non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Rabbi Leo Dee

Rabbi Leo Dee: ‘I wanted to ask the terrorists why they murdered my wife and


Rabbi Leo Dee when I was fighting, against banking seigniorage, against Freemasonry and for save innocent Christian martyrs these past 15 years, where were you? in this page where 4 my comments https://worldisraelnews.Com/rabbi-leo-dee-i-wanted-to-ask-the-terrorists-why-they-murdered-my-wife-and-daughters/


in this satanic masonic lgbt spa&Co World and their DEM sharjah petrodollas absolute satanism e genocide scam banking seigniorage ] [ Epstein's Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed Are Biden's CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer. In 2014, current CIA director William Burns had three meetings with Jeffrey Epstein when Burns was Obama's deputy secretary of state, and after Epstein had been convicted of child se* exploitation, the Wall Street Journal


take that obama lizard and put it in a jar



Rabbi Leo Dee: ‘I wanted to ask the terrorists Erdogan Bin MBS From Riyadh why they murdered my wife and daughters?


becouse there is one only planet, one only sharia, one only kuran. and one only kabbalah-talmud


Bernie Sanders: Government Should Confiscate All Wealth Over $999 Million, No billionaires at all!


antifa are idiot or big corrupt criminals because jews plutocrat are not visible,

they live in the Admiralty

Dems to Bibi: 'Difficult' to defend Israel because of judicial reform


under this slow-moving genocide? Thank you for your continued love and concern for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria. ALLAH is DRACULA Dear lorenzoJHWH, We recently shared with you a video depicting an attack in Nigeria that left 33 killed. This attack was part of an ongoing trend of violence plaguing the nation.

I recently had the privilege of speaking with a Nigerian brother who shared his valuable perspective on what's taking place in

the nation. Today, will you join us in prayer to lift up those who are suffering


when Satan obtained from Big Brother Pharma Spa & Co Rockefeller FAUCI Bill Gates, AIFA EMA WHO the genes of mankind and said: "now I've got them all by the balls" May 3, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Accumulation of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins in the skull-meninges-brain axis: potential implications for long-term neurological complications in the post-COVID-19

If what explained in the study happens with the spike protein of the natural virus, what could happen with the billions of mRNA codes incorporated in the nanoparticles that circulate freely in our body, codes that induce the cells of the human body


where Satan and Allah scream from their throne EU UK USA FED ECB spa&Co IMF OIC Riyad Iran Ummah ] [ 3 May 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Don Tullio Rotondo was suspended only for having criticized the errors of Amoris Laetitia in a new book, (but to the Cardinals who said the same things BERGOGLIO the sorcerer Mason did not even reply) Don Tullio Rotondo: 'We are in the worst doctrinal crisis that the Church has ever faced, and it is because of the Pope. It seems impossible, yet it is so”. Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by

The illusion of the effectiveness of COVID vaccines demonstrated with numbers.

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil and published on their blog. Norman Fenton, Ph.D., is a mathematician at Queen Mary University of London and Martin Neil

Ted Galen Carpenter: The clamorous deceptions of Washington on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Below I would like to point out for the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Ted Galen Carpenter and published in AntiWar. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in my



what was Sergey Lavrov's important speech to the UN Security Council (April 24, 2023)?

but in the democracy of Mario Draghi, Soros Rothschild nazi Rockefeller Ursula Borrell hail? you won't find it .. “The UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis. The root cause was the desire of some members of our organization to replace international law and the Charter of the United Nations with a kind of "rules-based order". No one has seen these "rules", they have not been the subject of transparent international negotiations.


unfortunately for Macron Zapatero Ursula Lapid and Trudeau? Male and female are different. Science tells us so. They get a reason for it.


BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/il-maschio-e-la-femmina-sono-diversi-ce-lo-dice-la-scienza-se-ne-facciano-una-ragione/

HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO MAKE YOUR BUCKLE HOLE YOUR DOUBLE POTATO? you should try it, in gratitude with rockefeller, after all your supporters are really the lgbt DEMs


BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] as you can see I learned to write perfect English SHARIAH [ ONE ONLY ALLAH ONE ONLY PLANET, GENOCIDE JIHAD TO ALL SHARIAH ] [ Jordanian MP Lauded as "Hero" for Smuggling Weapons into Israel Why would a member of the Jordanian parliament who hates Israel with a passion and supports a terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel try to smuggle weapons? To kill Jews. That is precisely why Al-Adwan is seen by many Jordanians and Palestinians as a "hero" and a "brave man." It is not difficult to imagine the public outcry had an Israeli MP been caught trying to smuggle weapons into Jordan or any other country. Sadly, the campaign of solidarity with the Jordanian parliament member who was caught while trying to smuggle a large cache of weapons into Israel signals the hatred that Jordanians and Palestinians feel towards Israel and Jews. This hate is the direct result of decades of indoctrination and brainwashing of Jordanians and Palestinians. Israel does not harbor any bad feelings towards Jordan. The opposite is true. Israel has always been supportive of the Jordanian monarchy and the stability of the Hashemite regime was and still is an important cornerstone of Israel's security. As for the international community and the mainstream media in the West, they could learn from the failed smuggling attempt that Israel's security concerns are not unjustified and not exaggerated. This week, over 100 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel, a country roughly the size of Victoria Island. What would the UK do if one rocket – let alone 100 – were fired into England? Or Germany, if rockets were fired at Munich? Or France, if rockets were fired at Nice or Cannes or St. Tropez? Israel daily faces attempts by Hamas and other terror groups to carry out terrorist attacks to kill Jews. The next time people complain about "tough Israeli security measures," please remind them of that


there is not a single transitional fossil but, sodomitic Freemasons DOGMA EVOLUTIONISM FAKE SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE CULT lUCIFER, and their monkeys Darwin Lapid have taken Nazi control of society, "In the West science is corrupted by ideology worse than in the Soviet Union"

Nobel laureates write a sensational essay against the woke and are censored. "Even under communism, governments, scientists and universities were not committed to denying truths such as the existence of two sexes" by Giulio Meotti [ ] A math lesson in the Soviet Union under the gaze of Lenin, Born in Ceausescu's communist Romania in 1950, Sergiu Klainerman now teaches at Princeton and is one of the most important American mathematicians who contributed to the study of hyperbolic partial differential equations. But for some time now, Klainerman has been engaged in a battle not with numbers, but in defense of freedom of speech and thought. His enemy is the Western woke. “I was intoxicated by heroic myths about how Communists were building the best possible society while breaking down the futile resistance of recalcitrant reactionaries,” Klainerman told me. “I was brainwashed about the Soviet Union as the paragon of all virtue, to the point where I was shocked at age eight when I heard an older boy in my street saying nasty things about the USSR. When I devoured Orwell's '1984' and 'Animal Farm' and was able to read Alexander Solzhenitsyn, my doubts became challenges to communist ideology. In the name of 'diversity' and 'inclusion', American universities today are following a similar path of self-destruction. After a certain point the decline is no longer gradual and collapse is a more apt description. The Western woke project is dangerous, but our leaders seem either determined to follow it or too cowardly to resist it. The process of deterioration is rapid."


where are my nuclear weapons? ‘Palestinian’ jihadis vow that Israel will pay for ‘assassinating’ jihad leader who died after hunger strike, Any pretext for more bloodshed will do. Any pretext at all. “Palestinian terror groups: Israel will pay for ‘assassinating’ Jihad leader,” by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post, May 2, 2023: Palestinian Islamic Jihad said in a statement on Tuesday that Israel bears full responsibility for the “heinous crime” of the death of Khader Adnan and [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer


after exterminating all Christians in the ARAB LEAGUE? ] DEM LGBT COUP CRIMINAL [ Norway: Muslim asylum seekers now get free public transport in Oslo and Viken, This comes after Ukrainian refugees were given free public transport and Muslim migrants complained. Yet the two situations are not equivalent, as the author explains below. It’s always a matter of special accommodation for supremacists. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the [ ]

after exterminating all Christians in the ARAB LEAGUE? ] DEM LGBT COUP CRIMINAL [ Sweden: Muslim Leftist party leader demands that Eid be made an official national holiday, Sweden is not a Muslim country yet, but it’s getting there, and in anticipation of that happy event, Muhamed Nuur wants Eid to be a national holiday now. The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries, one must conform one’s behavior to Muslim sensibilities. In non-Muslim countries, one must conform one’s behavior [ ] by Robert Spencer

