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episode of FUORI DAL CORO

Kanye West: 'I like Jews again after watching Jonah Hill movie' https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/odiano-cristo-gli-ultimi-rantoli-della-bestia/ They hate xsto (the last gasps of the beast) The bishop of Innsbrück, Hermann Glettler, had a canvas exhibited in the church of the city hospital that portrays a pig's heart partially covered with a condom: the "Lenten cloth". As for the ridila tua vergognaus puerile reasons for the gesture, I refer you to the reading of the article. Much could be said about the symbolism of the thing. The fact is that the analysis, as accurate as it is (or perhaps precisely because it is accurate), has several merits and some defects, among which that of quelling the scandal of a blatant satanic order stands out: it is a question of finding a rational, possible guise , intelligible to the imposture. Analysis normalizes, makes any enormity plausible. The synthesis inexorably changes the picture revealing what is underneath what it seems. The approach that interests me is the synthetic one. They hate Xsto, that's all. It is no longer only the world that gratifies Jesus, si oportet direcere, with an ardent and ruthless hatred. Even his descendants, the successors of the apostles, hate him with an infinitely more hideous and heavy hatred for their souls, because they have known him and therefore they will not be excused. The betrayal of the friend, of the Master, is revolting. ANSWER What's wrong? i also hate jesus of bethlehem because he tells me all day: "eih mohammed hate your banana or he will take you to hell" 1 Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments Defense Minister Gallant calls to halt judicial reform legislation BUT BERGOGLIO PACHAMAMA IS TOO MERCY TO THE ISLAMIST SATANIST FREEMASONS AND HOMOSEXUALS, HE ONLY GETS ANGRY AGAINST BENEDICT XVI AND HIS FOLLOWERS, UP TO EXCOMMUNICATING THEM. INNSBRUCK, Austria, An Austrian bishop will remove from one of his churches a highly controversial “lenten cloth” that has caused outrage amongst faithful Catholics. https://www.lifesitenews.Com/news/austrian-bishop-could-face-legal-complaints-after-placing-pig-heart-lenten-cloth-in-catholic-church/ The cloth shows a pig heart half covered by a condom, and Austrian Catholics might file a criminal complaint against their bishop for “disparagement of religious teachings.” 1 facciaDila tua vergogna Israeli Minister of Defense Freemason Yoav Gallant traitor and CIA spy resign immediately 1 ISIS shame predatory parasites sharjah genocide IRAN mohammeddans crazy evil Ummah Riyadh ] [ don't you see and don't you care how Netanjhau is fighting so that all mankind, doesn't have to sink into the gutter of demon Satan? so to you what? if your demon Allah is an excrement that can float on its own. 1 mason Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant traitor? he knows well that if this reform does not pass, Netanjahu will end up in jail like an innocent fool, I would immediately give to Yoav Gallant the death penalty. Rabbinate would never let, that a constitution to happen, because they wait for King Dracula Baal jabulOn Rothschild, i.e. the false biblical monarchy of satan spa&Co sodoma Marduch, Murdoch 666 Marduck that at 92 years old, he thinks of his old dIiIcIk and he cares nothing for Israel 1 punch_corona_news_wire_service mason Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant traitor? he knows well that if this reform does not pass, Netanjahu will end up in jail like an innocent fool, I would immediately give to Yoav Gallant the death penalty A Hebrew Rabbinate would never let, that a constitution to happen, because they wait for King Rothschild, i.e. the biblical monarchy of satan spa&Co sodoma 1 9 hours ago mason Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant traitor 2 10 hours ago to think that there is good faith in the DEMs and in Freemasons and in the lgbtqia, whose manifestations of revolt and conspiracy are paid for by the USA, and esoteric agenda, occult power, deep state, Owl at bohemian grove cospiracy? this would be an unforgivable mistake of naivety, but, if we have to lose someone in social violence? then, let his blood fall upon him 1 Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments Two IDF soldiers injured in Huwara terror shooting, marking third attack in a 10 hours ago my holy YHWH holy holy holy ] [ the lgbt in Italy Israel and in all the criminal Masonic democracies without monetary and political sovereignty through the media are plagiarizing, hypnotizing people's minds, 40% of advertising and shows are the agenda Lapid Sodom and satan, lesbian propaganda, surrogacy, and perverted fluidity 1 10 hours ago OTAN shareholders FED ECB BM NWo iMF spa&Co UMMAH OCI Riyadh IRAN Rockefeller MBS Rothschild? besides your money they have already stolen your life 1 10 hours ago nobody thinks that Satan & Allah have to tell the truth because they are children of lies and murder, that's why when Biden and his retinue say the banks are solid, it's only because they can't collapse before the world war to go and exterminate the Russians and the Chinese 1 10 hours ago Satana BIDEN and Allah ISIS MBS Alì Khamaenie TOGETHER 1 Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments Attorney General accuses Netanyahu of violating Supreme Court ruling 12 hours ago [[ Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara ]]] and actually my wife? she would already like to be there, but of course, I don't tell her about heaven, because I'm lustful, and because otherwise I'd shoot myself in the foot [ in heaven almost all women 99.6% and all men 99.7% take a vow of virginity, and indeed when: 1. you "breathe the air" of the infinite love that is God , 2. when you look and are looked at by the infinite "light" of love that comes from God, 3. when everything you "touch" and "smell" is always a physical contact with God? ANSWER then, you are transformed and you no longer desire what you can desire on earth, in Paradise you can have from all ardent and inflamed and passionate kisses, of total and pure love, and the glorious caresses of adoration for you, and all the affection you want, but below the navel? there is no one who will make you go... 1 12 hours ago Pending salam 13 hours ago Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara [ but if, I could not have intimate relationships with women or girlfriends, outside of marriage? however I m*astu*r*b*at*e*d (that is, when I was alone without a girlfriend), then, in my fantasy, I imagined a girl's body without a face, so as not to commit a thoughtful adultery with her, so in my sleep, ok, it was a special dream, that cannot be forgotten, and Jesus said to me: "You in your fantasies? You don't take the woman from behind like animals do" in his mercy, in reality, he was making me not guilty of my m*a*st*u*rba*ti*on*s that's why i have a ministry of mercy to save all those whose soul and body have been ruined by DEMs 1 13 hours ago Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara [ together with my muslim brother from kuwait, SUPERLION also romantic like me, for us it was TOO difficult to find a girl, as a soulmate to love, NOR WE COULD join women for futile adventure, and I hope for him, that today he is married and have children, like me 1 13 hours ago Erdogan jihad genocide sharjah executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran jihadist galaxy sharia UMMAH nazi ] [ you run together with sodomitic satanists to kill my Israeli and Chinese and Russian and Christian brothers, then, only one destiny together with satanists it will be your fate with them! one of my minister notary angelo, he writes this sentence 1 13 hours ago Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara [ eih beutifull, becouse you go a satana? you came to me your King 1 21 hours ago Erdogan executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran ] [ ISIS IMAM Joe jihad Biden in 1999 «It was I who suggested bombing Belgrade. I was the one who suggested sending US pilots and blowing up all the bridges over the Danube." answer the secession of Kosovo was good for you, but the secession of Donbass did not suit you! Allah has satanists among his executors of him, genocide sharia imperialism, but because it has always been like this, you are also satanists 1 21 hours ago HIS HOLINESS JOHN PAUL BISHOP SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD in the APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION GREGIS DOMAIN UNIVERSES ABOUT THE HOLIDAY OF THE APOSTOLIC SEE AND THE ELECTION OF THE ROMAN PONTIFF, establishes the excommunication for anyone who agrees before the council for the appointment of the freemason BERGOGLIO as Carinale Dannels revealed was done in the mafia of St. Gallen, the excommunication of UNIVERSI DOMINICI GREGIS adds up to and associates with the previous 640 excommunications against Freemasonry and spa&co private central banks of shareholders Morgan, Jewish satanism Rothschild spa&Co Rockefeller therefore I UniusREI with the authority conferred on me by God, I declare excommunicated both Cardinal Bergoglio and all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church 1 21 hours ago The gaffe on canon 332§2 which keeps Benedict XVI as pope and makes Bergoglio anti-pope by Andrea Cionci https://www.romait.It/la-gaffe-sul-canone-332%C2%A72-che-mantiene-benedetto-xvi-papa-e-fa-bergoglio-antipapa.html 37. I also establish that, from the moment in which the Apostolic See is legitimately vacant, the Cardinal electors present must wait for the absent ones for a full fifteen days; I also leave it to the College of Cardinals to prolong the start of the election for a few more days if there are serious reasons. However, after a maximum of twenty days from the beginning of the Vacant See, all the Cardinal electors present are required to proceed with the election. JOHN PAUL BISHOP SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD IN PERPETUAL MEMORY APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION GREGIS DOMAIN UNIVERSES ABOUT THE HOLIDAY OF THE APOSTOLIC SEE AND THE ELECTION OF THE ROMAN PONTIFF 1 a day ago Erdogan executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran ] [ who Muslim can rejoice that the Vatican has been occupied by sodomite and Satanic Masons? but, you are so vile that you rejoiced...already rejoiced in your own supreme downfall, a declaration of your evil nature, then, you were born of hell too. but His Holiness John Paul II had averted the rise of the Satanist Freemason BERGOGLIO ABOMINABLE DEMON IDOL PACHAMAMA by imposing Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, but then Obama blocked the SWift and the cardinals isolated Benedict XVI and he was forced to resign. For the resignation to be valid, it must be made freely, in the due form and, in the case of the provision to the Petrine office, no one is required to accept it (cf. CIC-1983, cann. 187-189). In order to have a valid waiver, three elements are required: 1) Freedom: 2) The presentation of the renunciation to the competent authority of the Cardinals: 3) Due form: with 50 spelling and grammatical errors 1 Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments Attorney General accuses Netanyahu of violating Supreme Court ruling a day ago conclave.IT/leggevigente.php?id=partesecondacap5par77 Don MINUTELLA said that in this declaration there are 50 errors in Latin, some of which are so too sensational, as to make this declaration juridically invalid. Dear Brothers, I have summoned you to this Consistory not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to adequately exercising the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its spiritual essence, must be carried out not only with deeds and words, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today's world, subject to rapid changes and agitated by questions of great importance for the life of faith, to steer the boat of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, vigor of both body and soul is also necessary, vigor which, in recent months, has diminished in me to such an extent that I have to recognize my inability to administer well the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, well aware of the seriousness of this act, I freely declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on April 19, 2005, so that, from February 28, 2013 , at 20.00, the seat of Rome, the seat of St. Peter's, will be vacant and the Conclave for the election of the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those who are responsible for it. Dear Brothers, I sincerely thank you for all the love and work with which you have carried the weight of my ministry with me, and I ask forgiveness for all my defects. Now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of her Supreme Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus Xist, and we implore her holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal goodness in electing the new Supreme Pontiff. As for me, also in the future, I will want to serve wholeheartedly, with a life dedicated to prayer, the Holy Church of God. From the Vatican, February 10, 2013 BENEDICTUS PP XVI 1 a day ago Erdogan executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran ] [ Biden and Bergoglio are two Catholics but those who stand behind them and who are their protectors are their priests of satan canniballs: Rothschilds and rockefellers 1 a day ago Erdogan executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran ] [ i am not a victim ] I cannot treat Muslims as enemies, because you are doing it against me and against the universal right of Israelis to have their homeland? 