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CardinalDoctrines 5 hours ago

5 hours ago

16. and they said to the mountains and to the crags: Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,
17. Why has the great day of their wrath come, and who can resist it?
therefore, here in Revelation 6, we are in agreement with Psalm 110 which speaks of 3 Kings on the Throne, as the Christian martyrs exterminated by the Communists and Mohammedans had spoken.
So we have the Lamb (Jesus of Bethlehem) who is angry together with Unius REI who condemns them to destruction with his face and who is angry like him.
Darwin Nietzsche Kant and their sodom satan allah jews plutocratic attacked russian christians to get their extermination we are very close to nuclear destruction of this planet
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

Revelation 6,1 When the Lamb (Jesus of Bethlehem) undid the first of the seven seals, I saw and heard the first of the four living beings (that is, the Gospel of MARK) crying as if with a voice of thunder: Come.
2. And behold, a white horse appeared to me, and his rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and then he rode out victorious to win again.
since the Lamb (Jesus of Bethlehem) undoes the seven seals, then he cannot be the King on the white horse, or can you think that he is the satanist King Rockefeller who is already the King of this Israel of Mason sodomites like Lapid?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

And behold, a white horse appeared to me, and his rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and then he rode out victorious to conquer again.
Jesus as the Word of God is God himself, he does not need to receive a crown, but apparently Rockefeller Spa & Co his Mohammedan slaughterers sharia, they want to climb over me, because they think that the other horses: war, famine and destruction are an excellent opportunities for them
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

UniusREI universal brotherhood procurator worldwide, ie, the first horse, white, is oriented towards the conquest of the terrestrial Kingdom of ISRAEL (Revelation 6:2). Its rider wears a crown and holds a bow. Some people have attributed the rider of this horse as the person of Jesus, as later in Revelation 19, Jesus rides a white horse. But Jesus is Almighty God and does not lend himself to being the King of Kings, why is every King like me? he is always an excrement

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

then this proves that God does not create our spirits at the moment of conception, but they pre-exist in God from all eternity.
and how could God condemn me to original sin because of Adam?
no, I tell you, did we all commit original sin personally and in the earthly paradise? we were all there.
therefore in the earthly Paradise there are many of our brothers who have not committed the original sin yet.
So all those who were born Christians committed original sin, out of ambition, with the hope that they too could become divine in nature through Jesus of Bethlehem.
But all those who were born in other religions did disobedience to God with other motivations
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

King David in Psalm 110 saw 3 Kings sitting on the Throne of God (and this is a mystery that exegesis and theology have not been able to solve), so he turned to me UniusREI that I sit in the center of the Throne, and yet, I I had not yet been conceived in my mother's womb.
yet I am the King of Kings, of Apocalypse fighting on a white horse, and my secret name is " FAITHFUL "
and this name everyone knows in my country
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

6 hours ago

it is erroneous to think that the spirit is immaterial, because the spirit is endowed with a spiritual body, therefore the fetus continues to grow in heaven until it reaches the age of Jesus of Bethlehem, i.e. 46 years, but the bodily spirit has the property of appear to us not all stages of his age
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

7 hours ago

theology says that conception could not take place, if the spirit had not first been infused and created by God first,
because: "it is the spirit that gives life and the flesh is of no use" Jesus of Bethlehem quote, otherwise we would do an injustice to all the innocent Christian martyrs (the billions) that Muslims killed for sharia
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

8 hours ago

the Churches of Satan of the CIA to entice their girls (the hinds) after the orgies to give up their fetuses? they say fetuses are born without souls and are the vampires of their youth
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

14 hours ago

yes the child that is in us, is the best part of our underwear, the bloodthirsty killers kill it/abort it in themselves
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
‘QUITE FITTING’: Herzog to address European Parliament on

7 hours ago

President Herzog ] [ you are more filthy than a latrine cloth, in fact you are a Freemason [ and if, you weren't a freemason of floating excrement, like all western politicians, how could you get to your place, how you can get to positions of power ?
(since all power belongs to Rockefeller and their sukkers spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF deep State lgbt DEM)
you are anti-Zionist squatters because you are enemies of my kingdom of Israel, incompetent you are!

there is no true Zionism without a monarchy.

the mad Mohammedans are right that sharia nazi horror akbarr kaput against to all impure kafir chinese people infidels want to exterminate you too
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

7 hours ago

President Herzog ] [ you are more filthy than a latrine cloth, in fact you are a Freemason [ because Rockefeller and Rothschild, after the war, allowed Tito to kill 200,000 Istrians in the sinkholes, and another 200,000 to drive them out of Croatia.
if it wasn't to purge them of having saved another 200,000 Jews fleeing the Balkans from Hitler?
And why did you slander Vice Quaestor Palatucci and expel him from the righteous of the nations? without him those 200,000 Jews would certainly have perished
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

8 hours ago

President Herzog's father was among the liberators of the Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp. YES GOOD WORK.
why did Rockefeller and Rothschild hide the existence of the Nazi extermination camps for 4 years?
the Witnesses of GEOVA had made the publications in 4 languages, 4 years earlier, but they pretended not to know
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

8 hours ago

Herzog President] Allah Akbarr, how are the Petrodollari Spa & Co Wahhabiti Petrodollars, to your scum of Anglo-American Jews? Israel stinks from all sides
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

8 hours ago

President Herzog's father, who was also an Israeli president, was among the liberators of the Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp. YES GOOD WORK.
but he was not also a liberator of the Jewish-Masonic sodomitic esoteric occult demonic usury, high constitutional treason the banking seigniorage, the formation of relativism, anarchy and mafias, and corruption, and immorality, and it is because of him that we had Hitler and Mussolini, these scum of Jews must stop playing the victim all the time
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
CIA saved Mossad agents trapped abroad, Pompeo says in new

8 hours ago

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
these excrement created the powers, financial, deep state, demonic occult and masonic and lost control of them,
and now we have esoteric agenda
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

14 hours ago

Pompeo in a new book, the only thing he can write is the CIA Churches of Satan and the over 200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan in the US alone, every year.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Jewish prayer item can help prevent heart attacks – study

8 hours ago

Jewish prayer item can help prevent heart attacks?
yes obviously, the Torah, and the psalms of King David have the power to heal from diseases, while the Talmud brings diseases
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 109 comments
Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis

19 hours ago

Bin MBS from Riyadh Salman ie Salaam ] [ when did the prophets of Israel say the nastiest things? but those were the real things!
The same is true for Unius REI, believe him or you will go to destruction.
Mohammed is in hell and can only harm you
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Michael Ateek
19 hours ago

no one can question the mother's life
and that's the only case admitted, whoever can't raise a child leaves him in the hospital or goes to jail
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

Thank you for this report Psalm 127 thank you.
today i saw a woman pushing the stroller (but when i got closer she was the shopping cart)
today I saw a 40-year-old man carrying a dog in his arms instead of a child
continue here to make the Word of God speak because we here, we are thirsty and hungry for the presence of God
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

demonic Jews plutocrats Luciferians Freemasons, and all your abomination of infernal infestation ] [ you will never be able to legitimize the coup on Maidan Square that you made with the CIA in 2014.
I demand and order in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem my King:
1. Ukraine always outside from the OTAN:
2. to Putin must be released immediately Donbass and Crimea
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

