non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

BIN Riyadh kaput to all kinese goyim-kafir infidels & impure

Chicago man charged with hate crime for threatening to burn rabbi in an oven

al-MBS ISIS BIN Riyadh kaput to all kinese goyim-kafir infidels & impure ] [ they always say that where there are two rabbis there are always three different opinions...

and of course, this is a metaphysical resource for textual criticism,

then this is what must be deduced: every rabbi is always a small UniusREI in potentiality repressed by Rothschild the Freemason


but, but , but you are the very famous lorenzoJHWH the terrorist terror of all the elighetened pharisees and wahhabis ISIS CIA cannibals and satanists unpunished who are all over the planet.. i am very lucky to have met you, there is still a hope (also if small) for this planet then


Jay Bollyn, a convicted felon, also lunged at the rabbi, goose-stepped in front of a religious girls' school and called himself a Nazi.


this seems like a joke, and instead it is a tragic and deadly game of anti-Zionist kabbalah that hates Jews.

the priests of satan of the CIA, with the supernatural and Masonic esoteric occult powers have transformed the US society into a Hollywood set, certainly Jay Bollyn does not look like an actor, yet unbeknownst to him he is an actor, since the demonic kabbalah of the rockefellers drove him insane, and mind-controls him

ABF (financial arbitration court at the Bank of Italy Spa&Co Morgan Rothschilif enlightened etc.. ) the file of the appeal is considered complete You said, so for you my statement is exhaustive and congruous even if it is not supported by the cited articles of law? given that the other party rejects it due to vaunted formal shortcomings


APPEALS ABF **** BANCA S.P.A. No. 1548888

OF 18/10/2022: START OF THE PROCEDURE ON 12/12/2022 31
US Senate confirms ambassadorial pick despite antisemitic8

demons allah satan and sodom command waiting for the antichrist. but I have bad news for all of them. "No Christian holiday so as not to offend Muslims"

In the homeland of cretin correctism, Saint Lucia day is cancelled. And country after country, schools, cities and ministries: no more Christmas. Europe for sale launches the Black Friday of its identity

Giulio Meotti Dec 16, Peter Hitchens on the Daily Mail wrote an article entitled: "Merry Christmas! Before it's abolished." Abolished Christmas 42
World Israel News

stop fearing Biden's lizards and come to me, run

bin-MBS Salman Ali-Aziz Mohammedans ISIS al-wabbabis ] all even atheists can get my immortality in my third jewish temple, if they accept the law of the house. much greater is the glory and power, which is available to all any my Muslims brother

stop fearing Biden's lizards and come to me, run

bin-MBS Salman Ali-Aziz Mohammedans ISIS al-wabbabis ] it is better like my friend who gets sick and then recovers,

or is it better to be like Unius REI who is immortal and never gets sick?

stop fearing Biden's lizards and come to me, run

lorenzoJHWH said: "al- omo"

friend: "Forgive me but at the moment I only know Italian. What does that mean?

lorenzoJHWH said: " I don't know it wasn't me "

This is proof that spirits of sickness (demons) exist.

When you talk about them, they show up!

lorenzoJHWH said: "are you okay?"

friend: Dear Lorenzo, there are no diseases, but they are caused by spirits

of infirmities, which live in all our bodies. You and I can't stop them from entering. Only God the Holy Spirit can do that. Soon I will receive total deliverance, total healing from all my illnesses, and I will receive the power of God to keep the demons from returning to my body.

friend: This was my leg with 2 vascular ulcers. (photo leg swollen like a whole San Daniele ham)

Testimony released to the Christian Television in Italy.

Tci-italia.It In 2004 I was born again and the Lord, in his infinite goodness, healed me in 2005 from scoliosis.

I was driving my car and singing Christian songs, when, suddenly, I feel an electric shock that started from the neck to the pelvis and a shock that started from the right pelvis to the left. I was suffering from: scoliosis and osteoarthritis

Coxo-femorals. I was healed instantly. Also in 2005, while I was in bed, an electric shock hit my left hand, the shock lasted a few seconds, and the Lord healed my hand of carpal tunnel. In 2006, I was in Palermo on a Pastor Benny Hinn Crusade, during the adoration I felt a very strong heat in the cervical area. I had a twisted vertebrae which caused me to vomit and feel dizzy.

During the adoration Benny Hinn said: don't wait for me to call for your healing, move your body to the parts where you are sick and the Lord will heal you. I rotated my arms and shoulder blades, suddenly the scapulohumeral calcified periarthritis completely disappeared.

The Lord is very good, to him be the glory. I await, hopefully, other healing miracles for disabling pathologies.

lorenzoJHWH said: "are you okay?"

friend: "Hello Lorenzo, I had a vascular ulcer on my left leg. Now I'm fine, but I've been very ill. Shooting pains day and night, continuously.

he attaches a photo of a leg that looks like a proscitto steak

lorenzoJHWH said: And how are you?

friend: "well, thank God it all worked out.

lorenzoJHWH said: I'm glad!

you have had a lack of physical activity.. perhaps you should take long walks or use the bike

friend: "This is proof that all disease is caused by evil spirits.

Acts 19:11

And God worked extraordinary wonders by the hands of Paul, 12 to the point that towels and aprons that had been on his body were brought to the sick, and the diseases departed from them and evil spirits came out of them.

Matthew 8:16

Now, when it was evening, many demoniacs were presented to him; and he, with the word, drives out the spirits and heals all the sick,

Matthew 9:33

And, when the demon was cast out, the dumb spoke

Matthew 17:18

Jesus then rebuked the demon, which came out of him; and from that instant the boy was healed.

If you don't believe the Bible then you are in trouble.

1 Samuel 15:23

For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and stubbornness is like the worship of idols and domestic gods.

Joe Satan Biden is OBAMA's sewer plug Imam al-MBS from Riyadh ISIS,

please never turn it up, because the dead bodies that might come out? are too many.

these cursed ones have no hope of eternal life 17
BBC Arabic quietly institutes changes in wake of media watchdog scrutiny

ISLAM ISIS is in jiahd on UE USA ] [ On the "goodness" of NGOs, and on the corruption of the Western system

December 15, 2022

“NGOs are for making money,” said one of the accomplices in the EU-Qatargate scandal.


the Jewish Freemasons, to steal the bank seigniorage have destroyed the Jewish-Christian civilization

then morality was destroyed:

if you look at a mother of 4 with interest? she gives you p*s*y without a second thought.

then, we shouldn't be surprised if corruption is endemic in the DEMs if it is done well and professionally so as not to be caught https://www.maurizioblondet.It/sulla-bonta-delle-ong/

ISLAM ISIS is in jiahd on UE USA ] [ from EU-Qatargate at Maroccan gate

1 8

The secret Twitter portal used by the US government to censor content on COVID-19 has been revealed. Read removed content.

December 16, 2022

(mb: A response to News Guard) Elon Musk calls this 'extremely worrying'


By Patricia Tolson – December 15, 2022 …

Abdel Bari Atwan, Erdogan Al-MBS from Riyadh given the extensive antisemitic and pro-terror sentiments he has expressed over the decades, Atwan praised the murder of three Israeli civilians in a Tel Aviv terror attack as a “miracle of demon allah.”


now that lgbt jews have control of NWO FED IMF ECB and have innocent Christians all over the world exterminated by muslims OCI UMMA?

today we know who has always been the real aggressor demon

stop satana rockefeller and his demonic lgbt freemasonry

stop coward CIA agents in this siteand therir many accomplice satana rockefeller cult. Dajjal


Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.



universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele shalom

What a beauty, God, that there are people who play this instrument to praise you, Father, thank you for blessing us by being able to listen to such beautiful melodies praising your Holy Name, Lord.

Blessed be God and all those who serve him through his gifts such as music and the gift of service to his fellow passengers in this life, those who create science and technology to help humanity, especially for all those who risk their lives for help others, because they are the supportive arm of heaven on earth. 123
UN official defends her 'Jewish lobby' comments, says they were taken out of…

This is the time to insist.bbb[ freemasonry lgbt and satanism FED ECB BM NWO OCI UMMA Riyad one only kingdom satana ] [

Our legal initiative had enormous media resonance, it was taken up by

dozens of newspapers, websites, and it was also talked about on

television, allowing us to inform and sensitize MILLIONS of Italians on

the seriousness of the situation; I was interviewed

by Zona Bianca on Rete 4, 2. Several schools responded

to the notice by backtracking, canceling or suspending the activation of

the Alias Career or shelving the possibility of doing so. Fantastic!

