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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Genocide in Nigeria spa Rockefeller Biden administration's cover-up

Genocide in Nigeria: The Biden administration's cover-up

    the ARAB LEAGUE has been at war for sharia jihad against innocent Christians for 1400 years,
    and the satanists of OTAN spa&Co FED ECB BM Enlightened plutocratic Jews, are behind their backs for their protection,
    and certainly the Israelis will be punished for making this article

Kindergarten incitement: Palestinian 5-year-olds play ‘martyr’

16 minutes ago

MUSLIMS ARE NOTORIOUS MURDERERS AND LIARS! Saman Abbas, her father accuses her boyfriend: He kidnapped her and to kill her, Saman Abbas, an 18-year-old Pakistani girl, disappeared from Novellara (Reggio Emilia) on May 1, 2021. WHAT ABOUT THE ASSASSINS AND MOTIVE? NO DOUBT, sharjah killed this girl as an honor killing. ALLAH IS A DEMON, Kindergarten incitement: Palestinian 5-year-olds play ‘martyr’ https://worldisraelnews.Com/kindergarten-incitement-palestinian-5-year-olds-play-martyr/ Muslims are infamous, serial killers and jihad 1400 years of genocide

Fox hosts didn’t believe 2020 election fraud claims

39 minutes ago

Denver-based Dominion SATANA ] [ for this BIDEN's own statements that he said he was preparing the largest electoral fraud in history?

your satanists blocked 110 of my blogspots.

So now you wanna shut up FOX and the whole world?

do you want to sue me too?

no one followed Biden's rallies, but everyone followed TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT HERO's rallies

an hour ago

Denver-based Dominion, which sells electronic voting hardware and software, is suing both Fox News and parent company Fox Corporation. Dominion said some Fox News employees deliberately amplified false claims that Dominion had changed votes in the 2020 election, and that Fox provided a platform for guests to make false and defamatory statements.
Fox News has a constitutional duty to enforce the First Amendment, and this from the Denver-based Dominion is a Mafia and Satanic act, as if you are afraid of something that must remain hidden, from BIDEN's own statements that he said he was preparing the largest electoral fraud in history,
with the evident result of driving mankind into the world slanderous war, OTAN UMMAh world slanderous imperialism, against the countries that have not yet fully become the slaves of rockefeller and his demonic banking seigniorage

Cohen: Israel backs Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity

a day ago

The Jews Luciferian MARRANOS (false christian) Freemason Cardinals who with the 20th council according to Bildenberg, of the scam of the stench with shepherding stench, they want to transform Catholicism into something that is in open contradiction with the previous 19 centuries
what you say is perfect: but, waiting for the second coming of the Lord, on that terrible day of universal judgment (when I will disintegrate hell with everything in it), we have from 250 to 350 years of waiting, and in this intermediate time? this is the time of spiritual warfare, a violent struggle for the salvation or perdition of souls, and God is pleased to have ministers and collaborators, and so do Satan Allah JaBulOn Dracula Rockefeller OTAN CIA cannibals and sodomites DEM, FED ECB BM Nwo Ursula octopus Macron Trudeao, Zapatero, Lapid, lgbt , because they too have collaborators for the destruction of mankind

a day ago
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satanist King of scum Rothschild, George III Onion petrodollars Bin MBS ISIS, you are not KINGS, but you are great criminals, between world war and my asteroid sphere of redemption? 4 billion people are about to die together with you, USA and Canada will disappear from the
maps, but you can choose to be redeemed in my third Jewish temple. I have already said that UniusREI is true: "the King of Kings (every person is a King)"; Because the guardian of Israel Spirit 3Holy YHVH holy he is the Almighty creator and as also everyone rightly says that he is truly YHVH holy, he alone is the true "King of KINGS" certainly not King of scum Rothschild, George III Onion or Bin MBS ISIS, certainly not, those are not KINGS, but they are great criminals, Adam and Eve and every person on this planet? we are all kings and queens, but, the Rockefellers stole the royalty, dignity, freedom and sovereignty from every man on this planet, stealing their bank seigniorage and turning them into Dalit Dhimmis goyims. YesShua is King of the Jews. He is YHVH . The Lamb of G-d . He is The Great I Am of Moshe .He is Adonai Elohei Tzva'ot .And when YeShua returns . He will be The Lion of The Tribe of Y'hudah ! God wants to kill these 4 billion evil corpses now, and he wants to end mankind in 250 years. I want to move all that 4 billion evil corpses between 100 years, and give mankind 100 years of happiness and prosperity like it has never known and end this unhappy mankind cursed by the Wahhabis and their cursed tribe of DAN-Rockefellers, between 350 years, what do you think? ed and incarnated not as a religion, but as a body, the body of God himself, that's why the world hates us and wants to kill us, because the world has already been condemned ), as Rockefeller and MBS from Riyadh are the head of the Entity's demonic body, ok, I leave it up to you , do you want to see the two billion corpses of the world war, added to the two billion corpses of the giant Asteroida: "sphere and redemption" that will totally destroy the USA and Canada leaving a few thousand people alive, or do you want to see my or kingdom of israel and my third jewish temple? why if this happens? then, everyone in the whole world will understand, even without adhering to Christianity, that Jesus is risen and that he is Lord, and that there can be no salvation outside of him, that's why I am a secular politician, in order not to force / condition anyone in his free will, because it is in the free will of each of us, that the fate of the soul is decided and not in religion. what you say is perfect: but, if you take our dear people of Zionist Jews (a 40% among the righteous and holy Jews) and divide them from the 60% of the DEM Satanist Masons on whom hangs the wrath of God. but, we came here to protect the Israelis from the evil evil of OTAN Nwo UN UMMAH a single kabbalah of Riyadh Iran for the holocaust Shoah of 6 million Israelis (already planned by the CIA with the ARAB LEAGUE), during the third world war: who will kill 2 billion people, so that the demons Allah jabulOn of the Cyborg collective symbiotic ENTITY, who are a legion of demons allah Marduch Owl Baal who: "they neither forget nor forgive", because God burned them all in Sodom once already, and now they will be burned with nuclear fire from heaven a second time, and therefore they are all in resentment, what you say is perfect: but, but not everyone, because of the scandals of Christians, because of their individual and collective identity, not everyone can come to Jesus according to, like all Christian religions as they have structured themselves culturally and lately in a Masonic and sodomitic Luciferian way, and how are structured in the apostasy of bank seigniorage and in the blasphemy of the sacrilege of Rothschild Spa & Co (which pushes everything towards Satanism), because we Catholics have 19 centuries and 19 dogmatic councils, but unfortunately today we have that Masonic denomination of BERGOGLIO and the traitor Jesuits, and their MARRAN
We have received your request for review

a day ago

wenn Sie unser liebes Volk der zionistischen Juden (40 % unter den rechtschaffenen und heiligen Juden) nehmen und sie von den 60 % der DEM-satanistischen Freimaurer trennen, an denen der Zorn Gottes hängt.

aber wir kamen hierher, um die Israelis vor dem bösen Übel von OTAN Nwo UN UMMAH zu schützen, einer einzigen Kabbala von Riad Iran für die Holocaust-Shoah von 6 Millionen Israelis (bereits von der CIA mit der ARAB LEAGUE geplant) während des dritten Weltkriegs:

der 2 Milliarden Menschen töten wird, so dass die Dämonen Allah JabulOn der Cyborg-kollektiven symbiotischen ENTITÄT, die eine Legion von Dämonen Allah Marduch Owl Baal sind, die:

"sie vergessen und vergeben nicht", denn Gott hat sie alle schon einmal in Sodom verbrannt, und jetzt werden sie ein zweites Mal mit nuklearem Feuer vom Himmel verbrannt,

und deshalb sind sie alle in Ressentiments

After Biden sent $1B to Palestinians, Israeli deaths rose 900%

a day ago

God wants to kill these 4 billion evil corpses now, and he wants to end mankind in 250 years.

