Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus#Putin #Rouhani ] clearly, as the satanism of the NWO FED FMI BM ECB demanded the destruction of the European Jews, now if my Kingdom of ISRAEL fails because Saudis and Egyptians do not give me 8000 square kilometers, to make ISRAEL a homeland accomplished in an ARABIC LEAGUE laicized without sharia, then, this is the time for the Israelis to be sacrificed, shoah olocaust too!
#Putin #Rouhani ] chiaramente, come il satanismo del NWO FED FMI BM ECB ha preteso la distruzione degli ebrei europei, adesso se il mio Regno di ISRAELE fallirà perché Sauditi e Egiziani non mi danno 8000 kmq, per fare di ISRAELE una patria compiuta in una LEGA ARABA laicizzata senza sharia, poi, questo è il momento per gli israeliani di essere sacrificati, anche loro!
#Putin #Rouhani ] clearly, as the satanism of the NWO FED FMI BM ECB demanded the destruction of the European Jews, now if my Kingdom of ISRAEL fails because Saudis and Egyptians do not give me 8000 square kilometers, to make ISRAEL a homeland accomplished in an ARABIC LEAGUE laicized without sharia, then, this is the time for the Israelis to be sacrificed, shoah olocaust too!
#Putin #Rouhani ] chiaramente, come il satanismo del NWO FED FMI BM ECB ha preteso la distruzione degli ebrei europei, adesso se il mio Regno di ISRAELE fallirà perché Sauditi e Egiziani non mi danno 8000 kmq, per fare di ISRAELE una patria compiuta in una LEGA ARABA laicizzata senza sharia, poi, questo è il momento per gli israeliani di essere sacrificati, anche loro!
MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 7 minutes ago #Putin #Rouhani] actually, denying a Jewish homeland and be been a Islamic terrorism of 70 years in ISRAEL, this makes the entire human race, already guilty of death today already ...
human kind that already rightly suffers, Islamic terrorism: him too!
and if you try to understand: what I think and what I would like to do: this makes no sense, because I can only partially condition Almighty God, in reality, like every servant of his I bend to his perfect wisdom!
#Putin #Rouhani ] in realtà, negare una Patria Ebraica e il terrorismo islamico di 70 anni in ISRAELE, questo rende già oggi colpevole di morte tutto il genere umano..
genere umano che già oggi, soffre giustamente, il terrorismo islamico anche lui!
e cercare di capire: cosa io penso e cosa io vorrei fare: questo non ha senso, perché io solo parzialmente posso condizionare Dio Onnipotente, in realtà, come ogni suo servo io mi piego alla sua sapienza perfetta!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 19 minutes ago #Putin #Rouhani ] clearly, as the satanism of the NWO FED FMI BM ECB demanded the destruction of the European Jews, now if my Kingdom of ISRAEL fails because Saudis and Egyptians do not give me 8000 square kilometers, to make ISRAEL a homeland accomplished in an ARABIC LEAGUE laicized without sharia, then, this is the time for the Israelis to be sacrificed, shoah olocaust too!
#Putin #Rouhani ] chiaramente, come il satanismo del NWO FED FMI BM ECB ha preteso la distruzione degli ebrei europei, adesso se il mio Regno di ISRAELE fallirà perché Sauditi e Egiziani non mi danno 8000 kmq, per fare di ISRAELE una patria compiuta in una LEGA ARABA laicizzata senza sharia, poi, questo è il momento per gli israeliani di essere sacrificati, anche loro!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 24 minutes ago #Putin #Rouhani] my friend the Yitzchak Kaduri, also written Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned haredi cabalist? he could say what he thought only a year after his death!
in fact, the NWO 666 FED IMF ECB does not forgive the Jews who betray their Satanism!
indeed, Yitzchak Kaduri was forced to make the friend of his mortal enemy Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
Thus, the rabbis and all the European Jewish intellectuals, they knew that Rothschild would have sacrificed all the Jews on account of Hitler, but they could do nothing to make save their people, because their people had to be exterminated, as sacrificial victims, in kabbalah demonic NWO!
#Putin #Rouhani ] il mio amico: Yitzchak Kaduri, scritto anche Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi? lui ha potuto dire quello che pensava soltanto un anno dopo la sua morte!
infatti, il NWO non perdona gli ebrei che tradiscono il satanismo!
anzi, Yitzchak Kaduri è stato costretto a fare l'amico del suo mortale nemico il rabbino Ovadia Yosef.
Così, i rabbini e tutti gli intellettuali ebrei europei, loro sapevano che Rothschild avrebbe immolato tutti gli ebrei a motivo di Hitler, ma non poterono fare nulla per far figgire il loro popolo, perché il loro popolo andava sterminato, come vittime sacrificali!
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MESSIAH Persian king ISRAEL 40 minutes ago #Putin rivela argomenti dell'incontro con presidente iraniano #Rouhani: sputniknews com/politica/201910018143370-putin-rivela-argomenti-dellincontro-con-presidente-iraniano-rouhani/
#Putin reveals topics of the meeting with Iranian president #Rouhani:
and of MURTIDES apostates, and slaves dhimmis, condemned to death and today receive only 15 years in prison .. this is also according to the international law of Islamic communists in the UN international human rights?
