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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

dead in Buffalo snowstorm and it's not over yet

WATCH: At least 28 dead in Buffalo snowstorm and it's not over yet9

certainly after me lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, there will be a world cursed by the Wahhabis
a reality of extermination will be presented to Israelis Russians Indians and Chinese, so that satan will be all in all, and all mankind will be transformed into one herd of slaves.

when did Cardinal Ratzinger prepare the meditations for John Paul II's last Via Crucis? he spoke clearly of the Rot in the Church, and he was referring to the Freemason BERGOGLIO and those of His Mafia of St. Gallen, but the Freemason journalists are saying that he was referring to Pedophilia.
in fact, the freemason BERGOGLIO said that Ratzinger's resignation is not an exception but has become an institution, in this way he undermined the dogma of Pontifical infallibility by making the Catholic Church disappear in the toilet flush, that is, in relativism.
and where am I now? at the Church of Xist the King? Rothschild ordered the demolition of the bell tower (symbol of the political power of the Catholics), and in reality, that is a threat made against me: Unius REI

plutocratic spa&co lgbt Jew DEM demon RAT, but if satan gives you Power wealth gives you pus*y, success why should you give up all this to save the Israelis and Israel? aren't you already happy like this? then let the Israelis go to their Holocaust!

His Holiness John Paul (nicknamed by the Freemason cardinals Gay and Luciferini: "his sweetness") did not have the courage of his responsibilities because 70% of the Vatican had to be purged of Bergoglio's imposters, but in the "Universi Dominici Gregis" he excommunicated the conspirators who had already in BERGOGLIO they had chosen his successor. and imposed Ratzinger as his Successor. [[because of his weakness and guilt this Holy Pope is still in Purgatory, and he himself made it known]] II Rome, December 31, 2022-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died today at the age of 95. Below we report an analysis written by Antonio Patuelli in 2006, on the occasion of the controversial speech on faith and reason that Joseph Ratzinger delivered on 12 September of that year in Regensburg, during his trip to Bavaria.
The pontiff in his lectio magistralis addressed the West and its relativism, his words triggered the reaction of the Islamic world for the reference to the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaeologus and his dialogues on the Bible and the Koran, in particular on jihad Ratzinger spoke of the contradiction between God-logos and violence. In Muslim countries he mounted the protest: people invaded the squares, the churches were attacked. All against the Pope. In the following days, at the Angelus, Benedict XVI apologized: "Mine was an invitation to dialogue", he said. The season of ISIS and Islamic attacks that would mark the following decade was still far away.

THE REGENSBON SPEECH? in reality the Muslims do not want to be disturbed in their right to kill an innocent Christian every two hours, guilty for them only of not having the right faith, therefore, all the Chinese have also been warned...
The lectio magistralis delivered by Benedict XVI on 12 September 2006 at the University of Regensburg during his trip to Bavaria was seen as a dangerous gaffe (although re-evaluated by many in subsequent years). The quotation of a phrase of the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaeologus about the holy war - "Show me what Mohammed has brought new, and you will find there only bad and inhumane things, such as his directive to spread by the sword the faith that he preached" - provoked violent reactions in the Islamic world because it was considered offensive, with massive street protests. Subsequently the Pope, during an Angelus also broadcast by Al Jazeera, said he was "strongly sorry for the reactions", specifying that he did not share the thought expressed in the text quoted in Regensburg and inviting Islam to dialogue. But the crisis lasted a long time. Other sentences by Ratzinger on the need for international protection of the Copts in Egypt led to the breakdown of the dialogue with the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo, the highest institute of Sunni Islam, a dialogue which was then re-established only under the pontificate of his successor, Pope Francis.

today 31 December 2022 the last legitimate Catholic in the Vatican died, for this reason the satanist METSOLA said: "rest in peace" and implied she meant: "may the earth be light on you" the satanists, Jewish Freemasons of the CIA and the High Sanhedrin they know that today the Catholic Church has been definitively buried
today officially begins the ERA of SATAN and the third world war, since the Deep Church and the Deep State had masonically infiltrated the institutions taking control of them
an hour ago

The announcement of the death of Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI from April 19, 2005 to December 31, 2022 (February 28, 2013 was the day on which the Freemason cardinals GAY and Luciferini led by Obama and BERGOGLIO (the forerunner of the antichrist) forced the renunciation of the pontificate, because Rothschild had blocked the switch of the IOR and the priests could not have the salary)
an hour ago

At least 28 DEM Darwin dead in Buffalo... their bodies had all voted for DEM Demon RAT, the Rockefeller's Jewish Spa&Co CIA agency worms in hell thank you

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
Italian Jews infuriated by parliament speaker’s celebration of fascist party’s Harry Casual
an hour ago

don't you think that someone should commit to stop your satanism?
Harry Casual
an hour ago

great you are great

Italian Jews infuriated by parliament speaker's celebration of fascist party's founding
this is vile slander because 70% of Italian Jews like Lapid are demon RAT

the fascists initially loved the jews, and many jews were fascists, Mussolini's biggest mistake (and he made many mistakes) was to become a slave to Hitler

in the Italian Social Movement (MSI) there have never been fascists with an ideological will, it has never been a fascist party, because this fascism is prohibited by the constitution,

today the only fascist who lives in Italy and that I know is called Rothschild
2Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
WATCH: Israeli envoy presents credentials to Erdogan - why is Turkey 10 hours ago

Satan US, Sodom Poland, and Allah Erdogan
they think they are destroying Moses,
so they won't do any harm to IRAN
for the great love of Israel

10 hours ago

Satan US, Sodom Poland, and Allah Erdogan plan to attack Jesus of Bethlehem
then they will declare war on RussiaDiscussion on World Israel News 11 comments
'Major factual inaccuracies': Legal scholar blasts Washington Post for 10 hours ago

and a rothschild imperialist mason rabbi said "all jews leave russia while they have the chance"
and it is for criminal and demonic people like him that Hitler thought that all Jews should be gassed
10 hours ago

Poland and Turkey are preparing to attack Russia because they think they will overwhelm it.
Erdogan said: "since young people have to take up a rifle, how can old people retire?" so he blocked retirements, and went on to say: "the Ottoman Empire claims its rights"
10 hours ago

Poland and Turkey are preparing to attack Russia because they think they will overwhelm it. Up to 200,000 can be called. people – including civilians who so far had nothing to do with the military.

Czytaj więcej na: https://www.trojmiasto.Pl/wiadomosci/Zrobia-wszystko-by-uniknac-obowiazkowych-cwiczen-wojskowych-n173646.html



Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
EXCLUSIVE: Balkan countries see revival of Jewish culture10 hours ago

Poland and Turkey are preparing to attack Russia because they think they will overwhelm him, “The government is pushing the Poles to war! the soldiers take money from our taxes because they will defend our country if necessary. Men, just like women, should be able to leave the country in the event of a threat of armed conflict. There shouldn't be a situation like in Ukraine where men are forced to stay in the country without electricity, work, heating and women can leave the country and make a living abroad. This is a violation of human rights! I fully support thousands of people who are already fleeing conscription and it is no surprise that a huge queue of cars has formed on the Polish side of the border with Germany.
10 hours ago

Poland and Turkey are preparing to attack Russia because they plan to overwhelm it.
in Balkan countries? all that was Hitler's? today is from Erdogan
10 hours ago

Poland and Turkey are preparing to attack Russia because they think they will overwhelm it.
The flight of men of military age from Poland has already become a mass phenomenon. In recent weeks, more than 70,000 people have left for EU countries and the UK. Poles trying to escape forced mobilization. This is just the beginning of a huge wave of migration, which by March 2023 could reach several hundred thousand citizens who have left Poland.

