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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

USA-Rockefeller SpaCo. NWO are very happy for Iran NUCLEAR BOMB

 WATCH: Horrific Bombing of Israeli Embassy 30 Years Ago – Why Has No One Been Brought to Justice?


in USA-Rockefeller SpaCo. NWO are very happy for Iran NUCLEAR BOMB?

let's see? what civilian enrichment of uranium to 70% can be used for?

to do the T-Rex x-rays of course!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  7 comments

Is US Intel Cooking the Books on Iran?

 4 minutes ago

uuuhhhhmmmm let's see? what civilian enrichment of uranium to 70% can be used for?

huuuuuhhhhhhhh to do the T-Rex x-rays of course!

The 2022 national intelligence estimate isn't the first time the U.S. intelligence community has downplayed Iran's search for a bomb.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


jewish Mashjahch x Yitzhak Kaduri


hey, gentleman! your accomplices of google 666 FED

show you my site? can you see it

king888kings blogspot Com / 2022/03 / accursed-islamic-sharia-his-companion html

We have received your request for review

jewish MashjahchxYitzhak Kaduri



he had shown it in the mirror: it depicts the face of Jesus Xist with tears in his eyes and the crown of thorns on his head di lui. A little above we read "Oh my God!", The 'O' is none other than the navel of the artist.

Provocative, but from him.

gossip.It/news/fedez-felice-per-la-cover-su-rolling-stone-news html

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri




 19 minutes ago

Zelensky: "We will rebuild every street, every house and every city"

did so his Ursula OCTOPUS OTAN SATAN SODOMA tell you/yours?

I say that Putin will be the one to rebuild them!

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine: Al Bano hosts refugees, Putin made a big mistake.


as an old Chinese saying goes: "business is business"

it doesn't matter that in the USA the satanists ate his daughter .. that doesn't do anything!

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


#President #Mattarella: defeating the reasons for the war opened by Russia.

Who can doubt that a faithful servant of the Rothschild State can be intellectually corrupted? who could think that?

we see that the CIA coup in Kiev and the genocide of 14,000 Russian speakers in Dombass and the Odessa pogroms?

no one told him anything!

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  23 comments

Israel sees stream of Russian immigrants, not only Ukrainians


hey, gentleman! your accomplices of google 666 FED

show you my site? can you see it


We have received your request for review


 27 minutes ago

horror movies have troubled your mind!

that you are the proof of my theories

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Why can't you keep your demons on you?

“Jesus said to him: If I have spoken evil, it demonstrates

the evil that I have said; but if I spoke well, why are you beating me? " (John 18:23)

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


i am jewish Mashach x Yitzhak Kaduri


fedez, tattoo, satana-tattoo


 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Asher Tamir


“Jesus said to him: If I have spoken evil,

it demonstrates the evil that I have said;

but if I spoke well, why are you beating me? "

(John 18:23)

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri




he had shown it in the mirror: it depicts the face of Jesus Christ with tears in his eyes and the crown of thorns on his head. A little above we read "Oh my God!", The 'O' is none other than the navel of the artist. Provocative, but from him.




fedez, tatuaggio, satana



 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Fedez in tears, I'm sick


to that satanist, I advise him to go and take off the tattoo of Jesus of Bethlehem

that he put on his penis his pubes!

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


idiot! there are here no "sacrilegious "heretick" here, in political mode rational agnostic universal universal brotherhood

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


of course, i am King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  35 comments

Iranian hackers leak Mossad head's personal pics, documents


 16 minutes ago

where did your Jew-Freemason plutocratic tecnocratic Rothschild hide the money he stole from me with the scam banking seigniorage?

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


 32 minutes ago

on the website of your official agency: "the CIA"

I have read that in the USA 100,000 human sacrifices are made on the altar of satan every year,

then, since no culprit is ever found

then, it is logical to deduce that they are the ones who do these things themselves

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



what did you do last time on satan's altar?

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Gandhi (the great soul) he voluntarily renounced the "zum zum zum"

but what about me? I have to make a virtue of necessity,

we see that God JHWH wants me as Gandhi.

So I'm sorry for your pig-satan-sodom aspirations

if I can't satisfy them!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



you are a fool and your Satan is an idiot!

and you shouldn't joke about dangerous things you can't handle!

Why when I dare to touch my wife? she turns into a bear so ferocious that it would take 10 exorcists stronger than me to stop her!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



ok, and then if you take it in your mouth (my bayonet) to see how long it is, and then you choke me,

then, won't God hold me responsible for your Rothschild cursed soul, a soul that didn't have time to redeem itself?

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



humanly, I DON'T know why you're hating me,

but spiritually yes,

in fact, you are a priest of the CIA Satan Troll here!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews [open letter] STOP bulling me, after you have closed 14 accounts, stop! What will Muslims say? that you are not worthy to have a homeland like other peoples because you are too corrupt? that's exactly what they will say.

sure, I am like Moses, but I don't have the patience of him.

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri 2 days ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

i am King of Kings Unius REI

and King Israel lorenzoJHWH

Alexander Harold Hersh Jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri

You are delusional O Jewish Messiah Yitzchak Kaduri!

Doc Stevens Alexander Harold Hersh

Messiah = delusional!

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri Alexander Harold Hersh

I have a journey that spans 34 years, with 8 years fighting the CIA cannibals' Churches of Satan on youtube.

but, from which path does your insult arise?

Alexander Harold Hersh Jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri

Path of Enlightened Judaic Spiritual Truth.