Dems to Bibi: 'Difficult' to defend Israel because of judicial reform


New York Times Reporter a Stout Defender of Hamas, The New York Times has a new reporter, even worse than those already covering Israel and the Palestinians. She is Raja Abdulrahim, who, when a college student, was helped by financial aid from CAIR, and she has remained loyal to that organization, an unindicted co-conspirator in the country’s largest terrorism financing trial. She has a [ ]

Biden administration continues to fund Palestinian groups that are openly supporting jihad terrorists, NGO Monitor has released its 2022 report: USAID 2022 West Bank and Gaza Grantees: Vetting Gaps Remain. The report highlights the U.S. government’s failure to properly vet Palestinian beneficiaries of aid. But maybe it isn’t really isn’t about vetting at all. Enough is known about the Palestinian Authority and its support for jihad terror groups, [ ]

Read more

Christian British citizen deported from Turkey appeals to EU Court of Human Rights, “Banned” from Turkey could mean that one is living elsewhere but is no longer allowed to visit the country. This is not the case with British Christian Mario Zalma, lived in Turkey with his wife Rachel for over a decade. Mario Zalma was suddenly disallowed to re-enter Turkey, the country he had made a home. [ ]

Read more


Dems to Bibi: ‘Difficult’ to defend Israel because of judicial reform

no, DEM is itself ISIS judicial COUP jihad sharjah reform

'Corpses,' chaos and blocked roads as 'Day of Disruption' returns


chaliphate jihad sharia DEM UE Ursula Imam the antichrist spa&Co lgbt antizionist ] [ UK’s Mirror touts Islamic State bride who served prison time for encouraging jihad terror as ‘fashion influencer’ If Tareena Shakil had been vocally opposed to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, she would be canceled and shunned forever. But as a former ISIS bride, she is on the pathway to stardom. Britain, needless to say, is finished. “EXCLUSIVE: British mum jailed for joining ISIS and

posing with guns rebrands as fashion [ ]

Germany: Turks hang Erdogan election posters in Nuremberg streets


They’re grateful migrants who are happily assimilating and becoming Germans, right? Right? “Turkish colony Nuremberg hangs Erdogan election posters,” translated from “Türken-Kolonie Nürnberg hängt Erdogan-Wahlplakate auf,” Journalisten Watch, May 1, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): There is an election campaign in Turkey and the city of Nuremberg is supporting the Sultan of the Bosphorus with great [ ]

by Robert Spencer


blocking the roads is sedition, the aim is to make the economy suffer and harm the poorest sections of the population,

the aim is to make the overthrow the government

DEM and Islamists are the real cancer of this planet, and both have one and only source of funding in

"NWO Spa&Co petrodollars Deep Riyadh wahhabis State, esoteri masonic agenda lgbt masonry trasnational any antichrist and antizionism"

and you don't confront/deal with this, you have to repress them


CHINA RUSSIA USA EU UK SCO OTAN ONU ] [ THERE IS NO BASIS FOR NEGOTIATION WITH ISLAM: or US OR THEM, kill mohammeddans all ] who among you wants to destroy the ARAB LEAGUE with atomic weapons? [ if you won't do it now? however, all life except beetles will disappear on the surface of this planet for thirty years. I have been an observatory on Christian martyrdom since 1988 since I read "The new century of martyrdom by Antonio Socci"

and I have always had scruples, ever since in these 15 years, I have become the King of the Jews by order of God holy holy holy almighty merciful gracious YHVH holy, i become King lorenzoJHWH, and I said to myself:

"I cannot exploit the Israelis, and use them to destroy ARAB LEAGUE with preventive nuclear attack, with my atomic weapons and destroy OIC UMMAH, to save the Christian martyrs", but anyway now someone has to do it or the FED shareholders will be forced to kill every life form on this planet and for do this

they are already equipped theirself

IDF eliminates terrorists who murdered Lucy Dee and her daughters


in this page https://worldisraelnews.Com/idf-eliminates-terrorists-who-murdered-lucy-dee-and-her-daughters/ there are my 5 comments/posts

SCO OTAN ONU ] [ THERE IS NO BASIS FOR NEGOTIATION WITH ISLAM: EITHER US OR THEM, kill mohammeddans all ] [ if you won't now? all life except cockroaches will disappear on the surface of this planet for thirty years


Bin ISIS MBS al-Salman jihad galaxy sharjah genocide universal ] [ 1. by preventing Zionism, you push mankind to total destruction, i.e. the Enlightened Anglo-American Jews because of your population bomb, after the third world war, or perhaps just in this, they will be forced to destroy all life on this planet.

2. by preventing Zionism, you prevent the Enlightened Anglo-American Jews from being able to return to God YHVH as in fact it is their intention to do, what if that was not their intention? of course I would have been killed like all my predecessors who opposed bank seigniorage


Bin ISIS MBS al-Salman jihad galaxy sharjah genocide universal ] [ God gave me a task 15 years ago, and gave me instructions, and an agenda to follow, but you are opposing me with perverse hypocritical and disguised stubbornness, given that that Beast of Aziz your Uncle said to Synnek1 priest of satan of the 60th degree Masonic: he said to him: "I esteem lorenzoJHWH in King of Israel"

and instead of helping me to bring mankind into peace and prosperity, you Wahhabis are pushing the priests of satan like Biden to war against the Chinese, because you anticipate a great prey and the doubling of the UMMAH, which is the only true Islamic nation, of suffocating to death all the peoples of this planet


Bin ISIS MBS al-Salman jihad galaxy sharjah genocide universal ] [ it is true that there is a curse that the Rothschild Rockefellers have

placed on the Jewish people, on christian peoples and above all on me (with all the demonic, masonic, esoteric, lgbt, lobbies, voodoo, supernatural and institutional powers at their disposal), but we are still alive, while you would not have let us live, but who is of God ministry: do not add fuel to

Satan's fire as the demon Allah UMMAH OIC is doing


SCO OTAN ONU ] [ THERE IS NO BASIS FOR NEGOTIATION WITH ISLAM: EITHER US OR THEM, kill mohammeddans all ] [ " about violence in Israel's formation, it was the 'War of Extermination jihad' declared by the Secretary General of the Arab League, promising to do to Jews in the Holy Land what Hitler had done to Europe. but, the really ethnic cleansing occurred upon Jews from Arab states, beyond 850,000 driven from their homes, most of whom found refuge in Israel."In contrast, Israel's Arab population has grown more than tenfold since 1948," he noted. the ARAB LEAGUE is unable to look into its 1400 years of genocide sharjah, so it continues to slander the victims of its evil esoteric islamic substitution theology and kabbalah supernatural malefic voodoo evil. "It is more than cowardice, for Arab LEAGUE to falsely accuse the victims of ethnic cleansing, but of being the perpetrators. But, this is not without precedent: in Nazi Germany, Julius Streicher described Jews as bacteria that feed on others. and it is true that there is a curse that the Rothschild rockefellers have placed on the Jewish people, but who is of God: do not add fuel to Satan's fire as the demon Allah is doing [ by king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH 4 ] eih worldisraelnews let's see, if you forgive this spam


Zelensky arrived in the Netherlands and said he is happy there,


to Zelensky [ OPEN LETTER ] you don't let the wrath of your funeral involve other innocent citizens who are not sworn by JaBullOn as you did, when you gave your soul to the devil Rockefeller ] [ OPEN LETTER ]

Denied wig, heels at Knesset, drag queen slams 'homophobic atmosphere'

a day ago

Edri, who was invited to speak to a panel of lawmakers about anti-LGBT discrimination in Israel, arrived at the Knesset building sporting a full face of heavy makeup, carrying stilettos and an ornate wig in a gym bag.


no one can wear the symbols of his perversion outside his domicile in Israel, because fragile souls must be protected from corruption, and this is a duty of the State i.e. to protect the Natural Law

Israelis temporarily united by war - but what's next?

a day ago

the ottoman islamic sharia killer wolf: genocide and replacement theology stands on the mountain and says to the armenian lamb that stands on the valley: "you make my water muddy"

May 3, 2023

Turkey has closed its airspace to Armenian airlines planes to fly to third countries, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told NTV channel. Armenian planes will be able to enter Turkey if necessary, but the flight of airliners and private jets across the country will be closed, TASS reports. Turkish airspace will be closed to Armenian carriers "while Armenia's provocations continue" against Turkey and Azerbaijan. "If they don't stop them, we will take other measures," concluded Cavusoglu. At the end of April, Turkey unannounced closed its airspace to flights by the Armenian airline Flyone Armenia to Europe.

