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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Severe violence, torture' — Israeli prisoner

'Severe violence, torture' — Israeli prisoner sues Shin Bet for 5 million shekelsidiot GADESTONE he belive che USA is democracy.. while BIDEN is REGIME NAZI Rockefeller the demon of a Masonic esoteric occult criminal demonic dictatorship
2President Putin is among the best leaders that the history of mankind has known, but he had and has a duty to protect Russia's strategic national security, which the CIA deliberately and programmed attacked,
and in Russia's strategic national security, all mankind is also saved.
and he knows it, by defending Russia he is also saving all mankind from Wahhabi Islamic sodomy satanism.
now, All servants of God and all free men have a duty to help Russia: which is fighting to protect the free will of every man on this planet, including homosexuals.
2Ali Khamenei spirit Allah frog in IRAN ] where did you read in the Koran, that the prisoners, you owe them: molest, hang, beat torture and sexually rape and then make home movies to entertain Biden?
2As we approach a new year, our political class, legacy media and Big Tech corporations continue to suppress or punish people who express "inconvenient" facts and dissenting opinions. In the face of this hostile environment, Gatestone takes pride in publishing reports and analyzes that you will not find anywhere else.
Gatestone's experts and authors continue to report on subjects such as the West's self-inflicted energy crisis, the effects of the persistent migration crisis in Europe and Britain, Iran's sprint to a nuclear weapon, and the plight of Christians subjected to persecution and forced conversion in much of the Middle East, Africa and Pakistan.
While tech and social media giants block, remove, deplatform or shadow-ban "controversial" facts and opinions, we will not be silenced.
Satan has entrusted everyone with at least one negative specific mission,
Gatestone must slander CHINA, it's not that the Chinese regime is good, but today it's the only hope we have, against the satanism of FED NWO EU US ISIS Wahhabi lgbtq sharjah, which is the worst evil
2“I don’t know whether Amiram Ben Uliel perpetrated the Duma murder or not,” Rothman wrote on Twitter shortly after the Supreme Court rejected his appeal in September 2022. However, he wrote, “I know that a system of justice, which approves confessions given after torture, is not fit to be called a just system.”
OK, if the priests of satan Spa&Co wanted any scapegoat, then with torture they got him, and why doesn't the Shin Bet torture Palestinian terrorists, and torture Israelis instead?
now free that man, but do not indemnify him, because one must die under torture but one must not give in

Israel must punish Jewish 'extremists' like Palestinian terrorists, US official

Being A Koglioni LIKE DEM lgbtqia Biden BAD or having Koglioni LIKE PATRIOT Maga TRUMP?
2https://www.gospanews.Net/2022/12/20/14mila-nuovi-tumori-in-italia-dopo-la-vaccinazione-massiva-ignorato-lallarme-di-montagnier-stramezzi-due-giudici-e- gospa-news/ 14 THOUSAND NEW CANCER IN ITALY AFTER THE MASSIVE VACCINATION! Montagnier's alarm ignored, Stramezzi, two JUDGES, and Gospa News
Boom of cancer cases in Italy in the last two years despite the decline in monitoring of the phenomenon due to the pandemic. So unfortunately the "prophecies" made by Gospa News on the probable increase in cancer patients following the massive vaccination campaign against Covid-19 are confirmed. The pandemic emergency, largely aggravated by early home care ignored by the Ministry of Health protocol based on "paracetamol and watchful waiting" unfortunately still in force despite the change of government (see the entry Home management of patients with HIV infection on the official website). SARS-CoV-2, updated on April 26, 2021), has unfortunately overshadowed cancer pathologies, above all nullifying screenings in favor of a massive and often useless diffusion of anti-Covid swabs due to the lack of reliability.

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Everyone who participated in our security campaign should feel proud – you are making an immediate and meaningful difference in Hebron. As fast as the funds were received, we sprung into action and made payments for security-related objectives. We've made the 75% down payment to order the security vehicle, the surveillance camera company is coming to Hebron after Chanukah, and so much more is moving forward at blazing speed; thank you! And because of a handful of generous donors who made additional donations designated to victims of the recent attack in Kiryat Arba, we've transferred urgent funds to the families to get them through this challenging time. Our winter tours are filling up, so if you plan to be in Israel for Chanukah or January Break, click HERE to make sure you have a spot! Don't get closed out of your first choice! Many of you read the caustic article by NY Times opinion writer Thomas Friedman called "The Israel We Knew is Gone." (Read this well written response HERE.) Last week he asked Yishai Fleisher to show him the Jewish Hebron firsthand. We're glad Friedman chose to tour with Yishai. We remain steadfast in our mission to connect people of all faiths and backgrounds to the story of Jewish Hebron, denying the false narratives spread by anti-Israel propaganda. We hope that by welcoming everyone to Hebron, despite their political beliefs, we will succeed in bridging the gaps that divide us.

Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein Executive Director, The Hebron Fund drosenstein@hebronfund Org
www.hebronfund.Org Shabbat Shalom (from South Florida),
We have received your request for review

ISLAM IS 1400 YEARS OF TEERRORISM! Blinken and his team are either engaging in self-deception or simply fail to understand or see what most Palestinians want: Killing more Jews and the obliteration of Israel. This is not the first poll to show that a majority of Palestinians oppose the "two-state solution." That is because they are clamoring for a Palestinian state not alongside Israel, but instead of Israel. The rising popularity of Hamas among the Palestinians is a clear sign that most of them identify with the Islamist UMMA OCI Riyad IRAN sharia group's goal of destroying Israel. The Palestinians, prefer "armed struggle" and terrorism to peace negotiations with Israel It would have been a good idea if Blinken had listened to what Hamas leaders clearly said in the past few days during rallies to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of their group. Marking the anniversary occasion, Hamas issued a statement on December 14 that basically refutes claims by some Westerners that it has become a "moderate" group that is ready to accept the "two-state solution." Anyone who supports the establishment of a Palestinian state would be paving the way for the Palestinians to use the West Bank and Gaza Strip as launching pads to attack and destroy Israel. The way for the international community -- starting with the US -- to turn the problem around is through insisting that any aid is strictly conditioned upon the Palestinians abandoning their calls for terrorism... If there is any non-compliance, payments must actually be withheld. Otherwise, all of the aid that does not "disappear" is openly being used to bankroll terrorism, jihad and killing Jews.
MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] I'm worried because dangerous things are happening with /translate google
2evil Wood's comments came shortly after State Department Spokesman IMAM Ned Price expressed "concerns" over the deportation of convicted terrorist jihad sharia ISIS Salah Hamouri to France jabulon.

Price said that the Biden administration that the “decision [was] made out becouse a mentally confused situation of concern for Israel's security,” but stressed that Washington was “not in a position to assess this claim they saw ghosts.”
3Yerch condemned “all unilateral actions and unhelpful rhetoric” by Palestinians and Israelis, which he said “escalate tensions, fuel violence, and undermine the prospects” of a two-state solution.
there have never been two states here, for 4000 years there has been only my Kingdom of Israel, and I have a duty to kill the villains
2“The United union Satana Allah Sodom States Owl Baal jabulOn expects to see equal treatment of extremists – whether Israeli or Palestinian – in arrests, convictions, and punishments, as well as equal allocation of resources to prevent and investigate violent attacks,” Wood stated. ok then we will put the death penalty on terrorists like the ARAB LEAGUE does
1Notably, jerk Wood did not use the word “terror islamico sharia Erdogan jihad Akbar Mecca Kaaba demon stone” during his remarks, while equating Jewish “extremists” – who are condemned by mainstream Israeli society – with Palestinian terrorists who have murdered Israeli civilians and are rewarded by the Palestinian Authority.
2“In this regard, it is imperative that the parties only ISLAM is levels of extremist violence fueling instability in the West Bank,” the Wood's sewer meant.
and then, Wood Satan promised me to go Qatar's double game: to Funding Islamists while pretending to be America's ally

Israel must punish Jewish 'extremists' like Palestinian terrorists, US official dracula-Wood 666 at bohemian Grove Deep State God Owl cremation of curedid not provide context for Zakarneh’s slaying, which occurred during a counterterrorism raid in Jenin, a hotbed of terror, as she stood on a rooftop surrounded by armed gunmen who were shooting at IDF soldiers.
2“The United States is deeply concerned by the sustained escalation of violence in the West Bank [Judea and Samaria],” ((ask the jihad and she will tell you: "I'm sorry there is only one planet, only one allah and what are the Chinese doing here?")) Wood said, according to a transcript of his statement published by the State Department.

“The heartbreaking death of 16-year-old Jana Zakarneh is yet another tragic reminder of the human cost of this conflict and the importance of all parties to work to bring about an end to the conflict,” he said. there has never been a conflict here, in fact, israel has never declared war on anyone, these are the wahhabis ISIS getting pimped by demons and freaking out
2criminal satanist antichristi and antizionist Ambassador Robert Wood, the U.S. Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs, discussed a “cycle of violence” narrative in his speech by him to the UN Security Council on Monday, presenting Palestinian terror and Jewish extremism as equal threats to society.
answeryou can't stand there, peacefully waiting, like a sacrificial victim, waiting for a Muslim to come and kill you, because something in your brain has to jump. all Jewish terrorism must have the endemic legal excuse: induced mental derangement
2“The perverted lgbt United States expects to see equal treatment of extremists – whether Israeli or Palestinian
USA Satan you cannot put the sheep and the wolf sharia on the same level!