But here comes the bad news, which could ruin the entire operation and definitively deliver the Italian school into the

hands of the "rainbow left". In fact, our

warnings have triggered violent and hysterical reactions from the

radical Left and LGBTQ collectives, which for the first time have felt

in great difficulty. A violent media and political campaign has started against us and against our initiative, to convince

school principals NOT to cancel the Carriera Alias and indeed to force

the Minister of Education to even make it compulsory in ALL Italian


A little while ago our press officer sent me the CGIL press release against us...

freemasonry lgbt and satanism FED ECB BM NWO OCI UMMA Riyad one only kingdom satana ] [finally here we are, it's a matter of days (maybe hours?). yesterday the Minister of Education said that he is "reflecting" on the position to be taken on Career Alias. It means that he will soon take

a political initiative on an issue on which we have been fighting for

months with enormous efforts and sacrifices (receiving insults, attacks,

offenses, threats..). It is no coincidence that the Minister's words

come just a few days after the legal operation launched by Pro Vita& Famiglia through 150 warnings sent to schools that have adopted the Alias Carrier, asking them to cancel it. On Wednesday I was received at the Ministry by the Hon. Paola Frassinetti, Undersecretary of State for Education, to convey your concern and mine on what is happening (I am confident that I will be able to meet the Minister himself shortly). Our campaign has now been going on for months with a myriad of initiatives throughout Italy, but the outcome of the whole operation may depend on how we react to yesterday's words from the Minister,

freemasonry lgbt and satanism FED ECB BM NWO OCI UMMA Riyad one only kingdom satana ] [ https://sostieni.provitaefamiglia.It/index.php?id=1c890b0c-402e-0d04-a63b-636fa1085ce9

We've been waiting for this moment for months, and it's finally


We are one step away from the goal, because the Minister of

Education is "reflecting" whether or not to declare Career Alias

illegal. 16
New York appeals court orders Yeshiva University to recognize LGBT club

Freemasonry and Vaccinism. Just A Few Weird Episodes? Many incidents of adverse cases in Italy in the last few hours: The youngest victim is a 21 year old, by Maurizio Blondet December 16, 2022, any comment is impossible otherwise you will be indicted.


comitatoascoltami.It/ "listen to me committee" this Committee was born from a group of people who suffered adverse reactions after the anticovid vaccination. Initially we felt alone, we thought we were the only ones who had problems and we were seized by a great sense of dismay and despair. Then, slowly, thanks to social networks and whatsapp contacts, we realized that there were many of us. We strengthened each other, supported each other, dried each other's tears and day after day we realized that together we could have overcome our weaknesses and done so much for all of us. From this awareness came the idea of a committee that could help us and inform others about our situation. The purpose of the Committee, which is non-profit, is to inform, raise awareness of the institutions and the scientific community and help all people who have had adverse reactions to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment. We don't want anyone else to feel alone and abandoned like us!



lgbtqia Spa&Co, FED Rockefeller strunz ] [ GOD YHVH promised that he would not destroy mankind with the universal flood but did not say that he would not burn Sodom and Allah a second time 55
Russia: US air defense systems could be targets in Ukraine

this word con NOT Save it anyMore

USA in trone of Satan,

UE is trome of Anticrist, Bergoglio iS his precursor ,

OCI UMMA is trOne of lilit lizard demon ALLAH


USA is absolute evil

zelensky è tra i criminali più grandi della storia. Poichè l'ebreo parassita massone, avendo distrutto il sionismo, lui doveva distruggere anche la civiltà ebraica cristiana, che come è documentato storicamente NON gli permetteva di poter rubare il signoraggio bancario ed attraverso questo, NON poteva derubare anche la sovranità politica di tutti i popoli

la patria degli ucraini neanche potrebbe esistere dato che NON potrebbe mai nascere da un golpe della CIA

Il problema degli Ucraini è quello che loro credono di combattere per la loro PATRIA, mentre una loro PATRIA Non esiste essendo anche loro stessi gli schiavi di Rothschild.

Il demonio ebreo Rockefeller è il fondamento di tutte le Istituzioni di tutti i Governi e di tutte le Religioni. Ed allora chi è il musulmano che dice di credere in Dio? Ma Gesù lo aveva detto 2000 armi fa. Gesù ci aveva messo in guardia dall'ebreo massone e satanista ipocrita parassite predatore, sepolcro imbiancato covo di vipere, cioè tutti i sacerdoti del tempio ebraico.

Gesù aveva detto che non era lui , il principe di questo mondo. Gesù aveva detto che i musulmani avrebbero ucciso i cristiani credendo in buona fede di fare un culto a Dio.

Piloti vaccinati....

Pilota muore dentro l'aereo che si schianta a terra nei pressi della base aerea di Trapani, non si è nemmeno lanciato per salvarsi.. significa che era già morto.. RIP NESSUNA CORRELAZIONE! https://twitter.Com/CGzibordi/status/1601655296601882624 Pilota vaccinato completamemte muore.. https://twitter.Com/SuprasKurono/status/1603438770145075202 Peter McCullough: “Il 71% di tutti i pazienti trovati morti in casa dopo la vaccinazione entro 20 giorni era in realtà … 123
UN official defends her 'Jewish lobby' comments, says they were taken out of…

Shalom+ Salam King Israel lorenzo Y H V H metafisich man 42
AIPAC slams J Street for defending Ilhan Omar

OCI UMMA ISIS Erdogan Riyad IRAN ] BOIA [ Omar's antisemitic and anti-Israel comments include when she accused the Jewish state of having “hypnotized the world,” accused Jews of buying control of Congress, called Israel an “apartheid state,” and liked Israel to the Taliban and Hamas terrorist groups.


Why do you say you believe in God and then follow the works of Satan?

YHVH is a Zionist

hail SARUMAN one only eye-lucifer-allah Salman Aziz wahhabis akbarr al-MBS ISIS from Riyadh

scum DEM lgbtqia, eih Yair Lapid, יָאִיר לַפִּיד ] don't you know that your two-faced God: Rockefeller Rothschild and his one-eyed-lucifer-allah al-MBS ISIS ordered their slaves to isolate me?

because for the useless desire to want to talk to me you want to be killed?

scum DEM lgbtqia, hey you calm down idiots, I have it so long that it crosses the whole Mediterranean sea

eih Netanjahu ] [ yes I know LAPID has many values the most important of which is having a pretty wife too, that I don't know why she hasn't left him yet

Rep. Ilhan Omar why did you use lip balm lipstick? now you will have 50 lashes with the bamboo cane

Rep. Ilhan Omar you know how to wear the Niquab well to avoid being killed by Ali Khamenei

https://www.maurizioblondet.It/dalla-dittatura-del-male/ From the Dictatorship of Evil

Maurizio Blondet 15 December 2022 HEARTING TESTIMONY

This pregnant girl bragged about having received her booster on October 18th… Her baby died on November 10… “I am pregnant with a child who is no longer alive and I have never felt more devastated in my life” pic.twitter.Com/toEvZWwsaC

— Adriano Valente (@Adriano72197026) December 14, 2022 24
New report reveals why universities fail to protect Jewish and Zionist students

they follow the science of satan talmud Rothschild Bildenberg ] [ death penalty to satanists ] They follow the Science: Here's which one:


A few the president of the constitutional court, Silvana Sciarra, confirmed the vaccination obligation for the over-fifties with the famous phrase: we constitutional judges have ascertained the "not unreasonableness of the choices adopted by the legislator on the basis of the results achieved by science". It is useless to try to understand which science Sciarra has listened to.

Zelensky and his thugs are from the Rothschild Empire of Evil

December 13, 2022-Michael Galster

Matteo Renzi: Ukraine rejected the peace pact

by Michael Galster On November 29, 2022, at a conference in Bangkok, the former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi confirmed: "Ukraine rejected the peace pact" and explained: "In November 2014 we organized (the EU heads of government under …

Zelensky and his thugs are from the Rothschild Empire of Evil

December 12, 2022

organ trafficking of killed Ukrainian soldierstransplant specialists and organ harvesting specialists arrived in Ukraine from who knows where… https://t.Co/bkRbeXi5jI — cobraf.Com GZibordi (@CGzibordi) December 11, …Read more »

13 December 2022 - Sabino Paciolla (vaccination management is the holocaust of the 22nd century)

The greatest threat to public health is not a virus but a weakened immune system

We relaunch an analysis by Prof. Carla Peeters, published in the Brownstone Institute, which, despite being from October 2021, maintains and acquires ever greater value. Sadly, many people's immune systems have weakened even further since then, as evidenced…

December 12, 2022-Sabino Paciolla Blog Editorial

Former FDA official: 'I am disheartened to see what is happening with these vaccines or gene therapy'

Hosted by Children's Health Defense and CHD.TV, Sen. Ron Johnson (Rep.-Wis.) hosted a panel discussion Dec. 7 to shed light on current understanding of COVID vaccinations and the path forward. During the event, David Gortler,…

December 11, 2022-Sabino Paciolla

Danish health authority lifts isolation guidelines for Covid-19

The Danish Health Authority no longer recommends isolation following a positive Covid-19 test. From an article published in The Local. Here it is in my translation. In a statement, the Health Authority said on Thursday that Covid-19 is not… 7
Israeli cows to get their own biometric ID cards

according to the talmud we are all cattle and Mohammed pigs and Macron sheep, but goats are lgbtia Spa&Co DEM, israeli cows to get their own biometric ID cards December 16, 2022

New facial recognition and biometric system, similar to those used for passports, to be used for Israeli cattle to track their needs and identify animals in distress, A new facial recognition and biometric system – like those used on people – is coming into use in various dairy farms in Israel, but unlike its purpose in humans, in cows it will be used to identify if the animal is in distress.

https://www.maurizioblondet.It/dott-di-bella-la-preghiera-per-ostacolare-il-nuovo-totalitarismo/ EU Bildenberg USA have become a single city of SODOM (including the Vatican), but it won't be YHVH to disintegrate them this time: Spa&CO FED IMF ECB BM NWO is the devil Rockefeller will! Dr. Di Bella: "Prayer to hinder the new totalitarianism" by Maurizio Blondet December 10, 2022. Two pontiffs, with prophetic intuition and warning, denounced the progressive satanic pollution of the Church and of Western society. Some time after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council, on June 29, 1972, Paul VI wrote: «The smoke of Satan has entered the Church». On 24 February 2005, St. Karol Wojtyla, in his latest book "Memory and Identity" denounced the "New Totalitarianism", defined as "The modern plague of the West, sneaky totalitarianism, cloaked in democracy, which consumes its massacres with impunity". Welcoming the prophetic warning of the two Pontiffs, its full relevance and the gravity of the reality we live in, Saturday 10 December at 10.15 am doctors and all those who oppose the therapeutic dictatorship and share ethical values and the Faith will participate together in a Holy Mass. It will be followed by the recitation of the Rosary and by the prayer to San Michele Arcangelo. The Holy Mass will be celebrated with the intention, the supplication to God, "to free Italy and the Church from Satan, the Wahhabis, the Freemasons and all his servants". Those who want to join can participate, on Telegram, by following these instructions