Jews plutocrats Luciferians Freemasons ] [ I demand satisfaction for my request ] exterminate exterminate all Ottoman and Wahhabi Shiites in my compensation. exterminate all Ottoman and Wahhabi Shiites in my compensation
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

now we come to how the plutocratic Jews Masons have exterminated Christians for 2000 years, and how they are still exterminating them today in Donbass and throughout the ARAB LEAGUE.
plutocratic Jews invented Islam (to exterminate Christians)
plutocratic Jews invented the French Revolution (to exterminate Christians)
plutocratic Jews invented Communism (to exterminate Christians)
plutocratic Jews invented Freemasonry (to exterminate Christians)
plutocratic jews invented central banks rothschild spa&co (to exterminate christians)
the plutocratic Jews had 1 billion Christians exterminated from Sharjah, still today a Christian is killed every 8 minutes.
plutocratic Jews had 100 million Christians exterminated by communism
now I ask Liliana Segre, where did she build a mausoleum or a day of memory of her, for these 1,100,000,000 Christians that she killed with her satan synagogue?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

if Mussolini opposed Hitler on the racial laws? Hitler could not have exterminated the Jews, and in the worst case he could have brought them all to Italy
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

when you think about the Holocaust of the Nazis against the jews? for the strong horror, you will never be able to find the adequate words, because there are no adequate words, but the greatest fault is not Hitler's, but that infamous-infamous traitor Mussolini, because while there were too many few Jews were Nazis, many Jews were fascists.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

the precursor dell'antichrist Bergoglio is full of mortal sins and he hopes that God is a stoned old do-gooder stupid.
but before God even an omission, laziness, selfishness, foolish thinking is paid for, everything is paid for

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago

how does someone think or hope to kill their child (fetus) and then, to be able to go to Heaven anyway? THIS IS ABSURD!!!
Sure, atoning sacrifice in my THIRD Jewish temple would be helpful, but until it's built by MBS ISIS from Riyadh Salman Bin bro king?
if you have been a good honest charitable person, for this sin of abortion you will have to wait in hell anyway! because, the expiatory sacrifice extinguishes the faults of those who have died and makes them enter first in purgatory and then also in paradise
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 109 comments
Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis

20 hours ago

life is given, proceeds and is composed: from the seed (fetus), from the plant, and from the fruit (another fetus).
abortion is an abominable crime against the natural law,
it is not primarily a religious prohibition.
in fact, I do not represent a religion, because I am the living natural and universal law
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

21 hours ago

The FBI at Biden's house: 6 other top secret documents found
these governments jabulOn Rothschild spa&co Masonic are in the administrative and visible part of the pyramid,
but it is the invisible part with the eye of lucifer Allah Saruman which is the most dangerous part where there are 33 masonic degrees and 33 satanic degrees, the lgbtqia are transversal part of the staff.
Now all Western populace deserve the death penalty for high treason and bank seigniorage.
So we have the governors of the Spa&Co central banks, because the supreme king is rockefeller, known by all in hell: "the devil"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments
Israeli envoy to Canada stepping down in protest against

Evan Torch
20 hours ago

release your love upon me, and I will be healed and forgiven,
so i will release my love upon you, to heal and forgive you,
because I don't think you want to go to hell for high treason against my crown. God hadn't foreseen sexual relations for Adam and Eve, He had foreseen it only for animals like Lapid & Mohammed who is a Darwin monkey
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
The left’s largest nonprofits funneled $39 million to china in

a day ago

"Burning the Koran is legal": Sweden's slap to Erdogan, at least as much as burning Christian churches and Bibles is legal throughout the ARAB LEAGUE
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

BARI, 23 JAN - The DEM president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano met today in Bari, in the seat of the presidency, with the consul general of the United States of America in Naples, that is the witch Tracy Roberts-Pounds.
the antifa, satanists, pornographers, moneylenders, Islamist DEM Masons, sodomites? one family for satan and bergoglio
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

The left's largest nonprofits funneled $39 million to China in 2021, documents show
the antifa DEMs are mentally ill, they are a Rothschild nazi lgbt regime lucifer jabulon, yet they still believe they are democracy
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 69 comments
WATCH: NY ‘day of rage’ openly calls for intifada, destruction

a day ago

Anti-Israel organizations Samidoun and Within Our Lifetime this week held a "day of anger" in New York's Grand Central Station demanding the release of two Palestinian terrorists: PFLP leader Ahmad Sa'adat, who is serving a prison sentence 30 years for the assassination of an Israeli cabinet member and Ahmad Manasra, who is serving a sentence for the attempted murder of an Israeli teenager. The demonstration openly called for a global intifada to facilitate the destruction of Israel, to be replaced with a Palestinian state from the river to the sea.
with their anger the sharia, every 8 minutes, kill an innocent Christian in the world. 1.2 billion are the Christians that the Nazi UMMA has replaced
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Berlin gives in to pressing. Agreement on Leopard tanks is close
a population of: Gopisti CIA 2014, exterminators of Russian speakers in the Donbass, and OTAN imperialists, of corrupt Masons from bank seigniorage? it is racing on the road to total destruction.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

"With the veil it's not me", She couldn't take it anymore, perhaps also due to all that has been happening in her country since that cursed day of Mahsa Amini's death: the 22-year-old arrested by the morality police because she did not wear properly and died in hospital after two days in a coma. Since then Iran has been in revolt and the methods
of suppressing protests are atrocious. "With the Islamic veil I'm not myself." These are the words of the young Iranian chess champion Sara Khadem who fled
to Spain after participating in an international tournament without the mandatory hijab.
every religious theocracy like every ideology destroys and annihilates people's identity,
that's why I'm a lay theocracy
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

NY "day of rage" openly calls for the intifada, the destruction shoah of Israel, the release of Palestinian terrorists all innocents martyr ISIS sharia virgin
the Quran wants it because Erdogan is his Ottoman UMMA replacement prophet OTAN authorized genocidal UN Sharjah
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula (known as the bottle) da Silva ] about elettoral fraud, only me said this? if you were a man you would have rerun the election in person, without resorting to deferred voting, which was what Bolsonaro legally asked the army to do, but you are a corrupt rothschild parasitic of hellworm,
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

two antifa in love Rockefeller under one hut FED Spa&Co lgbt deep state masonic system God Owl jabulon ] [ Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula (known as the bottle) da Silva apologized on Monday for the "impolite remarks" made by his incumbent predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, towards the Argentine population. alias and the Argentine president Alberto Fernández (known as the cap) and asked to re-establish a fraternal relationship that "should never have been interrupted".
the DEMs, in addition to being slanderers, have specialized in slander and electoral fraud, because Jesus of Bethlehem said that: "the children of this world are more cunning than the children of light"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Italian arrested in Florida: he earned 80 thousand euros by pretending to be a violinist while begging
yes in Italy we have to arrest the violinist Rothschild, he also pretends to be a banker and instead is a thief of scam banking seigniorage
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Pro-Hamas lobbying group in UK accuses Israeli lawmakers of

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman MBS ʿĀʾisha bint Abī Bakr, your mother bast*rd? with Who did she have her children with?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

ʿĀʾisha bint Abī Bakr, in Arabic: عائشة بنت أبي بكر, known as Umm al-Muʾminīn, "the witout menstruating mother of failed believers", was the daughter of the dishonored and depraved pedo Abū Bakr, first caliph of Islam,
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Koran and sharia are so genocidal, that Mohammedans also remove the cemeteries, to all peoples who are replaced by the UMMA
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Likud minister calls end to state-funded events on Shabbat -

a day ago

AGAINST ADULTERY ] [ Rockefeller said: "only trolls should go and insult Unius REI",
then, they block me and my comments are lost for me. [[ bro ISIS Bin Salman MBS from Riyadh ] ] 15 years on the computer, with 10 hours a day, even without rest breaks, for my universal political ministry? they would have demolished a bull, but not me, who am Unius REI, and have perfect health. God only punished
my lust because my manhood was artificially diminished, God hates the lustful, and sexual intercourse that isn't potentially procreative, but that was the only sport I could afford

bro ISIS Bin Salman MBS from Riyadh ] [ penance penance penance, there is no other way to ascend to heaven. the path of every man on earth is always a painful ascetic path, God vindicated my wife's theological position