I want to move all that 4 billion evil corpses between 100 years, and give mankind 100 years of happiness and prosperity like it has never known and end this unhappy mankind cursed by the Wahhabis and their cursed tribe of DAN-Rockefellers,

between 350 years,

what do you think?

a day ago

what you say is perfect: but, according to the ministry that has been assigned to each one by God (do you know my ministry of metaphysical rational agnostic UniusREI the universal procurator and of the King of Israel as lorenzoJHWH? ) every Christian man is a little Jesus of Bethlehem, and every Christian woman is a little Mary of Nazareth, because he is the lion of Judah: who is the head of his body which is the Church (and in him we have been incorporated and incarnated not as a religion, but as a body, the body of God himself, that's why the world hates us and wants to kill us, because the world has already been condemned ), as Rockefeller and MBS from Riyadh are the head of the Entity's demonic body, ok, I leave it up to you , do you want to see the two billion corpses of the world war, added to the two billion corpses of the giant Asteroida: "sphere and redemption" that will totally destroy the USA and Canada leaving a few thousand people alive, or do you want to see my or kingdom of israel and my third jewish temple?

why if this happens? then, everyone in the whole world will understand, even without adhering to Christianity, that Jesus is risen and that he is Lord, and that there can be no salvation outside of him,

that's why I am a secular politician, in order not to force / condition anyone in his free will, because it is in the free will of each of us, that the fate of the soul is decided and not in religion

a day ago

what you say is perfect: but,if you take our dear people of Zionist Jews (a 40% among the righteous and holy Jews) and divide them from the 60% of the DEM Satanist Masons on whom hangs the wrath of God. but, we came here to protect the Israelis from the evil evil of OTAN Nwo UN UMMAH a single kabbalah of Riyadh Iran for the holocaust Shoah of 6 million Israelis (already planned by the CIA with the ARAB LEAGUE), during the third world war:
who will kill 2 billion people, so that the demons Allah jabulOn of the Cyborg collective symbiotic ENTITY, who are a legion of demons allah Marduch Owl Baal who:
"they neither forget nor forgive", because God burned them all in Sodom once already, and now they will be burned with nuclear fire from heaven a second time,
and therefore they are all in resentment

a day ago

what you say is perfect: but, but not everyone, because of the scandals of Christians, because of their individual and collective identity, not everyone can come to Jesus according to, like all Christian religions as they have structured themselves culturally and lately in a Masonic and sodomitic Luciferian way, and how are structured in the apostasy of bank seigniorage and in the blasphemy of the sacrilege of Rothschild Spa & Co (which pushes everything towards Satanism), because we Catholics have 19 centuries and 19 dogmatic councils, but unfortunately today we have that Masonic denomination of BERGOGLIO and the traitor Jesuits, and their MARRANI Jews Luciferian Freemason Cardinals who with the 20th council according to Bildenberg, of the scam of the stench with shepherding stench, they want to transform Catholicism into something that is in open contradiction with the previous 19 centuries

a day ago

what you say is perfect: but, waiting for the second coming of the Lord, on that terrible day of universal judgment (when I will disintegrate hell with everything in it), we have from 250 to 350 years of waiting, and in this intermediate time? this is the time of spiritual warfare, a violent struggle for the salvation or perdition of souls, and God is pleased to have ministers and collaborators, and so do Satan Allah JaBulOn Dracula Rockefeller OTAN CIA cannibals and sodomites DEM, FED ECB BM Nwo ursula Macron Trudeao Zapatero Lapid lgbt , because they too have collaborators for the destruction of mankind


satanist King of scum Rothschild, George III Onion petrodollars Bin MBS ISIS, you are not KINGS, but you are great criminals,
between world war and my asteroid sphere of redemption? 4 billion people are about to die together with you, USA and Canada will disappear from the maps,
but you can choose to be redeemed in my third Jewish temple


I have already said that UniusREI is true: "the King of Kings (every person is a RE)";

Because the guardian of Israel Spirit 3Holy YHVH holy he is the Almighty creator and as also everyone rightly says that he is truly YHVH holy, he alone is the true "King of KINGS"

certainly not King of scum Rothschild, George III Onion or Bin MBS ISIS, certainly not, those are not KINGS, but they are great criminals,

Adam and Eve and every person on this planet? we are all kings and queens,

but, the Rockefellers stole the royalty, dignity, freedom and sovereignty from every man on this planet, stealing their bank seigniorage and

turning them into Dalit Dhimmis goyims.


but we really think it's our houses or our cows,
obviously not everyone knows that it's the capitalist and consumerist
model that leads to a overproduction of "pollutants", but this does not
interest anyone, let alone the figurines of the European commission.
There would be a way of making Europe, it would be enough that for every
major (but also small) decision one would think about the repercussions
in the individual states and find a solution to mitigate if not
eliminate the differences in impact in the individual countries ... to
say, we mean sanctions on Russia? good but these must affect all the
countries of the union equally and if one is penalized more, the others
take on the burden of balancing the cost, we want electric cars, good
but we need to make a big electricity creation project and don't let
those who don't have it find themselves with their asSSSses in the air and so on but you understand that it would take great politicians and great policies, certainly not the various half -gerontophiles a la Macron, the anti-democratic billionaires alla sunak or the Christian mothers at
Meloni, these are not at all up to par

. In 2035 Europe as an institution does not exist it will take longer and therefore we don't
have to worry, let's try to get there alive (like Italy)


The low level of European politicians has produced a dictatorial
institution but it is not that it was thought so but it is the only
thing that these poor gentlemen have managed to do (in my opinion). The
low level of politicians is also the low level of public opinion and
therefore of the parties as well as the press bodies who have not helped
in this very complicated operation but which if it had succeeded would
have created a geographical entity destined to condition and, why not , rule the world. It didn't go like this and today Europe can only be seen
on trivial things even if they have a great social impact. Do we really
think that it is our diesel car that pollutes? Of course it pollutes
but certainly not like the low-cost flights that have been flying over
our skies for a few decades or like the industries that, even if moved
elsewhere, end up impacting our habitat ( pollute like and more than
before and they don 't even give us work but they give it to the Chinese
and company),

2 andrea cannelli ] said [ Pfizer, the American press denounces Von Der Leyen for concealing strategic news, which led to the destruction of many human lives
The common project is a complex thing because it should keep in mind the way of being and living of countries that have shaped the history of the world as we know it and which are therefore bearers and heirs of ancient models (we still have the right to give an example), but think of Greece, Spain, Germany, France, Great Britain (United Kingdom) we Italy to remain in the old Western Europe, all these national characteristics should integrate ensuring everyone to remain himself but interact with each other in harmony . An action of this magnitude is possible only if the peoples are involved and everyone feels part of the process, that is, we need policies of great depth which, however, do not exist, with the result that we have chosen the path of creating a self-referential institution (the commission ) that does what it wants without answering to anyone and a parliament that is already not very democratic, but still doesn't count for ssshhhhit.