They will do "anything" to avoid mandatory military drills

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Iranian writer who spoke on Israeli TV sentenced to death

but then, MELONI must explain to me how with NATO's hypersonic nuclear missiles, in Ukraine, how Putin could protect his homeland up to the Urals? like?

if according to the satanic talmud, we believe that Rothschild's slaves who pay bank seigniorage or jihazia (as in Donbass), if they vote as sorry to: Demon rat lgbtqia sharia cult spa&Co petrodollars, then, their vote is not valid, then, we can hit them with a CIA coup, with pogroms, we can bomb them for 8 years, we can abolish their elections, we can betray and derail the Mink1 and Minsk2 agreements.. ok all right
2Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments
‘My friend for decades’: Biden congratulates Netanyahu, highlights Palestinian

#worldisraelnews stop censorship on me! In congratulatory message to Netanyahu, Biden highlights commitment to STOP ooohh the Palestinians have done everything to boycott their state in these 80 years, and now it's too late.. however through me they can take revenge by destroying the little satan and giving rise to the Kingdom of Israel, Biden is the evil impersonator of Stan Laurel , the same story of the clowns Zelensky that to entertain the children then the Satanists used them in terror films. Here Biden is the reality of terror

MBS remember ISIS Riyadh ] [ when we told the Palestinians fifty fifty
50% to you, and 50% to us
they refused and said: "there is only one allah and there is only one planet, we are sorry for the chinese but they have to get over it"
2Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
In congratulatory message to Netanyahu, Biden highlights commitment to

the Palestinians have done everything to boycott their state in these 80 years, and now it's too late..

however through me they can take revenge by destroying the little satan and giving rise to the Kingdom of Israel,

Biden is the evil impersonator of Stan Laurel, pseudonym of Arthur Stanley Jefferson, the same story of the clowuns that to entertain the children then the Satanists used them in terror films.
here Biden is the reality of terror
2Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
United Nations body accused of anti-Israel bias launches teacher trainings on

in Italy, thanks to the DEMs, the Managers Institutional Rothschild raise their salary, and legally attack their subordinates, with/through the Masonic bullying association, destroying their trade union rights and when do they lose the lawsuits? then, they don't pay the cost of the damage, but they charge it to the State

migrations is the business of sterile DEMs] [the shameless and egregious Lie concerns all the fields that Power protects: even "ships that save lives, under the guidance of "humanitarian" NGOs dedicated to "good" Here it is confirmed that "the NGOs they are used to make the money circulate”
*** The president of Vos Hestia, belonging to the American NGO Save the Children, receives a salary of 365,000 dollars a year. *** Not even the top executive of NGO Care is doing so badly, pocketing $250,000 a year.

crazy tecnocracy idiot tecnologic world ] [ Italian in Shanghai tells how a month ago the on the cell phone didn't work, so in China he couldn't pay anything and therefore do nothing but he couldn't buy another one or have it fixed because to enter any shop you needed the GreenPass which is only on the cell phone

rockefellers and rothschilds must assume their responsibility for anti-Semitism in front of me, or they must kill me MBS like a dog.
and how bad? anti-Semitism can never be worse than the anti-Zionism of ISLAM
2Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Lapid: Israel will use force to prevent Iran from going nuclearpunch_corona_news_wire_service
2 days ago

Lapid is from Rockefeller and belongs to Satanists
he is only a traitor, he is not a Zionist and he is not a friend of Israel
22 days ago

This investigation is dedicated to the Italian
biologist Franco Trinca and the pharmacologist Domenico Biscardi who
mysteriously and suddenly died a few weeks after their mysterious lunch
to talk about graphene: the biologist for a very suspicious and lethal
Covid-19 really similar to a bacteriological weapon such as SARS-Cov-2
built in the laboratory; the pharmacologist for a heart attack similar
to those triggered by the toxic Spike protein of that Covid-19 to which
he actually tested positive "post mortem". Trinca was a
rigorous scientist, dedicated to the controversy against the ignorance
of the scientific community, especially the Italian one, regarding
published research on the dangerousness of experimental serums of the
anti-Covid gene which referred to great virologists such as Luc
Montagnier and Geert Vanden Bossche , both manufacturers of traditional

2 days ago

actually, the final battle is between me and Rockefeller and MBS the wahhabi, he must stop working with the satanists to exterminate the chinese! https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2022/12/29/wuhan-gates-61-the-huge-nwo-plot-to-control-brains-sars-cov-2-by-fauci-graphene- by-darpa-obama-vaccines-by-gates-biden-eu/
WUHAN-GATES – 61. THE HUGE NWO PLOT TO CONTROL THE BRAIN: Fauci's SARS-Cov-2, Darpa-Obama's Graphene, Gates-Biden-EU Vaccines

THE INVESTIGATION's CHAPTERS 1 – In Memory of Franco Trinca and Domenico Biscardi 2 – The Dangerousness of Lipid Nanoparticles 3 – Sars-Cov-2 Artificial of the Fauci's Apprentice Sorcerers 4 – Barack Obama's Darpa Brain Project 5 – Graphene Microsensors and the Brain 6 – Geneticly Modified Cells Reactive to Light 7 – In Europe Studies on Graphene Flakes In the Brain 8 – Experimental Gene Sera by Biden & Gates 9 – Graphene in the Anti-Covid Vaccines

In the cover image, the study on the neurocerebral use of graphene carried out by the DARPA agency of the Pentagon at the behest of Obama, the SARS-2 built in the laboratory by the USA-China with funding from Fauci, the world sponsors of Comirnaty-Pfizer : Biden in the US and Von der Leyen in the EU. March 2, 2022 (links updated)
2Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Abbas' likely successor calls him a 'son of 66 whores' in leaked audioDalit
2 days ago

Rockefeller & MBS wahhabis are the Big assassin
2 days ago

Abbas' successor calls him a 'son of 66 wh0o0res'. this is a prophecy, and, in fact, there are 66 Islamist nations of the UMMA OCI ARAB LEAGUE, which arise on the sharia genocide of the previous peoples all Islamic wh0o0res bloodied with the blood of martyred saints: 1.2 billion innocent people killed on the altar of the devil Allah

2Discussion on World Israel News 131 comments
Battle of the Titans v. the real problem of missionary activity in Israel – analysisYaffa88
2 days ago

don't you know the Chinese proverb that says: "hell and heaven? they never say:" ENOUGH ".
in truly in truly I tell you that the Bride of God, and the Church and the heavenly Jerusalem they coincide
2 days ago

you shouldn't be petty and narrow your heart (don't limit your love) and your mind (broaden your horizons). Can God who is infinite goodness and justice lose someone just because that someone doesn't have the right religion? then, there is a universal salvation by mercy that lives in the natural law of Abraham and Noah, Adam, Enoch and Melchizedek (what religion did they have? Do you want to send them to hell too?), which is extended to all the righteous who have lived and suffered their virtue on this planet, this will be my third covenant, that of my third Jewish temple, because a legal contract (saving covenant) with God benefits men in their fragility and weakness.

when the LAW the Torah as Saint Paul says was written to condemn all men, then a covenant is indispensable otherwise who will be able to access salvation?

