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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Eliminating the Armenians at the dawn

Palestinians who murdered Israelis 'represented Palestine in the

Ukraine, the funeral of the victims of the attack in Uman.

Zelensky's regret: «The children? My wife Olena and the war are growing up there».


when the CIA-Nuland organized and killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square (the assassins were never sought) and when the opposition, perjuring all its commitments, betrayed the elected President Viktor Yanukovyč, and started the Odessa pogroms (the murderers were rewarded), who could say : "what's going on?" then the death squads of fascist nazis would have made you disappear.

this Ukrainian regime is something too infamous

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

in addition to all the aberrations of Mussolini's and Hitler's Nazi-fascism, there has been a reconquest of national sovereignty, which must not be ignored, a conquest of social justice by the Jewish-Masonic mafia parassimo, which has left many nostalgic for that period of legality and control of the territory, but certainly not obsessed with dictatorship and imperialism and/or anti-Semitic racism per se.

Alemanno: "I'm not an anti-fascist like 30% of Italians aren't", Alemanno: "I'm not an anti-fascist like 30% of Italians aren't" The former mayor of Rome to 'In Onda': "I have close friends killed from militant anti-fascism"


having said that, there is no more dangerous criminal and spreader of nazi-fascism than Rothschild spa&Co

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

1/3 ] [ the Anglo-Americans (Rothschild City London spa & Co ) slandered the Russians for 15 years, then created the dogma of evil and enemy Russians and then attacked them militarily in Ukraine, destroying the strategic security of MOSCOW , but, the real aim is world war. the little game of genocide has been the right trade of the Arab sharia league for 1400 years, but also OTAN has tried before to make a bloody coup Nuland with troops-death battalions of fascist nazis and to make a genocide of Russian speakers in Donbass since 2014.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

2/3 ] [ the Anglo-Americans (Rothschild City London spa&Co ) slandered the Russians for 15 years, then created the dogma of bad and enemy Russians and then attacked them militarily in Ukraine, destroying the strategic security of MOSCOW , but, the real purpose is the world war.. Standing ovation of the Freemasons and corrupt cretins for Zelensky, who is moved at the Conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine

Rome, 26 April 2023 Standing ovation and very long applause for Volodymyr Zelensky, linked by video with the bilateral conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president, moved, thanked the government and the Italian people several times for his support, at the end of his speech. Farnesina

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
3/3 ] [ the Anglo-Americans (Roockefeller Spa&Co Big pharma covid kimera and bildenberg scam banking seigniorage spa&Co ) slandered the Russians for 15 years, then created the dogma of bad and enemy Russians and then attacked them militarily in Ukraine, destroying the strategic security of MOSCOW, but, the real purpose is world war.

Zelensky's appeal to Italian companies: "I invite you to Ukraine now"

Rome, 26 April 2023 Italian companies are invited to come to Ukraine as of now. This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a video link during the bilateral conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine underway today in Rome.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

/eliminare-gli-armeni-all-alba-del-1900/ the game of genocide has been the right trade of the Arab sharia league for 1400 years, but also OTAN has tried to carry out a genocide of Russian speakers in Donbass since 2014

Eliminating the Armenians at the dawn of 1900 is the first genocide of the last century, between 1915 and 1922. The idea of the "death marches" made by the young Ottoman Turks erdogan executioner, conceived against the Armenians, was revived by the Nazis at the liberation of the extermination camps, starting with Auschwitz.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

The horror of Milan: Islamic sexual crimes explode


Italy is out of control, suffocated by debt, devitalized by bureaucracy, by the hypocrisy of which MATTARELLA DRAGHI are the worthy representatives, but it is in technocracy anarchy, and in the arrogance of the Masonic and Jewish-mafia lobbies (all conditions already seen before the 'rise of Nazi-fascism), and how could the Rothschild parasite continue to steal bank seigniorage, if he doesn't destroy the dignity and legality of the Italian people?

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

"Everyone in the Vatican said so...": Orlandi increases the dose against Pope Wojtila


Orlandi follows an intuition: "fish always stinks from the head"

and this is partly true for the cowardly His Holiness John Paul II, who, not wanting to be killed like his predecessor by the Jewish Mason Cardinals Marranos of BERGOGLIO, preferred to close his eyes to the lgbtq lucifer lobbies and Freemasons that were nestled in the Vatican .

