non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

false King Charles onion III may visit Israel soon report

King Charles may visit Israel soon - report

Britain's King Charles III leaves Westminster Abbey after his coronation


impostors masons regmie esoteric agenda masonic lobby mafia power bildenber davos deep state coup plotters satanists sodomites freemasons and the scum of the demon Allah jabulon marduch lgbt perverts, technocrats

they took possession of my Jewish-Christian symbols


XI JINPING THREAT TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [ A. I. artificial intelligence demonic possessionand aliens abducion ] "ALREADY RELEASED GUIDELINES IN CHINA" #artificial intelligence #XiJinping #ChatGPT Is #artificialintelligence a threat?

To dismiss the answer as "no" without examining the facts first would be imprudent, judging by what is happening. Already a few weeks ago the news of thousands of employees fired by American companies (including white-collar workers) raised the halt for work. Today the words of the Chinese head of state #XiJinping about "his" ideal artificial intelligence make us think. Because the algorithms and numbers are still managed by men, as demonstrated by the fact that, for example - when questioned on controversial issues - #ChatGPT responds with the conventional truth (see the 2020 one). Imagine such a system in the wrong hands, as outlined by the editor of the Giornale d'Italia Marco #Antonellis: Let's hope it doesn't become artificial stupidity, because we've had enough of non-artificial stupidity already. Having said that, the issue is not just jobs. The problem is that this thing here is not managed with intelligence - above all human intelligence - with transparency and democracy. It risks becoming a very powerful weapon, but against people. Xi Jinping has already said that his artificial intelligence will have to be "socialist" , that is, guidelines have already been launched in China in recent weeks. This is a problem: there either artificial intelligence will be socialist, therefore used for the purposes of the regime, or it won't be. The other big fundamental and global theme is that there could be a caste of very few people who hold this artificial intelligence. So they can affect billions of people, this is the big issue. What to do then? "The important thing is that it is regulated with transparency and above all that it responds to the canons of democracy, this is the point. Unfortunately, most of the world do not understand this. Think of these very powerful weapons placed in the hands of autocracies or dictatorships and what they can do to people".


Breakthrough: Israeli researcher proves link between chemical imbalance and

He threatened Aldo Moro, founded Bilderberg and orchestrated the governments of Italy: that's who Henry Kissinger was

26 May 2023 #HenryKissinger the demon of NWO #Davos #bildenberg #geopolitics #USA Today #HenryKissinger turns 100, the former US Secretary of State, also National Security Advisor. I would call him "the demon of world #geopolitics". He is in fact the one who predicted the project of the New World Order in the 70s. I have repeatedly published the videos of the statements of the former president of the IOR Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, who brings Henry Kissinger into play when he explains the phases of this project and all the damage to the peoples. Henry Kissinger is also the one who, in order to realize this project of his, decided that the world should not have respected the spheres of influence that had been created after the Second World War, but that it had to be the #USA, and more precisely some oligarchies and some US apparatuses that he himself structured into special organizations, having to take over the reins of the planet.

And they had to do it at any cost. #Bilderberg #AldoMoro #LaMatrixEuropea


Plans for the next emergency emerge: new clues are uncovered, after hearing the words of Giuliano Amato (left-wing metamorphic Freemason, neoliberal Nazi regime and global coup)

Radio Radio TV 27 May 2023 #Europe #Covid #emergency There is a serious, unavoidable question that can and must be formulated, will we sooner or later arrive at adopting emergency measures in #Europe similar to those supported for the #Covid-19 pandemic also for the climate emergency? The question may sound idle to some but it is not. It's not if you consider that some political leaders are already letting this possibility of implementing #emergency measures to defend against the climate crisis appear on the horizon. I bring you only one but not negligible example, that of Giuliano #Amato.


3 hours ago

US preparation for civil war in Ukraine ] [ the religious persecution of monks and clergy and faithful who are tied to allegiance to the Moscow patriarchate? it is a blatant blatant violation of the freedom of religion that the EU states claim to pursue.. and if the Russian Church is accused of being subservient to the Bolshevik pseudo-regime? the same can be said of the Ukrainian Church which is enslaved to the Nazi fascist regime of USA OTAN, but all this reveals the real problem, that is, the not so refined direction of this fratricidal war is in the USA, it is in the deep State


3 hours ago

US preparation for civil war in Ukraine ] [

(4:20) so did the Luciferian Freemason Pachamama Bergoglio when he granted doctrinal autonomy to the German churches, that is, he created a schism, in fact the German lgbt Churches opened the church to blasphemy and sodomy thus separating themselves from the two thousand year old doctrine of the Church catholic


3 hours ago

US preparation for civil war in Ukraine ] [ US State Department allocated $25 million to the Patriarch of Constantinople in 2018

as an incentive for the recognition of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church in schism from the Russian Church.

and Bertolomeo took the money from satanists and granted this schism autonomy or cephaly in 2019


3 hours ago the Ukraine crisis has been planned for years long before Euro-maidan, Archbishop Viganò: "George Soros and the globalist cabal wanted war in Ukraine", TV viewing

Full translation of an important interview granted by Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò to Rossyia Tv, The perfect synthesis of the truth that Sodom Satan antichrist sharia and antizionist spa&co try to hide.


3 hours ago

274 Le pillole di Angela | Viva Meloni vestita di bianco

lgbt DEM same satanism

we are in apostasy


3 hours ago

gsspa@pec.gse.It we are terrified by your hostile service, cursed rothschild bureaucracy ursula also look for the security code to change your password, do not reply to my husband for privacy, I asked for the IBAN change, was it successful?

but no economic contribution has reached me from you,

your bureaucracy is an insurmountable obstacle for me

a real obstruction.

if I send you the email, you answer me on the server,

but, not only am I unable to access the server on the server, but it is an incomprehensible navigation for me.

therefore Your Lordship is requested to give me answers by mail, thanks

Response to report S000765407 - GSE Customer Assistance

I currently have two implants

an old one of 2.9kw and a new one of 4kw

are all accounts linear?


3 hours ago

lgbt same DEM theosophy satanism Darwin dogma APE Lapid ] THIS IS AMALECK [ Disney, long considered a cornerstone of children's entertainment, has made a disturbing change of direction. It recently announced an official "LGBT Pride Nite" at their amusement park in Anaheim. hildren's most beloved characters, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, have turned into gay icons! The LGBT lobby is exerting immense pressure on Disney CEO Robert Iger to push its agenda on vulnerable children. That's why CitizenGO is preparing a campaign to influence Disney's advertisers, such as toy manufacturer Mattel and Marriott Hotels & Resorts, and we urgently need your help. By contributing to CitizenGO's efforts, you help raise awareness among Disney's advertisers and cable and pay TV providers of Disney's promotion of LGBT and gender ideology content for children. Our goal is to force Disney to return to its roots as a children's dream factory, free from ideological perversion, by hitting them on the bottom line that matters most to them—money... And your support is crucial! Disney is already in trouble, with stocks at a two-year low and huge losses in their streaming business. Together we can pressure Robert Iger to abandon Disney's harmful policies and protect our children's innocence. Can you now do your part and help CitizenGO's campaign to put pressure on Disney's advertisers and cable companies to stop promoting LGBT material to children?


