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and everyone lived happily ever after

What killed the two-state solution? Cheers and cash for terrorists

CERTAINLY IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE ISRAELIS, if this Israeli-Palestinian conflict leads cowardly Muslims to kill innocent and peaceful Christians all over the world, with greater cruelty and brutality, than what their demonic and already criminal religion could do, given that the ARAB League does not recognize freedom of religion and this to the Anglo-American Jewish plutocratic talmudics and their sodom satans and antichrists from all over the world? it has been going well for 2000 years, as at the beginning of the martyrdom against Jesus of Bethlehem and against his followers. so let's analyze and review all the religions and ideologies and the structures that the siangoga of satan has built in these 2000 years ANSWER

es por eso que los votantes israelíes dieron la espalda a los partidos que apoyan una solución de dos estados y llevaron al poder a una coalición que ha declarado su determinación de no tolerar más terrorismo palestino. A menos y hasta que los estadounidenses reconozcan la realidad del conflicto y la naturaleza de la política palestina, la desconexión entre los dos países sobre dos estados continuará. Lo que tanto la administración como los judíos liberales deben entender finalmente es que si su codiciada solución está muerta, no fue asesinada por los llamados israelíes de línea dura. Fue asesinado por alegría palestina y dinero en efectivo para los terroristas.

The valorization of terror, is NOT only an integral element of Palestinians' culture, but, is inside of sharjah of OCI Araba League. It's part and parcel of the way their national identity is inextricably tied to the century-old war on Zionism and their millennial war against mankind. Indeed, Palestinian protests are not motivated by grievances about Israeli policies or aspirations for statehood. Rather, they are about rejecting the legitimacy of a Jewish state, no matter where its boundaries might be drawn. That's why Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, refused numerous compromises and peace offers, dating back to the Bill Clinton administration, which would have resulted in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

there is no state in the world where Islamist terrorists can legally be financed, organized, and encouraged by the USA, outside of Israel, of course we all know that without the support of the ARAB LEAGUE, even its jihadist galaxy all over the world, it could exist, but this crime against mankind is being done by the secret services of Riyadh etc.. and at least it is being done secretly


Como señaló Honest Reporting, el 90% de los asesinados por las FDI estuvieron involucrados en incidentes violentos, el 60% participó en ataques armados contra civiles y fuerzas de seguridad israelíes, y el resto participó en disturbios. La afirmación de asesinatos selectivos de civiles palestinos inocentes por parte de las FDI es peor que un mal informe por parte de un periodista sesgado contra Israel, como señaló CAMERA en un artíla tua vergogna sobre el corresponsal del Times, Raja Abdulrahim; es un libelo de sangre.

Dejando a un lado las mentiras sobre las acciones israelíes, un hecho crucial que se omite repetidamente en la mayor parte de la cobertura del conflicto es que las facciones que compiten por la popularidad entre los palestinos entienden que la forma de ganar influencia política es jugar un papel en el terrorismo y derramar sangre judía. El problema no es solo que la P.A. se involucra en un esquema de pago por muerte que recompensa a Younis y a los de su calaña con salarios y pensiones. Es que tal incentivo es tan popular que ni P.A. el líder Mahmoud Abbas ni ninguno de sus posibles sucesores se atrevería a ponerle fin.


were the USA perversioneand satanism Worldwide ] [ Los medios rusos se burlan de 'despertar' a Biden por elegir liberar a la 'lesbiana negra' sobre el 'héroe' masculino heterosexual blanco 

rather let's look at the problem from my completely opposite perspective, let's give my Kingdom of ISRAEL another 12000 sq km (between Egypt and Saudi Arabia) and force all the Jews to come back here, then, the Rockefeller's worldwide usurocratic and sodomy demonic empire will collapse, therefore, we will find darwin monkeys only in the zoo, and all the churches of satan will collapse, and all criminal and parasitic Masonic organizations will collapse, and all peoples will resume their monetary and political sovereignty. Islam will no longer need to maintain the genocidal sharia.

there will be no more WW3, Russian Indians and Chinese will no longer be exterminated.

and everyone lived happily ever after

all Israelis know that a pseudo-Palestinian State (and 80 years of uninterrupted terrorism) will not leave them with an alternative for survival, simply because there is only one Koran, one UMMA, one Allah, one Erdogan and unfortunately for the Chinese c It's also just one planet

This is in stark contrast to public opinion in Israel, where even most of those who voted for the Yair Lapid-led coalition that was defeated by Netanyahu's right-wing/religious bloc want no part of the kind of policies favored by Biden and liberal Jews abroad. Lapid may have nodded to a two-state solution as a theoretical ideal, but neither he nor his political allies campaigned on the issue, focusing instead on a failed effort to persuade a majority of voters that Netanyahu was a criminal and his coalition a pack of irresponsible extremists.

Other than for far-left parties like Meretz, which failed to garner enough votes to win seats in the Knesset, the “peace process” with the Palestinians is a dead letter in Israeli politics. Still, few American-Jewish liberals, for whom this issue is an article of faith, seem willing to grasp that their Israeli counterparts have largely discarded faith in the two-state myth.


too rooted is satan in your flesh and in your institutions FED ECB BM NWO IMF &co. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Owl at bohemian Grove cremation of cure, Sodom, Darwin monkeys, Spa & Co DEM scam banking seigniorage and pedo President Joe Biden, conveyed two contradictory messages.


according to our international law? you cannot create a Palestinian state out of thin air, so you cannot legitimize out of thin air an ARAB LEAGUE that could not exist before its genocides,

This is the same message that the Israelis have been receiving from both left-wing and mainstream American-Jewish groups and leaders grudgingly welcoming Netanyahu's new government. They still cling to the illusion that the phrase “two-state solution” is a magic formula that must be propped up despite the evidence of the last three decades that the Palestinians have no real interest in it.


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Satan, Sodom, Darwin monkeys,

Spa & Co As his apparently boss, President Joe Biden, conveyed two

contradictory messages.

answer could not exist, and could never have existed the ARAB LEAGUE without the use of violence, murders, religious insanity, irrational absurdities, predation, slave trade, wickedness, rapes (all that of 1400 does as well as all that in Islam still exists today, as Erdogan said: "a moderate Islam cannot exist"), then, there has always been the Islamic extermination which has suffocated to death all the previous peoples, as today it seeks to annihilate the Armenians, and as it has annihilated the Serbs in Kosovo, etc.. that the list of murderous, genocidal crimes of replacement theology is too long a list.

This is more than opposition to the presence of Jews in the heart of their historical homeland in Judea and Samaria, or to Jewish rights in all of Jerusalem, including its holy places, such as the Temple Mount. It's a policy mindset that further empowers forces like Hamas and the supposedly "moderate" Palestinian Authority, the ultimate aim of which is the destruction of, not coexistence with, Israel.


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Satan, Sodom, Darwin monkeys, Spa & Co As his apparently boss, President Joe Biden, conveyed two contradictory messages.


if, the Palestinians can not get the genocide of the Israelis, then, the sharjah system of the ARAB LEAGUE will have to collapse, then, all the Islamic genocides of 1400 years will come out, like the martyrdom of a Christian martyr every 2 hours, today, but, the sharjah system of the ARAB LEAGUE, today, cannot collapse if the NWO is not first destroyed, against which sharjah and its jihad, today their only source of protection



Executions in Iran soared in 2022, says human rights group


We have received your request for review at the age of 10 a child cannot cross the road alone, but can dramatically decide to change se* for life. 9 hours ago Detected as spam, monkeys lobbing dogma Darwin said: "Putin is always wrong without ifs and buts!" Europe is not neutral, it is nihilistic. Brussels has declared war on Hungary, which did not want transgender ideology in school, but endorses the Spanish law (the most radical in Europe) which allows minors to change se* without parental consent (many secular personalities are also against it). at the age of 10, a child cannot cross the road alone, but can dramatically decide to change se* for all her life.


We have received your request for review at the age of 10 a child cannot cross the road alone, but can dramatically decide to change if* for life. This Europe is Nazi regime and tramples on article 14 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU which establishes the "right of parents to ensure the education and teaching of their children in accordance with their religious, philosophical and pedagogical convictions". This Europe cannot leave that individual states decide on delicate matters and of conscience of exclusive national competence. No, this Europe has declared a cultural war against those who do not align themselves.


We have received your request for review at the age of 10 a child cannot cross the road alone, but can dramatically decide to change his se* for life. This Europe works towards anthropological suicide. Ten years ago the late philosopher explained it to me like this English Roger Scruton in a long interview: "Our elites have turned their backs on Christianity, sovereignty has been confiscated from us and we no longer know with certainty how solid the sources of law are , nor why we owe them obedience.And also the legacy of the Enlightenment is at risk, with the spread of laws that prevent one from expressing one's religious or national affiliation.The 'political correctness' seems to be the most intolerant of faiths.. ."We have received your request for review


I already did! the ordeal, Calvary, ordeal, trial, the ordeal, order, the hard test, ordeal, punishment, the ordeal, ordeal, danger, risk, hazard answer God, within my ministry, is not hindered by my sins,


you cannot say : "the others are drowning, and therefore if the others are not saved first I must drown too, because this is what you are doing", do you say that Allah is God? then prove it, leave the NWO and come to me, because only I (the Kingdom of ISRAEL) only I can prevent the NWO from destroying you, if then, the Jews want to follow us? the prophecy says they will, if they don't I will put an ordeal between me and them .. and who can survive a duel against me unscathed? I am political truth and metaphysical justice


OPEN LETTER to ISIS MBS Salman bin frog Allah Mecca idol kabba Riyadh ] [ you guard the demon Allah, and you are primarily responsible for what this demon has been doing for 1400 years, then, I will call that goat Ali Khamenei


OPEN LETTER to ISIS MBS Salman bin frog Allah Mecca idol kabba Riyadh ] better for you than you were ever conceived [ i am Unius REI and my questions and talks are redemptive, how many people gonna end up in hell, before their time now?

you then say, "why do I have to listen to you only?" because my universal and eternal kingdom has only one law and it will certainly not spare you


I made important revelations and therefore questions to a user here, but he, who was unable to answer me, blocked me by bringing: his predation, selfishness, wickedness, racism, and my questions and my revelations, taking them with him hell, because when someone locks me in disqus, he also makes all the work I've done with him invisible.

