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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israeli and US diplomats attack Palestinian Authority leader as Jerusalem

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists 

Henry Kissinger, a hundred years of murders, wars, betrayals, betrayals, conspiracies and sodomitic satanism Rockefeller is the master of the slaves goyims dalit dhimmis and memories of corruption and conspiracies and secrets of US diplomacy. but the beasts of satan and rothschild harden their skin before to go down to hell



🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

3 minutes ago

these mentally "bum bum bum" ill Erdogan ummah kaaba demon jihad law sharia and UAE inaugurated new House ISIS of Philosophy?

there can be no philosophy without freedom of thought 


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

21 minutes ago

all who spread technocratic masonic satanism DEM lgbt shariah must be ravaged by disease

Céline Dion gets worse, all concerts canceled until 2024: «I am devastated, but I continue the treatments»

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Putin wants the Trinity to win the war: the no of the Moscow Museum, In hoc signo vinces, the heavens "said" to Emperor Constantine before the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Centuries later, Vladimir Putin has divine support upon himself, ingratiating himself with the intercession of Kirill through the precious icon of the Holy Trinity by Andrej Rublev.


CIA Deep State and rockefeller priests of satan Ursula Macron Trudeau are sending so many ukrainians to die in vain against Russia, WHEN EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE REAL GOAL since 2012 has been to GET NATO INTO A CLASH AGAINST RUSSIA AND CONSEQUENTLY AGAINST CHINA 
🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Top Israeli general says 'action' is on horizon over Iran nuclear work


the horizon is too distant, dark, ambiguous and tenebrous because a supernatural demonic talmudic-Koranic kabbalah deep state spa&Co shareholders FED ECB BM NWO IMG OIC ISIS studied geopolitical positions to minimize losses and maximize profits to the detriment of mankind subjected to sharia genocide, what are Israel's hopes of surviving if all the actors antizionist sama antichrist have same lies or sama dark plans?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


saruman spa&co rockefeller morgan demons lgbt usurers satana allah jabulon wahhabis rothschild sodoma they stole the Jewish Christian symbols from the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH

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Dershowitz: Amanpour equating terrorists and victims is ‘beneath contempt’

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lorenzoJHWH is King ISRAEL only one

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Hamas wins Palestinian university elections, proving growing support in

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Rockefeller Spa&Co DEM lgbt Rothschild FED ECB BM NWO IMF ] [ I like to see people happy, but now that we understand where did satanism come from in these 2000 years? now you have to compensate me lorenzoJHWH UniusREI:

about my homeland,

about my religion,

about my human kind,

about, my kingdom of Israel

"Leave those territories to Putin". The Chinese diktat to Europe, leave them immediately all of Ukraine is a zone of Russian influence and OTAN must not enter it

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


https://voxnews.Info/2023/05/26/trans-milano-e-di-nuovo-in-giro-a-importunare-bimbi-e-i-vigli-feriti-allospedale-video/ Trans Milano is around again and the injured children in the hospital – VIDEO May 26, 2023 On the case of the trans of Milan, he not even a scratch and the police in the emergency room. But they investigate. The trans is out again harassing children and giving interviews, while the police have been punished. The media system is ideologically corrupt. Like much of the political and judicial one. Just think of the total silence on what happened to a Neapolitan colleague of the Milan brigade:

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


the criminal lgbt DEMs do not defend: the people, the police and or children, but they defend the trans lgbt, this Trans who prostitutes himself in the garden in front of the school, candidly stated that he was drunk on drugs and hit his head in the police car because he was angry against other South Americans like him, while the police representative claims that the Trans (didn't get a day's prognosis, while the policemen did get the prognosis) and in fact the TRANS spat on the policemen saying they had HIV, TRANS MILANO, THE TRUTH: NAKED SURPRISE THE 3-YEAR-OLD KIDS OF THE KINDERGARTEN - VIDEO SHOCK, Here not only should the police not be investigated: the mayor and the authorities who did not intervene to prevent him from bothering the children should be investigated. But dog doesn't bite dog. And the magistrates - who despite the complaints always help the illegal immigrants - or left-wing politicians are never investigated for their serious omissions.

Del Debbio also takes a half bow to the 'woke' ideology and defines the bearded trans as 'the trans'.

https://voxnews.Info/2023/05/26/trans-milano-la-verita-importunava-nudo-i-bambini-di-3-anni-dellasilo-video-choc/ Previous articlePickpocketing Roma enjoy beating up Italians: prosecutor investigates the police - VIDEO next articleImmigrants beat, sell and rape: if you touch them they will investigate you – VIDEO


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


/ecco-i-nuovi-fascisti-così-ci-impongono-il-pensiero-unico/ new NAZI are DEM lgbt!

Fascism exists, it lives. And it is certainly not in the palaces of politics, on the contrary. We saw it at the Turin book fair when a small group of squad-wearing girls prevented Family Minister Eugenia Roccella from speaking. We see it in advertisements, films, cartoons rewritten for the new generations with a single intention: to impose a thought. Imposing thought, the unique Lgbtq one etc etc through propaganda. A new narrative made in the name of equality. So everything changes, even the vocabulary to use. The mayor becomes “mayor”; the engineer turns into "engineer" and so on. Not to mention, then, those who persist in using even the schwa, the upside down "e" to be clear, crippling the Italian language. Yes, because there are those who want to destroy the genre. No longer the man and the

woman but the individual. No longer the father and mother but the parent. One and two if necessary. An arrogance made in the name of ideology.

