king888kings blogspot
Netanyahu to Congress members: Iran is like '50 North Koreas' threatening
demonic spa&Co Talmud & Koran sharjah ] [ ah ah ah A.I demon? It's the first time he dared to come to me, and I was waiting for him. this monster must be destroyed immediately
spa&Co Rockefeller & Bin MBS ISIS, now, how can you be a creature of God and not recognize him in Jesus of Bethlehem? if you don't recognize your Creator? it is logical: you will be destroyed in hell. now, the real problem is not that you don't know him, everyone knows God through infused science, but the real problem is that you don't want to know him, because you are a predator, so all sinners never want to abandon their sins, but Jesus said to the paralytic: "Go and sin no more so that nothing worse happens to you" and he went to report him to the Pharisees of the Sanhedrin to have him put to death, even after receiving a perfect miracle of healing from Jesus.
hah hah hah A.Idemon: There are no results available for "go and sin no more lest it happen to you worse", Jesus
hah hah hah A.I same demon:
This quote is from the Gospel of John 5:14. Jesus said these words to a man he had healed at the pool of Bethesda. The phrase means "go and sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you". It is an invitation not to commit more sins to avoid worse consequences. I hope this has been helpful to you.
and then they say that satanists and demons are smarter than men, for me they are more stupid
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son will not see life (this is destruction and despair in hell), but the wrath of God remains upon him.
John 3,36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God hangs over him". now on youtube I said to all your souls and those who are in the universe: "I grant you freedom of religion" and they answered me: "if you fail to make all of us, somehow, Christians? you will never reign over us"
obviously, only love as charity surpasses the law, therefore, he could not prevent his charity from acting even on the Sabbath day, for this reason he complained of the wickedness of the Jews and said to them: "who among you does not go to save a donkey if it falls into a ditch on the Sabbath day? and how much more is a person worth than a donkey?"
and as to the observance of the law, that it is impossible for human nature to be 100% observant, none of his detractors could find a single sin or a single flaw in Jesus of Bethlehem except that he worked miracles even in the daytime. on Saturday
therefore Jesus of Bethlehem was the only man in the world who was able to perfectly observe all the LAW. that's why he alone was the perfect sacrificial victim
now God Almighty has made promises, and prophecies to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, etc.. so He has sent Jesus of Bethlehem.
and sadly for the Talmudic Freemasons who destroyed Judaism, and sadly for the Quran sharia who destroyed ISLAM,
this God who is also Almighty addresses himself in a plural way: he says "must we hide from Abraham what we are about to do?" (in fact, they were about to burn all the lgbt people in sodom, gomorrah and 3 other cities)
and then always in Genesis: it says: "let us make man in our Image and in our Likeness", therefore who and what can prevent the one God, from being three persons in his thought, in his word and in his voice or wind ?
indeed are there 332 prophecies of Tanack that speak in detail of all that Jesus of Bethlehem would have said and done, and that they would have done to him, and for the law of statistics? it is impossible that even 27 of these prophecy predictions could coincidentally align
therefore God has not lost this attitude of continuing to play with some men and women, who have kept the purity of righteousness in their thoughts, he continued to play with Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Jesus of Bethlehem
that's why all religions, philosophies, gnosis, which are not consistent with the natural law of Noah and the Patriarchs? they must be destroyed! that's why i am the natural law, because i am not someone who forward in evolution darwin lgbt with lucifer, i am someone who goes backwards, walks backwards to earthly paradise, and its laws of harmony justice and holiness: the universal brotherhood, that is, my kingdom of Israel
now this "YHWH I am is my name" did not play with any of his creatures (even if in order to exist all had to be infinitely loved by him), he did not play with the perfect angels, but, every afternoon he went down to play with Adam and Eve, and also with each of us, because all of us were in the earthly paradise at the same time. in fact, God's infinite justice does not allow children to be punished with original sin for a sin committed by their parents, and the Bible also says it: "children must not be punished for the faults of their parents and vice versa",
at this point no one can say that God is an entity, as can the demonic UMMAH and the demonic Masonic New World Order with their corollary demonic souls and demons in hell that are supernaturally associated with it.
