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recognized my role, my kingdom and my court,

Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis

26 minutes ago

I met 6 years ago, an excellent person who recognized my role, my kingdom and my court,

yet I let it go,

I don't know what to do with people and I'm not here to let people know me, I apologize if I scared you

messia king lorenzoJHWH

31 minutes ago

I do not force a single person in this world to acknowledge my authority and my court, nor Rockefeller nor Rothschild, EXCEPT he is Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh, he is solely responsible for the destruction of all Chinese, and all Israelis and all Russians

messia king lorenzoJHWH

37 minutes ago

ok, when G-d bless you too. when will you want to ask me more questions? I will gladly welcome you, because this is the time of mercy, even if mercy doesn't have long to live

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

there is no rebellion and high tradition in not being able to understand, but the crime of lese-majeste against God and against me, is in not wanting to be able to understand: because the truth involves a price that those who are predestined to hell will never want to pay. METAPHYSICS is not a Gnostic doctrine, but it is the natural law of Abraham, Melchizedek, Noah, Enoch and Adam: "Do not lie, do no evil". and it is the universal law: "only love is the law of the universe, because everything makes sense with love, and everything is absurd without love" . you could never escape me as a coward, for all mankind will be brought before my tribunal

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

Psalms 110.2. The LORD (God the Father 1st KING) will extend the scepter of your power from Zion. He rules among your enemies!
3. Your people offer themselves willingly, when you gather your army. Parade of holiness, from the bosom of dawn
your youth comes to you like dew.
4. The LORD has sworn and will not repent: "You are a Priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedec».
5. (David continues speaking with his King of Israel and says) The Lord, at your right, at my right is Jesus of Bethlehem who is the 3rd King. he crushes kings in the day of his wrath,
6. he judges the peoples, pile up the corpses,
he crushes the heads of enemies in a vast territory.
7. He quenches his thirst at the stream along the way, and therefore he will hold his head high.
Jesus of Bethlehem is coming to kill all the Masons of this planet, I asked for 500 million corpses

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

Jesus himself said to the Pharisees: "David could not say to a son: 'my Lord' therefore the King of Kings cannot be a son of David. Psalms 110, The Messiah, King and Priest, (Mt 22:41-46; Acts 2:33-36) Heb 7; Ps 2:6-12, 1. Psalm of David.
The LORD 1° King (the Father) said to my Lord (Unius REI: 2°King):
«Sit at my right hand, (hence he is not subsistent like God, but he is a creature that is called on the Throne; then you tell me, how could Lucifer feel about himself? damaged, and how could Lucifer become my subject?)
until I make your enemies your footstool."

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

I am the King of Kings, of Apocalypse fighting on a white horse, and my secret name is " FAITHFUL "

and this name everyone knows in my country" Are you referring to yourself personally?


yes, everyone in my country knows my secret name, because about 700 years ago my patriarch was called FEDELE, Fedele was his name.

While all the other families of the people (with the exception of the families of the nobles) they have repulsive and infamous nicknames

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

And why does being God preclude being King of Kings?
God is King of his Celestial Kingdom, and every man and every woman is King and Queen on this earth, but the usury Jew, by stealing their monetary sovereignty, has also stolen their political sovereignty, as well as the right to possess our bodies. I am excrement and every man because the Bible says that our bowels are repugnant, and from this point of view we must recognize the humility of God who became man in Jesus of Bethlehem.
I Unius REI am the King of Kings on Earth, just as Almighty God is the King of Kings in Heaven, therefore God is my King so in heaven so on earth

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

Are you somehow tying yourself personally into all of this?

absolutely not! I cannot be lorenzoJHWH (the King of Israel) & Unius REI (ie a universal politician) if I am not also a rational agnostic metaphysician. in my political ministry I do not speak of religion, and I do not express myself religiously, and I do not seek followers for my doctrines.

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 hours ago

Nobody was born a Christian. God made it clear we humans do not become divine.


you should know the doctrine of St. Augustine which speaks of predestination to destruction or predestination to salvation or predestination to the divine nature.

you shouldn't to confuse St. Augustine's doctrine of predestination with fate, because if God broke free will, then his judgment would also be stupid.

But in foreknowledge and foreknowledge God foreordains the saints of him to suffer martyrdom and persecutions by the spirit of sodom, satan, allah, freemason, rothschild which is in the world

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 109 comments
Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis

3 hours ago

out of envy against man, and out of jealousy against God,

1. envy: because despite having sinned in the earthly paradise, men were given the possibility of being forgiven and the rebellious angels were not given this possibility.

