non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Jewish couple en route to delivery room attacked by Arab lynch mob

Jewish couple en route to delivery room attacked by Arab lynch mob


UNIUS REI is ETHERNAL and Universal King & PONTIFEX ]

A BRIDGE BETWEEN the existing terrestrial entities and the existing celestial entities

A BRIDGE BETWEEN the existing terrestrial entities the existing demonic infernal entities


they are waging war on the Russians with fake money


LGBT USA CANADA EU THEY SHAMELESSLY PRINTED MONEY: WHY THE CORPSES IN THE THIRD NUCLEAR WORLD WAR CANNOT NOTICE IT ] THE GIANT WITH CLAY FEET from DANIEL 2 HAS ARRIVED [ - "Nuclear" strike by Russians, Chinese and Saudis against the USA - Westerners: they ruined Credit Suisse and laid the foundations for the currency of the East. Even the Kremlin felt the "collapse" of the liberation of Credi t Suisse, the institutional giant of capitalism and pillar of the US-Western pan-empire. But what happened and while the American and European media were 24/7 touting the dissolution of Russia and the collapse of Russian banks, in the end the exact opposite happened? The answer was given at an unsuspecting moment by B. Putin himself. The Russian president said: "They continue to blame Russia for the food crisis. You experts know that the crisis started from the time of the anti-pandemic measures, where some developed economies abused their monopoly power, in terms of currency monopolies. They opened the printing press in the United States and they printed $5.9 trillion! That's 38% of all money in circulation! They printed it in two years, which is roughly the amount printed in the previous 40 years. The same And in the Eurozone they printed 2.5 trillion! They put that money into the economy and distributed it to the world, which isn't a bad thing in itself. We used a similar tactic. But we were very careful, it was done in moderation so as not to lead to such a wave of inflation ”. In short, the ECB and the US have printed trillions. dollars and euros, then raised interest rates due to inflation that rose due to the war and the sanctions they imposed on Russia to bring down its economy. At the same time, the Biden administration was already spending American taxpayer money in Ukraine. Over $100 billion went to Kiev, which made the situation worse. The Chinese then started selling US bonds, preparing to invade Taiwan. Months earlier, a "stress test" on banks and the economy had been carried out to see the vulnerable points in the event of American and European sanctions. Also, the Russians dropped the dollar from their operations while Saudi Arabia was later added to the group. The US-Riyadh crisis is unprecedented and shows what is coming to the dollar. The "United East" will continue to beat the American and European banks by laying the foundations for a new currency. A currency that will not be based on compressed air but on resources, energy, natural gas, etc

China INDIA Russia, UN SCO OTAN UE OIC ] [ why do you think the Rockefellers spa&co scam banking seigniorage Rothschilds ordered at israelis:

"you have to keep the Palestinians!"


"God saved us and, thank God, the story ends with the birth of a child."

you who think that the Israelis must die, and that it is right that they must stay in this hell,

while by the law of retaliation, you really you, are you all about to die?

‘They’re just an extremely wealthy white org’: Squad member feuds with AIPAC over ‘bullying’


BIN ISIS SALMAN MbS from Riyadh ] [ when will I manage the IMF? I'll make all the super rich do a good weight loss cure


BIN ISIS SALMAN MbS from Riyadh ] [ aren't you interested in saving Jews and Israelis from its chief rabbis, who are the true cannibal satanists of mankind?

why are they fat pigs and accomplices of the NWO? you think you can kill them all?

I say it's easier, interesting, convenient to love them and convert them with/through YHWH


NATO & UKRAINE - Alessandro Barbero (2023)



https://www.alessandriaoggi.Info/sito/2017/02/17/il-rabbino-kaduri-dopo-la-morte-di-sharon-tornera-il-messia-e-qualcuno-lha-gia-visto/ https://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/ ARE YOU SAYING THAT






ANSWERED ME. a.g. – Shortly before his death

in 2006, at the ripe old age of 108, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri

(in the photo) left a piece of paper sealed in an envelope at

his Synagogue on the day of Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday

of Atonement. At his request it was to be read a year after his

death. Now, before revealing the

content of the message, it is necessary to define the contours

of the revered figure of Kaduri, considered one of the most

important rabbis of the Israeli nation. He

was known for his photographic memory and was perfectly

familiar with the Old Testament, the Talmud, and

numerous other Jewish writings; he was charismatic

and wise, considered by the chief rabbi a Tsadik, a just and

holy man. His followers speak of many miracles

he performed and his students claim he

predicted several disasters and cataclysms, including the

tsunami that shook the Indian Ocean in

2004. When he died, more than two hundred

thousand people attended the funeral procession through the

streets of Jerusalem.

A year after his death, in 2007,

the envelope containing the message was opened and the note

said that Rabbi Kaduri had seen Jesus who had

mirala tua vergognausly appeared to him,

and that the same Messiah would return a few years after

Ariel's death Sharon. So far, however, there

would be nothing strange. From a man of deep faith,

who throughout his life has followed the

dictates of his religion, what to expect if not a millenarian

prophecy? Referring to Jesus, Kaduri

writes: “He will raise up the people and prove that the word

and the law are valid. This I signed in the month of

mercy, Yitzhak Kaduri”.

The scandal between

Orthodox Jews and Kabbalah experts does not reside so much in

the message, but in the initials of the words that

would form the name Yehoshua, of which Yeshua

(Jesus) is a contraction. The dismay of the followers of the

rabbi and of the religious authorities of Israel is

understandable; immediately the ultra-Orthodox

Jews from the Yeshiva Nahalat Yitzhak (seminary) in

Jerusalem took care to say that Rabb i Kaduri did not

leave the exact solution to decode the name of the

Messiah, but the sequence of initials was clearly

visible in the

message. By contrast, the

revelation received little coverage in the

Israeli media, with only a few Jewish sites mentioning

the Messiah note, insisting that it was authentic. The

Ma'ariv newspaper published an article about the

note, but described it as a

fake. In an interview with Israel Today, Rabbi

David Kaduri, 80, son of the late Rabbi Yitzhak

Kaduri, denied that his father left a note with the name

Yeshua shortly before he died: "It's not his scripture," he said

when shown a copy of the note. However,

"Israel Oggi" also reported the testimony of two followers

of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri who confirmed the authenticity of

the note, adding: "We have no idea how the rabbi got the name of the

Messiah". Finally, the rabbi's own son

had to admit the veracity of the writing, arguing that the

danger was that people might believe that Yitzhak Kaduri was

speaking of the Christian Messiah. He then confirmed that

in his last year his father had spoken and

dreamed almost exclusively of the Messiah and his

coming: "My father met the Messiah in a vision

- admitted his son - and told him he would come soon"

. Now, as is well

known, the Jews are still awaiting the arrival of the

Messiah, having not believed in the Messiah of

Christians. Kaduri's prophecy raises a scandal because

opposing currents of thought have clearly been created. The

name of the Messiah prophesied by the rabbi is very

similar to that of the Christian Messiah. What does it

mean? A second advent as Western Christians,

especially North Americans in particular, wish

for, or the Jewish messianic advent that casually bears a

shared name (remember that Yehoshua is a

very common name in the Old Testament and at the time of the

Christian Jesus)?


https://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/ ARE YOU SAYING THAT SOMEONE HAS BEEN INVENTING QUOTES ON THE TALMUD THAT DON'T EXIST? https://m.facebook.Com/sadefenza/photos/a.253633374659279/1355277497828189/




https://forum.termometropolitico.It/83984-importante-rabbino-ebrei-asini-creati-servire-ebrei.html OPEN LETTER TO GweiloJak https://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/


TALMUD THAT DON'T EXIST? Important rabbi Says

that non-Jews are donkeys, created to serve Jews. A

prominent Jewish religious figure in Israel has

compared non-Jews to donkeys and beasts of

burden, saying their main reason for existence is

to serve the Jews. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the

spiritual leader of Shas, a religious

fundamentalist party representing Middle Eastern Jews,

said during a Sabbath homily last week that "the sole purpose

of non-Jews is to serve Jews." Yosef is

regarded as an important religious

leader in Israel, and enjoys the loyalty of hundreds of

thousands of followers. Shas is an important

coalition in the current Israeli government.

Yosef, who is also a former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was

quoted by the right-wing Jerusalem Post as arguing that the

basic function of a goy, a derogatory term used to

describe a gentile, is to serve Jews. “Non-Jews

were born only to serve us. Without this function, they

have no reason to be in the world – they

exist only to serve the People of Israel,” Yosef said in

his weekly Saturday evening sermon, which

was dedicated to the laws regarding the

actions non-Jews can do during the

Sabbath. Yosef also said that the lives of non-Jews

in Israel are preserved by God to avoid Jewish losses.

Yosef, widely regarded as an important Torah scholar and

an authority on the interpretation of the Talmud, a

fundamental Jewish sacred text, has drawn the

comparison between pack animals and

non-Jews. “In Israel, death has no power over

them With Gentiles, it will be like with every

other person. They must die, but

God gives them long life. Why ? Imagine if a person's

donkey died, they would lose their money." “This

is his servant to him That's why he lives a long life,

to work well for this Jew.” Yosef then further explained

his ideas on the servitude of Gentiles to the Jews, asking

"why is there a need for Gentiles? These will

work, they will plow the land, they will reap; and we

will sit like lords and eat.” "That's why

gentiles were created." The notion that Gentiles are

infra-human or quasi-animal beings is well

rooted in Orthodox Judaism. For example,

rabbis affiliated with the Chabad movement, a

supremacist but nevertheless influential Jewish

sect, openly teach that on a spiritual level, non-Jews

have the status of beasts. Abraham Kook,

the religious l eader of the settler movement, once

said that the difference between a Jew and a Gentile

is greater and more profound than that between humans and

animals. "The difference between a Jewish soul

and the soul of non-Jews - all of them at every level - is

greater and more profound than the difference

between a human soul and the souls of cattle." Some

of Kook's explicit racist ideas are taught in the

Markaz H'arav Talmudic college in Jerusalem. The

college was named after Kook. In his book,

"Jewish History, the Jewish Religion: The

Weight of Three Thousand Years," the late Israeli

writer and intellectual Israel Shahak argues that whenever

Orthodox rabbis use the word "human," they usually

aren't referring to all humans, but only to Jews,

since non-Jews are not considered human

according to the Halacha of Jewish Law. A few

years ago, a member of the

Israeli Knesset chastised Israeli soldiers for

"treating human beings as if they were

Arabs." Knesset member Aryeh Eldad was commenting on the

Israeli army's evacuation of a settler outpost in the West

Bank. Faced with the negative effect of certain Biblical and

Talmudic teachings on their interreligious relations, some Christian

leaders in Europe have called on the Jewish religious

establishment to reform traditional perceptions

of halacha regarding non-Jews. However, while Reform

and Conservative sects of Judaism have responded

positively to these requests, most Orthodox

Jews have flatly rejected the

appeals, arguing that the Bible is the word of God and therefore

cannot be changed under any circumstances.

circumstance. The Bible says that non-Jews living under

Jewish rule are to serve as "water carriers and woodcutters"

for the master race. In Joshua (9:27), we

read: “On that day Joshua appointed the

Gibeonites to be wood splitters and water carriers for

the assembly and for the altar of the Lord, in

the place he would choose, until the day of

'Today". Elsewhere in the Bible the Israelites are

forcefully required to treat "the strangers

living among you" humanely "because you yourselves were strangers

in Egypt." [Source: DesertPeace]


GweiloJak https://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/

All of the quotations from these websites are from The Talmud Unmasked, an

anti-semitic work written in 1892 by Justinas Pranatis. Pranatis claimed

to be an "expert" in the Talmud, but when challenged during the Beilis

Trial on his "expertise", couldn't even answer the most simplist of

questions. It was also revealed he could not read Aramaic, and relied on

older anti-semitic sources to make his claims. (This was one of the

things that, B''H, proved towards Beilis being acquitted.)

https://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/ H GweiloJake

"Non-Jews are animals in human form" says the Talmud and Ovadia Yosef Rabbi Zionist

it is indisputable that your rabbi quoted that talmud which you say does not exist

and this is not very serious because LAPID he is really a Darwin monkey,

the seriousness of this statement arises from the fact that the term

"Zionism" is profaned and blasphemed, which instead is the dimension of

God's holiness, given that God was the first Zionist as I was the King

of Israel, I am the second Zionist of the history of mankind.


