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Genocide in Nigeria: The Biden administration's cover-up

Moscow, NATO's involvement in the conflict is maximum ] in the OTAN jihad they said: "with the Ukraine until victory" and this is the new modern way, which is fashionable to deliver a declaration of war.
in the OTAN they said: "with Ukraine and the 2014 Nuland coup until victory"
17 FEB - The involvement of NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine is maximum: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova declared during a briefing, as reported by Tass. "The NATO countries are playing innocent, trying to prove that they are not a part of the (Ukrainian, ed.) conflict. The involvement (of the NATO countries) is maximum, they have been carrying out provocative activities for many years. Now they directly control the leadership of the Kiev regime".
in the anti-Zionism OTAN they said: "with the Ukraine and 8 years pogroms against Russian speakers until victory"
Moscow, NATO's involvement in the conflict is maximum.
nazi rockefelelr fascist Ursula said: in the antichrist OTAN said: "with Ukraine, for the repression of Russian-speaking and Christian peoples and against their self-determination universal plebiscite until victory"
Rothschild told the Enlightened: either we make world war or the people will come and cut off our heads
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Ursula MBS Bin Salman from Riyadh when your scum: lgbt Mohammedans, Darwin APE donkey, masonic, deep state, jihadist satanists and central bank shareholders, scam banking seigniorge cult, DEM, you all die and see me sitting on the throne of the strictest judge?
they all fall silent for fear, and because there is nothing left to be able to save
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Biden is a Christian satanist rockefeller jihad MBS UMMAH,
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
WATCH: From Moscow to Ramallah - one woman's horror story


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in Italy Masonic police and judiciary have gone to shhhiiitt prostitute
Biden is a Christian satanist rockefeller jihad MBS UMMAH OTAN Satan Allah Sodom the antichrist anti-Zionist Ursula ] [ wind
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in Italy Masonic police and judiciary have gone to shhhiiitt prostitute
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 111 comments
Jewish school bus in U.S. stormed by men doing Heil Hitler and shouting


miserable corrupt CIA Troll
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Pesach Kremen

Anti-semitism is NOT a major problem that needs to be immediately addressed along with all other forms of bigotry.
if the greatest social engineering specialists in the history of satan and sodoma & scam banking seigniorage, Deep State, masonic system, wanted to realize the Kingdom of Israel here in Palestine? they would have done it.
Rockefeller Rothschild, the cursed high council? they are the greatest anti-Zionists in history,
because their flag is satan. they don't care about Jews,
they hate all peoples without distinction.
the Rothschilds deceived Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, and led him to an untimely death.
therefore they kill anyone who stands in the way of their power
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Monte Cristo

so, smart, all antisemitic and antizionism in world born by were triggered by rapper Kanye West and basketball player Kyrie Irving’s antisemitic tirades?
or born from scam banking seigniorage?
and why this scrab of worldisraelnews never said becouse peoples are so angry against jews?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


lizard worldisrael news jews Baal jabulOn usurers
why are the peoples all angry at you?
Why do you never explain why people are angry?
it is clear you are that criminal who wants to hide the dust under the carpet
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
WATCH: Crime of 20th century was not the Holocaust, says Fatah official


of course, the big Crime of 20th 19th, 18th 17th century was not the Holocaust, says Fatah official
of course, the big Crime of 20th 19th, 18th 17th century was jewish scam banking seigniorage, and hin relativism darwin satanism, masonic system, esoterica genda and/or his master the scam banking seigniorage
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 129 comments
Sharp attacks on Trump from Rupert Murdoch’s news outlets


These plutocratic Jews are the masters of the world? they are sharks
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


sbatti la piccola cagna di MBS from Riyad, il NWO crollerà e avrai salvato il mondo
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


main streem is one only nonopoly Rockefeller,

all is of him

the word of satana allah is of him, it is why charistian chinese, indian russian israeli must die,

Because they are at the base of the Masonic pyramid, where the eye of Lucifer Mbs Rothschild dominates
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments
President Herzog caught warning Shas that 'whole world is afraid of Ben Gvir’