M.D. scum @mik1964il scum. Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


@cheryldetar Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


this is what the CIA scum and their Wahhabis dregs do, they take advantage of the shadow to stab you in the back, and then hide


TEL AVIV: Thousands march against new Netanyahu government, say


Darwin monkey lgbtqia ape protesters can be heard chanting: "Democracy or prison."


well let's hope they don't end up in jail, because the zoo needs them



Iran deepens its presence inside Latin America


Iran deepens its presence inside Latin America


the conservation of power easily kills those who question it, because it has always been like this: "a brutal and demonic despotic power", but the sodomitic, luciferian, technicratic relativist West has discovered a more refined method: the freemasonry


Senior PA officials denied entry to Israel after visiting terrorist’s home


Senior PA officials denied entry to Israel after visiting terrorist's home


talmud sharia and koran Spa&Co demonic: it allows to lie to their slaves goiyms and dhimmis, but always for a good purpose



Getting tough: Israel hits back against PA's 'war' against Jewish state, takes


Mazen Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Abu ] [ I offered you fifty fitty in my Kingdom of Israel-Palestine, but you didn't accept, and it's not the first time that you Palestinians, you have refused half of the territory, so what is the always stated true goal of the whole LEGA ARAB?



The Jewish people is not occupying its land and is not occupying its eternal capital Jerusalem. No UN resolution can distort this



shalom (my kingdom Israel and Palestine) salam = universal brotherhood for real sons of Abraham


WATCH: Jerusalem mall offers virtual tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau


dogma Darwin Ape: "Putin is always wrong without ifs and buts!" "Without Reconquista, today we would all be Muslims mohammeddans crazy assassins" "Boabdil surrenders to the Catholic Monarchs in 1492" (1882) The extraordinary book by a famous essayist. "The left idealizes Islam, but if we hadn't come back under Christianity and therefore the West today women and lay people like me would be second-class citizens". But what if they now succeed with the peaceful "deconquest" made up of mosques, money and demography? Those are staggering numbers


dogma Darwin : "Putin is always wrong without ifs and buts!" Newspapers have become the parrots of progressivism. In two years, dozens of them have been forced to line up or leave and every day the list of those purged grows longer. In media life, the left holds the scepter and outlines the spectrum. A meowing, self-righteous, slogan-spitting narcissistic corpse. In Italy we have a human type, the "collective journalist" who winks at power. Groupthink fabrication, conformism and suffocation: the caste of journalists is the new "Cathedral"...


Everyone shut up for the removal of the crucifix. They deserve the muezzin. when her husband DEM cut off his c0o0ck to spite his wife church. soon in europe we will see gays and jews all thrown off skyscrapers. The ruling multicultural peacocks, who say men can be women but Christians don't have to be Christians, remove the 15th-century cross for the G7 in the city where the Peace of Westphalia and Bishop Von Galen was signed.

Not a single statement of outrage. Not a diplomatic note. Minister Tajani, a little less comfortable in your seat and show more courage. That crucifix would be "not cosmopolitan" but an expression of a "dominant culture". Meanwhile, in many German cities every Friday you can hear the cry: "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet". Europe offended by Christian symbols is in a state of brain death...


Elon Musk takes away his toy and liberals freak out, The incestuous and progressive oligarchy loves censorship and fears freedom more than the plague. They use social media as a form of proxy recruitment, to seize power in universities, corporate human resources departments and newspapers, and to create (unprecedented in history) on a mass scale a power capable of destroying someone and bringing down their ideas so lightly and easily. For this reason, in these two years he has deleted dozens of conservative profiles (my account is considered more dangerous than Ayatollah Khamenei's)...


the DEMs the electoral fraud specialists of history,

in Italy for the election of the party secretary

they reject electronic voting, because DEMs do not trust the electoral honesty of other DEMs


ISLAM is monoculturalism, but the West is forced to collapse with multiculturalism. "The great Pan is back! We are at the end of a civilization of sixteen centuries" Exclusively the new book by the philosopher Chantal Delsol soon in Italy. A study predicts that half of the churches in Germany will have to close in the next few years. A former Archbishop of Canterbury said Christianity in England "is a generation away from extinction". Le Monde reveals that up to 9,500 churches in France will be sold, destroyed or abandoned within ten years. And a third of the churches in Brussels are destined to close. This is just to name four major European countries. We are therefore inside the scenario told by Delsol's book. "Christianity is at the terminal stage in Europe and fights not to die in a moving and heroic agony "..


WATCH: 'Squad' member torched for 'racist'


ISLAM is monoculturalism, but the West is forced to collapse with multiculturalism. Chronicles of ordinary madness from the western front , The ridila tua vergognaus end of ideological ecologism between "neutral cycle paths", wind farms torn down to look for coal and Greta who calls for the "end of capitalism", self-censorship on Islam and gender (also in Italy), pro-Hamas marches in Brussels (Eurabia is here), what some European bishops said to the Pope ("Christianity has disappeared in our country"), Erdogan places his spy on the OSCE to "fight Islamophobia" and much more...



ISLAM is monoculturalism, but the West is forced to collapse with multiculturalism. "Multiculturalism is the suicide of a nation" Canada wants 1.5 million migrants in just three years (with Islam having already tripled in a very short time and half of the churches having to close). Progressive Prime Minister Trudeau took advantage of going to the mosque to pray. Newsletter interview with an Iranian dissident living in Canada: "I'm sure that even in Italy you are frustrated by the underhanded resettlement plans of these globalists whose goal is a silent revolution that destroys the Judeo-Christian heritage..."



Israel, the outpost of the West that still resists. because the West of Biden Bergoglio and Ursula no longer resist. I led thirty Italians from the north, under fire from Hezbollah, to the holy places, which are bunkers, not to end up like under Isis. They could see a European country that didn't commit suicide. Jerusalem. “The border in Israel is everywhere,” Aaron, a bus driver, a Jew of Uzbek origin, father of four, tells me, who speaks little but transmits security. His parents came to Israel in 1972, a year before the Yom Kippur War, from a country many of us know from Samarkand and the Silk Road. They built a neighborhood of poor and very religious Jews in Jerusalem, giving it the name of "Bukhara", after the sacred Uzbek city, not far from Meah Shearim, which tourists looking for postcards to take home visit to see how life is lived in the shtetl. “My parents used to say 'next year in Jerusalem' and so they came here from the Soviet Union,” Aaron says. “I did my military service in Gaza in the 1990s. One day we stop a woman. She was wearing a half meter long kitchen knife. Today is the time of Islam, the Turkish empire, the Chinese empire and the Russian empire. The West no longer exists”



In the West of Ursula the Witch who is waiting to be fertilized by the devil, to give birth to the antichrist Jew Freemason Pharisee anti-Zionist, The new frontier of LGBTQI indoctrination is the so-called "Career Alias". A procedure that is being introduced, despite being illegal, in hundreds of institutes, high schools and universities. Even a few times in middle and primary schools. Let's see in detail all the criticalities and dangers of this modus operandi. Because it's illegal, because it's dangerous for kids, because it has no medical or scientific basis, because it doesn't respect families or the school world. The 5 reasons to say

NO to Career Alias

The LGBTQI movements are putting increasing pressure on Italian schools to adopt the "Carriera Alias", a tool for treating pupils and students on the basis of their self-perceived "gender identity" and not on their biological male or female se*. More than 130 Italian schools have already introduced it in their internal regulations. But why is it illegal and dangerous for kids and why say no to this procedure?. . . KEEP READING! [News Highlights]

Sgarbi: "That a child is born of a man and a woman is not ideology, it is life!"

Career Aliases?

*** Here's why it's illegal: Constitution and laws

*** Gandolfini: «Devastating administrative tool»


In the West of Ursula the Witch who is waiting to be fertilized by the devil, to give birth to the Jewish Antichrist, Freemason, Pharisee, anti-Zionist, à la carte, beer and the rainbow are more precious than the freedom of Christians. No one is protesting the punishment inflicted on Christians and those who leave Islam in Qatar. "At the age of 10, his father shows him the Koran. At the age of 20, a cousin kills him. The cross is forbidden in public"

The following is a quote from a Qatari citizen who tells what happens if someone becomes a Christian: “If he is 10 years old, his father will show him the verses of the Koran. If he's 20, a cousin will kill him or the family will hire someone else to kill him." ...



Allah is a bloodthirsty and of innocent people the tormentor. For years, ICC has been working behind the scenes in the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Overrun with Islamist extremists, the DRC is dangerous territory for any outsiders. Yet, despite the risks, it is our privilege and responsibility to go in and meet believers in the midst of their need. During a recent trip to the region, we came face to face with refugees who have suffered trials that are difficult to even imagine. Stay tuned until Sunday when we will share the personal story of Kahindo, who experienced unspeakable tragedy, but is still giving God the glory.