Search on Telegram CENTURION LONGINO and join the DIO, PATRIA, FAMIGLIA channel.

https://www.maurizioblondet.It/la-greca-ho-obbedito-a-borrel/ The Greek: "I obeyed Borrel" by Maurizio Blondet, Kaili had declared herself innocent, and here is her defense:

Borrell, a Spaniard, is the EU's "foreign minister". He is a bigwig of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE). Ylva Johansson is Swedish, a leading member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and several times a minister. Since March 2020, you have been commissioner for internal affairs of the von der Leyen commission. If they can't bury everything (or kill Kaili) perhaps the liberation from EU prison really begins. Here the article of Euractiv: The lawyer claims that Eva Kaili followed the orders of the boss

of the European Parliament in Qatar Dec 14 2022 (updated: December 14 2022 ) “The clear and permanent instruction to all Vice-Presidents is to represent Parliament's position. Nothing else", the spokesman added. [European Parliament] Qatar did not need to bribe Socialist MEP Eva Kaili as the latter was implementing a wider EU plan and was receiving orders from European Parliament president Roberta Metsola, Kaili's lawyer Michalis Dimitrakopoulos said on Tuesday. Metsola's office told EURACTIV that the president

he gave instructions on how to represent the position of the institution and “nothing else”.

Last Friday, Greek MEP Eva Kaili, her partner Francesco Giorgi, and former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, president of the NGO Fight Against Impunity, they were arrested by the Belgian police on charges of corruption.

In our previous article , we provided an overview of abnormal blood clots related to COVID-19. This article will look at the white or brownish fibrous clots found in vaccinated individuals, how these clots form, and potential treatments.

Abnormal fibrous blood clots reported worldwide. By mid-2021, embalmers around the world were extracting strange, white or brown fibrous clots from corpses. The taxidermists reported that they had never seen such a thing.

News from the planned genocide of BIDEN Spa&Co Rockefeller Big Pharma






https://twitter.Com/BluDiChina/status/1602560029865005056 Rome, driver falls ill and bus with 41 children goes off-road: three injured



Why strange clots form after mRNA inoculations, treatments to consider Dr. Yuhong Dong.

Dr. Jordan Vaughn December 11, 2022 bigger smaller Tatiana Shepeleva/Shutterstock

In our previous article , we provided a.. 11
Twitter suspends prominent journalists who doxxed Elon Musk

Narendra Damodardas Modi from INDIA I want you alongside Russia and China without hesitation!!! "At 10 years old, children cannot cross the street alone, but they can change gender"

Some brave pediatricians reveal the biggest medical scandal of our time. "We tell them 'eat healthy and don't stay on the tablet', then we give them puberty blockers like candy" here are the ogres "Socialists to get trans children" these satanists and their lgbtqia got the power from the rockefellers central bank shareholders, and they control the EU and the US, so they did the coup in Ukraine in 2014, because OTAN must choke to death all mankind. We live in a very strange time and civilization, unspeakable even, which with their light step rush towards a new barbarism. At the same time that the very famous Cambridge Dictionary updated its definition of "woman" to include "anyone who feels like one" (this week J.K. Rowling says that we have come to believe in a "gender of the soul", a sort of new animism) , a dance teacher at the prestigious Parisian university Sciences Po, where she had been teaching for eight years, was kicked out for refusing to abandon terms such as "man-woman". BY Giulio Meotti

Narendra Damodardas Modi from INDIA I want you alongside Russia and China without hesitation!!! HERE FOR THE LGBTQIA SATANISTS A 10-YEAR-OLD CHILD CANNOT CROSS THE ROAD ALONE BUT CAN CHANGE SE* AT HIS DISCRETION AFTER THE TRANSSECTS HAVE INSTRUCTED HIM FROM NURSERY SCHOOLS. President Joe Biden held a bill signing ceremony on Tuesday to sign HR 8404, the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act, into law.

As is typical of the political left and LGBT leadership, the event quickly disintegrated into a perverse spectacle, prominently featuring infamous drag queens who perform for children hoping to attract them to the LGBT lifestyle. Help NOM Fight for Marriage and Family Values. The event also made it clear that the left is not really interested in marriage but in advancing the dangerous and draconian LGBT agenda, including pushing confused young children into thinking they are transgender so they can be ushered onto the onramp of “gender affirmation” procedures, including puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries. THE SATANIC President Biden used the occasion to condemn states with laws prohibiting these surgeries and procedures on minors and pledged to make access to these transgender procedures a federal right.

Meanwhile, Speaker Nancy Pelosi dedicated the passage of the bill to the memory of infamous San Francisco homosexual city supervisor Harvey Milk. Milk had little interest in marriage, but did have a notorious interest in teen age boys.

3 9

Narendra Damodardas Modi from INDIA I want you alongside Russia and China without hesitation

Twitter suspends prominent journalists who Elon Musk


the world is full of the scum of parasites, without dignity, corrupt Masons judges that the Rothschilds Ursula DEM have created: corrupting the constitution and institutions..

Rockefeller's kabbalah has done it, for 400 years, with lucid programming to annihilate mankind..

Islamists are his accomplices

Narendra Damodardas Modi from INDIA ] I didn't say anything to anyone, I didn't make any speech, but here in the train African Indians, Guineas, etc.. Muslim Nigerians, etc..

everyone calls me: "Master, Father, Shepherd, and you are the one who knows everything" 42
World Israel News

stupid satan Biden Allah al-MBS from Kaaba demons spirit guides, do you want to see my muscles?

but, I'm the age of ULYSSES when she exterminated your suitors lgbtqia adulterous pigs,

and I am younger than Abraham when with 300 men he overwhelmed 5 armies to free his nephew LOT

and then you know that you can't get involved with me, because it would immediately end in tragedy.

and besides, I am immortal and certainly no one would give me 62 years

3 9

liar slanderer and satanist Joe Biden claims gays are being thrown out of restaurants


gay lgbtqia must not scandalize people by kissing in public, like anyone else,

but we have cases of Christians being expelled from gay-run restaurants

3 ReplyView in discussion 14
Are Democrats or Republicans more worried about antisemitism?

Israeli and American flags are 2 satanic and masonic 666 symbol 72
Netanyahu will pursue peace with Saudis, says it will help solve…

al-MBS ISIS from Riyadh

stop refusing and rescinding LAPIDI from your harem just because he is a Virgin bride of the lgbt ideology Satan DARWIN Talmud Theosophy Bob Boel Jabulani Sodom.

Why Ursula the Octopus by Bonell Not Hitler Rothschild she could declare war on you like she did on Putin. or she could remove the PNRR as she did with ORBAN

Mayor of

Istanbul ( Constantinople Christian genocide, was sentenced to 3years in prison) - because Arab League OTAN are a legion of Sharia Demons who

does not forget and does not forgive

that said, do the Jews deserve to be exterminated? certainly a 10% of them, they deserve to be exterminated. 40% of their accomplices are DEM anti-Zionists and 50% of Jews are innocent victims of the Holocaust

That is, the Israeli Zionists

mafia demonic bobby masonic tax evasion is your only chance to escape despair and poverty

Hitler and Mussolini would not have allowed it,

but, dem Rothschild Masons Ursula Borrell they did it

un pulcino diventa un pollo nel supermercato in 20 giorni

il latte della mucca non lo danno al vitello perchè è pericoloso. e poi ci meravigliano che la gente muore con cancro infarto ecc... Hitler and Mussolini would not have allowed it,

but, dem Rothschild Masons Ursula Borrell theydid it 8
NEW YORK: Jewish man, 7-year-old son shot outside kosher mart

My good friend SICK Indian People Work in frantoio olive 12 hours to day, bat his Master x all Day to him money only x 6 hours x 35 euro to day. Hitler and Mussolini they would not allow it

but, dem Rothschild Masons Ursula Borrell they did it

hi. Jewish messia lorenzo × YHVH 14
Are Democrats or Republicans more worried about antisemitism?

the left today is the natural place, is a Rockefeller party company funded by Goldman Sachs and Black Rock

the left today is all that denies the defunct Judeo-Christian civilization from them.

the left today is is antichrist, anti-zionist and anti-semitic, islamist guarantee of success imminent nuclear world war: because allah is akbarrr and the chinese are unclean kafiri who must die

From the Ursula Bildenberg Rockefeller Empire the NWO OTAN Empire of Evil

https://twitter.Com/CGzibordi/status/1601901557188104193 The "black transplantologists", engaged in the removal of organs of killed or mortally wounded Ukrainian soldiers and known since 2014, arrived near Artemivsk in the DNR (the Ukrainian name is Bakhmut), where Ukrainian troops suffer heavy losses. — LNR Police Colonel Vitaly Kiselev

Read everything.