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [Every day, the Ottoman-Palestinian Philistinesi, or killed a child, either raped and kidnapped a girl.
Then, the Israelis shouted to God and said: "Give us a king Netanjahu Saul, to be able to defend us from our enemies",
But, he did not prove to be an effective killer.
So God Jhwh Holy sent them Davide-Lorenzojhwh, who with his atomic weapons razed the Arab League in 2 hours,
So was it that 1.2 billion innocent victims of Sharjah, who live in the kingdom of celestial God?
So it was that they all find their satisfaction
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


masonic satana allah sodoma President Herzog caught warning Shas that ‘whole world ottoman wahhabis canniballs scam banking seigniorage esoteric Mohammed agenda is afraid of Ben Gvir’ and his kingdom lorenzoJHWH
long last a very good news
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ becouse of you? my saints Rabbi they must be very cautious
against satana rabbi of Rockefeller
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Iran arrests Baha’i group for allegedly spying on behalf of Israel


in the West those who have nothing to lose will hardly have anything to lose if they give themselves to thefts, scams, vandalism,
because for him the prison doors will never open.
This leads to a despair for the good and an exaltation of the bad:
and this is the triumph of the Talmudic society of Freemason Jews and or parasitic society
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


this is how with sharia law their slanders, rapes and murders they have made all Christians disappear from the ARAB LEAGUE ... According to the Baha'i International Community, the Iranian government
has since then particularly harshly repressed the Baha'is. "The authorities have targeted Baha'is in 245 incidents of persecution over the past 32 days," the statement continues. This included
"arrests and imprisonment, destruction of homes and confiscation of property, raids on private
and commercial premises, beatings, denial of drugs to inmates and denial of higher education
to more than 100 young people."
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


how MBS Wahhabis Ottoman UMMA OCI Sharia with their slanders, rapes terrorism and murders they made all Christians disappear from all the ARAB LEAGUE?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
Influential Islamist preacher of Jew-hatred on the run after France issues

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS jihad Spa&Co petrodollars does your bird want her? you zum um zum want her? no problem!
1. your demonic rabbi Satan Sodom makes you devour your 7 miles: let's say for a month; he makes you marry her for a month; and so on, and everything can be done!
2. your demonic IMAM Satan Allah allows you to enjoy and use of all your slave dhimmis!
but then when you are in hell with them, DON'T turn to me, because I will spit in your eye.
There is NO union between man and woman that God does not see as an eternal marriage aimed at procreation
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
WATCH: Israeli president arrives in Berlin, gets state welcome ceremony


INCREDIBLE! UN: Slanderous criminal war-mongering declaration against Russia, but 70% of the countries (of which 90% of the citizens of this planet) are with Putin!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


how can an article written entirely by me be rejected?
WATCH: Trump envoy discusses forecast for Middle East, US politics, im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 2 Detected as spam
Riyad OCI UMMA Isis] [like the 2nd anniversary of the Abrahamic agreements? Rothschild Freemasons of sodom & satan & sharjah jihad the cuts throats & replacement theology & high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage? they can't make Abraham's covenants, because Wahhabis & Rockefeller destroyed:
1- the primitive saving covenant of Moses, as well as:
2- BERGOGLIO the shaman idolatrous animist necromancer: has definitively destroyed
the second saving alliance! I am the only legal covenant of Abraham:
because there is no one on this planet who respects
the natural law and the universal law of Adam, Noah and Abraham. but, the simple diplomatic
hypocrisy to destroy any covenant of Abraham, We have received your request for review
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Looming Iran deal 'deeply concerning,' U.S. lawmakers tell Biden


my Israel Iran & UMMA & Riyad they have wickedness and deserve no mercy!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 74 comments
Muslim man axes Jewish roommate's skull, burns face off


disqus has deleted my comments on this page
and then he logged me out
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


"We did not have the courage to say from the beginning that 160 deaths a day were not no vax but were fragile vaccinated people." “The no vax do not die, but the fragile vaccinated ones”. The virologist launches the "bomb" live on national https://www.ilparagone.It/attualita/non-muoiono-i-no-vax-ma-i-vaccinati-fragili-il-virologo-lancia-la-bomba- live-national /
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


worldisraelnews where is my comments here?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


in Italy thousands of complaints arrive at the Public Prosecutor's Office that cannot be processed because there is no staff and because there is no DEM PD political will to try them ..
so is a civil society that uselessly screams its despair because it is dying
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Ex-Mossad head: Israel struck nuclear targets in 'heart of Iran'


another sudden death big pharma? "He dived but he never re-emerged." A sudden illness takes Lorenzo away when he is only 19 years old
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


