non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israel-Saudi a-normalization

Israel-Saudi normalization 'only a question of timing' - report

MBS wahhabi & Rockefeller Spa&Co ti toglierà anche la vita.

ma io ti darò una vita felice, quando ti avrò dimezzato i tuoi asset

Errore di traduzione translate google

i am political project of kingdom ISRAEL can you finance it?

22 1,200 Iranian students poisoned - right before mass protest

young people on the brink.. how demonic and criminal is Darwin's theory and the DEM ideology of GENDER, the single dominant Talmudic Nazi thought: pedophilia, abortion, hyperconnection, drug liberalization, assisted suicide, hypersexualization, etc.. euthanasia, demographic winter? You have to hear this story. #education #protection of minors

Youth on the edge - Meeting with Professor Alessandro Meluzzi

Youth on the edge - Drug liberalization, sexual fluidity, puberty blockage and identity deconstruction: what future?

Meeting in Ravenna with Professor Alessandro Meluzzi, introduced by Jacopo Coghe, moderated by Simone Ortolani.

#education #protection of minors


how demonic and criminal is the theory of lgbt GENDER? You have to hear this story. If you don't listen to it, you won't truly understand the sheer gravity of Career Alias. It's a story that shouldn't have even begun and instead pushed itself to the brink. It is the story of a minor pushed to undertake a "social transition" to look like what she was not. It is the story of hasty, superficial and ideologically oriented psychological and psychiatric diagnoses. But it is above all the story of a courageous mother, who was not afraid to go against the tide to save her daughter from gender ideology. lorenzoJHWH, now listen to his story:

#StopGender #provitaefamiglia BORN IN THE RIGHT BODY - The love of a mother who saved her daughter

A mother tells how she saved her daughter from a "gender transition" induced by a social (and scientific) climate that tends to encourage minors' identity problems instead of investigating and treating the original causes. The interview was broadcast on the occasion of the conference Educational risk in the language of the media held in Rome on 28 October 2022. It was carried out anonymously due to the sensitivity of the topics covered and the involvement of minors.

#StopGender #provitaefamiglia

362 'Forgive Hitler, let it go,' Kanye West says in message to Jews

Rockefeller MBS Erdogan Iran Rothschild ] [ for this you oppose my third Jewish temple, precisely to remain receivers of God's wrath

'Forgive Hitler, let it go,'

no, i am the GOEL avenger of all innocent blood

24 Israel-Saudi normalization 'only a question of timing' - report



Re: PAYMENT Request completed; McAfee LIVESAFE Automated Charges was DEBITED

LGBTQIA PERVERSION ALL SHARIA SPA&CO the silicon valley or Deep State CIA FED IMF ECB BM NWO Riyadh Israel Iran OCI UMMA M.O. (ie demons Satan & Allah & Sodoma) ] by my metaphysical density UniusREI I attract everything to me: lorenzoJHWH

all creatures holy or wicked, alive or dead, good or evil are all forced to come to me..

but, why did you turn 8 billion human beings into excrement?

the silicon valley or Deep State CIA FED lgbt IMF ECB BM NWO (ie demons Satan & Allah & Sodoma) gave us a personalized Rockefeller internet, stitched scam banking seigniorage, and mental manipulation, on each person, this is a cage, pushing the men to sin and to stimulate the frivolous, relativistic and cynical part of life.. and youtube google facebook twitter etc. make us bullied by artificial intelligence and algorithms

in the current criminal Darwin talmudic demonic sodomitic plutocratic sharjah technocratic western geopolitics OTAN Spa&Co scam banking seigniorage,

a current alliance with the Saudis will mean for ISRAEL to take on:

1. NOT just take on all the sins of the UMMA and its 1400-year-old genocides,

2. but, also be guilty of the innocent blood of Russians and Chinese that the FED is forced to slander.

to save Israel (as a Zionist project) and the world and mankind, sharjah must also fall along with the NWO

google traslator CIA not work with me Unius REI

Riyadh Israel Iran OCI UMMA M.O. ] [ la nostra alleanza militare, e neutralità geopolitica salverà il mondo, questa è la mia agenda

Riyadh MBS ] try to kill Russians and Chinese with USA? it will do no good to your wickedness and the wickedness of your people

Riyadh Israel Iran ] [ I have already destroyed the new world order: why are you fighting against me?

PM-designate Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ] [ I cannot exploit the Israeli martyrs, to save Christian martyrs from the sharjah of genocide, this is not, and never could be an intellectually honest position and it would not even be according to justice.


happiness ] Israel-Saudi normalization 'only a question of timing'. [ unfortunately

23 Petition to ban Ye’s music from Apple Music, Spotify garners 65,000 signatures

news from holy mater Russia:

In the Rostov region reported on the condition of a police officer wounded in Novoshakhtinsk

After a missile attack on Ukraine, the railway transportation of equipment and reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was violated

Six civilians were killed during the shelling of Donetsk by the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ukraine and Moldova agreed to cooperate in the field of air defense

Became known the details of the shooting at the police in Novoshakhtinsk

Hungary blocks new EU aid package for Ukraine

In the Belgorod region began to form territorial defense units

Medvedev named the author of posts in his Telegram channel

The Ministry of Defense announced the success of the offensive in two directions

Court in Moscow arrests Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Vereshchuk in absentia

Sindeeva: Perhaps there will be no Dozhd TV channel

4 'Hatchet job'? New York Times 'editors’ note' reels back Gaza fish tale

New york satan rockefeller's time

19 WATCH: What do pro-Israel Arab leaders know about the PA that Blinken…

all demonic perversion lgbt jewish masonic. Balenciaga, nihilism, the se* of children, the fool and the moon, We are scandalized by children sexualized by high fashion,

but not by their mutilation to change their se*. Are we a society that no longer has anything to offer but itself in sacrifice?

by Giulio Meotti.. A major fashion brand has launched an advertising campaign in which young children hold teddy bears wearing fetish and sexual bondage clothing.

Balenciaga pulled all ads and apologized for the 'wrong pick'.

The term "child abuse" no longer has any real meaning, as with the

"gender-affirming care" establishment at Boston Children's Hospital, one

of many American hospitals where minors are castrated, mutilated and

placed on powerful drugs puberty blockers that cause irreversible damage

(they have been banned in Sweden). The same is true for those who put

on drag shows in schools for all ages aimed at children. For our elites,

"child abuse" is the remnant of a moral universe they believe they have

transcended, perhaps even destroyed. But the fool looks at the finger -

the Balenciaga ads - and does not see the moon under which we built the

great western cemeteries of dignity... the fool and the moonall demonic perversion lgbt jewish masonic. Balenciaga, nihilism, the se* of children, the fool and the moon


"apology" is ridila tua vergognaus. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of people saw the

photos of the children before the ad campaign launched. How were the

images approved? How many Balenciaga executives have signed them? The

idea that anyone is sorry for any of this is grotesque. all demonic perversion lgbt jewish masonic. Balenciaga, nihilism, the se* of children, the fool and the moonall demonic perversion lgbt jewish masonic. Balenciaga, nihilism, the se* of children,

all talmudic demonic perversion lgbt jewish masonic. The whole thing, the company says, was the result of "a series of

serious mistakes." One image from the campaign shows a woman posing in a

Manhattan office with a stack of books behind her. One is by Belgian

painter Michael Borremans, whose work features blood-smeared children

eating severed limbs. The brand left Twitter following its takeover by

Elon Musk, and many have weighed this decision in light of Musk's pledge

to crack down on content involving the sexual exploitation of minors.

