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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

UN envoy thanks Hezbollah

Is this real?’ UN envoy thanks Hezbollah for ‘tour,’ eliciting rebuke from

donkey Ape darwwin Study it ] [ You will have no other God but Rockefeller and MBS ] [ A novel that anticipates the spiritual implications of the latest discoveries in quantum physics by several years.

"Visibilia ex Invisibilibus" is the phrase that punctuates the book from the first to the last page, defined by the author as "the absolute secret of life".

The meeting with a person capable of leading the reader towards full knowledge of himself and his own potential.


big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much


Archeologists find ancient Hebrew coin dated to Jewish rebellion against

big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much

al-MBS Isis-Salman from Riyad bro ] [ someone keeps removing the upvotes i apply to my channel im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


20 hours ago Detected as spam "Why did Meloni stop protecting the national interest on the issues that matter?" where I analyzed the contradiction of latest government choices regarding above all the issue of excise duties on petrol. Why has Meloni stopped protecting the national interest on the issues that matter? Listen up. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter, I also took up the theme of Peru and the conflict in Ukraine, publishing the video of my speech on the Telecolor news on the responsibilities of the United States in the ongoing war. US responsibilities in the conflict in Ukraine We have received your request for review

20 hours ago Detected as spam

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/le-responsabilita-usa-nel-conflitto-in-ukraina-zionario-in-tv-di-amodeo/ On Thursday 12 January I published the introduction of a dossier entitled: "The secret origins of the European Union and the true interests of its principals". In which I revealed the content of the documents that emerged on the origins of the European Union as a project of the oligarchies and US intelligence with the complicity of the European politicians whom we define as the "founding fathers" and who instead we discover to have been mere executors of external diktats, On Friday 13 January I published a video entitled:


Palestinian Media: Recent storms ravaging US are result of White House

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

I can no longer find the testimony of this super policeman expelled from the prosecutor's office and whose investigations and documentation have been seized, in order to be able to affirm that the Mafia in Italy is protected by the government or its secret services, why can't I find the video anymore? I can't say it


Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/perche-la-meloni-sulle-questioni-che-contano-ha-smesso-di-tutelare-linteresse-nazionale-ascoltate/ On Sunday 15 January, I published the complete dossier on the possible role of the World Economic Forum in planning for Peru's change of presidency.

The World Economic Forum and the 2030 agenda behind the coup in Peru and the support for Dina Boluarte. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/documenti-top-secret-sullucraina-trovati-nel-vecchio-ufficio-di-biden-vi-spiego-cosa-potrebbero-contenere/ On Wednesday 11 January, I published a dossier entitled: “WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about.”

An insight into the ongoing revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR) which would give WHO full powers over states.

WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

Also on Wednesday 11 I published a video entitled: "Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they could contain."

In the video I commented on the news of the discovery of classified documents from 2014 found in an old office of the American president.

Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they might contain. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

On Tuesday 10 January I began to analyze the question of the coup d'état in Peru which led to a change in the presidency of the country and unleashed serious protests by the people with dozens and dozens of deaths. It may seem like a topic that doesn't concern us closely, instead I discovered and demonstrated that behind that change of government, there are those same circles of the World Economic Forum who aspire to a Great political, economic and social Reset that will also affect our country, therefore it is important to unmask and shine a spotlight on their way of carrying forward the points of what they define as the 2030 Agenda. Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers

Again on January 10 I published a complete "Video-Lesson on the role of the USA in the destabilization of Italy from the post-war period to today". Unmissable to understand how the de-industrialization of our country began and the use of the Euro as a financial weapon of destruction of our economy.


https://www.francescoamodeo.It/il-pericoloso-conflitto-di-interessi-di-anthony-fauci-svelato-da-musk-nel-silenzio-dei-giornali/ Here are the main topics covered last week:

On Monday, January 9, I released the fourth installment of the Twitter Files, a set of internal Twitter, Inc. documents that were released, as of December 2022, by CEO Elon Musk and handed over to journalists shortly after Musk acquired Twitter. on October 27, 2022. These journalists coordinated the release of the documents with Twitter management, releasing the details of the files as a series of Twitter threads that I translated and reported following the publication history of the various threads in question. The files demonstrate how twitter has been used for political purposes. Lots of uncomfortable news censored. Many deleted profiles. Thousands of profiles shadow banned to avoid the spread of inconvenient news. Twitter acted as if it were in the service of the FBI and other US intelligence agencies. The fourth episode talks about the elimination of the twitter profile of the then incumbent president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

The revelations of the "Twitter Files" explained point by point. Fourth episode: "The day they removed Donald Trump". - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative journalist

Also on January 9, I published a short video commenting on the very serious statements made by Elon Musk against Anthony Fauci, the White House immunologist who according to Musk should be investigated for responsibility for the outbreak of the pandemic. The CEO of Tesla and Twitter also denounced and disclosed a very serious conflict of interest which sees Fauci and his wife as protagonists who work for two government organizations in the health field who see them respectively in the guise of "controlled" and "controller" .

Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers

FED ECB BM NWO lgbtqia demonic cult Owl ] [ But if boys and girls don't exist, where have 30 million Chinese girls gone? And why do they kill women in Iran? If China counts on the extermination of females, science museums, theaters and universities in the West erase biological se*. I wrote it in my book: "We will rule over our ruins" [ by Giulio Meotti

"Denying the two se*es in humans is the most striking example of how ideology mistreats science." Thus speaks the famous biologist of the University of Chicago Jerry Coyne in the penultimate issue of L'Express. The situation in the West would be comical if it weren't tragic. ...

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The gallows of Khomeini and the crocodile tears of the self-styled progressives, the ayatollah told Fallaci: "We will cut off the gangrenous finger." Journalists and writers - the crème of Italian anti-fascism - applauded and warmed themselves at the fire of the Islamic revolution

[[ Giulio Meotti ]]

Islam was sleeping, it seemed like a dead religion and in 1979 the Einaudi Encyclopedia didn't even have an entry on Islam. Then came the imam with the black turban of the descendants of the Prophet and he would awaken him with the greed of the apocalypse and the permanent bloodbath. Now we are struck by these faces of Iranian men and women whom the mullahs execute early in the morning in this country devastated by the "Islamic revolution". Revolution that was hailed, defended, justified and sung by the crème of Western and European progressive culture, including Italian. ...

No to the Madonna, yes to the muezzin. And from the secularism of the paranoid Islam enters, they tear down Christian statues and give land to mosques. The interview with Cardinal Sarah: "Islam advances in the Western void". Macron's former culture minister wants to demolish thousands of churches [[ Giulio Meotti ]] The great Algerian writer Boualem Sansal said that “France has made agreements with the Islamists: once there were 10 mosques, today there are 3,000 ”. Not only have the mosques doubled in just twenty years and now they are so powerful as to drag even writers and philosophers like Michel Houellebecq and Michel Onfray to court. The rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, the same one that has just denounced Houellebecq and Onfray, has asked that the number of new mosques be doubled again to meet the growing demand. Consciously or unconsciously, we are clearing the ground for a new religion to dominate European society. Turkish President Erdogan understood this and declared: "Mosques are our barracks, minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our soldiers". Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron's French Minister of Culture is suggesting the demolition of thousands of churches in recent days ...

Do you want to see the future of Europe? Enter a school and maternity ward in a big city

Antwerp, Hamburg, Malmö, Birmingham, Brussels, Vienna... Muslims at school are already the majority everywhere. In 1990 Ratzinger prophesied this "suicide of Europe, empty and on the way to sunset" [[ by Giulio Meotti

"From a demographic point of view, Europe seems to be on a path that could lead it to leave history", said Benedict XVI in 2007, while his secretary Georg Gänswein evoked the "danger of the Islamization of Europe". Three years earlier, as cardinal, Ratzinger had explained that "Europe seems to have become empty from within, paralyzed by a crisis in its circulatory system which puts its life at risk, entrusted, so to speak, to transplants, which however then cannot than to erase his identity". But since 1990 he had indulged in a prophetic and discouraging prediction ...

"We Europeans are like horned Ursula cows of the anti-Zionist antichrist, who watch the trains go by where Armenian calves are eaten in the dining car"

Giulio Meotti ... The Turkish twins are strangling the enclave of 120,000 Christians. The slow death of Armenia and the apraxia of Europe, this living dead. Newsletter interview with the Armenian Foreign Minister of Artsakh. “Not only are they trying to expel us all, in the lands that the Azeris conquered they are carrying out a cultural genocide: medieval churches, monuments, tombs, chapels, houses, every inscription in Armenian, everything is razed to the ground ”.

2022 was a challenging year. Our

persecuted brothers and sisters faced hardships we can’t even fathom in

the West. Yet, I marvel at their tremendous strength, their faith, and

even the optimism I see in them. In this month’s issue, I invite you to

meet some of these courageous believers and learn about what’s on the

horizon for the year 2023.


Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

Last November, a group of radical Hindu nationalists in India attacked a

newly built church during a worship service. The angry mob relentlessly

beat the Christians, leading to the hospitalization of nine. This attack took place as part of a wave of increased attacks against Christians in India’s Chhattisgarh state. Chhattisgarh is one of 11 states with anti-conversion laws, which are often abused by Hindu

nationalists to harass and intimidate Christians.

Will you join with us today in prayer both for this congregation and

the wider Christian community in India? Thank you for your continued

support of our persecuted brothers and sisters.

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Lorenzo,This is URGENT. Donald J. Trump’s FIRST RALLY of his 2024 Campaign will be his most HISTORIC one ever, and he wants YOU to win a VIP experience. If you win this ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME trip: There’s no other Patriot that Donald J. Trump wants to meet more than YOU.