God's index finger is fully extended in the room, but Adam's finger is bent at the last phalanx of the index .
The explanation of this work of art is that God is always present, but the decision to get in touch with him rests with man.
If man wants to touch God, he has to stretch out his finger, but if he doesn't stretch out his finger, he can live all life without looking for him and without finding him.
"The last phalanx of Adam's finger represents the free will of conscience"
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Do you know why in Michelangelo's famous artwork on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City Palace, the finger of God and the finger of Adam do not touch?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


who carried out the coup in Kiev in 2014, you?
who 8 years of Russian-speaking pogroms always you?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


had been successful in the Masonic society created by Rothschild, prestige and success and a great esteem and praise of all the people,
but, God in his mercy sent him cancer,
and this expiatory instrument had not served to obtain his conversion.
So when the demons took away his soul he was still alive and he said, "no, I don't want to, no, no"
but, his family members did not see the demons
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Rothschild 322 Big 666 Pharma is a legion of chemical Spa & Co demons: who do not forget and do not forgive the fact that you voted for the DEM and could not receive God's protection!
Grave mourning for the European and world champion of artistic swimming Giorgio Minisini,
for the premature death of his father Roberto when he was only 56 years old. This was announced
by Federnuoto with a press release published on the official website. Roberto Minisini, international judge,
in these days was busy at the European championships between elite and masters, in Rome.
He leaves his wife Susanna De Angelis, former synchronette and coach, and other children Diana
(30 years old) and Marco (28).
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


ok shoot it jihad now
"This regime calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and its wiping off the map. We can never allow a regime that calls for our destruction to put its finger on the nuclear trigger," she said.
ok shoot it sharjah now
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
First time since 1967: Israelis enter Temple Mount through Gate of the Tribes


German sodomitic Masonic demonic foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has assured that she will maintain military and financial support for Ukraine "as long as it is needed" in the face of a war with Russia that could drag on for years. ]
The demonic German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock - Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa
"Ukraine also defends our freedom (ie the wealth and freedom of Freemasons), our peace (then, entrepreneurs can even commit suicide out of desperation and mortgage insolvency).
And we sodoms of the Freemason antichrist, we support them financially and militarily for as long as necessary, "Baerbock said, adding that" unfortunately "it must be assumed that Kiev" will still need new heavy weapons "next summer. German foreign minister explained that "Europe is part of the war" for the 2014 CIA coup from which Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to defend himself. "It will be a difficult path, but it is part of our political responsibility and Luciferian demoniac, that is, to alleviate the further social imbalances deriving from high energy prices, (which we have created for our responsibility) ", he declared.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Jewish man murdered by Muslim roommate


Turkey, our planes targeted, 'hostile act' from Greece
it is well known that the Ottomans invade the air and sea space of Greece, blowing up the agreements: it is necessary to activate the article 5 of NATO 666 OTAN against Erdogan the aggressor
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

if all the Jews on the planet will not be able to return to JHWH?
I swear that I will exterminate the whole ARAB LEAGUE
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Jew murdered by a Muslim roommate https://worldisraelnews.Com/jewish-man-murdered-by-muslim-roommate/

Concerned family members asked assassin Cain MBS Erdogan if he had seen his innocent companion Abel stationed.

when sovereignty belonged to Christians
Jews (internal enemy) and Muslims (sharia external enemy) were expelled en masse: both.
but, while the fault of Muslims is always the Sharia alone,
for Jews, the fault is always the Rothschild alone
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Uk, media: Truss wants to declare China threatens a national team.
if someone proves me that China and Russia are wrong?
then, I will go and shoot Putin and Xi-Jinping
but what if you can't? then, I will shoot you
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Rushdie's attacker had direct contact with Iran's Revolutionary Guards, report

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ali Khamenei I am preparing a fatwa against you
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
WATCH: Jerusalem is 'safe' and 'strong,' Lapid says


OCI UN Russia China, Riyadh, Iran, India EU US UK FED IMF ECB NWO] God will harm everyone who is preventing me from taking my throne in Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


God made all things
but Rockefeller Satana and Big pharma: gene serum and sudden deaths, thought they were going GMO enhanced with Bayer Randup to kill all the bees
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


yes! Jerusalem is "safe" and "strong", in the Living God JHWH holy
God bless Israel and free it from all its anti-Zionist Jewish enemies
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
WATCH: Iran’s bounty on Mike Pompeo, other US officials revealed


Iran's bounty on Mike Pompeo, other US officials have revealed
Pompey's size is extra large, maybe it's a Satan conform size
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
Israel’s Supreme Court sides with ultra-Orthodox family, denies autopsy for