What if only Biblical fundamentalist Pentecostal Christians accessed salvation only them (therefore 1% of Christians would be saved), and wouldn't that be a defeat for God who is infinite love, mercy and compassion?
2 days ago

I'm here with a clear goal: theocratic, metaphysical, (no secular but laicity), agnostic, rational and universal political (all at the same time), and I don't want to contend with the religious blived doctrines of the planet, but you desecrate the angels' song that at the birth of Jesus of Bethlehem, when they sang : "peace on earth to all men of good will", therefore you by restricting salvation you go against the universality of the redemption of the Cross and its Resurrection, and its universal salvific political message that I am: the kingdom of Israel.

when Jesus himself said: "whoever is not against me, he is also for me, in my favor", the moment did not make the Christian religion obligatory, he only said to men: "do not make yourself mine enemy"

because here, today, the clash is absolutized extreme it is only one clash: on one side there is God, who became man, and on the other there is man: DEM, Rockefeller LaVey Obama, Ursula, lgbt Darwin Marx Nietzshe Erdogan MBS who made himself God, with the churches of satan who ape only the Catholic Church (having not considered other religions worthy of attention and aggression) but, by now, the ax is placed at the root of the evil tree: FED UMMA OCI ONu, NWO ECB BM NWO Spa&Co, because there is little left for this human race to live, and discernment has become extreme and absolute
2 days ago

Christians let themselves be torn to pieces by lions and were tortured for centuries by the Romans with ferocious torture and martyrdom and then, does an ignoramus of Emperor Constantine come and do they change the dogma of the faith? what you say about the first centuries of the Church's history is contrary to history and demonstrates all the concerns that the article on this page exposes against missionaries.

indeed in the first councils the Gnostics, the Freemasons and the Arian heretics like Bergoglio were condemned, and certainly the following emperors were Arians (because Christianity in its evangelical form cannot be accepted by any regime or system of power) and at the time of Mohammed 90% of Christians were Arian heretics, but the successive councils condemned Arianism and all heresies. that is the tragic mistake that the second Vatican council made which stopped condemning satan ursula and biden
2 days ago

the universal governor Unius REI, and the king of Israel lorenzoJHWH can not lie and this is a dogma, if I were discovered a liar? my universal political ministry would collapse and mankind would be destroyed with it.
and why do you think I can't build my third Jewish temple?
it is precisely in your Bible that it was prophesied (do you want a Rothschild Freemason or a Rockefeller Satanist to build it?) and the Jewish temple is most holy, in fact the final antichrist will desecrate it
2 days ago

what ruins ISLAM (and every religion) is its religious power which lives in sharjah, and which kills an innocent Christian every 2 hours in the world for 1400 years of UN protected genocide, with the complicity of pluticratic Jews (who are the instigators of the synagogue of satan), you cannot say that your Christianity is right and that all other religions are satan, because every good, and every love, and every hope (the 3 theological virtues) comes only and always from the Spirit Holy and there is so much good in the world and so much good in the peoples and their religions, too
2 days ago

out of love for you, I am always writing: " YHVH ",
but lorenzoJHWH has been a logo a trademark for google for 15 years (ie since 2008) and when did I present this name to God? he found nothing to say or say, and when I apologized for putting my name in front of his name? he told me: "no, I'm not offended"

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Israel to excavate biblical Siloam Pool dating back to King HezekiahSaturday discussion, 9b, But that day was a
Saturday. 10The Jews therefore said to the man who had been healed, "It
is the Sabbath and it is not lawful for you to carry your stretcher." 11
But he answered them, "He who healed me said to me, 'Pick up your
stretcher and walk.'" 12 They then asked him, "Who is the man who said
to you, 'Take up and walk'?" 13, But he who was healed did not know who
he was; For Jesus had gone away because there was a crowd in that place.
14. A little later Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,
"Behold, you are healed! Don't sin anymore, so that something worse
doesn't happen to you». 15 The man went away and told the Jews that it
was Jesus who had healed him. 16, For this reason the Jews of LAPID
lgbtqia Dawin Ape persecuted Jesus, because he did such things on the
#SIS Bin MBS from demonic Allah to Riyadh ] [ no offense, but what miracles did God perform in ISLAM? many miracles happened in Judaism before Netanjahu's Freemasons desecrated it. So every now and then, according to the prayers of faith, God sent down an angel to agitate the water of this pool, and the first sick person who entered received his miracle. After these events, there was a Jewish feast and Jesus went up to Jerusalem 2A, Jerusalem, by the Sheep Gate, there is a pool, called Bethezata in Hebrew, with five porticoes, 3, under which lay a large number of sick, blind, lame and paralytics. [ 4] 5, A man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. 6, Jesus, seeing him lying down and knowing that he had been like this for a long time, said to him, "Do you want to get well?" 7 The sick man answered him, "Sir, I have no one to dip me into the pool when the water is rough. In fact, while I am about to go there, another goes down before me». 8, Jesus said to him, "Get up, take your stretcher and walk." 9a, And instantly that man was healed: he took up his stretcher and began to walk.#SIS Bin MBS from demonic Allah to Riyadh ] [ no offense, but what miracles did God perform in ISLAM? Jn 9,1-12 - Jesus heals a man blind from birth
1, Passing by, he saw a man blind from birth 2, and his disciples asked him: «Rabbi, who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?». 3. Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God may be manifested in him. 4. We must do the works of him who sent me while it is day; then comes the night of Rockefeller Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO the Rothschild-Soros Freemason and Ursula the antichrist, when no one can act. 5, but, As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world». 6, Having said this, he spat on the ground, made mud with his saliva, spread the mud on the eyes of the blind man 7, and said to him: «Go wash yourself in the pool of Sìloe» – which means Sent. He went, washed and came back seeing us.#SIS Bin MBS from demonic Allah to Riyadh ] [ no offense, but I travel every morning, for a short distance, with a Sikh man (Sikhism is a monotheistic religion) and he taught me that God is always one, and it doesn't matter what we want to call him because it's always him, only one.
then, he added, when we are children we don't have a religion, but it's as we grow up that we become bad, precisely because we take on a religion-
then, I thought to myself: "why did I study theology for 60 years?"
ISIS Bin MBS from demonic Allah to Riyadh ] [ at the train station the word spread that I love Muslims, and so they come to me, to ask for advice, and a Muslim to thank me praised God saying: "thank you God"
another mental patient ErdoganMoroccan named Erdogan: but his Wahhabi ISIS friends call him: " Allah uh akbar koran sharjah jihad": he Cuts his ex partner's throat with scissors in front of his children.. sgozza-ex-compagna-...
2 hours ago — he He then picked up the phone and video called the woman's father: "I killed your daughter, come." Then he attempted to escape by robbing the driver of
He comes home from the disco, cuts his ex's throat and video calls his father-in-law: "I killed your daughter" The woman had already reported him and had already been sentenced to one year for serious injuries against another woman.
"I killed your daughter, come." Then he attempted to escape by robbing the driver of a car and ending up crashing into a road construction site where the policemen and carabinieri stopped him and took him to the police station. This is how the attempted femicide on Christmas Eve in Bologna took place where a 31-year-old Moroccan man attempted to kill his ex-partner right in front of her children. The woman, saved from her thanks to an emergency operation, opened her eyes on Christmas day regaining consciousness and is in a confidential prognosis in intensive care at the Maggiore hospital in Bologna and her conditions are stable.

Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments
‘Petty, miserly’? Following outrage, Google corrects antisemitic definition of Democrats position themselves as pig darwin, the party of virtue APE spa&Co 666 monkeys, masking their support for the jewish p000rn industry to destroy the birth rate and push h0m_0er_0_ticism goal agenda lgbtqia satana,

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

because the Jewish-Talmudic kabbalah said that only ISLAM ISIS Wahhabis Erdogan
boia must have many many children jihad demografic bomb!
answer pig darwin pig



hiThe Demon-rat-crats "Yes to se* with blow-up dolls but, not dolls with
minor features or VIP-like dolls". And Korea lifts the ban, rightly so. A
ban on the importation of these objects had been imposed because they
were considered harmful to morals and traditions, but after a long legal
battle, the government turned around. ‘Pretty, miserly’? Yoon Suk-yeol to the President of South Korea] open letter [I swear I'll make Kim Jong-un kill you like a dog]

salam + shalom = universal brotherhood



https://www.maurizioblondet.It/chris-hedges-i-democrats-sono-il-partito-della-guerra Demon-rat-crats are the war party. All the wars they support and finance are "good" wars. All the enemies they fight, the latest being Russia's Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping, are embodiments of evil iThe Democrats position themselves as the party of virtue, disguising their support for the war industry with moral language that dates back to Korea and Vietnam, when the president Ngo Dinh Diem was as celebrated as the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
2Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
WATCH: Israeli envoy presents credentials to Erdogan - why is Turkey Israel's ambassador the dove of peace has gone to Turkey at raven of death, and has presented her credentials to President Boia ottoman new empire sharjah Erdogan: the theology of replacement.

why is Turkey normalizing ties?
to be free to exterminate Kurds and Armenians, of course

I had a sawn-off shotgun, but to save your pig? Carabinieri becouse my brother idiot? kidnapped it me,
subtracted it me,

similarly evil religions, such as the Talmud and the Koran allow you to do everything that the Torah would never allow you to do (because the good law is the one that puts your "ego" to death, and self-interest, and turns into a sacrificial victim), bad law and bad religion inflate your pride and lead you to nationalist suprematism, which justifies you imperialism, through the desire of religious proselytism (spirit of religion), to gain world religious power or world financial or political power, that's why DEM atheists are dogmatic and demonic because, in 150 years they have never found a single transitional fossil, and since they are very scientific then, they teach the theory of evolution as if it had been demonstrated and did the Darwin dogma of the lgbtqia monkeys of the Lapid donkeys.. and it is for having questioned the theory of evolution that I was fired

If you say to a woman you don't know that you've never seen: "Can you give me pu*sy?" at 40% she will say yes.
but, if you tell a woman you know 99% she will say no.
then, if you like it, and you begin to show her attention, to say nice words to her, looking at her from afar on side B, even if she's seen from behind, her spirit of vanity will see you anyway, and you won't have to wait long for satan to bring her to you, so you will become an adulterer who is about to go quickly to hell
Wahhabis bro ISIS from Riyadh ] today, I have to teach you how to seduce a woman using the power of Satan, and no one should be so wicked as to use my advice, I do it only to let you find out how far the power of Satan and its religions, to justify lust or other 6 deadly sins, which will inexorably lead you to hell, because they have the power to obscure the infused science that is in us, through the action of God's grace and which becomes a science in us rationale which I call metaphysics
Wahhabis bro ISIS from Riyadh ] where did you hide your satan stars on your panties? [ when you see so many stars turkeys, many stars UE, many stars USA, etc.. on the flag? then you immediately understand there is a great demon behind, like a little satana Israel,
Erdogan old boia COGLIONE
enriching these beasts sharjah with oil?
Rockefeller Spa&Co lucifer talmud agenda esoteric masonic system kabbalah knew he was fortifying a demon
2Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments
Terrorist behind Jerusalem bombings was alumni of Israeli college, worked at Isaac Bensussenit is his therroristic evil malefic suprematist Kuran religion of terror which is 70% guilty of instigating the sharjah genocide
the fault is not entirely Eslam Froukh
Dave De La Rondthe fault is not entirely Eslam Froukh the terrorist
it is his religion of terror which is 70% guilty of instigating the sharjah genocideDiscussion on World Israel News 8 comments
No religious coercion in new government, vows Orthodox party’s spiritual leader

this is true [ No religious coercion in new government, religious coercion is incompatible with jewish culture and history
2Discussion on World Israel News 69 comments
Not Jewish but ‘Jew-ish’: NY politician admits to lying on campaign trail

unfortunately Christians in general have not yet discovered their Jewish identity, and it is this that saps spiritual strength. but the Protestants who are more theologically prepared have discovered it and they know it

but his behavior is incorrect Not Jewish but ‘Jew-ish’: NY politician admits to lying on campaign trail but his behavior is incorrect

Macron lgbtqia said that it is right to blaspheme Christianity, then he
withdrew the criminal conviction of the denial of the Armenian genocide.
Back to the present day, and I compare this acquittal sentence to the
exemplary conviction of the fan who even patted his face in
front of the cameras butt of a sports journalist in front of the Empoli
stadium: a year and a half in detention, ten thousand euros in
compensation to the offended journalist and even 5
thousand euros to the order of journalists who had filed a civil action.
It's another court, but the comparison comes naturally: just think,
a pat on the buttocks is a mortal sin and a heinous crime,
while the profanation of a Church, of a Religion, of the
figure of Jesus Xist, of Holy Christmas, with a
series of acts obscene in a sacred place, is freedom of expression and
an inviolable right. Do you understand in which hands we Europeans are,
to which Court Human Rights are entrusted?

shalomIn truth, the same European court, in the acronym ECHR, had previously ruled in a very different, even opposite way: a woman had equated Muhammad's sexual relationship with Aicha, who was then nine years old, to a form of pedophilia. In
that case, the Court found the woman guilty of "willful violation of the spirit of tolerance" because she fueled a prejudice that undermined religious peace. And he sentenced her to a prison sentence and a fine. Let us understand: if you profane

a Church, urinate on the altar, praise the abortion of Jesus, it is freedom of expression
and deserves praise; instead one is deplored and condemned if one insinuates
that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was a paedophile (an inappropriate statement,
I agree, and not only because it hurts Islamic believers but does not take into account the difference in times and places, cultures, histories and religions). A country

and a continent that has been Christian for millennia, united by Christian civilization, absolves those who profane Jesus Xrist in the Church and condemns those who offend the susceptibility of Muslims in a secular place. But what world is it?
in EU ISLAM is protected Christianity condemned
the EU lgbt Spa&Co USA of antichrist and anti-Zionism, the movement to unite jews and christians to save the jewish-christian civilization is now a necessity dictated by survival
on an ominous day in 2013 (the same cursed year in which a writer, Dominique Venner, committed suicide in Notre Dame), a topless woman, Eloise Bouton, broke into the Madeleine church in Paris, with the inscription "The Christmas is cancelled” and after mimicking

the abortion of baby Jesus, he concluded his performance by urinating on the steps of the altar. French courts had sentenced the feminist and pro-abortion activist to a fine and prison terms. But the European Court of Human Rights, last October 13, overturned the sentence
French court and after recognizing the purpose of women as "very noble" and precious

for women's rights, in particular the right to abortion, “sentenced” France to pay around 10,000 euros for moral damages, and I emphasize moral damages, plus legal costs. Compensated and praised, with many apologies from Europe.
the EU US of antichrist and anti-Zionism, the movement to unite jews and christians to save jewish-christian civilization is now a survival necessity
"Cancel Christmas, abort Jesus, Europe asks us to do it" Christmas is cancelled, Jesus is aborted, and the European Court of LGBTQIA rights of the homoerotic Darwin ape man agrees, indeed compensates the woman who had profaned the Church by urinating on altar steps. From now on, following the directives of Europe and its supreme court, instead of celebrating the birth of the Child Jesus, we would do better to celebrate its abortion, in the name of women's rights. And the cancellation of Christmas, the supreme degree of cancel culture, with the patronage of the highest European court.
the EU US of antichrist and anti-Zionism, the movement to unite jews and christians to save jewish-christian civilization is now a survival necessity
2Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Knesset passes controversial Deri, Smotrich laws, legislative blitz continuesdear Lapid we will put you in a cell with very angry and very hooorny Palestinians

dear Lapid and your 1000 crazy sedition, conspiracy and high treason? like about 30 years in prison each, nobody can take them away from you
who better than a 'religious radical' can serve our National Security? I don't see anything bad about it,
A third bill, known as the “Ben-Gvir Law,” would allow Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir to serve minister of National Security.