Lapid demands 60-day freeze on judicial reform as precondition to negotiations


everyone today is ready to condemn all forms of violence, except the violence done against Israeli and pro-life Christians.
Toni BRANDI was threatened with death by the antifa when he founded ProVitaa and Famiglia, so much hatred is given by the DEMs against those who are committed to defending the sacredness of human life.
and we wondered why Rockefeller and Rothschild are so Satanists, and the Masons so lethal for having stolen monetary sovereignty from all peoples


WARNING (Graphic): Church Bombed in the DRC, Wed Feb 15, 2023 VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED Dear lorenzoJHWH, On New Year's Day in the DRC, a church bombing killed at least 17 Christians as hundreds gathered together to celebrate the baptism of 60 new converts. The church community was devastated as they mourned the tragic loss.
Will you join with us for this community today in prayer? For the church, pray for healing for the wounded, comfort for the grieving, and strength of faith for all those who have been impacted.
We also ask that you would please pray for the bombers. Ephesians tells us that "our battle is not against flesh and blood," so we ask that you please pray for these assailants to come to know the love of Xrist as well. Jeff King President, International Christian Concern




in all the states of the world Lapid would have been arrested for sedition


our Civic Association informs you of this important interview with a researcher from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, inviting her to deepen the topic on the FRI ZeroSpike website, the civic project that has identified remedies to help detoxify the spike protein, the main cause of damage from vaccine and from long-covid.

We hope you can help some inoculated children with us, write to us. We are at your complete disposal.


The FRI ZeroSpike Team

www.rinascimentoitalia.It INTERVIEW:

Frasca (ISS): "The Covid vaccine causes myocarditis and damages the immune system. I would commit suicide if I lost my son for having administered it to him. We must tell the truth".

In an exclusive interview with Il Giornale d'Italia, Loredana Frasca, immunologist and researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, spoke about the anti-Covid vaccine and the adverse reactions. The expert recently published the study "Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases, in Patients with Cardiac Issues, and in the Healthy Population" in the journal Pathogens and warns about the safety of the anti-Covid vaccine after the publication of the article: "There is scientific evidence to support the thesis. Numerous people have died or experienced adverse reactions due to the serum". "The Spike was found in the heart, or rather the messenger RNA was found in the liver after the vaccine was inoculated. It doesn't stay in the arm". I had a dose of Johnson & Johnson which I regretted bitterly because at the beginning I had trusted: I thought with Pfizer no but this other one yes. But then seeing what happened if I went back I wouldn't do it. Find the entire interview here:


Pedophilia and the COC Homosexual Movement - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.Nlm.nih.Gov/3302030/
Pedophiles deserve our protection - Joop

A thread about #TwitterFiles research:
LifeNews Twitter account locked on the day of the March for Life:
‘Persons Attracted to Minors’ is an Attempt to Sanitize Child Abuse (Spiked)


Outrageous: Children at a drag show in a Texas gay club (International Family News)


Twitter feigns political neutrality, but my pro-life organization sees the bias firsthand (USA Today)


Blocked: How the pro-life movement is being censored on social media (The Hill).


Gay couple accused of molesting their adopted sons also rented them out to pedophile gang, report alleges (New York Post)




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gbt is satanism and his Rothschild satanism ] [ know of a platform where free speech would finally be respected because that's what he promised: to restore free speech standards on Twitter. Yet Twitter is still more restrictive than Facebook, Instagram and Youtube - where we posted the same stuff and didn't get banned! We know very well that most people who manage social media platforms will stop at nothing to get their way and ban all traditional, pro-life, pro-family posts and publications.

Enough is enough!

We must end the censorship and suppression of our voices. There is absolutely no time to lose. We count on your signature to stand up and fight back:

Click here to join thousands of CitizenGO members and sign the petition to Elon Musk to stop censorship on Twitter that silences pro-life and pro-family voices!

A new #TwitterFiles investigation recently revealed that teams of Twitter employees create blacklists, prevent unwelcome tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics - all in secret, without informing users!

Censorship like the one facing CitizenGO makes it immeasurably difficult for us to get out important information about critical issues like child indoctrination and the latest radical ideas that threaten our children and their education. Not to mention that it is an open form of discrimination against people like us simply because of our opinion.

The LGBT lobby, aided by most social media platforms, celebrates this censorship in an attempt to silence, stigmatize and isolate us. They will continue to oppose us because they are afraid of what we say - they are afraid of the truth because they are living a lie!

I am proud of who I am, of my views and opinions, and I do not regret the post I published a few  on CitizenGO's Twitter account. It was important to me that people could see how far the most radical branch of the LGBT lobby goes.

I am just as proud of everyone standing up together in times like these, as a network of citizens making a difference together.

Add your name to my petition asking Elon Musk to restore free speech as he once promised on Twitter and end the attacks on pro-family votes!

Grateful for anything you can do,

Martin Gargaglione and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. These attacks are happening everywhere, so people around the world need to know how far social media platforms and big tech companies are willing to go to curtail free speech, restrict the information we have access to to propaganda, and to politicize in how we should and should not think.

You must act NOW: we must show that we will not be intimidated, suppressed or silenced.

Click here to add your name to this petition, then forward it to your friends.

More information

From Gay Pride to Ped0philia: The Netherlands leads the way - Daily Compass
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lgbt is satanism and his Rothschild satanism ] [ Have you heard the latest news?

Last month, CitizenGO was suspended from Twitter after posting an image implying that the most radical branch of the LGBT lobby is a trojan horse for pedophilia.

Twitter even went so far as to block all of our tweets scheduled a week earlier, forcing us to delete the offending tweet in order to get our account back.

This censorship by social media platforms is nothing new to us. Our pro-life and pro-family voices are under constant attack.

Right now my voice, and that of thousands of pro-life and pro-family voices worldwide, is being excluded from public debate and discriminated against for ideological reasons alone!

Will you add your name to my petition demanding that Twitter CEO Elon Musk end the censorship of pro-family and pro-life voting once and for all?

Elon Musk promised to restore free speech rules on Twitter. Yet we still get blocked and censored on this platform!

Enough is enough! The censorship and suppression of our voices must end.

Censorship like the one we are facing is causing major problems getting essential information out on critical issues like the indoctrination of children and the latest woke ideas that threaten our children and their education.

We count on your support to stand up and fight back!

Thanks for everything,

Martin Gargaglione and the entire CitizenGO team

Here's the email we sent you about this earlier:

Your voice is once again silenced on social media! Our account was suspended from Twitter for saying the radical LGBT lobby can be a Trojan horse for pedophilia.

Our tweets exposing the horrors of what branches of the radical LGBT lobby are trying to do to our children were censored.

Please sign this urgent petition to Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, to refrain from censoring our CitizenGO account on Twitter and uphold the freedom of speech rules as he promised.


I'm Martin Gargaglione, a member of CitizenGO's Media Team, and last month our account was suspended from Twitter after we posted an image on our Twitter page that drew attention to dangerous attempts by the most radical branch of the LGBT lobby to normalize pedophilia.

On top of that, almost all of our tweets that were scheduled a week earlier were never published. We even had to clear everything to regain access to our account.

The censorship we face at the hands of social media platforms is nothing new to us and is a clear attack on pro-life and pro-family voices. Twitter moderators try to prevent people from becoming aware of the perversions and radicalization of the LGBT lobby.