If the main suspect in the case, the victim's 27-year-old uncle, suffers from a mental illness, then he must definitely be called Erdogan.
if the child had been raped? certainly in the hospital they would have noticed!
certainly an autopsy can be requested if there are plausible elements of suspicion.
HAREDI are wrong when they think that there is always, in any case, desecration of the corpse,
because the desecration of the corpse exists only if there is such a malign Islamic intention:
as did the Muslims who destroyed the cemeteries of Christians for 1400 years , as they still destroy the cemeteries of the Armenians.
Muslims whose fate can only be hell? all that the Torah forbids?
Talmud Quran and Satan's Bible allow this
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


this is a story crazy god darwin lgbt Rockefeller at bohemian Grove God jabulon OWL cremation of cure,
becouse Satana? Allah from Riyad sells Russian oil at 110% of its value and
after Coup Cia 2014 snippers chechen in Maidan square Nuland plots, and 8 year pogrom against russian speker in Donbass, so, lgbtqi+++ Zelensky said: "we belive in nuclear missiles tattic strategic (4500 miles) OTAN in mode costitutional" and about Taiwan CIA Donkey Ape OTAN Darwin Spa&Co FED IMF ECB BM USA NWO Morgan Rothschild Mokey UK 322 UE octopus Ursulaaaaa said for 60 years to China: "we belive in one only China"
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
EXPOSED: Terrorist tunnel dug from inside Gaza City toward Israel


becouse Satana? Allah from Riyad sells Russian oil at 110% of its value
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


after Coup Cia 2014 snippers in Maidan square, and 8 year pogrom russian speker in Donbass
lgbtqia Zelensky said:
"we belive in nuclear missiles tattic strategic (6000 miles) OTAN in mode costitutional"
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


about Taiwan CIA donkey Ape OTAN Darwin lgbtqia USA NWO Morgan Rothschild Mokey said for 60 years to China:

"we belive in one only China"

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


salam + shalom ] Allah is a God mice! [ [ no ] ] Allah is a God's mice!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Biden, Lapid participate in first-ever ‘I2U2’ forum with leaders of India, UAE

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the scientist Giacinto Auriti (who is also a great Catholic saint even if he cannot be recognized by the gay Luciferian Freemason BERGOGLIO) has shown how the world war is indispensable for the regeneration of a new: Rockefeller Spa & Co monetary cycle, always parasitic and devitalizing.
this is why the force of the law does not exist in the UN, but the law of force does exist: because the law of the forum appeals to the UMMA and its worldwide Jewish-Masonic demonic association
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


because for the Plutacratic Jews tecnocracy neoliberalism? all the Indians peoples are goats. while their biiitcccheees satanist woman? doe hinds call them, and it is known that the hinds are more nobler than no the goats
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


"g000at p0rrrn g000at" then, you will hear all the INDIA MODI go00at p00rn00graphy of India;
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

" yes MODI jewish GO*T " Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. ok,
if, you do a search in the Jewish-Masonic world p0*rn0graphy ped0*fi*lia b*s*ti*lism
Darwin Monkey Ape Donkey zum zum zum zum and type:
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. India? as INDIA? if, you search the Jewish-Masonic world p0rn0graphy to destroy Israel and destroy Torah, kill kaput all the slaves dalit dhimmis goiyms to turn them all into Darwin beeeeaaasssts, and enslave all mankind through scam banking seigniorage high constitutional betrayal and death penalty to all Freemasons?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
Russia ‘exploiting’ Holocaust and antisemitism to justify Ukraine invasion says

Ronnie D

if in the US they will accept the electronic voting again?
the election will be stolen from Donald TRUMP for the second time!
because the churches of satan of the CIA (through an unknown alien engineering) control everything that "bits" runs on the planet!
that's why Russian parachutes fell into a bloody ambush when they decided to occupy an airport near Kiev
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ronnie D

the NWO is a pyramidal kingdom that hides in a hidden way inside a false democracy,
is a complex system:
the churches of satan and their agencies are institutional and widespread throughout the West and the Arab league (it has its own Masonic version):
in Palermo (Sicily) someone (churches of satan) made a false invoice (from a pensioner to whom no one can harm him)
fake invoice never collected from me, of course, and put my IBAN which is public on 110 blogspot, but which was invisible to the Palermo Judge, because Google CIA has put 10 red html-code points to hide from all search engines all my sites.
but, when thanks to an App I have removed these 10 red points-html-code
anyway, today, for no reason: all 110 blogspots have all been blocked by lgbt-google and are only visible to me.
But I, who in this mortal fight against the NWO, have weakened myself economically, I still have to spend 1800 euros for my defense,
and because of the covid the powers of attorney are without staff and my two criminal complaints remain with me without reason:
why Rothschild and Rockefeller have decided to slander me!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Leon Mintz

I thank you for your straight talk.

but, there is no one in the world like Putin who is grateful, generous and loyal in friendship.

