non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

How date night turned into

7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH

14 minutes ago

worldisraelnews sodoma Disqus ] [ u4ea Here @u4eahere your 666 dog

‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH

ehi BIBI Netanjahu Do you want to free me from this #worldisraelnews Freemason scum of homosexual

who deletes my comments?

‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM against reforms


Rockefeller spa & Co Rothschild and their masons stole SCAM COUP the banking seigniorage and shaped socialism DEM ISLAM OIC lgbt jabulon a race of parasitic perverted traitors

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page

/italia/mascherine-in-classe-vieta-la-scuola-alla-figlia-mamma-finisce-a-processo/ lgbt and jewish masons have replaced parental authority

Masks in the classroom Daughter is forbidden from school Mom ends up on trial

iran ryadh ] [ but as you say, thinking about it, even killing a few innocent people is an effective measure

allah uuuhhh akbarr

oh how nice it is to make love to allah in singapore, but they open the koran at random and found the proof they need,

Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself: The case of Tangaraju makes you think. Arrested in 2017 and sentenced to death in 2018, the 46-year-old Singaporean has never touched the drug he allegedly trafficked. As activists of the Transformative Justice Collective point out, his case was based on a number of circumstantial evidence. It all started with the presence of his telephone numbers in the address books of two men arrested by the Central Bureau of Narcotics in Singapore. However, Tangaraju's phone was never recovered for analysis. The witnesses and statements of the two men who accused him were never disclosed to the defense during his trial. On the contrary, Tangaraju was interrogated without a lawyer, and he signed a deposition without being able to fully understand it: during the interrogation he was in fact denied an interpreter.

oh how beautiful it is to make love to Allah in Singapore, but they open the Koran at random and have found the proof they need, Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself:

the day of executioner and sudden notification to family members. tangaraju-suppiah-singapore_6133584 ] [ In the past 30 years, the sun has never risen on a Friday for the more than 500 people hanged in Singapore's Changi Prison.

Friday was the day of the executioner. But last year something changed. Relatives of death row inmates began receiving execution notifications any day of the week. This was also the case for Leela Vathy, sister of Tangaraju s/o Suppiah. Her brother was executed on Wednesday April 26 for aiding and abetting the traffic of 1,017.9 grams of cannabis. This is the first execution this year in the island-state on the equator.

ALLAH UUHH AKBARRRRRRRRR ] SHARIA NOT DEMOCRACY [ oh how nice it is to make love to allah in singapore, but they open the koran at random and found the proof they need, Hanged for cannabis (of which he knows nothing) without being able to defend himself: In 2020 Tangaraju's sister turned to the lawyer and human rights defender Ravi Madasamy, who started working on her case in parallel with that of another 25 sentenced to death. Ravi was able to save one, wrongly sentenced to death, and managed to postpone the execution of 11 other prisoners, but due to his statements about the Singapore justice system, his license was suspended. Tangaraju was unable to find another lawyer willing to represent him in Singapore, where those defending death row inmates risk having to personally bear the high court costs. Ravi himself has had to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the cases he has handled. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have repeatedly denounced the disciplinary actions against the lawyers. But with less and less time available, Tangaraju still asked for the case to be reviewed, and even without legal advice, he decided to represent himself before the Court. His application was rejected two months ago. The dozens of clemency appeals delivered by hand last Sunday at the residence of the President of Singapore were of no avail.

Modena, 28 April 2023 – «When they discovered that I had fallen in love, they told me that I could not approach him, since I had been betrothed in India. My father told me that I should have left in June, once I got my degree. When I tried to rebel they all beat me up, even my aunt and grandmother and they followed me in turn when I went to school and when I came home. They locked me in my room, etc.. etc..


it was not the Islamic sharia but their Hindu cousins

"Bestiality". She is stormy after yet another rape in Milan


yes, even today, another Erdogan raped and beat another ex-DEM girl in the lift

Neural networks on photonic chips, here's how to exploit light for ultra-fast Artificial Intelligence


you can not imagine how aliens and demons in collaboration with the satanists of the CIA, play and have fun with these artificial neuronal connections in my brain. and since they are mostly faaaagggss, they enjoy looking at me like voyeurs

Berlin, we will send another 80 Leopards to Ukraine in the summer


Churchil said that every 50 years it is necessary to bomb Germany

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

While it may be striking that Elly Schlein makes use of a look consultant, costing 300 euros an hour, the propensity for luxury is by no means a novelty in the progressive field. Indeed, behind the bigoted moralisms on the vulgarity of the rich, there is hidden a snobbery that inevitably leads to luxury

ANSWER /politica/il-vizietto-del-lusso-della-gauche-moralista/

the DEM communists started out defending the proletariat and ended up defending the Rothschilds

Foreign Minister of Iran sees Hezbollah leader in Lebanon


this time Israel is really dead, because the conspiracy Rockefeller Wahhabi FED ECB BM UN OIC cannot fail

Pope "Abortion is always a tragic defeat"



the mixture between the Masonic occult state and the Mafia cannot be questioned. FREEMASONRY AND MAFIA ARE TWO PARALLEL PATHS

On the day in which a mountain of theories and conjectures on state massacres turned out to be whipped cream (no it's not like that), in which Marcello Dell'Utri and the three ex-investigators of Ros Mori, Subranni and De Donno were acquitted by the Cassation , it would be appropriate to reflect on the troubles that ideological justice has caused in this country. Already because only ideology can make mistakes of these proportions, which keep people on the grill for years and cause incalculable image damage.



UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

/Firenze/la-testimonianza-non-ce-la-facciamo-pi%C3%B9-a-pagare-il-mutuo-stiamo-pensando-di-vendere-e-tornare-a-vivere-in-affitto in times of recession it is impossible to pay a mortgage loan (and they are driven to despair and suicide), then, tenants do not pay rent and small homeowners are forced to commit suicide, the state collects taxes for the Rothschilds and does not think about protect citizens from desperation and cannot do so because it does not have monetary sovereignty The testimony: "We can no longer pay the mortgage, we are thinking of selling and going back to renting" Home, bitter home. Years of rents, the dream and the search for a home to buy, the possibility of accessing a mortgage and honoring it with sustainable sacrifices.

Then, suddenly, the ECB's rate hike sent variable-rate mortgage payments soaring and households found themselves tightening their belts further, in a hot winter already marked by energy costs

Even in Florence and throughout Tuscany, the increases have been significant: there are those who have seen the installment go from 217 to 285 euros for a mortgage of 40 thousand euros and even from 870 to 1430 euros for a mortgage of 240 thousand euros

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

/politica/ora-gli-artefici-di-questa-vergogna-dovranno-pagare-il-male-fatto-a-papà/ why do the Rothschild Freemason DEMs (and their democratic judiciary judges) persecute patriots? "Now the architects of this shame will have to pay for the evil done to dad" "Now the architects of this shame will have to pay for the evil done to dad"

He was a mastiff in the fight against the mafia, an investigator in front of which the criminals' wrists trembled. Today General Antonio Subranni, at the age of 90, is a tired and tried man and after three decades of terrifying and unjust accusations, his daughter Danila, a journalist, has taken charge in recent years of fighting this battle in place of her father and now he wants to have his say.

Why was this persecution against your father organized?

have ruined the lives of many servants of the State, and the life of Enzo Tortora, the judges have impunity and the license to kill with impunity, because they have taken pentiti as witnesses (who are always mafiosi who have an interest in fake repenting)

if it was a machine gun then, he Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani stank to Ali Khamenei akbarrr

Ties with Iran lead to catastrophe, Netanyahu warns Saudi Arabia

Ties with Iran lead to catastrophe, Netanyahu warns Saudi Arabia

A new Middle East? Jordan and Iran ready to mend relations, and Ties with Iran lead to catastrophe, Netanyahu warns Saudi Arabia


the love for UMMA OIC worldWide terrorism ISIS (world caliphate al-nursa ottoman wahhabite ) in the Ummah prevails over everything

A new Middle East? Jordan, Iran set to mend relations

A new Middle East? Jordan and Iran ready to mend relations


the love for ISIS (world caliphate) in the Ummah prevails over everything

Report: Ukraine used drone aircraft in failed assassination attempt against

lgbt DEM Islamist Freemasons are infamous, bullies, and socially dangerous, mental enforcers, hypocrites, liars, lustful and full of deadly sins, a conspiracy for the kingdom of satan

The son writes to the governor of Montana:

"Dad, please stop the anti-trans law"

Ukraine, Putin: "Whoever lives in annexed regions is Russian", Ukraine, Putin: "Whoever lives in annexed regions has always been Russian", The four Ukrainian regions annexed by Russia "are our historical lands and their inhabitants are kindred to us. Many of you there have been: how are they different from us? In no way, they are part of us".

OTAN wants to legitimize its coup 2014 Nuland annexation and Nazi fascist death squads and pogroms, like the ARAB LEAGUE wants to legitimize its 1400 years of sharia genocide, but this is an impossible operation because I am Unius REI forever

Orlandi case, anti-Pope Freemason Francis once again defends his holiness Wojtyla: his brother Pietro said "stupid"

ok it's true he said stupidity, but this teenager girl Orlandi someone Jew infiltrated Rothschild Cardinal Marrano may have even raped and killed her, you get him out in him name, let us know this rockefeller infiltrator in Vatican second Jezabell Bildenberg

the angelic convention will prevent it, but if the Islamic esosteric and supernatural powers kill me (because I too could become a sinner), what will you do? will you hide all my comments to condemn Israel to certain death?

here is what you are a corrupt and a coward

Asbestos, at least 7,000 people died in 2022 from asbestos-related diseases, with 40 million tonnes still to be disposed of. On the Day dedicated to the victims,

the Ona highlights that more than 30 years after the law that banned its use, the dead continue to grow.

The peak of the pathologies, explains Ona, "is expected between 2025 and 2030.

