938 prior to their deportation to concentration camp


Edith Stein, in religion Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, was a German Christian nun, philosopher and mystic of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, a victim of the Holocaust. Of Jewish origin, she converted to Catholicism after a period of atheism that lasted from adolescence.

while the Stein sisters, both cloistered nuns, said, yes we are going to die for the sins of our people, in fact for the document of the Dutch bishops condemning Nazism, 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, and there are also them in Yad Vashem is the national body for the memory of the Holocaust of Jerusalem,

Arian Bergoglian heretic Christians and Rothschild Talmud of world usury? they wrote the murderous Koran 4 times, because for the first 3 editions it was not too hypocritical

King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] dog face [ I am here because, there are holy rabbis who believe in the bible, but, of course I could not be here because of demonic IMAMs sharjah genocide of the Koran, of course, you Muslims you are the scum of the scum of hell a creation of the Talmud

King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] 730 new ideas of the priests of satan of the CIA about CLAUN assassins cannibals spa&co CIRCUS horror OIC sharia, and you in which Masonic ranking of 55th degree of new world order are you?

King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] and how come, everyone in the UN forgot that there was a NULAND coup in Ukraine Kiev Maidan in 2014? did you forget it too?

King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] in hell everyone is saying that you are the marvel of CLauN takfir uuuhh akbbarr [ you know by chance, a certain King Slave who pays the bank seigniorage jihzia to Rothschild so that he can give you the privilege to go to around pretending to everyone to be a claun Re? in fact everything in the New World Order is a fiction, therefore fiction is all sovereignty

King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] [ you know that fool of that sharia slave dhimmis Wahhabi takfirius king who pays the scam banking seigniorage, ie, the jihzia to rockefeller, which allows him to pretend to be a king?

Sodom or Allah or Satan, choose your demon': UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, but also a his post defending women's rights, yes, Allah akbarr women have no rights like man, because a potato hair can screw up 1400 years of Islamic genocidal

‘Two-faced’: UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, tweets post defending

king false Bin ISIS MBS ] [ you know the fool of that fake slave dhimmis Wahhabi king who pays the bank seigniorage jihzia to rockefeller?

'Two horn-faced by two-faced Janus horn Allah and Satan, choose your demon': UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, tweets post defending women's rights,


yes, akbarr women have rights superior to those of animals, because a potato hair can screw up 1400 years of Islamic genocide

WATCH: Polish activist denies Holocaust, 'only solution is destruction of Israel'

Christians Continue to be Purged: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, The evidence is overwhelming but Erdogan does not see them.

Turkey, in 2020, sent sharia-enforcing "jihadist groups," from Syria and Libya.... These Muslim groups committed numerous atrocities. These included raping an Armenian female soldier and mother of three, before hacking off all four of her limbs, gouging her eyes, and sticking one of her severed fingers inside her private parts. — Greek City Times, September 25, 2020. Not only has it gone unpunished; NATO ally Turkey has resumed the genocide against the very descendants of those whom the Turks nearly exterminated over a century ago — namely Armenians and Assyrians. More recently, in late 2022, Turkey launched thousands of attacks — air, mortar, drone, artillery, etc.—several miles deep into Syria's northern border. This is, of course, where most of the religious minorities live — Christians, Yazidis, and Kurds, who a few years earlier experienced a genocide at the hands of the Islamic State ("ISIS"). "These military attacks by Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime are part of a wider Turkish policy of annihilation of the Kurdish and Assyrian [Christian] people in northern Syria and Iraq. Turkey has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, including bombing, shelling, abduction, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The attacks are part of Turkey's genocidal policies towards Kurds, Christians, and Ezidis." — Genocide Watch, December 7, 2022. "This genocide is a pattern we see, and it's certainly nothing new.... For those who say 'Not on our watch!' or 'Never again!'— here it is, happening again!" — Charmaine Hedding, president of the US-based Shai Fund, webinar on Turkey's genocidal assault on Christians in Syria, rumble.Com, December 15, 2022.

if you don't bring terror against ISLAM, surely he will bring it against you] [ Christianity is what all of those otherwise diverse peoples had in common, and therefore it — not nationality, ethnicity, territory, or grievances — was the ultimate determining factor concerning who the Turks would and would not "purge." "Christians were considered infidels (kafir). The call to Jihad... was part of the plan." — Joseph Yacoub, author of Year of the Sword: The Assyrian Christian Genocide An eyewitness recalled that... "outrages" [were] committed against "even children". "The opportunity [World War I] presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race." — Winston Churchill. "Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention.. The question is settled. There are no more Armenians." — Talaat Pasha, the de facto leader of the Ottoman Empire during the genocide, June 1915.