ET Evan Torch
Get psych Rx ASAP

TO Evan Torch
oh Mohammed had become impotent, oh, but if you knew how well the sin of lust worked with the little 9 year old sheep MOTHER ʿĀʾisha bint Abī Bakr, "Mother of the failed believers ", was the daughter of Abū Bakr, the first criminal dishonored caliph of Islam,
and, later, was the most important wife of pig prophet who sank into hell like all pedophiles, polygamists, what if I wanted to go to a young and very helpful woman friend of mine? my momentary impotence problems, which I am having with my wife, would immediately disappear, this means that it is sin that inflates lust,
that is, if you don't lack logic, dear, Does anything make you believe that a sinner like me likes God's laws? but the laws of God are those.
ANSWER ======CAN'T THE ANTI-SP*M stop this commenti, the CIA agent of satan who wants to cancel it? don't do it
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


we are not secular State,
but, we are laicity kingdom Israel.
Likud minister calls for end to state-funded Shabbat events, but is overruled by Netanyahu
but, we are laicity kingdom Israel lorenzoJHWH.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments
Israeli envoy to Canada stepping down in protest against

Evan Torch

oh Mohammed had become impotent, oh, but if you knew how well the sin of lust worked with the little 9 year old sheep ʿĀʾisha bint Abī Bakr, Arabic: عائشة بنت أبي بكر, called Umm al-Muʾminīn, "Mother of the failed believers ", was the daughter of Abū Bakr, the first criminal dishonored caliph of Islam, and, later, was the most important wife of the pig prophet who sank into hell like all pedophiles, polygamists
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Evan Torch

what if I wanted to go to a young and very helpful woman friend of mine? my momentary impotence problems, which I am having with my wife, would immediately disappear, this means that it is sin that inflates lust,
that is, if you don't lack logic
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Evan Torch

dear, Does anything make you believe that a sinner like me likes God's laws?
but the laws of God are those.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro ISIS Bin Salman MBS from Riyadh ] [ penance penance penance, there is no other way to ascend to heaven.
the path of every man on earth is always a painful ascetic path
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


God vindicated my wife's theological position
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro ISIS Bin Salman MBS from Riyadh ] [ 15 years on the computer, with 10 hours a day, even without rest breaks, for my universal political ministry? they would have demolished a bull, but not me, who am Unius REI, and have perfect health. God only punished my lust because my manhood was artificially diminished, God hates the lustful, and sexual intercourse that isn't potentially procreative, but that was the only sport I could afford
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


"Islamic families have the full right to be able to have a diet that respects their religious principles, if they request it.
no, this right does not exist, but there is the right to be informed, and to bring alternative food from home
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


“Halal meat for all children”. The case explodes in the schools of Lodi
what's wrong with that? halal meat is tastier and healthier
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Netanjahu ] [ get ready militarily
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


With the transition to the new government and a different policy in Israel, my personal and professional integrity has compelled me to request to shorten my term and return to Israel this summer,” Hoffman wrote in a message on Twitter.
it is true: ISIS sodomite and satanist Masons have their own personal and professional integrity, they know how to be faithful to their demon Rockefeller sharjah, so why did they enter Freemasonry if not to spit against God and against the people?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
LEAKED THREAT: Will Israel’s attorney general call on


MBS ISIS from Riyadh my bro ] [ I've been here for 15 years, protected by the rockefellers and his CIA priests of satan only because there is an angelic convention that they are forced to respect
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


for Netanjahu the time has come to declare, if he is on the side of the plutocrats or if, he is on the side of the people, then he must re-hire the legislator that the judiciary rejected, but that the people elected.
he needs to stop being a strong man of the caxxo
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews China Russia India etc.. ] open letter [ Netanjahu was trying to answer me, but the CIA prevented him.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The protest staged by a Swedish activist in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, with prior authorization, did not please the Turks of the diaspora in Sweden.
Who took to the streets on Sunday to condemn Stockholm, Sweden: Erdogan's fake execution infuriates Turkey, Ankara at the stake of the Koran in Sweden: "Cowardly and unacceptable". Frost with Stockholm, Yesterday the right-wing activist Rasmus Paludan burned
the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, a few days earlier a mannequin representing President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was hung from a gallows. Ankara cancels the visit of the Swedish defense minister, Too much for Ankara which immediately canceled the visit of the Swedish Foreign Minister. A visit that Stockholm held dear and with which he wanted to diplomatically win Ankara's no to Sweden's entry into NATO. As Ridvan Kaya, president of the Ozgur-Der foundation stated: "What we want to emphasize is the Swedish government's approval of this baseness. We cannot accept it, such an attack on any faith is a direct provocation, and giving one's assent Sweden participated in the criminal act of Rasmus Paludan. We protest against this".
why did the UN EU US give these Mahometan beasts the right to burn Churches, Bibles and Christians?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Will the Israeli attorney general ask Prime Minister Netanyahu to step down?
if that were to happen we would have to kill them both for high treason
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Classified documents at Biden's home: the president is more vulnerable but will not let himself be stopped
you must not think that, only politics in the USA is a Hollywood script, to pull the wool over chickens' eyes, where there is no monetary sovereignty as in Riyadh it is all evil hypocrisy and demonic Masonic corruption equal
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Israel Supreme Court president’s war against democracy –


Esther Hayut alias Josef Rudolf Mengele , and her Satanists just like Hitler and Rothschild did, appropriate Jewish Christian symbols, and carry the conclusions of their plutocratic and technocratic Masonic financial regime to the extreme,
Hayut then explained how the Israeli judicial aristocracy performs its function of protecting the imperialist interests of rockefeller and his Wahhabis
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Esther Hayut transformed the court into a super-legislator, empowered to dictate the terms of Rockefeller laws to the elected representatives of the people, based on the values of Satan
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Chief Justice Esther Hayut at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem,
why don't you elect this death's head also as President of Israel?
then yes that would be more coherent
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
WATCH: 10 dead, more wounded in Los Angeles shooting


the sodom satan allah they pushed Russia into communism, and this will lead to do with all Mohammedans, Armageddon against Israel in 200 years
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the sodom satan allah are superhuman esoteric occult perverse corrupt freemasons and dangerous it is true: the Russian people are looking for their own Christian identity it is true; but Islam and communism cannot be ennobled after hundreds of millions of innocent deaths. They are works that "have not stood the test of time and do not correspond to reality", and therefore will no longer find space within the school curriculum in Russia.
The State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, has proposed to exclude texts such as The Gulag Archipelago by Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and other titles
from the world of national education. In their place, Soviet authors will find space who, on the contrary, "preserve the historical memory" of the country. Moscow's stated goal is to restore "historical justice" and instill high doses of patriotism in students, using absolutely the wrong tools: lies.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro Bin MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ all the Wahhabis you sent to work in the USA, in the American secret services, after they saw aliens, secret technology, after they participated in human sacrifices, now, they have sworn to serve Rockefeller, sure they will no longer serve your kingdom, and now you have two options:
1. abandon them in USA,
2. kill them all.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro Bin MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ when I said to you yesterday: "I hope you are not a fool that you do as I have indicated to you, because those are the Satanists?" I meant that: CIA FBI NSA kidnap only in the USA: 100,000 girls every year, and they experiment to found their uterus, so after a few hours they end up eaten on the altar of Satan and this obviously requires that all the agencies in the USA are judged by the satanists themselves
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro Bin MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ 10 dead, others injured in Los Angeles shooting
they speak of senseless massacres and murders, but the Churches of Satan, the Mosques of Allah and the synagogues of Satan?
they have a sense that the state fails to see
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
Netanyahu fires Interior Minister Aryeh Deri