the plutocratic Jews Rockefeler Spa & Co Rothschild (scam banking seigniorage, masonic system, esoteric agenda occult power Deep State) have been filling him with slander for 14 years, they have attacked him in a deadly way in Ukraine: Maidan Golpe, Odessa pogrom, Donbass pogrom 8 years, etc .. with NATO nuclear missiles: ready at its borders (because USA unilaterally tore up the INF treaty) and you in your intellectual honesty?

you, all the evil the Anglo-Americans, and what Israel (with the imprudent claims of Lapid) have done to him?

you shouldn't forget that that it is the lgbtqia who are actually attacking Putin
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Arab airlines' next in-flight movie: Jews during the Inquisition

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Arab Airlines' next in-flight film: Jews during the Inquisition?
this is a hostile act against my kingdom of Israel and against the survival of the Israelis
and I swear I'll make you pay!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Arab Airlines' next in-flight film: Jews during the Inquisition?
these slanders have been set up to wipe Israel off the map: and there is no other purpose.
but we know that the NWO was activated 400 years ago with the private Rothschild "central bank" of England.
and that too many lies have been written by the Rockefeller masters in the history books:
therefore a historical revisionism is inevitable: because we live in the Masonic era of global deception
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments
Biden tells Netanyahu: 'You know how much I love you'

Ronnie D

today we are 8 billion people (all slaves goyims dalit and dhimmis of the Spa Rothschilds), and ENLIGHTENED in their agenda they must kill them all (thus purifying, the entire surface of the planet with nuclear weapons)
and this is indispensable because of the fault of the mad UMMA Islamists alone, who are without reciprocity, serial killers, religious pigs, that is, Wahhabis and Iranians who believe they are conquering the world through the sharia genocide (which has been active for 1400 years, thanks to the UN) and reason for their Islamic population bomb.
the repopulation of the planet will not happen through the people who survived on the surface,
that's why it is from the secret underground cities: cities of Satanists and Jewish plutocratic Freemasons, who must repopulate the planet to remain stable at no more than 200 million people!
but despite the secret technology of the aliens (gmos demons, ie Golem project 1200 AD) they still cannot intentionally synthesize a cell of a blade of grass: for to doubt the judgment of God, to which they have rebelled and which they hate together with their agents lgbtqia Darwin the monkeys:
because everything is rebellious against God JHWH Almighty Creator on this planet,
and if he is not the antichrist DEM etc ..? sure it is the Islamist anti-Zionist anyway!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ronnie D

in Italy we see clearly: that reality that is the NWO, it is present in every nation without monetary sovereignty: OCI USA UK UE OTAN FED BM ECB that is the Masonic system which is a transnational occult government.
Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild after having stolen monetary sovereignty (through bank seigniorage scam: which is also high constitutional treason) that also control political sovereignty,
So the Italian people have been indebted, in such a way, that it is impossible to pay interest, and that for this reason only a Central Banker can take control of them under threat of declaring bankruptcy at any time: and this is deadly (direct) blackmail. against all peoples of this planet.
Because in order to regenerate a new monetary cycle, world war alone is indispensable, as the scientist Giacinto Auriti demonstrated
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


If there was any doubt that this demonic and criminal jihad OCI UMMA Sharia Biden Administration DEM,

determined to destroy the US Israel UE Russia CINA and WorldWide this should clear up that doubt. We are in
great peril as long as these decisions OTAN CIA UK continue to slandered Russia.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


unitedwithisrael org / United with Israel would like to send
ANSWER Connection failed
I won't come to you anymore because you are a racist
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

US President Joe Biden (the great satan) warmly greets opposition leader and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (the little satan)

and since the sodomitic Masonic demonic sabbath blaze cannot be truly perfect without the Geisha gayna lgbtqia: certainly, a large representation of both sides could not be missing: because love was truly circular.

but, do they know that the demons of little Allah (IRAN) and great Allah (Riyad) look at them?


my holy JHWH holy holy holy: "I like them too much: these satanists give them to me!"
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Herzog awards Biden with Israel's Presidential Medal of Honor

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Iran Erdogan Salman] I won't hurt you too much, I only need two hours to incinerate the ARAB LEAGUE as a whole
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
Palestinians bickering with US over Jerusalem and other issues