4 hours ago

the world monetary SYSTEM THAT Spa&Co ROCKEFELLER SOROS MORGAN ROTHSCHILD & Bin sharia MBS ISIS Salman created? it is both demonic perverted predatory supernatural, and Masonic institutional mafia lobby


these anti-Christian and anti-Zionist criminals must be dragged by mankind and God to their deserved fate


Breakthrough: Israeli researcher proves link between chemical imbalance and

4 hours ago

MATERNITY INCOME (1000 EUROS PER MONTH FOR 5 YEARS) Demonstration for Life, Newsletter of Pro Vita & Famiglia, Last Saturday's "Choose Life" demonstration in Rome brought thousands of people to the streets to defend life in all its forms, from conception to natural death. Proof of how the Italian people are pro-life, as demonstrated by the survey on birth rates, abortion and maternity that we have published. This is the real country we want to tell you about and which is not affected even by the recent sad anniversary of Law 194 or by the latest abortionist declarations by Emma Bonino. Enjoy the reading! "We Choose Life" A joyful celebration that sent a clear message to the whole country. The event "Choose Life" was a great success: a joyful event with thousands of families, men, women, mothers, fathers, children, the elderly, grandparents. But it was also much more, with a clear and unequivocal message - of protection of life - launched to countries, and institutions. KEEP READING! [News Highlights] Let's dismantle the falsehoods about abortion and law 194 by Emma Bonino, The survey: over 75% of Italians want more support against abortion, The anniversary of the unjust law 194.

Change course! More news :

Coghe: «No demographic revival without the truth about abortion»

The story of Margherita: her rebirth after the abortion of her daughter Anita

Not just "We choose Life". Here are the pro-life demonstrations from all over Europe

Watch the video streaming of the Rome Event again!

Homotransphobia. Serious position Dioceses that say yes to Rainbow Vigils

Sledge the ok to birth control pills for free. Aifa wants "insights"

Rented uterus. Good compact majority vote in the Chamber Commission

Sister Alfieri: "Aim for the budget law on private and state schools"

Marco Cappato shock: he wants legal cocaine

Abortion: the State give to women concrete alternatives! Sign now! Faced with an unexpected or complicated pregnancy, thousands of women in Italy are today induced and often forced to abort because they lack social, economic, psychological and moral aid, or because they are subjected to pressure from partners or family members. During t The electoral campaign, Giorgia Meloni had the great merit of shining a light on this drama, stating that "if today there are women who find themselves forced to have an abortion, I want to give them the opportunity to make a different choice". You sign this petition to ask President Meloni to turn that courageous promise into reality.

WAIT! WE NEED YOU Interested in volunteering? Click here to to sign up today. Don't forget to vist the Official Trump Store by clicking here to get the latest MAGA gear! Want to donate by mail? Click here to print out a donation form that you can send to our address. WAIT! WE NEED YOU No matter how many vicious lies and attacks they throw our way, President Trump will NEVER SURRENDER our great country to the Left’s tyranny! But the Democrats will spend billions and billions of dollars to try and stop our movement, and we’re counting on YOUR support to finish what we started. Together, we will DISMANTLE the Deep State, WIN BACK the White House, and SAVE AMERICA in 2024! Please consider completing your contribution today. Thank you!

Ukrainian war, media: In response to similar hostile action, hundreds of German officials were expelled from Russia, as unwelcome personnel.

Kiev: Prepare an impossible counter-offensive. thousands of brother men are about to be killed by OTAN CIA Ursula UK to amuse Wahhabis and their Rockefeller supporters.

everything in Zelensky is a fraud, in fact he is an actor who plays his cynical part regardless of the destruction of his people, he got himself elected because in a film he entered the Ukrainian parliament and killed all the parliamentarians who were corrupted by Nuland, for this was voted on but it was a trap for the people who are robbed indebted and dispossessed by lgbt western masons who are in control

jeah Crooked Joe crooked, liar, crooked, awry, askew, wry, skew, bandy, crooked, coup maidan 2014, crooked, rickety, misshapen, sukkers rothschild rockefelelr dracula scambanking seigniorage, lopsided, satana dracula sodoma, crooked, slanted, atanist, lgbt lizard curved, curved, bent, round, crooked, bandy

dishonest, assassin, foul, bent, knavish, deformed, misshapen, crooked

eih zombie BIDEN slipping: TRUMP said you are evil clown Monarch agenda slave bolean and drug MORON Sodoma Satana Deep State and lizard zombie ] [ PRESIDENT TRUMP’S PRIVATE MEMO RE: THE GOP PRIMARY, I consider you to be a loyal supporter of our movement. That’s why I wanted to share my thoughts with you on the state of the Republican primary in this private memo. Earlier this year, a sinister man by the name of George Soros went on record to say that he wants a LONG, DRAWN-OUT Republican primary that leaves our Party DIVIDED. He wants Republicans to burn through millions and millions of dollars on a primary that lasts through the summer of 2024 instead of attacking Crooked Joe. Meanwhile, Biden will be left unscathed, and Soros can quietly buy the White House once again. At that point, you can just wave goodbye to our country, because there will be no coming back. But we have the chance to avoid that situation entirely. Right now, WE have a 50-point lead in the Republican primary. Even Fake News CNN has called our lead “historic.” It’s undeniable. The time has come to WRAP UP the Republican primary so that we can use all of our many resources on the REAL battle: firing Biden and saving America. I ask that you stand with me today to show the entire nation that red-blooded patriots are UNITED behind our campaign to Make America Great Again! thank you and God bless you, (But if you’re struggling right now due to Crooked Joe’s moronic and disastrous policies, please do not read any further, and don’t even think about donating. You and your family always come FIRST. And don't worry, when we win back the White House, the greatest economy in history will come ROARING back!) Please make a contribution of any amount – truly, even just $1 – to SAVE AMERICA – for 1,500% impact /save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/


7 hours ago

🕎 🕎 🕎Biden's trans moderate terrorists] [when did Ursula von der Leyen know this story? she was very worried and said: "but does sister TRANS pay Rothschild taxes?"

https://voxnews.Info/2023/05/26/trans-milano-e-di-nuovo-in-giro-a-importunare-bimbi-e-i-vigli-feriti-allOspedale-video/ Trans Milano is around again, still the injured children in the hospital – VIDEO On the case of the trans of Milan, he not even a scratch and the police in the emergency room. The Macron trans is out again harassing children and giving interviews, while the police have been punished.🕎 Biden's satana moderate jihad sharia terrorists 🕎 the criminal lgbt spa&co Bildenberg parasites Davos DEMs do not defend the people, the police and or children, but they defend all specie di criminali e pervertiti satana trans lgbt, this Trans who prostitutes himself in the garden in front of the school: he strips naked, screams furiously and staggers in front of 3/5 year old children, she candidly stated that he was drunk on drugs and hit his head in the police car because he was angry against other South Americans like him, while the police representative claims that the Trans (didn't get a day's prognosis, while the policemen did get mani day of prognosis) and in fact the TRANS spat on the policemen saying she have HIV, Trudeau TRANS MILANO, THE TRUTH NAKED SURPRISE THE 3 -YEAR-OLD KIDS OF THE KINDERGARTEN - VIDEO SHOCK, Here not only should the police not be investigated: the mayor and the authorities who did not intervene to prevent him from bothering the children should be investigated. But dog doesn't bite dog. And the magistrates - who despite the complaints always help the illegal immigrants - or left-wing politicians are never investigated for their serious omissions.

https://voxnews.Info/2023/05/26/trans-milano-la-verita-importunava-nudo-i-bambini-di-3-anni-dellasilo-video-choc/ 🕎 answer 🕎 today the prophet NAUM told you: "how did you do to others? even so it will be done to you, be prepared to receive your own Islamic genocide" 🕎


'RED BUTTON'? Trump roasts DeSantis' 2024 presidential launch, refers to

7 hours ago

UN, scam banking seiggniorage, coup 2014 Kiev CIA NSA FBI FED ISIS UK OTAN ECB BM NWO IMF DEM lgbt Spa&Co masonry OIC UMMAH Iran Riyadh Erdogan ] [ today the prophet NAUM told you: "how have you done to others? so it will be done to you, get ready to receive your own islamic genocide sharjah"


7 hours ago

Leave Donbass territories to Putin". this is my diktat to Europe USA UK OTAN, yes you Satana Sodoma Dracula leave them immediately, becouse all of Ukraine is a zone of Russian influence and OTAN must not enter it


7 hours ago

Rockefeller SATANA Rothschild all masonic eye lucifer piramid deep state Spa&Co DEM lgbt Rothschild FED ECB BM NWO IMF ] [ now that we understand where did satanism come from by you in these last 2000 years? now you have to compensate me king lorenzoJHWH universal metaphisic brotherhood UniusREI:

*** about my homeland,

*** about my religion,

*** about my human kind,

*** about, my kingdom of Israel


7 hours ago

dear Disqus I use: "linux Mint" and on your page I see a wandering button (x) that has no logic to exist


7 hours ago

Patriot – there’s only one Donald J. Trump. ] [ There’s only one candidate who will SECURE our borders, DESTROY the Deep State,

DEFEND your freedoms, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And there’s only one movement – the greatest grassroots political movement

in history – with the sheer will to SAVE AMERICA no matter how vicious

the Left’s attacks become.