t/notizie/mondo/perbenismo-e-nuovi-barbari-ci-distruggono-dall-interno/ Respectability and new barbarians destroy us from within, But perhaps it is not yet clear to everyone that the swerve of the current economic system implies forced choices also in terms of principles. The flames of political correctness are sustaining a cultural and pedagogical action which, while flaunting the defense of self-determination and freedom,
creates ethical codes similar to instruments of censorship and slavery.
The West is sawing off the branch he is sitting on. In the throes of a senile illness from the fall of the Empire, however, for some time it has also been self-feeding a short circuit that could accelerate the collapse. Because if on the one hand it has a perverse propensity to deny its historical and cultural identity, on the other it yearns for a new universe of rights which,
with a pretentious missionary spirit, it would like to impose on the world.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Zelensky's great fear and the visit of the head of the CIA to Kiev
what is more normal just and legal after the CIA coup, that is, to release Donbass and Crimea to Russian speakers?
and deny that Ukraine can join NATO?
but evidently OTAN like the Arab League have an imperialist project
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Prime Minister Netanyahu upholds Supreme Court ruling against Shas leader, fires Health Minister and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri.
what is the institutional position of the sovereign people? obviously in the first place, that is, if the rothschild occult power hadn't turned people into goyims cattle,
what happened is unconstitutional, the minister must be taken back
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 77 comments
Mike Pompeo: Netanyahu lied about possible defense treaty


we must raze the mohammeddans middle east to the ground and have no mercy on anyone

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Pompeo, an evangelical Christian and longtime friend of Israel, wrote that he was inspired early on by Israel's history and "decided to leave it even stronger than I found it."

One of his most important statements was that he supported Israel's historical and legal right to build in Judea and Samaria. In a policy shift for the US government, he said in November 2019 that Israeli settlements are not "per se, inconsistent with international law".

While the idea that all settlement in the disputed region is automatically illegal has been a Palestinian mantra adopted by most of the world, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter itself guaranteed that Jews had the unalterable right to live anywhere in what it had been British Mandate Palestine in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
For its survival, Israel needs a strong man more than ever: Netanjahu,
and a very strong man: lorenzoJHWH
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


'There's a knock on the door', apocalypse, sacrifice and the Bible
is the title of a stupid film, but it is good for sinners to prepare to die well
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Medvedev, 'the West is ready to tear Russia apart'
this is the project of the Ottoman Wahhabi spa&co pedrollari, which had its financial and logistical realization in 2010, and which was realised/realized with the bloody coup of 2014. nuclear weapons against European capitals is the only solution
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Pope invites us to overcome divisions in the Church and not to get lost in "secondary discussions".
historical apostolic succession has gone away in the brothel of freemasonry,
all this apostate clergy of vatican II according to bilndenberg, must resign,
and we are waiting for the Grand Prelate to create a new curia and a new apostolic succession
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro Bin Isis MBS from Riyadh ] [ whoever strikes Netanjahu and me, strikes Israel, he is the only one who can save Israel
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


bro Bin Isis MBS from Riyadh ] [ you finally understood who UniusREI is, I am incapable of betraying, hating, lying and deceiving, the enemy (and sharjah is my biggest enemy) deserves respect, love and redemption, and before facing him I will do everything to save him even if he seeks my death.
I am the rider on a white horse, who fights with honor and fairness, my arrows are justice, love and truth, so I condemn and fight.
Yesterday I could have hurt you and your women easily, but I'm not a bad man, to be able to do bad things
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Former US Secretary of State anti-Zionist Satanist Mike Pompeo accuses Israeli prime minister
yes the US loves Israel, because even Cain loved Abel
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
‘You are vermin’: London’s Orthodox Jews targeted in latest


my bro MBS Bin From Riyadh ] [ I hope you won't be stupid enough to try, those are the satanists. the fact that your cronies: the Rockefellers 666 Bergoglio Rothschild Spa&Co first with their cursed Wahhabi Freemasons stole, first monetary sovereignty, then, they stole political sovereignty, and now through the reproductive organs donated to satan DEM NetWork Satellite TV are leading Christianity to destruction.
So, I will destroy your NWO-UMMA ISIS with the same reproductive organs, and then what? I don't see many happy Israelis here to want to die in your kabbalah Shoah
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


hey, incompetent in sexology, eih smart monkery talmud-kuran, donkey Ape darwin, many intelligent and developed like Lapid, [ eih, donkey now you Study it ] [ You will have no other God that Rockefeller and MBS his lick ] [ https://www.francescoamodeo.It/
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


open lette a my bro ISIS MBS Al-Allah akrar from Riyadh apostaters takfiruis strong ] we are two incompetent in sexology [ Synnek1, the cannibal satanist World director of youtube, today 187AudioHostem (that is, before Rockefeller entrusted it to the lgbtq to manage the satellite TV social network ).
he told me that women for all the sacrifices they make?
they deserve to "squirt", but what I understand is that: the vagina should fart and then it should spray urine everywhere,
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Zelensky said that whoever doesn't send the Leopar2 is killing the Ukrainians, who are giving their lives for the values of rothschild spa&co, sodomitic Freemasons and Islamists cult, imperialism OTAN FED CIA God Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure, Wahhabi petrodollars
no, only Zelensky is killing the Ukrainians
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Pope Francis under attack, the lunge of Cardinal Müller: "He commands a magical Luciferian LGBT Masonic circle (the St. Gallen mafia), he privileged his friends over abuses"
What's wrong? magic is consubstantial with the sorcerers of Pachamama.
Bergoglio the Freemason said my slander hurts him
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Minister Nordio does not bow to his robes, but the Freemason Travaglio launches a collection of signatures to oust him
the same story of Israel, then, let's send the Parliament home and make the judicial regime in an institutional way, since already the Masonic lgbt judicial regime rules the world of Rockefeller FED ECB BM NWO IMF all Spa&co
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


'You are parasites': London's Orthodox Jews targeted in latest wave of anti-Semitic hate crimes
the absurd criminalization of an entire people (what Muslims do against Christians), and its negative being in a generalized way? it shows Islamic ideology, hatred and lust for genocide, predation and ignorance.
Obviously 20% of Jews will also be Freemasons and parasites but not all the others
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 298 comments
Saudi Arabia: Palestinian statehood is a prerequisite for ties


Disqus ] [ why don't you use a better glue to glue your likes? they don't stay
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Saudi Arabia: Palestinian UMMA jihad terror state a prerequisite for ties with Israel
this is great news : "kill ISIS the Wahhabi"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Terrorist stabbing attack foiled at Israeli farm, terrorist


Everything has now been said about the Maneskin's "blasphemous and perverse fake LGBT wedding" in Rome and it is useless to go back to the (non) elegance and excessive ostentation of the event. However, there is an element that perhaps has escaped the most and that is causing a lot of buzz in the corridors of the Capitol. Who ordered the escort to the Cadillac of the Roman band with the police officers of Roma Capitale? A question raised by the League that shakes the majority of the Roman junta, unable to explain why the agents were found for this service who, however, always turned out to be too few on all other occasions.
Satanism is now the new religion of the state and of Bergoglio the Freemason
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Turkish ambassador assumes post in Israel for first time since


Turkey cancels Swedish defense minister's visit after Koran burning in Stockholm.
Muslims for shariah kill an innocent Christian martyr every 8 minutes in the world, and why isn't Erdogan indignant about this, and instead calls his terrorists martyrs?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Sodomitic Masonic Baltic States and Rothschild Luciferians in Unison Demand Germany to Send Leopard Tanks to Ukraine Immediately, and Zelensky Says Whoever Doesn't Send Leopards Kills Ukrainians
but, this is a criminal imperialist NATO war,
started in 2014 with a CIA coup
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