https://youtu.Be/2DrCl2ZmZFU the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Nazi Azov party got 4% in the elections, yet they had 4 ministers in the coup government of 2014, but they resigned simultaneously because they moved from Cabinet to govern and control the national guard.. while the leader dei Pravi Sector is placed at the helm of the armed forces

the coup was born from Maidan Square where pro-Western snipers killed 50 protesters and 50 policemen at random with the same weapons

#francescoamodeoofficial [ 17:08 ] The Most Comprehensive Presentation on US Responsibilities for the Ukraine Conflict (Slides Visible)

Putin despised Viktor Yanukovych

Former and current legitimate President of Ukraine, because he does NOT react to the European predation project, to devalue the currency and to commission the Ukrainian economy (as they did in Greece where Merkel achieved 40% infant mortality)


Nuland derails unacceptable agreements with the EU because she had already organized Nazi-fascist troops with whom she occupies Maidan Square

American Jewry’s fear of the new Netanyahu coalition becousa are antizionist and satanist globalist masonic tecnocratic lobby mafia

Putin began to oppose Ukraine's entry into Europe only when US interference in Ukraine and Georgia became apparent.

the demonic talmudic lgbt scam banking seigniorage masonic kabbalah system of the synagogue of satan in action DEM spa&co bildenberg ] UE nazi Usa regime [ "To crush any revolt in advance, one must not use violence. Methods such as those used by Hitler are outdated. It is enough to develop such a powerful collective conditioning that the very idea of revolt will not even cross people's minds. Ideally, individuals should be conditioned to limit their innate biological capabilities from birth. Then, the conditioning process would continue by drastically reducing education to bring it back to a form of integration into the world of work. An uneducated individual has only a limited horizon of thought,

and the more his thoughts are confined to mediocre concerns, the less he can rebel. Access to knowledge must

be made increasingly difficult and elitist. The gulf between people and science must be widened. Any subversive content must be eliminated from information intended for the general public. Above all, there must be no philosophy. Here too, we must use persuasion and not direct violence: we will massively transmit entertainment through television which always exalts the virtues of the emotional

and the instinctive. We will fill people's minds with the trivial and the funny. It is good to prevent the mind from thinking through music and incessant chatter. Sexuality will be given first place among human interests. As a social tranquilizer, it doesn't get any better. In general, care will be taken to banish seriousness from life, to mock everything that is highly valued, and to constantly defend frivolity: so that

the euphoria of advertising becomes the standard of human happiness and the model of freedom. Conditioning alone will thus produce such integration that the only fear - which must be maintained

will be that of being excluded from the system and therefore of no longer being able to access the conditions necessary for happiness. The mass-produced man in this way must be treated for what he is: a calf, and must be watched, like a herd. Anything that dulls his lucidity

is socially good, and anything that might awaken it must be ridiculed, stifled, and fought against. Any doctrine

that challenges the system must first be designated as subversive and terrorist, and those who support it must then be treated as such." Günther Anders, translation, "L'Obsolescence de l'homme" (Ed. Ivréa), 1956

88 At anti-Israel event, Blinken warns Jewish state not to allow prayer at holiest…

Alì BIN Khamenei ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ i will burn you

Alì BIN Khamenei ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ sodom allah satan Bildenberg Goldman Sachs, Soros and Mario Prodi, PD, lgbt, DEM THEY LET OUT Mr. Rothschild's OLDEST GRANDMA in her underwear and tank top and with an umbrella on her head, but she's been in the living room, so the umbrella had an esoteric message which, she said: "I'm telling you, don't be afraid, vaccines are safe"

she said it because she doesn't want to let her friend Giorgio Napolitano die, that hell calls him every day.

while as everyone knows the flu is important for adolescents and for the formation of their immune system

the sodom allah satan GoldmaN SPA&cO Sachs Soros and Mario Prodi said that the PD DEM must be helped in Italy

and Ursula said: "I'll teach Giorgia MELONI good manners, I'll send her Mr. Rothschild's Spread"

sodom allah satan said "Zelensky is new Churchill man of the year".

only that Winston Churchill fought the Nazi-fascists

while everyone knows that Zelensky is the nazi Ursula nazi-fascist Pravi Sector and Battaglione d'Azov

I will sell the stones of the moshea dome of the Dome of the Rock at 1000 euros per brick

41 New York antisemitic hate crimes up 125 percent in November, NYPD says

MBS ISIS UMMA ] i hit satanits in youtube, non i hit jews then after i hit muslims

For jews ther is no home outside of Israel

28 Lapid’s call to disobey next government puts civil society at risk, legal…

Prima di mandare LAPID SATANA culto LGBT alla sedia elettrica, PER SEDIZIONE E ALTO TRADIMENTO dobbiamo vedere se si è pentito.... anche perché la sua illustrata ignoranza è una AGGRAVANTE, e come asino Darwin evoluzione scimmia super intelligente sviluppata?

Lui ha già fatto troppo del male a Israele

4 WATCH: 'Keep me out of it,' Netanyahu says when asked about Trump 2024 run

Trump Donald maga [ Open letter ] [ noi sappiamo tutti che Netanyahu è un "cacasotto" ma io non abbandonerò mai the my President Trump maga patriot hero

Ecco, pace amore, pane pomodoro e fantasia perché Fratellanza universale e Shalom + Salam = UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD

9 2023 will be a 'decisive, difficult' year in terms of antisemitism, warns Israeli…

really Macron spoke of giving guarantees to Russia, but he must be too corrupt or too stupid!

while the CIA 2014 coup in Kiev was designed by the CIA to destroy Russia's guarantees and assault Moscow. so now Biden's Sodoma priests of satan Rockefeller's cannibals have changed their minds and have become nuns of mother Saint Teresa of Calcutta?

to all peoples victims and prey to the synagogue Satana Spa&Co Sodoma and their allies shari'a mosque Allah uuh akbarr ] [ I would love to talk to Muslims about the concrete possibilities that I have of being able to destroy little Satan.. but these infamous scoundrels, religious maniacs, parasites, criminals serial killers of innocent people? they don't realize that they deserve to be destroyed first, before anyone else

The message these ISIS Arabs friend of Israel are sending to their people UMMA nazi is that no hope have mankind have to survive, to this beasts of Satan Rockefeller Obama Rothschild and the beasts of Allah accomplice for their only one NWO-OCI jihad sharia UMMA in common petrodollars lucifer jabullOn Agenda kuran-talmud agenda imperialism, ie all ISIS Worldwide antizionism against my kingdom israel

2 Israel's president hails 'new era' in space exploration at UAE conference

naif President Isaac Herzog sharjah isn't friend to nobody's

38 Unconditional aid: US funds Arabs who want to destroy Israel

my holy JHWH and Cina ] [ I would love to talk to Muslims about the concrete possibilities that I have of being able to destroy little Satan..

but these infamous scoundrels, religious maniacs, parasites, criminals serial killers of innocent people?

they don't realize that they need to be destroyed first, before anyone else


The message these ISIS Arabs friend of Israel are sending to their people UMMA nazi is that “Normalization with Israel is a crime and a form of treason.” Another message is that "Israel has no right to exist, and all Arabs and Muslims should be engaged in a jihad (holy war) to eliminate it."


but if the Sharjah of the Shiites wants the extermination of the Sunnis and vice versa..

but what hope do the Chinese have to survive, if the beasts of Satan Rockefeller Obama Rothschild and the beasts of Allah have only one NWO in common which if it doesn't engulf and crush the peoples then it runs out and collapses?


