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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

I gave you the Golan Heights

WATCH: 'I gave you the Golan Heights,' Trump tells American Jews
21 hours ago

10, he will drink the wine of God's wrath, which is poured pure into
the cup of his wrath and will be tortured with fire and brimstone in the
presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11, The smoke of their
torment will rise for ever and ever, and they will have no rest day or
night those who worship the beast of Allah in mecca kaaba and his
statue: of the FED petrollari masonic pyramid technocratic PLUTOCRATIC
and whoever receives the mark of the his name: the Mason". 12, Here
appears the constancy of the saints, and their martyrdom and keeping the
commandments of God and faith in Jesus. IT IS THE WORLD WAR AND THE

19 The angel cast his
sickle on the earth, harvested the vine of the earth, and threw the
grapes into the great winepress of God's wrath. 20 The winepress was
pressed outside the city, and blood flowed out of the winepress until
the horses bit, for a distance of two hundred miles.
221 hours ago

Revelation chapter 14,8 A second angel followed him shouting:
«She has fallen, she has fallen, Babylon Canada USA the great wh0o0re, the one who has watered all the nations, with the wine of the fury of her fornication of her».
9, Then, a third angel followed them shouting in a loud voice: «Whoever worships that beast of URSULA UK UE OTAN and the statue of her A.I. lgbt and receives the 666 micro-chip mark on his forehead or hand,
221 hours ago

SALAM21 hours ago

USA hate bible civilization, babylon the great prostitute hAaArlot she is drunk with the blood of all the martyrs of Jesus: Revelation chapter 14 ] [ "Israel is an inspiration apparently, a trusted ally, & a cherished friendco (for satana allah jabulon sodoma, really?). The US will always stand by its side. apparently, i.e. rockef6eller kabbalah Shoah permitting, but as we know FED spa shareholders have decided the failed destruction of ISRAEL, and since this has not happened, this sends the imperialist projects of the Wahhabi petrodollars into crisis
21 hours ago

‘I gave you the Golan Heights,’ Trump Patriot MAGA (he didn't choose to be a satanist, and that's a problem for rockefeller) tells American Jews,

He was warmly greeted, with one person saying, “You’re the best.”

his administration, albeit the most pro-Israel in American history, recognized Israel’s control of the Heights, which it annexed in December 1981.
For Israeli-Ethiopians, a somber Jerusalem Day

profecy in Revelation 12,15 Then the serpent OTAN OIC UMMAH CIA UK UE Ursula octopus vomited from his mouth like a river of water (slander) after the woman (holy mother russia and israel), to make her overwhelmed by its waters. 16, But the earth (biblical christians Zionists) came to the woman's rescue, opening a chasm and swallowing up the river (of slander) that the dragon had spewed from his own mouth.

17, Then the dragon MBS Riyadh Rockefeller spa&Co raged against the woman Israel Russia, and went off to make war against the rest of his offspring in CHINA, against those who keep God's commandments and have the testimony of Jesus.

18, And he stood on the beach of the sea (which is the symbol of satan's dominion over the earth, absolute Islamic Masonic Jewish evil).
BIN MBS 3FROGs from Riyadh ] [ i told my uncle xi-jinpig to release deadly anti-sharia drones, much smarter than allah and erdogan, out of toy factories, and
about, the painful intelligence of Ali khamenei? that is also the greatest luck of him, in fact that idiot is still alive

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh akbarrr ] did I already tell you that Uncle Xi-Jinping sent me 2 600w flex panels and a 60 Amp controller (for about 100euro), and that I have set up HHO systems for a 15,000cc engine while my petrol-CNG BMW is of 2000 cc, but unfortunately a leak of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) completely burned my radiator, so I tried USELESSLY to plug the invisible leaks, because they were located under the base (with a two-component stick: for hydraulic leaks) then, I said to myself: "here we need an invention that nobody has invented yet"
so I took some isinglass (the one used to affix the advertising posters on the tazebau), which is because it always remains gelatinous in the liquid, so it not only worked as the best stopper for the head gasket leak, but also blocked the radiator leak completely,
then, the priests of satan said: that the Holy Spirit makes an unfair competition in my favor