2. envy because we men who do not have a suitable mind to understand the nature of God have been given through Jesus a sharing in his own divine nature because he is the head of his body which is the Church, but his body is also Jerusalem : that is, all servants of God humble and faithful and penitent and peaceful.

3. Jealousy because they mistakenly think that God has given privileges to man which the angels could not have: namely the Divine nature of the children of God.

4. that only Christians can access the same divine nature of God is my doctrine, it is not an official doctrine of the Christian Churches

messia king lorenzoJHWH

3 hours ago

thanks for your questions. Only God is eternal and subsisting, we exist in his thoughts of love for us, therefore he continues to love the demons who transform his love into torment and hatred, the rebel angels, they pointed out the divine nature that would come through Jesus of Bethlehem as lot to his followers (i.e. Christian martyrs)

our spirits did not exist from eternity, but had a beginning. God knew of us because He created all us in the terrestrial Paradise, before the present terrestrial time, and He lives outside of time ad aeternum.

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments
‘Shame on you’: Netanyahu slams leftist who desecrated his

2 days ago

the powers of the State must be balanced, and the primacy belongs to the Parliament,
but here, and throughout rockefeller's worldwide NWO Spa&Co, the judiciary overthrows and dominates the government that become minus habens idiot slave .. here democracy has already been annulled by DEM, and must be preserved

messia king lorenzoJHWH

2 days ago

desecrating and desecrating cemeteries is a typical attitude of Islamists
proponents of replacement theology, in fact 3000 cemeteries and monasteries and churches were razed to the ground under NATO supervision, the same happened in Armenia

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
100,000 is nothing: The myth of Israel’s 'mass anti-government

2 days ago

Despite media hype, getting 100,000 people out to a protest in Israel in unprecedented. And most of the media's lies depend on fooling people who don't know a whole lot about Israel.
the DEMs and Deep State, Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO, masonic system, esoteric agenda, City London, Bildenberg, Antifa, lgbt, shout: "to the regime, to the regime" but there is no other regime other than their neoliberal maximalist technocrat and Masonic parasitic mafia lobbyist and institutional-*an*l

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
‘Is this real?’ UN envoy thanks Hezbollah for ‘tour,’ eliciting

donkey Ape darwwin Study it ] [ You will have no other God but Rockefeller and MBS ] [ A novel that anticipates the spiritual implications of the latest discoveries in quantum physics by several years.
"Visibilia ex Invisibilibus" is the phrase that punctuates the book from the first to the last page, defined by the author as "the absolute secret of life".
The meeting with a person capable of leading the reader towards full knowledge of himself and his own potential.

big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Archeologists find ancient Hebrew coin dated to Jewish

big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much

messia king lorenzoJHWH

al-MBS Isis-Salman from Riyad bro ] [ someone keeps removing the upvotes i apply to my channel im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

messia king lorenzoJHWH

20 hours ago Detected as spam "Why did Meloni stop protecting the national interest on the issues that matter?" where I analyzed the contradiction of latest government choices regarding above all the issue of excise duties on petrol. Why has Meloni stopped protecting the national interest on the issues that matter? Listen up. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter, I also took up the theme of Peru and the conflict in Ukraine, publishing the video of my speech on the Telecolor news on the responsibilities of the United States in the ongoing war. US responsibilities in the conflict in Ukraine We have received your request for review

messia king lorenzoJHWH

20 hours ago Detected as spam
https://www.francescoamodeo.It/le-responsabilita-usa-nel-conflitto-in-ukraina-zionario-in-tv-di-amodeo/ On Thursday 12 January I published the introduction of a dossier entitled: "The secret origins of the European Union and the true interests of its principals". In which I revealed the content of the documents that emerged on the origins of the European Union as a project of the oligarchies and US intelligence with the complicity of the European politicians whom we define as the "founding fathers" and who instead we discover to have been mere executors of external diktats, On Friday 13 January I published a video entitled:

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
Palestinian Media: Recent storms ravaging US are result of

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

I can no longer find the testimony of this super policeman expelled from the prosecutor's office and whose investigations and documentation have been seized, in order to be able to affirm that the Mafia in Italy is protected by the government or its secret services, why can't I find the video anymore? I can't say it

messia king lorenzoJHWH
Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/perche-la-meloni-sulle-questioni-che-contano-ha-smesso-di-tutelare-linteresse-nazionale-ascoltate/ On Sunday 15 January, I published the complete dossier on the possible role of the World Economic Forum in planning for Peru's change of presidency.
The World Economic Forum and the 2030 agenda behind the coup in Peru and the support for Dina Boluarte. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

messia king lorenzoJHWH

Detected as spam

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/le-responsabilita-usa-nel-conflitto-in-ucraina-intervento-in-tv-di-amodeo/ On Thursday 12 January I published the introduction of a dossier entitled: "The secret origins of the European Union and the true interests of its principals".