27 Hungarian president supports 'strong Israel,' calls Netanyahu a 'courageous…

Hungarian President Katalina Novak (beautiful women) Are YOU such a friend of my ISRAEL that you moved your embassy to Jerusalem? indeed without my kingdom of Israel? there can be no Israel

11 For first time, Lithuania considers Holocaust restitution bill for individuals

the Nazi holocaust was an ABNORMAL wickedness huge,

but nevertheless, no compensation is to be given to the heirs of the Jews.

for preventing the formation of a Jewish state in Israel? they deserve the death penalty!

why the Masonic-financial harm that the synagogues of Rothschild-lucifer masonic system esoteric agenda have done to the peoples who hosted them?

it is a greater than the good they have returned.

assassin boia Hitler Stalin ali boia Khamenei Erdogan boia ISIS sharjah MBS from Riyadh? he

he is always less guilty than the instigator principal the great architect Rockefeller Spa&Co. the puppeteer and of all his synagogues of satana that have been accomplices of him in the crime of banking SCAM seigniorage, Masonic conspiracy and anti-Zionism kabballah project

4 Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander's son arrested, 1 killed in anti-terror raid

lgbtqia ] OPEN LETTER [ i kill your demons in youtube 8 years ago, he will not help you. all my respect to the humanistic homosexual brothers. but, you as lgbtqia lobby? you are an anti-Christian demonic ideology a satanic theosophy Gender Darwin without scientific proof,

therefore, you are the worst threat to mankind,

1. you are a moral threat that,

2. a constitutional threat.

3. and I condemn you as accomplices of SCAM banking seigniorage and its Jewish-Masonic predatory system.

8 Israeli diplomat held in 'prison-like conditions' in China after catching mild…

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

lgbtqia ] i kill your demons in youtube 8 years ago, he will not help you

20 No, Hady Amr is not ‘our friend': Message to American Jewish Committee

Alì Khamenei ISIS Al-Erdogan MBS from Mecca Satana Kaaba ] [ but I have bad news for you.

I will not share my planet with anyone, BECOUSE i am UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD and you are NOT friend to nobody

Alì Khamenei ISIS Al-Erdogan MBS from Mecca Satana Kaaba ] [ the your CIA cannibal priests of satan in youtube, first they closed me 100 channels , then, Impossible for you to access a Google product, and then they said that Unius REI is bad, yes they have demonic super powers but against lorenzoJHWH their demons didn't work.

lorenzojhwh Persian kingdom UniusREI Mahdì satansynagogue@gmail

obviously, you who always want to kill the great satan?

you think you can do it without me,

because you don't want to share the planet with anyone, you want the whole planet just for you

14 US INTEL: End to Russia-Ukraine war nowhere in sight

the CIA priests of satan are the Deep State, they are Big 666 pharma Spa&Co and they have been putting metal nanoparticles in vaccines for at least 60 years, because Rockefeller told IsIS from Riyad: "we are too many on this planet, Allah uuhh Akbarr"

CIA priests of satan are the Deep State, media intelligence masonry,

they have a trillion dollar budget and they spend it without asking permission from congress..

they are a hidden state, which does not depend on politics

I can prove PUTIN is 100% right,

the CIA OTAN have been slandering him for over 10 years,

they threw him into a ditch of despair and forced him to fight back..

then, they said: "you started the war, you are the aggressor", but there was already a CIA coup and a war from 2014 to 2020


"Putin is always wrong, no ifs, ands or buts, because he doesn't belong to the lgbt club"


63 Trump: Twitter bombshell proves 2020 election was 'massive fraud'

Twitter dalla Scozia mi ha risposto: "non sappiamo perché i sacerdoti di satana in UsA ti hanno chiuso il canale, durante le elezioni di Trump Hero patriot MAGA, perché loro i cannibali? non lo vogliono dire"

CIA DEM regime criminal Deep State internet satellite TV Rockefeller Spa&Co scam banking seigniorage Satana Sodoma & Allah hate me Unius REI and hate Trump MAGA


16 Iranian security forces kill man who celebrated Iran's loss to the US at World Cup

The 50 Countries Where It's Hardest to Follow Jesus in 2022 Alì MBS ISIS Erdogan.Hitler Boia Demon Allah and his muslims assassin:la comunità ebraica mondiale plutocratica ordina agli islamici di uccidere i cristiani e li protegge

e nasconde le notizie

of the Christian Martyr 2022 - Release International Alì MBS ISIS Erdogan.Hitler Boia Demon Allah and his muslims assassin:

of the Christian Martyr 2022 InducteeJohn Chau.. According to church

tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year,



Alì MBS ISIS Erdogan.Hitler Boia Demon Allah and his muslims assassin: The 50 Countries Where It's Hardest to Follow Jesus in 2022

https://www.christianitytoday. Com › news › 2022 › january


Christian Martyr Numbers Down by Half in a Decade. Or Are They? https://www.christianitytoday.Com/ct/2020/march/christian-martyrs-numbers-down-by-half-in-decade-or-are-the.html

The 400 martyrs of Christianity of every day : The red martyrs of today :sharia Spa&Co

the plutocratic world Jewish community orders Islamists to kill Christians and protects them

and hide the news

The martyrs of Christianity : The red martyrs of yesterday :

1- The early martyrs; 2- The origins of the word martyr; 3- Christians and Roman beliefs

4- The role of the first martyrs; 5- Some martyrs who marked the history of Christian antiquity

6- The martyred apostles; 7- Saint Stephen, the first martyr of Jerusalem

8- St Andrew the Apostle crucified around 60; 9- St Peter crucified upside down in 67

10- St Paul beheaded in 68; 11- Some famous martyrs before the Christianisation of the Roman Empire

12- The martyrdom of Saint Blandina; 13- The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

14- Catherine of Alexandria, martyred in 311

i sauditi wahhabiti hano costretto una cittadina saudita a fare la lesbica per sollazzare far divertire la strega Hillary Clinton

io ricordo bene il commento che quì io ho scritto:


"se Allah perde una partità? poi, Allah può anche perdere una guerra"

e il musulmano che festeggia la sconfitta dell'IRAN su una partita di calcio (lui festeggia anche la sconfitta del ISLAM), commette apostasia e blasfemia contro il Corano che è punibile con la pena di morte,

worldisraelnews ] all'inizio io pensavo che eri tu che cancellavi i miei commenti.. ma. io ora sono sicuro, lo hanno fatto i wahhabiti in collaborazione con la Cia, che avendo il controllo degli IP mondiali, non hanno bisogno di password per entrare nei siti

Alì MBS Isis Khameni Erdogan Hitler ] [ quando una parola che io devo dire, mi viene dalla Spirito Santo?

la mia debole mente che dimentica facile?

non la dimentica mai,

infatti Gesù pensando ai musulmani che dovevano venire, lui disse ai suoi discepoli:

"i musulmani vi uccideranno, vi metteranno a morte, pensando di fare un culto per me"


non c'é nessun dubbio che il Dio dei musulmani è un demonio

40 Thomas Friedman tours Hebron’s Jewish community

after having seen, in "the poem of the man God" or in the "Gospel as it was revealed to me of mysticism: Maria Valtorta"

that is, how much patience Jesus of Bethlehem had with his Apostle Judas Iscariot,

I said to Jesus: "but who do you think can follow an idiot like you who wants to die?"

and he replied: "and how many times a day do you forgive your wife?"