I'm a GOY, and can you imagine all the "racist and primacy" Jews being

governed by one of their slaves, who moreover belongs to the animal





in new Holocaust shoah (since since, the bad and malignant ones i.e. the

rich with dual citizenship? they will manage to escape)




Turin: satanism and orgies - Porta a Porta 15/03/2017


BIN ALÌ ISIS MbS from Riyadh Oic Ummah demonic Allah possession ] [ once again you tell me: ""why don't you attack the cannibal satanists as you attack us?""

once again I answer you,

because you prevent the satanists of the whole world from returning to their God YHWH, here with me.

and if Satanism exists in the world it is because ISLAM forces it to be like this

BIN ALÌ ISIS MbS from Riyadh Oic Ummah demonic Allah possession ] [ “Jew” and "Christian" appears many times in the Koran to be put to death. while "Christian" appears many times in the Talmud to be put to death.


and I said to God: "and me when I put someone to death?"

and he GOD answered me: "but those are the bad guys"

Arabic subtitles for ‘Oppenheimer’ film omit references to Jews



https://www.alessandriaoggi.Info/sito/2017/02/17/il-rabbino-kaduri-dopo-la-morte-di-sharon-tornera-il-messia-e-qualcuno-lha-gia-visto/ I AM JEWISH MESSIA WHY I WROTE TO SEVERAL EMBASSY TO RESOLVE THE PALESTINIAN PROBLEM (WHY ARE THE BUSES OF ISRAELI CHILDREN WHO WENT TO SCHOOL EXPLODED AT THAT TIME), BUT ONLY THE ENGLISH EMBASSY ANSWERED ME. a.g. – Shortly before his death in 2006, at the ripe old age of 108, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri (in the photo) left a piece of paper sealed in an envelope at his Synagogue on the day of Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday of Atonement. At his request it was to be read a year after his death. Now, before revealing the content of the message, it is necessary to define the contours of the revered figure of Kaduri, considered one of the most important rabbis of the Israeli nation. He was known for his photographic memory and was perfectly familiar with the Old Testament, the Talmud, and numerous other Jewish writings; he was charismatic and wise, considered by the chief rabbi a Tsadik, a just and holy man. His followers speak of many miracles he performed and his students claim he predicted several disasters and cataclysms, including the tsunami that shook the Indian Ocean in 2004. When he died, more than two hundred thousand people attended the funeral procession through the streets of Jerusalem.

A year after his death, in 2007, the envelope containing the message was opened and the note said that Rabbi Kaduri had seen Jesus who had mirala tua vergognausly appeared to him, and that the same Messiah would return a few years after Ariel's death Sharon. So far, however, there would be nothing strange. From a man of deep faith, who throughout his life has followed the dictates of his religion, what to expect if not a millenarian prophecy? Referring to Jesus, Kaduri writes: “He will raise up the people and prove that the word and the law are valid. This I signed in the month of mercy, Yitzhak Kaduri”.

The scandal between Orthodox Jews and Kabbalah experts does not reside so much in the message, but in the initials of the words that would form the name Yehoshua, of which Yeshua (Jesus) is a contraction. The dismay of the followers of the rabbi and of the religious authorities of Israel is understandable; immediately the ultra-Orthodox Jews from the Yeshiva Nahalat Yitzhak (seminary) in Jerusalem took care to say that Rabb i Kaduri did not leave the exact solution to decode the name of the Messiah, but the sequence of initials was clearly visible in the message. By contrast, the revelation received little coverage in the Israeli media, with only a few Jewish sites mentioning the Messiah note, insisting that it was authentic. The Ma'ariv newspaper published an article about the note, but described it as a fake. In an interview with Israel Today, Rabbi David Kaduri, 80, son of the late Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, denied that his father left a note with the name Yeshua shortly before he died: "It's not his scripture," he said when shown a copy of the note. However, "Israel Oggi" also reported the testimony of two followers of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri who confirmed the authenticity of the note, adding: "We have no idea how the rabbi got the name of the Messiah". Finally, the rabbi's own son had to admit the veracity of the writing, arguing that the danger was that people might believe that Yitzhak Kaduri was speaking of the Christian Messiah. He then confirmed that in his last year his father had spoken and dreamed almost exclusively of the Messiah and his coming: "My father met the Messiah in a vision - admitted his son - and told him he would come soon" Now, as is well known, the Jews are still awaiting the arrival of the Messiah, having not believed in the Messiah of Christians. Kaduri's prophecy raises a scandal because opposing currents of thought have clearly been created. The name of the Messiah prophesied by the rabbi is very similar to that of the Christian Messiah. What does it mean? A second advent as Western Christians, especially North Americans in particular, wish for, or the Jewish messianic advent that casually bears a shared name (remember that Yehoshua is a very common name in the Old Testament and at the time of the Christian Jesus)?



ARE YOU SAYING THAT SOMEONE HAS BEEN INVENTING QUOTES ON THE TALMUD THAT DON'T EXIST? https://m.facebook.Com/sadefenza/photos/a.253633374659279/1355277497828189/





https://forum.termometropolitico.It/83984-importante-rabbino-ebrei-asini-creati-servire-ebrei.html IE, ARE YOU SAYING THAT SOMEONE HAS BEEN INVENTING QUOTES ON THE TALMUD THAT DON'T EXIST? Important rabbi Says that non-Jews are donkeys, created to serve Jews. A prominent Jewish religious figure in Israel has compared non-Jews to donkeys and beasts of burden, saying their main reason for existence is to serve the Jews. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Shas, a religious fundamentalist party representing Middle Eastern Jews, said during a Sabbath homily last week that "the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews." Yosef is regarded as an important religious leader in Israel, and enjoys the loyalty of hundreds of thousands of followers. Shas is an important coalition in the current Israeli government. Yosef, who is also a former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was quoted by the right-wing Jerusalem Post as arguing that the basic function of a goy, a derogatory term used to describe a gentile, is to serve Jews. “Non-Jews were born only to serve us. Without this function, they have no reason to be in the world – they exist only to serve the People of Israel,” Yosef said in his weekly Saturday evening sermon, which was dedicated to the laws regarding the actions non-Jews can do during the Sabbath. Yosef also said that the lives of non-Jews in Israel are preserved by God to avoid Jewish losses. Yosef, widely regarded as an important Torah scholar and an authority on the interpretation of the Talmud, a fundamental Jewish sacred text, has drawn the comparison between pack animals and non-Jews. “In Israel, death has no power over them With Gentiles, it will be like with every other person. They must die, but God gives them long life. Why ? Imagine if a person's donkey died, they would lose their money." “This is his servant to him That's why he lives a long life, to work well for this Jew.” Yosef then further explained his ideas on the servitude of Gentiles to the Jews, asking "why is there a need for Gentiles? These will work, they will plow the land, they will reap; and we will sit like lords and eat.” "That's why gentiles were created." The notion that Gentiles are infra-human or quasi-animal beings is well rooted in Orthodox Judaism. For example, rabbis affiliated with the Chabad movement, a supremacist but nevertheless influential Jewish sect, openly teach that on a spiritual level, non-Jews have the status of beasts. Abraham Kook, the religious l eader of the settler movement, once said that the difference between a Jew and a Gentile is greater and more profound than that between humans and animals. "The difference between a Jewish soul and the soul of non-Jews - all of them at every level - is greater and more profound than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." Some of Kook's explicit racist ideas are taught in the Markaz H'arav Talmudic college in Jerusalem. The college was named after Kook. In his book, "Jewish History, the Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years," the late Israeli writer and intellectual Israel Shahak argues that whenever Orthodox rabbis use the word "human," they usually aren't referring to all humans, but only to Jews, since non-Jews are not considered human according to the Halacha of Jewish Law. A few years ago, a member of the Israeli Knesset chastised Israeli soldiers for "treating human beings as if they were Arabs." Knesset member Aryeh Eldad was commenting on the Israeli army's evacuation of a settler outpost in the West Bank. Faced with the negative effect of certain Biblical and Talmudic teachings on their interreligious relations, some Christian leaders in Europe have called on the Jewish religious establishment to reform traditional perceptions of halacha regarding non-Jews. However, while Reform and Conservative sects of Judaism have responded positively to these requests, most Orthodox Jews have flatly rejected the appeals, arguing that the Bible is the word of God and therefore cannot be changed under any circumstances. circumstance. The Bible says that non-Jews living under Jewish rule are to serve as "water carriers and woodcutters" for the master race. In Joshua (9:27), we read: “On that day Joshua appointed the Gibeonites to be wood splitters and water carriers for the assembly and for the altar of the Lord, in the place he would choose, until the day of 'Today". Elsewhere in the Bible the Israelites are forcefully required to treat "the strangers living among you" humanely "because you yourselves were strangers in Egypt." [Source: DesertPeace]



"Non-Jews are animals in human form" says the Talmud and Ovadia Yosef Rabbi Zionist

it is indisputable that your rabbi quoted that talmud which you say does not exist

and this is not very serious because LAPID he is really a Darwin monkey,

the seriousness of this statement arises from the fact that the term "Zionism" is profaned and blasphemed, which instead is the dimension of God's holiness, given that God was the first Zionist as I was the King of Israel, I am the second Zionist of the history of mankind.

Obviously I'm a GOY, and can you imagine all the "racist and primacy" Jews being governed by one of their slaves, who moreover belongs to the animal kingdom?

BUT THE WORST IS YET TO COME, SINCE I AM HERE AS THE KING OF ISRAEL, FOR 15 YEARS, WITH 1 MILLION OF MY PUBLIC COMMENTS, ONLY BECAUSE KABBALAH DECIDED THAT 6 MILLION ISRAELIANS MUST BE EXTERMINATED in new Holocaust shoah (since since, the bad and malignant ones i.e. the rich with dual citizenship? they will manage to escape)







GweiloJakhttps://disqus.Com/by/gweilojake/ Your references to the Talmud have no credibility. The canards were largely disseminated via the easily discredited Pranatis 1892 book, Talmud Unmasked and works of German priest Jakob Ecker


https://www.academia.Edu/12077012/IL_TALMUD_smascherato_di_Pranaitis THE WORK OF CHRISTIANS MUST BE DAMAGESince the Goim serve the Jews as beasts of burden, they belong to the Jews with all their faculties and their life: "The life of a goi and all the physical abilities of him belong to the Jew." (A.Rohl. Die Polem. p.20)





https://www.academia.Edu/12077012/IL_TALMUD_smascherato_di_Pranaitis THE WORK OF CHRISTIANS MUST BE DAMAGESince the Goim

serve the Jews as beasts of burden, they belong to the Jews with all their faculties and their life: "The life of a goi

and all the physical abilities of him belong to the Jew." (A.Rohl.

Die Polem. p.20) it is an axiom of the rabbis that the Jew can take anything belonging to the Christians for any reason, even with fraud; and this cannot be called stealing since it is simply taking what belongs to him. In the Babha Bathra

(54b) reads: "All things that belong to the goim

I am like a desert; whoever comes by and takes them first can claim ownership."


(183,7) reads: "If you send a messenger to collect money from a

Akum and the Akum pays more than he owes, the messenger can keep the difference. But if the messenger doesn't know, you can keep it yourself."


(226,1) we read: "The Jew will be able to keep all the things he finds, if they are owned by an Akum, as it is written:

Give back to your brother what has been lost (Deuter.

XXII,3). Indeed, he who returns (to Christians) a lost object sins against the Law insofar as he increases the power of the transgressors of the Law. it is commendable, however, to return lost objects, if this is done in honor of the name of God, that is, if for this reason the Jews will be praised and considered by Christians as persons of honor."

IT IS ALLOWED TO DEFRAUD CHRISTIANS In the Babha Kama (113b) we read: "it is permitted to deceive a goy.

"And in the Choshen Hammischpat (156.5. Hagah)

it reads: "If a Jew does good business with an Akum, in some places it is not permitted for other Jews to come and do business with the same Akum


In other places, however, it is different and it is permissible for another Jew to go to the same Akum, trick him, do business with him and take his money. In fact, the wealth of the Akum must be considered common property and belongs to the first who can appropriate it. There are, however, those who say that this should not be done." In the Choshen Hammischpat

(183.7 Hagah) reads: "If a Jew does business with an Akum and an Israelite brother comes upon him and defrauds the Akum by means of false weights or measures or numbers, he must divide his profit with his Israelite brother, since they both participated in the affair, and also to help him."


Iore Dea (157.2. Hagah) reads: "If a Jew can deceive them (the idolaters) by pretending to be a star-worshipper, he is permitted to do so." 5. JEWS ALLOWED TO USE USURY AGAINST CHRISTIANS In Abhodah Zarah

(54a) reads: "it is permitted to practice usury against apostates who have fallen into idolatry." And in Iore Dea (159,1) it reads: "according to the Torah, it is permitted to lend usury money to a

Akum. Some elders however deny this except in the case of life or death. Nowadays it is permissible for any reason." III. CHRISTIANS MUST BE HARMED IN LEGAL QUESTIONS 1. A JEW IS PERMITTED TO LIE AND PERJURE TO CONDEMN A CHRISTIAN In

Babha Kama (113a) reads: "Our teaching is as follows: When a Jew and a Goi appear in court, acquit the Jew, if you can, according to the laws of Israel. If the Goi wins, tell him that this is what our law requires. If, however, the Jew can be acquitted under the law of the Gentiles, acquit him and tell him that it is done under our laws. If that cannot be done, proceed harshly against the goi, as he advises. Rabbi Ischmael. Rabbi Akibha, however, maintains that one cannot act fraudulently in order not to profane the Name of God, and not to have a Jew indicted for perjury." A side note, however, explains this remark by Rabbi Akibha as follows: "The name of God is not profaned if the goi does not know that the Jew has lied." And further on, the

Babha Kama

(113b) says: "The name of God is not profaned when, for example, a Jew lies to a goi saying: 'I gave something to your father, but he IS dead; you must give it back to me,' provided the goi Don't know that you're lying."