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri Alexander Harold Hersh

Enlightened by your Lucifer

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri

Violent rioters terrorists Erdogan Jihad shar'a [open letter] I'm coming

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine-Russia, Boselli (Italy-China Foundation): "Only Xi can impose a solution by acting on Putin".


the effects, this world shaped by Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild until 1600AD?

it is convenient for the rich, Islamists, Freemasons, Satanists and perverts.

what if we are intellectually honest? we should recognize that

Content unavailable (he too, who doesn't see me? Insults me)

Doc Stevens Jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri

You are a lunatic. A lunatic fringe. Modern Medical Science & The Pharmaceutical Industry may be able to offer help! Explain your delusions to your psychiatrist asap.


 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  3 comments

WHISTLEBLOWER: China planned invasion of Taiwan this fall


Taiwan is a property of Rockefeller Spa & Co. the plutocratic Jews of satan sodom and cannot be respected,

at the outbreak of the world war wanted by Bin Salman's Wahhabis it will be taken!

 1jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  10 comments

Study Finds Significant Global Consensus on Antisemitism Definition


Putin Vladimir ] [ from Lviv/Leopoli, I can hit the priests of satan in Berlin with euro nuclear tactical missiles, just as they can hit Moscow from Latvia.

Lviv/Leopoli must be taken!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin reiterated my statement: "Russia (it is not like Erdogan) does not want to restore its empire"

indeed, he has always worked to respect the geopolitics of these states and to improve friendly relations with them.

Kremlin insists, Russia will be cleansed of traitors!

MOSCOW, 17 MAR - The operation in Ukraine will bring to light the "traitors" inside Russia, the Kremlin said, echoing the previous appeal of President Vladimir Putin to "purify" Russian society.

"In these situations, many people show themselves as traitors," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"They vanish from our lives on their own. Some leave their posts, others leave the country. This is how the purification is happening,"

Peskov said, however, adding that the "overwhelming majority" of Russians support Putin.

Putin: "Russia does not want to rebuild its empire"

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


What if you do something that Master Rothschild doesn't like? They count all the hairs, and then, his Jewish-Freemason magistrates will come looking for you: Netanjahu could tell!

Former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boris Borisov was arrested on Thursday evening in the capital Sofia. Together with him, former Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov also ended up in handcuffs.

According to rumors, the charges against the two are linked to irregularities in the management of European funds for the agriculture and construction sectors.

Bulgarian media note that the excellent arrests of Borisov and Goranov were carried out in the aftermath of a lightning visit to Sofia by Laura Kovesi, head of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


dear Lapid & Bennet you are a herd of goats!

breed of vipers! who will deliver you from the fire of hell?

where your worm does not die and where the malice of your soul is not extinguished.

quiì, unitedwithisrael Spa & co. worldisraelnews have resumed bullying me to close my account for the fifteenth time

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


in Belgrade, NATO bombed the Chinese embassy

and attacked Serbia without a UN mandate,

then he made a genocide with Erdogan (Muslim brothers) of Serbs and NATO soldiers in Kosovo, who razed 3000 monasteries, churches and cemeteries that no longer exist.

then he obtained the secession of Kosovo: because the internal law says that the borders of Ukraine cannot be touched

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Mario Draghi the satanism tecnocratic neoliberist agenda Klaus Schwab to Davos, of the High Constitutional betrayal, the scam of the banking seigniorage, and murders and suicides Satan Antichrist Sodom: he said:

"We send weapons to Ukraine to defend our values as NWO Deep State and Bildenberg"

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


dear Lapid & Bennet voi siete un branco di bastardi!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


A study by lorenzoHWH Unius REI finds significant global consensus on the definition of anti-Semitism:

1. Rockefeller is the first anti-Semite and anti-Zionist;

2. Rothschild is the second anti-Semite and anti-Zionist;

in fact 2000 years ago they took Jews by the beard, and cursed them because all Jews wanted to become Christians.

the curse was this:

1. to impose a pantheistic 666 (false star of David);

2. destroy the paternal genealogies to turn them all into bastards!

3. so every pogrom and every shoah were well served repeatedly: against the practices-parasites of banking seigniorage and international masonic conspiracy

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  26 comments

Naftali Bennett Emerges as a Mediator in Russia-Ukraine War


Beijing remember NATO bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during its 1999 air campaign in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Chinese diplomat said:

We do not need lessons on justice from the aggressor of international law, Branding NATO as a "Cold War remnant," the diplomat suggested: ma tu hai deve Reflect, if NATO

was contributing to world peace and stability with its expansion and military aggressive operations.

We have received your request for review

Sodom Allah Gomorrah and Satan decided that Serbia had no right to its territorial unity, and therefore, Erdogan 666 OTAN have moved the borders with impunity, therefore, in Kosovo Erdogan has razed 3000: th churches monasteries and cemeteries that today they no longer exist, all the genocide that the Ottomans today: "Muslim brothers: mujaedin" have done in Armenia, too!

NATO launched 1999 bombing campaign against Yugoslavia without authorization from the United Nations Security Council, where both Russia and China th have vetoed all attempts.


marked 4 times as s-p, a-m, have received your request for review

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  23 comments

Israel sees stream of Russian immigrants, not only Ukrainians


Jüdischer Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri worldisraelnews STOP bulling me NAzI

vor 16 St-u-n-de-n Als S p a m erkannt

Vor 5 S-tu-n-d-e-n Als S p a m erkannt

Vor 3 S-tu-nden Al-s S p a m erkannt

Peking lehnte die Forderungen der NATO ab, Russland in keiner Weise zu unterstützen, und erinnerte den Block daran, dass es seine Streitkräfte waren, die bombardiert haben die chinesische Botschaft in Belgrad während ihrer Luftkampagne 1999 in Jugoslawien. Botschaft in der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien.

