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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

maims Palestinian children for organ harvesting

IDF kills and maims Palestinian children for organ harvesting, new Princeton course teaches

July 4, 2023-Aldo Rocco Vitale

Catholicism and the pandemic: it's time for an examination of conscience!

by Aldo Rocco Vitale «Let everyone be submissive to the constituted authorities»: this is how Saint Paul in his letter to the Romans (13,1) exhorted his brothers to remain subordinate to the constituted authorities, avoiding degenerating into troublesome or insurrectional uprisings,

July 5, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla's Blog Editorial

An ominous anniversary

A reader writes to me. egr. dr. Paciolla, as "La Verità" reminds us, exactly two years ago that unworthy and infamous instrument presented by his banker grandfather (obviously backed by mainstream information) became operational as an instrument of protection from contagion, ...

July 5, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Judge deals major blow to Biden administration in social media censorship case

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Tom Ozimek and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in

July 5, 2023 - Leonardo Guerra

Global vaccination, public health and anthropological speciation

by Leonardo Guerra Since March 2020 the various governments, which have followed one another, have obsessively repeated that everything they did during the Covid 19 emergency they did for our good, in good faith and that

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/tag/regime-sanitario/ the health regime:

The common feature of all totalitarian systems is the prohibition of asking questions. Does it remind you of anything?

By Sabino Paciolla|July 12th, 2023|Categories: News, Opinion|Tags: covid, pandemic, regime, health regime

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Aaron Kheriaty and published in The american mind. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and [...]

The phone is "smart", but what about the user?

The phone is "smart", but what about the user?

By Redazione Blog of Sabino Paciolla|July 10th, 2023|Categories: Letters from readers, News|Tags: green pass, freedom, regime, health regime

A reader writes to me. egr. Dr. Paciolla, in recent days I have been very intrigued by the news about the tests that are being carried out in some regions regarding the [...]

3 years with COVID-19: The real story and its link to the erosion of democracy

3 years with COVID-19: The real story and its link to the erosion of democracy

By Sabino Paciolla|June 14th, 2023|Categories: Editor's Picks, News|Tags: Coronavirus, covid, democracy, regime, health regime, vaccines

How much harm and how much damage has been done in these three years, here is the thought of Yoav Yehezkelli, a doctor specializing in internal medicine and medical management, a professor of emergency management [...]

CRITICAL CONSCIENCES - Science and law: Analysis and perspectives after the pandemic


Actuality, News

CRITICAL CONSCIENCES - Science and law: Analysis and perspectives after the pandemic

By Redazione Blog by Sabino Paciolla|June 14th, 2023|Categories: Actuality, News|Tags: Coronavirus, covid, law, pandemic, regime, health regime

I receive and gladly public. The pandemic is now behind us, at least in the devastating form that took us by surprise and unprepared. We need to mend a community that has been deeply destabilized and [...]

WHO and EU announce partnership to build 'global system' of digital vaccine passports

WHO and EU announce partnership to build 'global system' of digital vaccine passports

By Wanda Massa|June 7th, 2023|Categories: Actuality, News|Tags: green economy, health regime, vaccines

According to the WHO, the digital system "will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens around the world from current and future health threats, including pandemics". Despite the facts we have widely [...]

Global governance, what awaits us and how we can organize ourselves

Global governance, what awaits us and how we can organize ourselves

By Leonardo Guerra|May 31st, 2023|Categories: News, Opinion|Tags: elites, regime, health regime

by Leonardo Guerra In the last 3 years I have been asked on more than thirty occasions, given my professional background, to explain the nature and characteristics of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, first. [...]

Keep reading

A US Supreme Court judge denounces the looting of constitutional freedoms perpetrated during the era of the COVID regime

By Sabino Paciolla|May 22nd, 2023|Categories: News, Opinion|Tags: Coronavirus, covid, freedom, lockdown, regime, health regime

Below I would like to draw attention and reflection from the readers of this blog to the article written by the staff of the Brownstone Institute and published on the Brownstone Institute website. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options [...]

The faceless tyrant – Between democratic forms and liberticidal substance which humanity?

The faceless tyrant – Between democratic forms and liberticidal substance which humanity?

By Salvatore Scaglia|May 20th, 2023|Categories: Editor's Picks, News|Tags: Coronavirus, covid, adverse events, freedom, regime, health regime, tyranny, vaccines

The tyrant of Ambrogio Lorenzetti by Salvatore Scaglia An event was organized on 22 April 2023 at the Oasi Cristo Re in Caltanissetta to reflect on the future of our children (cf. here). [...]

Historia magistra vitae - Memory and new "Jews" in the historical analogy of recent events

Gallery, News, Opinions

Historia magistra vitae - Memory and new "Jews" in the historical analogy of recent events

By Salvatore Scaglia|May 19th, 2023| Categories: News, Opinion|Tags: Coronavirus, covid, vaccination obligation, regime, health regime, vaccines

by Salvatore Scaglia Remembrance Day of last January 27, as an international event wanted by the UN in memory of the end of the Holocaust, is a good reason to reflect on today. That day, more [...]

Ten years after his appointment, Pope Francis drops the ace by appointing Msgr. Victor Manuel Fernández heads the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is the most daring act of the pontificate, the real move that closes an era and can trigger the "revolución" long awaited by many in the Church.

anti-Pope Francis and Vìctor Manuel Fernàndez have the same pectoral cross, and this becomes a mark of the devil for those who want to make a career https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/la-mossa-rivoluzionaria-di-papa-francesco-che-chiude-lera-wojtyla-ratzinger/

Bergoglio the sorcerer Mason and his Pachamama

Many - including many cardinals - rejoice that the much-heralded "revolución" has finally begun (or perhaps, on the contrary, it has been completed). Others – including many cardinals – are looking around for a strong candidate for the next conclave. A Conclave that to many observers no longer seems so distant and in which (he is just sixty years old) "Tucho" Fernandez can (probably an imminent cardinal appointment present himself as a candidate of the more progressive wing, a papal cardinal for the continuation of the project- Francis. A sign of hope comes from the Word of God. Today, on the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle, the Office of Readings proposes a passage from Saint Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor. cap. 4) which invites us to leave judgment to the Lord. In the meantime, it will be right and necessary to pray a lot for his Church. Do not therefore judge anything ahead of time, until the Lord comes. He will bring to light the secrets of darkness and manifest the intentions of hearts; then each will have his praise from God.

Francis asks Fernández to start a new course that departs from what has been done up to now (from the marked line Ratzinger, Muller, Ladaria). A break with a tradition considered too rigorous and harsh, too attentive to orthodoxy and even - I quote - with control mechanisms guided by "immoral methods". The reference to the Inquisition is clear but also to the numerous "notes" that in the immediate post-council the CDF issued against theologians or theological currents that distanced themselves from orthodoxy and Catholic morality to propose doctrines not supported by tradition and dangerous for the maintaining the unity of the faith, its transmission and the salvation of souls. As well as the excommunications imposed or the responsums on questions concerning theology or morals. Fernández is now called by the pope to inaugurate a new course in which the Church welcomes the richness and diversity of the various theological proposals without condemning or rebuking anyone. It is therefore probable that over time radical changes will also occur in doctrine and morals. Just think, for example, of the firmness with which the CDF has tackled the issue of homosexual unions, communion for divorced faithful and politicians who support abortion in their programs or the female priesthood. To cite just a few hot and sensitive issues that depend on the pronouncements of this Vatican dicastery and that are now under discussion in the synodal process (the Synod on synodality) underway in the Church by the will of Francis. In March the new prefect had declared: "Without realizing it [the Church] has woven a whole philosophy and a morality full of classifications, to classify people, to put labels: this is like this and this like that, this can receive the Communion and not this other one, one can forgive this one and not this other one". This past of the Church has been, he said, "terrible", but "thank God, Pope Francis has freed us from this pattern". After his appointment he wrote on his Facebook account "I accepted with joy even if I will have many cons: there are people who prefer a more rigid, structured way of thinking, at war with the world". It is evident that such an appointment could not have been made until today because it was inappropriate. It would have been considered a slap or at least a blow to Benedict XVI, pope emeritus, still living in the Vatican. A lack of respect for those who guided the Congregation for the Faith with devotion and commitment for a good twenty-four years before his election as Pope. This is why the great turning point awaited by many since March 2013 is only now coming to life.

