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good job for satan and rockefeller

Christian missionary activity not tolerated at army bases, says IDF
 Christian missionary activity not tolerated at army bases, says IDF 
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  Don Spilman 
the HOLY Spirit reproaches you! your CIA agency with your 40 Troll employees, that you bring here, from other social networks (deep state) you in here, you are doing a good job for satan and rockefeller: you are burning mankind!

ti rimprovera lo Spirito SANTO! la tua agenzia della CIA con i tuoi 40 dipendenti Troll, che tu porti quì, da altri social network (deep state) tu quì dentro, tu stai facendo un buon lavoro per satana e rockefeller: tu stai bruciando il genere umano! 


Christian missionary activity not tolerated at army bases, says IDF
Attempts to proselytize to Israeli Jewish soldiers in IDF bases will not be tolerated, says army’s top brass.

By World Israel News Staff

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi’s office responded to an investigation about covert Christian missionaries attempting to convert Jewish IDF soldiers to Christianity in a letter to the NGO Yad L’Achim, writing that the army would not tolerate such actions.

“According to IDF orders, it is forbidden to distribute propaganda and proselytizing material. Enforcement of these rules is the responsibility of the direct commanders,” the IDF Chief of Staff’s Office said in a statement.

The commanders can impose consequences such as “disciplinary measures, when soldiers act against army regulations,” the statement said.

“In any event, these missionary organizations have no access to the army and hold no activities on army bases.”

Yad L’Achim had reached out to the IDF with testimony from soldiers who were approached by covert Christian missionaries at their army bases.

The NGO also shared an instructional pamphlet intended to optimize the missionaries’ proselytizing efforts with the IDF.

“Military service is a special, challenging period with many opportunities. The day-to-day interaction in the army opens many doors to preach the gospel,” the pamphlet said, according to Israel National News.

“This [document] is meant to give practical tools for preaching to different groups in Israeli society which we encounter during regular military service.”

“Judaism respects all people of all faiths. We simply demand the same of others. The army is no place for coercion of any type – physical, religious, or otherwise,” said Shannon Nuszen, founder and director of anti-missionary watchdog group Beyneynu.

“If a soldier is found to be in the service with a purpose of anything but the protection of our country and our people, it should be handled accordingly.

“The military is not the place for this,” Nuszen said.

Several high-profile cases of covert missionary activity recently made headlines.

The revelation that several Christian missionaries, including father and son duo Michael and Calev Dawson and married couple Michael and Amanda Elk, were able to impersonate Jews and successfully ingratiate themselves in Israeli and American Jewish communities sent shockwaves throughout the Jewish world.

Rabbi Tovia Singer, who has worked for decades to raise awareness about covert missionary activity, told World Israel News that while the Elks and Dawsons have attracted major attention, they are just the tip of the iceberg.

“What we’re observing in these spectacles…are not an anomaly,” he warned, adding that these large-scale deceptions “pose an existential threat to Jewish communities worldwide.”

Don Spilman

I hope the IDF soldiers do draw close to THEIR faith in God, real war is coming and every fighting person needs the strength and courage that only God can give.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Don Spilman

you cannot find yourself fighting against God.
or do you think you are replacing God, and you want to tell the Holy Spirit to stop working in souls because I am the IDF?
So he did: the rabbinic communist of the Jews started killing Christians from the beginning as it still does today.
there is the internet, the satellite, and you cannot prevent people from converting from the outside!
and then, you tell me that the "little satan" is democracy?

Uzi Kattan Don Spilman

I hope that the chief of Staff's office is telling the truth.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Uzi Kattan 5 minutes ago

this is not a problem because even Jesus of Bethlehem said: "the truth proceeds from the Jews of the tribe of Judah"

Aristobulus Uzi Kattan

Yes he does. General Kochavi is an excellent man.