Wir brauchen keine Lehren aus der Gerechtigkeit vom Angreifer des Völkerrechts,

Nato als „Überbleibsel des Kalten Krieges“ bezeichnend,

Der Diplomat schlug vor, dass die Organisation selbst etwas tun müsse. Reflexion zu prüfen, ob es trug mit seiner Expansion und seinen Militäroperationen zum Weltfrieden und zur Stabilität bei.

Wir haben Ihre Überprüfungsanfrage erhalten.

Gesetz von Sodom Allah Gomorrah als Spam erkannt

und Satan entschied, dass Serbien kein Recht auf seine territoriale Einheit hatte,

und deshalb hat Erdogan 666 NATO die Grenzen ungestraft verschoben, deshalb,

im Kosovo werden 3000 dem Erdboden gleichgemacht: Kirchen, Klöster und Friedhöfe, die es heute nicht mehr gibt, all der Völkermord, den die Osmanen von heute: "Muslimische Brüder: Mujaedin" auch in Armenien begangen haben!

China antwortet der NATO auf Anfrage Russlands:

1999 startete die NATO ohne Genehmigung des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen eine Bombenkampagne gegen Jugoslawien, bei der sowohl Russland als auch China gegen alle Versuche ein Veto einlegten. Die Militäraktion wurde mit der Notwendigkeit gerechtfertigt, die Kosovo-Rebellen vor ständigen Angriffen jugoslawischer Streitkräfte zu schützen.

Wir haben Ihren Antrag auf Überprüfung erhalten

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  46 comments

Jewish employee claims Google punished her for anti-Israel activism


#worldisraelnews [open letter] STOP bulling me, but how dare you put my message in Spam?

jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri 2 days ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

i am King of Kings Unius REI and King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  16 comments

Dozens of terrorists attack IDF forces in Jenin

Alexander Harold Hersh


Enlightened by your Lucifer

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  7 comments

Israel thwarts smuggling near Jordanian border; confiscates weapons, drugs


BIN ISIS Salman] [they say that the Russian army is failing, and having many, because it does not have intermediate graduates who can interpret the situations on the ground!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ all in life we receive "physically 10 mystical experiences of God", but whoever falls into mortal sin, forgets these experiences or having no FAITH is unable to interpret them.

25 years ago, I was teaching in Binetto (Bari)

and in a 1st grade class (11 years old children)

I was teaching a song about the charismatic Holy Spirit, and those pupils were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

but the devil started laughing inside the drawer of my desk .. in reality, he wanted to tell me: "let them grow, you will see how I will take them all back!"

but the devil then could not have known that thanks to you, I will take away all mankind!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the accursed Islamic sharia & his companion the Jewish freemason never say it .

but the martyrs are almost always the Christian martyrs!

Bus attacked at the border: 21 civilians massacred

Nigerian sources confirm 21 deaths in the attack on a passenger transport bus which took place yesterday not far from the border police station of Petelkolè, near the border with Burkina Faso and about thirty kilometers from Tera, in southwestern Niger. According to ActuNiger sources, armed individuals aboard a dozen motorcycles intercepted the vehicle in the middle of the day. The bus of a local private company made the Ouagadougou-Niamey connection. There are also serious injuries.

We would like to know your opinion on the Immersive Reader. Was the content displayed correctly on the web page?

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


G7, Spa & scam & Co. war crimes perpetrators in Ukraine will realize it, ha ha ha ha ha ...


but, it all depends on who the Judge is, because even if the Satan-Islam-Sodom have 80% of the planet, this does not mean that Rockefeller the leader of the Satanists, that is, that he is strong and able to me: Unius Rei,

and since I am the King of Kings, then, I too am the supreme judge!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel Stops Smuggling Near Jordanian Border; confiscation of weapons, drugs.

well, Rockefeller democracy you go? criminals and mafia and corrupt and Freemasons and sodomites and Satanists and DEMs that wherever you find the scum!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Sodom's hero Satan Zelenskyy through Fire of Ursula's antichrist #gay lobby #zelensky #ukraine



 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  46 comments

Jewish employee claims Google punished her for anti-Israel activism


¡La activista antiisraelí Ariel Koren es hermosa pero es perversa!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  23 comments

Israel sees stream of Russian immigrants, not only Ukrainians


Hace 5 horas Detectado como spam

Hace 3 horas Detectado como spam

Beijing rechazó las solicitudes de la OTAN de no apoyar a Rusia de ninguna manera, recordando al bloque que fueron sus fuerzas las que bombardearon

la embajada china en Belgrado durante su campaña aérea de 1999 en Yugoslavia.

"El pueblo chino puede relacionarse plenamente con los dolores y sufrimientos de otros países porque nunca olvidaremos quién bombardeó nuestra embajada en la República Federativa de Yugoslavia.

No necesitamos lecciones de justicia del agresor del derecho internacional,

", dijo. Dijo un portavoz de la misión diplomática de Beijing ante la UE, en respuesta a los comentarios hechos por el secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg. Al calificar a la OTAN como un "remanente de la Guerra Fría",

el diplomático sugirió que la organización necesitaba hacer algo por sí misma. reflexión para examinar si

estaba contribuyendo a la paz y la estabilidad mundiales con su expansión y operaciones militares.


Hemos recibido su solicitud de revisión.

