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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

third Jewish temple Jewish monotheism

in fact Zelensky disguised himself as the President of Ukraine, because the Nazi fascists of Ursula and Nuland brought him to power and while according to international law the President of Ukraine is still Viktor Yanukovyč

messia king lorenzoJHWH

in the West, reality is both transvestite and perverted DRUSILLA, and Macron instead of being in jail as a rapist of old women? he is the President of France

messia king lorenzoJHWH

after the 5 times invocation to Satan "San Remo" should be called "demon sodom Remo", monologue by Francesca Fagnani on juvenile prisons (and the controversy with gratteri).
but we do not prevent Francesca Fagnani from educating these criminals at her home, the Masons monkeys Lapid Darwin -Rothschild DEM lgbt have destroyed western civilization, they have trampled on biblical principles and now all mankind must burn in hell
messia king lorenzoJHWH

US Republican congresswoman yells at Biden: 'you're a liar'
all Freemasons are liars and murderers, but BIDEN has the aggravating circumstance of being a certified Satanist, with a black hood and a buro hole open on the side of his sodom

messia king lorenzoJHWH
therefore without my lorenzoJHWH Kingdom of Israel ? all you will all die

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments
Iran shows off ballistic missile bearing Hebrew words ‘Death to Israel’

the "new idiot Nostradamus" predicts World War III this year.
who knows the three scams demonstrated by the scientist Prof. Giacinto Auriti:
cost: 100% bank seigniorage;
cost: 100% public debt;
cost: 70% fractional reserve or private debt.
he already knows that a 270% borrowing cost makes world war inevitable.
therefore without the Kingdom of Israel you will all die
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Russia calls for an international investigation to determine whether the US planted explosives in Nord Stream


and why shouldn't they do it if that's their business? all politicians and all Western Masons must all be put to death
messia king lorenzoJHWH


kabbalah Wahhabi imperialism NATO and aggression against India China and Russia ] [ Portugal announces shipment of three leopard2 tanks to Ukraine
it works like this: "Satanists call, Masons answer, and like infamous Wahhabis stab you in the back"
at OTAN they invented the BERGOGLIAN concept of legalized humanitarian coup 2014
messia king lorenzoJHWH


these Mohammedans are in dire urgent need to make an effective nitroglycerin cure,
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Iran shows off ballistic missile bearing Hebrew words 'Death to Israel'
these Mohammedans are in dire urgent need of an effective nitroglycerin cure,
because if it was true that they wanted to kill the little satan veramee? sure they would come to me
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Netanyahu tells soldiers: Islamists want to take us back to medieval times


who is the sodomitic satanist freemason Talmudic-Koranic scum murderer predator usurer, and racist slave trader here? who dares to censure me? in my third Jewish temple Jewish Monotheism finds its exaltation, but we must not forget that king Solomon invented universal brotherhood and universal freedom of conscience. since sharjah want kill you, becouse you are impure kafir, certainly destined to hell and therefore your life is worthless. but, in my third Jewish temple the saving action does not need rites, commandments and norms and tax levies,
simply have to respect the 10 commandments and this alone gives you the certainty of being saved and being welcomed by God. so you in my third jewish temple do NOT need to have a religion: that is why atheists and agnostics can access salvation. After all, when are you old? what kind of fornication can you do? then, only those who want to lose themselves will go to hell. will, you tell me why it can't work even now without your third Jewish
temple? because the first two covenants were destroyed nullified by Jewish Freemasonry,
and Because there is no third judicial covenant, or a third
covenant, so anyone's sin is an absolute impediment for whoever to the infinite holiness of God that Heaven represents
messia king lorenzoJHWH


worldisraelnews why hide my comment here? Rockefeller & Wahhabi & petrodollars have a kabbalah to kill you? and you wait your turn like a sacrificial victim?
but, be afraid of them of satan sodom allah?
it won't serve you and it won't help you
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments
If you build it, they will come - Jewish population in Judea and Samaria is