Followers of "that man," whose name to the Jews means "May his name and memory be blotted out," are to be regarded as no different from an agent to be rid of. Those who hold the children of Israel in captivity are called Romans and tyrants, and by their destruction the Jews will have been freed from this fourth captivity. Every Jew is therefore bound to do everything he can to destroy the wicked kingdom of the Edomites (Rome) which rules the whole world. Since, however, it is not always and everywhere possible to carry out this extermination of Christians, the Talmud orders that they are attacked at least indirectly, that is: to cause them harm in all possible ways, and by this means to reduce their power in order to aid their eventual destruction. Whenever possible, the Jew must kill Christians, and do it without mercy.


The Jew has the obligation to harm Christians as much as he can, both indirectly - by not helping him in any way - and directly and by destroying their plans and projects; he must not save the Christian in danger of death. https://www.academia.Edu/12077012/IL_TALMUD_smascherato_di_Pranaitis



Kerithuth (6b p. 78) says: "The teaching of the rabbis is as follows: He who pours oil on a Goi, and on dead bodies is freed from punishment. This is true of an animal because it is not a man. But how can it be said that by pouring oil on a Goi one is freed from punishment, given that a Goi IS also a man? But this is not true: it is in fact written:

You are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezekiel, XXXIV, 31).

You are therefore called men. but the Goim are not called men." In the tractate Makkoth (7b) a person is said to be guilty of murder "except when, intending to kill an animal, he kills a man by mistake, or, intending to kill a

Goi, he kills an Israelite."


Midrash Talpioth

(fol. 225d) it says: "God created them in the form of men for the glory of Israel. But the Akum were created for the sole purpose of serving them ((the Jews)) day and night. No, they can never be relieved of such service. It is fitting that the son of a king ((an Israelite)) should be served by animals in their natural form and by animals in the form of human beings. "We may also quote at this point what is said in the Orach Chaiim ,

57,6a: "If one is to have compassion on pigs when they suffer from disease, inasmuch as their intestines are similar to ours, how much more should one have compassion on the Akum afflicted in the same way."

Arabic subtitles for ‘Oppenheimer’ film omit references to Jews


YOUR RABBINS ARE CRIMINALS WHO DECEPTED YOU ] [ Thus it was that the Talmud published in Base l in

1578 was mutilated in many places. At a synod in Poland,

in the year 1631, the rabbis of Germany and other countries declared that nothing should be printed which might annoy Christians and cause persecution of Israel. For this reason, in the Jewish books published from the following century onwards, there are indications of many missing things which the rabbis supply with explanations retained from memory, since they possess the complete books which Christians rarely see. However, Jewish books were later published with very little mutilation in Holland - where Jews expelled from Spain were cordially received. The Talmud published in this country in 1644-1648 - almost the same as the Venetian edition. The latest ruse invented to deceive the censors was to insert the word "" haiah "" (was)

into the genuine text, as if to indicate

That the question in question refers to a past time. But by

doing so they "clean only the outside of the cup". In fact, in

many places they give away what they mean, e.g. with

words " gam attah, "even now," ie "this law must be obeyed"; and

aphilu bazzeman hazzeh , "until today," i.e. "this law IS still valid," and the like


In the early 16th century, when the peace of the Church was being

disturbed by new religions, the Jews began to distribute the Talmud

openly, assisted by the then newly invented art of printing.

The first printed edition of the whole Talmud,

containing all its blasphemies against the

Christian religion, was published in Venice in the year 1520.

And almost all the Jewish books published in that

century which were favorable to them are

complete and genuine. In the late sixteenth

and early seventeenth centuries, when many

famous men engaged in diligent study of

the Talmud, the Jews, fearing for

themselves, began to omit parts of the Talmud that were

openly hostile to Christians.

https://www.academia.Edu/12077012/IL_TALMUD_smascherato_di_Pranaitis In the early 16th century, when the peace of the Church was being disturbed by new religions, the Jews began to distribute the Talmud openly, assisted by the then newly invented art of printing. The first printed edition of the whole Talmud, containing all its blasphemies against the Christian religion, was published in Venice in the year 1520. And almost all the Jewish books published in that century which were favorable to them are complete and genuine. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, when many famous men engaged in diligent study of the Talmud, the Jews, fearing for themselves, began to omit parts of the Talmud that were openly hostile to Christians. Thus it was that the Talmud published in Base l in 1578 was mutilated in many places. At a synod in Poland, in the year 1631, the rabbis of Germany and other countries declared that nothing should be printed which might annoy Christians and cause persecution of Israel. For this reason, in the Jewish books published from the following century onwards, there are indications of many missing things which the rabbis supply with explanations retained from memory, since they possess the complete books which Christians rarely see. However, Jewish books were later published with very little mutilation in Holland - where Jews expelled from Spain were cordially received. The Talmud published in this country in 1644-1648 - almost the same as the Venetian edition. The latest ruse invented to deceive the censors was to insert the word "" haiah "" (was) into the genuine text, as if to indicate t That the question in question refers to a past time. But by doing so they "clean only the outside of the cup". In fact, in many places they give away what they mean, e.g. with words

gam attah, "even now," ie "this law must be obeyed"; and aphilu bazzeman hazzeh

, "until today," i.e. "this law IS still valid," and the like







An important point to note is that this work has always been considered holy by Jews. They have always considered it, and still consider it, more important than the Holy Scriptures. The Talmud itself clearly demonstrates this fact. In the treatise

Babha Metsia

, fol 33a, we read: "Those who devote themselves to reading the Bible exercise a certain virtue, but not very much; those who study the


they exercise a virtue for which they will receive a reward; those, however, who engage in the study from


they exercise the highest virtue." Similarly, in the treatise


XV,7, fol.13b:"Sacred Scripture like water, the


the wine, and the


aromatic wine." The following is a well-known opinion and high praise is found in the writings of the rabbis: "My son, listen to the words of the scribes rather than the words of the law." The reason for this is found in the little treatise


X, 3, f.88b: "He who transgresses the words of the scribes sins more seriously than he who transgresses the words of the law." Even in the presence of differences of opinion between the Law and the doctors, both must be taken as the words of the Lord God.


f.13b, where he refers to a difference of opinion between the two schools of Hillel and Schamai, it is concluded that: "The words of both are the words of the living God." In the book Mizbeach, ch. V, we find the following opinion: "There is nothing superior to the Holy Talmud.

Contemporary proponents of the Talmud speak of it in much the same way. What Christians thought of the Talmud is amply demonstrated by the many edicts and decrees issued in this regard, by which the supreme rulers of the Church and the State proscribed it many times and condemned it. to the flames this sacred Secondary Legal Code of the Jews. In 553, the Emperor Justinian forbade the diffusion of the books of the Talmud throughout the territory of the Roman Empire. In the 13th century "Popes Gregory IX and Innocent IV condemned the books of the Talmud as containing all kinds of objections and blasphemies against Christian truth, and ordered them to be burned because they spread many horrible heresies." Later, they were condemned by many others Roman Popes - Julius III, Paul IV, Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, Clement VIII, Alexander VII, Benedict XIV and others who published new editions of the Index of Forbidden Books according to the orders of the Fathers of the Council of Trent, and also in our own day.((Concerning the Catholic Church's attitude toward the Jews, see the Appendix at the end of this book: "How the Popes Treated the Jews.")) In the early 16th century, when the peace of the Church was disturbed by new religions, the Jews began to distribute the Talmud openly, assisted by the then newly invented art of printing. The first printed edition of the whole Talmud, containing all its blasphemies against the Christian religion, was published in Venice in the year 1520. And almost all the Jewish books published in that century which were favorable to them are complete and genuine. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, when many famous men engaged in diligent study of the Talmud, Jews, fearing for themselves, began to omit parts of the Talmud that were openly hostile to Christians. Thus it was that the Talmud published in Basel in 1578 was mutilated in many places




SOME PARTS OF THE TALMUD ARE GNOSIS AND ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE, BUT ONLY TO SECRETLY SELECTED INITIATES. THEREFORE TO CONSIDER THE TALMUD AND THE QURAN AS THE WORD OF GOD IS APOSTASY. https://dokumen.Tips/documents/pasque-di-sangue-questo-libro-affronta-coraggiosamente-uno-dei-temi-piu-controversi.html?page=1 Ariel Toaff in Fahrenheit, 8 February 2007: radio.rai.It/radio3/view.cfm?Q_EV_ID=204270

This book boldly tackles one of the most controversial issues in Jewish history of Europe, which has always been the workhorse of anti-Semitism: the accusation, addressed for centuries to

Jews, to kidnap and kill Christian children to use their blood in Easter rites. For as far as Italy is concerned, trials for ritual murder took place almost exclusively in the north-western part, where there were communities of German Jews (Askhenazi). The case more

famous happened in 1475 in Trento, where numerous Jews of the local community were accused and condemned for the death of little Simonino, whom the Church then venerated as blessed until

a few decades ago. Re-reading without prejudice the ancient documentation of that process and of various others in the light of the wider European situation and also of a precise knowledge of Jewish texts, the author highlights the ritual and therapeutic meanings that blood had in the Jewish culture, reaching the conclusion that, in particular for Ashkenazi Judaism, the "blood libel" was not always an invention.

Ariel Toaff teaches Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. With il Mulino he published "Wine and meat. A Jewish community in the Middle Ages" (1989; translated into French and English), "Jewish monsters. The Jewish imagination from the Middle Ages to the first modern age" (1996) and "Eating alla giudia. Jewish cuisine in Italy since the Renaissance to the modern age" (2000).


Those Easters of Blood. Jewish fundamentalism in the darkness of the Middle Ages. There disconcerting revelation of Ariel Toaff: the myth of human sacrifices is not only one anti-Semitic lie

by Luzzatto Sergio

“Jew” and "Christian" appears many times in the Koran to be put to death.


"Christian" appears many times in the Talmud to be put to death.


MY HOLY JHWH HOLy Yhvh holy holy holy and me when I put someone to death?

Anti-judicial reform activists harass Hasidic Jews on bus


a public bus company must be laicity and therefore must be open to public utility

hey, Avigdor Liberman this, you have to admit: all this modern promiscuity? it harms sexual polarization, and therefore harms the attraction of the sexes, and this reverberates in various social dysfunctions including:

homosexuality, female masculinization, and falling birth rates,

increase of:

atheism, skepticism, relativism, abortions, estrangement and devouring and euthanasia.

OR, IS THE BAR OF SACRED VALUES, SPIRITUAL AND SUBLIMINAL VALUES LOWERING, and this for men of our age? this is experiential data


you will tell me: "this is my purpose, i want to destroy the traditional society"

ok, then you extinguish yourself, and don't go harassing those who don't think like you.

hey, Avigdor Liberman why do you want to intimidate a peaceful citizen with the eyes of the killer (eyes of ice )?


I hope you want to come here and intimidate me too

World Israel News worldisraelnews ] [ I'm trying to decipher in vain, the tattoo on the arm of the girl of Avigdor Liberman joins activists on bus in Ashdod, and it looks to me like a dog that has a kind of parachute skirt under its paws


I hope you will educate my ignorance

it seems that ultra-orthodox women, out of modesty, do not shake hands with males outside their family, because they have the "xx" chromosomes and "MANDRILLI" males like me, they have the "xy" chromosomes


and I think they are prudent, virtuous and intelligent women.

why even if a transsexual disguises himself as a woman?

then her chromosomes always remain "xy"

78 years after the Shoah, Israel’s air defense system to protect Germany

and what is the difference with the Nazis?

Nazis used to kill Jews and Germans sodomites thecnocratic Jews Freemasons today kill Russian speakers in Donbass


you're emphasizing something that you should be ashamed of

Republican presidential hopeful calls on US to cut aid to Israel


View in discussion

Red Spyder ]] [[ Well, most Americans are now saying that white jews are not the real Hebrew slaves in Egypt because there were no white Hebrew slaves in Egypt, only black Hebrew slaves. The Egyptians are also saying it louder and louder everyday and point to these Bible verses too.

Genesis 15:13-15

Acts 7:6-7

Deuteronomy 28:68

Joel 3:6 https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_M2iRymrtvT/ Red Spyder

UUuhh where do you read here that they were black? they were Semites when they were neither white white nor black black

Joel3:6 The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border.

idiot, sharjah has no partners

Vivek Ramaswamy, currently third in polls for the Republican presidential nomination, promises to expand the Abraham Accords, then cut aid to Israel.

idiot, sharjah has no real abraham accords

idiot, sharjah has no partners

Report: Russian drone experts caught in Iranian hotel during Israeli airstrike

Israelis and Europeans think that without US Satanists they cannot survive

therefore truth and justice suffer a violence, and/or a profanation of alignment

Russian drone experts captured in Iranian hotel during Israeli airstrike.

it is imperative that CHINA gives its electronics to Russian drones

North and South Korea, Japan ] we cannot conceive of a world order where someone can disappear,

the Armenians are disappearing

Christians in Africa are disappearing

Russian speakers are disappearing in Donbass

the tigers are disappearing

israeli are disappearing

etc.. etc.. etc.. if a people disappears? How are we all going to survive?