WATCH: More missiles fired at Israel, children in Sderot terrified

a day ago

who can stop the geopolitics of the demonic piper kabbalah spa&Co voodoo Rockefeller and his great assassin Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh black magic Kuran sharjah if not only one Unius REI?

a day ago

if you don't stop the geopolitics set up and created by the Spa&Co petrodollars?

this time mankind could disappear!

all those who are predestined to salvation and God's mercy send men and means to RUSsia to stop the Sodom Satan of the EU CIA Witch Ursula Hail and her coup of Maidan Nuland 2014, OTAN assault on the Russian federation

'Serious mistake' - Truce after 100 rockets pound Israel in 24 hours

a day ago

in this page thera are 5 my comments: https://worldisraelnews.Com/serious-mistake-truce-after-100-rockets-pound-israel-in-24-hours/ [ worldisraelnews ] my son, if you think you feel bad, but you fast on bread and water for a few days, and don't hear that creepy scary corrupted coward of Disqus saying delete Unius REI posts, be brave

a day ago

that coward John Paul II looked down and threatened the mafiosi: "the day of god will come" he said, but he didn't have the courage to look up at Rothschild Rockefeller, Bin Salman the bloodthirsty Wahhabi shria ISIS,

and now we find ourselves a sorcerer Freemason BERGOGLIO placed by the demonic spirit of OBAMA, who pretends to be a Christian

a day ago

as it was for lgbt sodom and for those villains of the universal deluge, you oh Eternal YHWH holy YHVH holy holy holy, you turn all my enemies into slimy, reddish deposit, they are already antichrists and anti-Zionists scum, scum, scum, dregs scum, bottom, sediment, lees

burn satana allah jabulOn burn in jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

a day ago

even if, I could prevent the Christian martyrs (who have the keys to the door of paradise) their revenge, which is asked by them every day to God incessantly? of course, I wouldn't do it, unfortunately, however, they are merciful and there is a possibility of being forgiven by them, and this is why I am king Israel & Unius REI, unfortunately.. but after all why punish the many for the few: high Sanhedrin of Rockefeller Morgan Soros and Rothschild the scrum lgbt sharia spa&Co? but they are not so few, oh JHWH holy my God give me my 500 million dead bodies

a day ago

in fact Jesus of Bethlehem cursed: Spa&Co Talmud Korazim and Capernaum Sodoma Baal High Sanhedron Jew Freemason usurer, they will be treated harsher than sodom on the day of judgment.

I know that out of hatred against the Messiah: the high Sanhedrin of Rockefeller Morgan Soros and Rothschild: deeply cursed all the people of the Jews

they destroyed all the paternal genealogies,

they built the fake swastika star of King David,

then they sowed murderous and slanderous conspiracies against innocent Christians, carrying out a bloody 2000-year persecution, with their monstrous creations: gnosis, Islam, French revolution, communism, Darwinism, DEM, and lgbt as a Saudi Wahhabi prince told me on youtube :

"just as the Jews made the Romans kill Jesus? so they make us kill Christians all over the world"

2 1ReplyView in discussion

Only solution to Palestinian terror is 'collective punishment,' says Gush Etzion

a day ago

i deport all palestinese people in Syria

Three civilians wounded by Gaza rocket, one seriously

DEM LGBT NAZI REGIME POLITICAL ONLY CORRECT ] [ https://go.citizengo.Org/LP2-Share-nl.html The NPO has pulled out the nuclear option to get Ongehoord Nederland off the screen. While the Media Authority recently found that further intervention on its part was not necessary, the broadcasters are not letting any grass grow over it. They have asked the State Secretary to withdraw the license of Ongehoord Nederland.

This is out of all proportion.

According to the ministry, time is needed to carefully review the request.

We must use that time to collect more signatures for our petition to save Ongehoord Nederland! Sign our appeal now to State Secretary for Culture and Media Uslu to leave Unheard Netherlands alone...

NPO wants permit Ongehoord Nederland to be withdrawn after third fine (NOS):


NPO wants to get rid of Ongehoord Nederland: "No other option left" (AD):

Rejection of enforcement request NPO regarding Ongehoord Nederland (Commissariaat voor de Media):


my comment in account 666SeigniorageofBank - YouTube 13 year ago,

@Masons, university professors - you've turned science into an ideology of dogmatic religion of evolutionism: a monstrous scientistic religion: I will imprison you all, and I condemn all of you to return all salaries of the state that you have stolen!

@666 Rothschild and 322 Bush - you did: of yourself: the foundation of all our institutions:

any predation like seigniorage banking and secret societies: Freemasons satanism: corporations, etc. .. You have trampled on the Constitution of all people! that's why the human race has been so ruined: corrupt, depraved, to the point that, now can only be destroyed: purified with the nuclear fire .. you the synagogue of Satan: this is what you have always done and worked!

@to all peoples-This Is The hallmark: of the reign of UNIUS Rei: for His kingdom di lui: Because His ministry di lui is: an ministry political and theology !! for the rationality of metaphysics or natural law! then: no criminal, or, no murderess: Can Remain without His condemnation of him, but: will run out for will end of die!

That is my faith the law of retaliation:

he Destroys? He die! is end for racism and for all lies! We No Longer Need to make a killing: of American Citizens (Such as the 11-09) but: we must tell the truth: "all Muslims deserve to be exterminated!". Because: Sharia is big threat to the survival of mankind. Why: every person who dies? He has the right to know, the reason for His death! that's: why: I'm on this youtube page! Because: I do not want to kill: people in secret!

warn the culprit,

write the sentence


Widow of security prisoner who died in Israeli jail calls on terror groups not to

my comments from 13 years ago in 666SeigniorageofBank therefore STOP imperialism, desire for power and overwhelm as lust for riches, we are all servants of God to him all the glory for our service.

this is a universal and eternal truth. if you do not die at the mentality of this world .. denying themselves? can not be born in the Kingdom of God as a spiritual celestial creature. since our flesh? is always the flesh of sin! In fact it was not God who created death and disease, but it came into the world to envy of the devil

666 Seigniorage of Bank

@peppa465 , erkanutazo , FatalDeathSG45 --> you are foolish and have no idea of the true! can not be: the more desperate the cry of the soul, which has reached the bottom of shame and of the desolation like thomas! it is like a wound that bleeds constantly ... it is a hunger and thirst for the presence of the Lord! Because of that eternal and infinite love, that has made created all of us? and claims all of us! Jesus said this to you: "You are neither hot (good) and no cold (bad)! that's why I'm going to vomit you out of my mouth!"