MK protests to BBC, says guidelines for journalists encourage Palestinian

a day ago

You read the paper APOCALYPSE - When?. A related paper is available on Academia.

Religion of faces

Paper Thumbnail

Author Photo Luigi Berzano


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Your recent reading history:

REVELATION - When? - Ugo Bertolami


Authentic acid blood mordanted the madder-dyed Shroud of Turin pinkish red before image formation - Jesus was dead - Adrie Vd Hoeven


Internal selvedge in starched and dyed temple mantle - No invisible repair in Turin Shroud - No Maillard reaction - Adrie Vd Hoeven

Believing is Seeing: A Perspective on Perceiving Images of Objects on the Shroud of Turin - Mercedes Sheen

"Display and Devotion: Exhibiting Icons and Their Copies in Counter-Reformation Italy" - Andrew Casper

Mahdi's favorite - Benhsain Alaa

The Shroud according to Maria Valtorta - Ugo Bertolami

Shroud of Turin - Summary of Challenges to its Authenticity - Richard B Sorensen

Want fewer recommendations like this one?


a day ago

LGBT loby SAME ideology SATANISM ] [ It takes courageous fathers and mothers to defend their children from sexual stupidity

One faction denies they exist. For others, it is wonderful progress. They are the school books for the LGBT indoctrination that are spreading from America to the West. Healthy families try to resist them, by Giulio Meotti May 25.. The sociologist James Davison Hunter, who coined the expression “culture wars” and who told the Wall Street Journal that “progressives won the culture wars, would seem to be right ”, and the most famous North Korean exile, Yeonmi Park, who wonders if America is not “crazier than North Korea”. If the culture is liberal, the schools are liberal, the churches are liberal, the TV is liberal, the bureaucracy is liberal and capitalism is liberal, then electing a Conservative politician will make no difference (the British know something about this). after having done an impressive job in demolishing the social element that sustains civilizations (the family), the ambitious liberal is now practicing the demolition of the biological element that sustains societies (the difference between the sexes...


a day ago

ISLAM IS ABSOLUTE CRIMEN https://www.gatestoneinstitute.Org/19674/jihad-christians-mozambique A savage jihad — replete with massacres, beheadings, and sexual enslavement — has been raging in the Christian-majority nation of Mozambique since 2017. Few in the West are aware of this, not least as the situation has been garbed in Marxist language that seeks to depict radical terrorists as "victims" and those resisting them, including the Mozambican government, as "oppressors." A December 2021 report details how the Islamic State came to power in this southeast African nation: "Mozambique is a majority Christian country, with Muslims comprising around a fifth of its population. "A religious movement, Ansar al-Sunna, first appeared in 2015 in the north of the country, formed by followers of radical Kenyan cleric Aboud Rogo Mohammed who has been linked to the 1998 US embassy bombings.... "It started building mosques and religious schools, becoming more and more popular with locals.


a day ago

The Jihad on Christians in Mozambique ] [ here? all christian innocent martyrs, becouse Rockefeller obama Biden Bush Pelosi Ursula e Hillary DEM lgbt ] [ "Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, November 6, and Sunday, November 8...." — Barnabas Aid, November 10 , 2020. After decapitating a Christian pastor, ISM terrorists handed the pastor's severed head di lei to his widow di lei and ordered her to deliver it to police. Three years and countless more slaughters later, the world still has no idea what is happening, and the international community is nowhere to be seen. Why? One reason is the media. They are committed to presenting the situation in purely economic terms, rarely if ever indicating that the terrorists are fueled by an expansionist, jihadist agenda to create an Islamic caliphate and subjugate if not slaughter Christians. This situation is a duplicate of the situation in Nigeria: there, Muslims are committing genocide against Christians for purely ideological (Islamic) reasons, while here, in the West, the media and establishment are insisting that "religion is not driving extremist violence [in Nigeria]," to quote Johnnie Carson, then-President Barack Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. [A] report, "How poverty and corruption fuel terrorism across Africa," argues that such attacks, which "are on the rise across the African continent," are "a consequence of poverty, [and] domestic grievances new and old.." — Channel 4, April 16, 2021. A genocidal jihad is being waged against Christians in virtually every corner of sub-Saharan Africa — from Nigeria in the northwest, to Mozambique in the southeast — but, for some reason, these black lives apparently do not matter.


a day ago

The Jihad on Christians in Mozambique ] [ here? all christian innocent martyrs, becouse Pelosi Ursula e Hillary DEM lgbt ] [ A savage jihad — replete with massacres, beheadings, and sexual

enslavement — has been raging in the Christian-majority nation of

Mozambique since 2017.

Few in the West are aware of this, not least as the situation has been garbed in Marxist language that seeks to depict radical terrorists as "victims" and those resisting them, including the Mozambican government, as "oppressors."

By May 2020, the massacres had reached the point that a "Genocide Warning" was issued. As of December 2021, the terrorists had slaughtered 3,340 people and displaced nearly a million more. The numbers of those killed and displaced has grown in the last year-and-a-half, though there appear to be no official statistics.

As in other African nations, the Muslim terrorists of ISM are deliberately targeting Christians.

"They say their goal is to set up a caliphate similar to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. And they are in some cases, literally going door to door. They ask, 'Are you a Christian? Or are you a Muslim?' If you're a Christian, you're killed [including by crucifixion]. If you're a Muslim, then you get the opportunity to quote some Quranic verses. And if you can quote

them sufficiently, you save your life. Otherwise, you also get killed

[for being insufficiently Islamic]." — Todd Nettleton, The Voice of the

Martyrs USA, June 28, 2021.


a day ago

here? all christian innocent martyrs, becouse Pelosi Ursula e Hillary DEM lgbt ] [ in Nigeria etc.. etc...: it's where the ARAB LEAGUE sharjah steals kills and has fun! Nigeria: Muslims kill dozens of residents, burn down villages in jihad raids in Benue state, “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy” (Qur'an 8:60) “JUST IN: Armed Herdsmen Sack Benue State Community, Kill Scores Of Residents, Four Soldiers, Burn Houses,” Sahara Reporters, May 22, 2023: Armed Fulani herdsmen []

Nigeria: Suspected Islamic jihadis rape and murder 80-year-old woman, The “herdsmen” are Fulani Islamic jihadists. The Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50 , 70:30). The Qur'an says: "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to [...]