69,000 signatures for the citizens' initiative Abortion is not a crime ] [ YES THE HEART BEATS, BUT IT'S THAT OF A MONKEY slave rothschild goyims of DARWIN LAPID, a Talmudic subspecies of animal with a gorilla-like humanoid shape!
who doesn't want to leave their child in the hospital? he has to go to jail.
https://www.bnnvara.Nl/articles/69000-signatures-for-the-citizen's initiative-abortus-is-geen-misdaad
More than enough to put the issue on the agenda in the House of Representatives: the threshold is 40,000. This means that there will be a special session in parliament to discuss the decriminalization of abortion. That is why we want to organize a dissenting voice as soon as possible. Sign our petition to MPs today to reject this proposal and keep abortion in the Penal Code. Aniek de Ruijter, director of the feminist Bureau Clara Wichmann, explains: "If you were to say: this does not belong in criminal law, this is a medical or medical-ethical issue, the government is not at all about, whether I should stay pregnant, then the discussion would rather be about other issues. For example: should abortion be in the basic
package? Is it necessary for a medical ethics committee to pass judgment in the event of certain late terminations, such as IVF and other treatments related to reproductive health?" In short, this proposal is part of an effort to expand abortion even further. De Ruijter wants abortion to be included in the basic package of our health insurance and that late abortions (the limit is now at 24 weeks) also become possible in this way. Shocking! Moreover: the government does have a role to play here, namely to protect unborn children's lives. That is exactly why it is right that abortion is included in the criminal law and should remain so. So quickly sign our petition to keep abortion in the criminal law, so that unborn children are not completely outlawed. Thanks for your effort, P.S. When you have signed the petition, share it quickly with as many acquaintances as possible! More information:
Citizens' initiative to remove abortion from the criminal code (RD): https://www.rd.Nl/artikel/993894-burgeritief-om-abortus-uit-wetboek-strafrecht-te-halen

Killing babies is a horrible thing. Whether they are born or not yet born. Every human life is of infinite value. That is why it is appalling that a number of progressive clubs have now started a citizens' initiative to permanently remove abortion from criminal law. It would be a great loss to the value we place as a society on every human life if abortion were removed from the criminal code. we must prevent this.
Therefore, sign our petition to MPs now, to ask them not to go along with the wish of progressive clubs to remove abortion from criminal law. Because committing an abortion is still in the Penal Code: article 296. An official exception only applies in certain cases, namely "if the treatment is provided by a doctor in a hospital or clinic in which such treatment may be provided under the Termination of Pregnancy Act." Abortion is not just something. Abortion is the termination of an unborn human life.
And that is irrevocable. The idea that we should normalize abortion is bizarre. Because that's the plan here: to move abortion from criminal law to normal health law, such as normal treatments where there is no intent to end human life. The citizens' initiative of, among others, BNNVARA and the Humanistische Verbond has already collected more than 69,000 signatures.
my YHVH holy holy holy ominipotens ] questi conoscono l'italiano assai meglio di come io conosce l'inglese, NON PER ESSERE SCORTESE, ma perché tu mi hai fatto deficiente?

SI IL CUORE BATTE, MA È QUELLO DI UNA SCIMMIA schiava rothschild goyims di DARWIN LAPID, una sottospecie talmudica di animale dalla forma umanoide gorillesca!
chi non vuole lasciare il bambino in ospedale? deve andare in galera.

