prova 1 ISLAM of Abraham and Melchizedek
MBS Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh ] my brother [ I have never been against my ISIS, that is if we talk about the ISLAM of Abraham and Melchizedek
it is only you who continually put me to death with the sharjah
certainly the 5 heavenly heavens are a gift to the souls of the righteous because they have been faithful and peaceful servants of God,
but the children of God who have received communion with the divine nature why have they been Christified?
then, none of them are in heaven or earth
but they sit on the same Throne as God, that's why the 4 living beings that are around the Throne and in the middle of the Throne are full of eyes
Now you can't imagine how the priests of satan cannibals of the CIA lgbt spa & Co all, they are always attentive to my revelations, and to my theological teachings, and they don't do this because they want to convert (actually, 80% of them do will do, if I will build my kingdom of Israel thanks to the Wahhabis) but it is because they are failed morons and must study and always study, if there could be a way to go and conquer the celestial Kingdom of God (as they say: the wisdom of man is foolishness with God) since we all live exist because God thinks of us with love continuously (and that their brain gram of black hole, is in sodom), but, as well as those cursed from the tribe of DAN (which is not mentioned among the 12 tribes of Israel in Revelation) conquered the earthly Kingdom of God by destroying the Judeo-Christian civilization, so they also hope to be able to go and destroy the heavenly kingdom of God, when none of them even have the courage or the audacity to stand in front of me
MBS Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh ] my brother [ To the Church of Laodicea - Revelation 3:14-22, Revelation 3:21 to Who conquers (martyrdom)? I will make him sit down with me on my throne, just as I too have conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
1. God's throne is too crowded, so why Benny Hinn was shocked at me when I told him I sit on God's throne?
to my present knowledge all Christian martyrs and who have been worthy to be called "children of God" have a personal throne in the heart of Jesus and sit on the Throne, as for me, I am the most unworthy among the servants of Almighty God
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WATCH: Harry and Meghan reportedly in ‘near catastrophic’ car chase
MBS Bin ISIS SalmanFrom Riyadh ] [ Giorgia MELONI on 14 October 2016 said: "Unfortunately the European nations are now governed by small politicians who are only careful to respect the tasks given to them by the bureaucrats (Anglo-American Jews) and not to protect their own interests national."
but, if you read Revelation, you will understand that the world has been designed by demons in the last 400 years, that is, since the Jewish-Masonic demonic finance (by now the master of the slaves goyims dalit dhimmis) took control of the institutions and also shaped the interpersonal relationships, modeling reference values and deciding about what is good and what is bad (she took possession of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of holding herself in reaction with Her Creator),
Rockefeller spa&co (paper money printers: cartoons & Hollywood) and its occult powers esoteric demonic supernatural and financial masonic-technocratic mafia lobby, of the Deep State, have perverted reality, and said that a printer is more important than the people and of the same economic production, therefore the Anglo-American Jews have transformed all politicians without monetary sovereignty into prostitutes, into mere executors and this is why all politicians must be justified, because they pretend to have political sovereignty and it is not true
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'Abandoned' youth in Israel's shell shocked South need more mental healthGiorgia MELONI on 14 October 2016 said:
“Unfortunately, European nations are now governed by small politicians who are only careful to respect the tasks given to them by European bureaucrats and not to protect their own national interest.”
Impossible not to agree with Giorgia
Rockefeller and the Davos Bildenberg Masonic-technocratic financial and supernatural demonic lgbt DEM Ape Darwin powers Deep State mafia lobby?
it has transformed all politicians without monetary sovereignty into prostitutes
Biden Cowed by China's Aggression
In short, China has successfully intimidated the American government.
the priests of satan build their network of slander to attack CHINA
the same script that I have seen done since 2010 against Russia
because FED spa&co is a sharjah darwin lgbt religion Davos Riyadh of peace
we need a definitive solution lorenzoJHWH the war against the Wahhabis
She added that “every week, it feels like we are getting a more and more [mentally distressed] population.” Sternberg noted that simply adding more psychologists to the area isn't the answer, and that a long-term solution to the conflict with Gaza is critical.
we need a definitive solution UniusRei peace with the Wahhabis
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WATCH: Why aren't Jewish orgs protesting UN 'Nakba' commemoration?