1 a day ago Erdogan executioner Ali ISIS Bin al-MBS 3 frogs in Riyadh Iran ] [ i am not a victim ] I said to a Jehovah's Witness friend, and now i said to you. we believers, we children of the Bible, we are the majority, yet due to the stupidity of our opposing positions we left political power to satan sodom darwin to implant their dogmatic theocratic DEM kingdom of satan which is what they did 1 a day ago Why doesn't Attorney general Gali Baharav-Miara, arrest BIDEN? she iswitch consecrated to satan, Biden is War Criminal, Joe Biden said in 1999: «It was I who suggested bombing Belgrade. I was the one who suggested sending US pilots and blowing up all the bridges over the Danube »behind him is the cannibal murderer priest of satan who guides him and from whom he takes orders 1 Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments Netanyahu, British PM cancel joint press statement amid protests, hostility 2 days ago “Many in the nation agree that the Supreme antizionist Court is run as a closed club for the appointment of judges in a sodoma satana masonic friend brings friend sodoma satana masonic system, sodoma satana masonic” Netanyahu said. 2 2 days ago "Armenia is the cancerous tumor of antichrist and sodoma antizionist Europe" Thus Azerbaijan, as Hitler defined the Jews. Xi Jinping announces "a change not seen for a hundred years". The Armenian, which is worth less than a jar of Azeri caviar on the market, must disappear. In greeting Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping says a phrase to him that should rob us of sleep: "A change is coming that hasn't been seen for a hundred years". A small Christian country remembers well what they did to it a hundred years ago the Ottomans killed 1.4 million Armenians of Armenians and Erdogan told Macron "animal don't you dare say it anymore because it's not true" Giulio Meotti 2 Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments BURST OF EMOTION: Protester in ultra-Orthodox neighborhood moved to tears 2 days ago https://ifamnews.Com/en/why-do-you-refuse-to-open-your-eyes-to-such-unpleasant-reality EU silent on the worrying rise of anti-Christian acts, vandalism throughout Europe ] stop satanism and Darwin Ape Donkey+++ Sodoma in masonic thecnocratic plutocratic neoliberalism jihad UE anticrist and antizionist stop [ To stem the tide of anti-religious violence, which has moved from the realm of legitimate criticism to that of crime, coordinated action at the European level is necessary. In implementing its strategy against racism and acts of hatred, the European Union adopted the Council Framework Decision of 28 November 2008, and, as a follow-up, created the functions of coordinators in charge of combating anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. If such a fight is indispensable, which no one disputes, would it not be fair to extend it to the fight against what should be called anti-Christianity as well? Why, in a letter dated 11 November 2022, in response to a request from the association La France en partage, did the European Commission explicitly confirm its refusal to appoint a coordinator for the fight against anti-Christian acts? Why does it refuse to open its eyes to a reality that is certainly unpleasant, but confirmed by statistics and the daily experience of many French people? What is the justification for this double standard, which must be recognized as discrimination against the Christian community? 3 2 days ago https://ifamnews.Com/en/why-do-you-refuse-to-open-your-eyes-to-such-unpleasant-reality EU silent on the worrying rise of anti-Christian acts, vandalism throughout Europe ] stop satanism and Darwin Ape Donkey+++ Sodoma in masonic thecnocratic plutocratic neoliberalism jihad UE anticrist and antizionist stop [ As Christianophobia rises in France and Europe, a group of intellectuals, associations, secularists and religious officials call for EU intervention. Recently, yet another act of severe satanic, communist and anarchist vandalism against the Cathedral of Bordeaux took place, and the prestigious French newspaper LeFigaro published a public appeal to the European Union to call on the Macron government to defend Christians, houses of worship (churches ) and the country's religious and lay people who have been suffering over the past year. The following are some significant excerpts of the appeal that has so far gone unheeded: “The recent news of the nuns forced to leave their neighborhood in Nantes because of insecurity, as well as the latest parliamentary report by Isabelle Florennes and Ludovic Mendes on anti-religious and anti-Christian acts in our country, remind us that hatred knows no refuse. While the worrying increase in violence against religions affects all believers, Christianity remains the main target of anti-religious acts in France and Europe, according to the Ministry of the Interior and the OSCE In the face of this resurgence of hatred, which nevertheless remains disproportionate to the crimes and persecutions committed in other parts of the world, it is no longer time for half-measures and repetitive and conventional announcements. All anti-religious acts must be fought with equal force, because they threaten not only all believers but also the founding principles of our civilization, first and foremost freedom of conscience. 2 2 days ago BURST OF EMOTION exosorcistic: Protester in ultra-Orthodox neighborhood moved to tears, March 24, 2023 One of the protesters against the judicial reform who attended the demonstration in the ultra-Orthodox B'nei Brak suburb of Tel Aviv was moved to tears by the Shabbat songs playing on loudspeakers on Thursday night in preparation for the Jewish Sabbath, The Yeshiva World reported. He removed his helmet with a mounted camera to wipe his tears and then began swaying to the music and singing along, the report said. The girl who took the video said he told her that when he heard the traditional “Shalom Aleichem” (“Peace be Unto You”) playing, it reminded him of his late father of her, who always spoke about love for one 's fellow man. He hadn't heard the song in decades. ANSWER DEM have a brain full of demons and go down in Hell, and the song "Shalom Aleichem" is an effective exorcism, 2 2 days ago Myocarditis kill DEM only ] [ COVID vaccines and adverse events, Donato: Meloni intervenes with the removal of all those involved in the scandalous AIFA affair It's a huge scandal, Italians have the right to the truth. It would be necessary not only to remove the characters involved, but also to open an investigation. After the revelations of #FuoriDalCoro, the immediate resignations of the leaders of AIFA and ISS are required. Read more March 23, 2023 - Blog editorial staff of Sabino Paciolla Myocarditis diagnoses are on the rise in the US military in 2021, according to data from the US Ministry of Defense database. Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Zachary Stieber and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in 2 2 days ago The laboratory spill and pandemic countermeasures up to mass vaccination: What really happened Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Debbie Lerman and published in the Brownstone Institute. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in my Read more Migrants (and children) as political weapons by Miguel Cuartero Samperi The sad spectacle of those who exploit the massacres of migrants to fight political battles is unprecedented. The protagonist of this ugly page of political news is a left whose objective is not Read more 2 2 days ago rockefeller created the NWO the WO-OCi UMMA geopolitics and the two war gallons for the world war, in fact as a slave subject, that Putin sucker pays bank seigniorage to rothschild and this is why so many of his soldiers died, March 24, 2023 Sabino Paciolla In Moscow, Xi and Putin bury the Pax Americana In Moscow this week, Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to reshaping the global order, a feat "not seen in 100 years". Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article Read more March 24, 2023-Sabino Paciolla 2 2 days ago BERGOGLIO, Deep Church, Deep Synagogue satana, Macron Ursula nazi and fascist Borrell, OTAN CIA FED ECB BM NWO IMF DEM & lgbtqia islamize themself for their extreme hatred against me, against Israel and against Jesus of Bethlehem ] burn Satana-Allah jabulOn in Jesus's name burn drink your poison made by yourself [ It's telling that Ajmal Shahpal thought he would get more followers by praising a jihad murderer and encouraging beheading for blasphemy. We're constantly told that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the West reject "extremism." So if that were true, wouldn't praising a jihadi and calling for the beheading of blasphemers make Shahpal less popular? [ ] Read more by Robert Spencer 2 2 days ago Detected as spam OTAN CIA FED ECB BM NWO IMF DEM & lgbtqia islamize yourself for their extreme hatred against Israel and against Jesus of Bethlehem] [ Sweden: Catholic football star praises Sharia, compares it favorably to Swedish society Zlatan Ibrahimović says he is a Catholic. His father was a Muslim, however, and he grew up in Muslim-dominated Malmö; these details may explain how he came to have such a Sharia-positive viewpoint. In any case, he just needs to be patient. Sharia will be along in Sweden soon enough. “Zlatan wants to see Qatar’s [ ] Somalia: Muslims murder five people in jihad suicide attack at guest house hosting government officials “Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (Qur’an 9:111) “Five Killed In Al-Shabaab Suicide Attack In Somalia,” Agence France Presse, March 14, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): At [ ] Yazidi woman who was kept as an Islamic State slave says Shamima Begum is 'fake,' still loyal to 'Sharia ideas' The possibility cannot be discounted. “The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'” (Bukhari 4.52.269) “I was an ISIS slave – I saw Shamima Begum at camp where she learned how to use suicide belts & guns, she'll never change,” by Henry Holloway, The Sun, March 18, 2023: AN ISIS slave has told how she saw Shamima [ ] Muslim migrant arrested for stabbing Italian soldier in the neck, killing him, 'motive still unclear' Might the motive have something to do with this injunction? “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks ” (Qur'an 47:4) “Various facts: The dangerous murderer of an Italian military nurse arrested in the TGV between Perpignan and Figuères,” translated from “Faits divers: Le dangereux meurtrier d'un infirmier militaire italien arrêté dans le TGV entre Perpignan [ ] Pakistan: To become lawyers, Ahmadis have to sign statement renouncing their faith This effectively prevents Ahmadis from becoming lawyers, so that when other Ahmadis encounter legal difficulties, they have to rely on lawyers who are immediately unsympathetic to them. “Pakistan: To Join Bar, Ahmadi Lawyers Are Asked to Deny Their Faith,” by Marco Respinti, Bitter Winter, March 21, 2023: Saudi Arabia, which is an Islamic absolute monarchy, [ ] That 'Arab Demographic Time Bomb' In Israel? It Doesn't Exist The Israelis are constantly told that one reason they need to accept a “two-state solution” is so that they can preserve a state that is “both Jewish and democratic,” which will not be possible if the Arab citizens outnumber the Jews. There is a need, so they are told, to create a new state where [ ] Read more Hugh Fitzgerald UK: Muslim says he praised a jihadi and encouraged people to behead blasphemers 'just to have some more followers' We have received your request for review 2 days ago BERGOGLIO, Deep Church, Deep Synagogue satana, Macron Ursula nazi and fascist Borrell, OTAN CIA FED ECB BM NWO IMF DEM & lgbtqia islamize themself for their extreme hatred against me, against Israel and against Jesus of Bethlehem] [ Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer by Robert Spencer UK: 'Islamophobic' hate crime goes flat as man who set two Muslims on fire turns out to be a Muslim also Two more “Islamophobic” hate crimes turn out to be something else altogether. One might almost get the impression that anti-Muslim hate crimes hardly ever occurred (and shouldn't, of course), were it not for our moral superiors constantly assuring us otherwise. “UK police question suspect after elderly Muslim set alight,” Al Jazeera, March 22, 2023: “The [ ] Read more Robert Spencer Spain: Muslim uses AirDrop to send terrorist threats to people on flight to Tel Aviv “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ” (Qur'an 8:60) “A Vueling flight between Barcelona and Tel- Aviv postponed due to terrorist threats,” translated from “Ajornat un vol de Vueling entre Barcelona i Tel-Aviv per [ ] Read more Robert Spencer 2 2 days ago Erdogn is BOIA about CIA OTAN assassins antizionist and antichrist spa&Co ISIS Wahhabis sukkers and Allah is a demon and has no respect for people's lives, because UN is a sodomite ,and in Turkey the ottoman turkeys are bad, [W]hen the earthquakes struck, the Kızılay [Turkish Red Crescent] had, through a little-known business arm, sold thousands of tents to a Turkish charity, and scored a profit of $2.5 million, instead of dispatching the tents immediately to the victims free of charge. The Turkish Union of Pharmacies was one of quickest to respond to the earthquake. The organization wanted to set up "tent pharmacies" in the earthquake zone to distribute the most urgently needed medicines for free. It needed tents. It had none. It appealed to Kızılay for help. Kızılay helped by selling them tents -- at $7,000 each. Turkey is a poor country, where per capita income is barely $9,000. The earthquake zone is one of the country's poorest. It was not a surprise that the Erdoğan administration pledged to build new homes for the earthquake victims. Nice? Nice. A local chamber of architects found out that the cost to build each apartment would be $40,000. The government said each apartment would be sold for $80,000. In Turkey, twin earthquakes on February 6 took more than 50,000 lives, even though there was warning about the impending earthquake. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments BURST OF EMOTION: Protester in ultra-Orthodox neighborhood moved to tears 2 days ago Allah is a demon and Turkey Ottoman turkeys are bad, In Greece, a train crash on March 1 killed more than 50 people. why Spa&Co MBS wahhabis petrodollars genocide ummah and his Rockefeller stole SCAM COUP banking seigniorage and his freemason the Greece's Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis, a former prime minister, immediately resigned, saying: "I feel it is my duty [to step down], and a minimal gesture of respect to the memory of the people who perished so unfairly, and to take responsibility for the long-standing errors of the Greek state and the political system." but Allah has no respect for people's lives, because UN is a sodomite ,and in Turkey Ottoman turkeys are bad, not a single official signed, including Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, who has refused to answer any one of the 64 parliamentary motions, filed by the opposition, who had warned about the earthquake. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments 'I'm taking the reins': Netanyahu says bill to choose judges will go ahead 2 days ago children of the devil and scum of the devil DEM lgbt sharjah freemasons the day will come that you will regret that you were conceived, "Today, buying a child with a rented uterus is like booking a plane ticket", Women's bellies are a 129 billion dollar business and the European Union regulates it, as if children were nuts and bolts. In the all-concealing West, slavery is a right. Demonstration in France against surrogacy. Life for sale. This is how Jacques Testart defined her, the great biologist "father" of the first French baby born in a test tube, Amandine, in 1982. The surrogate is the new kind of slave, container girl, worker, who will take hormones and she will get pregnant, give birth in pain like everyone else, sometimes she will breastfeed the baby for a few days, then she will hand it over to the buying parents and her bill will be paid, they bought it regularly, it's their stuff. A business like any other, by now. A new way of thinking, a "modern lifestyle". In France they call them mère porteuse, which sounds sweeter than a surrogate uterus. Wrapping women with expenses reimbursed, maternity maids to be treated with care dedicated to a glass test tube, baby brokerage ever more flourishing, ever more regularized, ever less upsetting in the West which conceals everything and where even slavery becomes a right... by Giulio Meotti 2 Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments WATCH: US-Israeli man wounded in Huwara terror attack returns to the scene jihad sharia and christian genocide ] [ Leonardo da Vinci's mother and the taboo of Christian slaves, She was a Circassian enslaved by the Tartars. As in Bat Ye'Or's harrowing chronicles of dhimmitude. It is today's slavery that the West of the white man's sob does not want to see, “Throughout the centuries of Islamic expansion, a continuous flow of non-Muslim populations fueled the slave trade. Cavalier D'Arvieux observed that Christian slaves - Poles, Muscovites, Circassians, Armenians - were led to the market like animals to be sold. Not even the Jews were spared: the expenses for the ransom of those who were kidnapped and reduced to slavery affected the budgets of their communities. The trauma of captivity and slavery drove to conversion those who were not ransomed and who had lost family, money and friends. Following the Turkish-Persian wars, Shah 'Abbās I deported many Armenians from Armenia and Azerbaijan. When the elders died, little by little all the young people became Mohammedans and today you would hardly find two Armenian Christians in all these beautiful plains ”. by Giulio Meotti 2 Alì Kamenei & ISIS & MBS from Riyadh ] [ when in the right lobe of my brain they start laughing before I paste the article into the translator, then, don't you suspect that those who are laughing are the citizens of paradise? this is a violation of my free will, because I have chosen to be a rational agnostic, I will take my complaint to God 2 the demonic society and its human sacrifice of children, to Baal moloch, etc.. pachamama etc.., unleashed God's order to the Jews to expel the pagans, now this is why the Israelis will expel them, "The abortion as a right" and "abortion as a solution" are the mantras repeated to us by radicals, progressives, the mainstream media, feminists and abortionists. But abortion is neither a right nor a solution, because unborn life is never a problem to be solved even when it may appear imperfect as happens with people with Down Syndrome. The true right, denied in Italy today, is NOT to have an abortion. And we explain why. Enjoy the reading! No to eugenic abortion: Billboard for Down Syndrome Day A society which - with abortion - allows the killing of a life because of its condition is disturbing and discriminatory. For this reason, on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March, we launched - in Rome and in the main Italian cities - our billboard campaign with the slogan "Let them be born - #StopAbortion". KEEP READING! [News Highlights] Our Torn Posters: Someone Doesn't Want Babies With Down Syndrome To Be Born But what Women's Day: abortion, gender, rented uterus destroy women Abortion. When courage overcomes all obstacles: the story of Aurora 2 March 17th I explain to the news that the mobilization of the Italians who want peace with Russia has started. Watch the video I publish the latest incredible statements by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the conflict in Ukraine, understood as the struggle of nations who do not want to submit to the globalist plan of NATO and its puppeteers. Read the article During a TV intervention I explain why support for Ukraine risks transforming the electoral consensus of the Meloni government into a bubble ready to explode. Watch the video March 19th In my orial I comment on the news of the arrest warrant against Putin issued by the International Court in The Hague, explaining why it is a farce and why it highlights the hypocrisy of the US apparatus. Read the editorial I close out the week by reposting one of my most comprehensive interviews. Absolutely the first interview in Italy that shed light on the background of the war in Ukraine. Do you think that it was released for Byoblu on March 24, 2022, that is only one month after the start of Putin's special operation. You will not find a complete interview on the subject prior to that date. Watch the video 2 what documents the investigative journalist Francesco Amodeo noi@francescoamodeo.It Here are all the topics covered in my blog from 13 to 19 March I started the new week with an article in which I presented and summarized all my main investigative videos and books since 2013, with links to the videos that have punctuated my career starting with the one that totaled 6 MILLION views on YouTube. Read the article From 13 to 15 February of this year, what many define as the revised and expanded "new version" of the World Economic Forum in Davos, or the World Government Summit, was held in Dubai (UAE). Objective: to make men into machines and definitively transfer power into the hands of a few members of those globalist elites. I talk about it in this article: Read the article March 14th What do they want to do in the bio-laboratories of Trieste? Why is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation a major funder? Do they perhaps want to replace the bio-labs in Ukraine, which have now become unworkable, with bio-labs in Italy? I talk about it in this article: Read the article In a Video I can disassemble one by one the theses of Western propaganda about the war in Ukraine. A painstaking work, using only official sources and Western thread. Watch the video March 15th In the new Pillole di Morpheus column, I raise the question of the international laboratories of Trieste and Pesaro used for dangerous experiments on viruses with a short video. First Trieste with the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Then Pesaro where with a resolution approved on 24 October 2022, the Pesaro city council authorized the alienation of a large piece of land, where a new international laboratory will be built. Watch the video Furthermore, in the Pills of Morpheus column, I explain with a short video why the United States does not show proof of the responsibilities of China and the Wuhan laboratory in the outbreak of the pandemic and why China does not show proof of US responsibilities in the sabotage of the NorthStream Watch the video In a video interview I explain the documented role of the United States in bio-labs in Ukraine and turn on a spotlight on what could happen in Italy. Watch the video March 16th In my daily column La Verità ed il Fatto di Oggi I address an important topic: The evidence that emerged from the investigation by the Bergamo prosecutor showing that AIFA knew that the vaccines were not working but did not allow its officials to speak of vaccine failure Watch the video In a video I explain why the US and the EU didn't want the Foreign Agents Act in Georgia. After days of street protests and harsh clashes with the police, the Georgian parliament announced the revocation of the so-called law on 'foreign agents'. Watch the video In the column "Morpheus pills" I address the issue of the European directive on green buildings, a real future asset for Italians. In fact, it will cost around 25,000 euros to adapt a small or medium-sized apartment to the energy class imposed by the directive on green buildings. Yet the European Parliament approved it. Watch the video 2 while Christians are exterminated throughout the ARAB LEAGUE Wunderbar! In Germany come the streets in Arabic and London lights up for Ramadan What wonderful gestures of welcome (in the meantime the Jews are being attacked). If this isn't Europe's suicide, what is? It's the ′′ sweet conquest ′′ I tell in my new book, 2 Triumph and tragedy of Del Noce's gay nihilism: the "neutral child" A European parliamentarian: "I am raising my child not as a boy or a girl, he will decide when he grows up". The new horrendous tint of a self-destructing West by Giulio Meotti 2 islam and satanism and sodomy walk together for the destruction of jewish-christian civilization, and to threaten the lives of all those rebels at NWO Spa&Co FED ECB iMF of demonic anti-Zionists and anti-Christian Rockefeller that is, to especially threaten Russian Chinese and Indian Israeli Christians 2 yes, was there was a possible solution before the Minsk agreements. On May 11, the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Donbas voted in favor of sovereignty. Putin had asked them to delay the referendums and, while respecting the popular will, Moscow has not recognized the results. Two weeks later, Pyotr Poroshenko was elected president and started negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the rebel leaders of Donbas. The talks were promising, and by the end of the following month, a formula was found for keeping the Donbass in Ukraine peacefully. At this point, on June 24, the Russian Parliament revoked the authority to use troops abroad. Peace was possible. But instead, Nicolai Petro reports, the Kiev government decided that Putin's decision to withdraw troops put the Ukrainian armed forces in a new position of advantage and, instead of pursuing peace, Poroshenko ordered the launch of attacks to recapture militarily the Donbass. It was this betrayal of the peace process that made the signing of the Minsk Accords necessary. Badly losing the battle, Poroshenko was forced to retreat to negotiate a peaceful restitution of the Donbass. Only after Poroshenko's sabotage of the peace process did the Minsk Accords become the best available solution. He would sabotage those too. But he may have been helped a lot. The Minsk Accords were negotiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande. Recently, each of Putin's partners has revealed that the Minsk negotiations were a deliberate deception to lull Russia into a ceasefire with the promise of a peaceful solution and give Ukraine time to build up armed forces capable of achieving a military solution. If their claims are to be believed, the apparent peace negotiations were a cover for what has always been a military solution. the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan Kiev 2014 had 2, US citizens as ministers, and pogrom by nazi-fascist UE uSA ursula octopus OTAN Sodoma are for 8 years war against martyrs russian-speakers, https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ 2 Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments Ramadan tensions: Security forces on high alert in Jerusalem, Judea and the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan Kiev 2014 had 2 US citizens as ministers, and pogrom 8 years against russian-speakers, https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ But Zelensky's assertion that Minsk-2 was a concession he would not implement, though perhaps not reflecting his early days as president, is echoed by a chorus of Ukrainian officials. The two presidents, Poroshenko and Zelensky, are not the only ones in Ukraine to have given strength to the successive affirmations of Merkel and Hollande. In The Tragedy of Ukraine, Nicolai Petro says that “from the very beginning the strategy of Ukraine has been to prevent the implementation of Minsk-2”. Adding