Detectado como spam el derecho de Sodoma Allah Gomorra

y Satanas decidieron que Serbia no tenia derecho a su unidad territorial,

y por lo tanto, Erdogan 666 OTAN han movido las fronteras con impunidad, por lo tanto,

en Kosovo van a ser arrasadas 3000: iglesias monasterios y cementerios que hoy ya no existen, todo el genocidio que los otomanos de hoy: "hermanos musulmanes: mujaedin" han hecho también en Armenia!

China responde a la OTAN a petición de Rusia:

la OTAN lanzó en 1999 una campaña de bombardeos contra Yugoslavia sin autorización del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, donde tanto Rusia como China han vetado todos los intentos. La acción militar se justificó por la necesidad de proteger a los rebeldes de Kosovo de los constantes ataques de las fuerzas yugoslavas.

We have received your request for review



Westerners attack Putin, because all the information they received from Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild scam bamking seigniorage are:

corrupt, impartial and biased.

After the CIA-Nuland cursed coup in Kiev?

the Satan Sodom wrote in the Constitution that they must belong to NATO.

but, to belong to NATO, in constitutional mode?

this is not a Constitution argument, it is just a criminal argument!

that's why, "the killer's wife doesn't always laugh" (says an ancient Chinese proverb), and that's why, all the technocratic lgbtq and neoliberal Masonic demonic gorverns all scream their pain, for the tentacle NWO of the Octopus Ursula that is gone lost!

2  jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



G-d bless aliyah

1  jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  80 comments

Did Peter Beinart just blame Israel for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?



are there 332 messianic prophecies in the tanach about Jesus of Bethlehem and only 27 of them?

they are enough to declare scientifically, by a statistic law, that he is God!

Now, all the Rabbis know that he is Mashajah, but, if they say / admit it, those of the demonic Supreme Sanhedrin, what happens to him?

so, one year after his death, Kaduri had his notary read a message about me

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



kaduri is a great mystical saint and has no faults,

but you will be found guilty for not following his teaching

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



the Jewish religion prevented King David from having a symbol,

so your 666 rothschild star, is a slander against him,

and it's your sentence to hell,

the destruction of prophets and covenants, and blessings ...

you are brought forward by Satan not by JHWH

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



no for my ministry: by LorenzoJHWH, I have a residual debt of € 120,000euro to pay: only.

even if the churches of satan of the FED IMF ECB Bildenberg DEM PD ie, NWO deep State, have damaged me in these 14 years for 200,000 euros?

I have not counted this loss,

because I offered it to JHWH holy as a my sacrifice,

and as a sacrifice I gave / donated to JHWH, my 10 hours a day, for 7 days, and for 14 years, of all my Internet work

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



the monotheistic religion is transcendent Lineneare, while the Hindu religion is circular: because it does not come out of the forces of the physical universe.

Hitler's swastika and Israel's swastika star are equivalent, as a symbolic-religious language, they represent the natural forces that are under the control of satan, an imperialist principle, and that is why the UMMA empire wants to kill ISRAEL because see how the Rockefeller empire!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



I saw the buses of Israeli children explode, and I wrote to the English embassy, and I got the construction of the wall that separates Israel from Palestine.

then Yitzhak Kaduri read that report and said that I was the Jewish Messiah for the new era of prosperity and peace for mankind.

and this is a miracle because I only discovered that I was the King of Israel in 2008

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



obviously, what could I do to save the Christian martyrs, the Israelis and all the innocent on the planet that the Erdogan mosque and the Rockefeller synagogue were killing around the world?

and what could I do to stop NWO satanism?

therefore, I have elaborated an agnostic and rational political project for the Kingdom of ISRAELE

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



after all, without me it awaits you:

1. the asteroid sphere that will kill a third of mankind, e

2. the world war that will kill another third of mankind.

that is, if you do not want to believe that God has spoken to me, then know how to read: the signs of the times, at least

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



but if this was NOT my home and my inheritance, why did I have to offer my life for the salvation of Israel?

Was it the Christians who separated from the synagogue or was it the synagogue that drove them out?

Then not only the synagogue but also all the institutions and religions today have become the house of satan and God has abandoned the human race!

So will we continue to keep the HOLY away from us and away from all mankind, just because Rockefeller and his Wahhabis like it?

is clear in God's eternal plans,

we (Muslim Christians and Jews all monotheists) are one people and he will continue to see us always like this,

and as GOD said to our Father Abraham all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through us!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


JHWH taught me to give love to everyone, right away.

and not to love is cynicism and lack of spirituality, absence of the HOLY Spirit.

Will I be naive? ok, but there is always an innocent victim who has to pay for the redemption of the guilty in this world!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  80 comments

Did Peter Beinart just blame Israel for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?


and what do you know about the Hindu swastika 6punted pantheism, which for 2000 years has been cursing the flag of Israel and the Jewish people of God? as early as 2000 years ago when the High Sanhedrin ordered the destruction of all your paternal genealogies.

and now, without me you will continue to be cut off from the blessings of Abraham and the very council of Moses, because the Talmud and Kabbalah are the abomination of desolation in the house of God!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


What do you know about my contract with Almighty God, and the permissions he gave me, to free all prisoners around the planet, from generational curses.

what do you know about the three kings who are seated on the throne of JHWH

as Psalm 110 says?

What do you know about my rational agnostic metaisic political project of the 1. Kingdom of Israel, the Jewish temple and 2. its universal brotherhood?

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


what do you know about my path?

Who am I? I have been an Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 34 years,

I have paid € 600,000 for this ministry and I still have a debt of € 120,000 to pay:

while the Churches of Satan in southern Italy persecute me and try to kill me!