With the appointment of Msgr. Victor Manuel "Tucho" Fernandez as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (now "Dicastery") closes a historic era for the Church. The Wojtylian and Ratzingerian one according to some, the Catholic one according to the most malevolent. The fact is that the news represents a real turning point. Contrary to what one might think, it is perhaps the first real turning point of the Francis era, the most incisive and representative, the most radical.

For many observers, if the choice of Fernández as head of the CDF does not represent the final blow, it is certainly a great blow to the Catholic Church. For the Argentine journalist Sergio Rubín (biographer and friend of Bergoglio) it is the most audacious move of the Pope in his entire pontificate: having put in charge of the most important Vatican dicastery (sic!) the most "faithful interpreter of the cultural revolution" brought forward in the Church for "a more open (to the world? Ed) and less condemnatory Catholicism".

After cardinals Ratzinger, Levada, Muller (unconfirmed and left without office after the first five years) and Ladaria, a bishop arrives at the head of the CDF - writes the journalist Matzuzzi in Il Foglio - with a "poor curriculum (a licentiate in theology at the Gregorian, a doctorate in his homeland, few publications mostly of a pastoral and spiritual nature) and with innovative ideas.

Protégé of Pope Francis, Fernández became rector of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires in 2009 on a proposal from then-cardinal Bergoglio (while the Vatican had blocked the appointment due to his progressive positions and few publications) and was one of the first bishops appointed by Francis who had just ascended the papal throne in May 2013. He is said to be the true author of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia but also of Evangelii Gaudium and Querida Amazonia.

It is also true that the Congregation has been progressively weakened, first in practice (for example with decisions taken without first consulting it) and then in a formal way (with the revolutionary reform of the Roman Curia regulated by the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium) however, taking into account that the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith covers at the same time the role of President of the International Theological Commission and of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, it is understood how fundamental it is that whoever fills that role must be a high-ranking theologian of undoubted orthodoxy. The appointment aroused great surprise and uproar above all because of the curriculum vitae of the one elected in a position held in the past by eminent theologians of the highest level and of international renown. If it is true that Pope Francis has always treated professional theologians and Catholic academics harshly, often accusing them of excessive formalism and warning against academic self-satisfaction, he had not so far touched the beating heart of Catholic theology, i.e. the congregation called to watch over orthodoxy and to keep the depositum fidei.


Now at the head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Francis puts one of his loyalists who defines himself as "bishop, theologian and poet". It can be said that, after Cardinal Tolentino Mendonça (head of the Dicastery for Culture) the Curia can now count on a second head of dicastery with a poetic vein. In fact, a lot of poetry seasoned his publications, among which the one entitled “Heal me with your mouth. The art of the kiss". A 1995 book now out of print which, the author points out, does not arise from personal experience but "from the life of the people who kiss" and from numerous conversations with "expert people on the subject". The author aims to synthesize what people think and experience while kissing in order to make readers "kiss better". Due to an obvious sense of modesty, the book is not included in the bibliography of the new Prefect of the former Holy Office and it is embarrassing to compare it with the manual of Dogmatic Theology of card. Muller, that of Trinitarian Theology of card Ladaria or of Introduction to Christianity of card. Ratzinger, texts that have formed entire generations of priests and bishops all over the world.

no one can live with Muslims

and why do they force the Israelis to do it?

For the genocide of Christians no collections, TV lounges, Black Lives Matter marches etc...

African bishops weep helplessly in general contempt:

they say “If you saw the videos of Islamist Ekihadist terror? Everyone would cry. Here they massacre us all.”

3 View in discussion

The course “has zero value just gives a lot of third-rate professors a platform from which to indoctrinate students into left-wing ideologies,” said Professor Jason Hill from the University of DePaul in Chicago, according to Ynet. The StopAntisemitism organization has ranked Princeton University as one of the most antisemitic academic institutions in the U.S.


if they fail to prove their allegations they must be prosecuted

3 View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

IDF kills and maims Palestinian children for organ harvesting, new Princeton course teaches

i am C h r i s t of jews

Iran Protests Paving the Way for the Gospel | Part 2 ] [ International Christian Concern ] [ Last week, we shared with you Part 1 of an interview with my friend Hormoz Shariat of Iran Alive Ministries. Over the past three years, we have seen the gospel spread through Iran at an unparalleled rate and we are here to unpack that today.

In response to the nation's strict religious laws, there was an uprising of the masses calling for justice. This opened up an opportunity for Christians to show the love of Xist by offering medical care, food, and most importantly hope to protestors.

These brave believers are risking their own live and freedom and well-being to be salt and light in their community.

They know the true value of life in Xrist and know that there is nothing that would prevent them from sharing that with others. by jeff King

President, International Christian Concern

Author, Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs

Host of Into the Deep Podcast

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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

WATCH: Woman injured in drive-by shooting in Jordan Valley

nobody gets to live with muslims and why do they force israelis to do it?

For the genocide of Christians, no collections, television lounges, marches and Black Lives Matter

African bishops have had enough:

"If you saw the videos of Islamist terror? Everyone would cry. Here they massacre everyone.

Israel: Muslim drives vehicle into crowd on sidewalk, then gets out and stabs people, injuring nine

Vehicular jihad is popular among “Palestinian” jihadis. A billboard in

Nazareth actually called for attacks of this kind. “Moderate” Fatah

also called for such attacks. “Suspected car ramming ‘terror attack’

wounds 9, Israeli police say,” by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi, Fox News, July

4, 2023: Multiple people were wounded in what is being described as a

vehicular terror attack []

Robert Spencer

UK: Military families ordered to leave former airbase to make room for ‘asylum seekers’

The political elites in the UK, like those in the US, seem intent on

flooding their country with migrants. The Migration Observatory at the

University of Oxford states that “in 2020, the top five most common

countries of nationality of people seeking asylum in the UK were Iran,

Iraq, Albania, Eritrea, and Sudan,” which are []

Robert Spencer

Alan Mendoza of the Henry Jackson Society’s Absurd Observations About the Muslim Riots in France

The Henry Jackson Society, named after one of America’s greatest

senators and based in London, can occasionally be counted on for

political common sense. But not this time, I’m afraid. The executive

director of the society, Alan Mendoza, has just delivered himself of

some remarks to Fox News on the Muslim riots that might have []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Israel: Large-scale IDF Jenin operation goes into second night amid propaganda reporting

The Jenin operation continued into a second night. The Qatari-run Al

Jazeera and other pro-Palestinian media outlets covered the Jenin story

by presenting jihadists killed in the operation as “victims.” Also, it

is typical for Palestinian jihadists to hide among civilians and even

hide weaponry in populated areas, because they know that any civilian

deaths []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Al Aqsa Mosque cleric in 2019: ‘France will become Islamic country through jihad’

Where was and is the outcry in the West over what Sheikh Abu Taqi Al-Din

Al-Dari said in 2019, in a video which is now making the rounds again

because of the crisis in France? Al-Dari stated his call for conquest

during a sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The sermon, in which he stated

that []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation calls for international ‘collective measures’ to stop desecration of Qur’an

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held an emergency session

in Cairo and issued a call for “collective measures” to stop “acts of

desecration of the Holy Quran and international law should be used to

stop religious hatred after the holy book was burned in a protest in

Sweden.” The OIC does not ascribe to []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

WATCH: Israeli farmers are 'the best guards over the lands in Area C,' says Israeli minister

France: Snapshots From The Front

Policemen Set Upon by Muslim Mob: ‘Beaten On The Ground Like Dogs”

During the riots, a mob of 20 Arabs set upon two off-duty policemen,

after one of them had been recognized as a policeman. More on this

outrage — one among so many — can be found here: “French riots: 2

off-duty police officers []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Pakistan: Muslim murders Christian widow on her way home from work for refusing to convert to Islam

In yet another incident in Pakistan of a Christian woman murdered for

refusing to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man. The torture of

Shazia Imran was particularly brutal as the primary suspect got three

other Muslims to join him in gang raping Shazia and slashing her throat —

as the Qur’an directs to []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Rioters need reinforcements: France brings back 10 women suspected of jihad activity from Syria camps

What could possibly go wrong? The whole country is on fire as it is.