The Left Spa&Co DEM plutocratic masonry usurer never brings visitors here, becouse, sodom satana allah hate the Bible

31 US ambassador under fire for wearing hijab at Lebanon’s request

Chyna INDIA Russia etc.. ] open letter [ there is only one demonic Quranic kabbalah of the UMMA, related to the demonic TalmudicSpa&Co kabbalah of the NWO,

and this Shia Sunni rivalry?

it's just to put the smoke and mirrors of fools, that is you!

Alì Khameni Isis Bin MBS all Mohammeddans his demonic prophet Al-Erdogan ] these cannibals of the 33rd Masonic, together with the 32nd satanic, together with the Wahhabis and Shiites and their gray aliens etc.. etc.., in an attempt to destroy me and to destroy ISRAEL? they made the mistake of letting me into occult powers (see youtube Masonic world government), through implanting alien neuronal connections in my brain, but so now they have connected to me (cyborg) and now the New The World Order must be destroyed, together with its accursed ally and demon Allah Sharia kingdom UMMA, who is solely guilty of any aggression against Russia, Israel, Africa Asia and China India and against all free countries, which have not yet become oppressed by Ursula and her lgbt.

Ali Isis Bin Salman all Mohammeddans and his big brother prophet Al-Erdogan ] open always to sharia theology of replacement, for Kuran apostasy lucifer-Allah: the jihad genocide ] [ I have already said here other times

that I don't have a problem with God (it's not that he appreciates adulterers, that's not) or with my wife, but it's those fools Rockefeller and Rothschild who forced the chastity belt on me

Ali Isis Bin Salman all Mohammeddans and his big brother prophet Al-Erdogan ] open always to sharia genocide replacement, for Kuran apostasy lucifer-Allah ] [ Salam ] here in the West women are all emancipated ("we too have sexual freedom" they say women), and I can't make a joke, a joke, because my chastity is always in danger.

in fact those lgbtqia of Rockefeller and Rothschild told me: "if, you do it? then it is not true that you are the living Torah, and it cannot be true that you are our messiah"

Alì Isis Bin Salman all Mohammeddans and his pfofet Al-Erdogan ] open

letter [ 3 hours ago ] [ Shalom my loving Israel it is true that I

did NOT make the declaration to you, but you let me kiss you.



this puttanella , she told me: "I'll give farfallina to you, yes, but I also give it

to Rothschild, because we women have conquered sexual equality"

4 Herzog to visit White House next week

Shalom Israel è vero che NON ti ho fatto la dichiarazione, ma tu ti sei lasciata baciare

22 “The awakening of American Jews”: The rampant PA antisemitism

the demon of Allah ] [ lorenzojhwh - Saman Abbas is the 18 year old of Pakistani origin

which disappeared from Novellara (Reggio Emilia) in the night between 30 April

and May 1, 2021, after objecting to an arranged marriage. While I was translating messages sent by her to her boyfriend,

she made me want to cry, she seemed to me like my daughter. One of these messages said: "the order has arrived from Pakistan to kill me but I want my documents to be able to marry my boyfriend".

Saman must become the symbol of the younger generations who want to live freely without barbaric traditions. Saman must be recognized as an Italian citizen, even if her residence permit has expired. Do you agree?

the demon of Allah ] [ Honorary citizenship for Saman Abbas, 826 signed Ahmad Ejaz's petition. We reach 1,000 signatures!

Sign with just one click

Saman Abbas, the 18-year-old disappeared from Novellara (Reggio Emilia) in the night between 30 April and 1 May 2021. Her boyfriend raised the alarm. On 10 February 2023, the three family members arrested abroad went on trial: their uncle Danish Hasnain and the two cousins Ikram Ijaz and Nomanhulaq Nomanhulaq. In November 2022, his father Shabbar Abbas was arrested in Pakistan, while his mother Nazia Shaheen is on the run. The man, a month after his disappearance, confessed to the crime in a phone call. On 19 November human remains were found in Novellara: investigations in progress.

I, Ahmad Ejaz, a Pakistani journalist, together with the Pakistani community and Italian civil society, ask that Saman be recognized as an Italian citizen even if her residence permit has expired. Saman must become the symbol of the younger generations and the second generations who want to live without barbaric traditions in complete freedom.

I personally worked for several months with Italian colleagues as a journalist and intercultural mediator. While translating messages sent by her to her boyfriend, I felt like crying, she sounded like my daughter, her Urdu refined, her voice, and her innocence. One of these messages in which she said: "the order has arrived from Pakistan to kill me but I want my documents to be able to marry my boyfriend".

MBS Riyad Iran ISIS Rockefeller Spa&Co Allah Rothschild Satana Soros Sodoma ] [ obviously, where does the greatest abomination dominate, as the greatest violation of the natural and universal law, that is yours?

also enthroned, the greater holiness of this planet as it is among Muslims and Jews,

as if to say the most beautiful flowers are born on the manure

about… in order to eliminate and destroy every spark of hope for the revival of the Arab nation.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 6, 2022]

It is antisemitic sentiments such as these that were most probably reflected in a 2014 ADL poll, which found that 93% the Highest in the world of Palestinian adults – 1,900,000 out of 2,030,259 – harbor antisemitic attitudes. Since then, under the continued rule of the PA, nothing has changed.


if we speak of religious maniacs, we are no longer in the field of objective rationality. so,

we must also speak of demonic infestation.

yes, sharia islamists all are demonically possessed.

why this phantom Arab nation?

it is a 1400-year-old Sharjah genocide that the UN persists in not wanting to see

you can't keep up Darwin's scam lgbtq DEM abortion pedo-poligamist adulteri euthanasia, talmudic koranic, if

after 150 years with lies,

only because ideologically you cannot accept creation

why did you become a satanist

and why does the Taormina Jew have a completely different lexicon from the Jew Liliana Segre's lexicon?

and why my Master Rabbi Yitzhak kaduri

could he say what he thought (ie that I was the messiah of the Jews) only a year after his death?

certainly 2000 years ago the Jewish people were punished (by destroying their paternal genealogies) for having believed in Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth ((but everyone knew that he was born in Bethlehem))

the reality about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions, this objectively cannot be denied,

but claiming that these Jewish Freemasons can love other Jews?

this is also a statement that the holocaust and the shoah that recur with historical cadences denies

the real anti-Semites and anti-Zionists are the Rockefellers and their Jewish plutocrats, shareholders of central banks and the international Masonic system, that is, the Luciferian masters of the world, have already decided to destroy their plaything of Israel.

obviously, demons Allah macrophages sharjah scavengers?

await their feast

15 World Israel News

Iran Riyadh Allah is also like Sodom CIA and Satan FED are always a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive, in short, a single kingdom of the devil.

Mehran Samak, was shot dead by security forces in the town of Bandar Anzali on Tuesday night amid celebrations of the Iranian national soccer team's 1-0 loss to the USA at the World Cup in Qatar.