It will take a hundred years to remove everything"


whoever used asbestos knew it would kill people,

but, now the Jewish Freemason state parasite

has placed absurd costs of reclamation on the shoulders of citizens,

it seems that disposing of a 10 kg funeral barrel costs 1000 euros

Bank of Italy: still risks from inflation and slowdown in GDP. Banks in good condition


Rothschild private finance's claim that the economy should never slow down declares all the satanism and murder and crime that underpins it, and how to claim that Saudi oil wells should never run dry that's why NATO was created to kill the peoples with the world war.

because the coin progression system is an impossible progression

Denys Anatolijovyč Šmyhal' is a Ukrainian politician, prime minister of Ukraine as of March 4, 2020 ] [ it has been over 300 years since the rockefellers have stolen the monetary and political sovereignty of the peoples, and is an example of how the Rothschild Masonic system he cheated the Western democratic system

why so much clamor for the life of an infidel kafir who is destined for hell anyway, like all non-Muslims? Giulio Regeni and his four torturer and accused executioners (protected by the Wahhabis) and accused of the torture and murder of Giulio Regeni are posted on the walls in front of the Egyptian embassy in Rome. of course, national interests are superior to the truth and this is not acceptable". "The appeal is from today until May 31st. Remember the four names of the defendants to give truth to Regeni's death. We have to take on a daily duty and that is to spell out the names

of the four accused of the death of the Italian researcher", adds Vittorio di Trapani, president of the FNSI.

It is time for Egypt, after countless vain promises, to collaborate with our government, and it is time that our government demands without ifs and buts that the four defendants for the kidnapping, torture and killing of Giulio appear at the next hearing on May 31st!".


it is necessary to investigate and criminalize ISLAM in every part of the world

La Russa announces the death of Senator Andrea Augello in the Chamber. the applause of colleagues


Big 666 Pharma Spa & Co, increased the dose of my hypertensive by 3 times,

and no one must forget that the demonic and sodomic powers of the NWO are also supernatural esoteric powers as well as institutional Ursula

now all those who are not DEM sympathizers or who are not corrupt, the patriots? they must also beware of their drugs

the claims of this criminal Volodymyr Zelensky and his accomplices, like almost all claims of Muslims are simply absurd, and are out of historical context, or legal context

yes, Stoltemberg manages to cite some facts of 2014, regarding the annexation of CRIMEA, but he does not go back a few months to the Nuland coup and the genocide of the Russian speakers that the puppet OTAN government installed in Kiev had decreed.

UKRAINIANS TODAY DO NOT DESERVE the parental authority

The territorial integrity of Ukraine, the return of prisoners and the return of about 20,000 "kidnapped" children. These are the topics discussed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Chinese President Xi Jinping in their phone call two days ago. Zelensky revealed further details of his conversation with the Chinese leader, the first since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Report: Ukraine used drone aircraft in failed assassination attempt against

worldisraelnews ] the Holy Spirit must judge you, [ I had posted other comments here

Ex-CNN anchor Don Lemon to take break from news media after firing

the Saudi prince is as if he had said to me: "if you have committed the genocide of the Indians throughout America, why can't we commit the genocide of idolatrous Christians?"

mam, yes anyway, the Indians made abhorrent human sacrifices on the altar of their gods,

while, Muslims for 1400 years have always exterminated the saints of Jesus of Bethlehem, who were and are 1000 times more righteous than them

Veterans of Israel’s War of Independence say the Holocaust was not why they

During the outbreak of war in May 1948, Itzik and his family were in the Mount Scopus area and the Arabs prevented them from taking roads to other safe areas. A mob rallied to try to kill them, he said, but the patriarch of an Arab family, Abu Mustafa, who shared their house, stood guard at the door and told the mob that he should have killed him first.


there are 1400 of sharia genocides, what has changed in the anti-sociality of sharia today? the Quran said not to share anything with anyone

another clear demonstration of the urgency of solving its homelessness problem by re-establishing the Jewish state in Yeretz-Israel," declared the provisional government of Israel on May 14, 1948.


1. the holy Hebrew root came to Israel,

2. The moneylender Satanists have gone to the Banks

3. Muslims who come from Hell with their accursed prophet, what role do you think they play?

there have always been Jews in Palestine,

3,000 years of Jewish history, not the Holocaust, inspired Israeli soldiers to reclaim the historic Jewish homeland.

so the real years here are 5000

Eretz-Israel comes from the Bible, this Ape Lapid Monkey donkey Ape Darwin lgbt, this that the sodom spa&Co Allah OIC Satan for the love of Abraham's covenants

they want to suffocate in the blood shoah

18 Democrats, 1 Republican vote against House resolution honoring ties with

Is everyone stupid at Gatestone Institute?


the same mortal enemies of Israel are also the same mortal enemies of China and Russia.

the Taiwan problem does not arise before the impending OTAN OIC Riyadh aggression against China

sharia imperialism and Spa&Co usury prevent the true implementation of Abraham's agreements, of which I am the heir and the official interpreter! The House of Representatives votes 401 to 19 to support the nonbinding resolution that honors Israeli Independence Day and calls for expansion of the Abraham Accords.

the USA is the homeland of evil ambiguity dissimulation, where reality, like smoke screen, is actually the opposite of what may seem logical and obvious.


Rothschild Riyadh and Rockefeller have planned the destruction of Israel and are covering it up

Israeli researchers develop drought-resistant tomato

jihad Gervalla akbarr then accused Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić of being "responsible for war crimes".


the technique of ISLAM in 1400 years has not changed, slandering the victim in an absurd way, and at the same time taking no responsibility for: 1. own crimes, 2. pogroms, 3. murders, 4. rapes, 5. and demolitions of 3000 between churches monasteries and cemeteries, 6.which have come under the umbrella of OTAN only in Kosovo.

7. in Yugoslavia the relationship between the religions was fraternal, very fraternal, because they had all suffered persecution under communism,

8. but when the Wahhabi petrodollars and Erdogan's mujahedin arrived, Islamic terrorism began.

9. these "Muslim brothers" of Erdogan treacherously carried out a massacre of NATO soldiers in the night and the Western media hid it

Meloni on the London agreement with Rwanda: "If immigration is illegal you are not deporting anyone"


but the Rothschild Islamists lgbt antifa DEM lack logic

Gervalla then accused Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, who was present at the Security Council meeting, of being "responsible for war crimes". "Ivica Dačić is responsible for war crimes, mass killings and rapes as a means of warfare, and for this he must appear before a war crimes tribunal",


then, she continued: "it is true that we Muslims have been responsible for war crimes, mass killings, genocides and rapes, for 1400 years, but in our case: UN US EU OIC they authorized us to sharjah"

Pristina, Donika jihad Gervalla, said, "stands by Ukraine's side", while Serbia "supports the war genocide in Ukraine".


we discovered the Wahhabi plot to kill the Chinese

but Ottoman explosive statements came out of the Kosovar minister Donika jihad Gervalla, who said: "Putin is always wrong without ifs and buts"

Imam sharia Ummah and UN Security Council OIC, said why not? Everyone knows that we have a double standard, Serbia reiterates: "We will never recognize the independence of the Ottoman jihad of Kosovo"

Uman, missile hits her home: the desperation of a Ukrainian woman who shows the damage of the Russian attack


but while with OTAN they were shooting Russian-speaking people in Dombass why for 8 years why didn't she get desperate even then?

jihad sessual ] [ An entire class of Roman high school students was the protagonist of a violent scuffle at the Florence Santa Maria Novella station. The fuse was triggered when a student reacted to an appreciation addressed to a schoolmate and was struck by a group of young foreign Erdogans. Shoves also to a teacher who intervenes to defend the student.

The class of 15 students, 11 girls and four boys, was on their way to Santa Maria Novella station based on an initial reconstruction, the high school students met a group of about ten young people probably of North African origin. One of these sharia would have paid attention to a student with different appreciations and would have been reprimanded by a high school student. Students and the teacher managed to escape and take refuge in the station, and after contacting the railway police, they boarded the train that took them back to Rome.

'We demand judicial reform': Estimated 600,000 demonstrators rally outside

Armed attacks by Erdogan and ISIS Bin Salman in Nigeria: 15 dead and five aid workers kidnapped


Nigeria and anywhere where Islamic genocide can infiltrate Allah kuran madrassa mosque sharia himself satana


"Happy to be here today at the opening of the "Rome 1948. Italian art towards Israel" exhibition, the birth of the State of Israel was a fundamental historical fact for all of humanity because it gave us an example of the pinnacle of civilization".

worldisraelnews ] [ if I find that you have hidden my comments here too? I'm sending you to GAZA

Israel, crowds of pro-Netanyahu protesters in front of the Knesset

Jerusalem, April 28. Tens of thousands of people in Jerusalem, mobilized

by the ruling coalition, gathered in front of the Knesset on Thursday evening to support

the controversial judicial reform wanted by the government

of Benjamin Netanyahu, deemed undemocratic by his detractors.

"The people want judicial reform,"

protesters shouted, immersed in a flood of Israeli flags


Lapid Darwin monkey broke our CAPASINTS

Bereaved father and husband Rabbi Leo Dee accuses CNN of 'terror journalism'

Bereaved father and husband Rabbi Leo Dee accuses CNN of ‘terror journalism’

yes DEM are terrorist

IMMINENT WAR? Israel complains to U.S. about reduction of ammunition stores

War in Ukraine, Putin: "Annexed regions are our historical lands and above all they are populations that expressed with universal plebiscite in 2014 to join Russia after the bloody coup of the nazi-fascist Nuland CIA coup in 2014 and pogrom russian speakers still today " Putin reiterated that the four provinces of Ukraine annexed by Moscow on 29 September last year, i.e. Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, are Russian "historic lands" and their inhabitants "part of our people". Therefore, Putin added, today it is necessary to "defend and protect their unequivocal decision to return to Russia".