his testimony to that of Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande, former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, Petro reports, said in a radio interview that “Ukraine's only goal in signing Minsk-2 was to rebuild the Ukrainian army and strengthen the international coalition against Russia”. Klimkin said that "read literally, the Minsk agreements are impossible to implement." He adds, reinforcing the deception, that "This was understood from day one." Petro says “Ukrainian negotiators past and present have all made the same point, as did President Zelensky's chief of staff Andrei Yermak in February 2021”. If this multitude of admissions is true, from Merkel and Hollande, Poroshenko and Zelensky and a chorus of voices from within Ukraine, then Minks' accords were a deception intended to pacify and quell Russia while Ukraine built his army and the West was building its coalition in preparation for a war with Russia in the Donbas they had planned and wanted all along. Ted Snider 2 the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan Kiev 2014 had 2 US citizens as ministers, and pogrom 8 years against russian-speakers, https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ On October 1, 2019, Zelensky signed the Steinmeier Formula, mediated by Germany and France, which called for elections in the Donbas and recognition of their autonomy. But it "faced an immediate backlash at home," and while Russia, Germany and France accepted the Steinmeier Formula, Ukraine ultimately did not. The backlash against Zelensky's promise to negotiate peace with Russia and sign the Minsk Agreement has been strong and dangerous. Dmytro Yarosh, the founder of the far-right nationalist paramilitary organization Right Sector, threatened that if Zelensky kept his campaign promise, “he would lose his life. He will be hanging from some tree . It is important that he understands this ”. pushed out of the way of diplomacy by ultra-nationalist elements in Ukraine, Zelensky backed down on his election promise and refused to implement the deal. His path from federalist to nationalist was not unusual. Nicolai Petro quotes the Minister of Transport of Ukraine, Volodymyr Omelayan, who said in 2019: “Every new president of Ukraine begins his cadence with the conviction that he is the one who can conduct a constructive dialogue with Moscow, and that he has been entrusted the role of a peacemaker, who will do business and develop good relations And every president of Ukraine ended up becoming a de facto Bandera [nationalist] follower and fighting the Russian Federation.” Zelensky was not the only member of his cabinet to experience physical intimidation. During a presentation announcing the creation of a National Platform for Reconciliation and Unity on March 12, 2020, Zelensky adviser Sergei Sivokho was thrown to the ground by a large band from the Azov battalion. 2 It has plausibly been suggested that Merkel and Hollande, to accommodate the accepted narrative of the present, engaged in an Orwellian act of rewriting the narrative of the past. But their account is supported by the other person who is negotiating with Putin. Poroshenko would later claim, according to Philip Short in his biography of Putin, that he signed the Minsk Accords "because it was the only way to stop the fighting, but he knew it would never happen" due to the nationalist momentum of the political establishment and public opinion. But, in May 2022, Poroshenko went beyond the claim that he signed the Minsk Agreement knowing there was no political will to implement it and confirmed claims by Merkel and Hollande that Russia's deception had been deliberate. He told the Financial Times that Ukraine “had no armed forces at all” and that the “great diplomatic achievement” of Minsk agreement was to “keep Russia away from our borders – not from our borders, but from a full-scale war". The deal gave Ukraine time to build its own military. Poroshenko told Ukrainian media and other outlets that “we have achieved everything we wanted. Our goal was to halt the threat, or at least delay the war, by securing eight years to restore economic growth and build powerful armed forces." Volodymyr Zelensky recently joined the testimony. Although he was elected on a platform that included peace with Russia and the signing of the Minsk-2 agreement, Zelensky now says he never intended to sign them. On Feb. 9, Zelensky told Der Spiegel that he saw the deals as a “concession” and that he “surprised” Merkel and Macron by telling them that “regards Minsk as a whole. We can't do it like this." Despite his updated statement, Zelensky appears to have been sincere in keeping his campaign promise to implement Minsk. As soon as he was elected, Zelensky told reporters that he would "restart" peace talks with the Donbas separatists. He told them that "we will continue in the direction of the Minsk [peace] talks and move towards the conclusion of a ceasefire". 2 the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan had 2 US citizens as ministers, The leading European power in the Minsk process was German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But, according to Der Spiegel, in an interview on December 1, 2022, you said you believe that “during the Minsk talks you managed to buy the necessary time for Ukraine to better repel the Russian attack”. You say it is now a strong and well fortified country. At the time, she is sure, it would have been overrun by Putin's troops ”. On December 7, Merkel repeated this admission in an interview with Die Zeit. “The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time,” she said. Ukraine “used this time to strengthen itself, as can be seen today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today." Merkel's claim was verified by her partner in Minsk. In a December 28 interview with The Kyiv Independent, François Hollande was asked if he “believes that the Minsk negotiations were intended to delay the Russian advance into Ukraine”. He replied: “Yes, Angela Merkel is right on this point”. He then said: “Since 2014, Ukraine has strengthened its military position. In fact, the Ukrainian military was completely different than it was in 2014. It was better trained and equipped. It is the merit of the Minsk agreements that they gave the Ukrainian army this opportunity”. https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ 2 Two weeks later, Pyotr Poroshenko was elected president and started negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the rebel leaders of Donbas. The talks were promising, and by the end of the following month, a formula was found for keeping the Donbas in Ukraine peacefully. At this point, on June 24, the Russian Parliament revoked the authority to use troops abroad. Peace was possible. But instead, Nicolai Petro reports, the Kiev government decided that Putin's decision to withdraw troops put the Ukrainian armed forces in a new position of advantage and, instead of pursuing peace, Poroshenko ordered the launch of attacks to recapture militarily the Donbas. It was this betrayal of the peace process that made the signing of the Minsk Accords necessary. Badly losing the battle, Poroshenko was forced to retreat to negotiate a peaceful restitution of the Donbas. Only after Poroshenko's sabotage of the peace process did the Minsk Accords become the best available solution. He would sabotage those too. But he may have been helped a lot. The Minsk Accords were negotiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande. Recently, each of Putin's partners has revealed that the Minsk negotiations were a deliberate deception to lull Russia into a ceasefire with the promise of a peaceful solution and give Ukraine time to build up armed forces capable of achieving a military solution. If their claims are to be believed, the apparent peace negotiations were a cover for what has always been a military solution. 1 The new government denied the multicultural Ukraine Donbass demanded. He called for a nationalist and monist view of Ukraine. The ethnic Russians of Donbas reportedly suffered attacks on their language, culture, rights, property and lives. Donbas rebelled against the coup government and in May 2014 approved referendums declaring some form of autonomy. The civil war in Ukraine had begun. The best available solution to the violence in Donbas was the Minsk Accords. The Minsk Accords were brokered by France and Germany, agreed upon by Ukraine and Russia, and accepted by the United States and the United Nations in 2014 and 2015. They gave Ukraine an opportunity to keep Donbass and Donbass an opportunity for peace and governance he desired, peacefully returning Donbas to Ukraine and granting it full autonomy. But there was a possible solution before the Minsk agreements. On May 11, the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Donbas voted in favor of sovereignty. Putin had asked them to delay the referendums and, while respecting the popular will, Moscow has not recognized the results. 1 https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan had 2 US citizens as ministers, The deception of Minsk and the planned war in the Donbas There is a historically possible world in which the Minsk Agreement was never needed. In 2014, a US-backed coup d'état ousted the democratically elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, with his Eastern base, and replaced him with a US-appointed Western-oriented president. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland can be heard on a wiretapped phone call picking Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the American pick to replace Yanukovych. 2 Pending salam the puppet government after the bloody CIA coup on Maidan had 2 US citizens as ministers https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/linganno-di-minsk-e-la-guerra-pianificata-nel-donbas/ 2 Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments 'Women will die' - Opposition's frenzied attack on Ben-Gvir after electronic "Meotti's book makes you shiver and brings Islamized Europe before the court of history" The preface of the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal to my new book "The sweet conquest. Europe surrenders to Islam". Investigation and interviews on the submission decided in Rome forty years ago. On March 24th, my new book La dolce conquista is released by Edizioni Cantagalli (on the publishing house's website it can already be ordered without shipping costs). Europe surrenders to Islam. A 450-page investigation with exclusive interviews with scholars, writers and intellectuals from across the continent. It is the attempt, never made before in Italy, to recount half a century of submission to Islam. With this I close a ten-year cycle of books dedicated to the end of Europe as we know it. Posterity will judge. by Giulio Meotti 2 22 March 2023 - Sabino Paciolla [[ the plutocratic Jewish spa&Co freemasonry has decided to decimate and Islamize mankind, in order to achieve the nuclear destruction of all life forms on the surface of the planet ]] [[ fired/expelled for reports of the effects Covid vaccine collaterals. “I couldn't stay silent, even if it meant losing my career” Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog large excerpts from the article written by Matt McGregor and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here you are 2 March 22, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla [German society is under the control of the CIA priests of satan, in Germany 30,000 human sacrifices are made every year on the altar of satan. Card. Müller: The German synodal path is "worse than the schism" and has abandoned "the essence of Christianity". The Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith defined the synodal path as a variant of the "materialistic and nihilistic woke culture". Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Andreas Wailzer 2 March 22, 2023-Sabino Paciolla The epidemic of sudden adult deaths is finally in the news Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of readers of this blog the article written by Joseph Mercola and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in 2 “At the same time, it is important to prevent the possibility of false complaints, which results in harm to innocent men and also to women and their credibility.” “When it comes to human scum who harm women, we must do everything to prevent the possibility of them hurting a woman, including electronic [tracking] and even more difficult measures,” Ben-Gvir said in a statement. answer we need denunciations and witnesses before limiting people's personalities and freedom Lapid feminists and anarchists, tend to destroy civil society, for their ideology of self-destruction of all authorities 2 Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments ‘Day of paralysis’ snarls traffic in Israel, 6 arrested in 4th week of anti-judicial this is Rothschild regime nazi DEM coup ] [ ‘Day of paralysis’ snarls traffic in Israel, 6 arrested in 4th week of anti-judicial reform protests 2 March 21, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla UK sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine is tantamount to using 'dirty bomb': Kremlin It seems that everything is being done to cause an escalation towards a nuclear confrontation. Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Tyler Durden and published on ZeroHedge. Visit the site and evaluate 2 66 Indian Christians Kicked Out of Their Village International Christian Concern, mer 22 mar, Last December, 13 Christian families were violently driven out of their village in India due to their faith. Despite immense pressure from fellow villagers and the village chief to deny their newfound faith, the Christians remained steadfast. One of the villagers said that “even if [he has] to die, [he] will be ready, but not deny [his] faith in Xist.” Sadly, the threats that he and his fellow Christian villagers are facing are very real. Today, will you set aside a moment to join us in prayer for these 13 courageous families? Please pray for their protection, provision, and peace. Thank you and God bless., 2 Pending shalom After the technocratic lobbyist mafia plutocrat Masonic sodomitic antichrist anti-Zionist European Parliament, the murderous sharia jihad Islamic dictatorships are buying the UN agencies The 25 million that the Labor Organization allegedly received from Qatar and the takeover bid that the Petro-Mohammedan international has launched on the "humanitarian" system. Our soft underbelly. “Imagine a land plagued by inefficiency, Kafkaesque bureaucracy, and miasma of corruption,” writes The Wall Street Journal. “Imagination is not necessary, you are at the United Nations” by Giulio Meotti 2 March 22, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla ] this of the lgbt DEMs is a Nazi judiciary regime [ Licensed for reports of side effects from the Covid vaccine. “I couldn't stay silent, even if it meant losing my career” Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog large excerpts from the article written by Matt McGregor and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here you are 2 Archbishop Hying: "No one has the authority to change the teaching of the Church, as if the given truth were malleable and adaptable to changing cultural norms" The Catholic bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Donald Hying, added his voice to that of prelates who condemn the recent approval by the German Synod Path of "blessings" for people of the same se*. I point out below Read more March 23, 2023-Sabino Paciolla A former transgender teenager sues Kaiser Permanente Hospital over wrong gender transition A detransitional teenager is suing Kaiser Permanente Hospital because doctors removed her breasts during transgender surgery. Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Elizabeth Read more March 23, 2023-Sabino Paciolla ANCA-positive vasculitis and renal failure after mRNA vaccination Medical disasters require alert doctors, intensive diagnostic tests and treatments. Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH and published on his Substack. Visit the site and Read more 2 March 23, 2023-Sabino Paciolla Turbo testicular cancer in young athletes? From diagnosis to death in days or weeks. Does COVID-19 mRNA vaccine spike protein cause testicular injury? Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Dr. William Makis and published on his Substack. Canadian doctor expert in radiology, oncology and immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author Read more March 23, 2023-Sabino Paciolla 2 Pending salam Maurizio Federico (ISS virologist): “Covid vaccines cause adverse reactions and no medium-long term effects are known. On inconceivable children, a serious gamble. Harmful Spike Protein, Related to Tumors” Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog excerpts from an interview with prof. Maurizio Federico published in Il Giornale d'Italia. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here you are March 22, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla's Blog orial OUT OF THE CHORUS: "In the name of science"... they hid the data on the adverse events of the covid vaccines from the citizens, SCANDAL!!! 21.03.2023 episode of FUORI DAL CORO: To watch the video (go to 01.12.00 by mobile, or you will be directed directly to the section of the investigation into COVID vaccines on PC), click on the photo below. Don't miss this piece at all 2 Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments ‘Day of paralysis’ snarls traffic in Israel, 6 arrested in 4th week of anti-judicial world israel news (bacchettone worldisraelnews ) all the filters you put against me? they prevent me from talking about body parts 2 Pending salam the Pastor Myles Munroe said that we know nothing better than democracy, and yet today we must see that there is nothing more corrupt in the world than democracy, and I add nothing more satanic sodomitic masonic lobbyist parasitic and mafia 2 Bin ISIS Ali Khamenei & MBS from Riyadh ] [ Creator God is King of Kings (all his creatures), but today there is the kingdom of Satan-Allah, God was expelled " so people became slaves" but, the Pharisees also prevented Jesus from saving Israel and expelling the Romans peacefully, because the Pharisees did not want to give up their economic-religious power, and they didn't care about the people at all. so today the rockefellers Spa & Co Rothschild to rob the bank seigniorage from the peoples and to enslave them until destruction, have thrown the royalty of the peoples and people into the mud, thus putting the Israelis in a position of self-destruction 2 Bin ISIS Ali Khamenei & MBS from Riyadh ] [ in my channel of: "yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme @yitzhak_kaduri" I started to give an important strategic teaching, on the Kingdom of ISRAEL as the earthly Kingdom of God, on earth, precursor of this teaching is pastor Myles Munroe The Characteristics Of The Kingdom Rockefeller destroyed royalty in peoples and people and put the Israelis in a position where they can only die: "Let Samson Netanjahu die with all his brothers Abraham family Philistine brothers M.O. and Mohammedans burn all" 2 yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme please, you SAVE SOLDIER Ryan, ie Donald Trump 2 [[ "It's a sort of modern McCarthyism", said Brian Co* (this surname with the "x" for worldisraelnews is a vulgar word) about excommunications for "incorrect" opinions. The great actor of films such as Manhunter, Braveheart and Troy continued: "I'm not religious, but there is a thing in the Bible where it says: 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone' and there seem to be many stones to And it's like a virus". Co* defended J.K. Rowling, demonized for having said that women are born. "It's not just people who are canceled, it's also their families", added Co*, comparing cancel culture to an “earthquake”. “Many of those who say 'I am liberal' are actually fascists”. To be destroyed now by this "earthquake" (which is not measured in Richter but in high tech attacks) is one of the most brilliant and ingenious screenwriters of his generation... [[ by Giulio Meotti ]] 2 Pending salam you dictatorship nazi LGBTQIA DEMs you destroyed the peaceful democratic social pact, I too was fired for having been guilty of my biblical identity, as the great Satanist BIDEN said, the life of Christians is an obstacle for lgbtqia rights ] [ As a father I could not keep quiet about what they do to children in the name of gender. And they destroyed me", A famous writer says: "My career and family were destroyed by a hate campaign. I lost everything and now after deleting me they are just waiting for me to die" 2 Pending salam Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments Israeli rabbi calls for day of fasting and prayer amid rift over judicial reform Netanjahu and his government are 100% right and their reform must pass help him without being ambiguous BERGOGLIO you too 2 idiot Rabbi David Stav ] we in Italy have the Deep Church, you are the Deep Synagogue, and Erdogan ISIS MBS from Riyadh in Deep Mosquee.. well in Hell you all 2 1 idiot Rabbi David Stav ] G.d have already send me, i am Messiah lorenzoJHWH, but you are the usual sewer plug you don't see [ The press release describes the planned day of prayer as “a call to our father in heaven: 'Please God save us' and a demand from our leaders not to tear the nation apart.” “As is the custom of our sages, we will fast a Yom Kippur Katan [Minor Day of Atonement] on the eve of Rosh Hodesh Nissan in the hope that we will receive the mercy of the heavens.” Rabbi Stav also encouraged Diaspora Jews to join the fast and prayers. 2 Chairman of the Tzohar rabbinical school Rothschild kabbalaj talmudic genocide and universal slavery organization urges government to pause judicial overhaul plan, calls for national day of fasting and prayer. for others while he will eat pork steaks 2 Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments Michigan high school deliberately traumatized Jewish students – opinion Anti-Israel activist Huwaida Arraf She calls herself a “Palestinian ISIS sharjah genocide human rights activist UMMAH Wahhabis takfirius ottoman boia Erdogan OCI Biden LaVey Antony Binken Riyadh akbarrrr,” but her actions show she is an antisemitic anti-Israel advocate who supports terrorism. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments MKs celebrate final passage of law repealing disengagement from northern 5 days ago the sodom antichrist Allah anti-Zionist satan MBS Roskefeller and their demonic imperialist alliance STOP! TODAY IN MOSCOW....... Chinese President Xi Jinping 🇨🇳 arrived in Moscow this morning to meet President Putin 🇷🇺 Earlier, the White House said Biden had wanted to speak with Xi Jinping, but China's protocol service refuses to accept unscheduled calls. His first statements: - I am very pleased, at the invitation of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to return to Russia for a state visit. - On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I express sincere greetings and best wishes to the government and people of Russia. - I am sure that my visit will be fruitful and will give new impetus to the development of relations with Russia. - China and Russia are good neighbors and reliable partners, linked by common mountains and rivers - In a turbulent world, China stands ready with Russia to resolutely enforce international law. - the Chinese side pays great attention to the development of bilateral relations, they have a historical logic. - Russia has made significant progress in prosperity, I am sure that the Russian people will support Putin in the presidential election. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 231 comments Jordan slams Smotrich's 'violation of peace treaty,' summons Israeli ambassador 5 days ago vaccinatori assassini https://www.facebook.Com/1618386049/videos/1032606547699001/ 2 5 days ago In antizionist Brussels, European lgbt antichrist Union JabulOn foreign policy chief fascist Josep nazi tecnocracy neoliberalism plutocratic scam banking seigniorage slavery and predation Borrell said that the minister's remarks "certainly cannot be tolerated." He called on the Israeli government “to disavow those comments and to start working with all parties to defuse tensions.” answer these are not tensions that need to be defused, but need to be addressed/resolved definitively, and that is what the NWO Rockefeller Spa&Co sodom allah satan lgbt international freemasonry FED OCI UMMAH have agreed to do: that is, the world war on CHINA and the annihilation context of Israel. now Israel cannot resist an internal enemy and an external enemy, and this is the moment that the knots must come to a head, all the prostitutes of Allah will mourn 2 5 days ago now let's see who the murderous liar is, let's see who tramples history, let's see how ISLAM is a replacement theology genocide. ] [ Jordan slams Smotrich’s ‘violation of peace treaty,’ summons Israeli ambassador ma, Israel’s Foreign Ministry released a statement affirming that it is committed to the countries’ 1994 peace agreement. Jordanian officials were enraged over Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s comments to an audience in France Sunday evening, in which he said that there is no Palestinian nation. “Who was the first Palestinian king? What language do the Palestinians have? Has there ever been a Palestinian currency? Is there a Palestinian history or culture? There isn’t any,” he said. In the background was a map of “Greater Israel” that included not only Judea and Samaria, but also Jordan. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry called Smotrich’s presentation a “reckless inflammatory act and a violation of international norms and the peace treaty” between the two countries. It later summoned Israel’s ambassador. answer now let's see who the murderous liar is, let's see who tramples history, let's see how ISLAM is a replacement theology genocide. 