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


"He disguised himself as a Nazi." Roger Waters investigated


this guy needs to be helped, maybe he has some grievance against Rothschild, if maybe not, he needs to be arrested

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Minister Santanchè of Tourism in Trento for the Eco Festival, Santanchè: «We are trying to rebalance the Rai of the Pd. announced? Maybe we'll see her during the election campaign."


it is too late the infiltration of the DEM lgbt Freemasons in the public administration is now an ineradicable cancer

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Zelensky: F-16 to Ukraine strong signal for Russia


======== everyone knows that the CIA coup in 2014 has nuclear world war as its main objective, because it is impossible to wrest Donbass or CRIMEA away from Putin.


without monetary sovereignty? there is no political sovereignty, this is an octopus Ursula, and the words of Zelensky and all his accomplices murderers thieves and traitors fellow Western political Masons also like Netanjahu?

they have no truth and no dignity

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


BERGOGLIO lives like a ruthless dictator however he relativized/devalued the role of Peter (munus petrino) in order to effectively open the Church to sodomy in spite of his claims, because BERGOGLIO lives behind the demonic lgbt DEM spa&Co scam banking seigniorage Bildenberg Davos regime antizionist Jewish kabbakah.

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notizie/mondo/un-altro-sacerdote-arrestato-così-il-regime-perseguita-la-chiesa/ the parasitic and demonic Jewish-Masonic society also lives in NICARAGUA] [the priest is accused of having committed acts that undermine the independence, sovereignty and self-determination of the nation pursuant to art. 1 of law 1055, "an accusation addressed in particular to the opponents and critics of the Ortega dictatorship. As happened in other cases

of imprisoned priests, the police press release states that the priest was drunk and accompanied

by a woman", reports Acs again recalling that "he is the third priest arrested in recent days. The diocese of Esteli has confirmed that also don Eugenio Rodrìguez and don Leonardo Guevara Gutiérrez are being investigated by the police".

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Ukraine, 10 billion EU activated for military support, The EU High Representative for Defence: "Many more than we expected


these satan sodom of criminal masons technocratic Bildenberg Davos they are staining our hands with innocent blood, they are leading us into a war which by its nature is one of imperialist aggression, and they are making us pay the costs of the nuclear World War that CIA and OTAN have planned and done against Russia in 2014, only because the Russians refused to recognize me as King of Israel

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'Gross affront to Holocaust victims and survivors': US envoy blasts Abbas

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


also in Nicaragua lives the parasitic and demonic Masonic society ] [ Zelensky's Freemasons weren't content with destroying the Catholic religion, and filling and infiltrating the Vatican with their own staff and freemason imposter BERGOGLIO, but the obsession of annihilating Christians? he never leaves them because it is in their Jewish and Luciferian nature, in fact every antichrist is also an anti-Zionist, In Nicaragua "it is now a manhunt, or rather a priest. The police have arrested Father Jaime Iván Montesino Sauceda, from the parish of Chaguitillo, Matagalpa. They call it treason, he allegedly 'threatened the independence and sovereignty of the nation'".

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


power climbers and the same can be said of Zelensky who took so much money and power and sold his people by sending them to die for rothschild interests

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Giuseppe Conte M5S power climbers ] [ when did they betray: the homeland the commitments with the voters, and did they betray sovereignty by going to the PD Bildenberg EU agenda sodomy and rothschild plutocratic masonic satanism? he was there too, along with all of them! ] [ Total denial. "Infamous Di Maio represents the betrayal of the greatest hope of political renewal of the last 10 years". On TV, Danilo Toninelli thus torpedoed the former political leader of the Five Stars, writing yet another daring page in the decadent Grillina epic. Together with the government during Count I, now the former Minister of Transport and the current EU representative in the Persian Gulf are two starkly opposite worlds. Without any point of contact. "Have I ever heard from him again? And how do I do it? I pick up the phone to tell him 'go to hell, Luigi' and hang up?", observed the former 5s parliamentarian, venting himself to Peter Gomez in the first episode of the new season of the The Confession.

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/lotta-alle-discriminazioni-no-propaganda-gender-a-scuola-fdi-attacca-il-pd/ parental responsibility cannot be trampled on by going to ideologically rape children in schools, to teach a theory of the Darwin-lgbt-gender that has no scientific basis! And we have therefore solved the problem: that of knowing the protocols first". Without this step, the vote against was triggered also supported by the councilor of the League, Cecilia Cappelletti. A reaction that the mayor of the PD of Florence, Dario Nardella, did not appreciate, criticizing the center-right. Criticisms that have however been rejected to the sender. "To the mayor I say that I am against any discrimination: se*, language, ethnicity - commented Scipioni, not sparing a "jab" to the DEM lgbt - however to propagate the gender ideology surreptitiously it can be wrong. We don't know what happens if the protocols are not sent: I asked to meet these people. What's the fear?"