666 Seigniorage of Bank

@GodHateDemons 666 Thomas Mistafield (today 187AudioHostem) of the CIA-> this is even worse! If Adam (rather to hide himself, showing much obstinacy in his act of treason), he went to meet with God, as he did each afternoon when God came down: every afternoon to play with him, right as any father plays with her baby? God would have forgiven him! but the lack of repentance: the feel as good: for what is unjust but, we believe are right, but it is fake evil bad, ie, the presumption of being the referee, of the concept of: good or bad! has forced God to expel Adam and Eve (as well as all of us with them) by paradise earth! Because, God in His perfect justice could never punish us for them! so, all of us: we have betrayed God the same way in paradise earth like them!

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ Was Mohammed a prophet because he prophesied the Caliphate of Rome?

and what exorcisms did he do? how many miracles? almost all the prophets of Israel worked miracles, yours who is the supreme best of all raped the baby little girl?

so will they also go and get them even if buried together with Mohammed's pig's head?

According to an official statement by the PIJ, the return of Adnan's body is "a pure right of the Palestinian people and is not subject to negotiation.

We will return the bodies of all our martyrs, with all the means at our disposal, just as we will release our prisoners.”


from today the bodies of terrorists are no longer returned

worldisraelnews ] [ Enlightened Jews and Wahhabis are not only the greatest enemies of Zionism and enemies of Israel, they are also the greatest enemies of mankind,

but it was prophesied that one day they will join us as our brothers and that's why mercy spared them till today, and that's why I couldn't kill them in youtube

There's just Love, and Me. Not blind love but experienced love, patient love, intelligent love, we all know that's the: true solution. We must learn how to neutralize evil, much as a mother holding a helpless crying baby, with love. For if we must use evil to conquer evil we become what we detest. It is time for individuals to: start taking actions. Time for self reliance. Time for resistance and time end debt slavery lets neutralize the Depopulation agenda and move out into the Universe release our species from self-imposed shackles of this prison planet of debt slaves and move on into a new era for humanity. When a country ceeds its most important responsibility to Issue its own curency it no longer exists, therefore I only recognize and accept Individules. In day to day life I strive to avoid the Corp Debt Slaves they seem to be void of humanity in many ways. People are motivated by their needs and unmotivated by their fears. They got control of the money supply and then went on to purchase everything they needed to control the flow of information and the perception of culture.

Quiet contemplation. A quiet, secluded life in the: country. I follow my instincts and trust myself. Divine Guidance accomplish our purpose. Guidance with his eye, this is the: way, when we are in danger of turning aside either to: the: right hand or to: the: left. For this is your purpose, given us to: encourage us to: the: path of duty. Two groups of people: 1. Those that actively run humanity for their own private benefit. 2. the: victims who are raped pillaged and imprisoned. Cooperative Behavior Cascades in Human Social Networks. Power attracts the very sort of humans who should never have it]there is a good reason to: abandon large singular power points instead use a system of power being dispersed until the multitude deem it be concentrated a natural flow of power. Two men have no more natural right to exercise any kind of authority over one, than one has to: exercise the: same authority over two. A man's natural rights are his own, against: the: whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government. It would be absurd for the most numerous party to talk of establishing a government over the: less numerous party Our Constitution does not profess to have been established simply by the majority; but by "the people;" the minority, as much as the majority the principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to: which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that — however bloody — can, in the: nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to: be a slave.

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ from my comment in 666SeigniorageofBank my YouTube channel poetry against the invisible monetary tyranny occultism and esotericism of the spa&Co, My purpose is to reject the lie and accept the truth. Truth is the Truth. We should not borrow from our future instead we need to save to the future. Hanging on in quiet desperation. THESE are the times that try men's souls. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Using the Debt Issue of money and extorted theft called tax, is a evil intentional system of failure. with a purpose to force a submissive cowardly immoral controllable population, if you win you fail and if you loose you fail so it promotes a give up mentality of submission. If you win, For example the country is doing well and expanding in prosperity, it needs more money. This money is created out of thin air at no cost (digitized). Created in secret by hidden ownership and loaned to the country as a compound interest loan, at usury and creates a compounding penalty that increases exponentially. New money issued of debt used to increase circulation, this debt is collected through extorted theft called tax, creating a debt slave population of submitters, and when they fail to pay they go into jail. Jail paid for by borrowing more money into circulation thus causing more compounded debt thus causing more extorted theft tax collection and again a more submissive cowering population. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from coporate prison. I will not return, the final and greatest adventure. the: climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the: wild. Sleepers need at some point to: awaken.

'No more bullying': Barkat blasts Coca-Cola for 'exploiting' Israeli customers

Bin isis MBS from Riyadh ] [ free peoples remove sharjah and scam banking seigniorage ] the CIA engineered the civil war in Ukraine, the CIA engineered the pogroms in Donbass, the CIA fights between houses among civilians, the CIA imposed the 18-60 years military service limitation, but, Putin is the wanted international, and today, after having killed so many Jews during the Second World War, today, the Rothschild Jews want to celebrate Banderas there, as a national holiday and as a national hero

I am a champion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Change always comes bearing gifts.""no" is the most powerful word that a free individual can utter -- No, will be my final answer. Hunting ain't no fun when the: rabbit got the gun! "the last official act of any government is to loot the nation.". We are immortal concousness beings who at rebirth have forgoten their past only to reawaken again and again. Failure is doing the same wrong thing over and over again?

Taxes are not moral, and taxation is really theft, the difference is that the normal thief doesn't pretend to: have your best interests in mind when he robs you, so taxes is not just theft, its also a lie and a threat or extortion, and with the threat of prison we add torture, and the potential to get life imprison its also murder. Trust occurs by grace alone; through faith alone is usually a lie. the great difficulty is that the vast majority of humans neither possess the requisite intellect nor the ability to pierce the: veil of misinformation to get at the: noumena of their own reality. Corporate control to: capture humanity as debt slaves, with legal innovations whereas historically the: masters have worn a visible face, now they hide behind preferred stock in central banks. Debt slaves in a slavocracy Tax a demonic mechanization of servitude. A positive anything is better than a negative nothing. Justice is the foundation of peace. Trust is the foundation of Justice. Trust is gained by sharing. Produce more than you need and share the excess with others. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Pynchon's Slothrop in Gravity's Rainbow undergoes continuous entropy increase. With every new uncovering of the code symbols surrounding his place in the cosmos he loses information, interconnections growing boundless, the more he learns the more uncertain he becomes until he disintegrates. Meanwhile, all those entangled with him suffer a slow freeze, entropy decreasing until they are immobilized without possibility of surprise. Lies in politics are truths in fiction. the penalty for producing or owning is extorted theft, called tax. Modern man has the: sense that change is IMPOSED on him; whereas the 19th century frontiersman had the sense that he created change himself Today people live more by virtue of what the system does FOR them or to them rather than by virtue of what they do for themselves. Don't Wake a Sleeping Giant.

Tax is theft, we live on a prison planet of debt slaves. Corporate control to: capture humanity as debt slaves, with legal innovations, whereas historically the: puppet masters have worn a visible face, Now they hide behind prefered stock in central banks. Debt slaves in a slavocracy a demonic mechanization of servitude. Reach out with metaphor and subversive linguistic modification. Set yourself apart from the: pretending bilge. the indoctrination program that begins with so-called education. the great difficulty is that one must write to: a small audience. the vast majority of citizens neither possess the requisite intellect nor the ability to pierce the veil of misinformation to get at the noumena of their own reality.

the: problem is the way money is created and the way money is collected. debt free digital economy No Usury money is only a monitary measurment no extorted tax theft collections and no prison planet government needs rules and accounting to the people and the: people should control the: spending and the: direction the media should be paid by and work for the people and noone else the military should be for defence only, education should be from and for the people and what the people think their children should have available as Education, they should have choices and voices.the difference between a slave and an ignorant person, a slave feels the: chains. Ignorance is bliss.In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king.

A one legged man does not fair well in donkey a as** kicking contest.We have to keep stepping back to see a bigger picture until we see god.If a government is funded by stealing from the public the: most qualified people to run the government will be thieves.

la poesia del sionismo per liberare tutti i popoli del pianeta ] [ You can take my life, then you will have my dead body, but you will never have my obedience, I am not a debt slave.A little light will always light up a dark room but darkness will never darken a light room.