Apparently the thinking of the Macron government is “The more the

merrier.” “France repatriates 10 women suspected of jihadism, 25

children from Syria camps,” AFP, July 4, 2023: France on Tuesday

repatriated 10 women and 25 children who were held in []

Robert Spencer

EU Summit ends unresolved after Poland and Hungary reject migration reform

You won’t see the kinds of problems in Poland or Hungary that France is

now having: In the European Council, “conclusions are endorsed by

consensus.” The responsible leaders of these two countries have been

persistently vocal (and determined) about protecting their countries’

sovereignty, borders, and national security, even through years of EU

bullying. As the []

Christine Douglass-Williams

For the genocide of Christians, no collections, television lounges, marches and Black Lives Matter

African bishops have had enough:

"If you saw the videos of Islamist terror? Everyone would cry. Here they massacre everyone. And you Westerners tell us that we burn for global warming, rather than for our faith"

Giulio Meotti

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: Palestinian terror groups show off bombs in Jenin

FrontPage Mag DAILY

California Dems Trash America’s Gay Hero

Lloyd Billingsley

White Men Face Systemic Racism in the Workplace

Daniel Greenfield

In France, Muslim Mayhem and (Attempted) Murder

Hugh Fitzgerald

Flood at the Border Sinks Biden

John and Andy Schlafly

Poisoning the Next Two Palestinian Generations

Joseph Puder

Will Biden Resign?

Terry Paulson

Glazov Gang: Putin – Weaker Than Ever?

Glazov Gang

The Political Left is Simply Gross

Derek Hunter

A Transformative Shift in the Western Approach to Iran Regime

Majid Rafizadeh

For the Fourth, the Left Goes After Fireworks

Daniel Greenfield

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Two Jews arrested for death of Palestinian in clash near Ramallah, claim act of defense

Two Jews arrested for death of Palestinian in clash near Ramallah, claim act of defense


are 80 years that the Muslims of the ARAB LEAGUE declare to make the genocide of the Israelis, and that they make deadly terrorism against anyone to tradiment in treason? this is also true

Trump and Biden’s Iran Envoy Were Both Accused of Mishandling Classified Info

One was allowed to stay on his job, the other was raided by the FBI.

Last year, the FBI conducted a raid of former President Trump’s

residence at Mar-a-Lago. Biden’s Justice Department bypassed normal

protocol for the raid, sidelined the FBI’s Miami Field Office, refused

to assign a U.S. Attorney’s Office and pressured the FBI to go []

Daniel Greenfield

Iraq pays billions to Iran after US waives sanctions that prohibited such payments

The Biden regime appears determined to get funds to the Islamic

Republic. “Iran Says Iraq Has Settled Debt for Gas Imports, Shana

Reports,” by Arsalan Shahla, Bloomberg, June 25, 2023: Iraq has fully

paid a debt for natural gas purchases from Iran, according to the head

of the National Iranian Gas Co., the state-run Shana []

Robert Spencer

The Media’s False Equivalence Between the IDF and the Terrorists

Media outlets around the world covering the conflict between

Palestinians and the IDF often, by omission and commission, present the

terrorists and IDF soldiers as morally identical. They leave out crucial

details, put great emphasis on others that make the IDF look bad, and

get the sequence of events wrong, so that IDF raids to []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Elon Musk, Robert Spencer, and Amy Mek

For many years, people in positions of power and authority have tried to

silence and censor the counterjihad movement. Robert Spencer got banned

from entering the UK and got shadowbanned on Twitter. The SPLC wrote a

hit piece on him. Much more can be said about the measures taken to

marginalize foes of jihad terror. []

Ahmed Anwar

India: Police arrest al Qaeda-linked operatives seeking Muslim recruits

The police in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have arrested

two terror suspects linked to Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, an al

Qaeda-affiliated jihad outfit, local media reports say. One of the

arrested suspects — appropriately named “Saddam,” wanted to recruit

Muslims “who feel that they have been tortured in India, he wanted to

implement Sharia []

Vijeta Uniyal

Israeli military: Islamic terrorists ‘fortified’ Judea and Samaria mosque, hid weapons cache underneath

The Israeli military has uncovered a mosque that was serving as a base

of operation for Islamic terrorists in the Judea and Samaria town of

Jenin. The supposed house of worship was “fortified” with gunmen and

contained an underground tunnel. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also

found a weapons cache hidden underneath the mosque, Israeli []

Vijeta Uniyal

Andrew Hussey of The Guardian Wide of the Mark on France’s Muslim Riots

Andrew Hussey of The Guardian writes sympathetically of the Muslim

rioters in France, claiming that they are angry because they feel “the

ideals of the Republic” do not apply to them. More of his comment can be

found here: “In the suburbs, too many feel France’s founding ideals

don’t apply to them,” by Andrew Hussey, The Guardian, []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Israeli Police Chief Confirms Charges Were Meant to Remove Netanyahu From Office

“He must step aside and someone else must lead.” In a long-running

campaign by the old lefties who dominate Israel’s judiciary, prosecutors

and top police officials, charges were wrongly brought against Prime

Minister Netanyahu in an effort to remove him from office. Now the quiet

part is being said out loud. Israel Police and the State []

Daniel Greenfield

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

WATCH: 'Trump's real trial is going to be the election'

Mali: Muslims murder at least 17 people in jihad raids on villages

Working toward a caliphate in West Africa. “Daesh/ISIS-affiliated

terrorists kill at least 17 civilians in northern Mali,” by Sidonie

Aurore Bonny, Anadolu Agency, June 29, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of

Peace): At least 17 people were killed and several others were wounded

in two simultaneous attacks in the Gao region of northern Mali, a []

Robert Spencer

Cyprus: Muslims march through city holding up Qur’ans and screaming ‘Allahu akbar’

Will the Cypriot government heed the warning of Mayor Phedon Phedonos?

Almost certainly not. Will he be remembered as a hero who dared to call

attention to what was happening before it was too late? Almost

certainly. Will his warnings come true? Almost certainly. “Cyprus:

Pakistanis and other Muslims with the Qu’ran [sic] in hand []

Robert Spencer

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Russian drone strikes hit Ukrainian key to grain exports to Israel

"Our DEM ostriches spa&Co FED ECB scambanking seigniorage dracula wanted a world without borders and identities. but, They dragged us on the razor of civil war and world war"

Sensational analysis of the former head of the French secret service. "Other than the 'minority', 100,000-200,000 participated in the violence. Non-European immigration is an avalanche"

Giulio Meotti

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: College donor pulls funding over 'left-wing hostility'

satan rockefeller jew freemason lgbt screams ] [

Open in app or online

"Let's erase the family, the father, the mother, the biology and we will finally be free"

It seems like 2023, but a psychoanalytic institute theorized it 50 years ago and it ended in tragedy. An extraordinary book tells it and reveals to us how we arrived at our nihilistic degeneration

Giulio Meotti

The psychic collapse of our societies affects the younger generations, who no longer have even the most basic biological cornerstones, decreed as obsolete. Extraneous to their sexual nature, convinced that they inherit an atrocious and guilty Western civilization, from which they want to separate themselves through identity self-mutilation, until they fall into an eco-anxiety that leads to paralysis, these generations sink into a nihilistic hypnosis, like if they wanted to annihilate themselves before the world does. ...

Castrating Kids to Win Elections

Daniel Greenfield

Suddenly, Hunter Biden’s ‘Love Child’ is News

Tim Graham

The Drudgery and Danger of a Meritless Society

Jeff Davidson

Not for Sale: God’s Children

Grazie Pozo Christie |

Biden Adm Allocates $223 Million For UN Agency That Promotes Jihad, Jew-Hatred In Textbooks

Vijeta Uniyal

The Nightmare of Being Christian in Pakistan

Hugh Fitzgerald

Video: Sowell Schools Biden on Affirmative Action

Frontpage Editors

A Better Solution to Shortages than Chinese Cancer Drugs

Peter Pitts

Israel is Here to Stay

Israel is Here to Stay

FrontPage Mag DAILY

July 6, 2023

Publishing house of the Fiducia Association founded in 1987

Lived Christianity Dom Francesco Pollien ] [ To what heights have the Saints risen! Not all, no doubt, have done the complete work of their purification down here. For some, there may be some work left in purgatory to do. But many reached the last summit from this life and entered heaven from the moment of their death. And as for those in whom a small part of the work still remained to be done, they had nevertheless traveled the path to its greatest extent. It goes without saying that they had fully implemented the first part of the Christian life: God the first, and that they were already far ahead also in the second: God alone. That's why they are so big! They were men like you, with the same passions and the same nature, as well as with the same reason and the same faith. And they were able to overcome their passions, to live according to their reason and according to their faith. They were men!... Pilate, showing Jesus Xist to the people, said: Here is the man. And the Church, showing her saints to the world, says: Here are the men! And will you be a man? a Christian? a saint? Do you have faith? reason? Edizioni Fiducia reprints Pollien's masterpiece, published by Marietti in 1958, one of the fundamental spiritual texts of the 20th century.