this is the establishment of a permanent deadly pandemic regime, to make an entire population sick https://citizengo.Org/nl/ot/209706-petitie-stop-nieuwe-pandemiewet
https://citizengo.Org/nl/ot/209706-petitie-stop-nieuwe-pandemiewet this is the establishment of a permanent deadly pandemic regime, to make an entire population sick
Stop the new pandemic law, Dear MPs, We, the signatories, are shocked by the content of the amendment to the Public Health Act that is now before us, better known as the "pandemic law". Many of the measures we have seen during COVID, such as the mandatory wearing of protective equipment such as face masks and the mandatory social distancing, are now threatening to become a permanent part of Dutch law. This while the Dutch Safety Board recently indicated that the effectiveness of these measures has not been proven. This one has hardly even been evaluated! For this reason and because it often involves gross restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens, we urge you to vote against the "pandemic law" proposed by the cabinet.
Yours sincerely,
Kamer spreekt over veelbesproken pandemiewet (beter bekend als coronawet) (NOS): https://nos.Nl/artikel/2456103-kamer-spreekt-over-veelbesproken-pandemiewet-beter-bekend-als-coronawet
Wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid in verband met de bestrijding van een epidemie van infectieziekten behorend tot groep A1, of een directe dreiging daarvan (Tweede Kamer):
Raad van State positief over coronawet, wel vragen of die toereikend is (NOS): https://nos.Nl/artikel/2442473-raad-van-state-positief-over-coronawet-wel-vragen-of-die-toereikend-is
OVV in coronarapport: effecten ingrijpende maatregelen nog steeds onduidelijk (NOS): https://nos.Nl/artikel/2448042-ovv-in-coronarapport-effecten-ingrijpende-maatregelen-nog-steeds-onduidelijk
Voorstel: leg zware pandemiemaatregelen iedere acht weken voor aan Kamer (NOS): https://nos.Nl/artikel/2456161-voorstel-leg-zware-pandemiemaatregelen-iedere-acht-weken-voor-aan-kamer
We all remember very well the very severe restrictions of our rights we experienced during the COVID lockdowns. Many of these measures, such as the mandatory wearing of "protective equipment" (such as face masks) and the mandatory "safe distance" (for example one and a half meters), are now threatening to become a permanent part of Dutch law! This while the Dutch Safety Board indicated that it is not clear to what extent the measures taken by the government have actually helped to reduce the corona virus. The actual effects of the measures have hardly even been evaluated, while at the time the government was very firm about the effects it expected. It is very problematic to permanently enshrine heavy, freedom-restricting measures in a law... while it has not even been proven that these measures help! Therefore, sign our new petition to MPs now to reject the cabinet's new pandemic law -- which includes mandatory "protective equipment" (such as face masks) and mandatory social distancing. The new law not only contains mandatory "protective equipment" and mandatory social distancing, but also the closing of public places and a test obligation and / or mandatory home quarantine for travelers! The latter is quarantine at home, "or in a residence specifically assigned to the traveler". There is also no maximum duration for this quarantine in the law, but only: "during an uninterrupted period of a number of days to be determined by ministerial regulation". The law therefore leaves plenty of room for the cabinet to further specify the place and duration of the mandatory quarantine! This is an eerie prospect. Suppose you are abroad and a pandemic breaks out. Can a future cabinet then lock you up on your return at a location to be determined, for a period of time to be determined? It looks like it! Another problem with the bill is that the government grants itself an "emergency power" to be able to go further than what is described in the law. The article on this refers very vaguely to "other collective measures" that can be taken "by ministerial regulation". Minister Kuipers says the cabinet will be "very cautious" about this... but that's not exactly what we've seen during COVID! Moreover: how can he promise this for future cabinets, who may not want to be hesitant about it at all? Therefore, sign the petition against the new pandemic law of the cabinet now, and make sure that what we have seen during COVID cannot happen again! Once again we see a cabinet that wants to take more power to determine the lives of citizens. The totalitarian tendencies we have seen during COVID are now threatening to become permanent law. Some of the worst excesses, such as vaccination passports and curfews, have been kept out of the law for the time being... But the "emergency power" of the cabinet still leaves plenty of room for far-reaching measures that are not described in the law. This is a blank check that opens the door to vaccine passports and curfews... and even measures we've never heard of at this point. We must absolutely prevent this new power grab by the cabinet! So sign the petition quickly
Tonight and tomorrow the pandemic law will be debated in the Senate! We must therefore now put as much pressure as possible with our petition against this law. In addition to masks and social distancing, the law would also allow our government to impose mandatory "home quarantine" on returning travelers. We currently have over 17,000 signatures, but this is not enough to make a difference! Sign quickly if you want to help stop the new pandemic law, which makes COVID measures permanent Controversial pandemic law rushed through the senate (Indepen), Monday, May 15, 2023, plenary session (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal)
Many of the measures we have seen during COVID are now threatening to become a permanent part of Dutch law! Among other things, the mandatory wearing of "protective equipment" (such as face masks) and mandatory social distancing are part of the new pandemic law that the cabinet wants to have adopted.