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Roger Ellison

I don't want to be violent with words, but I will be with actions,

muslims have 1400 years of sharia genocide behind their backs and in front of theirs, with their global jihad galaxyh ISIS and they don't notice it, every day they kill 300 innocent Christians and they don't notice it

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Israeli and US diplomats attack Palestinian Authority leader as Jerusalem worries about potential UN blacklist. The US ambassador to the United Nations criticized the Palestinian Authority leader during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday morning. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield chastised Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas for his inflammatory speech at the United Nations 'Nakba Day' event on May 15. Thomas-Greenfield said Abbas ' misunderstanding of Israel "with the lies of notorious Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels " was a "major affront to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust". She added that making such a statement "about the world's only Jewish state is completely unacceptable, especially in a time of growing anti-Semitic violence around the world." In that speech, Abbas released a list of grievances that he says have contributed to the current plight of Palestinians, including the claim that the United States and the United Kingdom have sent their Jews to the Land of Israel to benefit their own countries. Thomas-Greenfield said on May 24 that Abbas's rhetoric was "totally baseless, and is deeply offensive to the American people."


I don't want to be violent with words, but I will be with actions, muslims have 1400 years of sharia genocide behind their backs and in front of theirs, with their global jihad galaxyh ISIS and they don't notice it, every day they kill 300 innocent Christians and they don't notice it

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Hamas wins Palestinian university elections, proving growing support in

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

Critics of the Palestinian Authority, such as the late political activist Nizar Banat, are often prosecuted by the entity. Speaking out against the corruption of the Palestinian Authority can lead to imprisonment or even murder at the hands of the body's security forces. Notably, while Hamas concentrates extensive resources on campaigns to attract support in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas in Judea and Samaria, the terrorist group does not allow elections in universities in the Gaza Strip.


all the immediate crimes of the ARAB LEAGUE go quietly in the Western media and politicians, even when it is a Muslim who commits a crime in the West, his identity is not easily revealed

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

'RED BUTTON'? Trump roasts DeSantis' 2024 presidential launch, refers to

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

Since the start of hostilities with Ukraine in 2014 (who CIA initiated this coup?), Russian propaganda outlets frequently quote pro-Moscow American citizens. And if you see Western intellectuals bowing to the Soviet leadership, minimizing its crimes (the crimes of a civil war imposed by NATO and fought with civilians in the cities are not valued), but it is judged who it is who kindled the fire with evil calculation, and


this slanderous article assumes that we are corrupts hired by Putin, and not that we are actually seekers of justice,

and I would be very curious to know how they can slander me

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

Biden replies to Trump on Twitter: "The January 6 rioters weren't good people", The former US president had defined that day as "beautiful" in an interview with CNN


for the DEMs to steal the elections or make a coup in Israel? it is not a serious thing but an act due to darwin jabulon satan sodom

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

DeSantis presidential launch in 2024?

expect it in 2028

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

but what's the point of a fake vote, if Rockefeller has real monetary sovereignty?

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


20 hours ago

so you think world war nuclear III is good to watch on tv for you?

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'GREAT AMERICAN COMEBACK': Ron DeSantis Running for President

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

20 hours ago

Russian premier in China, Xi confirms support for RUSSIA,

"Collaboration to New Levels Against Western Domination"


in Western slanderous propaganda, there is pure Satanism

in Western slanderous propaganda, it is said that it was Russia that started the third world war and instead Nuland had been paying the Ukrainian Freemasons since 2013 and then bribed them, carried out a coup and indulged in a Russian-speaking pogrom in the Donbass for 8 years, because in CRIMEA Putin has secured his people from the aggression of Rockefeller and his Nazi-fascist sodomites

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

21 hours ago

for President Kazakhstan about Russia and Belarus: here there is only one state, only one nuclear power in common.

Freemasons are part of one worldwide symbiotic supernatural demonic organism called an ENTITY

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

21 hours ago

Canticle of the King ISRAEL lorenzoJHWH Unius REI in Malachi 3,16 Then the God-fearing spoke among themselves.

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,17, They will become - says the Lord of hosts - my property in the day that I prepare. I will have compassion on them as a father has compassion on his son who serves him.

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,18, Then you will convert and you will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

19, For behold, the day that is as hot as an oven is about to come. Then all the proud and all who do wrong will be like straw; that day coming will burn them up - says the Lord of hosts - so as to leave them neither root nor shoot.

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,20, For you instead, lovers of my name, the sun of justice will rise with beneficial rays and you will come out leaping like calves from the stable.

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,21, You will trample the wicked reduced to ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I prepare, says the Lord of hosts.

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,22, Keep in mind the law of my servant Moses, whom I commanded at Horeb, statutes and regulations for all of Israel. Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,23, Behold, I will send the prophet Elijah before he comes

the great and terrible day of the Lord,

Canticle of the King Unius REI in Malachi 3,24, for him to convert the heart of the fathers towards the children and the heart of the children towards the fathers;

so that I coming do not strike

the country with extermination.

