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tachipirina and watchful waiting for death


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Open letter a India Cina Russia Ue USA ] [ Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid? are 2 idiots!

because they do NOT know that it is normal for the Satanists of the Biden administration to remove the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the State Department's list of terrorist organizations.

in fact, what is the difference between Erdogan's shari'a and ISIS's sharjah?


and in fact what is the difference between Bin Salman's Sharia and that of IRAN sharjah?


so, let's stop making fun of ourselves and destroy the whole ARAB LEAGUE, better sooner than later!

Il primo ministro Naftali Bennett e il ministro degli Esteri Yair Lapid sono 2 idioti!

perché NON sanno che per i satanisti della amministrazione Biden è normale di rimuovere il Corpo delle guardie rivoluzionarie iraniane (IRGC) dalla lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche del Dipartimento di Stato.

infatti che differenza c'é tra la shari'a di Erdogan e quella di ISIS?


e infatti che differenza c'é tra la shari'a di Bin Salman e quella di IRAN?


allora, finiamo di prenderci in giro e distruggiamo tutta la LEGA ARABA, meglio prima che dopo!

Ukraine, Russia warns Bosnia-Erzagovina. The ambassador: «They will end up like Kiev if they join NATO»

if you have learned to read?

then you will find out for yourself how NATO is slandering Russian Ambassador to Sarajevo Igor Kalbukhov

Ucraina, la Russia avverte la Bosnia-Erzagovina. L'ambasciatore: «Faranno la fine di Kiev se aderiranno alla Nato» 

se avete imparato a leggere?

allora scoprirete da soli come la NATO sta calunniando  L'ambasciatore russo a Sarajevo Igor Kalbukhov


while Germany is neutral? on the map they put England, Italy and France, as if they were ready to go to war at the sling of Ukraine.

nella piantina hanno messo Inghilterra Italia e Francia, come di essere pronti a entrare in guerra al fianco della Ucraina.

mentre le Germania è neutrale


Ukraine: Theater blown apart, rescue workers search for survivors

 dear warmonger Mario Draghi at Goldman Sach, [open letter] I would come to kill the Russians (very willingly), but unfortunately, I am already 61 years old, and my children whom I have always tried to educate as brave and heroic Pravi Sector fascists, and upright Nazis Battaglio Azov?

ok my wife (for a form of family modesty, I abstain from details)?

my wife has destroyed all my educational purposes!

caro guerrafondaio Mario Draghi presso Goldman Sach, [ open letter ] io verrei ad uccidere i russi(molto volentieri), però purtroppo, io ho già 61 anni, e i miei figli che io ho sempre cercato di educare come coraggiosi ed eroici fascisti Pravi Sector, e integerrimi Nazisti Battaglione Azov?

ok mia moglie (per una forma di pudore familiare, io mi astengo dai particolari)?

mia moglie ha mandato in fumo tutti i miei propositi educativi!


Attempt to delist IRGC as terror group 'insult to victims,' say Bennett, Lapid 

Ukraine, Michel: "New sanctions for Russia are ready"

this guy scares me,

because it looks to me like a penis shape with glasses!

Ucraina, Michel: “Pronte nuove sanzioni per la Russia” questo ragazzo mi spaventa,

perché mi sembra una forma di pene con gli occhiali!


Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson 

I put the link, because you could believe that I was joking.

Ukraine, petition by European politicians: we nominate Zelensky and the Ukrainian people to the Nobel Peace Prize.

but first they should say who killed the 100 corpses in Maidan Square and then, we have to go and list the Odessa Pogroms, then we have to call the 14000 of the Donbass and we must first arrest them all for opposition to the Rothschild state demonic sodomy!

ho messo il link, perché voi potevate credere che io stavo scherzando.