Isn't it despicable beyond the pale that those missionaries (who want to lure Israel off its path) exploit the current crisis for again proselytizing to Jews?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Aristobulus

Yes the General Kochavi is an excellent man.
Isn't it despicable that those missionaries have to do their job: because it may have been the Holy Spirit who sent them ...
while, about your demonic spirit CIA NWO FED NWO OTAN
here nobody has any doubts about you!


Missionary activity must be outlawed. Anyone caught should be taken to the airport and put on a plane to another country.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 18_18

another old satanist globalist imperialist satana sodoma cult Darwin ape of proven malice

Bro. Nick Nicholas

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who "hath" been a strong supporter of "Israel" - the "Jewish" people wherever they live - And of and for their "God" given 'Eternal Homeland' since before the 'Six-Day War' of 1967
- And I take very seriously the quote made by the German pastor Martin Niemöller about the Nazi's
- First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
- Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
- Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
- Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
--- Quotation from --- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ---
- So - My choice is to continue to WARN the unknown numbers of readers and 'commentors' who do not know about the spiritual DANGERS of the blatant and very strong anti-"LORD JEHOVAH" \ anti-"Israel" \ anti-"Jew" \ anti-Zionists Agendas \ Doctrines \ Philosophies \ Religious Beliefs of the man who publickly repeatedly declares - And very sincerely "believeth" that he is the 'jewish Messia . . . . . . '
- Yet he does "believeth" in the irrational declaration he also publickly makes about himself
===> 'warning! i am universal rational metaphysical agnostic' <===
- Most of his 'comments' { ? } in other articles are in Italian - which few of the readers or other commentors understand
- Some of his 'comments' are in English in 'WIN' and one other English language publication .
- And the increasing numbers of anti-"LORD JEHOVAH" (Isaiah 26:3-4 ~AV~KJV) "blasphemies" by the self-declared 'universal rational metaphysical agnostic' are more and constantly-more like those when he previously called himself
--- i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @universal_brotherhood
- 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @noahthenephilim
--- im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 @disqus_XchKMwk34w
- 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 @disqus_aU3hlttuWL
--- 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 @kingisraeluniusreileviathan
- lion Judas kingdom @jerusalemyerushalayim
--- Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI @metafisicouniversale
- UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood @lorenzojhwhleviathandominus
--- UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood @666giudaicomassonica
- 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 @MessiaJudahLorenzoJHWH
--- 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 @disqus_9cILPX5urC

Irgun Bro. Nick Nicholas

Christianity is the birthplace of Jew-hatred, hello.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun
congratulations: I see that you are more educated than a goat!
you tell me, only one reason why Christians should have hated Jews, if from the beginning they were all Jews too?
it is clear the evil worm was not in the Jewish people, but in the high Sanhedrin: who ousted the King in the conduct of political power, since King Herod: he was not even a Jew!

gabriel abergel Irgun

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri gabriel abergel

at which university did your goat study history?
Can you tell me why the "Supreme Supreme Rothschild Sanhedrin" 2000 years ago destroyed the paternal genealogies of all Jews, turning them all into goims slaves, breaking down and nullifying Abraham's Blessings for all of them and deactivating the Covenant of Moses?
and why, you say that the false star of King David, which is on the flag of Israel? that 666 star, is an esoteric and pantheistic Nazi swastika (profane sum) that the Cabalist Rockefeller voodoo and black magic put on the Jews to take them all to hell with him!

Bro. Nick Nicholas Irgun

Irgun - Unfortunately you are absolutely correct
- That is the reason that I try to always state in my comments that I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who "hath" been a strong supporter of "Israel" - the "Jewish" people wherever they live - And of and for their "God" given 'Eternal Homeland' ...
And I do personally very-very strongly disagree with those persons who call themselves 'Christians' about whom this article states
--- 'The revelation that several Christian missionaries, including father and son duo Michael and Calev Dawson and married couple Michael and Amanda Elk, were able to impersonate Jews and successfully ingratiate themselves in Israeli and American Jewish communities sent shockwaves throughout the Jewish world.' ---
I do not hide who I am - neither would I talk to you about my faith - or to anyone else who is not interested .
My comments are a Biblical WARNING about the anti-"LORD JEHOVAH" (Isaiah 26:3-4 ~AV~KJV) "blasphemer" who has previously stated that he is a follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism
- And who falsely states that he is the self-proclaimed
. . . . . . 'jewish Messia . . . . . .' \ '. . . . . . universal rational metaphysical agnostic'
Bro. Nick