chi è il tlmudico razzista quì? 2 hours agoDetected as spamit is true that in my third Jewish temple JewishMonotheism finds its exaltation, but we must not forget that the JewsWith Solomon invented universal tolerance and universal freedom of
but, in my third Jewish temple the saving action does not
need rites, commandments and norms and tax levies, no none of this: you
simply have to respect the 10 commandments and this alone gives you the
certainty of being saved and being welcomed by God .
so you in my third jewish temple do NOT need to have a religion:
that is why atheists and agnostics can access salvation.
After all, when are you old? what kind of fornication can you do? then, only those who want to lose themselves will go to hell. will
you tell me why it can't work even now without your third Jewish
temple? Because there is no third judicial covenant, or a third
covenant, so anyone's sin is an absolute impediment for you and for
whoever to the infinite holiness of God that Heaven representsWe have received your request for review
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Bin MBS from Riyadh ] [ because of you and Rockefeller? I haven't been able to read the Bible for 15 years.
if you read the bible? then, you know by yourself, where you can go to burn the Koran
messia king lorenzoJHWH

Detected as spam

it is true that in my third Jewish temple Jewish monotheism finds its exaltation, but we must not forget that the Jews with Solomon invented universal tolerance and universal freedom of conscience.
but, in my third Jewish temple the saving action does not need rites, commandments and norms and tax levies, no none of this: you simply have to respect the 10 commandments and this alone gives you the certainty of being saved and being welcomed by God .
so you in my third jewish temple do NOT need to have a religion:
that is why atheists and agnostics can access salvation.
After all, when are you old? what kind of fornication can you do? then, only those who want to lose themselves will go to hell.
will you tell me why it can't work even now without your third Jewish temple? Because there is no third judicial covenant, or a third covenant, so anyone's sin is an absolute impediment for you and for whoever to the infinite holiness of God that Heaven represents

We have received your request for review


the Jews plutocratic and their accomplices masons and Islamists all are desperate and think they cannot save themselves from hell (no one's soul can be deceived), but they are wrong, because I have been lorenzoJHWH for 15 years and but there is always someone who prevents the construction of my third Jewish temple,
and prevents the religion of Noah Adam Abraham and Melchisech (the natural law and universal rational agnostic) from becoming salvific in favor of all mankind, but since they mistakenly think they are going to hell, then they do not think of someone's good , but everything and everyone wants to destroy and wants to drag everyone together with them to hell
messia king lorenzoJHWH


the Jews and their accomplices Islamists are desperate and think they cannot save themselves from hell (no one's soul can be deceived), and the most skilled among them have become satanists sodomites Freemasons and Darwin monkeys, and jihad to glorify/deify themselves and abuse creatures ... , to take the best out of this poor world, condemned to dissolve and now the Freemasons are in the Vatican, they are the majority and have control of the Vatican! We need to tell people! It is true that they can be scandalized, but Jesus also scandalized people, right? Yes. Well, but what did he tell the disciples about him? When people said to him, "Your word is hard to take, who can understand it?" https://rivelazione.Net/news/ex-esorcista-in-paraguay-rivela-lopera-di-bergoglio-venire-da-satana-samuel-colombo-interview-padre-alejandro-medel/
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Deep State and Deep Church with A.I. (demonic artificial intelligence rockefeller) is the central nervous system of satan himself: Former exorcist in Paraguay reveals: "Bergoglio's work comes from satan!" Samuel Colombo interviews Father Alejandro Medel after 640 excommunications against plutocratic Jews and against Freemasonry? today we have the Vatican loggia according to Bildenberg second JabulOn God Owl Rothschild

IF, google puts "DON MINUTELLA"? then, the demonic artificial intelligence rockefeller, the symbiotic demonic Entity has decided that this site https://rivelazione.Net/
it should never be accessible to me
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
WATCH: Israel likely to face massive earthquake in near future