Ucraina, petizione dei politici europei: candidiamo Zelensky e il popolo ucraino al Nobel per la Pace.

ma primo dovrebbero dire chi ha ucciso i 100 cadaveri in Piazza Maidan e poi, dobbiamo andare ad elencare i Pogrom di Odessa, poi dobbiamo chiamre i 14000 del Donbass e li dobbiamo prima arrestare tutti per opposizione alla sodomia demoniaca di Stato Rothschild! 

Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson 

 Mandela continued to blame the war in Ukraine on Israel and the Western alliance.


we must understand / understand that for an Islamic who pursues the imperiasm and the Nazism and the terrorism and the genocide of the Replacement theology of the UMMA OCI IRAN Riyadh, for over 1400 years, and with 1.2 billion innocent victims, they have done ?

we of NATO 666 (false star of David) Israel (objectively, we are the great and the little satan of Rockefeller and Rothschild Spa & Co)?

that is, we of NATO, we are an imperialism antagonistic to theirs!

Mandela ha continuato a incolpare della guerra in Ucraina Israele e l'alleanza occidentale.


noi dobbiamo capire/comprendere che per un islamico che persegue l'imperiasmo e il nazismo e il terrorismo e il genocidio della teologia della Sostituzione della UMMA OCI IRAN Riyad, da oltre 1400anni, e con 1,2miliardi di vittime innocenti, che loro hanno fatto?

noi della NATO 666 (falsa stella di Davide) Israele (oggettivamente, noi siamo il grande e il piccolo satana di Rockefeller e Rothschild Spa&Co)?

cioè, noi della NATO, noi siamo un imperialismo antagonista a quello loro!


WATCH: ‘You’re not God,’ Ukrainian pastor tells Putin 

the bible forbids sending men who have been married for less than a year to war.

but the US demons eu Rothschild & Rockefeller Spa & Co. the satanists? they are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive. and you cannot ask a Jewish moneylender for mercy!

Those fathers "deserters" forced to enlist. "I don't want to kill"


“Alessia and I had nothing - says the boy, who has been married for three weeks -. We got engaged and found a job, then a house and finally got married ”. They tried to cross the border together towards Chisinau, Moldova. But the Ukrainian policewoman blocked him: “You have to fight for the homeland!”. Alessia's tears no one will ever be able to describe them. She stayed too, she didn't want to leave him alone. She begs him not to join the militias. “Then we'll fight together,” she tells him she almost threatens him. But he would not forgive himself for having dragged her in front of the enemy. He feels like a coward, a traitor from Kiev. Then he greets with one of those phrases that would look good in his books: “I'm not going to fight, I have to protect her. Ukraine is my land, Alessia is my homeland ". And to write that you are a deserter, we just can't.


Norm  jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

What's your point ? That young men should have stayed with the women in the holocaust ?


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri                  Norm 

sorry, your question seems out of context here, and but, the bible orders to fight against the satanism-talmudic that Rockefeller Spa & Co. high constitutional treason, bank seigniorage, represents with the Jewish-Masonic demonic ideology of usury-universal, and every perversion and immorality (abortion, euthanasia, rented uterus, etc ..) that are allowed by the democratic party

sorry, la tua domanda mi sembra fuori contesto quì, e ma, la Bibbia ordina di combattere contro il satanismo-talmudico che Rockefeller Spa&Co. alto tradimento costituzionale, il signoraggio bancario, rappresenta con la ideologia demoniaco ebraico-massonica di usura-universale, e ogni perversione e immoralità (aborto, eutanasia, utero in affito, etc..) che sono permesse dal partito democratico

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri                   Norm 

I am God's only answer to the world!

the proanation of the FED IMF ECB NWO BM

has contaminated everything on this planet!


WATCH: ‘You’re not God,’ Ukrainian pastor tells Putin 


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Luigi Di Maio: "Only Putin can stop the war".