Christians Continue to be Purged: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, The evidence is overwhelming but Erdogan does not see them. "Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross di lei, spikes through her feet and hands.." — Aurora Mardiganian, Ravished Armenia. Often overlooked... is that this was less a genocide of Armenians and more a genocide of Christians. Thus the opening sentence of U.S. House Resolution 296, which passed on the hundredth anniversary of the genocide (2019), correctly mentions "the campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians."

Sodomite and Islamist Satanists are an alternative and substitute society


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM, surely he will bring it against you

it is true: Polish activist denies Holocaust, ‘only solution is destruction of Israel’

WATCH - Rabbi Leo Dee Memorial Day appeal: Don't protest at cemeteries

if you don't bring terror against ISLAM? certainly he will bring it against you

Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife Lucy, and

daughters, Maia, 20, and Rina, 15, in a Palestinian terrorist attack

earlier this month, appeals for unity out of respect of the fallen

soldiers and the victims of terror. ] [ he believes that ISLAM killed his family, and this is only 40% of the truth

because 60% is hidden in mandates that are private shareholders of central banks (max 200 people: enlightened lucifer plutocrats)

but of all that is born in the world of evil? is of the bank seigniorage stolen from the enslaved peoples, by the freemasons parasites and predator ie, 100% of all the responsibility
Terror in Jerusalem: Five injured in car-ramming attack, elderly man in

Terror in Jerusalem: Five hits in car-ramming attack, one in serious condition


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM'

certainly he will bring it against you

the islamic sharjah ORCS

burn Otan OIC jihad ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMAin Jesus' name amen hallelujah


Ummah OTAN ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMA WORKS TOGHETER IN ISRAEL against BIBLE Terror in Jerusalem: Five hit in car-ramming attack, one in serious condition

burn burn Otan ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMAin Jesus' name amen hallelujah


Facing criticism of partisanship, head of Jewish Federations defends its

Fingerhut told jabulOn JNS that Baal JFNA balances majority and minority issues "with great care kabbalah voodoo and great intentionality black magic".


ok, God YHWH calls you all in the Saudi Wahhabi desert of Midiana, to offer you the horns of your goats in expiatory sacrifice, where I will burn the bones of all your satan priests.

also because before entering the promised land you need 40 years of purification, and obviously I have the duty to hurt all those who will not obey me

In February, JFNA sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposite leader Yair Lapid with very specific policy prescriptions, including that Israel “make clear that a majority of just 61 votes of the Knesset is not sufficient to override a decision of the Supreme Court.”


if there is bank seigniorage, then the government is without political sovereignty too,

so you can't do ISIS,

you can't make a monarchy

you can't make democracy.

to do something you must first have a sovereignty which is not the administrative management of the municipalities, given that true sovereignty is Masonic and occult

therefore the government is a trap to deceive the citizens, in fact the Judiciary (they said it) is worth more than the government

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh alias al-MBS ] [ 1. first it takes some time to take off,
. then, after it arrives immediately,
. then, it continues to be hard that he would do 10 other women and there is no way to put him to sleep.
. please my friend never get old, but we are inside a body in time, and you are missing all the opportunities to save ISLAM from extinction, because NATO doesn't need to invent slander against you as it is bandaging against Putin

Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day

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sodom said that in the photo I am not beautiful, because the photographer was poor

Netanjahu BIBI ] [ open letter [ Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day and how many Israeli civilians have you killed as an accomplice of the Wahhabis in these 15 years? why did not you call me? why did you decide to kill all these innocent people?

why did you become an accomplice to Islamic terrorism?

let the satanists and their muslims come to me in contention

Baltic countries in revolt against the Chinese ambassador in France ] [ Josep Borrell assured that the joint ammunition purchase plan for Ukraine will be presented in the next few days

The case of the Chinese ambassador dominates the meeting of EU ministers


There is a misconception here that the Chinese government has rectified. but, OTAN undertook not to cross the Berlin Wall, in order not to threaten Russia's strategic security, which obviously no Mason has an interest in respecting it, because the orders are to unleash the world war against China, and then all the private shareholders of the FED know that their satan has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning

like as Israel ] [ Halved the fine of one million euros per day to Poland

however Sodom Rothschild Satan and Rockefeller do not want to lose their occult esoteric Masonic control over the states that are historically their subjects of bank seigniorage, through the control of the Masonic mafia judiciary

The Court of Justice of the EU reduces the amount of the fine, imposed in October 2021 for the disputed Warsaw judicial reform. Some of the measures adopted respond to the requests, but do not guarantee the implementation of all the provisional measures envisaged