In Ukraine iron fist on conscientious objector by faith. Vitaly Alekseienko,
the evangelical Christian from the Donetsk region already found guilty in the first instance,
last September, of the crime of "avoidance of military service during mobilization".
«Ukraine is a member of the Council of Europe and is a candidate to join the EU
and therefore the Kiev government should safeguard the right to conscientious objection even in times of war, respecting international standards, including those established by the European Court of Human Rights". Meanwhile, for Vitaly Alekseienko, who in recent months has never tried to escape his country, (he was allegedly shot) the doors of prison for a year have opened.
this is an imperialist criminal war of NATO, which began in 2014 with a coup by the CIA
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Turkey cancels Swedish defense minister's visit after Koran burning in Stockholm.
in the central square of Istanbul, in the presence of the police, an evangelist was threatened with death because he had his bibles on the table,
Muslims have burned 14,000 churches in recent years and the Bibles burned by Muslims cannot be counted.
but NATO is a plutocratic jew freemason satanist and also need the mahometans to kill the chinese
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
WATCH: Abortion survivor responds to Dems' NO vote on


dogs? they don't.
Abortion is the greatest crime against humanity in history.
the presence of God has been annulled from our society
and animals have become Darwin monkeys like Lapid
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


"Who paid?". Storm in the Capitol for the Maneskin escort
What's wrong? lgbtqia are at the core of our demonic institutions
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
Palestinian Media: Recent storms ravaging US are result of


in a video I listened to the testimony of a policeman who was prevented from accessing the prosecutor's office, and that all his investigations into Matteo Messina Denaro disappeared
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


, JAN 21 - Three US marines, all on duty and active in intelligence operations, were arrested
for the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. This brings the number of soldiers accused of having links to the insurgency to 12 implemented by Donald Trump supporters after
the presidential election won by Joe Biden through a CIA read fraud
there will no longer be valid ballots in the West unless electronic and postal voting is abolished.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Sexual assault: child abuse, school bus driver arrested.
why did the DEMs fill the internet with every dirty film, and lgtqia unnatural perversion?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Turkey criticizes the cover of «The Economist» which warns that the country could become a dictatorship
and why now all the ARAB LEAGUE what sharia is?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the DEMs have turned young Italians into thugs and bullies. Modena, professor scolds two students and is attacked in class: the man has an illness and ends up in hospital.
Mocked and verbally attacked by two students, a high school teacher accused of illness.
The 118 doctors and three police cars intervened on the spot. The man was taken to the hospital for all the checks on the case while the students are now at risk
of being reported. This happened yesterday morning in Modena at the 'Fermo Cornì industrial technical institute,
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The United States in Hollywood built the Russian threat, carried out a coup in Kiev in 2014, and now insists on support for Ukraine after Germany's postponement of tanks: «We can all do more».
to push mankind into world war
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Biden on classified docs discovery: 'There's no there there'


Eva Kaili have: the former president of the European Parliament was tortured. The deputy was allegedly closed for two days in total isolation, in a freezing cell, without blankets, her coat was taken away, without water, without being able to wash even though she was menstruating, with a light always on to disturb her sleep. So that she came to the interrogation “softened”. This would have happened by order of the investigating judge who is leading the investigation.
something Jewish-Masonic demonic has taken over the EU. but those are a legion of demons that neither forgets nor forgives
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Cardinal Müller: «A magic circle around Pope Francis which also decides the appointments»
something Jewish-Masonic demonic has taken possession of the Vatican second According to Bildenberg
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine asks for tanks against Russia: Leopard or Abrams, what changes.
under international law, there has never been a Ukraine after the CIA coup on Maidan, so the only legitimate president is still Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


today the gas station attendant took advantage of my distraction, and didn't put me a drop of petrol, but stole 20 euros from me
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the mother of all satanisms and crimes and thefts nose from
bank seigniorage, which is a private monopoly of Rothschild and his Masonic Jewish mafia.
so all Masonic state institutions, religions and coorporations are all founded on theft and satanism
there is no doubt that to Rockefeller and Bin Salman Satan and Allah show their gratitude
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The "Biden Obama lgbt wedding" of the Maneskin in Rome: the band has sworn eternal union.
when the artistic value wanes? then, you must be transgressive and vulgar for the sake of satan and for the sake of his benefits
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 75 comments
Kushner had 'knock-down screaming matches' with Trump,


Sanremo, Amadeus on Tg1 with the Maneskin: "They will be super guests at the Festival"
they are a pure act of blasphemy and provanation and artificially created satanism like lgbt, by speculative plutocratic jewish finance
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Disqus sai here are 21 comment of https://disqus.Com/by/messiakinglorenzojhwh/ here? who is taking away my up-votes?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews where are my other channel comment https://disqus.Com/by/messiakinglorenzojhwh/ here?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments
WATCH: IRGC Navy drill deploys cruise missiles, attack drones


The "wedding" of the Maneskin in Rome: the band has sworn eternal union. The performance on the occasion of the release of the new album, «Rush». To «officiate» the ceremony, Alessandro Mic
when the artistic value wanes? then, you must be transgressive and vulgar for the sake of satan and for the sake of his benefits
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Michel: "On their way to Kiev, Ukrainians also fight for common European values"
the Rothschild neoliberal relativist, nihilistic, p0rn0graphic and plutocratic Masonic demonic technocratic Rothschild values?
no, they have not yet been constitutionally defined
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


to Cardinal Bergoglio
my previous bishop said: "oooh i have a dIicIk too"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Vatican, Cardinal Mueller: "On abuses in the Church, friends of the Pope have had privileged treatment"
therefore Cardinal Bergoglio has gay lgbtqia and adulterous lobbies, has apostates pagan Pachamama cult, ie Masonic lobbies and Luciferian lobbies as friends, and
but he has Catholics as enemies
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


No one has ever explained to me how a 2014 CIA coup in Maidan Square can be legal, a Ramstein summit on heavy weapons in Kiev can be constitutional. Crosetto: anti-missile batteries and land vehicles. The eighth meeting of the US-led contact group for Ukraine, which brings together about 50 countries, including NATO allies and other partners, has begun at the US air base in Ramstein, Germany. Representing Washington is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
Ramstein is one of the NATO places, where in Germany alone 30000 human sacrifices are made on the altar of satan every year
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


al-MBS Bin-ISIS from Riyadh ] [ my wife dont know UniusREI and does not want to fulfill his marital duties, so she prophesied , tonight she said i am single..
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


al-MBS Bin-ISIS from Riyadh ] [ yes sometimes, I can be wrong but it is a rare and low relative percentage ] God created 120 billion angels, and 120 billion men, now our souls have a perfect memory of these 240 billion of beings
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews ] [ your page took 10 minutes to load and google said you don't want to answer me, but the truth is that with my resources the priests of satan make a clone of my activities in USA
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


al-MBS Bin-ISIS from Riyadh ] The Luciferian Masonic Church of England apologizes for past homophobia.
it is evident your relative Rothschild and Rockefeller have become gay
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Where did all the far-left organizers at the anti-Netanyahu rally


AT THE INITIATION of Coup Maidan Cia snippers Nuland & PORKOSCHENCO BLOOD CHOCOLATE, Estonia to deliver largest military aid package to Ukraine since the start of the war
President Joe Biden with all the institutional staff of the EU USA with his son Hunter are demonic beings.
they spat at christianity and gave themselves to satan and allah and sodom without hesitation
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Photos place Hunter Biden in Corvette at site of classified docs