We may have been suspended for a while, but we will not be silenced. I am proud of who we are and what we defend. I am proud that we have such a large and global network of active citizens working on such fundamental issues on which our freedoms and those of our children depend. We will continue to fight against the radical lobbies and corporations that are targeting us.

My vote and thousands of other pro-life and pro-family voices are excluded from public debate and discriminated against; only for ideological reasons!

Will you add your name to my petition demanding that Twitter CEO Elon Musk end the censorship against us?

The radical LGBT lobby is a threat to children. Now they don't hide it anymore. Children are increasingly targeted by the LGBT lobby. Look no further than the drag queen parades that take place around the world in front of minors.

In the Netherlands specifically, there are many examples of pedophile influences on and within the LGBT movement. Like when Jan van Breda won a prize in the Amsterdam Pride photo competition with a photo of a little girl surrounded by men in bondage gear. Below in the references I will also refer to a study on the COC and their relationship with pedophile ideas.

It is nothing new that pedophilia is trying to be smuggled into the current LGBT ideology. There have even been initiatives to rebrand pedophiles as "persons attracted to minors" (MAP), with the same logic that "we can't control who we're attracted to." They use the same slogan as the LGBT people; "Love is Love."

And precisely because we warned of this danger, we were censored on Twitter!

Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter, he has promised to do whatever it takes to end the long and frustrating years of censorship and work.
We have received your request for review


Nord Stream, Russia calls for official interrogation of Germany, Sweden and Denmark Corto tg
The Federation Council, the Upper House of Russia's Federal Assembly, has demanded that the governments of Germany, Denmark and Sweden be interrogated under oath by an independent commission of inquiry into the 26 attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines September 2022. The official request from the Federation Council came after the scoop from the former Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh. According to qualified US sources, President Joe Biden himself would have planned the attack, who would also have informed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In the summer of 2022, American divers would have planted the explosives, which the Norwegians would have activated in September 2022.
The deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council told RIA Novosti: “ If Hersh is right, evidence of two explosive devices either lie somewhere at the bottom of the sea or have already been discovered by German, Danish and Swedish investigators. I'm sure there must be a way to question them under oath and before an independent investigative commission."

Lapid demands 60-day freeze on judicial reform as precondition to negotiations

2 everything we want to hear from our politicians that they haven't said:

Marina Luisa Corti

Words that veil the eyes of melancholy and give a boost of dignity.

Thanks, Comparison!

John Fierotti

I remember last year a parent who came to school to enroll their child. He didn't have a green pass and the law required him not to enter the building, so that gentleman had to fill out the application outside, at a banquet, with -2 degrees. That episode made me think a lot.

Monica Sanna

Thank you for saying for all of us, that as unvaccinated we have suffered all forms of racism.

Federica Paternesi

Thank you Gianluigi!.....each time your words arouse real emotion..

Easter 1948

I did NOT get vaccinated but I didn't feel left out, because I didn't trade my freedom to go have an aperitif or dinner away from home. I've always had a great time and I don't even get the simple seasonal influences, my self-respect and my dignity as a free man is priceless.

Antonella Di Cesare

Holy words that I agree with 100%!!!

Tea Tagliatesta

Once again we share every statement, thank you senator, thank you for the work of him clear and free of him !!

After Biden sent $1B to Palestinians, Israeli deaths rose 900%


andrea cannelli ] said [ Too many things, then..., I would like to say: The
contract between the European Commission and Pfizer, I imagine, is a
public deed and therefore there shouldn't be any problems in having it
which is also understandable is another matter. I imagine that, in
Italy, there will be people capable of understanding a contract and
translating it into simple terms, I also imagine that it says, among
other things, that Pfaizer is not responsible for any damages in
relation to emergencies and the need to bring the drug into production
quickly. I doubt that there will be embarrassing text messages between
the company management and the president because even the children know
that they can be read, just as there will be no phone calls which,
notoriously, can be intercepted, but you never know. It seems to me
increasingly clear that Europe, as an institution, is not democratic and
therefore takes decisions without consulting the people as usually
happens in a democracy, but I don't think it is a great machination of
"perfidious" minds but the result of a continuous compromise between
states with different cultures and economies that cannot integrate
without a common project.


Pfizer, the American press denounces Von Der Leyen for concealing strategic news, which led to the destruction of many human lives Pfizer, the American press denounces Von Der Leyen for satanism Biden NWO kabbalah
The New York Times has decided to take the European Commission to court for

not making public the exchange of messages between the president,

Ursula von der Leyen, and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, regarding the

negotiation that led to the purchase of the doses of vaccine for Covid.

The newspaper argues that the Commission had an obligation to make the

messages public, in the name of transparency, because they could contain

useful information related to the acquisition of billions of dollars of

vaccine doses. Politico reports it, revealing the last step of the

great attention that the NYT has dedicated to the negotiation.




nothing about the Pfizer scandal in Europe! it is not possible to know about the text messages between Ursula and the director of Pfizer, evidently, the plutocratic Jews have decided to decimate them! Pfizer presents the "Pact for a healthier world" with the aim of improving the health of 1.2 billion people living in 45 low-income countries. evidently, the plutocratic Jews have decided to decimate them! Covid vaccines, the NYT sues von der Leyen: "He hid the messages from the CEO of Pfizer" The request concerns the negotiation that led to the purchase of useless harmful and killer doses of vaccine, but which have been imposed on Western peoples, as experimental gene therapy


all the sodom allah satan said that they are working to obtain peace, even the freemason Bergoglio always prays to Pachamama: "that because of Zelensky there is also the martyred Ukrainian people" that is, yes the satans want peace, but only if Putin voluntarily abandons Donbass and CRIMEA, but that is the homeland of the Russian speakers and they have voted twice in universal plebiscite, I say that is if anyone still has any respect for the principle of the sovereignty of peoples nobody says: "shariah coup Nuland coup CIA NATO imperialism Riyadh in Maidan 2014" and does not have a clear agenda to exterminate Israel and push mankind into world war. the Ukrainians are cowards and infamous in fact they did not enter into the merits of BERLUSCONI's statements, but said: "you kissed Gaddafi's hands and then you betrayed him and abandoned him" and this way of reasoning is not intellectual honesty, an annual event held in Washington, DC this year due to the Russian invasion – Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has confirmed the imminent arrival of the new Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen. there would have been no Russian invasion, if, there hadn't been the Nuland coup CIA NATO imperialism Riyadh in Maidan 2014, and the subsequent genocide against Russian-speaking people


becouse MBS jihad Erdogan Bin Aziz wahhabisi takfirius strong, im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri ] https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_gEwzM4WOUZ/ [ Riyadh kabbalah OTAN does not organize a bloody Nuland coup in Kiev in 2014, with 8 years of pogroms in the Donbass, if he did not first plan the third world war in detail, to destroy: EU Israel China Russia and India and perfect the sharjah conquest of the planet ] [ Israeli FM will visit Kyiv in 'coming days' to explore 'joint potential, ' says the peoples in the NWO Hollywood rothschild regime MBS sharjah spa & Co, the bloody fake petrodollars of too much innocent blood? they are slaves of total disinformation, and war propaganda because the real goal is to get world war against China and India and because all this and proves, Expansionism OCI UMMAH Born in Nazi-Sharia Europe by Manlio Dinucci. Geographer in PANGEA and everyone knows it, but everyone pretends not to understand it, it is ridila tua vergognaus to think of a Masonic-plutocratic democracy without monetary sovereignty, but, the two most authentic and lively fake democracies are:
1. Putin's Russia who was elected with 80% of the votes,
2. and Israel, which coincidentally the Darwin Lapid monkeys in Sodom attacked both