**There isn’t much time left to enter, so please HURRY and rush in your support before it’s too late**


contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY to enter to win a trip to meet Donald J.

Trump at his FIRST rally since his 2024 Presidential Run Announcement.

Against the new barbarians of the West, where it is forbidden to think (and speak)

My new book is out. More than dying we should fear that we are already dead. Will we cleanse the Augean stables or will we succumb to the pit of cultural madness that is being dug from within us? [ Giulio Meotti ] [ “More than dying, the West should fear that it is already dead. And rather than being attacked from the outside, he should beware of who is digging his grave from within. Eight-year-old girls who want to change their se* cutthroats presented as victims of "systemic racism", "rainbow kindergartens", a girl who no longer goes to school to prophesy climate death, burning of books accused of "colonialism", professors fired for using the «wrong pronoun», European ministers on trial for quoting the Bible, even the Catholic Church speaking politically correct Newspeak How will we clean up the Augean stables of the West? Will we get out of it or will we have to go all the way down the road of this new nihilism, trying to survive one censorship after another?”. My new book for Lindau editions, The New Barbarians, is out today. Is thinking (and speaking) forbidden in the West? Exclusively for newsletter subscribers. An attempt to tell what our "West" has become. ...

in honor of MAGA PATRIOT TRUMP] [if Zelenshy Lula and Biden after coup and electoral fraud are valid Presidents? then Trump Putin Bolsonaro, Netanjahu Orban etc.. they got it all wrong, let the demons strike the earth..

"Let me be tried on Islam, but I will not submit to imams and literary toads"

Exclusive interview with the philosopher Michel Onfray, dragged to court by the mosques. "I was ready to be beaten by the Islamist left who has already made the Pope of Regensburg resign"

Giulio Meotti] [The troubles with Islam of Michel Onfray, a French philosopher and intellectual both widely read and exacerbated, began in the aftermath of the great attacks that shook Paris in 2015, when he gave up publishing the book Thinking about Islam. Now the Union of French Mosques and the French Council of Muslim Worship have announced that they are taking Onfray, his and Michel Houellebecq's magazine, to court for an article that Onfray and Houellebecq co-wrote and which also prompted the intervention of the French government. The feminist philosopher Élisabeth Badinter said: "If we take a small step back under the pretext of right-thinking, decency, not hurting, freedom of expression is over". Onfray is here in conversation for the newsletter in an Italian exclusive. Is freedom of expression over? ...

"Ratzinger (he was the last Pope of valid Apostolic succession) was hated because he attacked relativism, the sin of the 20th century", The great historian Paul Johnson has died. The last interview he granted me. "I do not bow to academic panaceas on nomenclature nor do I accept the phylacteries of political correctness"

Giulio Meotti ] [ Renowned historian, contrarian writer and intellectual icon, Paul Johnson has passed away at the age of 94. The red-haired Catholic from Manchester was one of the most important English left-wing intellectuals who swung right in the 1960s, rising from editor of the New Statesman magazine (where he had eloquently championed the cause of socialism) to leading writer of conservative magazines. He has written more than 50 books on subjects ranging from Socrates to Queen Elizabeth, from religious history to art. He was friends with many prime ministers, especially Margaret Thatcher. To John Paul II, Johnson gave a Polish copy of his six hundred page volume on the history of Christianity. In 1977 he published Enemies of Society, an attack on leftist intellectuals. In the same year he resigned from Labour. His apostasy went viral in English culture. He had a taste for provocation, the healthy one, Paul Johnson. Of Cezanne he wrote that he "has a certain relevance in an age of transvestites, transvestites, se*-ops, transsexuals and gender-bending". ...

“In the West there is the same totalitarian spirit that I observed in Eastern Europe under communism” Three years ago we lost Roger Scruton. Exclusively his latest video interview in Italian. "We must recognize that civilizations decline, that we can lose things and never get them back" by Giulio Meotti . This is his last interview, given when he was already recovering from the cancer that would have taken him away a few months later. I have lost a friend. European culture a magnificent intellectual whose culture, calmness and courage made him a rarity.

There is one only one Patriot MAGA Hero, he is Donald Trump ] [ Biden himself had predicted it: ""I organized the biggest reader fraud in history", and for this reason google CIA NSA FBI closed 110 blogsposts from me. Trump Make America Great Again 2024 - Donald J. Trump Lorenzo, You are NOT permitted to share this email with anyone.

The American People see firsthand that Joe Biden and the radical Left have led our Nation onto the path of destruction, but rest assured, I'm fighting to SAVE OUR NATION in 2024.

Lorenzo, I'm emailing you today because I cannot do it alone. I need my Top 47 Patriots to step up to the front lines and join my EXCLUSIVE Official Trump 47 Club. Together, we'll END the radicalism and socialism wreaking HAVOC on our Country.

The select few Patriots in the Official Trump 47 Club will be ones I rely on and will provide me with the insight and support to RECLAIM America.

Invitations like this don't come around often, so please do NOT miss this.

Please contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY, and you'll instantly join the ranks as 1 of the 47 Patriots to join the Official Trump 47 Club. >>

President Trump selected you - Accept Exclusive Invitation Now

FEES $5 Lorenzo, our movement is far from over. In fact, it's only just getting started. I know we can SAVE AMERICA, but only if YOU take action. My team will hand me an Official Roster in the NEXT TEN MINUTES with the names of every Patriot who stepped up.

Please give $2 RIGHT NOW to accept my Official 47 Trump Club Membership invitation and get YOUR name on the roster I'll review Thank you, Trump Make America Great Again 2024 - Donald J. Trump Lorenzo, You are NOT permitted to share this email with anyone. The American People see firsthand that Joe Biden and the radical Left have led our Nation onto the path of destruction, but rest assured, I'm fighting to SAVE OUR NATION in 2024.

Lorenzo, I'm emailing you today because I cannot do it alone. I need my Top 47 Patriots to step up to the front lines and join my EXCLUSIVE Official Trump 47 Club. Together, we'll END the radicalism and socialism wreaking HAVOC on our Country.

The select few Patriots in the Official Trump 47 Club will be ones I rely on and will provide me with the insight and support to RECLAIM America.

Invitations like this don't come around often, so please do NOT miss this

Please contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY, and you'll instantly join the ranks as 1 of the 47 Patriots to join the Official Trump 47 Club. >>

Biden himself had predicted it: ""I organized the biggest reader fraud in history", and for this reason google CIA NSA FBI closed 110 blogsposts from me.

The only official emails from Donald J. Trump - Trump 2024 Make America Great Again - Text 2024 to 88022 to Save America

hi, lorenzoJHWH, President Trump did nothing WRONG.


yes Biden DEM are elettoral fraud, Biden himself had announced it elettoral fraud scam ] [ and for this reason google closed 110 blogsposts for me ] [ Democracy was defrauded by the Freemasons when plutocratic Jews and African slave traders took over the FED and monetary sovereignty, and had two US Presidents killed, for also taking over political sovereignty


Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

the Russian threat? a hollywood script, ] [ Enough nazi lgbtqia sodoma gender propaganda in Rai, the Government intervene! [[ Sign now! ]] In 2022, Rai used its programmes, financed with the citizens' obligatory license fee, to promote an ideological and biased view on sexuality and gender identity. Potentially very dangerous messages for thousands of young people confused and uncomfortable with their identity, who could thus be induced to want to take heavy hormonal drugs to alter their body and feel "liberated" from discomforts of a very different nature. By signing this petition now, you help us ask the Government to urgently intervene on Rai's management to prevent our fee from continuing to be used even in 2023 to promote gender ideology and the sexual transition of minors and the youngest.


WATCH - You dirty Jew! Dov Hikind slams NY DA 'for caring more for

i am king israel and you what devil do you belong to?

the Russian threat? a hollywood script



Saudi Arabia: Palestinian statehood is a prerequisite for ties with Israel

Saudi Arabia: Palestinian statehood is a prerequisite for ties with Israel.

all ARAB LEAGUE sharia is one and only prerequisite jihad for sharia extermination of mankind



Biden on classified docs discovery: 'There's no there there'

the scum of the devil delights in his intelligence, malice, cynicism, in wickedness cruelty corruption and dexterity, like faithful servants of the God Rockefeller MBS the Saudi Wahhabi petrodollars.

Hunter Biden, right, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, center, talking with former President Barack Obama

DEMONIC JEWISH WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY ] warning [ I will use my heavenly institutional position and all the power of my ministry to save your souls, but whoever will not be obedient, I will be their executioner on the day of universal judgment.

I will not frustrate or sell off the blood of Christian martyrs that you, together with your lgbt communist and islamist masons, have shed on earth in these 2000 years,

DEMONIC JEWISH WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY ]warning [ The shocking document from Istat, which opens up to gender fluid

The "trans babies" are the ones with the most trauma. The complaint of a feminist

Now doctors are being taught how to assist i. . . "LGBT babies"

London wants to block the law on se* reassignment for minors. that's how

The gender reassignment model for children is flawed. Medicine says so

Holland is also holding back on transgender treatments for children

International Declaration launched to defend conversion therapy

Yet another LGBT crusade against Rowling. Get her name out of Harry Potter



European Parliament recommends EU blacklist Iran's Islamic Revolutionary


the wolf OTAN has thrown away the mask of the lamb ] NATO is a murderer Satanist Jew Freemason usurer criminal sodomitic scum [ Stoltemberg said that the only way to stop the war is to send weapons to Ukraine (as if to put out a fire by throwing some gas).