Global Pandemic Treaty: First, WHO will crack down on 'disinformation'

We have just seen that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the WHO simulated an upcoming plandemic disease on October 23, as they already did in 2019, simulating Covid. We now learn that the WHO, the unelected health agency funded by Bill Gates, is about to give itself unprecedented powers of censorship and legally…

Read everything. 32
'No justice' - PA to be sued at ICC by slain activist's family

satan Biden love you Allahs because you are one only Addams family Ali Kaaba khameni fear not you little scum, you will not be bombed, satanists Rockefeller antizionists all? love you

Mecca Alì Kaaba khameni: "the enemy of God"

al-MBS ISIS Erdogan Salman frog Riyad Mecca Alì Kaaba: "the enemy of God" deat penalty for apostasy and blasfemy to all ] [ Lapid in stiletto heels and fishnet stockings would be nice to see, but that's the face is always ugly, so we'll put the chain and the dog mask on him, and since he's masked we'll introduce him into your harem of your 33 virgins

having stolen the monetary sovereignty, having desecrated the constitution and political sovereignty then for the Rothschild Soros rats, having captured and plundered every other monopoly (it was easy), then for the lgbtq masons (the greatest social engineering specialists in history) transform the societies, peoples, and states in a fictional hollywood film set? it was easy. So Satanists also have the media and can declare their indisputable truths: "Putin is always wrong, no ifs and buts, because he never wore fishnet stockings like Lapid did and this is a dogma". "In the West there is more subtle control than dictatorship, because it creates consensus" So a great writer. "Today no one would publish Rushdie. Publishers clean books of 'offensive' words and social networks hit one to silence a hundred. Tyranny of self-censorship" [[ by Giulio Meotti ]] “Whenever my parents' friends came to visit, they would sit in the living room and talk loudly, except when they criticized the military government. And then they spoke in a low voice. That whisper was amazing. Why talk in hushed tones in the privacy of our living room, drinking brandy? Because they were words they didn't dare say in public. We would not expect this whisper in a democracy. Freedom of expression is the foundation of open societies. But there are many people in Western democracies today who don't speak out loud about issues they care about because they are afraid of what I will call 'social censorship', retaliation, not from the government, but from other citizens." Just look at what happened in the last week: a great choreographer was fired because his Othello was "racist", the classics of literature were censored in universities because they were "offensive" and a teacher was expelled because she refused to abandon terms like “man and woman”…...

Submission: this is the submission of the lumpy DEM talmudic shareholder FED Enlightened and his monkey darwin Lapid ] [the European politicians friends of "our dear emirs"

Arrests of Italians in Brussels. But also British politicians who are habituate to luxury resorts and former French ministers and journalists who pocket checks for 10,000 euros. The workings of Qatar's influence, Billions have been spent to transform the sands of the desert into a soft green grass; Futuristic stadiums have been built, as have absurd infrastructure projects that seat hundreds of thousands of spectators, while a billion fans are watching World Cup matches...

ISIS sharia buys Ursula Von lgbtqia Trudeau DEM Biden's prostitute ] kaput akbarr kaput [ The "Gauche Qatar": this is how the European left has made a pact with the Muslim Brotherhood

The mega-scandal that engulfs Italian politics and Brussels goes far beyond ancient human greed. The leaders of progressivism have made an unholy political deal with the Islamist movement by [ Giulio Meotti ] From gauche caviar to gauche Qatar… What is an atheist, LGBT, feminist, abortionist left doing, arm in arm with the Sharia, the Islamic law of Allah? “Political Islam: How the Muslim Brotherhood Gained a Foothold in Brussels”. The weekly Marianne's investigation on newsstands recounts a scandal that goes far beyond corruption and which has just led to the arrest and searches of numerous Italian (and not only, such as the Greek Socialists) politicians and parliamentary assistants in the European Parliament, accused of corruption by Qatar. In the words of L'Echo, "it is the tip of an immense iceberg". If it were just a story of bribes and personal enrichment, it wouldn't be interesting (so the Italian newspapers are telling it). No, there is an ideological-political pact between European progressivism and Islamism. "Having worked on the subject for more than ten years, I firmly believe that the Qatargate revelations in the European Parliament are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of corruption and influence acquisition by Doha in Europe", commented the journalist yesterday Georges Malbrunot, author of the Qatar Papers...

ISIS sharia buys Ursula Von Macron's prostitute ] kaput akbarr kaput [ "That day the conquest of Europe was decreed at the Doha Hilton"

Newsletter interview with a Qatar expert: "Corrupt European politicians, media influence and 3,500 Islamic lobbyists in Brussels... Qatargate is just the emerging part of the Great Jihad" by Giulio Meotti ] [ “From Rolexes to a bag full of money, Qatar does not hesitate to spend to extend its influence. And on funding for non-governmental organizations, Qatar is generous. And it is not the only Gulf country to put pressure on Brussels”. One shudders to read the investigation by the Belgian newspaper La Libre on how Qatar akbarr finances numerous NGOs as well as Greek and Italian politicians. But one hand washes the other and both wash their faces… Thus, if Qatar finances the NGOs that count in Brussels, the European Commission in turn finances other NGOs also linked to Qatar jihad. 36.5 million euros over five years to Islamic associations from Brussels, reports Le Figaro.

friend: "I hope I'm always not in your intellectual visions, but in the memories of the man who turns visions into dreams"

This is what an American philosopher wrote...

Having said that I agree a lot and that I have adopted.

What do you think about it ?

answer lorenzoJHWH Unius REI

I would rather say: " Who transforms visions and hopes into deeds,

in fact, the visions and dreams are still in the hyperuranium world,

While hope is already an operative act of conscience

Hope is a political project

The raid occurred after Banat posted several videos on Facebook slamming Abbas' cancellation of elections, urging the European Union Ursula OCTOPUS Mafia lobbing scam banking seigniorage usures (parasitic shareholders and usurers) to cut off aid to the PA until it agreed to uphold its obligations to the democratic process, and noting widespread corruption in the entity.


great ingenuity:

in the EU, the US nazis pretend to be democrats (it's just stage theatrics), but they said: "since ISLAM is a 1400-year-old murderer with no impunity, its right to kill sharjah whoever it wants, this is its acquired and indisputable sharia right" 59
Palestinian survey shows strong support for terrorism

there are no statistics in the UMMA OCI LEGA ARAB or in the jihadist galaxy, here there is only the Koran (the light in the darkness)

however since the lions in the den are hungry,

for now we feed him ABBAS

Palestinian terrorists hold their guns at military parade in Balata refugee camp, east of the city of Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria,

these values (head cutters) fighters (heroes of Allah) are out right now to go and conquer CHINA,

because they are the purifiers of a replacement Armenians and Kurds by Erdogan theology 16
'I salute them': Israel's Border Police backs up fighters who shot teen girl

mom (potential demographic bomb) Sixteen-year-old Jana Zakharneh (human shield of the coward Erdogan) was standing on the rooftop

of her home next to husband an armed terrorist when she was shot,

Mohammed will console himself immediately, he has 3 other wives of: 22, 9, and 12 years old waiting for him.

I always say al-MBS ISIS Wahhabis pimpin is a coward 11
Iran expelled from UN Commission on the Status of Women

islamic esoteric and masonic supernatural kabbalah? for this reason the beasts of Allah, mentally ill, unleashed madmen, religious maniacs, jihadist gallasia, unpunished serial killers, until now have been able to save themselves..

because in their evil systemic criminal malice Mahomettans Mecca lilit Demon Allah Kaaba have studied in their demonic cunning how to get protected theirself by geopolitics

The eight countries that voted against the resolution, spearheaded by the U.S., were: shame Bolivia, shame China, shame Kazakhstan, shame Nicaragua, shame Nigeria, shame Oman, shame Russia and shame Zimbabwe.

this is my rule:

1. geopolitics cannot justify everything!

2. you cannot wage a war (which will certainly be imposed on you by Jewish Satanists Masons Islamists Nazis), morally passing on the wrong side and assuming his crimes upon yourself.

3. the facts must be evaluated for what they are: if a US satanist or an Erdogan executioner is right, his exposure is right, why shouldn't we recognize his reasoning?

let's rather say that the entire ARAB LEAGUE must be razed to the ground because sharjah threatens the survival of mankind, then this becomes a national security issue

Cia agents 322 hollywood actors clowns Zelensky said they discovered a room where Russians tortured children.

and I understood that Pinocchio Zelensky hollywood actor raped Snow White Ursula the octopus together with all the 7 dwarfs of the Bildenberg Soros



i Ursula Macron Borrell Stoltemberg Strunz Meloni "pacifinti" alias pacific-fake (like Erdogan they talk about peace, but then they go and kill the peoples)

when CRIMEA was left without water and without light, then who cared that?

when, the coup plotter CIA agent codename: 666 Poroschenko (bloody chocolate) said to the Donbass: "our children will go to school yours will live like rats in shelters", then who cared this?

the coup plotter CIA agent codename: 187 Zelensky.

how can ours be a DEMOCRACY if there is no one who has the courage and freedom to say what I say?

it is clear Democracy is a facade, we are the worst nightmare technocratic financial regime nazi neoliberal jewish masonic demonic sodomitic, the worst regime in history

Iran expelled from UN Commission on the Status of Women =======> ONLY IRAN? it is Kuran, UMMA all that will deserv be burned ie all OCI Arab League, one only mafia lobbies of assassins 17
WATCH: Turkey detains 44 suspects allegedly working for Mossad

dog boia Erdogan [ OPEN LETTER ] to a sunny kind smiling benevolent Muslim

I did favors

but, on his whatsapp I also sent a report of how the UMMA kills an innocent peaceful Christian martyr every 2 hours.

but, I didn't accuse him, I sent him this report to open a dialogue.

however, this morning he didn't greet me and his face went dark..

this is the truth sharjah turns muslims into a huge collective guilt and global threat

the masonic tecnocratic Bildenberg deep state said that Italian and Israeli scientists are stupid, because the priests of satan and their alien demons are smarter

but, if the State does not make the vaccines,

how can you tell they are safe?

the scientist Stefano Montanari with the nuclear scanning electron microscope, he always sees metallic nano particles.

but those who are paid by Big Pharma and who are bribed with big pharma gifts? they never see metallic nanoparticles

THE Deep STATE masonic system esoteric agenda lgbtqia of Rothschild Soros corrupt DEM and Goldman Sachs sukkers CALLED ELDERLY AND CHILDREN TO GET THE BIG BROTHER ROCKEFELLER 666 SPA&CO PHARMA ANTI-FLU VACCINE, then said: "don't be afraid it's safe"

Answe but State have NO controll on nano-particle alluminio, bario, uranio acciaio, tungsteno

LUCIFER LGBTQIA OPEN LETTER] [ What if they love so much why do they go to teach their MALEFIC SCAM FRAUD SATANIC GENDER FLUID theosofy Darwin monkey APE Lapid corrupt it to our 3 year old children at kindergarten and come to pick up our children?