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

SCO OTAN USA UE UN ] [ Palestinians who killed Israelis 'represented Palestine in the strongest way'


if you have to kill terrorists sharia? then, also all the OIC sharia ARAB LEAGUE Must be destroyed,

but, if you then think that the shariah is the best?

then convert all of you to the devil of allah

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

WATCH: Hunter Biden arrives in court for child support hearing, forced by judge

rogue satanist Hunter Biden arrives in court for child support hearing, coerced by judge.

cursed the tree and cursed his fruit

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

ANTIFA NAZI DARWIN APE DEM LGBT NAZI ] [ The West DEMONIAC Jewish parasitic-ANTICHRIST Jewish-SODOMIC Jewish-ANTIZIONIST Jewish-PARASITIC TECHNOCRATIC PLUTOCRATIC MASONIC "We are unarmed". The rage of the policemen explodes in Milan

"The forces of order, starting with my beloved police, have long since been disarmed. I'm not talking about the service pistol, followed by the 'chili pepper' spray, followed by the taser, but of a much bigger problem that can be summed up in a few simple words: 'certainty of punishment'", explains Pasquale Griesi, regional secretary of the Fsp union.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

"We are unarmed". The rage of the policemen explodes in Milan, "We are unarmed." The rage of the policemen explodes in Milan, The phenomenon of violence in Milan is real, concrete and tangible.

An absolute sense of insecurity is mounting in the citizens, also the result of the non-existent reception policies by Palazzo Marino, which have allowed the entry into the city of crowds of irregular foreigners, without documents and with no fixed abode. People who escape any form of control and law, who feel unpunished by the Italian system. There is great anger, not only on the part of the citizens, forced to suffer the oppression of criminals, but also on the part of the police, who feel helpless because they are deprived of their ability to act.


1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

US ‘should get further behind the Abraham Accords,’ says House Speaker

ANTIFA NAZI DARWIN APE DEM LGBT NAZI ] [ Is the West DEMONIAC ANTICHRIST SODOMIC ANTISIONIST PARASITRIAN TECHNOCRATIC PLUTOCRATIC MASONIC is falling out of love with the Brazilian Lula after his controversial comments on the war in Ukraine? When Brazil elected Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as president for the second time in October, much of the West welcomed his return to leadership of the country with relief and hoped it would end the period of populism ushered in by his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro.



1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

TAKE OBAMA AND PUT HIM IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR, ANTIFA NAZI DARWIN APE DEM LGBT NAZI ] [no one should ever use the legal system to try to punish their political opponents. And it is clear, not just from one side of the aisle – but also with independents and Democrats – that what is happening to Trump in New York is appalling; It goes above the rule of law and is used solely for political purposes. It just ups the numbers for Trump.

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


Ruemmler, on the other hand, reportedly had dozens of meetings, with Epstein after serving as

a White House legal adviser under

President Obama and before becoming a lead lawyer

at Goldman Sachs Group in 2020 We have received your request for review. The documents report that Epstein also had planned for her to join a trip to Paris in 2015

and a visit to his private island in the Caribbean in 2017.

Botstein instead invited Epstein to the campus of his progressive-inspired college (also funded by Soros),

who brought a group of young women.

We have received your request for review

Chomsky, a professor, writer, and radical left activist, was scheduled to fly with Epstein to dine at her Manhattan residence in 2015. We have received your request for review


1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Detected as spam

KILL EVERYBODY UNDER CIA PROTECTION! KILL EVERYBODY! Democrat Ruemmler, on the other hand, reportedly had dozens of meetings

with Epstein after serving as a White House legal adviser under

President Obama and before becoming a lead lawyer at Goldman

Sachs Group in 2020. The documents report that Epstein also had planned for her to join a trip to Paris in 2015 and a visit to his private island in the Caribbean in 2017. Botstein instead invited Epstein to the campus of his progressive-inspired college (also funded by Soros), who brought a group of young women.

Chomsky, a professor, writer, and radical left activist, was scheduled to fly with Epstein to dine at her Manhattan residence in 2015.