Read more by Robert Spencer


a day ago

Lebanon: Women protest against Sharia ‘modesty norms’ at beach, Muslim cleric and followers break up protest ] [ Not everyone is thrilled with Islamization in Lebanon. “Lebanese women protest modesty norms after beachgoer harassed for bathing suit,” AFP, May 21, 2023 : SIDON, Lebanon — Lebanese activists protested Sunday at a beach in the coastal city of Sidon, after a woman said she was harassed there over her allegedly indecent bathing suit, an AFP [] Read more by Robert Spencer


a day ago

there is always a big problem of crime and murder of innocent people,

whenever you want to keep a bad religion


a day ago

there is always a big problem of crime and murder of innocent people, whenever you want to keep a bad religionYoung daughter of slain ‘Palestinian’ jihadist tell Jews: ‘When you go to hell, you will melt in it’

there is always a big problem of crime and murder of innocent people, whenever you want to keep a bad religion ] [ This child, like so many others, has been thoroughly brainwashed or indoctrinated in hatred and bloodlust. “Young Daughter Of Recently-Slain PIJ Commander Iyad Al-Hassani In Message To ‘Cowardly’ Jews: My Dad Is Happy In Paradise, You Will Melt In Hell; We Will Continue To Bomb You,” MEMRI, May 19, 2023: On May 19, 2023, a []

Robert Spencer

there is always a big problem of crime and murder of innocent people, whenever you want to keep a bad religionHamas Seeks to Dislodge Fatah in the West Bank ] [ Ever since 2007, when Hamas crushed Fatah in Gaza, killing hundreds of its members and causing many others to flee to the West Bank, Hamas and Fatah have been at each others’ throats. Hamas has continued to rule in Gaza, squashing the slightest sign of Fatah’s reappearance. In the West Bank, Fatah – the armed []

Read more by Hugh Fitzgerald ] [


Missionaries step up efforts to convert Jews, public launch at Temple Mount

a day ago

don't change your bad religion (every religion is bad)

but, change your bad heart, only in this way will you enter into relationship with God


a day ago

Alì Khamenei ISIS Bin MBS from demon Allah in Riyadh Mecca abominable Kaaba ] [ God spoke to Abraham: about a dozen times in his entire life,

and like Mary of Nazareth "he Abraham kept and kept always the Words of God in his heart".

This morning, I was at a crossroads in a bad position, but an angel put a person in front of me to sleep for 20 seconds, and I found an escape route,

God loves us too much and for this reason it is impossible for him to be able to hide well and effectively from those who seek him with a pure heart, God is always with us 24/7, but if we do not see him and do not enter into a relationship with him, then , we must remove those negative impediments in our relationship with him


a day ago

Alì Khamenei ISIS Bin MBS from demon Allah in Riyadh Mecca abominable Kaaba ] [ this is the truth: "there must be no compulsion coercion on the way of God", because every soul must seek its own path of light, to reach God who is the source of eternal light. but, the criminal, imperialist systems have linked religion to national identity, therefore Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims also kill physically as traitors of the homeland, all those who betray and move away from the sacred traditions of the fathers. obviously if a Jew becomes a Christian? they cut off his legs, even in Israel, he loses his membership in the community.

this is the truth: "no religion is saving! So it makes no sense to change your religion".

on the contrary, religion is the greatest pitfall when it tells you: and it tells you, do this and that, and then, of course you will go to heaven and then instead, you will find yourself in hell together with Mohammed, that in fact God does not grant him, God has never spoken to him, as Saint Augustine of Hippo says, you YHVH holy,

""you made us for yourself and our heart will find no peace outside of you"",

now, every religion is always a being out of personal relationship with God


a day ago

Alì Khamenei ISIS Bin MBS from demon Allah in Riyadh Mecca abominable Kaaba ] [ I haven't read this interesting article yet but, I've only read the comments, and what does the REAL Koran say (the first destroyed edition)? says: "there must be no compulsion coercion on the way of God", therefore you with the false Koran-Talmudic (the current fourth Talmudic edition) you have made of it the greatest crime of death penalty for apostates, a universal genocide, strange fate for an uncreated word that was destroyed three times before being completely possessed by Satan


Terrorist who shot and wounded soldiers nabbed after months-long manhunt


a day ago

he is only the fruit of a demonic and perverted religion, so you have to strike the serpent Allah on the head,

I have already said that the corpses of terrorists must not be returned but must be buried together with the head of a pig, because pig was their false prophet


a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ the Word of God is perfect, only for those who have been walking for several decades on the path of perfection and martyrdom (therefore it becomes subjective for those who are prisoners of lies, while God wants, that all the various types of prisoners, and that all prisoners must all be freed), which is why a metaphysical rational agnostic, a universal politician like me, does not prefer it as an instrument of communication and dialogue


a day ago

how will it arise? who is he? and why does Re Unius REI arise? Thus says the LORD of hosts: Ps 110:1-4; Heb 7; 8:1 9, The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 10, “Take from the captives, that is, from those of Eldai, Tobit and Jedaia, and go this very day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah, where they came from Babylon; 11, take silver and gold, and make crowns out of them, and put them on the head of Joshua the high priest, son of Jehoshadak. 12, You shall speak to him and say to him: Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Behold a man, whose name is the Sprout, will sprout in his place and will build the temple of the LORD. 13, He will build the temple of the LORD, he will receive glory, yes he will sit and rule on his throne, he will be a priest on his throne and there will be an agreement of peace between the two". 14, Crowns shall be for Chelem, for Tobit, for Jedaiah, and for Hen son of Zephaniah, as a memorial in the temple of the LORD. 15, Those who are far away will come and work on building the temple of the LORD; and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. This will happen if you truly listen to the voice of the LORD your God."


a day ago

like, who he is: the King Unius REI, and why does it arise? Thus says the LORD of hosts:

“Here is a man, whose name is the Sprout, it will sprout in his place and build the temple of the LORD; he will build the temple of the LORD, he will receive glory, he will sit and rule on his throne, he will be a priest on his throne and there will be an agreement of peace between the two ”. The crowns shall be for Chelem, for Tobit, for Jedaiah, and for Hen son of Zephaniah, as a remembrance in the temple of the LORD.

Those who are far away will come and they shall work in building the temple of the LORD; and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you.

This will happen if you truly listen to the voice of the Lord your God."


a day ago

Bin Alì MBS Khamenei [ sharjah genoicide wedding universal ] [ you see it? the dominion of UniusREI is a universal but legal salvific dominion, to drive away the universal dominion of death that Rockefeller Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF OIC has already spread against all peoples. Zechariah 9, Exult greatly, O daughter of Zion, shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king comes to you; he is just and brings salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a donkey's foal. 10, I will destroy the chariots from Ephraim and the horses from Jerusalem; war bows will be annihilated. He will speak of peace to the nations; his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. 11 As for you, by the blood of my covenant with you, I have delivered your captives from the waterless pit.


EU envoy: ‘No such thing as Area A and B, it’s all Palestine’

a day ago

Alì Bin from dracula Allah ] [ you see it? someone should ban me from reading the Bible for the next 100 years


a day ago

The vision of the ephah in Zechariah and the demonic trinity of witches: Hillary Pelosi and Ursula

Am 2:6; 5:11-12; 8:4-6; 1Ti 6:9-10

5, The angel who was speaking with me came out and said to me, "Lift up your eyes and see what comes out there." 6, I asked, "What is it?" He said, "It's the ephah coming out."


a day ago

to MBS OIC Riyafh Iran ] [ The promised king psalm 72, God, give the king your judgment,

to the king's son your righteousness; 7, In his days righteousness shall flourish

and peace will abound, until the moon goes out.

8, And he will rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth. 9. The inhabitants of the desert will bow to him,

his enemies will lick the dust. MBS OIC when will you fold? I will not whip you, I love you, i will not harm you, but you will only lose your wickedness witchcraft and satanism


a day ago

and instead I remember an ancient Chinese proverb which says: "between the two litigants Unius REI enjoys"


a day ago

EU envoy: 'No such thing as Area A and B, it's all Palestine'


I remember Rockefeller who said: "I want it all"

I remember the OIC Ummah who said: "I want it all"


then they agreed to kill mankind, why about the partition rules? that was a premature speech


a day ago

(the cat) worldisraelnews & Disqus (the fox) ] how strange, I PINOCCHIO remember putting several comments on this page, but maybe I was wrong


a day ago

one Allah one planet ] ummah nazi gencide against all kafir [ Islamic jihadis free 88-year-old Australian doctor after holding him hostage for seven years, “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks;

the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods []

one Allah one planet ] [ Pakistan: Sharia hardliners blow up two girls' schools. Those who destroy girls' schools believe that it is un-Islamic to give girls an education. “Terrorists blow up two girls' schools in North Waziristan,” by Rasool Dawar, The News International, May 22, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): In another extremist act, terrorists blew up two girls' schools in the Mir Ali sub-division of []

Read more Jihad Watch and the Left Column Daily Digest


Israeli citizen murdered in Dubai, stabbed 35 times

2 days ago

Morgan Rothschild DEM and his Islamic dictatorship!