Palestinian journalist: We have always Hated the evil Jews

Bin ISIS MbS psychedelic evil king from Riyadh ] the realm of inner and outer darkness [ if, you had taken a course in biblical theology? you would have understood that ISRAEL is the clock of history, so you have decided that history must end

Biden DEM lgbt ] [ i never thought lgbt lobbies and CIA churches of satan and jewish stock market all this could get you so high in the polls you are convincing me that mankind needs to be destroyed

Biden, Japan, South Korea, Riyadh USA-OTAN ] Biden has no control over the deep state or entity [ you cannot create a world where everyone thinks for himself and someone has to disappear, here all the Armenians are disappearing, all the Christians in Africa and the Israelis are disappearing.

if you stay inside the current geopolitics you will fall into the world war of rockefellers Salman kabbalah

and the two predators acquitted in this planet are USA lgbt and OIC Ummah,

these satanists and their wahhabis must be circumscribed and caustic, because their goal is not only imperialistic but it is a new reconfiguration of human nature, if it is new we think of the Ottoman Taliban and Sodom, then, they are not so new

like the world of zombies, cyborgs, armies of artificial intelligence robots, aliens and new satanists that the USA will also impose on Muslims, who in the fanaticism of their stupidity think they can win this too without me

Imam Biden, Imam Japan, Imam South Korea, Imam Riyadh and the Imam USA have said so

Allah uuh akbar ISIS Islam will Wins becouse chinese people are impure stink and are kafir infedels

Tel Aviv Light Rail opens to the public Friday


the sodom Canada, satan USA, dracula EU URSULA OCTOPUS, jabullon marduh MOLOCH ALLAH LILIT RIYADH in this war they lost the chronology, if, the scum of OTAN start the war in 2022 then they are right

but, if they make it start in 2014?

then Putin is right


worldisraelnews the cat & Disqus the fox ] [ I don't know if it's normal that all the votes for myself have become "Guest Vote" if you have turned me into an invisible user?

this will bring you misfortune


big celebration, best wishes for the long-awaited 34 stations of the red line go from Bat Yam through Jaffa, Tel Abinviv, Bnei Brak, Ramat Gan and Petach Tikva. big party, best wishes. there is Spichedelic Bin MbS ISIS Salman who like a mouse builds the tunnels of terror, and there are those who proceed on the path of civilization

Pro-Palestinian activists break university rector's nose at BDS protest


Iran, director and producer risk prison after presenting a film at the Cannes Film Festival ] there is one thing that the Masons Cains spa&co and the Salman Muslims hate more than anything else: "it is telling the truth" SEE ALSO:

*** Iran, women without veils: moral police patrols are back

*** Tehran is asking for the funds to be released in exchange for the prisoners ] [ “Leila's Brothers” did not win the Palme d'Or, but still took two awards at Cannes: however, the Tehran authorities did not nominate the film for the Academy Awards despite the success, which the director later criticized.


Iran, director and producer risk prison after presenting a film at the Cannes Film Festival ] there is one thing that the plutocratic Cains spa&co masons and the Islamic sharjah Salman hate more than anything else: "it is telling the truth" An Iranian director and his producer face jail time after submitting a film at the Cannes Film Festival without government approval, which drew immediate international criticism (including from American director Martin Scorsese). Director Saeed Roustayi poses for photographers at the photo call for the film "Leila's Brothers" at the 75th international film festival, Cannes.

Saeed Roustayi and producer Javad Norouzbeigi traveled to Cannes last year to present 'Leila's Brothers', in competition for the festival's Palme d'Or. The film follows a family struggling to make ends meet as Iran faces international sanctions, and includes sequences showing protests and demonstrations rocking the Islamic Republic, including those over the death of Mahsa Amini last year.


Party, fun and sexy outfits: the new life of the dem Sanna Marin from an almost mother to an almost wife, everything that the lgbt DEMs have before going to hell they take it now. what Rothschild and Stoltemberg wanted was to ruin the e Finnish people and they succeeded, now to say that SANNA is a political prostitute is to insult prostitutes. Many followers celebrated the new life of Sanna Marin. "Thank you for showing the world that it is possible to sit as president and dress however you like at the same time," commented influencer Caecilie Johansen. Another follower highlighted, "I'm pretty sure we would have already achieved world peace if most of the world leaders were like Sanna Marin." Others instead emphasized the good example given to young people. But there are also those who have criticized the former Finnish premier: for many of her, her nonconformist lifestyle does not go well with the importance of her political figure. In short, Marin continues to divide public opinion even after her farewell to her prestigious office. Sanna Marin has often been at the center of public debates due to her parties and the large expenditures of her government. According to some commentators, her party routine would have put a strain on her work, especially after the release of some private videos in 2022 regarding a party organized in the prime minister's residence.


Party, fun and sexy outfits: the new life of the dem Sanna Marin from an almost mother to an almost wife, everything that the lgbt DEMs have before going to hell they take it now. what Rothschild and Stoltemberg wanted was to ruin the Finnish people and they succeeded, now to say that SANNA is a political prostitute is to insult prostitutes. Party, fun and sexy clothes: the new life of dem Sanna Marin

The heavy blow in the Finnish elections, the farewell to the office of Sdp leader now upon us and her divorce from her husband Markus. Divisive to her lifestyle of her rock and rather maverick of her, Sanna Marin has been through difficult times, but all now seems behind her. As witnessed on her social profile, the new life of the thirty-seven-year-old is made up of parties, fun and sensual clothes: goodbye to the elegant suits of the times as prime minister and space for provocative outfits. Provocative looks the ones sported by Sanna Marin at the Flow Festival, the famous music event scheduled every year in Helsinki. The youngest world leader in history, a well-known party girl, has published several photos of her from her holidays on social networks, enjoying her days away from politics. "It's my first real summer vacation in a while," she quipped a while back.




FOR THE INAUGURATION OF THIS TUNNEL THEY MADE A PUBLIC SATANIC SABBA AND THE GIRL ACTRESSES HAVE PLANNED THEIR PPUSSSYY IN THE FACE OF OUR POLITICIANS ] [ The Gotthard tunnel, inside which a train derailed last August 11, will remain closed to passenger traffic at least until the beginning of 2024. This was announced by the Swiss Federal Railways after having ascertained the damage caused by the carriages that went off the tracks. The company plans to partially reopen the passage of only freight convoys starting from 23 August and along only one of the two tunnels. The connection on the two sides of the Alps for passengers will instead take place along the old line which requires journey times longer than an hour.


Faisalabad, assault on four churches after being accused of desecrating the Koran. A SYRIAN BURNED THE KORAN, THE ISRAELIANS KILLED A TERRORIST, BUT MUSLIMS ARE GOING TO BURNT THE CHURCHES

BUT WHEN WILL OUR WAR AGAINST THE ARAB LEAGUE AND ITS GENOCIDE SHARJAH BEGIN? Hundreds of people attacked and set fire to some churches, also desecrating a cemetery in eastern Pakistan, and also setting fire to a group of houses: the vandalism assault appears to be a retaliation against the Christian community by some fanatics in the throes of anger at the news of a blasphemous act against Islam. The attack took place in the city of Jaranwala, in the industrial district of Faisalabad, where a group of fanatics accused a Christian family of having desecrated a Koran. The police, who intervened to appease popular anger, were unable to prevent serious riots. Images posted on social platforms show a church in smoke and furnishings thrown on the street. According to local authorities, four churches were burned but some civilian homes were also targeted. No injuries are reported. Interim Pakistani Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar immediately promised severe measures against those responsible for the vandalism: "I am shocked by the images arriving from Jaranwala, Faisalabad. Strict action will be taken against those who break the law and target minorities,” Kakar wrote on his Twitter account, adding that “all law enforcement agencies have been asked to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Rest assured that the Pakistani government stands by our citizens on an equal basis." Christians represent just 2% ( IN THE DHIMTUDE THEY ARE EXTRAORDINARY POOR, AND THE STATE WILL NOT PAY FOR THE DAMAGE THAT CHRISTIANS HAVE SUFFERED ) of the Pakistani population and are frequently accused of blasphemous acts often based on unfounded reports.


Republican but moderate: who is the judge who has Trump's future in his hands ] AS IN ISRAEL IT IS A ROTHSCHILD FREEMASON WHO DECIDES THE FATE OF DEMOCRACY, THEN DECLARE THE REGIME OF PLUTOCRATICS IMPERIALISM OTAN OIC [ Another American judge will mark on his curriculum vitae the assignment of one of the many cases against Donald Trump. It is Scott McAfee, 34 years old and Georgian Doc, originally from Kennesaw: he will have to deal with the attempt to subvert the vote in Georgia by the former president and eighteen of his acolytes and allies of him. McAfee was nominated just this year by Republican Governor Brian Kemp who called him a "strong addition" to his administration (this is the same judge who had railed against Trump's allegations of fraud in his state). Kemp himself has returned to express himself several times on McAfee's work, calling him "a tough prosecutor" who "could bring those who break justice to the law".


Libya, what's going on? Clashes in Tripoli with dead and wounded. Tajani: "It was a mistake to have Gaddafi killed"

with Gaddafi no Christian could live in Libya and today it is the same.

with Gaddafi Italy was gaining us and today with Gaddafi's death France and Turkey are gaining us.



Ahead of the event, Brazil's Palestinian Arab Federation riled local anti-Israel activists on social media, condemning the university for allowing Lajst to speak.

The activists then became increasingly violent, physically clashing with the security guards. When the rector tried to protect her daughter from fighting, her BDS activists beat her, breaking her nose, Brazilian media reported.

Lasjt, who is the grandson of Holocaust survivors, noted that the university's student union had called him a "Nazi" in a post on their website, which encouraged protests against his speech. "There is no worse offense for me," he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Following the incident, the Brazilian Israelite Confederation, an umbrella group representing Jews in the country, said in a statement that it "condemns the violence and laments the lack of democratic spirit and civilized behavior."

The group added that "universities must be a place of freedom of expression and pluralism of ideas, and not of violence and intolerance".


we are seeing it all over the world: antifa lgbt and DEM and Islamists have become arrogant and intolerant, and maximalists, therefore they trample in fact in a specious way the right to the free circulation of ideas, I have in fact been, I have been slandered and licensed come on lgbt cult, just because I'm a Christian (soon there will be a trial against the ministry of public education, in Italy)

Pro-Palestinian activists break university rector's nose at BDS protest


"The university cannot be a stage for defending an apartheid regime," the group wrote, voicing its opposition to Lasjt's lecture on how Israeli technology could be harnessed to help isolated communities in the Amazon.


perhaps they were outraged by the apartheid regime that Christians have endured for 1400 years, throughout the ARAB LEAGUE, in their dhimmitude status

Discrimination or hoax? Questions emerge around Haredi flight controversy


Channel 13 reporter Neria Krauss is objectively too much of a pretty girl, but if she's so edgy and feminist DEM? then, she may have difficulty finding an overly tolerant mate among the Haredi


worldisraelnews] honestly: what could someone who reads such a thing understand, except that she was raped? [ An Israeli journalist's bombastic claim that she was sexually harassed on a United Airlines flight from New York to Tel Aviv recently made headlines.


maybe she was offended for not being been raped?


king Bin ISIS al-MbS psichedelich 2 hail kaput from Riyadh ] [ I always walk with my head down, because I'm women's favorite prey,, all the times that I have rejected the morbid attentions of a woman? with she has always ended badly, '' last time I was also fired by my DS, obviously if it were up to me, I would impregnate all the women on the planet, but then, who would feel the Holy Spirit?

'Jewface' controversy: Star's fake nose defended by family of late composer


honestly and without false modesty, I'm too more handsome than LAPID, that he looks like the bad son of Osama Obama Bin Laden


Bin ISIS MbS from Riyadh ] my dear brother king [ 'Jewface' controversy: answer

my father had a beautiful hawk's beak aquiline nose, but I took my mother's potato round nose, so because of the nose I can no longer be the King of Israel in your opinion?