1. Ukraine cannot join NATO.

2. Donbass and Crimea have the right to secede.


NATO: Intergovernmental organization: the Atlantic Pact had Rockefeller's order to unleash the world war simply because the Wahhabis are anti-Zionists and because with the world war they think of conquering other nations in the UMMA ARAB League


Technology reveals proof of the ancient kingdom of Israel’s existence


Lucifer and I fought (out of time, before the formation of this planet), to grab / take possession of the Divine nature of God, I won the contract and he rebelled becoming Satan. my love was purer and more selfless and was nobler than his, so I won the commission.

so, now, I sit on the Throne of God and he fell to hell out of envy pride rebellion and jealousy,

and since holy angels are truly holy, they are also humble as Muslims should be.


and as everyone knows Christians do not believe that they can have access to the same divine nature of God YHWH through Jesus of Bethlehem: the God-man. Christians think of a symbolic sharing of communion, not of an ontological transformation, in the very ontological nature of God, what I have since 1980 believed to be possible, i.e. the assimilation itself into God, and in this Buddhists and Hindus have had the right intuition.


Hell tramble ] [ Connessione non riuscita, Si è verificato un errore durante la connessione a translate google ] [ Il sito potrebbe essere non disponibile o sovraccarico. Riprovare fra qualche istante. Se non è possibile caricare alcuna pagina, controllare la connessione di rete del computer. Se il computer o la rete sono protetti da un firewall o un proxy, assicurarsi che Firefox abbia i permessi per accedere al Web.


Bin-ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ what the priests of satan of the 64th Masonic level, due to the super demonic powers of clairvoyance had understood, about me Unius REI, in youtube 2010? i'm realizing it now .. and it's awful, i'm the level of universal and eternal measure and judgment, and since time is relative in God, and as if i have to decide the levels of morality that the bible should contain , and on which souls will be saved or destroyed.

You will tell me rightly, it has already been done,

and I'll answer you precisely: ", it has already been done, in fact, time is an illusion that does not exist".

but what is the salvific value or perdition to be attributed to every single moral act, where will I prevent mercy from being able to reach?


Bin-ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] ] [ this is my kingdom, i will start hitting the traitors of the House of Judah and the House of Israel, and then, i will move on to punishing the Wahhabis


Israeli defense minister, US Central Command chief hold 'productive' talk,


Bin salman MBS from Riyadh ] in my opinion, you should train yourself in the obstacle course and jumping in the holes, because the Chinese bombs are coming, all smarter than the Wahhabis

2 1ReplyView in discussion


dear bro Bin salman MBS from Riyadh ] the world has become frivolous [ you say a stupid thing and they make you famous all over the world

2 1ReplyView in discussion


simulating strikes against Iran's nuclear program and mid-flight refueling.

simulating? simulating things?

do it now, hang the Erdogan executioners



Bin maggot salman minus habes ISIS MBS from Riyadh akbarr sharia kill all chinese kafirs ] [ Bergoglio the forerunner of the Jewish Freemason antichrist Ursula bloodthirsty vampire said in the Jesus's "Our Father: "evil demon Allah do not abandon me to temptation,, because like Allah you can do good and you can also do evil". while in the Bible it is written: "whoever changes a single comma of this book will be cast into hell", now it is written: "lead me not into temptation"


now, in your opinion, what a difficult sexual temptation could it ever be for a fa*g0ot like me, who has become impotent?

God gives me an easy temptation, to fill me with glory [ amen


Bin salman minus habes ISIS MBS from Riyadh akbarr sharia kill all chinese kafirs ] what does it mean when a person has metaphysics? [ 5 I just thought that of course, I would like a very young girl.

then, God Yhvh holy holy holy Almighty, he called Satan and played the pimp he said: "Do you know that lorenzoJHWH likes that too sinful girl?"

Then, Satan replied: "of course, me to lorenzoJHWH? this time I'll make you drop it, you create this specific situation for me, in this way, you make them find themselves alone together".

So, God Yhvh holy holy almighty, he said, ok I create this opportunity for you, but you won't be successful, you haven't beaten it in these 62 years, and you certainly won't win and you won't be successful"


that this situation could be achieved on a statistical level? there was only one chance in 10 million, only God could create it.


the greatest hypocrite, traitor and corrupt criminal assassin CIA agent that is, who is Zelensky? he said that the war in Ukraine will not lead to the third world war against the Chinese,

but, instead I said this right in 2014, that is, that the priests of satan of Nuland-Rockefeller this world war was the goal in 2014

2 1ReplyView in discussion


salman minus habes ISIS MBS from Riyadh akbarr sharia kill all chinese kafirs ] [ what you said is perfect

Freemason Rockefeller occultism, he spits at the oaths he's taken before,

he spits against God, against the people and against his King

2 1ReplyView in discussion


a mad Mohammedan Erdogan, he comes out of the devil Allah and goes in search of Israeli children to kill, and no one in the UN UMMA protests, because that's okay with them because they are anti-Zionists Satanists Freemasons Luciferians sodomites usurers cult and darwin the planet of the apes

2 1ReplyView in discussion


Crisis 'tearing our nation apart,' says Herzog, pleading for dialogue


Satan you are painful, you want to be a pimp and you block yourself too? Sorry, a problem occurred

Sorry, there was a technical problem with this feature. We are working to fix it.


What do you wish to do? answer ====> idiot ZucchembergSTRUNZ i will kill you!

Your post violates our Community Standards on misinformation that can lead to physical violence, so no one else can see it.


yes devil mom, how lucky i am to have a devil rothschild bildenberg darwin sodom like you!


Sorry, a problem occurred

Sorry, there was a technical problem with this feature. We are working to fix it.


facebook is intruding on what I can think Our standards on disinformation that can result in physical violence, We do not allow the disclosure of false information that could lead to physical violence. In some cases, this is information that, according to recognized health organizations, could mislead people about how to treat or prevent a disease or could lead them not to seek medical treatment. Get reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) from the World Health Organization.



facebook is intruding on what I can think


doctor big pharma brother Spa&co DEM nazi regime Facebook said mine is false misinformation. https://presskit.It/2022/08/18/diffida-al-governo-ritiro-immediato-dei-vaccini-mrna-dal-commercio-testo-integrale-4-avvocati/

Vox Italy Milan ] [ tprsdoSone0 f1t9ts9u228gm7i1e2 4ecca9mut6ieb13c2t13cfia2l0rc ·Your post violates our Community Standards on misinformation that can lead to physical violence, No one else can see your post.

We created these standards because we want everyone to feel safe, respected and welcome.

If your content violates our Community Standards again, your account may be restricted or disabled. You can challenge the decision if you think we made a mistake. USELESS PENAL SHIELD

The government's responsibilities in the face of the problem of adverse effects from \/accini could also soon change from a judicial point of view, given that the scientific literature is producing abundant evidence on the real risk of adverse effects after inoculums with \/accini mRna.

Thus 4 law firms warned (1) the Government which is proceeding with the IV dose (actually without success), ordering it to withdraw the \/accini from the market and immediately remove the \/accinal obligation, still effective for healthcare and the medical professions.

One of the first studies to certify adverse reactions and the decay of protection is that of Peter Doshi, professor at the University of Maryland and columnist for the British Medical Journal. His team analyzed data from placebo-controlled Phase III clinical trials conducted by the companies and delivered to the American FDA for the marketing authorization of Pfizer and Moderna mRna vaccines.

From this study emerge high percentages of "Serious adverse events".

Should an harmful or fatal event occur, today this can be prosecuted by the interested parties in the judicial offices by way of intentional injury or death by appealing to the so-called possible fraud.

In particular, the so-called penal shield may be voided. That is, it will no longer be possible to invoke the non-punishability due to the penal shield (which only protects against the negligent crime), being punishable as an intentional crime.

At the current state of scientific research, no insider can say: "I didn't know", from vaccinating doctors to those who sit on the highest seats in the state administration or AIFA.


January 16, 2023

COVID vaccines are linked to shingles reactivation

Several studies suggest that COVID-19 vaccines can induce persistent reactivation of shingles by interfering with the immune system. I relaunch a large part of an article by Joseph Mercola, published on his website and then relaunched by The Defender, from which

Read more

January 16, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

17% of adolescents experienced heart symptoms after the second dose of Pfizer's mRNA COVID vaccine. New peer-reviewed study.

Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter, author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books and the Unreported Truths pamphlets, published this article of his which I relaunch in my translation. Taiwanese researchers enriched



Crisis 'tearing our nation apart,' says Herzog, pleading for dialogue but 'not certain of success'


The DEMs are an apostasy Rockefeller Bildenberg mafia Spa&Co, the conception product of the Deep State and Deep Synagogue, talmud apostasy, constitutional masonic treason, they are the occult powers esoteric masonic sodomites and lucifer darwin the monkeys, they denied the Bible, they denied history , denied culture, denied science, created transnational occult powers, churches of satan, secret agencies that took control of institutions, then denied Zionism and became harmful abusive bureaucrats technocrats neoliberal predators perverts, anti humans, narcissists, hedonists, corrupt hypocrites, with these political perverts? there will no longer be any dialogue, today, only the RIGHT can save the homeland, identity, history, constitution and democracy

and this rescue can only be done with my monarchy the kingdom of Israel in Saudi Arabia, the kingdom of metaphysics over all the peoples of the universal world brotherhood



Iranian religious leader secretly visits Israel, meets with Netanyahu gov’t


Alì ISIS MBS 3 frogs in mohammeddas all Mecca demonic kaaba ] [ only a self-defeating idiot can follow Jesus of Bethlehem, but neither me, nor you: we NOT created the universe from nothing, ONLY he did



and this is the power of satan allah marduch MBS Sharjah Ali rockefeller talmud Kuran over the world (i.e. the only sin): to deny that God YHVH came in the flesh like Jesus of Bethlehem.


and this is also that mortal sin against the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven: not even from my third Jewish temple,


You DON'T have to become Christians you must also secretly recognize in your heart, that the WORD came from the flesh



what is the only sin in the world? deny the presence of God through Jesus of Bethlehem! but, the young Salomé-Bergoglio she the beautiful girl with transparent veils she wants to please the world, same Bildenberg Freemason full Vatican jewish lobby gay, full Vatican jewish lobby lucifer, full Vatican masonry jewish lobby with jabulOn & Obama Deep Church Rothschild togheter to Deep State ie God Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure, which together the synagogue of satan: ie talmudic Sanhedrin together,


whoever killed John the Baptist was not Herod's family (the King would never have wanted to do it), but precisely the Allah spirit of the world, he killed him personally, because John the Baptist recognized Jesus of Bethlehem as the son of God,

and this is the power of satan over the world (i.e. the only sin): to deny that God YHVH came in the flesh like Jesus of Bethlehem



Bergoglio is a Bildenberg Freemason full of excrement gay lobby lucifer jabulOn & Obama Deep Church Rothschild, which together with the synagogue of satan: tall talmudic Sanhedrin together,

there is nothing that ties him to the previous 19 dogmatic councils of the true catholic church



China Russia USA UE India ONU ] [ UMMA mohammeddans they are not humans they are cockroaches


the whole Bible is real true both from the historical point of view and from the geographical point of view, the Koran is a colossal scam and to protect it the Mahometans predators criminals thieves and lustful murderers blasphemers sacrilegious apostates, heretics, have put the death penalty. without the sword their demon allah? does not stand on its own ] Researchers Verify Written Records of King David, Corresponding to Hebrew Bible, Photographic technology has enabled researchers to verify that the events recorded on the stone correspond to the historical account in the Book of Kings.


What’s behind the new trend of Muslim worship at Rachel’s Tomb? Not what

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd from Riyadh ] I can't bring you the Tanak of 4000 years ago, and then I tell you "this is an uncreated word to exterminate mankind"

because that's exactly what you've been doing for 1400 years with the Koran-talmudic-kabbalah black magic islamic sharjah, to bring mankind to ruin, and with it destroy all Muslims and abolish ISLAM, and from this point of view Ottomans and Wahhabis are the biggest threat to Islam, as Al' Khamenei says this is our culture, and Erdogan says: "there is no moderate ISLAM"

so you UMMA you are going face to face against all mankind, because then, someone can push a button first and then, all life on this planet disappears and only because you are an anti-Zionist

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd from Riyadh ] everyone knows that the word of the King is law, therefore, when is the word of: Re lorenzoJHWH Unius REI more law than that he is the King of Kings, the universal procurator of the Kingdom of God?

metaphysics is always eternal universal rational agnostic, because it arises from the natural law which says:

1. don't lie;

2. do no harm to anyone that you do not want to receive for yourself,

and arises from the universal law which says:

EVERYTHING HAS MEANING and a meaning and a LOGIC IN LOVE, or, there is nothing that has a meaning and a meaning, from this we philosophically (metaphysically) deduce that: God is love and that he cannot want or do evil to no one, he is light and the darkness in front of him does not exist

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd from Riyadh ] a misunderstanding must be dispelled:

1. I am NOT a columnist like the users here,

2. metaphysics is not my personal opinion, it is eternal and is not susceptible to variation, or particularistic sentiments, 3. that is why metaphysics is the international law that can avoid conflicts and disputes.


in these 15 years, I have written 1 million and I have never changed my mind, every year, I have always said that ISLAM is the most beautiful religion in the world, and that Christianity is not for everyone, but only for heroes, who aspire to receive the same divine nature as God YHVH.


‘Only One Solution: Intifada:’ Activists protest Kamala Harris at University


Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ] [ now I have to make you laugh, so at least I'll make you die happy, [ then, another colleague said: "Here, not even the Dean has his own private bathroom, we have been here for many years and none of us have personal rooms, and then, he comes and is the owner of the keys"


Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ] [ now I have to make you laugh, so at least I'll make you die happy, here a janitor told me in front of everyone: "you are a teacher EMERITUS" (obviously, no one here knows that the lgbtqia DEM fired me for hating Christianity), but, he said so, because he is envious, in fact, all my female colleagues go crazy for me (precisely because I am their forbidden fruit), and that is also the story of the irresistible charm of the forbidden fruit in the earthly Paradise, that God YHVH, with the incarnation also assumed his responsibilities, because when you tell someone. "Don't do this" then, you threw him into the pit of temptation and transgression


‘Only One Solution: Intifada:’ Activists protest Kamala Harris at University of Michigan

answer =====> worldisraelnews DON'T BE INTIMIDATED by CIA and MOSSAD satan NWO Spa&Co priests, and don't redirect your pages or articles again, I have the power to protect you or to punish you ,

1. if islam is not criminal? then, the Israelis' shoah is legal.

2. if sharjah is not condemned all over the world? then, there is no hope for mankind to be able to survive them,

answer =====>

the international community will have to understand, sooner or later, to its tragic expense,

that not exterminating the ARAB LEAGUE is equivalent to one's suicide


Ilhan Omar to be booted from House Foreign Affairs Committee, Kevin


worldisraelnews [] open letter [] DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE CIA, and don't redirect your pages or articles again

I have the power to protect you or to punish you, it is me you must fear



Ilhan Omar to be booted from House Foreign Affairs Committee, Kevin McCarthy says ============ ANSWER ==========

the biggest problem is not anti-Semitism (it is a waste product), but,

the biggest problem is the anti-Christian anti-Zionism institutionalized by the ARAB LEAGUE in the sharia law, therefore all Muslims must be inhibited from having a political career and presidential offices, because the ARAB LEAGUE's sharjah transforms sooner or later, every Muslim into a potential threat .

the international community will have to understand, sooner or later, to its tragic expense,

that not exterminating the ARAB LEAGUE is equivalent to one's suicide



all those who, like me, have denounced the President of the Republic, the Governor of the Central Bank, etc. for the crime of high constitutional treason, bank seigniorage? they have all been killed, I too have been killed several times and in different ways, and but, I'm only here because I'm immortal


Bin ISIS al-MBS Ali fron demonic Kaaba ] to the Jew who told me: "I'm sorry for your desire to save the world... (I won't give my contacts your message) we Jews have been exploiting the banking seigniorage system for generations, and God will not be able to condemn us for lack of evidence, and may Allah protect her".

now you tell me if for Jews so we don't have to call Hitler again


Bin ISIS al-MBS Ali fron demonic Kaaba ] as Muslims are infested by demons, so are Freemasons, there is no need for Rothschild or the Churches of Satan to say: "kill him, because he is not one of us", i demons and aliens of the UMMA-NWO entity are an integrated symbiotic demonic legion system: called the ENTITY", and act in communion with Satan who is the prince of this world, and the dominant thought DEM, Islamo-fascist


the dentist near my house, he tried to kill me, he opened like Josef Rudolf Mengele first (never opened before by any dentist before him) a decayed tooth, he broke my maxillary sinus intentionally, I don't know what he put inside, and then waited 5 years to see me die.

to the order of dentists where I sent the documentation of my hospital recovery they said: "we are Freemasons too"


when like Diego MARADONA you don't belong to the rockefeller lgbt DEM freemasonry and you rely on mason doctors? then, you were killed.

The card has died. Pell, after surgery. Great friend of Tradition. He should have celebrated the Chartres pilgrimage. RIP #cardinalpell #requiem #rip #requiescat #mil #messainlatino #blogmil #chartres


Knesset committee to US ambassador: Jewish construction in Judea and


E) The yield of the 5,261 Vatican real estate properties remains scandalously low. In 2019, the average revenue (before COVID) was nearly $4,500 a year. In 2020 it was 2,900 euros per property.

(F) The changing role of Pope Francis in financial reforms (incomplete but substantial progress in crime reduction, far less successful, except at the IOR, in terms of profitability) is a mystery and an enigma.

Initially the Holy Father strongly supported the reforms. Then he prevented the centralization of investment, opposed reforms and most attempts to expose corruption, and supported (then) Archbishop Becciu, at the center of the Vatican's financial establishment. Then, in 2020, the pope turned against Becciu and eventually ten people were put on trial and charged. Over the years, few prosecutions have been initiated from AIF infringement reports.

Price Waterhouse and Cooper's auditors were fired, and auditor general Libero Milone was forced to resign in 2017 over trumped-up charges. They were getting too close to corruption in the secretariat of state.

5. The political influence of Pope Francis and the Vatican is negligible. Intellectually, papal writings show a decline from the levels of St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict. Decisions and policies are often "politically correct", but there have been serious failures to uphold human rights in Venezuela, Hong Kong, mainland China and now the Russian invasion.

There has been no public support for Catholic faithful in China who have been persecuted on and off for their allegiance to the papacy for more than 70 years. No public Vatican support for the Catholic community in Ukraine, especially Greek Catholics.

These themes should be revisited by the next pope. The Vatican's political prestige is now at a low ebb.


4. (A) The financial situation of the Vatican is serious. Over the past decade (at least) there have almost always been financial deficits. Before COVID, these deficits were around 20 million euros a year. In the last three years it was around 30-35 million euros a year. The issues date before both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

(B) The Vatican faces a large pension fund deficit. Around 2014, COSEA experts estimated that in 2030 the deficit would be around 800 million euros. This was before COVID.