Author: Dom Francesco Pollien Edition year: 2017

Pages: 167

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election

Jen Psaki: ‘GOP is trying to recruit Muslim Americans against transgender people’

Psaki criticized Republicans for supposedly opposing Sharia, which she

apparently thinks is all moonbeams and unicorns. So she apparently

really believes, or would have us believe, that Muslims are standing

against the transgender madness because they’ve been incited to do so by

dastardly Republicans. Imagine her surprise when she discovers what

Sharia is really all []

Robert Spencer

France: Slain teen’s grandmother said cops ‘won’t escape. I’m going to slit the throats of those who shot my son.’

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike necks” (Qur’an 47:4) “Death of

Nahel: what Florian M., the policeman who killed the shot, told IGPN

investigators,” translated from “Mort de Nahel : ce qu’a dit Florian M.,

le policier auteur du tir mortel, aux enquêteurs de l’IGPN,” by

Jean-Michel Décugis, Jérémie Pham-Lê and Vincent Gautronneau, Le

Parisien, []

Robert Spencer

Muslim commentator for Leftist German daily: ‘Paris must burn!’

Multicultural Europe is beautifully unified. “‘Paris must burn,'”

translated from “„Paris muss brennen“,” by Sebastian Geisler, Bild, July

5, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Incredible derailment in the “taz.” In a

commentary on the riots and riots in France’s capital, it says: “Paris

must burn”! I’M SORRY, WHAT? In the article “Youth protests in France:

You []

Robert Spencer

Can a President Who Can’t Tell Apart Iraq and Ukraine Make Decisions About Them?

Biden slipped up twice in 24 hours, confusing Iraq with Ukraine. What is

the standard for competency for presidents? At the very least, the

ability to tell apart two major conflicts that affect the United States.

President Joe Biden slipped up twice in the last 24 hours by confusing

the US war in Iraq with the Russian []

Daniel Greenfield

France: Fundraiser For Charged Policeman Accused of ‘Organized Gang Fraud’ by Family of Slain Teen

Jean Messiha, moved by the plight of the French policeman who shot Nahel

Merzouk and now sits in jail, awaiting trial, and of his wife and child

who now have had to move, living in fear of their lives from vengeful

Muslims, started a GoFundMe campaign for the family that has now raised

more than []

Hugh Fitzgerald

God YHVH holy bless former US President Donald Trump

but Rockefeller persecutes anyone who dares raise his head in front of him, MBS in Riadh also sprinkles Vaseline

in order to continue killing Christians with is sharjah

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Democrat-led anti-Israel bill relies on research from designated terror group

Nigeria: Muslims shoot mortar bomb into a town, murder six people

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that

by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy”

(Qur’an 8:60) “Boko Haram Kills Six Persons, Injures Others After

Shooting Mortar Bomb Into Borno Community,” Sahara Reporters, July 1,

2023: According to Daily Trust, it []

Robert Spencer

French Politician States the Obvious: All the Rioters Had Immigrant Backgrounds

In an appearance at the French National Assembly, Minister of the

Interior Gerard Darmanin insisted that “only 10%” of the rioters were

“foreign,” while 90% were “French citizens.” That may be true, but those

90% were French citizens only on their identity cards. By their mental

makeup, they were still the Muslim migrants whom their []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Belgium: ‘Even non-Muslim girls are forced to wear concealing clothes. If they’re too exposed, they’re harassed.’

Islamization? Pah! That’s a right-wing conspiracy theory, you greasy

Islamophobe. “Abaya: the new Islamic fashion that challenges

secularism,” translated from “Abaya : la nouvelle mode islamique qui

défie la laïcité,” by Elsa Lavergne, Valeurs Actuelles, June 20, 2023

(thanks to Medforth): Yet another Islamic provocation, the abaya is

today at the heart of conflicts around []

Robert Spencer

View in discussion

India: Muslim raped and blackmailed Hindu girl for five years

This case of the repeated rape of a girl beginning when she was 16 years

old is all too common in India; it is so common that there is a

specific term for it, “Love Jihad.” The West is blind to the suffering

of Hindu and Christian women who are repeatedly subject to sexual and


Christine Douglass-Williams

Al-Qaeda: If Muslims ‘killed and stabbed those criminals’ who burned the Qur’an, no one would consider burning it

Muhammad said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari

4:52.220). Islam’s punishment for blasphemy is explicitly (and grossly)

demonstrated in the Hadiths, such as this one. A blind man had a

slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet (peace be upon him) and

disparage him. He forbade her, but she did not stop. He rebuked []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

'I DIDN'T RUSH': Nikki Haley finally speaks out on Trump indictment

Republican presidential hopeful and former governor and UN ambassador Nikki Haley mocks latest indictment of Donald Trump.


rockefeller persecutes anyone who doesn't bend over backwards in front of him

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

WATCH: Finland becomes first foreign country to buy David's Sling air defense system

MERKEL said it was the Americans' fault that the Minsk accords were derailed

Stoltemberg declared in Vilnius that the OTAN of esoteric ageenda, masonic system, occult spa&co power

he had already decided to annex Ukraine already in 2008

NULAND staged a bloody coup, with CIA snipers no one ever looked for

then, there was the Odessa pogrom in 2014

and from another 8 years of aggression and genocide against the Russian-speaking side in Donbass

then, Ursula Mattarella the OTAN spa & Co Bildenberg, deep state, Davos, Soros, Rockefeller Rothschild MBS Riyadh and EU UK USA OIC they say that Putin's invasion was not motivated

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

An Iranian Jew who was beaten up as a child is behind the establishment of the IDF’s secret anti-Iran unit – report

Stoltemberg stated that NATO 666 OTAN had decided to annex Ukraine already in 2008

NULAND staged a bloody coup, with CIA snipers no one ever looked for

followed by the Odessa pogrom in 2014

and from another 8 years of assaults on the Russian-speaking side in Donbass

3 Ursula Mattarella OTAN spa&Co Bildenberg, Davos Rothschild MBS Riyadh and EU UK USA OIC they say that Putin's invasion was not motivated

Allahicité! "This is how secession is already taking place in France"

Two books reveal the division. 400 new mosques. Fleeing Jews and departments where the first ten names of those born are all Muslims. Fuyons enfants de la patrie. Le jour de la gloire a passé by Giulio Meotti





















These are the ten most popular names among newborns, boys and girls. In Algeria? Tunisia? Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Iraq? Yemen? No, in the sixth largest department of France. ..

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Washington equates deaths of terror victim and terrorist in separate weekend attacks

Washington equates deaths of terror victim and terrorist in separate weekend sharjah Ummah OIC jihad attacks

satan said to sodom: "se* does not exist, your males can become females, the children belong to the state"

"We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children"

They sing it at Pride. And if in Europe the judges accuse you of "domestic violence" if you don't pay for your child's se* change, blue America criminalizes those who get the wrong pronoun

Giulio Meotti

In George Orwell's 1984, Big Brother does not grant party members the right to start families. Women must not accentuate their femininity: "He had never seen a party woman wearing makeup," says Winston Smith. The primacy of the family is degraded through the "Junior Anti-Sex League". A sort of Manichaean contempt for sexual difference which serves to undermine the foundations of marriage...