So I became the victim of all the dishonest laws that the Jewish Freemasonry, and the DEMs wanted and put in Italy, to finish destroying the Catholic bourgeoisie.

and then in youtube I ran into all the CIA's Churches of satan a terrible show of cannibals and murderers, and they were all punished by God:

*** this political ministry of lorenzoJHWH King of Israel began in 2008.

*** and since 2010 this political ministry of Universal Brotherhood has begun: by Unius REI.

then, all my 100 youtube channels were destroyed (300,000 videos of the destroyed Christian martyrs), because I used the word "sodomites", all channels destroyed in an instant by lgbt (because the satanists are dead and Rockefeller gave the media network satellite internet TV to them) because I used the word "buggers", which they think I shouldn't use.

and now 120 blogspots have destroyed me too.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


I can't force a person to love me! So, go to your God Satan in Hell: with all the curseds generational of Jewish plutocrats vampire murderers haters and usurers!

Jesus is Jewish, and I am a Christian within in HIM in his male genealogies,

while, you who have maternal female genealogies is because your mother is known, while your father is in doubt, and this is what Rothschild said about you,

certainly not me!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


I have been away from this site: for two years, that is, since the cowards of worldisraelnews, have closed my fourteenth account.

And without me here they were all mortally bored ..

but, the Holy Spirit brought me here, just the day before the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, to save the European kids from the massacre of the World War:

that Rockefeller planned a long, long time ago and that the super idiot of Stoltemberg fails to realize!

but, if the ARAB LEAGUE does not want to remove the sharia genocide, the world war will arise in SAUDI Arabia

because that bloodthirsty Allah has to pay for all his crimes!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  6 comments

WATCH: Putin 'feeding addiction in Western countries,' says UK leader

open letter to #Saudi #Arabia and the #UAE.

British Parasitic World Predator Minister #Boris Johnson is on a visit to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates to increase parasitic petrodollar oil production in those countries,


if you keep feeding the NWO monster and then,

you remain dead crushed underneath because I have decided to kill him, and you have not heeded my advice?

then, your own blood will fall only against you!

1  jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Beijing rejected NATO requests not to support Russia in any way, reminding the bloc that it was their forces that bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during its 1999 air campaign in Yugoslavia. "The Chinese th people can relate fully to the pains and sufferings of other countries because we will never forget who bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

We do not need lessons on justice from the aggressor of international law,

"he said. said a spokesman for the Beijing diplomatic mission to the EU, responding to comments made by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. th Branding NATO as a "Cold War remnant," the diplomat suggested th the organization needed to do some self-reflection th to examine whether it

was contributing to world peace and stability with its expansion and military operations. th https://www.rt.Com/news/552122-nato-bombing-chinese-embassy/

th We have received your request for review

 th the right of Sodom Allah Gomorrah and Satan decided that Serbia had no right to its territorial unity, and therefore, Erdogan 666 OTAN have moved the borders with impunity, therefore, in Kosovo are going to be razed 3000: th churches monasteries and cemeteries that today they no longer exist, all the genocide that the Ottomans today: "Muslim brothers: mujaedin" have done in Armenia, too!

China responds to NATO on Russia's request - th NATO launched 1999 bombing campaign against Yugoslavia without authorization from the United Nations Security Council, where both Russia and China th have vetoed all attempts. The military action was justified by the need to protect the rebels in Kosovo from the constant attacks of the Yugoslav forces.

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Discussion on World Israel News  14 comments

WATCH: The first American-style whiskey distillery in Israel

no! there will be no Chinese sanction against Russia!

China responds to NATO.

Beijing will never forget who bombed its embassy in Belgrade,

the mission to the EU said. China responds to NATO on Russia's request.

Beijing rejected NATO requests not to support Russia in any way

on Thursday, reminding the bloc that it was their forces that bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during its 1999 air campaign in Yugoslavia.

"The Chinese people can relate fully to the pains and sufferings

of other countries because we will never forget who bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

We do not need lessons on justice from the aggressor of international law,

" he said. said a spokesman for the Beijing diplomatic mission to the EU, responding to comments made by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Branding NATO as a "Cold War remnant," the diplomat suggested

the organization needed to do some self-reflection

to examine whether it

was contributing to world peace and stability with its expansion and military operations.


We have received your request for review


We have received your request for review

the right of Sodom Allah Gomorrah and Satan decided that Serbia had no right to its territorial unity, and therefore, Erdogan 666 OTAN have moved the borders with impunity, therefore, in Kosovo are going to be razed 3000: churches monasteries and cemeteries that today they no longer exist, all the genocide that the Ottomans today: "Muslim brothers: mujaedin" have done in Armenia, too!

China responds to NATO on Russia's request - RT World News https://www.rt.Com/news/552122-nato-bombing-chinese-embassy/

NATO launched 1999 bombing campaign against Yugoslavia without authorization from the United Nations Security Council, where both Russia and China

have vetoed all attempts. The military action was justified by the need to protect the rebels in Kosovo from the constant attacks of the Yugoslav forces.

We have received your request for review

they compare Putin to Hitler or Erdogan, but that doesn't make sense.

They say that Putin will invade other nations: because the witch Kamala 666 Harris with the crystal ball eye of SARUMAN cannot fail!

Crumbling dominance of the West behind global turmoil

Ultimately, the West's desire to maintain its global dominance is the root of the ongoing Ukrainian turmoil, as well as crises in other parts of the globe,

Putin believes.