Former exorcist in Paraguay reveals: "Bergoglio's work comes from Satan!" Samuel Colombo interviews Father Alejandro Medel
after 640 excommunications against plutocratic Jews and against Freemasonry? today we have the Vatican loggia according to Bildenberg second JabulOn God Owl Rothschild
messia king lorenzoJHWH


IF, I PUT: in google "DON MINUTELLA"?
then, the demonic artificial intelligence rockefeller, the simbiotic demonic Entity has decided that this site https://rivelazione.Net/
it should never be accessible to me
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Israel likely to face massive earthquake in near future; minor tremor felt in Jerusalem ANSWER
say that any Islamic sharia or that ASSAD is right? means blasphemy, but the earthquake occurred where the CIA and Erdogan the executioner and MBS the Wahhabi, sent 2 million Jihadists, and it is where Isis was born, and where Erdogan still sets up his new Ottoman empire by occupying Syria unduly, because those who suffered the earthquake are still the same ones who put 4 million Christians in mass graves between Syria and Iraq
messia king lorenzoJHWH


we will see if he can protect him, jabulOn, his Satan and Allah and Sodom from me, and of course we will all see it
messia king lorenzoJHWH


The 7 revelations of prayer: Confession our sins, Supplication, Worship to God YHVW holy holy holy, Communion and intercession with the Holy Spirit, Total intimacy with God
Thanksgiving alleluia hallelujah amen.
Praise Psalm 62:11
God spoke once: twice have I heard this: that the Power belongs to God.
Prayer produces the power of God.
Praise 1 Samuel 12:23
As for me, never let me sin against the Eternal by stopping praying, indeed I will show you the good and straight way.
Praise Psalm 66:18
If I had kept evil in my heart, the Lord would not have listened to me.
Praise Proverbs 8:5
Understand prudence, you simple ones, and you fools, have a sensible heart.
Praise Proverbs 21:13

Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry out, but will have no answer. my YHVH holy bless you
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Neo-Nazis Planned Attack on Power Grid in Major US City. if there wasn't the demonic bank usury of the super cursed demonic tribe of DAN Rockefeller spa&Co? then, there would never have been fascists communists and Nazis and even Darwin monkeys that the Talmud created to harm the Bible and Israel. no one must ignore how every holocaust and shoah is planned down to the smallest detail by the Rockefeller Rothschilds and their voodoo black magic kabbalah and how the Wahhabis lend themselves to this purpose with Islamic kabbalah and with all the international jihad LEAGUE ARAB sharjah, then, the Jew he said to me: "I am sorry for your commitment to save mankind, yes, we have been taking advantage of the system of (stealing) bacterial seigniorage for generations, and God cannot punish me for lack of proof, and may Allah protect you"
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Supreme Court slams Netanyahu gov't for delaying demolition of illegal Arab


In an interview with Vanity Fair, the "singer" competing in Sanremo known as "Rosa Chemical" explicitly stated that she will bring "limitless se*, polygamy and Onlyfans p000rn" to the Ariston stage! We defend the rights of children! No to surrogate wombs and gay adoptions in the EU

The European Commission has just tabled a proposal for recognizing the 'cross-border parenting' of same-se*** couples across the EU.

This means that parenthood established in one EU Member State could be compulsorily recognized in all other Member States, without any special procedure.

You write "cross-border parenthood", but in reality you read "womb for rent" , "homose*ual adoptions and marriages" mandatory for all Member States, including Italy.
78,909 signatures ] [ and all Lapid Ape Darwin ] [ fail
messia king lorenzoJHWH


] [ and all Lapid Ape Darwin ] [ failLet's stop the horrible and illegal rental uterus fair in Milan! Sign now


Defend freedom, sign to say NO to DDL Zan!

What's happening on CitizenGO

Gender and sexual propaganda out of Sanremo: the government intervenes!