NULAND after carrying out a bloody coup followed by the Odessa pogrom in 2014 and another 8 years of attacks on the Russian-speaking part in Donbass

the OTAN EU UK USA say Putin's invasion was not motivated

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Knesset Speaker presents Morocco with world’s smallest Koran made with nanotech

After the French Riots total jihad destruction

Bruce Bawer

The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law

Victor Davis Hanson

Discussion on World Israel News 152 comments

Israeli cabinet likely to approve Iran strike should Netanyahu pursue it – report

Jihad group says it will attack Christians and churches in Pakistan in revenge for Qur’an-burning in Sweden

What do the Christians in Pakistan have to do with the burning of the

Qur’an in Sweden? Nothing whatsoever. But Sweden is nominally Christian,

and so as far as these jihadis are concerned, all Christians are

responsible. Islamic apologists in the West frequently accuse those who

dare to discuss Islam’s doctrine of jihad of blaming []

Robert Spencer

US officials warn of ‘another 9/11’ after Biden regime releases illegal migrant on terror watchlist into the country

“Bungled release”? Maybe. Or maybe it went just the way the political

elites wanted it to go. “Law enforcement experts warn of ‘another 9-11’

after bungled release of migrant tied to terrorism,” by Natalia

Mittelstadt, Just the News, July 5, 2023: Former law enforcement

officials are warning of potential terrorist attacks and a repeat of []

Robert Spencer

US and Israel Pressure Palestinian Authority to Crack Down on Terrorists

The Palestinian Authority has a duty, under the Oslo Accords, to engage

in security coordination with Israel, including joint efforts to prevent

terrorist attacks on Israelis, and helping Israel to track down

terrorists who have already carried out attacks. But the PA has not been

fulfilling its solemn commitments, and both Israel and the U.S. []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Left: Preventing the Government from Censoring Free Speech is Censorship

The “clear message is to have this sort of chilling effect on

communication between the government and platforms.” After a federal

judge issued a ruling ordering the federal government to stop

“specifically flagging content or posts on social-media platforms and/or

forwarding such to social-media companies urging, encouraging,

pressuring, or inducing in any manner for removal, []

Daniel Greenfield

Turkish Muslim Invaders Who Looted Roman Statue Want It Back from Denmark

Give us back the thing you stole from us after we stole it. The question

of whom archeological finds belong to can be a fraught one. It may be

reasonable for the Greeks to demand Greek artifacts from other European

countries. It’s not however remotely reasonable for the Turks to expect

Roman artifacts that they []

Daniel Greenfield

We Can’t See Full Report on Afghanistan Withdrawal to Protect It From ‘Adversaries’

We must keep adversaries from seeing “some of the vulnerabilities and

deficiencies that we have.” The State Department recently issued its

series of excuses for the botched Afghanistan retreat during which it

blamed it in part on remote work during COVID-19 in the form of a

report. The full report however can’t be seen lest our enemies

discover that []

Daniel Greenfield

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Khamenei: West would not be able to stop Iran from going nuclear

Stories from Israel Not Covered in the Mainstream Media

The BBC, The Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and

similar beraters of Israel have been eager to portray the Israeli

government as somehow complicit in the settler rampages through a

handful of Palestinian villages. They give great attention to those

“far-right” Israeli officials who idiotically declare their sympathy for

those who, in the course of their []

Hugh Fitzgerald

India: Multiple cases of Muslim men gang-raping Hindu women and minor girls; media remains indifferent

Though the widespread and largely misleading notion is that the BJP

government of India is anti-Hindu and the Muslims live under the threat

of Hindutva fascism in Indian states governed by the political party,

such claims couldn’t be farther from truth. Regardless of the false

claims of the Islamic intelligentsia that promulgates the farce of []

Ashlyn Davis

Austria: Muslim migrant murdered mother of three because she no longer adhered to traditional values

In the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition,

kills a boy in an apparently random and gratuitous attack. He then

explains: “And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared

that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. So we

intended that their Lord should substitute for []

Robert Spencer

Afghanistan: Taliban kills farmer for not paying zakat

Almsgiving, zakat, is one of the pillars of Islam. But like virtually

everything else in Islam, it is not a matter of voluntary concern for

the needy. It’s an obligation, the refusal of which can have lethal

consequences. “Farmer killed by Taliban for not paying Tithe in Kabul,”

South Asia Terrorism Portal, June 28, 2023 []

Robert Spencer

Discussion on World Israel News 81 comments

Pro-terror activist vacationing in Israel, promoting BDS, thanks to visa-waiver program

MOSSAD ] [ if you don't want to kill her then, give her 10 years of harsh prison, together with the martyrs of hamas in the same cell. Nerdeen Kiswani in Haifa, Israel on August 4

there was no best friend of Putin for the EU before he was slandered by the EU"Those who appreciate freedom must never lose sight of the battle against communism against the Darwin monkeys and against sharia in all its forms, including the politically correct lgbt"

Zelensky overthrows communism,

but in Russia it does not exist in communism

Zelensky and his accomplices are just doing Russophobia, and the genocide of the people living in Donbass since 2014

where God put love

the CIA OTAN Ursula Biden brought hate

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Gallant to meet Austin amid reports of emerging US-Tehran deal

"Those who appreciate freedom should never lose sight of the battle against communism, against monkey Darwins and against sharia in all forms, including political correctness"

The manifesto of one of the greatest American entrepreneurs. "When freaks chanted 'hey hey ho ho, Western culture must dislodge', I understood it was a new anti-Christian totalitarianism"

Giulio Meotti

Jul 8

Sacred objects taken from churches sold in the Soviet Union ...

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

IDF brass in Cairo to investigate deadly border attack

BBC Reporter Claims 'Israelis Are Happy to Kill Children with Kalashnikov Jihad'

Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised. The BBC has a deep bench of

Israel-haters. There have been such anti-Israel and antisemitic

luminaries as Jeremy Bowen, Robert Fisk, Barbara Plett (who wept as she

reported on the death of “that frail old man” Yasser Arafat), Orla

Guerin, Lyse Doucet, Yolande Knell, and finally, the latest entry []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Saudi foreign minister in Iran amid warming ties

jeah, BBC Reporter Claims 'Israelis Are Happy to Kill Children with Kalashnikov Jihad'

What if a Christian read the Koran together with the Holy Spirit? he wouldn't turn it into a menacing book.

as Muslims do with the spirit of Allah

Violence and terrorism work: Sweden is considering making Qur’an burnings illegal

This is how the freedom of expression is dying in the West; officials

all too readily bow to violent intimidation. “Sweden is considering

making Koran burnings illegal, Aftonbladet reports,” Reuters, July 6,

2023: STOCKHOLM, July 6 (Reuters) – The Swedish government is examining

whether it could make setting the Koran or other holy books on []

Robert Spencer

Video: Robert Spencer on the Jaipur Dialogues on the jihad in Europe today


Robert Spencer

Weaponizing Accusations: Examining the Dangerous Targeting of Amy Mek by a Muslim GOP Candidate

Accusing Amy Mek of Islamophobia, Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman brandishes

a dangerous weapon that threatens her safety and aims to stifle free

speech. In a startling turn of events, former GOP candidate Shukri

Abdullahi Abdirahman has launched a scathing attack on Amy Mek, the

founder of RAIR Foundation USA, with potential life-threatening

implications. This deliberate assault []

RAIR Foundation

Pakistan: Christians take to the streets to protest against Qur’an burning in Sweden

The Christians in Pakistan know that they are in danger from enraged

Muslims who will murder them because someone they had nothing to do with

half a world away burned a book. Meanwhile, even the UN is discussing

the burning of the Qur’an, while no one cares about the persecution of

Christians in Pakistan, Nigeria []

Robert Spencer

The Delusional Sycophants of the FBI Retired Agents’ Association: A ‘Fire in the Attic?’

An April 11, 2023 written report by the Executive Director of the

Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI (SOFSA), Nancy Savage,

reflected that on that date, several Society Chapter Chairs from around

the country visited the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia. Savage and

SOFSA President Dennis Lormel were also present. They attended a []

David J. Baldovin

BBC Reporter Claims ‘Israelis Are Happy to Kill Children’

Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised. The BBC has a deep bench of

Israel-haters. There have been such anti-Israel and antisemitic

luminaries as Jeremy Bowen, Robert Fisk, Barbara Plett (who wept as she

reported on the death of “that frail old man” Yasser Arafat), Orla

Guerin, Lyse Doucet, Yolande Knell, and finally, the latest entry []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Megyn Kelly blasts Jen Psaki for accusing GOP of ‘manipulating’ Muslims in transgender debate

Any truthful person knows that nowhere is the LGBTQ community more

accepted than in Western societies. The problem now is that trans

advocates are encroaching upon parental rights and religious freedom.

Megyn Kelly fired back against the ludicrous accusations of Jen Psaki

that the GOP is “trying to recruit” Muslims into being anti-transgender.