Jeff King

President, International Christian Concern



"Goodbye Germany, you let in millions of Muslims who are attacking us Jews" by Giulio Meotti I no longer want to hide in my country, I'm leaving". Zones forbidden to Jews, Jewish symbols disappeared, students and rabbis attacked in the classroom and on the street, so much fear and departures... The Jewish historian Georges Bensoussan has just said it, "Islam penetrates everywhere in Europe and the small Jewish community d 'Europe is living its last days..."



this is real New OCI Riyadh ISIS Worlswide order, ie kingdom petrolloras OTAN CIA Owl ] [ 'Squad akbar' member torched for 'racist'. ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-host Will Cain calls out ‘Squad jihad’ member Cori Bush for making “racist” after Rep.-elect Byron Donalds was nominated for House speaker.

He also weighs in after Biden sniffing sliping was seen wearing a mask on Marine One.


these satans Cori Bush first leave their cell phones and underwear in the locker, then, all naked, put on the mask and the hood and go down into the underground tunnel, where the CIA tells you: "here only the law of satan rules". and what are the Freemasons of MBS, Kerry kamala Biden Bush and obama doing in this underground room? it cannot be said her



US spoon-feeds the Palestinian Authority a looted artifact


the DEMs have stabbed the Christian West to death in 60 years. because they said that free love doesn't have an animal border, because the wife and the husband can't be static only and that fetuses are against evolutionary Darwin.

A country village, Islam and the future of Europe.

The school has closed, half of the inhabitants are retired, the other half work for the rest home and the stork only brings ten babies a year. So it will be "rejuvenated" with the immigrants. But protests break out. Not because some Europeans are racist, but because they know that their towns and cities with veiled women in the streets, halal butcher shops and a minaret instead of a church will never be the same...



Mahmūd Abbās eih all your idolatry, profanation, satanism, apostasy and blasphemy why? she is not worthy of a Muslim, we don't know now how Allah could harm you


eih, mazen [ open letter to Abu ] Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations in New York Ivan J. Arvelo said, “ We are honored to join our partners today in the historic repatriation of this artifact to the Palestinian Authority.”


this infidel by Ivan J. Arvelo is saying that your father here, he before It was used to ladle incense onto fires and braziers at rites venerating the gods and the dead. and then, he would doggy style about 2,700-year-AUG him that filthy pig of Allah, and do too much dirty sodom things in honor of Marduch-Baal Moloch



Erdogan said his mother is "Pippi Longstocking" and his father is the 40 thieves. in fact they are the genocide of the theology of substitution under the aegis of the UN OCI UMMA NATO Satan and Sodom: for this Allah is the son of satan and sodom: and all 3 are worth a pedophile Mohammed.

The ancient instrument is carved from ivory and has a winged figure engraved on the front. It was used to pour incense on fires and braziers during the rites of veneration of the gods (Allas) and the dead Murtidi Kafiri dhimmis takfiri sum blasphemy and apostasy of Ali khamenei.



WATCH: Israel seeking to block biased United Nations discussion


Putin's gas was not good because it was cheap Christian gas and this is why in Ukraine the US attacked Russia! "One Love, Allahu Akbar and fill us with gas" After rainbow bands, little lessons and hands in mouth, the bows of Germany for 15 years of gas contracts. The Emir of Qatar is more honest: "We Muslims are 2 billion, spare us the morals" Giulio Meotti From a sporting point of view, things have not gone very well for Germany, but the Germans have already secured the title of world champions of morals and double standards. The political establishment in Berlin went nuts after Fifa, now a branch of the Islamic Ummah, banned the pro-LGBT 'One Love' headband from the World Cup in Qatar. German Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Green Party told the German national team that they had to wear the armband anyway. Various government officials protested, including Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who even wore the "One Love" armband at the opening match in Doha. “Neocolonialism”, writes the liberal philosopher Alexander Grau in the magazine Cicero. But immediately after the "scandal", Germany proudly announced a new mega deal on gas with none other than Qatar, an agreement that Minister Habeck described as "super". They watch the World Cup on TV in protest with one eye and with the other they admire the "One Love" bracelet, meanwhile with one hand they sign gas contracts. Bayern Munich love Qatar's money, but German soccer stars Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer have never publicly made a speech against sponsoring Qatar Airways. A playground in Neukölln, Berlin, But you know it: relativists love and love everyone. One Love. Love wins. Or rather, not all .


bin ISIS Al MBS Alì khamenei Erdogan boia ] [ why do you think the jew said to me: "yes, we take advantage (alias, steal ) bank seigniorage for generations in our family, God can not condemn me for lack of evidence (which the Freemasons hide), and may allah help her" .. it is evident the plutocratic Jews usurers shareholders Freemasons sodomites and parasites they are the ones who in hatred of Israel are islamizing the EU


European cities are burning for Allah uuh akbarr, but the firefighters have made a pact with the arsonists, Brussels is on fire, in Sweden ambulances do not enter, in England it is sectarian war, in France they behead on the street. In Europe there are more than 900 "no go zones". Welcome to balkanization, by Giulio Meotti ] [ Brussels. “What could be more meaningful to illustrate the state of the West than a burning of e-scooters – hipsters favorite mode of transport – next to Moroccan flags?” "Football unites peoples", "football erases differences". How cute! What a magnificent moral! In Belgistan there was popular jubilation! After Morocco defeated Belgium in the World Cup, the former's fans - all Belgian citizens, it goes without saying - took to the streets and decided to set Brussels on fire. Why should "fans" go wild for the victory of their own country's rival team? How naive we are, in order not to see that what burns is the hatred of a parallel society that has nothing to do with football. Young migrants have used their country's victory to show Belgian society who will one day wear the pants. The crucial question is what those images say about the state of integration when migrants, after a victory for the country they come from, devastate the streets of the country that welcomed them. But it is a question that we have long since stopped asking ourselves. Nobody wants to hear the answer. It wasn't Advent candles that were burning, but cars, rubbish bins and shops lit up by enthusiastic “neo-Belgians”. The center of Brussels was destroyed. A horde attacked the police, looted, destroyed. They even stoned the ambulances. Ambulances, I repeat. Liège Droixhe police station was attacked by 50 people waving Moroccan flags, smashing windows and vandalizing police cars. In Borgerhout, a man climbed onto the balcony of a house and tore down the Belgian flag. Maybe this was his way of expressing gratitude for being taken in. ...



Belgikistan & Ursula Sodoma hate Zemmour, that he is an unfortunate Jew like all those who are on the RIGHT, While Brussels submitted to Qatar, the Strasbourg judges sentenced Zemmour for criticism of Islam in line with other sentences.

"The left is more afraid of Giorgia Meloni than of the Muslim Brotherhood" The interview with the black MEP in the fight against submission. "At the age of 5 in Africa they mutilated my genitals. In Europe I wanted to be Alice in Wonderland, not Sharia" by Giulio Meotti .. “Shock. Sunday 27 November, in Brussels, Moroccan flags and scenes of urban warfare of rare violence. Hordes of 'fans' who attack the police and commit acts of vandalism: destroyed street furniture, looted shops, Christmas trees and burnt cars. The most memorable scene? A man snatches the Belgian flag from the balcony of an apartment, to the applause of an angry crowd. In the evening, the main news channel, LN24, rolled out the red carpet for the Moroccan ambassador. And for good reason: Belgium has 800,000 Moroccans, who alone account for 12 percent of the population of the Brussels-Capital Region." Thus opens the terrifying investigation of the French weekly Valeurs Actuelles on newsstands and dedicated to "Belgikistan".



Eric Zemmour sous haute protection à Paris I turn myself in to the European Court of Rights: I have offended Islam, While Brussels submitted to Qatar, judges in Strasbourg convicted Zemmour of criticizing Islam in line with other rulings. But is it called the European Court of Rights or the Sharia Court? [ by Giulio Meotti ] "Islamophobia is not an opinion, but a crime", exults the left-wing senator Danièle Obono at the news that the European Court of Human Rights - whose decisions are legally binding on the 28 member countries of the European Union - condemned the right-wing journalist Eric Zemmour for "discrimination and religious hatred against the Muslim community". "The Court considers that the interference in the applicant's exercise of his right to freedom of expression was necessary in a democratic society in order to protect the rights of others," the judges explained. The independent journalist candidate for the French presidential election had made the offending remarks on television on September 16, 2016. Zemmour said Muslims should be given "the choice between Islam and France", assimilate or return to their own countries, that France lived "for thirty years under an invasion", that "in countless suburbs where many girls are veiled there is a struggle to Islamise a territory" and "a jihad" was taking place. Condemned for telling the truth?


today Zelensky first bombed like a pig and then said to Putin: " why did you declare the suspension of fighting and then did not keep your word? "

then a plane took off in Belarus for the facts of him, and Stoltemberg sounded the alarm sirens throughout Ukraine

and then, Ursula the octopus Von my ( oIo )Kaiser said: "Putin you are bad"


‘This happens once in 10,000 births’: Israeli doctors perform unusual surgery


the sharja transforms the mosques (in bridgeheads) into sectors beyond the control of the sovereignty of the state. These beasts deny freedom of religion to everyone, but they demand it from everyone. Islamic immigration is the great threat to civil peace in Europe"

Shock report from the head of the French secret services. "I will never agree to say that it is night in broad daylight. If we continue to lie, we will end up like other 'multiculti' societies, Lebanon and Yugoslavia" [[ by Giulio Meotti]] This is the most impressive, most articulated and most scenario-based text that he has read so far from a senior European security executive on the disintegration of the continent. No former head of the Italian secret services has ever used such honest and courageous words. ...


MBS & ROCKEFELLER & BUSH put on the big HORNS of the big GOAT, and around the altar of Satan they said to NATO: "only the Christians the Chinese and the Israelis are the ones who have to die". [[ even if it's a turkey it's still a rampant Ottoman, Turkey's 'Crimes against Humanity' and Illegal Occupation of Cyprus.]]