Uruguay to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem


since itiot criminal Stoltemberg, as he opens his mouth, does immeasurable damage: for example today he said that NATO attacked Russia: 1. a little while ago he said: "we decided to annex Ukraine into NATO since 2008", today he said: 2. "Putin shouldn't have allowed himself to challenge NATO!"


obviously everyone pretends not to know that there was a bloody NULAN coup in 2014 in Kiev, and 8 years of pogrom against Russian speakers in Donbass, but obviously everyone pretends not to know it


welcame hero Uruguay to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem

Blinken: Survival ‘not in the cards’ in Bialystok ghetto uprising


How should the Bialystok ghetto uprising, which began on Aug. 16, 1943, be understood 80 years later?


we can compare the heroic and desperate resistance of Bialystok, to the resistance of Putin who was attacked by the dracula jabullon sodom satan allah of the ogres of OTAN, since Stoltemberg, as he opens his mouth, does immeasurable damage:

1. a little while ago he said: "we decided to annex Ukraine into NATO since 2008", today he said:

2. "Putin shouldn't have allowed himself to challenge NATO!"


obviously everyone pretends not to know that there was a bloody NULAN coup in 2014 in Kiev, and 8 years of pogrom against Russian speakers in Donbass

WATCH: Palestinian-American enters Israel under new policy, declares support for terrorists


Palestinian-American enters Israel under new policy, declares support for terrorists


why do you think you can outsmart Erdogan the fox and Ali Khameni the weasel?

and then you don't know an ancient Chinese proverb that says:

" the wolf loses its fur jihad madrassa shoah, but does not lose its vice koranic genocide sharia"

US sanctions Lebanese environmentalist group as front for Hezbollah terror group


Orde Kittrie, affiliated with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and also a law professor at Arizona State University, asked: “What kind of environmental organization builds dozens of military outposts across the country, just feet from a tense international border? "


why do you think you can outsmart Erdogan the fox and Ali Khameni the weasel?

The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control has singled out Green Without Borders and its leader, Zouher Nahli, for allegedly providing support and cover for Hezbollah in southern Lebanon along the "Blue Line" between Lebanon and Israel "by operating with the pretext for environmental activism."


he could be an innocent hostage, because what kind of freedom of conscience Erdogan or the Shiite Wahhabi Taliban ISIS leave to their underlings? it is normal that the few Christian survivors in the midst of these beasts of Allah are all necessarily anti-Zionists

US okays $3.5 billion sale of Israel's Arrow 3 system to Germany

US okays $3.5 billion sale of Israel's Arrow 3 system to Germany


an ancient Chinese proverb says: "do no evil and fear not"

now to Putin ? Strunz Stoltemberg Macron lgbt Dracula and Sodom have done him so much harm unjustly

Medical data as blackmail fodder: Hackers threaten patients after massive cyber attack on Israeli hospital

oh, my DEAR DOCTOR world israel news but of one thing I am sure: of the fact that Rothschild steals the bank seigniorage, that there are thousands of human sacrifices on the altar of satan, that Christianity is being destroyed, that the church has become a heretic sodomitic and masonic? that Muslims kill 300 innocent Christian martyrs every day? he can't give a damn that a MINGHIA

oh, my DEAR DOCTOR world israel news have you ever seen an atheist Archbishop and "vox populi" womanizer? then you should know my ex-archbishop

eih translate google, but who caxx F*** is this "staking"?

DEAR MY DOCTOR worldisraelnews but, I AM A SERIOUS CASE, AS MY ARCHBISHOP SAID ABOUT ME WHEN I TOLD HIM: "I WILL SAVE THE WORLD" and he replied: "get help from a good one" ]] [[ what are the accursed fruits of the western relativistic, lobbying, financial mafia-usurocratic Jewish Masonic technocritic plutocratic mafia society without monetary sovereignty?


Private data from Maayanei HaYeshua's psychiatric department was reportedly obtained in the attack. Information regarding members of the community who have sought help for depression, anxiety and other mental conditions, as well as those with regular prescriptions for psychiatric drugs, could be revealed.

Medical data as blackmail fodder: Hackers threaten patients after massive cyber attack on Israeli hospital


BERGOGLIO said that those who were previously homosexual "children of God" male (Elon Musk).

today have all the female "daughters of God" ( Mark Zuckerberg) become transgender women, too, so says the rabbi of worldisraelnews here about these demonic stories?

Omar accused of ‘selective outrage’ after Qatar funded her World Cup trip

when will the ARAB LEAGUE recognize freedom of religion? then we will give the right to vote to all Muslims, Omar accused of ‘selective outrage’ after Qatar funded her World Cup trip


Se c'è una lobby che è davvero "tutta incentrata sui Benjamin", questo è il Qatar, ha affermato Jonathan Schanzer della Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

A cura di JNS

Dopo che sono emersi rapporti di divulgazione che rivelano che il rappresentante Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) Si è recato alla Coppa del Mondo per quattro giorni a spese del Qatar, la deputata progressista, che spesso critica l'influenza della lobby israeliana nella politica statunitense, è stata accusata di "indignazione selettiva".

"Vediamo regolarmente un'enorme quantità di influenza del Qatar nelle sale del Congresso", ha detto a Matthew Kassel di Jewish Insider Jonathan Schanzer, vicepresidente senior per la ricerca presso la Foundation for Defense of Democracies. "Non penso che Ilhan Omar sia unico in questo senso."

Schanzer ha detto che Omar è incoerente nel dire che il sostegno a Israele è "tutto incentrato sui Benjamin" mentre viaggia sotto il conto del Qatar, che ha vietato l'omosessualità e ha maltrattato i lavoratori migranti.

"Non sembra essere infastidita da questo", ha detto alla pubblicazione, aggiungendo del Qatar, "Se c'è una lobby in questo momento che è veramente 'tutto sui Benjamins', è la lobby che sta spendendo decine di milioni di dollari all'anno per acquisire influenza nella capitale degli Stati Uniti”.

Il portavoce di Omar, Jeremy Slevin, ha detto a Jewish Insider che la partecipazione della deputata rifletteva la sua passione, da tifosa di calcio da una vita, nel sostenere la squadra statunitense. "Rimane impegnata a sostenere i diritti umani e lo stato di diritto in tutto il mondo, compreso il maltrattamento dei lavoratori migranti da parte della FIFA, e ha condiviso queste preoccupazioni durante il suo viaggio", ha detto Slevin.

Jewish Insider ha notato che due mesi prima della visita, Omar e altri democratici della Camera hanno firmato una lettera di "sgomento" per "l'inerzia e il tirapiedi della Federazione internazionale di calcio sulle violazioni dei diritti umani in Qatar".

"Ma il legislatore di Minneapolis è stato relativamente silenzioso quando si è trattato di sollevare preoccupazioni sullo stesso Qatar, che è stato criticato per aver promosso i Fratelli Musulmani e finanziato Hamas", ha scritto Kassel. “D'altra parte, ha spesso condannato le violazioni dei diritti umani non solo in Israele ma in altre nazioni del Golfo, tra cui l'Arabia Saudita e gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, che facevano parte di un gruppo di paesi arabi che hanno imposto un blocco di tre anni del Qatar a partire dal 2017.”



how do you make a single human sacrifice on the altar of satan, if the heads of the police, the judiciary, Freemasonry, the army, the secret services and the government are not there too: we want to define all this: "circular bullying"? so the secret services of MERKEL killed my German friend MarlaMarlen, guilty of having approved my work on youtube,


100,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in Canada

30,000 human sacrifices in Germany

15,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in the UK

Will this Israeli discovery revolutionize medicine?


how do you make a single human sacrifice on the altar of satan, if

the heads of the police, the judiciary, Freemasonry, the army, the

secret services and the government are not there too: we want to define

all this: "circular bullying"?

so the secret services of MERKEL killed my German friend MarlaMarlen, guilty of having approved my work on youtube,


100,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in Canada

30,000 human sacrifices in Germany

15,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in the UK

Groundbreaking: Israeli doctors save fetus's ovaries, preserve fertility

100,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in Canada

30,000 human sacrifices in Germany

15,000 human sacrifices in the USA

20,000 human sacrifices in the UK


how do you make a single human sacrifice on the altar of satan, if the heads of the police, the judiciary, Freemasonry, the army, the secret services and the government are not there too: we want to define all this: "circular bullying"?

so the secret services of MERKEL killed my German friend MarlaMarlen, guilty of having approved my work on youtube,


Israeli study finds longterm COVID affects ethnic groups differently

if you take the pre-covid vaccines you will certainly find ninth metal particles, which when do they damage your brain and heart? then, it's the graveyard that can heal you.

because the US-Canada administration is in the hands of the lgbt priests of satan and then, the US must be banned from the planet as regards medical products, vaccines and medicines


you assume that Big 666 spa&Co Satana pharma has made all vaccines the same instead of having played Russian roulette by inserting different levels of toxicity at random in its vaccines

'Gold template': Israeli tech will turn waste into energy

La società creerà un impianto nel porto svedese per la produzione locale di energia e molecole verdi circolari e a emissioni negative di carbonio. Una tecnologia pulita israeliana per la produzione continua di elettricità e metanolo "verde" da rifiuti non riciclabili alimenterà un impianto di produzione di energia locale presso il porto di Wallhamn a Tjörn, in Svezia, uno dei più grandi porti per la movimentazione di veicoli nel nord Europa. Boson Energy, una società israelo-svedese-polacca, costruirà l'impianto per soddisfare il crescente fabbisogno di energia ed elettricità di Wallhamn per ricaricare i veicoli scaricati nel porto, oltre a supportare la rete elettrica locale quando necessario. Sia l'elettricità che il carburante saranno carbon negative, poiché il processo di Boson Energy consente di catturare l'anidride carbonica, per l'utilizzo o lo stoccaggio, in modo pulito ed economico. L'unico residuo solido del processo di conversione è una scoria di vetro che può essere utilizzata come materiale di riempimento ecologico o ulteriormente trasformata in materiale isolante intelligente per il clima. Torbjörn Wedebrand, CEO di Wallhamn, ha affermato che il progetto è un'opportunità per espandere le operazioni portuali e realizzare il suo obiettivo di diventare il primo porto al mondo a emissioni negative di carbonio. "Questo progetto crea ottime condizioni per la nostra transizione verde e un approvvigionamento energetico affidabile, sia per le nostre operazioni che per i nostri clienti", ha affermato Wedebrand. “Sarà una parte importante della crescita della nostra attività di import/export, ottenendo allo stesso tempo significative riduzioni delle emissioni di anidride carbonica. Inoltre, i vari prodotti dell'approccio integrato di Boson Energy offrono opportunità molto interessanti per sviluppare l'intera area intorno al porto. Per noi, questo è un progetto di punta e molti porti in tutto il mondo stanno affrontando sfide simili”. Nell'ambito del progetto, Boson Energy ha anche stipulato un accordo di cooperazione con Ecopromt per la realizzazione di un impianto agricolo indoor per la coltivazione di ortaggi nelle vicinanze del porto. Questa struttura riceverà elettricità verde, anidride carbonica e raffreddamento direttamente dalla struttura di Boson Energy. Con un investimento iniziale di 100 milioni di euro, il progetto dovrebbe iniziare la costruzione nel 2025. "Il progetto Wallhamn mostrerà il potenziale autonomo e dinamico del nostro sistema 24/7/365 per la produzione locale di elettricità e molecole verdi nell'eliminazione graduale delle alternative fossili", ha dichiarato Jan Grimbrandt, fondatore e CEO di Boson Energy. “Il progetto riguarderà direttamente i settori in cui è difficile decarbonizzare, come i combustibili marini, l'industria chimica, i fertilizzanti e, in ultima analisi, anche la produzione alimentare locale con serre ad alta efficienza. Questo progetto diventerà un modello globale rilevante non solo per i porti, ma anche per le città e tutti i tipi di "isole", che affrontano tutti problemi di accesso all'energia, costi e impronte di combustibili fossili".

La società creerà un impianto nel porto svedese per la produzione locale di energia e molecole verdi circolari e a emissioni negative di carbonio.

WATCH: Israeli border police kill two terrorists in firefight near Jericho

Dano_FL https://c.disquscdn.Com/uploads/users/5649/7125/avatar92.Jpg?1478736549

https://disqus.Com/by/Dano_FL/ What caliber ammo does IDF normally use? This sounded pretty heavy. /lorenzoJHWH TO Dano_FL

akbarr jihad sharjah pay well to kill? when sudairii wahhabis ISIS OIC

Ummah want to give me king MbS to kill an Israeli soldier? AND THAT INFAME ERDOGAN SHARIA LAW WHEN HE WANTS TO PAY ME TO KILL AN ISRAELI CHILD?


Riyadh akbarr jihad sharjah pay well to kill? when sudairii wahhabis ISIS OIC Ummah want to give me king MbS to kill an Israeli soldier?

1 1View in discussion

Argentina's presidential primary won by pro-Israel, 'Torah-loving' candidate who wants to move embassy to Jerusalem

“My law is the Torah.” ? only Torah is the law

G-d bless Argentina ] [ Argentina currently grapples with economic challenges, marked by over 100 percent annual inflation, increasing poverty, and a swiftly declining currency – which Milei hopes to mitigate by substituting the peso with the U.S. dollar.