Psaki knows []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Hamas-linked CAIR chief rebuts Psaki’s claim that GOP is manipulating Muslim parents: We’re not ‘political puppets’

It is interesting to watch the Red-Green axis unravel over the LGBTQ

issue, as tensions continue. The Left and Islamic groups were merely

friends of convenience all along. They have nothing in common, but now

the friendship isn’t so convenient after all, as the two sides battle it

out over values: wokeness vs Islam. Of []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Hamas-linked CAIR calls on Biden to ‘condemn, intervene’ to stop Israel’s ‘war crimes’

An article in the Jerusalem Post provides numerous reasons why

the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) isn’t

credible. Yet far too many mainstream media outlets allow CAIR to spread

its propaganda, despite the fact that this unsavory organization was

designated a Hamas-linked, unindicted conspirator in America’s largest

terrorism funding trial, that of the Holy Land Foundation. []

Christine Douglass-Williams

he Graves of Academe (#473 in a series)

The Plagiarizing President A retired military man was named a few years

ago to be the President of the University of South Carolina. His has

been a rocky tenure, but his most recent commencement speech, which

ended with a stirring peroration that turned out to be copied,

word-for-word, from a speech by another military man, []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments

US pessimistic on Israel-Saudi normalization

con l'amore della misericordia, why these two U.S. Satanists Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah,

instead of having behind them the pure love, with the love of mercy, and universal of Jesus of Bethlehem seen by Maria Faustyna Kowalska,


do they have a mass Aziz assassin jihad galaxy for all his shariaa murderer behind them?

Satana lgbt copulated with togheter to Allah pedopfilia poligamist

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Why Arabs do not trust the Biden administration – analysis

why these two U.S. Satanists Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah,

instead of having behind them the pure and universal love with the love of mercy of Jesus of Bethlehem seen by Maria Faustina Kowalska, (Głogowiec, 25 August 1905 - Krakow, 5 October 1938),


do they have a mass murderer Aziz-ISIS jihad galaxy behind them?

Discussion on World Israel News 81 comments

Pro-terror activist vacationing in Israel, promoting BDS, thanks to visa-waiver program

why these two U.S. Satanists Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah,

instead of having behind them the pure and universal love of Jesus of Bethlehem seen by M

Maria Faustina (in Polish Maria Faustyna) Kowalska, born Helena Kowalska (Głogowiec, 25 August 1905 - Krakow, 5 October 1938), with the love of mercy,


do they have a mass murderer behind them?


then came the curse of Allah


then came the curse of Allah Lebanon was called the Switzerland of the M.O.

then came the curse of Allah

Allah Riyadh BIN MBS and Satan Rockefeller conspired, but lorenzoJHWH said "No"

it was all material suitable for building missiles against Israel

The Beirut explosion occurred in the port area of the Lebanese city on 4 August 2020 at around 18:08, killing 218 people and injuring 7 000 others.

Investigations into Beirut port explosion three years later are still blocked by Iran & Hezbollah

The explosion occurred due to the presence in a port warehouse of almost three thousand tons of ammonium nitrate, which arrived in Beirut in 2013.

it was all material suitable for building missiles against Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Palestinian terrorists are ‘born on smartphones, not in a mosque’ - Israel Security Agency

Allah Riyadh BIN MBS and Satan Rockefeller conspired, but lorenzoJHWH said "No"

Investigations into Beirut port explosion three years later are still blocked by Iran & Hezbollah

The explosion occurred due to the presence in a port warehouse of almost three thousand tons of ammonium nitrate, which arrived in Beirut in 2013.

it was all material suitable for building missiles against Israel

Warm and Evil Bestiary

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, here is the Bestiary that takes into account the temperatures and the madness of the season. Enjoy watching and sharing.

Keep reading Copyright © 2023 Marco Tosatti, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is: Marco Tosatti Rome, Rm 00124


Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

REALISTIC? Saudi princess discusses her vision for the Middle East

Friend and warrior of light, we're almost there.

We are in the final direction. One more effort from me to fit the last few pieces together and one final prop from you and we're ready to launch


My most complete, most risky, but indispensable investigation to understand who formed the CARTEL that has taken our country hostage from the post-war period to today.

By killing our technological leadership (Olivetti), our energy independence (Mattei), our freedom of thought (Pasolini), our sovereignty.

Who first used the strategy of tension with bombs and attacks, then financial weapons of mass destruction such as the single currency?

Is there a common thread between all these events?

I tried to trace it by documenting the facts narrated in a manic way.

Has the CARTEL ever been sent to trial?

We will do it together over the course of the chapters, building that process that never was.

In fact, I structured the investigation, like a process.

As an author, I played the role of the prosecutor.

An (imaginary) judge instead raised his objections,

asking me for feedback on everything I asked him to acquire in the "trial" documents.

But the judge who will issue the "final sentence" will be only the readers. It will be you. Once we get to the final chapter.

I wanted to let you know that the first name and initial of the surname of those who supported me with a contribution will be engraved inside the book in the dedication section. The full name is also available on request.

I want to keep track of the 300 Spartans without whom I could have done nothing.

Thank you

AllahSodoma Satana destroy jewish christian civilization ] [ Will the European Union end up like the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

A long report of mine from Kundera's "Europe that can disappear", Musil's "Cacania", of the ghosts of the Shoah, of the churches transformed into mosques by the Turks and into museums from the communist void

Giulio Meotti

Erasing Innocence erasing verginity

Mark Tapson

Granny Spills the Beans

Robert Spencer

Glazov Gang: HHS Whistleblower Exposes Child Trafficking at the Border

Glazov Gang

Leftists Argue Government Censorship is the Highest Form of Speech

Daniel Greenfield

Video: Tucker Drops Jan 6 BOMBSHELL that Never Made it to Air

Frontpage Editors

Jew-Hating Uncle of Tlaib Advisor Steps Down From Orlando Arab Group Leadership

Joe Kaufman

What Ails Us

Michael Finch

France’s Riot Lessons

Thom Nickels

The Mullahs Behind Jenin’s Terror Base

Joseph Puder

Alan Mendoza’s Twisted Observations about the Muslim Riots in France

Hugh Fitzgerald

Turkish nationalist leader: ‘Allah is one and his army is TurkishWhoever burns the Qur’an has burned himself’

Should the army of Allah, arrayed against the freedom of expression,

really be in NATO, ostensibly allied with the armies of the free West?

“MHP leader Bahçeli: Allah is one and his army is Turkish,” translated

from “MHP lideri Bahçeli: Allah tektir ordusu da Türk’tür,” Oda TV, July

4, 2023 (thanks to Joshua): MHP Chairman []

Robert Spencer

As New Crime-Encouraging Policies Take Effect, Rapper 50 Cent Says L.A. Is ‘Finished’

New in PJ Media: People are already fleeing California in record

numbers. Nevertheless, Los Angeles hasn’t implemented full Leftism yet,

so the City of Angels isn’t quite as paradisal as it could be or should

be. Leftists are fixing that, however, by stopping detaining people for

crimes such as theft and vandalism. Leftists can watch for L.A. []

Robert Spencer

Austria: Students have to attend graduation worship service in mosque

Hey, they were just preparing the students for Austria’s glorious

future. “Students in Vorarlberg have to go to a mosque for the final

service,” translated from “Vorarlberger Schüler müssen zum

Abschluss-Gottesdienst in eine Moschee,” Unzensuriert, July 4, 2023

(thanks to Medforth): Excitement among parents in Vorarlberg. The final

service at the end of school will []

Robert Spencer

Germany: Muslim migrant mob attacks graduation party, numerous people injured

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that

by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy”

(Qur’an 8:60) “Arab mob attacks graduation party in Görlitz: numerous

visitors injured!,” translated from “Araber-Mob greift Abi-Feier in

Görlitz an: Zahlreiche Besucher verletzt!,” by Bettina Sauer, []

Robert Spencer

UK: Inspectors declare new migrant centre ‘inhumane’ because wi-fi is slow and it has no hair salon

Some great nations come to a tragic end. Britain’s demise, however, is

just ridila tua vergognaus. “EXCLUSIVE: Migrant centre branded inhumane – because

the Wi-Fi is slow and it has no local hair salon, inspectors say,” by

Chris Pollard, Daily Mail, July 8, 2023: Inspectors have declared a new

migrant detention centre is ‘inhumane’ – because the []

Robert Spencer

The Murder of Sarah Halimi in France and its ‘Nauseating’ Aftermath

Sarah Halimi was a 65-year-old Jewish woman in Paris who was savagely

beaten and then thrown out the window of her third-floor apartment by a

Muslim neighbor. His trial and sentence were a hideous farce, and now a

French documentary maker’s film about the matter has just been shown on

French television.. More on the []

Hugh Fitzgerald

French President Blames ‘Video Games’ Instead of ‘Islam’ for Riots

“The video games that have intoxicated them” While I don’t think modern

digital entertainment is especially healthy, national leaders blaming

movies and games instead of dealing Islamic violence is even less

mentally healthy. Here’s France’s President Macron trying hard not to

talk about the thing you’re not supposed to address. President Emmanuel

Macron has mostly blamed social []

Daniel Greenfield

ISIS: Saudi crown prince wants to enable ‘complete occupation of Arabian Peninsula by Zio-Crusaderists alliance’

A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “I will expel the Jews and Christians

from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.” (Sahih

Muslim 19.4366) “Cover Article In Issue 26 Of ISKP Magazine ‘Voice Of

Khurasan’ Slams Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman For Leading

Muslims Away From Islam: Saudi Tyrants ‘Have Been Plotting []

Robert Spencer

Sudan: ‘Hundreds of thousands of Christians in the jihad-ravaged Nuba mountains are again facing war and famine’

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that

by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy”

(Qur’an 8:60) “Sudanese Christians Face Brutal Civil War,” by J.