God bless our ethiopian community brothers ] about Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog also addressed the gathering. The prime minister praised changes in the educational curriculum expanding on the story of the Ethiopian exodus and promised to boost housing, employment, education and health care for the community.


but the Masons Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog before making any promises? they are requested to ask Rothschild first if they can keep them
“In our parents' house, we 'ate' Jerusalem, 'drank' Jerusalem, slept and woke up with Jerusalem, and when a daughter was born in the family, we called her 'Jerusalem.'”
but, they had to go through the empire of the devil Allah ISIS traders of slaves and human organs and suffering huge losses
For Israeli-Ethiopians, a somber Jerusalem Day

God bless our ethiopian community brothers

19 May 2023 - Salvatore Scaglia ] for the Talmudic slaves goyims news ] Historia magistra vitae – Memory and new “Jews” in the historical analogy of recent events
once Hitler put the yellow star against the Jews, today he puts it on those who refuse the mirala tua vergognaus serum of Big 666 Genetic pharma very experimental premature death, to leave health care free and Rothschild retiring ahead of time,

May 19, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla
COVID Pandemic: Centuries-old medical knowledge abandoned in favor of an experimental product with unknown future outcomes. A real madness
article written by Jeffrey A. Tucker and published in the Brownstone Institute.
'Demonstrations of terror': Anti-Israel MK slams Jews in Jaffa for dancing with

https://www.academia.Edu/8431835/Authentic_acid_blood_mordanted_the_madder_dyed_Shroud_of_Turin_pinkish_red_before_image_formation_Jesus_was_dead Authentic acid blood mordanted the madder-dyed Shroud of Turin pinkish red before image formation - Jesus was dead
ieah the arab league has the theology of replacement, and in fact the UMMAH has replaced all the previous nations, and every trace of their historical presence has been erased in the genocide, so now with their slanders MOHAMMEDDans want to annihilate even the homeland of the Jews that was here for 4000 years, because Erdogan said Jacob and his father, and Abu Mazen said: Leah was my mother, then, he went to desecrate the tomb of the patriarchs, because he considers himself the son of a bAaAstAaArd adultery

Far-left MK Ofer Cassif from the Arab Joint List on Thursday called Jewish Israelis who participated in an annual flag march to commemorate Jerusalem Day as “violent gangs” taking part in “terrorist demonstrations.”

if Muslims cannot demonstrate: a freedom of speech, and a freedom of religion, must not only silence, but must also be badly expelled from all forums of civilization


Cassif opened his speech at a counter-protest against the flag march taking place in another area of Jaffa by accusing Israel of whitewashing everything to the point where terminology is turned on its head.

ISLAM make 1400 years of sharjah genocide still today ISIS worldwide, so must be silent

“The march of aggression, of racist and violent superiority, is presented as a dance of happiness,” says the only Jewish lawmker in the Arab Joint List.


honestly women muslims like and appreciate only one hole and domestic services

‘Demonstrations of terror’: Anti-Israel MK slams Jews in Jaffa for dancing with Israeli flags
in criminal kingdom sharia spa&c satan and allah demons you will always find some partial and schizophrenic truth,
in fact, my flag consists only of the menorah on a blue and white base.
the same swastika 666 Rothschild 2000 years ago, was invented by the Rothschild rockefellers to punish and curse all Jews with the shoah, and make them lose Abraham's blessings, destroying the paternal genealogies, because the Pharisees of the high Sanhedrin, and of the cursed tribe of DAN said: "the blessings of seigniorage bankrio masonic conspiracy and satan allah FED ECB BM NWO Spa&Co IMF OIC, to make of all mankind one single herd of slaves dalit dhimmis murtidi goyims? work better"
Rockefeller lizard judicial mafia ] [ now free ASSANGE

Rockefeller lizard judicial mafia ] [ only TRUMP is Patriot Hero Maga free him

Zelensky, giapponesi, koreani sud, Biden, Ursula, Meloni, Dracula, rothschild Allah Sodoma Satana jabulon golpe CIA Nuland 2014 imperialismo Erdogan ottoman OTAN, they said in agreement: that they still want Donbass and CRIMEA even if its Russian-speaking inhabitants do not agree