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Bro. Nick Nicholas

ugly CIA agent, you are a true satanist, pretending to be a Christian: liar!
but do you know how many I have met of false Christians like you in youtube?

Irgun Bro. Nick Nicholas

Thanks, Brother Nick, for your understanding and support.

AJL Irgun
That is something that I could never understand. Why Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus when in fact it was the Romans. After all, Jesus was a Jew.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri AJL

no one is accused of the death of Jesus. because he came with the mission to sacrifice himself, to save sinners and we are all sinners.

ArleneB AJL

Possibly it was politics. Christians wanted to be favored by the Romans so they scapegoated the Jews.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri ArleneB

those of the Sanhedrin were ordered to the synagogues to expose Christians, and therefore many Christians are put to death: because of the synagogues today still:
a Saudi prince (from the Wahhabi royal house) told me:
"yes we are the killers, but the Jews are the principals mandantes"
therefore the order to exterminate Christians, from 2000 years ago in Jerusalem for the Kabbalah and the Talmud is still an operative order: from the FED IM ECB NWO OCI Riad!
that is why Russians and Chinese will be searched for to be put to death!

Yehoshua Jacobs Bro. Nick Nicholas

more missionary crap! GTH!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs

did you follow Jesus of Bethlehem to find out what he was saying?
the mystic Maria Valtorta did it!
He said: "you must be good to everyone and go in peace!"
he did not ask the Romans to become Jews.
so I'm not going to ask you to become a Christian!

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Leave us alone. Stop trying to rid the Earth of Jews, like all Jew-haters do. Go away.

UniusLorenzo Irgun

I am a nut-job like the other voices in my head

Irgun UniusLorenzo

Who is this? How did you get my number?