Celebrations were also reported in several other Iranian cities; many Iranians are hoping for their own team's defeat (and this is both apostasy and blasphemy: both punishable by the death penalty) as a protest against the Islamic Republic's continued rule.


you do not understand what the real tragedy consists of for the Islamists. but what if you lose a football match? then, you can also lose a war,

why in losing a football match? this means that Allah can fail

Hell’s Angels & jihad? the demons today they are famous

nothing new under heaven: even before the universal flood the Rockefeller Masons, the sodomites and the Allah demons collaborated together, to overthrow the sovereignty of YHWH over the world. but today they have become oil

Hell's Angels gang leader accused of coordinating attacks on Jewish targets in Germany on behalf of Iran

German authorities suspect Iran orchestrated attacks on Jewish targets in Germany – using former head of a biker gang.

15 Anti-Bibi resistance isn’t protecting Israel’s best interests – opinion

ottoman Erdogan MBS ISIS Alì [ you are also too ] Likud-led governments have been routinely demonized at home and abroad. because the god of this world, that is, Rockefeller considers the DEMs more corrupt to be able to control power, steal bank seigniorage, and push peoples to satanism, indebtedness, devitalization, perversion and total destruction..

but, Muslims consider all this massacre of Chinese an opportunity,

because anti-zionism and anti-christ pleases their demons allah

ottoman Erdogan MBS ISIS Alì [ you are also too ] yes, like all politicians, Netanjahu is also a criminal and a Freemason, and what if he isn't corrupt too? the judges and the secret services would bring him down immediately..

then the DEM sodomites traitors to the country would go to government and our situation could only get worse

that's why MELONI AND NETANJHAU are forced to be criminals, they are forced to be enemies-slanderers of Russia, and this is because their power is fictitious, the real power belongs to rockefeller

ottoman Erdogan MBS ISIS Alì [ The Constitution - Article 32 ] The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and in the interest of the community, and guarantees free healthcare to the poor. No one can be forced to undergo a certain medical treatment except by law.


the founding fathers thought of making medical treatments in asylums mandatory for dangerous subjects, not to save a President masonic satanic antichrist antizionist NAPOLITANO who stinks of urine, while he himself gave the monopoly of BIG PHARMA to the priests of satan of the CIA and banned it, to us nations ed peoples

ottoman Erdogan MBS ISIS Ali ] they put me among the trolls here, but, 20% of them I didn't want to block.. the jewish freemasons plutocratic rockefeller usurers took the constitution and treated it like a prostitute

12 WATCH: Hunt continues for terrorists behind Jerusalem bus stop bombings


Ormai da molti mesi – se non anni – la nuova frontiera dell’indottrinamento ad opera del movimento LGBTQI+ è quello di fare

pressione sulle scuole italiane affinché adottino la “carriera alias”,

uno strumento per trattare alunni e studenti sulla base della loro “identità di genere” auto-percepita e

non del sesso biologico maschile o femminile. Più di 130 scuole

italiane hanno già introdotto la “carriera alias” nei loro regolamenti



The "career alias" obliges the whole school (teachers, students, parents, administrative staff) to accept, without the possibility of criticism or dissent, a student's self-declaration on his or her gender identity, other than biological se*. Anyone who does not comply may be accused of a "discriminatory" or "transphobic" attitude and incur disciplinary or legal sanctions.


Schools approve the "career alias" without informing families completely and correctly, violating the co-responsibility pact on which the alliance between parents and school is based. Furthermore, it is expected that after the age of 14 the pupil can ask to activate the "career alias" without even the consent of the parents!


During adolescence there may be physiological moments of uncertainty about one's identity. Normally, these stages pass with full sexual maturation. With the "career alias" the school can strengthen in the adolescent the idea of being "born in the wrong body", prompting him to undertake paths for the "social transition" (change name, clothes, etc.) or even the "se* change ” (hormonal bombings and surgeries). Thus the precautionary principle is violated, often with traumatic and irreversible psychophysical damage.


A Court allows the change of personal data only after having verified, with specific medical diagnoses, that the person concerned is really affected by gender dysphoria. To activate the "career alias", however, schools do not require any clinical diagnosis, but only a self-declaration stating that gender identity is different from the birth se* and only asking to acknowledge it.


There is no legal basis that allows schools to adopt the “career alias” to name pupils according to their chosen gender, other than biological se* thus adapting access to toilets and changing rooms. The personal data can be modified only with a specific sentence of the Court, respecting a specific legal procedure.

extremely invalidating on the body of pre-adolescents criminal choices of DEM, against life and fundamental choices to the detriment of minors

he indoctrination by the LGBTQI+ movement is to put pressure on Italian schools to adopt the "carriera alias", a tool to treat pupils and students on the basis of their self-perceived "gender identity" and not their biological se* male or female More than 130 Italian schools have already introduced the "career alias" in their internal regulations.

But why is Career Alias absolutely something illegal and dangerous for kids and why say no to this procedure?

The new frontier of LGBTQI indoctrination is the so-called "Career Alias". A procedure that is being introduced, despite being illegal, in hundreds of institutes, high schools and universities. Even a few times in middle and primary schools. Let's see in detail all the criticalities and dangers of this modus operandi. Because it's illegal, because it's dangerous for kids, because it has no medical or scientific basis, because it doesn't respect the parental homeland, families or the school world.

Hunt continues for terrorists Rockefeller Allah Rothschild UE octopus Ursula behind Jerusalem bus stop bombings

A week after twin bombing attacks rocked Jerusalem, killing two and injuring 17 more, Israeli security officials continue to search UE USA ONU FED ECB BM NWO for the terrorists behind the attacks.

276 'Shameful, disgrace' - UN declares Israel's establishment a catastrophe

Christians have been living for 1400 years a nakba genocide sharjah that nobody cares


Christians have been living for 1400 years a nakba genocide sharjah that nobody cares


‘Shameful, disgrace’ – Allah jabullOn dracula Sodom Baal UN declares Israel’s establishment a catastrophe.


now that comes my kingdom of ISRAEL?

either they will all become daughters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta or they will all die

47 NY Jewish mom and 4 kids mowed down by hit-and-run driver

a babysitter ran away with a little girl who was found with DNA after 40 years..

it is clear this babysitter had to bring the little girl to the altar of satan, to the cannibals but then, she felt compassion for her. and she never delivered her again.

now rockefeller needs lgbt satanists and freemasons to continue to ruin the peoples and to continue to steal the banking scam seigniorage from all the peoples. and of course this demolition of the West, and this demolition of the Judeo-Christian civilization pleases the Muslims like MBS the wahhabi


satanists do crazy things, and they have to do crazy things, by compulsion of the high priest of satan Bush Kerry, and their big brother: Rockefeller, he sees everything and knows everything, in all the television cameras, and doesn't care about justice or people, thinks only of protecting his power and punishing his opponents with death.

According to the Post report, witnesses said they saw a woman fleeing the vehicle on the foot.


it was a miracle

So it was very dramatic.”