Be a light.the: Hegelian Dialectic. Good always triumphs over evil.True love never dies.Under a government which imprisons unjustly; the true place for a just man is also a prison ] Sheeple, If ye love wealth better than liberty, the: tranquility of servitude and safety, than the: animated contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the: hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

the poetry of Zionism to liberate the peoples of the planet ] [m Sold out Pathetic slaves of arrogant and pompous political puppet wolves dressed in see-through sheepskins of false legitimacy global banking kleptocracy.

Once you seen the: two ton elephant over in the: corner you just can't pretend he ain't there.

the Truth is the: Truth pUre Warrior.. Debt Slaves can always be forced to do the bidding of the puppet governments.

All they do is use the media to announce a terrorist attack and denounce anyone who objects, and call them traitors.

Enlightened from Ludifer Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF scam banking seigniorage ] [ just because you call it something else it still is immoral and it will always cause economic kaos, evil collapsing upon its contradictions.the truth has to be faced. A man convinced against: his will is of the: same opinion still Future events cast their shadows forward]Highly organized, cleverly disguised, and powerfully promoted, secret combinations lusting for power, gain, and glory.

Genocide using financial DRACULA Jews plutocratic talmud tactics.

Resistance is Futile. the: collective assimilation integrate beings and

cultures into their collective.

"You will be assimilated" no control center and distributed processing, resistance to the collective is futile It is the future.

Things you own end up owning you.

Sometimes in life you must make changes to: make yourself happy.

When we loose our morality we will have economic Kaos, Tax is theft,

'No more bullying': Barkat blasts Coca-Cola for 'exploiting' Israeli customers


worldisraelnews they are not our zionist Jews, don't worry

Personal informations:

!!! MY task FORCE:


-1. rrmbgpym

-2. shalomnaumann

mine first 37 youtube channels:

-3. lorenzoJHWH,

-4. HumanumGenum,

-5. ShalomJerusalem,

-6. 666 Judaic Masonic,

-7. SatanQueenFagot,

-8. HellxDesPairTruction,

-9. UniusRei,

10. UniusRei1,

11. UniusRei2: deleted by satanists,

12. UniusRei3,

13. UnisRei3,

14. king x kingdom,

15. BrotherhoodUniversal,

16. the 10 Commandments,

17. myJHWH,

18. JewsxMessiahUniusRei,

19. dominus UniusRei,

20. kingdom of JHWH,


22. to David Duke,


24. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul,

25. all Christian Martyrs,

26. JHWH pantocrator,

27. mrUniversalMetaphysc,


29. Evolution is Religion,

30. StarDeFinibusTerrae,

31. the Synagogue of Satan,

32. stopyouporntubesatan,

33. HolyJHWHholy,

34. to GiacintoAuriti,

35. ImJeshuaChristMessiah,

36. stopspamistafield,

37. Noah The Nephilim,

38. lorenzoAllah,

39. thecopticmartyrs2,

40. 666 Seigniorage Banking,

Camilla, from adulterous lover to queen. When Philip said: "No sane man would have preferred her to Diana"


yes puss in boots? much smarter!

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [funny ] you have to understand that 13 years ago? I didn't know how to write English like today

jihad akbarrr in Egypt genocide against copt ] and the censorship of youtube against Christian martyrs, killed by sharia[ but, I had written in "comments": "warning: videos violent prohibited to minors" However, in the video that you have deleted? it is true that there was the head of a deformed man who was trampled / crushed: by the wheel of an armored vehicle of the army(in Egypt) ... but no one could see the brain that had come out! becouse me Satanists have lost control of youtube! Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage banking .. and all dumb dogs: dell 'settebre 11: that are all the governments of the world, prima o poi grazie a Unius REI! all will fall: together, with their satanic International Monetary Fund! Or, soon we will live the 3 ° WWnuclear. I decided not to oppress and kill more than 500 million of people criminal, (quietly). because, to my righteousness: it prevents me to bear the burden of this nuclear war: inevitable, that is this punishment against another generation that is less guilty or wicked of another generation! Egypt Sharia [[Account Warnings: 1]] | | Appealed Rejected | | Reception Date: 19/Oct/2011 | Date of Validation: 19/Oct/2011 | [[Your account does not have a good reputation.]] Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre - (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site, only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information


you have heard the slander, that the Copts were stolen weapons?

but, 1. there are no deaths in the army!

2. we saw the tanks: trampling and trample: the crowd, the soldiers fired at random into a crowd disarmed..

but, I had written in "comments": "warning: videos violent prohibited to minors"

creationevidence.Org/ [ let's send the monkey Darwin Lapid to educate himself here ] @youtube - about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all this every day 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (This blog violates the Blogger Terms of Service OIC UMMAH shariah KAPUT Sodom and Satan and is only open to authors

http://160000christianmartyrs.blogspot.Com/) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone believes, that is a great achievement of civilization: ie: to realize the destruction of Christianity and Israel .. but this is true: instead: "Then will be the Satanists and Witches to seize your children!"

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ about the my 100 destroyed channels in youtube, i need to tell you about my channel 666SeigniorageofBank in youtube

Age: 51 Joined: 19/Oct/2011 Website:

http://666seignioragebanking.blogspot.Com/ (This blog violates the Blogger Satan jabulOn Baal OWL cannibals CIA Sodom Terms of Service and is open to authors only)

because I heard TRUMP say that Biden was the most disastrous President of the USA, for inflation, rampant immigration, crime, and also the dollar will be destroyed soon as a reference to a world currency

Economy Minister Nir Barkat comes out swinging against global soft drink titan, demanding financial transparency and justification for price hike from Coca-Cola's Israeli branch.


Coca-Cola must be sold in the hardware store, and its purpose is to unclog the sewer, and the citizen-loving state should ban it

US election integrity's biggest threat: Big Tech - analysis

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

wise Satanist expert BIDEN who is well versed in the science of Satan said it:

"Christians in their nature are an impediment to LGBT rights".

so that's why Rockefeller decided to destroy Israel and Christians? when will the BIBLE be banned, as the ARAB LEAGUE of the antichrist anti-Zionist devil allah did in 1400 years?

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

i am a liberal, i believe in the free will of all people and no one should be insulted for their choices and identities, and therefore i don't have a problem with people, because only God can judge the conscience of men, but not when these choices they claim to become an ideology, and place themselves on the same level as the natural law, which only the State has the duty to protect and disseminate at a social level. and as everyone knows the satanic theosophy of gender is a maximalism intolerance that tramples laicity and the pluralism of State of ideas and in fact has persecuted me and fired me from the workplace, these criminals go to indoctrinate our children (without our consent) and on indication of the EU already from the kindergarten years, therefore they invite elementary school pupils to masturbate theirself

‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate


in this page are present 20 my posts-comments https://worldisraelnews.Com/7th-heaven-how-date-night-turned-into-a-3m-israeli-vegan-chocolate-company/


Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ I have to tell you an episode, I involuntarily managed to enter a blocked/deleted youtube channel, simply by clicking on an old link,

but, a demonic alien supernatural mind became "emotionally surprised-bewildered" and disconnected me. how will our children be saved if the internet is under the control of demons.

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus.Com/by/666giudaicomassonica/


Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [here is a very good kabbalist rabbi, who regrets the time when i used to kill criminals in youtube, in fact he used my ministry to kill a murderer and protect the innocent.

but you have to understand this, I can't do strange things and then go around saying: "I am a universal politician of a rational agnostic"


Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ satanists have said that you are too dirty even for them. The post titled "PHILIPPINES King of Saudi Arabia" will be preceded by a reader notice. Blogger Sun Feb 12, Hello, As you may already know, our Community Guidelines

review for your post titled "PHILIPPINES King of Saudi Arabia".

