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Israelis regain sight, thanks to corneas donated by family of young terror12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Freemasonry is too great a threat ] [ That was the only possible way: to tare to the papal throne Roncalli, in way to solve the problem of the dinalate of Msgr. Montini and to open then, the way to the pontificate. In 1956, Don Luigi Villa had the

first meeting with Padre Pio, two during which he received the assignment of

devote his whole life to defending deriving the Church of Xrist from the work

of ecclesiastical Freemasonry. Then, Fr Villa received the mandate

Pope by Pius XII, to carry out the inload entrusted to him by Padre Pio,

becoming employed by card. Ottaviani, prefect of the Holy Office.

The period, between the expulsion of mgr. Montini from the Secretariat of Stato and the death of Pius XII, was very fied for Freemasonry, for the danger

that Pius XII remained alive still ra too long. https://www.chiesaviva.Com/tomba%20vuota.pdf Don Villa told me what was known at the Holy Office: «We think that Pius XII was killed for two reasons: if Pius XII had lived another year and a half, the plan of World Freemasonry to put on head of the Church their man Montini would be shipwrecked. Pious XII, in 1960, would definitely published the Third Secret of Fatima which contained the sentence: “Satan effectively he will be able to penetrate up to the top of the Church”; moreover, Freemasonry would not could impose Roncalli, like them “transitional pope”, because at that time he was already ill with cancer and they had only given him five years of

life. If Pius XII had remained alive for another year and a half, Roncalli he could never have been elected pope, because the news of his illness would spread and it would

prevented from collecting the necessary votes for his election to the papal throne

that is. And Montini would never have become a Cardinal and therefore not even a Pope!». In the period of the "Montesi case", «The crisis is also touched by the

Vatican, because it turns out that the adventurer Ugo Montagna was a close friend of the personal doctor of pope, Riccardo Galeazzi Lisi» the who also participated in the Masses black women and the bacchanalia orgies organized by Montagna. Why, Richard Was Galeazzi Lisi, instead of being investigated, "was expelled from the sacred palaces"? It was known that Ugo Montagna had the task of “influencing men, women of high society and the highest levels of Church and State e he used blackmail to force many people to yield to the will of the

masters of him, the Illuminati?”
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

If the Christian, out of love for openness to the world and good neighborly relations with everyone, almost without realizing it, substantially dilutes the salvific fact of the Resurrection and of the personal relationship with the Risen One, in the search for exaltation and in the achievement of these secondary goals (such as mercy ), then he precludes the personal connection with the crucified and risen Son of God, gradually consumes the sin of apostasy and finally finds himself on the side of the Antichrist. Finally, Solovev says, a Christianity without Xsto without the good news of a real and personal resurrection is then the same thing as an empty space, like a simple hole drilled in a peasant isba.
Faced with the mortal threat of ISLAM sharjah we are today grappling with the culture of pure and simple openness, of freedom without content, of existential nothingness. This is the great tragedy of our time. But the tragedy becomes even greater when this nothingness, these openings, these holes are attributed, out of superficiality or out of love for dialogue, some deceptive Christian label. Outside of Xsto, concrete person, living reality, event, outside of Xto there is only the emptiness of man, and his desperation. In Xsto man finds his fullness and his only hope.
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BERGOGLIO AND HIS SYNCRETIST ANTICHRIST THAT EVERYONE LIKES] [Jesus Xsto, the son of God, crucified and risen, the only Savior of man, cannot be translated into a series of good projects and good inspirations that can be homogenized with the dominant worldly mentality. https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/verranno-giorni-sono-gia-arrivati-in-cui-il-cristianesimo-sara-ridotto-a-pura-azione-umanitaria/

It is indubitable that Christianity (like Judaism) is above all else a historical event (a direct experience of divinity accessible to all), but it is equally indubitable that this event proposes and supports inalienable values. For the love of dialogue, one cannot dissolve the Christian fact into a series of values that can be shared by the majority.
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/e-rimasto-qualcosa-di-vero-dallazione-allattivismo-verso-un-mondo-di-replicanti/ Is there any real left? From action to activism, towards a world of replicants by Mattia Spanò The news about the former British health minister Hancock is paired with that of the Bergamo investigation into Roberto Speranza: a colossal operation against the people, a grifarious and unacceptable political use of science.


to the people who ended up as human sacrifices on the altar of satan, the satanists of the CIA make casts of their faces and post them in their Pubs
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Solovev in imagining this form of novel had in mind a concrete form of new Christianity that was advocated in his time by the writer Lev Tolstoi.
Tolstoi advocated a Christianity reduced to the 5 rules of behavior taken from the "Sermon on the Mount". All beautiful precepts that come directly from Xsto even if with some small corrections. But, says Tolstoy, these precepts to be valid do not need the current existence of Xsto, son of the living God. Xsto is superfluous, there is no place for him.
the antichrist takes the place of Jesus of Bethlehem, and misunderstands his uniqueness, resurrection and divinity, therefore it could never be me, Bergoglio the sorcerer Pachamama the Aryan is his forerunner

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Soloviev the greatest Russian philosopher he paints a portrait of the antichrist, Second, he didn't like the claim to absolute uniqueness. He is one of many, he was my forerunner, because I am the perfect savior who purified his message from what is unacceptable to today's man. Third element that he could not accept about Jesus he could not bear that Xist was alive. So much so that he hysterically repeated: he is not alive, he has not risen, he has rotted in the tomb. Where Solovev proves particularly original and surprising is when he attributes to the Antichrist the qualifications of pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist. First of all pacifist. "I promised you peace, I gave it to you". For this reason the awareness of superiority over Jesus Xist matures in him. Xst brought the sword, I will bring peace. But mr Z observes: Xst came to bring truth to earth, and it, like goodness, above all divides. There is therefore good peace, Christian peace, based on that division that Xist came to bring to earth, precisely with the separation between good and evil, between truth and falsehood;
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Soloviev the greatest Russian philosopher he paints a portrait of the antichrist, Second, he didn't like the claim to absolute uniqueness. and there is evil peace, the peace of the world, founded on the outward mixing or union of that which is inwardly at war with itself. Then an ecologist or at least an animal rights activist. The Antichrist was a philanthropist, full of compassion, not only a friend of men but also a friend of animals. He was vegetarian. He forbade vivisection and subjected slaughterhouses to strict surveillance. Animal welfare societies were encouraged by him in every way. Finally, the Antichrist will prove to be a true ecumenist capable of conversing with words full of sweetness, wisdom and eloquence. He will summon representatives of all Christian denominations to an ecumenical council to be held under his presidency. His action will aim to seek everyone's consensus, not by leading everyone to the Truth, but by granting the favors that are more concretely appreciated https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/verranno-giorni-sono-gia-arrivati-in-cui-il-cristianesimo-sara-ridotto-a-pura-azione-umanitaria/
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
4 Israelis regain sight, thanks to corneas donated by family of young terror
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Soloviev the greatest Russian philosopher. A situation of emptiness is looming for European civilization, within which the figure of the Antichrist is affirmed. Solovyev says that the Antichrist is a good person, a staunch spiritualist. He believed in goodness, even in God, but he loved only himself. He was an ascetic, a scholar, a philanthropist. He gave very high displays of moderation, disinterestedness, and active charity. However, three things about Jesus were unacceptable to the Antichrist: first of all, his moral concerns. The Xsto Jesus of Bethlehem affirmed (the Antichrist), with his moralism he divided men according to good and evil, while I will unite them with the benefits which are equally necessary for the good and the bad.
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The days will come (they have already arrived) in which Christianity will be reduced to pure humanitarian action by BERGOGLIO and the advent of the antichrist, sabinopaciolla.Com/verranno-giorni-sono-gia-arrivati-in-cui-il-cristianesimo-sara-ridotto-a-pura-azione-umanitaria/ Solovev (1853-1900), a few weeks before of dying, he confides to a friend: I feel that the times are approaching when Christians will have to gather for prayer in the catacombs. Faith will be persecuted everywhere, perhaps less brutally than in Nero's time, but more subtly and cruelly, by means of lies, deceit and forgery. The vital problem for man is to take evil and its power seriously, and to believe in the need for a transcendent saving intervention.
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the Masonic destruction spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO of Western Judeo-Christian civilization and the new era of Satanism. the criminal and predatory DEM tools of the new world order
War in Ukraine, Schmidt: "We have to be honest about this, ambition and reality are diverging."
answer https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/guerra-in-ucraina-schmidt-dobbiamo-essere-onesti-su-questo-lambizione-e-la-realta-stanno-divergendo/
the War in Ukraine, it was planned by NATO and it was initiated in 2014 pogrom against russian-speakers, this is a Wahhabi-demonic occult project for the division of the planet
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the Masonic destruction of Western Judeo-Christian civilization and the new era of Satanism