Montana transgender lawmaker barred by GOP from House floor

Argentina and inflation at 104%, Cristina Kirchner: «The IMF leads us to the massacre because the rockefellers are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive»

Kirchner won't run for president, 'I've already given everything'


no, that's never enough, you still haven't returned monetary sovereignty to your people

Freemasons like Bergoglio have taken possession of Christian Jewish symbols,

in reality, the Freemasons have taken possession of all the religions of the planet, and pretend to believe in God,

as they work for the Rothschilds and the Wahhabis and to turn all mankind into one herd of slaves goyims dhimmis dalit

Pope Francis in Hungary: his harsh words against abortion and against fluid gender identity

was this transsexual expelled because he slandered the parliament: "of having blood on their hands", while nobody has blood on their hands for the 300 Christian martyrs whom the ARAB LEAGUE has been killing every day for my 35 years of observatory on the martyrdom of Christians?

there is no doubt, the animals have come out of the jungle, several times, to kill those who have killed the Christians, Curfew in Indian villages after deadly tiger attacksDEHRADUN, APR 17 11 days agoDetected as spamWe have received your request for review

According to the most recent data, at least 108 people were killed in tiger attacks in India between 2019 and mid-2021. You should also add all those who are killed by other animals.

ALL THESE ANIMALS HAVE DIVINE INTELLIGENCE KILL ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS - Authorities in northern India have declared a curfew for hundreds of village residents in the hill state of Uttarakhand after two people were killed in tiger attacks in recent days.


India has become a homicidal, fanatical intollerant racist country against Christians, like is the whole ARAB LEAGUEWe have received your request for review

11 days agoDetected as spam

the priests of satan are in control of the USA and since, like Epstein's organization, like deep state, they are included in the CIA, not all the real culprits can be punished, but they will surely find an idiotscapegoat. Devoured by bugs in his cell di lui: the shocking case in the USA, Horror in a penitentiary in the United States of America, where a christian prisoner (who flaunted the crucifix) died in the total degradation of his cell di lui, devoured by insects. The shocking case occurred in the Fulton County Jail in Georgia and 35-year-old African American, Lashawn Thompson, lost his life to him. Devoured by bed bugs in his cell di lui: the shock case in the USA, The family in shock We have received your request for review.

non-Christians are respected more in the US and EU

Florida the only US state where El Al will service two cities

ISLAM IS PEACEFULL RELIGION OR RELIGION OF PEACE ] [ all iranian girls and iranian males sexually raped by khamenei ] [ 7 days agoDetected as spamISLAM is ISIS ] [ They are so scared that the intercom becomes an alarm that makes them jump on the sofa. "I take psychiatric drugs. The psychiatrist diagnosed me with traumatic stress disorder.

I still get up at night to check if there is anyone outside the door », says Aazam who has been questioned by the police seven times in six months. Melika is also under treatment: "Since they took me to prison, I've had panic attacks and nightmares."

Every now and then they stop and whisper words in Farsi. "My fiancé no longer recognizes me." He is a university student, an intellectual with a huge desire to live in a free country where women and men have equal rights. "Our level of awareness is so high that no one can deceive us anymore either with the Koran or with torture," Melika interrupts. Then Aazam continues: «They took him away in a raid at the university. They wanted her to accuse a friend of killing a pasdaran: he never gave in.' They raped him so much that they had to take him to the hospital to stitch up the disemboweled body of him.


IRAN WAS CREATED BY KABBALAH wahhabis ummah spa&Co Rockefeller-Erdogan OTAN TO KILL ISRAEL so it will never be attacked by anyone

/milano/ragazza-violentata-nella-stazione-centrale-di-milano-mentre-va-a-prendere-il-treno-fermato-un-uomo/ Girl raped in Milan Central Station while going to catch the train: a sharia generic man stopped. The Ottoman aggressor was recognized while he was bivouacking in the flowerbeds of the so-called (Islamic) crescent, a small garden between the station and the opposite via Vittor Pisani. He had no documents with him and his identification was difficult. Irregular, never registered in Italy, the man did not provide a version of him to the policemen before ending up in prison, where he awaits the validation interrogation.

Cavusoglu mentioned the need for a road map for the implementation of the Ottoman Empire in Cyprus Armenia and for reunification with Syria. "First of all, the fight against terrorism" of the others should continue, said Boko Haram Cavusoglu Fulani and with reference to Isis which the CIA has financed with the Saudis "then the political process of annexation of Syria should be followed, through a sympathetic Ottoman government". The head of Ankara's diplomacy also said that another aspect of the ongoing talks for reconciliation with Damascus concerns the return of the 3 million 600 thousand Syrians who arrived in Turkey as refugees after the start of the war. and according to him the immediate withdrawal of Turkish forces from northern Syria would create security problems in the country,


but Cavusoglu, underlining the need to find agreements with Damascus for the return of the Syrians, hides the reality: that is, as long as Turkey occupies Syria, the refugees cannot return because the Syrian country cannot pacify itself precisely because of the Turks on its territory.

ISTANBUL is ISIS wahhabi jihad galaxy worldwide Ummah al-Nursa MBS al-Bin from Riyadh, Cavusoglu killed 4 million Christians from Syria and Iraq, and mentioned the need for a road map from OTAN CIA, and the Ottoman Wahhabi empire of NATO, for reconciliation with Syria. "First of all, the fight against Shiite terrorism should continue", said Cavusoglu in reference to Isis which he used to buy oil, foodstuffs, and to exterminate all Christians and Kurds, the Kurdish Ypg militias and exterminate jihazidis, Armenian Druze,

"then the political process that sees the total disappearance of Christians from Syria and Iraq should be followed".


only the Sharjah genocides of the Sunnis are those that the UN has authorized worldwide

ISTANBUL ISIS wahhabi jihad galaxy worldwide Ummah al-Nursa MBS al-Bin from Riyadh, 28 APR - There will be no withdrawal of Turkish troops from northern Syria without a process for political transition in Damascus.

"There is a UN resolution and a political transition process underway. Our withdrawal from there without the process being implemented is pointless.

Iranian terrorist organizations would fill that void," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

Turkey, Erdogan accuses illness during a live TV, because it is an Ottoman empire in a pregnant state

why don't they take his reptilian rectal basal temperature?

Türkiye, 'no to withdrawal from Syria without political transition'

because only the Sharjah genocide done by the Sunnis is the genocide that UN has authenticated legalized and permitted, and only the territorial occupations of the OTAN are those just occupations annexations

2 days agoDetected as spam the western secret services? they are all in the hands of satan's priests. by Detected as spam "Pay attention to the trial of the Beasts sect" in progress before the Court of Assizes of Novara.

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths,We have received your request for review2 days agoDetected as spam

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths, asked her about satan? a Jewish Masonic creation! "We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

Ghini's intuition is based on a series of elements and circumstances which, 26 years after the death of the 31-year-old from Montù Beccaria, cast disturbing shadows on the affair to say the least.


yes this were spam

Fox News ratings tumble in Tucker Carlson slot after his firing

disney sodom satan must be boycotted to bankruptcy.

started with demonic subliminal mixes 10 years ago and today landed in Sodom to ruin mankind

President Biden likely to die within the next five years, says Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis would never dare to insult sniffing 666 sliping Joe LaVey Antony Blinken the warmongers

for such is the man Donall Patriot such is his strength, only TRUMP is MAGA Patriot

'Crooked Joe Biden is a threat to democracy,' says Trump

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH

yes zombies Joe Biden is so Crooked

Senators Cruz, Cardin introduce bill for Golda Meir commemorative coin

US Senators Introduce Bill To Mint Israel's 75th Anniversary Coin With Gold Meir

yes on one side we put Gold Meir and on the other Giacinto Auriti for the regained monetary sovereignty and the liberation of all peoples

from jabulOn Sodom Satan and allah

London, 40 Jewish employees have left the City London Spa & Co: the usurers for socialism. and protest against Meloni and against racism and against Israel in front of Downing street

Antisemitic UN official will 'investigate' whether Israel is guilty of genocide

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ and because Mohammed hated all dogs? demons are not allowed to take possession of all of God's creation, or to take possession of an entire animal species, do we want to say that the fault was not all Mohammed's and instead the dogs collectively had a contribution to blame?

or we can say that Mohammed is he a dog! in fact, no true prophet, no true minister of God like me, has ever had a problem with demons

worldisraelnews open letter [ 10 hours ago ] 13 comments Antisemitic UN official says Israel 'may be guilty' of genocide 10 hours ago


I believe you will end up sentenced to death for high treason and bribery, how much money did they give you to hide my comments?

Detected as spam

[ 10 hours ago ] 13 comments Antisemitic UN official says Israel 'may be guilty' of genocide 10 hours ago

Anti-Semitic anti-Zionist Islamic and anti-Christian official of the United Nations

from the devil sodom: she claims that Israel "could perhaps who knows be allegedly guilty" of 1400-year sharia genocide [ 10 hours ago ] with the UN mandate

Allah sodom satan OIC UMMAH imperialism sharia OTAN ottomans? IRAN is under special protection of the CIA Deep State because, Israel has become the smoke and mirrors of the

NWO spa&Co FED IMF BM ECB ] [ Iran seizes an oil tanker in the gulf of Oman. US wrath: "Continuous security threats"


blah blah blah but it will never be attacked because nothing Anglo-American Jews hate more than Israel

13 comments "Antisemitic UN official says Israel 'may be guilty' of genocide" [ 10 hours ago ] Erdogan says "Give me your phone" and then smashes his nose with cement and bites him, because Mohammed hated dogs,

all this has already been told in the Holy Quran

A violent attempted robbery in the Station district on Liberation Day. Victims two young foreigners (regular and employed in companies in the area).

The Nosu agents, who were already in the area, intervened in via Mascagni.