(C) The Vatican is estimated to have lost 217 million euros on the Sloane Avenue building in London. In the 1980s, the Vatican was forced to shell out $230 million after the Banco Ambrosiano scandal. Due to inefficiency and corruption, the Vatican has lost at least another 100 million euros in the last 25-30 years, and probably several more, perhaps 150-200 million.


(D) Despite the Holy Father's recent decision, investment processes have not been centralized (as recommended by COSEA in 2014 and attempted by the secretariat for the economy in 2015-16) and remain without expert advice. For decades, the Vatican has had to deal with ill-reputed financiers, shunned by all respected bankers in Italy.


anti-pope BERGOGLIO the Mason said that who agrees with him and his Pachmama? he is a pagan


3. Failure to respect the law in the Vatican risks becoming an international scandal. These problems have been fleshed out in the Vatican's ongoing trial of ten accused of financial malpractice, but the problem is older and broader.

(A) The pope changed the law four times during the trial to help the prosecution.

(B) Cardinal Becciu was not treated justly because he was removed from his post and deprived of his cardinal dignity without any proof. He didn't get due process. Everyone has the right to a fair trial.

(C) As the Vatican head of state and the source of all legal authority, the pope has used this power to interfere in judicial proceedings.

(D) The pope sometimes, if not often, rules with pontifical decrees, motu proprio, which eliminate the right of appeal of those affected.

(E) Many staff members, often priests, have been hastily dismissed from the Vatican curia, often for no good reason.

(F) Wiretapping is regularly practiced. Not sure how often this is allowed.

(G) In the English trial against Torzi, the judge sharply criticized the Vatican prosecutors. Who are either incompetent and/or have been conditioned, prevented from providing the complete picture.

(H) The raid by the Vatican gendarmerie under the command of Dr. Giani, in 2017, in the office of the auditor Libero Milone, in Italian territory, was probably illegal and was in any case intimidating and violent. It is possible that the evidence against Milone was fabricated.


A) The German synod speaks of homosexuality, of women priests, of communion for the divorced. And the papacy is silent.


Cardinal Hollerich rejects Christian teaching on sexuality. And the

papacy is silent. This is doubly significant because the cardinal is

explicitly a heretic; he doesn't use code words or innuendos. Were the

cardinal to continue without the Roman fix, it would represent another

more profound break in discipline, with little (or none?) precedent in

history. The congregation for the doctrine of the faith must act and


(C) Silence is even more evident when it clashes with the active persecution of traditionalists and contemplative monasteries.


The centrality of Xist in teaching weakens; Xist is removed from

the center. Sometimes Rome even seems confused about the importance of a

strict monotheism, alluding to a certain broader concept of divinity;

not really pantheism, but as a variant of Hindu pantheism.


(A) Pachamama is idolatrous, though perhaps it was not intended as such initially.

(B) Contemplative nuns are persecuted and attempts are made to change the teachings of the charismatics.


The Christocentric legacy of St. John Paul II in faith and morals is

the object of systematic attacks. Many teachers of the Roman institute

for the family have been turned away; most of the students have left.

The academy for life is badly damaged, for example some of its members

have recently advocated assisted suicide. Pontifical academies have

members and invited speakers who support abortion.


the satanic theosofy gender dictatorship of Islamo-fascist thought lgbt Darwin dogma without scientific proof demonic dogma Rockefeller anti-Zionist dominated scam banking seigniorage. ] [ http://blog.messainlatino.It/2022/03/magister-un-esplosivo-memorandum-gira.html Magister. In memory of Cardinal Pell. Was he "Demos"

"Pell was the author of that memorandum signed "Demos" which circulated among the cardinals last spring, in view of a future conclave, published by Settimo Cielo on March 15" (HERE the post on Demos, to read the whole thing) .

A nice memory published by Sandro Magister.


the dictatorship of Islamo-fascist thought lgbt Darwin demonic dogma Rockefeller anti-Zionist dominated. ] [ Cardinal George Pell died suddenly at the age of 81. He was archbishop of Sydney and prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy. He suffered a case of judicial persecution, experienced prison and was deprived of the possibility of saying Mass for 400 days. Then he was acquitted and rehabilitated. The condolences of Bussola, whom he thanked personally for the support received. Between him and Joseph Ratzinger there was a strong proximity of vision, soothed for both by a thread of irony, despite the diversity of character. In the forthcoming book of the deceased pope's secretary it is written that in the last period of his life, in the evening, after the recitation of vespers, he loved to have articles or books read aloud to him. And "among the texts that Benedict appreciated so much were the memoirs of Cardinal George Pell on the trial and imprisonment in Australia".

Pell was the author of that memorandum signed "Demos" which circulated among the cardinals last spring, in view of a future conclave, published by Settimo Cielo on 15 March.


Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria must continue


the dynamic prophecy says: "the jews in all the hills the muslims in all the valleys"

but if the Muslims will continue with the sharjah to want our death? will be deported to Syria


http://blog.messainlatino.It/ These are sacrosanct battles

lorenzoJHWH ] [the regional school office and the DS persecuted me, and this ideological hatred is not against Bergoglio's Catholics, who like my vice principal, religious colleague and president of Catholic action, also contests the catechism and says it is not It's true that homosexuality is an inherent moral disorder, and he's successful.

the Curia thinks not to give the slightest displeasure to the ideology of the dominant thought DEM lgbt and has sold off dignity and the deposit of faith, therefore, those like me who teach with charisma and anointing have found many difficulties and obstacles on their way, including a Church that it should protect itself and its identity but does no


Prince Harry felt 'self-loathing' after meeting with chief rabbi over Nazi


There was no way round it. He also placed my stupidity in historical context. He spoke about the six million, the annihilated. Jews, Poles, dissenters, intellectuals, homosexuals. Children, babies, old people, turned to ash and smoke. A few short decades ago.”


what upsets is the systematic ideological planning, to obtain the genocide of an entire people.

but what did ISLAM do and what is the UMMA doing after 1400 years and still today?

Erdogan's Ottomans committed the genocide of the Armenians and that lgbt Macron can't even talk about it.

the whole ARAB LEAGUE rises on the genocide of previous peoples, genocide, still perpetrated today, with the law of sharjah (which does not provide for the secular state or even freedom of religion, due to the state of dhimmitude) and that none of the filthy Jewishii Anglo-American Masons can say it, and who can oppose the UN of Rockefellerspa&Co scam banking seigniorage that protects Muslim murderers of replacement theology, only because, he is the Satanist who: hates Christians and Israelis


Prince Harry and Nazi uniform to the party? typical of moral ignorance, and goliardia and bullying that the DEMs have spread in Western schools, i.e. relativism hedonism ideological and practical materialism and as well as the destruction of the perception of God in the Darwin monkeys, who are enslaved by the predatory Masonic Jewish system of bank seigniorage, the City London financial mafia


there are no witnesses, but it is plausible that in the struggle for power, William's then-girlfriend Kate Middleton could have abused her youthful naivety



Prince Harry also claimed that his brother, Prince William, and William's then-girlfriend Kate Middleton suggested he wear the Nazi uniform to the party.


there are no witnesses, but it is plausible that in the struggle for power, William's then-girlfriend Kate Middleton could have abused her youthful naivety


to prevent Nazi-fascism? I would cut off my hand (without hesitation), HOWEVER I would still be alive, but, in this regime of plutocratic, deep state, occult power, Calergi esoterric agenda talmud, scam banking seigniorage Jews, and royal Addams Family, JabullOn Marduch, Baal Dracula Morgan, scam banking seigniorage, their demonic sodomitic occult lgbt and masonic technocratic supernatural esoteric of Rothschild Spa & Co Rockefeller and Big Pharma? no one will be able to save neither the soul nor the body!

this NWO can only please the Wahhabi Muslims UMMA Riyadh sharia Ottomans who will collect their share of predation


Influential rabbi and Shas co-founder Shimon Baadani dies


Netajahu ] if he Rabbi Shimon Baadani, Shas spiritual leader and co-founder, i.e. if he was a great Zionist and simultaneously NOT a Freemason? I promise you I'll hold him by the hair so he doesn't fall to hell.


the prayer says: " (...) through the intercession of St. Luigi Guanella, grant us the grace we ask of you ... (and then, I have asked several times and with fervor, the grace to be able to become the King of Israel to be able to come and kill you) and let us imitate his lives:

the ardent piety towards the eucharist .. etc.. etc.. etc.. amen


like the ardent piety towards the Eucharist?

and yes certainly, he sees the greatest Love, who crucified himself out of love for us, with an infinite love, in the total gift of himself, seeing all this in the Eucharist and Jesus consoles, comforts and pities him by looking at him in the Eucharist

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about San Luigi Guanella, behind this holy card, there is a prayer that concerns you, because the Sultan loved San Francesco but I thought that you would either cut off this San Luigi Guanella's head with a scimitar, or you would put a bag of drugs in his pocket to cut off his head just the same, like those of your religious police do to poor Christians, who give their mother Christmas greetings over the phone

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Dear bro Bin ISIS Mbs from Riyadh ] [ I bought a tomato and mushroom focaccia from the bakery, but as I went out in front of me there was a "holy card" depicting San Luigi Guanella, what could I do? but what could a rational metaphysical agnostic like me do with a holy picture of iconoclastic idolatrous Catholics?

ok, I got curious and I picked up this holy card

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friend for the Latin mass ] [ The post-conciliar Church makes my heart cry more and more

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friend for the Latin mass ] [ They financially support the many marginalized Italian Catholic priests and from what I know they also give support to those who now find themselves set aside to enunciate the truth

professionally and socially by this Church that has lost its mind.