We have received your request for review

KILL DARWIN DEM EVERYBODY! among the American VIPs featured in Epstein's papers are the head of the CIA William Burns, former Obama White House adviser Kathryn Ruemmler, the president of Bard College, Leon Botstein, and the great intellectual of the American radical left, Noam Chomsky. The revelations that appeared in the stars and stripes press have reopened the debate on the acquaintances and possible covers of the financier, who died in prison in New York in 2019 in circumstances considered by many to be suspicious. According to the documents, Burns, head of the CIA since 2021 appreciated by Joe Biden, had scheduled three meetings with Epstein in 2014, when he was deputy secretary of state.

The two - according to the documents - first met in Washington, then Burns visited Epstein's residence in Manhattan.


1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

/notizie/mondo/lo-incontravano-dopo-la-condanna-l-agenda-di-epstein-fa-tremare-la-sinistra-usa the DEMs must all be placed in the same cell where Epstein was hanged by OBAMA's satanists, in this way we will all get rid of this lgbt DEM scum and their paedo mohammeddans!

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday issued a sharp rebuke to President Joe Biden for still not inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House.


a series of unpublished documents in which the criminal "se** rockefeller spa&co offender" wrote down his appointments, in fact the names of some officials of the US apparatus and characters close to the progressive area appear. This is learned from the Wall Street Journal, which viewed thousands of pages of emails and materials from 2013 to 2017, i.e. from the period in which the financial SOROS ROTHSCHILD SARUMAN MORGAN SAUDI entrepreneur was already at the center of accusations, investigations and convictions for sexual offences.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Turkey has inaugurated the TCG Anadolu, the world's first aircraft carrier carrying armed drones, such as the Bayraktar TB3, sold worldwide. The vessel is 231 meters long and will be deployed in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas, equipped to carry a full battalion, 94 vehicles including 13 tanks and helicopter gunships.

The ship is capable of speeds of at least 20.5 knots (about 38 km/h).

President Erdogan called the TCG Anadolu Ottoman Empire a turning point in rapidly expanding Turkish imperialism.

the Ottomans leave no survivors, and they all have to take this into account

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

"You say I'm old? I'd say it smells seasoned. You say I'm elderly-old? I'd say wise in Satan". Sunglasses and a script full of gags, Joe Biden strenuously defended his 80 years of crimes, predation, parasitism, corruption, murders, giving away a barrage of painful pseudo-buffoon jokes to those present: and after a drip drip, he done everything to demonstrate that he is not sleepy, and that he is perky and fully deserves re-nomination in the elections scheduled for 2024.


yes to prove he's not old he tries to jump but always crawls his feet like a zombie

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Netanyahu touts his American education in defense of 'balanced' judicial reform

Crowds for Bolsonaro's public return: and in Brazil it is immediately controversial

Brazil: former president Bolsonaro under investigation

Brasilia, after the violence the country is slowly returning to normality. Bolsonaro's accounts blocked

Bolsonaro against Marxism, but in Florida

Former President Jair Bolsonaro returned to Brazil from the United States after 89 days

"Attempted coup" in Brazil for the Lula government, Bolsonaro is in hospital in the USA

Brazil, the former minister of justice of the Bolsonaro government arrested


ok, take an example from Netanjahu and sew up the national concord and reconciliation

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

"People now understand and accept it on my side of the spectrum, that we cannot swing the pendulum to one side of the most activist judicial branch on the planet which is arrogating the will of the majority, yet again ignoring the decisions of the government elected by the elsewhere, where parliament essentially ignores by a simple majority the will of – or the decisions of the Supreme Court.


all over the world the judiciary does not make and does not criticize the laws, they interpret them, that is, where there is room for interpretation, everything else is high treason

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Netanyahu touts his American education in defense of 'balanced' judicial reform


me instead of Netanjahu BIBI ? I would have already killed all Mohammedans and half mankind

and now everyone can say it: "" how much better is he than me?

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Biden admin supporting anti-judicial reform protests, says Israel’s justice

Taiwan alarm: "China is preparing for war" then, THIS pitiful STORY OF ONE CHINA is bullshit with which the priests of satan of the OTAN FED have lied deceived and duped and duped the Chinese,

but, at the same time, the slaves of the esoteric agenda, the transnational Rockefeller Masonic system, who pay the jihazia of bank seigniorage as slaves?

they cannot say: "we have a sovereignty to defend"

so I wish CHINA to conquer: Korea, Taiwan, Japan Oceania Australia, just to go and free them from their slavery Rothschild the big biiithc witch