Isn't it strange that the people are always criminals, who assault the Masons' institutions because they don't accept the electoral fraud of the FBI CIA NSA, Deep State of all the spas & Co, and of the satellite social TV media network, algorithms and A.I.?
The European anti-Zionist and anti-Christ sodomitic Masonic Parliament condemned "with the utmost firmness" the assault on institutions in Brazil, expressing solidarity with ANTIFA President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
and emphasizing former President Jair Bolsonaro's role in the attack, and in Rockefeller's economic crisis in the country,
President Joe Biden with his son Hunter two demonic beings.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


you the Jews, you will answer for every Christian you have martyred in the world, these past 2,000 years,
Princeps *** the Wahhabi, his channel is still on youtube, he told me yes, they are the killers but the Jews are the instigators.
President Joe Biden with his son Hunter two demonic beings ] [ the tale of
Russian threat never existed, it was all a fabrication by the CIA and NATO. Armageddon will come in 250 years when communism and sharjah
will be resurrected. the antichrist cannot appear today because I am Unius REI.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Is Putin dead? Zelensky says he is 'unsure' if Russian leader is


the story of the Russian threat never existed, it was all a fabrication by the CIA and NATO.
Armageddon will come in 250 years when communism and sharjah will be resurrected.
the antichrist cannot appear today because I am Unius REI.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Is Putin dead? Zelensky says he is "unsure" whether the Russian leader is still alive.
if Putin dies? nothing would change, because, I don't think the leaders of India China Russia etc. will betray their peoples as have all the European leaders who have trampled Christianity and the constitution because the sodom liked Davos 50 years ago of their rothschild foundation. ..
Davos 2020, what it is and why the meeting of the world Luciferian Zelenscky masonic antizionist elite was born
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


even if the american dogs-amers USA Satan Sodom,
*** they decide when a coup in Ukraine is constitutional if it is done by them.
*** when pogroms are right in Donbass and their jihadist galaxy
*** they decide when a secession is legal if it is done for the sake of Allah in Kosovo.
*** they decide when an Arab Spring is right, especially if it can exterminate all Christians,
*** so rothschild and rockefeller have the media, they have transnational freemasonry, they have finance, they have all the Spa & Co.
*** therefore they are always right because they are the ultimate criterion of the arbitrary truth of satan and lgbt Darwin the talmudic monkeys with a humanoid form "the muggles", however no one can break down the logic and reciprocity that sharia Islamists and Freemasons trample continuously.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Technology reveals proof of the ancient kingdom of Israel’s

messia king lorenzoJHWH

Bin-ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ God is not like us humans, he loves tenaciously and romantically and infinitely everything and everyone, good and bad, angels and demons, yet, this does not prevent him from being empathetic, from loving something or someone more than any other, to be affectionate, emotional and very very very sensitive, to prefer one food, one music, one dance, to another, but he is also legally minded, and he knows that dirty work against Satan and against all the enemies of Unius REI must be done,
here's the thing, I'm the judge and the executioner, it's always me,
I will destroy Satan and all that belongs to him, I will put a barrier to God's mercy.
but this is not the time and it's not my position today, because I can't reach my level of infused science today,
but i can set up in my third jewish temple a path of mercy to save mankind i.e wahhabis permitting
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments
Following ruling, Netanyahu visits 'brother in need'; Deri


2Detected as spamUkrainian war, Olena Zelenska, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos. "Unity is what brings peace back," she added.
answerWe have received your request for review of her I have heard her aberrant list of her her slanders her and historical distortions of her her, but the funniest passage her was
her her s her when she spoke of the unity of all LGBTs in NATO. who pay jihzia to Rockefeller, that is, even when Modi, Xi and Putin will also wear stiletto heels and fishnet stockings like Lapid
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


there is no judge who can tell the government what to do, this is a coup
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 54 comments
'Deri cannot continue to serve': Attorney-general orders


"Deri cannot continue to serve": Attorney General orders Netanyahu to fire the minister
the ministers and parliamentarians all serve the state, and their personal conditions: moral, ethical and judicial matters are secondary and irrelevant on the institutional government level, they will perhaps affect voters in the future

there is no judge who can tell the government what to do, this is a coup

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Former Russian president warns of nuclear war over Ukraine


the dirty work was prophesied in psalm 110 and it will be Jesus of Bethlehem who will carry it out to raise my kingdom of Israel, they are about to die: millions of parasites Freemasons and Islamists worship

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Joseph Ratzinger and Yitzhak Kaduri, left the dirty work to me to do against OTAN CIA UE FED NWO, against all Spa&Co, against Erdogan and Against ISIS MBS Salman Ali Khameni

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Netanjahu BIBI open letter ] [ Joseph Ratzinger makes me think of our dear and precious holy rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who lived without strife, did not run afoul of demonic & moneylender talmudics, but on his death stabbed to death your demoniom who lives in the City London synagogue and of the Rothschild freemason supreme Sanhedrin
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


About Xsto and to conclude: what is Christianity then? For Joseph Ratzinger it is Jesus, nothing but Jesus, "the only God who enters the history of religions and deposes the gods". Those gods who are returning today, together with environmentalism (a barely camouflaged pantheism), and who are once again demanding, as they did millennia ago, sacrifices to appease the cruel Mother Earth, i.e. the bloodthirsty Pachamama of the sorcerer Bergoglio
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


notizie/italia/ratzinger-senza-censure-su-cos-è-il-cristianesimo however, the 640 excommunications valid both against Freemasonry and against the banking seigniorage of spa&co, FED, ECB, BM, NWO, which is pure Satanism] [] absolutely pleasure. There are entire chapters that could even sound anti-conciliar and they are "Music and the liturgy" and "Theology of the liturgy". As he always did, both as cardinal and as pope, Ratzinger attributes the liturgical degeneration not to the Second Vatican Council but to the post-council (the infamous "reception of the Council").
*** the apostasy of the Vatican Council According to the Freemason Bildenberg and Rothschild the Satanist Baal Owl, stating after 2000 years, that human nature is good?
*** this nullified the expiatory and redemptive sacrifice of Jesus of Bethlehem, annulled the 19 previous Dogmatic Councils,
he secularised, worldlyised and made the Church Masonic
because he relativized and made non-fundamental, both to Jesus and the Church itself.
thus the wise claims of all other positive religions, such as Buddhism, were vilified
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


His Holiness Benedict XVI said: «The fury of the circles against me in Germany
is so strong that the appearance of my every word immediately causes a murderous clamor on their part. I want to spare myself and Christendom that." Put simply:
Pope Benedict has self-censored himself. Because frightened by the self-styled German Catholics, in reality Catholic-Communists-LGBT-Protestant Freemasons, by the loud and numerous prelates more devoted to Sodom Satan Ursula than to Xsto, capable of threatening schism (see certain belligerent statements by Cardinal Marx) if Rome , i.e. the universal Church, persists in not blessing homosexual unions, marriage of priests, female priesthood. Things that were inconceivable for Ratzinger
but the marriage of priests can be done, because it is both historical and also theological and biblical
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Traditionis Custodes, the Apostolic Letter with which the reigning anti-Pope dismantled, with the brusque ways we know him, Ratzinger's motu proprio which liberalized the Holy Mass in Latin.
typical of Satanists and Muslims, that is, saying a right and positive word but doing the right opposite "Traditionis Custodes" precisely to commit a crime and to destroy the two-thousand-year-old tradition. erdogan says a good word and goes to commit genocide with the blessing of OTAN
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ratzinger, the emotion of the crowd: "He is the real pope, there are no others"
now the see of Peter is truly vacant, and certainly it cannot be the successors of the freemason Bergoglio to fill this gap
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Not long ago, the witches and sodomitic cannibals, the media of the British Freemasons, with the priests of satan declared that Putin was dead. Then they retraced their steps writing that he would die shortly.
okay except me? you all have to die and sooner or later, you have to appear before my court and I am not your friend
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Michel defends the supply of tanks to Ukraine: "They urgently need more equipment."
the more perverted you are like Macron
and the more you are moron like Michel ?
and more and more your success will be ensured by your Rockefeller master
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Former Russian president warns of nuclear war over Ukraine