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ There is something Almighty God got wrong with creation, so Satan Biden Trueadu Sodom Gomorrah, Babylon the wh0r00e, FED ECB BM NWOO IMF Ursula and Macron the lgbt paedo lover they ran for cover ] [There is still "much to be done " to ensure adequate support and assistance to intersex children and accompany them in their growth, as they become teenagers and then arrive at adulthood. There is still "much to be done" to ensure their well-being, and treatments deemed satisfactory by all people who live with disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD) or, as we prefer to call them, differences in the development of se* or even variations in the characteristics of the se*. A very heterogeneous and complex world of conditions, which poses a still unresolved "public health problem", admit the specialists who deal with it.

Lapid dem Kamala Harris the witch and Darwin monkeys said all children could be intersex


and if with that waistcoat Ali Khamenei hides his feminine in him? you should go and check for yourself

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago



🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago



🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

ISLAM ISIS Beautifull ] [ the Shia Takfiri blasphemous heretics and apostates said: Iran says,

" we do not recognize the Taliban rule in Afghanistan: "

obviously, the Taliban are Sunnis and they massacre Shiites very willingly, but some might mistakenly think that the Shiites contest something of the sharia, but no, they really don't, in fact because of a strand of hair out of place of a girl killed for it? they have already killed 1000 people, poisoned 4000, raped 1000 girls in prison and 5000 are still in prison, that is, all this happened for just one strand of hair out of place

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

jeah al- Salman bin ISIS Abdulaziz al Saud. yes, I know you also have a problematic child (like all of us), poor children were all born in a demonic Rockefeller spa & co era.

i know that the crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS).

he makes you worry, because he no longer wants to kill innocent Christian martyrs (but I say, what is the life of an infidel who is always and in any case destined to go to hell worth? And if while he lives he converts a Muslim and takes he too in hell? isn't it better to kill them all immediately? ) and then everyone goes saying that your son MBS is a hidden Christian converted by lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel, but those are all unfounded slanders, because if MBS were a true Christian hidden then, he then, would not want to kill all the Shia Takfiri blasphemous heretics and apostates

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

January 23, 2015: ISIS Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. A few hours after the death of his demonic half-brother Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud (whose pig carcass could not be seen, because he said: "I do not respect Unius REI"), then, to sit on the throne of the kingdom was the 79-year-old al- Salman bin ISIS Abdulaziz al Saud. but, King Salman will revolutionize the monarchy with a play of psychedelic lights and shadows that will see his figure intertwine with that of his reckless son, the crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS).

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

why do you want to give up your bad religion to take a worse one?

beautiful or ugly? you have only one mother,

wean yourself, stand upright, change your heart and you will meet God, whom Mohammed has never met and felt the need to found a religion

and you too like the religious sharia Mohammed? you will end up in hell like him

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MK to meet with senior terror-supporting Fatah official in Ramallah – report

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

ISIS MBS wahhabis jihad galaxy from Riyadh ] in fact, we have lost control over our children [ if you read Micah the prophet of Israel? you will understand many things that are obscure to you today, this book is about me. talk about Jesus of Bethlehem,

and he talks about too many things (world usury and how the Rothschilds destroy Abraham's blessings in all future generations): but what surprises me the most is to observe how he prophetically saw how children will not only be rebellious and cynically insolent against their parents, BUT HOW THEY WILL MAKE THEIR PARENTS MADE BY INSULTING AND PROFANING THEIR VIRTUE AND THEIR LOVE FOR THE CHILDREN THEMSELVES, AS MADNESS AND MAXIMUM IMPIETY, because this is absolutely a today's phenomenon wanted and designed and created by the rockefelelr kabbalah who spread satanism all over the world

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

all criminals take God's patience as weakness, or as the non-existence of God himself.

and yet, and God will not be able to clothe himself with your injustice or any injustice whatsoever, you shall pay for all the evil which you have done.

that's why, enlightened jews are luciferians Darwin Ape, masonry islamists, in mode explicitly, they have no hope after death,

as if to say they preferred the egg today instead of the chicken tomorrow

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

ISIS MBS wahhabis jihad galaxy from Riyadh ] [ how do you like to kill peaceful and unbranched Christians all over the world, just because all western leaders are employees of Rockefeller? you are a Masonic scum who deserves the death penalty at all times

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ How do you say you believe in God and then, you think God won't kill you? ] you who are the leader of the global jihadist galaxy, how do you think your attempt at neutrality between the USA and China in the third nuclear world war can save your demon Allah, from the fate he amply deserved?

you certainly won't save him and you won't succeed

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ no institutional Masonic structure without monetary sovereignty can be legitimized, it is illicit and will remain criminal abusive illicit,

today the State is in fact like a municipal administration without monetary and political sovereignty, of course the Satanist-Masons have made these state administrations legal

but can't they actually work in Israel where democracy is more real than elsewhere? then it doesn't work anywhere else, this (all governments on the planet, within the IMF monetary system) is a supernatural demonic Ursula Borrell regime


How do you say you believe in God and then, you think God won't kill you?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

MK will meet a senior Fatah official who supports terrorism in Ramallah


there are no officials because there is no Palestinian state, there is only an international sharia assassins association called UMMAH OIC Arab League

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

Muslims have not understood a fundamental principle, the New World Order of Satanists (today in partnership with the ummah) but, which they want to replace with the ummah and demographic bomb, soon, it feeds on hatred and is implemented with hatred

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

a day ago

Labor MP Gilad Kariv is due to travel to Ramallah on Sunday to meet with Fatah elder Jibril Rajoub, who is seeking to replace the largely unpopular and ailing 80-year-old Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Channel's Motti Kastel reported on Thursday. 14.


how does the USA EU OTAN UK Rockefeller administration, of LEGA CALCIO and the LABORISTS Rothschilds spa & co administration tolerate Islamic terrorism so ideologically blatant and outside the covers of Islam which is always a religion of peace Erdogan in Armenia and Cyprus?