She said she heard the woman yell "help me and my kids, my kids."

it was a miracle


30 Netanyahu: I will not allow Israel to be governed by Talmudic law

we don't always agree 100% with what our friends say or do, but we won't stop loving them for secondary reasons (the purpose of which escapes our understanding) and therefore we won't stop loving TRUMP and being grateful to him.

the needs of politics does not always follow linear paths


I have already said that the determination to appoint ministries is Prime Minister Netanjahu's prerogative


in no way can the State propose states of perversion against the natural law. because the State always has an educational function and cannot derogate from the single marriage between man and woman.

and natural pxrnxgraphy (between men and women) is already an exception, to offer other sick, unnatural, demonic lost forms of p*rn*graphy.

how do we define a disease,

if not as a distortion of natural function?

therefore homosexuality is a social disease, even if subjectively it may not be an individual disease.

that's why the lgbtqia lobbies must be criminalized


MBS ISIS Khamenei, the woman: does she have 50%: of the man's genetic heritage? then, also the woman is equal to the man! I do not make distinctions: of any kind: between human persons!

you stop using the woman as a handicapped minor


the USA 666 EU OTAN FED IMF ECB CIA in the last 60 years? these criminals don't need to be vilified, what they did of: afghanistan, syria libya iraq and ukraine? it is there for all to see.

all in favor of the antichrist and anti-Zionism,


there is no evidence of evolutionism! because Cain: went to a city: to take a wife? all mankind: belongs to the same creative act of Adam and Eve, ie, we all. we have all been: personally involved in their error: original sin, we have all betrayed individually and personally and we have been demoted in this convoluted dimension of earthly paradise; for having all been reincarnated (the only possible reincarnation) in this dimension.

no! there is no evidence of evolutionism!

EVERYONE EXPECTS GREAT THINGS FROM ME, and they are right to expect them,

and I, despite being a sinner like everyone else, by the grace of God, I have never let anyone down in my entire life, that is, if he walked in paths of righteousness

Netanyahu: I will not allow Israel to be governed by Satanic esoteric apostasy masonic Talmudic law.


yes, we are laicity State but Torah Torah is always on our horizon,


MBS ISIS FROM RIYADH Netanjahu doesn't smell too much in the bathroom because he uses perfume

15 Ben-Gvir encouraging IDF troop rebellion, Lapid alleges

we praise God, that Putin exposes the sewer of our ruling class


President Mattarella said that we are the free and democratic nations, despite being slaves of Rockefeller and his Masonic lobbying mafia, the regime of the righteous and the deep state the swamp

honor this soldier, make him a general

only higher-level graduates cannot make political judgments,

soldiers corporals and sergeants can do it, and then everyone knows that the left are the sinister traitors of the state, they are de lackeys, hypocrites and lobbyists NWO

Both expressed concerns that the IDF's top brass was appearing not to support soldiers on the ground, while acknowledging that the soldier should not have expressed a political opinion during the interaction.


22 CAR-RAMMING TERROR: Female soldier seriously wounded

and this is shameless premeditated bad faith

OTAN 666 NATO is the masonic Ursula lgbt prostitute Macron Draghi Erdogan and his Rothschild patrons have started training the Ukrainian army since 2014 (today they told TG24)

and this is shameless premeditated bad faith

KINGS SALMAN BIN ISIS ALÌ KHAMENEI FROM UMMA ] [ the Torah is the civil and penal code of the Kingdom of God YHWH, it is so harsh that the Talmud-Qur'an was written to be able to do all the dirty things by night, which are all forbidden by day,

that's why only I can save you from hell!

now we don't have a problem with sins (and we are all big sinners) what is disastrously irreversible and catastrophic: is to tell the Holy Spirit that he wrote the Torah

I'm right

you are the idiot..

why at that moment? you have lost your way home


A total short circuit PD DEM. And in Italy of usurer Rothschild the cannibal: and on the lgbtqi Freemasons, the greatest social engineering specialists in history? in Italy, tens of thousands of women are forced to abort due to conditions of socio-economic hardship or due to the pressure of partners unable to assume their responsibilities in the event of unexpected pregnancies of wives or partners (or lovers…). Feminists defend a "free abortion" which is not free, but induced or forced precisely by that "macho" system that the feminists themselves would like to change! Pro Vita & Famiglia, on the other hand, is fighting to liberate motherhood: this is the real social and cultural revolution that we desperately need.

Despite continued attacks, by the Darwin monkey tribe, we will go forward boldly, however

And sodom-satan-allah are right to fear us, because thanks to our campaigns - and to you who support them! - many people return to ask crucial questions: "but, is killing a helpless child in the womb really a human right?"

No, it isn't and it never could be.

Feminists say they defend "free" abortion. But is abortion really free? No, it isn't, and it never could be.

Because the mother who kills her baby is either a fool or she is a terrified woman.

Hundreds of millions of abortions in the world (especially in India and China) are practiced precisely to prevent the birth of women and keep society in the hands of systems that feminists themselves define as "sexist" and "patriarchal".

Darwin DEM monkeys have gone wild! The blitz was Nazi-fascist-communist-zombies all integrated! The connection between the battle for abortion and for gender ideology is very eloquent: at the bottom there is the same idea of Darwin the man-ape, who takes the place of God, and assumes the Mohammedan power to give life and death at will and even decide his own psychopompic nature.

A delirium of Talmudic-Koranic supremacist omnipotence that generates monstrosity. and you Do you know why they attack us?

Because they fear us. They fear me and all Pro Vita & Famiglia. But they fear you too, because you support us and make our campaigns possible.

This attack is also against you, lorenzoJHWH. OOOHHH CAXXO, CHI MI VUOLE ATTACCARE?

Dawin DEM monkeys have gone wild! The blitz was claimed by the feminist collective Berta Càceres which defines itself as an "Anti-fascist Space and Ecological Struggle Front against the violence of Capitalism and Hetero-cis-patriarchy".

We filed a complaint by delivering the camera footage to the Carabinieri and started rolling up our sleeves to clean up our beautiful headquarters (again…).

The walls, shutters and shop windows were vandalized with red paint and illegal billboards praising free abortion and the lgbtqia farm+++++ pio pio, miao miao, bau bau gender sodom ideology.

In the photo above you can see the symbols of the so-called trans-feminism, which considers even men who… “feel” women as women.

Non Una Di Meno really?.. it happened again. On Saturday the Pro Vita & Famiglia office was (again) the victim of a violent and cowardly attack by abortion collectives (the Nazi DEMs sharia peacefully ). The attack, recorded by the external cameras of the headquarters, took place at 2:39 am, a few hours before the feminist collective Non Una Di Meno demonstrated in Rome "against violence against women".

the Darwin monkeys first say: "Not One Less" and then they kill the other women with abortion

Evidently, the women who work in our headquarters (the Pro Vita & Famiglia ) are "fewer women", given that violence against them is admitted. What hypocrisy…

3 'You're better than this': Rabbinic group, antisemitism czar slam Trump's…

I saw Obama (the paedo-Satanist-murderer) and Hillary the witch, laughing with the Wahhabi scimitar, to say: "yes, this is good"

“It was wrong for former President Obama to affiliate with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan.

It is wrong for President Biden to praise Jew-hater Rashida Tlaib and fail to exert his leadership of him to rein in the Jew-hatred of Ilhan Omar.