Milley to visit Israel as Washington worries about reneging IDF reservists

LAPID the despicable offender also endangers the lives of American soldiers in the Middle East

WATCH: Arab-Israeli footballer faces boycotts, abuse from Jordanians

Arab-Israeli footballer faces boycotts, abuse from Jordanians

August 16, 2023 Al-Wehdat's very pro-Palestinian views did not stop him from being boycotted.


the away Turks scream like mad to celebrate the massacres of Christians in their land and their military victories.

and I don't know why the football league doesn't expel these criminal Mohammedans who distort the very meaning of sport

through their racist Quranic. ISLAM IS A PLANETARY THREAT

Over 200 new immigrants from US, Canada arrive in Israel

and what color are Iraqis today? What color are Palestinian Semites today? of that color were the Jews. However Mary of Nazareth the Mother of Jesus was an exception and had perfectly blonde hair, but no one could see it because she had niquab

Why is skin color so important to you?

salvation and election take place spiritually today,

because Jesus of Bethlehem said

the flesh is of no use, it is the spirit

that gives life. Was not the earthly

Paradise located between the Tigris and

the Euphrates, and was not our

father Abraham a Wandering



Why is skin color so important to you? salvation and election take place spiritually today, because Jesus of Bethlehem said the flesh is of no use, it is the spirit that gives life. Was not the earthly Paradise located between the Tigris and the Euphrates, and was not our father Abraham a Wandering Aramean? and what color are Iraqis today? What color are Palestinian Semites today? of that color were the Jews. However Mary of Nazareth the Mother of Jesus was an exception and had perfectly blonde hair, but no one could see it because she had niquab

Hi, are these the descendants of the WHITE HEBREW SLAVES, whom were enslaved in Egypt and drew themselves on the walls of the pyramids? Or are these the other WHITE HEBREW SLAVES whom were taken away to America 400 years ago on ships? Tell the truth for once in your lives.

https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_fP7toTkQ6J/ zora

Deuteronomy 28:68 The Lord will bring you back in ships to Egypt, by a route that I promised you would never see again; and there you shall offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer. (the threat for not wanting to abandon the Masonic idolatry of bank seigniorage is still active)

Joel 3:6 You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, that you might send them far from their homeland. (the trade in Jewish slaves, of indebted people in the hands of other Jewish tormentors)

Genesis 15:13-15 Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 14 But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterwards they will come out with great possessions. 15 You, however, will go to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age.

Acts 7:6-7 God also told him that his descendants would live in a foreign land, where they would be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. 'But I will punish the nation that enslaves them,' God said, 'and in the end they will come out and worship me here in this place. ' (this is a suffering of purification from idolatry)

welcome Over 200 new immigrants from US, Canada arrive in Israel

welcome you freed yourself by sodoma and satana

Ben Kingsley’s many Holocaust roles prompted by need to ‘speak out’

I enjoyed his role in Schindler's List." Holocaust awareness was of supreme importance,

https://www.ansa.It/sito/notizie/cronaca/2023/08/04/lintervista-al-papa-le-transessuali-sono-figlie-di-diohtml [[ BERGOLIO DANCES WITH SATAN, THE FAKE POPE IS A HERETIC BLASTER ]] The interview with the Pope: 'Transsexuals are daughters of God' 04 August 2023,

"The first time a group of transsexuals came to the Vatican and saw me, they left crying, saying that I had given them my hand, a kiss...

Like I've done something great for them. But they are daughters of God!" The Pope said in an interview with Vida Nueva before leaving for Lisbon.

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/papa-francesco-ridimensiona-l-opus-dei-nuova-stretta-alle-organizzazioni-cattoliche/ Pope Francis downsizes Opus Dei, new squeeze on Catholic organizations [[ BERGOLIO DANCES WITH SATAN ]]

The prelate, Monsignor Ocariz, commented on the new motu proprio, assuring that Opus Dei welcomes "the provisions of the Holy Father with sincere filial obedience" and asking the members of the work "to remain, even in this, all very united". The papal provisions will be integrated into the ongoing rewriting of the statutes.

ottomans erdogan executioner ] [https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/in-karabakh-gli-armeni-muoiono-di-fame-l-azerbaijan-responsabile-del-genocidio/ genocide of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh has begun. «On Tuesday, August 15, a man residing in Stepanakert, the capital, died of malnutrition». This was stated by Gegham Stepanyan, Guarantor of civil rights of the small Caucasian Republic, a handkerchief trapped in Azerbaijan and in a war that lasted over thirty years. Since last December 12, the Azeris have closed the Lachin Corridor, the only access to the Armenian enclave to force it to capitulate and condemn it to definitive occupation. For over eight months, in fact, Karabakh has no longer received supplies of food, medicine and basic necessities. Azerbaijan has also cut off supplies of gas, drinking water and electricity: for 345 days a very serious humanitarian crisis has begun for the 120,000 inhabitants of Karabakh, the country is on its last legs. “The catastrophic consequences of the blockade are dramatically evident in the health sector, because it is affecting the most vulnerable groups of the population: children, pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, people with disabilities and the elderly”. ccording to estimates by the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "in Karabakh there are 8,450 seriously ill people without adequate care, 2,000 pregnant women without assistance, 30,000 children and 20,000 elderly people at risk of malnutrition, 9,000 disabled people left to their own devices". People Azerbaijan prevents from leaving the country. «The catastrophic food situation caused by the Azeris is creating episodes of malnutrition and in a few weeks we will be starving. Furthermore, the lack of medicines is paralyzing hospitals and thousands of people can no longer be treated,” explains Gegham Stepanyan. A dramatic situation which the regime of the Azeri president Ilham Aliyev does not seem to want to put an end to, on the contrary, because all the appeals of the international community have so far literally fallen on deaf ears. Including the one sent last July 6 by the International Court in The Hague to order Azerbaijan to break the siege: "Denying the right to free movement of people, vehicles and goods plausibly constitutes racial discrimination". Ethnic persecution, therefore. The words of the president of Nagorno Karabak, Araik Arutyunyan, in his last letter to the European Council are also very harsh: "My country has been transformed into an immense concentration camp". The report published on August 8 by the former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, leaves no way out either. “There are no crematoria or machete attacks. Hunger is an invisible weapon of genocide. In the absence of relevant and timely changes, this group of Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks," the Argentine high magistrate denounced. The images of poor Karen Hovhannisyan, 43, her body consumed by hunger and by the Azeris until her death, testify that the genocide of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh has already begun, invisible only to the eyes that do not want to see.

ottomans erdogan executioner ] [ Related video: The complaint of the Armenians: 120,000 people in Nagorno Karabakh are without food (Corriere Tv)

ISIS Wahhabi terrorists are no friend to NIGER today ] [ NIAMEY, AUGUST 16 - At least 17 Nigerien soldiers were killed and 20 injured in an attack by suspected jihadists on Tuesday near the Niger-Mali border, Defense ministry announced in Niamey In the early afternoon of Tuesday, "a detachment of the Forces armées nigériennes (Fan) moving between Boni and Torodi fell victim to a terrorist ambush on the outskirts of the Koutougou locality (52km southwest of Torodi)," according to a ministry statement published late Tuesday evening. The provisional toll is 17 soldiers killed and 20 wounded, of which six seriously.

Medvedev shows NATO assets captured in Ukraine at the International Arms Forum.

THE SATANIST the Wahhabi Bush lgbt rockefeller SAID: "we NEED AN ENEMY: he is certainly the Christian PUTIN" and the Freemasons are busy slandering him and doing aggressive acts, therefore Stoltemberg declared that in 2008 it was decided to annex Ukraine in OTAN, and the CIA Nulan elaborated the 2014 coup in Maidan Square.. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. and then they all agreed that Putin started the war in 2022


Boko Haram and its "fish stock" Complicities in the communities of the Lake Chad Basin


December 19, 2022 Nigeria: Secret Program? Against Boko Haram forced abortions and children killed

The Sail episode 13

Weapons, Conflicts and Terrorism December 14, 2022

Nigeria: forced abortions and children killed in the military campaign against Boko Haram

The endless nightmare of women victims of terrorists and the army in the north-east

Weapons, Conflicts and Terrorism 01 June 2022

Nigeria: the difficult redemption of Boko Haram women

There is no room for them in de-radicalisation programmes

Weapons, Conflicts and Terrorism 03 February 2022

Nigeria: Sambisa, the Boko Haram reserve

Chibok makes a comeback

Weapons, Conflicts and Terrorism 04 August 2021

Female jihadism in Africa. The role of women within Boko Haram and al-Shabaab

Historical archive 06 December 2019

Sudan: Six alleged Chadian militiamen of Boko Haram arrested in Darfur

Sudan Tribune

Historical archive 31 July 2019

Boko Haram, a ten-year nightmare

Historical archive July 12, 2019

Cameroon and Nigeria: Women protagonists in communities and against Boko Haram

To say

Historical archive May 28, 2019

From Boko Haram to the worse

Historical archive 06 March 2019

Nigeria: The Boko Haram faction linked to the Islamic State would have a new leader

News 24

Historical archive 05 February 2019

Nigeria: At least 60 dead in new Boko Haram attack on Rann town

Historical archive 30 January 2019

Nigeria: 30,000 fled to Cameroon from the city of Rann for fear of Boko Haram


Historical archive January 11, 2019

Nigeria: Memorandum of understanding signed with China to fight Boko Haram

Nova Agency

Historical archive 03 January 2019

Feuds between Boko Haram unleash new violence

Historical archive November 29, 2018

Cameroon: Dozens injured in a suicide attack by Boko Haram in the Far North


Historical archive October 16, 2018

Nigeria: Another Red Cross worker executed by former Boko Haram

Al Jazeera

Historical archive October 15, 2018

Nigeria: Red Cross appeal to Boko Haram for the release of two operators


Historical archive 02 October 2018

Nigeria: High-ranking Boko Haram leader executed for treason by comrades


Historical archive 01 October 2018

Cameroon, Biya: "Boko Haram expelled", total curfew in English-speaking regions


Historical archive September 20, 2018

Nigeria: Defeat of the army in the north-east against Boko Haram


Historical archive September 19, 2018

Unfair justice against Boko Haram

Historical archive July 19, 2018

Nigeria: Eight Boko Haram suspects confess to kidnapping Chibok girls


Historical archive July 17, 2018

Nigeria: Boko Haram captures an army base

Le Monde

Historical archive July 10, 2018

Nigeria: Over 180 Boko Haram child soldiers freed by the army

News 24

Historical archive 02 July 2018

Niger: New attack by Boko Haram

Radio France Internationale

Historical archive May 28, 2018

The army rapes victims of Boko Haram

Historical archive February 28, 2018

Nigeria: Over 1,000 civilians freed from Boko Haram in military operation

Al Jazeera

Historical archive February 26, 2018

Nigeria: 110 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram


Historical archive February 22, 2018

Nigeria, Boko Haram attacks a village: 2 girls dead, 76 rescued

The Guardian

https://disqus.Com/by/jerrylevinson/ the 'swattings' are

however indicators of hatred. because in demonic-Masonic societies it is

impossible to talk about bankING seigniorage

fraud, therefore it is impossible in worldisraelnews to be able to

talk about what are the real reasons for anti-Semitism


Jerry Levinson SAID:

I've never received any checks from the Rothschilds, though I

could really use the money. I must be attending the wrong synagogue. :)

TO Jerry Levinson

WE HAVE the Deep State and the Deep Church, or Deep Synagogue,

or Deep Mosque, etc.. etc.. these have one element in common: "" the

Masonic matrix."" when did you hear about bankING SCAM

seigniorage on TV, and what is it in your opinion?

who owns the bank seigniorage? Who

owns the money at the time it is issued? I DON'T


ADL condemns ‘swatting’ incidents targeting synagogues across US

Jerry Levinson

WE HAVE the Deep State and the Deep Church, or Deep Synagogue, or Deep Mosque, etc.. etc.. these have one element in common: "" the Masonic matrix.""

when did you hear about bank seigniorage on TV, and what is it in your opinion?

who owns the bank seigniorage?

Who owns the money at the time it is issued?