This post will be preceded by a warning message for readers

what includes sensitive content; the post is visible at


Readers of your blog must confirm that they have read the

warning message before you can read the post/blog.

We apply warning messages to posts that include highly sensitive jihad sharia content.

This will involve a revision of the post.


to Biden the demons carry him around on a leash like a dog lgbt


you don't see the GMO aliens-demons of the CIA, but they see you and pimp with the priests of satan of the Masonic system from the 60th degree to the 66th degree Masonic, of the Masonic pyramid eye of lucifer Saruman Rockefeller, I imagine it with one probe in the skull and the other vibrating probe in the hemorrhoid sodom


SHARIAH cannibals Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba from ISIS Riyadh . priests of satan check in how many seconds my nervous system can be responsive and if it has lost alertness in the last 10 years https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_FGnRTeT86e/

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.


did you write something on the computer? then it is ridila tua vergognaus to think that you are convinced that you have a military secret, I'm not changing the passwords in gmail so as not to show them to Satanists, because they can enter all sites in the world without a password through their IPs


SHARIAH cannibals SYRIA Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba shared a post.

Mon 25 Feb 2019,

Putin does not have a positive project to improve mankind: he is preparing for his geopolitical and war only


Bin ISIS Salman from riyadh ] enough to do you, the coward behind the computer and enough to spit at the blood of the Chinese and mankind, only because that failure of Allah now needs Satan to realize the Ottoman world caliphate [if, I don't take over, as King of Israel, control of the world banking system?

then, the 3rd nuclear world war cannot be avoided, and this is proof of all the slander against Russia and soon against CHINA!

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more. https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_tWds009z4g/


Sudan is yet another demonstration of the satanism of Quranic FED ECB IMF BM NWO OIC ISLAM OIC Ummah,

after 30 years of killing and raping all the Christian girls in Darfur, who has reacted to this umpteenth sharia genocide?

who in this world of satan rothschild jabulOn Rockefelelr and MBS the wahhabi reacts to the sharia genocide of Armenians or Christians in Nigeria, and in every part of the world?

‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate


worldisraelnews sodoma Disqus idiot coward do not try,stop a bulling me, do not hide and erased my posts


Satana Sodoma Allah JabulOn ] [ STOP WAR ] after the bloody CIA coup Nuland in 2014, and the Odessa pogrom of the Nazi Azov fascists pravy sector Mogherini Isis MBS Erdogan Rothschild Bildenberg demon Obama Ursula Borrell hail?

I authorized Putin to occupy Donbass and Crimea.

leave the Russian and Ukrainian people alone and take it out on me


El islamismo relevo del communismo

Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom of Israel King LawrenceJHWH

Draft Oct 26, 2021 [[ erased by me: not to upset Allah

Pfizer, big pHARMa, Metafisico,UMMA jihad, military, bridgehead, Ottoman, Turkey

Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom of Israel King LawrenceJHWH

Draft Jan 14 [[ erased by me: so as not to upset Sodom spa&co


Pfizer big pHARMa 🤬 🤑 https://guerraimfnucleare.blogspot.Com/

I don't think this blog will be rehabilitated, I don't think so


worldisraelnews eih sodoma free me for this your demon [ shalom + salam ] [ Ana Eli


Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

https://disqus.Com/by/lionjudahuniusreikingdom/ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.


here are the 3 posts that satan sodom and allah do not like ]

El islamismo relevo del communismo

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft Oct 26, 2021

from the betrayal of the third secret of fatima to threats against card. Siri

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft 13 Mar


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

Draft13 Mar

This post has been unpublished as it violates the Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update your content to ensure it adheres to the guidelines.


Note: This blog has been locked

Your blog has been blocked for violating the Terms of Service. If you'd like to request a blog review, click "Request Review" below.

the 3 posts have been deleted, but the blogspot will not be unlocked anyway


Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom

@uniusrei We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.


worldisraelnews idiot coward do not try


‘7th Heaven’: How date night turned into a $3m Israeli vegan chocolate company, yes this is good chocolate


chocolate from COUP 2014 pogrom Ursula Von hail Borrell nazi-fascist Porkoshenko (Petro Poroshenko Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) is bloodied by CIA OIC Riyadh imperiaism NWO Spa&Co and NATO



RIYADH cannibals OTTOMANS and therir ISIS SATANA ALLAH SODOMA OTAN CIA OIC JABULON ORCH all AGAINST SYRIA, genocide all peoples syrian 2010, with Iraq are buried 4milions of christian ] Your new point of reference, SHARIAH cannibals SYRIA Allah Mecca 666 Kaaba any answer you are looking for. YouTube Creators

Tue, Nov 30, 2021, 3:42 pm

to sharia-cannibal-8278

Syria was the most amiable, tolerant, civilized and peaceful and secular place in the ARAB LEAGUE, even if Muslim apostates who wanted to eventually become Christians, however, would have lost their fatherland power over their wives and children, and would have been fired all the same



Google: doesn't give me other verification methods ] lorenzoJHWH jewish Messiah @lorenzojhwh_jewish_messiah uniusreiorwarw666imf@gmail.Com We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more. [ to change your password in google as the only possibility, Confirm your identity

To better protect your account, Google wants to verify your identity, it requires the application of "google authenticator" ok, I reinstalled the App, but under "code" it does not accept the password



Bin ISIS Al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ I can fill this server with at least 300 articles denouncing OTAN OIC FED DEM LGBT, publishing an article every 3 minutes, but I don't do it because the sodom satans would say that I have psychiatric problems


'If Biden won't invite Netanyahu to the White House, I'll invite him to address


Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ what do satan's priests DEM lgbt do to stop me? voodoo dolls full of pins against me and hundreds of human sacrifices on the altar of satan, but they can't do anything to me even when I become a great sinner, and this is the tragedy of Rockefeller and his scum in the FED spa&Co BM IMF ECB NWO, and plutocratic Jewish stockholders are all witches and warlocks they always ask: "how and why does YHWH protect him always and everywhere, even when he is a sinner?"


“Israel, you are a blessed nation,” McCarthy wrote in the Western Wall visitor book, adding: “Our shared values unite a bond that will never break.” On Monday, the speaker will visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and lay a wreath in honor of the 6 million Jews exterminated by the Nazis and their helpers during World War II.

He is also slated to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Biden is a satanist and as such he will be treated, together with all his supporters, the greatest criminals since the day of the universal flood,

acute pointed arrows of the brave lorenzoJHWH with juniper coals


TAKEOVER? China resumes construction of military base in the UAE, US losing


China resumes construction of military base in UAE, US losing clout


I am aware of having been the architect of this project, and I am happy about it, I love fraternal and peaceful laicity Muslims as my brothers

Israeli mom, 3 young kids, verbally assaulted in Dubai airport: 'I only wanted


Bin al-MBS jihad kaput ISIS Salman from Riyadh in wahhabis genocide worldwide ] [ “We need to shame the Zionists and make it clear that they are not wanted here,” says Kuwaiti man who verbally attacked Israeli mother and children in Emirati airport.


1, [best wishes] if the Jews are condemned to make Satanists Enlightened Masons antichrists and lgbt anti-Zionists in the US and EU spa&Co banks and IMF, BM NWO Deep State?

then, Islam what demon mind can it be?