The antizionist and antichrist moinlenerd jewish scam banking seigniorage Sodoma, Ape Darwin lower house of the German Parliament (we do not know if from side B or from the lower side A) recognizes the killing of Yazidis by the Islamic State as genocide
in any case Macron is happy because he has a double doggy cuUunt instead of buc0delcul0
4 million Christians were slaughtered by Erdogan and Bin Salman in Syria and Iraq and nobody cares
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine is asking Spain and other countries to send "Leopard" tanks "for the good of their citizens".
no one can doubt that the war of annexation of Ukraine, planned and financed by Nuland to the smallest detail and started in 2014 by the OTAN CIA, and has the goal of conquering Russia
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Donbass is russian speakers Country ] [ Biden said his sodom satan allah will give whatever is needed, without resource limits so that Crimea will not be reconquered.
but I want to remind the Masonic Jewish pseudo-democracy without political sovereignty and without monetary sovereignty, i.e. the Masonic and perverted esoteric occult powers, that in Donbass and Crimea there has never been a war of conquest by Putin, because those are the Russophones.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


without my kingdom Israele ? the WW3nuclear will came ] [ Dmitry Medvedev said: "The defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war can lead to the outbreak of a nuclear war." and "Nuclear powers have never lost major conflicts on which their fate depends," he continued, emphasizing these words in italics.
*** the USA attacked Russia in 2014 with the financed and planned maidan coup & coup,
*** and they did it not only to implement the aggressiveness of NATO and its master Rockefeller & Riyadh,
*** but, as their second objective is to destroy Russia's strategic security
*** and certainly the NWO Spa & Co Petrodollars wahhabis, now they will certainly not back down now, for fear of a total nuclear war,
*** (because the WW3nuclear will came this is precisely their primary objective)
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments
Netanyahu to fire Deri if court rules against him; Shas warns of


Lavrov compares the Western position towards Russia to Hitler's "final solution".
certainly the coup of Maidan CIA and NATO was premeditated and financed since 2010, the Nulad has directed the operations and the aim is the world war of sodom satan and their allah Shiites Wahhabis against the rest of the world
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Teacher wins lawsuit against private school in Rome: "Fired because she is transsexual". "I dedicate this victory to Cloe Bianco, a suicidal transgender teacher because she was discriminated against"
transsexuals are free to commit suicide en masse, but a transgender cannot be imposed on an equal school because this harms freedom of religion
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel & Netanyahu ] [ TEL AVIV, JAN 18 - The Supreme Court of Israel has ruled that Aryeh Deri, of the religious Shas party, cannot be interior and health minister in Benyamin Netanyahu's new government as he is convicted of tax crimes in past. The decision - taken by 10 out of 11 judges - requires Netanyahu to remove his minister from office
tax crimes are administrative crimes, and are resolved in a financial way, now the Government must demonstrate that it is superior to the judiciary or democracy will fail
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel & Netanyahu ] [ US has so many stockpiles of weapons, don't let them ship them from Israel to Ukraine
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel: Supreme Court rejects government minister Netanyahu
the premier will use the ruling as an example of judicial excess, presumably to strengthen the overhaul of the legal system proposed by Justice Minister Yariv Levin.
all Freemasons know that the real power is found in the Banks and Netanjahu is a Freemason too, but this is high treason, because it is equivalent to a judicial coup that overrides the electoral consensus
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Accident or war? Ukraine interior minister, others killed in


Migrants: Ankara, 194 saved after rejection by Athens
if Erdogan sent me / catapulted to us, his souls black of him?
then, he wouldn't need to save them.
In Syria he sent all 2 million terrorists, cannibals (all of them passed through Turkey) but the Christians he sent back and rejected them to have them killed by ISIS.
I never thought turkeys were that bad
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


al-MBS Bin Alì Akbra from idol Kaaba ] [ NYT, Pentagon sends weapons from Israeli warehouses to Ukraine
why does Rockefeller and wahhabis want to ruin relations between Israel and Russia at all costs?
I say that he wishes Israel more harm than Russia
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Accident or war? Ukraine interior minister, others killed in helicopter crash
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the German thieves I'll put it from behind without petroleum jelly they stole the power of the currency in a second from all the nations that switched to the euro and had an underground economy, only in Italy they stole 40% of the monetary value of the lira.
"It's true, we destroyed the gas market in August, but our mission was to fill the stocks." An admission as candid as it is unsettling, that of the German vice-chancellor and economy minister Robert Habeck. The co-leader of the Greens, a prominent exponent of the Grunens in Olaf Scholz's government together with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, spoke with Bloomberg TV in Davos, where he was for the work of the World Economic Forum together with the chancellor. And he made heavy statements, if read in hindsight.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Russia and China allegedly entered into a pact on information propaganda: this is revealed by a CIA information report leaked by the NSA & FBI aliens the satanists who intercept and decode anything
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
Why Israelis voted for right-wing parties - analysis


Iran, former Deputy Defense Minister Alireza Akbari hanged
but, Now Harry is accused of war crimes by Iran: and if they catch him they will hang him too
“He killed 25 innocent ISIS Taliban, and then Europe preaches about human rights ”
Alireza Akbari was sentenced to death after being found guilty of "corruption on earth and for harming the internal and external security of the country through the transmission of information".
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


al-MBS ISIS Bin from Riyadh ] no time to waste, our God YHVH holy, call all the jews of the world to return
After heavy rains the desert in Saudi Arabia becomes a green valley
The Gulf country was hit last December by torrential rains and floods

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Supreme Court reverses Bolsonaro's latest pardon for policemen convicted of the 1992 prison massacre.
Brazil's Supreme Court president, Antifa Rothschild Freemason judge Rosa Weber, reversed the latest pardon granted by former President Jair Bolsonaro to dozens of police and military officers convicted of killing 111 prisoners during a 1992 operation to quell a prison riot in São Paulo, in what has become known as the Carandiru massacre.
same old story all the time and why doesn't Bolsonaro Netanjahu Putin Xi, Modi etc.. ask Rockefeller's permission if he can, or if he can't do something? Biden asks it all the time
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


let's analyze all the slanders of Ursula-Nuland-Erdogan MBS from Riyadh ie, one only NWO ] [ The Ukrainian judiciary authorizes the arrest of Yanukovych for the death of the Euromaidan protesters who were killed by the Chechen snipers of the CIA Coup.
A court in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, has given the "green light" to the arrest of
country's only legitimate president: Viktor Yanukovych for allegedly planning the use of weapons
and military equipment by the security authorities to disperse protesters during the social protests of the end of 2013, known as Euromaidan (that is, for legitimate activities of any Government in case of sedition). According to the court, Yanukovych's decisions
at the time led to the creation of a Mogherini criminal group: fascist pravy serctor and Nazi Azov battalion, engaged in illegal obstruction of assemblies and exceeded its constitutional powers, resulting in the death of civilian protesters. The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine ruled that Yanukovych, together with senior officials of his cabinet, "organized the use of special means, military equipment and firearms for resistance and forcibly dispersal of protesters", NOT causing "casualties of mass" among the participants, only because the CIA-backed opposition Nuland perjured and betrayed all his commitments to the president. etc..
as an ancient Chinese saying goes: "whoever wins the world war rewrites history" unfortunately they are rewriting history, but the Chinese are all still alive
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


incredible ma real /l-ultima-follia-della-cgil-e-del-pd-la-natività-è-contro-i-diritti-delle-donne
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The latest madness of the CGIL and the Democratic Party: the nativity is against women's rights
Statements followed by those of the local representatives of the Pd for which: "As Pd we ask that all religious representations that go against the sensitivity of women and respect for their rights are immediately removed". Surreal words echoed by the 5 Star Movement "Italy is a secular and non-denominational republic, religious symbols should not be used improperly within public structures. In such intimate and particularly sensitive places as those of a hospital ward, the displays of sacred figures, among other things of a single religious denomination, inevitably convey unique messages that can influence people and make them uncomfortable".
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