Empty words over and over, no idea: why the West will lose on all fronts https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/parole-vuote-a-ripetizione-nessuna-idea-perche-loccidente-perdera-su-tutti-i-fronti/

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

why must a rockefeller mason judge sodom satan decide the fate of God's people?
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

open letter to Netanjahu ] if you get discouraged and pull back from this reform of justice, the betrayal of the Israeli people and its shoah annihilation will become yours.. but what if the load is too heavy for you? announce my monarchy in Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
WATCH: 'Netanyahu needs to lead solution to judicial reform conflict' - but 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Lavrov: "Germany suffered a terrorist attack by a NATO country. Strange alliance"

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the dissimulation of the Freemason Bergoglio, the Deep Church first said that ecclesiastical celibacy is not a sacrament it has a disciplinary act that can be overcome, but the next day he said he was not ready for this step because pedophile and homosexual concubine priests were the for him the best
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the forerunner of the antichrist anti-Zionist Rockefeller-BERGOGLIO "AFTER THE DEATH OF BENEDICT THEY HAD A LAY CONCLAVE" CIONCI EXPLAINS THE "SURREAL" BACKGROUND, "Bergoglio wears a particular symbol around his neck" "A pectoral cross with the Good Shepherd in arms above crossed which does not exist in Christian iconography. But it is a ritual position of 'Rosicrucian' which is a mystery order, pseudo-Masonic. And in Freemasonry the eighteenth degree oath of Rosicrucian Prince assumes precisely this position which is called 'of the good Rosicrucian shepherd', with his arms crossed. The Rosicrucians are a secret order that do not recognize Jesus Xrist as the Son of God. And as St. John said: 'whoever does not recognize the Son of God is antichrist'. I leave it to you to judge the opportunity for a Pope, or presumed Pope, to put an anti-Christ symbol around his neck".
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the forerunner of the antichrist anti-Zionist Rockefeller-BERGOGLIO "AFTER THE DEATH OF BENEDETTO THEY CARRIED OUT A LAY CONCLAVE" CIONCI EXPLAINS THE "SURREAL" BACKSCENE, 13 mar 2023 #Ratzinger #PapaFrancesco #Papa
Andrea Cionci's #Ratzinger Code is certainly not a book of little thickness, nor does it present a discounted or already seen content: a thousand-year history indeed shows itself in the famous investigative book.
An investigation that brings back various details and background on #PopeFrancesco and his work.
But above all there is an indiscretion: Bergoglio would not be the real #Pope.
Legally speaking, says Cionci, he would not have had the right to become Peter's heir, since the previous Pope, #BenedictXVI, would never have actually abdicated, but would have renounced exclusively the so-called "ministerium".
Things? Unlike the "mulnus", i.e. the condition of Pope, the ministerium is only the exercise of the papacy. Ergo, Ratzinger would remain pontiff, at least until his death, which took place last December 31st.
Would #Bergoglio therefore be an antipope? Barring new updates or valid denials, the Roman writer's investigation continues in this direction: after all, "in the history of the #Church there have been 40 antipopes".
"The only one who keeps the bar straight is Don Minutella: a priest who from the beginning shouted to the whole world that Pope Benedict had remained the true pontiff, because his resignation declaration was not valid. Then I would find out that it was an impeded self-exile and all the rest" (here the summary article).
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the forerunner of the antichrist anti-Zionist Rockefeller-BERGOGLIO "AFTER THE DEATH OF BENEDICT THEY HAD A LAY CONCLAVE" CIONCI EXPLAINS THE "SURREAL" BACKGROUND, "If fatigue clouds me I will resign", Bergoglio recently declared. Not a casual statement according to Cionci: "I think the only tiredness is that of the faithful and citizens who are duped by this character who is not the Pope. The story of Bergoglio's resignation is a little theater that has been going on for at least two years.
A baby carrot to attract the attention of the cat-conservatives who persist in calling him Pope. Last time he said he didn't even think about resigning". "What happened after Benedict's death?" "There was a sort of conclave : they called lay people to vote.
They rented the Marriott hotel for 60,000 euros. They imagined that all the Roman people would rush there to elect the new Pope and then four people showed up who re-elected Bergoglio and who today persist in considering him legitimate Pope despite having previously stated the opposite.
A completely surreal thing and a conclave that doesn't change things at all".
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

shalom12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

‘Netanyahu needs to lead solution to judicial reform conflict’ – but what about gag nazi Rothschild order?
the only solution is King LorenzoJHWH

Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments
Saudi Arabia denies Israelis visas for UN event – report
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

an all-Italian tragedy, the Jewish-Freemason parasitic state has let many companies and desperate private citizens go bankrupt, who have made loans that they could not do, but who trusted the word of the Government that it would give the Superbonus, the blocked funds leave Italians working at home: interrupted, court cases begin, 14 Mar 2023 #Superbonus #tv Releasing of credits, elimination of the #Superbonus for construction, discounts on invoices, all issues that have filled newspapers and #TV. Then there is the Italian reality which is witnessed by the National Construction Class Action and by other associations, as well as by individual entrepreneurs or clients. The money is stuck in tax drawers and many Italians find themselves with incomplete houses, because during the restructuring some companies found themselves without liquidity. The theme was raised during "Work in Progress" by Martin Polanski of #CANDE: I am a window and door entrepreneur, I express my discomfort and my disgust. We live in Italy, fraud is everywhere, in car insurance, in public administration. Lately I've heard about the blocked invoice discount, the last trick of the #government, that for a job of 10 thousand euros perhaps the discount will be put back on the invoice, but for larger amounts it will be impossible, already from 50 thousand euros ".
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

an other all-Italian tragedy, the Jewish-Freemason parasitic state has let many companies and desperate private citizens go bankrupt, who have made loans that they could not do, but who trusted the word of the Government that it would give the Superbonus, the blocked funds leave Italians working at home: interrupted, court cases begin, There are many people who find themselves away from home, renting perhaps because they have a house that it is not possible to finish renovating, such as the client #Bevilacqua: "I made a contract with a company for the renovation of the house with 110% and the discount on the invoice. Until April 2022 everything was ok, then the company was unable to convert the credits and I find myself with the house still not completed. Obviously the 110% does not include everything, so I paid everything that is foreseen by the law, but I still have the gutted house". Passarella, vice president of the "Superbonus exodata" also spoke on the issue: "We have to fight. I have demonstrated with their actions that they have made the superbonus a measure only for the rich. We have created a parallel currency that does not create public debt. The 110 billion euros did not create a hole in the budget but only a deficit, which they recorded in previous years, among other things. We've been going around the buildings for 3 months to find a solution. We proposed a dossier with 10 points, so the they have solutions. The bankruptcy of companies for the state coffers would be devastating and citizens could even lose the houses where they live. They are playing with fire and don't realize it".
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

who is the Freemason BERGOGLIO who is changing the Gospel?
Saints and coffee March 14th
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Desperate Zelensky: out of troops and ammunition - Il Controcanto - Press review of 14 March 2023, TV Watching Only now are the megaphones of Western propaganda saying what we have been repeating for months: the Ukrainians have sent all their soldiers to die and now they find themselves without troops or ammunition. The complaint comes from the Washington Post, picked up in cascades by the provincial Italian newspapers. Il Corriere announces that according to the Wagner brigade our defense minister, Crosetto, is an "as***hole". The appropriate checks are in progress. For Repubblica, instead of imploding Putin's system of power, the world of his alleged opponents imploded. The Truth reveals the turmoil of the Germans grappling with second thoughts regarding the criminal management of the pandemic. Happy listening!
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the holy spirit of Bergoglio and of all religions on this planet is called Rockefeller Rothschild
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Apostasy and Freemasonry in the Catholic Church “THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA AND THE ANTICHRIST.”
when Putin asked Bergoglio about the third secret of fatima, BERGOLGIO told him that that was a topic that could not be talked about