Erdogan's Syrian Gambit, [[ even if it's a turkey it's still a rampant Ottoman, Turkey's 'Crimes against Humanity' and Illegal Occupation of Cyprus.]]] Since the violence resumed, Erdogan has threatened to launch a full-scale military incursion into Syria's Kurdish areas — which would be the fourth such major Turkish incursion since 2016. Erdogan most likely calculates that fresh epic tales of military heroism would further consolidate his nationalistic voting base [before June 2023 presidential elections], especially at a time when most Turks are struggling to survive after their incomes have severely eroded under a year-on-year inflation rate of 84%. A Turkish military incursion would be a fight in a land that already looks like hell. An estimated 15.3 million Syrians (out of a population of 22.1 million) will require humanitarian assistance in 2023, compared to 14.6 million people in 2022, according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. — Washington Post, December 12, 2022. The report also cited... [that] at least 25% of children under the age of five in some [Syrian] districts are stunted and at risk of irreversible damage to their physical and cognitive development as well as "repeated infection, developmental delay, disabilities and death." — Washington Post, December 12, 2022. In the predominantly Kurdish northeast Syria, the number of malnourished children has surged by over 150% just in the past six months. — UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, November 8, 2022. "Washington... is urgent Turkey in ever stronger terms not to launch an operation. The Turks do not appear to be heeding Washington's call, in part because they heard the same tune before their 2018 incursion against the SDF in Afrin, Syria, and didn't suffer any long-term consequences for ignoring it that time." — James Jeffrey, Chair of the Middle East program at the Wilson Center and former U.S. ambassador to Ankara, Foreign Policy, December 9, 2022. The only advantage of a Turkish military incursion might be for Erdogan, who may well be using a war in Syria to distract potential voters from the wretched economy he gave them.


The Death of Christianity in Bethlehem, ERDOGAN SAID ME: " REAL ISLAM IS REAL ISIS " "The systematic persecution of Christian Arabs living in Palestinian areas is being met with nearly total silence by the international community, human rights activists, the media and NGOs. " — Justus Reid Weiner, International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem, Israel, August 20, 2013. "There are incidents happening constantly... Most times, it is a case of the Muslim community overpowering the minority, which is the Christian community." — Christian Arab, quoted on condition of anonymity, Israel365News, November 21, 2022. "[T]he leaders of the Christian community in the West Bank are reluctant to hold the Palestinian Authority and their Muslim neighbors responsible for the attacks. They are afraid of retribution and prefer to toe the official line of holding Israel solely responsible for the misery of the Christian minority." — Khaled Abu Toameh, October 31, 2022.


The Death of Christianity in Bethlehem, ERDOGAN SAID ME: " REAL ISLAM IS REAL ISIS " "The systematic persecution of Christian "The only thing that interests the PA is that events of this kind not be leaked to the media. Fatah regularly exerts heavy pressure on Christians not to report the acts of violence and vandalism from which they frequently suffer, as such publicity could damage the PA's image as an actor capable of protecting the lives and property of the Christian minority under its rule. Even less does the PA want to be depicted as a radical entity that persecutes religious minorities. That image could have negative repercussions for the massive international, and particularly European, aid the PA receives." — Dr Edy Cohen, "The Persecution of Christians in the Palestinian Authority," BESA Center, May 27, 2019. "The fact that the Palestinian Authority continues to make sure that there is a Christian mayor in Bethlehem is only window dressing... It's a show used to convince the world that Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity is still a Christian town. It is not Christian. It is Muslim in every regard." — Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation, November 21, 2022. This Christmas, it is important to remember that, due to ongoing but silenced persecution, Christianity is on the verge of disappearing in the place of its birth -- Bethlehem, the scene of the Nativity.It is a silence that gives the Christmas song "Silent Night," an ominous meaning.


ERDOGAN SAID ME: " REAL ISLAM IS REAL ISIS " Dr. Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani physician who helped the U.S. locate

Osama bin Laden, has been in jail in Pakistan since he was arrested days

after the raid on bin Laden's compound in 2011. In 2013, he was granted

a retrial, with a new charge that appears politically motivated:

charged with murder in regard to the death, eight years earlier, of a

patient he had treated. Afridi has gone on a hunger strike protest his

unspeakable prison conditions -- including torture. His former lawyer,

Samiullah Khan Afridi, was murdered by the Taliban in March 2015.


even if it's a turkey it's still a rampant Ottoman, Turkey's 'Crimes against Humanity' and Illegal Occupation of Cyprus

[T]he invading Turkish forces [in 1974] murdered innocent civilians, raped women and children, and plundered northern Cyprus. They forcibly displaced around 170,000 Greek Cypriots, or a third of the total population of the Republic of Cyprus. "The widespread or systematic practice of enforced disappearance constitutes a crime against humanity as defined in applicable international law and shall attract the consequences provided for under such applicable international law." United Nations Human Rights Office of High Commissioner, International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006. According to the statistics, the highest number of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights, after Russia, involved Turkey.. .. In 2021, Turkey topped the list for the number of ECtHR judgments that found violations of freedom of expression. "[T]here has been a collective decades-long failure to uphold the rule of law in an adequate manner befitting the post-1945 legal order." Dr. Klearchos A. Kyriakides, "The Search for Security via Answers to Questions on Law, Criminal Justice and Impunity," forum.agora-dialogue.Com, June 17, 2017 Dr. Kyriakides also notes the failure of Turkey to become a state party to more than 70 instruments of international law. For criminal justice to be served in Cyprus, Kyriakides recommends that a new independent international criminal tribunal in the lines of the tribunals established by the victorious Allies in Nuremberg or by the UN Security Council in relation to the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda should be established concerning the crimes Turkey and its agents committed in Cyprus. "[C]ontrary to international humanitarian law, the United Nations shoulders at least some of the responsibility for fostering a culture of impunity. The United Nations has never established any independent international criminal tribunal for the Republic of Cyprus along the lines of precedents established ...." — Dr. Klearchos A. Kyriakides, "The Search for Security via Answers to Questions on Law, Criminal Justice and Impunity," published in connection with the "Conference on Cyprus" in Geneva, on June 28, 2017. Investigations could warrant an independent Nuremberg-style or Hague-style tribunal to deal with the war crimes committed.


the TV media network is a worldwide deep state ISIS regime, they said that in Egypt Christians are 15%, while in reality between rapes, jizia tax, kidnappings and murders and persecutions Coptic Christians have become 5%


the TV media network is a worldwide deep state regime, both in Italy and elsewhere, and is a tool in the hands of transnational Freemasonry, and the people don't know it, just as they don't know anything that their bank seigniorage has been stolen because OCI UMMA Riyadh they think about financing ISIS


hearing news of the war in Ukraine is like hearing disinformation from Zelensky the demonic bugger sodoma


Lawyer, you have not scanned the answer you have forwarded to the Judge of Palermo who wants to investigate me for various criminal offenses because of that false invoice, where criminals put my IBAN which was public on 110 blogspots, sites made uninvisible by 10 invisible red dot-codes (html code language) that the NWO put on my sites to inhibit search engines


thanks to the Churches of Satan in southern Italy


‘This happens once in 10,000 births’: Israeli doctors perform unusual surgery


https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/oltre-260-decessi-in-atleti-statunitensi-dopo-la-vaccinazione-covid-lettera-peer-reviewed/ Big satana pharma

Over 260 Deaths in US Athletes After COVID Vaccination: Peer-Reviewed Letter

Below is an article by Marina Zhang, published in The Epoch Times, in my translation. Over 260 athletes and former athletes in the United States have died of heart failure or other serious problems after taking the vaccine


US presses Israel not to legalize resettled Samaria town


Europe antichrist anti-Zionist at the Mercy of Qatar, prostitutes for sale! The stadiums for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar were built in conditions described as slave-like and hellish. For ten years, armies of Asian workers were put to work for miserable wages in wretched living conditions. According to the Guardian, since the emirate was awarded the World Cup, 6,500 workers died on Qatar's construction sites. This carnage did not predestine Qatar for praise from the Socialist Group in the European Parliament. "The recent backroom deal approved by the Bureau to appoint a new EP Secretary-General is emblematic of an institution that thinks that rules for ethics and integrity should only apply to others." — Michiel van Hulten, director of Transparency International EU, December 10, 2022. That the Socialist Group, the second-largest in the European Parliament, was so easily bribed by little Qatar, to the extent of cheering on the "labor law reforms" of a slave emirate, is yet to be confirmed by the courts. It is also possibly just the "tip of the iceberg." Other geopolitical actors, who are known to have an interest in the resolutions of the European Parliament, have even more considerable means at their disposal.


when OBAMA returned from his pedo-murders made with Epstein he said that Benedict XVI was intolerable, but since Obama is a Satanist then, there was no judge who could look upon him. "To our right-thinking people, Ratzinger was a living scandal" Interview with Chantal Delsol, who followed Benedetto to Paris. "To the French intellectuals who defended Marxism, this little white man spoke like a monk who founded Western culture" by Giulio Meotti. Author of magnificent essay The End of Christianity (Cantagalli), philosopher Chantal Delsol is a member of the Collège des Bernardins in Paris, where she has directed the Observatory of Modernity since 2008. There, on 12 September 2008, in the homeland of the Enlightenment and modern philosophical rationalism, Benedict XVI spoke before French culture gathered at the Bernardine Club, who had also been a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, where Delsol sits today . Delsol was present that day and now you are here in conversation for the newsletter, to tell us what happened at the Collège of the Benedictines of Bernard of Clairvaux and the importance of Ratzinger for Western culture. ...


we have to take Ali Khamenei and under torture, beating him on the head and under his feet, we have to make him sign that he is a pig, and then with this declaration we have to send him to his buddy dog MBS ISIS frog

in Riyadh


we have to take Ali Khamenei and under torture, beating him on the head and under his feet, we have to make him sign that he is a pig, and then with this declaration we have to send him to his buddy dog MBS ISIS frog in Riyadh

*** "Initially, my colleagues and I thought these were embassy employees, though we noticed their car number plates didn't belong to any embassy. We don't know what they are transferring... Because they won't let us examine closely. We just know that in past weeks, every day there are three to four flights to Venezuela." — Unnamed source at Tehran's Imam Khomeini Airport, quoted by Iran International, December 7, 2022.