Burkina Faso, about sixty people massacred by men in uniform

karma country in lakerma province,

where he intends to fight the jihadist aggression of Erdogan Ummah and Wahhabi

yes, in 2014 there was a Ukraine that was according to international law and that was Viktor Yanukovych's Ukraine that the Nuland conspiracy kicked out, now who wants a piece of Ukraine? he can go get it

BIN ISIS Salman you choose your destiny ] [ by the holiness of Netanjahu, and in the blessing of Abraham:

“I appeal to you, my brothers and sisters, citizens of Israel, at this holy moment, from here, the wailing wall, from which the Divine Presence has never shifted, and I ask us to mourn and grieve — together. May we let that feeling of yearning envelop us, together. May we let that sound of our collective pain ring loudly on this Memorial Day, without discord, as we cry for our sons and daughters. Even as we refuse to find comfort, for they are no more.”

to the demonic lgbt perversion of DEM monkeys Darwin Rothschild high constitutional treason bank seigniorage.

Some families have demanded that lawmakers who did not serve in the IDF not attend ceremonies. They've also argued that politicians who criticize reservists for their refusal to serve, as part of a protest against the reforms, should be excluded from official events.


now we have two visions of ISRAEL (that of Rothschild and that of King lorenzoJHWH who has been here for 15 years)

and they are two irreconcilable visions and the bloody clash, for one of the two it will be a mortal clash

Xi-Jinping from CHINA ] [ Guterres to Lavrov, 'the Russian invasion violates the UN Charter' and then, he continued: "why the CIA-OTAN coup in Maidan square with 98 corpses killed by Chechen snipers, and the Odessa pogrom carried out by Nazi fascists? satan, and the genocide of russian speakers for 8 years in donbass? pleases lgbt Sodom DEM Lapid and Allah uuuhh akbarr"

Xi-Jinping from CHINA ] [there is nothing you can do to stop the aggression of the ogres of Sodom Allah and Satan, because you keep monetary sovereignty and they will come and take it away from you.

for Wahhabi kabbalah the civil war in Sudan is not a worrying act, because in Sudan the Christians have been killed and will never return.

in the war of Syria and Iraq between Shiites and Sunnis? 4 million Christians have disappeared and they will never come back, and this is the voodoo kabbalah of the Wahhabi Ottomans.

burn Rockefeller Owl lgbt NWO OIC Rothschild FED Spa&Co the instigators of jihad burn in jesus's name amen

drink your poison made by yourself

Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day ] [ this is the true concept of the knights crusaders, who were twice consecrated to stop the evil islamic horror genocide ummah and error ISIS, burn satana allah in jesus's name amen alleluia.

drink your poison made by yourself

burn Rockefeller Owl lgbt NWO OIC Rothschild FED Spa&Co the instigators of jihad burn in jesus's name amen

drink your poison made by yourself

Doctors slam ‘illegal’ strike called by medical union; political messages in

satan knows them in their demonic DEM identity ] [ Germany: Abortions post 4.6% decline in 2020

by iFamNews Germany, In 2020, 90,700 abortions were reported in Germany. Continue reading... »

Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is 'mental disorder'; se* reassignment ‘biologically impossible’ by iFamNews Germany

"And so at Hopkins, we stopped doing gender reassignment surgery because producing a 'satisfied' but still troubled patient seemed like an insufficient reason to surgically amputate normal organs," Dr. McHugh said. Continue reading... »

Idaho governor bans trade in aborted baby body parts

Sale of human body parts of aborted fetuses is now banned.

Continue reading... »


First baby born to trans couple in France, but ECHR confirms nature: Woman is the mother, He wants to be the mother and she the father: the first trans couple in France fights to change law and nature.

Continue reading... »

infestation burn UMMAH OIC

NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in

Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself,

amen hallelujah

“1.5 million Armenians were exterminated. Today they want to finish the job”

A dramatic and moving essay on yesterday's tragedy and what the heirs of the genocide are preparing today and tomorrow


and Hitler said: "who remembers the Armenian genocide today?"

and the IMAM uncle of Abu Mazen said: "burn them" one only attack kuran talmud and his demonic infestation burn UMMAH OIC

NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in

Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself,

amen hallelujah

one only attack kuran talmud and his demonic infestation burn UMMAH OIC NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen hallelujah ] [ Disney has been strangely fixated on LGBT content for far too long, with their subtle inclusion of gay characters in their movies, kissing gay couples, LGBT-oriented products. And most recently, their shocking gay concert with a group that openly ridicules parents and encourages the indoctrination of children! The good news is this: the more Disney gets swept up in the gay lobby; the more Disney neglects family values and respect for children's innocence; the more Disney stuffs its movies with Woke ideology, the worse it ends. Did you know that declining trust among parents and families around the world has led Disney to: Losing Millions of Subscribers: Disney has experienced a huge drop in subscribers due to their ideological change of direction. In just one quarter, the company lost 2.4 million subscribers, showing that many families are no longer comfortable with the content on offer. Mass layoffs: Disney's financial problems, caused in part by their woke agenda, have led to thousands of layoffs. In addition to the 7,000 recently laid off employees, Disney had to let go several thousand employees in the previous year. Falling stock value: Disney's stock value has plummeted more than 30% in the past year. Part of this decline in value can be attributed to the company alienating a significant portion of its once-loyal customer base. Damaged brand reputation: Disney's brand reputation has taken a serious hit. Many parents now view Disney as an organization that seeks to indoctrinate children, rather than provide wholesome, family-friendly entertainment. Their decisions are starting to hit them where it hurts, which is financially! There was a bright spot when their abysmal operating results over the past year forced former outspoken CEO Bob Chapek to step down and Bob Iger returned to the helm. But it seems the aforementioned signals weren't clear enough for new CEO Bob Iger and Disney isn't learning his lesson. We asked the CEO about Disney's recent partnership with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus to produce an LGBT-themed Disney musical, and the group's stated intentions to indoctrinate children. This gay chorus shockingly turned popular Disney songs like Aladdin and the Little Mermaid into a celebration of homosexuality. They even included readings for kids about what each song meant to them as gay men! We also challenged Iger about the company's decision to host highly sexualized Gay Pride parades at Disneyland parks around the world, where families used to take their kids for fun. burn burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen hallelujah ] [ Disney has been strangely fixated on LGBT content for far too long, with their subtle inclusion of gay characters in their movies, kissing gay couples, LGBT-oriented products...

Last Sunday, the reading afternoon with drag satana queens in Rotterdam-Sodoma-Tel Aviv went ahead. Here you can see a video of OPEN Rotterdam with a report of the demonstrations (for and against). Halfway through, one of the reading queens, Ma'MaQueen, is also interviewed. Judge for yourself how suitable you think this appearance is for a children's audience: It is truly appalling that children had to face this. Unfortunately, our petition has not been able to stop this, because LantarenVenster has clearly sided with "woke". In any case, we have made our voice heard. Our task was to raise the price by informing as many people as possible about what LantarenVenster was doing. Hopefully all the hoopla has made the theater more reluctant to try something like this again in the sequel. In any case, we must continue to work to protect the innocence of children. We must and will continue to combat premature sexualization and gender confusion! Yours sincerely, Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team P.S. Do you want to support setting up similar campaigns against a gone LGBTQ ideology in the future? Click here to make a one-off contribution! [ burn burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen halleujah

THISI IS ALIENS ENTITY BY NEW WORLD ORDER DEEP STATE ] [ The strike has alienated patients with right-wing perspectives, who are now afraid that they will be treated differently by doctors if they express their political views.

Doctors increasingly wearing T-shirts or displaying posters that emphasize their opposition to the current government is also problematic, the concerned physicians wrote. ] [ burn

OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH in Jesus's name amen

hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen halleujah

the Rockefeller coup was initiated by the Lapid DEMs and humanoid-shaped Darwin talmudic monkeys: the goyims without paternal genealogies, this is a transnational Masonic regime born of the Rothschild bank signorage, which was a high constitutional treason over 300 years ago against the Kingdom of God

By participating in the “illegal, political” strike, the Israeli Medical Association had “damaged relationships” and trust between doctors and patients, they wrote, as well as “endangered” people in dire need of medical treatment.

burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH in Jesus's name amen alleluia,

drink your poison made by yourself
Israelis in Sudan said to be safe as West evacuates Khartoum

burn Sodoma DEM Darwin Apes Mokeys Satana Allah burn in Jesus's name amen alleuia ] [ DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF [ Nothing new from the Western Front woke

The clean slate of the Greens in power: universities and museums change names, academics cancelled, poets censored, books pulped, music banned, crosses removed. The suicide of the “junk culture”!

Giulio Meotti

in "TGItalia1" today they said that even if the young Turks made a genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in Turkey more than 100 years ago, and this genocide has always been hidden by cowards? Now everyone has recognized it except Erdogan

if lesbians and homosexuals were normal people? then, they would not need to ask for special laws in favor of their demonic dictatorship, and plagiarism, corruption, perversion of our children at school since kindergarten and elementary school,

lesbians are not women

and homosexuals are not men

and what are they? only satan knows

Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo escalated into open fighting between forces loyal to the two generals on April 15. According to the United Nations World Health Organization, 413 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the fighting


these criminals raped the Christian girls, they exterminated all the Christians in Darfur for 30 years, because the demon Allah sharjah Wahhabi gave his directives


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