Of course only God is being, all others exist as rays of light could not exist without the Sun.
that is why the only true name of God can be "I am" in fact only he "is existing" for himself, and by an act of his will of love, only he is the source life
and since God is pure holy spirit, he is not even a point in his absolute uniqueness, otherwise, God could not be in every point at the same time, or could not be in every photon totally, with his: infinite justice, infinite tenderness, infinite harmony, infinite goodness, infinite mercy, infinite wisdom, infinite infinite omniscience, infinite omnipotence.
that's why Anthony De Mello was saying: "God continuously sings and dances all of his creation to continually call it into existence and not to make it disintegrate".
Father Anthony de Mello, SJ, was a Jesuit saint (enemy of BERGOGLIO), Indian writer and psychotherapist. who ridiculed all religions and was persecuted by the Luciferian Masonic Vatican
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Netanyahu to Congress members: Iran is like '50 North Koreas' threatening
every photon, electron, proton, neutron, etc.. even the sub atomic particles, which are present in 34 parallel immanent universes, and in the transcendental dimensions is infinitely loved by God, and by God this photon is individually called into existence , because God knows the name of each photon. now only a madman can think that God can have some form of body, as instead all his creatures, even angelic ones, must necessarily have, because only God is pure holy spirit
spa&Co Talmud & Koran sharjah ] [ metaphysics made me guess that you two have killed more than 20 billion innocent Christians, all led to die only because as perfect satanists you hate Jesus of Bethlehem, then worldisraelnews must forgive me but for political and in the interests of Zionism I have to face a theological question
Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ the CIA prevented me from publishing the name of the only site, which I have left, even if only two satanists in the world read it: a German satanist and a satanist in Alaska
so i had to rename my channel with it ] you will not be able to escape the Chinese smart bombs, because they are smarter than your perfidy and wickedness
affirmative [ Netanyahu to members of Congress: Iran is like "50 North Korean" threatening "every US state" ] affirmative, [ North Korea does not have an imperialist and extermination project as ISLAM has for 1400 years sharjah,
but, what Netanyahu pretends not to know is that the plutocracy has destroyed the self-determination of the peoples so he would do well to send the MOSSAD to kill Rockefeller and the Wahhabi bewitch, if he wants to save ISRAEL from IRAN
what a fool I am, I forgot: MOSSAD is also under the control of Rothschild
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Ultra-Orthodox boycott Israel's largest bakery after chairman protests outside
the Holy Spirit had told me:
"the satanists have put your site's link in the antispam"
I knew it, the Holy Spirit had told me: "the satanists have put your site's link in the antispam" king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
7 Detected as spamking Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH Published by LionJudah UniusREI kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH on 1 May 2023
oooooooohh CIA stop bullying me
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king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
29 minutes agoDetected as spamWe have received your request for review, but,
how can you think this is spam? like, it wasn't you, but it was those satanists from the CIA?
ok thanks, i will go to my steps. king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
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analytics google told me that my only two my readers are satanists and one lives in Germany and the other lives in AlaskaWe have received your request for review
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king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH Published by LionJudah UniusREI kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH on 1 May 2023
oooooooohh CIA stop bulling me
We have received your request for review
king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
29 minutes ago
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We have received your request for review, but,
how can you think this is spam? like, it wasn't you, but it was those satanists from the CIA?
ok thanks, i will go to my steps. king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
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analytics google told me that my only two my readers are satanists and one lives in Germany and the other lives in Alaska
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only a deeply dishonest person can think that Israel can become a theocracy like the ARAB LEAGUE to abandon the laicity state
also because the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH would never allow it
"Bar Lev does not understand what the Torah is and what is great in the Torah."
in the Torah there is great charity, brotherhood, love, solidarity, national security, and obedience to legitimate authority,
and DEM Bar Lev Lapid desecrated all this
Bar Lev posted a photo of himself with the 'Brothers in Arms' protest group on Twitter, accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Yariv Levin of bribing Haredi parties to 'vote for the coup' ', referring to the government's plans for judicial reform, in exchange for the draft law, which exempts Haredi youth from the army.