The West's Global Political and Economic Domination Ends - Putin

"Today, the entire planet must pay the price for the West's ambitions,

for its attempts by any means to maintain its crumbling dominance,"

he said.

Concerned only with their "vested interests and super profits",

the Western elites have brought the world into the current situation through

"years of mistakes and short-lived decisions".

For example, the impact of anti-Russian sanctions, imposed on the Ukrainian conflict, is already being felt by ordinary people in the West

- while elites have strangely tried to blame Moscow, Putin noted.

I want ordinary Western people to listen to me too. You are constantly told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia's hostile actions and that you must pay out of your own pocket for efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat. This is all a lie.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

OTAN and false flag and "shocking cynicism" ] Ukraine has declared itself "anti-Russia" Putin said. Kiev and the West show a "shocking cynicism" an exasperated racism that is russophobia. Both Ukrainian authorities and the collective West showed

"shocking cynicism" in the midst of the conflict, Putin said,

offering the ballistic missile attack on downtown Donetsk that occurred on Monday as an example of such behavior. The attack killed at least 20 civilians.

"They are hitting the squares at random with the fervor of the fanatics and the exasperation of the condemned.

They are behaving like the Nazis did when they tried to drag as many innocent victims as possible into their graves,"

Putin said, adding that Kiev had tried to blame the attack on Russia through

"blatant lies".

[[in fact, the ground-to-ground missile that hit a skyscraper in Kiev also started from a Ukrainian base]]

The attitude of the "so-called civilized world" towards the missile attack proved "shocking even in its extreme cynicism," continued the president.

"The European and American press did not even notice this tragedy in Donetsk,

as if nothing had happened".

Putin said. "Just as they have hypocritically looked the other way for the past eight years when mothers buried their children in the Donbass, while the elderly were killed.

This is simply moral degradation, complete dehumanization."

Putin said.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine has declared itself "anti-Russia" Putin said.

In recent years, under the close leadership of their Western handlers, the Kiev authorities have turned Ukraine into "anti-Russia," Putin suggested.

The sole aim of the reigning Kiev "regime" is to carry on the conflict for as long as possible, with little regard to the fate of civilians or the resulting destruction.

Putin said. "We are seeing again and again that the Kiev regime, for which its Western masters have set the task of creating an aggressive 'anti-Russia', is indifferent to the fate of the Ukrainian people themselves." Putin said.

"It is also obvious that Western managers are simply pushing the Kiev authorities to continue the bloodshed. They are supplied with more and more batches of weapons, they are equipped with intelligence, they also receive other assistance, including military advisers and mercenaries.

Putin said.

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the issue of Donbass and Crimea pushed Kiev to obtain the most dangerous and forbidden weapons, because it knew it would force Russia to respond.

Kiev was actively looking for weapons of mass destruction

Ukrainian authorities have openly declared their goal of obtaining weapons

of mass destruction, namely nuclear bombs and means for their delivery,

the Russian president said. Given Kiev's extremely hostile attitude,

such systems would be used to strike Russia when ready.

[[ WHO advised Kiev to destroy disease-causing pathogens - media ]]

Putin also touched on the accusations of the Ukrainian biolab network,

raised by the Russian military during the offensive.

Facilities scattered across the country have allegedly been engaged

in biological weapons development with direct support from Washington.

The allegations, supported by documents published by the Russian military,

have been met with varying degrees of denial by senior US officials.

"There was a network of dozens of laboratories in Ukraine where military biological programs were conducted under the leadership and financial support of the Pentagon, including experiments with strains of the coronavirus, anthrax,

cholera, African swine fever and other deadly diseases. ".

Putin said, adding that "frantic attempts" are now underway to hide "traces of these secret programs".

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Conflict was inevitable or imperialism aggressive NATO 666 OTAN NWO BM FMI Spa&Co.

While waging war against the breakaway regions of Donbass,

Kiev is preparing for a broad offensive to recapture them, Putin said,

adding that "nearly 14,000 civilians, including children, have been killed" in the conflict.

Ukrainian authorities also tried to attack Crimea, which separated from the country in 2014 and joined Russia in a referendum.

Encouraged by the United States and other Western countries,

Ukraine was intentionally preparing for a scenario of force,

massacre and ethnic cleansing in the Donbass. A massive assault on Donbass

and then Crimea was only a matter of time.

However, our military has shattered these plans, "Putin said.

Kiev was actively looking for weapons of mass destruction

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

the match will now go out in the hands of the Wahhabis, and they will pay them for all the crimes of Satan Allah and sodom] [The global political and economic domination of the West ends - Putin said. The slanders that the world economic disaster is Russia's? It will NOT work

x Western elites, according to Putin, have turned their countries into an "empire of lies",

but Russia will continue to present its position to the whole world, no matter what.

"Myth of the Western welfare state, of the so-called golden billion, is crumbling". Furthermore, it is "the entire planet that must pay the price for the West's ambitions and its attempts to maintain its evanescent dominance at any cost," Putin said.

The president has predicted food shortages around the world as Western sanctions against Russia are negatively affecting the entire global economy.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Putin pretends not to know that behind Ukraine is Ursula's octopus,

his Sodom Spa&Co.Satan and Rockefeller's imperialist projects through NATO NWO FED IMF the petrodollars wahhabites?

no, he also said so expressly

The United States and its allies have sided with Ukraine and imposed a radical economic embargo on Russia, but both Washington and NATO have drawn the line of effective military confrontation with Moscow so far.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  14 comments

WATCH: The first American-style whiskey distillery in Israel

Putin pretends not to know that behind Ukraine is Ursula's octopus, her sodom satan and Rockefeller's imperialist projects through NATO.