With their love Satan made them their children from the sodom dirty sewer

The Satanist Biden said that the wedding to homosexuals is the right answer that they deserve to receive the haters.

So for the Satanist Freemason Deep State Biden triumphed loVe of Sodoma.


Never Satan was Able to Bless His Allah of Him in These 1400 Years of Islamic Genocide, Replacement Theology, Dhimmis slaves, death to all the infidels Kafir Ie, all crimes against mankind

The western system was totally corrupted by spa&Co Deep State, masonii power system, Masonic Jewish scam banking seigniorage.

And never Satan was able to bless him in such a way he could his allah of him in these 1400 years of Islamic crimes against mankind

Turkey Detains 44 Suspects Allegedly Working For Mossad

Turkey has already betrayed Israel revealing Israeli intelligence services to Iran.

And this shows that there is only one coordinvent in Umma

The Islamic all always and only work for the genocide of Sharjah

When Spa & Co Rockefeller and the Saud Salman Isis Wahhabiti killed all these inventors H2O scientists

hho4free.Com/joecell/joecell.html 64
Texas school board invites messianic 'rabbi' charged with rape to lead prayers


when the rockefellers and saud wahhabis killed all these h2o scientist inventors


Texas school board invites messianic 'rabbi' charged with rape to lead prayers.

if he has been accused he must go to trial, and the law declares innocent who has not been judged. and no one thinks for himself, to be convicted on a slander without proof,

but what is more serious is that here, we try to blame the messianic Jews, of which I am one of them, I am the King Messiah of Israel, therefore the corrupt and heretical Jews tremble before me. because the Jews know that there cannot be a Talmudic Jew or a Masonic Jew

they are blasphemous heretics, usurer satanists and they fear and tremble in front of me,

yet in these 15 years, no one in the world has done more than me for Israel, because after God I am the greatest Zionist in the history of mankind, and because among the Satanists I have created my domain of the kingdom of Israel on youtube ,

I surrounded myself with dead bodies but I did

2 46
Anti-Israel UK paper incites the mob

Slain Palestinian had a record of participating in violent clashes against Israel and had reportedly told his mother he wanted to die as a martyr.

yes we have the watchmen of Israel

and then we also have the guardian of Allah - Satan - Sodom

yes, jabulOn The Guardian newspaper’s London office lgbtqia City London of jewsh antizionists

shalom with peace salam

MBS de Riyad qu'y a-t-il avec cet article que votre CIA ne l'accepte pas ? MAL PARASITES USURIERS JUIFS MAUDITS, SALAM ET SHALOM Vous ne pouvez pas répondre à un message qui n'est pas actif. SHALOM + SALAM = FRATERNITÉ UNIVERSELLE Vous ne pouvez pas répondre à un message qui n'est pas actif. Disqus dit que j'ai posté 6 commentaires ici (un a été arrêté deux fois par l'antispam et il n'est pas encore disponible) il y a une heure, la CHINE et la Russie libèrent les gens de Satan Sodome allah] mais, Ce commentaire a été marqué vraiment était s *_* p *-* a*m ? ] [ mais maintenant nous avons atteint la fin de la ligne, Spa&Co NAZI CITY LONDON EVIL PARASITES USURERS 322 + 187 MURDOCH MARDUCH OTAN SOROS a déclaré la guerre à la CHINE et à la Russie en 2014 (la CHINE et la Russie gagneront cette guerre) 2 milliards de singes idiots de darwin comme Macron Trudeau Lapid Ursula lgbt la racaille du NWO Deep State et l'assassin de la charia mourront et tous ceux que le monde, la guerre ne tuera pas, encore 2 milliards de mauvais DEM mon "ASTEROID ma sphère de rédemption" sera désormais tous les francs-maçons Rockefeller vont mourir désespérément et au total 4 milliards d'âmes maudites par Allah OWL Baal JABulOn vont en enfer, cette génération maléfique de wahhabites et d'ottomans n'était pas digne de voir mon Royaume d'Israël surgir. ce coupeur de tête impunisal-MBS ISIS Ali UMMA Marchands d'esclaves wahhabites, assassin d'innocents kafir dhimmis alla esclaves sharjah Ottomans sunnites sciites, jihad galaxyONE SEUL UMMA NAZI, "Très sincèrement, je vous le dis, si quelqu'un tient parole, il ne verra jamais la mort" par Jésus de Bethléem Messie

Biden's Sneaky H.R. 5376 Is A Nightmare For 401(k) And IRA Savers, Hi, Dr. Ron Paul here. Biden just made the lives of American retirement savers much harder. And the mainstream media is ignoring this story! Here's what happened: Joe Biden couldn't get his "Build Back Better" bill passed last year because everyone knew it would cause more inflation. So he stubbornly pushed it through Washington in “H.R. 5376". Without a doubt, this sneaky move confirms what I've always believed: Governments will never stop printing fiat currency until it is worthless! Anyone keeping their savings in dollars or stocks should consider smarter options, TODAY! So is there something you can do? YES! Physical gold offers an opportunity to escape wealth confiscation. And the best way to protect your savings with gold is through a PHYSICAL GOLD IRA. Why? Because: You avoid taxation just like with any other retirement account.

The gold is in PHYSICAL form. Which is far more trustworthy than "paper" gold. You won't pay a DIME in penalties or taxes when you sell your stocks and buy gold.


with world war the banks will fall, but gold will retain 50% of its value

yes, Judaism admits that there will be a Last Judgment and a resurrection of the body at the end of the world, but maybe 10% of Jews will be able to save themselves, since 90% of Jews and 70% of Muslims are in hell today , deceived by their corrupt religion.

the soul is the mind the seat of personality, and the spirit is a real(even if not biologic) body to which the soul is attached, and it is shocking to see what demons will do to you just one minute after your physical biological death. and that saints and souls of the dead have a real physical body even if a spiritual one, this I have been able to physically and unequivocally perceive/experience a couple of times in my entire life

Jesus of Bethlehem: "truly, truly, I tell you, that if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death", THEREFORE, whoever does not keep his word must die, and this is the objective and indisputable doctrine of all other religions of the world. No man has immortality.

Jesus of Bethlehem: "Truly I tell you whoever is not against us is for us", So there is no problem of religious power in the Nazarene, anyone can keep his religion and still follow the words of Rabbi Jesus

unpunished head cuttersal-MBS ISIS Ali UMMA Wahhabi slave traders kafir akbar dhimmis sharjah Ottomans: jihad galaxy ] "Very truly, I tell you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death" by Jesus of Bethlehem Messiah


if we apply the properties of geometry and mathematics algebra to the Bible (except 3 verses of the Old Testament, intentionally by the religious power of the Jerusalem temple which led to the destruction of the Temple twice already), then, we will see that the Bible remains standing,

but what if you tried to do the same with the koran and talmud, or other religious texts? they would collapse.

al-MBS ISIS Ali UMMA the Wahhabi pirates Chinese slave traders kafir akbar dhimmis sharjah Ottomans ] [ yes you are right, if the cowardly Israelis who prefer to suffer the shoah ( programmed by the Rothschilds and the Wahhabis and carried out by the Iranians ) have not called me , it is because there is no one who can corrupt or manipulate the METASICS of the natural law of Unius REI.

but there is also the same conviction of Giorgia Meloni, that if he didn't send weapons and money to Ukraine, his government would fall after a month, bringing with him 200 slanderous criminal cases from which he could not defend himself because the judges are the Freemasons.

2 hours ago alwayis in block

Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual. Reload?

Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual. Reload? 18
The making of a Palestinian martyr - what was teen doing on rooftop in Jenin?

CIA blok Disqus for one hour

coup in Ukraine and pogroms against Russian speakers for 8 years? these are the values for Lapid and Mattarella (and their international financial masonry) the coup and the genocides of Russian speakers for 8 years these are the values of European democracies!

then, of the systemic crimes of Islam, those have existed for 1400 years and no one pays any attention to them anymore

Jewish Wahhabis Bildenberg Freemasons and their accomplices in the Vatican Deep Church, and Deet State Shameless

they think we lose our memory, but we will never lose it


because the world cannot survive its wickedness and lawlessness, to helplessly witness the massacre of the Iranian people or the aggression of the Russian-speaking people in the Donbass for 8 years, and then, they also have the shameless ability to say that Putin is the aggressor

3 11

The making of a Palestinian martyr – what was teen doing on rooftop in Jenin?