Lindner, International Christian Concern, July 7, 2023: 07/07/2023 Sudan

(International Christian Concern) – In mid-April 2023, []

Robert Spencer

After the Riots in France

The indigenous French are disgusted with the government’s response to

the Muslim riots. There was fury at President Macron’s remark about the

policeman, Florian M., that his act was both “inexplicable” and

“unforgivable.” Whatever happened, many wondered, to the presumption of

innocence? And why was Macron’s remark echoed by Prime Minister

Elisabeth Borne and Minister of []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Iran aiding build up of terror cells in Judea and Samaria, Islamic Jihad leader claims

Burkina Faso: Muslims murder 22 civilians in jihad raids on villages in the north and west

The objective is to terrorize the population into submission. A hadith

depicts Muhammad as saying: “I have been made victorious through terror”

(Bukhari 4:52.220). “Suspected Jihadists Kill 22 In Burkina Faso:

Sources,” Agence France Presse, July 8, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of

Peace): Suspected jihadists killed 22 civilians in two attacks in the

north []

Robert Spencer

Biden, Whose Regime Includes Terrorists, Blasts Israeli Government as ‘Extreme’

“This is one of the most extreme members of cabinets that I have seen.”

Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Director, Tracy Stone-Manning, is a

former spokeswoman for an eco-terrorist group. Hady Amr, Biden’s special

representative for “Palestinian” affairs, claimed that he was “inspired

by the Palestinian intifada.” Ramzi Kassem, a White House Policy

Council adviser, was a Gitmo []

Daniel Greenfield

The Battle In Jenin Camp

The city of Jenin has been one of the two main centers of Palestinian

terrorism in Judea and Samaria; the other is Nablus. According to the

IDF, since last year, some 50 shooting attacks against Israelis were

carried out by residents of the Jenin area, and 19 wanted Palestinians

escaped to Jenin to seek refuge []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Germany: Muslim migrants arrested in six regions, were trying to obtain weapons and plotting jihad massacres

Gratitude. “Concrete attack plans: terror raids against dangerous

Islamists,” translated from “Konkrete Anschlagspläne: Terror-Razzia

gegen gefährliche Islamisten,” Exxpress, July 6, 2023 8:51 am In

Düsseldorf, Gladbeck, Gelsenkirchen, Warendorf, the Rhein-Sieg and

Ennepe-Ruhr districts, doors were kicked in and radical Islamists

arrested on Thursday. This was preceded by months of investigations into

the group of Tajiks. []

Robert Spencer

India: Muslim civic volunteer accused of killing Hindu voter by injecting poison

Locals of Hemtabad in India’s West Bengal state have handed over Muslim

civic volunteer Sadek Alam to the Border Security Forces. Alam has been

accused of beating up a 25-year-old Hindu youth and later killing him by

administering a poisonous injection. The incident occurred in a remote

location in West Bengal, close to the Bangladesh []

Ashlyn Davis

Turkey finally agrees to back Sweden’s NATO bid as it inches closer to joining the EU

Less than a day after Turkey vowed to back Sweden in NATO if the

European Union accepted Turkey as a member, news comes of a potentially

catastrophic deal with Turkey. This is all about the bigger fish for

Erdogan: his goal for a revived Ottoman Empire. Dire consequences

would result if Turkey joins the EU. []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Former French Intelligence Head Warns Again About the Maghrebins’ ‘Colonizing Immigration’

Pierre Brochand was the head of France’s counter-intelligence agency,

the DGSE, from 2002 to 2008. He has been warning about the dangers of

what he calls the mass “colonizing immigration” — by which he means the

migration of millions of Muslim migrants who enter France not to become

French, but to turn France into a []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Turkey vows to back Sweden in NATO, if the EU accepts Turkey as a member

It was a big mistake to allow Turkey to be part of NATO in the first

place. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s goal is to revive of the

Ottoman Empire (a global caliphate); he continues to manipulate NATO to

that end, and is now employing this new tactic to move closer to his

goal. Erdogan []

Christine Douglass-Williams

View in discussion

Nigeria: Sultan vigorously condemns Sweden and EU for Qur’an burning, demands investigation

The Sultan of Sokoto Sa’ad Abubakar, who is also President-General of

the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, is demanding action

over Qur’an burnings. He described the burnings as “a provocative and

blasphemous act.” Not in the West, Mister! Note how his zeal comes from a

region of particular concern regarding Islamic expansion and a []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Toronto Star accuses Muslims against LGBTQ agenda of ‘intolerance’

The Toronto Star says that “some members of a group” (Muslims) are being

accused of intolerance because of their stance against the LGBTQ

agenda. Given how eager “some members” of the mainstream media have been

to levy the charge of “Islamophobia” against anyone who criticizes

Islam in any way, that’s exactly what columnist Shree Paradkar []

Christine Douglass-Williams

View in discussion

Thus the largest bank in Italy inculcates progressivism in its employees

Indoctrination, selection and expulsion of personnel on gender and race. We are Americanizing ourselves. 2023: Western odyssey in the IT dictatorship of single thought

Giulio Meotti

Stanley Kubrick and Arthur Clarke on the set of "2001: A Space Odyssey", where the beast wields the bone that his intelligence has turned into a weapon to be used against his own kind...

there has never been a single point of contact between dogmaic ISLAM and the civilized world.

or the civilized world will die

or ISLAM ISIS will die

Iran aiding build-up of terror cells in Judea and Samaria, Islamic Jihad leader says

Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments

Report: Turkey uncovers Mossad operation in Istanbul


Whether it's by the sea, in the mountains, or in our garden, summer offers moments in which you can relax and enjoy more time in peace, to devote to a good read.

One more reason to open your mind and discover new perspectives.

Our proposals for those looking for a stimulating read


by Francesco Amodeo

Man is placed at the center of the universe, as the sole architect and creator of everything he sees and encounters in his life. author "the absolute secret of life"; the visible arises from the invisible, that is, that all that is visible in the external world, all that we call real, tangible, is actually the external projection of our inner states, our thoughts, our dreams and at worst cases of our anxieties and fears.


by Stefania Borzillo

Through touching and intimate storytelling, this book offers an eye-opening exploration of eating disorders and their impact on the lives of sufferers. The author takes the reader on an exciting journey through an in-depth analysis of the causes and consequences of eating disorders, the book also offers valuable resources and tips to help sufferers find their way to recovery.


Leonard Cannon

Through the eyes of the most modern and ineffable of the disciplines, quantum mechanics, the author investigates the nature of reality, attempting to combine the aspects of the latest physical and neurological theories with the transcendental and philosophical ones: the result is a "holistic" approach which offers a new perspective of analysis and reading of the phenomenon, to try to answer one of the most complex and debated existential questions: What awaits us after death?


by Francesco Amodeo

The first journalistic investigation in the world to shed light on the possible political instigators and perpetrators of the attacks that compromised the sporting career and life of Diego Armando Maradona. His leading role in the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) The details of the actions promoted by DIegO alongside the revolutionary leaders who have infuriated the USA. Everything about Maradona they never wanted you to know.

Biden allah uuh akbarrr Aids Al-Qaeda

Daniel Greenfield

Biden Gives Away Sensitive U.S. Military Info During CNN Interview

Robert Spencer

Federal Judge Orders a Halt to Government Censorship of Social Media Content

Joseph Klein

Required Remedy: The Impeachment of Merrick Garland

John O'Connor

Watson Video: Whose Cocaine Was Found in the White House?