Bro. Nick Nicholas Irgun

Irgun - FYI - I posted the following comment in the 'WIN' article
--- 'No bunker can protect you from God,' Zelensky tells Putin ---
As "the words of truth" were written some 3,000 years ago in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 [AV]~[KJV]
7 ¶ Be not wise in thine own eyes:
fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
- They "doth" apply to the man who has previously said that he is a follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism -but- also 'self-proclaims' that he is both the
. . . . . . 'jewish Messia . . . . . .' and '. . . . . . universal rational metaphysical agnostic'
- And who now says in more of his 'self-aggrandizing statements' about himself
===> 'I am the King of Kings' <===
===> ' . . . . . . I am the most powerful Zionist in the history of mankind!' <===
And he has apparently posted yet another 'identity' about himself
- But this one is 'Private' --- 'UniusLorenzo @disqus_hlhpJXZ7Sf ---
--- I have more personalities in my head than all my web profiles and pseudonyms put…' ---
===> 'We are a very demented individual.' <===
===> 'We are a very sick and twisted.' <===
===> 'We are a blasphemous individual.' <===
- As "the words of truth" are written in the New Testament Book of Mark, Chapter 5 [AV]~[KJV] :
9 And he asked him, What is thy name?
And he answered, saying, My name is Legion:
for we are many.
~~~> Luke 8:30 [AV]~[KJV]
- And that comment has been edited and expanded with additional information
- Nick

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Bro. Nick Nicholas

UniusLorenzo @disqus_hlhpJXZ7Sf ? can be only your criminal channel

UniusLorenzo Irgun  

Dry cornflakes are crunchy.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

Leave us alone? how do you leave us alone?
idiot I'm the Zionist!
[5] Continuously, night and day, among the tombs and on the mountains, she cried out and beat herself with stones. [6] Seeing Jesus from afar, he ran, threw himself at his feet, [7] and shouting with a loud voice he said: “What do you have in common with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beseech you, in the name of God, do not torment me! ”. [8] He in fact said to Him: "Get out, unclean spirit, from this man!". [9] And he asked him: "What is your name?". “My name is Legion, he answered him, because we are many”. [10] And he began to entreat him with insistence that he would not cast him out of that region. [11] Now there was a large herd of pigs grazing there on the mountain.

[12] And the spirits begged him: "Send us to those swine, so that we may enter them"

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

You are not us. Beat it.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

you are more abusive here than the Palestinians.
in fact, you as "lgbtq Blue and White"
in fact, you are not a biblical fundamentalist!
not zionist

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

I've never read the Bible; I don't believe in organized religion.


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

Bible is G-D HIMSELF

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

G-D is G-D, bible is bible. That's why they got two different words for 'em.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

and who taught you these things about the Bible? God himself?
or the witch Kamala Devi Harris?
you are in error God's Word is God himself, but you don't have the gift of FAITH, and you don't have the grace to meet God in that book

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Although evidence points to the probability of a higher consciousness, unfortunately no one can produce any evidence.
You may like to think there is a G-D, but you don't know it, and neither does anyone else.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

why do you think of yourself that you are the pinnacle of science and knowledge? the existence of God is the only rational answer to the existence of the Universe and there is no true God outside the God of Abraham and Melchizedek, that's why Muslims are inside the cauldron of hell!

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Yeah, but whaddyagonna do.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

in this situation of Satanism and universal corruption: Jewish-Masonic-Islamic? you can't do more!
or you can start reading the BIBLE knowing it is a PERSON!

but be careful: I had decided to be a Catholic Priest from 2 years, and I was 22 years old (so I had FAITH)
, but reading the Old Testament, however, was always a pain for me, because it remained arid and incomprehensible, but then,
I saw a spark of light in my soul ( the grace),

and from that moment the whole Bible became my greatest happiness, because God had accepted me as his personal friend!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

try to be, in your possibilities, a benefactor of mankind: that's all!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  
idiot!!! the Bible is not a religion

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  
English, obviously, is not your first language.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  
however, when the Holy Spirit lands on me, I cannot hold him for more than 60 seconds,
he's so pure, and I'm so unclean, I'm ashamed of myself!
but, this makes me compassionate to my sinful brothers all the way, they are all broken hearted men, all people of good will, like Bin ISIS Salman!


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  
[12] And the spirits begged him:
"Send us to those pigs, so that we may enter them"
ok, you can own Macron lgbtqia Trudeu and all the DEMs, blue and white and the witches Camala and Ursula "!