antichrist antizionist all demonic creatures Soros Kissinger Mattarella & Ursula are lgbt Darwin Ape Lapid and their Rothschild DEM ] Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023:
Here, lorenzoJHWH: defending the sacredness of life, promoting the family and children's rights and continuing to fight gender will be the three main guidelines (the "good intentions") that will mark the work and commitment of Pro Vita & Famiglia during throughout 2023. lgbt have public funding to spread their satanism, Now that we have charted the route, however, the most exciting part arrives: we need to find at least 300 friends of Pro Vita & Famiglia (which suffers vandalism from the usual antifa) who within the next 72 hours decide to activate a regular monthly donation for help us realize these "good resolutions" and prevent them from remaining a dead letter. lorenzoJHWH, our main problem is that today we don't know how much we can count on, for example, in May, August or November 2023 to face the challenges that (certainly!) will arise. This structural uncertainty about future resources prevents us from planning long-range campaigns (that is, the ones most effective for our cause) and forces us to always act, so to speak, "buffing up" situations. Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023: to contrast the growing addiction of minors to Rothschild's drugs, to contrast the growing dependence of minors on Rockefeller's p0o0rn0o0graphy Ursula-Macron and on the social networks of A.I. Deep State; we will denounce the radical Masonic-technocratic environmentalist lies that accuse man of being the "cancer" of the planet to increase abortions, birth control and euthanasia; we will ask for greater protection of the disabled, the elderly and the marginalized, and much more, in defense of the sacredness of human life. lgbt have public funding to spread their satanism,


https://worldisraelnews.Com/israeli-city-to-host-drag-queen-story-hour-for-preschoolers/#comment-6116535360 Daisy Stern messia against king lorenzoJHWH

https://disqus.Com/by/daisy_stern/ And that from a Jewess that hates the Satanists just as much as you hate them. The only problem is, you don't realize that you are a little Satanist yourself, although of a different category: the category of Amalekites such as Haman and Hitler. What makes you think that ANY JEW reading your comments will contribute even a penny to your vile antisemitism? Get off this platform, and go find funding among Neonazis: no doubt they will love you, and you know what? You can stay there, no problem. Good riddance, Jew and Torah hater!

 against Daisy Stern
your smell of sulfur is evident to everyone, because I came into your channel, not for what you wrote slanderous against me (very serious statements, without even trying to prove something), but, I'm here because, you you downvoted my comment without giving your explanation, and so I wanted to see who was the scum that did it, I don't know why in your disqus channel some comments appear and others are invisible, because this is a violation of the 1st amendment that the CIA lgbt scam banking seigniorage does to the detriment of both Disqus and worldisraelnews, as it does to the detriment of all mankind.
you CIA troll agents? you all deserve the death penalty


After Satana Sodoma antichist antizionist DEM Deep State, occult power Rockefeller and masonic system rothschild Biden sent $1B to Palestinians, Israeli deaths from terror attacks rose 900%
this is kabbalah jihad wahhabis takfirius strong sharia NWO UN OCI UMMAH

Hundreds urge removal of professor sabotaging Jewish students’ future


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ i'm in a bad situation my wife's body rejects mine and vice versa, 4, But God, who is rich in mercy, for the great love with which he loved us, 5, even when we were dead in sins, revived us with Xrist (it is by grace that you were saved), 6, and gave us raised with him and with him he made us sit in heaven in Xist Jesus, 7, to show in future times the immense riches of his grace, through the goodness he had for us in Xrist Jesus. 8 For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith; and that doesn't come from you; it is
the gift of God. 9, It is not of works, that no one should boast; 10, indeed we are his work, having been created in Xist Jesus to do good works, which God previously prepared for us to do. ANSWER
I wanted to become an adulterer and I wanted to bang my woman young friend, but then, I decided not to do it anymore, I was going to play myself in total destruction of all mankind, and I couldn't do it


hi salam


lies Benny Hinn when he says: "Some are saved through the law, and there are those who are saved without the law", Ephesians 2, Salvation by grace ] [ grace saved you from death because Jesus of Bethlehem died in your place, but you must not sin, no word of god allows you to sin and return to the works and mentality of the world.
Ephesians 2, Salvation by grace ] [ 2, God also quickened you, you who were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2, to whom you once abandoned yourselves following the ways of this world world), following the prince of power of the air, of that spirit which operates today in rebellious men (therefore grace does not allow you to be able to rebel against the word of God). 3, Among whom we also all once lived, according to the desires of our flesh, obeying the desires of the flesh and of our thoughts; and we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest.
So Paul says you've been set free, you're not to be killed anymore, but, he doesn't say you've been exempted from sin.


lies Benny Hinn when he says: "Some are saved through the law, and there are those who are saved without the law", because the law is perfect, and if you have received grace? then, you don't have to sin anymore! obviously, we all always sin, but we won't receive an amstia for that, we can be forgiven, but we can't say: "sin doesn't make me dirty anymore" or: "my sin has been justified" otherwise we would render the blood of Jesus of Bethlehem the we'd make dirty water, when you know that sin is your choice, and that the Bible has already condemned. then you can no longer say: "this is a sin for others, but it can no longer be a sin for me too"
Ephesians 2, Salvation by grace ]

5 'friendly' countries, including U.S., condemn Israel, push for 'sovereign'


In the wake of the recent demonic Masonic Magisterium, the anti-pope is NOT Francis, but ssorcery Pachamama idol abominable bloodline bloodthirsty sharjah has decided to abolish the number of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the death penalty, declaring that «it is an inhuman measure which humiliates, in whatever way it is pursued, personal dignity .


self-defense is always legitimate,

and I am for the law of retaliation, there is no other way to restore justice to the offended party

Netanyahu visits bereaved mother of terror victims, requests photo of children


is there a contemporary point of view of the word of God?
no there isn't
the word of God cannot be questioned,
it cannot be contested, it cannot be sweetened.
we are a secular society and we do not apply the death penalty, but mortal sin remains


Examples of the death penalty

The bible prescribes the death penalty for the following activities, among others:
*** Homocide;
*** Sexual crimes, including adultery,
*** male homosexual relations, zooerasty (Leviticus 20)
*** rape (Deuteronomy 22);
*** An engaged woman who does not cry out while she is being raped (Deuteronomy 22:23-24);
*** A woman who is not a virgin on the night of her marriage (Deuteronomy 22:13-22);
*** Worshiping other deities (Deuteronomy 13:6-10, Exodus 22:20);
*** Witchcraft (Exodus 22:18)
*** Taking the name of God in vain or cursing him (Leviticus 24:16)
*** Beating a parent (Exodus 21:15, 2:17, Leviticus 20:9,
*** Kidnapping people and subjecting them to slavery (Exodus 21:16)
*** Mark 7,10. For Moses said: Honor your father and your mother, and whoever curses his father and mother shall be put to death.