When I also find the lawyer's number that is used for these battles and that I had written down, I have to send it to you.

lorenzoJHWH ] [ I am a Catholic religion dutiful persecuted by the lgbtqia DEMs who divided up the school and after 4 useless complaints to the Public Prosecutor's Office (I was forced to omit 2 more complaints for mobbing, and I pleaded with the Provincial Media Verification Commission to change my professional profile and in fact now I am a laboratory technician, therefore, I need associations and lawyers, in fact I have already set aside 10,000 euros to move legally against the USP USR and obviously against the DS.

For your charity towards persecuted Christians (of which I too am an Observatory of Christian martyrs since 1988) I will give you everything you asked of me

friend for the Latin mass ] [ Brother in Xist

Later I call Faith & Culture and ask for the Director Giovanni Zenone. They told me that they can give me some contacts of good lawyers who offer their work to cases like yours

Can we talk to you?

lorenzoJHWH ] [ of course

friend for the Latin mass ] [ Thanks, I've been wanting to devote myself to the crusade against this scum for years so I'm happy if I can give you a real hand even just by giving you the contacts of the right people

For the rest, I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart: I'm doing a lot to help people rediscover the history of my country

Back to you:

It's been years that I have faced even the lukewarm traditionalists instead in you I see someone like me: integral in faith ready to lose ourselves in this world to gain ourselves in the eternal Kingdom

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Tuesday 10 January 2023 the second Vatican council of pastoralism, was NOT dogmatic like the previous 19 councils, and today we have a high Vatican clergy according to Bildenberg, who betrayed the deposit of faith


Pope Francis' approach to the Doctrine of the Faith

"It is not that something is true because the Pope says it, but the opposite: since this is the truth, the Pope must present it and explain it to the Church"

(Gerhard Ludwig Müller, cardinal).


For now, the anticipation of the probable very unfortunate appointment of Msgr. Wilmer at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has not yet happened (HERE MiL).

We know with certainty that many cardinals have directly and lively protested with the Holy Father.

Even prelates not belonging to the conservative camp.

Let's hope.

Drewermann questioned the very institution of the Church,

priestly celibacy and even the Bible itself, which he presented as a set of symbols rather than a historical account. It is to respond to this type of approach, widespread in Germany, that Benedict XVI wrote the Jesus of Nazareth trilogy. Because beyond the symbols, the Bible is also an accurate and concrete history of peoples, and so is the life of Jesus.

If Wilmer's appointment were to be confirmed, Pope Francis would thus definitively welcome the approach that existed before John Paul II and then after Benedict XVI. But he would also do it to contest a substantial idea, namely that the institution must be permanently defended.

If Wilmer said that abuses are in the Church's DNA, he did so also thinking of the works of Drewermann, defined as "a prophet of our time not recognized by the Church".

What would have led Pope Francis to this decision, then? What convinced him?

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US Justices turn away Israeli spyware maker in WhatsApp suit


MBS harem ISIS Bin-Riyadh bro ] I got married at 34, and I have never cheated on my wife even in my previous phirst 34 years,

but, I don't know what happened to western women and mothers, you don't need to ask for: their potatoes, no, but if you have a certain kindness and amiability style? I don't want to exaggerate, 65% of them make it clear that they still give you their plaice potato, gladly if you ask for it


MBS ISIS Bin-Riyadh bro ] [ flounder or potato, in short, we understood each other


Bin ISIS Ali MBS crazy Mohammeddans all friends assassins in Riyadh Mecca Abominable Kaaba ] obviously, you have the Harem, what do you have?? [[ continues ]]

my friend Evangelist ] [ Don't believe the lies of satan!

He made you believe that salvation lasts forever, even if you stop doing God's will!

It's a big lie!

Once you receive his forgiveness and the gift of eternal life; one must grow spiritually, live in the spirit and never return to live in the world; otherwise let's forget about the sky!

The grace of him is lost!


Bin ISIS Ali MBS crazy Mohammeddans all friends assassins in Riyadh Mecca Abominable Kaaba ] obviously, you have the Harem, what do you have??

Evangelist ] [ Good morning brother or sister; God the Holy Spirit, by revelation, told me to tell you that: if you have been baptized of the Holy Spirit; you received the Anointing and the devil could not touch you until you did the will of God! If, on the other hand, you have stopped doing God's will; satan has made you his prisoners and, he never frees his prisoners!

God the Holy Spirit to release you from prison must rebaptize you with the Holy Spirit. This is the only solution God has! So if you don't want satan to make you prisoners of him you must always do the will of God declared in his Word; the Bible!

To you the choice!

Don't believe Satan's lies!

He made you believe that salvation lasts forever, even if you stop doing

thank you

It is my precise duty to warn you when God the Holy Spirit gives me revelations of him!

Anyway, please!

Have a nice day and God bless you!

Matthew 24:13

But whoever perseveres to the end will be saved.

lorenzoJHWH answer ] [ my wife doesn't work, what if I ask her colleagues? those give me flounder with no problem

I'm in crisis

Evangelist ] [ It is Satan who is taking you away from your wife! Don't give in to his temptations!

It's his machinations!

He hates all of us who were created in God's image!

He continues to love your wife and try to figure out why it doesn't work!

Show her your love and let her know that she is the woman of your life!

Give her gifts and try to take her where she wants to go!

Satan usually makes them feel dissatisfied with the life they lead!

He's the one who turns them against us because he hates weddings!

yes you are right

It is the will of God; He is always right because he is omniscient!

Evangelist ] [ Glory to God for Eternity!

lorenzoJHWH answer ] [ Glory to God in Eternal, to him all praise and honor


Biden admin: Return to Iran nuclear deal 'not on the agenda'


only ISIS ISLAM has been authorized by the UN Satan Allah OTAN FED ECB spa&Co Rockefeller: to commit sharia genocide, which has been an acquired right for 1400 years, why then, a Muslim country?

it has become a muslims country forever, to hell, since not even the chinese have the civilization of genocide, on this planet, which only sharia the wahhabis have preserved ISIS


Erdogan the executioner continually goes to erode the homeland of the Armenians, makes it an Ottoman genocide, every time and then says: "the Armenians have provoked, but he undaunted continues with the annexations, because he knows that that NATO satanist will not tell him nothing. in the Baku pogrom? there are many, the first was a pogrom led by the Azeris and targeting the Armenian population of the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The events took place in January 1990 and are closely linked to the dispute over the Nagorno Karabakh region. The pogrom lasted seven days, from 13 to 19, during which violence affected the Armenian residents who were killed and tortured while their apartments and shops were looted and set on fire. The unofficial toll speaks of ninety dead but according to other sources it was far higher [2]. According to Human Rights Watch correspondent Robert Kushen, "the action was not completely (or perhaps not entirely) spontaneous, but the attackers had a list of Armenians and their addresses."


“The Iranians killed the prospect for a swift return to compliance

with the JCPOA. A return to compliance with the JCPOA isn’t on the

agenda,” said State Department Spokesman Ned Price during a press

briefing in Washington on Monday. “It’s not on the agenda for primarily

one reason; that’s because the Iranians turned their back on it, the

Iranians reneged on commitments they had made.” He noted that

while the U.S. believes that “diplomacy presents the most attractive

option” for curbing Iran’s nuclear program, “we also agree with our

Israeli partners that we shouldn’t take anything off the table.”


time is against you, kill khamenei all Alì sharjah genocide


WATCH: Car rams into hasidic man in Brooklyn, appears to be deliberate


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Mecca demon kaaba [[[ all Islamists must be killed for mankind to survive ]]] Judith 16,16 Judith said: «Praise my God with timpani, sing to the Lord with cymbals,

raise to him the accord of psalm and praise; exalt and call on his name.

2, For the Lord is the God who cuts off wars;

he took me back to his camp in the midst of his people, he saved me from the hands of my persecutors.

3, Calò Assur from the mountains, down from the north,

he descended with the hordes of his armed men, the, number of him clogged the streams,

his horses covered the hills.

4, he claimed to burn my country, d,i cut off my young men with the sword,

to crush my sucklings to the ground,

to prey on my children, to kidnap my virgins.

5, The almighty Lord repulsed them by the hand of a woman!

6, For their leader did not fall against young men strong, nor sons of titans smote him,

nor tall giants oppressed him, but Judith daughter of Merari,

with the beauty of her face it put him down.

7, She put off the widow's garment for relief of the afflicted in Israel,

she anointed her face with aroma, 8, she put a diadem on her hair,

she put on a linen robe to seduce him. Of her 9, Her sandals enraptured his eyes

her beauty captivated his heart and the scimitar severed his neck.

10, The Persians shuddered at her bravery,

by his strength they enraged the Medes.

11, Then my poor raised the war cry and they were frightened; my weak raised the cry and they were shocked; they shouted loudly and they fled.

12, Like children of wives they pierced them, they passed them by as deserters,

they perished under the hosts of my Lord.

13, I will sing a new song to my God: Lord, great are you and glorious,

admirable in your power and invincible.

14, Let every creature of yours submit to you: for you said and all things were done;

you sent your spirit and they were built and no one can resist your voice.

15, The mountains on their bases together with the waters

they will gasp, before you the rocks will melt like wax;

but to those who fear you

you will always be kind.