Immigrants, Ferragni wakes up: "Violence, robberies: Milan is out of control" Just think, even the radical chic now fear the crime that arrived on boats. Geni, the crime stops at the border, not when it has already arrived at the house. They didn't care as long as it was confined to the suburbs. With a post on Instagram Chiara Ferragni made an appeal to the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala. “I am anguished and embittered by the violence that continues to exist in Milan. Every day I have acquaintances and loved ones who are robbed at home, small neighborhood retail shops that are emptied of the daily income, people stopped in the street with weapons and stolen of everything. The situation is out of control. For us and our children we need to do something. I appeal to our mayor Beppe Sala ”. Yesterday, for example, agents of the Railway Police arrested an Algerian citizen and a Moroccan citizen, both 33 years old and with specific precedents, for the theft of a girl's trolley at the Central Station. This morning, however, in the Porta Romana area, two robbers broke into a shop and hit the owners: the 66-year-old man in the head with the butt of a gun; the woman, of 62, with a slap. They stole a Rolex watch, cell phones and a purse before escaping. Armed robbery this morning at 8.45 am in an antique shop in via Bergamo, in the Porta Romana area. According to initial information, two men with uncovered faces broke into the business immediately after it opened and attacked the owners, a 66-year-old man and 62-year-old wife: he was hit in the head with the butt of a gun. , it is not known whether real or fake, while the woman was slapped by one of the bandits when she tried to oppose the raid. The robbers escaped after taking away a cell phone, the purse with cash and the man's watch. Fortunately, neither spouse sustained any worrying injuries and both were treated by the rescuers in Areu, before being transported in green code to the Polyclinic. The agents of the Volanti also intervened on the spot, who collected the first testimonies and then entrusted the case to the colleagues of the Mobile Squad, coordinated by the manager Marco Calì. The smartest of us predict what will happen in the future as soon as we see them disembark. Fedez and wife need to find them under the house. It all depends on evolution. Some have fallen behind. https://voxnews.Info/2022/07/13/italiani-massacrati-da-immigrati-ferragni-si-sveglia-violenza-rapine-milano-e-fuori-controllo/comment-page-3
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Body found in Bologna, an African drug dealer arrested in Ventimiglia
https: //voxnews.Iinfo/2022/07/13/cadavere-frovato-a-bologna-signed-one-africano-driver--ventimiglia/
The carabinieri of the provincial command of Bologna, at the Ventimiglia station (Imperia), in the late afternoon, in collaboration with the railway police officers, arrested a 19-year-old of Tunisian origin against whom the Bologna Public Prosecutor's Office issued a detention for aggravated murder. According to the investigations, it was he who attacked to death the young man found, lifeless, in a disused building in via Larga, on the outskirts of Bologna. The victim, meanwhile, has been identified: it is a 20-year-old of Moroccan origin, also, like the 19-year-old, known to the police and with a history behind him. According to what is learned, the weapon has not yet been found. According to what was ascertained by the carabinieri, the 19-year-old, who would have left a few hours after the crime, had boarded a train bound for France to make him lose track of him. Investigations are still underway to clarify the motive for the crime, which cannot be ruled out in a context of drug dealing, and the possible presence of accomplices.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bidet rubs the little girl with a pea, that's why the DEM presidents love Muslims too much.
for Anglo-Americans as well as for Muslims
the freedom to seek evil is conditioned by their subjective criteria.
but, under the natural law there is no freedom to seek evil or perversion legally.
nor can the state offer these indecent services,
nor can the state propose something that offends natural law,
otherwise, all the people will go to corruption
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


The site of the former US consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem? when will the ARAB LEAGUE be legalized with all its sharjah genocides? then, of course, we'll talk about it again.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 60 comments
US to press Israeli leaders on reopening of Jerusalem consulate for Palestinians


when the Jewish mason of the antichrist fills the internet twitter, etc .. with p0rn0graphy: how do we think that teenagers should not see it?
in this way the whole human generation is forced into corruption!
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


compulsory vaccination is a crime of murder. A Tuscan psychologist suspended from the professional order returns to work because she does not comply with the vaccination obligation imposed by law on the health professions.
This was established by the civil judge Susanna Zanda, who revoked the suspension of the professional ordered by the Order.
"You cannot be forced" to undergo "experimental vaccines so invasive as to insinuate themselves into the DNA, altering it in such a way that it could be irreversible with currently unpredictable effects for life and health", explains the judge in an emergency measure On September 15, the judge enters into the merits also hearing the Order of Psychologists.
"Suspension from exercising the professions risks compromising the individual's primary assets such as the right to their livelihood and work - according to the court but this freedom and right, acquired by birth on the basis of Article 4 of the Constitution, is this case inadmissibly 'granted' by the Order to which it belongs after subjecting it to injective treatment against Sars Covid "to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure safety conditions in the health sector. "An unattainable goal", according to the same Aifa data, which "report a spread of the infection with the formation of multiple viral variants and the numerical prevalence of infections and deaths among the subjects vaccinated with three doses". It is not the first provision to revoke the suspension from work in Italy. The judge cites various decisions adopted by the courts of Padua (April 2022), Sassari (June 2022), Velletri (December 2021) and Rome (June 2022) as well as by the TARs of Lombardy, Piedmont and Rome.
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


what happened in Italy between yesterday and today?
Moroccans land in Italy and want to slaughter Italians on the beach
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Italians beaten by foreign robbers in Milan