Every day we sin with 5 types of:
1. sins of omission
2. sins of words
4. sins of works
5. sins of thoughts.
but unfortunately the holiest angels sin only 7 times a day for 5 types, while the holiest men sin 77 times a day for 5 types.
therefore the holiest man deserves to go to hell every day 385 times every day.
I unfortunately, in my current state of asceticism? I sin 3885 times every day, and therefore I deserve to go to hell 3885 times every day, but I will not have this fate, because I am not a Freemason and I am not an accomplice to the NWO in any way, and therefore I can receive in my favor be: the benefits of the 1st Covenant of Moses, and be the benefits of the 2nd Covenant of Jesus of Bethlehem

Security prisoners announce protest in wake of toughened conditions,


Special Punishments: Ham was a homosexual and was sentenced to become a slave (a servant of a servant) by Noah.
This as punishment for having seen and abused his father's nakedness, i.e. Noah's nakedness, while he was drunk.
this of having associated Ham with the Africans was an evil of the priests of the Temple, who had become racists and Masons, but neither Noah nor God ever despised the work of creation.
Onan was killed by God for refusing to carry on the family line, in the context of his marriage to the widow of Er, instead practicing coitus interruptus. (Book of Genesis 38:5[2])
Onan was punished twice for the sin of lust and the sin of greed, because he did not want to divide the property of his children.
with the children that would be attributed to his brother Er


Special punishments:
Lot's wife was an adulteress, and she turned to watch as her lover burned in Sodom, then she fell into hell with him immediately.


The bible prescribes the death penalty for the following activities, among others: Murder; Sexual crimes, including adultery, same-sex male intercourse, zooerasty (Leviticus 20), and rape (Deuteronomy 22); An engaged woman who does not cry out as she is being raped (Deuteronomy 22:23-24);


in the new era after the resurrection of Jesus of Bethlehem, the death penalty has remained commuted as a mortal sin, whoever commits these sins knows he is dying in hell, because he is excluded from God's forgiveness.


Muslims still apply the death penalty, because they have been excluded from redemption and because they do not have a saving religion because of sharjah,

just as Christians and Jews cannot have a saving religion because of Freemasonry

Israeli foreign minister arrives in Turkey for solidarity visit


The Midianites: The people of Midian along with Moab began interacting with the people of Israel, including sexual relations:

“While Israel was in Shittim, the people began to commit fornication with the daughters of Moab. They invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and worshiped before their gods. »(Num 25,1-2,) For these transgressions, the Midianites were attacked by Moses and his followers. The non-virgin men and women were killed, the virgins were taken captive:

“Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Avenge the children of Israel against the Midianites; then you will be reunited with your people." (...) Now therefore kill every male among the boys and kill every woman who has had sexual relations with a man, but keep alive for you all the girls (i.e. from 12 years of age and under) who have not had sexual relations with men. » ( Num 31,1-18,


The text does not specifically describe how the virgins were subsequently treated. but from other contexts it can be deduced with 100% absolute certainty, that they became vestals in the Jewish temple, where they studied mathematics, theology, and learned the Torah by heart to be eligible to marry a Jew, in fact the Jewish Temple had two distinct seminaries, convents of rigid enclosure, both male and female, where the seminarians were instructed in the service of God.

Biglino says too many slanders, against the sanctity of the house of God, he himself will be made responsible for its corruption and intellectual dishonesty

Hundreds urge removal of professor sabotaging Jewish students’ future


in 1 Samuel: it demonstrates how the Jewish and Muslim people do not have the exorcistic abilities to get out/solve the transgressions of the law, and the consequent demonic infestation lgbtqia Dem Darwin Masonic institutional, outside of the death penalty,
«Then Samuel said to Saul: «The Lord has sent me to anoint you king over his people, over Israel; now therefore he hears the words of the LORD. Thus says the Lord of hosts: I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel when he stood against him on the way, as he came out of Egypt. Now go, strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that belongs to him, having no mercy on him, but kill men and women, children and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys." » (1Sam 15,1-3) AMALEK means: "evil evil is" orgies, witchcraft, horoscopes, adultery, homosexuality and human sacrifices, ritual prostitution, cannibalism, paedophilia, idolatry, perversions, spiritism. superstition, incest, pranotherapy, clairvoyance, exosterism spiritism, necromancy, etc. were their experience, everything that was theirs was infested by demons, and no remedy or solution was known other than the death penalty
but, thanks to Jesus of Bethlehem who rose again, today we have these exorcistic abilities, because he is a person, and it is not a religion, and there is no one who is obliged to become a Christian from a religious point of view.
obviously even the rabbis have exorcistic abilities if they don't let themselves be polluted by the Talmud

The left’s last stand: Why Israeli liberals are panicking over judicial reform –


The Hebrew Bible contains a large number of events and laws which are approved and prescribed by the God of Israel.
Judaism teaches that the Torah contains 613 eternal commandments, many of which pertain to law and punishment, on an individual and national scale. The purpose of these rules, decrees and laws is to prove that no man can ever merit salvation without the infinite atoning sacrifice of the God-man i.e., the sacrifice of Jesus of Bethlehem
True Christianity (not that of the Anglican Bergolio Freemasons etc..) has made all these directives its own. Furthermore, the text expressly uses national and individual events as moral narratives and to illustrate God's will, determination, judgment, and power.

Smotrich vows unrestrained building in Judea and Samaria, despite US


even the holiest Indian Gurus, who live: in total poverty, in total chastity, and in total obedience, and make fast sacrifices and prayers, and are vegetarians, and sweep before them NOT to trample an ant,
or, they put a bandage in front of the mouth so as not to breathe in a gnat? they too without my third jewish temple, they too can't make it into heaven.
deep state masonic rockefellers know all this, and that's why they decided to be the satanists and kill all the israelis, and prey on the humankind till death, and till the slanderous world war against russia

5 'friendly' countries, including U.S., condemn Israel, push for 'sovereign'


today, we are under the law of infinite mercy,
but, how did we all die ? then, we all fall under the law of infinite justice,
so either you only have 1 unforgiven sin,
or, do you have 100 million billion unforgiven sins like those of MBS Bin Isis Salman? then, always to hell with him you have to go


not only metaphysics: which is both a rational procedure and an intuitive procedure, it confirms to me that I unknowingly my sins 3885 to do times every day by me,

but, just Jesus of Bethlehem in a vision, while I was standing behind the third gate of the heavenly Jewish temple (that is, my third covenant, of my third Jewish temple, which is in favor of all men who follow the natural law of Noah Melckisedech Abraham and Adam)

therefore, Jesus of Bethlehem made me this list of my sins in 30 seconds, so I in disbelief and scared looking into my heart, through infused science, I saw the presence of all these sins in my heart

Israeli city to host drag queen 'story hour' for preschoolers

Grace Joy

the usual satanists


    ] [ little satana sodoma Israeli city to host drag queen ‘story hour’ for preschoolers ] [the real family is incompatible with any sexual perversion, and any fiction of presumed fluid identity that the Drag Queen represents, an extreme threat to the physical, psychic and spiritual life of the children, that the Drag Queen was unable to give birth to but instead came to corrupt and spoil. lgbtq are a section of the Churches of Satan and are not compatible with the development of a civilized society. in fact they are always associated with blasphemy, profanation and apostasy of the religious sentiment of the peoples, as the Satanist Biden rightly stated: the life of Christians is an intrinsic threat to the life of lgbtqia and vice versa, therefore the transnational freemasonry Dem Goldman Sach and Rothschild must be put to death for high treason and for the crime of bank seigniorage stolen from the life and dignity and survival of the peoples of this planet ] [ little satana sodoma Israeli city to host drag queen ‘story hour’ for preschoolers