“It’s NOT contradictory that former President Trump, who has done so much for the State of Israel and for the Jewish community, and


it is impossible that there is Israel and that there is also a Jewish people of the Diaspora, this is impossible, both in terms of logic and real power

worldisraelnews you're not a reporter, you're just a charlatan, I've always asked you: "what are the motives of the haters?"

so, we will never know if they might even have some reason, because of your corpses in the Rothschild closet and closet Rockefeller

excrement of a Mason

21 Canadian opposition leader vows to move embassy to Jerusalem if elected –…

Al' Khamenei jihad Erdogan Rockefeller Masons ISIS Ottomans sharia Wahhabi Rothschild ] [ you have been carrying out the genocide in sharjah mode, for 1400 years, and you certainly do not lack a place to put the Palestinians people UMMA, take them back and take them with you to hell

Rockefeller Masons ISIS Ottomans sharia Wahhabi Rothschild ] [ you will say to the mountains: "cover me" and to the valleys "swallow me", you will regret having been conceived as a predator by your cursed prophet Kissinger-Soros-DEM

Rockefeller massoni ISIS Ottomani Wahhabiti Rothschild ] [ when you will see me coming on the clouds of heaven with all my glory and royal power? you will regret that you have been cursed

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] to me observatory on the martyrdom of Christians

the Muslim said to me: "shout cries it won't help"

and the Jew said to me: "yes I have been stealing you banking

seigniorage for generations, but God cannot condemn me for insufficient

evidence" (statements that can be documented at any time,

with name, surname and address) La différence entre Tanger et Bruxelles… pic.twitter.Com/H7619ErJfl

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

If this is how you celebrate a victory, you don't deserve to win. #Brussels #brussels #BELMAR pic.twitter.Com/mXX9P7DADl We have received your request for review

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] to me observatory on the martyrdom of Christians the Muslim said to me: "shout cries it won't help" and the Jew said to me: "yes I have been stealing you banking seigniorage for generations, but God cannot condemn me for insufficient evidence" (statements that can be documented at any time, with name, surname and address)

17 hours agoDetected as spam

According to reports from "L'Equipe", which quotes the local police, even before the end of the match, in the center of the city, "dozens of people, some of them hooded, had tried to fight", added the police , denouncing the use of fireworks, bullets and sticks. There was a fire in the street and a traffic light was destroyed. "A journalist was injured in the face by fireworks", specified the Police, who had to intervene, to calm the spirits, with water cannons and tear gas.

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

A mix of vandalism for its own sake and resentment towards the Belgians even though many of them are Belgian citizens but feel in opposition to the state in which they were born as children of immigrants. The rest of the city was instead animated by the carousels of the Moroccan community, the first in terms of population in Belgium (over 200,000 in Brussels alone). Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] a me osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani l'Islamico mi disse: "grida grida non servirà a niente" e l'ebreo mi disse: "si io rubo da generazioni in signoarggio bancario, ma Dio non mi può condannare per insufficienza di prove" (affermazioni documentabili in qualsiasi momento, con nome cognome e indirizzo)

17 hours agoDetected as spam

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

The celebrations in the Belgian capital for the victory of Morocco immediately degenerated into clashes with the police in the area of the city centre, between Lemonnier and Place Bourse. Boulevard Anspach, the main downtown avenue, was closed and police appealed to avoid the area. For reasons of public safety, the metro stations of Beekkant, Sainte-Catherine, De Brouckère and Gare Centrale had already been closed. About a hundred anti-riot officers intervened on the spot, using water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd (over 150 present). The mobs threw stones and firecrackers at the police. At least one journalist was injured, according to local media reports.

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

20 World Israel News

you come blessed and welcome to my III Jewish Temple

I had the vocation of the executioner, but to punish me: YHWH told me: "you must bring salvation to all"

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra ] [ you come blessed and welcome to my III Jewish Temple [ now there are not too many: Moses, Enoch, Abraham, Noah, Melchizedek and John the Baptist who can save themselves through the natural law alone, but, quite the opposite when the natural law becomes a juridical relationship of the third Covenant with God YHWH, which I as King of ISRAEL stipulate with God YHWH: in my third Jewish temple, then, everyone will be able to be saved easily, because I have no religious norms or religious traditions to add.

and that's why with my Creative FAITH I decided to be a rational agnostic, to bring salvation of eternal life even to those who can't believe in God but who want to adhere to the universal and rational metaphysical values of justice equality Zionism and truth

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra ] then it is normal for the children of Cain Darwin Donkey Spa&Co APE who cannot be redeemed, to hate the servants and children of God, who are present in all peoples and in all religions, because holiness is never the consequence of a some religion, but it is the consequence of a personal relationship with God, because while Mohammed the friend of demons, spirit guide for paedophilia, has not had a relationship with God, however, for Muslims it is possible to have a relationship with God, and in fact there are many Muslim saints because the Holy Spirit can live in every man's desire for holiness

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra ] how indispensable it is then to be able to enter "SPIRITUALLY" in the first covenant of Abraham-Moses, and in the second covenant of Jesus of Bethlehem, of Judaism and Christianity (although it is essential to adhere to their universal moral values) in fact, if it was easy or even only possible for man to find salvation in natural law alone, then God would not have had the need to create these two Abrahamic religions ,

While ISLAM is the exact opposite of Abraham and of Natural and Universal Laws, because it does not recognize the Kafir, if NOT in a potential state of dhimmis slave, which is jihad initiated to destroy sharjah of genocide deserved by the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy. while, everyone in the Kingdom of David and Solomon was free and equal before the law regardless of their religious beliefs

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra ] how indispensable it is then to be able to enter "SPIRITUALLY" in the first covenant of Abraham-Moses (TORAH and its sacramentals), and in the second covenant of Jesus of Bethlehem (GOSPEL and its sacraments), to be redeemed from the power of hell and death,

given that sin is superhuman: in its power and in its intelligence, and it would only be useless presumption to think of overcoming sin with our human strength.. in fact it is said: "the flesh of Mohammed's corruption always finds the right reasons to justify and realize his wishes",

I have found thieves who justify their activity, and so on,

every sin therefore knows the rational reasons of the obvious to perpetrate itself, since it seems unnatural to man to put himself to death, with his desires and with the lust that is in this world of Rockefeller, which is just what is indispensable it is necessary and that it must be done

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra, ] the seven deadly sins are KAPUT for me and for all!! Lust (luxuria).. Throat (gula)..

Avarice (avaritia).. Sloth (acedia)..

Wrath (wrath).. Envy (envy)..

Pride (pride)

that's why Origen had the unfortunate idea of cutting off his python pea which created some embarrassment for him, and in this way he lost his sanctity, because you cannot escape this terrible spiritual battle until 3 days after the time of your death physics

King MBS ISIS from Riyadh and my personal friend President Modi Nerendra, ] open letter [ when we all, are we born with original sin? we are by default subjects of Satan, and we have no hope of eternal life, because we are already marked by death the moment we are born. Obviously, original sin conditions us to the 7 deadly sins, what if we are dominated by only one of them, in a serious way? it will be impossible for us to escape hell, echo because it is written effeminate, adulterers, fornicators, thieves, perjurers, criminals will not inherit eternal life, Freemasons, cynics, lobbyists, predators, pedophile pirates, polygamists, impious, blasphemers, backbiters, slanderers (i.e. all the sins of Ursula Von Macron) will not receive eternal life

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ I am sorry to displease my personal friend President Modi Nerendra, who after he killed 8000 Christians (Twelve years ago the anti-Christian violence bloodied Orissa), and after relentless persecutions is now seeking the political consensus of Christians and has stopped persecuting them... but both Nazism and Islam and Hinduism do not have a transcendent mystique, a transcendent mystique that the freemasonry of the Rothschilds also made the Jews lose (in fact they think of the sleep of death for the just and, of going to 'hell or in heaven only after the Last Judgment).

but the swastica represents the cycle of nature, i.e. pantheism, therefore it cultivates personal and national identity and is incapable of opening up to other cultures and religions.. and this is why naturalistic religions are murderous and bloodthirsty, both inside (pachamama of Bergoglio) and outside



those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

The celebrations in the Belgian capital for the victory of Morocco immediately degenerated into clashes with the police in the area of the city centre, between Lemonnier and Place Bourse.