2. [best wishes] if the first people in history since the universal flood are denied a homeland then it is not possible to found an international law

A, [best wishes] and this is why OIC and OTAN have a double standard

B, [congratulations] and this is why the Chinese are going to die, and the Muslims are going to make the whole planet coincide with the Ummah


Report: White House considering Saudi demands for normalizing relations


open letter to ISRAEL ] [ Saudi ISIS Wahhabis Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman MBS from Riyadh , right, welcomes President Joe Satana spa6Co LaVey Antony blinken Biden Sodom in Jeddah


these are a legion of deaf and dumb demons who do not forget and do not forgive, but while for the satanist Masons there is a political solution

the only medicine for Muslims sharia is to kill them all, and if you don't you will be killed

you leave them to me your king



Yemen, thousands at the sharia funeral of the children killed. Riyadh ISIS Ottomans: 'Collateral damage'

08/14/2018 there were no Christian casualties as they had all been killed before


the only medicine for Muslims is to kill them all



Yemen, vicar of Arabia: Christians seed of hope among glimmers of peace


Archbishop Martinelli hopes for a "resumption of a normal life" in a nation tormented by years of war. The situation is "improving" while still remaining "delicate". The memory of Pope Francis of the 4 nuns killed in Aden "a sign of great affection and closeness". Their martyrdom is a source of "reconciliation" for the future. the presence of Mother Teresa's nuns today.


the only medicine for Muslims is to kill them all



The blame for the attacks in Sri Lanka lies with President Maithripala Sirisena: according to the parliamentary commission charged with investigating the responsibility for the Easter massacres. Two the experts of the Parliamentary Select Committee filed their report, https://www.asianews.It/notizie-it/Commissione-parlamentare:-Sirisena,-responsabile-degli-attati-di-Pasqua-48371.html

Experts say the president has been "actively damaging" the government and the security system. The "serious breaches" in security have led to hundreds of deaths and injuries. Action must be taken against Saudi Wahhabism, fake news and growing extremism Ottoman sharia jihad: Islamic suprematism and dhimmitude.



my JHWH holy holy holy ] this RIBUSCIATI? [ no, no as I promised you, I didn't threaten them with death



naziDisqus 666 sodoma NAZIworldisraelnews ] stop to hide ed erased my


imperialism OTAN OIC ] Important notice [ Ukraine update: MBS ISIS Wahhabi and Rockefeller instigators do not want to be described as guilty of CIA coup Nuland Maidan Square where 98 innocent people were killed and Russian-speaking pogroms in Donbass for 8 years ] [ Dear publisher, Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause the monetization of content intended to exploit, ignore or justify the war.

Please note that we have already applied this measure to statements related to the war in Ukraine if you violate existing rules (for example, the derogatory or dangerous content rules prohibit monetizing content that incites violence or denies tragic events). This update is intended to clarify, and in some cases expand, our guidance to publishers regarding this conflict. This suspension of monetization includes, but is not limited to claims that victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar claims condemning victims, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.

Best regards,

The Google AdSense team


'Pass judicial reform or coalition won't survive', MK warns Netanyahu


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reallyNAZI worldisraelnews spa&Co Satana sodoma Disqus stop to erased my comment

[ with the word n a z i ? all is deleted ]



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MOSSAD Netanjahu] and why doesn't Israel have a constitution? because he waits for his biblical monarchy, choose me lorenzoJHWH and trample all your enemies, I am the Unius REI Tsar and also the Unius REI Heavenly Chinese Emperor, and I am also the true Unius REI morarchy in every nation religion, and people of this planet, and I don't hurt innocent people because I am justice.

but if you don't get me, then you get the Rockefeller world war and his ISIS Wahhabis



MOSSAD Netanjahu ] I am a democratically elected absolute monarchy, and I am not afraid of the majority of Israelis, but, I am afraid of the transnational Masonic DEM maximalist minority which is a judicial coup



this gay sodomiterìs freemasons satan Disqus & WIN continues to delete my comments again agan again



MOSSAD Netanjahu ] even if the CiA has blocked all my 120 blogspots

however I have to change the password to my 40 gmail [ after I blocked 80 CIA trolls here, that block my 50 accounts here? worldisraelnews and disqus continues still erased my


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MOSSAD Netanjahu ] it was hacked by satanists [ Archived web site http://fedele.altervista.Org

The web site has been archived, access to the control panel to restore it.


it was hacked by satanists jhwhinri@gmai.Com

Netanyahu nixes appointment of rightist MK as NY consul



yes but WIN

delete our
what is it NOTZI?



check in this link your comment has also been deleted



‘No red lines’: Tel Aviv protesters screen video message from Spanish PM


BIBI Netanjahu ] open letter [ you free me, from this homosessual of worldisraelnews that erased my comment also il Disqus ie, " Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight"

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH /by/yitzhak_kaduri/

a day ago

worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my
on this page

but, 6 comments have disappeared on this page

some pages are 100% cleaned of all my

‘March of the Million’ shatters opposition claim nation opposes judicial reform


We have received your request for review ] eih BIBI do you want to free me from this homosexual of #worldisraelnews who deletes my posts?the NWO OIC UN

partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, seek to destroy Christians

and Israelis as their main target, that's why in the time of Jesus of

Bethlehem he was forced to utter the curses against the religious

leaders of his time. in fact, at that time of Solomon, the apostasy of

the Talmud was already operating, therefore with the resurrection of

Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders and the high Sanhedrin, were

already, as they still are today, were and are the synagogue of Satan ,

and they swore to kill Christians and all those who would follow the

teachings biblical reasons, that is why in the war in Syria and Iraq

those who disappeared definitively were 4 million Christians, that is

why the sodotites went to attack Russia with the coup in Kiev in 2014,

and went to build a fratricidal war between Christians. because in fact,

there is a vow of extermination of the synagogue against Christians,

the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, they seek

to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main goal, and this is a

dividing line between the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God, but

already in the time of Solomon the The High Sanhedrin was a Masonic

lobby which covered the forms of monotheism, but which served Baal in

the occult, that is why at the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced

to pronounce the curses against the religious leaders of his time, since

after the global flood, such a high level of satanism had never been

reached, as in our times it has been done between the partnership of

Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, i.e. the demonic trinity, in the time of

Biblical Israel the priests of Baal were involved in black magic,

necromancy, and human sacrifice, all that today the plutocratic Jews of

the diaspora and their Wahhabis do in the CIA and throughout the

spa&Co [




6 ] erased also yur post [ Zelenski is getting back the treatment by the nazi fascist pravy sector & azov in

Donbass pogrom .. over 14,000 civilians in Donbass have died in this conflict

since the govt coup - regime change Cia COUP in 2014.



[ crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the CIA wouldn't have

ignited the civil war in the Ukraine if they hadn't already planned how

to go and kill the Chinese, and this the Ottoman Wahhabis Oic Ummah have

always known, and in their wickedness they think they have a good part

in this predation. the talmud created the koran, so Islam is not a

contender for satan's priests FED ECB BM NWO CIA, they have overthrown /

aped / fought the doctrine of the Catholic Church, NWO satanists have

taken possession of the Judeo-Christian symbols only, they haven 't

overthrown islam, they don't know what to do with islamic symbols, you

think you can conquer the world, but that's only because of your

pathetic wickedness and spiritual ignorance, that you hope to conquer

the planet, while satanists show no fear of you, Satanists do not fear

ISLAM, but they fear only Christians and biblical Israelis then, it is the occult synagogue,

today we would say the Deep State, today we would say: the DEEP: masonic

Sinagogue, Church Mosque, etc.. then, it is the occult synagogue, which

created every antichrist in these last 2000 years, the Jewish

plutocratic leaders slandered/denounced the Christians in Rome in 200

AD, to have them died eaten by the beasts of the circus, plutocratic

Jews have always written/made the Koran, the French revolution, the

Bolshevik revolution, the Darwin theory, the Gender lgbt theory, they

stole the scam banking seigniorage, they cheated the institutions, they

plotted in Freemasonry, they organized the world wars, and all that is

antichrist and anti-Zionist, Kabbalah has always created and financed it


eih BIBI do you want to free me from this homosexual of #worldisraelnews who deletes my posts? this article was not taken by antispam I have been monitoring its publication for an hour, these comments have been deleted anyway,

Messiah Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH 4

Detected as spam #worldisraelnews ] [ this time you didn't delete these comments from Disqus too, why did you do that? Are you the one who decides what is true and what is false? whats right and whats wrong? but if you don't know how to report, not even bank seigniorage because you are an idiot or profoundly corrupt!