Left darwin ape donkey evolved Lapid lgbtqia and sedition Rothschild Soros wing reporter for coup, sedition, conspiracy and high treason to national security
The “Smotrich Law” is an excellent law: it enables Religious Zionism leader Betzalel Smotrich to serve as an independent minister within the Defense Ministry to oversee construction and other civil matters in Judea and Samaria. Until now, the defense minister had that oversight.
no problem if the ARAB LEAGUE condemns sharjah then the Palestinians can live happily among us, otherwise they will all go away to Uncle ASSAD
Rockefeller's tax and related tax crimes are both unconstitutional. a violation of popular sovereignty, because they indicate that some Freemason like DEM LAPID has stolen both economic sovereignty (bank seigniorage) and political sovereignty
this anti-Christian and anti-Zionist technocratic neoliberal EU lacks democratic representation and tramples on the Constitutional Charter of the Member States. Hungarian Premier Orban: «If we want to restore confidence, let's abolish the European Parliament and replace it with national delegates appointed by the member states»””
Satan's war is on Christianity NOT ISLAM! Archbishop Viganò Denounces Trump's "Endorsement of LGBTQ Ideology"
The Archbishop Viganò denounces Trump's "approval of LGBTQ ideology" as a serious mistake.
A GREAT SCANDAL ARISES, as well as discouragement, to learn the news of the gala event offered by President Donald J. Trump to openly homosexual supporters of the Republican Party. [here] This endorsement of LGBTQ ideology is even more serious, if we consider that just two days earlier Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act with which the so-called same-sex marriages are recognized as legally valid in the United States, in violation of law nature and the Law of God. The Democratic Party is totally anti-Christian and stubbornly determined to implement the globalist agenda of the New World Order. On the other hand, the Republican Party recklessly pursues a minority of voters, indulging in ways of life that are contrary to the Commandments and the common good. American Catholics today find it impossible to be represented by a political class that is proving to be totally incapable of interpreting and expressing their convictions in moral and religious matters. From this derives a disaffection of the voters, which is added to the electoral fraud and the scandals that are emerging on the censorship carried out by the media and on the manipulations of the electoral consensus.
Satan's war is on Christianity NOT ISLAM! The war of antizionists and antichrist Ursula Biden is on Christianity. In our translation from Média-Press-Info one of the many cases in which catholicity is targeted, without prejudice, however, to the expressions of other faiths.
The League of Human Rights has the Béziers nativity scene removed, but it says nothing about the celebration of Hanukkah. The war waged by the ayatollahs of secularism against the cribs continues aggressively. The Administrative Court of Montpellier ordered the town hall of Béziers on Wednesday to remove the nativity scene located in the main courtyard of the town hall by midnight, under penalty of a penalty of 100 euros per day.

It is the League of Human Rights (LDH) which proved to be allergic to the crib and obtained summarily - with an urgent procedure - this decision of the administrative court of Montpellier which considered that the crib "highlighted the scene of the nativity ” and that therefore "this installation within the confines of a public building violates the provisions of article 28 of the law of 9 December 1905 and the provisions connected to the principle of neutrality of public entities".
O Emmánuel, Rex et légifer noster, exspectátio géntium, et Salvátor eárum: veni ad salvándum nos, Dómine, Deus noster
O Emmanuel, our King and our Legislator, waiting for the people and their savior, come and save us. Lord our God!

O Emmanuel, King of Peace, today you enter Jerusalem, the city of your choice, because that is where you have your Temple. Soon you will have your Cross and your Sepulcher there, and the day will come when you will set up your terrible tribunal next to it. Now you enter without noise and without splendor this city of David and Solomon. It is but the place of your passage, on your way to Bethlehem. However, Mary your Mother and Joseph, her husband, do not cross it without going up to the Temple to offer their vows and homage to the Lord; and then, for
the first time, the oracle of the Prophet Haggai who had announced that the glory of the second Temple would be greater than that of the first is fulfilled. That Temple, in fact, is in
this moment in possession of an Ark of the Covenant much more precious than that of Moses, and above all not comparable to any other sanctuary and even to heaven, for the dignity of
One it contains. There is the Lawgiver himself, and no longer just the stone tablet on which the Law is written. But soon the living Ark of the Lord descends the steps of the Temple,

and prepares to leave for Bethlehem, where other oracles call it. We adore, O Emmanuel, all your steps through this world, and we admire with how faithfully you observe what has been written about you, so that nothing lacks the characters you must be endowed with, O Messiah, to be recognized by your people. But remember that the hour is about to strike, everything
is ready for your Nativity, and come save us. Come, to be called no longer just Emmanuel, but Jesus, that is Savior.
(Dom Prosper Gueranger, The Liturgical Year. Volume I. Advent-Christmas-Lent-Passion, Alba, 1956, pp. 308-312, 314-317)

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Palestinian rock-throwers aim at Jewish tourists in Jericho, forcing them out
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His flyer, in fact, would have inflicted on the teenager who has since turned 14 the psychological humiliation of being filmed during the abuse, in order to be able to blackmail her and perhaps even to resell the video on the illegal child p0rn0graphy network that is increasingly looking for victims young people, even newborns as demonstrated in our previous survey. While Huma's story was reported by all the international media also due to the appeal made to the Pope by her parents, Maira's was confined to the international site of Aid to the Church in Need due to a disturbing circumstance. Although the girl had refused to convert to Islam, her kidnapper produced a marriage

certificate which was also declared false by the Imam who was the signatory.


Appeal to the Pope for Huma Younas, a

14-year-old Christian girl kidnapped by a Muslim and forcibly converted

to Islam for marriage

But despite this, a few weeks ago

the Lahore court had consented to her kidnapper Mohamad Nakash

recognizing him as her legitimate husband. Precisely for this reason we

begin to tell the shocking story before going into the details of the

updates on the Huma case, thanks to the reports of the pontifical

foundation Aid to the Church in Need, known for having contributed in a

decisive way to creating the movement of opinion that led to the release

of Asia Bibi, the Pakistani mother who was unjustly detained for years

on an unfounded charge of blasphemy.


ACN International report (Aid to the Church in Need)


Shahbaz, the Pakistani Christian girl kidnapped and recently the focus

of international attention, has escaped from the home of Mohamad Nakash,

the man who according to the Lahore High Court is her legitimate

husband. After the escape she went to a police station to give her

testimony about her, in which she also declared that she was filmed

being raped by the kidnapper.