Muslims have not understood a fundamental principle, and they have not wanted to learn anything from Gandhi, because the extermination of peoples is in their sharjah potential to be able to achieve it (at least so they believe since they are exterminating Christians all over the world with impunity)

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Kariv is also executive director of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism.


he behaves just like a satanist cabalist jew who destroyed Christianity from within with BERGOGLIO

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

"So far we don't have nuclear weapons, but by God, if we did, we would use them," said Jibril Rajoub.


he is saying that of course IRAN will use atomic weapons against Israel

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MK to meet with senior terror-supporting Fatah official in Ramallah – report

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

In May 2013, Kastel notes, Rajoub said in an interview that "so far we don't have nuclear weapons, but by God, if we did – we would use them" against Israel.


and what does this lucifer say about my 35 years of observatory on the martyrdom of Christians and on the jihad of OIC UMMAH against them?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

In a 2007 Channel 10 interview, Rajoub, who is currently working to reach a reconciliation deal with Hamas, said that "Israel is a cancer in the region. I am sure that every speck of historic Palestine, from the sea to the river, will come back to us".


that's why IMAM Rockefeller and Imam Rothschild decided to kill, even the Chinese because only Marduch Allah is true and all the others were born evil and wrong, especially Christians and biblical Israelis

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

MY ACCOUNT [ king888kings blogspot ] @messiakinglorenzojhwh DOESN'T HAVE A GOOD TEMPERAMENT, in fact, he forgets that however much pig blood, chicken blood, rabbit blood, and monkey blood darwin them ROCKEFELLER MORGAN MBS Salman RIYADH ROTHSCHILD MORGAN SPA&CO ALL TOGETHER 23rd degree Masons, they do well for 40th degree Satanists to kill in them humanity?

no, they will never succeed, because the humanity of all living beings is mine, I am the seducer of God, ok, then,

who wants to kiss me?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 🕎 ROCKEFELLER MORGAN MAs Isis FROM RIYADH ROTHSCHILD MORGAN SPA&CO ALL TOGETHER THEIR canniballs spa&co tecnocracy usurocracy neoliberalism MASONRY coup 🕎 🕎 Biden's Moderate TerroristsA day agoDetected as spam ] [ If you don't come voluntarily before my court?

you will soon be carried awayWe have received your review request

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

‘DISGRACEFUL’: In Germany, Roger Waters compares Palestinian journalist to

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

there is no trace on a search engine of these children of the good Jesus

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

C ] [ Conservative American9 hours ago editedRoger Sewer Water=Old Irrelevant Anti Semitic POS. He's about ready for a permanent Dirt Nap. The sooner the better!

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists8 hours agoOnly God can take the lives of men, except in the case of self-defense


if I didn't use the html language resource - invisible mode? I would have lost this comment, because it also became invisible in my copy paste of (writing view)

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

worldisraelnews & DISQUS ] you have ghosts here, uuuhh? and why do you have ghosts? [Sorry, this page is currently unavailable. u4ea Here @u4eahere & worldisraelnews & Conservative American @Kooseemack Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists🕎 🕎9 hours ago

worldisraelnews & DISQUS ] FIND THE MISERABLE WHO DID THIS AND KICK HIM OFF THE SERVER ] Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Kate Blake

cowards attack those who are peaceful,

ISLAM will not touch it

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

"F*** the Occupation" and images of the security fence between Gaza and Israel.


1. ISLAM ISIS OIC ummah Sharjah is all one occupation and genocide.

2. while for the security barrier between Gaza and Israel? it was I who wrote to the British embassy to have it done, that's why the rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri said that I was the Messiah

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

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We have received your request for review🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists3 hours agoROCKEFELLER ROTHSCHILD MORGAN SPA&CO ALL TOGHETER THEIR PARASITIC MASONRY ] [ a marginal/functional/instrumental tool for the economy: " THE money " ANSWER it has taken control and possession of everything and everyone pushing everything and everyone to satanism, if you don't come voluntarily before my tribunal? you will soon be dragged along

🕎 🕎 🕎3 hours agoif you don't come voluntarily before my tribunal? you will soon be dragged along

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists3 hours ago

1. homosexuality cannot be understood/tolerated given the satanism of the lgbt

2. DEMs cannot be understood/tolerated given the dogmatic crime of evolutionism (the so-called geological eras have been with variable granulometry of the universal flood, where all the ancient and recent living beings of our planet are emulsified all together) intre does not exist a friction between the stratifications of the pseudo geological eras

3. ISLAM cannot be understood/tolerated due to satanism and genocide in sharjah

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists🕎Biden's moderate terrorists3 hours ago

Il Giornale ] [ The anti-communist celebration has been cancelled. Why the left is still afraid] There are totalitarianisms of series A (fascism and national socialism) and one of series B (communism). The latter, despite representing the most heinous system of political repression of the 20th century, is still idolized by many.