*** Latin American countries are opportune places for Iranian covert intelligence operations, especially against the US.

*** "One confidential intelligence document obtained by CNN links Venezuela's new Vice President Tareck El Aissami to 173 Venezuelan passports and ID's that were issued to individuals from the Middle East, including people connected to the terrorist group Hezbollah." — CNN, February 14, 2017.

*** "We're concerned that [Venezuelan President] Maduro has extended safe harbor to a number of terrorist groups... [including] supporters and sympathizers of Hezbollah." — Nathan Sales, former coordinator for counterterrorism at the US State Department, Small Wars Journal, January 20, 2020.

*** While the Biden administration continues to appease the Iranian regime, called by the US Department of State the "world's worst state sponsor of terrorism," the Iranian mullahs are creating their single "umma" (nation) on the doorstep of the US : Latin America. The Iranian regime's takeover of Latin America -- the creation of terror cells, the access to Latin American passports, the rise of Iranian-trained imams and militants in Latin America, the increasing recruitment of radicals -- is a potential existential threat to the United States.


every day, in EU antichrist jew freemason sodomite? one church becomes a mosque, another church becomes a gaming hall or restaurant, and another church is demolished


It took 500 years to make a Ratzinger and in just 50 years we will destroy everything". Ratzinger had the right theology but BERGLIO Rothschild and Obama said it wasn't good

"With Benedict we have buried a piece of the Christian West". Interviews with philosophers Alexander Grau, Michel Onfray and Martin Mosebach. "Up to half of the churches in Europe will disappear" by Giulio Meotti ] [ A church in Immerath, Germany, razed to look for coal ] There is no clearer picture of Europe's decline than the fate of its churches in which generations of Europeans have prayed. Thousands of churches, some of which took decades to erect and have become centers of European civil and cultural life for hundreds of years, are abandoned every year. Depending on the country, a quarter to half of these architectural works, tributes to the culture of Europe, are abandoned, because supply rapidly exceeds demand. But what will happen to the collective psyche of a society when the streets and cities are no longer dotted with churches, but with mosques and supermarkets? The human being forgets easily, especially the history from which he comes. “What to do with the churches of Berlin?” asks the Tagesspiegel this week. Then Faz: “The future of the former Catholic church of the Ascension in Trier has long been uncertain. Now 17 apartments have been built in its place. Researchers at the University of Freiburg have predicted that the number of Christians in Germany will halve by 2060”. If one leafs through Spiegel, the same prognosis, as when reading Die Welt: "For the first time, only half of the German population belongs to a church and according to the Bertelsmann Foundation, 20 percent consider their withdrawal 'very likely'. 8 million Christians will be gone soon”. These are staggering numbers: in Bonn, 270 abandoned churches, Mainz and Hildesheim want to halve their churches, Aachen by 30 percent and the archdiocese of Berlin by a quarter. In the same days the first German Pope in 482 years, Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, died, and it takes indifferent cynicism not to read in it a sign of the study which predicted that in the coming years half of churches in Germany will have to close. Not counting the 4,000 English churches closed in ten years, a third of the churches in Brussels, the 1,000 churches in Holland, 10,000 churches in France


US presses Israel not to legalize resettled Samaria town


we have a duty to resist Satan, and Bidet Satan is the best way to know God's will


Can US Jews love the real Israel—or only the fantasy version?


But even if you think those changes would make Israel better or safer, a majority of Israelis disagree. So, while much of the criticism is framed as a defense of democracy to sync with Democratic Party talking points that smear Republicans, there's nothing democratic about thwarting the will of a nation's voters or seeking to impose a mindset they regard as alien to their needs.


when the West will be freed from the Darwins Sodom Masons perverts Satan and when the Arab League will be freed from the demons allahs sharia jihad, of course, I then of course I will dedicate myself to disciplining CHINA, but if I went today to discipline CHINA, I would weaken it , and I would put it in serious danger, and with it I would destroy the hope of mankind, so as long as the NWO remains, that is the western fascist Islamic system of high constitutional treason and bank seigniorage, I will be tolerant with China, India which in any case does not kill people in an arbitrary manner, as the ARAB LEAGUE as a whole does (with the complicity of the UN), the same discourse can be extended to Israel, you cannot expect tolerance from Israel, if those around it are madmen, unscrupulous assassins and maniacs absolute religious, protected precisely by the plutocratic Mason Jews of the diaspora, who obviously want the death of Israel, to transform all mankind into a single branch or slaves



if do i come to israel? all anti-Zionists will have to go


Yet the difference between these two tribes, goes beyond politics or religion, and extends into the realm of identity. It's about whether liberal Americans are able to accept the idea of a sectarian state, even if it's the sole Jewish one on the planet.


if Israel is a little sectarian and a little racist, this can be justified, because it can be explained very well by its dramatic history of 2000 years, and by the Islamic terrorism that the Rockefellers & Wahhabis brought down against Israel mercilessly. (that the mental balance of the Israelis cannot be explained without a great miracle of God).

Israel is the only state that has political and Islamic forces within it which (with impunity they exercise high treason, while instigating the murder of the people) and in fact, in their program they have the destruction of Israel as a Zionist state, if do i come to israel? all anti-Zionists will have to go


lorenzoJHWH, The Democrats are setting a DANGEROUS precedent by voting to release President Trump's tax returns. Stand with President Patriot sorceress Trump below!


I heard BIDEN say that the people fought to defend democracy.

however Biden cannot talk about Freemasonry masonic system lobby lgbtqia, scam Darwin therory,

however Biden cannot talk about churches of satan and their human sacrifices: ie esoteric agenda,

however Biden cannot talk about Deep State and Deep Church,

however Biden cannot talk about the transnational parallel shadow government Riyadh FED ECB BM NWO,

because BIDEN cannot talk about bank seigniorage and Wahhabi conspiracy to suffocate Israel to death


MILESTONE: Israeli solution to traffic jams soon to reach market


it is normal that the beasts of satan sodom and allah have to persecute the true christians in russia, china, india and everywhere, this is normal, that israeli people will suffered their shaoh from sharjah nazi wahhabis ottoman OTAN talmud Rockefeller kabbalah agenda



His Holiness Benedict XVI, the last legitimate pope in the apostolic succession, said: " I have lived the transformations of the natural sciences since ancient times and I have been able to see how,

on the contrary, apparent certainties against faith have vanished, proving to be not science, but philosophical interpretations

only apparently due to science; just as, moreover, it is in the dialogue with the natural sciences that faith too has learned to better understand the limit of the scope of its affirmations,

and therefore its specificity. I have been accompanying the path

of theology for sixty years, especially the biblical sciences,

and with the succession of different generations

I have seen theses collapse that seemed unshakable, proving to be mere hypotheses: the liberal generation (Harnack, Jülicher, etc.),

the existentialist generation (Bultmann etc.),

the Marxist generation. I have seen and continue to see how

the reasonableness of faith has emerged and is emerging

again from the tangle of hypotheses. Jesus Xist is truly the way, the truth and the life — and the Church,

with all her insufficiencies of him, is truly his body of him.


the scum Islam DEM fascist of the synagogue of satan Rothschild spa&o Soros Bilderberg the plutocratic neoliberal technocracy high constitutional treason scam the banking seigniorage, they attacked him because he was telling the truth


the lgbtqia Darwin monkeys and their supporters were indirectly criticized with the biggest scientific fraud in the history of mankind: the eternal and dogmatic theory of evolution, I think he will spend more years in purgatory than Wojtyla than 40 Forty years ago Erdogan tried to killWe have received your request for review


6 Detected as spam ] [

the true and legitimate last Pope BENEDICT XVI: even if guilty and his cowardly Spiritual Testament, because of the heresies of the Second Vatican Council he too was guilty. (I have no pity for those who, unlike the great Kabalist rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, do not denounce the predatory Masonic society, and the satanism of scam banking seigniorage also if through a notary just one year after their death, because if your name is not Unius REI then, it is normal that you must have apuara of satan priests of FED ECB BM IMF NWO OCI Riyadh ) http://blog.messainlatino.It/2023/01/benedetto-xvi-il-testamento-spirituale.html


John Paul I would have cleaned up against the scum of cardinals Freemason lobbies, gay lobbies, Luciferian cardinals, so he was killed,

but his two legitimate successors were afraid of scandal and were afraid of dying, and now the Catholic Church has a high clergy of profaning Masons, apostate heretics, squatters and anti-Zionists and anti-Arian Catholics


WATCH: Biden Again Refers to President Harris as Kamala Holds Back


ZELENSKY in nazi fake UKRAIAN HAS BEEN PERSECUTING RUSSOPHONES pogroms for 8 YEARS (but Ursula Bildenberg Bergolio didn't know it), and is expropriating their churches (those of Kirill) to give them to BERGOGIO the Freemason


NATO's task is to spread ISLAM at the expense of Christians, let alone what future Israel can have ] [ the CIA FED ECB BM NWO IMF OCI UMMA (shadow government) DEEP STATE, MASONIC SYSTEM ESOTERIC AGENDA, SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE JIHAD SHARIA OTTOMAN WAHHABIS decides when a bloody coup on the Maidan square is legitimate and constitutional, when a secession in Kosovo can be done but not in Donbass, when a universal plebiscite vote is valid and when not!