Di Maio is an absolute scum, who like all Western politicians, infamous sold and corrupt, are under the absolute dominion of Rockefeller of the Jewish-Masonic pyramid of lucifer: drawn on the American dollar: "Satanism" and "the antichrist Ursula", with a sodomy of State which is a logical consequence!

and they have less power than me, because at least I with the computer keyboard, I can say what I think but they can't!

and the scariest thing is not this, but it is the wahhabis, who are waiting for the world war, to see how they can incorporate africa and europe into the Arab League

Luigi Di Maio: “Solo Putin può fermare la guerra”.

Di Maio è una feccia assoluta, che come tutti i politici occidentali, infami venduti e corrotti, sono sotto il dominio assoluto di Rockefeller della piramide di lucifero ebraico-massonica: disegnata sul dollaro americano: "il satanismo" l'articristo Ursula, con una sodomia di Stato che ne è conseguena logica!

e loro hanno meno potere di me, perché almeno io con la tastiera del computer, io posso dire quello che io penso e invece loro no!

e la cosa più spaventosa non è questa, ma sono i wahhabiti, che aspettano la guerra mondiale, per vedere come possono inglobare africa ed europa nella LEGA ARABA

wise old Arnold Schwarzenegger, told Russian citizens: "Putin told you that the war was against the Nazis: he lied, this war is against Rockefeller and all his suckers like me"

il vecchio saggio Arnold Schwarzenegger, ha detto ai cittadini russi: “Putin vi ha detto che la guerra era contro i nazisti: ha mentito, questa guerra è contro Rockeeller e contro tutti i suoi succhiatori come me”


Fearing attack, Israel coordinates with Russia on field hospital in Ukraine 

I had said that the Israeli citizen, who was killed in Ukraine, on his way back to Israel, was because there is compulsory military conscription from 18 to 60 years old,

and I'm sorry I was right this time too!

io avevo detto che il cittadino israeliano, che è stato ucciso in Ucraina, mentre ritornava in Israele, era perché c'é coscrizione militare obbligatoria dai 18 ai 60anni,

e mi dispiace avere avuto ragione anche questa volta!

Fearing attack, Israel coordinates with Russia on field hospital in Ukraine 

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Vladimir Puti [ open letter!! ] Is Russia preparing the final push in Kiev?

absolutely not! it's just a bad siege!

Pentagon, nuclear threat risk if war drags on (Satan Obama is a liar and murderer from the beginning).

there we not will have nuclear threat

Pentagono, rischio minaccia nucleare se guerra si trascina (satana Obama e mentitore ed assassino in dal principio).


‘No One Stood Up to Hitler,’ Says Jew Fighting in Ukraine 

Covid: Mattarella, we bow to the memory of the victims,

In the pain of family members: the entire national community is recognized.


we honor all those killed by WHO/OMS and their accomplices FEMA AIFA: Spa&Co Faici, Bill Gates

by protocol: "tachipirina and watchful waiting for death"

Covid: Mattarella, ci inchiniamo alla memoria delle vittime,

Nel dolore dei familiari: si riconosce l'interna comunità nazionale.


si onoriamo tutti quelli che sono stati uccisi da OMS e loro Complici:

per protocollo: "tachipirina e vigile attesa della morte"


‘No One Stood Up to Hitler,’ Says Jew Fighting in Ukraine 

"auction don't be ignorant," said the ignorant Daniel Lupshaitz, a Ukrainian religious Jew,

ANSWER .. my son,

if you are ignorant? it's not your fault,

in fact the fault lies with Rivlin, and because also, no one has taught you the bank seigniorage scam, and no one is telling you that, you are dying for Rothschild Spa & Co. on the bad side of history, and that Putin is not Hitler

"basta non essere ignoBranti" ha detto l'ignorante Daniel Lupshaitz, un ebreo religioso ucraino,

ANSWER.. figlio mio,

se tu sei ignorante? non è colpa tua,

infatti la colpa è di Rivlin, e perché anche, nessuno ti ha insegnato la truffa del signoraggio bancario, e nessuno ti sta dicendo che, tu stai morendo per Rothschild Spa&Co. dalla parte cattiva della storia, e che Putin non è Hitler


‘No One Stood Up to Hitler,’ Says Jew Fighting in Ukraine 


This man is defending the people who assisted the Nazi's in leading his people to the gas chambers.The Ukrainians now fleeing are not being led to their death, big difference.


