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      Abandoning the right was Pipi's plan all along. He and Bennett destroyed the smaller right wing parties and Shaked was not an better. THe Lickud is only right wing by name not by actions.

    It has been a week since I have no new news on Israeli sites for me

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        ABU jihad MAZEN The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: "Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists"
        he is only a very religious man who, like ISIS and Erdogan, have read the Koran that cannot be interpreted because it is an uncreated word Allah
        that is created of the Pharisees and high priests extending the Satanic Talmud
        .. in fact the Muslims? at that time they were all illiterate: while now they are Akbar educated !!
        ABU MAZEN The Two Faces of Mahmoud Abbas: ‘Pretend to Battle Terror, But Honor Terrorists’
        lui è soltanto un uomo molto religioso che come ISIS e Erdogan hanno letto il Corano che non si può interpretare perché è una parola increata dei farisei e sommi sacerdoti estensori del Talmud satanico
        .. infatti i mussulmani? a quel tempo erano tutti analfabeti: mentre adesso sono Akbar istruiti!!

        what you say is true as polluting:
        it seems that it is a price of innocent blood that Israelis and Christians must pay to the devil Allah Satan Jabull-On
        how to pay a spell sorcery SARUMAN Rothschild
        quello che tu dici è vero come inquitante:
        sembra che sia un prezzo di sangue innocente che Israeliani e cristiani devono pagare al demonio Allah Satana Jabull-On
        come si paga una stregoneria di sortilegio SARUMAN Rothschild

      this 7 days ago?
      is the last comment you made on your card!

      Maḥmūd Abbās, also known as the kunya Abū Māzen, is a Palestinian politician, President of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian National Authority and the State of Palestine.
      okay after they've been freed by the Israelis?
      then the time will come when they will claim to be released by the Chinese too.
      after all one and only one is the planet,
      who must be freed by the impure Russian Kafirs

      Maḥmūd jihad ʿAbbās Erdogan, also known by the ISIS UMMA kunya sharia Abū Māzen (in Arabic: Mohammed not even dogs

      Bin SALMAN ] in these 13 years: my feelings have always been fluctuating:
      for the sake of Netanjahu I want to save mankind, but when do I think of you? then, I change my mind and I want to destroy the human race!

      Bin SALMAN] when among the priests of satan of the CIA 666 UK emerged with certainty: that Unius REI had the creative faith?
      panic spread like it is today!
      then, Kerry was saying, "it's inexplicable, why doesn't Syria capitulate?"
      and Putin was saying: "if someone understands what is the logic of the US? does anyone let me know!"
      now; the priests of satan: who hide themselves in the Eye of Lucifer: the Masonic pyramid: that: everything sees and everything knows "aliens abductions" they are a legion of bankrupt and who do not forget and do not forgive?
      ok, they are all to watching how, I will be forced by you: to exterminate the ARAB OIC LEAGUE!

      Bin SALMAN kingdom Saudi Arabia Riyadh: friend and brother: you remained the last true monarchy in the world: how to say: "the last of the MOICANS" yours: cynicism, satanism and wickedness? he won't be able to make you survive! ] if I scare people? God NOT would be happy with me, and neither would Rivlin!
      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ISRAEL, shalom + salaam
      missing two days: to destroy all the military potential of IRAN!
      you see it every night, I am awakened by physiological needs ..
      but you? don't believe it!
      Bin SALMAN ] se io spavento le persone? Dio non sarebbe contento di me, e neanche Rivlin lo sarebbe!
      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ISRAEL, shalom + salaam
      mancano due giorni: per distruggere tutto il potenziale militare dell'IRAN!
      lo vedi tutte le notti vengo svegliato da bisogni fisiologici..
      ma tu? non ci credere!

      Impeachment against Trump via formal investigation
      The announcement by speaker Pelosi who speaks of "betrayal". The president: 'I am harassment'
      what the lgbt Satanists wouldn't do: for not to lose their ideology of the BucoDelCulo?