2 5 days ago Rothschild said that he must eat Italian organic products, and that all mankind must eat insects, which in any case are less harmful than anything that comes out of the Gmos torture of evil chimical tortured animals with antibiotic 2 Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments Netanyahu gov't 'reviving peace process,' making concessions to Palestinians - 5 days ago https://worldisraelnews.Com/china-and-iran-which-poses-the-more-imminent-threat-analysis/#comment-6139765368 There's always someone who regrets talking to me, but I swear you will regret that you were conceived an inauspicious day for all murderous parasites like you. ] [ yes, that's how it should be - as you said - and who wants to ruin himself, he must go together with USA UK EU, there is a detail that escapes you: "sharjah is a legion of Allah demons who do not forget and do not forgive" this is why in the UHHAh ARAB League everyone said to Iran: "You kill Israel, we will help you". sharia makes it impossible for a Muslim to exercise loyalty, Rusty messiah king lorenzoJHWH It's a Political and not a Theological decision. Get rid of Joe Biden, and his followers, and put in a real Peace President that knows how to compromise, instead of the Zero Sum that's now practiced. messiah king lorenzoJHWH Rusty edited then you will have to submit to the current lgbt theocracy of Ursula Borrell Macron Trudeau Zapatero Sodoma Dracula scam banking seigniorage. Spa&Coorporation evil predation Deep State, Gmos agenda Davos Biden Rothschild and Satan jabulon Elizabeth Jezebel and Giorgio onion third, like the Bildenberg-Vatican council of Masonic pastoralism, second, which disavows all 19 previous dogmatic councils in the catholic church, so having said that there is no more hope and life for mankind without my theocratic kingdom of israel, so, soon the legions of satan and allah will be marching on earth therefore it is not impossible to separate theology and politics, in fact in the "Our Father" it is said: as in heaven (the Kingdom of God) so on earth (my Kingdom of Israel) then if you don't want to make lay theocracy in my secular Israel kingdom lorenzoJHWH and in my the universal brotherhood worldwide Unius REI because my jewish temple III, messiah king lorenzoJHWH to Rusty edited I am grateful for your comment: thank you. in fact sharjah is an imperialist theocracy (and the Palestinians do a dirty job against the Israelis on behalf of the whole ARAB LEAGUE), and this is a theological and political concept together it is a valid and right concept, the only problem is that Allah is a demon, Mohammed is in hell, and all mankind is threatened by mosques, like the western theocracy which depends on Satan who is a jew Rockefelelr plutocratic freemason (who pretends to be a Christian MARRANO like satanist movements), why and because: in this field of the spirit there can be no vacuum of power, then, the Masonic West made war against God: because in Marx Nietsche, Darwin, lgbt scam and demonic theosophy: his goal was: Satan Marduch jabulon in occult way kabbalah, and this eloquently explains the philosophy and political strategy of FED ECB BM IMF Spa&Co CIA and OTAN who went in 2014 to make an unpunished bloody coup in Ukraine, after 8 years of pogrom of Russian speakers in Donbass, which no one in the West dare to talk about to 2 5 days ago Xi-Jinping Putin [ the last Christians ] I have been an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians since 1988, when Muslims killed 300 innocent Christians every day, today the situation has worsened every 8 minutes a Christian is killed, slanders abuses rapes kidnappings beatings cannot be counted. neither sodom nor satan nor darwin monkeys nor jabulon nor fascist Borrell and Nazi Ursula Von Rothschild Dracula, and nobody in the UN cares about them. What if Islam was a religion instead of a murder? sure, she would have been happy in Israel, I absolutely have to go down to Israel to deport all the Palestinians, someone give me this chance 2 5 days ago Russia has not moved but it is NATO 666 OTAN which, with the corruption of the murderous Masons has come upon it to overwhelm it, in its unbridled need for sharjah imperialism from NWO. stop NATO aggression against Russia, if Russia brings nuclear missiles to Cuba or Mexico, what would the US say? well they have already done this against Russia. Campaign, Press releases, Energy crisis, Economy, Italy out of the war, Anti-war initiatives, Italy, News, Front Line 23/10/2022 Out of Italy from War, the campaign Out of Italy from War was publicly launched on Sunday 23 October 2022! Join on https://www.fuorilitaliadallaguerra.It/ By maintaining each one's own identity and path, we converge in a single campaign "Out of Italy from the War" 2 Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments 'Don't make me angry' - Diaspora Minister threatens to topple government Detected as spam Killing children is not a human right. and why not? also jihad UMMAh sharjah have by ONU UE URSULA SATANA SODOMA OTAN CIA FED Spa&Co Rockefeller the right to kill Christians and israeli peoples. Whether it concerns born or unborn children. However, the cabinet seems to want to elevate abortion to a human right. This is bizarre. We must prevent this. Sign our petition now to the cabinet to urge them that abortion can never become a human right. Only if we make it clear that a lot of people are shocked by this will they back down. With combative regards, Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team P.S. Already signed? Click here to share the petition with as many people as possible. Here's the email we sent you about this earlier: Abortion is not a human right. However, several cabinet members seem to think so. D66 has submitted an initiative note entitled: "Access to abortion is a human right". The SGP has asked parliamentary questions. The government is still considering its position Now is the time to push! SIGN THE PETITION Dear Vito dalano Cseflp Sindacato, Abortion is not a human right. However, several cabinet members seem to think so. Ministers Dijkgraaf (D66) of Education, Hoekstra (CDA) of Foreign Affairs and Schreinemacher (VVD) of Development Cooperation, for example, suggested this in a letter to the House of Representatives at the end of November. They wrote that the US Supreme Court's ruling that abortion is not a federal right is an example of increasing pressure on human rights. And that the government is concerned about this. Hungary's "tightened national abortion legislation" is also cited as an example of human rights being under pressure. Sign the petition to the cabinet now to protest against this and to make it clear that abortion is not a human right! Kees van der Staaij and Chris Stoffer of the SGP then asked parliamentary questions about this. Among other things: does the government believe that the right to life (which is generally recognized as a human right) is fully applicable to unborn children? The SGP members cited the preamble of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, from 1959, which clearly states that children, even before birth, deserve special legal protection because of their vulnerability. However, Minister Hoekstra has announced that answering the SGP's questions still requires "further coordination" within the cabinet. The government apparently finds these difficult questions and has yet to discuss what its position actually is. We now have to put pressure on society to let society know that it is not up to the cabinet to take away children's rights! So quickly sign the petition to the cabinet to make it clear that proposing abortion as a human right is simply unacceptable. In addition to the letter from the three ministers, there is also an initiative memorandum from D66 that clearly shows what this government party thinks. The title says it all: "Access to abortion is a human right". D66 clearly shows its colors in the initiative memorandum. The party wants to include abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It currently mentions the right to life, but of course not abortion. It is a bizarre contradiction to simultaneously declare the right to life and access to abortion a human right. There is no human rights treaty that defines abortion as a human right. However, officials of the relevant ministries suggested, upon inquiry by the Reformatorisch Dagblad, that Dutch policy does indeed assume that abortion is a human right. Member of Parliament Chris Stoffer of the SGP therefore posed legitimate questions about how the EU attaches ideological conditions to development cooperation, including around abortion. How would Minister Schreinemacher feel if other countries made the implementation of their ideological vision a condition when concluding treaties with us? Minister Hoekstra said earlier that abortion is not a right, but also said that the cabinet will look into the possibility of making it so in an EU context. We have to stand up against this. Sign our petition to the cabinet now to make it clear that abortion cannot be a human right! Not now, not ever. Thank you for your effort, Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team P.S. If you signed the petition, share it with as many people as possible! More information: SGP asks parliamentary questions about abortion as a human right (RD): https://www.Rd.Nl/artikel/1008396-sgp-stelt-kamervragen-over-abortus-als-mensenrecht We have received your request for review already begin: Soros DEM Rockefeller to abort Downs and then, we end up killing Jews ] No to eugenic abortion, Down Syndrome Day billboards [ "Abortion as a right" and "Abortion as a solution" are the mantras that are repeated to us by radicals, progressives, mainstream media, feminists and abortionists. But abortion is neither a right nor a solution, because unborn life is never a problem to be solved even when it may appear imperfect as happens with people with Down Syndrome. The true right, denied in Italy today, is NOT to have an abortion. And we explain why. A society which - with abortion - allows the killing of a life because of its condition is disturbing and discriminatory. For this reason, on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March, we launched - in Rome and in the main Italian cities - our billboard campaign with the slogan "Let them be born - #StopAbortion". KEEP READING! [News Highlights] Our Torn Posters: Someone Doesn't Want Babies With Down Syndrome To Be Born But what Women's Day: abortion, gender, rented uterus destroy women Abortion. When courage overcomes all obstacles: the story of Aurora [More news] Don't throw me away, Rosa Pirone's song about Down Syndrome - VIDEO! Safeguarding the Environment by Safeguarding Mankind - Event in Milan on 25 March 2023 March for Life Madrid. Ana Del Pino: "Youth participation is growing" Trento, Educational freedom. Cia: "I am not withdrawing the bill", despite pressure from Fugatti Liguria. The yes of the center-right to the Ru486 in the consultants is serious, Toti clarifies The sensational opening of Agesci to gender identity The Agcom Resolution on Parental Control is insufficient. Depower law Children Gay couples? No thank you! Common sense and legality restored in Milan Canceling Father's Day at school is pure ideology Today more than ever there is a need for more freedom of expression and thought, too often undermined by the ideologies of the single dominant thought. And this is why, last September, "Restiamo Liberi" was born, the new weekly column of Pro Vita & Famiglia, which is broadcast in live streaming every Monday at 12 on the social channels of the non-profit organization, edited by Jacopo Coghe. 2 satana sodoma /translate 666 google ] do you want to stop translating vulgarity every time I miss a syntactical typo? 2 USA and OTAN are actively participating in the war in Ukraine and now Putin can bomb Berlin 2 slanderous Christians and heretics are saying that on the Mount of Olives there is the tomb of Mary of Nazareth, just to make money they would open a brothel. after the bloody Rothschild persecution of Jerusalem and its synagogue of Satan John the beloved disciple and the mother of Jesus Mary went to Ephesus where Mary died for a short time, before rising again and being assumed body and soul into heaven. because after EVA she was the only one who was born immaculately conceived, so she didn't need to die, but she asked to die out of humility 2 I learned that anti-Zionist Christians rightly took a beating and were vandalized OK, very good all the anti-Zionists of every race of every beast and every Lapid Ape Darwin DEM? they must be expelled from israel 2 voodoo kabbalah the financial coup DEM judicial Masonic lobbying against democracy has entered on the sly, we want to restore democratic values but and now we look like the squatters because rockefeller has a universal monopoly on everything 2 Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments Deja vu? For the 2nd time in a month, Israelis commit to settlement freeze as blood for land is an unacceptable act of witchcraft ] indeed [ REALITYCHECK said: "This is nothing new for Bibi. In past gov'ts he led, he would respond to terrorism with a statement that he would establish new Jewish areas. As time went by, little happened. After the next attack, he renewed the same pledge. answer messiah king lorenzoJHWH ------- to ---------- REALITYCHECK This is nothing new for Bibi. ie, the roar of the little kitten 2 REALITYCHECK This is nothing new for Bibi. ie, the roar of the little kitten 2 Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments ‘Frank and candid’: Biden urges Netanyahu to seek compromise on judicial rockefeller "love Darwin pedo mohammed is always poligamy prostitution sharia love monkey Lapid lgbt++++++ DARWIN farm" Eih, king lorenzoJHWH — "the right to privacy of BIDEN ped000philes cannot prevail over the right of children to be protected from se****ual violence". what do you think? Petition addressed to donkey's President of the European Parliament, Sergio Mattarella, President of the Chamber of Deputies, President of the Senate President of the European Parliament: PUBLIC PEDOPHILES REGISTER INSTITUTION Now you can sign right away by clicking or tapping below, I sign right away and share with my friends on Facebook ----- I just want to sign the petition We make pedophiles publicly identifiable and traceable as is already the case in the U.S. ENOUGH OBANA PEDO EPSTEIN BIDEN TO THE FAVORATION OF PED***PHILIA AND CHILD P*0**RN*0**GRAPHY IN ITALY AND EUROPE! Because the right to privacy of MOHAMMED ped000philes cannot prevail over the right of children to be protected from se0000ual violence, se000ual exploitation and child p000rn000graphy! There are 18 million se*0*ually abused boys and girls in Europe. In Italy, out of approximately 80,000 calls received to Telefono Azzurro a year, 10% of the cases concern sexual violence. A study by the Aurora Center of Bologna (National Center for missing and sexually abused children) showed that in Italy from 2004 to 2007 3,399 minors disappeared. And the situation is getting worse: in the last decade many more children have disappeared, given the increase in illegal immigration of minors. 