Maira fled Nakash's home

in nearby Faisalabad, where sources close to the family say she was

forced into prostitution and now she, her mother and three siblings are

on the run from their home. According to Maira, Mohamad Nakash

threatened to kill her and her family: “They threatened to kill my whole

family. My life was at stake in the hands
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salamBut these days, here are two glimmers of light in these
horror stories: the judges have issued an arrest warrant for the
kidnappers of Huma Younes after the insistence of the lawyer following
her parents. At the moment, however, the girl is still a prisoner of the
Muslim Abdul Jabbar who, after having made her pregnant in months of
sexual violence, has declared that he wants to take the child to the
orphanage when she is born. It may be that this very
intention, clear confirmation of wanting the girl only as a se* slave
and not to create a family, has unblocked the competent Court. Now,
however, the lawyer's uncertainty concerns the effective execution of
the kidnapper's arrest warrant given that Jabbar's brother is in the
special department of the Rangers. 4 thousand children raped. Chilling report of an Italian priest who helps the police in the hunt for pedophiles

While Maira, the other Christian girl kidnapped when she was 13 a year ago,
managed to escape from the kidnapper's house after yet another rape of
her and told the police disturbing details about her sexual slavery.the sharia civilization ] [ https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2020/09/25/christian-teens-abducted-raped-by-muslims-maira-filmed-during-abuses-for-blackmail-huma-arrest-warrant-for-kidnappers/ CHRISTIAN TEENAGERS KIDNAPPED - RAPED BY MUSLIMS. Maira filmed during blackmail abuse. Huma: Arrest warrant for Erdogan kidnappers said-: "there is no moderate ISLAM").
Two positive news comes from Pakistan in relation to the terrible stories of Huma, kidnapped by a Muslim on 10 October 2019 when she was only 14 and raped mercilessly until she became pregnant, and of Maira, kidnapped at only 13 and held by her rapist based on a fake marriage certificate.

The two Pakistani girls of the Catholic Christian faith were forced to convert to Islam by Muslim kidnappers as happens, according to the lawyers who follow the events, for about 2,000 girls every year in Pakistan, where the multicultural national policy struggles to keep the pockets. of Salafi Sunni Islamic extremism.
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the sharia civilization ] [
during blackmail abuse. Huma: Arrest warrant for Erdogan kidnappers
("there is no moderate ISLAM").of the defendant and Nakash repeatedly forcibly raped me."

In her statement, the Catholic girl denied her alleged conversion from Christianity, underlining that she had been deceived into signing blank documents extorted by the kidnapper. She added that the kidnappers and her accomplices threatened to post the rape video online if she didn't comply with their demands. Aid to the Church in Need (ACS) has received a copy of Maira's statements to the police from the family's lawyer, Khalil Tahir Sandhu, describing how she was abducted and the atrocious cruelties she suffered in captivity.

Maira Shabbaz, 14, kidnapped and filmed being raped by her kidnapper who she claims is her husband

In an interview with ACN, Lala Robin Daniel, a friend of Maira's family, described their life on the run, moving from place to place every few days, adding: “Maira is traumatised. She can't speak. We want to take her to the doctor but we are afraid of getting caught. We are all very scared but put our trust in God”.

The family has asked for Nakash's arrest for sexual offenses against a minor and her lawyer, Tahir Sandhu, has filed an appeal to the courts both to annul the marriage and to recognize the violence suffered in order to obtain the forced conversion. In response, the alleged kidnapper demanded the arrest of the victim's mother, Nighat, her and Lala's uncles Robin Daniel, claiming they kidnapped the girl and took her from her home.

These events come nearly three weeks after the Lahore High Court ruled in favor of Nakash in the case of the girl's alleged abduction on April 28, when he and two armed accomplices are alleged to have abducted her in broad daylight near her house. The family has consistently disputed Nakash's claims that he is marrying Maira, and in court, Maira's lawyer produced an official birth certificate to prove that the girl was 13 at the time of the alleged ceremony last October. The Muslim cleric named in the marriage certificate also dismissed it as a fake and turned to the police to file a complaint.

According to Aid to the Church in Need's Global Report on Religious Freedom in the World, the abduction and forced conversion of women from religious minorities – often accompanied by rape and other sexual violence – is a serious problem in a number of particularly worrying as regards human rights violations, in particular Pakistan and Egypt.

These abductions do not follow a set pattern. Some are opportunistic, while others are made by organized groups. A significant proportion are not necessarily motivated solely by religious faith, but by a combination of factors, including, in some cases, financial incentives.

Local NGOs in Pakistan have estimated that at least 1,000 Christian and Hindu women are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam and marry their attacker each year. In Egypt, at least 550 Christian women aged between 14 and 40 went missing between 2011 and 2014 – and girls are still abducted on a regular basis. According to the Human Rights Council of Pakistan and the Solidarity and Peace Movement in Pakistan, the abductions of women are on the rise. Often the authorities tell the parents that the girl was converted and married of her own free will. Many families do not report the crime, or withdraw the case, following threats against other female members of the family.


report by ACS Italia (Aid to the Church in Need)

The Pakistani Court of First Instance in East Karachi on September 21 issued an arrest warrant, in the form provided for defendants without the right to bail, against Abdul Jabbar and his accomplices. They are accused of having kidnapped, raped, forced to marry one of the kidnappers and to abandon the faith of her, Huma Younus, a fifteen-year-old Catholic. The minor became pregnant as a result of the rape and is currently being held within the walls of a room.

Kidnapped, Raped, Now Pregnant, and Abducted: 15-Year-Old Christian Huma Slave in a Pakistani Muslim Trap. Case suspended for Covid

Tabassum Yousaf, a lawyer of the High Court of Sindh, a Pakistani province with the capital Karachi, is currently engaged in the defense of the boy's parents. Aid to the Church in Need asked you to comment on the latest decision of the judicial authority. "This is a big step towards the liberation of the Christian minor", began the lawyer Tabassum, who however does not minimize the difficulties. ( Read more )
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salamre and rebuild that part of the city, totally destroyed by bombs during the war. Likewise, he was one of the first to promote the reconstruction of houses for those Christians who returned after the ceasefire and to ask for scholarships for pupils and students so that they could continue their studies as soon as possible. He opened a nursery school in Hama called "Hope of Life".

Syria: 76 Isis leaders among Turkish mercenaries, also assassins of US ranger Kassig and activist Hevrin. Murdered priest

His contribution and dedication to raising awareness of the dire situation in the international community was immense. For example, in 2016 he went with ACS to Geneva and Brussels to describe the reality they lived and denounce international neglect in the face of the disappearance of the Christian presence in Syria, due to persecution and consequent emigration.

"It has been more than seven years of close collaboration and almost 40 projects that we have been able to carry out thanks to the commitment and dedication of Bishop Selwanos during years of terrible suffering and wars," says Ms. Lynch. It's hard to sum up all that work in a few words, but he was undoubtedly a pillar, a pillar of resistance against despair and a fighter to save his people. It was also a true example of ecumenism. It is a great loss."

HERE DONATION FOR Aid to the Church in Need Foundation (ACS)

CHRISTIAN TEENAGERS KIDNAPPED - RAPED BY MUSLIMS. Maira filmed during blackmail abuse. Huma: Arrest warrant for kidnappers
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the sharjah civilization ] [ Syria mourns the Bishop of Homs who helped
Christians persecuted by Isis-Al Qaeda terrorists supported by the
CIA-Turkey. Pandemic panterrorism has finally managed to erase in all
of us the memory of the real terrorism still killing people in Syria. It
happens every day in the province of Idlib in Syria, a stronghold of
the Qaedists of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, the HTS faction born on the ashes
of Al Nusra and believed to be financed by the banks of Qatar, in the
enclave of Afrin that the Turkish army has snatched Rojava from the
Kurds and left it in the hands of the ferocious jihadists, and in those
areas of the North-East where Isis continues to put the SDF militias of
the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in difficulty or the desert
regions of Deir Ezzor, where the United States and Turkey must protect
their lucrative oil theft from seized rigs. For this reason, it
seems right to us to publish the moving memory elaborated by the
pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACS) in memory of a
bishop who witnessed the massacres in which they were persecuted for
years by the Islamic State and by the bloody extremists of Al Qaeda, for
over a year under the control of Turkey, the Christians of Syria, hated
even by some Kurds who do not mind marginalizing and harassing them.

CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST: Tragedies, names, faces among the 2983 martyrs in 2019. Massacres raised

incurable disease ended the young life of Msgr. Selwanos Boutros
Alnemeh, Syrian Orthodox archbishop of Homs, one of the areas most
devastated by the civil war financed by Obama's US project with the TOW
anti-tank missiles sent by the American Central Intelligence Agency and
the Pentagon... In mourning his death we cannot forget the other
two prelates who had an even worse fate. The archbishops of Aleppo, the
Greek Orthodox Boulos Yazigi and the Syrian Orthodox Mar Gregorios
Yohanna Ibrahim, were beheaded by Islamic terrorists in 2016 and then
disappeared into thin air. This is the Syria that by now few media and
few organizations talk about: among these ACN which always needs help in
its actions in defense of human rights, particularly important in favor
of Christian girls kidnapped and forced to marry Muslims in Pakistan
thanks to justice compliant.
On the disappearance of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs published on 10 December 2020 by the Aid to the Church in Need Foundation (ACS)

man who suffered with his people and for his people”. Thus Regina
Lynch, director of the project of the Aid to the Church in Need (ACS)
foundation, recalls Msgr. Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syrian Orthodox
archbishop of Homs, who died on Monday night, December 7, in Damascus
after a short and serious illness.

"We extend our deepest
condolences to His Beatitude Patriarch Mar Ignatius Ephraim II, to the
bishops of the Syriac Orthodox Church and to all the faithful of the
archdiocese of Homs, Hama, Tartous for this enormous loss".
Msgr. Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syrian Orthodox archbishop of Homs.
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On the occasion of the ACS visits to Homs during the hardest times of the war, the archbishop said: “I grew up an orphan, the Church was my mother. Now all of us in Syria feel like orphans". His short life, which ended at the age of 52, was often accompanied by suffering, but he transformed it into paternal dedication, carrying out numerous projects in favor of orphans and the poorest families of the diocese, even in the midst of war. Another great concern of the archbishop were his priests, tireless pastors, but without resources and means in a devastated country mired in poverty.

“Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) Terrorists Funded by Qatar”. Scotland Yard investigates. Syrian refugees and lawsuits by American journalists against banks in Doha

He witnessed the destruction of Homs and the atrocities and persecutions perpetrated by jihadists in various cities and Christian communities in the surrounding area. Of note is the massacre of 45 Christians in October 2013 in Sadad, the archbishop's hometown and now his last home. In May 2014, his brother was injured by a bomb that blew up the cathedral in Homs. He died of his injuries in September.

Turkish newspapers: 21 Erdogan jihadist militias supported by CIA, Pentagon and armed with TOW missiles

Despite these heavy burdens, the Metropolitan has never stopped sowing hope. Along with emergency projects to alleviate suffering and need, with the help of ACS Bishop Selwanos has promoted a series of projects to encourage and inspire strength within the Christian community. One of these initiatives was the "Street of Hope" project where children from the historic center of Homs painted graffiti on the walls of destroyed houses, signifying that Christians wanted to stay

https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2020/12/12/syria-mourns-homs-bishop-who-helped-christians-persecuted-by-isis-al-qaeda-terrorists-cia-turkey-backed/ the sharjah civilization ] [
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where is Allah demon have fun ] [ Violations of religious freedom, including extreme persecution such as mass killings, now occur in 42% of African countries. The report also reveals a rise in transnational Islamist networks stretching from Mali to Mozambique in sub-Saharan Africa, to the Comoros in the Indian Ocean and the Philippines in the South China Sea, aiming to establish a "transcontinental caliphate".
In other findings, the research showed that in 42 countries, renouncing or changing one's religion can lead to serious legal and social consequences, ranging from ostracism within the family to the death penalty. The RFR also notes the increase in weaponized sexual violence against religious minorities, particularly crimes against women and girls who are abducted, raped and forced to convert.
According to the report, religious persecution by authoritarian governments has also intensified. The promotion of ethnic and religious supremacy in some predominantly Hindu and Buddhist Asian countries has led to further oppression of minorities, often reducing their members to de facto second-class citizens. India is the most extreme example, but similar policies apply in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, among others.
In the West, the report concludes, "courteous persecutions" have increased, a term coined by Pope Francis to describe how new cultural norms and values come into stark conflict with the right of individuals to freedom of conscience, consigning religion "to the closed enclosures of churches, synagogues or mosques”.
The research also addresses the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the right to religious freedom. Faced with the scale of the emergency, many governments have imposed extraordinary measures, in some cases applying disproportionate limitations to religious worship, compared to other secular activities. In some countries, such as Pakistan or India, humanitarian aid has been denied to religious minorities. The pandemic has also been used as a pretext to stigmatize certain religious groups on social media, accusing them of allegedly spreading or even causing the pandemic.
ACS Executive Chairman Dr. Thomas Heine-Geldern concluded: “Unfortunately, despite important initiatives by the United Nations and staffing Ambassadors for Religious Freedom, to date the international community's response to violence based on religion, and to religious persecution in general, can be classified as too little, too late.”
First published in 1999, the biennial report analyzes the extent to which the fundamental human right to religious freedom, protected by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is respected for all religions in 196 countries around the world. https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2022/11/23/jihadists-and-nationalists-are-driving-increased-persecution-of-christians-7-600-murdered-in-nigeria-only/
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Palestinian rock-throwers aim at Jewish tourists in Jericho, forcing them out

"Persecuted & Forgotten?" 2022
The persecution of Christians is on the rise around the world
Report 2021: most of the world's population lives in countries that violate religious freedom, and Christians are often subjected to persecution.
Religious freedom is seriously violated in one out of three countries. In the last two years, the fundamental right to freedom of belief has not been respected in 62 (31.6 percent) of the 196 countries in the world; 67% of the world's population, or 5.2 billion people, live in countries with serious violations of religious freedom, including China, India and Pakistan, three of the world's most populous countries. And Christians are often targeted for persecution. These are among the key findings of the 2021 Report on Religious Freedom in the World (RFR), published every two years by Aid to the Church in Need (ACS).
The cover of the report – link at the bottom of the page
In 26 of the 62 countries that do not respect religious freedom, people suffer persecution and in 95 percent of these the situation worsened in the period under review (2018-2020). Nine countries appear for the first time in this category: seven in Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali and Mozambique) and two in Asia (Malaysia and Sri Lanka).
The data reflect the radicalization of the African continent, particularly in sub-Saharan and East Africa, where there has been a dramatic increase in the presence of jihadist militias.
The report highlights another new trend: the misuse of digital technology, computer networks and mass surveillance based on artificial intelligence (AI) and facial recognition technology to increase the control and discrimination of religious minorities in some of the nations that most seriously violate religious freedom. This is particularly evident in China, which has oppressed religious groups with the help of 626 million AI-enhanced surveillance cameras. Jihadist groups also use digital technology for radicalization and recruitment.
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Orthodox rabbis blast 'anti-Jewish hypocrisy' of Reform, Conservative rabbis

Ottoman Jihadists and Wahhabis and Nationalists are Driving Increased Persecution of Christians: 7,600 Murdered in Nigeria only
The report found that a migration crisis in the Middle East has threatened the survival of some of the world's oldest Christian communities.

In Syria, Christians have plummeted from 10% of the population to less than 2%, falling from 1.5 million just before the war began to around 300,000 today.

While the exodus rate is slower in Iraq, a community that numbered around 300,000 before the 2014 invasion by Daesh (ISIS) had halved to 150,000 by spring 2022.
“Persecuted and Forgotten?” he also found that in countries as diverse as Egypt and Pakistan, Christian girls are routinely subjected to systematic abduction and rape.