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

the big BEAST ROCKEFELLER MBS WAHHABIS Spa&Co FED PETRODOLLARS SHARJAH ECB BM IMF NWO OIC OTAN protects all its little beasts (full of corrupt freemasons and thieves) without monetary and political sovereignty, like in Ukraine, RUSSIA is ALONE AGAINST ALL INSTRUMENTS OF SATAN ALLAH AND SODOM. Russia versus Twitter. It is Dmitry Medvedev, vice president of the Security Council, who rails against Elon Musk's social network. Reason: Twitter deleted a message in which Medvedev, known for his aggressive posts, openly threatened wide-ranging Russian actions against other countries. The former president and former premier, therefore, vented on Telegram, where his reflections are not limited.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

the big BEAST ROTHSCHILD spa&Co FED ECB BM IMF NWO OIC OTAN protects all its little beasts (full of corrupt freemasons and thieves) without monetary and political sovereignty, like in Ukraine, RUSSIA is ALONE AGAINST ALL INSTRUMENTS OF SATAN ALLAH AND SODOM.

"Really, we can do without Twitter. In the end, it's just a foreign social network operating in the interests of the American establishment. We've only used it cynically to achieve our propaganda goals," he says before to add. "Our main goal is totally different: to inflict a devastating defeat on all enemies: the Nazis of the Ukraine, the US, their NATO minions including the cowardly Poles and other Western lice." "We must recover all our lands, protect all our people forever.

We will work hard for this", he concludes before wishing a happy May Day.

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Biden, ageless show. "Me old? No, wise, the wisdom and science of satan."

Rockefeller Spa&Co NWO administrator Owl Marduch jabulOn Deep State scam banking seigniorage in Age of Lucifer, Biden backs anti-judicial reform protests,

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

HISTORIC: McCarthy announces establishment of House-Knesset

the wisdom and science of satan, supernatural Biden, ageless show. "Me old? No, wise."

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Bin MBS ISIS al-Salman From Riyadh ] [ here, they are terrified by the word "Jesus of Nazareth" because if he is true, then, how many things including ISLAM are false in this world? and in fact too many jews ex-enlightened lucifer have left the trillions and trillions to become catholic friars and nuns, and evangelists, and martyrs,

but, God's gifts are without repentance and Jesus acted with compassion and power, and authority and miracles and exorcisms already under the Mosaic law (because the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out), while Mohammed, who is he? only the devil sent him! now think how much love is in me that after 35 years of Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians,

I am available to have ISLAM reformed, but if you don't want to reform it why do you like scimitar like that? then, you will have to try to convince all those who have no intention of becoming Muslims and who have no intention of accepting your sharia genocide

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

HISTORICAL: McCarthy announces creation of House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group

who is against ISRAEL is on Satan's side like Rockefeller Rothschild wahhabis spa&Co OTAN OIC like Allah and Islam and jabulOn masonic antichrist antizionist the power of dark sodoma satana darkness

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

HE'S GOT TALENT: Knesset speaker performs 'Hotel California' on electric

HE'S GOT TALENT: Knesset speaker performs 'Hotel California' on electric guitar for McCarthy

I'm happy for this performance,

although the formation of this subliminal hypnotic demonic 'Hotel California' could be debated,

however in any case this is not a danger to us who are protected by the Holy Spirit

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments

Israel's police commissioner: Arabs murder each other, it's their mentality

Israel’s police commissioner: Arabs murder each other, it’s their Allah Ummah OIC Jihad sharia mentality


1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 33 comments

Arab man kills wife, 2 baby boys. Knesset member says 'not guilty'. So who is?

The Joint List party has repeatedly called the Israeli police racist. Special initiatives aimed at reducing violence within the Arab community have been criticized by the party, which argues that policing tougher than Arabs is inherently discriminatory.


after 88 years of Islamic terrorism criminal jihad pogrom? ok, to someone a certain prevention and a certain racism? it can also come

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Bin ISIS Al-MBS from Riyadh ] è why are you surprised that i mistreat Disqus and worldisraelnews?

they are corrupt and they bully me, but I'm nobody's friend because anyone who doesn't recognize me as King of Israel is the enemy of mankind, and also commits the crime of lese majeste which must be punished with the eternal and corporal death penalty

so I have no friends and brothers in the world, of course, I decide to help someone I consider less guilty, but I do this for respect justice