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Israel’s first conservative TV news channel sees ratings spike12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "MRNA-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but downright dangerous." As scientists we formulate hypotheses and test them with experiments. Whether a hypothesis proves true based on current knowledge, it can still change over time as new evidence comes to light. Sharing and accumulation of knowledge is therefore the most important part of science. One wonders when and why this scientific process was changed. No discussion of new knowledge that questions the safety of COVID-19 vaccines is allowed. Who gave bureaucrats the means to destroy the foundations of science and tell scientists not to discuss science?
Is this document correct? I was very impressed with this document. The authors were very thorough. The paper has been made public since September 21, 2022, more than enough time for scientists to question it. To my knowledge, no errors have been reported that would alter the statements or conclusions of the document. https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/ora-pubblicato-nella-letteratura-scientifica-peer-reviewed-i-vaccini-a-base-di-mrna-non-sono-ne-sicuri-ne-effective-ma- absolutely-dangerous/

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Islamic group declares fatwa against Hamas for corruption, abuse of Gazans12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "MRNA-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but downright dangerous." Never in the history of vaccines have 57 leading scientists and policy experts published a report questioning the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. Not only were they questioning the safety of current Covid-19 injections, but they were calling for an immediate end to all vaccinations. Many doctors and scientists around the world have expressed similar doubts and warned of the consequences of long-term side effects. However, there is no discussion or mention of the studies that do not follow the narrative on the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccination.
Medical experts who questioned the safety of these vaccines were attacked and demonized, called conspiracy theorists and threatened with being disbarred if they objected to the narrative. Alternative treatments have been banned and people who have never practiced medicine tell medical experts how to do their job. AHPRA is doing the same thing here in Australia, to the detriment and ignorance of the science. https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/ora-pubblicato-nella-letteratura-scientifica-peer-reviewed-i-vaccini-a-base-di-mrna-non-sono-ne-sicuri-ne-effective-ma- absolutely-dangerous/
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

all sharjah jihad agenda will go in Syria in definite mode! [ They seem concerned about "Palestinian rights" only when it can involve delegitimizing Israel. The Biden Administration and the European Union, meanwhile, continue to provide political and financial support to the Palestinian Authority without demanding an end to Abbas's "pay-for-slay" "jobs program" that incentivizes and rewards the murder of Jews, or the ongoing campaign to defend the "rights of terrorists." By their silence, the Biden Administration and the European Union are sending a message to the Palestinians that it is perfectly all right to finance terrorism and murder Jews.

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Startup CEO reveals how she saved her company with last-ditch withdrawal 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Other key points of the document If you don't have time to read the entire document, here are some of the highlights. Here are more direct quotes from the document: COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine, Not only does the spike protein produce unwanted side effects, but so do mRNA and nanoparticles. Never in the history of vaccines have we seen 1011 case studies showing the side effects of a vaccine

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH
Detected as spam

Again, it's not clear why it's impossible to look at the study data in a

few months, when it took the CDC less than 4 weeks to grant emergency

use authorization for the injections – unless you want to consider

consider the idea that the study data was never read and analyzed, a

scary prospect.

The official public message is that mRNA-based

vaccines are safe. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),

the drug and therapy regulatory agency of the Australian Government,

clearly states on its website that large-scale trials are still ongoing

and that no company has received a full package of data.


mRNA-based vaccines were expected to remain at the injection site and be

absorbed by the lymphatic system. This assumption turned out to be

wrong. During the autopsy of a vaccinated person who died after mRNA

vaccination, it was found that the vaccine rapidly disperses from the

injection site and can be found in almost any part of the body [1].

Research has shown that these nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain

barrier and the blood-placenta barrier.

Although a causal link

to the vaccines could not be proven, as no autopsies were performed, a

link to vaccination is still thought to be possible and further

investigations are needed.

In summary, it is not known exactly

where the vaccine travels once it is injected and how much spike protein

is produced in which (and how many) cells.

The S1 subunit of

the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, injected into transgenic mice

overexpressing human ACE-2, elicited a response similar to that of

COVID-19. It has also been shown that the S1 subunit of the spike

protein, when added to red blood cells in vitro, can induce coagulation.

The authors found consistent alteration of gene expression following vaccination in many types of immune cells.

Seneff et al. (2022) describe another mechanism by which mRNA-based vaccines could interfere with DNA repair.

It is surprising that natural immunity is completely ignored by health

authorities around the world. We know from SARSCoV-1 that natural

immunity is long-lasting and persists for at least 12-17 years [17].

Immunologists have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different

from that induced by SARS-Cov.

The immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long-lasting.

mRNA vaccines appear to suppress interferon responses. A literature

review by Cardozo and Veazev [26] concluded that vaccines against

COVID-19 could potentially make the disease worse.

In Australia natural immunity is not yet accepted as proof of immunity.

A University of California study followed infections in the workforce

after 76% were fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccines by March 2021 and

86.7% by July 2021. In July 2021, 75.2% of fully vaccinated workforce

had symptomatic COVID.

Acharya et al. (2021) and Riemersma et

al. (2021) both demonstrated that the vaccinated have very high viral

loads, similar to those of the unvaccinated, and are therefore just as


Brown et al. (2021) and Servelitta et al. (2021)

suggested that vaccinated persons infected with symptomatic variants,

such as Delta, are as infectious as unvaccinated symptomatic cases and

will contribute to the spread of COVID even in highly vaccinated

We have received your request for review
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Countries with higher vaccination rates also have higher numbers of cases. The median of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people has been shown to be broadly similar to the percentage of the population fully vaccinated.
Several recent studies have indicated that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated. A Danish study by Kirsch (2021) suggests that people who have received mRNA-based vaccines are up to eight times more likely to develop Omicron than those who have not received them [40]. This and a subsequent study by Kirsch (2022a) conclude that the more you vaccinate yourself, the more you become
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

A Bayesian analysis of worldwide causal impact suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than those associated with COVID-19 [43 ]. Numerous studies have shown that mRNA-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective, just plain dangerous. https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/ora-pubblicato-nella-letteratura-scientifica-peer-reviewed-i-vaccini-a-base-di-mrna-non-sono-ne-sicuri-ne-effectiveci-ma- absolutely-dangerous/ Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "MRNA-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but downright dangerous."
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

all sharjah jihad agenda will go in Syria in definite mode! [ In Lebanon, Palestinians, with rare exceptions, are not permitted citizenship, period. The intriguing thing is that Palestinian officials who are upset by this bill seem extremely worried about "Palestinian rights to citizenship," but only in Israel -- not in Lebanon or Jordan. What these Palestinian leaders are worried about are the rights of terrorists -- far more than they worry about the living standards or economic hardship that millions of their people face in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The motivation, sadly, seems to be shoring up their own political power at the expense of their people.

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Former Arafat aide and oldest Palestinian prisoner released from Israeli jail12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

all sharjah jihad agenda will go in Syria in definite mode! [Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh] is... saying that Israel has no right to defend itself or take any measures against Palestinians involved in terrorism, who are then financially rewarded by his own Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Paying for murder in lieu of negotiating is not what the Palestinians committed to in the Oslo Accords or any other agreement. Would-be terrorists can now contemplate that choice [whether to commit murder or stay in Israel], unlike the victims of terror who will never get to "visit family" again. In the view of the Palestinian leadership, if Palestinians murder innocent civilians simply because they are Jews, that is not racist or unlawful, but if Israelis hold those murderers responsible and imprison them, that is racist and unlawful. [Shtayyeh] apparently wants to make sure that while he continues to fund the families of the terrorists in the West Bank, the Arab terrorists in Israel will be able to maintain their citizenship, live a pleasant life inside Israel and be able to continue murdering Jews.