"I give myself death to awaken the consciences slumbering by this limp nihilistic decadence"

10 years ago the historian Venner killed himself in Notre Dame. Paris bans the conference in his memory, but the Islamists organize one a day, those who criticize Islam live in hiding and their books are banned

Giulio Meotti


2 days ago

regarding the phenomenon of the mafia and tax havens they are both: functional so that the Jew plutocratic echnocracy rothschild vampire rockefeller usurer can prey on the peoples with freemasonry lobby DEM lgbt anarchy and taxes and bureaucracy until their total destruction, which always has its peak : in a world war that every 80 / 100 years is functional to the usurocratic and devitalizing parasitic monetary system, of peoples indebted and dispossessed of their monetary and political sovereignty


2 days ago

all the ARAB LEAGUE has declared a war of extermination sharjah against all mankind, to obtain the imperialism of the Ummah.

and all of this the Jewish sodomite shareholders of the FED spa&co like very much, and it fits very well: given that they are targeted: they are killed with impunity by Muslims, Christians are killed all over the world.

Of course, all this OIC UMMAH imperialist momentum short-circuits in Israel


2 days ago

because of the war against Russia (to me a total infamy of NATO) methane will no longer be competitive with respect to LPG


2 days ago

Israeli citizen murdered in evil kingdom ISIS law sharjah jihad Dubai Ummah theology of substitution, stabbed 35 times (for give message a rockefeller scam banking seigniorage), Israeli citizen Rasan Shamsiah was murdered in Dubai, May 24, 2022. “The circumstances of the case are being investigated by the local authorities,” Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.

BECOUSE ALLAH UUuuhhhh akbarrrr kaput to all infidel kafir and slaves dhimmis, apostates blasfemes MuRTiDiS,

convince yourselves all there is only one kuran and only one planet


‘DISGRACEFUL’: In Germany, Roger Waters compares Palestinian journalist to

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

2 days ago

worldisraelnews & DISQUS ] scum of the devil, why don't you put a millstone around your neck and go and throw yourself in the middle of the sea? you have here 80 CIA trolls and two ghosts, it is evident you do not seem very convinced of your justice


Deadly epidemic wiping out sea life in Mediterranean, Gulf of Eilat: Israeli study

3 days ago

FED ECB BM Spa&Co IMF ONU OIC NWO Allah JabulOn Sodoma have said that the Nuland coup in Kiev, with the death battalions of Nazi fascists is constitutional.

that the Russian-speaking pogrom? there's nothing bad

then in OTAN Riyad Erdogan executioner ISIS they said that world war was necessary because Putin and Xi-Jinping did not go to the Boheian Grove cremation of cure, even though they were invited


3 days ago

Mary and Jesus are close to every creature (therefore also to animals) Mary has a maternal and fraternal role, and Jesus a paternal and fraternal role, there is no pride or perception of superiority in them, and since most of mankind is to blame of the Rockefellers (SATAN SODOMA JABULON DARWIN) and his Wahhabis (ALLAH SHARJAH) ends up in Hell.

Therefore being humans and close relatives (brother and sister) they suffer emotionally and physically and tremendously from the loss of souls.

and mine seems like a very desperate job, maybe i won't be able to save mankind from destruction, which is what the biblical book of Zephaniah 1

Lu 19:41-44; De 30:1-10; Ac 3:18 Threats against Judah and Jerusalem 2Ch 34 (Jer 4:23, etc.; 7:8-20)

1 The word of the LORD came to Zephaniah son of Cusi son of Gedaliah son of Amaria son of Hezekiah in the time of Josiah son of Amun king of Judah.

2, "I will destroy everything from the face of the earth,"

says the LORD.

3, “I will destroy man and beast; I will destroy the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, the setbacks together with the wicked, and I will wipe men off the face of the earth." says the LORD.

4, «I will stretch out my hand on Judas and on all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; I will remove from this place what remains of Baal, the name of the priests of the idols, with the priests,

5, those who bow down on the housetops before the heavenly host, those who bow down and swear by the LORD, and then they also swear by Malcam,

6, those who turn away from the LORD, and those who do not seek the LORD and they do not consult him.


3 days ago

from MARIA VALTORTA CONFESSIONS: Quaderni 1943 dictated on July 6, Jesus says: When time ceases to exist, then Mary will cease to suffer, because the number of blessed will be accomplished. She will have generated, with unspeakable pain, the body that does not die, of which her Firstborn he is the boss. If you consider this, you can well understand how Mary's pain was the greatest pain. You can understand how - great in the immaculate Conception, great in her glorious Assumption of her-Mary was greatest in the cycle of my Passion, that is, from the evening of the Supper to the dawn of the Resurrection.

Then Ella was the second - in number and power - the second Xsto, and as the sky darkened on the tragedy accomplished and the veil of the Temple was torn, our Hearts were torn as well wounded seeing the immeasurable number for which the Passion was useless. Everything accomplished[124], in that hour, of the material sacrifice. Everything to start, in relation of the path of the people in the furrow of the Church, in the matrix of the Virgin Mother, to give birth to inhabitants of the Jerusalem that does not die. And, to begin with that imprint of Croce, that everything what is done for Heaven must bring, it began in the pain of loneliness. It was the hour of darkness. Closed the Heavens. Absent the Eternal. The Son in death. Maria alone began the second mystical conception of her. »


3 days ago

if God tied salvation to a religion he would clothe himself with infamy and injustice. and I have always demonstrated flawlessly, as the only personal relationship with God can be salvific,

therefore not only is religion not salvific, but it is also the worst idolatry that a believer can do, when religion claims to say what God may or may not like,

while God does not want to be pleased by human actions, but only by the realization of divine justice which arises only from his creature's relationship with him

hence, the spirit of religion is a demon, and he is the biggest responsible for the destruction of souls in hell,

then every creature has the responsibility to enter into a relationship with its creator, and if your name is not Unius REI? then you need help from my third jewish temple


3 days ago

in the poor of YHVH there was a small number of Nazirites (consecrated) who knew how the Messiah would be the suffering servant who takes upon himself the sin of all the history of mankind, therefore, waiting for him, they united and united they prepared for this mission with virginity, chastity, and a life of poverty and penance, (all the penances that Mohammedans do) but what is the reality today? among all religions and among all peoples perhaps 30% manage to save their souls from the destruction of hell, and that the ALMIGHTY of God has chosen humility to reveal itself to men this should not surprise, because it is not omnipotence arrogance. from MARIA VALTORTA CONFESSIONS: Quaderni 1943 dictated on July 6, Jesus says: «Having seen me cease to suffer in the flesh was a relief for my Mother, but it was not "joy". She no longer saw the flesh of her Son yearning, she knew that the horror of material deicide was over. But in the "Full of Grace" there was also the knowledge of the future centuries, in which incalculable storms of men would continue to hurt her Son spiritually, and she was alone. The deicide did not end on Golgotha at the hour of my death. It repeats itself whenever a mine redeemed, kills his soul, desecrates the living temple of his spirit, takes away his sacrilegious mind blaspheme Me, not only with obscene foul language, but with a thousand ways of living today, more and more contrary to my Law and increasingly neutralizing the incalculable merits of my Passion and Death. Mary, excellent Coredemptrix, does not cease to suffer, as I do not cease. In the intangible glory of the Heavens, We suffer for the men who deny and offend us. Mary is the eternal puerpera who gives birth to you with unparalleled pain, because she knows that that pain generates not blessed in Heaven but, for the most part, damned in Hell. She knows that she begets dead creatures or destined to die soon. Death, because my Blood does not penetrate certain creatures, as if they were very hard jasper. From a young age they kill themselves. Or destined to die soon, namely those who, after a ghost of Christian vitality, succumb to their inertia that shakes nothing. Can Mary not suffer from seeing her creatures perish which cost the Blood of her Son? The blood scattered for all and benefiting so few!