THESE Cgil Cisl Uil who are old hair ANTIFA? they're transitioning into Sodom City Darwin,
The latest madness of the CGIL and the Democratic Party: the nativity is against women's rights. This is what happened in Venice where an icon with the Holy Family was exhibited in the Obstetrics-Gynecology department of the civil hospital, sparking protests from the CGIL, the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement. According to the provincial secretary of the CGIL, the display of the image with the Child Jesus, the Madonna and Saint Joseph "is an invitation not to have an abortion" and the religious symbols "could mask behaviors of an ethical state that cannot in any way find citizenship in Venice ".
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


THESE Cgil Cisl Uil who are old hair ANTIFA? they're transitioning into Sodom City Darwin,
The latest madness of the CGIL and the Democratic Party: the nativity is against women's rights.
Anyone who is afraid of a symbol of love like the Holy Family can only be animated by an ideological fury that blinds them to judgement, if it then pushes us to the point of associating the image of the Nativity with a message "against women's rights", it means to be animated by bad faith.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
'Terrorist flag on public TV' - NGOs urge funding cut to


The sentence comes just over a month after the official presentation of the application for EU membership by the Pristina authorities. An unprecedented case in the history of the enlargement of the Union which finds itself deciding on the admission of a State whose independence is NOT ONLY recognized by five of its members: in addition to Spain, also Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia. Last week, the Swedish presidency of the EU Council launched a consultation among member states before deciding on the next steps.
the recognition of Kosovo as a sovereign state by the EU and some NATO member states is a fact: taken for granted and ascertained.
because only Islamists can be given the divine rothschild sharia gift of secession, in fact, they have the UN privilege of sharia genocide for over 1400 years, i.e. replacement theology in NATO
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


So CIA Director Burns convinced Zelensky (and Europe) that Putin was going to invade Ukraine.
and he knew it well because he financed it and worked hard to get that result since 2010, i.e. the pacifist imperilism of NATO
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Dem Antifa Sodoma City London ] trans-national freemasonry [ Gualtieri gives luxury houses in Rome to LGBT migrants. And he "forgets" minors in the police stations. And yet, if we talk about reception, one cannot help but think - in fact - of the million-dollar tender that will expire in a few days and which, among the various lots, even dedicates 580 thousand euros for 10 places destined for LGBT+ migrants. A "pilot project", as the administration defines it, and which will allocate apartments in the center to these people to encourage integration: houses with lifts and wifi coverage. A decision strongly desired by the Lgbt+ office of the Municipality of Rome, a control room created ad hoc by Gualtieri. However, the mayor seems to be distracted by the concrete problem of overcrowding in the reception centres.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovich announced his resignation on Tuesday after suggesting that the shell that hit a residential building in the city of Dnipro had been shot down by Ukraine's air defense systems, a claim he described as "a mistake basic".
yes also recognize that Darwin lgbt theory is a fundamental scam, it's too dangerous if, you don't want to be fired like me in the EU Italian school City London Spa&Co, of owner god Rothschild
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Roma attack the police. The Municipality surrenders and suspends checks on the nomad camp
the State usurer Jew Freemason lgbt Dem, plays the strong torturer with the honest
and the weak with criminals
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Myanmar, Catholic church symbol of religious tolerance razed to the ground. The symbol of religious tolerance is burned at the behest of the regime. The historic Catholic church in the village of Chan Thar, in the Shwe Bo district (Sagaing region) in Myanmar was set on fire and completely razed to the ground on 15 January by "Tatmadaw", the armed forces who have taken a coup d'état took over the reins of the country by overthrowing the democratic government led by Aung San Suu Kyi.
Aren't the Buddhist followers of the Dalai Lama here?
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Finnish PM criticizes EU for not taking "stronger" action against Russia in 2014
you pay a prostitute and she opens her legs for you,
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Mirella Marin is a CIA agent paid by the Bildenbergs and she does the same,
after the CIA coup in Paizza maidan in 2014? started pogroms in Odessa and 8 years of pogroms in Dombass
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Fire in waste company in the Bari area, mayor 'almost extinguished'
because besides fires what other method exists in Italy, if the separate collection of waste and the extraction of energy from the same has been boycotted by the EU and the DEM?
this is the same story as the 90% incentive for photovoltaic panels which can only be accessed by those with an annual income of 15,000 euros, but they do not have the 10% that would even be needed to buy food
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The United Nations condemns the abduction of 50 CHRISTIAN women in Burkina Faso.
when will the ARAB LEAGUE UMMA CIA FED ECB BM NWO BIDEN DEM finish and stop funding their jihadist galaxy? then the extermination of Christians will end
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


NULAND CIA MAKE COUP ] [ the western narrative is totally slanderous distorted and false, I witness this because I lived those days, in fact, in fact, my geopolitics observatory was born in 2010,
Ukrainian judiciary authorizes arrest of Yanukovych over death of Euromaidan protesters
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Warning: Antifa is coming to Israel - opinion


Former MP Yair Golan ] [ when DEM nihilistic relativists have evolutionary process Darwin? certainly in the first stage they become antifa, then, if that Darwin evolutionary process of the monkeys continues?
they become lgbtq cult like Lapid
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments
Jordan fumes after ambassador delayed at entrance to Temple


MBS ISIS Osama Bin Laden ] [ the Majali jihad Ambassador does not have a humble and religious attitude (which instead every good Muslim possesses), and in the short wait, he should have taken the rosary of Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of God the Theotókos, the Ark of the covenant, and he could recite the 99 beautiful names of God, and then like an innocent child he could exult saying: "miracle of Allah the doors have opened"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Jordan fumes after ambassador delayed at entrance to Temple Mount
dear Jordan, according to your hypocritical demonic Kuran, because it was copied from the talmud (which was the first copy of satan's bible), you have to say what you really think:
that is, that the Koran is the light in darkness, and that all other religions come from the devil.
because in fact this is your real attitude, that is, when you prevent everyone from praying on the temple mount, it is now historically proven, that when someone said:
"this is all mine", or "I want it all"? then he wasn't happy afterwards.
for when will I arrive who am the master of the whole planet and beyond? I will make you that demolition of eviction, which you deserved for your greed and wickedness
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

my king bro Bin ISIS MBS sharjah ] [ since when did i bring destruction to youtube? all the priests of satan of the CIA said 7 years ago: "no one must speak to lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, never again, because he is the most dangerous person who has ever appeared in the history of mankind, indeed we are not even sure that he is a person".
that's why, my dear friend, I console myself by always talking to you, that in your kindness you know how to listen and understand me almost every time, that if instead of buying your degree with a barrel (for this they gave you the nickname BIN ) of oil, did you start studying? then, we would all have been safer and happier, and unfortunately you DON'T always take my advice (except when you burned that effeminate and blasphemous work of the "salvator mundi" because we were indignant, for the lgbt offense made to Jesus of Bethlehem ), but unfortunately, most of the time, you take advice from your ISIS suckers, unfortunately
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

my king bro Bin ISIS MBS sharjah kaput to all chinese infidels kafir dhimmis & Murtidi apostates blasfemes Ali khamenei akbar ] [ Freemasons are all very wild Rothschild pigs called "wild boars". You take Israel or Italy, wild boars have never existed in Italy and Israel, not even in prehistory, and since the Masons want to have barbecues, then, they kill many people who, because of the wild boars, have even mortal incigents, and therefore terrorize the Palestinians, because as everyone knows Muslims do not eat pork, because it closely resembles their Prophet pedo Erdogan, demografic bomb
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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