RAI has done it again!


again, RAI has decided to use the Italian canon to transform the

Sanremo Festival (everyone's festival!) into yet another stage for

vulgar and provocative propaganda.
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Pro-abortion and LGBTQ lobbies want their hands free to call you a

criminal every time you raise your voice to defend your values. ] [ and all Lapid Ape Darwin ] [ fail

Stop abortion! Sign to overturn the Roe vs. Wade ruling and join the pro-life revolution

no_mask_in_the_kindergarden jpeg

No to the obligation to wear a mask in the nursery for 6-year-olds. Enough discrimination! SIGN NOW

drusilla_sanremo2022 png

No to LGBTQ propaganda in Sanremo 2022! Signature to prevent its exploitation

surrogacy_milano png
messia king lorenzoJHWH




satana lucifer allah jabulon Baal Owl belzebuul Dracula Kissinger Pro-abortion and LGBTQ lobbies want their hands free to call you a criminal every time you raise your voice to defend your values. We must react NOW, before it's too late! SIGN this petition NOW to defend freedom in the EU and in Italy.
messia king lorenzoJHWH


hail nazi Mason judges must stop uttering political comments. To the Prime Minister, plutocratic Mario Draghi; to the Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, Hon. President Dragons and Rothschild drugs tecnocratic Minister Cartabia, and Ursula witch of hers, dishonorable delegates of the Council in Justice and Internal Affairs to Satan sodom
On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to include hate speech and hate crimes in Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The European Commission's proposal is contrary to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Furthermore, hate speech and hate crimes are not clear enough concepts and can easily be misused. Indeed, the European Commission has not provided a definition of what it intends to criminalize as hate speech and for this reason a European-wide harmonization in the field of hate speech is not possible. We therefore call on you to stand up for freedom of expression and to vote against extending the EU's crime list to include hate speech and hate crimes. https://citizengo.Org/it/ot/207991-difendiamo-liberta-di-parola-europa, Best regards, your name vote
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Supreme Satan Sodom Allah jihad akbarr sharjah NWO scam banking seigniorage and its replacement theology UMMAH Court slams Netanyahu gov’t for delaying demolition of illegal Arab settlement near Jerusalem.


An ancient Chinese proverb says:

"The water that isn't made? It's in the sky" Mason judges must stop uttering political comments
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
WATCH: Rescuers free Syrian child trapped 40 hours in debris


Wonderful. Praises! Rescuers free Syrian child trapped 40 hours in debris
G-D my King YHVH holy holy holy bless all, Wonderful. Praises!
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
The European Union's War on Israel - analysis


The European Union attacks freedom of expression. Sign to defend it! Freedom of speech in Europe is in grave danger! On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to include "hate speech and hate crimes".
This is yet another European project in support of LGBTQ and pro-abortion lobbies to gag freedom of expression on issues such as the right to life, affectivity, sexuality, education, family and religious freedom. A European version of the DDL Zan designed to persecute all those who do not bow to the diktat of political correctness, but this time also extended to those who defend the lives of innocent children. If this proposal is approved, thousands of citizens will be labeled as criminals because of their pro-life and pro-family positions, not only in Europe but also in Italy! In fact, it will still be possible to state that:
Does life begin at conception?
That a child needs a father and a mother?
That the womb for rent is an ignoble practice?
That we are against crazy gender education?
That marriage is only between a man and a woman?
That there are only two sexes, like genders, male and female, and that they are not interchangeable? But above all, will it still be possible to publicly demonstrate one's faith and principles without being accused of "inciting hatred"? In fact, we are increasingly seeing cases where “hate speech” laws are being misused to persecute people with different views. New hate laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are vaguely worded precisely to be arbitrarily misused by politicians, judges and activists in favor of abortion and gender. Pro-abortion and LGBTQ lobbies want their hands free to call you a criminal every time you raise your voice to defend your values. We must react NOW, before it's too late!
SIGN this petition NOW to defend freedom in the EU and in Italy.
messia king lorenzoJHWH


nazi UK spa&co lucifer jabulon USA UN masonic sodomitic and pedo mohammeddans one are in War on Israel
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 252 comments
Netanyahu rejects Biden admin call to ‘pause’ Judea and Samaria construction