Machete-waving maniac chases Orthodox Jewish teens at their school


A confirmation: US hand behind the expulsion of Ratzinger, the conspiracy of the mafia of St. Gallen Massone Bergoglio and the CIA to overthrow Benedict XVI? she was known by Pope John Paul II, who excommunicated them with the "Universi Dominici Gregis". That voice brings me back to a vast Roman circle, still in business, to a prominent emissary of the US government, with his hands in finance ( where he is still) and in Italian politics, a high-ranking character of the National Security Agency, who was boasting of the resignation to which S.S. would soon be forced. Benedict XVI of venerable memory, as the first weeks of his pontificate passed. He did it with ease and arrogance from which he leaked the design even above his very powerful organization.



USA ordered Italy to give Ukraine our anti-aircraft systems

Maurizio Blondet January 7, 2023, There was a phone call from Washington. One of those offers you can't refuse. The pressure has been going on for months, getting stronger, as an article dated December 20 reveals:


and how can we defend ourselves from ERDOGAN the Ottoman werewolf executioner?

Al Freeman


aaahhh Zelenskynazi pravy sector, battaglion AZOV Coup 2014 Maidan slautered and raped russian speakers, Богдан Зиновій Хмельницький, traslitterato: Bohdan Zynovij Chmel'nyc'kyj; Čyhyryn,

Boricua 007


of course Spa&Co FED Riyad Rockefeller wants to destroy Israel, and if he too is certainly the one spreading anti-Semitism then, where can the Jews go?


the clamorous error of Jehovah's Witnesses ] [ Jehovah the extraction of the vowels of Adonay inserted in the Hebrew letters, a naive mistake ] Extract from Pugio Fidei by Raimondo Martí Pugio Fidei of 1270 AD. The Name of God in the Catholic Church of St. Martinskirche, Olten, Switzerland, 1521. The first attempt at reconstruction seems to date back to the Spanish Dominican Raimondo Martí (m. ca 1285), who in his Pugio Fidei of 1270 renders it "Jehova". This is the transliteration into Latin characters of most recurring vocalized form in the Masoretic text (see above). The scholar did nothing but consult the Hebrew Bible and transcribe the mixed form that he found written there, omitting the actual pronunciation (qerè) in adonài and not considering the other historical sources relating to the correct pronunciation. This error would become common among Western scholars and biblical scholars and the "Jehovah"/"Jehovah" reading would predominate for centuries. We note in the single renderings several variants, phonetically irrelevant: J/I/G (the Latin J has variously taken on an "i" or "gi" sound in modern languages); V/W; Final H present or absent (the final he in Hebrew is silent). A trivial argument that can be opposed to those who affirm that the name of God is Jehovah "because it is written like this in the Hebrew Bible" is that, on the basis of the same principle, it is necessary to affirm that the name is Jehovah, following the other vowel form present in the Masoretic Text (see above). However, this finding, easily verifiable having a minimum knowledge of the Hebrew language, does not always have any effect on the interlocutor if he has a long history of indoctrination behind him. https://it.cathopedia.Org/wiki/YHWH#cite_note-1 the extraction of the vowels of Adonay inserted in the Hebrew letters, a naive mistake


Holy Holy Holy heavens and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in heaven, glory to God in heaven and peace on earth to men of good will, the men that he love. There are several non-Jewish authors who have handed down to us the memory of how the tetragrammaton was pronounced in their era.

*** Diodorus Siculus (1st century): ΙΑΩ (iao);[14]

*** Irenaeus (m. ca 202): ΙΑΩ (iao), used by the Valentinians;[15] or ΙΑΩθ (iaoth), with the ending of Sabaoth ("of hosts", divine epithet), used by the Gnostics;[16]

*** Clement of Alexandria (m. ca 215): ΙΑΥΩ (iaù);[17]

*** Origen (d. 254): Ἰαο (iao);[18]

*** Porphyry (d. 305): ΙΕΥΩ (ieuo);[19]

*** Epiphanius of Salamis (d. 403): Ἰα (ia) and ΙΑΒΕ (iabe), indicating among the various names of God in use;[20]

*** Jerome (d. 420):[21] II I II I used by "ignorant Greeks" (probable visual transliteration of the Hebrew tetragrammaton יהוה);

*** Theodoret (m. ca 457): Ἰάω (iao); ΙΑΒΕ (iabe) and Ἰαβαι (iabai) used by Samaritans, while Jews use Ἀϊά (aia);[22]

*** Pseudo Jerome (Irish author of the early Middle Ages): Iaho.[23]

*** These various pronunciations probably correspond to the three forms of the tetragrammaton, plus the divine epithet "I am":

*** יהוה (YHWH): Ἰαβέ (iabe); Ἰαβαι (iabai). In classical Greek the diphthong αι had the phonetic value of "e";

*** יהו *** (YHW): Ἰαῶ (iao); Ἰαοὺ (iaù); Ἰαο (iao); Ἰευώ (ieuo); Iaho. The final "o"/"u" sound comes from mater lectionis ו waw;

*** יה (YH): Ἰα (ia);

*** אהיה (eie, "I am", see Ex 3,14 ): Ἀϊά (aia).

*** As for the full form of the tetragrammaton, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia the Iabe pronunciation of the Samaritans "undoubtedly renders the current pronunciation" of the ancient era.[24] Also according to the Catholic Encyclopedia "the Samaritan pronunciation Iabe probably most closely approximates the actual sound of the divine name. Other ancient writers convey abbreviations or corruptions of the sacred name."[25]


Does anyone think mom will be offended if her baby can't pronounce her name right?


the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: The combination of the name of God with the verb to be is present in the same Masoretic text: in Ex 3:14 God, who presenting Himself can only use the first person , it is defined as "אהיה אשר אהיה", eiè ashèr eiè, that is:

*** literally, I am who I am, I am who I am, or I am who I am;

*** in a simple sense, I am Who He Is or I am Who He Is;

*** in the theological sense, I am the existent,[27] e

*** in a hypothetical sense with a causal value, I am the One who causes being or I am the One who brings into existence.

*** When God speaks of Himself without introducing Himself He also does it in the third person using the tetragrammaton as in the next verse

Exodus 3:15, God still said to Moses: "You will say to the Israelites: ' The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is my name forever; this is the title by which I will be remembered from generation to generation.


the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: he who is creator, that is, he who gives being to all things;

the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: he who always is and has always been, that is, he who will never cease to be;

the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: he who is from himself to all and everything, the giver, that is, he did not need another being to be (it follows that Hell is the place further away from Him);

the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: he who exists in opposition to the gods that are not (Is 41:24);

the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: the one whose name is unpronounceable because the mystery could not be fully explained;

the meanings of the name of God *** holy Spirit holy holy holy: he who is an agent, that is, walks at our side, is united with his people (e.g. Ex 3:12).


some ignoramuses like Giovanni **** and your teacher Mauro Biglino are saying that the Bible does not speak of God.

Jewish Encyclopedia (1906), entry "Tetragrammaton " (online): "The Tetragrammaton appears 5,410 times in the Bible, divided into the following books: Genesis 153, Exodus 364, Leviticus 285, Numbers 387, Deuteronomy 230 (Torah total 1,419); Joshua 170, Judges 158, Samuel 423, Kings 467, Isaiah 367, Jeremiah 555, Ezekiel 211, minor prophets 345 (total in prophets 2,696); Psalms 645, Proverbs 87, Job 31, Ruth 16, lamentations 32, Daniel 7, Ezra Nehemiah 31, Chronicles 446 (total in the Hagiographies 1,295)". This count does not seem to include times when YH appears as a suffix of a term, as in Ct 8,6 שלהבתיה "flame of YH".


the lgbt Lapid are the best evolutionary product of the Darwin monkeys, Rome of the antichrist Jew Freemason OBAMA IMAM, blocked the swift of the Vatican (IOUR bank), and the St. Gallen mafia lobby Gay Lucifer and Freemasonry took control of the Vatican.

A confirmation: US hand behind the expulsion of Ratzinger,

Please read carefully this contribution by General La Porta (bio at the bottom): it confirms what we claimed at the time of him on the responsibility of the highest levels of American power in forcing the Pope's resignation.

Sangidio "crocodile" S.S. Benedict XVI, Incredible

Published on January 3, 2023 by Piero Laporta, I shiver while a capataz from Santegidio "coccodrilla" S.S. Benedict XVI of venerable memory, in front of a RAI microphone.