      AI between ethics and dangers. The card.Ravasi: "It is not self-referential" for the demoniche multinationals that have been endowed with criminal juridical personality from the Rothschilds!
      Defense Minister Guerini: "There remain concerns about the use of this technology"
      ANSWER. if this legal status ( criminal FED juridical personality, make from the Rothschilds!) will not be removed IMMEDIATELY from institutions, companies and corporations? humanity will not survive this catastrophe!

      End of life, EUTHANASIA: the decision of the Constitutional Court has been postponed until tomorrow
      the lefts are wicked!

      in a meeting between Netanyau and Kaduri my Rabbi Master, in 1997, the Israeli prime minister would have whispered to him that the leftists "have forgotten what it means to be Jewish".
      answer. in fact I am teaching it again: that is: "what it means to be Jewish"
      in un incontro tra Netanyau e Kaduri, nel 1997, il premier israeliano gli avrebbe sussurrato che la gente di sinistra "ha dimenticato cosa significa essere ebrei".
      answer. infatti io lo sto insegnando nuovamente: cioè: "cosa significa essere ebrei"

      in the 1990s my Rabbi Kaduri joined the founder of the Shas Party, Ovadiah Yosef, during the election campaign.
      it is too naive to think that the outward actions of a cabalist rabbi are or can always be explicit.
      no, Kaduri hated; Ovadiah Yosef and his DRACULA Rothschilds
      negli anni '90 il rabbino Kaduri si unì al fondatore del Shas Party, Ovadiah Yosef, durante la campagna elettorale.
      è troppo ingenuo pensare che le azioni esteriori di un rabbino cabalista siano o possano essere sempre esplicite.
      no, Kaduri odiava; Ovadiah Yosef e i suoi rothschild

      I believe that at this point: every Jew should ask himself the question who could this Messiah be!
      The prediction: "An election without a government", Kaduri would have announced, that the Messiah would come "when there will be an election but there will be no government" ... he says that "on the eve of the year 5780" (the Jewish year that is about to begin) in Israel, for a long time, there will be no government and there will be arguments without a decision being taken by both sides "..
      answer. these predictions do not come from witchcraft but from mathematical algorithms (unexplainable that are contained in the Torah and that Newton studied 8 years: but, it does not seem with great profit)

      The political chaos that is affecting Israel: it was put, black and white, in a book entitled "And he swore to Isaac", written many years ago, by one of the most famous rabbis of the last century, the Sephardic Yitzhak Kaduri. That in that text he would have predicted, exactly, what is happening today in the Israeli political scene and, in particular, the contention for power between the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Blue and White, Benny Gantz. The Jerusalem Post and several other local press sources report the "coincidence".
      there has always been a blessed: of "bloodline" and "Holy Spirit" between Catholics and Jews, otherwise as is obvious to everyone: no Jew today would have survived!

      But Nancy Pelosi's words are as heavy as rocks: "The president's actions violated the constitution. No one is above the law."
      but if these accusations are not true?
      then it will be the Democratic Party: to have violated the constitution. and since Nobody is above the law ".
      the Democratic Party will be treated as a mafia and coup association with all the consequences of the case!
      we all know that the Biden have made the executioners in Donbass!
      Ma le parole di Nancy Pelosi sono pesanti come macigni: "Le azioni del presidente hanno violato la costituzione. Nessuno è al di sopra della legge".
      ma se queste accuse non sono vere?
      poi sarà il Partito Democratico: ad aver violato la costituzione. e poiché Nessuno è al di sopra della legge".
      il Partito democratico verrà trattato come una associazione mafiosa e golpista con tutte le coneguenze del caso!
      sappiamo tutti che i Biden hanno fatto i boia in Donbass!

      Conte DRACULA bis: wants to make a pact with the Italians to fight tax evasion, ha ha ha ha ha ha
      to be credible, he should first halve the actual and current 70% of the tax withdrawal!