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a call by the Biden administration to temporarily freeze construction in Judea and Samaria and halt demolitions of illegal Arab structures in those territories as well as the eastern part of Jerusalem.
UK USA UN masonic sodom one-in's War on Israel
The decision by Israeli security forces to conduct a large-scale counter-terrorism operation in Jenin during daylight hours was unusual, reflecting the urgent need to prevent a major terror plot from moving ahead.
The European Union's War on Israel
these Rothschild Masons deny Israel the right of self-defense and protect terrorists
messia king lorenzoJHWH


How do you calculate the nitrogen that comes out of Ursula Von hail's sphincter? how can rockefeller spa&o make you eat lice, worms and bugs? or how can it destroy all that has not yet been destroyed?

It's unbelievable but true. It appears that provinces do not have their accounts of nitrogen permits in order.

In the nitrogen dossier, one debacle really follows the other. In many provinces it now appears to be unclear which farmers have a permit for their current nitrogen emissions and which do not. Only Noord-Brabant claims to know. The NOS then quotes ecologist Hans Olff: "The provinces will have to make area plans in the near future to solve the nitrogen problems."

"Then even farms could eventually be expropriated. It seems to me that the companies without a permit are the first to be considered. But then you have to know who is without a permit." This is unbelievable. The government does not have its affairs in order but farmers who do their utmost are threatened with expropriation if they do not perfectly comply with all the rules that the government keeps conjuring up from its top hat. We must protest against this.

Sign our petition now to the Dutch provinces, to tell them to take into account the interests of farmers... ...or, if you have already signed, click here to (again) help spread the petition as much as possible! Provinces do not know whether thousands of livestock farmers have the correct nitrogen permit (NOS):

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
Israel: To strike or not to strike Iran’s nuclear sites – analysis


Bin Khamenei Alì MBS Al-Erdogan mohammeddans all sharia kaput hail ] [ to hear your trumpeted proclamations? you were so eager to kill the big satan and the little satan, but, couldn't that be true, and since i'm the only one who can do it, however, you haven't come to me all these 15 years?
then, you are not credible, you are a false liar, and this is the truth, your hope is only to make a massacre, but as an ancient Chinese proverb says:
"who of massacre strikes? of massacre perishes"
messia king lorenzoJHWH


hail Ursula von der Leyen
President of the Von antichrist European Von antizionist Sodoma Commission
Ursulaaaaaaaa where did your demonicness come? Sanremo Sodom city? all we needed was Satan invoked 5 times by Virginia Raffaele, during a song in honor of the maternal womb, and of his human sacrifices on the altar of the CIA

messia king lorenzoJHWH


Erdogan ] open letter [ did you sign the petition too? ] honestly, i can't understand why these people are resisting the ottomanization agenda, the sharjah genocide is so valuable and useful, and the predation of replacement theology is so glorious and useful, and what's wrong with that? sure if there was something wrong? certainly the UN would have condemned him
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Erdogan ] open letter [ did you sign the petition too? https://www.amnesty.It/appelli/turchia-proteggere-le-madri-del-sabato/ Hi Lorenzojhwh, if a loved one disappeared overnight, would you ever stop looking for them? The "Saturday Mothers" have been searching for years for answers about the fate of their relatives who were forcibly disappeared in Turkey in the 1980s and 1990s. Instead of being heard, they go to trial. For over 28 years, every Saturday, dozens of people have gathered in the center of Istanbul to demand justice for their missing family members: children, husbands, wives, fathers, brothers and sisters. Indeed, in the 1980s and 1990s, hundreds of people, including some children, disappeared into thin air after being arrested by state authorities. To this day there is no news of them.
Since 1995 the "Mothers of Saturday" have been asking for the truth to come out. Theirs has always been a peaceful protest. In August 2018, "The Saturday Mothers" had gathered for the seven hundredth time in front of Galatasaray High School on Istiklal Street, when, with an apology, the police asked them to disperse. Upon their refusal, the authorities reacted with force, using tear gas, water cannons and plastic bullets.
Forty-six people who were there, including many relatives of the disappeared, are now on trial for participating in the demonstration.
Seeking justice is not a crime. Turkish authorities must find those responsible for these disappearances, not punish peaceful protesters.