Friday night in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y. Police are searching for the driver, who fled the scene.


in any case it is a social threat you have to catch it sprinkle it with bitumen and then throw it in the trash


'CONCERNING': Will Prince Harry's new memoir serve jihadist propaganda?


hi, dear Prince Harry, I don't know how many trillions of dollars the rochefellers could spend to save youtube from me, but all the priests of satan who were there and who controlled the worldwide tv social satellite network? they are almost all dead, so youtube is now run by the lgbtqia, who are plunging all mankind into ruin, then, the layout of youtube has been disastrously changed 4 times, and that is a bad place where the algorithms and the A.I. they prevent the right people from being able to meet and talk to each other.


hi, dear Prince Harry when, I didn't have the mortgage loan? I was a tithing donor, so I gave TBNE 1200 euros a year, in a week I will have my first credit card and I will return, and according to my possibilities, I will continue to be a donor again,

in fact I freed myself from the mortgage loan of these accursed Jewish usurer murderers thecnocratic plutocratic lgbt satana Spa&Co Owl at bohemian grove and his wabbites


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Mecca demon kaaba [ Everyone talks about it

and praise him in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, holy city, he chastised you for the deeds of your children, and will still have mercy on the children of the righteous.

11, Give worthily praise to the Lord and bless the king of ages;

he will rebuild his temple in you with joy, 12, to cheer all the deportees in you,

to make all the unfortunate happy in you, for all generations of the ages.

13, Like a splendid light you will shine to the ends of the earth;

many nations will come to you from afar; the inhabitants of all the ends of the earth will come to the abode of your holy name,

carrying gifts for the king of heaven. Generations and generations will express the exultation in you and the name of the chosen city will last for centuries.

14, Cursed are those who curse you, cursed are those who destroy you, tear down your walls, ruin your towers and set fire to your homes!

But blessed always are those who will rebuild you.

15, Arise and rejoice for the sons of the just, all around you will gather and bless the Lord of ages. Blessed are those who love you, blessed are those who rejoice in your peace.

16, Blessed are those who have wept over your misfortunes: they will rejoice over you and will see all your joy forever.

My soul, bless the Lord, the great king,

17, Jerusalem will be rebuilt as a city of his residence forever.

Blessed am I, if a remnant of my descendants remain, to see your glory and give praise to the king of heaven. The gates of Jerusalem will be rebuilt of sapphire and emerald

and all its walls of precious stones. The towers of Jerusalem will be built with gold and their ramparts with fine gold. The streets of Jerusalem will be paved with turquoise and Ophir stone.

18, The gates of Jerusalem will ring with songs of exultation, and in all its houses they will sing: "Hallelujah! Blessed be the God of Israel and blessed are those who bless his holy name forever and ever!"


Prince Harry in gmail asked me for money, about 6/7 years ago, for his charity work in Africa,

but the CIA disturbed our dialogue, and so I thought it was a fraud, and therefore I blocked him .. and instead it was him


to good Prince Harry’s new memoir has made headlines for it’ accusations against the Royal Family ( if mankind is falling into deep state parasitic masonic technocratic sodomitic satanism, to blame, these last 400 years Rothschild? it is mostly theirs ), but it’s his chapter on his army service in Afghanistan, during which he killed Taliban fighters, [[ all Islamists must be killed for mankind to survive ]] that is raising eyebrows among the Royal Armed Forces.


when he was a teenager, a criminal on youtube was saying that he would be the antichrist, and I defended Prince Harry, I defended him and punished his slanderers.


WATCH: American Jews give Netanyahu standing ovation


AIPAC I've been fighting you for 15 years, and I'm still not sure of your allegiance to Israel, perhaps the traitors the Holy Spirit killed or ruined them

2 1ReplyView in discussion


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Riyadh [ Tobi 13, Then Tobi wrote this prayer of exultation and said: « 2, Blessed God who lives forever

his reign lasts for all ages; He chastises and uses mercy,

he brings down into the depths of the earth, brings up from the Great Perdition and nothing escapes his hand.

3, Praise him, sons of Israel, before the Gentiles;

He has scattered you among them

4, to proclaim his greatness. Exalt him before every living thing; he is the Lord, our God,

he is our Father, the God for all ages.

5, he punishes you for your injustices, but he will show mercy to all of you. He gathers you from all the peoples among whom you have been scattered.

6, Convert to him with all your heart and with all your soul, to do justice before Him, then He will be converted to you and he will not hide his face from you.

7 Now see what he has done with you, and thank him with all your voice; bless the Lord of justice and exalt the king of ages.

8, I give him praise in the land of my exile, and manifest his strength and greatness to a people of sinners. Convert, sinners, and do justice before him; who knows that he will not love you again and show you mercy?

9, I exalt my God and praise the king of heaven, and I rejoice at his greatness.

10, Let everyone speak of him, and give praise to him in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, the holy city, has chastised you for the deeds of your children, and will still have mercy on the children of the righteous.


AIPAC i was hangry against you, and i wont bless only Netanjahu?

but G-D said "no"


G-d bless American Jews give to patriot Netanyahu standing ovation


WATCH: Extremist anti-Israel Jews meet with senior Islamic Jihad official


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Riyadh [1 Chronicles 29: 10-13, Thanksgiving of KING David, and of his King lorenzojhwh,] [10, David blessed the Lord before all the assembly. David said, "Blessed be you, Lord God of Israel, our father, now and forever. 11, Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendor and the majesty, because everything in heaven and on earth is yours. Lord, yours is the kingdom; you rise sovereign over all things. 12, wealth and glory come from you; you dominate everything; in your hand is strength and power; from your hand all greatness and power. 13, Now, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name.


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Riyadh [ 1, Samuel 2:1-10 Song of Anna

2, Then Anna prayed: "My heart rejoices in the Lord,

my forehead rises thanks to my God.

My mouth opens against my enemies,

because I enjoy the benefit you have granted me.

2, There is no saint like the Lord,

there is no rock like our God.

3, Do not multiply proud speeches,

let no arrogance come out of your mouth;

because the Lord is the God who knows everything

and his works are righteous.

4, The bow of the strong has been broken,

but the weak are clothed with strength.

5, The sated went on a day's journey for a piece of bread,

while the hungry have ceased toil.

The barren gave birth seven times

and the rich of children has withered.

6, The Lord brings death and brings life,

descend to hell and ascend again.

7, The Lord makes poor and enriches,

lower and exalt.

8, Raises the poor from the dust, raises the poor from the rubbish,

to seat them together with the leaders of the people

and give them a seat of glory.

Because the hinges of the earth belong to the Lord, and he makes the world rest on them.

9, He watches over the steps of the righteous, but the wicked vanish into darkness.

Certainly man will not prevail despite his strength.

10, The Lord ... his adversaries shall be struck down! The Most High will thunder from heaven. The Lord will judge the ends of the

earth; he will give strength to his king lorenzoJHWH, and will raise the power of his Messiah ».


'COMING SOON': IRGC vows to kill Trump, US officials


ISIS Bin MBS Wahhabs boia Erdogan Iran satanas ] [ since sin has no power against lorenzoJHWH UniusREI? then, this is pure manifestation of power


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, Rockefeller, the High Sanhedrin, UMMA, lgbt, UN, FED Spa&Co, yes they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Riyadh [ Deuteronomy

32,1 "Hear, O heavens: I want to speak. Let the earth hear the words of my mouth! 2, Let my teaching flow like rain,

let my speech drip like dew; like light rain on the green,

like rain on the grass.

3, I want to proclaim the name of the Lord:

magnify our God!

4, He is the Rock: His works are perfect,

justice all his ways; he is a faithful God without malice,

he is just and righteous.

5, They abuse him: they are not his children, for their stains,

tortuous and perverse generation.

6. Thus do you repay the Lord, you foolish and unwise people?

Isn't he the father who created you,

that he made you and constituted you?

7, Remember the days of olden time,

meditate on the distant years.

He questions your father and he will tell you, your elders and they will tell you.

8, When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of men, he established the boundaries of the peoples

according to the number of the children of Israel. [[ THIS IS WHY ISLAM IS DEMONIC KILLER AND IS UNDER A CURSE ]] 9, For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his portion of the inheritance. 10, He found him in a desert land, in a wilderness of lonely howls.

He surrounded him, raised him,

he guarded it like the apple of his eye.

11, Like an eagle that watches over his brood,

that flies over his offspring, he spread his wings and caught him,

he lifted it on his wings.

12, the Lord alone guided him,

there was no foreign god Allah with him.



current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, UMMA lgbt UN FED they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] [ COMING SOON': IRGC vows to kill Trump Patriot hero MAGA zionist,


a Chinese proverb says: "one strikes the saddle (MAGA) to strike the horse (Israel)"

cursed be he and die with untimely tribulations all who oppose the destruction of IRAN


Smotrich: 'No to civil war, no to radical leftist agenda'


current prophecies for ISRAEL, yes, UMMA lgbt UN FED they all want you dead, but YHVH doesn't think so. ] [ Exodus 15:1-18 Triumphal song of Israel, Rev 15:2-4 (Jas 5; 2S 22) Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the LORD:

1. “I will sing to the LORD, for he is exceedingly glorious;

he has cast horse and rider into the sea.

2, The LORD is my strength and the subject of my song;

he was my salvation.

This is my God, I will glorify him,

he is my father's God, I will exalt him.

3, The LORD is a warrior,

his name is the LORD.

4 He threw Pharaoh's chariots and his army into the sea;

and his best leaders have been drowned in the Red Sea.

5, The abysses cover them;

they sank like a stone.

6 Your right hand, O LORD, is admirable for its strength.

Your right hand, O LORD, crushes the enemies.

7, With the greatness of your majesty,

you overthrow your opponents;

you unleash your anger,

it consumes them like stubble.

8, At the breath of your nostrils the waters piled up,

the waves stood like a wall,

the waves have stopped in the heart of the sea.

9, The enemy said: "I will pursue, I will catch up,

I will divide the spoils,

I will be satisfied with them;

I will draw my sword, my hand will cut them off";

10, but you blew your wind

and the sea engulfed them;

they sank like lead in deep water.