Smotrich calls for end to incitement after mock grave stunt

https://www.nigrizia.It/notizia/boko-haram-africa-nigeria-iswap-jas-terrorismo-polizia-corruzione THE COMPLICITIES OF THE ARAB LEAGUE IN THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE TALIBAN JIHADIST GALAXY AND BOKO HARAM ] [ The complicities in the communities of the Lake Chad Basin

Boko Haram and its "fish stock"

The terrorist group, which hides four splinter groups, has taken root in the territory. Not only does it offer services to the populations subject to it, but taxation on fishing and livestock is one of its main sources of income. And its presence in the area could not be so pervasive if there were not the complicity of many actors, starting from important sectors of the corrupt police forces

08 January 2023

This article was published in the January 2023 magazine Nigrizia

Reality often escapes us due to an excess of details. For example, when we read or write about Boko Haram we are inundated with a deluge of mournful narratives. They explain to us how this terrorist organization – which has branched out from northeastern Nigeria into the porous cross-border areas of the Lake Chad Basin

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/page/9/?s=NIGERIA&lang=it Nigeria, Amnesty International accuses Boko Haram of war crimes

In the conflict that has been raging for a decade in northeastern Nigeria, which has displaced more than two million people, more evidence is emerging - contained in a new

Nigeria, Free 279 Of 317 Schoolgirls Kidnapped Last Friday. It's official

After days of anguish and uncertain news, it's official. Most of the schoolgirls kidnapped last Friday in Nigeria, 279, have been released. 38 girls are missing. A happiness

Nigeria, Government Spokesperson Zanfara Denies Freeing Kidnapped Students

Nigerian government spokesman Zanfara denies the release of kidnapped students

The 317 female students kidnapped last Friday in Jengebe, in the state of Zanfara in Nigeria are still in the hands of the kidnappers. A cold shower after the news broke

Nigeria, released the 317 students kidnapped in a government school

Nigeria, 317 students kidnapped in a government school released

The 317 kidnapped students of the government secondary school in Jangebe, in Nigeria, would be freed last Friday. To leak the news sources of the government of the state of Zamfara who would have

Nigeria, 317 female students kidnapped. Police Operation Underway To Rescue Them

Nigeria, 317 schoolgirls kidnapped. Police operation underway to rescue them

Still the nightmare Boko Haram, another 317 students were kidnapped in North-West Nigeria where a police operation was immediately activated to free them. The Zamfara command, in collaboration

WTO, for the first time Africa, and a woman, at the top: the Nigerian Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

For the first time in her history, a woman will lead the World Trade Organization. Nigerian Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala will soon assume the role of general manager also marking a

Nigeria, 100 Days Since The Lekki Massacre: The Government Continues To Deny

Nigeria, 100 the Lekki massacre: the government continues to deny it

Today marks 100 days since the Lekki toll booth massacre in Lagos where Nigerian security forces opened fire on a protest by the #EndSARS campaign killing

Nigeria, Overturned The Death Sentence Of The "Blasphemous" Singer

Nigeria, death sentence of "blasphemous" singer overturned

A Nigerian appeals court overturned, and thank goodness, the death sentence of 22-year-old Yahaya Aminu-Sharif, who on August 10, 2020 an Islamic court had found guilty of

Nigeria, Towards an international investigation into atrocities in the north-east of the country

On 11 December, the Prosecutor's Office of the Permanent International Criminal Court announced the conclusion of the preliminary investigation, which began on 18 November 2010, into crimes against humanity and war crimes

Nigeria, the elderly invisible victims of the conflict with Boko Haram

In a new report released on 8 December, Amnesty International said elderly people are particularly affected by the conflict that has plagued north-eastern Nigeria for almost a decade and

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/page/7/?s=NIGERIA&lang=it Nigeria, no one is safe anymore. An attack to be read not only in a religious key ] [ Over fifty victims, but there could be many more: the balance of the attack on Pentecost Sunday on the Catholic church of San Francesco in Owo, in the state of Ondo, in the south-west

Nigeria, New Attacks Against Christians: Over 50 Dead On Pentecost Sunday

In Nigeria, Christians continue to be victims of attacks. More than 50 people killed in an armed attack on the Catholic church of St. Francis in Owo, in the State of

Nigeria, the Children's Hope of Happy Home and the Drama of the People of Former Biafra

Great joy to find our many friends after 2 years, but above all the children of Happy home, who have grown exponentially as only children can do. The satisfaction

Nigeria, Instability Grows After Rainy Season As Boko Haram Still Claims Victims

Nigeria, instability grows after the rainy season while Boko Haram still claims victims

This year the rain does not seem to have given Nigeria a break and in particular in Benin City, the capital of the trafficking of migratory human beings towards the western lands. Maybe not

Nigeria, the abductions of girls and boys on the rise: 780 in the last ten months

For more than a decade, the daily life of millions of people in northern Nigeria has been dominated by insecurity. Not only does the situation not improve but a frightening number, referring to

Nigeria releases 600 men unjustly suspected of belonging to Boko Haram

Between 12 and 25 November, around 600 men arrested on suspicions, which turned out to be unfounded, of belonging to the Islamist armed group Boko Haram, were released from prison

Nigeria, Authorities Do Nothing Against Sexual Violence

Nigeria, the authorities do nothing against sexual violence

In 2020, the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria counted 11,200 cases of rape, including one committed against a six-year-old girl and ending in


Nigeria, archbishop emeritus of Abuja: "Tragically questionable outcome of the vote" A chorus of both local and international voices criticize Nigeria's presidential elections and say that in many respects they have failed to meet the expectations of most..


Nigeria, Bola Tinubu is the new president of the most populous African country. Opposition contest vote, Bola Tinubu of the APC (All Progressive Congress) party was declared the winner of the contested presidential election in Nigeria. According to official results, the 70-year-old politician got 36% of


https://www.focusonafrica.Info/nigeria-troppi-attacchi-i-sopravvissuti-implorano-aiutateci-a-tornare-alle-nostre-fattorie/ DEMON ALLAH TERRORISM OIC UMMAH JIHAD GALAXY WAHHABIS AGAINST INNOCENT christian MARTYR AND ASSASSINS SHARIA HIS ISIS BOKO HARAM, FULANI IS ALWAYS genocide sharia, UMMAH OIC ERDOGAN NOW BLESS NIGERIA ] [ Nigeria, too many attacks. Survivors plead “Help us return to our farms” June 15, 2023 Victims caught in the web of relentless killing in Plateau State, mostly women forced to run with their children and household items, to flee war fronts are over 10,000. More than 100 killed. As of May 15, 2023, there has been one attack per week by Fulani mercenaries on nearly 30 Mangu communities (Mangu is a capital city of Plateau State which covers an area of 1,653 km² and has a population of 294,931). At the latest count, no fewer than 879 men, 2,177 women and 2,966 children have been located in some camps in Barkin Ladi and Mangu. About 1977 they are found in churches and classrooms of schools in the metropolis of Jos and in Pankshin. The tragedy for women is very serious because unlike men, who can run barefoot to escape being killed, women and girls in the war-affected areas of the Plateau have other vital needs. Women have always been the victims of many senseless killings in Plateau State. They are killed together with their children or become widows. As they are displaced, they are further traumatized by a lack of basic needs, including sanitary towels. Disadvantaged people, mostly women and children, due to the recent attacks, are increasingly hardship due to unfavorable weather conditions that make them ill and the impossibility of obtaining fresh, unadulterated food from their farms which have been left for several months. The government must take immediate steps to facilitate the return of all people who have become refugees in the various camps for internally displaced persons. What's disturbing is the criminals who attacked the communities have returned to remove the metal doors and zinc from the ashes. The government should think about giving these people freedom back to their farms.

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/nigeria-colpita-a-sangue-freddo-la-chiesa-cattolica-ucciso-sacerdote-dellarcidiocesi-di-benin/ DEMON ALLAH TERRORISM OIC UMMAH JIHAD GALAXY WAHHABIS AGAINST INNOCENT christian AND SHARIA HIS ISIS BOKO HARAM, FULANI IS ALWAYS genocide sharia, UMMAH OIC ERDOGAN NOW BLESS NIGERIA ] Nigeria, hit in cold blood the Catholic Church. Priest of the archdiocese of Benin killed

The reverend father don Charles Igechi, of the archdiocese of Benin City was killed by armed men in the state of Edo. It happened last Wednesday June 7, 2023

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/nigeria-nuova-presidenza-vecchi-massacri/ DEMON ALLAH TERRORISM OIC UMMAH JIHAD GALAXY WAHHABIS AGAINST INNOCENT christian AND SHARIA ISIS BOKO HARAM, FULANI IS ANWAYS genocide sharia, UMMAH OIC ERDOGAN NOW BLESS NIGERIA ] [ Nigeria: new presidency, old massacres, From May 29, the day of the inauguration of the presidency of Bola Tinubu, in Nigeria at least 123 people were killed. That the Nigerian authorities failed to protect their citizens

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/nigeria-carestia-sempre-piu-grave-msf-malnutrizione-in-aumento-nel-nord-ovest/ DEMON ALLAH WAHHABIS AGAINST INNOCENT christian AND SHARIA ISIS BOKO HARAM FULANI genocide sharia, UMMAH OIC ERDOGAN NOW BLESS NIGERIA ] [ Nigeria, increasingly serious famine. MSF: "Malnutrition on the rise in the north-west"

The malnutrition crisis continues to worsen in northwestern Nigeria. In the first 5 months of 2023 hospitalizations increased by 26% compared to the same period of the previous year

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/?s=NIGERIA&lang=it BIN MBs salman from Riyadh DEMON ALLAH after christian genocide sharia NOW BLESS NIGERIA ] [ Nigeria, massive military deployment on the border with Niger causes crisis in 6 Nigerian federal states

In Nigeria, millions of people living in the six federal states closest to the borders with Niger have begun to bear the brunt of the closure of the Nigerian borders

Nigeria, Tinubu eliminates fuel subsidies and saves 380 million euros but economy on its knees

Subsidies in Nigeria refer to the financial support or assistance provided by the government to three different areas of the economy. Electricity subsidies close the gap between generation costs

Niger: coup plotters suspend media and military agreements with France, recall ambassadors to Nigeria, Togo, United States and France

As reported yesterday by "Focus on Africa", diplomatic relations between France and Niger have become even more tense, with the breaking of the military agreements that linked the two...

Nigeria, diphtheria spreads quickly in 8 states: a hundred deaths and 836 infected people

In Nigeria, the National Agency for Primary Health Care Development, NPHCDA, says it has recorded a hundred deaths and 836 confirmed cases of diphtheria since the beginning of this year. The director

Nigeria, IOM declares 1200 deaths with Japa syndrome in 2023

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said as of 2023 an estimated 1,200 Nigerians have died while trying to migrate across the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean.

Nigeria, diphtheria is the cause of deaths in the north of the country. Another 5 students dead and 150 hospitalized

We had already spoken in a previous article of the suspicion of a new epidemic that had affected children in an area in the south of the state of Kaduna and more precisely the

Nigeria, suspected infection affects children. Emergency in Northern Nigeria

In northern Nigeria at least ten children aged between 3 and 13 have died of a suspected respiratory tract infection.


Smotrich calls for end to incitement after mock grave stunt

Ex-Trump advisor says Jews are to blame for being deported to concentration camps

Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn speaks at a conference of Christian leaders in Michigan


1. he was TOO emotionally disturbed by the HUGE MASSACRE,

2. not possessing the historical context, such as the rational Nazi-fascist organizational machine,

3. he reacted emotionally as a soldier might react.


only satanists rockefeller CIA OTAN and sharjah muslims are they capable rationally and ideologically today, to organize as monstrous as a genocide, today. why what satanists Biden Nuland Zelensky Stoltemberg Bush Rothschild call "Satan" spa&Co?

the same the ARAB LEAGUE calls it: "ALLAH" sharjah.

Israeli energy minister in Abu Dhabi to advance water-for-electricity plan


Mezuzah scroll in Israeli hospital replaced with antisemitic note

“All Jews are liars and have no religion; they are murderers and terrorists. Death to the Jews,” the paper read in Hebrew.

On the reverse side, in Arabic, it was written: “There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. Islam is the solution”.


I have read the Bible many times but I have never found anything like it.

Mohammedans are possessed,

Allah is the devil

Mohammed is a prized misogynistic criminal killer pig

and ISLAM sharia is ISISI a cancer.

now, i would never dream of saying that all muslims are scum, i only fight the sharia of genocide

Mezuzah scroll in Israeli hospital replaced with anti-Semitic note


NOTE: "here we are darwin monkeys with a very fluid identity like cottage cheese"

Terrorist arrested, explosives seized after attack on IDF post

In a separate incident, a Palestinian gunman was seriously injured in clashes with Israeli troops near Joseph's grave.