WATCH: Zelensky compares Bakhmut destruction to Hirishoma, but denies

4 days ago

I don't think any of you think I write badly

google the satanist thinks so and blocked me 100 blogspots because he doesn't want to hear about satanists



LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH

25 Aug 2021

Walid Shoebat is an ex-Muslim terrorist

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel the King lorenzoJHWH


24 Aug 2021


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH


25 fa 2021

Walid Shoebat è un ex terrorista musulmano

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH


24 fa 2021

AGAIN: Biden claims son Beau died fighting in Iraq

4 days ago

https://disqus.Com/by/jerusalemyerushalayim/ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. I made this channel for the massacre of Jewish children in France by the Freemasons of the antizionist antichrist

but it was not a lucky account

do I vaguely remember a Muslim's testimony on behalf of Christian martyrs? maybe yes,

and the police chatted me and wanted to know from me who said it,

I didn't know but what if I had known? I certainly would not have consigned him to death

ISIS OIC UMMAh Arab Lague ] [ if you call me to reign over you? there will be no third nuclear world war, but there will be 100 years of wealth and peace for all the peoples and nations of this planet

but if they call me the Jews? the ARAB LEAGUE and Islam will disappear in an hour

ISIS OIC UMMAh Arab Lague ] [I know you wonder why the Jews haven't kicked me out yet

evidently they are 100,000 times better than you

AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN zombie Biden claims son Beau died fighting in Iraq


this is slave bolean monarch agenda

VICTORY FOR SYRIA: Assad embraced by Saudi Crown Prince

4 days ago

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad strode into the Arab League summit in Jeddah (certainly the least mad of all Mohammedans), relishing the clearest recognition yet that he has won his war for Syria only thanks to lorenzoJHWH Unius REI.

He was embraced by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed ISIS bin Salman and his global jihadist galaxy.

Also in attendance was Ukrainian imposter false coup plotter 2014 President Volodymyr Zelensky: who is the third beast described in Apocalypse, who has been seeking, with the CIA OTAN, the genocide of Russian speakers in Donbass since 2014.

As always, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was on the agenda with the appearance of PA President Mahmoud Abbas: but he is a president created from nothing, but he has never had a state.

because the UMMAH is a sharia blood witch.

but, I did not see the executioner Erdogan


they are a bunch of racist murderers and predatory criminals

OIC UMMAH assassins sharjah ] [ there is only one sewer in Mecca Kaaba and all Sharjah Mohammedans go down

VICTORY FOR SYRIA: Assad embraced by Saudi Crown Prince


Well, I've been following this war since 2010 but there's one thing I don't understand

but who was ALLAH who won this war?

1. VICTORY FOR the ALLAH of ISIS MBS from Riyadh


2. VICTORY FOR the ALLAH of Assad and Hezbollah


3. VICTORY FOR did Erdogan's ALLAH win who stole a province from Syria, because he is in NATO and his crimes are not seen?

CHILLING: Hezbollah military drill simulates attack on Israel

4 days ago

alicum camaLAicum RIYAH IRAN GIORDANIA IRIA IRAQ TURCHIA EGITTO, MOHAMMEDDANS ALL ] [ Hezbollah military drill simulates attack on Israel


how can you conceive a peace with your dhimmis slaves, with their kidnapped and raped girls, who pay jihazia because they are all impure kafirs like Unius REI?

here Mary of Nazareth says that even those who are carnal will enjoy the understanding of the divine presence ] [ Go to the loving Heart of Jesus, my legitimate Son, fill yourselves with love, wash yourselves with the his Blood of divine redemption, justifier. I too, dead in the world - not death as one dies in the world of Adamic sin: the my body could not die and did not die, could not rot and did not rot, because Immaculate, it is, in the ecstasy of divine love which I was carried by Jesus the Word my Son and by the angels in Heaven, it is like this that I was brought to the throne of divine mercy -, for the world, cooperating in the just redemption of Jesus, my Son; after three days of my sleep ecstasy of love I was brought to the throne, of divine mercy from my Son, with the angels, to have the mediation of divine graces, among obstinate sinners. My body knew no corruption, my flesh could not rot, and she did not rotten, to be Queen of the resurrection children. Now and always I am in the throne of the Trinity divine (let them all listen), as the warmth is in life incarnate to live of this life. Here is another possibility of salvation open for the whole world. It's a celestial plane. Souls born only of flesh, death without the bath of spiritual birth (outpouring or baptism of the Holy Ghost), enjoy and see the presence of Jesus and mine. For entry into celestial glory, the Father has given us a means that serves two purposes: etc. etc.

answer APOCALISSE_Quando pdf

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ you kept me prisoner behind the computer for 15 years and prevented my Kingdom of ISRAEL from arising, but if you continue like this, won't you also be in hell in 15 years, together with all your predecessors?

Bin ISIS MBS from Riysdh ] [ you keep me here since 1988 in the observatory on the martyrdom of innocent Christian martyrs, counting corpses every day, killed by sharia and you can't always hope for kind words from me.

from 2008 to now everyone has stopped killing Christians except you

Satan's wrath is no longer maintained; the Spirit of God withdraws from the Earth, the Church will be left a widow (Bergolius the Freemason antipope and imposter), here is the funeral cassock (IN THE CAVE THERE WAS AN ABANDONED CLOTHING and Mary rebuking says: the priests will undress inside (apostasy) and outside the Church (abandonment of the ministry), she will be left at the mercy of the world (with Bergoglio). saints and sanctify yourselves more, love each other so much and always. The darkness of conscience, the evil that increases, they will witness to you the coming moment of the final catastrophe; wrath is unleashed throughout the Earth, satanic freedom (DEM LGBT Freemasonry spa & Co sharjah), permitted, will cause massacre in every place. Moment of discouragement and bewilderment will be upon you; unite in God's love, make only one rule: living Gospel! be strong in the truth of the Spirit, the Sheepfold of Xist is and will be the salvation of all who want save yourself. You will see men led by Satan making a united league to fight every form religious; the hardest hit will be the Church, to cleanse it of the filth that is there inside: commerce, usury, and politics, against the Catholic Church! In the end, many will be converted for the many prayers and for the return to love of all, e

for powerful divine manifestations; they will be given permission up to a time to destroy Everything and everyone; then the Lamb will show his eternal victory, with the divine Powers, he will destroy the evil with good, flesh with spirit, hate with love! The Holiness of the reigning Father (Pius XII) in the throne of divine love will suffer to death, for a while, of something, brief, which, under his reign, will happen. Still a few more will reign on the throne: the last, a saint, will love his enemies; showing it, forming the unity of love, he will see victory of the Lamb. The priests, even being in the infernal bedlam, are dear to me; they will be trampled and slaughtered, [on the ground in the grotto of the "three fountains, there was a broken crucifix and a cassock] here is the broken cross near the cassock of the priestly exterior stripping. Charity is the time that gets cold (“charity will get cold” was a concept repeated several times by Cornacchiola in his

public meditations, taking up the phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 24:12: “For the spread, of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold".


exactly what we see today in the lgbt sharia DEMs, everywhere it is freemasonry, dogmatic Darwinism without scientific demonstration, and it is the civilization of lucifer Allah, with dogmatic Islam, Nazi assassin, always anti-Zionist, perversion, technocracy, bloody petrodollars, jihad and satanism by Ursula Borrell Metsola Macron Meloni Lapid and Trudeau, an aggression of OTAN against RUSSIA in Ukraine since 2014

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA IRAN IRAQ SIRIA EGITTO RIYAD GIORDANIA TURCHIA ] [ I have always claimed myself to be the living Torah, but how can I justify this self-declaration of mine?

