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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Putin had no choice but to do this special operation

anti-Semitism is: 1. ignorance and: 2. malice

anti-Zionism is 3. Satanism

and Muslims have all three of these curses.

but the most dangerous: plutocratic usurers Rothschild cannibals of the world and of history: they desperately need their own homeland in my kingdom of israel

where are my previous comments here?

why do you redirect the article, and "clean" the comments you don't share?

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Guardian writer hurls baseless smear of 'pro-Israel voices'

there are those who are Anglo-American and want to destroy sovereign Argentina! Argentine vice president de Kirchner was shot dead outside his home The former president of Argentina, the country's current vice president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, was tried to be killed near her home, President Alberto Fernandez said. The attacker was arrested. According to Fernandez, around 21.00

(03.00 Moscow time), the man attempted to de Kirchner. According to the president, this is "the most difficult event since the restoration of democracy" in 1983, reports TASS. According to the president, "Christina is alive because for some reason that she has not yet been technically established, the five-shot weapon she did not fire despite the trigger being pulled."

The media reported that "the man pointed a gun at Christina Kirchner". However, she was not injured

and the attacker was arrested, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Infobae and TN. Recall that

for more than a week people gathered near the vice president's house to support her amid allegations

of corruption. The prosecutor Diego Luciani asks the court to sentence her to 12 years of imprisonment,

life imprisonment and a $ 1 billion fine.

Zelensky must stop bombing Zaporozhye

The Defense Ministry talked about Ukraine's plans to seize the ZNPP The delay in IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi's visit to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant,

scheduled for August 31, was due to plans to prepare an operation to seize the ZNPP by saboteurs of the Ukrainian armed forces, the ministry said. of the Russian Defense.


"It was with the completion of preparations for the seizure operation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

by Ukrainian saboteurs on the day of the arrival of the IAEA experts that Grossi's visit

to the plant on 31 August was canceled, instead of the who had an “unscheduled meeting with [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky,” RIA quoted the statement. News ". The ministry stressed that the military operations of the saboteurs and the bombing of the ZNPP were prepared in advance.


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WATCH: Israeli security expert supports Netanyahu's public approach to Iran…

According to Bildenberg, the Vatican has never taken a clear-cut position of condemnation of the CIA pogroms in Dombass starting with the 2014 coup.

The Russian Orthodox Church responded to Steinmeier's speech on the participation of a delegation from the Russian Federation in the Assembly of the Ecumenical Council of Churches,

On August 31, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in his address to the participants at the opening of the Assembly of the Ecumenical Council of Churches, questioned the validity of the participation of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church, said Vladimir Legoyda, president of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media. "The speech of the President of Germany contained unfounded accusations, completely ignoring all the humanitarian efforts of the Moscow Patriarchate in the context of the confrontation in Ukraine, as well as a direct request to the WCC Assembly to condemn the Russian Orthodox Church," he wrote in his channel. Telegram.


Legoyda called Steinmeier's position an example of brutal pressure by a senior government official

on the oldest inter-Christian organization, noted the importance of the presence of representatives

of the Moscow Patriarchate at the Assembly, as it corresponds to the very nature of the larger an inter-Christian organization designed to promote dialogue, peace and mutual understanding ”, he noted.

"I hope that the Ecumenical Council of Churches will continue to be an independent platform for dialogue, following in its activities not a partial political order of some states, but the goal of establishing peace

and harmony", concluded Legoyda. We recall that the head of Germany during his speech invited the participants in the Assembly to criticize the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, saying that the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are leading their believers "on the wrong path" because they do not criticize the special operation. in Ukraine together with Western politicians.

nazi DEM 01:48 White House caught censoring social media

The administration of US President Joe Biden regularly censored social networks, while consulting

with the platform leadership, followed by correspondence material and a joint statement by Louisiana

and Missouri Attorneys General Jeff Landry and Eric Schmitt.


empire of Sodom Satan: the Wahhabi is fornicating with the empire of Allah 01:25 The EU asks

the Serbian authorities to allow the gay parade

Serbia is expected to host the EuroPride gay pride parade "in an atmosphere of peace and security", said the EU foreign policy office.

yes BIBI is Patriot MAGA.

Lapid lgbtqia APE Darwin

worldisraelnews ] [ says this account was blocked a year ago ] ok is so

king Israel lorenzoJHWH

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Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Zelensky speaks to Lapid for first time, calls on Israel to join Russia sanctions

StrunZ, Ursula and Yair Lapid and Volodymyr Zelensky because you exterminated peaceful and unarmed people in Odessa

why did you boycott the two Minsk agreements?

Yair Lapid and Volodymyr Zelensky

they have to tell me (for the inquiries they didn't want to do) the names of the Chechen snipers:

they have to tell me (for the inquiries they made) the names of those who made the Odessa Pogroms: that an old woman hanged her with the head of the telephone: and a young woman before her they raped her and then they set on fire


StrunZ, Ursula and Yair Lapid and Volodymyr Zelensky because you exterminated peaceful and unarmed people in Odessa

since, as in Kosovo and Armenia and Ethiopia and Nigeria (again Erdogan Allah uuh akbar) no coup: which involves the genocide of a part of the population: it can never be legitimized: by the international community

here it is: legally for international law

the only legitimate President in Ukraine is Viktor Janukovyč

only legitimate President in Ukraine is Viktor Janukovyč can pacify the country

we all know that CIA UK funded Nazi-fascist death squads to prepare for the coup in Ukraine: directed by Nuland,

then, these battalions of Pravi Sector and D'Azov: they had government roles: together with 3 American citizens who became ministers of the government of Petro Oleksijovyč Porošenko:

then, since 2014 they have attacked the Donbass to carry out massacres and coups: and have killed 14,000.