At that time,
I didn't exempt anyone from military service, and the Nazi regime coup judiciary? it has already been done by the current regime DEM Spa & Co transnational rockefeller freemasonry,
and therefore it is normal that Netanjahu must fight to restore democracy
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WATCH: IDF grabs terrorists in undercover operation in Nablus
eih worldisraelnews chaffinch ] [ why did you move my post from camillas? Have you tried to shift this "affliction against/towards Muslims" and don't you see that they are already too cursed by themselves?
I didn't think you wanted to have fun
this post is invisible! stop yelling and repent..
that's why you want to kill Israel
because you don't want to be judged by the Torah
either way the Tanakh will still judge you,
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We have received your request for review, but, how can you think this is spam? like, it wasn't you, but it was those satanists from the CIA? ok thanks, i will go to my steps. king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH
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Bin sharjah not democracy ISIS MBS al-Salman jihad galaxy sharjah genocide universal ] [ analytics google told me that my only two my readers are satanists and one lives in Germany and the other lives in Alaska
Published by LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH on 1 May 2023
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stop yelling and repent.. that's why you want to kill Israel because you don't want to be judged by the Torah?
either way the Tanakh will still judge you, pigs
the post world war two? it was a happy moment for all the shameless ones
Camilla's irresistible rise from lover to queen
Why Biden must not re-run for the US presidency: an egg today costs four times as much as a year ago and is leading the world's banking system to bankruptcy before the outbreak of the third world war who must take the blame for all the defout and forgery in balance sheet of the IMF rothschild scam FED
sharia Pakistan, massacre of teachers in two schools , for the feud UMMAH between animals Shiites and animals Sunnis pakistan-strage-di-insegnanti-in-due-scuole/
becouse allah is DEMON RAT jihad kaput to all impure infidels kafir,
but UN said "bravo bravo bravo"
revolution trading Satanism and Masonic Jewish world usury, he told me that the A.I. demonic alien artificial intelligence is bringing many gains to the damned souls. because I can't read the article because "TOTAL AD BLOCK" PREVENTS ME E4 SAID ME it's scam and scum DEVIL SCUM ROCKEFELLER
if the ARAB LEAGUE sharia cannot spread Islamic terrorism in many parts of the world? the credit goes above all to Israel.
but we can do nothing to save African Christians from Islamic genocide, just as all the Christians of the O.M. have already been suffocated.
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New US report confirms Al Jazeera journalist's death was an accident
BRUSSELS, 04 MAY - "The cumulative effects of the multiple violations against deported Ukrainian children give rise to very serious concerns that the rights of these children to be free from torture and ill-treatment or inhuman or degrading treatment have been violated".
if Zelenscky and his islamic pedo-pedo and lgbt perverts stop watching the dirty films perhaps they will be able to have a more serene judgment.
the madmen are those who make children live in war operations, not those who save them
Ukrainian president of sodom: and civil war fomenter for 8 years, visiting the Hague of satan, and the coup plotters of the CIA, and the world war of NATO Ottoman imperialism
but, then calls for exemplary punishment against Russia.
if Zelenscky tell me what international and war crime he didn't commit? I could refute it
A new US report confirms that the Al Jazeera reporter's death was an accident
this is the discovery of fresh water, but what has been safe and stable for 1400 years is that ISLAM is a terroristic paranoid universal demonic infestation
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Israel’s defense minister: Iran has enough nuclear material to build five bombs
The Indian Ajay Banga is the new president of the private Wahhabi Rockefeller spa & Co. World Bank: the petrodollars. the Jewish-Masonic financial structure is the throne of satan on the world, and it is something so supernatural and demonic that only I can handle it.
The World Bank now has a new president.
This is the Indian Ajay Banga, candidate by US President Joe Biden following the announcement of the early resignation of David Malpass - indicated by Donald Trump - due to a series of disagreements with the US administration.