NO there are no jihadist martyrs, because they are supremacists and predators.

and then, the cowardice and lethargy of Muslims is proverbial to save a male they are willing to sacrifice many females as human shields

3 11

What are the Ottoman Wahhabi Saudis saying about the fact that by a strand of hair out of place they are witnessing the systematic slaughter of the martyred people of Iran, given also they too use the same sharjah technique?

the OCI UMMA, shareholders, stock speculators, God FED Baal-OWL Spa&Co ECB IMF NWO ONU Spa&Co EU USA protects its scum: lgbtqia mafia lobby Freemasons Islamists sharjah,

otherwise how could he witness the genocide of Christian martyrs in Nigeria and in every part of the world?

how could he witness the massacre of the Iranian people?

but even if he intervened in these two cases without resolving the problem of the sharia replacement-genocidal theology that Islam has been using for 1400 years, where would his victory be?

however it would save his criminal Qur'anic-Talmudic Masonic system once again

since the NWO God Baal-OWL Spa&Co FED IMF NWO ONu OCi EU usA protects Islamist Muslims sharjah,

the only Muslim martyrs that exist in the world today are the Muslims who are killed by other Muslims such as the Kurds, the Iranians massacred under the amused eyes of the Biden DEM lgbtqia Freemasons, because they have the power and do not stop the Islamic horror in Iran and throughout the ARAB LEAGUE only because the shareholders all hate Christians and Israelis,

then, that's why the Jews of the Diaspora are the greatest criminals living on the planet today and the greatest self-righteous criminals in the history of all time.

you'll say it's the Jewish plutocrats who are guilty, and I'll tell you: "Why is everyone else silent?"

the financial technocratic minority of the synagogue of satan and the jewish masonic synagogue of sodom, in collaboration with the mosque of demon-Allah sharjah have planned to destroy the jewish christian civilization and they succeeded.

therefore a demonic-luciferian minority Talmudic Qur'anic imposes its criminal law on the majority of mankind

now traitors have occupied our institutions

That is why the innocent suffer abuse and violence all over the world, because the judicial and legal system has been corrupted and no longer represents a right and true, therefore an innocent majority suffers persecution from a corrupt and dishonest minority.

the law today protects crime and affects honest people: and it is like this all over the world except in China and Russia. 52
Demand to halt electricity on Shabbat should be backed by environmentalists,…

the synagogue of Satan and Sodom wanted to destroy the Jewish Christian civilization and it succeeded.

often in the condominium an unjust majority agrees to persecute and punish an innocent minority.

Shooting at the condominium meeting in the Fidene district in Rome: 3 women dead and 4 injured, one seriously

Witness: "He screamed I'll kill you all". The man blocked by some condominiums and arrested for triple homicide aggravated by premeditation. Prosecutor: "He was ready to flee, he had his passport with him". Range seized where he allegedly took a gun


13 Dec Video lesson: this is how they used the Euro to cage Italy. The most complete file.

'They beheaded him and

put his head on his stomach, in front of my eyes.' says Manga. 'Then

they tried to behead my brother.' Manga watches helplessly as his family

is slaughtered. Then his turn comes. 'They took a knife, with serrated

teeth and tried to cut my neck.' Manga succeeds to find the strength to

pray. The young man is left on the ground, before his eyes the bodies of

his father and brother. As if that were not enough, those of Boko Haram

hang a bomb at the gate of the house, where Manga's mother and brothers

little ones scream in terror. They are saved by the neighbors...

Men from Boko Haram, the Islamist group that has sworn allegiance to

Al-Qaeda, raided his home. They take Manga, his father and brother out,

while his mother

and younger brothers lock themselves in another room.

"Then they asked my father

and the two of us if we were ready to deny

Jesus and embrace Islam", Manga testified

to the NGO "Open Doors".

Manga's father refuses. "So they told us, 'We will kill you.' I answered

them: 'If you kill us, what do you gain?'. Manga is hit with the butt

when the demon Allah obtained permission from the demon Sodom to exterminate the Christians! "Europe sold persecuted Christians for thirty barrels of oil"

The MEPs involved in the "Qatargate" voted against the motions on the genocide of 96,309 Christians ("they beheaded my father in front of me for refusing to convert to Islam") by Giulio Meotti

On the left, the vote of MEPs on persecuted Christians. Right, a mass funeral of Christians in Nigeria

Manga is Christian. And God only knows it's not okay to be a Christian in Nigeria, the most dangerous place in the world where a Christian is killed every two hours. Manga had to be one of them. Twenty years old, Manga was returning home like every night after university. His mother was preparing dinner. 15
Arab world expects civil war in Israel

MBS al-Salman ISIS From Riyad ] [ crazy your 322 lizards rockefeller 666 satan Spa&Co sodom they sent me an interesting beautiful 187 leggy woman tonight in hopes that i could redeem her, but these lost girls of the NWO?

they are too many even for me as if I am a mandrill

Yair Lapid bullies against Benjamin Netanyahu, only because he is younger Ape Darwin gorilla banana,

because he has the lizards, scorpions and snakes of the Masonic and deep state occult powers on his side

why is there no partner for peace?

there are ME lorenzoJHWH who are the monarchy 13
What Qatar learned from Hitler’s Olympics - analysis

The use of temporary deceit as a political weapon has a long and ignoble history and the Islamists are worthy of it, Erdogan sodomized Macron and made him renege on the crime of denying the Armenian genocide,

but since Macron is an abject homosexual, then, he enjoyed the rape.

this sad0m*s0chIstic relationship Erdogan Macron has taken the name of the Potemkin-style phenomenon

This is rape. G7, Meloni: economic support for Ukraine and progress with sanctions against Russia. This is rape.


there is no political sovereignty without monetary sovereignty. Demo Plutocratic Freemason Jews have 10 ways to bring down any government in a matter of months.

This is rape.

governments have been reduced to municipal administration bodies, and tax collectors

the sodomitic and demonic Islamic dictatorship in association with Masonic consociationalism, to cancel Abraham's blessings on all mankind and replace them with their curses spa&Co Allah jabulon,

do you know what dictatorships and totalitarian regimes do when they take power? They take away from families the freedom to educate their children.

In the regimes, education must be imparted only by the State, through the schools, in a strict and mandatory way.

And do you know why? Because in this way "model citizens" can be created, all approved by the single dominant thought.

If the regimes left families free to educate their children, parents could teach things contrary to what the totalitarian state wants to impose on everyone.

It would be too dangerous. Today the same is happening with gender ideology, which is the new "ideological colonization", as Pope Francis has defined it. Indeed, Pope Francis has said that what they do today with gender in schools is exactly as Nazism did with the "Hitler Youth" last century. Very strong words. For this reason, at the heart of the battle of Pro Vita & Famiglia against gender-based courses, projects and activities in schools and against Career Alias is the defense of parents' right of educational priority (according to which, in the education of young people, the family is before the state). A couple of months ago we commissioned a survey to understand what Italians think on this topic. We relied on the prestigious Noto Sondaggi institute and officially presented it in the Senate.

The results were amazing.

Jew 666 evil DAN Trubue Rockefeller Spa&Co neoliberal sewer plutocrat Soros Bildenberg evil hypocrite and oh people of martyrs is Israeli people, you are theirslave trader accursed goyims and without paternal genealogies, talmudic animals Darwin with a humanoid shape like Lapid.

Titus 1:10-16 [[ Ro 16:17-18; 1Ti 1:3-7; 2Ti 2:16-18, 23-26; 3:5-9 ]] 10 Indeed there are many rebels, talkers and deceivers of minds, especially among those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be shut; 11 men who upset entire families, teaching things they shouldn't, for the sake of dishonest gain.

12 One of their own, one of their own prophets, said: "The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy bellies."

13 This testimony is true. Therefore reprove them severely, so that they may be sound in the faith,

14 and they do not listen to Jewish fables or to the commandments of men who turn their backs on the truth.

15 Everything is pure for those who are pure; but to the defiled and the unbelievers nothing is pure; indeed, both their mind and their conscience are impure.

16 They profess to know God, but deny him in deeds, being abominable and rebellious, incapable of any good work. 13
NYC Mayor Adams: No plea bargains for antisemitic attacks

New York City Mayor Eric Adams addresses Orthodox Union event on antisemitism, vows to get tough on hate crimes.


you can't hit a bunch of people or people, all racism is despicable.

however, anti-Zionism is not always the most serious offence

G7, Meloni: economic support for Ukraine and progress with sanctions against Russia


that of the Italian government could never be a conscious choice it is a rape

THE G7 NOTE – “Russia can put an immediate end to the war by ceasing its attacks on Ukraine and withdrawing its troops completely and unconditionally from the territory of Ukraine” reads the communiqué of the G7 meeting in Berlin.


which CIA constitution provides for the 2014 NATO coup, and the genocide of Russian speakers?

and which Ukrainian constitution allows for 4 US ministers and self-declared Nazi-fascist ministers in its first government

Girls enslaved and forced into prostitution, 5 Nigerians arrested

December 13, 2022


Quarrel over traffic issues, doctor hit on the head with a machete

December 13, 2022

Novi: two women and their children kidnapped and raped: 8 Pakistanis arrested


Enrico Letta: Qatar scandal, Pd: 'we are the injured party'


yes the DEMs are always an injured darwin party

New catastrophic pandemic simulation by Bill Gates


priests of satan CIA & Deep State & Spa&Co FED IMF ECB BM NWO EU technocratic uSA neoliberalist made a new pandemic prophecy, because like Mohammed they became prophets of the occult in Bg 666 Pharma

and that nobody should forget that Rockefeller is our invisible big brother, while MBS Jihad al-Salman is his younger brother sharia

usures slave trades masonic the IRS to pay off Rothschild's banking scam sigorgement? it's completely gone mad, and it's bankrupting the Italian economy

He is unemployed but the taxman treats him like a billionaire

"My family in ruins: Equitalia wants 9 million"

The farmer: I'm hoeing Equitalia

"The Revenue Agency is asking us for a million"

Revenue Agency: 'Don't talk to La Gabbia' 10
In time for Chanukah: 1st evidence in Judean Desert of Maccabean revolt 2000…

al-MBS Alì boia ] [ if the Israelis call me?

then, everyone will see how the flames of hell come out of Mecca Kaaba

really Riyadh akbarrr Mecca 666 Kaaba wants to make peace with Israel? then MBS ISIS Sharjah take back all Palestinians that wahhabis brought here 70 years agoWe have received your request for review

https://www.youtubeCom/watch?v=KPWAHjFBqXQ Soros claims to have overthrown the elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine

sharjah jihad UMMA are going badly in IRAN and in the Mohammeddans muslims brotherhood ISIS OCi said within this year Israel must disappear; quickly and if Riyadh wants to make peace with Israel? first he has to take back the Palestinians he brought here 70 years ago

We have received your request for review

4 again again again

We have received your request for reviewWe have received your request for review


shame on you murderers, and NATO imperialists

the CIA organized the 2014 coup with Nuland and Soros and 8 years of massacres of Russian speakers in Donbass these will weigh on your conscience.

who paid the Maidan snipers?

who made the Odessa pogrom?

who made the two Minsk agreements fail?

you have become accomplices in an abysmal crime and are driving the EU into war against Russia

Our address is:

Brothers of Italy

Via della Scrofa 39

Rome, Rm 00186

Italy 16
Decades later, Mossad reveals details of capture of legendary Israeli spy Eli…

in Italy they advertise to vaccinate both pregnant women and small children with experimental gene serums

while the government has no control over Big Pharma and its Rockefeller priests of satan

Soros claims to have overthrown the elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine

If SOROS and US finance choose government in Ukraine.