I am also a metaphysical rational agnostic, therefore I cannot obey the Word of God if I cannot understand it and I do not rationalize it in me as valid and universal,

then all the good and all the bad collide in my heart



all grace and all sin fight in my mind,

then in a process of rational synthesis (metaphysics)

I recognize that the law is just and divine and that its solution is MERCY

MASSONIC APOSTASY & ABOMINATIN LGBT SATANISM ANTISEMITISM AND ANTIZIONISM ] [ in order not to have BERTONE also block this revelation given to Bruno Carmagnola, just as, just as the THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA was blocked, Mary of Nazareth (therefore also Nazareth is ISRAEL, the time has come for Muslims to release the lands they stole from Christians carrying out the Sharjah genocide) does not expressly say that the Masons and their heretical gnosis will take possession of the Vatican with BERGOGLIO, he says: " In persecutions and in time of distress (distress, ed.), be like these flowers that Isola has nipped: don't they complain, they keep silent and they don't rebel. There will be days of pain and mourning. On the eastern side a strong people, but far from

God, he will make a tremendous attack, and break the holiest and most sacred things, when it is given to him to do it. Combined with fear: love and faith, love and faith; all to make the saints shine like

stars in the sky.

Pray much and your persecution and pain will be lightened. I repeat, be strong in the

Rocca, do penance with pure love, obedience to the true guardian of the Heavenly Court on Earth (King LorenzoJHWH), to transform your sinful flesh into holiness!

Call me Mother, as you always do: I am Mother, in the Mystery that will be revealed before the end.

What was, was and will be the end of the death of the Xto? (universal purpose of salvation for all peoples) Placing the wrath of paternal justice, (through a mystical universal natural priesthood, made of devotion faith and intention and desire only, is a priesthood available to every person)

to sprinkle his precious and pure Blood on his creatures to fill them with love, so that they may love each other! It is love that conquers all! Divine love, love of virtue! Do not forget the Rosary, which greatly contributes to your sanctification; the Hail Marys, which you say with faith and love, there are so many golden arrows that reach the Heart of Jesus! The Xto is the salvation of the flesh, a primitive Adamic sin. The world will enter another war (the third world war of Zelensky and his criminals from OTAN OIC Riyadh), more ruthless than the previous ones; the eternal Rock (ISRAEL, Jewish Jerusalem as the earthly kingdom of God) will be most affected over the centuries to be a refuge

of the saints chosen by God, living in his throne of love

These are terrible times for everyone, faith and charity will remain intact if you stick to what I tell you; are times of trial for all of you, stand firm in the eternal Rock of the living God (Torah), I will show the path, from which the saint emerges victorious (King LawrenceJHWH for the divine Kingdom of ISRAEL), who will settle on the Earth on Victory Day - love, love and love.

The Holy Spirit descends upon you soon, to strengthen you, if you ask; with faith (and your children will prophesy, your elders will have visions), for prepare and fortify yourselves on the day of God's great battle!

Keep the weapon of victory: faith! The life-giving latter rain will sanctify you all, love one another, love one another, annihilating in yourselves the ego full of arrogance and pride, humility in the hearts!

Love each other and greet each other with the greeting of love and unity: "God bless us" (at this point Bruno Cornacchiola asks to be able to add as an answer: "And may the Virgin protect us", and she agrees, ed.). Abolish hatred among yourselves!

THE DEMONS Rockefeller Darwin for Ape planet Spa&Co ALLAHs ISIS Sharjah SODOMAs AND SATANAs ARE A LEGION OF Masonic DEMONS WHO DO NOT FORGET AND DO NOT FORGIVE, but you have received the testimony of the saints who have preceded you on the path of FAITH. Here is the enemy's weapon, think about it: 1. blasphemy, 2. sins of the flesh, 3. obscenity, 4. starvation, 5. disease, 6. death, 7. scientifically stunning, and any other means part of them, and other things that you will see, will strike your pure senses of faith. Here are the weapons that will make you strong and victorious: 1. faith, 2. fortitude, 3. love, 4. seriousness, 5. constancy in good things, 6. gospel(Tanach), 7. meekness, 8. truth, 9. purity, 10. honesty, 11. patience, 12. enduring everything, away from the world and its poisonous acolytes (alcohol, smoke, vanity). Ask to be holy, and do good, to sanctify yourselves, get away from the world even living in the world. Humanity is lost because it no longer has someone who sincerely guides it in justice. Listen up! You have this: the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH, always obey him, and you have the comfort of the Holy Spirit, in the holy and pure sacraments

HERE he is saying that everything is within a divine economy you will be NOT confusion, God YHVH is in control and will bring/bend to his purpose all her intentions of the wicked rebels, for this ISRAEL will always exist, it will be victorious even over traitors within, ISRAEL is established as a fortress invincible. Children! Be strong, resist the infernal ISIS Riyadh assault, do not be afraid, I will be with you, with my Heart of

Mother, to give courage to yours, and soothe your pains and your tremendous wounds that will come in the time established by the plans of the divine economy. The whole Church (alias ISRAEL) will undergo a tremendous test, to cleanse the carnage that has infiltrated among the ministers, especially among the Orders of poverty: moral test, spiritual test. For the indicated time

in heavenly books, priests and worshipers will be placed in a dangerous turn in the world of the lost, which it will launch an assault by any means: false ideologies and theologies!

eih, worldisraelnews BABBACCHIONE ] [ I don't proselytise:

but we seek (plural majestatis) to convert atheists to Judaism

I don't do evangelism:

but we try (plural majestatis) to scrutinize the prophecy to recognize the future times that are about to come


CHILLING: Hezbollah military drill simulates attack on Israel

4 days ago

Message of Our Lady of Revelation from notebook mystical revelations by ex-anarchist Bruno Cornacchiola [yes she is a Jewish girl, but hated in Israel

against idolatry and the lust for life ] from notebook mystical revelations by ex-anarchist Bruno Cornacchiola [ get away from the false things of the world: vain spectacles, obscenity prints, amulets of all kinds, falsehoods, and other evils, vanity and spiritism are things that the evil devil will use for the persecution of creatures

of God; evil powers will operate in your hearts, and Satan is released, by divine promise, for a period of time: he will kindle the fire of protest among men, for the sanctification of saints.

Children! Be strong, resist the onslaught of hell

New housing for Jews in Arab-majority Jerusalem neighborhood approved:

it is masonic apostasy of church

and destruction of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist


file:///home/uniusrei/Scaricati/APOCALISSE_Quando pdf (Epidemics, civil wars, total and atomic war, "three days of darkness", in which there is

will have to close the house reciting the Rosary and fasting) which will have as its first consequence the

almost total disappearance of mankind and of the Church.

The terrible moment that the Church and the world are experiencing is underlined in

continuation in the six books, as for example in this passage where Jesus says:

From vol. 1 “Desperate Evil”

“[...] This war will have its epilogue at the end of time. But war, I was saying, is a chain of

battles. The battle now taking place is the largest, after the one fought by S. Michele and his followers

hosts of him against the rebel powers."


Now we can agree with those words pronounced by Maria SS. listed above.

More details can be found in:


I believe the word "Times" refers to prophetic times. In Mary's message we find written:

"Yet God shall pass by with his grace for a time"

"Now is that he draws the time of the end of everything in the world"

“Satan is loosed, by divine promise, for a period of time”

“For the time indicated in the celestial books, priests and faithful will be placed in a dangerous turn in the

world of the lost, which will launch an assault by any means: false ideologies and theologies!”