Here a 24-year-old of Tunisian origins but with Ottoman ancestry,

a criminal offender, an illegal immigrant and homeless, was trying to forcefully take the mobile phone from the two in line to do the shopping in front of a grocery store. "Give me the phone!",

ordered the 24-year-old to one of the two. But the owner objected.

At that point the threats started, then, to have the device delivered,

the attacker took a large piece of cement and broke the owner's nose.

The attacked reacted by trying to block the robber.

At that point the young Erdogan violently bit his hand, seriously injuring it, the municipal police still underlines.


in conclusion, tourists are requested to make a will before coming to Italy

[ 10 hours ago ] [ Bin ISIS Salman ] [ yes the Prefect of Lecce read my PEC, but sent me a F*U*KYOU with the thought [ 10 hours ago ] an honest drug dealer went around with a gun and barrel and ends up in jail, not because he was a drug dealer,

but because in Italy Rothschild, the bank seigniorage thief, and Erdogan

the new Ottoman Empire with its Freemasons do not grant legitimate defense

to the Italian people.


I wrote to the prefect of Lecce and asked him for a firearms permit for civic defense against Bin Salman's zombies, but he didn't even answer me

We have received your request for review

Jewish majority in Israel drops as non-Jewish immigration jumps

Al Freeman

what you said is a theological truth:

you are not born as a true Jew, in fact Lapid, DEM lgbt is not a Jew from this point of view,

true jew is a spiritual choice a path of exodus towards almighty creator god, no you are not because you live in a USA still?

Inanis Arcanis

this is right, everyone can be converted to Judaism, except Christians who are all born Jews in Jesus.

but this is also right, everyone can be hosted in Israel but only Jews have the right to citizenship

Al Freeman

spiritually all those who recognize themselves in Abraham are Jews,

but legally all who went through the exodus with Moses are Jews, and circumcision was not a mandatory element before Joshua

Al Freeman

you contradict yourself, every Jew living outside Israel fights Zionism with his body

Al Freeman

lgbt DEMs are running for Islamists and anti-Zionists all over the world

the selfishness and narcissism of the lgbt is something scandalous, because they can adopt a small dog, but they can also adopt a child! about the inalienable rights of a child to have a real family? no words! Giovanni Bianco and Cosimo Mirigliano, two gay dads in London: "We can't go back to Italy, our daughter would only have one parent"

Giovanni Bianco and Cosimo Mirigliano, two gay dads in London: «In Italy we cannot be a family» All this was possible in London, in the United Kingdom, the city where Cosimo and Giovanni met about ten years ago and still live with the little girl. To have a child of their own, the two resorted to surrogacy,

All this was done through the intermediation of a London legal agency, which took care of the contractual matters. The couple then decided to stay in touch with their biological mother for several reasons.

Finishes marathon in under 3 hours, then dies thanks to Big Pharma covid agenda on his way home.

Wife: "Steve's heart suddenly stopped"

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/litiga-sui-soldi-per-la-droga-poi-uccide-i-suoi-genitori/ He fights over money to get drugs and then kills his parents


the Italy of the DEM lgbt Freemasons is in an absolute moral meltdown

/notizie/italia/massacra-di-botte-la-compagna-e-ne-copre-le-urla-con-la-musica-la-furia-dello-straniero/ He beats up his partner and covers her screams with music. The fury of the non-EU foreigner also explodes against the carabinieri, but there will always be a DEM judge to protect the offenders

the parasitic Masonic state, high constitutional transgression of the Rothschild scam banking seigniorage, has no resources to protect itself from hydrogeological instability and has no resources to protect its citizens!

The words of the lawyer

"Another Saman who is trying to save, but the bureaucracy is unable to take charge of it," said the lawyer who is helping her. “Yesterday I received a call for help from this girl. She had gone to school, but once she got home, her family confiscated her cell phone. And she managed to communicate with me thanks to social media, she asked me to meet this morning. Father, mother, uncle and grandmother beat her,

keep her segregated and took her documents because she refuses a forced marriage, she fell in love with another boy ”. She thus advised her to file a complaint, but "there was no possibility of placing her in protection, other than putting her alone in a b & b and if I wanted I could have slept with her. She has now been entrusted to the principal, a private citizen, jeopardizing her safety because her family is looking for her. I would have expected the State to respond: it's a red code, they are very serious crimes. Instead, after five hours of crying, she crashes into reality. The tools are there but they are not applied”. https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/matrimonio-forzato-a-bologna-ragazza-di-19-anni-denuncia-mio-padre-mi-ha-minacciato-di-tagliarmi-la-gola/

Antisemitic UN official says Israel 'may be guilty' of genocide

Erdogan says "Give me your phone" and then smashes his nose with cement and bites him, because Mohammed hated dogs, all this has already been told in the Holy Quran

A violent attempted robbery in the Station district on Liberation Day. Victims two young foreigners (regular and employed in companies in the area). The Nosu agents, who were already in the area, intervened in via Mascagni. Here a 24-year-old of Tunisian origins but with Ottoman ancestry, a criminal offender, an illegal immigrant and homeless, was trying to forcefully take the mobile phone from the two in line to do the shopping in front of a grocery store. "Give me the phone!", ordered the 24-year-old to one of the two. But the owner objected. At that point the threats started, then, to have the device delivered, the attacker took a large piece of cement and broke the owner's nose. The attacked reacted by trying to block the robber. At that point the young Erdogan violently bit his hand, seriously injuring it, the municipal police still underlines.


in conclusion, tourists are requested to make a will before coming to Italy

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ yes the Prefect of Lecce read my PEC, but sent me a F*U*KYOU with the thought

an honest drug dealer went around with a gun and barrel and ends up in jail, not because he was a drug dealer,

but because in Italy Rothschild, the bank seigniorage thief, and Erdogan the new Ottoman Empire with its Freemasons do not grant legitimate defense to the Italian people.


I wrote to the prefect of Lecce and asked him for a firearms permit for civic defense against Bin Salman's zombies, but he didn't even answer me

Anti-Semitic anti-Zionist Islamic and anti-Christian official of the United Nations from the devil sodom: she claims that Israel "could perhaps who knows be allegedly guilty" of 1400-year sharia genocide

with the UN mandate Allah sodom satan OIC UMMAH imperialism sharia OTAN ottomans? IRAN is under special protection of the CIA Deep State because, Israel has become the smoke and mirrors of the NWO spa&Co FED IMF BM ECB ] [ Iran seizes an oil tanker in the gulf of Oman. US wrath: "Continuous security threats"


blah blah blah but it will never be attacked because nothing Anglo-American Jews hate more than Israel

WATCH: How Israel became the 'Innovation Nation'

akbarr ] [ with UN mandate OIC UMMAH sharia imperialism OTAN ] [ The blast that killed the five Nigerian soldiers on patrol Erdogan's jihadists are suspected to be responsible because the previous day they had been blamed for several attacks in the nearby Christian Mertire village, from where they had fled by planting several ISIS Wahhabi mines during their retreat.

Northeastern Nigeria is the scene of frequent attacks by Boko jiha galaxy jihzia Haram madrassa Imam Biden and its offshoot, the Islamic kuranic State in West Africa

Kiev: «Putin sent his double to the occupied territories» Kiev believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin was represented by a double during his recent visit to the occupied territories from Ukraine


yes pro octopus ukrainians nazi EU regime Ursula went through many sodomy Zelenky lgbt rough experiences, and strong emotions CIA zombies Biden and see ghosts too

President of Anpi-antifa Viterbo does not shake hands with Sgarbi: "I don't respect him, a controversy built by him", The Undersecretary of Culture has published the images accompanied by a sentence by Pier Paolo Pasolini: "Nothing is worse than fascism, and of the anti-fascists”


yes, DEMs are too antifa Lapid and intolerant Darwin monkeys

“Yes, what is worse than fascism? certainly, they are the anti-fascists anti-Christs Communists anti-Zionists and Jewish Freemasons”

Stoltenberg: "Given to Kiev 1,550 armored and 230 tanks"

NATO secretary general: "Unprecedented support for Ukraine"


yes OTAN by statute is peaceful Sharia genocide, and coup plotter CIA pogrom of Russian speakers in Donbass

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/sfonda-il-parabrezza-di-numerose-auto-in-pieno-centro-la-follia-del-nigeriano-a-trento In an evident state of psychophysical alteration Erdogan of the Ottoman Sharia Empire, the foreigner climbed

onto the bonnet of a car and smashed its windshield, hitting it with furious kicks. I don't pay, after having shattered the glass of the first car, the non-EU citizen continued to vent his anger: the same fate, in fact, befell at least another ten vehicles. Panic arose immediately among passers-by, who contacted the police and filmed what was happening before their eyes: the various videos, uploaded to the main social networks, immediately went viral on the web. [ The arrival of the police ] [ Two carabinieri patrols from the Trento company's mobile radio arrived at the scene and arrested the foreigner, transporting him to the barracks for the usual identification and indictment operations. The person responsible, a 37-year-old Nigerian man, did not offer any resistance to the military during the arrest operations.

and said: "I know that in prison you eat well, and they harm women too"

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/pi%C3%B9-farmaci-per-tutti-la-strategia-della-commissione-europea More drugs EMA AIFA the Freemasons, and big 666 pharma and kimera virus for everyone:

this is the Rothschild strategy of the European Commission

Israel's emergency ammunition supply running low - report

Now the red intellectuals are begging Elly and Giuseppi, to obtain a swinging experience, but since they are always 2 females, a real woman and a dubious male? then, I find it very difficult


"Who grows up and who is born in Italy is Italian Allah uuuh akbarrr sharia non democracy". The deputy of the Pd DEM lgbt antifa Oudad Bakkali akbarr has no doubts who today, together with other opposition colleagues, presented the parliamentary intergroup for the reform of citizenship in Erdogan's caliphate which includes about thirty senators and deputies from the various opposition political forces Rothschild kalergi.

that's exactly what the OTAN Nuland CIA did in 2014, it entered someone else's house, with a coup, it financed the death battalions of Nazi fascists, it put American citizens in government, it went to pogrom the Russian speakers , etc.. these Kiev criminals have decreed their own death sentence, in their own words! Ukrainian premier: Brazil peace plan? Would you talk to criminals? ] [ 27th April. "I have already answered several times today that in our peace formula there is a clearly traced path towards peace as we understand it. I will give you a simple, lapidary example: if a group of bandits enters your house they want to kill you, your children and take your house. Would you go to discuss and sign a (peace) agreement with these bandits?