Putin reveals how the bloodshed in Ukraine could have been avoided:

1. Kiev was asked to withdraw from the Donbass but refused, the Russian president said for the first time. "I want to say this for the first time: at the very beginning

of the operation in the Donbass, to avoid bloodshed, we asked the Kiev authorities through various channels not to engage in hostilities but simply withdraw their troops from the Donbass. They did not want to" Putin said

2. Putin ordered the Russian army to enter Ukraine to demilitarize and "denazify" the government in Kiev. He accused the Ukrainian leadership of "genocide"

against the Russian-speaking residents of the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk

whom Russia had recognized as independent a few days earlier - as well as seeking NATO membership and nuclear and biological weapons,

which he said they represented an existential threat to the security of Russia.

All diplomatic options were "completely exhausted," Putin said, leaving Moscow "with no options for peacefully resolving the problems that arose through no fault of our own."

3. According to the Russian president, Kiev not only refused to negotiate

with the Donbass republics, but prepared for open war against them and Russia,

and continued bombing civilians while sending saboteurs and terrorists to the Crimea. - the peninsula that voted to join Russia after the US-backed 2014 coup in Ukraine.

"We had no other option for self-defense, to ensure the security of Russia,

except to conduct a special military operation," the president said, adding that the intervention "will reliably guarantee the security of Russia and ours. people

and will never allow Ukraine to act as a springboard for aggressive actions against our country. "

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Propaganda in the West has created false expectations of Ukrainian success.

Zelensky's refusal to negotiate an armistice will only kill more Ukrainians.

Zelensky and his accomplices are the real war criminals, because they are getting people killed with no hope of winning!

The biggest problem right now is that “in the West there is no truth.”

The biggest lie I have heard repeated on television is that Russian troops

have been told to deliberately kill Ukrainian civilians. It's absurd, it's nonsense. "

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given strict orders from the start

to avoid civilian casualties and massive property damage, retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor told Grayzone in an extensive interview Tuesday.

This slowed down the advance of the Russians "to the point of giving

false hope to both Ukrainians ... but caught by the people in the West, to try to convince the world that a defeat is underway, when in reality it is the opposite,"

he said. said Macgregor.

"The war, for all intents and purposes, has been decided," said the retired colonel. "The whole operation from day one has focused on the destruction of Ukrainian forces.

This is largely complete."

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

the satanists are reckless reckless with me!


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in ItaGlia This comment was marked as spam.How freedom-infringing facial recognition threatens you every day

Despite opposition from rights groups, Orwellian technology can recognize and track anyone, wherever it is booming. ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER

" raglio: hi ho! HIHO! raglio" This comment was marked as spam. raglio "hi hoùù!" when I went to the "Ministr Treasury", I could not enter because the scanner wanted to record the iris of my eyes, but the software did not work,

why in Italy? even the New World Order of Satan and Sodom fails to function


 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

How freedom-infringing facial recognition threatens you every day

Despite opposition from rights groups, Orwellian technology can recognize and track anyone, wherever it is booming.


when i went to the home office from to the Ministry of the Interior, i could not enter because the scanner wanted to record the iris of my eyes, but the software did not work,

why in Italy HiHo hiho hi ho? even the New World Order of Satan and Sodom fails to function


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Moscow attacked Ukraine in late February after a seven-year standstill over Ukraine's failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia's eventual recognition of the Donbass republics with capital in Donetsk and Lugansk. .

The Minsk protocols mediated by Germany and France were designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

but, to Germany and France of the violations of the Minsk agreement, of the 15,000 corpses by Nazi-fascist Ukraine? it didn't matter

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led OTAN military bloc.

*** Kiev insists that Ukraine is one and indivisible and that as Erdogan ordered? it is necessary to go and shoot on the CRIMEA.

*** Kiev insists that the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and denied claims that it was planning to retake the two Russian-speaking republics after 8 years and 15,000 dead, by force.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

Kharkiv yeshivah takes direct hit from Russian rocket fire, no one injured


Two minutes of history - The Istrian, Julian and Dalmatian exodus

on February 10, 1947. the peace treaty gives an entire Italian region: Istria, Dalmatia River as compensation for war damage to Tito's Yugoslavia. Very high price: 200,000 will be infoibated, and 185,000 will return to Italy.

Istrian, Julian and Dalmatian where by the Italian Communists will persecute them and accuse / slander them of being fascists!

and instead he was the best of the Italian peoples.

another operation of the Jew-Freemason the Anglo-American antichrist Talmudic satanist usurer.

and the Istrian, Julian and Dalmatian people were so fascist that at the risk of their own lives they allowed the salvation of 200,000 Jews who fled the Balkans!


1  3jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Due minuti di storia - L'esodo istriano, giuliano e dalmata

il 10 febbraio 1947

il trattato di pace consegna una intera regione italiana: Istria, Fiume Dalmazia come risarcimento da danni di guerra alla Jugoslavia di Tito.

Prezzo altissimo: 200000 verranno infoibati, e 185000 ritorneranno in Italia

dove i comunisti italiani li perseguiteranno e li accuseranno/calunnieranno di essere fascisti!

ed invece era il migliore dei popoli italiani.

un altra operazione dell'ebreo-massone l'anticristo anglo-americano usuraio talmudico satanista.

e popolo istriano, giuliano e dalmata era così fascista che a rischio della propria vita permise la salvezza a 200000 ebrei che fuggivano dai balcani!