Crazy article in the Sole24Ore of 2014.



Soros claims to have overthrown the elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine

Soros claims to have overthrown the elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine 19
White House unveils Hanukkah menorah as part of official Christmas…

Satan I thank you for bringing me women to bang, but you know I can't do it

becouse Rothschild &Co Rockefeller


CIA-Satana worldisraelnew Disqus hich of you three is the sewer plug that comes behind me to cancel the upvote I put on my channel https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_gEwzM4WOUZ

we bet it isCIA-Satana?

the problem is that CIA-Satana doesn't have the passwords to enter the sites, yet he can do it anyway

the OCI ARAB LEAGUE (they criminal sharjah are serious people and consistent with their demon allah) and together with the CIA (where satan has his throne) have planned: about how many Christians it can kill weekly, therefore, the media of the Rothschild Synagogue regime hide the dramatic situation of these planned killings.

and not only I have been a Christian Martyrdom Observatory since 1998, and what I say I can prove it

but, a saudi prince in youtube "princeps***"

he told me the Jews are the instigators and we are the executors, just as the Jews had the Romans kill Jesus, so today they have us kill Christians all over the world"

what can I give you in return, son of evil?

sharp arrows of a brave lorenzoJHWH with juniper coals

2 2ReplyView in discussion 27
Iran executes first known prisoner arrested in protests

What can I give you in return, son of evil?

sharp arrows of a brave lorenzoJHWH with juniper coals

YHVH full of grace and harmony,

it is true we have distanced ourselves from you, but we will certainly return to you, call us and draw us to your love

my YHVH full of grace and harmony,

do not abandon us to our evil, call us and we will come to you

YHVH full of grace and harmony,

source of light and life,

absolute charm and beautiful

my holy JHWH holy YHVH holy holy holy full of grace and mercy,

you the keeper of Israel, solve this corruption of Lapid and all his evil accomplices

you are worthy to receive strength, glory and power because you created all things and all exist in you.. honor your name upon us who bear your seal of love and justice and truth, deliver us from the demons of Rothschild

my holy JHWH holy YHVH holy holy holy

Alì Allah khamenei BOIA. death to the tyrant Erdogan MBS Riyadh 38
Lapid and friends use demonization to incite a civil war – opinion

Lapid and friends Spa&Co tecnocratic plutocratic masonry esoteric agenda occult power Deep State, scam banking seigniorage, CIA cannibals are demonic power islamic lgbtqia agency Rockefeller Big Pharma brother octopus Ursula Erdogan executioner MBS ISIS the wahhabis genocide theology for replacement jihad galaxy, ie one only New World Order with MBS Bin Salman from Riyadh

3 ReplyView in discussion 20
Turkey deceived Germany, used tech for missile attacks in Syria instead of…

I have decided to bring all the beasts of satan sodom allah on the planet to the Saudi desert of Madiana to experience God's love.

and my sovereign decision is this

Alì akbar al-khamenei MBS UMMA Bin ISIS al-Salman boia al-Erdogan OCI demonic possession ] [ hunger and thirst, greed: of religious and political power he killed Jesus of Bethlehem.

while now for the same reason: hunger and thirst, greed: for religious and political power: you are only going to kill yourself together with all mankind

Jesus of Bethlehem was 36 years old and said to his slanderous executioners: "which of you can accuse me of sin?"

so if he had known a woman, he had lied, or committed some injustice. then, everyone could say that he was a sinner. but no one could accuse him of sin.

and I can say the same: me too, and therefore for you I would be a sinner because every 4 months I see a dirty film?

but that is precisely the demonstration that sin has no coercive power over me.

and because with all the injustices I have suffered, I am perfectly healthy psychically and neurologically and physically, when this cannot be explained humanly or scientifically?

because you who are alive, and you are in the time of mercy, you must say together with Rochefeller lgbtq Masons: "we were conceived in the curse, and we were destined for hell by our parents?"

why do you say this, if I can save you, whether through a political, theological or even soteriological solution; i.e. saving?

you did not want to build the Jewish temple,

you cursed and ruined yourself, you took the path of hate, while the path of love of Unius REI, universal brotherhood was in front of you

I can no longer save the cursed Islamists (your parents) who have fallen into hell,

I can not? I could do it, but it would not be according to justice, and I cannot betray justice...

yet, I offered demons and cursed souls the chance to work for me (the priests of satan know this), so I offered them a hope

Alì akbar khamenei MBS UMMA Bin ISIS al-Salman boia Erdogan OCI UMMA demonic possession ] [ No one can possess the metaphysics of natural law, and no one can tamper with it, corrupt it, because it is the consequence of the creative WISDOM of God, therefore the greatest dignity of man is to serve the metaphysics of natural law, which as I have demonstrated several times is a mathematical equation.

for if BEING is, and non-BEING is not, then what exists proves BEING, therefore our existence scientifically proves the existence of God. then, in the natural law (which is the way of searching for the right, the good, the good) you cannot fight free will and freedom of religion, without falling into satanism which is exactly what you are. I can no longer save the cursed Islamists (your parents) who have fallen into hell, but I can save you if you enter the protection of my third Jewish temple


ISLAM is ISIS sharia is a political movement of predatory slave trader murderers

filthy criminals


Islam is satanism like lgbtqia DEM

Al Talena

must genocide Armeni and Curdi 14
NYPD arrests 17-year-old antisemitic assault suspect

the Jewish Masonic power is MAFIA so hidden and extensive that only by submitting to satan only in that way can one come to power and if someone like Putin Netanjahu Trump Bolsonaro Orban rebels?

they immediately cut off his legs

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com December 9, 2022-Sabino Paciolla

Archbishop Strickland: “Please don't listen to this wicked woman she is a witch. Her lies and immoralities must be silenced for the good of humanity”

I relaunch an article written by Andreas Wailzer, of Lifesitenews, which refers to Bishop Strickland's reaction to Clinton's words on pro-lifers being compared to rapists, which we talked about here. The bishop […]

with the Freemasons the rockefellers committed genocidal murders and massacres, because all Freemasons work for satan and fight against God

yet Almighty God does not disdain to be found by all his creatures (of every religion) who purify themselves, seeking justice, to try to be more worthy of meeting him, but all Masons like Netanjahu all have a dirty soul like the they did

your the Masons from the 23rd gather and in the dark of darkness, and the Grand Master Mason names all the prophets, of all religions and then they all start laughing uproariously: then the demons enter their bodies and they are all inserted by the demonic entity of the Deep State: OCI NWO FED Spa & Co, become agents of Satan and collaborators of NATO system UE USA

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ Freemasonry is a parasitic criminal society, the sum of lobbyist and demonic corruption:

since even atheism is a dogmatic religion: perverted, yet they keep Darwin's theory standing when only the scientific demonstration of creation can be proven

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ when did your beasts of satan of the 33rd masonic lgbtqia and the 66th luciferian find themselves in front of Unius REI? they immediately understood that only the Wahhabis could have saved their agenda the FED IMF ECB BM UE NWO and the shoah of all Christians and Israelis, which had been agreed, because battles are won first spiritually and with me they had lost them all

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ I DO NOT WRITE EVERYTHING I HAVE TO SAY, because I use the spiritual world to complement my talks, so when you read and reflect on my comments, other thoughts and concepts will arise in your mind

MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ Italy is a nation completely devoid of sovereignty, due to the DEMs, and is the mercy of the Masonic mafia lobby and its baronies, and this has led the Italian people to lose patriotism

'Merchant of Death': Who's the Islamic terror supporter Biden freed in deal…

about U.S. basketball player Brittney Griner,

worldisraelnews cautiously in the fluency of LAPID,

can be it she or he?

when the US OCI gives arms to ISIS and the Wahhabi mandates, they become 'Merchant of Life': 30
Israel's ex-UN envoy Danon: We'll see peace with Saudi Arabia within a year

how are you friend to ISRAEL? your UMMA universal genocide is so great! so if you are a true friend? you take back the Palestinians you brought here 80 years ago, 2 hours ago Detected as spamif Riyadh wants to make peace with Israel? first he has to take back your crazy ISIS Palestinians terrorists jihad galaxy UMMA nazi, replacement theology he brought here 80 years agoWe have received your request for review

how evil is your worm Allah?

lgbtqia farm+++ open letter to LAPID ] [ DEMs are sterile and perverted Darwin be*sts APE, you will soon become extinct


Rockefeller Spa&Co MBS from Riyadh ] there were no students and teachers today, so 90% of the commuters were all black black Africans, yes, I observed them well and I saw that their souls are beautiful, clean and white

they are not animal goyims with a humanoid shape as you wrote in your talmud

Rockefeller Spa&Co MBS from Riyadh ] [ the sharia scimitar didn't work for you

and now you are using the poison of treasonous kabbalah sharia against Israel, because in the UMMA OCI you have plotted to have Iran destroy Israel?