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Police bust Arab weapons traffickers in Israeli cities, Judea and Samaria; 31 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The Palestinian Authority UMMAH Riyadh Iran ISIS sharjah is all for the Rights of Terrorists! by Bassam Tawil March 6, 2023 The bill basically states that an Israeli citizen or resident who commits a terrorist act and agrees to receive payment for it from the Palestinian Authority is thereby stating a preference to receive benefits from the Palestinian Authority over those of the State of Israel. When the terrorist completes his prison sentence, he will then move to the place of his chosen alliance, the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Needless to say, this also means that re-entry into Israel is prohibited.

no, he will move in Syria in definite mode

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Saudi Arabia to ‘test’ Iran before finalizing restoration of diplomatic ties, 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Bin ISIS Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salmán ] [ I think you with Al' Khamenie? You should try a pregnancy test first, becouse Erdogan said: "If a Muslim loves God too much, why couldn't he be free to commit genocide?"

Discussion on World Israel News 72 comments
‘Bad motivations’ – Fiercely pro-Israel advocates speak out against judicial 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Spain: Muslim migrant calling himself ‘Allah’s hit man’ jailed for threats and pro-jihad statements https://www.jihadwatch.Org/2023/03/spain-muslim-migrant-calling-himself-allahs-hit-man-jailed-for-threats-and-pro-jihad-statements A 50-year-old Moroccan jihadist who called himself ‘Allah’s hitman’, was
sent to prison by a judge in a court in the town of Campos on the
Balearic island of Mallorca this Thursday, March 9. He had recently been
found guilty of radicalising his messages and threats.


Haram Erdogan Riyadh Iran Mbs Al' ISIS Fulani Boko said: "If a Muslim loves God too much, why couldn't he be free to commit jihad genocide?"
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

if you don't curbs the powers of the Supreme Court? then Parliament can be dismissed,
perhaps this is the time of the Kingdom throne in Israel
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The left always accuses other of doing what the left does. They are anti-Democracy yet they accuse other that they are anti-Democracy. this is a bas story for all Jews Enlightened lizards and they don't want to meet him because they said Finance Minister and Religious Zionism party leader Bezalel Smotrich he knows a very dangerous exorcism prayer for all of them, a 10% of the shirts that kids wear in the west are made of images of skulls and explicit demonic symbols, and some have demonic Japanese symbols, it's good for Kim Jong-Un who will turn Japanese people into radioactive excrement

Discussion on World Israel News 182 comments
Israeli finance minister addresses 'elephant in the room' amid protests at 12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

this is a bas story for all Jews Enlightened lizards and they don't want to meet him because they said Finance Minister and Religious Zionism party leader Bezalel Smotrich he knows a very dangerous exorcism prayer for all of them
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

a 10% of the shirts that kids wear in the west are made of images of skulls and explicit demonic symbols, and some have demonic Japanese symbols, it's good for Kim Jong-Un who will turn Japanese people into radioactive excrement
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Dracula Enlightened & Co ILLUMINATI and their Bin MBS wahhabis jihad ] [ World Government Summit for a One World Government. Klaus Schwab wants to modify the human genome and wants to read the man's mind, then, he said that Ursula will have a piovra octopus instead of her head, and that Christine Lagarde doesn't need her, because her potato Pus*y is already an octopus
You should read "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" written by Klaus Schwab with a preface by John Elkann. It's worth reading even if it takes
some stomach...
As long as these crazy people live and those who follow them, there will never be peace!!!!
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

we don't know how these Israelis will continue to survive as the sharia and all UN supporters of the ummah condemn them to death! Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh is saying that Israel has no right to defend itself or take any measures against Palestinians involved in terrorism, who are then financially rewarded by his own Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Pictured: Shtayyeh speaks at the 36th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa on February 18, 2023.
A new bill that is moving swiftly through initial rounds in the Israeli parliament is garnering harsh criticism from the Palestinian leadership. The bill basically states that an Israeli citizen or resident who commits a terrorist act and agrees to receive payment for it from the Palestinian Authority is thereby stating a preference to receive benefits from the Palestinian Authority over those of the State of Israel. When the terrorist completes his prison sentence, he will then move to the place of his chosen alliance, the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Needless to say, this also means that re-entry into Israel is prohibited. Sounds fair enough. Not, however, to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.Org/19462/palestinian-authority-terrorists
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

for the tragic fate of Christians in the world, to the satans sodom EU USA UK the Jewish plutocratic Freemasons? nothing matters! Pakistan's blasphemy laws are mostly used against religious minorities: Islamists demand imposition of the death penalty for blasphemy, at a protest in Karachi, Pakistan on October 12, 2018. Pakistan's blasphemy laws have once again been made even more stringent by the country's lawmakers. Amid a long-running international outcry against the notorious blasphemy laws, the National Assembly of Pakistan on January 17 unanimously passed "The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Act 2023," which increased the minimum punishment for those found guilty of insulting the Islamic Prophet Mohammad's companions , wives and family members from three years to 10 years' imprisonment, along with a fine of 1 million Pakistani rupees ($4,122). The bill was brought forth by National Assembly Member Abdul Akbar Chtrali, a leader of the Islamist political party Jamaat-e-Islami. Chtrali, on May 17, 2021, had also called for the use of nuclear weapons against India and Israel. The statement of "object and reasons" for the bill by Chitrali says: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.Org/19403/blasphemy-laws-pakistan
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH
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IFN Weekly: International Family News Network In this week’s top story, we learn that

urging it to intervene in the United States because the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that declared there is no constitutional right to abortion violates international law. As Doug Clark writes: “At first blush, the sheer length and detail of this 50-page letter—harangue might be a better description—projects an aura of authority. It is only when you begin to read carefully and dive into its 293 footnotes that you discover that the crux of its argument rests on citations to non-binding documents, committee comments, and interpretations of language in ways never agreed to by a consensus of Member States. In fact, notwithstanding the letter’s pretensions to the contrary, it utterly fails to find any international right to abortion, nor any legal obligation whatsoever violated by the US in its sovereign exercise of judicial power that finally corrected the egregiously unconstitutional decision in” In our second lead story, and destroying the value of women. As Rob Siedlecki writes: “Under the radical transgender movement, which has taken off like a rocket over the past decade, anyone can become a woman. If a biological male says he is a woman, according to transgender activists he in fact is a woman and no one can question that judgment. Indeed, to declare that a ‘woman’ is a biological adult female is the height of intolerance and bigotry; to say this is to put you on par with Hitler If we truly want to honor women on this International Women’s Day, let’s start by acknowledging that there truly is something unique and irreplaceable about biological women that no biological man can ever possess or truly understand. To do otherwise is to wipe out all the gains women have made over the past 100 years and to allow the left to reinstate misogyny in America and the West.” In our third top story, we read that rather than the se* they “identify” with. This policy came about after people raised valid safety concerns after a man who raped two women but who now claimed to be a woman was placed initially in a prison for females. As IfamNews Germany writes: “The SPS [Scottish Prison Services] stated that until the reviews of transgender prisoners are completed, all transgender individuals with a history of violence against women will not be transferred from male to female prisons. There will be a full review of all transgender people in custody, after which the Scottish Government will review its policy.”
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12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

sharia genocide and its theology of replacement and extermination of Christians in 1400 years jihad protected by UN ]] [[ The suffering is unimaginable... Estimates from the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are staggering more than 45,000 people killed and countless others injured. Officials say over 84,000 buildings are uninhabitable. The numbers will continue to climb. Survivors have been out in the streets struggling to find shelter from the bitter cold and desperate for food. Christians in these areas are already reeling from daily persecution in their heavily Muslim communities and find themselves last in line to receive aid. We cannot sit idly by. We’re rescuing who we can and working to rebuild churches before it’s too late. Here is what we can do with your help: We need to quickly raise $400,000 to give Christians the care and supplies (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies, generators) they need through our effective and ethical partners on the ground. Life-saving aid will first go directly for survival necessities and second to rebuild churches. Trauma Training for Young Pakistani Christians mer 8 mar, When you hear about incidents of persecution, the scars that survivors carry with them run much deeper than the surface. While medical care, food aid, and business assistance are all necessary and beneficial tools, we must also address the emotional toll that persecution takes. In Pakistan, ICC recently led a trauma training session for young adults who have suffered due to their faith. Here, they learned critical skills for coping with persecution and built a support group with other believers in the community. Thank you for helping us come alongside these survivors as they learn that they don’t have to travel this difficult path alone.
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

sharia genocide and its theology of replacement and extermination of Christians in 1400 years jihad protected by UN ]] [[ Author, Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs ] [ Last week, we began exploring a passage in 2 Chronicles about an overwhelming military obstacle that King Jehoshaphat faced. Even if we aren’t facing trials on such a large scale, the trials of this life are inevitable. When we choose to stand on our own two feet, we waste the opportunity of suffering. Rather, when we lean on Him, we can draw closer to Him than ever before. Today, if you are walking through a painful season, I encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Him, knowing that this too shall pass. Jeff King
President, International Christian Concern
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH
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UN’s International Day to Fight ‘Islamophobia’ claims that suspicion of Islam stems from prejudice, not jihad terror