In which I revealed the content of the documents that emerged on the origins of the European Union as a project of the oligarchies and US intelligence with the complicity of the European politicians whom we define as the "founding fathers" and who instead we discover to have been mere executors of external diktats .
On Friday 13 January I published a video entitled: "Why did Meloni stop protecting the national interest on the issues that matter?"
where I analyzed the contradiction of the latest government choices regarding above all the issue of excise duties on petrol.
Why has Meloni stopped protecting the national interest on the issues that matter? Listen up. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

I also took up the theme of Peru and the conflict in Ukraine, publishing the video of my speech on the Telecolor news on the responsibilities of the United States in the ongoing war.
US responsibilities in the conflict in Ukraine.
We have received your request for review



https://www.francescoamodeo.It/documenti-top-secret-sullucraina-trovati-nel-vecchio-ufficio-di-biden-vi-spiego-cosa-potrebbero-contenere/ On Wednesday 11 January, I published a dossier entitled: “WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about.”

An insight into the ongoing revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR) which would give WHO full powers over states.

WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

Also on Wednesday 11 I published a video entitled: "Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they could contain."

In the video I commented on the news of the discovery of classified documents from 2014 found in an old office of the American president.

Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they might contain. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

messia king lorenzoJHWH

On Tuesday 10 January I began to analyze the question of the coup d'état in Peru which led to a change in the presidency of the country and unleashed serious protests by the people with dozens and dozens of deaths. It may seem like a topic that doesn't concern us closely, instead I discovered and demonstrated that behind that change of government, there are those same circles of the World Economic Forum who aspire to a Great political, economic and social Reset that will also affect our country, therefore it is important to unmask and shine a spotlight on their way of carrying forward the points of what they define as the 2030 Agenda. Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers
Again on January 10 I published a complete "Video-Lesson on the role of the USA in the destabilization of Italy from the post-war period to today". Unmissable to understand how the de-industrialization of our country began and the use of the Euro as a financial weapon of destruction of our economy.

messia king lorenzoJHWH

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/il-pericoloso-conflitto-di-interessi-di-anthony-fauci-svelato-da-musk-nel-silenzio-dei-giornali/ Here are the main topics covered last week:
On Monday, January 9, I released the fourth installment of the Twitter Files, a set of internal Twitter, Inc. documents that were released, as of December 2022, by CEO Elon Musk and handed over to journalists shortly after Musk acquired Twitter. on October 27, 2022. These journalists coordinated the release of the documents with Twitter management, releasing the details of the files as a series of Twitter threads that I translated and reported following the publication history of the various threads in question. The files demonstrate how twitter has been used for political purposes. Lots of uncomfortable news censored. Many deleted profiles. Thousands of profiles shadow banned to avoid the spread of inconvenient news. Twitter acted as if it were in the service of the FBI and other US intelligence agencies. The fourth episode talks about the elimination of the twitter profile of the then incumbent president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.
The revelations of the "Twitter Files" explained point by point. Fourth episode: "The day they removed Donald Trump". - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative journalist

Also on January 9, I published a short video commenting on the very serious statements made by Elon Musk against Anthony Fauci, the White House immunologist who according to Musk should be investigated for responsibility for the outbreak of the pandemic. The CEO of Tesla and Twitter also denounced and disclosed a very serious conflict of interest which sees Fauci and his wife as protagonists who work for two government organizations in the health field who see them respectively in the guise of "controlled" and "controller" .
Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers

messia king lorenzoJHWH

FED ECB BM NWO lgbtqia demonic cult Owl ] [ But if boys and girls don't exist, where have 30 million Chinese girls gone? And why do they kill women in Iran? If China counts on the extermination of females, science museums, theaters and universities in the West erase biological se*. I wrote it in my book: "We will rule over our ruins" [ by Giulio Meotti
"Denying the two se*es in humans is the most striking example of how ideology mistreats science." Thus speaks the famous biologist of the University of Chicago Jerry Coyne in the penultimate issue of L'Express. The situation in the West would be comical if it weren't tragic. ...


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