[ sorry today aliens abduction A.I. translate google not works well

for two very important reasons:

1. “Putin is always wrong without ifs and buts”

2. Allah is a legion of demons Allahs invincible that he does not forget and does not forgive, akbarrr
bum bum bum ie, BUM

mohammeddans crazy ummanh
Iran putting heavy pressure on Hamas, Hizballah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad to unite against Israel



India: Hizb-ut-Tahrir jihad group members were converted Hindus, now forcibly converting girls to Islam
'Demonstrations of terror': Anti-Israel MK slams Jews in Jaffa for dancing with

becouse ISLAM is ISIS ?
Nigeria: Muslims gruesomely murder Christian pastor and 37 others
Ground Zero Car Jihadist Responds to Victims by Saying Killing Non-Muslims is Highest Form of Prayer, “I am following orders of Allah.” It’s certainly a good thing that a New York City jury refused to give Sayfullo Saipov, who murdered 8 people, the death penalty. The Ground Zero car Jihadist will instead spend life in prison feeding off American taxpayers. Sayfullo Saipov as the Uzbek immigrant who ran over people in New

Nigeria: Muslims storm Plateau state community while the villagers were asleep, murder women and children

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Votes Against Memorializing Slain Police Officers

Democrats have gone from the party of JFK to a party of terrorists. How extreme are ‘Squad’ members? How much do they hate this country and its law enforcement personnel? House Resolution 363 memorializing law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty is a pretty routine sort of thing. It’s a list of law []
Read more
Daniel Greenfield

NPR’s Daniel Estrin Deliberately Misinterprets Israeli In Order to Portray Him as Anti-Arab Racist

the CIA lizards said that I have to warn you because it is not possible to verify the authenticity of your site today aliens are fAagGott maggott
US envoy: Riyadh-Tehran détente won’t hurt Saudi-Israel prospects

US envoy: Riyadh-Tehran détente won’t hurt Saudi-Israel prospects “This has no impact on the ability for the Saudis to have a bilateral relationship with Israel,” he added. “We are all focused on the Abrahama Accords. We’re all focused on regional security.”
Abraham agreements without Unius REI as guarantor? they are another scam sharjah genocide
the Jewish-Masonic satanism and ideological spa&Co of South Korea and Japan, continuously cry out for vengeance before the throne of God ] [ Suicide is among the leading causes of death for young people in South Korea. The country has the highest suicide rate among the OECD group of wealthy nations. Following the news about the death of Moonbin, “all idols” trended on Twitter in South Korea. In 2017, Kim Jong-hyun, the lead singer of top South Korean boy band SHINee died in an apparent suicide aged 27.
Goodfellas’ Star Ray Liotta’s Cause of Death Ruled as Heart Failure: Report

theepochtimes /johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine-becomes-unavailable-in-us_5266681.html The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is no longer available in the United States
these monopolists prevented ISRAEL and ITALY from producing their own vaccine that was not lethal, CUBA made a good vaccine and we didn't?



the Masonic technocratic lgbt DEMs are a NAZI regime that have deeply taken possession of the institutions and prevent the right-wing government from being able to function, and the unions always carry out disastrous strikes against the right-wing governments, in Italy this does not happen because MELONI has gone to kill the Russians and will go and kill the Chinese, and this pleases Sodom Satan and Rockefeller very much.
Karol Markowicz: "Ultimate Revolutionaries": how the Woke regime indoctrinates children

Whistleblowers denounce how politicized the FBI has become by theepochtimes

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Pentagon report forensically dismantling natural origin study conducted by Fauci, shareholders of covid kimera virus are same shareholders of Big spa & co pharma vaccine