 3jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

m ISRAEL ] [ I may seem cynical / insensitive to all the people who are dying because of Rockefeller imperialism Kabalah.

but, it is not so, I suffer and pray!

but, I am among the corpses, for 34 years, every day, because of Bin Salman and the ARAB LEAGUE of their cursed devil and of the Islamist Kabbalah, with my Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 34 years!

 3jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

German government ok Germany-Italy gas solidarity agreement


yes the government will ask us to hold up and fart in the balloons!

 3jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  16 comments

U.S. General: Many of Iran's 3,000 ballistic missiles can hit Israel

the SMART president of the EU Council, Charles Michel. "We have other additional sanctions in reserve" for Russia, underlines Michel


what scares me most is when they take away the toilet paper!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine, the IDIOTA Michel: "New sanctions for Russia are ready"

ok this time we lost the cribs and chewing gum!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

the so-called criminal Islamic-Fascist-Nazi international community NATO EU USA the satan sodom of Jewish usurers-Freemasons, don't want to move the borders with violence?

excellent principle! ok, then, they shouldn't have allowed the CIA-Nuland Constitutional GOLPE violence in Kiev with all the pogroms that followed.

I demand all of Ukraine for me, but what if the Russians are forced to an agreement?

the new Ukraine will be bordered by the river,

that is: Kiev-Kerkasy-Vinnytsia

and from Vinnytsia to Moldavia.

So the CIA-NATO must stop organizing Islamic coups and revolutions all over the world: to export the satanism of its democracy!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

alpcns .

the globalist Jews, in these 80 years could have built a Jewish home, and would have humanized the ARAB LEAGUE

only, if they wanted to ...

but to steal the peoples in the banks? it was more important to them.

and how they condemned European Jews with Hitler,

today, they condemned Israeli Jews through IRAN.

We cannot forget how with the protection of the French

that criminal terrorist of Ruḥollāh Moṣṭafāvī Mōsavī Khomeynī was brought to power!

All that is against: Israel the Bible and Christians?

it's always good for the Talmud!

 3jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Putin is the real hero, it is all thanks to him that the world war did not overwhelm all of Europe!

Today Western propaganda against him is too slanderous, because NATO cannot admit his responsibility without condemning itself in front of a REAL international court!

Putin, therefore, accused the West of covering up in Ukraine the genocidal "pogroms" of Russian speakers, coup in Kiev with CIA-Nuland snipers.

Russia recognized the 'Donbass People's Republics' to "protect the population which for eight years was bullied and subjected to genocide by the Kiev regime".

"We were and are ready to discuss these things in the negotiations", he said, reiterating Moscow's demands regarding "the: 1. neutral state of Ukraine,

2. its demilitarization e

3. denazification e

4. questions of principle for our country and its future ".

"If the West thinks that Russia will step back - Putin warned once again - it does not understand Russia".

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

actually, these terrible sanctions against Russia?

they are not as bad for Russia as they seem, but they terribly affect the economic balance of Europe!

and will open a chasm under the foot of the Rothschild Spa & Co empire. OWL. Ja-Bul-On the Rockefeller Demon

that is, what if all producers of raw materials and oil refuse to trade in dollars?

the NWO of Satan Allah Sodom will collapse

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

if Putin did not enter Ukraine?

NATO-UK-USA would always be tempted

to carry out a tactical preemptive nuclear strike (and they also said it at the highest military levels, that is, they would do it),

why to the USA of the life of the Germans and Europeans? it doesn't matter .. and China without Russia alone?

she couldn't resist either!

the russian invasion of UKRAINE, moved the world war that Rockefeller wants to obtain (for accounting financial reasons of BM FMI) to the Middle East

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

thing of occult esoteric demonic and Masonic supernantural have invented: Salman ISIS BIN Rockefeller and Rothschild and have created to continue to steal the seigniorage bank, which is the blood of all peoples?

The West is trying to "wipe out Russia".

This is what Russian President Vladimir Putin once again denounced, according to whom the attempts of the West to dominate on a global level "are coming to an end".

"Russia's goal is not to occupy Ukraine," he said, referring to the war that has been going on for 3 weeks since the Russian invasion of the neighboring country began.

The Russian military operation in Ukraine "is a success",

the president said, stating that he will never allow Ukraine to become "a stepping stone" to threaten Russia. "The Russian people will be able to distinguish patriots from traitors."

Is US Intel Cooking the Books on Iran? 

uuuhhhhmmmm let's see? what civilian enrichment of uranium to 70% can be used for?

huuuuuhhhhhhhh to do the T-Rex x-rays of course!

  The 2022 national intelligence estimate isn't the first time the U.S. intelligence community has downplayed Iran's search for a bomb.

uuuhhhhmmmm vediamo? a cosa di civile può servire un arricchimento dell'uranio al 70%?

huuuuuhhhhhhhh per fare le radiografie a T-Rex ovviamente!

 La stima dell'intelligence nazionale del 2022 non è la prima volta che la comunità di intelligence degli Stati Uniti ha minimizzato la ricerca di una bomba da parte dell'Iran.

WATCH: Horrific Bombing of Israeli Embassy 30 Years Ago – Why Has No One Been Brought to Justice? 


in USA-Rockefeller SpaCo. NWO are very happy for Iran NUCLEAR BOMB?

let's see? what civilian enrichment of uranium to 70% can be used for?

to do the T-Rex x-rays of course!

where did your Jew-Freemason hide the money he stole from me with the bank seigniorage? 

dove il tuo ebreo-massone ha nascosto i soldi che mi ha rubato con il signoraggio bancario?


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