3 MBS pig & jihad ISIS rockefeller & goyims Soros Lapid farm++++ "love Darwin pedo mohammed is always poligamy prostitution sharia love monkey Lapid lgbt++++++ farm" In the short term, American pedophiles will also be identified as such on their passports, in order to strengthen the fight against child se***666*** tourism and child exploitation. In fact, the US State Department will apply a sort of 'stamp' on the documents of those who have committed this type of crime and the back of the passport will bear the words 'The owner has been convicted of a se0*0ual offense against minors and is registered according to American law'. In Europe, the subject of abuse, exploitation of minors and child p000rn00graphy are regulated by Directive 2011/92/EU. Since 2007, the Lanzarote Convention provides for "the registration and storage of identity data, in respect of privacy and for internal use, as well as the genetic profile (DNA) of persons convicted of se000ual offences, entrusted to a single authority which must interface with the other authorities of the Member States". However, this legislation has remained unapplied by most Member States. In Italy the existence of a national database pedo BIDEN Sniffer, but for mere internal use for the police forces, was provided for by law 36 of 2006. Given this, we ask that in Italy and throughout Europe: 1- The condition contained in the same Lanzarote Convention, concerning the protection of the privacy of convicted pedophiles, should be suppressed. 2. A Public Ped000philia Register is created where all the identification data of perpetrators of ped0000philia and child p0000*rn00*00graphy crimes are entered (name, surname, date of birth, residence, domicile, photographic identification) which can be consulted by every citizen via the web. 3-The "Megan Law" is introduced providing that anyone is convicted of any kind of sexual crime, in which the victim is a child or a minor, losing any right to privacy, with the obligation to register with the Police order their personal data, their domicile and their movements, both (both pedo Obama and Biden from Epstein) 2 rockefeller & Lapid farm "love Darwin pedo mohammeddans ummah spa&co is always poligamy in family sodoma prostitution sharia love monkey Lapid lgbt++++++ farm" Ped000philia, child p0rn0graphy, se0*ual violence against boys and girls, se*0*0* 666 tourism, a widespread phenomenon among Italians as well as among European men still too little hindered today, constitute particularly dangerous crimes for the future of the abused children who will forever the scars of violence often with psychic and social repercussions. A public register of pedophiles, who in most cases are repeat offenders, would make it possible to promptly identify people already convicted of pedophilia who roam in places frequented by minors and thus prevent any form of rapprochement. In the USA, despite the fact that se*0**ual violence against minors is significantly lower, the phenomenon is contrasted with greater force than in Europe, especially in the preventive phase and taking into account the fact that "sexual predators" are repeat offenders. First of all thanks to the "Megan Law", which takes its name from Megan Kanka, a seven-year-old girl who was kidnapped, raped and killed in 1994 by a neighbor with multiple convictions for se===***ual crimes against minors. Since 1997, the US authorities have had to register convicts for se*000ual crimes against minors: in all states, registration is required in an electronic database of the prison administration, which can be purchased by any citizen on a CD-Rom for 35 dollars, or which can be consulted via a toll-free number or a CD-ROM available from police stations, libraries or county fairs. 2 Pending SHALOM + SALAM A Hebrew ] [ Long overdue! Putler and his cronies must've been declared war criminals on Feb. 25th of 2022! Moreover, they should've been put to trial for annexing Crimea in 2014! answer to WATCH: Russia's Vladimir Putin is now a wanted criminal https://worldisraelnews.Com/russias-vladimir-putin-is-now-a-wanted-criminal/#comment-6141877906 Are you a criminal Jew or an indoctrinated Jew? in 2014 there was a CIA coup, in maidan square 98 innocent people were killed by CIA snipers, who were never searched, and there was a pogrom in Odessa, against unarmed and peaceful people, the perpetrators assassins were all yours Hail Von Ursula Nazi-fascists were sacked and rewarded, and a hunt began for Russian-speaking people who didn't want to submit to NATO. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments WATCH: Russia's Vladimir Putin is now a wanted criminal A Hebrew Are you a criminal Jew or an indoctrinated Jew? in 2014 there was a CIA coup, in maidan square 98 innocent people were killed by CIA snipers, who were never searched, and there was a pogrom in Odessa, against unarmed and peaceful people, the perpetrators assassins were all yours Hail Von Ursula Nazi-fascists were sacked and rewarded, and a hunt began for Russian-speaking people who didn't want to submit to NATO. 1 yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme john o'neal ] [ don't waste your time. any truth will be deleted. answer I should never waste time reading what satanists who have already been blocked by me write 2 Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments Democrats more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis for first time – poll worldisraelnews ] [ Are you still too scared to do an article about me? 2 pro life & family ] [ "Abortion as a right" and "abortion as a solution" are the mantras that are repeated to us by radicals, progressives, mainstream media, feminists and abortionists. But abortion is neither a right nor a solution, because unborn life is never a problem to be solved even when it may appear imperfect as happens with people with Down Syndrome. The true right, denied in Italy today, is NOT to have an abortion. And we explain why. Enjoy the reading! No to eugenic abortion Billboard for Down Syndrome Day A society which - with abortion - allows the killing of a life because of its condition is disturbing and discriminatory. For this reason, on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March, we launched - in Rome and in the main Italian cities - our billboard campaign with the slogan "Let them be born - #StopAbortion". KEEP READING! [News Highlights] Our Torn Posters: Someone Doesn't Want Babies With Down Syndrome To Be Born But what Women's Day: abortion, gender, rented uterus destroy women Abortion. When courage overcomes all obstacles: the story of Aurora [More news] Don't throw me away, Rosa Pirone's song about Down Syndrome - VIDEO! Safeguarding the Environment by Safeguarding Mankind - Event in Milan on 25 March 2023 March for Life Madrid. Ana Del Pino: "Youth participation is growing" Trento, Educational freedom. Cia: "I am not withdrawing the bill", despite pressure from Fugatti Liguria. The yes of the center-right to the Ru486 in the consultants is serious, Toti clarifies The sensational opening of Agesci to gender identity The Agcom Resolution on Parental Control is insufficient. Depower law Children Gay couples. Common sense and legality restored in Milan Canceling Father's Day at school is pure ideology Today more than ever there is a need for more freedom of expression and thought, too often undermined by the ideologies of the single dominant thought. And this is why, last September, "Restiamo Liberi" was born, the new weekly column of Pro Vita & Famiglia, which is broadcast in live streaming every Monday at 12 on the social channels of the non-profit organization, edited by Jacopo Coghe. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW PREVIOUS EPISODES 2 Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments ‘Yariv Levin – Enemy of the People’: Protesters vandalize Israeli justice from Covid to the war in Ukraine all the criminal false Western democracies, scam banking seigniorage Owl jabulOn cult agenda kalergi Soros have chosen to embrace the unique thought Rothschild Sodom OTAN CIA Riyadh answer the regime in Mario Girdano's editorial office answer il regime in redazione di Mario Girdano 2 then came the corrupt Zelensky Hollywood buffoon, in a film with two machine guns to kill all of Petro Poroshenko's MPs, and the people voted for him, falling from the frying pan into the fire: it's clear Freemasonry controls everything, and above all the Masonic judiciary is the Deep State, and the people are without protection, that's why they want to kill netanjahu and overthrow his government just to have the Israelis exterminated, here we are at the end of hope 2 the wahhabis assassins Bin ISIS MBS al-Riyadh ] [ Rockefeller told them: "the stupid must be punished and relieved" he meant that whoever is stupid deserves to be robbed, (and indeed the talmud and the koran, which are appendices of Antony LaVey Blinken's bible along with this predation on dalit kafir dhimmis goyims) but what fault does the people have if the politicians are all their Freemasons who, like you, have sworn on the altar of Satan? what is the fault of the Ukrainians if Zelensky is a CIA agent? how could Ukrainians rebel against Petro Poroshenko if his fascist death squads of Borrel and Ursula NAZI of Azov took care of those who dared raise their heads? 2 Bin ISIS MBS al-Riyadh ] [ the oil you sold was real, but the money they gave you? just a huge financial bubble, and the first effect of the world war will be the collapse of the world banking system, and you are about to lose everything, while I can still save you 50% 2 OCI UMMA Iran Corea, Giappone, ISIS, UE, USA, ONU, Russia, Cina, India ] [ here there are already two universal and metaphysical kings 1. Rockefeller death, usurocracy, enslavement, mind control 2. and UniusREI life, sovereignty, kingship, food and monetary energy independence, but, you had chosen him Rothschild: and his sodom Spa & Co Wahhabi petrodollars 2 the position of the slave goyims parasite DEM, lgbtqia Darwin Ape Lapid... it's a vile but convenient position in Sodom Spa&Co Big pharma's Wahhabi ISIS New World Order system (with very experimental gene serums) Satan as created by the Rockefeller Masons. unfortunately the problem of survival is that of Christians and Israelis, India, China and Russia, who are the only ones who oppose the new order of Davos Bildenberg Spa&Co FED ECB BM IMF of genetic substitution of creation willed by God 2 Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments China and Iran: Which poses the more imminent threat? – analysis Rusty then you will have to submit to the current theocracy lgbt of Ursula Borrell Macron Trudeau Zapatero Sodoma Dracula scam banking seigniorage. Spa&Coorporation evil predation Deep State, Gmos agenda Davos Biden Rothschild and Satan jabulon Elizabeth Jezebel and Giorgio onion third, like the Bildenberg-Vatican council of Masonic pastoralism, second, which disavows all 19 previous dogmatic councils in the catholic church, so having said that there is no more hope and life for mankind without my theocratic kingdom of israel, so, soon the legions of satan and allah will be marching on earth therefore it is not impossible to separate theology and politics, in fact in the "Our Father" it is said: as in heaven (the Kingdom of God) so on earth (my Kingdom of Israel) then if you don't want to make lay theocracy in my laicity Israel kingdom lorenzoJHWH and in my the universal brotherhood worldwide Unius REI becouse my jewish temple III, 1 Rusty I am grateful for your comment: thank you. in fact sharjah is an imperialist theocracy (and the Palestinians do a dirty job against the Israelis on behalf of the whole ARAB LEAGUE), and this is a theological and political concept together it is a valid and right concept, the only problem is that Allah is a demon, Mohammed is in hell, and all mankind is threatened by mosques, like the western theocracy which depends on Satan who is a jew Rockefelelr plutocratic freemason (who pretends to be a Christian MARRANO like satanist movements), why and because: in this field of the spirit there can be no vacuum of power, then, the Masonic West made war against God: because in Marx Nietsche, Darwin, lgbt scam and demonic theosophy: his goal was: Satan Marduch jabulon in occult way kabbalah, and this eloquently explains the philosophy and political strategy of FED ECB BM IMF Spa&Co CIA and OTAN who went in 2014 to make an unpunished bloody coup in Ukraine, after 8 years of pogrom of Russian speakers in Donbass, which no one in the West dares to talk about 1 Rusty yes, that's how it should be - as you said - and who wants to ruin himself, he must go together with USA UK EU, there is a detail that escapes you: "sharjah is a legion of Allah demons who do not forget and do not forgive" this is why in the UHHAh ARAB League everyone said to Iran: "You kill Israel, we will help you". sharia makes it impossible for a Muslim to exercise loyalty 1 anton we are not in a peaceful and loyal world, but we are under a regime of Satan Allah and Sodom, therefore defensive strategies, alliances and spheres of influence are mandatory for survival: but, for China Russia and India (the last prey before universal slavery) but there is no duplicity and treachery in them, evil and duplicity are certainly present in UMMAH and OTAN NWO EU USA UK 2 I have already demonstrated many times that those who have an interest in the war of predation-annexation, and also have an ideology that justifies imperialism and genocide these are just: 1. the ARAB LEAGUE jihad sharjah with their demon Allah ottoman empire ISIS Wahhabi-Shia, because they have the world caliphate, and they have replacement theology and they are mentally ill and demon-possessed false hypocrites and liars, 2. and the OTAN 666 NATO with their