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  
"And I say unto you, verily, forsooth, and unto all the inhabitants thereof I say verily, forsooth."

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

restituisci i soldi che hai avuto dalla CIA perché non te li sei meritati!


Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun 

Gesundheit! I received from Almighty God YHWH: the universal conduction of his celestial Kingdom: Paradise.
I am Unius REI, and now now: I am his universal butler, and I sit on the Throne of God!
my jurisdiction is universal and infinite, not even hell can escape my authority!
the mandate that God has given me is unlimited, so much so that I do not have to ask God's permission if I want to do something in the field of all the political and religious institutions of this planet, because God has full trust in me: this is why I I am a rational metaphysical agnostic!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun 

tua madre si chiama Geltrude Von Ursula?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun 

perché tu hai detto che sei IDIOTA a tutti? Se stavi zitto potevi anche essere confuso per una persona intelligente!

Irgun jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

Volkswagen liebershtick von Pizza!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Irgun  

do you want to exchange a Volkswagen for a Pizza? this is not a fair trade, because pizza is worth more!





There is no reference to Jesus in any Jewish source documents. Get your own documents; leave us and ours alone.


Wasn't he supposed to bring peace on earth?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

sodom lgbtqia 666 is here: USA Ursula UE!
Letter to the Romans 1: 21-32
New Revised 1994 (NR94)
21. because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, nor did they thank him; but they gave themselves to vain reasoning and their unintelligent heart became darkened.

22. Although they declare themselves to be wise, they have become foolish,

23. and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into images similar to those of the corruptible man, of birds, quadrupeds and reptiles.

24. For this God has abandoned them to impurity, according to the desires of their hearts, so as to dishonor their bodies among them;

25. they, who have turned the truth of God into a lie and have worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26. Therefore God has abandoned them to infamous passions: in fact their women have changed the natural use into what is unnatural;

27. Similarly, men too, leaving their natural relationship with women, are inflamed in their lust for one another by committing men with men to infamous acts, receiving in themselves the well-deserved reward for their own backsliding.

28. Since they did not care to know God, God left them at the mercy of their perverse mind so that they would do what is inconvenient;

29. filled with all injustice, wickedness, greed, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, fraud, malice;

30. slanderers, slanderers, abominable to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in evil, rebellious to parents,

31. senseless, disloyal, without natural affections, merciless.

32. They, while knowing that according to the decrees of God those who do such things are worthy of death, not only do they do them, but also approve those who commit them.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin has warned the states bordering Russia not to escalate tensions, eight days after sending troops to Ukraine.
the real Problem is that the USA: Satanism, usuro sodomy and scicallaggio, and what is not confined to the tragedy that they have created with malignant premeditation, because the first to die will be the Europeans, whom they have compromised in this Ukrainian history, with all premeditated wickedness, so that world war can disintegrate ISLAM and Israel!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

Macron lgbt Trudeau Ursula Borrell, technocracy: the satanist Biden and the witch Kamala Herris, all the scum of Rockefeller

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

who says there are Soviets in Russia? it is NATO that desperately needs to have an enemy to destroy, in order not to make the IMF Spa & Co fail. for fraudulent bankruptcy!
then, he claims that there are the Bolsheviks! and how to say that all Muslims are ISIS, it is not so! Russia is humanistic and its Christian Jewish culture surpasses ours in splendor, morality and consistency!

Pesaro, trip to the villa of Tsarina Valentina Matvienko at msn com / 01 / it-it / AAUAqsE? Ocid = st The building permit belongs to Sergey Matvienko, but the works do not start due to the recent developments of the war in Ukraine and with the relative "sanctions that also affect Soviet banks. And for this reason everything is on standby".

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

idiot when you find out that your King is a Christian, what will you do you resign from the IDF?

Attempts to proselytize Israeli Jewish soldiers at IDF bases will not be tolerated, army leaders say. ok,
There is no problem for Christians and Muslims etc. who serve in the Israeli army,
to live and pray in the Jewish way: in everything, perfectly,
but, even with the most honest intentions, it is always the Holy Spirit who manages proselytism and not men!
and you can't tell the Holy Spirit: "you don't do it I'm the IDF"

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 

se guardate questa foto di famiglia, noterete come tutti i leaders Europei guardano a Mario DRAGHI nelle cui mani è la vera fonte del potere Rockefeller Spa&Co. e da cui tutti loro dipendono.