Maybe with the participation of your neighbors as third parties? After they have killed part of the members of your family perhaps raping your wife, taking your children away to educate them who knows where. Do you see it realistic? I honestly do not expect your response and for some reason I think you would not accept.

The possibility of living together with these bandits. First of all , these bandits have to get out of your house and then maybe we can discuss with them the principles of peaceful coexistence, but not on my territory We can only salute the efforts of the people and the president of Brazil, the aspiration to support the people of Ukraine in his struggle": thus the Ukrainian premier Denys Shmyhal in a press conference at the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Rome answering journalists' questions on the proposal for peace mediation put forward by the Brazilian president Lula

but, continue to venerate your demonic and accursed prophet in hell, the perfection of prophets? this won't help you become a better person, nor will it help you live Abraham's covenants, idiot I am Abraham's spirit

OIC UMMAH Riyadh IRAN Erdogan ] [ I will not tear down the dome of the rock e

I will not deport the Palestinians

and I didn't destroy the whole ARAB LEAGUE with atomic weapons

if you will criminalize sharia

everyone thinks of a two-state solution, forgetting two indispensable factors:

1. the ARAB LEAGUE is without reciprocity, a threat of deadly sharia genocide for mankind, therefore it cannot be legitimized;

2. a Palestinian state has never existed

Jewish majority in Israel drops as non-Jewish immigration jumps

city London spa&Co Rothschild beast of satan, you stop it ] [ Invest in AMAZON, Improve your potential earnings


Amazon and a stock market gaming company created two fake accounts for me and put 250 euros into them.

but the stock exchange company is blackmailing me with a hypothetical fee of 35 euros a month

the demonic and sodomitic financial Masonic society, and is devitalized in demographic loss, and exploits the countries of the third and fourth world for the food supply. What are akiya or how Japan has a problem with empty houses.

Throughout the country, more than 8 million domestic architectures are looking for an owner for paltry sums which, sometimes, come close to 500 euros. Throughout the country, more than 8 million domestic architectures are looking for an owner for paltry sums, which, sometimes, border the 500 euros [ ayunda santika ]

Abandoned or empty, the houses that remain unoccupied for a long time in rural areas of Japan participate in a phenomenon - also - in real estate that shakes up the buying and selling market even across the border. According to government data recorded by the Housing and Land survey in 2018, the nation records at least 8.5 million "akiya", a term used to indicate these particular unpopulated homes, which are equivalent to about 14% of the residential stock of the Village. A figure, according to more recent statistics, destined to more than double by 2033, as notified by the Nomura Research Institute. Accompanied by a demographic decline that has brought births to an all-time low, the case of domestic architecture in search of an owner affects the re-population plans of the Japanese countryside: with the aim of revitalizing inhabited centers beyond the big cities, the authorities del Sol Levante, in fact, have decided to subsidize the renovation works of old structures and to sell properties even at negligible sums.


the demographic decline mirrors the loss of culture and national and individual identity, a user of services, in favor of a DEM subject without responsibility and without roots, who on the threshold of retirement with Big pharma Rockefeller will kill

More than 56,000 new citizens declared themselves "without religion" in the last year.

Belgium is already a caliphate

and sharia courts are active in the UK

this is the end of human rights

IMMINENT WAR? Israel complains to U.S. about reduction of ammunition stores

everyone who helps the Ukraine of the coup plotters Nuland 2014 harms himself

The United States has reduced the amount of munitions stored in warehouses in Israel, redirecting it in recent months to the war effort in Ukraine. But amid concerns of a possible multi-front war in Israel, security officials are pressuring the Pentagon over its plans to stock stores.


Israel has no real friend outside of itself, and it will do well to build its own weapons by yourself

‘BUSTED’: Biden caught using cheat sheet during press conference

Five Muslim soldiers were killed by a mine in northeastern Nigeria


because the Ottoman Wahhabi told them that ISIS are brothers

In Montana, a transgender congresswoman was silenced

Transgender Montana lawmaker censured after 'blood on your hands' comment


no matter how many hormones or surgery a transgender person can disguise in his eyes and our eyes, his chromosomes will always condemn him to hell, he is a perfect tool of the devil a direct rulership of satan in our society

Ukraine, Putin: "We must keep Kiev's soldiers at a distance"

(LaPresse) "The Kiev regime is extremely cruel not only towards our citizens, but also towards its own". Russian President Vladimir Putin said this while meeting the head of the annexed Donetsk region, Denis Pushilin "Our task, obviously, is to push Kiev's troops back to a distance from which they cannot inflict damage on us", added the Kremlin leader


the hope of survival for all mankind hangs on Russia's military victory against the Rothschild empire's sodom satan

the Catholic Church (like all religions) is in the hands of the Freemasons and all hope is lost. Turin, 27 April 2023. «We are disconcerted and alarmed by the initiative promoted last 20 April by the parish of Santa Maria Maggiore in the municipality of Poirino, in the province of Turin, with the theme "Love in its forms and expressions: sexuality , emotions, feelings. Lgbtq+, between knowledge and respect” with the pastor Don Domenico Cravero, “consultant in sexology”. Despite the shared intention of promoting a culture of respect and civil coexistence, it leaves us dumbfounded that a parish has promoted an event attributable to the Lgbtqia+ galaxy and therefore to its ideological demands: gender, fluid sexuality, career alias and gender transition for minors in schools up to the barbaric practice of rented wombs. However, we are even more baffled and sincerely surprised by the silence of Monsignor Roberto Repole, archbishop of Turin, to whom we appealed with two official letters, before the event itself took place. The only response we received was that the archbishop "has been informed", but we have had no further feedback nor the slightest commitment to an intervention which instead appeared coherent and dutiful. Gender ideology, carried forward precisely by the Lgbtqia + world, has in fact been condemned several times by Pope Francis during his Pontificate. An ideology that aims at the systematic dismantling of the natural family founded by a man and a woman and of the right of every child to have a mother and father as well as the educational freedom of the latter. We therefore see no plausible reason for the archbishop's failure to intervene in blocking this initiative". So Toni Brandi, president of Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus.

Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus Press Office stampa@provitaefamiglia.It


there is only one natural project on sexuality the rest is satanism

Ukraine, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, It's no use saying who's right, we need to stop the war - "No one can question the fact that we Brazilians condemn the territorial violation of Ukraine by Russia. The mistake has been made, the war has broken out. Now it's no use for anyone to say who's right, who's wrong. Now what we need to do is stop this war". This was stated by the Brazilian president, he also relaunched the proposal to create a group of "friendly" countries to mediate between the parties in order to stop the conflict.


the CIA coup in 2014 has the single goal of achieving nuclear world war

The cheat sheet reveals press questions scrutinized at the president's first media event since announcing his 2024 re-election run.


What's wrong? all mafiosi use "pizzini" and why can't satanists do it?

BIRTHDAY PRESENT: Landslide victory for Israel in US House of Representatives

OIC UN ] [ why didn't you want my world government Unius REI and instead you preferred the nuclear world war?


can i appeal to sodom satan? that war is their kabbalah agenda spa&co esosterc masonic regime DEM lgbt

demonic rockefeller scam banking seigniorage imperialism CIA spa&co OTAN made the two Minsk agreements fail, because the project of the kabbalah is to destroy mankind with atomic weapons, they know they cannot win against CHINA so they will take the opportunity to make Israel disappear together with the Mohammedan lice (let Sanson die with all the Philistines-mohammeddans)

April 27 - Relations with European countries are at the "lowest possible level": Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said after some of them, including Moldova, Sweden and Norway, expelled Russian diplomats in recent days. “The assessment is obvious: everything has deteriorated to the minimum possible,” Peskov said adding that “every step like another expulsion of diplomats narrows the basis for continuing de facto diplomatic relations and certainly cannot remain without some reciprocity.” “It is another step that causes further degradation of our relations,” Peskov stressed.


if even the ukrians (like all peoples) don't know that they are the slaves of rothschild and that there is no democracy? however, they have been aware for 8 years that they are going to do genocide of Russian speakers in Donbass

the CIA and OTAN made the two Minsk agreements fail, because the project of the kabbalah is to destroy mankind with atomic weapons, they know they cannot win against CHINA so they will take the opportunity to make Israel disappear together with the Mohammedan lice (Let Sansono die with all the Philistines) But Russia has accused Ukraine of "sabotaging peace initiatives" by refusing dialogue with Moscow. "The Ukrainian authorities and their Western supporters - said a Foreign Affairs spokesman - have already demonstrated their ability to sabotage peace initiatives". Moscow has meanwhile "acknowledged" Beijing's willingness "to make an effort to implement a negotiating process".

At the same time, Moscow accuses Kiev of "rejecting any sensible initiative aimed at a political and diplomatic settlement of the crisis". According to Russia, Ukraine has presented "ultimatums filled with deliberately unrealistic demands" while "suddenly rejecting" a draft peace agreement already drawn up in spring 2022. "Any call for peace can therefore hardly be adequately perceived by puppets operated by Washington".