Sabrina paradis  jefz 

I absolutely agree with You. The man is misguided in his passion for the same people who not that long ago enthusiastically murdered Jews


Syria sending 40,000 fighters to help Russians fight Ukraine 

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

Moscow, over 200 thousand in concert for Crimea anniversary

Police, '95 thousand in the stadium and over 100 thousand outside '.

Putin is a hero, a great one! the greatest politician and man we have in the world.

his enemies? they are the greatest criminals in the history of mankind!



40,000 syrians.. they will be battle hardened when they return to syria.. the chechen force is formidable ..

these soldiers are well trained.




'Greatest of the generation': Leading Torah sage, 94, passed away

 Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky nella sua casa nella città di Bnei Brak, 

he was so studious, that in the Torah he saw neither Jesus of Bethlehem nor me,

and he did not see Rothschild Baal or Rochefeller OWL who stole the Jewish-Christian symbols, from him and everyone!

then a coward died

era così studioso, che nella Torà non ha visto ne Gesù di Betlemme e neanche me,

e non ha visto ne Rothschild Baal e neanche Rochefeller OWL che hanno rubato i simboli ebraico-cristiani, a lui e a tutti!

allora è morto un codardo


'Greatest of the generation': Leading Torah sage, 94, passed away

 satan's priests have occupied institutions in the USA,

as well as lgbtq communists and freemasons have occupied the Italian and European institutions ..

this is a true demonic infestation


I remember a young woman (around 40 years old) had called her police, and she went out in piss going to meet them, but she was shot to death!


Usa, man arrested in California dies like George Floyd.

  Then he keeps repeating the same words as Floyd, "I cant 'breathe" (I can't breathe) before losing consciousness for 3 minutes and dying.

i sacerdoti di satana hanno occupato le istituzioni in USA,

così come comunisti lgbtq e massoni hanno occupato le istituzioni italiane ed europee..

questa è una vera infestazione demoniaca


ricordo che una donna giovane (circa 40 anni) aveva chiamato la lei polizia, e lei uscì in piagiama andando incontro a loro, ma fu sparata a morte!


Usa, uomo arrestato in California muore come George Floyd .

 Poi continua a ripetere le stesse parole di Floyd, "I cant' breathe" (non riesco a respirare) prima di perdere conoscenza per 3 minuti e morire. 

Benjamin Netanyahu hear:

When will I become aware of my infused knowledge? then I will decide the fate of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, but this is what you must know:

"There is no place in heaven for the accomplices of the Islamic-democratic-Masonic system Spa & Co.

 Benjamin Netanyahu senti: 

quando io prenderò cosciena della mia scienzza infusa? allora deciderò del destino di Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, ma è questo che tu devi sapere:

"non esiste in paradiso un posto per i complici del sistema islamico-democratico-massonico Spa&Co.



'Greatest of the generation': Leading Torah sage, 94, passed away 

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

worldisraelnews [ open letter ] quì c'é un tuo criminale che io non ho bloccato, ma che lui è comunque invisibile per me, che, lui mi viene dietro con bestemmie!


worldisraelnews [open letter] here is a criminal of yours, whom I have not blocked, but who is still invisible to me, who comes after me with curses, and who manages to comment on my posts!





'Greatest of the generation': Leading Torah sage, 94, passed away

 Norm  jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

You have no truth about Freemasons , many who were Jews who followed G-ds path to a new World & a new Judeo Christian brotherhood of moral conduct.