UMMAH sharia in worldwide ISIS sharjah terorism from UN USA Satana Sodoma Comunism Spa&Co sodalitium ] [ Mother of Young Israeli Terror Victims, Ages 5 and 8, Shares Heartbreaking Message, While mourning her two young sons who were murdered in a terror attack, Devorah Paley shares an important message with the people of Israel and the world. Days after losing her two young sons in a horrific terror attack, Devorah Paley is demonstrating incredible strength and resilience. Paley, whose husband is sedated and still in critical condition, sat with journalists sharing stories about her boys as well as the moment when she realized the seriousness of the situation. Additionally, while intensely grieving, Devorah shares a powerful message with the people of Israel and the world. Deborah Payley lost two of her sons in a deadly terror attack on Friday and her husband is currently in critical care after being seriously injured. This is her message: pic.twitter.Com/lZCXY8z3Ay


The government has carefully started to look at alternatives, but does not seem to really see the urgency. With the provincial elections approaching, now is the time to step up the pressure! Especially since it recently turned out that it is not even possible to attribute nitrogen to a specific source, such as a farm, at a distance of more than 500 metres. Meanwhile, farmers continue to be under great pressure to dance along in this bizarre system, which is therefore scientifically highly debatable and, moreover, locks our entire country forever. Even if the entire livestock industry disappears from the Netherlands, a permit can never be issued in 90 percent of our country!
So sign our petition to members of the Provincial Council not to participate in the implementation of the cabinet's nitrogen plans, in a way that is at the expense of our farmers... ...or share the petition with as many people as possible!
Thank you in advance,
Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team
More information:
New official calculations are a blow to the cabinet in a nitrogen crisis
https://www.nrc.Nl/nieuws/2023/02/10/nieuwe-ambtelijke-betekenen-zijn-dreun-voor-kabinet-in-stikstofcrisis-a4156859 Nitrogen only attributable to source up to 500 meters (BoerenBusiness): https://www.boerenbusiness.Nl/artikel/10902803/stikstof-only-tot-500-meter-toe-te-calculate-aan-bron Nitrogen: From technocratic tunnel vision to realistic stewardship (The New Think Tank):
Here's the email we sent you about this earlier:


israeli are talmudic goyims slaves, without paternalgenelogie are worms in human forma and must eath other worms , must become Darwin compostage Lapid DEM ] [ Three quotes from a recent NRC article on nitrogen policy: "A stack of nitrogen calculations by civil servants contains a new blow for the cabinet. With the current nitrogen rules, there is no conceivable scenario in which the granting of permits, for example to be allowed to build again or to expand farms, can get going again. Not now , and not in the future." "The explanation for this damper is the inexorability of the applicable nitrogen rules. In order to issue a permit for new nitrogen emissions, there may not be a protected nature area within 25 kilometers that is in a bad state. This is measured by looking at whether nature falls under the 'critical deposition value' (KDW), the limit value that determines whether a nature reserve is healthy." "Even in a scenario in which the entire livestock industry disappears from the Netherlands, or at least no longer emits any emissions, more than 90 percent of the map remains red. This is mainly due to the nitrogen that blows in from abroad and from the sea - to which the Netherlands has no Has influence." In short: the government's current nitrogen policy is totally unrealistic! We need to get rid of the KDW, as a measure of what is and what is not allowed in our country.
The New Think Tank wrote an entire report about this before and even Johan Remkes acknowledged the problem.


Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023: to contrast the growing addiction of minors to Rothschild's drugs, to contrast the growing dependence of minors on Rockefeller's p0o0rn0o0graphy Ursula-Macron and on the social networks of the A.I. Deep State; we will denounce the radical Masonic-technocratic environmentalist lies that accuse man of being the "cancer" of the planet to increase abortions, birth control and euthanasia; we will ask for greater protection of the disabled, the elderly and the marginalized, and much more, in defense of the sacredness of human life. lgbt have public funding to spread their satanism,


lgbt have public funding to spread their satanism, Now that we have charted the route, however, the most exciting part arrives: we need to find at least 300 friends of Pro Vita & Famiglia (which suffers vandalism from the usual antifa) who within the next 72 hours decide to activate a regular monthly donation for help us realize these "good resolutions" and prevent them from remaining a dead letter.
lorenzoJHWH, our main problem is that today we don't know how much we can count on, for example, in May, August or November 2023 to face the challenges that (certainly!) will arise. This structural uncertainty about future resources prevents us from planning long-range campaigns (that is, the ones most effective for our cause) and forces us to always act, so to speak, "buffing up" situations.


hi, salam


hi shalom


Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023:

*** 3. We must stop the obscene brainwashing that our children and grandchildren are subjected to every day in their schools by the LGBTQ Lobby. Activists, psychologists, politicians and artists linked to the rainbow community enter the classrooms to explain to children and adolescents that one can choose identity and sexual orientation (hetero, gay, trans, non-binary, queer or "other") regardless of biological se* . Schools are accommodating these trends by endorsing the 'Career Alias', which allows pupils to choose whether to be treated as a boy or a girl depending on how they 'feel'. They are convincing thousands of young people that they were "born in the wrong body", pushing them towards hormone therapies that block their sexual development and modify their bodies to make them look like they are not.

Discussion on United with Israel 5 comments
WATCH: Mother Of Terror Victims Shares Important Message


sharjah is worldwide ISIS terrorist

Israeli city to host drag queen 'story hour' for preschoolers


Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023:

*** 2. We must defend the uniqueness of the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman open to life. Some would like to recognize as "family" any form of union between people, regardless of their gender and their number (even more than 2 people!). This ideological approach destroys the fundamental link between marriage, the family and the generation of children: in fact, recognizing "new" families means opening up to gay adoptions and the odious practice of rented wombs. No longer mum and dad but "Parent 1", "Parent 2", "Parent 3", "Parent 4", "Parent 5" and so on, in a crazy and destructive ideological spiral of children's rights (N.B. the European Commission wants to force all States to recognize these "new families" based on surrogate wombs, but with your help we will prevent it during 2023!);


Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023:

*** 1. A major national campaign to bear witness to and defend the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death. In particular, we want to address young people with new, fresh, captivating content that empathically conveys the scientific and bioethical evidence that makes abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and any form of attack on human life unacceptable. We want to give soul, body and voice to a new generation that projects love for defenseless and innocent life into the future;


antichrist antizionist all demonic creatures Soros Kissinger Mattarella & Ursula are lgbt Darwin Ape Lapid and their Rothschild DEM ] Main issues we would like to focus on in 2023:
Here, lorenzoJHWH: defending the sacredness of life, promoting the family and children's rights and continuing to fight gender will be the three main guidelines (the "good intentions") that will mark the work and commitment of Pro Vita & Famiglia during throughout 2023.


Lorenzo, I wonder how much longer we will allow
Rai to use our money to infect the Italian public with this absolute
crap. Please support the Pro Vita & Famiglia campaign to abolish the
Rai license fee and prevent our money from being used in this putrid
operation of moral and cultural degradation. Your donation will help us
put pressure on the Government and Parliament so that the abolition of
the Rai license fee - after the disgust seen in Sanremo or SanPorco BERGOGLio Pachamama- becomes a point on the agenda and an achievable goal.