‘Zoom-bombing’ religious services now punishable by jail time in Ohio

really “It is simply unacceptable

that there are Jewish communities where things like funeral services, shared digitally with those who mourn at a distance, are sometimes interrupted with things like Nazi symbolism, pornography and racial slurs,” he added. really “It is simply unacceptable

in Italy the real mafia is the state, MAGDI CRISTIANO ALLAM: "The obligation of the Pos to pay any amount by card means that cash will no longer be worth anything, Italy will lose its sovereignty and the Italians their freedom"
Magdi Cristiano Allam 20 Dec 2022

State Department has 'concerns' about Israel deporting terrorist

they hated the Bible and its Israel so much that they created in themselves the cult of the Freemason Lucifer Jew! "May a tsunami sweep away the warmongering megalomaniacs, who claim to be peacemakers and sell themselves to Islam criminal assassin imperialist sharijah genocide theology substitution... The new essay by the great historian of Egyptian origin Bat Ye'Or and the interview for the newsletter: "The corruption in favor of the Ummah runs deep. Qatargate looks like something out of my book Eurabia" by Giulio Meotti ] [ In Michel Houellebecq's Submission, one of the main characters, Alain Tanneur, is a French spy. Houellebecq makes him say: "In a certain sense, Bat Ye'or is not wrong with Eurabia". As Le Monde recounts, Bat Ye'Or is the great historian who imposed the theme of "dhimmitude", the fate of Jewish minorities and Christians in the Islamic world (his books in Italy are published by Lindau and made popular by Oriana Fallaci), when no one wanted to hear about them. Bernard Heyberger, one of the greatest experts on Eastern Christians, acknowledges in Monde that Bat Ye'or is was “the first to draw attention to the phenomenon of dhimmi". A Jew herself born in Egypt in 1933 and fled to England before the anti-Semitic violence broke out, Bat Ye'or has the gift and the curse of a Cassandra. he wrote and explained before all the others.And so, well before the Qatargate explosion in Brussels, Bat Ye'Or sent to Michel Onfray's magazine Front Populaire a text entitled: “Can Islam subjugate the West? ”..
2al-MBS from ISIS akbarr jihad Erdogan Salman from antichristi & antizionist Allah frog Riyadh [[ you know I do not give discounts to anyone, except those who are designated as next Chinese victims ]] the Masonic Jewish demonic Plutocracy of the Deep State explained well by: Maurizio Blondet 17 December 2022
From General Dominique Delawarde, namely:
Just as super-rich Americans control the government of the United States, and thus those of the EU's vassal countries, the US executive obviously tries to hide from its own public opinion how obscene the distribution of wealth among the country's citizens is and especially its evolution; but a remarkably clear presentation of these, under the heading: "the distribution of private wealth in the United States since 1989" appears on the Web page of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors which presented an "Overview" of the "Wealth Distribution ” and its evolution from the 3rd quarter of 1989 until the 2nd quarter of 2021. https://archive.Pph/uEG6Y
This overview will be presented even more clearly below, using data from the background paper above, dividing the population into 5 equal 20% slices, going from richest to poorest, and distinguishing the top 1%.
Evolution of the distribution of wealth in the USA from 1989 to 2021. rich-usa-4 1 – In the USA, in 1989, the richest 1% held 17.2% of the wealth; it held 27% of it in Q3 2021. They continue to appropriate more and more of the pie, necessarily at the expense of others.
2WHY do we always have to misjudge the ARAB LEAGUE she grants limited freedom of religion to her jihzia paying dhimmis slaves, after all if they are impure Chinese kafirs, why and what are they complaining about? the koran said that kafirs must all be punished often flogged

Nazi symbols carved into menorah in Beverly Hills, man held

worldisraelnews but, wasn't it you who once said that plutocratic Jews are behind all the baddest things that exist in this world, while I corrected you by saying that they are also behind all the best things that exist in this world? of course, I thank you because you always give ample and comprehensive reasons every time as to why they all lead angry people to take it out on Jews collectively ANSWER I WISH FOR YOU THAT YOU EARN YOUR MONEY BY WORKING INSTEAD OF BEING A PARASITE IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE
2Hi LorenzoJHWH this antizionists and antichrists of Amnesty International and ActionAid, two of the most powerful progressive organizations in the world that promote abortion and gender as "human rights", have just attacked Pro Vita & Famiglia head-on. These very powerful bodies are furious because we warned 150 schools that approved the Career Alias: the gender regulation that allows pupils (minors) to choose whether to be called with a male or female name depending on how they "feel". Lorenzo, know that we will not be intimidated by these attacks, despite the fact that they come from global organizations that count on millionaire funding and crazy political and media support to promote their ideology. If you help me to resist (we cannot do it alone) I promise that we will live up to your expectations, continuing to denounce and hinder those who want to affect the soul and innocence of our children and grandchildren with lies capable of upset their existence with incalculable damage.
3THE ORCS lapid OF SODOM AND OF SATAN IN THE EU OF THE JEWISH FREEMASON PLUTOCRATIC ANTICHRIST. we're going to fight back! The LGBTQ Lobby is introducing Career Alias in our children's and grandchildren's schools, starting in elementary school, to convince them that they can choose their gender and ask the school to be called with fantasy names instead of their real names. Absurd! As you have read in past emails, in recent months we have done a great deal to denounce and counter this madness, but now we have to make a qualitative leap, because the attacks are increasing. We have launched the largest legal operation against gender ideology ever carried out in Italy, notifying more than 150 warnings to as many schools that have approved the Alias Career, ordering the immediate cancellation of this illegal abuse on the skin of our children! Now stop.
Schools DO NOT have the power to change the name of pupils based on a "perceived gender identity", but they MUST stick to the registered and legal name, based on biological se*
They CANNOT allow a male to enter the female bathroom or locker room just because he says he "feels" like a female (this provides for the Career Alias!). The first results are encouraging: after a few days, several schools have already responded by agreeing with the legal findings set out in the warnings and canceling or suspending the Alias regulation,