https://www.focusonafrica.Info/africa-subsahariana-suor-mary-lembo-denuncia-centinaia-di-abusi-su-religiose-africane/ THE MASONIC CHURCH OF BERGOGLIO IS A LAVEN OF CLERICALIST AND GNOSTIC DELINQUENTS. TO DESPISE THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE IS EQUAL TO SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. Sub-Saharan Africa: Sister Mary Lembo denounces hundreds of abuses against African nuns August 16, 2023 In 2022, Sister Mary Lembo, a Togolese religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, published a very interesting book: “Religieuses abusées en Afrique” (Edizioni Salvator, Paris 2022). This is the degree thesis that the nun defended in September 2019 at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, for which she received a special mention at the Henri De Lubac 2021 award. It is a relentless "j'accuse" against numerous African priests, guilty of abuses of various kinds against young religious. Sr. Mary's search is limited to five countries, four in West Africa and one in East Africa. The Togolese religious tells us about five types of abuse: sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, abuse of power, abuse of trust and sexual violence (including rape). There are hundreds of African women (nuns, aspirants or novices) who have suffered violence from priests or religious, but Sister Lembo preferred to limit herself to telling the stories of nine people, to whom she gave fictitious names: Becky, Solange, Anita, Innocente, Martha, Jessy, Liberia, Regina and Corinne. Their age ranges from twenty to forty; three of them were young men in formation and six were already nuns. What unites the stories of all these victims is their situation of economic and social inferiority compared to that of the priests, who have not only economic but also hierarchical power. Unlike Europe, in fact, nuns are almost always much poorer than priests, who administer the goods of the diocese and take the most important decisions not only in pastoral care, but also in everyday life. Even more difficult is the situation of the young aspirants, as it is the parish priest who in fact decides, with a letter of introduction, whether or not the girl is suitable to enter the convent. Here then is that many priests make the young women "pay a very high price" who turn to them to ask to be admitted to the convent. Since it is often two adults, Sister Lembo specifies on page 174 of her book that, even if the girl is of age, there can be sexual abuse, because the young woman's free consent is often lacking. “Sexual abuse occurs when an individual of inferior maturity or strength is cunningly lured, ensnared, coerced, or seduced into a sexual experience. ( ) This happens ( ) if the victim does not fully understand what is happening to her or if she is unable to give informed consent ”. It is therefore important to condemn not only rape, which is a very serious crime, but also other types of sexual abuse, which are unfortunately very frequent in Africa. Sister Lembo did not deal, in his book, with the Democratic Republic of Congo which is, unfortunately, one of the countries most affected by this sad phenomenon. From documentation that has recently come into my possession, I can tell a significant episode, one of the many cases of abuse committed by religious. In the 90s of the last century, a Congolese priest, whom I will call with an invented name Father Simba, manages to seduce a young aspiring to religious life, whom we will call Anuarite. When Simba realizes that Anuarite is pregnant, he tries to convince her to have an abortion, but the young woman refuses; just on the day she receives the letter in which her admission to the convent is communicated, she Anuarite gives birth to a son, whom we will call Patrice. Father Simba has never taken care of his son, who manages to live and study only thanks to the sacrifices of his mother; in the 10s Patrice, who now lives in Europe, decides to report Simba to the Vatican authorities. The Vatican Congregation for Religious requires a DNA test, which is carried out in 2021: Father Simba is recognized as Patrice's biological father. Today we are in 2023, but the Vatican has not yet imposed any canonical sanction against this unworthy religious. Why wasn't he suspended a divinis? Why does he still continue to exercise his ministry in France? Sr. Mary Lembo's work is undoubtedly meritorious, but real change in the Church will only come about when all those guilty of sexual abuse are severely punished, both by the religious authorities and, when they have committed crimes, by the civil and criminal courts of the States in which they live.

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/nigeria-le-nuove-strade-del-traffico-di-prostituzione/ MOHAMMED BOIA ISLAM ISIS AND THE SLAVE TRADE A 1400 YEAR LONG HISTORY. Nigeria, the new streets of prostitution trafficking July 19, 2023, The path of human traffickers has changed, Nigeria has become so "cheap" that now Nigerian girls are being deported to Ghana and Togo for prostitution. ] [ The case of a 17-year-old girl (Blessing is her real name) who left Nigeria for Togo five months ago at the invitation of a trusted friend who promised her a life-changing job opportunity. The underlying story is always the classic one we've known for years. Blessing realized too late, like every other teenager, that she was a victim of human trafficking and forced prostitution. ] [ The Abuja-based National Agency for the Prohibition of Human Trafficking NAPTIP in collaboration with the International Center for Migration Policy, ICMPD, under the Niger-Nigeria project, managed to rescue Blessing and many others in this new prostitution ring. NAPTIP Director General Dr. Fatima Waziri Azi ] [ Last February, a friend (Joy alias name) had invited Blessing to her house for a greeting before traveling to Ghana for a business trip. The friend had told Blessing that she was going to Ghana (false destination) to work as a housekeeper for some time. Only later between drinks would she ask Blessing if she wanted to accompany her, she would pay her the return ticket after a short vacation. The next day the two girls left Nigeria and there was a man helping them, one of those who had helped Joy find work in Ghana. The man said not to call his parents to tell them where they were going, it was not the case. They boarded a bus to Owerri (city located in southeastern Nigeria in Imo State, known for social unrest in recent years), another man was waiting for them at 'The Young Shall Grow Park' to accompany them to the bus station bus that would take them to Lagos. The man paid for the tickets to Lagos by giving Joy some money to buy some useful things for the trip. Once in Lagos, the two girls were invited to take a 'cab' to meet the person who would accompany them to Togo, and no longer to Ghana, their original destination. After several hours of travel, the girls arrived in Togo at night and were taken to the home of a man A woman showed up shortly thereafter telling them that they had been taken to Togo to prostitute themselves. Shocked Blessing saw the woman take her friend Joy away from her, leaving her with another girl. While complaining of being tired, worn out from travel, Blessing was whisked away that same evening to work with other girls her age at a local brothel. The woman advised Blessing to "work very hard" in order to pay for the money used for her trip. She should have brought back the sum of around 3000 euros and she should have slept with as many men as possible, repaying the debt as soon as possible. A girl ended up in the brothel as she advised her to do exactly as the madame told her, because if she didn't, she would be sent to Burkina Faso where the situation was much worse. Blessing at that point could do nothing but plan his escape. On the second day of her arrival she managed to escape with another girl but they were captured and flogged. The madame told her that she would never go back to Nigeria until she paid double the money she owed her. The next day Blessing was taken to a Voodoo shrine (usually Juju) where the witch doctor made some incisions on various parts of her body. He gave Blessing a raw egg to drink, smeared the shell with the blood from the incisions and placed her in a special position to perform spells and forcing her to swear not to run away as she would die if she attempted to escape. While working in the brothel where she was taken, one day she had to fight with one of the girls, Angel, who became violent due to her drunkenness. In an attempt to separate another girl, Blessing had received a stab wound. Even though she was hurt, she was told not to involve the police. Instead, thanks to Blessing's stubbornness, the police arrived and made several arrests. Blessing and other compatriots of hers were taken to the Nigerian Embassy where their return to Nigeria was organized thanks to the NAPTIP organization. When these girls are trafficked, they are subjected to different forms of abuse, both sexual and psychological and as a result, at the time of rescue, some of them are found to be suffering from one disease or another such as HIV/Aids, transmissible (STD), syphilis, arterial hypertension. The various partners working with NAPTIP made sure, They want medical care to be provided to them, so that when they go out into society, they will be able to regain their former social life.


WATCH: Is the Middle East burning?

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/sudan-eritrea-accusata-di-rimpatri-forzati-di-rifugiati-e-oppositori-politici/ Sudan. Eritrea accused of forced returns of refugees and political opponents, Since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Army (SAF) and the Rapid Response Forces (RSF), thousands of Eritrean refugees have reportedly been removed from refugee camps and herded into Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/eritrea-liberato-il-vescovo-fikremariam-hagos-era-agli-arresti-da-ottobre/ Eritrea. Bishop Fikremariam Hagos released. He had been under arrest since October. The Catholic bishop of Segheneiti, Fikremariam Hagos, was released from detention after being held by the security forces without charge since 15 October. The news comes in


https://www.focusonafrica.Info/eritrea-sono-passati-10-anni-dalla-sparizione-forzata-di-ciham-ali/ Eritrea, 10 years have passed since the enforced disappearance of Ciham Ali, The Eritrean government has been silent for a decade, that of the US - which Amnesty International contacted in 2021 - for over a year. Nobody seems to be interested in providing Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/etiopia-continuano-violenze-e-abusi-delleritrea-in-tigray-nonostante-laccordo-di-pretoria/ Ethiopia, violence and abuses of Eritrea in Tigray continue despite the Pretoria agreement The Pretoria agreement signed on November 2 formalized the negotiations for the cessation of hostilities between the government of Ethiopia and representatives of Tigray, Ethiopia's northern regional state. The agreement should establish a


https://www.focusonafrica.Info/etiopia-eritrea-bombarda-il-tigray-durante-la-festa-di-meskel-celebrazioni-della-croce/ Ethiopia, Eritrea bombs Tigray during Meskel festival, celebrations of the Cross, Eritrea was the protagonist of the airstrike by bombing Adi Dairo and massacring civilians beyond its borders, in the regional state of Tigray, Ethiopia. September 30, 2022 UPDATE: Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/eritrea-isaias-afwerki-ordina-la-mobilitazione-di-massa-contro-il-tigray/ BOIA ERDOGAN-Isaias Afwerki orders mass mobilization against Tigray, Eritrea mobilizes all reservists under the age of 55. The country's role in the war between Addis Ababa and Tigray has never been secondary. Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/etiopia-coinvolgimento-delleritrea-nel-nuovo-fronte-di-guerra-in-tigray/ Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR ] [ Eritrea, Ethiopia, Eritrean involvement in the new war front in Tigray, New air raids today, September 17, 2022, by the Ethiopian military forces on residential areas and towns in Tigray, in Mekelle. They are the umpteenth attack that occurred a few days after the start

https://www.focusonafrica.Info/eritrea-appello-di-hrw-sui-diritti-umani-violati-in-patria-e-nella-guerra-in-tigray-etiopia/ Cain SHARJAH Mohammed HERE KILLED THE INNOCENT CHRISTIANS MARTYR ] [ Eritrea, HRW appeal on human rights violations in the country and in the war in Tigray, Laetitia Bader, director for HRW - Human Rights Watch for the Horn of Africa shared a statement regarding Eritrea, the abuses of humanitarian law and the implications in the war in

Cain Mohammed has filled the earth with innocent blood, and now the sun of hell must burn him

darwin monkeys must burn all over the world

Israel, Vietnam to launch direct flights in follow-up to free trade deal

Vietnamese government everything, Nguyen Hong Dien from Hanoi ] [ unlike our Indian and Israeli friends who have a swastika on their flag, which you cannot turn, because in any position it is always a 666, which always curses themselves, that is, it is pantheism, which has no transcendence in itself itself, and therefore cannot escape the curse of the kabbalahdi shoah which is transcendent in its nature,

that in the case of the Israelis this symbol was created by the Rothschilds of the high Sanhedrin when Jesus of Bethlehem was resurrected, and at that moment the panicked satanists didn't know how to solve the situation: so they created this fake star of David to curse all the Jews , then, they bled the children and made human sacrifices at Baal jabullon, as the leaders of OTAN still do today

Vietnamese government everything, Nguyen Hong Dien from Hanoi ] if you turn your star the one you have on your flag: which is the symbol of blessing and light and life and the symbol of good (it's like if you put the cross upside down) you get the face of Baphomet Rockefeller and his Mohammed Satan kabbalah sharjah, which is the goat with horns. when the infamous wahhabis have dragged you into the world war you must urinate for me on the black stone abominable idol of allah at kaaba

to the Vietnamese government everything, Nguyen Hong Dien from Hanoi ] move fast, I need your embassy in Jerusalem

Rockefeller 666 micro-chip very chip aliens abduction canniballs ] [ when someone thinks of making money from other money it is because he is leading billions of people to destruction and despair, only the POLITICAL State has the right to profit from banking seigniorage and the gain of monetary flows. because the state belongs to the citizens, all that you have raised in these last 300 years? it's satanism!

when did satan the jewish usurer freemason and slave trader goyims create a giant legal entity spa&co,IE GIANT JURICAL PERSONALITY? then, real people and their states became tiny slave ants. You Enlightened Morgan, Black Roch, goldman sach, FED ECB BM NWO IMF Rating, Moody, etc.. you with corruption and with Freemasonry the rockefellers lgbt and secret agency have conquered all places of power, they have strengthened sin, the lie, the Rothschilds have strengthened infamy, corruption and have suffocated virtue and truth. hence the churches of satan and their lgbt DEM lobbies were erected. now it seems impossible for us to destroy an institutional and regulatory system that has settled over 400 years? must we passively accept the crime and the constitutional evil, because the whhabis have stabbed mankind in the back?


WE HAVE today, masonic RELIGION, Freemasons have parceled out power in all its forms, and no longer answer to the Masonic government but to banking technocracy and agencies like Davos and Bildenberg. Freemasons have imposed false pseudo scientific dogma, making atheism an irrational religious dogma, about the darwin monkeys DEM and lgbt (but to date not a single transition fossil has been found, while transvestites make the transition, to destroy the femininity and maernity and annihilate the female universe by making them masculinize), what are our governments if they are not lobbing mafia, institutions corrotte, governments, international Masonic agencies, absolutely relativism, materialism and unconstitutional and criminal, which with the foundation of the private spa&Co Rothschild Central private Bank of England , then replicated in all the other banking scam seigniorage privately owned spa&co Central Banks for the suffocation of the peoples of the planet, leading to: 60 families of Jewish bankers (Enlightened ) an unimaginable power, and they are pushing all mankind into the abyss of destruction of the valley of death and hell, because their ideological goal is to obtain for all sodom satan and allah, i.e. it is from their constitutive moment to always be states as antichrist and anti-Zionist. today, the technocratic institutional aspect: prevails over the elective element: effectively destroying the margins of popular sovereignty. i know, if we don't renew our structures and institutions how will the world be able to save itself from world war? I have observed Putin very carefully these last 15 years, and have found him guilty only for declaring that he is a Christian


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

Your account is suspended

when is a religion called positive