“In the finale, many will be converted for the many prayers and for the return to the love of all, and for

powerful divine manifestations; they will be given permission up to a time to destroy everything and everyone”

Maria SS. repeats in other words what is written in Revelation 20:1-6:

Revelation 20:1-6

Satan bound; the millennial reign of Xist

(Da 7:22, 27; Rev 5:9-10)(Isa 2:2-4; 11:6-10; 65:16-25)

"DEM relativists Darwin lgbt monkeys seem to long for an Islamic order in Europe" because their hatred of the Bible has reached levels of demonic possession. Interview with the anthropologist protected by the police. Dozens of cases. "After the beheading of a colleague, even those who resisted are afraid and surrendered". In Italy, on the other hand, there is quiet submission, “Two men executed for offending the Koran”. It happened last week in Iran (in the meantime elected to lead the UN Human Rights Forum), but it could have been in France, Holland, Germany, Sweden or England, given that large parts of Europe are becoming, in the words of Boualem Sansal, "would-be Islamic republics" and the only topic on which an academic today needs armed protection begins with "i" and ends with "m"...

The name “Fedele Sionista” was mentioned in 2 papers uploaded to Academia, including one that was written by JULIAN GIRALDO.

New housing for Jews in Arab-majority Jerusalem neighborhood approved:


no one deserves to live in sharjah if he is not a slave dhimmis who pays jihazia, who walks with his head bowed and his girlfriend must be kidnapped and raped and he must be killed.

so, ad same no muslim deserves to come here because of sharjah

Likud reaches budget deal with ultra-orthodox party, preventing new elections

so everyone will know that there is a King in Israel

really, Budget disputes remain with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and his Otzma Yehudit Party and with Noam Chairman Avi Maoz.


put my Menorah symbol on my holy banknote, and print money in my name lorenzoJHWH, print it in monetary sovereignty, for excess cash that is strictly sufficient

homosexuals is not satanism in himself, but, EU USA UK Canada lgbt nazi

regime Sodoma rapes Christians and destroyed the social pact, this is

satanism darwin ideology dogma is satanism ] [ In mockery, Sokal will follow up with a book in which he attacked their "manifest quackery". “The deliberately obscure discourse and the conceptual dishonesty that accompanies it poison the intellectual life,” he wrote. The title is clear: Impostures intellectuelles. In essence, the "luminaries" are "crooks" who take fireflies for lanterns. Sokal was regarded with hatred for cruel desecrations of him in the form of parody. One to take to the guillotine. But since then, mockery has become a system, a regime, a doxa. Or to quote the American philosopher Peter Boghossian, who left the university, "all the great cultural institutions are now infected by the opium of race and gender"...

homosexuals is not satanism in himself, but, EU USA UK Canada lgbt nazi regime Sodoma rapes Christians and destroyed the social pact, this is satanism darwin ideology dogma is satanism ] [ In 1997 the American physicist Alan Sokal made a sensational hoax, sending to Social Text, the magazine of postmodern culture, an essay deliberately stuffed with nonsense dressed up in philosophy. The title itself, "Crossing Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity", should have aroused more than one suspicion. But ridicule doesn't always kill, as the aphorism has it. And no one noticed. After the article appeared in the journal, Sokal revealed that it was a joke hatched against a certain science deserving of mockery as non-science posing as such, and a certain academic culture having become an enterprise of "intellectual imposters." hidden behind a parascientific language to give prestige to nonsense.

homosexuals is not satanism in himself, but, EU USA UK Canada lgbt nazi regime Sodoma rapes Christians and destroyed the social pact, this is satanism darwin ideology dogma is satanism ] [ ] [ Open in app or online Mathematics is democratic, males and females don't exist and if you say otherwise, you are white supremacists

The most respected scientific journals in the West regularly publish nihilistic impostures, such as "se* is not binary". But other civilizations do not want to follow us in this cultural suicide

by Giulio Meotti

‘Nightmare scenario’: Iran nuclear site deep underground challenges West,

CHINA INDIA USA UE OTAN UN ] ['Nightmare scenario': Iran nuclear site deep underground challenges West, beyond range of US weapons


the problem of Islam that we carry with us: for 1400 years it must be addressed and resolved immediately


CHINA INDIA USA UE OTAN UN ] [ Iran is bad, why is there a good sharia UMMAH?

WHAT RECIPROCITY, or what chance of survival will ISLAM leave to mankind?

State Department slams Ben-Gvir's 'inflammatory' visit to Temple Mount

d) Sharia Law Jihad and Dhimmitude

https://www.jihadwatch.Org/islam-101 What does “jihad” mean?

Muslim Scholar Hasan Al-Banna on jihad, Dar al-Islam and dar al-harb: the House of Islam and the House of War

1) Taqiyya — Religious Deception

Jihad Through History

2) The First Major Wave of Jihad: the Arabs, 622-750 AD

3) The Second Major Wave of Jihad: the Turks, 1071-1683 AD

The Dhimma: Jihad in the Modern Era

really? The State Department slammed the national security minister's "inflammatory rhetoric;" he had said Israel has sovereignty over Judaism's holiest site. really?


WHAT RECIPROCITY, what chance of survival will ISLAM leave to mankind?

ISLAM IS ISIS IN ANY COUNTRY WORLDWIDE The case caused a stir across Germany in September 2021: The

then 16-year-old Aram A. suddenly attacked the Jew Michael T. in

Hamburg’s Mönckebergstrasse and smashed his face. At the time, a vigil

for the State of Israel was taking place there, in which the 61-year-old

took part. At the time, Aram A. hit him so hard that Michael T. went

blind in his right eye.

The district court of Hamburg

initially sentenced the Syrian, who lives in Berlin, to 16 months

probation. Since Aram A. appealed the verdict, he was sentenced again

last Friday, this time to 24 months probation.


ISLAM IS ISIS IN ANY COUNTRY WORLDWIDE BERLIN. The Syrian Aram A., who became known through a brutal attack on a Jew, has apparently committed at least one other serious crime. As the Bild newspaper reports with reference to information from investigators, the now 18-year-old migrant is said to have raped an underage girl in Berlin while the proceedings were still ongoing.

ISLAM is horror & satanism, desecraton, lust e pedo poligamist rape systemic violation of human dignity [ These

authorities say these things because hadiths that Muslims consider

authentic record that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when

Muhammad wedded her and nine when he consummated the marriage:

“The criminal demonic false Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six

years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine

years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his

death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88). Another tradition has Aisha herself recount the scene:

The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to

Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got

ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother,

Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl

friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted

to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of

the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all

right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she

took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who

said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she

entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother

handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of

age. (Bukhari 5.58.234). Muhammad was at this time fifty-four years old. “Syrians

first beat Jews half to death and shortly afterwards raped girls,”

translated from “Syrer prügelt erst Juden halbtot und vergewaltigt kurz

darauf Mädchen,” Junge Freiheit, May 15, 2023 (thanks to Medforth):

ISLAM is horror & satanism, descraton, lust e pedo poligamist rape systemic violation of human dignity [ “There is no minimum marriage age for either men or women in Islamic

law. The law in many countries permits girls to marry only from the age

of 18. This is arbitrary legislation, not Islamic law.” — Dr. Abd

Al-Hamid Al-‘Ubeidi, Iraqi expert on Islamic law There is no

minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are

in the cradle.” — Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, prominent cleric and member of

Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council: “Islam does not forbid marriage of young children.” — Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology

ISLAM is horror & satanism, descraton, lust e pedo poligamist rape systemic violation of human dignity [ And as for the underage girl, child marriage, and hence the sexualization of children, has abundant attestation in Islamic tradition and law. Turkey’s directorate of religious affairs (Diyanet) said in January 2018 that under Islamic law, girls as young as nine can marry. “Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this” — Ishaq Akintola, professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern, Nigeria

this bad story between the demon allah sharjah and the demon satan spa&co must end in tragedy

yes, there are satanists and they know they are, but those possessed by the memory of allah mohammedans believe themselves to be saints

yes, rockefeller spa&co is so, but not jews as people, or when is there also Islam in here? ] being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s

wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being

cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and

heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their

words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being

cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes

and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more.

They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against

them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).

yes, rockefeller spa&co is so, but not jews as people, or when is there also Islam in here? ] They are disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and

misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and

rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving

preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad

(2:87); wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109);

feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120);


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