At Chanukah event, Biden condemns 'venom' of antisemitism

NWO SPA&CO FED ECB BM IMF ISIS ERDOGAN NAZI USULA VON SODOMA OTAN IMPERIALISM UMMA MECCA RIYAD KAABA ONE ONLY KABBALAH Deputy Foreign Minister Vershinin called the UN response to the execution of Russian prisoners of war inadequate December 20, 2022, The reaction of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, is inadequate to the confirmed fact of the execution of Russian prisoners of war in Donbass by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin said. According to him, such a reaction speaks of the commissar's cynical and unprincipled position. Moscow will continue to seek a fair and harsh condemnation of the actions of Ukrainian punishers from the relevant structures of the UN and the OSCE, RIA Novosti reports. On December 2, the UN launched an investigation into a video showing Russian servicemen killed in Makiivka. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot over 10 Russian servicemen with shots to the head. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of the mass execution of captured Russian servicemen by representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces based on a video circulated on the Internet. Human rights activist Dr. Rohini Haar in the New York Times confirmed that the killing of Russian soldiers who surrendered by Ukrainian armed forces falls under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
happy Hanukkah in this war Coup Maidan CIA 2014 The shelling of the Kalinin hospital in Donetsk was likely carried out by EXP-122 high-strike missiles, which Kyiv received from Slovakia, said Natalya Shutkina, deputy head of the DPR representative office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to Ukrainian War Crimes. Shutkina said that this is evidenced by the nature of the damage to the 10th building of the hospital, TASS reports. A RIA Novosti correspondent reported from the scene that, in addition to the damage to the hospital itself, deep shell marks are visible in the ground: sewer manholes were knocked out from an underground explosion nearby, and underground communications were probably damaged. Private garages have also been destroyed. It is clarified that the destruction is atypical for the Grad MLRS. The JCCC reported that Ukrainian shells hit not only the hospital building, but also the territory of the building of the International Committee of the Red Cross. In addition, a sports hall, an optics store, and apartment buildings were under fire. The Minister of Health of the DPR Dmitry Gartsev said that the arrival at the hospital is the third in two weeks. One of the walls of the polyclinic collapsed, the courtyard was broken, and a fire broke out in the nearby building of the Medical University.
2Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cannot be considered a Jew after the Ukrainian armed forces shelled a hospital in Donetsk on Hanukkah, Russian TV journalist Volodymyr Solovyov said. Solovyov said on Telegram that Zelensky, "of course, is not a Jew at all." As Solovyov emphasized, "only a demon can give the order to "hit the children's hospital" on Hanukkah." In 2022, Hanukkah will begin on December 18 and will last until December 26. On Sunday, Ukrainian troops shelled Donetsk, the Kalinin hospital came under attack. One of the patients died as a result of Ukrainian shelling. The Ukrainian side and Kyiv's allies declared that there could be no Nazisification at the state level in Ukraine, since the president is a Jew. However, this does not prevent Zelensky from claiming that the Ukrainians had nothing to do with the Holocaust and turning a blind eye to the atrocities of Azov.
2“MY NEWBORN CHILD KILLED BY BLOOD CLOTS AFTER TRANSFUSION”. Desperate Alex's mother: "Used Vaccinated Blood without Authorization"
https://www.gospanews.Net/2022/12/20/mio-figlio-neonato-ucciso-da-coaguli-di-sangue-dopo-la-trasfusione-madre-di-alex-disperata-usato-sangue- of-vaccinated-without-authorization/
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio 20 December 2022 COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines, PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS, Europe and EU, Italy, Minors, Russia, Health, SOCIETY - BIOETHICS, Usa - Canada
2At Chanukah event, satanist mason lucifer spa&co Biden condemns ‘venom’ of antisemitism
answer ===> all antisemitism like ISIS? all via Messico and via Canada came

WATCH: Orthodox Jews hold evening prayer service at White House

Orthodox Jews hold evening prayer service at their G-d Rockefeller spa&Co in White House where the trone of Satan is

Terrorist dies of cancer in Israeli prison, PA blames ‘occupation’

For many families, there will be fewer presents under the Christmas tree this year. The good news is that generous PragerU donors have committed to TRIPLING all donations made now through Christmas to make up the gap for those who can’t give as much this year. We know that times are tough. Inflation and economic uncertainty have everyone concerned. Sadly, the majority of young Americans think the way to fix our country is through socialism, bigger government, and more handouts. America is headed in the wrong direction, but if everyone just watched a PragerU video, we could help save the future of America.