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH4 hours ago

An Arab man who killed his wife and two children in a brutal stab attack is not responsible for the killings – rather, the blame for the horrific killings falls on the right-wing government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to an extreme lawmaker left. Baraa Jaber-Massarwa, 26, was killed on Sunday night, along with her two sons, two-year-old Amir and six-month-old Adam, in the Israeli-Arab city of Tayibe, northeast of Tel Aviv. Her husband, whose name ERDOGAN jihad sharia Ottoman empire and nuclear aircraft carrier drones: has not been made public, he has been arrested and is her only suspect.


this jihad sharia parliamentarian must be arrested and he too must serve a third of his sentence in prison

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH4 hours ago

worldisraelnews sodoma Disqus ] [ u4ea Here @u4eahere your 666 dog

1 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWHa day ago

ehi BIBI Netanjahu Do you want to free me from this #worldisraelnews Freemason scum of homosexual

who deletes my comments?

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWHa day ago

‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM against reforms


Rockefeller spa & Co Rothschild and their masons stole SCAM COUP the banking seigniorage and shaped socialism DEM ISLAM OIC lgbt jabulon a race of parasitic perverted traitors

3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

/italia/mascherine-in-classe-vieta-la-scuola-alla-figlia-mamma-finisce-a-processo/ lgbt and jewish masons have replaced parental authority

Masks in the classroom Daughter is forbidden from school Mom ends up on trial

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

iran ryadh ] [ but as you say, thinking about it, even killing a few innocent people is an effective measure

allah uuuhhh akbarr

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

oh how nice it is to make love to allah in singapore, but they open the koran at random and found the proof they need,

Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself: The case of Tangaraju makes you think. Arrested in 2017 and sentenced to death in 2018, the 46-year-old Singaporean has never touched the drug he allegedly trafficked. As activists of the Transformative Justice Collective point out, his case was based on a number of circumstantial evidence. It all started with the presence of his telephone numbers in the address books of two men arrested by the Central Bureau of Narcotics in Singapore. However, Tangaraju's phone was never recovered for analysis. The witnesses and statements of the two men who accused him were never disclosed to the defense during his trial. On the contrary, Tangaraju was interrogated without a lawyer, and he signed a deposition without being able to fully understand it: during the interrogation he was in fact denied an interpreter.

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

oh how beautiful it is to make love to Allah in Singapore, but they open the Koran at random and have found the proof they need, Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself:

the day of executioner and sudden notification to family members. tangaraju-suppiah-singapore_6133584 ] [ In the past 30 years, the sun has never risen on a Friday for the more than 500 people hanged in Singapore's Changi Prison.

Friday was the day of the executioner. But last year something changed. Relatives of death row inmates began receiving execution notifications any day of the week. This was also the case for Leela Vathy, sister of Tangaraju s/o Suppiah. Her brother was executed on Wednesday April 26 for aiding and abetting the traffic of 1,017.9 grams of cannabis. This is the first execution this year in the island-state on the equator.

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

ALLAH UUHH AKBARRRRRRRRR ] SHARIA NOT DEMOCRACY [ oh how nice it is to make love to allah in singapore, but they open the koran at random and found the proof they need, Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself: In 2020 Tangaraju's sister turned to the lawyer and human rights defender Ravi Madasamy, who started working on her case in parallel with that of another 25 sentenced to death. Ravi was able to save one, wrongly sentenced to death, and managed to postpone the execution of 11 other prisoners, but due to his statements about the Singapore justice system, his license was suspended. Tangaraju was unable to find another lawyer willing to represent him in Singapore, where those defending death row inmates risk having to personally bear the high court costs. Ravi himself has had to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the cases he has handled. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have repeatedly denounced the disciplinary actions against the lawyers. But with less and less time available, Tangaraju still asked for the case to be reviewed, and even without legal advice, he decided to represent himself before the Court. His application was rejected two months ago. The dozens of clemency appeals delivered by hand last Sunday at the residence of the President of Singapore were of no avail.