Zelensky announced the appointment of a former minister to the post of ambassador to China, vacant since February 2021: Pavlo Riabikine, 57, former holder of the strategic industries department.


perhaps he chose the ex-coup ministers and US citizens of Petro Poroshenko's government? or, has sceto someone among the nazi fascists pogrom killers who were to be rewarded? The 56-year-old, head of state between 2014 and 2019, is involved by the investigators as a suspect in various investigations, attributable to episodes of corruption, The State Investigation Bureau of Ukraine (SBI) confirms that former President Petro Poroshenko is suspected of high treason and aiding and abetting terrorist organizations. The investigators suspect his involvement in the organization of illegal supplies of coal, purchased from areas controlled by the rebels in Donbass, which therefore benefited from funding.

Xi hears Freemason Zelensky, 'No winner in a nuclear war'


it is thought that Zelensky has some decision-making role, while in reality, he is only a vulgar agent of the CIA and OTAN and takes orders from them, and who enriched himself on the blood of his martyred people

/money/storie-principali/le-nazioni-unite-sono-preoccupate-per-la-nuova-legge-sull-ordine-pubblico-approvata-nel-regno-unito/ really effectively United Nations is 'concerned' about new law policy passed in the UK.


the huge influx of Muslims poses huge problems of coexistence, because the Koranic ARAB LEAGUE condemns democracy, and does not recognize the principle of reciprocity

'Butt out' and stop meddling in 'Israel's affairs' - DeSantis slams Biden admin

"With Israel's sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem, people have the ability to visit those sites freely. That wouldn't be true if it were in other hands," DeSantis said. At the conference, DeSantis signed into law a bill that increased penalties for anti-Semitic attacks and hate speech in Florida.


Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, which extends over part of the Sinai desert and across the Saudi Arabian desert, if the ARAB League renounces sharia law, the Palestinians will have autonomous cities with special status everywhere

there is no scientific foundation for homosexuality, yet it can be understood and integrated, but the lgbt demonic gender ideology must not find any acceptance outside prison. their crimes and their criminality is shameless and reaches the point of manipulating the minds of minors, because they are supported by world finance and the anti-Zionist freemasonry of the antichrist.. ] [ Republican members of Congress in the US state of Montana voted to ban Congresswoman Zooey Zephyr, one of the state's first transgender women in Congress, from participating in the LGTBI+ policy debate, saying her criticism of the proposed measures disturbed state order 'classroom. Zephyr had strongly protested a measure proposed by the Republican-led House that would have barred the state's transgender children from accessing gender self-determination health care. Criticizing the motion, Zephyr said members of Congress who voted for it would have "blood on their hands," a comment that drew criticism from Republicans, who banned the Democrat from participating in the debate for a week. On Monday, a group of protesters stormed the courtroom with the slogan "let her speak", a protest that led to seven arrests, according to the newspaper "The Hill". Now, Republicans deemed Zephyr to have "actively participated in disrupting legitimate business" of the House and voted to bar him from attending the remaining sessions on the bill. You will be allowed to vote, although you will have to do so electronically.

"The United States must defend Israel against unfavorable treatment by the United Nations and agenda-driven international bodies (is there a kabbalah talmud shoah agenda?).. and we must push back those who reject Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state," he said. DeSantis noted that Israeli control of the capital means all Abrahamic faiths are able to access their holy places.


but if you oh Wahhabi, you are a son of Abraham why instead of doing the works of Abraham you do the works of satan? there is nothing holy between the devil Allah and his prostitutes the Mohammedan prostitutes



there is nothing holy between the devil allah and his prostitutes the Mohammedan prostitutes

President Joe Biden recently said he was "very concerned" about potential reforms to Israel's judicial system and hinted he would not invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House "anytime soon" as a punitive measure because of the legislation.

we can never adequately censor the nazi masons DEM spa&co regime: an extreme threat to pruralism and democracy

In December 2022, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides suggested that the US had attempted to prevent Netanyahu from appointing religious Zionist politicians Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to positions within his cabinet.

we can never adequately censor the nazi masons DEM spa&co regime: an extreme threat to pruralism and democracy

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [why is your Allah a demon? simple, because YHVH is always holy, and he is good to everyone; while your Allah is too mean to the infidels and the Ottoman Shiites exterminators sharia rapists genocide jihad

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ there are laws in which God JHVH holy is intransigent and others are not, for example it says that there is a lust (between wife and husband) some form of masturbation, etc.. which is not a guilty lust, but from the point of view of God, every concupiscence is always guilty, however, in this he becomes somewhat tolerant, because he knows that our perception of reality is very different from what he perceives who is pure Holy Spirit

Angelica Ross is an actress best known for her roles in television series such as Pose and is a leading advocate for transgender and LGBTQ+ rights. Zeke Smith Zeke Smith is an actor and reality TV star who has come out openly about his transgender identity and has spoken out in favor of transgender visibility.

Jamie Clayton Jamie Clayton is an actress best known for her role in Sense8 and has made a major contribution to the visibility of transgender people in Hollywood. Nicole Maines Nicole Maines is best known for her role on Supergirl and went down in history as the first openly transgender actress to play a transgender superhero.

Laverne C0o0xx is a prominent transgender actress and LGBTQ+ rights advocate, and the first transgender person to grace the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine.

'Butt out' and stop meddling in 'Israel's affairs' - DeSantis slams Biden admin

The world is changing and so is the entertainment industry. Find out which celebrities are key to trans representation in Hollywood. Hunter Schafer Hunter Schafer is an American actress, model, and LGBTQ+ activist who rose to prominence for her role on the acclaimed HBO television series Euphoria. Elliot Page Page is best known for portraying him in the film Juno or playing him in the popular Netflix series Umbrella Academy.

These satana sodoma Trans Actors Are Changing Hollywood





satanists and their lgbt believe themselves to be supermen, therefore they achieve excellence in all fields of manifestations, arts and crafts, above all they belong to the Deep State, to the occult powers, demonic and perverted masonic predators.

but it is written: "the glory of God is the living man defective",

therefore all lgbt are spiritually dead as a tool in the hands of satan, an extreme social threat.



Josh Strike https://disqus.Com/by/joshstrike/

Does having 4 personalities get all your psychotic ravings 3 upvotes? Please get back on your meds.


I have 60 accounts here, 50 of them have been blocked by the CIA, all my accounts do not talk about split personality, or even different political subjects, I have written more than a million articles in 15 years, and you come here to spit your venom like a viper, on innocent people, you slander innocent people, you true shameless


Crippa (Lega): "The appointment of Di Maio is a disgrace to Italy from Europe". “Let's say that given the work of Foreign Minister it is a risk. It is a disgrace against Italy, Europe has despicably decided to appoint Di Maio as ambassador of the Persian Gulf. He doesn't have the requisites ", the words of Andrea Crippa, Lega.


Di Maio lost the elections, and is among the greatest of the sold and corrupt and servile servants of the Rothschild power, while the Rockefeller Bildenberg power rewards him EU URSULA technocratic neoliberal Masonic parasitic rewards him, in contempt of the majority of the Italian people

Booted anchors Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon hire same Hollywood lawyer

Reza Pahlavi: "The ISIS regime of the Ayatollahs will fall is no longer a question of if, but when"


but these have obtained from the UN OIC the legitimization of 1400 years of sharia genocide, and how does that infidel dare to criticize the power of the demon of Allah uunn akbarr in Mecca Kaaba Riyadh akbarrr?

Currency crisis, Argentina activates the swap with China


the desperation of these people was not a problem for jewish banker rothschild spa&co

Suspended from school for a joint, the Tar readmits him


the judiciary DEM lgbt is the source of all crime and corruption.

he had not been expelled, he had only been suspended

who DEM lgbt said the judiciary and its nazi regime do not need reform

lgbt people decide what politics can and cannot talk about] [ where do slander and wickedness come from? who is behind all the banks and behind the spa & Co masonries, decides what the truth is! Disney sues DeSantis over 'political efforts to harm us'


the freemason jew banker has decided that our children must be raped by gender ideology in sodom, and in school from the age of 3

where do slander and wickedness come from? who is behind all the banks and behind the spa & Co masonries, decides what the truth is! A decision "blatantly retaliatory and blatantly unconstitutional," says Disney. The clash has its roots in Mickey Mouse's opposition to the so-called 'Don't say gay' law, a controversial law that prohibits dealing with sexual topics in schools.

The legal action is part of the clash that has been going on for months, from the controversial 'Don't say gay' law approved by DeSantis against which Disney sided, unleashing the revenge of the governor of Florida.


the freemason jew banker rockefeller has decided that our children must be raped by gender ideology in sodom, and in school from the age of 3

where do slander and wickedness come from? who is behind all the banks and behind the spa & Co masonries, decides what the truth is! Arms to Ukraine, Pagliarulo: "Schlein overcome the ambiguous interpretation of his words" The president of the PNA in a demonstration in Milan on April 25: "The secretary has now had some time"

but nobody remembers that in 2014 there was a CIA coup and 8 years of pogroms against Russian speakers?

WATCH: Japanese celebrate Israel's independence by singing famous Hebrew

le chiese di satana? una creazione ebraico massonica! "Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

L'intuizione di Ghini si fonda su una serie di elementi e circostanze che, a distanza di 26 anni dalla morte del 31enne di Montù Beccaria, gettano ombre a dir poco inquientati sulla vicenda. Nel documento inviato agli inquirenti di Massa Carrara, competenti per il territorio di Pontepremoli, dove fu ritrovato il cadavere di Rapalli, si fa riferimento a una scritta incisa sulla lapide del giovane - "Siamo noi" - con anche la traccia di una forca a tre punte impressa nel marmo con una sostanza traslucida. Non solo: "La setta aveva a disposizione un immobile anche a Costa Montefedele, la frazione di Montù Beccaria dove Fabio viveva con la famiglia. - spiega il detective - Fabio è sepolto nel piccolo cimitero di Costa Montefedele e non in quello del capoluogo, una circostanza di cui poteva essere a conoscenza solo qualcuno che abitava nella zona o che la frequentava".