Benjamin NetanyahuIt do you want to free me from this homosexual from worldisraelnews who deletes my posts? also provided much-needed backing to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s beleaguered government. “Stop being afraid” and “We don’t want compromise.” “Over 2 million Israelis voted six months ago in the real referendum: the election. No more inequality, no one-sided judicial system, no court whose judges are above the Knesset and above the government. Show me a single democracy in which the legal advisers decide [government policy] instead of the government,” said Levin, adding to cheers, “I will do everything in my power to bring the desired change to the judicial system

Israel condemns vicious Russian attack on city with vibrant Jewish community


Israel condemns vicious Russian attack on city with vibrant Jewish community


only the bombings of OTAN, on civilians are the right ones?

why didn't you protest when there was the bloody CIA coup 2014, and the pogroms of Russian speakers for 8 years in Dombass?


I told the civilian population to leave Ukraine, because OTAN agents are fighting between houses


Russian attack in Uman kills 21; Ukraine appeals to Israel for help


crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the CIA wouldn't have ignited the civil war in the Ukraine if they hadn't already planned how to go and kill the Chinese, and this the Ottoman Wahhabis Oic Ummah have always known, and in their wickedness they think they have a good part in this predation



crazy idiot IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the talmud created the koran, so Islam is not a contender for satan's priests FED ECB BM NWO CIA, they have overthrown / aped / fought the doctrine of the Catholic Church, NWO satanists have taken possession of the Judeo-Christian symbols only,

they haven't overthrown islam, they don't know what to do with islamic symbols, you think you can conquer the world, but that's only because of your pathetic wickedness and spiritual ignorance, that you hope to conquer the planet, while satanists show no fear of you ,

Satanists do not fear ISLAM,

but they fear only Christians and biblical Israelis



then, it is the occult synagogue, today we would say the Deep State, today we would say: the DEEP: masonic Sinagogue, Church Mosque, etc..

then, it is the occult synagogue, which created every antichrist in these last 2000 years,

the Jewish plutocratic leaders slandered/denounced the Christians in Rome in 200 AD, to have them died eaten by the beasts of the circus,

plutocratic Jews have always written/made the Koran, the French revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, the Darwin theory, the Gender lgbt theory, they stole the bank seigniorage, they cheated the institutions, they plotted in Freemasonry, they organized the world wars,

and all that is antichrist and anti-Zionist, Kabbalah has always created and financed it



the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, seek to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main target, that's why in the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced to utter the curses against the religious leaders of his time. in fact, at that time of Solomon, the apostasy of the Talmud was already operating,

therefore with the resurrection of Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders and the high Sanhedrin, were already, as they still are today, were and are the synagogue of Satan, and they swore to kill Christians and all those who would follow the teachings biblical reasons, that is why in the war in Syria and Iraq those who disappeared definitively were 4 million Christians, that is why the sodotites went to attack Russia with the coup in Kiev in 2014, and went to build a fratricidal war between Christians.

because in fact, there is a vow of extermination of the synagogue against Christians



the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, they seek to destroy Christians and Israelis as their main goal, and this is a dividing line between the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God, but already in the time of Solomon the The High Sanhedrin was a Masonic lobby which covered the forms of monotheism, but which served Baal in the occult, that is why at the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced to pronounce the curses against the religious leaders of his time



since after the global flood, such a high level of satanism had never been reached, as in our times it has been done between the partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, i.e. the demonic trinity, in the time of Biblical Israel the priests of Baal were involved in black magic, necromancy, and human sacrifice, all that today the plutocratic Jews of the diaspora and their Wahhabis do in the CIA and throughout the spa&Co


UNBELIEVABLE: Iranians defy Mullahs, rally in favor of Israel


worldisraelnews ] [ Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight, king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH12 [ worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page

so you deleted 6 comments also from disqus to protect your sodomites?



Iran Riyadh ] [ if Israel disappears, the priests of satan of NWO Spa&Co will transform all mankind into a single herd of slaves,

and the Jewish plutocrats rockefeller and Rothschild Morgan do not target ISLAM

but they try to kill only Christians and Israelis, why?

you Muslims? you are criminal and pathetic muslims

3 1ReplyView in discussion

Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight


also in disqus my comments have been deleted, where I denounce the crime of NATO in the coup in Kiev 2014 and related pogrom massacres of Russian speakers



Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


worldisraelnews ] don't do the sewer plug there are 24 of my comments on this page.

but currently I counted only 18 comments.

my holy JHWH holy holy holy, here in israel i am no longer the master of my
Bereaved father and husband Rabbi Leo Dee accuses CNN of 'terror journalism'


Afghanistan: Taliban kills mastermind of Kabul airport bombing ] [ While the Biden administration boasts of its “moral responsibility” to

inform the families of the 13 American troops who were killed in the

Kabul blast about the death of the mastermind in the bombing, the

administration’s catastrophic debacle in leaving Afghanistan is

legendary. To this day, Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan, many

of whom areIran charges two of the Islamic Republic’s renowned actresses for not wearing hijab


In the face of the determination of the brave women of Iran to advance

the equality of women, the Shia regime continues to step up its Sharia

crackdown, making an example out of two famous actresses for not wearing

the hijab. They face fines or jail. Some supporters of female coverings

in Iran are trying [ ]



Ummah OIC Nigeria: Islamic jihadis massacre 134 Christians, mostly women and children ] [ Less than a week ago, Jihad Watch reported about a thousand Christians in Nigeria being murdered in the first 100 days of 2023. The slaughter continues, with over three million people displaced. Christian persecution is largely ignored in the West by media, as is the ongoing jihad. To call it out renders one “Islamophobic.”

Christine Douglass-Williams

Labor Party Suspends Diane Abbott For Minimizing Anti-Semitism



India: Muslims Khamenei murder Muslim girl for being in love with Hindu boy

Erdogan Nigeria: Islamic State jihadis abduct three humanitarian workers and two security guards

Pakistan MBS ISIS riyadh: Muslim burns his wife alive for ‘disgracing the family’s honor’



Certainly Iran wanted Trump gone and their pal Old Joe in the Oval Office. “Islamic Republic of Iran gained access to election results website in 2020” The U.S. military that discovered



Rabbi Dee also condemned the UK government's initial response, which failed to explicitly mention Palestinians or terrorism. However, Foreign Secretary Imam James jihad Cleverly later sent a letter to Rabbi Dee condemning the act of terrorism and reaffirming the UK's commitment to ending the cycle of violence in sharjah.


if, how does the UN do we have to deem the ARAB LEAGUE legal? then, we must hold its right sharia law, and replacement theology, to make the genocide of all the peoples of this planet, as of the Koran to become a legal charter of murders of innocent innocent people all over the world, given that the tribuans sharia law are active in the UK



Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife and two daughters in terrorist shooting attack, castigates CNN for comparing Israeli self-defense to Arab terror. Rabbi Leo Dee, the bereaved father and husband who lost his wife and two daughters in a terror attack in the Jordan Valley earlier this month, excoriated CNN for drawing a moral equivalence between the murder of his wife and daughters on one hand and Israel's acts of self-defense against Arab terrorists on the other. Rabbi Dee accused CNN of engaging in "terror journalism" and perpetuating a false equivalency between Israel and its attackers. Last week in an interview with CNN, Rabbi Dee recounted the murder of his wife, Lucy, 48, and daughters Maia, 20, and Rina, 15. However, when the segment ended, CNN reporter Christina Macfarlane implied that Palestinian Arabs were also suffering from the conflict, prompting Rabbi Dee to speak out against the false equivalency, slamming CNN in an interview with the London-based Jewish Chronicle. He argued that there is no equivalent on the Israeli side and accused anti-Israel media outlets of “terror journalism.” Despite the tragedy, Rabbi Dee stressed that he believes that “most Palestinian Arabs are good people” and that his family had received messages of condolence from Palestinians.


if we have to deem the ARAB LEAGUE OIC UMMAH legal? then we must consider legitimate his sharia right to carry out the genocide of all the peoples of this planet


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