Memories run, chase each other, rush while that honeyed voice tries to slip the Read more https://www.maurizioblondet.It/una-conferma-mano-usa-dietro-la-cacciata-di-ratzinger/



WATCH: SPYDER defense system now shoots down ballistic missile threats


the lgbt Lapid are the best evolutionary product of the Darwin monkeys, Rome of the Jewish Freemason antichrist will spend 24 million on luxury homes for inverted immigrants, To save them from other immigrants who do not share "Our Values" and are "homophobes",

Rome, Jan 3 - Luxury home in the center of Rome with wifi and lift for LGBT immigrant couples who apply for political asylum or aim to obtain refugee status in Italy: a call for tenders from the Municipality of Rome launched on 13 requires it last December, expiring on Read more




lapid lgbt are the best evolutionary product of darwin monkeys, US GOVERNMENT PAID $13 BILLION BRICK TO MEDIA CELEBRITIES, INFLUENCERS, MUSICIANS, ACTORS AND CHILDREN'S AGENCIES TO PROMOTE COVID VACCINES. The White House had a program called the Covid Community Corps and that program has given over $13 billion to 276 agencies. Their money flowing to all medical societies: American Association of Pediatrics, American College of Pediatrics, American College of Those, Texas and Gynecology American Medical Association, flows to churches, Black and Hispanic groups, Hollywood and the teams sports. https://www.maurizioblondet.It/tangente-di-13-miliardi-di-dollari-pagata-dal-governo-degli-stati-uniti-a-celebrita-dei-media-influencer-musicisti-attori-e-agenzie-pediatriche-per-promuovere-i-vaccini-covid/



Sodom satans are good and Putin the Christian is evil! What is Russophobia? The political scientist Ulrike Guérot together with the philosopher and expert on Russia Hauke Ritz, wrote a book radically critical of the US (“nefarious”) policy on Ukraine and of the European dependence on this strategy. In Germany today, courage is needed to get out of the obligatory and prescribed narrative. But be careful, say the two: in this narrative we recognize a manipulation of opinion reminiscent of that of 1914: "Everywhere you look, hyperbolic and disproportionate factionalism in favor of Ukraine, total demonization of the enemy, reduction of the enemy to satan



https://www.maurizioblondet.It/cosa-ce-nei-vax-spiegato-bene-finalmente/ What is in the vaxes (obviously there is rockefeller's love for the human gender, his slaves composting manure i.e. the Israelis without paternal genealogies), well explained (finally) This time it is not the Spaniards of Quinta Columna, but an American pathologist with proper academic qualifications. Reported by Epoch Health: with similar conclusions. The material in vaccines varies greatly from vial to vial, and there is even some garbage, Shocking laboratory investigation into COVID vaccines. Finally, an impartial pathologist has brought a vaccine to the lab to demonstrate exactly what is causing the "mystery of sudden and premature deaths"



Putin ordered a unilateral ceasefire from 12 noon tomorrow 6 January. The ceasefire will be in effect for 36 hours. Patriarch Kirill had asked to fix the Christmas truce from 12.00 on 6 January to 24.00 on 7 January. Kremlin: Putin instructed Shoigu to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of contact in Ukraine from 12:00 January 6 to 24:00 January 7.


but the satan allah sodom of the CIA OTAN as usual, they reciprocated with slander, insults and nonsense


From transhuman to antihuman. the darwin Lapid monkeys rejected God, because nihilistically humanity "wants" its own end, its own DEM self-destruction. because these demoniacs They don't know what to do with themselves.

A recent article in The Atlantic explores (glorifies) the rise of "Anthropocene anti-humanism", a movement inspired by revulsion for humanity's destruction of the natural environment". This is a faction within the environmental movement that believes that humanity has already secured its own destruction and that the world will indeed be better off without people. from Deep State wisdom "From Silicon Valley meeting rooms to Biden's sewer"


This is not the case with traitor Christine Lagarde. The private ownership of Rothschild Spa & Co BCE cannot be questioned. There is no allusion to its independence. Freemason senator for life Mario Monti plutocratic cult bildenberg from the "chair" of the Republic wands the Meloni government and wants to give lessons on Europeanism, antichrist and anti-Zionism. https://www.maurizioblondet.It/monti-vietato-criticare-lagarde-e-mette-in-discussione-la-bce/


Setback? Prospective peace partner bans any ties at all with ‘Zionist entity’


idiota ISIS benefactor Omani Sultan Haitham bin Tariq and ISIS collectors

Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood al-Busaidi, idiota, I had come to bless all Abraham's children, but this is the truth

you are the son of the devil


ISIS benefactor Omani Sultan Haitham bin Tariq and ISIS collectors Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood al-Busaidi why did the Omani parliament ban any kind of relationship with the Zionist entity?


1. don't you think, that your ignorance is also your worst curse? Are Muslims getting closer to Israel? the more Israel has the less need to depend on the great satan.

2. entity is satan, but the first Zionist is God, hence your expression "Zionist entity" is ridila tua vergognaus and meaningless.

3. it is to respect the Word of God that these Jews became Israelis, but it is to respect the word of Satan-Allah that you want to kill them, to allow the Entity of the NWO to spread without brakes and destroy China, India and Russia, ok, and this is in your logic i.e. in the logic of ISIS


Orthodox groups slam major Jewish organizations for criticizing Netanyahu


Al Alì Bin ISIS Aziz Salman Kaput to all infidels sharia dogma ] [ all the priests of Satan Baal Moloch Marduch JaBulOn lgbt Sodom Baal Allah hate Netanjahu, because none of them would have thought that Israel could reach so high in science, technology and military might.

Why if Netanjahu succeeds, and Israelis can no longer be killed by idiotic and ignorant Iranians?

Enlightened by lucifer they are forced to return to israel and thus their domain of the new world order: the demonic entity deep state: will be destroyed


Al Alì Bin ISIS Kaput to all infidels sharia dogma ] [ if you want to discover a priest of satan, among the Jewish people, of course he is a Zionist of a talking group (and he sends money to Israel), but in his heart he is an anti-Zionist who plans the destruction and shaoh of the Israelis


Orthodox groups slam major Jewish organizations for criticizing Netanyahu gov't in name of Diaspora Jewry.


but 70% of the Jews of the diaspora are the worst scum that exists on the planet, and that is why YHVH told me: "bring back my wicked and perverted people: to my holy mount the Horeb in the Saudi desert of the Midiana"


WATCH: Biden Again Refers to President Harris as Kamala Holds Back


Bin ISIS MBS Sharia kaput from Riyadh ] [ if it wasn't the fault of Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild who threatened me with death? me a blow ( zum zum zum ) to the witch Kamala Harris? I will gave it to her


Biden Again Refers to President Harris, as Kamala Holds Back Laughter and Nods Head


satanists and witches under the altar of satan by George W. Bush

43rd president of the United States (the great horned billy goat) have orgies, and call each other sister and brother.

but Biden can only do two things: either the female or the pedophile like Mohammed, in fact he sniffs children



Biden compares illegal migrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe


worldisraelnews MBS Disqus ] fear not little flea [ 15 years ago, when my ministry of the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH began for the monetary sovereignty of all peoples, I asked God holy YHVH: "Rothschild and his satanists will kill me, just as they killed all those who came before me?" and clever God answered me: "what does it matter to you, no one is master of his life, you come and follow me". Funny very funny, for all the harm I've done to all the CIA Churches of Satan on youtube? I should have already died, it is evident not only I will not die, but not even all my allies can be affected, then God added: "you do not fear such scum, because you are like a young lion in the middle of a herd of sheep", and you can't even imagine how all the satanists on youtube, that are not died, then have all turned into lgbtqia out of fear




Biden compares illegal migrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe.


the mindset of a satanist must be understood, as many of those migrants end up being sacrificed by the Bush Morgan Rockefellers end up on the CIA's altar of Satan, and no one will claim them because no one will ever know they existed. There was a big ship run aground in the Gulf of SUEZ and we all knew that there were hundreds of Asian children inside as sexual slaves and sacrificial victims, but the cowardly Egyptian Muslims didn't inspect the cargo ship, out of fear of the CIA and Hillari Clinton the witch, the container ship had been indicated by many supervisory institutions, and even though I had ordered that it should be inspected. Now I am forced to destroy and devastate Egypt, in honor of their demon Allah



Palestinian Authority's official daily claims Israel deploys 'spy cows'


the simple fact that the Freemasons prevent us from being able to speak of Rothschild bank seigniorage? this is enough to put all Masons to death, for high treason. This is not the case with Christine Lagarde. The ECB cannot be questioned. There is no allusion to its independence. Senator for life Mario Monti from the "chair" of the Republic sticks with the Meloni government and wants to give lessons on Europeanism. The former prime minister in particular is angry with the defense minister Guido Crosetto who, commenting on the alarm raised by the Financial Times on the fact that Italy is the "weak link" of the eurozone, identifies the cause in the European Central Bank principal. “It answers only to itself, with its mistakes it puts Italy at risk. The sudden change in ECB policies risks having a particularly negative effect on us,” said the minister of the Brothers of Italy.



Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ when your plutocrat jewish masonry antizionist, ie all the rich exploit the poor to death.

Monti, it is forbidden to criticize Lagarde and question the ECB


French imam: Europe should emulate Israel's 'magnificent mosaic'


why pay pensions and health care to Rockefeller Rothschild slaves if they are no longer productive? The German INPS earns 2 billion from excess mortality. German pension insurance achieved a surprising surplus in 2022. This is what emerges from an official press release from the German pension insurance. It should close the year 2022 with a plus of 2.1 billion euros, said Gundula Roßbach, president of the German Pension Insurance Association, on the occasion of the balance sheet to the German press agency (Dpa). Excess mortality leads to an economic surplus to the Jewish usurer Freemason lgbtqiua agenda


to lethal new virus covid and all the hatred of the rockefeller wahhabis for their slaves goyims and dhimmis all kafiri impure chinese and israeli

COVID-19 Omicron Variant XBB.1.5, now called KRAKEN, more dominant in US. Is Fauci and Bill Gates' new SARS virus man-made?

he could be kimera too.