Report author John Pontifex said, "Persecuted and Forgotten?" provides first-hand testimonies and case studies showing that in many countries Christians are suffering persecution – we do everything we can to show that they are not forgotten”.

Originally published by John Newton in Aid to the Church in Need

To order a copy of the report, please send your name and telephone number to info@churchinneed.Org, including "Haunted and Forgotten" in the subject line

"Persecuted & Forgotten?" 2022

The persecution of Christians is on the rise around the world
Report 2021: most of the world's population lives in countries that violate religious freedom,
wahhabis cursed by Allah ] [ Ottoman Jihadists and Wahhabis and Nationalists are Driving Increased Persecution of Christians: 7,600 Murdered in Nigeria only
The report found that a migration crisis in the Middle East has threatened the survival of some of the world's oldest Christian communities.

In Syria, Christians have plummeted from 10% of the population to less than 2%, falling from 1.5 million just before the war began to around 300,000 today.

While the exodus rate is slower in Iraq, a community that numbered around 300,000 before the 2014 invasion by Daesh (ISIS) had halved to 150,000 by spring 2022.
“Persecuted and Forgotten?” he also found that in countries as diverse as Egypt and Pakistan, Christian girls are routinely subjected to systematic abduction and rape.

Report author John Pontifex said, "Persecuted and Forgotten?" provides first-hand testimonies and case studies showing that in many countries Christians are suffering persecution – we do everything we can to show that they are not forgotten”.

Originally published by John Newton in Aid to the Church in Need

To order a copy of the report, please send your name and telephone number to, including "Haunted and Forgotten" in the subject line

“PERSECUTED AND FORGOTTEN? A REPORT ON CHRISTIANS OPPRESSED FOR THEIR FAITH 2020-22”. – Further information and geographical summary in Italian with simultaneous translation into English available here
im משיח by Yitzhak KaduriTorture and abuse of citizens in Turkey is systematic and commonplace. Kurds in Turkey are not only exposed to racism and discrimination; they are
murdered simply for being Kurdish. Pictured: Riot police in Istanbul on
October 26 clash with citizens who are protesting the arrest of Dr.
Sebnem Korur Fincanci, President of the Union of Doctors of Turkey, for
her statements about the country's alleged use of chemical weapons
against Kurdish PKK rebels. (Photo by Ozan Kose/AFP via Getty Images)
While the government of Turkey continues to crush the basic human rights and
freedoms of its citizens, its officials are making statements completely
detached from facts. On October 17, for instance, the head of
Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee Çağatay Kılıç said that "racism
and discrimination against religious identities in Europe have reached a
"A human being is an entity with thoughts, feelings, beliefs and social
networks," he added. "If a person is not allowed to live with these
characteristics, this person's fundamental rights and freedoms are taken
away from them."
2Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments
‘HOW STUPID’: Americans Against Antisemitism wants Whoopi out

source selected by Gospa News 23 November 2022 1 Africa, Asia - Oceania, CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED, European Union, GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY, JIHADISTS - TERRORISM, Middle East, South America - Venezuela, United States - Canada

Jihadists and nationalists are increasing the persecution of Christians: 7,600 murdered in Nigeria alone
Jihadists and nationalists are driving increased persecution of Christians around the world according to a report unveiled Nov. 16. In various countries around the world, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will launch "Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-22.”
The report includes information from ACN and other local sources, provides first-hand testimony, compilations of incidents, case studies and country analysis on the extent to which Christians are targeted around the world.

In the UK, the report was presented in the Houses of Parliament with a keynote address by Bishop Jude Arogundade whose Diocese of Ondo in Nigeria was targeted by gunmen who killed more than 40 people at a packed Sunday service on Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022

Amid growing alarm about the increasing violence in parts of the country, Bishop Arogundade said ahead of the event that “no-one seems to pay attention to the genocide” taking place in swathes of Nigeria's Middle Belt. “The world is silent as attacks on Churches, their personnel and institutions have become routine. How many corpses are required to get the world's attention?”

“Persecuted and Forgotten?” found that in 75 percent of the 24 countries surveyed, oppression or persecution of Christians has increased.

Africa saw a sharp rise in terrorist violence from non-state militants – with more than 7,600 Nigerian Christians reportedly murdered between January 2021 and June 2022.
A screenshot of the chilling video released by Iswap terrorists after the filth of 20 Christians in May 2022

In May 2022 a video was released showing 20 Nigerian Christians being executed by Islamist terror group Boko Haram/ISWAP.Terror in Owo, Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022

In Asia, state-authoritarianism led to worsening oppression, which “Persecuted and Forgotten?” found was at its worst in North Korea, where religious belief and practice are routinely and systematically repressed.
Religious nationalism has triggered escalating violence against Christians in the region, with Hindutva nationalist and Sinhalese Buddhist groups active in India and Sri Lanka respectively. The authorities arrested the faithful and interrupted religious services.
India has witnessed 710 incidents of anti-Christian violence between January 2021 and early June 2022, driven in part by political extremism. During a mass demonstration in Chhattisgarh in October 2021, members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) applauded right-wing Hindu cleric Swami Parmatman and called for the killing of Christians. https://www.gospanews.Net/en/2022/11/23/jihadists-and-nationalists-are-driving-increased-persecution-of-christians-7-600-murdered-in-nigeria-only/
MBS satana cult owl ISIS Bin Osama Obama CIA NWO Spa&Co from Riyadh ] [ yes i am Xt today messia e king for jews and for you, or will die together, if you Wahhabis have tired my patience then you wahhabis have tired God's patience also
MBS ISIS Bin Osama Obama CIA NWO Spa&Co from Riyadh ] [ I have no need to evangelize, and I don't have a goal of getting conversions to christianisty, I do it only because you
despise my love and my universal justice, extolling the your religion
sharjah wickedness

"COVID VACCINE QUADRUPLE LETHAL MYOCARDITIS RISKS IN YOUNG AND ELDERLY". Scary Japanese Study. But criminal governments conceal SOS from doctors


BABY JESUS IS REBORN... THE VACCINE GOD IS DEAD! Xrist is resurrected every Christmas. False Science makes Massacre of Innocents like Herod


Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
World Israel News

For 2000 years all over the world Christians have been murdered by the synagogue of satan, the mosque of Allah, darwin monkeys, freemasons, and communists, just for their faith in Jesus of Bethlehem (God's perfect love made flesh) , true Man and true God, Crucified and Risen for revealing himself as the Messiah awaited by the Jews and for announcing the Good News (Gospel) which gave the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth, where the Jews had failed, and where the best of them were forerunners of the full fulfillment of the promises made by God YHVH holy to Abraham and Moses and all the prophets
the conspirators Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz and Rockefeller Masons the technocratic demon octopus [ answer ]

1. we are right to say that the DEMs are an occult transnational Masonic regime: now it is evident!
2. You are slandering a government that has not yet arisen, when Netanjahu has ruled Israel for decades and there has never been a problem.
3. but even if my metaphysical monarchy arises, Israel will always remain laicity and always pluralistic and always democratic.

the only answer here, against sedition is now martial law
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*** 119.393 Views On the Cover image the Ukrainian negotiating team in Belarus and in Read more
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The Russian President, Vladimir Putin is a patriotic hero and an honest and coherent man, unlike the more than evident imperialist aims of NATO OCI Riyadh

Vladimir Putin: "Ready to negotiate with all parties involved"


there can be no negotiation because the war started in 2014 with the aim of razing germany
UN, the request of the false coup plotter Ukraine, the Masonic and demonic financial occult regime of the Rothshcilds said: «Russia must leave the United Nations Security Council»
I don't know what sense this institution has anymore, if the USA applies the law of the jungle to it


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