And when you point out the crimes of the Bolshevik revolution or the government of Joseph Stalin, you get only one answer: Communism was not applied correctly there.

And what about Pol Pot? That, too, was not real communism. And China?

It's about another thing. And Cuba? A dream. And Josip Broz Tito's Yugoslavia? Heaven on earth, only that we poor mortals have not been able to understand it.

Communism, the only totalitarianism that emerged victorious from the Second World War,

is still viewed favorably by many. Or at least condescendingly.

In short, one is willing to turn a blind eye, very often even two, in the face of a hundred million dead killed, more or less directly, by the Reds.

1. Communism has killed more than 200 million innocent victims

2. Islam has killed more than 1.4 billion innocent people

3. the billions of innocents who killed Rockefeller spa & Co? they are not quantifiable

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists🕎3 hours ago

today, i found 3 young african prostitutes while i was looking for my radiator at bmw,

in fact the Nigerian mafia was missing from our parasitic masonic jewish goofball collection

it wasn't much different Shireen Abu Akleh who sells herself to Muslims or Ursula octopus Zelensky who sells herself to Satana jabulon and sodom and Biden, BABILON the MOTHER OF ALL PROSTITUTION

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists3 hours ago

Shireen Abu Akleh is not a Palestinian, but, a Christian who is forced to sell himself in order to feed himself, and in order not to be killed, ISLAM has no human right because it does not have freedom of religion, so how could it have freedom of word?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Alastair Bloom


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

How did Germany allow Roger Waters to compare Anne Frank to Shireen Abu

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Detected as spam

if you don't come voluntarily before my tribunal?

you will soon be dragged along

We have received your request for review

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

ROCKEFELLER ROTHSCHILD MORGAN SPA&CO ALL TOGHETER THEIR PARASITIC MASONRY ] [ a marginal/functional/instrumental tool for the economy: " THE money "

it has taken control and possession of everything and everyone pushing everything and everyone to satanism

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

if you don't come voluntarily before my tribunal? you will soon be dragged along

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

1. homosexuality cannot be understood/tolerated given the satanism of the lgbt

2. DEMs cannot be understood/tolerated given the dogmatic crime of evolutionism (the so-called geological eras have been with variable granulometry of the universal flood, where all the ancient and recent living beings of our planet are emulsified all together) intre does not exist a friction between the stratifications of the pseudo geological eras

3. ISLAM cannot be understood/tolerated due to satanism and genocide in sharjah

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Il Giornale ] [ The anti-communist celebration has been cancelled. Why the left is still afraid]

There are totalitarianisms of series A (fascism and national socialism) and one of series B (communism). The latter, despite representing the most heinous system of political repression of the 20th century, is still idolized by many.

And when you point out the crimes of the Bolshevik revolution or the government of Joseph Stalin, you get only one answer: Communism was not applied correctly there.

And what about Pol Pot? That, too, was not real communism. And China?

It's about another thing. And Cuba? A dream. And Josip Broz Tito's Yugoslavia? Heaven on earth, only that we poor mortals have not been able to understand it.

Communism, the only totalitarianism that emerged victorious from the Second World War,

is still viewed favorably by many. Or at least condescendingly.

In short, one is willing to turn a blind eye, very often even two, in the face of a hundred million dead killed, more or less directly, by the Reds.


1. Communism has killed more than 200 million innocent victims

2. Islam has killed more than 1.4 billion innocent people

3. the billions of innocents who killed Rockefeller spa & Co? they are not quantifiable

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

today, i found 3 young african prostitutes while i was looking for my radiator at bmw,

in fact the Nigerian mafia was missing from our parasitic masonic jewish goofball collection

it wasn't much different Shireen Abu Akleh who sells herself to Muslims or Ursula octopus Zelensky who sells herself to Satana jabulon and sodom and Biden, BABILON the MOTHER OF ALL PROSTITUTION

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Shireen Abu Akleh is not a Palestinian, but a Christian who is forced to sell himself in order to feed himself, and in order not to be killed, ISLAM has no human right because it does not have freedom of religion, so how could it have freedom of word?

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Deadly epidemic wiping out sea life in Mediterranean, Gulf of Eilat: Israeli study

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

[ king888kings blogspot ]

Iran Riyadh OIC UMMAH ] [ and why are you yelling at me like a male dog now? in hell you will scream louder h/24, and you will seek death but you will not be able to die, then in the day of universal judgment I will disintegrate you, finally giving you oblivion

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

[ king888kings blogspot ]

religion is a useful pedagogue when one is small and ignorant.

but, if she prevents you from becoming an autonomous adult of faith (not a trained parrot) she turns into a witch and a demon and takes your life hostage, turning you into her slave and will certainly take you to hell because it will fill you of pride, presumption and racism, and from this point of view ISLAM which is suprematism for the ideological conquest of the world, it is ISIS (genocide: muslioms country forever and ever) it is even a demonic possession

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

[ king888kings blogspot ]

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] khamenei does the theology behind the camel because Aisha has rashes [ therefore Almighty God continuously creates the photons plays with them and thinks of them with infinite love, and in order not to let them disintegrate he calls them by name, i.e. God dances and sings his creation continuously in order not to let it disintegrate, and then, since he cannot make it (because he got tired) then, he says to Religion: "please help me? will you help me?"

that's why you are bad criminal and demonic because you are ignorant!