Paul Joseph Watson

Why Won’t the Media Admit When Mass Murderers are Environmentalists?

John R. Lott, Jr.

French Politician States the Obvious: All the Rioters Had Immigrant Backgrounds

Hugh Fitzgerald

BBC Reporter Claims ‘Israelis are Happy to Kill Children’

Hugh Fitzgerald

India: Police Arrest al Qaeda-Linked Operatives Seeking Muslim Recruits

Vijeta Uniyal

Pride vs. Shame

Cal Thomas

Dear Patriots, Today’s culture is crazier than ever. Corporations have gone woke, radical agendas are being taught in the classroom, and big-box retailers are promoting transgender clothing in the kids section. Schools, entertainment, and media push a political, sexualized, anti-American agenda on children.

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Your PragerU Kids team

Spain: Bare-breasted women welcome migrants as they arrive on beach

The happy native women are all too ready to celebrate diversity. Before

long, however, they may have a radically different view. “Migration

madness: Bare-breasted women welcome ‘boat refugees’ to Spain! (VIDEO),”

translated from “Migrationswahnsinn: Barbusige Frauen begrüßen in

Spanien anlandende „Bootsflüchtlinge“! (VIDEO),” Unser Mitteleuropa,

July 11, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): The almost 500,000 illegal migrants


Robert Spencer

Leftists Argue Government Censorship is the Highest Form of Speech

The Left will fight to the death for the right of the government to

silence you. When Judge Terry Doughty issued an injunction in Missouri

v. Biden that banned the government from “specifically flagging content

or posts on social-media platforms and/or forwarding such to

social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in

any manner for []

Daniel Greenfield

‘To Al-Aqsa we march – martyrs by the millions’

For a century the Arabs of Palestine — now known as Israeli Arabs, if

behind the Green Line, and Palestinians if outside the Green Line — were

whipped up by the baseless charge that “Al-Aqsa is in danger,” that Haj

Amin al-Husseini was the first to exploit. That charge was then spread

beyond the borders []

Hugh Fitzgerald

India: Muslims murder Hindu man for having relationship with Muslim woman

The Qur’an forbids Muslim men to marry “polytheistic” women: “Do not

marry idolatresses until they believe, for indeed, a believing slave

woman is better than an idolatress, even though she pleases you. And do

not give your daughters in marriage to idolaters until they believe, for

indeed, a believing slave is better than an idolater, []

Robert Spencer

The ‘Islamism’ fraud and the damage it wreaks

Hajj Amin Al-Husseini and his followers needed no lessons in Jew-hatred

from a mere Nazi. They had the Qur’an, and they’ve had it for much

longer than there has been Nazis on this earth, and will continue to

have it long after Nazism is gone and forgotten. On 9 July 2023, Paul

Schneider offered his []

Muslim clerics and pundits say France’s riots are Allah’s retribution for the country’s alleged anti-Islam policies

Close. Actually, France’s riots are Allah’s retribution for the

country’s pro-Islam policies. “Arab Commentators, Muslim Clerics Call

France’s Riots Divine Punishment For Its Anti-Islam Policies, Payback

For Its Colonial History,” MEMRI, July 7, 2023: In response to the riots

that erupted in France following the tragic incident of the police

shooting and killing of a teenage []

Robert Spencer

Connecticut: Hamas-linked CAIR blames police for assault on State Representative Maryam Khan

On June 28, Andrey Desmond assaulted Connecticut State Representative

Maryam Khan outside the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut. Khan was

leaving an Eid al-Adha prayer service with her family and friends when

Desmond put her in a headlock, tried to kiss her, slapped her, knocked

her to the ground, and ran off. “Rep. Maryam Khan []

Larry Estavan

The ‘Al-Aqsa Is In Danger’ Libel

The surest way to whip up the Palestinians, to provoke their anguish and

anger, is to claim that “Al-Aqsa is in danger.” More on this charge,

and its malign consequences during the last century, can be found in

this enduringly relevant article from mid-May: “‘Al-Aqsa Is in Danger’:

The Anatomy of a Lie,” by Chaim []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Pakistan: Islamic group demands that the government declare war on Sweden over Qur’an burning

How long will the mainstream media ignore the true significance of

Islamic blasphemy laws and their encroachment upon the freedom of

expression? While MILLIONS are protesting in Pakistan against a Qur’an

burning, they support the persecution of religious minorities. Just

weeks ago, Pakistan “signed a twelve-point agreement with the

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party (TLP) Pakistan and agreed []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Saudi Arabia: Grand Mosque Sheikh decries ‘devilish forces’ behind ‘laws legitimizing marriage of a man with a man’

While all religious traditions regard homosexuality in a negative

manner, it is punishable by death in Islam — a fact that is completely

ignored by the Left as Leftists continue to pursue their alliance with

Islamic groups. See also HERE. Despite reports about Saudi Arabia

reforming, the country is still founded upon Wahhabism. “Homosexuality

is []

Christine Douglass-Williams

the scaffolding was unattended d satanists took advantage of it ] [ “Notre Dame will be rebuilt, but I will die without being able to see it again. Catholic beauty has been destroyed”

My latest interview with Alain Besancon, who passed away two days ago. The new data (also on Italy) on the disappearance of priests and the chilling projections (the last priest ordained in 2044)

Giulio Meotti

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Russia said to be mediating Israel-Iran prisoner exchange talks

David Horowitz Collection

This bundle encompasses four of

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David Horowitz

Germany: Muslim organization found to have ties to Hamas and spreads hatred against Jews

Imagine the embarrassment of German authorities when they discover that

Islamic Center Fürstenwalde taught essentially the same things that were

taught in other mosques in Germany. But by then it will be far too

late. “Protection of the Constitution: Islamic center is extremist,”

translated from “Verfassungsschutz: Islamisches Zentrum ist

extremistisch,” Deutsche Presse Agentur, July 12, []

Robert Spencer

Biden Aids Al-Qaeda

Islamic terrorists are getting money, manpower and territory from the

White House. At a press conference, Biden falsely claimed that Al Qaeda

was no longer operating in Afghanistan. “I said al Qaeda would not be

there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the

Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read []

Daniel Greenfield

More Secrets of Denmark’s Success

This morning I posted five of the ten ways that Denmark has managed to

discourage immigration and to satisfy the demands of a population

opposed to more arrivals. Here are the remaining five, once again from

an enlightening article Remix published last February: “10 ways

Denmark’s left-wing government reduced asylum applications by 82% and

dramatically []

Hugh Fitzgerald

India: Muslim spread Islamic State ideology through online games

According to a hadith, Muhammad said, “War is deceit.” (Bukhari

4.52.268). “Mohammad Tariq was taking training in ‘love jihad’ by ISKP

terrorist Sumera, was spreading ISIS ideology through online games: UP

ATS reveals,” OpIndia, July 10, 2023: On Monday, July 10, Uttar Pradesh

Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) made some startling revelations about

Mohammad Tariq, whom []

Robert Spencer

India: Newspaper copies report on crime committed by Muslim word for word, except deletes words ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islam’

The establishment media the world over does all that it can to shield

Islam from responsibility for crimes done in its name and in accord with

its teachings. “As Gujarat Samachar copies OpIndia report except for

the exclusive identity of Muslim culprit, know how mainstream media

shields Islamists and crimes committed by Muslims,” by Gopal []

Robert Spencer

India: Muslim coach tells Hindu father, ‘I have been raping your daughter since she was 17, do what you can’

This complacent declaration indicates that Mehboob Bukhari thought that

he could act with absolute impunity, or was indifferent to the prospect

of being imprisoned for rape. Consider that in light of Barack Obama’s

recent claims about the treatment of Muslims in India. Mehboob Bukhari,

for one, certainly does not behave as if he were a []

Robert Spencer

US and EU vote no as UNHCR approves Pakistan’s resolution against ‘religious hatred’

The outrage over a Qur’an burning in Sweden by an Iraqi man is

increasing. The UN Human Rights Council has now “approved a resolution,

introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic

Cooperation, on religious hatred in the wake of the desecration of the

Holy Quran in Sweden.” It’s a harsh and threatening []

Christine Douglass-Williams

How Denmark Does It

With all the turmoil in France and simmering tensions elsewhere in

Europe, it’s useful to recall a piece that the indispensable site Remix

published in February about how left-wing Denmark has done more to

reduce immigration and to maintain its homogeneous European character

than any other country in Europe. Details of Denmark’s astonishing

success – []

Hugh Fitzgerald


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