UE UK USA è il più criminale di tutti i regimi dittatoriali della storia di questo pianeta!
a msn com/01/it-it/AAUmsIk?ocid=st

Ue e loro alleati Satana Sodoma, Spa&Co. regime esoterico soprannaturale ebraico-massonico neoliberista e comunista-cinese come alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario... dicono: " paralizzeremo la Banca centrale russa, fuori da Swift alcune banche, colpiremo gli oligarchi

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  
Ma quando c'era il Governo russofono? i filo occidentali non venivano perseguitati fino allo sterminio!
è la NATO CIA Golpe che ha portato all'odio questi due popoli.
L’ambasciatore ucraino in Italia Yaroslav Melnyk: e Ursula Von nazi-fascisti Pravi Sector, Azov battaglione nazi fascisti: sono in accordo!
«In questi anni di guerra Kiev si è guadagnata l’ingresso in Ue»

Ucraina, la madre di Anna Safroncik in piazza ad Arezzo: "Esplosioni e morte".
si, certo, ma lei non aveva pianto mai, insieme a Ursula e Mogherini per il genocidio dei russofoni in questi otto anni!

Yehoshua Jacobs jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

Can you explain to me which God jesus was teaching to be an invisible, indivisible and incorporeal God in MK 12:28ff?


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

if, I will explain to you the mystery of this verse?
then, they will accuse me of proselytizing!
and my main and only mission is political only

Yehoshua Jacobs jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

I'll take he chance. I have not met a christian (missionary) who can explain it honestly and in its historical context. let's see your ability at being honest.

Aristobulus Yehoshua Jacobs 

Stop feeding the spam troll.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

when the Rabbi JESUS of Bethlehem found people grateful for the miracles received (because he performed miracles for everyone) and they asked him what should we do?
He said: "you must be good to everyone and go in peace!"

Yehoshua Jacobs jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

You are dishonest. I asked you to explain to me the meaning behind's Jesus answer to the people as to what is the MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT IN THE BIBLE. It's not to be "good to everyone". Wann try again as to which commandment he was talking about. Try to look at the verses with an open mind and IN CONTEXT!.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

I am a politician and please stay in context!
all over the world, is my minister (world wide brotherhood government) better my brother?
he is a Muslim from Kuwait .. and when he asked me about religion? I didn't answer him ..
So take it for a compliment my denial of answering your question!


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

no, you didn't ask me the question that any Jew could answer you ..
you asked me about the very and profound nature of God JHWH .. and instead, you are not yet ready to die as a martyr!
you said: "Can you explain to me which God jesus was teaching to be an invisible, indivisible and incorporeal God

Yehoshua Jacobs jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri  

I asked u a simple question, and I'll ask you DIRECTLY for you to explain it to me. WHAT DOES T MEAN HEAR O ISRAEL JEHOVA WHO IS OUR GOD , IS ONE. What does that mean and WHY is it the MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

when God says: "Listen to Israel" he means: "I want to talk to you" "I want to have a personal relationship with you" ..
and generally, those who have a Quranic Talmudic dogma are not inclined to listen to God.
Then, God did not speak to Mohammed, how could he speak to a Muslim?
and why, God who is infinite justice: why should he give Moses or Unius REI something more, and then everyone else something less?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

I hope you stop playing with fire,
because what I could tell you?
it could become your sentence!
that's why I'm a politician,
to stop me from condemning mankind!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

ok, I'll answer you, but don't ask me anything more!
God is undivided and indivisible in his love. in fact his love of him is one: paradise: but, no one would believe that there is only HIM in Paradise!
How Satan is indivisibiel in his hatred of him: Hell!

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, shema Yisrael, Adonai echad.
Ve'ahavta et Adonai, bekhol, kevod echad, bekhol nafshekha, me'odekha, Adonai echad.
Adonai echad, shema, shema Yisrael, shema Yisrael, Adonai, Adonai echad.
Shema Adonai, echad Adonai, echad.
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, shema Yisrael, Adonai echad.

Listen, Israel:
the Lord JHWH is our God, one is the Lord. You will love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. These precepts that I am giving you today, are fixed in your heart. you will repeat them to your children, you will talk about them when you are in your house, when you walk on the street, when you go to bed and when you get up. You will tie them to your hand as a sign, they will be like a pendant between your eyes and you will write them on the doorposts of your house and on your doors.
Deuteronomy 6.4-9

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri Yehoshua Jacobs  

there is no one, or any religion that can go to God, if God does not call him to Him.
I too would never have ascended to the Throne of God, as King David said in psalm 110 (where he calls me "my Lord") .. if JHWH didn't call me!
the same Jesus of Bethlehem says that David King, could not call Lord someone who is a descendant of him!


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