11, Who is like you among the gods, O LORD?

Who is like you, splendid in your holiness,

terrible even to those who praise you,


12, You have extended your right hand,

the earth swallowed them up.

13, You led with your goodness

the people you redeemed;

you guided it with your power

to your holy abode.

14, The peoples have heard it and tremble.

Anxiety seized the inhabitants of Philistia.

15, Already the rulers of Edom are lost,

trembling seizes the mighty of Moab,

all the inhabitants of Canaan fail.

16, Fright and terror will fall upon them.

By the strength of your arm

they will become silent as a stone,

until your people, O LORD, pass away,

until the people you have purchased pass.

17, You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain that belongs to you,

in the place which you have prepared, O LORD, for your dwelling,

in the sanctuary which your hands, O Lord, have established.

18, The LORD will reign forever and ever."


lgbt same satanism


Farewell, last Pope of popes "Of course - he said - it is the Holy Spirit who elects the Pope". At this point he paused before continuing: "And the Holy Spirit only gets it wrong every now and then!"

We would have liked it to be true, because he would confirm even more definitively what we already know about the capacity for intuition, foresight, frankness, irony and intelligence of this man, Card. Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI.


now we have an invalid hierarchy consecrated by the antipope BERGOGLIO Freemason


In the "dictatorship of relativism" it has become a crime to criticize the LGBT world. We are beyond the incorruptible political correctness. Processes, dismissals, re-education courses à la Barilla. First they erased the Kantian distinction between morality and law, now even dissent, [ Giulio Meotti ] The Soviet Politburo and the new lgbt nazi regime Darwin the planet of the apes! Who remembers the Rocco Buttiglione case? “I limited myself to referring to the Kantian distinction between morality and law. One thing is the moral law, another that of a Parliament: I do not renounce my morality, but I do not expect Parliament to comply with it". But for the majority of MEPs, soft post-Kantian totalitarians, it was not enough and so the Catholic philosopher and politician lost his position as Eurocommissioner in the Barroso Commission. It was 2004 and it seems like ages ago. Now there is what the Wall Street Journal calls "the new intolerance". Because "it is one thing not to discriminate against homosexual couples, it is another thing to force individuals and organizations" to conform to the single thought. And it's not just about Catholics. In New York, a court has just forced Yeshiva University - the leading Jewish educational institution - to welcome LGBT clubs and the case will end up in the Supreme Court. In England, LGBT groups are using equality laws to crack down on free speech. In the historic dispute between equality and freedom, the first - in its new coercive and homologating forms - has crushed the second. ...


Israeli forces thwart smuggling of 32 handguns near Jordanian border

eih MOSSAD ] [ if you have a couple of pistols left? send them to me


not to attack IRAN right now has the only goal

raze Israel 100%,

and I don't see the Saudi Wahhabis that scared (and they should be more scared than Israel), and this can only be explained because there has always been a secret agreement between them and the Haijatollahs, to kill Israel, and this is further confirmation of my position

It is the Saudi kingdom and its oil wells that Iran has been attacking. The Saudis might therefore be understandably alarmed by the efforts of the Biden administration to finalize a new agreement that would enable Iran to legitimately have nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia wahhabis with his ISIS worldwide galaxy jihadist, and Iran, has been invading its neighbors. At present, Iran, through its proxies, effectively controls four countries in addition to its own: Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. The rational israeli view seems to be: Why should we help the U.S. empower a neighbor who is trying to kill us?

Israeli forces thwart smuggling of 32 handguns near Jordanian border, then King of Jordan must answer

More Foreign Policy Confusion of BIDEN!

after assaulting Russia with the bloody Maidan coup in 2014, and destroying its national security by surrounding Russia on all sides with tactical nuclear weapons. The recently released Biden National Security Strategy points to the "acute threat" posed by Russia to United States national security. Yet the administration continues, with the support and encouragement of the European Union, its futile attempt to restart the "nuclear deal" to enable Iran's expansionist regime to have as many nuclear weapons as it likes and the ballistic missiles to deliver them

my holy JHWH ] [ these DEM lgbt Lapid guys are so relative and fragile that they all risk melting in the sun

Years ago, I was sitting with a pastor who had faced severe persecution over the course of his life. I asked him what his worst day looked like and he responded without hesitation. In the tropical country where he was living, the authorities placed him in a small metal box, where he suffered under the oppressive heat of the sun.

It's hard to imagine this degree of torture for our faith here in the West. You may never find yourself in a literal prison, but you have obstacles of your own that the Lord will use to draw you closer to Him. It is often at our lowest points that our faith is strengthened like never before. God bless and thank you for your continued care for the persecuted. Jeff King

President, International Christian Concern

Author, Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs

also criticize Darwin Lapid's monkey theory

has the same result.

also criticize the theory of fluids Lapid lgbtqia (very loose fluiiiding)

has the same result.

I actually got fired

Hate Christianity and submit to Islam, the masterpiece of the liberal dhimmi

In America university teacher shows medieval painting of Muhammad. Fired. The cultural establishment on Islam follows the Saudis (who pay well). They imposed the "Regensburg rules" [ by Giulio Meotti] The medieval painting of Muhammad at the center of controversy in America, While Michel Houellebecq in Paris will have to face the trial brought against him by the Muslim communities, in America there is self-censorship on Islam among publishers, newspapers, museums, televisions and now universities. If in Paris you are beheaded to show Muhammad in class and in London you end up in a "safe house" to escape death threats, in America you are fired. ...


Smotrich: 'No interest' in continued existence of Palestinian Authority

Following my recent communication about my real concern about cancer recurrence in many of my melanoma patients who have been stable for long periods, at least five years and in one case 18 years, other oncologists have contacted me to tell me they are witnessing the same phenomenon.

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/altri-oncologi-sono-daccordo-con-me-sui-danni-dei-vaccini-ma-le-autorita-continuano-a-non-ascoltarmi/ Other oncologists agree with me on the harms of vaccines, but the authorities still won't listen to me

Below is an article by Prof. Angus Dalgleish, consultant medical oncologist at St George's, University of London, and which we have already talked about here, published on the Conservative woman website. Here it is in my translation.

the aggression of satan dem allah sodom is against the children of god who are born from the bible then,

arms stop in Ukraine since CIA Riyadh 2014 coup and Russian-speaking pogroms for 8 years OTAN


antichrist & antizionist European Union's War on Israel and on Russia

yes the octopus Ursula Macron Trudeau Peolosi Biden in the swamp Rockefeller Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO, CIA occult deep state, and her Mason judges high constitutional treason scam banking seigniorage

Trump 2024 Make America Great Again - Donald J Trump, eih lorenzoJHWH, This is an URGENT matter. According to sources, the Department of Justice is purposefully HIDING records on Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden.

These records lead to, and implicate, Joe Biden and the many millions of dollars that have been stolen over the years. Why isn’t the Radical Left DOJ and the Corrupt, Election Changing Democrat Bureau of Investigation coming “CLEAN?”

After seven years of investigations on me, and even spying on my Campaign, they found NOTHING! How about spending some time and effort on Joe? Lorenzo, I’m determined to hold the Biden family ACCOUNTABLE for their deplorable actions - and YOU should too. But I must first know what YOU think.

I’ve launched an Official Poll and need your final answer in the NEXT 5 MINUTES. **Your answer is CRUCIAL, and I trust your input, so please submit your input SOON.

Smotrich open letter ] [ to hit all Palestinians economically? first you have to economically hit all the Mohammedans who will always finance them together with their cursed jihadist galaxy

and then, you must also economically hit all the anti-Zionists on the planet


there is no other solution to the deportation of the Palestinians and you must allow me to do it immediately.

There is comfort NOT here. for [financial] compensation,

and there is NOT justice here for [financial] compensation.

the satanist Erdogan executioner, orders ISIS to make a massacre, and if the Kurds react, then he says a word of "love and peace" and goes with his army to genocide a people.


the only comfort and the only justice is to immediately expel all palestinians in syria and god sent me for this


Netanyahu was willing to plead guilty, former Supreme Court chief justice

1. Longtime advocate of Rockefeller activism satan judicial talmud, Aharon Barak expanded the role of the Supreme Court in shaping Israeli laws, [[ Aharon Barak to be shot for national security breach ]]

2. fraudulently claiming that the Basic Laws are the constitution of Israel, [[ even a 15-year-old law student knows that Aharon Barak's claims are abusive because they are illogical, the lack of a constitution strengthens the powers of parliament and does not weakens ]]

3. expanding the right of satan and sodom and allah of the Baal Owl court to overturn the laws of the Knesset.

sovereignty belongs to the people and electoral suffrage (except in the case of electoral fraud) extinguishes previous crimes, real or presumed.

the same is true of the alleged plea deal which, if it were true, has a rapid timescale, because live and dynamic political events are those that prevail over the dead and static code of the law

we have a demon of Mandelblit the Freemason (perhaps probable abject Satanist) who is the servant of Rothschild, and who takes a nation and its government by the balls.

that is why parliamentary immunity is a sovereign constitutional principle


Iran executes two anti-regime demonstrators

OCI UMMA Bin ISIS Ali Khamenei Salman from Riyadh ] [ if you came to my Kingdom of Israel? they would have fallen together peacefully and politically, both the little satan and the big satan would have fallen together,

but that is precisely because Islam is the greatest of all satans, it is the real absolute evil, that's why

you aim for the absolute conquest of the whole planet


now punish this sharjah regime (so that it is a warning to Erdogan and all other sharia)

now destroy, this iranian regime sharjah with all the tools at your disposal and destruction against its military and nuclear facilities only, (and with targeted assassinations target its leaders) relieve the iranian people from their sufferings,


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