Detected as spam

Detected as spam this morning? 2 different SIM connections? both don't work! MBS is CIA connections-devil? Oops! We're having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again. demonic kabbalah of the Saud-Rothschilds. things are going badly in IRAN and in the UMMA OCi said within this year Israel must disappear

if Riyadh wants to make peace with Israel? first he has to take back the Palestinians he brought here 70 years ago

We have received your request for review

We have received your request for review

stamattina? 2 connesioni SIM diverse? non funzionano entrambe! MBS come ti prende il tuo demonio la CIA? Oops! We're having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again.

power is too centralized and Imam Mohammad Tawhidi knows nothing of the demonic kabbalah of the Saud-Rothschilds. things are going badly in IRAN and in the UMMA OCi said within this year Israel must disappear 7
'WATCH: Head of Islamist movement in Israel praises Qatar's proselytizing at…

but what could Islamic preachers do if the Wahhabi scimitar of ISIS did not follow them?

their koran? it is unpresentable and without violence, murders and terror one could never affirm Israeli Islamist Leader Sheikh Raed Salah Praises Qatar’s Proselytizing Efforts at the World Cup, Adds: Over 50 Preachers from the Jerusalem Area Are in Doha as Part of This Effort #qatar2022worldcup #FIFAWorldCup

Army is for security their country

but that security have Israel? 195
French ambassador: With Netanyahu as PM, region ‘may get more violent’

Eric Danon French ambassador: With Netanyahu as PM, region 'may get more violent'


then he is the instigator of ISIS Wahhabi terrorism in the world

Eric Danon is the demonstration of how malignant and criminal the transnational Freemasonry that the Rothschilds have created can be, and Putin can tell about it

2 26
Declare UN envoy who downplayed terror attack persona non grata, Jewish…

the sharjah UMMA genocide theologi of replacement ] [ “We can’t stand silently by in light of this

serious victim-blaming, where the one who was attacked, who defended his

life and the lives of other citizens from an outlaw, becomes the guilty

one when killing the terrorist. This serious slander against the State

of Israel and against the soldiers of the IDF and members of the

security establishment must be stopped and crushed with a heavy hand,

this is antisemitism of the highest order,” he continued.

enough to act as a clay pigeon duck,

all the Palestinians must go

USA EU OCI UN antichrist and antizionist is an apology for Islamic terrorism

really the traitor Yair Lapid does not have a minimum of national honor, 13
US State Department spokesman mute on Israeli ‘war crimes’ accusation

US Satana cult Allah State Department spokesman Ned Price the mason agenda mute on Israeli ‘war crimes’ accusation

boia erdogan infamous MBS Wahhabis islamic back shoot and kill the israeli kids then he is the one who does the war crime


this is one only New World Order: for OTAN OCI UMMA accomplice JaBulOn-ALLAH





1,200 Iranian students poisoned - right before mass protest

the assassin Erdogan BOIA with his demon Allah seeks the life of the last Armenians!

assassin ALLAH the criminal sharia MBS Wahhabis ISIS murderer

the assassin Erdogan BOIA with his demon Allah seeks the life of the last Armenians! "If Armenia falls, then it will be the turn of the old Europe, custodian of Judeo-Christian culture"

Interview with the great writer Sylvain Tesson returning from the people threatened with annihilation. "A gas pipeline binds us to Azerbaijan, to Armenia millennia of culture that the Turks want to erase"

by Giulio Meotti Sylvain Tesson is among the great adventurers and writers of our time (the last book with Gallimard The Snow Panther has been translated into Italy by Sellerio, like his Sentieri neri). A devourer of kilometres, Tesson fell more than ten meters three years ago while climbing the chalet of a friend of his in Chamonix, leaving it severely disabled and with facial paralysis. Tesson has just traveled to Armenia to express solidarity with the people threatened again a hundred years after the 1915 genocide by the Ottoman Empire. While Europe and the West sanction Russia's war in Ukraine, Armenia is left to fend for itself. Tesson has just recounted that during his recent visit to the Vatican at the invitation of Emmanuel Macron he asked the Pope and the Vatican secretary of state to name the aggressor of Armenia, Azerbaijan. He requested that Francesco and Parolin refused. A few days later, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received Archbishop Marek Solczynski, the new apostolic nuncio of the Holy See in Azerbaijan. Solczynski told Aliyev that Pope Francis had asked him to convey his greetings. Today, December 2, a Vatican delegation led by Archbishop Richard Gallagher, secretary for relations with states at the secretariat of state, met with the foreign minister of Azerbaijan to talk about "cooperation". Like the 108 Armenian churches and historic monuments destroyed by Azerbaijan and detailed in a large recent report by Cornell University, USA, many converted into mosques? If not even the Pope speaks of Armenians, if today the Turkish and Azeri armies waged war again on this tiny Christian enclave in an Islamic ocean, who would intervene in their defense, given that the old Turkish-German alliance is still standing? But after all, hadn't there already been a sad painter from Braunau am Inn who, in preparing the extermination of the Jews, said "who remembers the Armenians"?..

assassin ALLAH the criminal sharia murderer

Christians are persecuted in Ursula's EU and for this reason the Russians have been attacked.. I am persecuted in Italy, youtube twitter and google have destroyed all my intellectual work, for having criticized and demonstrated the wickedness and illegality and unscientific nature of gender. but, muslims are excited because the work of rothschild lgbtq and synagogues of satan spa&co is bringing many blessings to allah. Caroline Eliacheff and Céline Masson haunted.. "To present our gender-critical book we need police protection" Two psychiatrists canceled in many European cities. "Intellectual terror and despotism of minorities reigns. Anyone who dissents from the mainstream is called a fascist"

Giulio Meotti

Caroline Eliacheff and Céline Masson haunted.. What writer or essayist needs an escort to present a book? One comes to mind, who has just hit the news again: Salman Rushdie. But if we have become accustomed to the idea that "hurting" the feelings of Islam involves living with a battalion of police in tow, what do we think of the fact that two respected scholars must speak under protection for not accepting gender diktats?..

muslims are excited because satan's work is bringing many blessings to Allah

muslims are excited because satan's work is bringing many blessings to allah. the talmudic freemasonry of the synagogue of satan with the Second Vatican Council according to bildenberg achieved what it wanted to achieve: the destruction of Zionism. "In ten years Islam has doubled and for the first time in 1,300 years Christianity is no longer the majority" by Giulio Meotti.. The video comes from Bradford, half a million inhabitants, 30 per cent Muslim, where there is it is one of the oldest cathedrals in the United Kingdom (7th century) but where Muslims who convert to Christianity are attacked. The shocking numbers from England look like something out of Chesterton's novel about the country's conversion to the crescent. "Priests are running around like rats in ruined churches. Islam has energy and is growing." In fifteen years the Muslim population had already grown by 107.3 percent and the second British city will be the first in Europe with a Muslim majority. Why shouldn't museums hide portraits of Muhammad? Why shouldn't cinemas ban films that "offend Islam"? Why shouldn't cities approve requests for calls to prayer from minarets? Why, in areas where Islam is already dominant, shouldn't patrols be formed that enforce sharia? The dhimmitude of the elites who, to get rid of Christianity, found themselves under the Crescent...

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/una-guerra-tra-stati-uniti-e-russia-sta-diventando-inevitabile/ A war between the United States and Russia is becoming inevitable, because the CIA has planned and imposed it, and the accomplices of European Freemasons have endorsed it

Despite the numerous warnings launched by Russia to the West, the latter is proceeding on a path of escalation that could lead us to the third world war, and therefore nuclear. In this regard, I propose the opinion of Patrick Buchanan, [...]

all this notice into https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com

abortion child abuse, child sexual abuse, Biden, Church, China Coronavirus, covid Crisis Church God right to life adverse events, family, Faith gender Jesus green pass War Ukraine LGBT, freedom freedom of religion, Mario Draghi, compulsory vaccination, homophobia homosexuality , homotransphobia Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis Pope John Paul II, Russia regime, Amazon Synod, testimony of faith Theodore McCarrick, transsexualism, transgender, Transgenderism, homosexual unions, vaccines, Vatican truth life, Vladimir Putin

Alì khamenei jihad sharjah he has a silly face but he's smart bad! 1,200 Iranian students poisoned

The national student union scoffed at Iranian authorities' claim that "water-borne bacteria" caused the food poisonings, saying that the government intentionally poisoned the students to thwart protests.

while “female students have been told to remain inside their dormitories.”

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/card-muller-gli-unici-in-grado-di-organizzare-un-complotto-globale-sono-quelli-della-setta-di-davos/ Card. Müller: «Well, the only ones capable of organizing a global conspiracy are those of the Davos sect, who handle billions and, after the coronavirus crisis,

increased their wealth, while the peoples became impoverished ».

Q: What dangers do you see in these trends?

A: «Naturally, we Catholics are not communists and we accept the contribution of market forces. But the economy is only a part of life. And anyone who has been successful in economics is not also

a great philosopher, or a great ethicist. Those of Davos, George Soros, Bill Gates, believe that, with economic laws, all the existential questions of man can be resolved. But, for example, it is not possible

to overcome death through technological or medical solutions. Those who have billions are


not smarter than Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine or St. Thomas. Man cannot be reduced to the economic dimension - and this is why not even the communists have managed to solve humanity's problems.

Our answer is the social doctrine of the Church: let us pray to God to give us our daily bread,

but man does not live by bread alone. This is our criticism of the Davos club».


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