Triple my gift

Now is the perfect time to make a year-end, tax-deductible donation to PragerU! Why? a
2assassin UMMA jihad Terrorist dies of cancer in Israeli prison,

but PA blames 'occupation'

for Mohammeddans their criminal are all saints and martyrs
“mRNA GENE SERA FROM VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE TRANSMITTED TO NOT VACCINATED”. Chilling French Study and Confirmations from McCullough and Pfizer Dossier Gospa News Editorial Board 7 December 2022

Exclusive! HERPES EPIDEMIC AFTER COVID VACCINES. 27 thousand cases in the EU: 31 deaths from Zoster. The Study: "For damage to the Immune System"

SO FAUCI HIDDEN THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID. Text of the Interrogation with the US Magistrates: "He Spoke, the Social Censored"


COVID VACCINES: FORUM ON THE "INVISIBLE" DAMAGED PEOPLE. Even the Surgeons Schicchi and Stramezzi in the Debate after the Screening of the DocuFilm Shock
source selected by Gospa News 6 December 2022

"BILLIONS OF LIVES IN DANGER WITH COVID VACCINES": VIRAL SOS FROM KOBE. Text of the Japanese Biomedical Doctor Confirms Gospa News Infection-Breaking Alarm
2https://www.gospanews.Net/ “KOSOVO LIKE DONBASS BEFORE THE WAR IN UKRAINE”. Alarm from the Russian Envoy – GOSPA NEWS International – Reportages from the World (automatic translation into Italian)


Asia - Oceania COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines Europe & EU UK Health USA - Canada
VACCINOPOLIS IN BRUSSELS 2016-2021. EU-US, Big Pharma, Gates, Soros & Monti in “Friends of Europe”: Financed by Von Der Leyen, Led by Boss Bilderberg

2Asia -


Europe and EU Italy Health HISTORY Ukraine Usa - Canada WUHAN-GATES



on the statuette with the 5th anti-Covid dose exhibited by Sant'Egidio

in Rome

Africa COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines Europe and EU Italy Migrants Minors Religion Health SOCIETY - BIOETHICS




mRNA SERA. From the Bundestag Appeal to carry out more tests on the

vaccinated deceased

COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines Europe and EU Italy Health SOCIETY - BIOETHICS


AIR FORCE PILOT FALLS AND DIES. "Death Announced" by the Report on Illnesses from Vaccines by the US Air Force Doctor

COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines Europe and EU Italy Arms Lobby Health SOCIETY - BIOETHICS Usa - Canada WORLD NEWS



- 64. WHO SCANDAL: Frenchman of Task Force Investigating SARS-Cov-2

Worked with Chinese Laboratory on Artificial Coronaviruses



Vaccine”. Says the Wife ( WHO WILL SOON BE CONSOLE ), former Biden's

Medical Consultant. Other Reporters Dead in Qatarn https://www.gospanews.Net/





2MIHAJLOVIC KILLED AT 53 YEARS OLD BY LEUKEMIA. IT RETURNED TO HIM AFTER THE 3rd DOSE. He said: "Vaccination Saves Life". and. reactivate the Tumors ///

COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines Europe and EU Italy Minors Health SOCIETY - BIOETHICS Usa - Canada
EVEN FOR ITALIAN CHILDREN DANGEROUS BIVALENT BOOSTERS: AUTHORIZED AFTER TESTING ON MICE. Ministry of Health implements AIFA, EMA indications after Ok FDA https://www.gospanews.Net/
DOHA jihad akbar sharia ISIS kaput Qatar: death to all impure infidels (Putin has been slandered, attacked and transformed into an enemy, and the EU is now a prey to the Mohammedans) warns of the "negative impact" it can have on relations between the Gulf country and the European Union the decision to block Doha's access to the European Parliament: a measure taken in reaction to the Qatargate scandal which involved some MEPs accused of corruption in an investigation by the Belgian justice system.