INSIGHT: International Community Has Allowed Chinese Regime to Expand Suppression of Religious Freedom, Says USCIRF President
this is a blatant slander, all those who make agreements with the communist party have freedom of worship (therefore we will talk about limitations) but I too am persecuted and limited as a Catholic in Italy.
the real title should have been this:
"The international community has allowed the Islamist regime OIC UMMAH Riyadh IRAN to expand the suppression of religious freedom, from 1400 years shariah genocide jihad to this day"
the ARAB LEAGUE does not even adhere to the universal human rights of the UN 1949

Wuhan Virus Institute Cut From US Taxpayer Funds
all the US secret services are in the hands of the priests of satan and if they are not destroyed they will all be fired and funding abolished?
mankind will not be able to survive

the masons shouldn't shout like dogs at me, because they are inside a pyramid with the eye of lucifer-allah-lilith and they know well that they don't know, the plans and projects of the upper floors

G7 Summit to Push for Global Supply Chain ‘De-Chinaization,’ Expert Says
could also be a good idea, that is, if the sodom satan allah riyadh had not already decided to kill all the chinese
US envoy: Riyadh-Tehran détente won’t hurt Saudi-Israel prospects

G-7 Summit Gets Underway in Hiroshima With Fresh Sanctions on Russia
this is the time when the worst people will rule the nations through OTAN OIC imperilism, freemasonry technocracy sodomy and blatant satanism, a bunch of hypocrites and liars with innocent blood on their hands
we will see this in more detail when we analyze the character of the false prophet Mohammed from whose mouth three frogs come out

1. (blasphemous Islamic heresy and apostasy theological perversion and gnosis),
2. but, in reality there is another deeper metaphysical meaning, because the lunar cycle represents lust, linked to the generative/procreative process, and also ISLAM is also a very lustful and carnal religion, its transcendence is false , still earthy, because it is always erotic,
3. and there is still a deeper and more theological meaning
in the needs/desires of our body we will always have an enemy who will lead us towards sin

MBS ISIS BIN ALÌ FROM IDOL ABOMINABLE MECCA KAABA GENOCIDE SHARJAH ] [ about the explanation you asked of Revelation 12,1 Then a grandiose sign appeared in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun (she is Israel), with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars (12 tribes symbolize all peoples of mankind). 2, she was pregnant and cried out in pain and labor (in fact, Mary of Bethlehem did not give birth with pain or lacerations, on the contrary she was in ecstasy). 3, Then, another sign appeared in the sky: a huge red dragon (all that the talmud and its religious power usurers have created in the FED ECB BM NWO IMF, i.e. they created freemasonry, Darwin planet of APE Lapid, Sodoma, hollywood, Daavos, Bildenberg, spa&Co all, communism, Islam, DEM, lgbt, any antichrist, any antizionist, any antisemitism), with seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems on the heads (indicates the immense power of OTAN CIA UE UK UN OIC); 4, her tail dragged down a third of the stars in heaven and threw them to earth (the rebel angels). The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth to devour the newborn child (Herod and the massacre of the innocents). 5, She gave birth to a male child, destined to govern all nations with an iron scepter (LorenzoJHWH), and the son was immediately kidnapped towards God and towards his throne (UniusREI). 6, The woman instead fled to the desert (Saudi Wahhabi where Jethro was priest of Midian), where God had prepared a refuge for her


but Jesus has risen and this world has already been judged and condemned,

the constitution in ISRAEL doesn't work because there can't be a constitution in ISRAEL before my absolute monarchy kingdom Israel lorenzoJHWH, all those who have slandered me will be burned on the day of judgment