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Modena, 28 April 2023 – «When they discovered that I had fallen in love, they told me that I could not approach him, since I had been betrothed in India. My father told me that I should have left in June, once I got my degree. When I tried to rebel they all beat me up, even my aunt and grandmother and they followed me in turn when I went to school and when I came home. They locked me in my room, etc.. etc..


it was not the Islamic sharia but their Hindu cousins

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

"Bestiality". She is stormy after yet another rape in Milan


yes, even today, another Erdogan raped and beat another ex-DEM girl in the lift

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Neural networks on photonic chips, here's how to exploit light for ultra-fast Artificial Intelligence


you can not imagine how aliens and demons in collaboration with the satanists of the CIA, play and have fun with these artificial neuronal connections in my brain. and since they are mostly faaaagggss, they enjoy looking at me like voyeurs

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Berlin, we will send another 80 Leopards to Ukraine in the summer


Churchil said that every 50 years it is necessary to bomb Germany

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

While it may be striking that Elly Schlein makes use of a look consultant, costing 300 euros an hour, the propensity for luxury is by no means a novelty in the progressive field. Indeed, behind the bigoted moralisms on the vulgarity of the rich, there is hidden a snobbery that inevitably leads to luxury

ANSWER /politica/il-vizietto-del-lusso-della-gauche-moralista/

the DEM communists started out defending the proletariat and ended up defending the Rothschilds

4 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Foreign Minister of Iran sees Hezbollah leader in Lebanon


this time Israel is really dead, because the conspiracy Rockefeller Wahhabi FED ECB BM UN OIC cannot fail

3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

Pope "Abortion is always a tragic defeat"



3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

the mixture between the Masonic occult state and the Mafia cannot be questioned. FREEMASONRY AND MAFIA ARE TWO PARALLEL PATHS

On the day in which a mountain of theories and conjectures on state massacres turned out to be whipped cream (no it's not like that), in which Marcello Dell'Utri and the three ex-investigators of Ros Mori, Subranni and De Donno were acquitted by the Cassation , it would be appropriate to reflect on the troubles that ideological justice has caused in this country. Already because only ideology can make mistakes of these proportions, which keep people on the grill for years and cause incalculable image damage.



3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

/Firenze/la-testimonianza-non-ce-la-facciamo-pi%C3%B9-a-pagare-il-mutuo-stiamo-pensando-di-vendere-e-tornare-a-vivere-in-affitto in times of recession it is impossible to pay a mortgage loan (and they are driven to despair and suicide), then, tenants do not pay rent and small homeowners are forced to commit suicide, the state collects taxes for the Rothschilds and does not think about protect citizens from desperation and cannot do so because it does not have monetary sovereignty The testimony: "We can no longer pay the mortgage, we are thinking of selling and going back to renting" Home, bitter home. Years of rents, the dream and the search for a home to buy, the possibility of accessing a mortgage and honoring it with sustainable sacrifices.

Then, suddenly, the ECB's rate hike sent variable-rate mortgage payments soaring and households found themselves tightening their belts further, in a hot winter already marked by energy costs .

Even in Florence and throughout Tuscany, the increases have been significant: there are those who have seen the installment go from 217 to 285 euros for a mortgage of 40 thousand euros and even from 870 to 1430 euros for a mortgage of 240 thousand euros .

3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

/politica/ora-gli-artefici-di-questa-vergogna-dovranno-pagare-il-male-fatto-a-papà/ why do the Rothschild Freemason DEMs (and their democratic judiciary judges) persecute patriots? "Now the architects of this shame will have to pay for the evil done to dad" "Now the architects of this shame will have to pay for the evil done to dad"

He was a mastiff in the fight against the mafia, an investigator in front of which the criminals' wrists trembled. Today General Antonio Subranni, at the age of 90, is a tired and tried man and after three decades of terrifying and unjust accusations, his daughter Danila, a journalist, has taken charge in recent years of fighting this battle in place of her father and now he wants to have his say.

Why was this persecution against your father organized?

have ruined the lives of many servants of the State, and the life of Enzo Tortora, the judges have impunity and the license to kill with impunity, because they have taken pentiti as witnesses (who are always mafiosi who have an interest in fake repenting)

3 king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

if it was a machine gun then, he Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani stank to Ali Khamenei akbarrr

Ties with Iran lead to catastrophe, Netanyahu warns Saudi Arabia

Ukraine, the funeral of the victims of the attack in Uman.

Zelensky's regret: «The children? My wife Olena and the war are growing up there».

answer when the CIA-Nuland organized and killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square (the assassins were never sought) and when the opposition, perjuring all its commitments, betrayed the elected President Viktor Yanukovyč, and started the Odessa pogroms (the murderers were rewarded), who could say : "what's going on?" then the death squads of fascist nazis would have made you disappear.

this Ukrainian regime is something too infamous


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