Soros Kissinger Mattarella & Ursula are lgbt Darwin demonic creatures Rothschild DEM ] [ Hi lorenzoJHWH, the last evening of Sanremo was something simply repulsive. I don't know if you've seen it, but you financed it out of your rent anyway, so you should know what your money has been used for. I'm referring to the crap - I repeat, the crap - broadcast by Rai thanks to the money that you and I are FORCED to give her every year with our license fee.

Fedez and the singer Rosa Chemical staged aAnAAAl sodoma intercourse in the audience complete with a "gay kiss":

LET'S ABOLISH THE RAI FEE! Stop using our money to promote gender, abortion and the LGBTQ agenda: support this campaign by donating 50 euros or 35 euros! Chiara Ferragni appeared on stage with a necklace in the shape of a uterus, claiming abortion - that is, the brutal killing of a helpless child in the womb - as a "human right":

Blinken: 'Deeply troubled' by Israel’s decision to legalize Judea and Samaria


king MBS Bin ISIS Salman from al-Riyadh ] [ a coup is not made Nuland Kiev 2014 by mistake, the Riyadh empire EU US NWO FED ECB BM of demons: Spa Allah wahhabi takfiri & sodom Rothschild & Satan Rockefeller &Co decided to destroy RUSSIA (because they are a legion of OTAN demons who do not forget and do not forgive), and Putin was too good at giving 8 years of life to mankind. But, the ogres of lucifer sodom marduch dracula Owl Baal and their aliens demons witches freemasons Talmudic-Koranic Jews have already been stopped all, and have already been defeated all by me in youtube, so the fault will be yours and the ARAB LEAGUE if you let it go /destroy mankind, you wanted it because you planned it with your associates.

you go saying: "friends friends" to all mankind and then you hide the jihad sharia dagger behind your back, so, you come and say to me lorenzoJHWH UniusREI: "friends friends",

you come and tell me too, it's been 15 years since


satanist Deep State, Blinken: ‘Deeply troubled’ by Israel’s decision to legalize Judea and Samaria settlements
Satanists can come to shed their blood instead of our martyrs

Former PM Olmert calls for ‘real war’ to stop judicial reform, says protests not


you go saying: "friends friends" to all mankind and then you hide the jihad sharia dagger behind your back, so, you come and tell me lorenzoJHWH UniusREI : "friends friends", come and tell me too


king MBS Bin ISIS Salman from al-Riyadh ] [ true royalty and humility are sisters, we must first reconcile each other, and you must abandon your sharjah intentions to harm all mankind, enlightened demons have made themselves too secretive and will not come out without our humble and loving and brotherly example of reconciliation


worldisraelnews ] you are changing the photo of the face of this talmudic criminal continuously, like a traffic light: antizionist are usurers DEM satanists and dracula scam banking seigniorage
for universal slavery goyims, in occult power talmud kabbalah [ all opponents to parliament and its government must be sentenced to death for high masonic deep state, treason Darwin Lapid APE. [ king MBS Bin ISIS Salman from al-Riyadh ] [ yes, these predatory Mason Jews, who are rebelling against the right-wing government? they are the vampires, usurers, traitors, murderers and demons incarnate, sucking the blood of all mankind through bank seigniorage stolen from the sovereignty and sanity, of all peoples, and you cannot stand at the window and say: "the human race can no longer be saved", because there is no one alone who can do it. indeed no one can replace you, as no one can replace me. stop threatening the life of all mankind and call me,


news fron slaves goiymas In January, the Federation of American Scientists confirmed the news given by Wide Angle in December 2022 on the basis of a US Air Force document: the C-17A Globemaster aircraft was authorized to transport the US B61- nuclear bomb to Italy and other European countries. 12. Since Biden administration officials had announced that the B61-12 would be brought forward to December, we believe that the new US nuclear bombs are already arriving in Europe to be deployed against Russia.
In ITALY there is the largest US military base in the world, and the Italian sodomitic Masonic Government ignores how many atomic bombs and what type are kept in Italy https://www.byoblu.Com/2023/01/20/lintera-europa-campo-di-battaglia-grandangolo-pangea/


Olmerts you are a CIOLA


the biggest difference between the Bible and the Quran is structural,
while the Bible was intentionally written by God in a generic-ambiguous way (so that free will can exercise its creative dimension).
Satan wrote the Koran in an explicit and unambiguous way, so that it is not possible to deduce several different interpretations.
that's why the true soul of hypocritical and false Muslims is always ISIS, in fact there are no two interpretations of sharia


allah uuuhh akbarr ] [ therefore NATO and Oci UMMAH are two parallel allied entities (today in a mutual and convenient partnership), two demonic entities whose aim is imperialism, and when will they have killed all: Israelis, Christians, Russians, Chinese and Indians?
then, we shall see which of these two beasts remains standing,
because sodom and allah are not compatible, and then, everyone knows there is only one allah, one koran (light in darkness) and unfortunately for the chinese there is also only one planet


they talk about the borders of NATO, as if NATO were a nation, and they are right: OTAN is only one nation: where the Goyims slaves are herded, whose life and whose fate is in the hands of Rockefeller,
just as the ARAB LEAGUE is a place where the Dhimmis slaves are herded: whose life and whose fate is in the hands of ISIS MBS.
then we have the UMMAH and that makes it ridila tua vergognaus to talk about Palestine Jordan Egypt, because you touch a tentacle of Allahh and all the Beast rises from him.
so it is ridila tua vergognaus to talk about a distinction between USA France Italy Poland etc..


Silvio Berlusconi DESPISES the putschist CIA agent of Ukrainian President Zelensky: “It was enough for him to stop attacking the two autonomous republics of Donbass and this would not have happened. So I judge this gentleman's behavior very, very negatively".
the Nuland Stoltemberg coup of 2014, and the pogrom of odessa 2014 and 8 years of ferocious repression of the sovereign people of Donbass (worthy of the technocratic dictatorship Jewish masonic demonic sodomitic) was ordered by the Rothschilds to hide, in the world war, false accounting of the FED ECB BM NWo IMF,
that's why USA and France order their citizens to leave Russia and Belarus,
and that's why Ursula and Biden said we will help Kiev until victory


antizionist Former PM Ehud Olmert you are infamous, you got a sentence reduction thanks to me
precisely because the judiciary (elected by transnational Rockefeller institutions) cannot be superior to the Parliament which is elected by the citizens, that you came out of prison earlier

What are the judicial reforms proposed by Yariv Levin? – explainer


king MBS Bin ISIS Salman from al-Riyadh ] [yes, these predatory Mason Jews, who are rebelling against the right-wing government? they are the vampires, usurers, traitors, murderers and demons incarnate, sucking the blood of all mankind through bank seigniorage stolen from the sovereignty and sanity, of all peoples, and you cannot stand at the window and say: "the human race can no longer be saved", because there is no one alone who can do it.

indeed no one can replace you, as no one can replace me.

stop threatening the life of all mankind and call me


antizionist are usurer satanisti and dracula scam banking seigniorage
for universal slavery goyims talmud kabbalah

sodom satan usurers freemasons parasites opponents of the overhaul have framed the reforms as a threat to fraud democracy scam theft bank seigniorage (alto tradimento constitutional Darwinanal), warning that Israel will be transformed into a dictatorship should the changes come to fruition.


all opponents must be sentenced to death for high masonic deep state, treason Darwin Lapid APE


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