Migrant spits at the carabinieri

Ferentino, citizenship income: 40 immigrants reported for fraud. Two of them got the double subsidy

They try to forge residence permits: six immigrants end up on trial

Varese, tried to kill a man at the station: an immigrant sentenced to 11 years and 8 months

The accusation: kidnapped and raped for two days

Far West in Oltrebrenta: chair brawl between Nigerians, investigations underway

Robbery on the cycle path, convictions confirmed on appeal
for the three Moroccan defendants: they threatened to cut the throat of a 45-year-old with a knife

He beats and threatens the ex pregnant, ends up under house arrest

Gun in hand causes panic

Dealers attack boys who refuse drugs

Strolling in the Arcella with stolen credit cards, Romanian arrested

Migrant massacres invalid 92 year old

"I'm not giving you a cigarette": and the Nigerian breaks his leg

Brawl between immigrant gangs: nine children reported

Chioggia, immigrant baby gang attacks a boy on vacation in Sottomarina: punched in the face

Brawl in the center of Vittoria between immigrants

Panic sowed in Rome Termini. The Ghanaian free to devastate a bar

"We were thinking of an attack" The aggressor already reported for ill-treatment

Rimini, 15-year-old boyfriends massacred by immigrant baby gangs
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


60 peaceful Italian do-gooders (modernists, masosni catto-communists and flower children) are stuck in a shelter in Kiev under the bombs of Putin, even the aficionados of the PD,
Milan’s former councilor for ethnic replacement Majorino under Putin’s missiles.
Sixty Italians including a group of journalists (Riformista, Avvenire, Dubbio, Tv2000, Vita),
Marco Bentivogli of Base Italia, and the MEP Pierfrancesco Majorino are stuck in Kiev in the bomb shelter of the RUS hotel where they were for the first day of scheduled meetings with the institutions.
why didn't they go in these 8 years: in Dombass: where Nuland and Ursula were carrying out the genocide of Russian speakers?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad death to all unfaithful kafir dogs impure and dirty pollutants] I can agree with you on one thing: I don't wash often [but, in Italy we Christians are persecuted by antichrists DEM PD Bildenberg Ursula the octopus lgbtqia + jkwlmnbvcx
so, I decided to come to Saudi Arabia to announce the Gospel
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

and who wants to give little girls a vibrator?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad] when your super satanist ( one eye of lucifer Allah Dracula Sodoma ) that is, the world director of youtube Synnek1, today 187AudioHostem 666 AudioHostem187: the cannibal of the CIA UK OTAN NWO FED IMF BM, he said to me:
"" you come with us, I'll pay you a coffee ""
then, why didn't he add a biscuit together with the coffee?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 60 comments
Joe Biden arrives in Israel, kicking off Mideast tour


https://twitter.Com/CarolinaOuest/status/1546300006998605827 Bidet rubs the little girl with a pea, that's why the DEM presidents love Muslims too much
warning! the faint of heart please do not open this link.

Gee. I can’t imagine why #HunterBiden calls his own father #PedoPeter. Can YOU???
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


joe Biden and son of him?
two sniffers of little girls! Bidet rubs the little girl with a pea, that's why the DEM presidents love Muslims too much
warning! the faint of heart please do not open this link.
"Science" says it
8:04 PM 12 Jul 2022 Twitter for iPhone

I will be strange, but I have a shiver of disquiet, looking at this photo ...

Don't forget and don't forgive. has among its followers some users who follow
Don't forget and don't forgive.