then Volodymyr Zelensky put 150,000 soldiers against the Donbass and swore together with Erdogan to fire on CRIMEA,

therefore, Putin had no choice but to do this special operation

Volodymyr Zelensky shot Jews with dual Israeli citizenship who wanted to leave Ukraine and some died

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Israeli leaders mourn passing of Gorbachev, recall plight of Soviet Jews

2 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

https://worldisraelnews.Com/ jabulOn Disqus Marduch

idiot destroy this fake CIA account quickly https://disqus.Com/by/lorenzoscarola/


Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

IDF soldier killed in training accident

2 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

G-d Bless Israele & Russia and his heroes


Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Make sure Iran never has nuclear bomb, Gantz tells US Army

Darya Dugina love you6 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

God JHWH holy bless our Holy Mother Russia

10 1

Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments

Jerusalem Arab shoots 7 in Old City, surrenders after manhunt

20 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

God bless our Holy Mother Russia attacked by the sodom Satan Jewish Masons of the antichrist Ursula OCTOPUS the BEAST!


The Ukrainian armed forces have been bombing the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for a week.

Most enemy attacks can be repelled by the air defense forces. However, against the backdrop

of the growing threat of a nuclear catastrophe, local authorities propose to stop the operation

of the nuclear power plant. How acceptable is such a step from a technical, economic

and politico-military point of view?


only a mentally retarded can think that the Russians want to bomb themselves


20 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

God bless our Holy Mother Russia attacked by the sodom Satan Jewish Masons of the antichrist Ursula the BEAST!


18:17 Zakharova: the West is trying to prevent IAEA specialists from entering

the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

Russia is "struggling" to allow the IAEA specialists

to access the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but the West

is doing everything to prevent this from happening, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Soloviev LIVE.

17:57 The Armenian Defense Minister has left for Russia

Armenian Defense Minister Suren Papikyan left on Sunday for a working visit to Russia,

where he plans to meet

his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu, the press service reported

of the military department.

17:57 The Hungarian parliament has called the policy wrong

EU anti-virus sanctions

The policy of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union is completely wrong, only mutual respect will help to overcome the crisis that

it has arisen, said Laszlo Kever, president of the Hungarian parliament.

17:41 A civilian died in Energodar during the bombing of the Ukrainian armed forces

As a result of bombing by the Ukrainian army unit in the residential area of Energodar,

a civilian was killed, said Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main board of the administration of the Zaporozhye region.


20 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

God bless our Holy Mother Russia attacked by the sodom Satan Jewish Masons of the antichrist Ursula the BEAST! The allied forces of Russia and the Donbass liberated

the village of Peski, from where the enemy has bombed the northern and western part of Donetsk for the past eight years.

The battles for this point turned out to be the biggest, becoming a "meat grinder and hell" for the infantry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Allied troops can now accelerate

their advance towards Artemovsk, Soledar and other cities, which will ultimately lead to the complete liberation of the Donbass

and the psychological collapse of the Kiev regime. https://vz.Ru/society/2022/8/13/1172442.html


20 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

here is a CIA troll (one of 80) who is not ashamed to walk around with a 666 false star David (which is Rothschild's kabbalah star to curse Jews) with a Masonic demonic cross inside it


Discussion on World Israel News 61 comments

UN team visits senior Islamic Jihad terrorist in prison

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri20 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan President of Turkey [[open letter]] Am I a supremacist Ottoman Islamic who despises the peoples?

I only despise you, who are misleading the Turkish people, and are filling them with hatred against mankind.

I am Unius REI and for me every person is always a sacred person


Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Arson in Gush Etzion: Terrorists set 3 fires in one day

24 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

the anti-Zionist Rockefeller Israelis enjoy playing fake masochists because they are sadites: satanists and self-righteous Freemasons.

but my Israelites real Zionists? they could never do it!

i am messīas, μεσσίας, mashīaḥ anointed king and high priest, object of divine anointing; anointed, Χριστός


24 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

i am messīas, μεσσίας, mashīaḥ anointed king and high priest, object of divine anointing; anointed, Χριστός


Discussion on World Israel News 137 comments

UN 'human rights' investigator endorses 'killing Israelis,' NGO charges

25 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

Rockefeller lgbtqia+ 666 Spa&Co Enlightened Lucifer Saruman tecnocracy neoliberalism Bildenberg the octopus URSULA the antichrist?

he hides behind his computer and plays to do God Marduch (high Masonic constitutional treason): scam banking seigniorage occult powers esoterics supernatural talmud agenda

and with its greatest social engineering specialists in history

they act to destroy Jesus of Bethlehem and trample the israelites Zionism:

and they always operate

for the happiness of their jihad galaxy death to all unclean infidels, slaves dhimmis, sharjah Wahhabis, apostates Chinese sciites peoples: and theis OCI demonic possessed Allah uuh akbar UMMA nazi


25 LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

"The right of Palestinians to resist is inherent in their right to exist as a people," tweeted Francesca Albanese. "An illegal act of resistance does not make resistance illegal."


all DEMs deserve the death penalty!

the collective responsibilities of the sharia OCI UMMA replacement theology leave no other reasoned and possible answer than that of a preventive nuclear attack against the Wahhabis and the Turks!

and I'm here for this


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

when is a religion called positive

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