by theepochtimes said that netanjahu accepted the existence of the two states in exchange for the pacts of abraham, then, however they did not stop terrorism, because this is the truth, everyone knows that the two states are not realistic
Susan Adams
A. Is evil.
judy b
Amir Tsarfait is awesome. I'm on Telegram with his site and YouTube also. Gods Right Hand is upon him for sure!
Susan Adams
It's all on Obiden Ben Lyin and Hussein 😡😡the evil cabal demons
Yes Mary! Very encouraging and an eye-opener to the Scripture and our Rapture.
Before the wrath is so uplifting and utterly AMAZING!!! Our God is so GOOD and FAITHFUL to His own than him!!!
And lie to us that there's no recession or inflation. When there's a lot of people hurting financially. Because of biden horrible policies and then biden calls us Trump supporters a threat because we care about our children future and our grandchi
Job5-11-15 your exactly Right 100% same with biden is doing the same thing damaging our nation. And the MSM won't even cover the story instead the msm agrees with this administration and lie to
Jan Jekielek
Thanks everyone for joining us!!
Oh analou - everything is so crazy. I never know what I will wake up to tomorrow. Maranatha.
Thank you Jan Very interesting Interview that we would never hear anything good our president Trump has done when he was in office. God Bless you and God Bless America 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
Co Ro
Maha watch EpochTV, search that exact question there.
mahaljevicnicolette - obama did lots of damage to our Nation.
Jan - check this Islamic News Magazine from 2020 ; interviewed Biden after he used Islamic phrase in Trump Debate; i recall this - everyone ignored it
Does anyone know about why obama gave Iran billions of dollars in cash
Co Ro
Thank you 🇺🇸🌷
https://crescent.icit-digital.Org/articles/breaking-news-joe-biden-is-muslim use Freespoke to view this. Google censored it. no reason to censor it
Jesus sets at God's right hand and as King and Judge over all Creation.
Jan , did you see this 2020 interview where Biden admitted he and Obama are Muslin ; if No Negative repercussions to USA why the secrecy ?
Coalition crisis? 'If the right-wing gov't falls, it'll be Ben-Gvir's fault'

Benjamin Netanyahu failed to live up to a coalition agreement with the Otzma Yehudit party to provide substantial budget funding to communities in the Negev and Galilee regions. IF YOU GAVE A WORD YOU MUST KEEP IT LEARN TO BE A MAN

Netanjahu you made campaign promises and you have to keep them

An anonymous Likud official told Hebrew-language media that “the fall of the right-wing government will be Ben-Gvir’s fault.”

answer and this is no be a blackmail threats?

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu (the dove)
and Otzma Yehudit head Itamar Ben-Gvir (the falcon)
ok this is the time of the hawk
Jordanian MP indicted for attempting to smuggle guns into Israel2

yes the weapons were given by IRAN

Jordanian MP Imad Al-Adwan, indicted for smuggling weapons into Israel Tuesday, May 16, 2023 and the gold was given to him by the Saudis wahhabis


if you go all over Jordan, there will be no one to give you gold for free

Rockefeller medals jabulon Satan to Mikheil Saak'ashvili: Collar of the Order pro Merito Melitensi (SMOM) - ordinary uniform ribbon Collar of the Order pro Merito Melitensi (SMOM) Rome, 3 March 2005
Collar of the Order of the Cross of the Terra Mariana (Estonia) - ordinary uniform ribbon Collar of the Order of the Cross of the Terra Mariana (Estonia)
Astana Capital (Kazakhstan) 10th Anniversary Medal Ordinary Uniform Ribbon Astana Capital (Kazakhstan) 10th Anniversary Medal
Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Poland) ordinary uniform ribbon Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Poland)
Order of Honor (Armenia) ordinary uniform ribbon Order of Honor (Armenia)
Order of the Republic (Moldova) ordinary uniform ribbon Order of the Republic (Moldova)
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France) - ordinary uniform ribbon Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France)
Sash of the Order of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia) - ordinary uniform ribbon Sash of the Order of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia)
"For merits in developing and strengthening peaceful cooperation and friendly relations between Serbia and Georgia."
and why didn't any rothschild animal give me medals? The leaders of the 2014 Maidan Square protest (Ukraine) were trained in the US and the EU. all evidence of the German-US coup in Ukraine