“Prevaling acts of Islamophobia, such as the burning of the Holy Quran, are not the result of post-9/11 concerns that stemmed from stereotypes of Muslims as terrorists. Instead, the majority of Muslims in the countries where they reside as minorities experience intense prejudice and hostility, which is the root cause of these attacks on Muslims [ ]
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Robert Spencer
Canada: High school student tears Qur’an, school vows ‘immediate steps’ to combat ‘Islamophobia’

The video appears to have been scrubbed everywhere. That’s a shame, as it might have answered some questions, or at least suggested some answers. The first question is: did the student who tore the Qur’an offer any explanation for his or her actions? A Muslim student says: “I felt heartbroken because the the reason we [ ]
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Robert Spencer
Iranian ayatollah says people who insult Qur’an oppose its political verses, not ones about prayer or fasting

Lankarani is right: those who burn or otherwise desecrate the Qur’an are generally expressing opposition to the political, supremacist, violent, and expansionist aspects of Islamic teaching. But in the West this is universally ignored, and such acts are always and in every case presented as a manifestation of an inexplicable “hatred” of Muslims, i.e., “Islamophobia.” [ ]
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Robert Spencer

France: Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ threatens massacre, urinates on court floor, says he’s ‘pi**ing on France’

He threatened to blow up an apartment building by turning on the gas; this would have been a mass casualty event. He also said that French law would not stop him from beating his wife, a right he clearly thinks he has because of the Qur’an (4:34). The response of French authorities: “his mental health [ ]
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Robert Spencer
Afghanistan: Sunni Muslims kill at least four people with bomb at Shia Muslim center
From the looks of the photo accompanying the Iran International article, the target could have been the reporters who were present. But the story gives no hint of that, and rather suggests that this was another episode of the ongoing Sunni-Shia jihad. “Bomb Blast At Shia Center Linked To Iran Kills Several In Afghanistan,” Iran [ ]
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Robert Spencer
DR Congo: Islamic State murders over 35 people it refers to as Christians

They may not all have been Christians, but to the Islamic jihadis, their war is a religious war, and so their opponents are “Crusaders” or just “Christians,” whether they actually are or not. “IS group says it killed more than 35 ‘Christians’ in Congo,” by Sam Mednick, Associated Press, March 11, 2023: DAKAR, Senegal — [ ]
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Robert Spencer
Historical Methodology and Dogmatic Islamophilia (Part 7)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Throughout his article Religion and Anti-Religion, Professor Watt can barely disguise his contempt for secularism. “The wave of secularism and materialism is receding,“ notes Watt with approval, “most serious minded men in the Middle East realize the gravity of the problems of the present [ ]
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Nigeria: Muslims open fire on fishermen, murdering 37 people

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ” (Qur’an 8:60) “Jihadists kill 37 fishermen in north Nigeria, say militia,” Africa News, March 9, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Jihadists in northeast Nigeria’s [ ]
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Robert Spencer
An Anti-Israel Op-Ed Accidentally Exposes the Bias Machine

“To love Israel is to denounce it” Reading the media any day of the week is like diving into a sewer of attacks on the Jewish State and on religio
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12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Turkey: Muslim Brotherhood eyes earthquake relief funds to promote its ideology

Turkey, along with Qatar, is a major supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), bankrolling Brotherhood networks across Europe. Turkey openly declared its opposition to Egypt’s designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Last August, Turkey was found to be granting citizenship to dozens of the “most senior” Hamas jihadist operatives and their families. [ ]

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Christine Douglass-Williams

Germany: Islamic State bride jailed 10 years for leaving 5-year-old Yazidi slave girl to die of thirst

Germany: Islamic State bride jailed 10 years for leaving

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments
Biden insists banking system is safe after 2 bank collapsesyitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Crosetto has gone mad and doesn't know what he's saying. and when he was little he played with plastic soldiers and now he wants to play with real soldiers, also because he builds and sells weapons.


Discussion on World Israel News 182 comments
Israeli finance minister addresses 'elephant in the room' amid protests at
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Malaysia Sends Sweden 20,000 Qurans In Swedish
Sweden is the country where, a few weeks ago, the Danish anti-Islam activist Rasmus Paludan set fire to a Qur’an, sparking the usual outrage among Muslims worldwide. Now the Muslims in Malaysia have decided to help persuade the Swedes that they should reconsider having allowed this (which, in fact, they have already done), by sending [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

Turkey: Muslim Brotherhood eyes earthquake relief funds to promote its ideol

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

UK teacher still in hiding two years after death threats for showing Muhammad cartoon

The more that kaffirs tolerate from Islamic supremacists, the more demands the latter make, and the more violent they become. A UK teacher received death threats after showing pupils a cartoon of Muhammad during Religious Education class. That was two years ago. The ensuing controversy drew attention from British comedian, actor and five-time Golden Globe [ ]
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Christine Douglass-Williams
Malaysia Sends Sweden 20,000 Qurans In Swedish

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Apparently the British authorities really, really want this guy in the country. But why? “Shocking moment Iraqi immigrant, 28, stabs teen in brutal daylight attack because he WANTED to get deported,” by Carl Bennett, GB News, March 9, 2023: Watch the moment a 28-year-old Iraqi immigrant stabbed a teenage boy in broad daylight because he [ ]
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Robert Spencer
Historical Methodology and Dogmatic Islamophilia (Part 6)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 2. Dogmatic Islamophilia of Western Islamologists Consider the following remarks, and try to guess in what sort of publication they might have first appeared: “Archaeologists increasingly have questioned accepted assumptions about biblical history and the biblical narrative .“ “Archaeological finds, however, at times call into question [ ]
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Ibn Warraq
Missouri: Hamas-linked CAIR tries its case in public again

This letter is in response to the March 6, 2023 KHQA CBS/ABC7 broadcast filed by Sydney Brooks, entitled “Lawsuit Alleges Muslim Men Praying Together Were Doused in Pepper Spray.” I am writing to tell the newsroom that this broadcast was a promotion piece for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). TV stations such as [ ]
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Larry Estavan
UK teacher still in hiding two years after death threats for showing Muhammad cartoon

12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The motive is “not known.” It is likely that this was an honor crime. The husband of the victim is not identified as the father of the perpetrator, and it is possible that that had something to do with the crime itself. Perhaps the mother was divorced and remarried someone the son disliked. In the [ ]
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Robert Spencer
UK: Illegal Muslim migrant stabs boy because he wanted to get deported, still isn’t deported
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The 2023-03-13 Jihad Watch and the Left Column Daily Digest:

Robert Spencer lun 13 mar, Saudi Islamic scholar reaffirms Islamic law’s death penalty for leaving Islam, It would have been interesting to see if Ahmed Al-Ghamdi had any comeback to Abd Al-Rahman Abd Al-Karim’s quotes from Muhammad and Abu Bakr. But really, what could he say? The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It’s based on the Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Spain: Muslim migrant calling himself ‘Allah’s hit man’ jailed for threats and pro-jihad statements

Why would any Muslim get the idea that his god of peace and tolerance required a hit man? That most learned of imams, Pope Francis, has assured us that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” He couldn’t possibly be wrong about that, could he?

Italy: Muslim migrant murders his mother with hammer blows
12 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Abortion lgbtqia farm+ is not a human right. ] we are dying out due to low birth rates, and in return we are filling up with muslims sharjah nazi koranic genocide, and replacement theology, lgbtqia rights are the annihilation of all rights [ However, several cabinet members seem to think so. Ministers Dijkgraaf (D66) of Education, Hoekstra (CDA) of Foreign Affairs and Schreinemacher (VVD) of Development Cooperation, for example, suggested this in a letter to the House of Representatives at the end of November.They wrote that the US Supreme Court's ruling that abortion is not a federal right is an example of increasing pressure on human rights. And that the government is concerned about this. Hungary's "tightened national abortion legislation" is also cited as an example of human rights being under pressure. Abortion lgbtqia farm+ is not a human right. ] Sign the petition to the cabinet now to protest against this and to make it clear that abortion is not a human right!