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  Norm 

all good Masons were our fathers of the Fatherland,

but they had all spit and trampled on the Bible and given monetary sovereignty to the Rockefellers anyway!

and in any case, mine is the definitive word of the Kingdom of God

tutti massoni buoni erani i nostri padri della Patria,

ma avevano sputo e calpestato tutti la Bibbia ed avevano dato la sovranità monetaria ai Rockefeller comunque!

e comunque, la mia è la parola definitiva del Regno di Dio



my son, you are too far left

and the left? is the hand of the devil!


figlio mio, tu sei troppo a sinistra

e la sinistra? è la mano del diavolo!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

the hatred of the Sharjah Muslims against all peoples and religions is 1400 years old, and 1.2 billion dead innocent martyrs.

but, Israel who profaned the UMMA at its core?

and occupies Jerusalem (the city of the prophet) is a mortal sin that cannot be tolerated!

we all know how Hitler allied himself with the Ottomans and the Imam of Jerusalem to exterminate the Jews

l'odio dei musulmani sharjah contro tutti i popoli e religioni ha 1400 anni, e 1,2miliardi di morti martiri innocenti.

ma, Israele che ha profanato la UMMA al suo centro? 

ed occupa Gerusalemme(la città del profeta) è un peccato mortale che non si può tollerare!

sappiamo tutti come Hitler si alleò con gli ottomani e con Imam di Gerusalemme per sterminare gli ebrei

WATCH: Palestinian Song Praises Putin’s Atrocities, Threatens Ukrainian Women

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri   

Why do Palestinians praise Vladimir Putin's reprehensible atrocities and persecutions of the Ukrainian people?

Why does Israel NOT keep itself neutral (as I advised it to do), and start slandering Putin too?

why, is it complicit in the infinite crimes of the New World Order, and in the extermination, coup and pogroms and political repression of Russian speakers?

Why do we think Putin is impulsive who could have avoided this war?

NATO is aggressive and he could not avoid this war!

Putin is just a victim of NATO and Western imperialism.

And why does Israel put on the wrath of God and stain their hands with innocent blood?

blood that the Rockefellers and his accomplices are shedding

Perché i palestinesi lodano le riprovevoli atrocità e persecuzioni del popolo ucraino da parte di Vladimir Putin? 

Perché Israele NON si mantiene neutrale (come io ho consigliato di fare), e si mette a calunniare Putin anche lui?

perché, si rende complice degli infiniti delitti del NWO, e dello sterminio, golpe e pogrom e repressione politica dei russofoni?

Perché pensiamo che Putin sia un impulsivo che poteva evitare questa guerra?

la NATO è aggressiva e lui non poteva evitarla questa guerra!

Putin è soltanto una vittima della NATO e dell'imperialismo occidentale.

E perché Israele si riveste dell'ira di Dio, e si macchia le mani di sangue innocente?

sangue che i Rockefeller e i suoi complici stanno facendo versare


Syria sending 40,000 fighters to help Russians fight Ukraine

 finally, the monopoly BM FMI Spa & Co. Monetary Rockefeller threw the mask, and proved to be the cause of imperialism and wars!

So the trust of users (India China Russia, OCI etc .. etc ..) is continually blackmailed and threatened: by a worldwide project of enslavement, submission, theft, prevarication, bullying, sodomy and Satanism.

this is the end of the dollar and the end of the NWO!

finalmente, il monopolio BM FMI Spa&Co. Rockefeller monetario ha gettato la maschera, ed ha dimostrato di essere la causa dell'imperialismo e delle guerre!

Quindi la fiducia degli utenti (India Cina Russia, OCI etc.. ec.. ) viene ricattata e minacciata continuamente: da un progetto mondiale di schiavizzazione, sottomissione, furto, prevaricazione, bullismo, sodomia e satanismo.

questa è la fine del dollaro ed è la ine del NWO!

Putin is not very alone in this conflict. The EU have to be having 2nd thoughts about the brazen

diplomacy of biden, blinken.. A diplomatic no-no.. China, India, Arabs are looking for alternatives to financing transactions in dollars $$, the end of the petrodollar monopoly.

arabs, indians, asians have a lot of money parked in bank / investments accounts in western countries. The financial system is based on trust. Once you rip off clients, & take assets , word gets around & these bank are no longer of any trustworthiness, including switzerland.