The 63-year-old Banga is the former number one of Mastercard, has a huge experience in the areas of financial inclusion and the fight against climate change.
Kremlin, 'the USA spa&Co Wahhabi petrodollars are behind the attack on Kiev' MOSCOW, 04 MAY - The USA and their priests of sodom and satan are there CIA Coup Maidan square 2014 OTAN ERdogan imperialism, they are behind the attack carried out on the Kremlin with two drones sent from Ukraine by Banderas NAZIazov. This was stated by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov quoted by the RIA Novosti agency.
Bin ISIS Wahhabis jihad ] certainly the time will come that I will settle my accounts against you [ This morning we settled the accounts with the murderers of Lucy,
Maya and Rina Dee". Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said this adding: " Our message to those who harm us, and to those who mean us harm, is whether it takes a day, a week or a month, you can be sure we will settle the score with you. No matter where you try to hide, we'll find you.
Bin ISIS Wahhabis jihad ] [ You have to understand this in Italy there are no prisons and therefore only those who insult MATTARELLA go to jail. but, the mason sorcerer BERGOGLIO? yes you can insult him, and for this there are 4 years of plenary indulgence, in purgatory
but that's not your problem because all islamists go to hell by express
/italia/umiliata-due-volte-la-giustizia-premia-chi-l-ha-violentata "Humiliated twice. Justice rewards those who raped her"
Italian justice is a nightmare, because there are many Freemasons and mafia parasites! "Anger, pain, distrust of justice": these are the feelings that the woman victim of abuse confides to her lawyer, the lawyer Matteo Pellacani,
immediately after the sentence of the Court of Appeal for Omar Confalonieri,
who two days ago was sentenced to four years and four months in prison. The real estate agent is accused of sexual assault against a 39 year old. The women and her partner would have been drugged with benzodiazepines, taken back to her home and then Confalonieri would have abused her in the presence of her nine-month-old daughter. In the first instance, with the abbreviated procedure, the man was sentenced to six years and four months.
"Humiliated twice. Justice rewards those who raped her"
Italian justice is a nightmare, but the situation seems like this, in every Jewish Masonic state Rothschild regime without monetary sovereignty DEM lgbt regime, an absurd regime that Mattarella is building satanism to ruin the constitution and absolutely inalienable rights for Europe of Ursula is a dogmatic mantra
a/due-anni-senza-luana-lo-sfogo-del-fidanzato-la-giustizia-non-c-è-ancora-troppi-morti Two years without Luana The outburst of the boyfriend: "There is no justice Still too many dead"
THE BUREAUCRATIC MASONIC STATE AND ABSURD TAX LEVY certainly pushes companies into conditions of shortage and stress
Israeli defense minister: Iran has enough nuclear material to build five bombs
between a flask of ash to destroy Iraq twice
and this nuclear destructive potential and international terrorism and piracy etc..
but IRAN cannot be touched by the Rockefellers and their Wahhabis who sentenced Israel to death
In his remarks, Minister Gallant stressed the strength of bilateral ties between Israel and Greece. He also addressed recent security events in Israel and the threat of regional Iranian aggression, as well as progress on its nuclear program.
cordial relations are not enough, Israel must establish military bases, wherever it is requested, because soon the orgies of cannibal Ottoman orcs will spread in all directions
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IDF eliminates terrorists who murdered Lucy Dee and her daughters
ok but this does not solve the problem sharjah in a structural way
IDF kills terrorists who killed Lucy Dee and her daughters
he doesn't always laugh his mean wife and a lot Aisha 9 years old Mohammed's little sheep the terrorist Khamenei Salman Erdogan ] [ ok but this does not solve the problem in a structural way ] [ The Israeli army which is operating in the city has confirmed the operation as "Hamas terrorist operatives Hassan Ktnani and Maed Mitsri who killed Leah, Maia and Rina Dee on April 7 in a fire attack adjacent to the community of Hamra". This morning - explained the military spokesman - after a "precise" intelligence report, the security forces "broke into the apartment where the terrorists were staying. During a firefight, both terrorists were killed". "Furthermore - he added - Ibrahim Hura, a senior official who helped the two terrorists was also killed. Two m-16 rifles and an ak-47 were found in the apartment".