Erdogan ] open letter [ did you sign the petition too?
messia king lorenzoJHWH


plutocratic Jewish bankers have no conscience, because satan has intubated them and imbued them with his funereal vitality. But it is an essential objective: we have a moral duty to give voice and dignity to babies killed in the womb and to women induced to have an abortion, to sick people driven towards euthanasia and assisted suicide, to isolated and abandoned elderly people, to young victims of drug. We can only do this by joining forces and resources. All together, united and animated by the same desire for good for our society.
Thank you for your support, lorenzoJHWH. Hearts up! these me
MBS ISIs from Riyadh ] these cost me 35 euros a month, but you could have sent at least a drum of oil
messia king lorenzoJHWH


even the ISIS-CIA OTAN cannibals have their own culture of rape and genocide and must be respected in their Mohammedan Biden pedophilia. e With this national campaign we want to reiterate that human life is always worthy, always intangible, always of absolute and unavailable value, regardless of any existential condition. To increase the media impact of this message we have also purchased two advertising pages in the newspapers Avvenire and La Verità di oggi:
As I wrote to you in the last email, we are working hard to amplify the "voice" of Pro Vita & Famiglia in Italian society.
messia king lorenzoJHWH


today we celebrate the 45th National Day for Life, promoted by the Italian Catholic Church to raise society's awareness of the priceless value of human life.
lgbtqia DEMs destroy the sacredness of human life because they are Darwin monkeys like Lapid, and this is the course of human life through some of the human conditions victims of the culture of death and discard.
A fetus, a newborn, a young man with Down syndrome, a refugee, a pregnant woman, a grandfather and an elderly disabled woman or a Rockefeller Jew? they must not be gassed.
Human conditions offended, despised, discarded and literally killed by the growing culture of abortion, euthanasia and socio-economic efficiency, which admits only healthy, productive, consuming people who are adequate to certain ideological canons of "vitality", and have no mercy for the parasitic Freemasons like Rothschild who are in the banks stealing bank seigniorage and driving mankind to Satan and Allah from Sodom
messia king lorenzoJHWH


it is evident IRAN has lied to the world,
its purpose to acquire nuclear weapons has been demonstrated,
Ali Khamenei is a liar because Allah his father is a liar and a murderer from the beginning,
now all the nations that were party to the agreement must take up arms to defend Israel and mankind
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments
WATCH: Israel could become legitimate target for Russian forces, Putin warns

Francis: "Condemning gays is a sin".


in fact, condemning the satanic theosophical theory of the GENDER lgbtqia lobby is a duty (but he didn't say this)

no one can condemn BERGOGLIO for the words he says in favor of GAY, because, all the same words of him, I said them too.

Bergoglio the Freemason must be condemned because he uses a generic and ambiguous language that gives strength and strengthens the malevolent evil in our society
messia king lorenzoJHWH

blasfemiy talmud satanism DEM is here ] [ Rosa Chemical (p000rn cult
diffusion) is a singer competing at the Sanremo Festival (which starts
next week), and as you can read from the interview with Vanity Fair she
will use the stage to influence young people with a strongly harmful
message centered on promiscuity se00uality, even promoting p000rn0graphy
and polygamy. All the co-hosts chosen by Amadeus are also champions of
LGBTQ causes, publicly committed to the promotion of gay marriage and
adoptions and gender fluidity. In short, once again this year the
Sanremo Festival, the most watched radio-television program by Italian
citizens, will be used - with our fee - to spread ideological,
relativist, shoddy and immoral messages.
messia king lorenzoJHWH