This while the Dutch Safety Board indicated that it is not clear to what extent the measures taken by the government have actually helped to reduce the corona virus.
We have to stop this!
the Italian Masonic State protects Rothschild's spa&co big pharma Davos Bildenberg interests, but citizens perceive him as an enemy,
and since Ukrainian citizens are terrified, how can they tell everything they had to suffer from 2014 to 2022, if the sodomitic satanist antichrist and anti-Zionist Western regime is totally corrupt unjust abusive autcratic self-referential is it in a despotic and dystopian way?
Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
The Gaza Strip and learning to live with insoluble problems – analysishttps://worldisraelnews.Com/israel-condemns-vicious-russian-attack-on-city-with-vibrant-jewish-community/
info@disqus.Com info@worldisraelnews.Com>
] [ this time you didn't delete these comments from Disqus
too, why did you do that? Are you the one who decides what is true
and what is false? what is right and what is wrong? but if you don't
know how to report, not even bank seigniorage because
you are an idiot or profoundly corrupt! [ crazy idiot
IRAN Riyadh Ottoman stupid ] [ the CIA wouldn't have ignited the civil
war in the Ukraine if they hadn't already planned how to go and kill the
Chinese, and this the Ottoman Wahhabis Oic Ummah
have always known, and in their wickedness
they think they have a good part in this predation. the talmud
created the koran, so Islam is not a contender for satan's priests FED
ECB BM NWO CIA, they have overthrown / aped / fought the doctrine of the
Catholic Church, NWO satanists have taken possession
of the Judeo-Christian symbols only,
they haven't overthrown islam, they don't know what
to do with islamic symbols, you think you can conquer the world, but
that's only because of your pathetic wickedness and spiritual ignorance,
that you hope to conquer the planet, while satanists show no fear of
you, Satanists do not fear ISLAM, but they fear only
Christians and biblical Israelis [
Messiah Mahdì king lorenzoJHWH 6 hours ago ] then, it
is the occult synagogue, today we would say the Deep State, today we
would say: the DEEP: masonic Sinagogue, Church Mosque, etc..
then, it is the occult synagogue, which created every
antichrist in these last 2000 years, the Jewish
plutocratic leaders slandered/denounced the Christians in Rome in 200
AD, to have them died eaten by the
beasts of the circus, plutocratic Jews have
always written/made the Koran, the French revolution, the Bolshevik
revolution, the Darwin theory, the Gender lgbt theory, they stole the
banking seigniorage, they cheated the institutions, they plotted in
Freemasonry, they organized the world wars,
and all that is antichrist and
anti-Zionist, Kabbalah has always created and financed it
6 hours ago ] [ zelenski is getting back the treatment by the
azov in Donbass.. over 14,000 civilians in Donbass have died in this
conflict since the govt coup - regime change in 2014.
UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn and Satan, seek to destroy
Christians and Israelis as their main target,
that's why in the time of Jesus of Bethlehem he was forced to utter the
curses against the religious leaders of his time. in fact, at that time
of Solomon, the apostasy of the Talmud was already
operating, therefore with the
resurrection of Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders
and the high Sanhedrin, were already, as they still are today,
were and are the synagogue of Satan, and they swore
to kill Christians and all those who would
follow the teachings biblical reasons, that is why in the war in Syria
and Iraq those who disappeared definitively were 4 million Christians,
that is why the sodotites went to attack Russia
with the coup in Kiev in 2014, and went to build a
fratricidal war between Christians. because in fact, there is a vow
of extermination of the synagogue against
Christians, the NWO OIC UN partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn
and Satan, they seek to destroy Christians and Israelis as
their main goal, and this is a dividing
line between the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God, but already in
the time of Solomon the The High Sanhedrin was a
Masonic lobby which covered the forms of monotheism, but which served
Baal in the occult, that is why at the time of Jesus of
Bethlehem he was forced to pronounce the curses
against the religious leaders of his time, since
after the global flood, such a high level of
satanism had never been reached, as in our times it has been done
between the partnership of Allah Sodom-JaBulOn
and Satan, i.e. the demonic trinity, in the time of
Biblical Israel the priests of Baal were involved in black magic,
necromancy, and human sacrifice, all that today
the plutocratic Jews of the diaspora and their Wahhabis do in the CIA
and throughout the spa&Co ] [ 30 aprile 202we are doing everything to defend the right of children to a mother and father and to oppose the surrogate womb. But the Rainbow Mayors have on their side the national media coverage, the big press, the funds and propaganda of the Democratic Party, progressive artists, singers and VIPs, Lobbies, companies and corporations. I'll give you a very concrete example to understand the level of the ongoing conflict and the importance of the help you can give. With an act worthy of the worst ideological totalitarianism, on 10 May the Municipality of Rome (led by Mayor Arcobaleno Roberto Gualtieri) ordered the immediate removal of our street billboards against surrogate uterus and the child market. The shameful order to remove our posters from the Municipality of Rome, The motivation is shocking: our campaign against the surrogate womb would violate "the freedom of choice of families on the subject of procreation". Although under Italian law renting a uterus is a crime punishable by prison, for the Municipality of Rome it would instead be a form of procreative "freedom of choice", so it is forbidden to criticize it. CRAZY! I announce immediately that we will bring the Municipality of Rome to the Court to answer for this illegitimate and shameful provision:
Payable to: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus, Bank: Intesa San Paolo
Reason: No uterus for rent
IBAN: IT65 H030 6905 2451 0000 0000 348
Postal Payable to: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus
Reason: No uterus for rent Current account: 1 0 1 8 4 0 9 4 6 4
we have suffered a very heavy attack from the Municipality of Rome, the battle against the market and the international trafficking of children through rented wombs and the trade in human gametes is at a fundamental turning point.
*** On the one hand there were the sODOM Satan, the so-called Rainbow Mayors DEMs of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples and Bari (all from the Democratic Party), gathered together with the representatives of the LGBTQ Lobby to claim the " right” to write a colossal lie in their personal data: that children can also be born of “two fathers” or “two mothers”. False!
*** On the other hand, not far away, we of Pro Vita & Famiglia were there to denounce the de facto opening to the rented uterus by these Mayors with their illegal registry transcripts: we wore masks with their faces in front of shopping trolleys covered in fake banknotes and filled with dolls for sale.
Bank transfer
Payable to: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus
Bank: Intesa San Paolo
Reason: No uterus for rent
IBAN: IT65 H030 6905 2451 0000 0000 348
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WATCH - Biden envoy Nides: Trump embassy move was 'absolutely' the right
OSEA 13,14-16 the message opened by itself on my cell-mobile
I am not responsible for it
MBS ISIS from RIYADH ] [ apostated MURTIDI? ALÌ morcacci tua
Normalization between genocide and replacement theology, primatism and Koranic predation, from Saudi ISIS Arabia and Israel (the freemasons of Baal jaulOn Rockefeller parasites Davos plutocrats moneylenders Rothschilds cannibals predators) is ‘hugely and very important, U.S. Satan Sodom working to obtain jihad akbarrr morte a tutti i infideli, nella Ummah kaput for slave dhimmis and apostated MURTIDI.
yes, the Bible, because of the 40 years and one day that we lived mirala tua vergognausly, every day, in the hell of the MADIANA desert gives us his possession of that land juridically, but I am a rational metaphysical agnostic and a universal politician, I don't base myself on some book of religion, to elaborate my laws. Here or all the servants of God: do they form a single family of affectionate brothers?
or, yes, sodomite satanists will eat our hearts in bites.