Urban warfare in Brussels after Morocco's victory over Belgium at the World Cup in Qatar.

A few dozen young Moroccan fans stormed the streets of the city center and the area adjacent

to the Midi station, destroying street furniture and setting fire to cars, scooters and electric scooters.

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

A mix of vandalism for its own sake and resentment towards the Belgians even though many of them

are Belgian citizens but feel in opposition to the state in which they were born as children of immigrants.

The rest of the city was instead animated by the carousels of the Moroccan community, the first in terms

of population in Belgium (over 200,000 in Brussels alone).

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated


— Antho (@Anthoprinci) November 27, 2022

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated


— Gilles (@Gilless_92) November 27, 2022

17 Rejecting claims Qatar is limiting kosher food, rabbi hails first-ever kosher…

Allah uuh akbarrr! A post shared by Carlo Fidanza (@carlo.fidanza)

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

Some images of the clashes, including the video of the destruction of a car sharing car in the center of Brussels, were then published on Twitter by the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, who wrote, commenting on the video: "Looting and violence. Football acts as a detonator"

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

After the match this afternoon in Brussels. Looting and violence. Football is the detonator pic.twitter.Com/NpGJst0wLN

Allah uuh akbarrr! those who do not live in sharjah will be exterminated

8 After honoring Trump, ZOA blasts former president for meeting with Jew-haters

if the Jews of the Diaspora are not all punished?

the Israelis will not be able to save themselves from the shoah that was planned against them in the historical memory of kabbalah... Donald Patriot MAGA Trump he is just trying to save the lives of his daughter and her husband Jared Kushner,

therefore a political anti-Semitism is the only viable way to save mankind,

and I can't be a Zionist and king of Israel without being a political anti-Zionist, against only all the Jews of the Diaspora

when does your government UMMA MECCA Spa&Co mosonic system make you pay taxes?

it's because he also sold your bones and Rockefellers for nothing

be anti any people, or be anti any religion it is a criminal act if it is not justified.

but, I believe that anti-Semites always motivate their contempt for Jews, but it is this motivation analysis and passage that Rockefeller ISIS MBS Erdogan executioner have asked EU US UN OTAN to overlook.

now i'm not so criminal as islamic sharia and spa&co plutocratic jews so much to overlook these masonic kabalistic coratic and talmudic motivations of satan's lgbtqia Darwin teosophic antizionist and antichrist Ursula bible

27 'HATED AND UNWELCOME': Jews, Israelis get rude awakening in Qatar

“Fly away from here as fast as possible,” one initially friendly Qatari told an Israeli journalist.


the scimitar of Wahhabi sharia will push the Chinese into the abyss of nuclear world war very soon.

For the sharia there are no friends and brothers outside the UMMA,

but only tactics and opportunism waiting to tear one people apart at a time

Ottoman ISLAM Quranic sharjah is such a corrupt concept, not to understand that Hitler's spirit had politicized the Olympics, while the Greeks who had invented the Olympics had done so only to give peace and brotherhood between peoples.

‘HATED AND UNWELCOME’: Jews, Israelis get rude awakening in Qatar

the FILTH of Allah and ISLAM hate the light of YHWH

so the evil shadows of sharjah hate the very concept of free will

9 Left-wing reporter blasted for casting new MK as 'religious radical'

this story that the DEMs defend women's rights?

it is the biggest lie.

the fact that patriarchy or matriarchy, for himself, can be discriminatory? this is another lie of the DEMs.

indeed the DEMs want to kill women both with euthanasia and with putting them like a piece of meat on the counter of the Rothschild Soros abortionist butcher

Likud party politician Amir Ohana (left) and his partner seen at Ben Gurion International Airport as they arrive back from the US with their surrogate babies, on September 26, 2015.


we don't have a problem with gay couples

what is demonic how unprovable is the GENDER Darwin theory, so lgbrtqia must be arrested, not homosexual people

EU USA Spa&Co, FED ECB BM NWO OCI Sharjah MBS, Lapid, Isaac Herzog, ISIS, Al' Khamenei all from Riyadh UMMA replacement theology and Rockefeller geopolitics of genocide jihad ] Putin is a true servant and son of God, but you are souls predestined to hell, and I will make you go ahead of time

MBS King Lapid, Isaac Herzog ISIS Al' Khamenei from Riyadh ] when do you pay taxes? there is always someone named Rothschild who tells you: "boy you are not the master of your body and your life, I am your master".

then, why Erdogan ISIS MBS sharia UMMA, they pay the money by buying it at interest from Rothschild Spa&Co, if they didn't like it: the geopolitics of extermination and predation created by Rockefeller i.e. the geopolitics of Spa&Co FED IMF BM NWO?

MBS King Lapid, Isaac Herzog ISIS Al' Khamenei from Riyad ] this violation of my sovereignty should not have been done, now I will strike with death, both the authors of this violation, and all their Mason accomplices who with their silence allow the human sacrifices can be made on the altar of satan and the CIA. Elighetend Rockefellers make 400,000 human sacrifices every year

MBS King Lapid, Isaac Herzog ISIS Al' Khamenei from Riyadh ] help my channell, becouse from my: im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri @disqus_gEwzM4WOUZ all the articles I wrote to denounce the human sacrifices of the CIA have disappeared, such as entire crews and passengers on 11-09, and the plane full of Chinese citizens (which was lost in the ocean) is actually was landed at a NATO base and how those people were eaten alive by satanists

4 Pallywood: Left-wing anarchists in Hebron provoked soldier for video,…

MBS King jihad ISIS ogre monkeys sharjah, from Riyad ] open letter [ Almighty God is everywhere and in every photon (do you know what a photon is?)

therefore all who kneel to Mecca abominable idol Kaaba, only kneel before your divine testicles

if ukrainians are cold they can go to poland as polish army is fighting in international legion they are devils Allah legion CIA they do not forget and do not forgive

Zelensky CIA made Holodomor for 8 years against Dombass and nobody noticed, even drinking water they denied…

here the sodom satan allah confuse Putin's Russia with Rothschild's USSR the Jewish Bolsheviks of the Talmud.

because all of the anti-Zionist and anti-Christ ogres are always against Moses (Torah) and against his Jesus of Bethlehem (Gospel)

pant Spa&Co scam banking seigniorage esoteric agenda masonic system black magic kabbalah, ie, coorporations FED agency CIA Deep State, masonry international Rothschild bandera & the nazi-fascist COUP akbarrr Rockefeller MBS ottoman Erdogan OCI UMMA shariah allah uuh from Riyadh

ZELENSKY IS TOO SURE HE WAS POISONED Vladimir Mackay, so he poisoned him to be so sure


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