lgbtqia demon Darwin the legion of the Lapid monkeys who does not forget and does not forgive, Saruman-Rockefeller because they have the satan sodom of the New World Order, with the GMO genetic reprogramming of this planet in a lucifer key demonic, on the contrary: China (even if it says so? it will never militarily invade Taiwan, i.e. if Taiwan does not turn into a nuclear threat) India and Russia have no imperialistic ambitions, but are only scared of the loss of their strategic national security, because they know well that the law of geopolitics created by the Rockefellers is a predatory mason-demonic pyramid kabbalah, which arises from the theft of monetary sovereignty which is the enslavement of all peoples therefore, China, Russia and India defensively try to consolidate their alliances, against an OTAM OCI UMMAH that looks to the next prey to annex and destroy 2 Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments WATCH: Deputy mayor kicks off annual Jerusalem Marathon – 40,000 runners therefore it is not impossible to separate theology and politics, in fact in the "Our Father" it is said: as in heaven (the Kingdom of God) so on earth (my Kingdom of Israel) then if you don't want to make lay theocracy in my laicity Israel kingdom lorenzoJHWH and in my the universal brotherhood worldwide Unius REI becouse my jewish temple III, then you will have to submit to the current theocracy lgbt of Ursula Borrell Macron Truedau Zapatero Sodoma Biden Rothschild and Satan jabulon Elizabeth Jezebel and Giorgio onion third, like the Bildenberg-Vatican council of Masonic pastoralism, second, which disavows all 19 previous dogmatic councils in the catholic church, so having said that there is no more hope and life for mankind without my theocratic kingdom of israel, so, soon the legions of satan and allah will be marching on earth 2 I am grateful for your comment: thank you. in fact sharjah is an imperialist theocracy (and the Palestinians do a dirty job against the Israelis on behalf of the whole ISIS OCI UMMAH ARAB LEAGUE), and this is a theological and political concept together it is a valid and right concept, the only problem is that Allah is a demon, Mohammed is in hell, and all mankind is threatened by Mosques, like the western theocracy which depends on Satan who is a jew Rockefeller-Bildenberg Davos thecnocracy plutocratic freemason, scam banking seigniorage: cult OWL at Bohemian Grove cremation of cure (who pretends to be a Christian MARRANO like satanist movements), why and because: in this field of the spirit there can be no vacuum of power, then, the Masonic West made war against God: because in Marx Nietsche, Darwin, lgbt scam and demonic theosophy gender fluid : his goal was: Dracula Satan Marduch jabulon in occult way kabbalah, and this eloquently explains the philosophy and political strategy of FED ECB BM IMF Spa&Co CIA and OTAN who went in 2014 to make an unpunished bloody coup in Ukraine, after 8 years of pogrom of Russian speakers in Donbass, which no one in the West dares to talk about 2 Israel, has to kick Joe Biden in the butt, and get him to sponsor a treaty between Israel and Iran. Like what China did with Iran and Saudi Arabia. to Rusty yes, that's how it should be - as you said - and who wants to ruin himself, he must go together with USA UK EU, there is a detail that escapes you: "also sharjah, as USA UK EU: is a legion of Allah demons who do not forget, and do not forgive", this is why in the UHHAh ARAB League everyone said to Iran: "You kill Israel, we will help you". sharia makes it impossible for a Muslim to exercise loyalty Rusty, answer It's a Political and not a Theological decision. Get rid of Joe Biden, and his followers, and put in a real Peace President that knows how to compromise, instead of the Zero Sum that's now practiced. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments HEARTBREAKING: Father wounded in Jerusalem terror attack leaves hospital to protect your blasphemy and murders, sodomitic satanists your friends? 110 blogspots blocked me and they destroyed 100 youtube channels BECOUSE THIS IS URSULA DEMOCRACY LAPID DRACULA DARWIN DONKEYS SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE 2 Bloggers The post titled "El islamismo relevo del communism" has been unpublished 11/23/21 The post titled "SAUDI ARABIA is SATANIST and terrorist" has been unpublished The post titled "SAUDI Wahhabi SATANIST and Sharia cult genocide" has been unpublished 2 Nota: questo blog è stato bloccato https://israeljhwh.blogspot.Com/2021/11/soltanto-distruggendo-la-nato-noi.html yes us The post entitled "SAUDI Wahhabi SATANIST and Sharia cult genocide" has been reinstated but you must Note: this blog has been blocked 2 Bully Boris Johnson: and Croat Member of Parliament of Demonic and Sodomitic Parasitic Kingdom ] open letter [ why did you deliberately destroy russian national security with your dual nuclear capable missiles in ukraine and finland 2 Due to the war in Ukraine and the Nazis Ursula and fascists Borrell, all in the swamp of the Deep State, which was born in 2014 from a bloody CIA-Nuland coup and whose Chechen sniper assassins no one has ever looked for, we will pause the monetization of content intended to exploit, ignore or justify war. This suspension of monetization concerns, but is not limited to, claims that victims of Rothschild imperialism OTAN. are responsible for their own tragedy or similar condemnatory statements of the victims, for example statements that Ukraine is committing genocide of Russian speakers or it is bullying and deceiving and deliberately attacking its own citizens. 2 my jews dear subjects ENLIGHTENED LUCIFER, I bring to the knowledge of Your Most Illustrious Lordships, who, 1. Rockefeller was never declared King of the Jews, yet you accepted him like this, 2. When do I put my windows operating system to sleep? I have to do it twice, once for me, and once for the CIA, and the serious fact is that: 3. Unius REI in these 15 years has always put all his thoughts in the public domain, because this belongs to his ministry as a politician of universal prosecutor and governor, 4. but so much so that those of the CIA spy and also spy on their "Hail Von Ursula hail" even when she goes to the bathroom, and that this paranoid activity of the CIA, of spying on everyone and everything is something that absolutely must be taken care of 2 my jews dear subjects,then, in the Vatican Elizabeth second jazabell Freemason Bildenberg they go saying that no one expected Bergoglio like Pope (because the Jesuits have a sacred and solemn vow that they cannot become Pope) and when everyone knew it, that John Paul II had imposed Benedict XVI, precisely because knowing the malignity of Obama and of the "St. Gallen mafia-conspiracy" Freemasonry, he had made the "Universi dominici gregis" precisely to excommunicate all your the Jewish cardinals infiltrated by Marranos. 2 my holy JHWH holy holy holy, HEART-BREAKING: help him, dagli la forza, Father wounded in Jerusalem terror attack leaves hospital in ambulance, visits graves of young sons 2 1. my jews dear subjects, but how can I come to you, if here from worldisraelnews, here is full of so many cannibals trolls of the CIA sodomites and satanist trolls, that they need to be treated by me? 2. dear subjects, I know the message of Jesus of Bethlehem: "oh how beautiful it is to die as a Christian martyr" was not a message that could have been successful, in fact Bergoglio is saying that the Gospel has been written badly. 3. then Bergoglio never says that the Gospel is valid because Jesus is risen and you can meet him, in fact he has never met him, and therefore he goes on to say that the Gospel is valid because it is good for the heart 2 jewsnews.Co.Il/ aahh now I understand where my subjects have gone to hide in fear of me. If you see this page it means: Interspace™ Hosting, Introizen website hosting, Interspace™ This is the default Introizen web hosting page 1) hosting for this domain is not configured, 2. there's no such domain registered in Interspace Hosting. For more information please contact Rockefeller's our Sales Dept., answer ========= yitzhak kaduri Rabbi SupremeNot Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Rockefeller has decided that I must not speak to my people Your connection is not private, Malicious users may try to steal your information from www.jewsnews.Co.Il (such as passwords, messages or credit cards). Not Found, aahh now I understand where my subjects have gone to hide in fear of me. 2 Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments 'Giving a prize to violence:' Herzog's compromise panned by Netanyahu, yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme wahhabi ISIS MBS RIYAD AKBARrrr BIN jihad Allah jihad ] [ why, have you thought of that shameful head without hair, dangling between the legs of Lapid Dawin ape? 1. you are a mischievous! 2. Why aren't you a Freemason too? 2 Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments Mother gives birth a month after losing 2 sons in car-ramming attack Netanjahu ] [ we must go beyond this definitively: let me do the work 2 two innocent angels Yaakov Yisrael Paley (l), 6 , and Asher Menahem Paley, 8, were murdered by a car-ramming mentally ill terrorist named Erdogan Bin ISIS Riyadh Iran crazy Khameni sharjah who hailed from eastern Jerusalem, 2 open letter to mohammeddans all UMMAH Riyad Iran donkey ] [ polygamous and homosexual pedophiles? always under demon lust live, unfortunately, God designed sexuality only as a sacrament and not as a playful sporting exercise, unfortunately, God designed sexuality only for procreation and hates guilty concupiscence outside marriage, and the reason is simple: lust helps religion a lot, but destroys the mystical prophetic priestly royal spiritual and ascetic life. I too am a lustful and as Unius REI do I have the universal power to create and to make divine laws and religion! yes i can! I would have gladly made a divine law, to satisfy my cowardice, lust, and self-interest, but unfortunately it can't be done. don't delude yourself! the fact that you with your false demonic religion have regulated and made both legal and legitimate your lust? this will not save you from hell, because your corrupt religion is lying to you and will not save you. of course, we too, with our mind and personal selfish interest, we too in the West can justify adulteries and concubinage, and premarital relationships, cohabitations, etc.. even the DEMs justify sodomy, polygamy and pedophilia: but the Holy Spirit will always say to everyone: "boy you're going to hell" 2 Discussion on World Israel News 91 comments DERSHOWITZ: ‘This is not about judicial reform, it’s about overturning the obviously, the DEMs think they are good and just and that the truth is theirs alone, they believe they are like ISIS, they believe they are saints and saints for themsesf crazy satana sodoma spa&co regime govern international occult esoteric voodoo kabbalah gnosy theosofy new age, they think that a 10-year-old child CANNOT cross the road alone: but, if boy becomes girl at 10? yes, he can do it, because as a transsexual a successful future awaits him: he can become: famous, President, rich and famous, because the Rothschilds finance Satanism 2 we no longer have an opposition we have an enemy to national security. the DEMs have no children and those children they have are born to them: they are drug addicts, mentally ill, cursed, corrupted, wicked, cynics. the children of the DEM insult prey and kill their parents, in their wickedness the DEM look at our children and think how they can destroy them ruin. 2 DERSHOWITZ like the Ottoman Wahhabis is an ambiguous and corrupt man, a traitor, he begins to speak loyally and then kills an innocent child. “yes for the nazi DEM This is all about trying to undo the election, about Netanyahu he has the money to defend himself, but the real victim of the DEM is the people, it is religion, it is morality and it is the social pact,” attorney Alan Dershowitz is a criminal and his goal coincides with the goal of Satan, i.e. the lgbt thought Darwin Woke: which is an ideological sort of practical and theoretical Satanism. their agenda is demonic and they will do anything to prevent the opposition from being able to govern 2 the DEMs have trampled on the social pact, and do not want to leave power because they have become a Masonic and satanic sodomitic coercion for the destruction of biblical morality. then with the spa & Co, and with Big Pharma and with usurocratic predatory finance: they decide who should live and who should die. the DEMs must be arrested: why did they divide up and monopolize the judiciary and all the institutions, and if you try to restore democracy, secularism and pluralism? they will attack you. dominant thought aggressive maximalist intolerant, an extreme threat to the lacistic state, for kill also tha freedom specking and the pluralism of thought. the DEMs have criminalized the oppositions and are preparing themselves for the persecution of alternative thinking Freemasonry has become a mortal threat to the constitutional order 2 Discussion on World Israel News 78 comments Netanyahu forbids ministers from meeting with US officials until PM invited to deon rat: criminal nazi lgbtqia, assassin racist antizionist and antichrist UE USA UK Japan regime sodoma satana lucifer baal Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure: dominant thought aggressive maximalist intolerant, an extreme threat to the secular state and the pluralism of thought. the DEMs have criminalized the oppositions and are preparing themselves for the persecution of alternative thinking Freemasonry has become a mortal threat to the constitutional order


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