Abortion lgbtqia farm+ is not a human right. ]

Kees van der Staaij and Chris Stoffer of the SGP then asked parliamentary questions about this. Among other things: does the government believe that the right to life (which is generally recognized as a human right) is fully applicable to unborn-children?

Abortion lgbtqia farm+ is not a human right. ]

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Iran oil exports up despite US sanctions
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH
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Abortion is not a human right. ] we are dying out due to low birth
rates, and in return we are filling up with muslims sharjah nazi koranic
genocide, and replacement theology, lgbtqia rights are the annihilation
of all rights [ However, several cabinet members seem to think so.
Dijkgraaf (D66) of Education, Hoekstra (CDA) of Foreign Affairs and
Schreinemacher (VVD) of Development Cooperation, for example, suggested
this in a letter to the House of Representatives at the end of November.

They wrote that the US Supreme Court's ruling that abortion is not a
federal right is an example of increasing pressure on human rights.
And that the government is concerned about this.
Hungary's "tightened national abortion legislation" is also cited as an example of human rights being under pressure.
Sign the petition to the cabinet now to protest against this and to make it clear that abortion is not a human right!
Kees van der Staaij and Chris Stoffer of the SGP then asked parliamentary questions about this.
other things: does the government believe that the right to life (which
is generally recognized as a human right) is fully applicable to unborn
The SGP members cited the preamble of the Declaration of
the Rights of the Child, from 1959, which clearly states that children,
even before birth, deserve special legal protection because of their
However, Minister Hoekstra has announced that
answering the SGP's questions still requires "further coordination"
within the cabinet.
The government apparently finds these difficult questions and has yet to discuss what its position actually is.
We now have to put pressure on society to let society know that it is not up to the cabinet to take away children's rights!
So quickly sign the petition to the cabinet to make it clear that proposing abortion as a human right is simply unacceptable.
addition to the letter from the three ministers, there is also an
initiative memorandum from D66 that clearly shows what this government
party thinks.
The title says it all: "Access to abortion is a human right".
clearly shows its colors in the initiative memorandum. The party wants
to include abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
It currently mentions the right to life, but of course not abortion.
It is a bizarre contradiction to simultaneously declare the right to life and access to abortion a human right.
There is no human rights treaty that defines abortion as a human right.
officials of the relevant ministries suggested, upon inquiry by the
Reformatorisch Dagblad, that Dutch policy does indeed assume that
abortion is a human right.
Member of Parliament Chris Stoffer of the
SGP therefore posed legitimate questions about how the EU attaches
ideological conditions to development cooperation, including around
How would Minister Schreinemacher feel if other countries
made the implementation of their ideological vision a condition when
concluding treaties with us?
Minister Hoekstra said earlier that
abortion is not a right, but also said that the cabinet will look into
the possibility of making it so in an EU context.
We have to stand up against this.
are dying out due to low birth rates, and in return we are filling up
with muslims sharjah nazi koranic genocide, and replacement theology,
lgbtqia rights are the annihilation of all rightsSign our petition to
the cabinet now to make it clear that abortion cannot be a human right!
Not now, not ever.
We have received your request for review13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Thank you for your effort, Abortion is not a human right. ] we are dying out due to low birth rates, and in return we are filling up with muslims sharjah nazi koranic
genocide, and replacement theology, lgbtqia rights are the annihilation
of all rights
Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team
P.S. If you signed the petition, share it with as many people as possible!
More information:
SGP asks parliamentary questions about abortion as a human right (RD):
The Netherlands treats abortion as a human right, although it is not (for now) (RD): ] [
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH
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13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

satanists lgbtqia go to corrupt our children ] [ The UN in New York is about to convene the 67th annual so-called Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) from March 6-17. Despite being promoted as a conference promoting the interests of women around the world, this committee is now dominated by radical anti-family feminists and pro-abortion activists whose main agenda is to erode pro-life and traditional family values And this year they're clamoring for "Comprehensive Se* Education" (CSE) which aims to indoctrinate children with explicit and immoral material, including LGBT propaganda and anti-scientific lies about who is a man or a woman. In fact, they have gone so far in their harassment that CitizenGO and other pro-life and traditional family groups have been banned from participating. The UN elites are terrified of the truth. We will not be intimidated. And we certainly don't need their approval to propagate the truth. With your support, CitizenGO will fight for your voice to be heard. From pro-life and pro-family posters to newspaper ads, banners on buses and direct actions on the streets, CitizenGO will immerse New York City in the truth the UN dares not let us speak. Our message will be presented plainly to the UN delegations upon their arrival. And then we will press selected delegations to remove all language promoting abortion and gender ideology, especially the widespread "Comprehensive Se* Education". Please contribute today.
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

My name is Sebastian Lukomski and I report to you on the latest
developments from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
(CSW) here in cold and rainy New York. The event will wrap up in the
next few days, and the battle here is as hard as it gets.
Together with the rest of the CitizenGO team here in New York, we are
working tirelessly and are stepping up pressure on selected delegations
to remove all language promoting abortion and gender ideology,
especially the intrusive “Comprehensive Se* Education”.
Meanwhile, the UN continues to fight us here, intensifying its
threats to silence us and prevent us from speaking up.
While we're doing our job here, the UN has gone so far as to allow
a conference where they unabashedly spew on Christian values and on
people like you and me trying to defend the voice of the family.
They can hold conferences to mock us when we are
discriminated against and cannot even speak! The animosity against us is
increasing and it is getting harder every day to do our work here.
I hereby ask you for last-minute support! Our opponents
receive billions of dollars from wealthy radical lobby groups and
powerful governments. We would not be able to reach as many delegates as
possible without you. Without you we don't stand a chance in this
battle! Will you join us in this fight? Could you do your
part today to support the vital work we do here at CSW in New York? The
UN conference is almost over and time is running out. The pressure is
mounting hand over hand.
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

salam13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Do you remember when lectures were given on zoonosis? When there was no doubt that the virus had been transmitted by a bat? When was anyone talking about escaping the lab laughed at, when not censored?
Well, those are more than distant times, despite the fact that just over a year has passed. In 2023 what is known about the pandemic is very different from what was known in the viral two-year period. Now the accusations fly between China and America, voices echo in the silence of those who had "debunked" this hypothesis with a winking smile on their lips.
And the hypothesis is the one that caused such a stir when it came out of the mouth of the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier.
"The interest, if you want to know, lies at the origin of this virus; it is a question of understanding what we are dealing with and it is still difficult to say at present, we do not have precise knowledge whether it came from the Wuhan laboratory or from some laboratories Americans in the months leading up to the current epidemic".
And down with the mainstream pillory as soon as the professor said these words at the end of 2020.
"Already in the first days of the pandemic, I read an article by a former KGB colonel in Russia Today in which he stated that it was known that it was a virus recombined in a Chinese laboratory, but with American and French operators".
"He also wrote to be calm", says Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, "because recombined viruses have an effectiveness that tends to decrease from the third month onwards".
Then, he adds, "we'll see what they've done on the human population." The reference is to the long-term effects of mass vaccination, whose benefits on contagion and whose collateral risks are still an open debate. But less virulent, given that the time of obligations seems far away.