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

[ king888kings blogspot ]

the CIA specializes in coups, and civil wars, slander and specious assaults

and the ARAB LEAGUE specialize in colorful ISIS sharia springs where all the infidels all die,

both are born from Hell

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Hamas sentences three Palestinians to death for collaborating with Israel

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Hamas sentences three Palestinians to death for collaborating with Israel

and what does the UN OIC Ummah say and that beast of OTAN? is he happy?

Muslims are notorious for their death sentences for petty reasons and for slander

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Report: Turkish authorities arrest 11 members of alleged Mossad spy ring

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

KING ISRAEL LORENZOjhwh shalom + salam = universal brotherhood


all States have spies, or if we want they are observers without burglary and without violence, they should be registered as such and their activity should be legalized

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Iran operating ‘floating terror bases,’ says Israel's defense minister

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

nazi antifa DEM lgbt bulling democracy ] [ a/ecco-chi-ha-difeso-roccella-e-perché-i-radical-chic-dovrebbero-prenderli-a-esempio/ DEMs are a universal ideological abomination, a curtailment, of a maximalist regime, are pathological violators of the constitution and threaten national security, they must all be arrested. There is perhaps only one tiny positive element to be drawn from the developments of the illiberal and

anti-democratic attitude of the demonstrators against Eugenia Maira Roccella in Turin: it is the clear stance of some political representatives or civil society - not at all centre-right - who they clearly expressed very harsh reproaches against those who physically prevented the

Minister of the Family from being able to present the book precisely in the Turin Salon where she had been specially invited. The various Savianos, Murgias, Lagioias, Segretary DEM Schleins and Appendino M5S would have a lot to learn from people who, if not all of them on the left, are certainly not at all related to the political area of the current government.

Between mayors, senators, former deputies, journalists,

writers and intellectuals, the resulting result is a real lectio magistralis imparted to all those radical-chics in bad faith or with slices of salami over their eyes.

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Saudi Arabia seeks US support for nuclear program ahead of peace with Israel - report


Mentally ill religious maniacs, of UNIVERSAL CRIME OF GENOCIDE SHARIaH? they can't play with atomic energy

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Pakistan, the former prime minister still in court



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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

the Anglo-American plutocratic MASON Jews (where CITY LONDON ROTHSCHILD SPA&CO the throne of satan became institutional in hatred of Jesus of Bethlehem killed 1.4 million cristeros and persecuted the tilma of Guadalupe called: "la morenita". JUST ENOUGH ONLY THIS TO UNDERSTAND WHICH SIDE THE TRUTH IS, AND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE CHOSEN THE ROAD TO HELL.) In the great Central American state there are many religious murdered, above all by organized crime. According to the latest report by Multimedia Catholic Center, at least 63 priests have been killed since 1990, 9 in the last four years. "Mexico has been one of the most dangerous countries to exercise the priesthood for 14 years",

The Attorney General of the State of Michoacàn is investigating to clarify the dynamics of the murder of Father Javier García Villafaña, which took place on Monday in the municipality of Huandacareo, a small town in central Mexico. According to Agenzia Fides, the Augustinian priest, parish priest in Santa Ana Maya, was found dead on the Capacho-Cuitzeo highway, on his way to the community of Capacho to which he belonged, shot dead.

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Iran, 'sanctions and pressure cannot stop us (because Biden and Rockefeller support us)'

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Vandalized the tomb of Mahsa Amini in Iran, the brother: "Even your tombstone annoys them"


yes, Ali Khameni is like Erdogan always says: "it wasn't me"

Mahsa Amini was a girl who was looking for her husband and who let a lock of hair escape from her veil,


when will the international community understand that ISLAM is a universal threat?

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists a day agoDetected as spam https://www.nicolaporro.It/lordine-mi-processa-ho-interviewed-un-viceministro-ukraino/ INTIMIDATION OF URSULA VON HAIL NAZI BORRELL AGAINST JOURNALISTS.. The news is sensational, but it is difficult to say whether it is tragic or comical. Maybe both. Summary: Nicola Porro, the undersigned, on July 4th will have to appear before the Order of Journalists of Lombardy. You will say: what could the cook of this soup have ever done? Who has ever offended, insulted, verbally attacked? Nobody. Brace yourselves: I have to present myself in front of the Order to answer those who contest me for having conducted an interview.