Terrorist dies of cancer in Israeli prison, PA blames ‘occupation’THE ROCKEFELLERS' UNPUNISHED HOLOCAUSTS:

https://www.gospanews.Net/2022/12/17/gli-olocausti-impuniti-dei-rothschild-dei-rockefeller-bombe-atomiche-aborti-e-pandemia-da-sars-2-artificiale-e- massacre-da-vaccini-di-gates/ THE TERRORISTS ARMED BY THE FREEMASONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER

The examples are countless and we mention only a few: the Jacobins of Robespierre's Regime of Terror, the Thugs used by the British to defend the Indies Colonies from the legitimate rebel princes (who inspired the historical novels by Emilio Salgari on Sandokan, Mompracem's Tiger) , the secret societies of fugitive terrorist Giuseppe Mazzini, the picciotti who helped the freemason guerrilla Giuseppe Garibaldi by favoring the birth of the MAFIA in Sicily, the Ku Klux Klan of the "pope" of American Freemasonry Albert Pike who favored the Civil War against the Union of Abraham Lincoln (later killed by a Freemason), the mafiosi of Lucky Luciano in the service of the US counterintelligence of the CIA (then OSS) for the landing of the Allies in Sicily, the Italian-American mafia families of New York who gave birth to Syndicate of Crime also called Kosher Nostra due to its Zionist connotation, the subversive groups of the right and left such as Massimo Car's Revolutionary Armed Nuclei mines or the Red Brigades of Renato Curcio who created the Strategy of Tension in Italy to justify the paramilitary Operation Gladio (StayBehind). As is happening today in Europe after the 2014 NATO coup in Kiev and the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
2THE ROCKEFELLERS' UNUNPUNISHED HOLOCAUSTS: Atomic Bombs, Abortions, the Man-Made SARS-2 Pandemic, and Gates' Vaccine Slaughter

https://www.gospanews.Net/2022/12/17/gli-olocausti-impuniti-dei-rothschild-dei-rockefeller-bombe-atomiche-aborti-e-pandemia-da-sars-2-artificiale-e- massacre-by-vaccines-of-gates/

17 December 2022 CONSPIRATIONS - FREEMASONRY, COVID-19 & Killer Vaccines, Europe & EU, GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY, Israel, Italy, United Kingdom, Health, HISTORY, TERRORISM - JIHADISTS, Transhumanism, Ukraine, Usa - Canada
this comment of mine will make all Muslims happy

The CIA kills slander rewrites the rebell Mattei case: "he was a fascist" The accusations that rewrite the story of the founder of ENI in the papers on the Kennedy crime. The US criticizes the Italian leader

Congressional committee urges criminal charges against Trump for insurrection

How does the esoteric rockefeller FED agenda impact us? Pentagon Contracted “COVID-19 Research” in Ukraine 3 Months Before COVID-19 Officially Existed

The world started hearing about it for the first

Covid, ex-minister Speranza assassin at the CGIL: "Campaign for a fourth dose of vaccine" "Another piece of the vaccine campaign is underway" against. yes, there is very experimental graphene in the gene serum, and it serves to hack the 'man

Below a scientific article on the development of nano-antennas –

Newborns killed and organ trafficking in Ukraine

According to reports from the BBC, there is trafficking in Ukraine


they are all prophets mohammed the priests of satan
2convinced Islamist oil billionaires and shameless antichrists, yes they are murderous oilmen (of Mayer and of all those who have discovered hydrogen technology h20 hho4free.Com/ ) but they finance ecologists. Billionaires finance ecological terrorism, by Maurizio Blondet December 20, 2022
Van Gogh, in London ecologists throw tomato sauce against the painting "Sunflowers". Are you surprised to learn that those young people are paid? and by whom? From the Climate Emergency Fund which is the counterpart of George Soros (which finances activist movements and color revolutions) in agitating climate change. Aileen Getty, rich American and heiress of the oil company Getty Oil Company, funds groups such as Extinction Rebellion and the idiots who lay their hands on the streets and in museums to protest against the use of fossil fuels. “Let's fund climate activism and applaud the degradation of Van Gogh's Sunflowers.” This movement received a million dollars from Aileen Getty.
Albert Ezekieli dont understand this "kangaroo courts"
WilliamLEFT is not SEDITION.

is regime nazi occult power, deep state, esoteric lgbt darwin masonic system APE monkey sodoma city London spa&co, scam banking seigniorage ie lucifer cult FED 666 IMF
12 days ago

Congressional committee urges criminal charges against Trump for insurrection
no one was bubbling about TRUMP's landslide victory in the election? indeed
but, no one was doubting about TRUMP's landslide victory in the election.
but Biden publicly claimed that he was organizing the biggest electoral fraud in history, that's why they closed 110 blogspots (which are still closed) because I published this biDEN statement.
then, they closed me and many MAGA Patriot supporters twitter accounts, etc.. for no reason. because lgbt social deep state, many CIA agencies, FED shareholders etc.. all ran to suffocate the people who were the majority

Accomplice to terrorist murder of 19-year-old Israeli policewoman gets life plus 12 days ago

this is coward CIA agency M.D. @mik1964il Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

they vote me down (like Palestinian terrorists) and then, they hide yourself

disqus worldisraelnews burn him

12 days ago

eternal honor to Slain Border Policewoman Cpl. Hadar Cohen
holy soul martyr in heaven, pray for us dear