blasfemiy talmud satanism DEM is here ] [ Rosa Chemical (p0000rn cult diffusion)We're running a campaign to protest the continued abuse of our license fee for ideological propaganda purposes, and we need your help to make a bigger impact!
In recent years, RAI's management has filled the schedules with gender and LGBTQIA content to influence society.
Even on RaiGulp, the channel dedicated to children, videos, cartoons and
programs on se*ual orientation and gender identity have been included.
messia king lorenzoJHWH

blasfemiy talmud satanism DEM is here ] [ Rosa Chemical (p000rn cult diffusion)this is happening with our money: we are financing it with our fee. They are forcing us to do it.

This is a scandal that must end.

The Government has the power to impose on RAI not to use the public service to make ideological propaganda.

We must put pressure on the Government to act immediately.
messia king lorenzoJHWH


blasfemiy talmud satanism DEM is here ] [ Rosa Chemical (p0rn cult diffusion)We're running a campaign to protest the continued abuse of our license fee for ideological propaganda purposes, and we need your help to make a bigger impact!
In recent years, RAI's management has filled the schedules with gender and LGBTQIA content to influence society.

on RaiGulp, the channel dedicated to children, videos, cartoons and

programs on se*ual orientation and gender identity have been included.


blasfemiy talmud satanism DEM is here ] [ Rosa Chemical (p0rn cult diffusion) is a singer competing at the Sanremo Festival (which starts next week), and as you can read from the interview with Vanity Fair she will use the stage to influence young people with a strongly harmful message centered on promiscuity se0uality, even promoting p0rn0graphy and polygamy. All the co-hosts chosen by Amadeus are also champions of LGBTQ causes, publicly committed to the promotion of gay marriage and adoptions and gender fluidity. In short, once again this year the Sanremo Festival, the most watched radio-television program by Italian citizens, will be used - with our fee - to spread ideological, relativist, shoddy and immoral messages.

idiot Netanjahu Beast ] [ that scum of a corrupt Lapid did not send weapons to the Nazi-fascists and you will? I'll bring down the government!
if then, it can be constitutional in a coup 2014 and a pogrom shoah of Russian speakers, then a pogrom shoah of Israelis is also constitutional
messia king lorenzoJHWH

Rockefeller spa&Co ] [ to continue stealing banking scam seigniorage, you have pushed the people into ignorance, and now, you find yourself with Islamist satanists, and lgbtqia completely bullies and incapable and inconsistent, and incapable of being able to put together a coherent concept
messia king lorenzoJHWH

David Palmer VS ] [ Is there a name for the medical condition that you obviously have? 0 0 https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_k6Xx8PMTK5/
VS David Palmer

I've been for 8 years with the CIA cannibals in youtube, do you have my
however it is never too late for you to be able to learn somethingC
messia king lorenzoJHWH

lgbt attach Putin in 2014 Coup Ucraina ] [ Japan's Corrupt Masonic Perverted Demon Government SPA&Co Rockefeller Apologizes For "Regrettable" Attacks on LGBTI People by Former Kishida Advisor


lgbtqia marriage is a useless demonic act, the purpose of which is to demolish and damage the natural family, only a man and a woman can marry

if LGBTI people are to be respected and not persecuted, however lgbtqia ideology must be condemned
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments
WATCH: Israel could become legitimate target for Russian forces, Putin warns