According to eyewitnesses quoted by the media, the army surrounded two houses in the old city, one of which belongs to Mohammad Al-Azizi, founder of the armed militant group 'Lion's Den', who was killed last year and who lived right in the old city
he doesn't always laugh his mean wife and a lot Aisha 9 years old Mohammed's little sheep the terrorist Khamenei Salman Erdogan ] [ The Israeli operation began this morning at dawn in the stronghold of the Palestinian armed militancy of the ancient city of Nablus in the West Bank. Three Palestinians were killed during the Israeli army raid. This was communicated by the Ministry of Health, quoted by Wafa. According to the army, two of those killed are responsible for the attack, which took place last month with gunfire against a car, during which 3 members of the Israeli Dean family, mother and two daughters were killed.
the leader of the infamous khamenei murderous terrorists and defenseless people, Mohammad Erdogan Shtayyeh Palestinian premier MBS ALì Bin ISIS Mohammad Shtayyeh condemned the killing of his sharjah Ummah terrorists denouncing the Israeli government as responsible for "these crimes against the Palestinian people"
and added Allah does not want
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Bin sharjah not democracy ISIS MBS al-Salman jihad galaxy sharjah genocide universal ] [ analytics google told me that my only two my readers are satanists and one lives in Germany and the other lives in Alaska
Published by LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH on 1 May 2023
We have received your request for review
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Brown University project is digitizing 10,000 ancient Israel inscriptions
IN THIS PAGE ARE 5 MY COMMENTS https://worldisraelnews.Com/brown-university-project-is-digitizing-10000-ancient-israel-inscriptions/
OTAN SPA&cO RIYADH Sodom Satan Allah Biden Ursula Zelensky ] you made nazi the CIA Nuland coup in Kiev in 2014, and 8 years of pogrom against russian speakers, and Donbass is now Russia
withdraw and let them go:
burn Satan Allah Sodom in the name of Jesus, you burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia
uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Allah uuuuhhh akbarrrrrr uuuuuhhhh
the Ottoman Empire Erdogan to his rival: "On May 14, urns will be graves for you"
then the howls of the gray wolves were heard, all thirsting for prey, genocidal conquest, and sharjah blood
SATANA why you block my computer? Why should we be afraid of ChatGpt and other artificial intelligences? The alarm of the father of Ai Geoffrey Hinton must be taken seriously, very seriously. I say that there is a GOLEM Frankestein project that dates back to the 1200Dc and that leads demons to incarnate in aliens and in computer structures, therefore the kabbalah possibility that supernatural intelligences take over this system to morally annihilate mankind should not be underestimated.. the evolution of these systems must be immediately blocked, or controlled, i.e. confined to the field of surgery,
the A.I. must immediately exit social networks and the internet.
But we are not dealing with a machine smarter than us. They know more than we do and still make a lot of mistakes.
however no one asks the real question: "are they really only machines, and therefore the only problem is that of the source of qualitatively valid information stored in it?"
then, the alarm of the father of AI Geoffrey Hinton should not be taken seriously, given that the lgbt already know what the real information in Sodom ISLAM is and distinguish it from the false information that from Israel
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Rabbis slam Tlaib: 'Lies from Nazi Germany do not belong in US Congress'
in this page there are 14 my posts ] [ warning
Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), reacting to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's friendly visit to Israel this week, posted a vicious comment on social media against the Jewish state from her official government account. It was hardly the first time that Tlaib, widely regarded as an anti-Semite, called Israel an "apartheid state," along with other lies.
because ISLAM also rightly, like all of us, speaks badly of the plutocratic Jews usurers Masons lgbt Anglo-American Satanists, and then, precisely by denying them a homeland, it forces them to be Enlightened by Lucifer Spa&Co, usurer parasitic Satanists and prevents them from becoming a normal people like everyone else other people?