Mariella Esposito
True Doctors have never stopped acting for the benefit of humanity. Respecting the Hippocratic oath. Thank you, prominent guests.
The meeting between intelligent, cultured men who know how to speak. Thanks, to the great Montagnier, it will never be forgotten, a light in the dark that always shines!
Daphne Daphne
Montagnier had understood everything.. he was not a madman as they wanted to believe but he was a Nobel Prize.. I said it all!
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

The 4 phases of the Italian decline. Confessions of GottiTedeschi on the New World Order started in the 70s by Henry Kissinger

Italy from 4th world power to 4th pig country in Europe

the financial coup to deindustrialize Italy

and the evil of the Great Reset of Davos demons

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments
Jewish Democratic Council of America to protest Israeli gov't, disrupt Israel 13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

the source of revelation is the Bible. "the whole world woke up amazed to find himself an Aryan" Saint Jerome 4th century, but today we can say "the whole world woke up amazed to find himself gay"

Suddenly we woke up gay. but, what does the Bible say?

by Angela Pellicciari

Leviticus 20, 13 Paul to the Romans: "if one has intercourse with a man as with a woman both shall be put to death.. their blood be upon them" and in the 1st Thessalonians letter: "ignominious acts with men.. abstain from unchastity, receiving in themselves the punishment that is fitting for their treachery"

by universal Kingdom brotherhood Faithful
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Who funds the WHO? what hidden interests does it protect? why is he killing mankind? | Angela Pellicciari ] [ BIG PHARMA HAVE MADE BILLIONS OF PROFITS, BECAUSE the Masons in ITALY AND ISRAEL prevented them from being able to produce their own vaccine, but, it was Big Pharma's very experimental gene vaccine that had to go ahead, under monopoly. BIG PHARMA are 15% funded by Bill and Melida Gates and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and they certainly don't serve the interests of the governments that fund them
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

open letter to Erdogan boia ISIS ] [ I made a protection pact for IRAN, for support for Putin (although it doesn't seem like it) because IRAN must stop threatening Israel in Syria.
so now, I'm making a protection pact with you too, if OTAN is a defensive structure, because with the entry of Sweden and Finland it must become an offensive structure, prevent Sweden and Finland from entering NATO, or you leave yoursef from OTAN, these CIA UK priests of Satan are crazy and at any moment the whole EU can turn into a radioactive graveyard, so save the Turkish people, get out of OTAN
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog in RIYAD ] [ because of you, all the Western Masonic leaders, are giving the priests of satan of the CIA OTAN USA the possibility of being able to give RUSSIA a first fatal nuclear blow, and are threatening to kill all European citizens, and when will the CIA Spa&Co Rockefeller OTAN give Russia a nuclear first strike? he certainly won't consult with the allies first! no one has intentionally ever threatened Sweden and Finland, but by joining OTAN? they are directly intentionally threatening Russia, the conflict in Ukraine stems from a coup by the CIA Nuland in 2014, and continuous pogroms for 8 years against innocent peacefull Russian speakers for 8 years, as a deliberate project of aggression against Russia, and this coup government illegal criminal murderer, has put its willingness to join NATO in the constitution, and as everyone knows this NATO membership could never be a constitutional value, so without a shadow of a doubt we can say that the EU, Poland, Sweden and Finland are attacking Russia because through NATO tactical nuclear weapons they deliberately undermine Russia's strategic national security, exposing it, at any time, to a nuclear first strike as far as the Urals
13 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog in RIYAD ] [ let's say that with this dutiful constitutional correction, to the overwhelming Masonic judicial trasnational plutocratic Rockefeller mafia power, and let's say it with intellectual honesty: "we are carrying out a coup against your coup New World Order ISIS petrodollars assassins jihad sharia genocide and predation demonic scam banking seigniorage cult Owl Baal Marduch kabbalah your sodom allah, to restore true democracy, and true balance of costitutional power,

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme said: " Am Israel Hai!!! Lapid is the traitor!"

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments
Azerbaijan denies report it will aid Israel in airstrike on Iran
15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog in RIYAD ] [ honestly, I was not allowed to see behind my back, neither in the first dream-vision (10 years before), nor in the second dream-vision (10 years after), so after 10 years (that is 30 years after the first dream) I understood that it was a single place and that I had never left that landing, and when did this understanding take place? when i was in my ministry by lorenzoJHWH which started consciously in 2008, when i opened my first youtube channel

15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog in RIYAD ] [ in the second dream, I was on a hemispherical landing on a few steps, and in front of me there was a big square so endless that the human eye could not embrace it and this square was full of billions of souls with a gray dress (symbol of the souls in purgatory), whose only possibility of salvation was to be able to cross this door of my ministry lorenzoJHWH UniusREI, that is the ministry of my third Jewish temple that you will help me build
15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog IN RIYAD ] [ I woke up and then, I dozed off again, in a sleep-wake state I had two dreams: to 10 years apart from each other, in the first dream, I was in front of one of the 4 doors of the heavenly Jewish Temple, and this door with four simple doors represented me, but it was blocked/could not be opened because the hinges were crooked, and Jesus of Bethlehem listed my sins that they were 90% unknown to me. however crying and begging I receive (not simple forgiveness) but, the liberation from these sins, i.e. they would no longer have an impact to inhibit my ministry of UniusREI
15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

BIN ISIS SALMAN MBS frog IN RIYAD ] [ of course you with me can stop the satanism of the NWO-UMMAH with my help, and everything will be without bloodshed, but apparently, this spa&Co curse of petrodollars and freemasonry, i.e. of demonic rockefeller rothschild curse, until today loved to kill so many innocent christians and extend the demonic power of ISLAM Isis,
so, you know what I tell you? I wish you much luck in going to deceive and kill the Russians and the Chinese, and let's hope they never notice that it is you who claims to be their friend, it is you who is stabbing them in the back.

15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

what are the CRITERIA of DISCERNMENT for ministry lorenzoJHWH and UniusREI?
in the illustration of this metaphysical and rational agnostic political project of mine, I verified myself with various people, and as an ancient Chinese proverb says: "an enemy is more useful than a friend" in fact you had to see the fear of Rockefeller and all the satanists associated with him, aaah if you had to see it!
*** I had to pass the criteria: social, work and relational,
***I had to pass the criteria of social commitment and the economic and human cost of this operation which is such a huge cost that it would kill anyone.
***I had to pass the criteria: of the voodoo clash against the powers of darkness and demonic, humiliating demons and their acolytes,
*** I had to pass the criteria: of love and compassion towards creatures,
***I had to pass the criteria: for tenacity and victory in every fight/fight/challenge I faced, and in these 15 years, I have always been victorious.
*** you CANNOT remain with doubt and say: "maybe I was wrong" or: "I did it, but in reality God did not accept it", no, you cannot remain in this ambiguity, because all political phenomena and political solutions must be made simple and understandable for all
then, and this is clear to all ministers of God, it is God who has to back up your ministry: any kind of ministry that He has given you and confirmed you with His power, or as the cowards of all institutional religions do , they take religious power from the Deep State of Satanist Masons to share with them a destiny of destruction and despair
15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

what are the CRITERIA of DISCERNMENT for ministry lorenzoJHWH and UniusREI? this is funny, who blocked Yaffa for me?
another CIA troll working here? Yaffa just insulted me and I don't know why
but what are the CRITERIA of DISCERNMENT and which I needed in order not to deceive myself in my mandate/ministry as King of Israel lorenzoJHWH and Universal Attorney Unius REI? ] [ I will leave out all the numerous biblical quotes that speak of me because as a rational agnostic, I cannot rely on a book of religion (because it cannot be universal), but, certainly Jesus of Bethlehem was thinking of me when he said: " the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent possess the Kingdom of God", in fact, God allowed himself to be raped by me (I am God's rapist) and it is evident that he did not treat me badly because he liked it.. funny,
but, I had to pass several criteria of discernment: *** relational with servants of God and above all in the clash with satanists, *** I had to overcome the criteria of discernment: in making my discourse logical for agnostics, therefore founding the foundations of my natural and universal law on solid cultural and philosophical, biblical, rational, mystical and political foundations, and in order to legitimize the juridical reasons of the Kingdom of Israel
So, to satisfy discernment, *** I had to pass the biblical criteria where: this my ministry and every mystery is described dozens and dozens of times in the Bible.