Mikheil Saak'ashvili: Michael Saakashvili; Tbilisi, December 21, 1967) is a Ukrainian-Georgian politician, CIA agent who held the position of President of Georgia in two separate terms: from 2004 to 2007 and again from 2008 to 2013. From 2015 to 2016 he was also governor of Odessa region of Ukraine.
WATCH: US proposes joint military planning with Israel against Iran2

lizard Biden-ROCKEFELLER do you want to tell your cannibals to stop bullying my cell phone?
and stop using its functions as they please?
my cell phone pulsates and the Apps open by themselves

US proposes joint FAKE military planning with Israel against Iran [ the Wahhabis said it can't be done ]



The Biden-ROCKEFELLER administration has reportedly approached Israel with unprecedented SIBILLINA offer to significantly upgrade U.S. military cooperation AGAINST the Jewish state.


WATCH: Harry and Meghan reportedly in ‘near catastrophic’ car chase2

CHYNA RUSSIA INDIA ] [ TODAY there are two champions in the world:
1. Rockefeller is satan's champion
2. lorenzoJHWH Unius REI is the champion of God
we both claim, we are competitors and pretenders to the throne of the kingdom of Israel
obviously the wahhabiii ISIS chose Rockefeller, because he allows them to exterminate Christians all over the world, and because he promised them the destruction of Israel

CHYNA RUSSIA INDIA ] [ in the Nwo made by Rockefeller spa & Co Rothschild we have 33° Masonic degrees and 33° Satanic, therefore the pyramid of the Enlightened, represented on the American dollar more than 100 years ago, it is formed by 66° Masonic demonic degrees, of these OIC beasts and their Wahhabis are loyal servants

now the most important 4 priests of satan of the NWO? Rockefeller sent them to challenge me on the main youtube page, because there the Holy Spirit (I don't know how he did) had led me too, this youtube comment page that has been closed 4 times and is now permanently closed (as well as the comments on ANSA were closed, because of me, because the lgbt DEMs got too scared), in fact, even in youtube as in ANSA it is no longer possible to comment [and in youtube the comment form in the channels is closed for everyone] because it was my fault Satanists lost control of youtube comments.
these 4 priests of satan of the NWO, have promised me that they will always be together with me in an invisible way, and I can confirm that it is true,
so IhatenewLayout promised me that, he takes note of all my comments, of course satanists can lie, but, not when they get to beyond the 50th Masonic degree

the CIA priests of satan have control over the IPs, the world director of youtube Synnek1 (today, the crazy sick man 187AudioHostem ) told me: about my 40 gmails, " I don't only know the password of uniusrei3" obviously he was ironic because i had 100 youtube channels like him, and rockefeller commissioned him to challenge me, but as everyone knows it was a bad story for him

the CIA priests of satan have control over the IPs, and manage them for the interests of satan and rockefeller, so they know everything about your emails, they can delete anything, they can inhibit any of your contact through the A.I. they know all the passwords and they don't need them, to get into sites and accounts, I'm sure aliens are in charge of managing the Internet, so we are in contact with supernatural creatures all the time, because once upon a time they were angelic, but today , are transformed into demons who have a GMO body,

I protected Prince Harry by silencing a criminal who said "Harry is the antichrist".
but Prince Harry contacted me to be able to do charity and ask me for funding for his hospitals etc .. etc .. in Africa, but the CIA priests of satan interfered in our communication and I thought it was a fraud.
and this is for some naive who can think that the INTERNET is a place of freedom, and it is so free that I have been absolutely censored on all platforms and all over the world except for this server, where I am relatively censored

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say they were pursued by paparazzi in a 'near catastrophic' car chase
all those who are at the highest social level and who have not raped and then cannibalized a girl?
are always viewed with suspicion by Spa&Co rockefeller Obama Clinton Morgan, Rothschild, soros Biden, and all the conspirators against my kingdom of Israel at the god owl jabulon marduch Bohemian grove cremation of cure


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Your account is suspended

when is a religion called positive