Here or do we do universal brotherhood right away? or all mankind will disappear.
and it is to obtain this result that God sent Unius REI, go and find him
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Shortages in IDF are forcing soldiers to share body armor – report
#radiodominanostra #donMinutella #piccoloresto (57:00) FATIMA, and the Shoah i.e. the extermination of 6 million Jews. in 2006 in an article in "Republic" cites a small book: "the Message of Fatima" anticipated by the Catholic agency ***, THE SEER LUCIA reports and comments, integrates the words of the VIRGIN: "the war is about to end, but if will stop offending God, in the Pontiff of Pius XI a worse one will begin.. that is, the outbreak of an atheist war against FAITH, against God and against the people of God, a war that will aim to exterminate Judaism where Xto came from, the Our Lady the Apostles who transmitted to us the word of God and the gift of faith, hope and charity. the people elected by God and chosen from the beginning and for this people the people of salvation " ct:. this document came frm the Carmel of Coimbra and have the official imprimatur of the Bishop of Fatima
in (56:31) Paul gives to Ancona
relativism is also Islamic theocracy, because sharjah is dogmatic because it has no reasons or objective arguments: this is why ISIS and ISLAM
Don Alessandro Minutella parla SENZA CENSURA in diretta TV a Notizie Oggi Lineasera - Canale Italia the new world order, spa&co the Masonic parasitic finance, technocratic neoliberal plutocratic Davos, as dogmatic relativism is the Gender and evolutionist theory, is dogmatic because it has no scientific demonstrations and because relativism cannot go to a rational and philosophical critical confrontation,
therefore on relativism is founded on dictatorship relativism.
Don Alessandro Minutella, suspended a divinis, excommunicated twice, finally defrocked, (always invalidly, of course), grinded by television, insulted by his brothers, judicial aggression, the silence imposed by the mainstream,
today I learned that, in the hidden by the Masonic church: hidden 3rd secret of Fatima, the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Nazareth also spoke of the shoah, "because atheism will try to exterminate the beloved Jewish people, and to whom all Christians they must show gratitude, for having had from them (i.e. from the Jews) for having both FAITH and SALVATION.So there will be a deadly attack on the religion of Judaism
Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments
Major ground operation in Gaza inevitable, warns Israeli Finance Minister
for this reason Islam has Sodom as its mother and Satan as its father
jabulon Sodom & Rockefeler satan created the Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995 created the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the Gaza Strip and sections of Judea and Samaria so that some 97% of the Palestinian population would be governed by their own administration. In 2007, Hamas overthrew the PA in Gaza and has held the coastal enclave in its Islamic grip ever since.
if Israel is successful, then ENLightend by Owl Lucifer Deep State, scam banking seigniorage will collpsed will be forced back and the NWO will fall that's why the demon Wahhabis isis Allah cannot allow a defeat of his captain the demon Satan.
and the success that Netajhau has given to Israel has been an astonishing success
that's why the Mason judges were ordered to destroy netanjahuDiscussion on World Israel News 30 comments
Mass evacuation of Jews in Judea and Samaria 'no longer relevant' afterthe international law establishes that the borders of the nations cannot be moved, for this the satan allah does not move the borders, but they take the Nations completely,
in fact, Ukraine from being neutral, it has become through a coup by the CIA, a genocide against Russian speakers, and a deadly and poisonous spear by the CIA and NATO against Russia
there is no Palestinian homeland here because it never did, Judea and Samaria have always been Israel, and so it will be until the end of the world.
In recent months, reservists in critical IDF units have threatened to refuse to serve and skipped crucial training due to their left-wing political views, disapproval of the current right-wing government, and opposition to potential reforms to Israel's judicial system.
it is imperative to censor, criminalize and fire the mutineers
this anarchy may compromise Israel's survivalDiscussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Foreign Ministry cheers world response to IDF operation in Gaza
South Korea Japan ] [ will the sodom satans of USA and Canada save you? I'm about to open a new asteroid giant Gulf of Mexico among them, the USA and Canada will disappear from the geographical maps, so much so that the final antichrist will be born from the excrements of Ursula lgbt and Bergoglio Bildenberg
King lorenzoJHWH news
South Korea Japan ] [ what I have seen among you of perversion, p0rn0 and satanism and freemasonry and plutocracy technocratic lobbying antichrist anti-Zionist?
all of this cries out for vengeance in the sight of God, so you will be destroyed and fall into bondage
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