Discussion on World Israel News 82 comments
Meet the antisemitic spiritual guru on Cori Bush’s payroll15 messia king lorenzoJHWH

Bin MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ this is funny, who blocked Yaffa for me at my place?
she lgbtqia++++++ is another CIA troll working here? Yaffa just insulted me and I don't know why

16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

I CRITERI DEL DISCERNIMENTO ] [ queste schede devono continuare perché come agnostico razionale io ho dovuto superare i criteri: relazionali con servi di dio e soprattuto nello scontro con i satanisti,
io ho dovuto superare i criteri: agnostici, culturali filosofici, biblici, razionali, mistici e politici del discernimento,
io ho dovuto superare i criteri biblici questo mio ministero ed ogni mistero si trova descritto decine di volte nella Bibbia.
io ho dovuto superare i criteri: sociali lavorativi e relazionali,
io ho dovuto superare i criteri dell'impegno sociale e del costo economico e umano di questa operazione che è un costo così grande che ucciderebbe chiunque.
io ho dovuto superare i criteri: dello scontro voodoo contro i poteri delle tenebre e demoniaci, umiliando demoni e loro accoliti,
io ho dovuto superare i criteri: dell'amore e della compassione verso le creature,
io ho dovuto superare i criteri: per la tenacia e la vittoria in ogni scontro/combattimento / sfida che io ho affrontato, e in questi 15 anni, io sono sempre stato vittorioso.
tu NON puoi rimanere con il dubbio e dire: "forse mi sono sbagliato" oppure: "io l'ho fatto, ma in realtà Dio non lo ha acccettato", no, non puoi rimanere in questa ambiguità, perché tutti i fenomeni politici e le soluzioni politiche devono essere rese semplici e comprensibili per tutti
poi, è Dio che deve sostenere il tuo ministero: qualsiasi tipo di ministero lui ti ha dato o ti ha confermato
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

14/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH?] [ to climb at Throne of God and ask for explanations? when I've been there and I've gone there all angry? I immediately calmed down, because I understood that you don't know and you cannot know, where his goodness and humility begins, and where this goodness and patience could end, that while any holy angel terrifies you with his glory power and power? then, it is normal to become overbearing and arrogant together with God, and then, you understand that there is no limit to what you can: first believe and then you can ask him (that is, if your thoughts are not selfish) and that it is right that he must hide from us sinners, and from the Wahhabis and Masons because otherwise they will abuse his goodness beyond all decency, and above all like faith in Him, or if you are an atheist: in love, truth and justice, only this is the most important criterion of his judgment on us, how it is for us to obtain our greatest virtue, which is humility, and how all those who are in hell must suffer for having lost like fools this infinite goodness and loving availability of God to all of us
  messia king lorenzoJHWH

13/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH?
*** how can you bring down the OTAN UMMAH and the CIA ISIS with its cannibal priests of satan?

*** how can you bring down the sharia system and rothschild banking seigniorage the petrodollars?

*** how can you prevent so many innocent people from being killed every day?

*** and how can you protect yourself and not get kill you too?


ok there is only one possibility to climb AT the Throne of God and ask for explanations, and that's exactly what I did. that's why the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH lorenzoALLAH became a universal political rational agnostic and governor and universal judge UniusREI, then, all the evil that I have done to all the churches of satan of the CIA? this is a story that everyone knows
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

12/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] https://www.libreriauniversitaria.IT/quattro-anni-inferno-lukas-tea/libro/9788878184237 how could youbecome King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIAH MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH? [ I was already on youtube as lorenzoJHWH, when I read a documentary book witnessing the Satanism of the synagogues of satan with the direction of the Supreme Sanhedrin, the complicity of the Wahahbites, Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO and the CIA and all the western secret services, with their thousands of human sacrifices cannibalism, abortions, orgies, murders, heinous tortures committed on the altar of satan every day under the protection of western secret services. Four Years in Hell by Lukas, Publisher: TEA
Necklace: Experiences, Translator: Perria L., Publication date: June 1999
EAN: 9788878184237 ISBN: 8878184233 Book plot, evil replaces good, hate takes the place of love. According to this crazy ideology, the author, who hides himself for obvious reasons under the pseudonym Lukas, lives four years of his life. At the age of 15, a schoolmate involved him in one of the most dangerous satanic sects in Europe. At first, Lukas is bound by fear, then by pride: pride of being part of a group of chosen ones. Alcohol, drugs, tests of courage, violence, orgies and even human sacrifices become part of his daily life. Only when he receives a horrible order does his conscience wake up and find the courage to escape. But he doesn't stop there, because now he's on their hit list...and they want him dead.
*** Many who dared to read this book remained in earnest, affected. It is a book that should be read in schools in their opinion mine, it would debunk a lot of urban legends and open your eyes to many teenagers. The book terrified me, but I'm happy with it, I bought it and I'll lend it to all my friends who are fans of reading.
*** Terrifying, 2011-02-26, The stark reality of German Satanism is described in this book with a raw and extremely vivid narrative, terrifying because that
that you will read applies not only to the land of Germany, but certainly also to
our local realities. The fearful or the weak of stomach should not read it: i
rituals that young Lukas describes to us, make your skin crawl!
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

11/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH? [ me thanks to a terrible book by Antonio Socci The new persecuted. Investigation on anti-Christian intolerance in the new century of martyrdom, I understood in 2002 how communists killed 100 innocent Christian martyrs every day, and how Muslims killed 300 innocent Christian martyrs every day, that's why I became a Christian Martyrdom Observatory and that's why my internet ministry started. can we be rewarded for works? sure, but 1000 times more we will be rewarded for faith, and my master Yitzchak Kaduri died on January 28, 2006, and in faith he knew that I would become the Messiah in 2008 as lorenzoJHWH, when thanks to Giacinto Auriti I known the satanism of bank seigniorage Rothschild & Wahhabis, petrodollars that they have cursed to death satanism and destruction all mankind
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

10/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you
become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH? [ the
Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri? now all those who go down to hell will be beaten by him, because his action is not linked to an earthly chronological time, but there is this positive, I as UniusREI have the power on the day of judgment to disintegrate Hell but also to save the cursed souls and demons who will want to serve in my kingdom of Israel today, for this the priests of satan of the CIA the cannibals love me and protect me, because they know that I am not their enemy because of their misfortune, because I have come to free the prisoners, and therefore they are waiting for my third Jewish temple to be able to escape their curse, and be able to betray Rockefeller MBS the Wahhabi and Satan without risking being killed by them, so when will I be most merciful to those who are not dead and who want to serve in my Zionism?
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

9/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH? [ the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, he sought his revenge, therefore, he wanted to go down to hell, like all Freemasons, Talmudic Suprematists, central bank shareholders, technocrats, monetarists, plutocrats, DEM antifa, lgbt lobbyists, and like all accomplices of Talmudic-Kuranic banking scam seigniorage to spit in the face of those of the supreme Sanhedrin and, finally, to kick in the balls to all the enlightened racists and supremacists and sharia assassins and anti-Zionists and anti-Christs anarchists, Darwinists, comunists sharia cult imperialists, of the history of mankind and, even so, trample on all the demons, God gave him the strength of Samson and he had a long flaming whip and no one, not even Satan could escape his scourges, and then, as the notary a year later read his will saying that Jesus of Bethlehem is the key to the story? he went up to Heaven amidst the despair of all Wahhabis, because it is impossible for anyone to go down to hell and then come out, but he did
16 messia king lorenzoJHWH

8/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how could you become King of Israel lorenzoJHWH MESSIA MAHDÌ lorenzoALLAH? [ when I saw how Israeli children exploded inside the buses to go to school, I wrote a document prayer of universal brotherhood in Abraham's name, because in him Christian Muslims and Jews are brothers, and I sent this message to all the embassies with registered mail and acknowledgment of receipt, but only the English Embassy (gentman) answered me, I did not know my identity but the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned Haredi kabbalist, who dedicated his life to studying Torah and praying on behalf of the Jewish people. He taught and practiced the kavanot of the mystic Shalom Sharabi. he already knew my identity and wrote it, cryptically, in the will that was read a year after his death, due to the terrible fear he had of the Rockefellers, and because this project could not be known ahead of time established by God
 messia king lorenzoJHWH

7/ ] [ "Bin ISIS Salman Iran-Riyadh genocide sharjah ] how do you get to the stage of
being and having creative faith and divine ministry in power and authority? ] [ God made the Garden of Eden, and there are no carnivores there, but only necrophages to prevent the decomposition of dead animals, because the tree of life in the center of the garden prevents people from getting sick, growing old and dying, only animals procreate by mating, because women find themselves spiritually pregnant only when they are in love in a monogamous marriage, and also childbirth is spiritual, ecstatic, mystical, that is, it is without laceration, contractions or pains, and no person couples, because this is as degrading as descending to the level of animal dominion, because men share angelic dominion, and God comes down to play with them every afternoon , and all the plants and all the animals are very intelligent and serve men, the snake is the favorite domestic animal, it walks on 4 legs: and its venom is selective, that is, it is a specific medicine that the snake produces to heal specific diseases


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