Putin non è molto solo in questo conflitto. L'UE deve avere ripensamenti sullo sfacciato

diplomacy of biden, blinken.. Un no-no diplomatico.. Cina, India, arabi cercano alternative alle transazioni finanziarie in dollari $$, la fine del monopolio dei petrodollari.

arabi, indiani, asiatici hanno molti soldi parcheggiati in conti bancari/di investimento nei paesi occidentali. Il sistema finanziario si basa sulla fiducia. Una volta che hai derubato i clienti e preso beni, la voce si gira e queste banche non sono più affidabili, compresa la Svizzera.

Syria sending 40,000 fighters to help Russians fight Ukraine



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 9 minutes ago


Putin is not very alone in this conflict. The EU have to be having 2nd thoughts about the brazen

diplomacy of biden, blinken.. A diplomatic no-no.. China, India, Arabs are looking for alternatives to financing transactions in dollars $$, the end of the petrodollar monopoly.

arabs, indians, asians have a lot of money parked in bank / investments accounts in western countries. The financial system is based on trust. Once you rip off clients, & take assets , word gets around & these bank are no longer of any trustworthiness, including switzerland.



 4 hours ago

40,000 syrians.. they will be battle hardened when they return to syria.. the chechen force is formidable ..

these soldiers are well trained.



1  1

Discussion on World Israel News  22 comments

WATCH: ‘You’re not God,’ Ukrainian pastor tells Putin



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 18 minutes ago

nwo = nazi world order.. schwab, soros, rotschild, zelensky, blinken, zukenberg , google founders, et al



Mrs Jane Godfrey

 33 minutes ago

that is true.. no complaints here.. 20 bio war labs is a hell of a lot of labs hidden in a small country.. china has one.. ukraine has 20 .. that is beyond a huge amount..




 6 hours ago

if there is any sinner in this situation it is the nazi clown zelensky.. has destroyed ukraine, placed the azov nazi battalion unit in ukraine [ mariupol, donbass ] , 20 labs bio weapon labs, wants nato in ukraine .. this has been going for while.. since 2014..


2  5

Discussion on World Israel News  2 comments

WATCH: Biden pledges $800m in military aid, still denies Zelensky’s request



 5 hours ago

these are old planes.. easy targets to shoot down.. it appears there is no plan to de escalated this war. the nazi clown has already destroyed ukraine & now wants to destroy the rest of europe..

2  1

Discussion on World Israel News  47 comments

Jewish employee claims Google punished her for anti-Israel activism



 20 hours ago

time for another job.. google ain't that great.. a lot of problems w/ harassment

1  3

Discussion on World Israel News  23 comments

Israel sees stream of Russian immigrants, not only Ukrainians



 a day ago

6 weeks ago, ukraine had a massive nazi march celebrating stefen bandera..

zelensky has destroyed ukraine with his nato nonsense.. look closer at this clown.. a nazi

3 million refugees in europe..


4  2

Discussion on World Israel News  7 comments

WATCH: Putin 'feeding addiction in Western countries,' says UK leader



 a day ago

bojo had several russian tankers unloading oil in the uk last week & rejected them..

2  2

Discussion on World Israel News  45 comments

WATCH: Civilian supplies running out as Russian attacks intensify, says Chabad rabbi



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the O Porto synagogue is a rothschild synagogue.. litvak corrupted the sephardim program in portugal..


1  1

Discussion on World Israel News  25 comments

Rabbi in Portugal arrested amid Roman Abramovich probe





Litvak has $3 miilion in bank accounts before he was arrested..