      Colombia, former FARC leaders in court are demanding pardon
      the infamous work of the communists, is the same infamous work of the Muslims: "to kill completely peaceful and innocent Christians"
      Colombia, ex capi delle Farc in tribunale chiedono perdono answer.
      il lavoro infame dei comunisti, è lo stesso lavoro infame degli islamici: "uccidere cristiani del tutto pacifici ed innocenti"

      Iran, Imran Khan proposed as a mediator.
      Imran Khan should stop sending Taliban all the time to Afghanistan
      Imran Khan should stop sending Taliban continuously Kashmir to kill treacherously: Indian soldiers!
      Imran Khan could never be a credible mediator: if he does not receive from the Rothschilds (fourth draft of the Koran)
      to be able to make him, a fifth draft of the Koran
      which is always an uncreated WORD of Allah BOIACANE!
      Iran, Imran Khan proposto come mediatore.
      Imran Khan dovrebbe smettere di mandare talebani continuamente in Afghnistan
      Imran Khan dovrebbe smettere di mandare talebani continuamente Kashmir ad uccidere a tradimento: i soldati indiani!
      Imran Khan NON potrebbe mai essere un mediatore credibile: se non riceve dai Rothschild (quarta stesura del Corano)
      di poter fare lui una quinta stesura del Corano
      che è sempre una PAROLA increata di Allah BOIACANE !

      Migrants, Trump at the NGOs 666 Soros Rothschild high constitutional treason, scam banking seigniorage, extermination and enslavement of all mankind: "Your policies are not fair, they are cruel" The intervention of the President of the United States at the General Assembly of UN
      Migranti, Trump alle ong 666 Soros Rothschild alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, sterminio e riduzione in schiavitù di tutto il genere umano: «Vostre politiche non sono giuste, sono crudeli» L'intervento del Presidente degli Stati Uniti all'Assemblea Generale dell'Onu

      #CINA] the big brother: lucifer eye: "we are a legion, we do not forget, and we do not forgive? You did it"
      the promises of sovereignty and democracy autonomy in:
      taiwan & hong kong? you try to step on them continuously!
      you do not want to fight the NWO of US Satanists (as it would be legitimate to expect from you)
      you only want to get: a NWO satanism, in their place!
      if as an infamous you fail to fulfill the promises made on hong kong?
      the damage you can suffer is not quantifiable: today!
      #CINA ] il grande fratello: occhio di lucifero: "noi siamo una legione, noi non dimentichiamo, e noi non perdoniamo? tu lo hai fatto"
      le promesse di autonomia sovranità e democrazia in:
      taiwan & hong kong? tu cerchi di calpestarle continuamente!
      tu non vuoi combattere il NWO dei satanisti USA (come sarebbe legittimo attendersi da te)
      tu vuoi ottenere soltanto: un satanismo di NWO, al posto loro!
      se come un infame tu vieni meno alle promesse fatte su hong kong?
      il danno che ne potrai subire non è quantificabile: oggi!

      Bin SALMAN, Bolsonaro Salvini Trump Putin, Xi-Jinping, Modi, Orban, Rivlin etc ..] the priest of satan and world director of youtube Synnek1 (now 187AudioHostem) he pretended to be a person good and kind: from a high civil profile: and instead he was a cannibal. once I told him: "you are a monster, a hypocrite, and you will never find a girl who could really love you" and at that moment on the youtube page: a girl came out to insult me! but this is the truth: in the Church of Satan the supreme priest George W. Bush: 43rd president of the United States, the one with the supernatural voodoo and aliens abductions demonic powers?
      he is the one who makes pairings between lgbt animals: all the Darwin monkeys.
      this NWO of the Rothschilds is all a joke!