Democrats have a passion for children


The photo I sent yesterday without filters this time. If this isn't a pervert nobody is.
#HunterBideniPhone #HunterBidensLaptop
Ocrim Haggis
I can't write what I would do to these individuals .... I really hope that one day the knots will come to a head ... I'm not talking about this photo but about all the crap of this family and their little friends ...
Look at the frightened child knowing that her parents had warned her not to be touched and smelled by that pervert
Seeing the child's gaze, she seems to be afraid that her "grandfather" might stretch out his hands. And he seems to reach out !!!
They are orcs who are disgusting ... I would use the flamethrower ..
I would say something else but then the good Twitter helped by the lgbtxkvz world piddino progressive rainbow permissive makes me jump the account
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


"There is no time to waste", the population is aging and the contribution cost becomes unsustainable: between kimera Spa virus and Spa & Co killer vaccine Big 666 pharma: social spending is resolved!
So it is more sincere
"There is no time to waste" on the new vaccination campaign for over 60s and vulnerable people.
Thus the EU Commissioner for Health, Kyriakides.
"I urge Member States to IMMEDIATELY schedule a second recall for deaths of the elderly, young people, heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths."
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


la Repubblica "of DEM PD lgbtqia said:" Totti and Blasi the farewell is official: the story ends, normality begins!
the newspaper la Repubblica is of the Demonio Jew Freemason DEM & Pd the party company Soros!
Is love just a fairy tale? But these are morons ...
But how much must the Satan Sodom have to hate the family to write such a title?
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"The Catholic Church is an institution that I am obliged to deem divine, but to non-believers a proof of its divinity could be found in the fact that no purely human institution conducted with such dishonest foolishness would last fifteen days". by Hilaire Belloc
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

we must help Putin who has been attacked by all the perverted and demoniac master orcs of the Wahhabis OCI CIA UE Ursula the invisible Masonic occult octopus witch in the Masonic swamp of the Bildenberg-Soros from lucifer in Vatican
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
Israel bars Zionist protests against contentious Biden itinerary


What the murderer Tetsuya Yamagami ie the killer Tetsuya Yamagami is a slacker parasite: who has
stabbed his nation in the heart twice, which, hie stakenly thought, he thought he could make a living from the donations his mother made, but he was wrong. there are valid reasons for hating our politicians because of the demonic and sodomitic usurocratic, technocratic, technocratic, usurocratic, transnational freemasonry: but he didn't have these motives. all our politicians deserve the death penalty by induction:
1. to Satan's Satanism, Sodom's Satanism, and Allah's Satanism; to the Satanism of JaBulOn Marduch
2. for high constitutional treason the Rockefeller bank seigniorage: which for the 4 demons mentioned above is the origin. but sadly Shinzo Abe was not killed for this reason
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
WATCH: Twitter hires legal team to take on Elon Musk

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

all our politicians deserve the death penalty by induction:
1. to Satan's Satanism, Sodom's Satanism, and Allah's Satanism; to the Satanism of JaBulOn Marduch
2. for high constitutional treason the Rockefeller bank seigniorage: which for the 4 demons mentioned above is the origin.
but sadly Shinzo Abe was not killed for this reason
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
Palestinians organizing protest against Biden during visit


3 minutes of excerpt from the film 'New World Order' - In this film from 2014 there is a precise description of today's reality.
The many times confirmed predictive ability of cinematography.
Italy, 2014 Genre: detective story 83 ′
Directed by Fabio Ferrara, Marco Ferrara
With Enzo Iacchetti, Mario Ferrara, Stefania Orlando, Marzio Onorato, Benito Noviello.
(from youtube channel DiSinAntcontroinvStr)
In this 2014 film the precise description of today's reality.
The many times confirmed predictive ability of cinematography.
Italy, 2014 Genre: detective story 83 '
Directed by Fabio Ferrara, Marco Ferrara
With Enzo Iacchetti, Mario Ferrara, Stefania Orlando, Marzio Onorato, Benito Noviello.
--- FB page "Left and anti-racist, but against foreign invasion"
yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Poor Italians attack the town hall: they want a salary like refugees

More money for immigrants than retirees: 72% have a pension below the allowance of refugees

Putin annexes all of Ukraine: Russian citizenship to all Ukrainians

Landings + 30%: Islamic bomb on Italian beaches

The imam who praised the PD condemned: "In Italy we pay everything"

UBER Files scandal: "Uber bought politicians and used violence to establish itself in Italy"

Ius scholae, 70 foreign drug dealers attack Italian boys who refuse drugs

Infected Africans devastate the Lampedusa reception center: reduced as their home - VIDEO

Russo kills Ukrainian in church reception center: we import the war into Italy

Permanent coup: Draghi at the Quirinale by comrade Mattarella


Malta rejects French NGOs in Italian port: another 314 freeloaders arriving

Now France is also rejecting the Ukrainians in Italy

Euro collapses to an all-time low

The Roma burn Rome with the permission of the PD

Immigrant children to the judge: "We massacred the boy because it is our culture, do not expel us"


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