2  2

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

WATCH: Saudi Arabia considers ditching the dollar for Chinese oil sales



Grace Joy


in the nazi social score system .. my social score is 0.00 .. facebook changed to metaverse to jump in on this score system.. .. the nazis kept metila tua vergognaus records during ww2 of all their victims.. facebook has improved this exponentially.. in real time.. the chinese copied facebook.. a human tragedy for young people..

btw.. an urgent trip by biden to saudi arabia regarding the petrodollar.. which is now open to the petrochinaY


2  2

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

Kharkiv yeshivah takes direct hit from Russian rocket fire, no one injured



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the map of ukraine..


1  2

Discussion on World Israel News  95 comments

Biden mulls removing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard from terror list





check the khazak story .. from the biblical institute.. https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.Com/2015/03/17/the-truth-about-the-conflict-with-russia/

btw.. i experienced cuba.. the revolution.. know the story well..

2  3





the state department has done change of regime countless times.. it was done in cuba during the cuban revolution.. what a disaster.. Germany is a an example.. it has a weak govt that was signed off on swift, sanctions, forfeiture, airspace, commerce, energy, defense spending, weapons transfers to ukraine.. & more. Germany has seriously damaged their economy. The state Dept will micromanage any country they can. Israel is no exception. Israel is expendable as are most other arab countries in the middle east..

2  4




.. the decision has been taken.. take this news article one step forward and remove the word "mulling " for the word "signed "..

4  3

Discussion on World Israel News  23 comments

Zelensky pleads to US Congress: ‘We need you right now’



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



1  4

Discussion on World Israel News  44 comments

A final warning from Arabs to Biden - analysis





all that matters is cheap oil..


1  4

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

WATCH: Saudi Arabia considers ditching the dollar for Chinese oil sales




arabs have a lot of investments in western countries .. they also have big yachts .. big bank accounts in switzerland .. fleets of boeing planes .. lots of oil ..

3  2

Discussion on World Israel News  224 comments

US working to change 'stupid' Israeli policies; ambassador 'infuriated' with Jewish settlement growth





..did I hear right .. nides calling the Jews stupid.. ?

US working to change ‘stupid’ Israeli policies

3  3

Discussion on World Israel News  37 comments

Zelensky makes surprise offer to Russian soldiers





btw.. the nazi comedian actually looks arab.. can't possibly be jewish.. that's a big lie..

1  2





the ukranian azov battalion is 100% nazi.. well documented..

1  2





not me.. . but yes the khazak nazis .. & ukranian azov battalion & the comedian.

1  2



David Pattie



the azov is 100% nazi.. don't know where you get the 20%..

2  3





the chechens will go door to door to get rid of the nazis. the nazis have been causing horrific civilian deaths & damage. Time to raise your white flag.. The white flag is the most popular flag used in France.

1  2





ey.. bulus.. the azov n a Z i regime uses the "Z " on their ukranian military equipment .. the chechens & russia are using the "V " ..

looks like your side [ nazi ] has lost .. you can pack your bags, close your account at WIN & seek safe haven in poland.. you lost..

this nazi problem in ukraine is far greater than the public has been let to know.. .. notice also the 1st letter of the zelensky.. it starts with a "Z " definitely a nazi himself as soros, klaus schwb & co.

the azov unit was trained by nato & funded by the State Department with private contractors.. Israel complains a lot about the nazis.. but little coverage has been given by the press in Israel & outside about this nazi problem..

ukraine has lost this war.. the chechens are battle field warriors.. going door to door ..

check this twitter out.. this is the battle field in ukraine..


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the azov nazi battalion has lost this war .. 3mm refugees.. more money for ukraine ?


zelenski has fled to the US Poland Embassy..

a very good analysis of this ukraine war is available at the Duran news : https://www.bitchute.Com/channel/NmAqqO8nLvua/

also follow Hal Turner : https://halturnerradioshow.Com

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is this nazi clown an arab.. same rhetoric as the plo, hamas,,

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After rejection to address Knesset, Zelensky will Zoom with Israeli Lawmakers



jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



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France reverses decision to close radical mosque in Cannes




facebook seems to play a big political role everywhere..

.. “it had completely cut ties with the previous rector and taken over the management of the mosque’s Facebook page.



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