"I am pleased to note that common work is underway to involve Iran in the work of the Eurasian Economic Union. I am confident that this work will benefit our countries. It is based on the fundamental principles of international law and on the basic provisions of the World Trade Organization, "said Putin.
e dei MURTIDI apostati, e schiavi dhimmis, condannati a morte ed oggi ricevono soltanto 15 anni di carcere.. anche questo è secondo il diritto internazionale dei comunisti islamici in ONU i diritti umani internazionali?
"Sono lieto di notare che sono in corso lavori comuni per coinvolgere l'Iran ai lavori dell'Unione Economica Eurasiatica. Sono fiducioso che di questo lavoro beneficeranno i nostri Paesi. Si basa sui principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale e sulle disposizioni di base dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio", ha affermato Putin.
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punch_corona 5 days ago .. Netanyahu has been dogged for years with political harassment by many.. not just in Israel..
Liberman is the best choice as runner up.. to succeed Netanyahu .. not necessarily to replace him.. Netanyahu has so much experience as a PM it is not equalled by other candidates.. Liberman is Sephardic and would fit in well with the general population as a PM.. the voters who selected Liberman are for the most part Russian orthodox Jews.. not necessarily secular . Liberman also has the work experience as IDF minister..
on most occasions the first are usually first in line .. but on certain occasions the last are first in line...
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JB Silver 5 days ago Bibi Netanyahu should step down ONLY if CONVICTED. Not if indicted.
We all know that these charges are all politically based.
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VTS JB Silver 5 days ago exactly. They could indict him for a fake reason.
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Mauri Ab JB Silver 5 days ago The Police Commissioner and the Attorney General (very close to him) were appointed by Bibi, both of them very straight professionals. How can you say that these charges are all politically based?
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Fred E 5 days ago You can be indicted for scratching your ear. That doesn’t make you guilty. Not until or after you are convicted. This isn’t Iran.
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alpcns . Fred E 2 days ago Bullseye!
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Wayne Warren 4 days ago Sounds more like the crap that the Demorats in the United States are trying to pull on one of the most effective Presidents the US has ever had.
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Phillip William Swisher 4 days ago It would appear that Netanyahu is being given the "Trump Treatment".. I dont care for the whole "backstabbing=business as usual" element of politics.The PEOPLE at the street level pay for such foolishness. Who in their right mind would want to lower the defense of the Nation of Israel? Do they think the neighborhood is so sweet? I dont get the whole cutting off Your nose to spite Your face thingthing.
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Kinneret Phillip William Swisher 4 days ago True!
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stevenL 3 days ago Three fake cases against Bibi. Media driven just like for Trump in the US!
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stevenL 3 days ago Four generals's performances have been subpar!
Dayan gave the Temple Mount to Islamofascists
Barak ran away from S Lebanon
Rabin made concessions to Arafat
Sharon abandoned Gaza!
Generals are good for wars but not for long-term politics!
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alpcns . 2 days ago edited
Even a "progressive" should understand that an indictment is only that: an indictment and not a conviction. No stepping down or aside whatsoever - Bibi is innocent until proven guilty.
Considering that the charges are absolute cr@p and purely political, it's simply a disgusting witchhunt. Looks awfully familiar to me.
#Putin #Rouhani] my friend the Yitzchak Kaduri, also written Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned haredi cabalist? he could say what he thought only a year after his death!
in fact, the NWO 666 FED IMF ECB does not forgive the Jews who betray their Satanism!
indeed, Yitzchak Kaduri was forced to make the friend of his mortal enemy Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
Thus, the rabbis and all the European Jewish intellectuals, they knew that Rothschild would have sacrificed all the Jews on account of Hitler, but they could do nothing to make save their people, because their people had to be exterminated, as sacrificial victims, in kabbalah demonic NWO!
#Putin #Rouhani ] il mio amico: Yitzchak Kaduri, scritto anche Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi? lui ha potuto dire quello che pensava soltanto un anno dopo la sua morte!
infatti, il NWO non perdona gli ebrei che tradiscono il satanismo!
anzi, Yitzchak Kaduri è stato costretto a fare l'amico del suo mortale nemico il rabbino Ovadia Yosef.
Così, i rabbini e tutti gli intellettuali ebrei europei, loro sapevano che Rothschild avrebbe immolato tutti gli ebrei a motivo di Hitler, ma non poterono fare nulla per far fuggire il loro popolo, perché il loro popolo andava sterminato, come vittime sacrificali!
#Putin rivela argomenti dell'incontro con presidente iraniano #Rouhani: https://it.sputniknews.com/politica/201910018143370-putin-rivela-argomenti-dellincontro-con-presidente-iraniano-rouhani/
#Putin reveals topics of the meeting with Iranian president #Rouhani:
and of MURTIDES apostates, and slaves dhimmis, condemned to death and today receive only 15 years in prison .. this is also according to the international law of Islamic communists in the UN international human rights?
"I am pleased to note that common work is underway to involve Iran in the work of the Eurasian Economic Union. I am confident that this work will benefit our countries. It is based on the fundamental principles of international law and on the basic provisions of the World Trade Organization, "said Putin.
e dei MURTIDI apostati, e schiavi dhimmis, condannati a morte ed oggi ricevono soltanto 15 anni di carcere.. anche questo è secondo il diritto internazionale dei comunisti islamici in ONU i diritti umani internazionali?
"Sono lieto di notare che sono in corso lavori comuni per coinvolgere l'Iran ai lavori dell'Unione Economica Eurasiatica. Sono fiducioso che di questo lavoro beneficeranno i nostri Paesi. Si basa sui principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale e sulle disposizioni di base dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio", ha affermato Putin.
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