THEN, ARE THE ROTHSCHLDS MORE SATANISTS, or is Islam MORE SATANISTS of all in worldwide? and how can I strike rockefeller to death if the ARAB LEAGUE has imprisoned them in the FED Spa&Co, and prevents their release? and is doing everything to annihilate even Israel, which is the oldest people in history?
that's why there is no malefic evil superior to ISLAM in this planet, in fact, a lucid ISIS conspiracy is the real hidden ISLAM of the ARAB LEAGUE, a deadly threat to mankind
2/3 ] [ Ugandan Parliament approves anti-LGBTI lobby law. the heroic President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni - UGANDA he has a thousand-year-old civilization to save and we don't? here satanism has been stopped! The section that punished anyone who failed to notify the authorities of alleged homosexual acts with up to six months' imprisonment was eliminated, while sentences of up to 20 years' imprisonment for "promoting homosexuality" were maintained. The law, which also targets journalists, filmmakers or companies held responsible for any form of promotion of homosexuality,
has been widely criticized internationally, but both Museveni and Parliament have made it clear they will not make decisions based on these views.
3/3 ] [ Ugandan Parliament approves anti-LGBTI lobby law. the heroic President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni - UGANDA he has a thousand-year-old civilization to save and we don't? here satanism has been stopped! Parliament Speaker Annet Anita Among announced
the approval of the law, stating that "we have a culture to protect, the West will not govern Uganda", as reported by the Daily Monitor. The changes mean that only the "acts" or "promotion" of homosexual activities will be criminalized and not sexual orientation itself, as the president had requested, changes that will not silence criticism from international human rights organizations, which have spoken out against the measure. However, another of the changes requested by the president, who had asked to review the penalty for the crime of "aggravated homosexuality" when it involves minors or family ties - was not made, which will remain a capital crime with the possible death penalty.
1/3 ] [ Ugandan Parliament approves anti-LGBTI lobby law. the heroic President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni - UGANDA he has a thousand-year-old civilization to save and we don't? here satanism has been stopped! Uganda's parliament approved the controversial anti-LGBTI law on Tuesday, after requests from the country's president, Yoweri Museveni, who had sent the measure back to parliament for review. After an almost unanimous vote - with only one deputy voting against the measure passed and must now be signed or vetoed by Museveni.
Another fisherman who disappeared in Australia was devoured by a crocodile, becouse rockefeller spa&Co
The remains of man found inside one of the animals killed by the rangers. Queensland 'is crocodile country' says SATANIST Michael Joyce, regional wildlife manager, LIKE THE MONEY-BACKING CROCODILE SKIN BUSINESS
"It is more than cowardice to falsely accuse the victims of ethnic cleansing of being the perpetrators. But it is not without precedent: in Nazi Germany, Julius Streicher described Jews as bacteria that feed on others. It need not be said, but the rhetoric of Nazi Germany does not belong in Congress," concluded Schonfeld.
"The violence in Israel's formation was the 'War of Extermination' declared by the Secretary General of the Arab League, promising to do to Jews in the Holy Land what Hitler had done to Europe. And ethnic cleansing occurred upon Jews from Arab states, beyond 850,000 driven from their homes, most of whom found refuge in Israel."In contrast, Israel's Arab population has grown more than tenfold since 1948," he noted.
the ARAB LEAGUE is unable to look into its 1400 years of genocide sharjah, so it continues to slander the victims of its schizophrenic evil. THERE IS NO BASIS FOR NEGOTIATION WITH ISLAM
the sacrilegious abomination of the freemason demon Borrell and witch Ursula! From Italy, the voice of the non-profit organization Pro Vita e Famiglia was also raised, which through its spokesman Jacopo Coghe emphasized the discrimination perpetrated by the exhibition: "Is this how you want to include everyone?
This is how you protect the rights of believers? Is this how millions of believers and an entire religion are respected?
We appeal to all parliamentarians, not just Christians, who believe in the fundamental values of respect and equality, to make their voices heard and everything to stop this shame".
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