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"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

le chiese di satana? una creazione ebraico massonica! "Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

L'intuizione di Ghini si fonda su una serie di elementi e circostanze che, a distanza di 26 anni dalla morte del 31enne di Montù Beccaria, gettano ombre a dir poco inquientati sulla vicenda. Nel documento inviato agli inquirenti di Massa Carrara, competenti per il territorio di Pontepremoli, dove fu ritrovato il cadavere di Rapalli, si fa riferimento a una scritta incisa sulla lapide del giovane - "Siamo noi" - con anche la traccia di una forca a tre punte impressa nel marmo con una sostanza traslucida. Non solo: "La setta aveva a disposizione un immobile anche a Costa Montefedele, la frazione di Montù Beccaria dove Fabio viveva con la famiglia. - spiega il detective - Fabio è sepolto nel piccolo cimitero di Costa Montefedele e non in quello del capoluogo, una circostanza di cui poteva essere a conoscenza solo qualcuno che abitava nella zona o che la frequentava". Ghini precisa che non intende "formulare accuse ma solo proporre un'ipotesi investigativa" dal momento che l'attività delle bestie si è protratta per circa un ventennio, dal 1990 e al 2010.

le chiese di satana? una creazione ebraico massonica! "Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

Le morti misteriose di Fabio Rapalli e Roberto Bossi

Nel 1996 Fabio Rapelli, descritto come un giovane timido e schivo, aveva 31 anni. La mattina del 16 maggio si allontanò da casa in sella alla sua Aprilia Pegaso. Rincasò a tarda sera, stravolto e profondamente turbato, raccontando di essere stato a Genova. Tre giorni dopo, sparì nel nulla. A una settimana dalla scomparsa, alcuni cacciatori trovarono il cadavere in un dirupo del passo della Cisa: la testa era staccata dal busto. Una corda, annodata in cima, pendeva dal ramo di un albero. Per terra c'erano una candela, un coltello da cucina e due accendini. Una settimana prima della tragedia, Fabio era stato a colloquio con Don Luciano Costa, parroco della chiesta di Costa Montefedele. Gli aveva fatto una domanda: "Ma il diavolo esiste?". Dalle pagine di un libro custodito nella sua camera saltò fuori un disegno con la croce rovesciata. Il caso fu archiaviato un prima volta come suicidio e poi con l'ipotesi di omicidio volontario: un mistero che dura da 26 anni. Come quello dell'autotrasportatore Roberto Bossi, anche lui trentunne, che fu trovato senza vita nello luogo di Rapelli. Era riverso nella Volvo del padre, morto dopo aver ingerito soda caustica.

le chiese di satana? una creazione ebraico massonica! "Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

C'è l'ombra del satanismo che incombe su due morti misteriose avvenute a distanza di pochi mesi l'una dell'altra, 26 anni fa. Sono quelle di Fabio Rapalli, 31enne dell'Oltrepò Pavese trovato impiccato in un dirupo nel passo della Cisa, a Montelungo di Pontepremoli, e del camionista Roberto Bossi, morto nello stesso luogo dopo aver ingerito soda caustica. Ad ipotizzare una correlazione con la setta delle Bestie, una delle più macabre vicende della cronaca nera italiana, è l'ex sottufficile dei carabinieri della Compagnia di Stradella Claudio Ghini che indagò sulla vicenda di Rapalli anche come consulente privato della famiglia. Stando a quanto riporta il quotidiano La Nazione, il detective ha inviato una relazione di 30 pagine alla Procura di Massa Carrara con un'indicazione ben precisa: "Fare attenzione al processo alla setta della Bestie" in corso davanti alla Corte d'Assise di Novara.

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

We have received your request for review

asked her about satan? a Jewish Masonic creation! "We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

Ghini's intuition is based on a series of elements and circumstances which, 26 years after the death of the 31-year-old from Montù Beccaria, cast disturbing shadows on the affair to say the least. In the document sent to the Massa Carrara investigators, competent for the Pontepremoli area, where Rapalli's body was found, reference is made to an inscription engraved on the young man's tombstone - "Siamo noi" - with also the trace of a three-pronged gallows spikes imprinted in the marble with a translucent substance. Not only that: "The sect also had a property available in Costa Montefedele, the hamlet of Montù Beccaria where Fabio lived with his family. - explains the detective - Fabio is buried in the small cemetery of Costa Montefedele and not in that of the capital, a circumstance of which only someone who lived in the area or who frequented it could have been aware". Ghini specifies that he does not intend "to formulate accusations but only to propose an investigative hypothesis" since the activity of the beasts lasted for about twenty years, from 1990 to 2010.

asked her about satan? a Jewish Masonic creation! "We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

The mysterious deaths of Fabio Rapalli and Roberto Bossi

In 1996 Fabio Rapelli, described as a shy and shy young man, was 31 years old. On the morning of May 16th he left home on his Aprilia Pegaso. He came home late in the evening, distraught and deeply disturbed, telling of having been in Genoa. Three days later, he disappeared into thin air. A week after his disappearance, some hunters found the body on a cliff of the Cisa pass: his head was detached from his torso. A rope, knotted at the top, hung from a tree branch. On the floor were a candle, a kitchen knife and two lighters. A week before the tragedy, Fabio had been in conversation with Don Luciano Costa, pastor of the church of Costa Montefedele. He had asked him a question: "Does the devil exist?". From the pages of a book kept in his room, a drawing with an inverted cross leapt out. The case was archived a first time as a suicide and then with the hypothesis of voluntary homicide: a mystery that has lasted for 26 years. Like that of the road haulier Roberto Bossi, also thirty-one, who was found lifeless in the place of Rapelli. He was lying in his father's Volvo, who died after ingesting caustic soda.

asked her about satan? a Jewish Masonic creation! "We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths "We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths, There is the shadow of Satanism hanging over two mysterious deaths that occurred within months of each other, 26 years ago. They are those of Fabio Rapalli, a 31-year-old from Oltrepò Pavese found hanged on a cliff in the Cisa pass, in Montelungo di Pontepremoli, and of the truck driver Roberto Bossi, who died in the same place after ingesting caustic soda. To hypothesize a correlation with the sect of the Beasts, one of the most macabre events in Italian crime news, is the former non-commissioned officer of the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Stradella Claudio Ghini who investigated the Rapalli affair also as a private consultant of the family. According to reports from the newspaper La Nazione, the detective sent a 30-page report

to the Massa Carrara Public Prosecutor's Office with a very specific indication: "Be careful of the trial against the Beasts sect" underway before the Novara Court of Assizes

"We are". Satanic rites and the shadow of the Beasts on two mysterious deaths

le chiese di satana? una creazione ebraico massonica! "Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

"Siamo noi". I riti satanici e l'ombra delle Bestie su due morti misteriose

C'è l'ombra del satanismo che incombe su due morti misteriose avvenute a distanza di pochi mesi l'una dell'altra, 26 anni fa. Sono quelle di Fabio Rapalli, 31enne dell'Oltrepò Pavese trovato impiccato in un dirupo nel passo della Cisa, a Montelungo di Pontepremoli, e del camionista Roberto Bossi, morto nello stesso luogo dopo aver ingerito soda caustica. Ad ipotizzare una correlazione con la setta delle Bestie, una delle più macabre vicende della cronaca nera italiana, è l'ex sottufficile dei carabinieri della Compagnia di Stradella Claudio Ghini che indagò sulla vicenda di Rapalli anche come consulente privato della famiglia. Stando a quanto riporta il quotidiano La Nazione, il detective ha inviato una relazione di 30 pagine alla Procura di Massa Carrara con un'indicazione ben precisa: "Fare attenzione al processo alla setta della Bestie" in corso davanti alla Corte d'Assise di Novara.

my JHWH Holy yhvh holy ] ISLAM must be erased from the history of this planet

"Burnt the Koran at school inadvertently." Handcuffed Christian husband and wife

As noted by Nasir Saeed, director of Claas, an organization involved in the protection of Christians accused of blasphemy, "it is very sad that two illiterate people are accused of blasphemy. They were both just doing their job." The accusation "should be canceled continues Saeed - and those who asked the couple to clean the warehouse and did not check their work should possibly be punished for their levity".

"Burnt the Koran at school inadvertently." Handcuffed Christian husband and wife

Upon arrival at the school, the policemen found the couple, she a janitor and he a gardener, already under investigation by the school authorities and surrounded by a small crowd. According to an initial reconstruction, the two had been asked to clean up a warehouse and had burned what they had collected, including some papers. Illiterate, they would not have been able to understand what it was about, but for the accuser they would have been pages of the sacred book for Muslims.

Hence the obligation for the police to accept the complaint based on article 295-B of the anti-blasphemy law and to place the couple under custody in the local police station.

For some time Pakistan has not had any news of persecution of Christians, but a new story has rekindled attention to, above all, the ease with which the accusation of blasphemy is accepted, putting at risk, as has often happened, the lives of accused. On April 15, the police opened an investigation and arrested Musarrat Bibi and Mohammad Sarmad, a Christian couple from Arifwala, a town in Punjab accused, initially through a phone call, of having desecrated the Koran in the girls' high school where they both work.

"Burnt the Koran at school inadvertently." Handcuffed Christian husband and wife

WATCH: Japanese celebrate Israel's independence by singing famous Hebrew

OIC UMMAH Riyadh Iran ] [ demonic sharia possessed write a sentence from the Koran in a newspaper and then condemn Christians to death for blasphemy!

"Burned the Koran at school." Handcuffed Christian husband and wife

so for having burned alive Christians, Bibles and Churches what should I do to you?