Bin ISIS al-MBS From Riyadh will always cheat Russia and China becouse petrodollas and becouse kabbalah
messia king lorenzoJHWH

worldisraelnews ] i am invisible to all and averione?
messia king lorenzoJHWH

this in Ukraine is a war of Talmudic and Koranic sodomites (all antizionists all) against the children of God
messia king lorenzoJHWH


how can you prove that you are right and that Putin is wrong? no you can't prove it
messia king lorenzoJHWH


you can't imitate the mad Muslims and religious maniacs of imperialism, and assault and slander and insult a righteous man like Putin, and then drive him to despair,
because all this makes you a despicable murderer
messia king lorenzoJHWH


no today Putin is christian good boy, armaghedon will came from 150 years about with sharia mohammeddans all
messia king lorenzoJHWH

Stephen Fleschler

the atrocities you have done in Ukraine since 2014? they cry vengeance before God against you
messia king lorenzoJHWH

Daniel van Dommele

the problem is not what can be done, but who is right and who is wrong
, and Putin is a patriotic hero, and since 2014 with the CIA coup Maidan, the West is attacking him militarily,
while he's been slandering him every day for 15 years
messia king lorenzoJHWH


Putin is a patriot hero,
the West is attacking him and he is defending himself
messia king lorenzoJHWH


not exist an our government everything is owned by the satanist Rockefeler
messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments
WATCH: Israel could become legitimate target for Russian forces, Putin warns

drew webb

yes Using that rational would it be ok for Iran to become legitimate target for USA, England
messia king lorenzoJHWH

koranic talmudic beasts united in Sodom US EU Deep State and Deep Church satan to destroy Israel's hope : Kyiv asked Israel for a loan and demanded to condemn Russia's actions in Ukraine February 6, 2023, The Ukrainian authorities demanded that Israel publicly condemn the actions of the Russian Federation and issue a $500 million loan to Kyiv, as well as support Volodymyr Zelensky's peace plan, which involves the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, media reported. It is also reported that Kyiv expects Israel to assist in the treatment of hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians and is waiting for the new Israeli government to confirm its commitment to help Ukraine with the creation of a new air attack warning system. Prior to this, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in an interview with CNN, said that he was considering the possibility of military support for Ukraine through the transfer of the Iron Dome air defense system. Prior to this, Tel Aviv announced that it would provide only humanitarian assistance to Kyiv.
messia king lorenzoJHWH

nazi-fascist Ursula Hail said help Allah antichrist and antizonist Sodoma and Satana ] [
messia king lorenzoJHWH

only Putin can save the EU and Israel from destruction,

the Talmudic kabbalah of Rockefeller Ursula technocratic freemasons
Bildenberg lgbt sharjah condemned all the children of the Bible to death

for this reason the Rothschilds have been slandering Putin every day for 15 years
messia king lorenzoJHWH

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nazi-fascist Ursula Hail said help Allah antichrist and antizonist Sodoma and Satana ] [ СМИ: Киев попросил у Израиля кредит и потребовал осудить действия России на Украине 6 февраля 2023,
Власти Украины потребовали от Израиля публично осудить действия РФ и выдать Киеву кредит в 500 млн долларов, а также поддержать мирный план Владимира Зеленского, предполагающий вывод российских войск с Украины, сообщают СМИ.
Также сообщается, что Киев рассчитывает, что Израиль окажет помощь в в лечении сотен украинских солдат и мирных жителей и ждет от нового правительства Израиля подтверждения обязательства помочь Украине с созданием новой системы оповещения о воздушной атаке.
До этого премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху в рамках интервью CNN рассказал, что рассматривает возможность военной поддержки Украины путем передачи системы ПВО «Железный купол». До этого Тель-Авив заявлял об оказании Киеву исключительно гуманитарной помощи.
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why don't your human sacrifices on the altar of satan also work against me? because you scum of Rockefeller Sodom scum of the devil MBS ISIS allah and scum of the devil Rothschild satan that you all come from the planet of the apes Darwin, you vote against me, you insult me, but, you don't have the courage to face me in a fair discussion? https://disqus.Com/by/mytwopennorth/
messia king lorenzoJHWH

against Mytwopennorth ] [ your Lapid is demonic possession!


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