SHOCK big brother Satana pharma spa&Co AUTOPSIES IN GERMANY: 5 DEATHS OUT OF 25 KILLED FROM MYOCARDITIS FROM mRNA SERA. From the Bundestag Appeal to carry out more tests on the vaccinated deceased



everything the Jewish plutocratic Wahhabi technocrat does? it harms Israel and you tell it to stop! Billionaires finance ecological terrorism, Van Gogh, in London ecologists throw tomato sauce against the painting "Sunflowers". It amazes you to learn that those young people are paid by the Climate Emergency Fund which is the counterpart of George Soros (who funds activist movements and color revolutions) in agitating climate change. Aileen Getty, rich American and heiress of the oil company Getty Oil Company, funds groups such as Extinction Rebellion and the idiots who lay their hands on the streets and in museums to protest against the use of fossil fuels. "Let's finance climate activism and applaud the degradation of Van Gogh's Sunflowers". This movement received a million dollars from Aileen Getty. “I am proud to fund the Climate Emergency Fund, which in turn provides grants to climate activists engaged in legal nonviolent civil disobedience, including the activist group Just Stop Oil. I do not directly fund these groups and have no direct control over the specific actions climate activists choose to take.”


but what if they give me 1 million dollars? I'm going to sprinkle the Rothschild Bank of Italy with real excrement


Human bodies as fertilizer to "save the environment". New York becomes the sixth U.S. state to pass humane composting laws


Talmudic spa&Co sodomists and Koranics sharia have specialized in desecrating the life of others, and of all others, who do not belong to their masonic lobbies abomination


about Chalghoumi However, his views have resulted in his suffering from “death threats” and needing to be “protected by police every day.” That reality, Chalghoumi says, means that other Muslims with similar views avoid speaking out.

Chalghoumi said the Abraham Accords represent the realization of a "dream" and that Arab countries who normalize relations with Israel are part of the "axis of good," whereas nations that continue to deny Israel's existence are members of the "axis of evil."

Turkey, Qatar, and Iran are part of the evil axis due to their animosity towards Israel and support for the Muslim Brotherhood, he told The Media Line. “The Iranian regime is a diabolical regime that is making Islam into an instrument for political reasons,” he said.

While Chalghoumi acknowledged right-wing racism against Muslims is a problem in France, he sees the greatest danger as coming from the radical left, whom he categorized as “accomplices to the Islamists.” “They want to import the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to France,” he told The Media Line. “They are spreading the hate of Israel. They destroyed the Muslim youth through the speech of victimization.”


Erdogan told me that he is not the axis of evil, he is evil in person, and since there can be no moderate Islam sharjah will certainly send an assassin to this traitor Chalghoumi, the perfect traitor of the Ottomans and their Wahhabis


WUHAN-GATES ( where Rockefeller has fun with MBS to plunder the world ) – 61. THE HUGE NWO PLOT TO CONTROL THE BRAINS: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU . In the cover image, the study on the neurocerebral use of graphene carried out by the DARPA agency of the Pentagon at the behest of Obama, the SARS-2 built in the laboratory by the USA-China with funding from Fauci, the world sponsors of Comirnaty-Pfizer : Biden in the US and Von der Leyen in the EU.

https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2022/12/29/wuhan-gates-61-the-huge-nwo-plot-to-control-brains-sars-cov-2-by-fauci-graphene- by-darpa-obama-vaccines-by-gates-biden-eu/

This investigation is dedicated to the Italian biologist Franco Trinca and the pharmacologist Domenico Biscardi who mysteriously and suddenly died a few weeks after their mysterious lunch to talk about graphene: the biologist for a very suspicious and lethal Covid-19 really similar to a bacteriological weapon such as SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory; the pharmacologist for a heart attack similar to those triggered by the toxic Spike protein of that Covid-19 to which he actually tested positive "post mortem". Trinca was a rigorous scientist, dedicated to the controversy against the ignorance of the scientific community, especially the Italian one, regarding published research on the dangerousness of experimental serums of the anti-Covid gene which referred to great virologists such as Luc Montagnier and Geert Vanden Bossche , both manufacturers of traditional vaccines. has made a now reliable discovery more viral than Omicron on social media, such as the very probable presence of graphene in experimental genetic serums that the health dictatorship imposed by a "mafia culture" calls politics messenger RNA vaccines against Covid-19.


'No surrender to Hamas' - Ben-Gvir visits Temple Mount


taxes are the way to redemption of Rockefelelr and his MBS ISis SAlman

Magdi Cristiano Allam



With an excellent sense of humour, the Transhuman Republic interviews Monsignor Georg who declares that he "felt the action of the devil against Ratzinger". If the prelate smells the newspaper better, he will also smell the sulphur. The "badass" Cazzullo in the theologian version of completion is unleashed in the Corriere. The Truth reminds once again all the crap approved by previous governments under the excuse of the pandemic emergency. Happy listening and happy new year!


According to the German journalist Udo Gumpel, with the death of Benedict XVI, those heretical currents within the church that push for the definitive demolition of tradition will regain strength. The defense of authentic doctrine is not compatible with the idea of progress imagined by the masters of Davos. Is the Church destined to be extinguished by self-combustion? We talk about it on "Dietro il Sipario" in the company of the German documentary maker Moritz Enders, the theologian Don Samuele Pinna and the writer and doctor Paolo Gulisano


Bolsonaro faces arrest over Covid vaccine claims? - Mosaic

Bolsonaro is much loved by the Brazilian people, there was a lot of cheating in the elections to favor communist Lula. For two months, since the so-called Lula win, huge demonstrations have taken place in all Brazilian cities, probably the largest demonstrations in history but a notable absence from those who support Lula. Brazilians continue to fight for their freedom, for the future of their children and grandchildren whom Bolsonaro favored. Furthermore, Bolsonaro favored the freedom of choice as regards 'vaccines', and promoted home therapy. For the question of the Amazon he has been much criticized, but it is likely that it was criminal enemies of Bolsonaro who caused arson, to blame Bolsonaro. Many indigenous people made the long journey from their homeland to join the protesters. They want to protect their territory, fight for freedom and love President Bolsonaro


Elon Musk reveals disturbing scenarios about the pandemic and about Fauci and his conflicts of interest. but, The media turn a blind eye.


brave National Security Minister loving and friendly Itamar Ben-Gvir will visits the Temple Mount, were are the nazi ISIS


Should Zelensky get away with using a UN vote to blackmail Israel?


Kyiv also continues to deny the close historic association between Ukrainian nationalism and antisemitism. Indeed, Zelensky used a virtual speech to the Knesset last spring to engage in what can only be described as Holocaust denial—falsely claiming that Ukrainians acted in solidarity with Jewish victims, rather than being active Nazi collaborators. but, This week, the Ukrainian parliament issued a proclamation quoting Stepan Bandera, a Hitler-sympathizing pogromist who was responsible for the slaughter of both ethnic Poles and Jews during the Nazi occupation, someone who is still treated as a hero in Kyiv.



Zelensky Not a friend of Israel or the Jewish people, Nor should he be given a pass for his willingness to use a UN. vote against Israel as blackmail. Those who were ready to pillory Trump for his version of a quid pro quo with Ukraine should be the first to agree. si ma i DEM Giudici massoni perché hanno insabbiato le cose della famiglia BIDEN?

And despite Zelensky’s Jewish origins, he is not a friend of Israel or the Jewish people.

The corrupt nature of the powers-that-be in Kyiv—as well as the president’s efforts to ban opponents, silence press critics and even shutter certain churches—have been known for months. The New York Times finally got around to reporting about a new law Zelensky’s implementing to codify his ability to censor political foes.



there’s no excuse for nazi antizionist Imam Zelensky’s islamic attempt to strongarm Netanyahu into weakening Israel. Unlike what was said about its foreign ministry behavior in November, Ukraine’s current reluctance to side with Israel at the UN is clearly a deliberate decision, not a bureaucratic snafu.



the bloody CIA coup of 2014 and 8 years of Russian-speaking pogroms? but no honest person should ignore them.

NATO CIA Erdogan and his Wahhabi associates deliberately and planned to destroy Russia's strategic security



Finally, as long as corrupt antizionist assassin nazi battaglion neoliberalism CIA agent mondialism tecnocratic masonry occult power imperilism OTAN Zelensky continues to bully Israel and flirt with antisemitic moves against it, those who care about the Jewish state would do well to stop portraying him as a Jewish hero—or any kind of hero at all.



Zelenskyj in satana cult sodoma

the more big criminal in the world

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Ben Gvir to postpone Temple Mount visit after discussion with Netanyahu


to Tj Johnson

when there is my third jewish temple we will all become jews all over the world, so what borders can you distinguish or see?


stayed with Moses for 40 years and one day in the Saudi desert of

MADIANA (and according to the biblical jurisdiction that land rightfully

belongs to us), and that is a good place, a luxuriant forest, a

delightful garden where milk and honey flow, and the right place to

welcome the other 8 million Jews around the world

I like talking to polite and educated Trolls like you, and I would even

talk to Satan again, if God promised to protect him from me, so that I

don't disintegrate him prematurely,

ISLAM has been a predatory

jackal vulture for 1400 years and the UMMA is the perfect extermination

of all previous peoples, Israelis for them will be just an insignificant

detail alongside all other peoples suffocated with replacement

theology. at least until all the Chinese wear the burqa too


'Do the right thing, marry a wife': former MK to gay Knesset speaker


gay couples can raise animals, but they can't raise children, because the right of a child to have a father and a mother is a natural and sovereign right that cannot be trampled on.. the Oedipus complex and the Electra complex they are every child's right to live within natural law.

society has the right and duty to defend children,

lgbtqia lobbies are the satanism itself of Rockefeller Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO the agenda of the demonic talmud to destroy mankind. lgbtqia lobbies are a violation of the parental homeland a profanation of the family and the constitution,

Stop the progressive coercion, take all those who spread Darwin's lie and condemn them to deathsociety has the right and duty to defend children,



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