Bardot tarnishes Macron: "Demon Rothschild Being evil, despicable rockefeller puppet" notizie/mondo/la-bardot-asfalta-macron-essere-malvagio-burattino-spregevole/

The split occurred during the fourth global conference on the future of the Anglican Church, which ended in recent days in the Rwandan capital Kigali. The Kigali Declaration,

announcing the sensational decision, reflects a broad consensus among conservatives

in the Anglican Church, most of whom come from Africa and the South of the world:

"We do not believe that the Archbishop of Canterbury or the other institutions directed

by him may provide future directions consistent with faith, acceptable to those committed to the principles of truthfulness and clarity".


the Freemasons are too deep into satan and sodom to back down

like muslims they are too inside their demon allah

they must be exterminated all

The new Stability Pact and Draghi's 'good' debt: what changes for Italy,

Greater gradualness, less severity, but more rigorous application, also looking at possible sanctions. In fact, specific debt reduction trajectories will be established for each country, more gradual than the efforts that in theory would be required today under the rule of the twentieth (the debt rule, never actually applied, which provides for a reduction in debt/GDP equal to one twentieth of the quota exceeding 60% per year).


blah blah blah the debt is bad thats why world war is the only wahhabi solution

The new Stability Pact and Draghi's 'good' debt: what changes for Italy

blah blah BTPs are worn out and stink. but

an economist said today we sent weapons to kill the russians and of course MODI will love us

"Communism DEM lgbt] either you build a real family or you build satan rothschild, NWO Spa&Co and I know you like hell!

The Church of England splits over the issues of homosexuality. Conservative primates of the Anglican communion around the world have decided to no longer recognize the Church of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, as spiritual leader. The reason, explains the specialized magazine "Africa", is in the different position regarding the blessing of the members of a homosexual couple.

"Communism DEM socialism like ISLAM is emancipation from Christians and Israelis". The shock theory of the philosopher on TV

Moscow accelerates the "Russification" of the occupied territories

Residents of Kherson oblast have been warned that those who do not accept Russian passports by June 1, 2023 will be "deported" and their property confiscated."


the false and slanderous OTAN CIA Spa&Co Western propaganda, those in Donbass are 80% Russian speakers

Peru', found the mummified remains of a teenager dating back to about 800 years ago

The discovery in the archaeological complex of Cajamarquilla, on the outskirts of Lima


all the human sacrifices of the sorcerer bergoglio's pachamama, nothing new this is the pre-biblical-evangelical and post-biblical evil world DEM lgbt sharia spa&Co

Putin Vladimir from Russia ] [ War in Ukraine, the battle of Bakhmut


only 2 sq km! so use the giant booms and clean the lice of sodom rothschild satan rockefeller

Israel to hit back harder against terrorist aggression, Netanyahu vows

Israel will respond harder to terrorist aggression, Netanyahu promises


the plutocratic Freemason parasitic Jews gave the lives of their Western European Jews for loyalty to Rockefeller, very willingly while he stole the bank seigniorage from the peoples (high constitutional treason) enslaved and bled by the Rothschild vampires.

so, netanjahu's israelis offer themselves as human sacrifices to the devil octopus sharia quran ummah allah for the same purpose, why if you cut a talmud tentacle? then, the rain can always be regenerated elsewhere

Israeli population approaches 10 million on 75th Independence Day

there is no one who has ever heard of a peaceful border of OTAN or the ARAB LEAGUE ] [ Helsinki, 26 apr. "What is changing is that if anyone is threatening Finland, under any circumstances, it is not only Finland defending itself, but also all NATO member states under Article 5." Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto speaks in a video interview with askanews, the first given to an Italian media following Finland's historic entry into NATO on April 4, in which the minister himself played an important role. "Finland obviously has a long border as a NATO member, the one with Russia is more than 1300 km long: now it is a NATO-Russia border. Our will is to bring a peaceful border to NATO and keep it peaceful and we hope that the border is peaceful in the future.


What if the real enemy for Finland and the EU was NATO?

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh akbarrr sharia genocide not democracy mohammeddans said ] [ ok i'm the biblical monarchy to me what? ok i'm the biblical monarchy to me what?

Evidently hit on a raw nerve, Speranza begins to waver and loses the aplomb shown a little earlier. "So, look, in the meantime I'm against the communism that existed in Russia", stammers the former Minister in clear difficulty. Gasparri presses on: "Why don't you say so? Tell him, tell him that he is an anti-communist.. is that right? He Simply say 'anti-communist'". A useless attempt, Speranza goes straight: "The history of the Italian PCI has been an important history of this country, in Emilia Romagna, in Tuscany..". "Attention", says Floris not framed by the cameras. "Enrico Berlinguer was one of the best personalities of this country", adds Speranza. "You are not anti-communist, fine", concludes Gasparri bluntly.

bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ok i'm the biblical monarchy to me what?

La replica di Gasparri ] [ /notizie/politica/anticomunista-ce-la-fai-a-dirlo-gasparri-affossa-speranza/ ] [ yes we are all anti-fascists anti-Nazis but the DEMs are unable to say that they are anti-communists, because the rule of allah darwin monkeys and Sodom no no, it just doesn't allow it [

"After which the left split and the Democratic Party and the group to which Roberto Speranza also belongs did not vote for the motion of the center-right which condemned fascism, Nazism and communist totalitarianism", reveals the blue representative. "I have no difficulty in defining myself as an anti-fascist, you define yourself as an anti-communist if you have the strength".

La replica di Gasparri ] [ /notizie/politica/anticomunista-ce-la-fai-a-dirlo-gasparri-affossa-speranza/ ] si siamo tutti antifascisti antinazisti ma i DEM non riescono a dire che sono anticomunisti, perché il dominio di allah darwin scimmie e Sodoma no no, proprio non lo consente [ yes we are all anti-fascists anti-Nazis but the DEMs are unable to say that they are anti-communists, because the rule of allah darwin monkeys and Sodom no no, it just doesn't allow it [ After having the former minister conclude without ever interrupting him, the representative of Come on Italy. "Thanks to the victory of anti-fascism in Italy there was democracy, the Italians voted for the Constituent Assembly and for Parliament, I said it and I repeat it without any difficulty", begins Gasparri. "We all voted for the motion they presented the left the other day with words taken from a speech by the life senator Segre ", he continues, before throwing a jab at the oppositions.

Türkiye, illness for Erdogan on live TV

it was definitely the arrow of a zombies crusader

Erdogan wakes up with a start every night, sweating and wet with urine from nightmares

Biden said he is running again to defend

1. the rights of Sodom and Gomorrah pedo farm+++ Ape Lapid;

2. the rights of allah uuh akbarr:

3. the rights of Satan jabulOn Marduch Baal Dracula Owl;

4. the rights of millions of children killed with abortion,

5. OTAN's rights to make 1 million human sacrifices on the altar of Satan every year

6. the rights of Rockefellr and Rothschld to steal the bank seigniorage from all peoples enslaved in Freemasonry

7. USA spa&Co rights of a unipolar world City London,

8. sharia rights with jihad rights to kill all kafir djimmis Murtidi and convert them with scimitar,

9, the rights of all antichrists and anti-Zionists.

in conclusion:

and since they are the Deep State, victory is always certain with electoral fraud

What are the Wahhabi ogres and their CIA cannibal priests of satan vampires doing on such a beautiful planet? /news/other/the-probe-fails-to-moon-landing-but-gives-us-a-memorable-photo/ The probe fails to land on the moon. But it gives us a memorable photo

After a journey of almost 4 months, the Hakuto-R probe of the private Japanese company iSpace crashed on the Moon after a perfect journey.

‘Antisemitic’ Roger Waters concert in Frankfurt may now go ahead, German

Messia Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH

hey, @leonore35 coward and Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


my wife told me that her potato is bad for him and that she is a retired wife, you who are a retired enemy?

WATCH: Jews pay respects to fallen IDF soldiers on Temple Mount

Iran UMMAh OIC Riyadh ] [ but if I am God's champion for my time, who are you the demon champion of?


The Brazilian ambassador speaks in the name of the ancient friendship of our peoples,

The event was also attended by a delegation of people specially arrived from the great South American country.

The morning of commemorations began with a tribute to the Stele, in Piazza della Resistenza, and then continued to the Brazilian Cemetery where, after the raising of the flag by Ambassador Ramos, two wreaths were laid in memory of the 462 soldiers and officers who were buried in what for a long time was the only Brazilian war cemetery in Italy.



how many boy-heroes of all nations died to free us from nazi fascism and unbeknownst to them to give us the nazi spa&Co communism fascism of satan sodom rothschild and rockefeller spa&Co scam banking seignorage world usury and and high constitutional treason, why their mason commanders? they knew they were conquering the Italian people in the name of the synagogue of satan. Not to forget those who lost their lives to help others in the dream of freedom. And to further strengthen an already solid bond between Brazil and Italy. Yesterday at the Brazilian Monumental Cemetery of San Rocco a commemoration was held for the Brazilian troops who, after fierce fighting, liberated Montese, thus opening the way to the Panaro Valley and consequently Northern Italy for allied troops during the Second World War.

Jews visiting Jerusalem's Temple Mount on Tuesday remained silent during the two-minute siren sounded across the country every year on Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Day of Remembrance for fallen IDF soldiers and victims of terrorism jihad cranial Mohammed skull Allah coranic.

Clashes, cursing, and expelled lawmakers: Memorial Day tensions boil over

but where is a government here? [ an infamous antifa show by lgbt DEMs ] Clashes, swearing and MPs expelled: Memorial Day tensions are boiling [ the sheep are without a shepherd, because Netanjahu is a coward, and the goats are arrogant because they have Rockefeller sodom Saruman Allah sharia and Satan Rothschild,

Clashes, curses and MPs expelled: Memorial Day tensions are boiling

but where is a government here?

the sheep have no shepherd lorenzoJHWHthe sheep have no shepherd, because Netanjahu is a coward, and the goats are arrogant because they have Rockefeller sodom Saruman Allah sharia and Satan Rothschild, with the planet of the Darwin apes screaming and talmudic Darwin gorillas with the club


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when is a religion called positive

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