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Iran operating 'floating terror bases,' says Israel's defense minister


yes, as satan is god's monkey, so muslims are rockefeller's monkey in fact he too lives in the admiralty, to steal bank seigniorage from everyone and not be arrested

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

WATCH - 'Let's see Amanpour under my cross-examination:' Dershowitz to

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

DEMs are a universal ideological abomination, a curtailment

of a maximalist regime, they are pathological violators of the constitution and threaten national security they must all be arrested

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Leo Dee pro bono in a $1.3 billion case against CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour for falsely claiming that his wife and two daughters were killed "in a drive-by shooting."


this of peaceful and unarmed innocent victims, but, killed "in a shootout" is an absolutely incorrect terminology but which the Masonic media DEM have made common use to remove criminals from responsibility and has unfortunately become a custom of current expression, but must be condemned

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

In another sign of warming ties, Saudi Arabia removes 'practically all

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

"Highly inflammatory Hadiths and texts" were removed from textbooks, as were statements condemning homosexuals, infidels and Christians, the report said. Still, the report notes, problematic examples remain: One first-grade textbook teaches that "any other religion [besides Islam] is false" and another describes atheists as "souls whom the devil has taken over."

Zionism is still described as a "racist Jewish political movement" which "aims to expel the Palestinian people and establish a Jewish state by force".


until replacement theology sharjah is condemned across OIC UMMAH arab league? always that's the wolf who paints himself and puts lipstick on his lips to cover the blood

Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments

Saudi Arabia demands US backing for nuclear program for peace with Israel –

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Mentally ill religious maniacs, of UNIVERSAL CRIME OF GENOCIDE SHARIaH?

they can't play with atomic energy

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

WATCH – Rabbi Leo Dee: Peace with Arabs will allow us to rebuild Temple

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Rabbi Dee in mourning: peace with the Arabs (ALL CONVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY) will allow us to rebuild the Temple.



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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

ISIS IS ISLAM AND ISLAM IS ISIS ALL SHARIA SAME ] [ Milan – The "lioness of the Balkans" was inserted "in a context of alarming gravity" and the "husband", who was in Germany, had "contacts" with "subjects linked with certainty to the perpetrator of a terrorist attack", that " which took place in Vienna on November 2, 2020 by the young Fejzulai

Kujtim” with 4 dead and 23 injured. This is what we read in the reasons for the sentence with which the Milanese Court of Assizes of Appeal, on March 1 last, sentenced 21-year-old Bleona Tafallari, born in Kosovo, who had been arrested by Digos in Milan in November 2021 to 4 years In the second instance the judges (President Ivana Caputo) found her guilty of the original charge, association with the purpose of international terrorism, while in the first instance, with abbreviated rite, the accusation had been reclassified as instigation to commit a crime.


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

The Dbrs rating agency: "Italy (SEND WEAPONS TO UKRAINE, AND THEREFORE) is resisting the shocks and growth is stronger"


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

URSULA NAZI REGIME IDEOLOGY ] [ Rosario Salvatore Aitala, Italian judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC), ended up on the Kremlin's wanted list. Russia accused him, together with the prosecutor of the same court, Khan Karim Asad Ahmad, of having attacked "a representative of a foreign country which enjoys international protection in order to complicate international relations".


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Now Moscow wants to arrest the judges OTAN CIA coup plotters FREEMASONS AND SODOMITIC DEM of the Hague


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

She tries to kidnap a 2-year-old boy in Piazza Gae Aulenti, the father chases her and saves him. She blocked a 22 year old. The person arrested and reported for kidnapping by the carabinieri is a 22-year-old of North African origins who, from the first investigations, appear to have ERDOGAN mental problems.



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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

NAZI DEM LGBT DAVOS BILDENBERG REGIME ] [ Adinolfi: "I like Roccella, a victim of violent anti-Christian prejudice"

There is a permanent "Roccella case" in Italy that has lasted for a hundred days, since the presentation tour of Mario Adinolfi's latest book "Against abortion - with the 17 rules for happy living" began.

The Digos and the carabinieri know something about it, who must accompany Adinolfi to each of the offices where he goes to talk about his work, often facing fringes

which make the thirty protesters of Minister Roccella look like pansies.


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Bakhmut's Mystery: Wasn't Ukraine Winning?

Moscow has announced that it has captured the city of Bakhmut.

A piece of news that gives the lie to the narrative of a Ukrainian victory

When Biden said: "With fighter jets it will be World War".

What has changed now

The about-face and Joe Biden's reasons after promising to send F-16 fighters to Ukraine


G7, worth the Lgbt provocation: Trudeau mind his own business, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with a straight leg on Giorgia Meloni, who gets irritated. LGBT rights statement


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Euthanasia for the poor and homeless: the shocking survey ] THE DEMONIAC NATURE OF TRUDEAU AND HIS SOCIETY DARWIN LGBT COME OUT ] is a shocking survey in Canada, a country governed by the progressive Justin Trudeau, the prime minister always in the front row in the battles of political correctness. According to a ResearchCo survey, nearly a third of Canadians believe people should have access to euthanasia even for causes involving poverty,


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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Ilaria De Rosa is in a women's prison 45 kilometers from Jeddah WITH SMOKY AND RETICENT ACCUSATIONS.

23-year-old hostess arrested in Saudi Arabia, her mother: "It's all a misunderstanding: my daughter has never taken drugs. And she knows the Arab world well"


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WATCH: Zelensky compares Bakhmut destruction to Hirishoma, but denies

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