Chanukah irony: The holiday’s real message is alien to most American Jews
12 days ago

but the Masonic moneylender Jews instead of converting themselves, and following the Torah, they preferred to blame God jhvh, and went to satan Spa&Co FED IMF ECB BM NWO

12 days ago

idiot worldisraelnews, if the twice destruction of Israel, Is it NOT just the only Jews to blame?

then your God is a fagggoooot maggott

12 days ago

sorry, but the CIA priests of satan are having too much fun with google translate

12 days ago

This is a time of growing anti-Semitism planned by the Rockefellers both directly and indirectly, because for about 400 years the Jewish bankers: usurers, Satanists, Luciferian Freemasons, antichrists, have taken control of companies, destroying monetary sovereignty and political sovereignty thus taking control of all nations, obviously there is which comes from the far-right, fundamentalist Islam, the intersectional left and an African-American community influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement and hatemongers like the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan. Chanukah is a call to arms to stand up against all these forces. It calls to mind that, just as was the case in 165 C.E., the ability to preserve Jewish faith and identity requires ordinary Jews to speak out and refuse to bend their knees to the idols of our time: ie Rockefeller Spa&Co Rothschild occult masonc power esoteric agenda churches of satan lgbt ie the powers of the new ordo seclorum that 100 years jewish shareholders have announced to the world: atanism has won.
Happy Chanukah!

12 days ago

DEFINITELY, TODAY defending Jewish identity also means defying the woke, that jewish Enlightened of high sinedrin lgbt rothschild rochefeller leftist doctrines have make for that your pimpin protectori fake, traitors ready to throw you in ditch of the shadow of death, ie, the shoah, yes, they give you guns and money:but they are your own traitorous assassins real) that dominate so much of American society, including campuses and the mainstream media. Intersectional ideology and critical race theory label Jews as “white” oppressors of indigenous people—ignoring the fact that, as Chanukah reminds, the Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel. It is as much of a threat to the Jewish future and to the ability of Jews to maintain their identity and communities as the Jewish masonic tecnocrat neoliberalist Soros influence by Jewish corrupt majority Christian/secular culture.
worldisraelnews the Holy Spirit reproaches you, you know better than anyone else that the Jews of the diaspora are leading all mankind towards satanism. they have planned your shoah and you collaborate with them in your own destruction.
then you are in a witchcraft spell that will destroy you.. and this is why i am here, just to free you from the kabbalah magic spell
12 days ago

worldisraelnews ] the HOLY Spirit reproaches you, you who are a corrupt & apostate Jew, and your twisted and malignant thinking, full of Islamic hypocrisy, is exactly what I must denounce point by point semicolon by comma. YOU SAID: "The essence of Jewish identity from our beginnings has always been a willingness to stand up against the idols of popular culture. In the time of the Maccabean revolt, it was the powerful pull of Hellenism.

there is no corruption of the people and righteousness of the leaders, both have contributed to the ruin of Israel and the destruction twice of the house of God: the Jewish temple.
it is God who drove you out of this land because you betrayed both the covenant of Abraham and the covenant of Moses. BUT THE SIN OF THE LEADERS (YESTERDAY AS TODAY) WAS MUCH GREATER
12 days ago

worldisraelnews EVIL ] the HOLY Spirit reproaches you, you who are a corrupt & apostate Jew, you have drawn a parallel between Christianity idolatry and bloody persecution of the Maccabees which was a battle against foreign oppression and a bloody civil war.
and no one knows better than you, and in fact you know it, that Enlightened have an imperialist project in Ukraine as in any part of the world, (that all Islamic wickedness aside, they are right to fear an Israel that is not tied to the Bible, but that is related to Lapid lgbt sodom and the FED spa&co IMF BM NWO ie, your god Owl at bohemian grove) who were embracing a universalist culture all that the heroic Judah Maccabee did: "that is, come and kill you"
12 days ago

worldisraelnews ] the HOLY Spirit reproaches you, you who are a corrupt & apostate Jew, [ It may come as a shock to most American Jews, but Chanukah is [[ swrite scum: "NOT" ]] pretty much the opposite of the modern secular celebration of Christmas that most of their neighbors celebrate.
your jewish moneylender masons turned her into secular, who are in control of real power, to seek in their demonic hatred against God YHVH to destroy christianity and destroy real biblical ebraism
12 days ago

worldisraelnews ] the HOLY Spirit reproaches you, you who are a corrupt & apostate Jew, and who have not understood that Christians and Jews are part of a single society, and of a single same people in God's plans, in these 2000 years of history of hate and violence, that the High Sanhedrin has planned in order to be able to maintain the demonic masonic demonic religious power over/against all peoples of this planet, having taken it away from King solomon's monarchy [having taken it away from me] 'Chrismukkah'?
12 days ago

antisemitism and the ongoing demonization of Israel has enormous meaning to the secular anti-Zionist majority DEM, especially members of the not-inconsiderable group dubbed by demographers as “Jews of no religion, demoniac luciferians” the fastest-growing segment of U.S. jewry. pigs are only concerned about their skins, they are as greedy as leeches and starve billions of people.
these beasts of satan by destroying the biblical concept of morality knew well that they were condemning all Israelis to death.. and I have happy news for you:

"ATHEISTS DO NOT EXIST, BECAUSE ATHEISM IS A DOGMATIC RELIGION"the Darwin monkeys of Lapid murderers, predatory moneylenders and supremacists, are a dogmatic religion as is murderous Koranic Islam, given that Darwin's theory can no longer stand up scientifically.
that is why the border between holiness and satanism is marked by seeing the border of Zionism

Chanukah irony: The holiday’s real message is alien to most American Jews12 days ago

The festival of lights needs to be celebrated as a fight against the Masonic-demonic idols Spa&Co Rockefeller sodomites & Rothschilds of woke popular culture that destroyed the Jewish-Christian roots, and we must not forget that Christmas: it is the birth of the Jew Jesus of Bethlehem is that he will remain the most important man in the entire history of mankind, because he has raised the bar of human love until it reaches the vertigo of the divine love of God himself.

WATCH: El Paso border crisis - who are the masses waiting to enter the US?12 days ago

rockefeller told freemason reporters: 'don't say muslims kill christians' terrorism (18-12-2022) UMMA planned! this is Islamic kabbalah, and this is where the ARAB LEAGUE is working to eliminate all Christians. Nigeria, Local leaders have also confirmed that all the male inhabitants of the Randa community, including children, have been abducted by these "bandits". Nigerian bandits kill 20 civilians and kidnap all the men and boys of a community in #Zamfara. All this because, according to these notables, the residents were unable to say the whereabouts of two assault rifles owned by two criminals killed by a fellow criminal in the middle of a relationship dispute over a young woman in the community. The area is practically a no man's land, between the states of Katsina, Kaduna, Kebbi and Niger, devoid of the presence of security forces. There, groups of "Jihad sharia Erdogan bandits" roam freely and increasingly venture into surrounding military installations, as evidenced by last September's attack on a forward operating base, which killed 13 members of the security forces. The security forces have since been disengaged from the area, where the "ISIS Riyadh bandits" have taken advantage of the situation to plunder the resources of the Christian communities that survived the Islamist massacre, from whom they demand exorbitant protection taxes which is jihzia. The situation is such that faced with the increase in insecurity caused by these groups, which have been declared terrorist organizations by the Nigerian UMMA OCI LEGA ARABA terrorist government.

12 days ago

rockefeller told freemason reporters: 'don't say muslims kill christians' terrorism (18-12-2022) UMMA planned! this is Islamic kabbalah, and

this is where the ARAB LEAGUE is working to eliminate all Christians.

Nigeria, rockefeller told freemason reporters: 'don't say muslims kill christians'
At least 20 residents of a community in Nigeria's Zamfara state have been killed by a criminal gang associated with feared 'boss' Lawali Damina in retaliation for missing assault rifles.
12 days ago

terrorism (January 10, 2022) UMMA planned! this is Islamic kabbalah, and this is where the ARAB LEAGUE is working to eliminate all Christians. Nigeria, massacre of civilians in the villages of the state of Zamfara. According to local witnesses, around 200 people were killed in villages in the Nigerian state of Zamfara in a reprisal organized by armed bandits (Erdogan ISIS MBS Riyadh galaxy) following military air raids on their hideouts last week, residents said on Saturday According to the Nigerian newspaper Premium Times, 200 corpses (of Christians) were buried on Saturday morning, after the lethal attacks on several villages in the Anka and Bukkuyum areas
12 days ago

the war in Ukraine is a terrible war of religion:
1. on the one hand there are the ogres, of sodom and satan and Ursula the antichrist freemason rothschild bildenberg,
2. on the other there are men, the Jewish-Christian civilization with the last hope, the hope of Israel, before all Israelis are suffocated in blood.
3. and the demon Allah like a vulture stands there watching, what and what he can take from the corpses
12 days ago

El Paso border crisis – who are the masses waiting to enter the US?
what if they knew that abour in 10 years (after ww3) there will no longer be either the USA or Canada? no one would think of going to live there
12 days ago

Dajjal @disqus_FaIuABBavM
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Satan you can not stay here this is my kingdom

12 days ago

al-MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ hail at your master and God Allah stone-rockefeller and the caxxo fu*k*ng you
12 days ago

al-MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ rockefeller loves me and is dying to see me, but this time I won't be found

Peace between Jordan and Israel unraveling, report sayspunch_corona_news_wire_servicesharjah same genocide: replacement theology

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idiots Vladimir PUTIN & Isaac Herzog ] [ don't get yourself between UniusREI and its prey: Mohammeddans all ISIS

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