      Bishop of Lampedusa: "God's favorite migrants"
      there is someone Soros Bilderberg
      who took the bishops to a restaurant and first made them intoxicated, then drugged them and then abused them all!
      making sacrilege in a mess of both Vatican I and Vatican II:
      in fact they are called the heresy of the Masonic modernism FED 666 FMI NWO: with 640 excommunications on their shoulders: UE UK City London and high constitutional treason the scam banking seigniorage: Baal Ja-Bull-On!
      It is true that they have no choice
      and this is a fulfillment for them with mitigating circumstance!
      Vescovo a Lampedusa: “Migranti prediletti di Dio”
      c'é qulcuno Soros Bilderberg
      che ha portto i vescovi in una trattoria e prima li ha fatti ubriacare, poi, li ha drogati e poi ha abusato di tutti loro!
      facendo sacrilego scempio sia del Vaticano I che del Vaticano secondo:
      infatti loro si chiamano la eresia del modernismo massonico FED 666 FMI NWO: con 640 scomuniche sulle spalle: UE UK City London e alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario!
      e vero che non hanno possibilità di scelta
      e questa è una attenuante per loro!

      Spit as a Northern League adviser, antifà repents: "I made a bullshit" ANSWER.
      they must stop saying that the right is a threat to democracy:
      because this attitude is a coup by Maidain Kiev cray cult Mogherini NAZI, Pravy Von Merkel Sector, and CIA snipers, Soros lgbr Rothschild Bilderberg empire NATO Riyad OCI: to exterminate the Russian speakers:
      they are guilty only of having a Christian religion!
      Sputi a consigliere leghista, antifà si pente: “Ho fatto una cavolata”
      la devono smettere di dire che la destra è una minaccia per la democrazia:
      perhé questo atteggimento è un golpe di Maidai e cecchini della CIA, Soros lgbr Rothschild Bilderberg impero Otan Riyad OCI: per sterminare i russofoni:
      colpevoli loro solo di avere una religione cristiana!

      Pd: democratic Party: #Fico (the traitor of the people: M5S and Beppe GRILLO: sacrilego blasphemer) deny direct democracy: "Parliaments have a central role .. for Rothschild"
      Fico (il traditore del popolo M5S e Beppe GRILLO: sacrilego bestemminatore) rinnegano la democrazia diretta: “Parlamenti hanno ruolo centrale .. per Rothschild”

      Trump: the future belongs to the patriots, not to the globalists
      September 24, 2019
      Macron against "sexist" toys
      indeed the NWO of Rothschild 666 Epstein Soros Morgan Rochefeller Clinton Bush
      seeks to destroy physically and psychologically (GMOs and cyborgs): suppress sexuality in the human race.
      that bad cow: of: India, Narendra Modi removes the uterus from women working on sugarcane plantations: so as not to miss a day of work a month from her slaves
      quella vacca cattiva: di: India, Narendra Modi fa togliere l'utero dalle donne che lavorano nelle piantagioni di canna da zucchero: per non perdere una giornata di lavoro al mese dai suoi schiavi

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      professor chased away by #Luiss for his tweets:
      immediately remove any funding from the #LUISS !!!
      It all started with a critical tweet on illegal immigration and the Sea Watch case. The historian Marco Gervasoni uses the social media with no hair on his tongue, and his language was not welcomed by the Luiss university which revoked his contract. Now, that a private university can freely decide which professors to hire and which ones are not normal, but here we are faced with something else
      professore cacciato dalla #Luiss per i suoi tweet:
      rimuovere subito ogni finanziamento dalla #LUISS!!!
      Tutto è cominciato con un tweet critico sull’immigrazione illegale e sul caso Sea Watch. Lo storico Marco Gervasoni usa i social senza peli sulla lingua, e il suo linguaggio non è stato gradito dall’università Luiss che gli ha revocato il contratto. Ora, che un’università privata possa decidere liberamente quali professori assumere e quali no è normalissimo, ma qui si è di fronte ad altro


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